subscribers who do uui remote u r>Blarly will pluM notif j as at onve (fell al thin > for advrrOslsaf THE A I) V ANTE. FLKSHEKTON. ONT. A MAN KILLER Fierce and Ravenous Is Diabetes, Which Defies All Medicines. Ksi-. ft liodd Kidney IMll.. i u* Only iuedy en Earth That Kumut the CaaM of th Dli Dod.l It 1.1 11*7 IMll. Never Vail. mal report e* the WMten Oompaar (which will be 1 IB another column) shows that It* yt-> year ha* been a\ Tory suooeM- ral one and that it is a growing time with them. The report shows a profit M l, of $1 iB.wa. The total income Mr the year exceeded, for the first time , ^ i ht dry month co.,^ 1* the history of the Company, two asjA QB*-b% lf million dollars. The reserve fund now amounts to $1,100,- B, and the total asseU are fa, 831.- Ttt.So. For some time past the direo- tgj,, hare *""* under consideration the aeetlon of extending the agencies of the Company beyond the limits of this continent and in December last an office in London, England, what appears to be favorable . the old directors were re-elected far the ensuiag vcar. Hon. Q. A. Oox WM re-elected President and Mr. J. J. Kennv Vioe-Preldent. A ll.-.-., K .llll..l. Of l.rnl.. "Well, ir." said the proud parent. "1 alu't a bit sorry tli.u I give Bill a good oddlcstion. Von know he's been an gone nn writ a book." "Do tell'" "Hit's a fac'. AU what does you reckon V Well, sir, t oilier dty I ketch ed a in:in on a railroad train s roailln of It-jest a-readlu of It!" 1 hers never v. .,- . : uevsr will be. a nniveraiU painter.!, i i one reuiedr, for all ills te wiiicli ne i .-.i.t-.r the very nature of many luraiive* brr.ijf such lliat were the germs of oilier ai.d differently seated 4iaeaa*s routed in i.e system e? the patleal what wouiil relieve ODS ill IB turn would agt.Titt.ue llis other. We Lave, however, iu Ijum.ue Win*, when obtainable lu * um d unadulterated state, a remedy fortnaii) and grsviuua ilia. By tu gradual s.iii .-inlluioua use. the f ralleet ayntruis are ifd into couta.*'ace and streoglh, br u. influence whlrh (Jai- tiine*exeris on' uwn reslor*!iree II relieves tlie r1n>.i. K ;..n- of i.oee wllh whom * clir.Miic i-e ..f niuriil.t dee- pundeDoy and ia. . merri i. life U a dlNeaae, and. by irauquiiiziuK toe nerves, dispoeet to K.iuuU and refraalilai sleep iniparu vigor lo lu* action of the blood, which, being stimulated. . ..arses through out the veins, eirenicitieniuic the healthy' animal fuuct ons of tbe system, thereby making acnvliy a necessary reault, streagSssaing tae frsjac, and givinc life 10 the digestive orymi-. which naturally ilemauil increased sul,-;*nce result, im- j pro red appeute Vrnrop A I.TIIMI of Toronto, have given .. the pub i. n.eir inperior Quinine \Vn.i- , it the usual nate. and, gaU|(ed by tl.n ..|..n.ijn of n-ieni ists, this wine |.proaihf- of aur In the market v mi/nist. w.l .1 Quebec, P. Q., March 10. There are certain diseasM thtt sap the brain, and dry up the springs of life, besides undermining the strength. DiabetM is such a disease. IU symptoms are great thirst, fail- tongue, paleneas, numl'iicu* in the thighs, pains or aches in the loins, or small of the back, increase of urine, sugar In the urine. Any one, or two, seldom more, of these appear in tbe same cause. Diabetes is caused by poison in the blood. Poison gets into the blood through defective action of the kidneys, which should filter it out. Heal and strengthen t he kidneys aud they will clean*.*- the blood. Then Diabetes will vanish. Dodd's Kidney 1'ills are the only medicine nn earth that can cure Dia- stes. They are the only medicine that can cure th) kidneys. Here is proof : Mr. Sam Oesroch- ers, of 16? St. John St.. Quebec, says: "I have miffen-ii with Diabetes for five year s. "My feet were always cold. I had paint in my loins, and a terrible thirst. ''I tried a dozen remedies before I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They all failed to relievo me "Five boxes of l>*ld's Kidney Pills cured me completely To-dav I am well aud strong. " Reader t Have yon .my of the symp- toms above? If you have, you have Diabetes, and nothing on earth l>nt Dodd's Kidney Pills can cure yon (letting; Oat of Dilemma. During the last half of the eigh- teenth century the Government of the day frequently kept themselves in power by bribing aud corrupting members of Parliament; aad this was the case during the debates on the In- dian bill, when the Opposition, led by Fox, found its majorities titcadily decreasing. This, it waa known, wae : a. -nt, lion. U. A. t'm the work of the Secretary to the The following sum Treasury, John Robiusou. who used both places and money to carry out the Ministerial policy. One evening, Sheridan, speaking of the decrease, said : "This in not to be wondered at, Mr. Speaker, whe.n a member is employed to corrupt cverylxxly 10 obtain vote- '' Who is it- N'uiuw him or with- draw!" HIM- nenly from all puns of the Mouse. Sheridan na\v that he was in a nre- dicaiuei-.t. hut lit- was equal to the Western Assurance Company Th* annual meeting at abareholdera was I belli st the eompsu.. e offices is ibis dty 7. 