15,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS. Vast Portions of Ottawa and Huff Destroyed by Fire. Ottawa. Ont., Friday, April 27. I teeii thousand peopl. are here to-night, tflOO dwellings have - bare gone up iu iuoke, $JO,UOU^UO wotth "f B , fl . property has been destroyed. Ottawa .-cor nd Hull lo-oigbt at. suffering Ir m the effects of the worst calamity ~lw their Luxvufa'* hiatorj. A fir* bag u Wily iH-fore noon Tbur>.l>>, md raged fiercely until on* oY-ock this 11.01 uing. wbeo U wa* got und.r o. ti"l A I t resent the damage i an not unknown man fount! in C. P. H sta- t*>u yard, lower uxtiuaulie* badly burned; John Matt hewn. l-> UIVIBIOU street, reported tie id; John Tumple, Somersei strt-ci. said, to be nufc-sing, UroMl. Water straot watthmau tor B. B. Eddy Co., reported dead; FTre- feel were compelled to ek without shoos or stockings. of women cairied babies In arms and stood at a diatance I everyLhiDH waich Ah*y |oa- , lessei go up iu flainra. Ii waa IM when the fire was di*cof- | er.-l on ih Ottawa aide of the river. It broke out in ibr lumber districi adjoin.og tbe C.P.K.- station, and to- nik-'b' avast srea comprising the west- erly sec Ion of Victoria Ward and of IMlhousie hut it will undoubtedly am-unl lo rV- *i.. lu.liiou eotlsre. t>oiierv*tie ee> ACKOSS THK KIVER INTO OTTAWA Wbeu ibe blaze crossed 'he n--i. tun .ies make U in rfje, neighbourhood! , h( . | umMer p,i ws between tbe f20.UOU.000. Many f lactunug almosl large uiana- u iv e been JT lu.AS.Jvft y*ir.o *rvf~'w -. jills and tb* river caught fir*t, and In less than five minutes w*re s ''if" ing nwas It wa* enly tbe work of ' - a few seconds wben the small nuil 4*iroye4. A dialrttnsiug f*o.tur* of i ing. bet weep the piles and tl situation is the position of a large por- were burned, and the great W on of the Ubounu. peop, ^~ ^".n V^U.a^'of. ? "' " dwclliuga tad source* of employment said several bodies have beeu seen in Hull. 1LKL.I' TUB HOitELESS. Fifteen thousand people hav. been rendered hi.mel.-. by Kridny s conflag- ration in Ottawa and Boll- it was the work of but a few hours. Tbe fire commenced in Hull, swept through tbe streets of that rity. licked up tbe lumber piles and the mills which sep- aial. Hull, from Ottawa, aud then drove with irresistible force tuiouKD a populous district of the capital The f re-fighters were powerless Nothing could stop the pi ogress of the flumes. No time wo- given to the people to are any of their belonfnngs For them old and young, sick or well, it wa* luck if they escaped with their lives 1 teen thousand of them are to-day without shelter. They are our own people A 'I Canadian* with 1 1 ujTani dian hearts beating in, their %rratn ought to come liberally m 'heir assist- ance Let individuals, municipalities. In fact sll possible agencies com* at once to tbe relief of tbe homeless IHE DYNAMITE OUTRAGE ^ ' -i - ' Two Kidnappers Try to Abduct Chief Witness in the Canal Case. kave disappeared, together OTTAWA FlRJUdK.N CUT OKK e a . orittg , u m(lde a u | u , . ky fight to stop the fire at thl* juncture, snd save th* wer-honse and the Booth property Of the real siteul uf the dauger. hour,later the main street of Hull was sll in flames. The firemen of Otlawi hastened to ihe ae*iaae* of th* neighbouring ciiy, wllli th* UIIAWA ruu-.nir. > v/u ** , iii. _.. . xu. fir. .tact- ,- u. el*.-, - . gyj or -; u i- r 'a- AJTSS labuunng man's cottage in bu.l . tOHQ ,f f[ r ,,,j from a squirt-nun ery high wind wjs blowing at the w j na WM blowing a g.le of BO miles time but nobody h*id lh. .lightest idee JO hour, funning the I is' were ef ibe real .tteuL of th* d.ug*r. Au ^J 'reduced I'D* a"h*ap "f "im*. While the brignde w*re fighting va these, (he ember. wi* carried over tfee C.I'.R. station, and In an IB u credibly short lime, morn iban tl ueigDuouring my, * - house,, were burning. The station at that Ihey were eresMilly c-ui off aud f rnght-.hed. fell an easy victim ani unable to mura. wh.u the tire.le.ne4 ""..^^.^..^f^J l "" 1 ""' surt.iruly across the riv.r, destiojmg In iu cours* lh. pluuking of tb. THE BOERS' STRENGTH fram* houHs for which the , wna noted only served to add fury I the blaze, and hundred* .* th* P" or " 8 ' ol Ottawa's poor fld with only 'n* ... i ., .r.,.1 1U ...,--- scant clothing on lh*li luck. crriain eueul helplsss. Ulti. couJd nouw , ho |,, , f ,,.,. uuon wl, c,h not on.. done but ,teh th. (lam.s lead their .. way atradil.v a.i aft.ruuoa through the wesieiu t.rl of ibe cily. for s UUle whne u muked as if nothing would >>* bndce which furiued the only com- n>n p u r.toa Tbureuu.red tbscityof O tawato ift huadrrd had a cent of lnurance . _ sll lost, and crying women snd wsiling children were struggling < **., ... IWWAVM mm --...--- every .id. Tbe m.u worked .1* wiin left of tbe capital of tb* Dominion. rhujB . in ., r . n g tb , srvd many in>v- Lut. foiiuimiely. the wind kepi , , h((il furnit(lri , three or feur tUnea, tlr* away (roUD most of lh* business district* aud from the must prien- only at last to see it go up In ok - Ihe moat nelheiic sight wa* the _ residents! *lreels. Those burned wolllt , n .,,, helpless babes, who were out are chiefly the working uopula- i -.. ....i L...W lion, ..In, I. fact server to render Ibi distil) is all Ibe greater. Tb* vusi 1 luliiijci pile* uud mills J. H. Booth, i ho lumber king ol Can- ada and president of the Canada At- iautii railway, are gone completely Bo. :ilm>. ar* millions upon million* n e j,i bare .... i,l lun, s lie on.Iag to li.eUul' I xpo t walls and chimney*, and during me They Have Plenty of Ammunlt'on. But Few Provisions. London, Monday. April 30. -- The Morning Po*l's correspondent at Bloeinfonlein sends a long detailed communication in reference to the strength of tbe lloem. and th*ir re- Boer cummisaariat, through whose, hand* Ihe return* passed." H con- t*lns tb* ussertion that the Boers up lo Maroh 18 taul la*t 6..VW prisoner*. .OUO killed aud