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Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1900, p. 3

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"MARCH 21), 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE V. JTM d Co. ARMIMLE'H 4iMK.4TK.ST HT4IBB TJ. JfM d Co. HIGH CLASS HERCHANDISINQ This w.-sk'i aououuMOioDt refer* more particularly to tho very best and most tVliionabl.' clssafs of goods procurable. Willi oaeh saeeessiTo season in recent years we're been bettering oar stock ami busings* by the addition of n*w lines ami novelties. * betterment that thin season i* more apparent tliaa v.-r And while we are giving particular attention to the belter clauses of goods ire are just an particular t-> iitv : tut fashionable and servicable fabrics in the lower priced goods, which for value* hive oernr (VMI excelled Here are a few lines of our best : LADIB8' CLOTH In pearl, grey, fawn, brown, hUck, etc This u * beautiful, heavy, *ilk timshi-.l cluth M in. wide, the correct fabric for Ladies' Tailored suits. ID view of the eitreme width and superior ((uality the price u moderate, | *r yard I . fi H i M K< IT N s lo three shade* of grey, blue and fawn, myrtle and brown, black and white, Tilue and white, etc., also in plaids, all 641 inches wide, in skirt or suit length*, and no two alike. Thorn are purhaps as serviceable and fashionable good* as are in the market to-day, yd. $ 1 36 BLACK CKEPONS For richness and elegance theme hamlwime Mlk I'repons are pruliably unaur|autaed. Ws havu over one hundred differunt patterns in skirt and drtiM length* that have delighted nil lover* of Fine Kla<-k Good* t" wliuiu we have had the pleaauie of show- ing them. All our cre|*>iui are 44 inches wide, and are worth per yd. 48c up to I 2 00 PL A IDS, ETC. 87 draw and skirt length* in plaitU, iweuds.gramte cloth*, homespun*. vicunaH, ladie*' clothii, etc., the acme of perfection in Htyle and quality, in price* per yd. 60, 66, 66. 76, 86, 06 Our stock of drew good* in almoet twice a* Urge an it was one year ago, all bought Iwfore and in anticipation of the recent advance in price*. We think we have ul moat everything that could pnmihly be deaired, price* ranging an low as lOc per yd. for double-fold goods. High claw dreea-Diaking department in connection. MKVS SUITS -Of l...t quality silk finished, clay wors- ted, in luorning or saoqueatylo. Thuao are beautifully tailored goods, gunuino satin lineil and self-farad around shoulder*. Ask to nee them. If you want a thoroughly perfect fitting unit you cannot improve on this Jin-, price I 13 50 Men'* Keluthlo Scotch Tweed Suits, in the newest pat- tern* at d colorings, thoroughly ihrunken before being made ami trimmed in a way lx> -dining the u|>erior .iual- ity of th.- material. Kor bu*iiia* mun or other* wishing to combine appearance with serviciibility thia i* what you *hould have. Price 11 50 Fine. Black Venetian Worsted Cunts ami Vert* ith black striped or fancy wort4xl trousers, in sizu* 36 la 45, hrea*t nie*ure. Some of tlii-ao we have marked as J, ,,' as 97.00, while the heat, whi-:h are wjiml in a great many re|iecU to a made to order *uit we sell at f 12 1)0 Other line* of ncrge and tweeiln- note thi all mzea, I '.' 25 We'll toll you later of our nuule to meaaure clothing de- |M>rtinent Suffice for the iireaunt U< say w have ovor one hundred and hfty suit lengths in (<- -k in Scotch Tweeds, Kugliah and French Vicunas, Venetian Worst- eds, Clay worsted*, serges and Canadian Tweed*, price per suit from f 9 to $ !W 00 We guarantee Atoolute SatMfactiim a* regard* material, fit and trimming*. The trade M uaual in largely coining our way. We'll do our bout to merit itn continuance. T. HILL & CO. rrBi.iHiiKn WKIKI.T AT rat orrici, SVD- KMHAM ITBSST, rLBSRCBToM, OUT., T W. H. THfasTON. $1 ir r Hiin ura l r Irt h In nil n. Advertising Kates: s Column. 