1UOO. Tlie l-real- occupled the cbsvlr. il report uf tbe el re. lor*, with accoim'if at Suaai-is: nale- u,. :ii. was read b/ tl * secretary: I-'UHTY-XIMTH ASHL'Al. REPORT. I l.t din-ctum beg to submit herewith the suuual statement of IL* euinpauy's accoaats for tbe year ending *t December last. Ibe r*Tau aecouui shows a satisfsi-tory jrowtb la premium mconie, aud after pay- oirut of losers- and ei.>ea*ea there <s a p* nt iMlance of flis.w. M as a result of I >-ar "Sir, " be naid. "it would be nn- 1 pleattaut and invidious to name the IMTMHJ, anil therelorr 1 nuall not do u. I'm don't Mippoxe, sir, frain because roulu do luat could ay Jack Kolnnvm. Vwo nalf-yeurly divl- bave been pro. id d for al the rate of lu per cent, per annum, as well "an auiouiu 10 OTT d.-p.waatlua U SSMrl .e-. aad ibe reaerte luud ha* been Increased u f\ 1UO &O.&0 Takiuf ' into account ihe fact that tl irn uf iiabllitj Uie rear IfflW th* flr* teeses lu the Utilt.-ii are can-Tin* bialee w*rc eieevrioually heavy, ill* d re- tore feel Lhat tbr- rwuli inuat bo re- i i rued a euilnenlly asiUfactory. ! Kor aoine uuie puat your ulm'ior* save coaetdvratWa ibe qur<in of place t* refer se the fact tbit dnrlax t*s nast rear a aol)r ot new cti.upe.olta have bom* tnie ta* DelJ, uffennj are iii^uruee st lower rates than those curreai wuk that old et.i'.'l-hfil ufn. .-^ It wl.l be latcrret- ln* lo . .rve wlu-tuer lbs- eperiuiais n-ill pro?e nwr* auc-L-malul ihJin preiioss) attempts whk-b hate been made to afford iudeuiolt7 aja'o** 1"* b J ""' " uiora fa- vorable terms thau couipanl** wUlch hafe bees knc en,-ai;.-.l In the burlut;** feel safe la offerluc- Wlille IL* iiuur<-r> we ma; hofe these new compuuieM may have dlscoverve Uie secret of combining cbi-auoesa with security, w* cauujt v.i-iiook lh fact that tb* record of Uie iir>- iiniiinini-e busiQe s la Csnada during the pa*t iweuty ynr >hiwe a loaa of opwanl^ of two iinil.ou U 'Hum <f capital, wb-ch KM inveated ia i-otupaiilea orirsD'zed to trn.sM.-t uu.n- at wht sr* termed "cm rail --." We may at least feel amured tbat i^inpaales wi>rkl-ig uiis these lines, WUOM- .-uilr* rssh asawts are limited r flftj or lxty 'thousand dollarm, are avarceiv lo a pwslilea to aseume aaj share of the nutnjr ml!l<oae wliii-b flr.- iiianritii-e .-un.p.ialtfe for tbx' i>r..te. ili>n of in r.-tt intj aad property-oeMeTV .u I'aiuiila.nn.l until it hiiDixise sir that I re- >< >"' d ' couetderatWn ihe que. hiil>[>ii>e, nir, tssjs t rw ,, len j lu , lne a^tucli > of the i-onipiiuy I e- ..jiiutry. your iUn-<-u.i- ilo not 1 cannot name him; 1 .oud itie lluilis of ibv North Aiui-rl.-m <*>n- rented < advocating ny .V|.i'l sir u soon as VOU tmem. ml ahrily Ulure Hie . .. f Ui- me |H.Hcy we bate UM.U IM>:s " lr ' M '" ** y f.-jf .re , onu-l.-t.-.l lo .'ti.e .t. *!*. t Robinson. tisl-liljui"nt of s l.ruBi-h ..ftti-e ia Hut U return lo Ihe eonalileritl ...Jw wliai aimcur 10 I* :an>- l.ualns during Ihe year undei u- n aiiowo that, with due regrl foe the safety of stuckb4dvr and tbe svc-iHty of pollcrboldere, UDV mater al r*'*liK-LOM in be made lu ftri- nisunini* riies la tn-a- feel war- ture 'roia fur Deafness Cannot be Cured I.T local applications, as tliet ranoot rearh tbe dis.-aae>l i ortion of the ear. There la only one way tu i-ure Drafneas. and lhal la by ruuiUtsv ttoual r. uiedirs. IK-a'nru It caused by an IB flamed r..ndilion of the mucous lining of the l.u.<i< luaii Tube. When ihis lube gels inftam- .- . > v>u liars s rumbling *ound or mii*-ri.ct i..--m(j. and when It is entirely eloeed Urafneas i null, and u ul. as Hi* iuflammaliun can b lakvii ."il aad this lube lo iu or- 11.11,0 d.llon, hearing lil be destroyed for- ever; uinr rases oul m tn ars i-auicu by ea- ta rb. which Is uothliiK i...i an IiiS med te i dition u- tlie nui-ou. surfaces. \Ve wil riveOue Hundred Dollars fr any rate ..I I> liners (.-au>eil by i-aurrhj Itia t-an- nol be tr Hal I a Cat a rb Cure. Ssnd for i n. uian fn.r K J < -IIKNET fcCO., Toledo, O. ^i..ldby ltiuif*:.*i T.. rttial'liibiurnl of a llufiluud, under wbal Tomulo, -oib Feb. t*. . >tinunAry of i Total cash In.-ume Total cipvu.lliuri-. approprui.i>u for iftli-e lu a|.|.cur 10 be 1000. A. Coi, i'rrsitacnt. 1 1 -iai.-ni.-ui w; IB. 1 1 llalsuce I'.udvul dei-lared lotal sssets l.>t.u lul.ilities tlBclbetSSJ . U. ' lleterit fund . ;.i j, paid Caplial subscribed C.l B- |l,100,JSO 50 1 . l IKl l.uuu.nOU UO > uirl II.. i \v .tier i loeh. One of the UIOKI .-urions clocks in the world, avB the l'..