wounded, uud 14.UOO b.id slunk lu Iheir huiues. They are kireuiely shmt of waggon-., aud were hori of wheat uulil Iheir raid inlo ihe VYrpener dialiKl, vvhere the h.ir- v*i iii. heen Ihe fineat uu record. Th r uiealira are in bad condition. Muokolrss pi witrr for their big guns is aiiuosi eih lusted, but oilier utorei aud ride uuiiuuuiliou ar* p.eulilul. Tber* are uo pusitn.ua south of L're- toria which caunot Us turned by lh Jlr.u.b Kvon Ibe Vaal river doe* not olf*r any prolection to Inc Tran.svn .1, it Leiiig fordable at every dozen miles. The position at Uiggaraberg can alao be easily luraod. A despatch from Niagara Falls, Out., says: Tbe dynamite outrage at- tempt .becomes a deeper mystery ev- ery day. A correspondent visited tbe scene of the attempt of a week ago on Fun<!.iy. The crowds are not so great as last (Sunday, nud the soldiers keep everyone aa far sway as po.ssil.lu. Several sensational turns may be sprung at the trial. Tbe Crown has some splendid evidence,, aa the follow- ing details which have been kept ss close as possible will show. The con- Qpiracy i* evidently s dep one, ev- ery effort being made by friends of the men in itaol at \Velland to save them. Thursday evening two men dreaaed as woman. In dark slothes, heavily veiled, are reported to hi'e attempted to entire the 12-year-old ConxUble girl away- She is the Crown's ehief witaevt. bhe waa an eye-wit- ness of the deed. Th* ma.to.ueradera decamped when the father of the girl appeared. Be ha* sine* asked proteo- ] tion, and a couple ot special guard. 1 now aland iu ironi ol ti.-. bouse day and niglil bevrtal kUjXpti >uus people have appeared at the hotejtt and about town during the past few days, but , the presence of Ih* soldier guard makes them very careful Th* I wo men in the feminm* allire askad a c.'uple of lad to ,how tham w her> lh* little girl lived who **w the dyna- miters drop lliecliirgn into the canal. No trace of them ha* been iouad aa yet. J:uns Hoover, one of th* m*n living ne*r the bl'/wn-up lock, has identified Dullman aa being in towu the Tue,sdbjr before making enquiries about th* oejial. Saturday night a farmer wan halted by the soldiers. Be refused to comply, and the soldiers fired snd all the. guard xan to tb. npot. The poor, frightened farmer waa held for some lime, but finally Allowed to go About thirty wltnea.** luve been Kubpo.o*ed for the trial at Wetland, and a great number of townspeople will alao be present. It is staled that after the prelim- inary eiamlnatkm the prisoner, win be removed to Toronto gaol for safari keeping. MARKETS OF THE WOB.LD u( W I' III r II 1 ll'l I If l t ir^ "i" *"*, - without fii.n.ls or shelter, and knew not where to turn for help. KKr'KCT OK THK CALAMITY. Oilawa, Apnl -J. A boll of over iwo union, iroiu uoilli lo south and fioiu a quaner lo bull a mil* wole ,,l *vei > i lung " u i .Ue l.poi i Luuiti . Co., both ui*tii 'of win. h nr heavy lo*er*. a* are like- m , the file b.m,i> buiul uaell o belt, wiiuu ioiiuuulely was wise th.: Hi(iiiaons-.vVusiein Co., wiin h nt-^uaiaJ by al.uge vacant had still mill lumber on hand. Th- iio.u i uu mosl popuui oi luu w.-si Gilin..ui an.i liughson IniiiAiei p.lessnl aui.uib, lliu.ouUuig, lowarda whicl mill are gone, togotuei with ibe. i| M . ii.nn.v-, nne diiving rhuicbrs. schooU, public buililirg*. snd stores wiihout number. I'.. LI s pulp nulls were um,ug Ibe ._.. area oi Ottawa com|>nse pro- babl> litJUO puopia, who .tie homeless. lu a.lditiou oue-haU ol Ilu, I i* gone firlTlu bui'rnnTb"r,,'lhe"flTiu.es"sinc* , s_id probably OuUU uior* are _houielssi eirly In lh" nf ei m.i.n the ciiy has been Simon! r*ii off fiom the out- lhe*e me ii>u*ervali peup.. . itiere. aitea side world ibrough the destruction ..f lb greal majoiily *io poor lh. Canadian 1'a.ifio railway at.tion ; A very l,.,d fea.ure .. i hat Uj . Mid th* ruin of tli.< tra.k. lh ties faoi uuiitf and indu.u ml pui l ot being",,," f.r. and the rail, spr.iul by tTir best of burning lumber piles, .ho .!( inuus, rial j-rt ol Ola- , ill. Lhaudiere duH.icl ai M..M of .he leleg,,,p, wire- a,. ...*o -Toyed and ,h,,u...a- olwru de- prim. I ot wag,us loi iu present. I 111 1,111111. 1'l M.I.S, Will, ll VV.-I.' ill ;ISH^=E :!; :a: :f;.: r'H:'^ giSgijtsSittg r; r-^r;';:"' sa ;i;vs:,T-,,:r,i,.r ;K : -;,r Ati-'^.risst ':; hiHuihoi i.u.l.liiig ,, luuii.er yards, nit i irM, house and uihnr property is estu iii , i . .1 al u. .u a in, luou uollars. Kday'a loaa in Hull will br laigrr, Ihe jiapei lull!*, uiulcu la-i..rj, m- ilm.,.,1 Mure IIHI..S, Iho ioirUi.uie, in'thei hiiuii. of A kirousc, ou" Chau- ' y-rds, ir..ui>vu>s ami r*siJeuc* tie.l. A burning chimney is gone. i r n thrown ..pro. .is temporary . Ui^ Time bs.notyei permitted the ot any furl bar rrlivf OU1U1N OF THE F1RK The bl.un is M.ii.1 lo hav* original*d Haul to have ben i hs .ui.e This McKay s Milling Co., i* gone, loss house was III tbe ihi.k of slot of 8.VXMi. '1 h, in.ia, p. we, houses of wooden Lulldings. and in .veiyshoct the Ottawa l.le.liic Kailvvay and while more than thirty house* on , tawa Kle. U.c UgUi l o. are gone, but J'bili.uien, Biidgr. Chaudlci*. and A| : | auxiliary p anih, w hu h wrre '"ved^, bril hi reels were in flnme.s lh. Hull file In ig.ule -uiiinionwd SNSISI.I ,i .- and Soon I be \'. li l.'I'l.V (IICIIU'II li' I I.I" Cli.i u-l u- 1 e. slid of The Oltiwa fire dep.u'l uimil wnr* clime wh.al .ibey .-.ml I to krep uu giving enough p ...cr l in. uni a m u pa i mil .-..-i.iLe oi buih railwu.v aud HgU ing- A K in. i u u uu e i ol fx>uudne.a, ma - In J, li.cloi le.s, ulMl Ullirl Ill- lie ulieriy deslioyod, as well . Hi. fliisje*. Tb wind pi..\ed u.o atmng SSd tier r. liowever. Hid de lime, t hi-, ni'iny M! ie uns of wain |.!y- II>K on (lie blae, 'he fne s|.iead i .10- Irtly Kvsn at eonildarabls diB 1 sway from Lh* oiigmal fire men many house* were set nblsxe by tubers. It was tliouKbt st first that Mum Iresl, (h business portio. of I lie town, inigiit be nm-.l, but < lie fire n.