1 ;*ar. SM> : half c.,1 . 1 **ar, 191 quarter col., on* j>*ar, (II. Tra*)*lnl adv*rtlMmaa ebargad I th* r*U teal* p*r llo* for Br*t loMrtloa D 1 **ut aacb *nb*qa*Dt lnrtlon. War news for the past week haa been rather meagre. General Rob- erts is still at Bloemfontein preparing fcr a farther adraoce, which will no loubt take place very shortly. Mafe- king li not been lelieved anil there appears to be little prospect of it* mi tnudiate rtlief. Why Lord lioberti docs not make a more determined f flort for tbe saving of tins brave little garrison u a tlm critics. puzzling question for confined to the Indians, slew within a few weeks mure than Utt.OOO. It was described a attack- ing the head and loins with terrible pains, the victim dying witliin two hours. The body swell) enormously and turns instantly black, hence tin black death." It was never known how the visitation came about. This mysterious coming and going is a characteristic of the diaease. It, ap- pirontly striken without warning and : 1 NEW GROCERY ********* I hare opened out a full line of new vrncoriea in Writfhts old store, oppoaite Anni'.roiig'* jewellery, and will keep in tuck everything u*u*lly kept inau up-to. date uriK-ery. Hpecialties in their sess- on. Tobitcro*, Cigar*, candies, pices- caiuined K.K| of every divcrip' ion, *miik- s.l bnan liaddir*. aoa|M including the celi'liialuti Sapoii with horrible effect. Yet ' m * bars for 26c. 1 have a prime Hoap Pickle*, tiMithpicks, lo mention all cience has learned to combat it with *" dl M ln " *uc'ioneers asy, many other a certain degree of gnccesi, but fire appears to he about tho only means of eradicating it when once it gcto it* GIVE HE YOUR CUSTOM grasp upon humanitv. rude* t.-o numerous fre*h and choice. l o ii I.IIM- A. and I.. M,,,- F. A. BUNT Wrif ht' Old SUnd, Flcsherton <Wr,h,n,/rii< Mr*. Jnliiiainn ..( HunUville I* visiting KIOJS taken *ainc %s cash with her nutter Mi. Win. Heath. Mia* .li>r|iliin Klli* ai.ii Ml** Kanny Ilichardxin of were KUV*I*< KUV*I* i-i~r- > r-' r-v i T<T> r- r-v m ? SuuJay A FREE PATTERN A private letter has been received from Col. Sain Hughes, who is in Smith Africa, and whom General Mutton ti ii-<1 to snuff nut. only suc- ceeding in getting snuffed out himself. The gallant colonel is attached to the commissariat department and in the nM-lmu;c of his duties has seen morn of South Africa than any other single Canadian, and as he is a newapaper man he will probably write a very en- tertaining book when he returno home. He believes tint the war will be over about M*y 21, or the first of June, but naively aihi? that "there is many a slip bolwiit oup and lip." He "calculates" that by April the ''show ' will be pretty well over This would infer that wo may hear from Uoborts' arm) again within the ncit few ditys. Thti plague, or black under those two iiiiiniM it is known, c.rnps ii|i fri-i|uutly at vitriol)* (xiinta of the earth'* surfikce, and it.s latest field of operation in tin* Kainlwich Island i. There are few people who knnw that thiu most awful of all HCUIITKCS once usitt'd this country Wu ivad of its ravages in far off plitce* nnd hear of il as a dim echo from fm-itway, fondly Mr. H. WytiiU is geltiiitf the material on i In- ground for a n. house. Mr. Klder HriHlie i* takinnout timber for a Hlraw barn 4Ux4U. Mr. A. Krskine had a succeaaful ..! , be a ah:>rt tinm ag.. with a party at night. ! While watering ihitir cattle one day i lat wuek Mr. Hutchiusoii had one ofj their steer* which thuy were *Ull feuding i Su7|Ciii" bruak it* leg. Mr. Culha i* home annul after a to his sick brother m>ar Lind*ay. r*4 lIlb.