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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1900, p. 1

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Ijertmt JUUrattce TBUTH BEFOBE FAVOB. ' " PBLNCIPLEb MOT MEN. VOL HI, NO 989 Flesherton, Out., Thursday, May 3, 1OOO 1. H THUBSTOB, HJcEarland Richards IM MU k i, KEY couyrrs BIUVRST STORK , Gray flcFARLAND & CO. Markdale, Ontario ! we Load ^ HOUSE CLEANING TIME Thid is the one time of the year when the average home owner gives extra thought to the home. How to make home brighter, more cheerful and comfortable. It may be that new curtains are required, or fresh papers on the wall or perhaps new coverings for the floor. Whatever it may be this store is at your service with the biggest and best assortment of Home Needs it has ever been our pleasure to show. Priced to suit all classes of buyers wheth- er it be for the humblest cottage or the finest residence. 900 KoiU Wmll r,*per ! In dark or light ground* with pretty 2-band border* to match, good atr<m paper, suitable for bedroom r kitchen, reg. price 5 and ttc, our price 3^ Border to match per yd. 1( SO9 Roil t .Ins* norm Glimmer H .ill Paper In handawme new demons, heavy Mrong paper, suitable for any room in the hoaae, with pretty ceilm^ and borders u> match, per aiBgle rell 5c Border per yd * 4(Ht Roll* Krttrr l'.i;wr /or BfftwT Kootnt CoiniiriMnK fine I Jilt and EraLosaed papers made of splendid heary stock in the newest scroll iral ad rtnpc design*, pretty ceiling-, u. match a:U buaatiful 2-lmnd and 18 inch border* Tneaw are our^ beet paper, uid at these prices! we as low as are s-U by any store m Canada, per single roll l>, 8J, 7. 8. 9, 10. II, and 1% Dainty Art Muslin* -SCO ydx. Une art raualins for bedroom curtains and drap<>riea, new spring pattern*, an immense assortment, per yd. 5 cents to ; ** Handsome Cretonn^ - 35 piece* oew cretonne*, beautiful designs UK! neweat coloring*, specially a. lap tod fur coverings for sofa*, lounges, etc., 8 to ** Beautiful Art Sat*-n - 30 piocen new art satteeiui. 30 pieces new art sateens, delightful rwfrt-Jiiiig spring pattern* in light, medium or dark color-, suitable for dmi-eries, cushion* and eurt*in, etc.. per yd. 15 to *^ Pretty Art Denim's - In new reveraibl.1 design* and tew apriKf colors, per yd. 15 and. S "-" SPLENDID CARPETS 80 pieces Hemp Carpet in this spring'* ** atrip* and floral pattern* suitable fir dining room* r had rooms lOc to ** 15 pi sees wool and oiaa earpeta. Mutable for any room in the house, neweet designs and new spring colonnga, J6c. TV piuiisa Engbah Tap-stry Carpets in light, medium or dark -**"'-?-. all ew designs <JM ^ patterns, very mitahle lor pari-ir or bedroom, per yd. 30c to 75c SPLKXDID tail IX t'LOOM OIL CLOTHS 20 pi son door oil cioihs in pretty fiural. block aad combination deaunia in all width* from 1 yd. wide to 4 yda. wide per yai J : 1 yd. wide, 30c to 35 U yds. wide, 36 to 69 2 yda, wide, 4Uc to 7( 4 yds. wide, . 91.50 BEAUTIFUL LACK Cl'KTAl.VS New Nottingham Lace Curtain* In pretty deaigns, Of and 3 yds. long, mutable for bedruonM, pur pair, 2f>. 5o and 75c New Nottingham Lace Curtain*. 3 j yda. long, 50 to 00 inches wide, very pretty lacey design*, .>! |>Uin not with fancy scroll burder. all taped and splendid washing .[unliUea, per pair 96c. 1 25. 1.50 2.0O ... 9 g 25 Fineat NiHUsutham. Swim and Hob<net Curtains The moat beautiful thing we've ever shown. :U yds l.'ng,.V) inchea wide white or euro, suitable for drawing roun.'or [rW. per pair $3.50 and 4 50 C'.'RTAIN POLE8 - i'lHJ curtain poles in mahogany, ash or walnut stain, with wood or braas und*. 5 feet lon^, complete with pins, per set jftc CARPET Bl'YfttS PLEASE REHEXBEU W<i cut and match otrpets free of charge. We do n<< mean that we will be responsible for any wante ic the cuttings but that we do the work for nothing ; also pleaav remember the al-ove pricet are a* low we believe ae any houiw in Canada anywhere, and that cash buyers have the advan- tage of 5 per cent, discount in all Dry Goodx, Shoes, Clothing find houne- furniahiDgn. MOST STYLISH MILLLXERT There's one reaiiui why our millinery psrlors are so popular with fasaiou- able wosuen who Jrsiru n t only <od tyUe but SUITABLE stylo -vhen ordenog their new bars We make the hat to Miit you instead of trying tu pertyade jr<-u to vlpt yourself to the hat. All that's new and bfihc (root th faahion entra of the w<>-ld are displayed here with cK-e.