-ton Traveler, Is that which Amos l.ane, of Amides. Nor., constructed aome time ago. Ths machinery, winch is nothing but a face, bands and lover, is connect- ed with a geyser, which shoots out an immense column of hot water every 88 second*. This upoutiug never varies to the tenth to a second. Every time the water spoutn up it strikes the lever and moves forward 88 lluav Leotes liU-aul of Hive for lirldee. The o]>eniug of the door to permit the departure of a brute ami groom has heretofore U-.-n the HiRual for a general pelting with rice a Chinese custom uonveyiiiK wishes for good health and prosperity Hut this cus- tom hat been so ubu>el with vulgar- ity, often producing lujuriuus results, that it is being dis.-iii.iid at the wed- dings of careful people, aud shower- ing the bride with roe le>avs or loose Dowers has IK-CM in^iniin-il Tuee (lowers are then HIT i.n picketl up aud kept as aouvrnit s liv (lie guests Mrs llnrtou Kiugslaiul MI the March 1.8'iieV llniiii- .lou mill Security te poUcyhol. The 1'resddvnt. >u n of the report. - gratifying t tin- u.i Hi* dim-lore and of.i lu noli- the elil>.. era ... .3,lUO.y!>0 M otluc the adopiloa It . auaot fnil 10 I.e , !i..| l.-rs. at it ti lo T, of tbc iini>uiy, f ili api>r.ini:>u nird'i Liuiuicol LuinUrmu's Friead. Oeoleel Tre>ui| ... Uur t hurchea. The famous author uf "The Bouoie llrier-UuHh" ha* di.scovered that the modern church is infckled with "gen- loel tramps," and bo IB troing to malto tueui the subject of aa article in the April Ladies' Home Journal. It mnv be said in advaine thai "Ian Ma>-- lareu's" trani]>s are not what we know in every day p: laiice as "ho- :," but seeuiin^lv muxi estimable IXTOOUS who arc atteutive to their iiurcbly dutioa, an they see them, !nt who are, nevertheless, a draw- back to lue advancement of ( lie hurch. 'The lieiite.el Tramps in our Churches" KIVC.S the Scutch rlerirymau SOIIIM ei. eptmnal oppnrtun men for forcible iin.l .im-.-t \vuiiU to ihe church goerb wonls that wonltl probablv create nun-li consternation in a congregation it uttered from a pulpit. Blckle'a A ntl-CoiiHiinuit IT* Syrup stands at tbe head of the Ii - lor all disaajsea of the throat ml IIIIIK~ It acts like magic In breaking up a cold. A rough is soou subdued, tightness <>( t lie cheat Is relieved, eveb the wont cn,*e of c'lnoumplloa is re- lleved. while in recent cnses It nay be said never to fall. Il la a medicine pre- pared from the active principles or virtue* of several medlcnm! b.-rl>*. aud can be de- pended upon (or all pulmonary of - plaint*. U....I ... Army IMgeoa reek A regimental pigeon post hereafter will form part of tli regular equip- ment of every Knsttiau fleld force when mobilized. 1 >urmg the last Kus- sian army uianceuverN experiments with the birds were conducted on aa extensive scale, and their utility WM demonstrated. In no case did the birds fail to arrive with their measage sooner than a mounted messenger would have done l*n ulali inent . "The idea of s.Mniinn children to bed early to punish 'em'" exclaimed Mrs. Corntossel, who was iliMcuiuiiiig her city relatives. "That ain't any way to c'rect Yin. " "Of course it ain't." answered her hntband. "If vou want to convince 'em tbat you mean buunee*. make 'em vet up an hour or so earlier in tbe morning." Miller's Worm children healthy I'owdsrs make the l.y IL iusur*ug pul-: i 1 f ihe s-i-u.nv i r- fereil bj tlie \Veleru to li pu.icyb..lil*r* whl.-b U sBorded b. th iruwtb lu tbe ...Inn i- of business trauaat l>->l-lbe total Income tor ih jresr bat-lug OSsMMaV fsT lUr ttit lluiK In lli blslory uf Hi. t-ora- paiiv two and one Ii; If oiillioo dollar*. It Is still more eatl.fSA-.ei7 to "> luat l>oc ' n-lthstmidiug lh en- pltonollj heuty nre luBM-i UK-h have o urreil >n sutue of lue rhirf uili-s In the I'ulu-U Stale- wliere tlie tiualnosa proved inn-rally unpruOtable 10 th* i..ii.|..inls. eau g*<l -a It we are aoi lo show as a reeuli .f ibe year's traiuae- a pront l.aiau.. f $118. Ml'. '!" ea- I .-i-i.-ii..- ..f Itie yeur 1 1* la t* .al w s i i.| fntrvrable. aad Uis)*4 nrr wsste lu tULs- cm airy Is certainly a in. nn -r fur ii.QKratul. Hun. aetd* fro u our intert-m* n tbe bu i ea of Are lu-uran-e. It In lu It.- hoped III t Ihe lutrotlu. I:.MI of iiii|.rvv<il rlre protn-i on ia our cities and towns, and the ado|.iloa of owre sui.iia i tlal uii'lhods 'a the roastnicllon of l.u.l.l- nt', will tend to s further red u. lion of Ibr liur.lvn wblcb the psrineiit ef some rite dollars p.- annual by nwarnii-e .iiiii|>:uil< fur nre I.IMWS in Canada list |iue n| the i-o uuiun'ly for I need M-itrvHy wty that Hi n hss to be provided from i'i premium* lOllected fiem the IB- nr nc puhl i- I de-li* te euipUaclte wht I Itellere to be a fn.-t- tlmt It I. imly by dnpfng meaeuren tliat will redu.-r this innual waste that any n* ilucilun In Ibe tni wMoh the pubbc pay In Br- lusuraner preniluns can br I...UI. f.T II U vnli necossMrv to iefir i.> tk* liotrrnment r. |vt uliow-ut Ihe In ouir aud i-xi>eiiilliiire of i-i>iii|.:>nli-< lli-eis MI 10 id. tin-tftieeB In >hr hom I -u i.. |.