^Tfcpb^l !*! & lUwilial UlMt, filMK. MlidllW .! Mru kT uy M CALL'S MAGAZINE' o..n..n,l. f.nry ' g C3Sr57i . knawbold biota. visit Latest War Items LONDOM, March 27 The rainy .**. n i* cornuienciiiK in 8ouih Africa with ex- oe|>iionally lioavy *l.>rm*, tliun uonveit- ing the cani|Ni iniu Nr*ni)is. Twc tram- purls at Durban are brini( omvertetl into hospital nliipa OWIIIK t.i the incroaxo in the number of kick and w.iuiulird and with a view to clearing the tidil lio*|,uaN preparatory to the noxt operatioiia by Knglnih troop*. A despatch frnni Mnfekil.u, dated March 13, via Huluwayo, March 'JO, say* : "All well. Our |M !< are active. We rii-hnl i>n? of th* U .. r intrenchmenU snil occc*fully f ca|iiured I wvnty-iix UM piiwru* . ri< bad unit rblidraa. Tka _ (rl r.-l liir...l l. lb .1 r M,tlu. M|tt*l ft.r l|lui4 p*rf<( fll. MS CALL -.x BAZAR, i fATTERHS bdlr pot toMtor rlf II It ! web . blfkw lli. I.MT-IT ,.WT HIIMI rT all- ail (M U,.m l,,,..i.i-' , .rr I>MI p n- it 7 Till McrALt. COMPAMT. IIS.IIS WOT* KM lir.. L . . . - P.. T-l CM*. 1. I. another. \\ . cattle mil kit'ed twelve Boer*. Our loan > two killed' and i In.'.' wotii.drd. l.iiHENZo MAII.JI i/. March 24 Tlie *l> nnmhip (>iron<l>' IIUH *rrivd hvro with a laruu coiikignnirnt of foreign volunteer* fur I!"' Iti'i-r siniy. There are many ill tbe .-.Hi' ,iu;. ii' . Am. .M" the is Miclmfl' Davitt. He nays In- ii travellinx for hi* linalth. NOTE LOST LOUT A ii <tr u'l'fii Iti favor of Win. I*l)illlj>n, Hr., tty Jalii>.-i Mnnti.lern. lor tliu miro of S-iTk, due in Kt.l.. Uit All |iMrtla arn IHM . In . K... ttnTic.l agMiimt nuKollailatlnif tin- name. w! nuLi.n-H Mai i-l i I'J. IWO. TO RENT nnngiiiiii){ that wo, lliroiixh climatic HOMR. March 87 - Tiiu llifliu lice or somet! ing I>|HC^|- nntire to-day cablnl the Italian ooiir-ul ly rxi'iupi from all (lunxer of a visil torm il.*t Italy would c ent to li,,., ,.!, ,,I,.0,H .,,., r. Vrt.t is I f a tact that thii not them portion of the coiuinent WA.H once vi-itnl by the pl..;'Mr . wiill'll fir W 111 U>IIH Of tllOHatl(U. 'I'hiH cciirri-il 111 the year IMS. Its Wfi-o, ho.v.'vi.r, oxclusi.ily . lli, , 1'rit woudl modify thuir ilniian.l*. Thin initinagti WM* HI ht after a i-n ''ri of long coixultation* with Sn llnhp t'urriit, lliu Biitnh Ani- ImHHador to Italy. The Forei n Ottice il. I'lini'd to I'xp'un I at irKHlificilion* I.M.I IM.OII xngjtt'ati'dlo the Boer I'rei<lrnt-, I --I No. 10, ii'irtli of tliw D^irhmu Ro*tl, nvtr )'i ti * ill- H!.. n IftiRi* tidiitt*) tut iwn|r||.Ar tlfllH, in it r M l-tt . Uii.iwn ft* tli hrott |M.-|' \ U ill he i-fiitit i t Ketln'i. mi reanoi atil* ifiiui. Kor Tmlhfir partiouUrt Apply to *Vir. C. s.otl. Ailliur, Out. for Sale o ie hllirlre.l n rcr. 0.'. In K.HI.' tato of .-nlUVilloii. K" I will. I tirik lioiiHe. (oo.l nut )...ihlli tf. on-liai.l. wt II WAtiTiMl. two inilfn f, KU<~lixil<.ii flllthlir |'iti, ul.. i.'i.n., ..(,- apilyio 1-i* VC ,-il.NCI.AHt. on.Kfl..!'. tW), M. Richardson & Co. - %)undalic Piaidsf Pla,d*f f r'laids f >r Ladies wear are so much in evidence in the ai-vtnce deliveri-s of our spring Dress Goods orders that we must ojve them more than ordinary mrhtinn to ilo them justice. Their smart effect, up-to-date appearance, ind occl wearing qualities should make them first favorites. 4> "I *1 f\ sJ.L.lV/ Qf") ** \J\J \s. 6U inch 1'iire wool Homespun* in Shepherd's Plaids, 1 large and small checks / 00 inch Pure wool Hoim-ftpnns. Extra fine quality. ) I .-HHB, median and Miiall check patterm and time color cnttibinat IUIIH ) 58 inch W.