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Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1900, p. 3

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22 1900 THE FLESHERTON A D V A N C L THE F L E S H E R r O ADVANCE MARCH ta, 1900 iiifViffff<VmV k ffmfiVffim & (J. Jrfill d Co. AHaum 4.KK4TKST NTOKK = HIGH CLASS HERCHANDISINQ - This week's .nnouncaai^t refera more particularly to Hie very best and most fashionable clashes of - goods procnnible. With each sueceasiv* season m recent yea n we're been bettering our stock and business 3 by tlie additiou of nw lines and novelties, a betterment ihat this season is more apparent than ever And 55 wh.le we are giv,n K particular attention to the better classes of goods we are just a* particular to' Inv, ^ the faMi.ouable and serv.cable fabrics in the lower priced goods, wiiieli for values Lve never been excelled " Here are a few lines of our best : #M*Co. II ft. Richardson & Co. LADIES' CLCTU-In |>oarl, grey, fawn, brown, black, etc Tint is H lioautiful, heavy, silk-finished cloth 60 in. wide, the correct fabric for Ladies' Tailored suits. In view of the extreme width and sujierior quality the price is moderate, |>ur yard 91 35 HOMKSI'I'.N'S -| n three shades of rey, blue and fawn, myrtle, and brown, l.l.i.i and white, blue and whito, etc., alito in plaids, all 60 inches wide, in akirt or suit lengths, nnd no two alike. These are perhaiMi an Heryiceable and 1 ishionahle goods as are in the market to-day, yd $ 1 35 ULACK CHEPOS8 - For richness and elegance these hiuiilHome Kill, <'rc|M>m lire proliaMy unsurpassed. We have < cr <nu' biitulred different |t terns in skirt and drum lengths tint Iwve delighted all lovers of Fine li!;icL (iiMxls t<> whom we have had the pleaauie of show niU them. All our crepons are 44 inches wide, and are worth i>er yd. 48c up to | "2 00 IM.MbS, ETC. -87 dress and skirt lengths in plaids, twccds.grauiU- clotlm, liotnrHpimit. vicuntui, ladies' clotliH, < ' , i In limn- ,>f |M!rfection in style and quality, in prices IHT y.l. 60, 65, lio, 75, 85, 90 .96 Our stock of dress goodi it. almost twice an Urge an it was one yenr ago. all bought before and in anticipation if the recent dv;uirr in uncos. We think we have al- most everything that could iMMsihly be deaired, prices ranging as low aa HJc per yd. for doi.ble-fold goods. High class liresH-nisk in; dv|rtinent in connect ion. MK.VS si ITS (it best Duality silk finiiihed, clay wors- ted, in morning or sucquu style. These are beautifully tailored goods, genuine satin lined and self-faced around shoulders. Ask to aee them. If you want a thoroughly perfect fatting suit you cannot improve on this lin-, price $ 13 60 Men's Keliable Scotch Tweed Suite, in the newest pat- terns ai.d colorings, thoroughly shrunken before buinK made and tmimied n a way bocwuinn the superior qual- ity of th.- mnterial. For buiinesu men or othern wishing to MMMM npir:ince with servicability thU is what you should have. Price 8 11 50 Fine, Black Venetian Worsted CoaU and Vesta with black Htnped or fancy worsted trousers, in sizes 35 to 40 l.ruast me.HUif. Soino.of these we have murkud as low aa 7.0, while the best, whi.