< me down I hnrv , destroying all the .lore*, the liank of Ottawa building, the Knglisli church. I hn court liouxn. , .L- I Ue Canal. '" I' 1 i'l S1.1II..U, f ISIglll bed* in I yauls. WILL HOLD iHABA NCHU. British Force Likely to Stay in That Dlstrlok A ilrspiiirb flout Itloemfoniein. Mou.lay Apnl >, *uya: ll-i* under- stood lilll lh. Illltlsll Will IHIUllllUC lo bold Tbuba Ni-bu owing to its tr- a view to .li.n-king future raiils. The I.H.IIIJII au.lorJ iu.it had rec.nl ly been up. i.iiiug in ilio dneA-liou uf Tbat.a Niilm nre nieltiug Bvs.iy, Ibe b ei quieily reluiniug to tln'ii lanus, au.l Hi...} ol tb-Bi l.ikiug the oalli of ill Icgunce hxpeueutc h,.s shown, how- ever, In 1 niuuy cases, lb.it tins is <.nly * pretence to enable Ihe Boers I create disturbance* on the rear ex the Kiiii.->h, .uni vi^'ioua mrthoils will probably b ue. esiii> to force re.il Ills II 111 illli IH . Tu- U.*rs*renow evidently rnum ing in oidi-r lo ixincenlrale for opium- ing the British advance NOW ih.i M Ncliu, is well a i lie uppioaoh- ,-n, IM Hliungly lii'l.l. Liidybnuid, with Hi. unfriendly Hisuio* lining the bolder, is rendered opinion of r.\ u.'uie danger for the Uoers. the grav- ity uf vvhu-li wul br iicci'iiiualn.l from ih.i in. in e. i tlie Hiuisli advance be- gin*. 15,000 FULL KITS WEEKLY Tommy's Clothing- Being Kushed to South Africa. London, April il- The iirmy cloth- ing factory t Milli..k is send inn I" .south Africa Ift.tWO full kils weekly. 1 p 10 March -'0",iK)0 p.i.r* of drawer, had beeu .eBi, and now .M.OOlt puira nre going oui weekly in addition to vast nuantitie.* of socks and wool len jerseys. The orders ur increas- ing and it is eiiex-te.l that the fac- Itorj will work al ihe present rale un- lil the end of the war. 3&> ;v..i 275 475 4 ii i-a 851) 00 11IKIU I U M vii The 111. .. long UHpris vh, mine ihe i. .1,11 lo o iu Oilawa and iiuil al !.>,- . WHi.iHKk Th.it if jirtrbably ovei t lie in uk, a- "iiisi'U of iiie groai HOIS uud i In- ma. n sliuui anil public build- ings ..i Hull i Uu guvitei pui of the ili.si i ii Is l. u iiiol were ot Ibe i.oici c.lano. The insurance, which IH impos- mble lo natlinale as yet, will be emu |.n u.T.-iy liglii for that ra-oii, and BOER PLANS IN NATAL. t .oi;"i^-offic;" residence an.loffi.es >< h. reason that the luanl..i ,n,en. .1 Mr Chiimpagnn. M I'., and evety- thing els* on tlm Hliet The oilglii.il area of t lie fire extend- ed over four blocks mint ' Iw south aide of I'liiliniiien stret to Wright |l reel unit between Chaiidicie and I gr .Meets A fa. I that rendered the fir* more destructive wns Unit must of the building* which were l.urned al first were of wood I'eople who lived two or liner atrentx away, en becoming awarn of ihe flyng cin- ders, started to pour walei on I ' house- In the hope of Having I lie l.uil.l- mgH Mnny u<..i' I" I 1 '" .011,1., to move their liousrhold nffect*. In owing to the high rules, did not >m ry In, .iv) niMiialire. Itrlirf liin.l.s air bring si ill led in I lie city, ami Urge nuinl.eis ..f ul>- MiipliotiH me liring in . ie. and ar- i ii.^.'o.rirs lo Hlirlle.! ami feed tbe distressed Seven dead or ininsing are rrpoilrd W> far. | \ UTIM> OK TIIK Flllh: | In ,..lii. it.. n lu MIM. llmsie Cm.k, ' i re.utalr.1 in a house, on Wellington HI i net, an I the unknowu mm found Ht lh*> C. P K. d.-pot. irporled last evening, aiu.lhei unknown in.ni was found (lend on Itio.d Forces Arranged to Defend Any Pass British May Decide to Attack A nesiMteh from l.ndysmitli. April 138, says: The irjnnls about Ihe niiins- in of the lUn-rs t Tintwa pass ap- uiir to hav* no foundation. There are only small parlm.i o( burglier* in that nrinbiioihood I'ommaudttiits l> l^ers uuil \ annie- kerk have so ui i 'tnif.'ii i !'' IVoer forces ! that they run lie uniMd at any i-ass which ibe ItritiHh might attempt to force. Prices of Grain. Cattle, Cheese, *c . In the Leadlir? Markets. Toronto. May 1 We had a light run t< only S5 carloid^ of live stock, in- cluding l,4<0 bogs. SOU cattle, about 70 sheep mid lambs, 40 calv... and a few milkers. i The market was again dull and un- Inteie-iing and showing no improve- m-nl Much oT the cattle was h.M over for Friday's market. There w MS little done in buicherc.t- lle The betier *tuff sold fairly well at fruan 9 S-J to 4c, and occa.ionslly 4 1-fV pei pound. Other grades had a weakening tendency. While stock.rs ar. quotably un- rbanged prices are weaker. Bulls, feeder., and milker, ar. bo tbe name as on Tuesday. Being in such unusually light sup- ply cheep and lambs weio firm at the , whi.h have lately ruled uere. There in n.'t much rnoinry yet t .l.i.ng lanioa. which sell al lroui|250 to 95 M rob II gs are firm at the prices of last Tuesday. .-.,, For prune hogs, scaling from H *00 11*., the top price is l-4c ; light liogs are Lunging 5 1-Jc per lh K. Mowing Is the jnuge of qu"t tions: Caitl*. Shippers, per cwl. . liutcher. choice, do. Kutcher. nied. to good llu'cher, inferior. Stockers, per cwt. . Slieep and La tub*. Sheep, p.-r cwt. . . S W, i linns. 1*1 cwt. . < Spriug InmbH. rscb . Itu.-ks. per cwt. . . . 54W Milkers and Calves. Cfiws. each . . ** Calves, .aoh. . % * Bog* ho., per cwt. . 6tlO i.i,ht hog. per ewt.. . t>t) IlHiivy bogs. |r cwt. . &tiu So w * ^ Siua* > * BBl . ' Toronto.' May l.-Wh^at-There i niiulerute deuiand and the market ahout Bteuily Hed nnd while are .,uot*d at 5 l-2c wet. lioos* whf..i .,uoted at *i 1-^c we.l and 70 1-*. .m a low freight to New York, wheat is steady at BeV east. Mani- tnl.i wheat i^ steady at bt)c for IS hard grin. linn in transit Sarnia. I* afloat roit William May and TV 1-Zc North liny. Hour Is steady. Cars of Oir paleuls ar* (jutted '" -*> to *-''' " l.airela west, but Ihe large mill* are gelling i!0c lo 'J-V itiiire. Manitoba fiom is steady t $t to 14.10 for pn tents and $370 for string baker-.' Mil. feed -The iiiukei in steady. Care of h.n.'its ..r.' iiuotml t $lli t< fUi.SO and i. inn al $13 west. ll.u'ley U steady. No. 2 Is guided at 43c east and 4-c west. Biickwbeal Is t*lealy at Mi I" '-> east and 50c lo Me wMt. Hjel-, steady at Sl'c w.sl anil Mo east. Corn Is slruily at 40c for Cnnnda yellow west, Auieiican in quotcil at 47 I -i f.u neiv No. S yellow Toronto Outs The. demand m fair ami I be _iarket is sleady. White are uu. le.l at -Kc, east. mi\rd are quoted al '.'li I j, and white nl 27o bid and 27 I -c asked. (Vii meal Is sleady at 93.20 for cars and *t HJ for luirrrl.s beie Buffalo, May 1. Spring wheat- Steady: No. I Northern, spot, 75S-4c; No J .Sort hem spo'. *98 4.; No I haid. 7l-4c, No. 1 Northern. 