-.l HiMie-puna. Extra qmality, in pretty 1 *hadi-N of grey, specially adapted for rough wear / Skirt Length* in Fine Homespun, including *tripa, \ plaiiU ami check* in greys, greens etc. \ rry t> li--li and ham IH< inn- J Tartan* for wuisU, crape 6ni*h, silk stripe different clan pattern-. S|iocial Hilk and Wool T irt.i *. u w weave in rery HandsoBw ) pattern*. Ju*t right for waists | Plaid HoineHpun*. new color combination* and novel ) etfet-ta, make rery ntylish skirt* / New Arrivals This Week Press < ;>'!-. ()ress Trinnnings, Silk*. 8 alms. All over Laces, F.nili.'-nli in !. Fancy l.nct'H. GluviM, Horierj, Damasks, Art Muslins, CretoiiH, etc., etc. Per Direct irapnrt -Exit. M. S. Sardinian ' 75c. 85c. OUR CORSET STOCK is better adapted man ever to meet the wants of individual wearers every line we sell is tlie best of its kind. An ill fitting Corset spoils the highest creation of the Drets maker's art, bnt we can fit any figure higi) bust, short, medium or long waist, in all sizes. D. A A. CREST 11.26 K.AT. Special l.0 E. A T. Watchpriiigl.2fi D. & 4. 444 .75 P A A. bpecial 1.00 E. A T. 213 .76 T' I. Blue, Pink and Black Fine fast colored sateen, trimmed cmbroitlcry, well steeled and perfect fitting, very comfoitabe and a lasting wearer. All sizes 6Oc. Children's Waists, Nur-ang f/orsej, Ferris Waists, ALL sizes YOUTTEASTER 5UIT ORDER IT NOW New 'i weeds, New Black Worsteds, New Fancy Worsteds, New serges, and New Pant ings to make your selection from. Fit and Workman- ship guaranteed. Prices from 9.50 to 19.50. Our jfstortmont of iRady-to-mnar Clothing in 7/cu> ftili and Complete for tBoys and Sonilomom Hardware Depart. New Wall Papers. v'-*~ 1- ~ ':?* 4599 ROLLS TO SELECT FK'OM ITS EASY to talk up out wall i\i|M'i'* this season they rn!ly s,.. ik for them cwlve* in v, variety and design in they liiivt- all the points of ' tin- iliT.ii.iiui iiiid biiyt'r like. HI, a iu us-. ic ffitcU Ht vij mi lit i:\to price ste our special I'urc- tri.iu 4C. i-i-i Uoll. DAIRY'lKlTES. H*ir ! t'l.mns. Milk Pans Creamers. Milking Pails, SliainiM I'.nl-. F.icuuy cans etc. rtf . Wln-n you buy fi nn us you buy li^lit ! SI'iiAl: MA KINO TIME ! Bap Buckets, Sugar Kettles. Augurs Order them early ! Richardson & Co. FLESI-IER'TON - THE PLBSII ER ADVANCE MARCH 29, < ' < ' 4 I < ' I ' NOtTttBRN w OWEN MHJNB>, OWT "Tia better to have aad not need than to need aad not have." When it looks like rain you carry an umbrella. Some time ago it looked like buainesa. Those who took our sdvice and got s business ed neat inn are now reaping the benefit*. Thoan who didn't wish they had. Our business oourae i* just what is needed by young men and women starting out in life. Send for catalogue and < 'ollege Journal which contain letters from successful students C. A. Fleming, Prin. Bprloc T*m b*fiot April iTlli. J Vicinity Chips f tke Werk Carrlully Collet! for th.- iirioii- - A. H. VanDeaeu i* still Irndiuu money at 4 percent atrtigt.t. Old newspapers for sale at tl.ia offlce any quantity up to one ta at Ic per It- K.m SAU Threg..d working '.lonra, one Jersey heifer calf, 1 year oW. W W. Trimble M. >ney to loan <m farm property M TB per cent, free i>f i-osis. H.-IUmy ,v Henderson. HiMiae a-id tw.i acre* for sale or to let it. tbe villaue nf FVahcrton Apply to W". A. Armstrong. Flei>li>rton. Bcua FOR HALL- -Fire thuroiighbivd Durham hul s fr Mile, rplt-ndid aniin*U, Apply to Jam** Bull, Alarkdale P. O. Rabbet* selling ntf cheap at Clayton* Ladies; itublwr* at 25c., if en'* Rubbers AOc , )C'ing like hot oaken, only a few pairs left. Dr. A. E. Little of Owen Sound will, at the request of a number of friend* and patranta, viait Fle*herton ou Fnday, March 31st, fruni 'J a.m. t 4 p.m. Markdale Methodwt Sabbath .chool paid ur vdlage s v iit "ii Saturday