-ne taai ihire ba been during tee tt bole | e- ruwl -nit.rseed In tlise re'tirns. but a ier moderate margin of pr-flt i.. tlie ismi|ta nl. st la* rale* an I unil.-r the roail'Morui whlrh have prevail.^) la UiU i-ounlry l.i Ibe A Oonolii freak. "You dhoiild visit the mns- enm this week. Tliey are exhibiting a hitherto unhem.l uf attraotion." I'.i^^s -ludee.l ! What is it?" Uiggs "An Ohio man who declin- ed an appointment to a federal office." In this eonnecMoa It may sn* be e*t ef Itut to return lo tbe vonaldentloo of oo l.ualoess during the yeur under rvrlew. It will, no doubt. IM- Inti-rvttliiz to*- bolden to learn tli- inarlae branch. it b'ch ba* bet-n ns4|koii*il.e in -ome former T.-ars fur rather erlou IOMH-S, has allows s prolit upon the -. L-I'I.-^ of ivci. .-in. I -hat th* geuernl ontlook m ibis br n -h appear* le b* m>jre prvuiialnic than tor some iloie pat. '") In our earring* Interest tuer.. uaa * l/eea a falling nil -u.-li a- uiuhl OOi lie looked for owliit to ib* re.Hi--<l rstee luo.miu OO , ubla<nab!e, particularly upon the class of j srciirtiWe which arn hrld Ity tld-* i-oanpany. Th. re la one mainr i h rh I wl-b psr- t itiiarly to refer st ilns time. Il U now vlib>a a year of biir a centurv aisuv fie i-ouipany o'liiiiu-n.-.-.l l.tiin*s.< In < ana. la Souu- twenty flve yeurn ago ii cuaipleted lit STdtem of ait'". ! - th-.iich.iut ilwe I'm <il Sutra, and I Ibink 1 am warrunte.1 la suing that It Is l.w r tal. -!..! >- .-r tbe whole of tbe North Arn.-r.-un oat 'tent ve a favorable fooling, mlib an eftU-.ent force .f Sraii.-'i mini,: (. nt* and '.c*l anents working In lie intereds. I'nder then* clrcumntarui-* y>ur .rrei-tora have turned their attention (<> Uie .-on--! lrnle of tne onetk>n of the il. lr,it.i! i . of f..l l..lug the eiiu|>'>- "f the majority of ibe suroeMful Brl'.sb rtn- ..-iVi-a an-1 r :i>'> Sx-ng s Isrrer fleld of op. r :itl..ns :hm *e at nr- eeni wcupy. la vi.-w of tb eilort^ *hl>-a sr* be-lof sasde- hnppi|y wtfi no -n- ill nieanure of suis-e*- t^* eul.ii:'' tbe iniile relatluoa between tbe mother in'ry -to* her eelf-gOTernlni; c<>'oalea. :inj to ctiltk- TSt* Inien-ol'-n "I l"i lns con >-rtl >na. w* bs* felt thai Ib* |.re--ut U an oii><> t.ine Mm* for maklnx a iini:ar effort t r*m some uwnBurv of r.-.-:|wity :n the bu lne.*> of ire lnursn'.-. As :i prnct -: < p in tbls d're.noB 'I ws ile. in <. ..i.i.e.i S nmn.-h ortce of the .-onipany In l.omloa. KnglaAd. ITila wiw ";..-ni-l on the 1st ef l>efmbr Iset. stul plncel iimti-r tlie 1 BKSV areuieat e)f Mr. W H M. til.- a .-ntl*ni-B whe, we bellvre. t*..-s>-e nil ih* qualflse of a siirct^wfnl nisi. "i n. -e ma:ias;er A Hoard of l>r*.-tor, lust i.i-en apinilnfed a London upon whtrb we hate !> fortuB- atr 'n eerurlng the fi.llotv nt gin:lrnin te *rr* numel- The Ui.-lit II. -n tlir K.-trt ef Ahenleen. CCMi: i'e Ii s'i' ll-. i Jobs Kenaawny. Bart , Ml 1 , and Mr. Jame Stetens^n of Me-*^rw iJnthnnw A Co.. Brltiswi an. I Ci-t in. Us -i:*r.-hnn and I am pleaaed to say thtt w feel ihnt w* bare e*>rv r*non to t.e en.-onrace! at the stsrt whli-h we hate m;ide in the chief metrnrtoll* "f !< emi'lrv inl at lh sgesv <! which htive ih-K r.r heen et?iMlshe* In .s.nnwHon with tins new branch. Mr J J Kennr. the VMM- I'rv JJ-nt. e- nnil.-.1 the s.l.n"l"n <tf th' r i>rt whlct wse i-:vrrl.-d tin.fnliui.iislv. Tbe el.-.-tlon of 41 r.-t-t.irsi f,.r the .-t-siiirg tear tt-t* i hen ere> , .i-.l.-il with, rwoi't'nz In Ibe unan m-.iie rv^i-l.-rHon of th' f.ill-.wlng jentlenien vs.: H..n i:eo A On. IU.TI < C si M "t.tlH-rt H.-at>. n. M.-Mnrrloh. II N. K u<|...nve aod J At a n.-.-'tnr of helrl uhe<iuenflT. re-eleetei! rr--siit^n Vice President for < W kl. or p.. Ge*. W. H. Brock, J. K It Bnlr.l J K.-na< tlie Bonr.l of MM o... A Cox waa it. I Mr J J Kenny the ensuing year. i .. \ . .. Mrs. Buffers ilix-l-mi: up from the pa- per- Of all tbiuus A .-..nplr who have lived togeiln-r for (Hi years baw a.^ilicj for a divorce Mr. Itlifferx- M Sixty year.! 1 don't wonder! .\.\ \..rk \V-klj. A Life Saved. '.I r J antes llryaon. Cameron, mute-.: "1 confined to my ~-<l willi Infl oiinml i.iu of the lnii|[s,Mnil w*i given ll|> l.y tl.e pl.Vslcutns. A nrii;li In.r mlvlsed ins lo u Ii: Thomas' Kclec in. Oil, HlotiHK tlini in- wife had lived it for iliro.11 trouble nrlth tbe liest resuliH AcllllK oil 111* Hil Ii e. I |iloi nre.l the Illeill nne, and leva than a b.ilf liuiile cured uie; I crrl.nnly believe it aaved my life. Il waa with reluctance iliit I oonseolsjd te> innl, aa I waa reiln.e.l lu such a tnte that I doubled the |.ut r uf any remedy to do me any good." Tbe Pa.sslii|| Onliirt - Mysteries. The iiinetc.-iitli century will leave behind a great legucy of m>iterie which it could not Kolve, and which will probably remain mysterieii to the end of time. The most nota- ble of these are. to !.