-h are equal in a great many respect* to a made to order Mint we sell at $ U 00 Other linen of serge and tweeds- not* this all sixes, clothing de- we have over in Scotch We'll tell you later of our made to measure partment Surhce for the present to say w one hundred ami hfty suit lengths in stock . *;. Iwecds, Knglish and Krench Vicunas, Venetian \\'ort eds. Clay worsteds, serges and Canadian Tweeds, price per suit from S9 to j i i We guarantee A haul ute Sat i.sfaotion as regards material, fit and trimmings. The trade an usual ia largely corning ,,nr way. our ! st to merit it* continuance. We'll do . T. HILL & CO. - - . MARKDALE = www^^ 1 and then resorted to i WKEKLV AT THI OFFICE, IYD- ENHAM HTKEKT, FLMUKKToM, OUT., T W. H. 1IH r.-|..N I per annum utrlrtly In U> an< Advertising Rate" : Column, I year, $00 ; half col.. J vaar, qaarUr col,, ona rear. (IS Tranilnnt adrartltanmnt charged I tha rat* t oaoll par Una. for flril Inaartlon t; 1 leant aaoh <ubaaquanl Inaartloo. The budget debate in the legisla- ture, winch Las been dragging its weary length along, was brought to a clcme on Tuesday, when tlie vote u - Bulk-d in a majority of seven for the government. I men resonea to the Orange hall, -vir-r ^r^^^w^r^^ 'whore, meeting .a, held (NEW GROCERY Harkness, the horsehuyer, was in town on Thursday, 16th, and purchased eleven Interest in the war has percep;a \j cihnoil down since the Kn^Usli got ou tln'ir ieet and con(iili!tici: has been restored. General IU' i'iiifoiii>'iii Roberts i.i at iniiifclf for a further advance towards 1'ii-tmi i. ;m i will jirobably remain there for a week or two, Tlie in xl fighting will likely Li- in Nulul with 1 '.tiller's HIIIIV- There arc continued rumorx <>!' inlriil- < i I ,.i;n iiiii'iTi'i-i.|ici> lint liritaiu is not IINIIU pared for fuiei^n foos. I itticlHIIl ll . i ;i c i| .'.in,. blow by llioux|> UM t.'i\m tin: cnl- 1 il i:. mlalu'i, in tin- llmn's ll.nii i.l l.i -: to iHKties. ni. I ii IH likely ll'at Jo. in AleXiinilfi |iin\i, \\ill Bluntly I" 1 nt a itieriioiy of iht | u i ! , 1. mi h II. INI IMS :;ni u I. mi u scalhiiig cxjKjsuii', mid (iiiniH lillri.s < ! M llli 1 Mill) II IllH Will) \\V1C III olof loncli vviUi liis Ini Ullll M.,'1 K [III ll.ll, .1 1,1111 llfll I I, ,!-!,. tin li l')eH 0|M I. Ill l<l llli! I Il'llll liis wiiinxdiiiiix K'nl |I|IIS|I!K my. The li. Ini i uiitlia^ci' ill' Ins piiutiiij,; i.i'^i- Tim niitu Jt nvi" WHH biiviu,' MIII. n,, i 1 . \i lliil^.lll f.ll f 10,00(1, u ami o .. Ml !',n H- li", und a uUD|f |1U, WliijN h i i.s in the |.i,;i!i>!iin^ li.ii..-.. H C d rolll.i, I ,| , ||, u HHW.I'Utllll ; oil l.Mll, t, , ! .1 littlu sUive thu ailklu. It dmk Home i ti I. i in, i.i in.,, i a't) li nn 1 1 ...n Iii turn hie I'll.nlliii.. Ulul llluu n, rill, 'i| |,,.||, w ,, niiiii,in>ii,<l. In sUiiition t. the injuries Intlieleil liy the naw Iliu younx iiiau'K U'lly wn hinlly liruiauil, anil Ins s mi'. 'I'll io is from id.- rirst no l,o|,u of Ins reioxery, mul nil tlit- Mli-.l Ml .it! I, ll,, III, <:,.uli| ll., W4H ill llri-SS lln! Hoiinii.1 ami i'iiileii\o|. to KU,. nonie,' to thu aufl'fter. Do;ilh to,.k pUoe nli mt liyii o'clock TueKil.ty y>.||illj;-- Mittlliuni Kuon ^1. All ..III ., . will IN* at t lin llossin II nm, 'T >ioiit> , ..n ti. ^',*ih, 'JHiri anil '.lltli if r'lum (*ur 'l,cii f',,ri.'*)"'ii'/rii/. ' M<lcl), mill r til' 1 Uriiji! Hnuv, L 'liilon, A i-oiitni out of tlir S:iU.i.oii \IIH\ on the lli.l, 4t!i nnd Otli of April, for the o-..r t iwn <>n V\ uiliioxtlny CMM |.inp!i.- of en^n.-inx rerrui n fur the Utl. 'int. T>ii-.v|riul d <>n. i .'< > r m- Moun e<l I'n.'ice. He oiUjjtH lain with III. > , oi,~. e M anil liii'lii-H. Tin. ( si- ii. i ul 1)11-1 iniin iiinl nniiiN .alins ,',\, n llli ler o.itli, mill tint Its! nf .