after- noon. It wa* so idrsl day for their anuual sleuhride. Mr. Sam Hawkins, who has ben car ryinit the Kpping mail for aome time ha* purchased the more snd pnntoffice at that place Mid took poisee*ion this week. Agent wanted to handle Singer Sewing Machines in thi diitrirt. and devote his whole time iherrto For particular* *p- uly The Singer M/. Co., 6ti Kiug St. West, Toronto. J. H. Heard It Son hive taken the agency fur tbe MrL.tre cream nvjanf. r. An Kiitfh*ll machine., and have a aaiii; Ir >n eihibitioii. See their advertisement in onother column. 4 t per cent private money l-an*d "n easy terms of rrpaymrot hy Geo. Ruth erford, Sheleume Expeutenl.iw C. in inimical mns receive prompt atten- tlni. Awmox 8*1* Mr. A. Cairns, whu will remove to Manitoba this pring, will hold an auction *le of farm ioc and impleiTHiiita on Tueiday. Apul 3. when every'hing must go. See bill*. R. J. Sproule, anctioaerr. Mr. J H. Duckett of Eugenia discov- ered a bee tree oiiti day last week while chtifppiiiK in thu bsinti, from which he se- ctireJ iwrnty-tive pounds ..f honey ami ucced<>d m saving ihe.twarni, ho now IIAM comfortably houied. The Advance Jesir-w reliabl eorrepon dent* at Maxwell and Feventliam. These two iiu|Tiant points xh. ukl be n*pre .-nted in our colaimm. Fr pariiculvr* please a|'[ly at "lice. Hon \\in. Mulock. acting Minuter <if Public Works, united Mrafonl and Thornbury last week to innuect the liar bon and was oreentt-d with the uaual atldreaaeii by the luyul citizen* of (UK. The (Jlobe nay* there arvi six boy* from Clarksburg in thu vanou* ('ana'dan con tingtnta in South Africa, and Lieut. C.l. Sieele was at time a resident of To rent- Lots CS-. C-n. 3, N. D. K.. ArtrimMia. WKO clearing. Ki<od Uitldinit*. Apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flenhert. n. "W Mr Gilray of EppiBf died no Monday evening at the age ol 83 years, f a pirJ tu uroke The deceased gentlen an wa* rswpected rroerdingly by all who knew htm. He was a tod !! ifcloi g MethiMiutof the rJd school and hi* entir* life wan a Unedic<i-.a. The reioa'n* will be m'errod in Tlioriihury cen.eti-ry to-dy (ThHntiay). k.-. Mr. Thom on Sabbath lat preached a timely aid tub-resting aernton 'ai. n hia tit '.n Kirtt Pter, first ch>p ter and 13'h eie; 'Vh*re/or gnd up 'he loin* of yiMlr mind, be sober and I hope to the nul t.* the ^raee that U t., hv l.-rou.-h' unto y.p at the revelation ..f I JeaMs Os*rM>* lndt*lin^ wiili sohvra<* ! a applied to < lirmtianrty he warned hi* htwrtr* a;aiasi Crrtitin " fail* " which are crr-piug into some o( ihn chnrchea of "i- dy, and axai'.ot takmit any extrem- pa-sa.-i- of -Ti(.'u'e mid hanffini: ynur briief thermn. The pn-prr w..y wa* t" takf ti> fiirni f |{rii anil thu* arrivr H' thrliapuy iiirdi.iiu. He had in<)ina{ to say Ci*ii*orinily 'o tlioae who diacaldeil hnr fratl.eritr their jewellery if it cmrtr fnn C'lnwcietit'ou* conviction and the vluo was given r- ward* the iprrad of the li-i-pi-l. At thr iwnii; time he said w.- hoiilH ki-i-p oiirvlvt-ii neat and tidy Mi *pparancr. He touched upon DOWIC ainl l*iei>ed any power he poaeeaevtl camf fr in 'he <leviL At the same time h-< Miort,ui;hly ln-lired in ilium- healing. Th*-rc '-ri' many f>>'i points in the srr- iii a which j)ac? forbid" u* to enuinerate ' Tbe C"uurevti -n <rss it larue one. The uuderiHtfhHit b^-gs to rxpren* hi* ^nt**.ir to : I. e Officers ixl C'OIII|MIHOI < of the U.'\ it >>,- <rl- i Chapter of Ar e IIOI.M ilmtrict for thir ki idnr*s in prvaentinj< .Siin(rhmui(li the W. C. in C.)witli a suit of clothes, f tlirir recent lueeimi; F. Uee. Mm K. K. M.-V-a <!:.-'l, it li. r in Cleveland on Tuuiday, March -"> li Tin* n-niiiins wrrv brouvnt to Klvslicrion mil inti-ritxl in Klfslicrton cemtteiy on KiuUv. 