- JJU^oni r-aiiy to oupy adi.t r urtuiiiate whatever biut suit yoa. Ilias Perdue is in Trnto thia wet-k aiteuding the su.nm. r aiillinery opeuing and as this ha* bevu particularly bi^ teaiwn will bring ha.-k many nuveltiee and new ideae to be neee, only here. McFarland & Co. McFarland & Co. HcFarland & Co. . TLEE3IiniBIITIIE WAREROOMS ! We are carryiag nwst skvU of SEASONABLE Merchants' Bank Of CANADA Capital paid up HEAD iro.NTHBAL HOARD or UIBECTOM \XDB4W ALLAN. Ki T ^ all line* uf Coosistiug of Montagu Allau. 814 Orts Ma . - Ties. Pyak. - F. Htbdea. - Oo. . Ja;u P. Davis Kq B^ba bo Bwltn. Joint (Ion ilaoa Sap*, of Brascbes lOnl Cbilv. ftaathaui, lUaftiw Hb*tbrook*.Qu Sbwiill 8trtfonl M Jobs'*. ee _ tie* m*tl Centre Petes, Picturea, ft. Ctairs, C*rimim r>. Hainilloa H M p,.i.r. KlThomm Tilbury I'm Toruutu. Which we oftVr at Lowest Prices Picture Framing aad Ohwsrai Bapaihog i in all its Satisfaction W H. BUNT, Souris, Montreal. Montreal No MM Sti'ath*- rl* Ittsss. MMaaaU. Rsawaes Ottawa Oaavill*, Out owu Round. WtaMir, Qot, I'ark.lalti WUor.l , >, Frwcott Pr*lou, Out BaAXCBK* I> MAirrVBA i*tf. Nwptwa. Brandon, Pvrtaifu I .a Prltl , Eduontuo, Alta Mwlicio* Hat, Alq A Omaral rlanklnn |liimina T'4nao**a. Interact on P*uo*iut. Cnrr nt W A. i.l RKOWS *na,.r Bpiir ior Service Th t thoroiKhbrad Rcrkuhlr* boar "MorfftO." lor iMnrtc* OD tat 13& T- *ud t* K.. ArteiDMia Tmnw 1 >t tiu> of Mrrlc*. PJi~ I'ort Law Fr,.o> Ovu 'Hoi The home of Mr. ind Mr*. D. W. Jamieoon was the scene of a vrry happy vent on Wedueeday, Apiil 26, when their daughter, Mary J , and Mr. Robert MrMiwtor, wtre united m the boly bonds of matruaony '7 !!' Rv. L. \V Tnoat of Fleswetloo, Nature ing its approval by a day of uomterrupt ed sunshine. Mus Katy McMa*ter was bridesmaid and Mr W. G. Janueaou ftooiussman. The whole party were taete- fully attired and presented a pleasing ukitute. A uta^nirteeut wedding repast was prepared in whiohthe (tuests manifest- ed a lively uitereet. The bnde is a very estimable young person and dnnervedly popular, as was testified l.y s numerous collection of useful, costly, and beautiful | pseeeii'M of which hi j was the grateful i recipient. The groom is one of Op[vy s moat progreeaive, eietnplary, and worthy ! yotuu citizens. May their lives be long and free from clouds and full of suushino a* was tii* sky on their wedding dy. Mis* Mary McLeiinm hii* rvturoed lo Toronto Mr. M. Gilleapie U-k a trip to Toron- to to consul on ear spec<iilit. Mr. I L. Wuod ha<l a severe attack of illues* taut reek, but we are pleaevd t to hear that he is ablet > K- around again, sod liupv that his hralth my soon be reatoifd. Miss Jenny Wallace is home from the "V^uciti city" on a visit to her psruntM A telegram was received HI Monday of laat week from Toronto wild the un welcome new* that Miss Tilly Taylor wiw lymx dangerously ill llu-re. Her nioih- er left at once to wait upon her. Later uews i* more fvorl'l . Mr. 1>. W. JaiiiirHon's h' use lnd a very iwtriow eswti e from IH.MIK sV*MupM by tire on Thuia^ny !( . Tin "in uae wurminK" c^u^cU more excitement f-T a ti. no than the wcddii:^ the day prwiou*. From ij*r then 18 on in full xwinu and thu fall wheat ie KC nentlly looking itond. Mr. Ueorge KnoU of Dwrn Sound paid friends in town s flying visit on Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Thurslon of "The Advance" wheeled vsr to our burg last Saturuay. We are glad to notice the liberality of our Canadian people with respvct to the Ottawa and Hull Are. Mr. Lemon of Kirkville wae in town last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieenn of Eugenia were viailing friend* in town lately. We are pleased tn bear that Mrs. R. Wikciu is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Summers, who were visiting rheir dauchter, Mrs. R. Wickeu*. have returned home. Mr. N. Curry, who wan rieirinu; his brother. Mr. U. Curry, has returned Uome. Perfect Sight i Bitter rf cases