71 l-4c; No. I Northern. 89 l-4c; No. S spring 67S-4. Winter wheat No. * red. 78. mixed. 7521-2c; No. I white. T2c asked. Cor No. S yellow, 4il-4c. No. Syellow. 44 l-2c; No. 4 yellow, 4$ l-2c; No. 1 corn. 44 Me; No. I corn, 43 S 4o Oat. Firm: No 2 white. 1-4 to ! l-2c; No S while. 28 1-2 to U8 8-4c; No. < whit*. X6V: No. 2 mixed. 28 1 -'<. No. I mne.l. 'J Rye r'ancy. npot. (K 1-2 ta Ok: asked. Flour QuieU and steady Chicago. May I. Klsiseed cloeed: North-W**f and Sou'h-WMt, caah, 9l.n bid. May. $1 .72; September, $1 2ft October, 1 13. lletrott. May 1 -Wheat Closed. No 1 white, cash, Tl 1-to; No. 2 red, ot 71 l-i!c.: May, 71 l-2c; July, 721-2o. 425 (,50 (,50 900 4&UO 10 UO 3.:. BOERS TO WINTER IN NATA1 Kaffirs Told They Must F urn 1st Forage lor Burghers. A despatch frvm Ladysmiih, April '. suys: 'Ibe Uurrs are ui.ikuig pro- i fur speiuliug ihe winter i Sat si. They .re visiting all ihuKaf- 'irs within the mr.upiwl sphere, de- uuinding ihe {wynieiii of ihe hut tai and infoiniiug . h-in Ihey nmi nut ,>ay to the Maial ttuverumeul in fu- luie. but lo tlHtu. I he Doom are bringing their stock frutu ill" high veldl iu o Natal for the winter grating, and have intim- ated to ibe Kaffir*, that they require grass for their anim.ua, and thai Ibe ii.it i ve- muni work for them or move uuuih of Suu<luy's river. The eneiuy are buoy uo new posi- tions north of Klaudaiuagie. It b-.s been ascertained by ui>-m> uf range- finder* that they are noi less than fiflee.il ihouHand yards disiunt from Ihe Mai. on and Ihe collieries, and tlieieture beyond Ihe re-aih of out guu*. e> ADVICE TO BOERS. Powers lell Them to Sue tor Peace - intervention Is Impossible. A despatch from London, April 29 nays Tlie Dresden Neuetile Nacfa.ich- ten learns from the very best source) I that al lh confeieuc* held between in inlisis >.f ibe Uoer tuutsion aud Dr. i.le lleiMiii.n. the Dutch Minister of Fuu-igu Affairs, the latter did his h. si to ,-unviiice the Transvaal dele- ot ib UiveleHHiieas of _t heir A' the. p' H|IIHX reijiiest of the nia- i. ni Ut. ilo liujiifi.i |.ui lnmoelf in . oiuniuiiiciition with iho I'abinei* in IJrihu, Vienna, St. Petersburg, and Hans, nnd oaiuially received troui all of . li. in the answer that any interven- tion wan nuV"- AH thr Voxels wiih'iii exception, .i.Uise.l the Boers to innke n\ei'. ures ,.l |.i'iice io Kii|i'an>1. Kven n ihe.it in.l. j.riiilein ' should bf H:U i if iced, lh* .,i .a ,f p, ,n-e would nt least put nil nul i ' urn-less IN MISERABLE CONDITION. , I ,. nf II I lies* |>t" nit ions, however, j 'i'lie lint of i Ii.' ile.ul s,. In i is knii>\ n <he flames would (ret at th* huiises, i* as follows: - Mis llr^-i' ( "ok \\rll and In a fw minute* they were a mgtun stiiwi, < iem.iivil iu houne. un- I I- I ILf/SHINi! HTKNKS kn.iwn win found uu Iliond The Iwtln -ii., .u Hull seemed U be 'remain, charred beyond recognition, BURNED AS PUNISHMENT. Farm- iouse From Which Canadian! Were Fired Upon. A despitch from Hlopmfnnteln- sayn lliclilev'N firm, neiir Leeuw kop, fiMin .vbicli, while flying n white flag, the Caiiiuliaiis were fired upon, IMS i,,ri liumed is s puniBliinenl. Hiclit.-r U a prisoner. llarr, l.le Ik.- ! Kr rra< * A (lesp.nch (r.'in lay. - firing la .vli . Maseru, April was heard 1'ciia Are steady at Sic east nnd tile I'id west, Diesg-d lii-tss ill wiiggon lots on lie street bete to-day were (|uoteJ at |7.M> lu |7.ffi) per cw I Foik-Khoulders mcsn. l.-j> to $u. Smoked nnfl Dry Suited Meats Long i IP u bacon, car lots, loose 8 l-4c, do casnd 8 1-Zc; ton ami Ciise. lots, S S-4c; i.ii ikf ist bscon, Uo to I'-'c, backs, He lo Ul-ir, sh Hilders. 9o: ham. Uo to 12c, tolls Oi to 9 l-2e; gre^n ments out of pickle me quoted at Ic less than smoked. Laid Tierce* 86*k, tube 8t-4e and p.ni* Do. in ih ti.r.-'-iioii of Thalia Nchu for Ki.nie liours yenteiday. Many liner- ar retreating from \\.IKIHT and He Wemdorp, proceed- ing by i roSH-ro.uK msie.id of the main ro <\^ near ihe Ha-nitohn I l>orilr. H IN i.-p .i I,- ! . h ii t be> .ue in a I miser a Me i-ondiiimi dlaor|*.aiied 'ind il,,, i. -.-I M:in> h.ive deserted and .' hi lint; n i lie farms. The ni.iin l.oilv .1-, in camp l : ' M t ntvir Leu nvei mills. Th>-j unli iinpeied l w.if.f'oiis, using pack biTtea. inns' i> foi piirjiosps oi liort. It is lielieveil th.it iiu>t ") the I r inivAalris have trone north The) told the natives ;h.u thc\ ha< been called away by 1'resideut Kru ger. MISS LETITU'S TROUSSEAU Letitia Houghton was going to be married; consequently many of her dear feminine friends said it was a atonme, a aran lal. for Letitia to think Of ouch folly at hr time of life. P^sse same nu'liorities declared she w*a 55 years old, adding there was no fool like an old one. Letitia was on the sunny tide of e&, hut did not look a* if ah were 10, bandsom*. v. i:h a pretty k tidy income, a kind heart and a sound bead. The Den-fici ine-i ,.f hr bonn'y had bec'-me accost omel to consider her a opinster, HKJ confirmed a devotee to i.ifle blfnae.laess to chaug* her tat*. What riKbt had that old to be taken in by an in; adventurer when she hud friends give anything, and takea tbat mean- to make aura." "Was 'tut the reason you had 'n flow-era' on the cards when yout daughter graduated I Ltitia'. boa qnet was weighted witb a jeweled bu terfly. So glad jou enL^iu*a*i me; I have wondered why that clause was .naoried, but b4 no idajs. it meant eiantly opposite what it ."lid. Thsnks to you. I underataad. learn wlsdoai. iof, I must go home." It i iivtr too iio>Mt mora- The extreme bonhommfe of S|*ech made the clique anire at this one another; they were oe.ver sure what Aldan meant ; that her abaft bit t b- mark there was no doubt. Mrs nl.y gsjMMi after h enrriag*, in i niid 'olmr di-ir familiar friend: ' i rn A I '-n '1.M hi'.