5Kl f l Dvc'Br iiiaidim name wasiUrHh Kliz-'i'h I^-vt-r. lUughur of (ho late Roy IT I. ver. (Kir Kimrwrley cor. last w-k s'Mwl that Mr Samuel (jilbi-rt of Vn'tvlrur li .l liven rni;i"ftl for th.' luinintT by .t K>>ntl<*niitii in KiinbiTley \\liHttliccor inratit >> liat i* H mystery wf wonl-l like eipiiHJ, Mr ('iill'vrt u still on (he mil rout*- U-;m-- n Flcnhvnon nul Vaiidflttur, wherv he IM like'y to r min. \\V would **k 'he c. rrt-spoiiHen' to .i-r cine nirf cr< in future mill i>ivc u-i o.i'y news that be ku -as t.s bv L--rr. ct. Personals MIM Xfllie HrndiTMin of Richeeter is mil n ;; tin- parental home in Flesherton Mr. .liM-1 VV'irta .>f Huttonville is re- uewn g artiuamtaiice with oU friends in thi* viciiiny. Me*rs. <i. Mucl^il. J. Boyd and Dr. Carter sprnt Sunday with friend* at Meatonl. Mayor LaidUw of Durham and Dr. Donald. aitaiKtant to Dr. Jamison, were n. town on Monday. Mr*. J. Trimble of Mount Clemen*, Mich., i* tbe gurst f Mr,. W. W. Trim- ble. Mr*. J. Crane of Owen Sound is visit- inx her parent*, Mr. and Mra.R. Trimble. Mr* K. Paul of Ku*euia ie, spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. R. Benthasn Jr. Mr*. John IVenil am and family left for their new homu in New York itate . n Munday, Mr. A. Whittakrr, who has been dri<- ing Mr. Cromley'* bu* for the winter, Ifft .HI Monday for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Mr. Charlie U'Melia takes bis place in the 'bu*. MM* Rhoda Dooks of Heethoc*e is iitm<r Mr. Joseph Smith's. Born Howard- In fX ltlnirwoo.1 oo March *. lo Mr. an. I Ur c lia*. Howafl. twin* a iwy and a fliL It in rejn4tl that the Duke of York mmlitv'm |wyiiiff coinpliinvntary visits after the war to ill the urvt coloiiie*. K In-rt Kii*nell, towimhip treasurer of Pritoii for past tweii'y years, was strick en *i'h paralyn* on Friiiay, March 9, which rrnultrti in hi* death. A iluel wax lately fnuwht in T<*xas by Alexander Sh- it and John S. Nott. N< it was shut, and Short wia not. In tin* cane it u better to h Sh"ft thar. Nott. There wan a rutuor 'hut N--tt wax not (hot, but Sli..t t avow* that he wax not, which proven rithcr tht the shot Shott ihot at N'jit wn* not *hot, or th*t Nott wan *hot no'with*:andma. It may lie madr to a|<pe*r n trial that thf shot Sh'i't shut hot Not', .T. as accid- vnts with fire-arm* art' fre<pjriit. it may be po**iMe that tlie shot h<>t shot Shott l'iinM-1'. when the whole affair would rveolve it>elf into its orittional el- .in. n'. +1 d Shott would besh<t aad Not oul.t be not. \V think, however, thii' th *hoi Sin it t *h-i *hot, not Shott, but Nntr Anyway, it i* hard to tell who was shut. Alpi'ii.t is 'he residence of a man wh.. i unliTU'itiii; onv.-fthe in. wit |icu i'lr nat- ural i.henonrtia known to iiirdical *cienc. Mr. William D. Mi-r<>iwl(i. M pioneer .> ZMI. ha* bt-fii the pm-ens-T of sii.>w-whi'>- h .ir for a number of yean, and reormtly iilack h*ir hruan to nuke i' appianti c. , until at |irc,-nt it is -|ii t- notic itble. nul ' this rait* of change in color, it will lie but .1 brii-f Mni until hlao< hair, the iTVinnl odor, C'VT his ei.tire head. In aJiil'ioii t.< ihis i>. i-tlitr s'alf of sffxim, Mir. MclKtnald is growing hi* third fu 1 i- et ut Some tmie U*t year h s uii< svcame extremely wre ami who' few teeth still rvmainMi in tlie muth fe I out, and a complete new .-t of b>tli up- per RIII i lo\vi>r te>*th inaiir it.s ap|>aninc In addnion to the back t-th the front .i i- re all double, a .nuliiioii that i* ilin.i't unknown in tin- ur 'il nf dentistry. .Mr. McDonald is a typicnl Sco'chman. He wax born in lilnsttnw on June li. \KK\. \ >d rim<vi-<l with his parvnta to Tor nto when ten yearn old. During his re*- ence in t.' niii.l.i ho lived in Bruce and oilier counties, linil ni.