-< , u:n ;. .1 l.i, tl,l.s IK ,, n.i i i fiuild e many in lidinlii r. Miiv lliey > Iiinl lii:n mil itnil i uiiilei lain , in., SH for fiirtlifi- iiiju y <o H ^nll- 1, Kne looking hors The Meth.xlist siH-ial which was held in the ice rink on Thursday, 16th, waa a success, a very enjoyable evening being *j''iit in miiHic and kkating. Mrs. John Chapman is very ill. Mr. Kid i,. Addiswn left for Manitoba n Tuesday morning. \V e wish Eddie success in the fiertila west. The PreHbyU^rwnii will h.dd a social I havo o|>eiied out a full line of new groceries iu Wrights old store, oppwte Armstrong's j.-wel.rry. and will keep in tuck everything uaually kept man up-t... date grocery. Speoialtiea in their seaa- on. Tobacco*, Cigar*, candied, tpicea. cammed gmids of every diserip'toii, smok- e I tiiii.n haildtes, soaps incluiling the 'l.'l>istd 8apoho. at in bars for 26c. 1 have a prime >ap Picklift, t<...thpick, tin- manse on Wednesday evening. 21st. and, as the auctioneers say, many other It become* our painful duty this week I articles too numerous to mention all to chronicle the death of Mrs. Itaine*. ! freah and choice, ono of our niiMt esteemed lady citizens, I who departed this life after a few hours' OIVE nE YOIJ R CUSTOM whilo visiting her daughu-r. Mrs. Kngiish, at Olascott. 8I 1U was in her usual state of health and went to her daughter's on Friday for a visit and on Sunday ..mi-mug she told In r daughter. that she did r*t feel well. A messenger! wua despatched f..r her himlutml in t,.v.n but ere ho n a. lie.l her Ki.lo her s|.n it lm.l l.tkun itM Hight. The remains wen- OHV.-M..I from her daughter's home t.. thi-ir liist reating plaee out in Sullivan ' j townslnp, followed by a large eoncoms,- , of friends and accuaiiitancea. aul family IIHVI- the symiNithy ,,f the >iiimimity in thin, niiox|'.t,sl Niiddeli Ix-ieaveinelil. F.A. BUNT Wright's Old Stand. I Icshcrton A FREE PATTERN i.-r own Ml '.<t, unuuc. uquun* uij Mricu; CALL'S MAGAZINE Mr. Unit. -H ** (k, h<>u*hol<l III) ,t .- l ' til, Vtutl U i '. i Mr. Jo!m Walker aWM t pr,M,nt l, v hi-|' is not hi-rioiis. cniitined to , whu-h Hobt. K'.il,iini, run of Mr Chas. Koilmriiul Slielliurne, on 'l'ue.s,lay last, ' KiiMlanied fatal injiums 'Th.le working in ' ii | saw mill on Lot IN, '.'ml In,,.,, Mlllmur. The chain BAttiM llir KHH ,lu>; had si|,|ud fit' the s|no, k t and i;.,!,,ri H-..HI il.,n I,,- l..w the saw t.-ilile lopiit i' on. For HDIIIU re.Kiui lit- roul.l i,. j{,.| tin' d,,,,, ,,, u ,,,l JJ r Tl,,,.. Kiitlniin i illiil t., Inn, u, ..,,,, uji ,..( lie onlii <o il .M n anil put it ,,n. rW Koine lie noulil not _TI ||,,. ..(... u and ^1' 'I'l"'.-,. I. .!!,., | i,, | llU , i,, i-,. ,,,,. ' lr0. Thtl* r - i< 111' 1 |Mrll* MS CALL ^BAZAC^ 9KSWS r | * I Jt I > \ \ fct J !.. > '' ' ,.,U ^1 ' . anil lie Mould K ,, ,!,, a ,,d out \r|i,.n ,, ut In, NOTE LOST IWthoajMUWMwapiBdUaJldhe ..,' ^ , , V " ''- |Uetl '" (it Win riiillipn, mini* Mitiin !,., tor tli mini nf .,<. tti.iinii iii.inn<l it. Ins luoa oornina m ' ''"' A " i''ti ar II.M.IH ,,,. Monad SRains n.^.,imitatln l ! th. \\\ Markdale TO RENT Lot Nn. tn, mirth . f th.. Diirlmin Hoail. " i rrleevllhi. alao a lant* hnoss and rw<> large (;.. ili in, lii II .1 vi.lm;,., KIKIWII *a Ilia s, a IM..]. art) u i M... ,., u i- iiailiHr, on nasal abla i. linn 1.1, (orthw panloalaratppli to .\,. t. Arlliiu, Out for Sale . . i,. linn Irn.l RI r,.. IV, In good Itata ef anltlvalloa, flood , III link HOUMI U,,M| ,,u ., ti"in h ;..- Ii,-, I. |.\ir terini, ,.