- n kn i'-k of 's l>> hurt>ri.s*; she I ; uouvht you didn't mr,im ' * - I iln't intend to own " i soao without a marriage, "Tha* you touk thatway of aaaaf- I war why 1 sent out cards. iag Sophy a n a tuber ot bouquets ind 1 th i uxit ynn itidn t .\f r *. Ponsonby Iran-dated the -*. tt her lifetime who naturally ex- mirk M it w.n intended, and pooled ahe had no kinapeople to be ' u "* d lt * <JC future use. remembered in her will, not that tl.ey * wsre mercenary, but that they bad a Mrt of claim uioa her. Reuiaiks of tai.-t k.nd were freely in- MLsa wedding night had arrived. tibe wa looking extremely .-.cone, and irrepied the e.fu-./s cumpiimenia of her friends in appar- in when the invitations were * Q good fa. to. they declared >ho received. Tweu;y-fiv* or thirty wo- djd no * loolt ' daT ov r *" Aa yet the gr u had not mada bis men talkin at once 14 rather confu*- | .p^.'ance. iLUs Letitia had ex- iog, and ojs tbe [wakers became x- < ouoed herself a moment or two, but cited, the comments became more per- ' M lo * minutes lengthened into in soasl and assumed an ill-n,r ured tarn. It was at a church sewing eirr.le; and tongnea w.r. flying fast- sr than needles. hour *' thout "turning, signifi- cant guinees were exeluuged and the vo t cei Wil , heard. lu U astonishing i.o-v much pleasure otue people derive from the distresa An exceedingly pretty and richly r ruur l ^'cation o their friends. Mr,. * " * t-'.i^itnnw n.i r t*,\mt mtn A \o. u *>B > _ dressed woman, a guest of the so- ciety, now took up the cudgels in de- fense of the abssnt. "I* die*, ladies, U this a modern mby snd ter cortene were in- sinati injg tb.it something was wrong; '{ t-' y vt tiicb their eyes and rvsua.eu.iaces belied. Mr*. AJden was becoming worried , , ovi i h* prolonged absence ot I for scandal or a chuich society Le, it u frun the room, and wished she held in the basement of . sacred adi- ..u:d re' urn and silence tbe milici- fioef Yea .11 have cause to be <*> toogues. ti >t cause to be grateru, to Utitia; why .hould you peak of ttvr to bitterly now, because h* eiercises claimed f ' b* right w* have all jj r , Ponaonby. giggled thoroughly exasperated, Mrs. Jen- nit wo* about to gift i crushing re- Mrs. Alyn Alden was a leader of so- I l01 '' * h-l> "i" Le'jt' reappeared. ahe was slightly yule, her de::. ielf-contejn.pt that I've been taken in uy Lheox so long, but I've never out-' -Town a girlish pleasure in being iked. "You had your hnsband and chil- Iren, and God know* I never begrudg- ed lv*av*ad muiherit liuur hepyinese, for my life, had bmn a healthy. lupvT ly aiu I a spinster ns,t 1 h-!iTe ( 'wts born one never aeea- the man I ouve ever im- ' to 'ined 1 could iaury. but ther* was one thins; Ulid w.ut." Xrs. Aitien .Jaad liojjtaed sympathe- ioally , as Alias Letitia pnuaed for breath she, ventured to speak. "What woe that. Letitia?' *"You may laugh, Jennie. U you wish, bu; that wa.H no more nor leas than a trousseau. I" ''What t Uo you mean that - H "I mean, and 1 know it will go no lurcher, that i couidn t have a trout- and that Don't you The marriage -because there THE JUDGE'S ADVICE. G|T to HB Who Wmv*r*4 utr. under* and, J 110.0 I cuuld not take place ( no bridegroom at all ; now it's Kor once Mis Alden waa surprised beyon.l t h power of expression, but when she <.iii recover her merry l;iugh- ter was dli<(hiful to hear and wa* joined by Leuiia. "What a good, joke," gaaped Mr*. J-oni., "wouldn't u make the Uich- moad d.iuies open their eyes I It ahull go uo fur tier, though I would liks Alvn to know, if yon have no ob- Wh.it would Mr*. I'onsonby it until we wouldn't but tbnre'a one thinj^ she stv I" Ht know won't enjoy any more; expectations of ah. ring my fonun* I -I. . I l-ive my money a a fund for old maids' trous- st>su ' ENGLAND'S HOW WITH ASHA.VTL ! lk< fr. - .1 lt>rilB^ *t ll. Vlllto*. Tbe BntUh axe now sending af*w iruofKi fiom Ih* coa*l to the oU ^iAta. at Ashiu'.i. to punish the native* there who hav* taken up aiaui against their wnite A well known western tlre In congress, pleading an nieut. left a so^U group of talkers la an up fowti hofpT foh^y. anfl an .-].|.-r!y | auaru whom fe bad Int/odui . ; to the) party, made bold to toil a story abt the departed. "I bav known him." he said, "erer since be was a boy. and wben be came out of college be was auoVc.iletTwbet*- er to become a lawyer and |jolitlclan or go to a theological seminary and be- come a clergyman. He was food of politics and thought that with a lirrle law and more religion on tbe side he might become a great moral reformer. Tou know that's the way moat all very young men feel wben they undertake politics for the nrst time. "However, before be had had time to determine finally what be would do. his friends came after him to run for the legislature, as he bad the aralla- bllity and a pretty fair amount of cash. This brought him face to face with tbe question be had been much dis- turbed over, and be went to Judge ! Blank, a Teteran In politics and a man of the highest character, for aaslxtanc* In solving tbe problem. He stated bis , c*ae In full to the judge, and tbe grand old man put bis hand on the young man's aboulder. ' - Sfy boy.' be said, as only he r-otild say It, Mi can't be politics and religion. i It most be one or the other. You cnn't i flt yourself for heaven and for tbe ieg- I.Mtitnre at tbe same time, and there's no use trying. That U nil I can say. and yon will hare to make your own choice.' " IN THE WOODS rulers, luUe.l *.