< rocnllnd in de- tail in Ihe April Ladies' Home Jour- nal in an article ou "The Myst.-i les of the Century." Kach one set t!m wli'iln world nn"K with rxciteiiii'tit and t-pitculuiiuii in its day, but haa tailed almost completely from the i. und of the public Broken down sy-teiiK. shattered nerves, and emurlatetl forms wre rapidly res ored bf Miller's Coini'iinil Iron mils ' Th Judge'* View. "Tour honor, " wild the attorney, 'this man's insanity takes the form of a belief that evei v one wants to rob him. Me won't even allow me, his counsel, to approach him," Maybe he.'* not so ay, after all," murmured the court. in a wirllcml whiHiter. That tired feeling will disappear and you will be> able lo eitt we.ll and sleep well by using Mtller'a('nni|M.iind Iron Pills. I It* VI iy lo . s l.i.oit SitUJ Open a can of salmon carefully, the Uhh and drain. Have dish covered with leaves. Remove trom the salmon turn ont the fitih your salad bowl or nice frenh lettuce the bone and skin and plaoe the latter over the leaves. Dust it lightlr with salt, and pour over it two or three tablespoonfnls of lemon juice. I'nt ou a thick cover- Ing of mayouuaisu dnnutiug and serve. Health for the Werm Powders. .li.ldrea. Miller's Proeh Air IsTheap. There's nothing like fresh air and plenty of it for health and beauty. Every apartment or house should be thoroughly aired every day, winter and summer, and beds should be left open for an hour or two. The lazy housewife neglects to turn mattresses every day, but tbe wise one knows that her family will be far less likely to be nervous and tired if this is done. I cured a berao or the ruaafe with MIN AKU'S l.lSMlr.N I l H HIS loP i IKK SAUNDKrW Oalhousle. I cure* a horn* l-n<lly torn by a pitch fork wiih Ml.NAKD - LINIMENT. IK i > WARD i.iM.iKr. St. Peter's, r it I cured a horse of a bad swelling with MINAKD'S LINIMKNI' TllOMAd W. PAYNB liathunt, N U Age \rr . . the Foes. A London physi -inn declares that a person in robuct licallh walks with his toea poinind to tbe front, while one with his health on the wane grad- ually turns bis toes ID the side, and a bend is percent idle in his kueea. lurd'i Liniment Is used by Phjslclui Ore*ta>t Mutch Strikers. More matchex are used in England than ia any country in the world. II ha* beea estimated that Knglish people oss an average of eight matohM persoa per day, and auunally I, TOO, QUO, 00 are burned. ItvsUlune .-i Trnlii*. It is ascertained .1 Mueutific data that the air resis uuce to a railway train of average weight moving M miles an hour is H.37-4 pounds oar- Iv six tons. It i>ia Me Apply. Mr. WaUaoe>' 'Dolce far aieuM. believe, ~tirs a sweei doing Mrs. Wsllae "It wea uplj that jam 1 saswie. for It bas swfma rk." Mlll.r . ehlldrea t'owders cure its ta ilk (or MlDird's and take no Oiber. lililn't llonnoe. ''Ma," remarked the small boy, "isn't it funny that everybody calls my little brothnr a bouncing babyT" "Why do yon think it is funny, Willie?" returned his mother. "Because when I dropped him on the floor this morning he didn't bounce a bit. He oril " A Cure for The intrusion of uric acid into ibe bluod veala is a fruitful cau- of rheumatic pains. This irrennl inly In OWIIIK t a ilerttuiied and uiibeiiliny condition of the liver. Any oue subject te this I'.iu.ful Hffuciion will hn.l it reincily in I'arinelee's VeKetabls 1'ilU. Tbeir art ion U|MIII Ihe kidneys ia |iri.iii.iinceil H il muni I. Mild by reHiorinu liel;liy ac.iiou, they correct im- purities in ihe blood, Uetrman Juveiillo 4'rlmlnala. The alurming nutreaae of juvenile criminals m (iuriuaiiy is puzzling the | li-Kis!at'rH. lu KWi the juvenile offenderB nu I ;>, ;ui, the total { rihiiiK to 4.\i.t>i in is.n. and to 4M';.. in The iiicrt-.une of all crimin- als iu 18V8 ovur the preceding year was throe pnr cout., an nn n-aao dis- pio|mi i ii.n.iiu to the growth uf 1st ion He II..M... - la l ...fc The Qerman Kinp. mr ia believes- in the lack attending aorahoea, OTor penes one l>y, aod was onee eeen walking boms throuKh the streets of Berlin carrying a huge shoe In his left hand. If your every day c n tics area burden. It U because you are DO \\ ell. Miller s Com- pound Iron l'illsw.,1 correct this ooodV Uon. Mo I'aaee fur Alarm. "Look here," said the barber to the restless man ia I'm chair, "if yoa don't keep still I'm liable to evt your throat." "Oh, I'm not af aid of that," re- plied the helpless victim, "M long M yoa continue to UM- that razor.'' Keep llnard'j Uniair, ;[ m the Hoiu. PLOWS, ROLLERS s% HARROWS 1 h H'- I *l*tt- ^ .1.1 f ar <*Jl|. IM K^ni i t i-iii- <<. BK4 TPORD. CATHOLICRAYEr 1 "AV.'.^^^- 1 - BelUjrloua Pictures. Hiataary and Church Orna* inmits. K'liu-Alion-vl \\ i ks. Mall ord s recele prvni|4lllelillou. !