| , apply to ''lilierton. Kcb. 9, 100). furthur |.ai u ul.u , ISAAC SlNtl.AlK Sci'vide The flue tlioroUflhVreil Harkrit.rii biiar Monran. ' lor, vine on lot 1:1*, T a,n,t . K., Artaraaala Tnna*l tt tlmaotiierTlo*. Todl- -'' on ai'i'iii *,.. WU IUVS Prop. PiaidsS Fiends/ f I'lakls i >T Ladies wear are so much in evidence in the a. v i nee deliveries of our s.irin { Dress Goods orders th.-.t we mu^t give them more than ordinary mention to Jo them justice. Their smart effect, orto-ilate appearance, aad ffozd wearing qualities should make thrm first f;ivorite>. #t inch Pure wool Homesuns in Shepherd's Plaids, \ f> "I 1 f\ Pure wool Homespuns in large and m;ill check* $1.35 60 inch Pure wool Homespuns. Extra fine quality. Large, medium and small check pattern* and three color combinations 58 inch Wool Homespuns, Extra quality, in pretty 1 shades of grey, upccially adapted for rough wear j Skirt Lengths in Fine Homespun, including stripes, "| [iUils and checks in greys, greens etc. Very V stylixh and handwirne ) Tartans for waists, cra;>e finish, silk stripe different clan pattern-. Special Silk and Wo,.! T.i:rii., n w weave in very Handnome ) patterns. Just right for waists ( Plaid Homespuns, new color combinations and novel \ effect*, make very stylish skirt* j New Arrivals This Week Dress CJomls. I)n>s-i Ti iuiuiin^s. Silk*. 8 atniF, All over Laces, Eml'tc.iiii ins. Fmicy Lace*. GloTrs, Hosierj, Damasks. Art MiiBliti8, Ciit,,i.s, etc , etc. Per Direct import "Kx K. M. 8. Sardinian" 55c. 75c. 85c. OUR CORSET STOCK ia better adapted limn ever to meet tlie wants of individual wearers every line we * II U tlie best of its kind. An ill fitting Corset spoils tin* highest creation of the Drets maker's art. but we can fit any figure high bust, short, medium or long waist, in all sizes. D.AA. CREST $1.26 K.AT. Special 1.00 E. AT. Watch-spring 1.25 D. & A. 444 .75 D A A. bpec-ml 1.00 E. A T. 218 .75 Blue, Pink and Black Fine fast colored sateen, trimmed embroidery, well steeled and perfect fitting, very comfoitabe and a lasting wearer. All sizes... ....... GOc . Childrc-n'.s XV.iists, Nursing ("orsej*, Ferris Waists ALL SIZh> YOUR EASTER SUIT ORDER IT NOW New 1 weeds, New B':u-'< Worsteds, New Fancv \Yorfttirds, New ser..vs, .\n,\ New Panlinjjs to make your selection from. Kit ;ind Workman. sl.ip :;iiarantc( d Prices from ^.50 to 19.50. Our jfsso-tmont of ^Ready-to- ivcar Clot/tiny in f/ew &uti and Complete for Soys and Ssntfvmitn Hardware Depart. 4599 ROLLS W SELECT FNOM ITS EASY to talk up oiu u ill I'.-ipei-s this season tln-y '. ia'ly s,i ':ik for tliem selves in . i;v, \nMfty and design in lacl iiic\ liavv all lliu points of iitiiibnvir lik.-. N \\ ,.!.. i ,i: M.S 11- i t\i-is ui vn-j moderate price ire Our spcial feature!". I'li.-i.- funn 4C. (>ei Roll. DA1KY l;l -:yt IMTK.S. r,,r..| Cl.nniR. Milk Pans Creamers, Miiking I'aiU, StraiiH-i Tails, lactory cuua etc. t'te. yon buy from us you buy right ! SUOAK MAKIMi Hit! ! Bap Buckets, Sugar Kettles, Order tlicin early 1 . Richardson & Co. FLESH EFtTON cxcelli IH-. Cdtitation HOME C erics, Mechanics and others who would like tn get a Business Education, but who have not the time to attend college should get good books OR hu.tmefts subjects and study at home, during the long winter evening*. The Northern business College, Owen Sound, has published a series of Business Books which are not only suitable for use in the N". B. C. but are excellent for home study. Sub- jects : Bookkeeping, Commercial law. Correspondence. Commercial Arithmetic and Mensuration. Also Shorthand teit books. Write for<Jcriptive book circular to A. FLKMING. Principal Northern Business College Owen Sound, Ont. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of tkt Past Week 4'arrfnlly Called for the Carloa* For the latest -J. F. VaiKlusen. Patriotic Pin, Try Look up F. T. Hill 4 Go's. ment on pag '2. Durham farmers have already begun beep henrin^, -y tlie Chronicle. For Kif(Mi Il.iir omainentH and Belt liucklee, Try J. F. V.ii.iuwn. l Three g'd working horses, huifer c^lf, 1 year old. W. W. Trimble Pipes in great variety a. d a: lowest prices J. F. VaiuiuMii. Old newspapers for sale at (hi* office any quaivtitj up (<> one tun at lo r ll>. Money to loan on farm property at fire per cent, free f cor.s. Bellamy i Henderson. Notwithstanding money has advanced in pnot, A. S. VanDuseu u still lndmi{ at 4 per cent, straiijht. 'Mies Sadi a Kankm, milliner with M. 'ii A Co., returned for the S|>ring on on Saturday. Bi LU ro* aALE. Five thoroughbred Durham bul s for said, iplfndid animals, Apply to James Bell, Markdale P. O. For Jewellry of every description latest Canadian and American design Try J. F. Vanduien. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard drove over to Col I ID ({wood ou Saturday, return- ing on M'lud.iy. Rubbers aelling off cheap at Clsyton'i. A lot of Ladies' Kubbers selling at L'.X-. and lien's Rubbers 55c. pr pair Fifty-one dollar* it the amount ac- knowledged in tlie Qlobn aa the proceeds of the Priceville patriotic concert. Impector CdinpWII interviewed the teachert *nd scliolarx of the public school on Frulay Ut. nnd, we b*ll\'\ fourd working nicely. services in theMi'thi"!it churcb by K>:iiiye!iHt t!otf f"r the I"'iKt tour weeks, nrc ln-ini; o. ntinued thi week. Mr. H. V linu<Jin, who has beei. liv iiiK hue si ici- las' full, returned io Sew York mi Itiewliy. His f-inuly still re- aiiains here. Oar local sportsmen ha*e now disposed of twenty-four foxes thi winter. Tl.u deatiuction of yellow fellows oujht to give 'he pHrtridye a ch>ince next lummer. and partridge .sl.onting should be g'x>d next fll MEI.ALLBD -Mr. E T. Hamilton of Fli-iliertnn rec.-iveo week a feniau nt d medal for hm services in '66. Mr. Hamilton was a member of the Meatord ci'Dii'Miiy and spent nbout three uioi.ths in camp nt ^-inii.i. He t.y it was no pleasure out. n-j. The medal u a hand- tome one. Prince Aurthur Lodg*. A F. i A. M , enjoyed an officialjv sit from Dr. Kent, D. W. (J. Master lieuiguin District, Tnoru- bury, on Friday mgtt last. Wurk in the ttrBt and third deurees was exernplitie.t by the officer* of the lodue. The W. D. U. M. expressed himself as gratified with the w.irk. F. T. Hill and Co. Markds'e. place on . sale thi weak 2000 yards i.f this ra.on' ' newest Prints. These 4<j"<U are warrant- ed absolutely fast color. 32 inches wiile, patttrni ihe i.ewest procuraMe and are Worth regularly lOc. uid l'l\<~. per ynrd.' While the lot J4U your choice for per yard ucents. On Friday evening, Blach 23, the enn- tcri'Hittii... ai.d choir of Km^vnia Metho ' di-t church will hold a social at the home . Mr. K. Plaiitr. Guinea and music will be provided. Sleighs will b at Mr. Csirns' store to tke all who wish to i{<>. Do not in -s this, probably the laat slrighnde of (benesa-n. A'luiissii>n 10 and 15 cent*. Mr. Fred Bunt lia given up Uie black- smithing and entered u^on a mercantile life, hiving purchased some time a^o !he old \\ riirli: property np;y<site Arm Mr 'nj's jewellery more. This he has had titteu u;> into a fine shop and ice cream r. nnd ha* | nt in a full line if urocer- iw ajtl flour and fred . Se his advertise- nient in another column. The Merchants Kink of Canada, Maikdale. ducnim** farmers note* al ev^n per cent., all >w interest on de- poNtrs. payable .: demand, at the rate of I hive ii r cent. Intre*t compounded every six months. Monev orders uiuii st the followmit rates, payable at any hanking point in Canada (except the Yukon Territory): under $10, c; |10 and unber '. 