>ua le 1 a number ur a mixture of regr.'C ml while . blending of ii.fi.iive in her erect attitude. cl.ty, whoe dictum mad* or unmade a Mw-ootner entering the cuirmcd eireU. There was no' a womaa pres- ent who woe not anxious to retain "^ t*w- nature, which I ahall not be at liber- "Why, what have w. .aid F' It is ty to divulge indiscriminately, c."iu- osentnc in Mias I^t.ti.i to get mar- pels him to start for Europe a* he ried ni her time of life, now ian't it, *eni the message 'iff; consequently Mm Jennie f ' | there will be no> marri;ug ti-aight. "I uo not know why it should be 'That need not interfeie with our en- naidered so; Letitia is a very [.ret- i joy men' of the uiv*r ; the presents woman." i will be returned to their donors to- Mia Jennie, as Urs. Alden was gen- 'morrow. Mr. Alden. will you c.-e me rally called, was a power, and with preanpillud* they ptoceeded to eat their words with marvelous oelenty. Mrs Jennie amiUtd and bad* them good morning. On the way to Miss Letitia'* she made a gesture as if she bed touched an ill-jnelling w*ed. "What a pow*r ot harm such women Ban do at times I I do not poee as a reformer, but I really would like to recall the ducking stool for their to the tablet The minister will take you. Jenme.' ll-r astounding revelation called forth a ohonis of oh* and ahs. and a doven *xcitad women began to ply her with questions, protetting against her returning the prwtent*. but ih* waved them anide. "The marriage La. indefmi'ely prat- pon*d through no faint o( either bride or bridegroom, ao you need not im- bops she agino bo'* absconded or jined me I n- i der the rirrarnstances I will not seed benefit. Pour Letitia ! I ha*- not chosen unwisely." Her musings ceased as the cuvch- : the present] \\ bo ever beard ot man drew rein before the pretty old- bridal gift* wben them is uot much fashioned garden of the Hougblons ; ikelihood of the marriage being per- Mrs. Jennie was ntet in the yard by 'formed? i i t otatae you.' wi-n a fine the bride-ele t. whoa* fresh and fair 'grim nmile that sxmvbow made cer- tain Utiiea feel uiic<uiifori4ble. 'if 'he marriage doea t.ike place, that 1 will expect nothing from you Sow, come 10 supper; that will not be 'Com* into tbe housi*, Jennie: it's * ' - ipp'tmnient, if tbe wedding in" omaplsxion had defied the ravage* of tkuM. With her bright ha/el eyes nil wavy light brow n hair .he nngLt hav. pm*ed fur !!{> at. most. lotoly oir here amongst the flowers. but I have cime thingM I Uh to nhorw you; the dress has cume; I am too old to be mirried in white satin, > I selected a jnk brorad* trimmed with lace. I hav* aever had to many pretty clot lira made at one time in my life, for I never needed to. 1 don't think I'm envlou*. but wben I aw all my friends' handsome outfit* U occurred to an inducement to marry, llkf it f ' that U would be Do you not fingered th* gliotening folds lovingly, and Mrs. Alden looked and a chaired, then said: "Ru' where did you meet the man you expert to merry, l.-i MI ' I would noi give my life into the keep- Ing of an utter stranger." "You needn't b* uneasy about me. he la s very pleasant uian and I'm positive we will get on very well to- gether; a* f jr love, w* are uot younic people an t have aid nothing about that, but ,. will do well enough .is friends. Did yoa no" ice that bl.n k and gold riiting silk. Jennie t' Mrs. Jennie perceived i hat tbehii.le to-be prefer ted to talk about her clothe* instead of 111* m.m she. bad promUied to marry and mute no oth- er effort lo drag him into convrraa tion Mills l.etitia brouMlit rvrry ai- tlc's for Mr*. Jennie's iu<tiecliou .in.: aaid as that lady t>we to go: "DO stay to lui-b; I've *u uiir tell you yet. I want it unde- that 1 meant what I aul lieii i wu.ieon the cards I didn't waul i enta; pleajie uiik my friendn iiudci atand that. u<ll you f 1 know tlie.y will want 'o give me prettentr.. you en n't know bow glad I am tnat I am liked. Jennin " Mr*. Alden would not .ih-ike ' Lertlia'* lailh in tlie |.i i*fe<-.ions of friend.ihi^F slm believed sincere, bu wben their aptteful comments wei- rec.illw.1 it angered her *freii with t.hotn ''I am always at home to i;iv Alyn his lum-Ji , he diws noi enjoy it when 1 n MI iilweni. l/eiilia 1 hill let it l kn 'lial you do not winh v-ir- 00 ta." Kor that put pone Mi . Jennie drove buck by i be church, where she fouud tbe society dispersing. She did not alight, but told then of Miss Letitia -. wiah. She of the sharp tontrut gave a shrill littl* cackle, and BAM "Tbat me4ina w must give them *4<.Mil fail; aii s afraid we won't She. gave bar guests no time, to !:>,'uss her affairs in groups, but marcu<l them into the dining-room, s.iiui" wearing itoui tbe undinunislied liugs at ceirinniiy an expression as if they were being led to instant execu- tioo. Letitia wad Ibe life of the and the theory that she hi>! iieen jilted did not. (fun ground: her explanation w ,1* accepted a 1 1 ue as far a. it went \ became blank when Mms 1 ^ said: J.-nuie. be oure lo come around <o- monow aud help me pack thofce i" ruis; some are so valuable 1 will not Iv aaiisfied until they are return- e.l ; fortunately, ill are label "I will come wnh ole.i-.un>. l.eiitii." ^Irs Alden. while Mr- Tons i by nhisppred dolefully. ' 'Ii ~he \><". I ask me." next morning Mrs. J.-IIMI.. ir iiik'iv ,11 n her i|i|ie inure. 1 n I her fi icii.l in eiceedin^lv spirits. v i .- tymit up a gnu. I) t ' < I. a K -i(t iroui Mrs I'onsoii- iiy. Mis \lden s . d iiy irturu I hr \\'ere j on in earnesi when \ "" herr w is not much llke|iti,o,i ..t there i marriage I" x l le'.i.i wus benilln< over ihe M .- i i m.u an. tilvei I > velvet box. i lie cons > i:ii.-.l pHituiii IH.I v have li>- cause of her heijth, en.'d col- Uei fare as sh*) turned toward ''- VI. leu wore cunflicling e\ M n : ,iumi4i shime an. I over all a i.iif-sad. half-dofianl look. Her firi mills were apparently irrelevant. 