>\el to Alpt-na from <!'t!rih thirty-two year* iu;n. Mr. .1 nm- H. F.mary, an .:,! and high- ly n.-*l*'Ctetl iendnt of St. VinciM.t, di-.l 'i ti s .i-lTOe, gravel road, on Saturday m.,1, t ut vleven o'clock. Mr. Eniary' di'h f' <n ; tcit fp-ni <hr eff.-ct* of a fall . PC **d whil-t w.ilkinw from t'n ihning- rooin to the kitchen early on Tiiemlsy mo'i ing, tfth Tlmrc i* s step lead- ing from th.- dininu room u. the kitchest, ai.o during the ni at the snow had drift- ed in thu il ii cruk. and lodged on the ep. Ai us pUoed hi* foot on the step Mr. Einry -l.pfi.-d and fell on In* head a.,.i hip, and *< picked up m * aeini- on>^oi"UK ooi dirii.n. He retained partial consul* iiiHtew tor a short time, hut even- 'uiily tspesxl into a c'inaroae slate, with ! i.f npnecii. In thu condition he n - man led ' ir about tnree daya, when par- tial cnnscMMi*.ie*a and the p>iwer uf tpseaSI .-eiurue 1 '. ' . him. On Thursday hi* con .i. i..n t.iok ii.'. -her rrunye for the worse, a. id he failed t.. reeotfiuse wren hi* own family until twelve hours before hi* drmih. wliMi lie rallied fur a few moment* and then t*WMd peacefully away, death resulting from ci Mm*, conclusion nf the brain.-*- frm > The pupils of our gmhlic school are not to Bw outdone ny ill. ir senior citixen* > far as loyalty ami |>atriotiam are concern- ed. Thry daily <>.+kt ta welk n ring wit', eii'-mi foi i ur beloved Qunen and for tbe Canadian <1 imperinl soldiers in the liattletield, pru|ios-d i-y one of them - s Iv. .. Mr. Jamr* Murdck, Holntein, Govern- ment 1 pH r r f * IK tM and Mraaur<-a, paid a profession*! vm t t . this Pnrt <m thf 15 n uwt. , and \>r uncwl every- thing satisfactory. Mr Allan, organiser for the United Workmen, m.nle nome call* around here one day Uat we-k in the interest of his order. Mr. and Mrs A. Wickena. KU*ht..n. *nd Mr*. A. J Uecrofr, Bntish Colum- bia, vMitod recently wuh Mr. and Mr*. O-t>. Berctoft here. We are very *nry ro rvpnrt that Mr. <Jo i. J> hn*ion ie laid dwu with a severe attack { inrtainoiiaion >i the lungi. Mr* Cha*. N.<pier haH ben ill for <Ow day* past. Hnp that she may soon h*v s rhtny for the het-er Mr. J. W. Ly*>na bwl the nuifortunv to loaw a fine cow !' we^k l>y getting strangled in the S'all. The Luiii-'i Aid Micirty of the Maxwell Preabyivfian chur. h hrld a ; ancaka MM- lal al the h >me ot Mr. W T McKee, 4 h line, < n 'he evemntf cif the loth inst., which we helievr wa* fine auccna. Mr. Francis Thmp<in haa rvmoved Ui the tnahip f Euph'aaia. Vf are mry iodeed t" IOOM *uch u> ! neighbors, u Mr. and Mrs. Thionpwin have pmvad theninelves to bv>. May bloaaiims abound in their new home. from O+r Oica <'" Mr R Forheruill and Mm* Violet Field of B avcrdale were the guests of Mr ti Curry laat Sunday. B..rn On Friday. March 23id, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Elli*. a *nn. B<>rn On Friday, March 20th, to Mr. and Mr*. S. Burnt, a ilauwli'ir A iiumU-r of Kimberley folks attended rhe meeting l>rinf[ hrld in Flesherton t.y Mr. U'.if laaf Snniiay. MIM McClm g of Du'.can in working for Mr*. T B. Camithi-ra ut present. Mini B. I'arr.i'h.-r. . f Wodvhouse was visi'ing friends her lately. Mr*. Rutledge who ha* been vinitng fnenJa m Kim barley rvturneii to her ' in Flealit-rtun Mr Roi en L'.ov'eed lm<l a wond-bee laat wee* after wh'ch th."i- wa lUnce. Mr W LwareiKwan.l Mr. R. M.