10. 2i) n d under 30, 12; 30 and under 50, 14c. It is not often that the shamrock is in evidence to such an extent M it was on Saturday laat, the siveiitetmth av uu'd Oireland. A beautiful green flag flutter- ed in conjunction *ith the Union Jack fmm the dag-stttf of M. RichaitLson A IV*. store, and nearly everyone wore omething green, if only a bit of ribbon in hono.- of Ireland's brave suafl iu Suuth Africa. Patriotic A U'cnl i-xi-h mi;* 1 i;i"s ,.;! :i funny in a i: i " ,-. which it wys wits eiuuly "ditini;(ii.slif>l ' u It had not K-.t much lieiiy. Lo*T - di't:*kiii left hand. \v- \ M ark nit f Hi'il Isi !.hcr'oi. Tut MI.IV nijjlit ; i if Ut week. Kinder |i'r:v-e leave at <!.*! s.i\i- our voluiitefs, Heitr Thou our earnest pnij-ers For on,' ami .ill ; M:iy they be lx>l>i ami strong, To lojlt .l^.-IIIIM I In- \\\ ', -' iv Ion.. God save our I Mr Tlioip Wn^ht, ho lm wtuNriti| in California and tl-e *-. h^-< leturn.'d in < huario nnd nai.l hi Flosher- loll frieliils a \islt th's r>k Dr. A. E. Little uf Owen Sumd will. at the reqtu-st of a niiiiilK-r ! t>-i. nd- .tn'l |<.itii-a'-. > ' 'on ! h M i.vh 'Ui;. fr.Mii '. :i in. tn 4 p.m. A patriotic comvrt will l-e held in the ncVoJ house mt Ceylon (FU>i.!n-r on S- 1 I !>-, Marrli 2*.' L>nk out for tin 4 hil's and m t your i|ii u 4 } per cent p;iv <t" umiify 1 -anetl nn easy tenni of iv|..iynir:it by (I...... Rurh rfonl, i t, iul ilevote his For (wrtionlars p- C,,., rk5 Kin l, tioil. Ag '.-'. w in i\l to M*chi'is ID tins diN wlinli- tiu-e 'inrito l,ly T! Si 4 j y.i- west, r l'"n lit.', Mi*. W. Tiimble h> found it ni i c"sry to enliirge h> r in lli'ierj too, a,, i rinj tt incri-H;:etl l.u*iueM<, Hint is .nidiiig an e\- t. n*. in t<i tlie iv.-r lor the purpow of a woik'i- -in. Mr. A. M. liilwnii of K.usliert'>n ws l>y tlie Pie^liytfry which met i.> lltll l**l we k with (he sppnint- luont "f deietaie t.thfl Ooneral Pretby- t -ry wlneh im-ets in Kalif\ n -\i tumiuer. AIWTIO.N SALE Mr. A (.'aim*, who will leiP'ie to M. iiilolia tins ;ipiin^. will hold mi suction s!e of farm s:ock and impleii'e ..u on Tuesday. Ap ii 3. !ien ; ni'it x ' ^I'c t' t. H. J. ti ne.. : ibttij; 'is round them . .th Tliy ri^ht '. ( >ur ohoHvn men ; (live them the xietory., I- or Tliee Uley d - >u>nl, 1' ' .1, k the ri-U'l honle, (.ioj ssivir fill- I ,i\s LIU J. hir its while we i KOI loy'd "lies lor ..i\. Koep liy thy | N,'A er ' "11 uory IH.H!. I*illo.H the .utilii^ head Vn words Thou liiisl snul mvt- our liny> In these dark cl\ ^ ,,; strife I: :iew the iliiily In,- .