'I ve learned much. Jennie, she - . ,1 'I i ilu en f.ne iluead cam ndkerchiefn and placed t liem - ' I'j iegre.t in the costly lio\ ni. "how exquisita these ni like the donor! Oh. yes, I - -..in* lio much I had o/ i he British poiica ml the miasionai ies and oiher white* from leaving ih* io*u. An olficial re- port received it it* coast *ay the Ofirising is tluc lo the effort* of the Umith to obtain powieaaion of the gulden stooi of Asnanii. At ihe time Kiug i'teuipeh 3urreuJ*ie*l lu ihe U. ith expeailion which defeated hjm foul years ago, it was <i**eried tbat the. King had !jutvi toe gulden iool wuh IhuUAiindjt uf ilol.ars worib of other valuati.e piuperly, hop.ug tbat some lime he might oe able 10 regain these treasures aitii ua* iheia to hi* own advantage. golden stool wo* the Ashanti -u. salute Cur a th'uue, au*l it was reputed to be load* f jr the mo.tt part of gold. It was a large article of fur- niture and waa perhaps wurth some. thousand* of dollar* Ib Hi. .-U hav* been searching for ibis valuable relic aud in fact have been digging holes tar aud wide ar*>uu I ''UUII-HI in t h* hi>e << unearthing other troasure*. A great deal if gold wa* produced in Aahantl for many years indmoat of it found its w iy into the band* of the King and the uublee. The precious metal w is worked iu> into rudely fash- ioned jewelry or i urament* fur tbe attire and furniiure uf tbe wealthy aud a great many of these pro- lu is of the native goldsmith* were with every tniji >f iniportance. The native* auy theii fsiheis h.ivs be- lieved for buudrext- of years that the bu ill i< goM in tbeir grave* aiMurrd them i< great blexieings in the next world: and while men who bit* vis- A KAFFIR SMOKER. The Jatlve W .- Are K a , h.l.n I)Tot^ ( Ih. Wrr. In South Africa tbe native women smoke Incesaautly. Your native *erv- ant smokes as she cooks ami as she washes. The tobacco she likes Is rank. The dainty cigarette an Engluiii or Rnsstan lady of fashion enjoys, smoked throtiKb a 'iulll no that no ok-otine can stain either teeth or angers, would be sneered at by a Kafflr. "Give me a plp and something In It I can taste." U IB effect wbat she says. The men Kalfir* arc beyond tobacco. They smoke somtlnni( so vr-n.-mrut that It make* them co);b and splutter. lose their breath, choke and snese to an alarming degree. They like *nuff. too. and are fond of offering and taking plncbes of It ("Bchniff" they call IO when they meet and visit one another. Regarding tobacco as too mild for th.-ir taste, the K.ifflrs take another weed and smoke that They proceed to arrange a smoklug party by squat- ting on the ground and getting ready their "pipe." a cow born wltli a thin nil*. In It Inserted half way down at right angles to the born. Tbe end of the tube Is In a basin, and It Is from It tbat tbe smoker sucks tbe strong stuff that makes him Incapable of anything, but a series of coughs and chokes for some time after be has bad his turn at the pipe, which la passed round from man to man until a perfect chorus of coughs rends tbe air. Tbe tobacco the Boers smoke looks like poor tea and la peculiar In fl:i\ >r. yet Englishmen who have become used to It acquire such a taste for It tbat tliey never oak for any other kind. London Mail. - ti< 1 had split out those v ivs had a loo cuniulmi; .hs. n and while I'm no. nou . I've had eye-opener.s pleu y of hem. "iloing about to different stores, i Initt wiady daya. veiled a tbe cars, nave given me an insight into peopV. Characters that has been ttoth pun ful and profitable; I needn't tell v-m whom I mean, for I .see. you kuow. I Itnve no regie' for Ilieni; I m noi i sentunentsl tool; too only regret i* He<1 the country say that gold to lh* \ il'ie <f .'..i),) or more, is hidden m ' kiny * (f'a%'>. I'ei'i.^s these stories are exaggerated, hut at uuy rile. there hrid been in tb past three yers. a good deal of this sort of gold m.ning ueui i'uniasei. 1 1 Is iaible th.il th* white* in their efi uts to bring the tfi.l len stool (o light hav* been gettinir quite near the ubjei t of The^r smirch and t his lony have ive.s \\hoare in the secret to begin this<iu tc witb the fotmnners. Kim l'iemi>e'i s now in exile in ! fir from his nl n in I ind th.iuxli be proin wl:-n he Ijefine I ihe British to nvikn K- i - with him, that he i the hi ling o ' i > t his urea, he do! not keep his II- i- s ill ju' in . I ' . -cliin th* rude hut v iliiabie jewelry which was in hi- possession when he sui render- in . .'i ifortreniM ohjwf when he -Jvws h f n<.lf in si ite at Freetown weirinr hi- trousera and a weight of (fold orn.i- ments thit makes him ij>|>ear like a I..' i -t "f liu' .len. -o.viK orui-.it Kisn PHRKKKUKD. ^ our .vs *tn s uetierally run down, iv in ml. 'he eAuiuent specia- list, t ui I think I cm pni'itise a cur. in a shor time, if you follow direc- 'iotis \V,>ui I you prefer a home ! r- i- iimut f I ' hiuk uol. raapun.ied Mr Meeker, ' nvoluntarilv low ei inn his voi-e "It's it's my home treatment. I am ! afraid, that really ails m. VIU'SIVF. Fm-ttrng, Prw>nal eiperletic-e Is the best teach- er. I havs fasted 4.S hours at a time without the slightest discomfort, but drank In that period ninny gallons of water, of the plainest, most Croton kind. I once had ac<]nalman< > e of a pi< that farted Id) days. A dog can fast two months without being much tbe worse. Rabbits live three weeks without food, while cold blooded ani- mals can go for years without eating. The bear In a state of hibernation pn Into a kind of trance, so we shall not count him. Tbe alligator like- wise "dies" In tbe loog months of win- ter, craving no food. I'b-re Is a flab called the father lasher that i-an live a month oni of water I lint la fasting. \\ e have heard the tradition about the toad that was sealed In a rock for S.tM years and hopped about In lively fashion when released from his arch.is- ouotuotis prison. A horse has been kuown to fust for a mouth. -Exchange. tun*' 1 r refill M rook dear. <>, M>- !!i - t >! 