>. J. -<llli A ... Monlr 1 One Mnii-s Views. She It'i a woman's privilege to ohange her mind, yon know. He Tes, and her ago, too, but she takes her time in doing it. THE GEM Fence Machine -nil holds tbe rcs-ord for fam and yoiKl work, 1-rin.f.VOa licit bald Milled and other wire lor aale al lowem prioee Write for pstrlioubum. McOrek'or. Benwsll ft Co., Windsor. UnU P II AHNOI.I' I'KLT KUKK. ws rain.'.i I'.'rfevi inns-ksvper. s* anil On. i - ' r d slrlbuinia; Ade- M alt"r U l .... l you a rent. Ht it .u u.. ni- -sairu Uitoa., L.U.-IUUS ITS -" It KKKK. I'eriauanent- ly I'tlre I I-K ELINK'S UKBAT MBBVII KKVroBB*. 1'oMllT* CUr for ail Nerv us Diaauea, Fiia, RpilnsT.Sisuin ui. I si V lut' Dance. Ne Pits or Sisrvou, r after nrsi ilsv's us*. Ii. .n.e anil OJ trial bottle sent throa*B CanadUa u v PBM te FU sMMsua ttif\ ivitig M&prt*- * uly whes reeelTevj, lead toDr kiha*. uSl AICUM., t'nl.aUslpbla.l'a. T. X. U. 2iM USE ULRICrTS MAMMOTH WHIT! GIANT PROLIFIC YELLOW DENT IMPROVED IEAMINO ENSILAGE CORN^ E. R, UIRICH i S NS, ...u. Ash four dvaJer for a* aad Usllm i FIRST INTO L A DISMITP Qs**int Cavalryman Who Con _ Front Old Fighting Stock. INVENTOR AS WELL AS SOLDIER. TBTT OSM ban heard of the fllanl sraleits ef Lord Dundonald on the where be has the command of of cavalry, and has shown elf to be a worthy descendant of save old fighting stock. It was Lord Dudonald, too, who entered Lady- SBKUth at the head of the relieving BantLah troop*. Not only in fighting <ioee Lord Dun aUnsId eicel, bnt ha maintains to the fmll the tradition! of the family by invented on more than one ingenious appliance* which eve been turned to practical ac- or cue -:, " ..:ie ir \vas anr- > < -n > jn .1 hn dis- ' >' .aq bit .;rvioe - niuler the late ti d 8r rt, by iig '!. - roio Onbat ; -nig the fall of Khartoum ed to twelve months' imprisonment, and one hour la the pillory. He wan also expelled from the BOBS* of Commons, tai a* a testi- mony to the regard in wbloh he wai held, an soon an a new writ wai issu- ed fur WestmiaeMr he wae ananim- , wan Ar~hi'ial i.., th n Earl. ' .H in He wai dv r w ; to scientific pnr.-uif--. and was prin- cipally employed in making improve- ment* in pra. : riousof com- mence and man-.: .: tare. Owing to (be ineffectual!' v r rhn Patent Law* of the period he * -s reduced to pen- Hi mot recnt invention, and the one perhape that liai brought him Met prominently into notice, ii that of the "Dudonald galloping gun - carriage." Ai a matter of fact, be went ont to Sonrb Africa primarily to induce the military authorities there to make as* of hii invention. They eUd so, and highly approved of it ; moreover, recognizing his value as a emvalry leader (for from 1895 to the present year he was colonel of the 2nd Life Guards) they appointed him to the command of a brigade of cavalry. The gun-t-arriiur* of his invention Is mainly serviceable on account of Its) extraordinary lightness, its great strength, and the remarkable MM with which it can be taken over diffl- snlt country There are practically ao obstacles which it cannot sur- mount. Another and minor, hot not less useful, invention, or perhape to be itrictly accurate. adsuratioi . of Lord Dundonald 's is the lustra, an ingeni- oe little apparatus for keeping the hands or the warm in the very coldest weather. The liintra i a little portable stove. to all intents ami purpose*, measur- ing 4 1 4 in. by Mini-niuu less than 9 laches. It only weighs SI* ounces, and is mail* of ine:ul. It contains a stick of curious composition, which genius to his son. 1'hoinas Cochrane, tenth Earl of Pu.; . inald, aad better known as the FAMOUS ADMIRAL OX^HRANE. This hero of f Nary joined the I service at the u'" seventeen. His j father had ;irev:-...-^- procured him a ! commiHsion iu '.. 7'Jtli Kegiiiictat. bnt his own prefer-n.-e wax for the sea. In 1*98, as quite u ronng man. he had already beamu to -n.iw "that combi- nation of daring and prudence which ' probably no Britiioi uaval officer save Nelson ever p< > a greater de- gree." During Ins command of the Sueedy, a cruiM uf thirteen months, he took upwards of fifty vessel*, with 123 guns and 584 prisoners. At last he himself wa .-i|>tnred by three French line-of-lur'l ships, after de- fending his own si. nips) so gallantly that the French to whom he had de- livered up his swrd at once returned it. After a brief imprisonment the English admiral n is ezchaii. Unfortunately. n ,. wo* always at logger -head * with the Admiralty; for one reason or another there was con- tinual 'Imputes, mil from time to time be WM at'>iu:lv refused em- ployment, in ' his previous brilliant services. The animus, was, perhaps, parrlv j.-alonsy. agninst the admiral wax rl.-urlv shown when. on his complaininz that his vessel was unfit for WM sent up to the North Sea to protect non-ex- istent ttah<-. Subsequently. , i .