>f ItriUun's ^IIKVII . Knri'.'h her hiNirt of love. With bl''sningH from ulmve. Let every cloud remove. save our Quovn. C>ur patriotic concert has come and COIK. ami has <leinoii8- 1 that the people m thU vic- inity are not :i whit behind tho-eof other scclii-HS in their loyally ti t^uevn, Flag and Country. The town hall w:ui en-uti cd as it bus never beon before : the aiuli- ence was most euthi.siiistic. the elifiir- iii.ui (l>r. I'hristo, , .. -st felicitous in his- remarks, the proxram w.i . lie of the ih 'icest evur presented to u r 1, ,!i,.i ',,11 audieiiee, and what more coulil In- nski',1 tA> m.ike up n 8Ucce!'ul i'oiii-ert ' l'!ie iMiturUinnu'iit , i|'iiel with instiuiiiental music by the Kind, followed hy the n.i tmiia! anthem by the Gles Club, in the ciiorns of which the .tudieiicc jtiineil moat hoartily. The chairtiiiin's adilre-s was very short but pointed. A splciuiid chui UH, "Vueen, Flag, and Country," was next tfiven. nfior which our rising younx artist, Master Klw<nxi Genoo, recited 'The Absent i'adi.d Begga:' with gi .si etfect, and Mr. E. W Kitchie gave a solo, "I'p With the Flag." L>r. Murray rendered an up-to-date song in good style, and as this was bin first appearance before a Flenherton audience as a soloist he received quite an ovation. Then came a solid address by Rev. J Ward, followed by a rousing song and chorus by Mrs. Sheppard and the glee cluti Rule Britannia- -the. audience again join- ing heartily in the chorus. Mr. Sheppard gave * choice new sung, "Canadian Jack" and our finished elocutionist, Mws An- nie Richardson, rendered Tennyson's immortal "Charge of the Light Brigade" aa she alune can do it. Miss Joy *ang an adaptation of the "Rose, Shamrock and thistle." which appealed to the audi- unce and was thunderously applauded. ^*a strongly demanded encore, Miss Joy sang the beautiful prayer, written by Rer W .). Hunter, D. D., which ap- pears a> an introduction to this item. Rev. Mr Thorn gave a short, pithy ad- dress and MIHS Chnstoe sang sweetly, "The Maple Leaf' assisted ui the chorus by the Glee Club and audience Then came another short address by Rev. Mr. Darroch and a splendid solo by Mrs. Sheppard, "The Englishman," after which Miss Richardson recited a touch- ing piece, "The song of the camp," a scene in the Crimea. There wan at least i one Crimean veteran intheau uence, who appreciated this piece as none of the others could, and who remarked that he could again hear the bullets whistling during ita recital. Mr. Bamhouae gave that now popular and rousing song, 'Sol- dier* of the Queen" assisted by a select company of the soldii-rs themselves. This was one of the choicest pieces of the ev- ening Then caine. an address by M Richardson, Eaq., who went quickly and clearly over the causes of the present w-j- and cited the principal events in con- nection therewith, and clotting with the ventured information that at that mom- ent British soldiera were marching the streets of Bloemfontem, capital of the < 'range Free State. As a matter of fact the news that such was the caae arrived at" Cape Town at ten o'clock 'hat evening and at London half an heur Liter. Mr. Richardson's address waa very highly ap- preciated by all, combining eloquence, simplicity of language, and giving a very clear conception of the stirring events of the past six months. Mr. W. Smith, night operator at the station, sang anoth- er new patriotic sonu;. "Tho Strathcoua*," aad although encores were strictly tab- ooed he waa asked to give one ami respon- ded with a comic Irish song. Mies Ida (>jerdium rendered "The Revenge " and well sustained her urowmg reputation as an elocutionist. Then came another of the gems of the evening by Mrs. Black- burn and the (ilee Club, with a realistic camp scene, "Tenting on the Old Camp (around." An instrumental piece on the gramophone "Soldiers of the Queen, fol- lowed, and an intensely realistic tableau, "The Dying Soldier," ended a pixigram of unusual interest. Large numbers were present