10 sh* will leave. Bunco Why. win 1 bird on her I Were vou ' Why my on would lave 'buurfbl you weiv i ilk MJJ to in*. COMMON lU'T COUBTKOi [ no ire tbat tbe new husband of i h>- l'rin< e*s St*i>hanie is much <hort- hm hia bride i 's nice of him Ht> no t Why. when she wants to ,.*-k .Iowa em aun she won't have to look up* I* 4I.-U. ProHpcctlvv \ Isltont aud gold seekers In the Klondike regfcu may extract some comfort from the discovery, made by the Harrlinao Alaska expedition, that most of tbe glaciers which abound In tbat territory are receding The fact is an Indication tbat tbe averags weather there Is growing warmer If It were growing colder the glaciers vtould ! advancing, while If It were about the wrm- one year with another they would maintain tbe same *. -m-rnl position, neither creeping nearer to tb* sea nor melting away from their termi- nal moraine*. The rate of Klacinl re- cession Is so slow, however, thut fur oven-oats and wnrtu sleeping bags ire likely to remain as a part of the uecee- , sary equipment of Alasknn travel for some years to come. I 4 .' Weekly. The eyas of snakes are never closed. \llve or deiid. Riot-ping or waking, tay slwajr* wide OF THE AWFUL SOLITUOI WHCN FIRST Ar* rvipirlna- etfllama Ifak.** ll* o !**> I hitlltr For Ma*? 4 MrlBSM Ulo ** Terror I* H*mmt Ik* rird ***. Tu* awe Inspiring stillness of the first Bight In camp: You lit on 7001 I back vainly court. ng sleep. Va,lly, I say. because of the very Intense sttlV QMM which should woo It. bat does not a* you are aooHed to It. Tver guide HM motionless, only bis heavy breath- taf denoting thai be Is aliv*. It la seo> od uaturs to lilm to sleep In the heart of the wilderness. ao<l bit tired body DO more than louche* the sweet se-ne> ed pin* boughs when b* slumber*. It will be no with you when TOO hart accustomed yourself to tbe preterna nrsl quiet no different from tbe rumble. of passing veh.' ies nv.-r pared strreta, ' anJ which affects y-.-i act. But tonight your eyelid* are opened wide, and lo- stead of the blissful forgetfuloese which you anticipated. yur erery aea*e Is on the alert to catch and di- vine the meaning of rlie strange noises which flll the woods of northern Maine. In front of your rude camp, wblcfe Is l-ft open, the smoldering flre smoke* and crackles, each snap of charred em- bers sounding to your ears like tn re- port of artillery. It Is a strange senfle> tion. this flmt night In tb woods. Away up on the mountain wide a fol barks. Tbe weird howl echoes sud re-echoes down the mountain side un- til it serais to ivai-h the take and float over It* gla.-*li!te surf are until It li . swallowed up la tin* dark wat-r A night owl makes bold to J:turt yonr already troubled mind by nerrbv tag on a big pine not a hundred feet away and sending forth a screech that riinllix your blood until yon realise: 4t It really la. Dtrv-tiy back of yo* .- lake shore. Suddenly comes a soft tread ovet dried uraoh. purely aoiue eve la Meet- ing; a[) to yoor ramp. You rlM to a sit- ting position ami sw.-i:r tlie marauder's neit move. Then ou.-e more you hea the suap. soap, snp of his feet a> be caiUlously drawi near. Louder and lo ler. you cannot be mistaken this Mjie, this is DO trick of the imagina- tion. Viw be must be directly beside you. with nothing but a wall of boughs be- tween. You can stand It no longer. and. with a half tut>prseud yu ef ei- eltement. you selie your gun. spring to your f'-et. dash aside toe llglit auvas that falls over tat front of the cajup just enough to keep uut tb* amok* and run out prepared tu shoot on light There Is a mad scramble, a crackling of twig*, a mad splash. and the hd of a very badly fr-ic'i'-m-d maskral can just be seen on the lake's surfa<< as It frantically pu.hek Its way Into tbe gloom. Y u creep softly back to your boughs rather ashamed at yournelf and flati.-* furtively at the guide, who sleeps peacefully through It all. At last ua ture asserts herself and gradually you feel the droniluess of approaching slumber steal over you. You slightly rmJse your bead to take one last loeife at the dickering log that splutter* away outside Uistl What's that; Two fiery -ye* set In the framework of Impenetrable gloom beyoud the urn swm staring <il revtly at you. I.Ike coal*, tli.-y burn and t!i* words of your guide, "Oh. yes, tbar's plenty of bar ro'n y. cume back to yuu with awful linixirt. Then you hear t.n- tread of !,.> cushion padded feet mov u* h.-r* mid 'lieie>, but those awful e>e u?ver once tnrsj from you. They ln:rn yetl with tbeii hypnotic, baleful glare, and with a calmness you would uot Ua.e be 1 1 ewe) you posseitaed. you softly react, for your ride. A muakrat may be a joke, but a hun- gry bear prowling within '.' f- t ,jf you la an unsafe guest. You know you are as white as a uli-ei. and ymir uau.la trcuilile as TOM nr :ig the piece to yotw shoulder and ami direvtly bvfwc< a tb >*e awful greeuish yellow eyes. Sup- pose you mls; bu*., no. you will uot. Your flugcr presses tb* :r . Tbe roar of your rifle > <nn.l hkp clap of thunder, and Its reveii roll and cbane each other orer tbe tope of tbe pines an and start U- s thousand li-eping creatures who i.'u- iler ulifbt hideous witb their 'rVi'-'B- ed cries as they scurry or fly away from your rlclnlty. It's a rtide way t awaken a man. anJ uo wonder voiir guide jumps up yelling like a (.'<>- iiM'i.-he Imlian and neurly kno. k .>n the back of the ca,..;i < he n\a i -t it. When he fltiiN Ti'U imlo nnd frem- hling and boar* you HI >oa hare shot a lv:ir. h tiiuti<T< in. uloiMly an<l. lijninnu a l.-m'-ni. n i.- out to liivemiicaie. You lifiir n Imid Kronch-Onuck la'i^h as lie n-tnine carrvltn by the til it h.'.'idlcsx rlrp- ninuk. which he to**e at your < "Y'>u 'ilil (TOd shot. in'Aiciir You hert him siiuni-e 'tTi.i-n de eyes. v shoot better nie^fii 't ah tlok v.-u narre. what you cr.ii ous'rlnn. i.i better take WHO gn-x! .irevnk 'a i ro Sleep." Ho are sounds timitnlfltHl In th>> M- lence of a Aral n ,.a la ths wvoda.