of eyt troubto are averted by art/ appiicatioa of proper tones. Present aeglect anns future trouble. W. A. Armstrong, JEWCLCA AND OPTICIAN. FLESHCRTON. MarkJale From O*r <'im Curt tteonjtnt. Mr. Alex. Stephen, dispenaer in hi.i uncle's drug Htore. ent to Toronto for a visit on Thursday, April 19. All our store* are briiniuing over with extremely uttractive .tpring and *u<nmt>r goodn, and to tiikv a trm through will prove that the clerks couiutler it a pleas- ure to show them to all who visit thu Mi (iuy tV-kle of Sturgeon Fll w Msiting frieuiUt in town. Mr Alex. MoOult of the firui of S[,-jih.'i!8 A McLKifT. Lhindalk, i. in ' town on iHiainvM \Vedneeday and Tuurv day of i.t.41 wevk It boctiuioA our niul duty to chronicle : the dca'h at Mm CUik, tiee Mm Sa.lie Harvey, who dc{*' ted this life after a rief Ulnetut at her home ill Ton ulo on Wednesday uf laat werk. She was only married tu her now sorrowing young hii> hand in December last. Her reaiaii.* were brought tu Markdale oo the noou train on Thursday and were taken to thu home of Mr. Geu. Richard*, her couain. where they remaini-d till Saturday at 2.30, wham they were interred la t!ie public cemetery. Mrs. Clark wan wull aad favorably known m thia vicinity and a large conominw of fnend*, aa wull .- her hiwband, mourn her loa*. < Hir implement agents are all smiles theae day* aa they stand and gw aftvr each farmer's taam drawing honse sooto: kind of a farm implement Meaars. Shaw A (.'halmera have opened out ui the buu-hvring buaineaa m towui. We wish them every luccea* in theu n*. * venture. The above item* were intended for laat week. THUI WKBK'S miia We are uleaaed to learn that Mr. Alex. NesMtt. whom we reported no seriutkily ill some ume ago. ha* so far recovered that his brother Tooi brought him honic and arrived Uere un Wedneeday night . Ales, is very wealt. not able to walk yvt, but in on the road to recovery. Rev. Mr. Th. .in of r1eaaern Breached a very instructive and impreaaiw prepar ation ermon on Thursday evening and Kvv. John Huiiter. the pastor, preached a very appropriate Meriuon and diapenavd the sacrament on Sabhath asurmag in the Presbyterian church. Mr*. Mark Armstrong, wife uf our Keve, received the nad new* on Satiu day night of the very sudd> n deuth uf her stater of Uuuthcoto. Mist Rorke and her mother were returning from Thorn bury and Mis* K took suddenly ill ou the way home and was taken into a funk er's holme, whore she died in l.ut Qfteeu minuUs after guiug into the h ue. Th'. funeral takes place U>-day (Tueaday). \\ . extend to the bereaved oar eympathy. Mrs. Rev. Hunter alw< ha* been callo.1 to mourn the loas of a dear aiater. whj haa remdad in Glasgow, Scotland. Mrs. H. received the sad news on Thursday and al*o that her mother wa* critically ill Mrs. H haa no retain m in thi. .ountry, which makes the alflKtiuii the harder to hear. May the Great CenatM of Hesrti comfort and conaolc the be aredosMS. The Jolly Pulla held their usual enter tainment here for three night* last week and succeeded in jHtlliug in a good many quarUm out of our townspeople Mra. Geo Uuakm is viaiting her tou Wealey of Ceylon suburbs. The tVlil'feilnws had their annual church parade to the Methodiot churvh on Sunday moininu. Quito a number of thu UnJiertuu brethvrvu accompanied them. MUM M. rVrdu, McFarland Jt Co's head unlliuer, m iu Toronto this week attending the millinery openinKS. Mr. AnitUH r'lewes bait purchanud the beautiful dwellinu housa rrcvtitly ereot-t by Mr. K. U. Benson, and awMM into it on Monday. This isaKtautiful miJviiCM and fitted out with every am) Anuua will he quite c >*y in In* in hi'iiu C>ur town c- ui.cil have enacted m-n.. very struvout bylaws, which, if cnforc><> by our t.>wn intab)e, will, we think, bv a move in the ri|(lil diit-ction as laws of that kind wi re t.a.ily ieo,uirvd in Jim Mitchel. a vnluabtv trltnii! c-'lt owned br John C. McNab, uf 8ulli\an, died "I ui.'lanm 'nm l.txl <reek. Jim g..v ( . proniiM! ol . xc I i-i.i Hpevd am) coi:!d have been mild sny time for a high !/)(ur<. Tins niniiiat made his debut as a trotter at tlia r.v^ci held hn at Cnatwortb year. -Newr. : '

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