from outside points, includ- ing many from Markdale. Priceville. Eugenia, etc. The energetic committee have much reason to congratulate them- selves upon the great success attending their effort*, an a magnificent sum was raised for a good and humane cause. Th receipt* of the concr rt were f 11- 55. At the conservative caucus at Ottawa it was decided that the s. nate majority shuul'i nt'ain defeat IB*) . redistribution bill, says the Globe. BOOTS & SHOES Wn have received a very large supply of the |f Xatftt Styiis and Tfoualtia* $ In Summer F >otwesr Not the c .numoii- place productions that lack everything bat cheaptKws. Our aim is to give satisfaction \ Give us a Trial % Wm. Clayton, - - Flesherton ^^?^\^BT.^B^^SrT^.r^ FLE5HERTON * * * * it * * Or Anthony and Pa-il D*cl^^^n>r>> each *iitf iiced t> rue vents >r,iti-i,;.ia f 'y sf \V, ,nit"ck fir omintajrfvitiug. Knnz .v i- '%en tiftei-ii moiiths in the Central and XuriiluTiicr wi' 1 jTtibalily I'C uin liU fret-ili >ni in return for fur further inf Tin it'iin. You flake A Mistake If you have Pale, Crconis 1 ?, or Sallow Complexion, Cci.1 Hands and Feat, Loss of Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stomach Troubles, You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Fills to counter- act these conditions. Why? Be- cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the h i:maa system. The way to a cure li -S along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food ij a:ted on by the stomach aud pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Wtfl's Pi'.ls gin just the pro- per help to a tired srstem, and dif- fuse a glow ot health through the whola human frame, You fseJ yourself getting well when you take >. Ward's Blood and Nsrm MK* JO cU per bos. fl box** for HX All drnfl. a. or 3iin WiUlama It O. ToroKt, On*. * * * Spring Goods! Now to the front. We have already opened up a Uu-y :i JM new spring goods We have now a complete stock of new dress it-ssis. '^L prints, piques, shirtings, cottonades. KUmncU-r. s, I grey cottons, ginghams, table linens, towels, towling, lace curtains, white ffl quilts. A lovely assortment of ladle's skirt*, embroideries, laces, rib- jsa f'oa, veilings, corsets, gloves and hosiery. GENTLEMEN * This is the place to get your clothing. Up-to-date white drew jam shirU. collars and cufb, handsome ties and suspenders t >ur selections of men's suits, suitings, panting*, pants and vesta are unsurpassed for ^L style, quality, quantity and price.. ,a\ OUR GROCERY & * BOOT & SHOE DEPT5. * Are stocked with the bast selections procurable and at the LOWEST PRICES | We are paying the highest market priest for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE 2 * * * * vfc \fc Ta I j\ rTf) | ImW ? Flesherton, Ont The New Store Si \\ .. are workinji after l.ou - i . r :,-i t. .-: ..ur spt for Ih.s;>ectioii. I'll. - - ..lit wbeu ncas here, so )o,i n ill l-u\ ll.- , i' Visfe Lead. IVIerts -'till'-, r.c'iutifui stltfir t ir .$1 en TiunatiMMi. 3 ca-. s for... r-a-. -up " " .. ;- ali.ij.. ? ill : ,. ll ll .IV. (J Caps Mantlets '.' _'<; -ti s. i.-nnliir M\\ for :i7 ri m.tts, rvuular OUc O'T j Tatole Oil Cloths Only nix in different cl <is t,. ,-|.i,r ... 5;. i >, f., r .. " ........ 1<J ^ (iirU Tains, 5J5 cent UO.H!S. | Flour 51.00, 81.75, $1 So, JL'.INI H 1 5v lit- r bair JfiytHst Poss;6to Price Paid Jor farm Product J. E. D O W D L E Proton Station Ontc\rii> ^ ^^)t'?KJt:)iC^JM^4!!f! i i

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