-nminand of the Pa'las, thirty tn fu:\*. he took a number of v.. ranch orixeo. ten be managed to escape from pri- son, went straight to the House of Commons, and boldly took hs seat therein. He wa. subsequently for- cibly removed by the warden and OFFICERS OK THE KING'S BENCH. He knbeeunenrly did valiant service in command of the i'h;li:m fleet, und fought against the Sjianiards with conspicuous bravery and da*h. He WM appointed by the National Assembly Lord High Admiral of the Orwk fleet. la lv.-s ue return**! to England, and devoted the energies of his declining years to inventions for the N.iw, such a* improved poop and deck 1 *!its. new projectiles and the like. During the Ruf*iaii war. he again brought forward and offered to tbe authorities a marvellous plan he had conceived for the total annihilation of the enemy's army or navy, without the slightest danger to tbe attack. n^ forces. He offered to conduct in pe.- son aa attack on S-bMtopol and de- stroy it in a few II..UTS. What marvellous inve:i m of his actually WM lias never N.-M iinnely known. bnt it was de.-i.ij... on more than one occasion as being too terrible in its execution to perm;! of its being used in warfare. The uxllant a-:- ml died at tbe of eigutT-iive. ar of honors and rei-j- ted by nation. Tb llur- "A eomn: in shape and n/.>- ary pr dome-tiaped, so the bottle be kn arity is greater charge of the time to develop to burst the shell. the comparatively which gunpowder ignited. There are Front PaUpye to M&fekmg, Showing the Seen* of Plum r Advance. U specially made in Japan.. This little stick is lighted, and glows for hours in the iu>>-nor of the apparatus, keeping the bum!- or the pockets warm until the. whole utick is con- sumed a niniier of some hours. It oan then be re;<lo!i:>lie<l and retains its heat for an in.viinite periixl. The po8Kil)ihii,-. of this ingenious little machine, which is avowedly imitated from a J:i|uu>68e model, are Illimitable. Ite \\:irmth prevents a ehill, and in a tre:i -herons hot clim- ate keeps nu the temperature of the body, and thus prevents fever. The contrivance is bennf largely taken to the front by volunteer*. Another unique qualification of Lord Dundonald IN his high skill in astronomy, which on at leant one occasion served bun in good stead. This was in Egypt, when he was able, after the bat tie of Aba Klee, to guide tfco British troora. ACROSS MANY MILES of desert to the wells where water Mid be obtained for the wounded by and entered r: month harbor in charge ol them uitb. three golden candles) ii-ns, each "> ft. high, at the mastheads, as a aumple of the spoils. In 1814 he was ie,u:ned as member of Parliament foi Uoniton, and in 1807 the electors at Westminster re- turned him as their member, together with Sir Francis r.mdett. About this time he had some trouble with Lord Gambier as to the carrying ont of cer- ain orders. A court martial was held which was a hnli.iw mockery. The eourt was packed, ihe witnesses man- ipulated, and the charts falsified. Gambier was acquitted, and, by im- plication, Oocbraiie was discharged. In the same year he was falsely ac- cused, with others, of a conspiracy to defraud the Stock Exchange, by cir- culating a report, of the enocess of the allies and the death of Napoleon. He WM tried before Lord Ellenbor- ough. awl, although he waa quite in- nocent, circumstances caused the CM* ajialnet him to look very black. He WM convicted, fined 11,000. condemn I d*r til* umlnif Ulaprniallo*. "Let me eee, Itilxgs. were you M* once sn officer of the Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to AuiimilsT" "1 was." "I notice you still wear tb badge. For th* Mke of old tlineeT "Not at all. I sin an officer of the Society For tbe Croper Controlling of Automobile*." Chicago Tribune. A Trin- sa*r. "Here's 94." said tbe candidate to the colored pel It tea I worker; "now go to work for me." The old man took the money, looked at U dubiously sn I then said: "Man* William, bit's 017 bones' to* dat bifll tek fo' dollar* en ot tor tor 'to* a man laT your 4 If* PI"*I r l%'j' 1 I r 1 1 "* ^ I i"* 1^ \ MAFEKLNG MESSAGE I.' Dm. irreat-Kramilaier leejaly renamed again, and a pnblio Town All Right on the 14th March ButSu':anr,g Keen.y. ! - Kl - I . . ' 1 . rabocription was raised by his con- stituents for the payment of his fine. The thousand-pound bank-note with which it WM paid, and beaimg his signature on the back, is still in ex- change. . His colleague. Sir Francis Burdett, pledged himself to stand alongside OFFICERS RUN INTO A TRAP. ry through his i.-votion to science. | tt Int admiral in the pillory, if He published B.-N i il interesting treat- 1 th * ientenc * were camd out. The ION on technical subjects, aad be- ! Government was obliged to remit it, qneathed at lea*- a portion of his i During the coir .u nance of his sen- I U^r \n. . . . ur m Saaatli . of U .r-. i^.n IBS* LutM-r K.livel LI. in> llu.i. I |f I N\aa..dMt MIIU i- 4|ll <l r >l I .11 f " . -I II " .101- . A. In. . r.oi War Oftce at ..w.-Ll l.t njr- i i .11. .1 u . . -until African Police. sUi .