-Na Iv >f Markualc *i'-n' Soi. lav w t!i their Kunl erlev fn--nil<. Mr B. Smith i- 01 'h' i o'c !. W e h--p- to hear ul ni* |'>dv r--o<>vfrv. Mr. .1. R- Fiwi-ett purcbaawl a fine d.iver list week al th- Mir ..f Mrs. Vc- Le..d. Heart Humbug It if ivhiooablc to-day to have a new heart scare every 24 hours. The commonest symptom* of dys- pepsia or nerve trouble, such u pal- pitation, weak spells, low ot appe- tite, and poor circulation, are magni- fied aad distort jsi into serious ugns of heart trouble, with the object of frightening th* public into taking this or that heart remedy. If a hundredth part of the heart trouble we hear about were real, the ceme- teries would be filled in month. A wrong construction is put upon com- mon ailments in order to humbug the people into the belief that heart disease is prevalent, whereas real heart trouble, which is so sadly and suddenly fatal when it does occur, is a rare disease. Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is the vital element of the blood. Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirit, pallid cheeks, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, nervousness, loss of vital force, ending in general break-down. The iron in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills is in the solu- ble form you need, in combination with other curative agents in such a manner that disease can't resist their action. You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. BO- p.rl.01. (I" IMIM for H.M All or ia * iiliam* S O., Ttmmut, BOOTS & SHOES hare received a very large supply of the jCmto* Sty*** m*d IB Summer Footwear Not the onmm..n- place productions that Isck vryihmg bat dteapoem. Owr aim is to give sat i.f action Give lisa Trial Wm. Clayton, - - Flesherton FLESHERTON STACKS OF | New Spring Goods i* i.V iiV i* * it This week we opened up another large shipment of New Spiing Goods, and we have now a complete stook of New Dress Goods, Dress Trimminijs.Silks, Satins, Fancy Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Muslins, Art Muslins, Piques, Sacins, Rib- bons, Cretonnes, Ladies, vests, Carpets, Shirtings, Cottonades, Shaker Flannel, Prints. A New Department ' This spring we shall open a new Department and |r shall keep in stock a complete assostment of Ladies ^7 Trimmed and Lntrimmed Sailor Hats which shall be to your advansage to see before purchasing. * uV GENTLEMEN ! We have just opened up our new spring hats and have the latest shapes in all colors. Order your new spring suit. Never had we such a good assortment of black worsteds. Fancy worsteds in all the new shades and the finest goodj tnat can be bought, new shi-ts in white and colored. New Wall Papers We have been showing new wall pap<rsthis last week and everybody says they never saw such nice patterns, such good qualify at the prices. The quality, variety, de?t^n and prices are unsurpassed. Prices from 4C a roll up to aoc. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Bring us your Maple Syrup. Flesherton, Ont. . -\ ili I The New Store 1 >": Our >|.r.i u !>' <i.l. Si'ki. Pr'iiU. Lao- CurUinv Smr> mi{. Ti k'i a, C'oitonailc are rva<l f r in<|'po'uiii. Now we *re livinu in a provmwirv lime, and iioer WHO rhvr inch a tock b'wii in i|n :*n of fhi- ciuiiiirv. The jio-nl* i^iiix broiitfht* av", i-xpt-nce* arv noMiinx ..tnared with o !n-r place* an u IK a sure w tmn Havu y u money. o, .,,i ;*k urxntee A 500 yrd of fance ch>-ci|ii I'rii.t in ditTereiit color per yard 5c. 24 in. h Shir in' in Blur, rid and <!ik chei'i]ue 5ct. y*ru. .'">ilo-ird .f I'rui s in pmk *tiip ,..,1 Blue with polk. rrViIar UN:. '-'' " '' ; s . h "'"' " ul<i lw . *J^ (I -i l(| v:il.i.- it 12j in chec^ue yar.l lOc. Our uOc. (,orct i * hi c'an|> "H<1 in.ule of a v.-rj h-.-avv ina eri*l. 31 inch Oxford Fancy Sh.rimg 31 inch D*rk Inilig- Blur 14. Possible ZPric* Paid for farm Product X J. E. D W D L E 1 Proton 5->tution Ontario T

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