-k >.-.- .- . i i.nwinir fr ' i-l U.-.:- 14 - . : ',. |Ioi . -r -L: .1 Ui'-ir .1 - . . ~:l .'. -\ ' . - h 2H n s) . .ord >i r inge I st Me rate . i- - f th.- Br:- h. . 2-i. fir' s- :> K ur i . to dnvti .oat -.i.nj, two . l l | , ,;. S l" Hi- I 4 y* "nil the whole shell may be eith.-r '-ant-iron or steel If the former is t;-ed, there is less room for powder, U-canse the weak- ness of the CUM -iron necessitates thicker sides to the ...hell than if it was made of me.-. Cast-iron. o ever, breaks up well. What M r- quired in a shell is that it -. stand a heavy pi -sure from on safely, and yet bur st readily into a large number of pieces." "When a shell KM* the action is by no means i:i-;antaneous. After the ignition of t:.- (use the bursting- rakes some little ntlicient presssnra Tim is owing to deliberate way in behaves on being many explosives that detonate in 'ii millionth ef second or thereaS.jii'. but a shell char)fd with gunpowder will take sme five-thouKaii'l'i s .if a secuntl to burst. The time dm"! not appear ! bnt if the shell be travelling at 1,000 foot-seconds, it . moved live feet from the point impact U-fore it bunts. If tbe ve : v be an nnich M 2,000 foot -second s. lie shell w:ll not burKt until it ims ^-..ue ten feet from tbe point stri "The bursting of a shell will not in itself drive fragments verv far or very fast. Tlie mjnruvt can--i-.i by the pieces of a shell are mainly due to the velocity with which it was travelling before it burst. Thus a 'spent' shell from A lield-gun burst- ing on the surfa. i- though it throws a good many fragments along the ground, does not iva them much energy, and oulv the large pieces are likely to cause serious wounds. Larger shells are more formidable in this respeot, bnt miiinly because the fragments are larger ; they do not travel with much more velocity those from a small shell." I ic Shell. field gun is .e an ordm- i. however, is the neck of off, the aiu-il- The metal of the in: i\ i i , ..I I i. il... M., .. l ; . \ MM 1 . . ; . lllli ull 11 . of." -I... I ..I, ,-.'. #-!. I , n of the ' IMI the M .lohanni'Si '.i u Mo n-.d i . Cl.KMKNis ki run ii-i-iti i-. l:r , iii.i- r. ... i in .i ion Mini i:u._ii r* Hwgiiti lun.liic in *rni. I'M I . \ h -'. \ T-. .. 1. 1-11. lie .ISM-I linr- d t h.-ni, anil re.i.l I nil i;.'l>orti' priM-Lini.i; -! in nurci- M have :.\ Hi r \l i .- t.lil ; III- - I the uui ol her ,iu- thorit!e-i duly u;-|.i'inted, intinmting thut ' h.- I .unit i-si ami sin-- .poinleil nniler tin- <.}\ieen Hi.- l.ur'-h.-rs Ix-can taking the oath of all'Ti -m'c anul suiriMiil. re. I nnns ..... \\ ...i.l ; -.1 #1 I. .-i. . I mule-'.. March 1^<V AJ^ ices r>-ceiv- e.1 here nnnoum the il. ufi in the Mo ,1 llo^piiul on Friday of Central >ir 1-M \\ard Ui'oii^.ito, who was wonmli-il ITI the ennntement ui Spurn Kop on .Inn :M. 1'he late iJ.-herul Woo.lui'.- WHS Horn \..\ 1. IStj. at l<cll>roin:hton. Worrcsi iTshin- General Sir Kjjreatier-W^lkw and I'm re \lc\ander of 1'nk have loft i':tpe Town for Hloeinfontein. It is reportiil froin I jul\ smith that Van Hii'iiun's Pass bristles with nuns. A despatch to 'ITic Pnily Telexraph from Kiniberley, .Into! Sunday, March 20, soys "l*risoner brought in here report that a force of Britlah cavalry has entered the Transvaal and pene- trated to a point 1^ miles north of Christiana. The British forces at Fourteen Streams are being strength* eii0d. A movement northward ia ex- pected eoon. l"h . I tii- Doer* I . .... ids s.- roun - .1.1.. 80 f J day for South . m (!* n. \ dra- r,l Kl|.lm fc arrixei ' llotrri i'.'rtevl r\-t .: from i.-er having 1 . up u ON THE CANADIAN PLAN. an- :' Uie - .1 ii -....M! AIHe, Flm " M It is under- . - ihe llrlo- iah i.i ;,.. of ?outh i ...i the rived ut l>..inta o. , . lion i'f .1 The -outh ,..,. \\ith a s-t I i Afri i I .IM! I - ; :i -late Her n ; i r'lclil N huvi- th.- - at Lie . evj-i- t i Lonl i Boiaiel th- a tdn...! . ^my : he I'>. Ihe uie brtvm will be ur- Ahli-h will ht- hi-ld in ! ,i \Uilch i hi- former ' '. nru. <ir M I'n-niier >rlir. Iner it- Catotv ..i \atul and > OIB from S,tuth \frica. N iliint; La.- .^1 with regiu-U tn the mill - ion after the war. -iierul do< ision to offer ali p..>-i !,- inilnrcnicnis to suitaliii- soli '. r. >n. h .i> th.. Imperial Yeomen. J i, Africa. 'ITie quenlloi, | iiiust slunil over until :en > il I oid Kolt. rts le coinlorttthls iju i.-.l in I'ti- and has hud tinn- to think over thi> situation und -i- i up a report. The wide-lit different i-- [ .. pinion on this point exist rvi-n rnoiiK well-Informed men. The e>t ini.i ' .-s of a military strength \\liiih \\.il be re<|Ui8ite to hold the ! i-^e from a i>er- niiim nl Km.s "i>OO down to a police force . ; '< I Ittle 9llai St.y. paw, what Is this here .Iquid air that the paper tolls about'' His Father I don't know exactly . but I revkon It uumi be suthin* like water.