hert0n TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PKINCIPI.Eb NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XH, NO 97? Ont., Thuissday, Ma re IT 1. 10OO W. H THURSTON, EDITOll A I'HOI'HIETOK */;. &&&G&&^^ Children D - & - CO'Y* ^ shouw _a_ T? -- - !0 glasses \vt-; 1,1-: AD INTRODUCING WHITE GOODS SALE ! J*eb. 23. \\Y introduce t > ('.:< ' idieaof Fleshorton <>ur <> ,. (Ij.plav of \Vhite uiul. !'_;. iniKMits. Flic millinery parlors linvi- IH-CH ^iv< ' ind u'll ij'U lin.l .>. more <-mnpl-'te collection th citv. i tton& arc still advancing, but as we' placed our orders for th ' i the maker* in thftir Jail sets \\ :i tn ofler tiu; manufactured .utKtle .it .iboiit he c >st of the m;t'-r ial. Tht goods aw perfectly Blade, ! ip-ility c.imbru: and cotton and trimmed will the daintiest of Imb:-oiJr.y, 1. ic : nnd insertion. Tlj<- youn : ; l.idy in. . \;V !>o pU-.isc.l to sh.w you tho (liiFi-ixTit lines. 1 hcse it< ms will ^ive y<>u ;i ta:r idi-.i of our priors now. T!u:\'ll le higher when \ve buy COR5ET COVERS Ladl' I in.-ule of Mice <|iiahtv . i! ,11 nut tr'in me- 1 with embroidury '.'.V mined with new IK .-in roidery, H-niai.- yok" I)5c I ..id'e*' I ',.|-- ( -t , overs ;nade of nice <|iulity cotton. '_' rows in -ei'v<,ndown front and triinnu-d with pretty iMiihroidery . .40c l^idien corwt cmcrs. V shape front, tiiiinne.l ' "'i inn ";-iiwnrk. cinliii.idi-ry and cording, made of fine ,i,a ity cotton '" LadieK corif t cover, very tine Knulisli cotton, new full front trimmed with beautiful insertion and em broidery, pearl but ions 75o NIGHT GOWNS LADIES' CHEMISE 1. When their eyes are not straight 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 3. When reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily ot reading or studying. All sure signs that great benefit will be derived from wearing glasses. Satisfaction guarant W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTiCIAN, FLESHERTON. with in-, rtiot-,- ...i-l embroideiies. '.'' .:nl ,11. LADIES' Drawers ! idn- drawers made, nf t Englmh cambric, ..nhr-lh style, trimmed with lilt-kin^. coidiiiKand cmliroiderics. '-Vic. 50c and . . 7-V , In sni'j !]'_ the National Anthem, is l Ili. UimlM-rlry SHW - ti.iwiM mud*: nt snod ..IP my; oil tun plain yoke, linen buttons, neck, front nnd eutFN trimmed wit ii line ' r )0c iii.uli- of good Englinh oiunbric, I row of tiiii iM-iTtiiiii down front, nnd trniium! .it nuck an slwvi-i with line embroidury nml ffntlu-r stitch hc.nl n ..... ................................... ~'.i, Lad i CM (jnwn, iiuulu i if finu Eii^linli uninhrii;. Empire tyle, yoke of alttrlMte cliiHtciM nf tucks and i>|'ii in md half nailor collar, neek and Hlwves trim- mvd with tinu embroidery ............... f ' 1 (W Lndi us gowns mail.- of ilie finest hnlish caminic, beautifully liiiiiini.il with lim-st in*, rti. ,11. euihroidt-n. tuckiiii;. and cord- [\I*i\vr Af*f*i\/l|c mu, pearl buttons. two tylcs i>t ouch -^^*" ^llllVclId " Ilir I'lrn ( ',,/ -JIOMIO nf ng is the older of th day -.nice the List -.now fall. Mi.s* Knoii of Sliijn, who wax vi.inug friei'ils in Kinih-tlcy, ha* re'nrned In me Mi.st-r Nicholas AlieierouibiH >-f The Advanc-- stiif pud ln Kimhcrley Irici.i.-. isl. ll-v. .1 V. I'lunkett will m vi- a lei-lure ill Knnberh-y March 1st on thu Botr- Kriusli war. Mr <i. II Walter, who has In en mill- .ilk; a< K<M Oro. reluriled holm tlnsni.K A load ol Kimbeil-y folks aiti -mleil 'ho iv> i-..d sen io-s ut FlesSu-rion on d.-y eveninu. [in..- .! i!."., $1.60, 1.75and ?-' >>' Ladles' Skirts made of good strong 'oi UIIIH. trimmed with 6 mdi. Mnbroidory and full MI/" ' Skirts made of fiiiL- cambric. triiiunud with line !'_' in. em nnilery and : !ii - row, of tin king SM (M N . aiade ol ' linesi cambric, trim- iin-d with l.'i in.-b embroidery and Tor- chon Inot. iMiautifnl'v made, f 1 -it, S1..MI ami *1 ::. \inmst every day nev goods an- ,-. niiiy in .-;inl the lii'M "f spnnu st<M-ks n> in viirw in in .irly .ill tlu> .|i- |irt mi-iit. In tin- Milliiifi-\ I'.'ir'nrs in roiiiii-i-iiini ii 'i ilir whitv wo.-n i < *inii lirsi shiiwinij nf >|nni(;ilrcKH faiirii'H. Tlii'<i' irr alisulniely the newest in e\ery ;i\ 'lld .11 'hey .ire '-k:i i n t! . i n , im I u are .iliku :ind .'.-11111111 > duplicated- again (>n tin- iinnti tlour you wi!l suu Now Prints. Ne\\ Ml mer NetM. New t';irp- et*.. New t ..... IN, New M.-ittmgH, Nuwr I.ici-s, New Shoes, all l)ii;:hl, n , I'.KKI designs nnd colorings. Oylon TWO FEBRUARY COTTON SPECIALS Two special values in \\!iite Colt. in tluit :ire lu-^ K. hrn,iry srHem. \\'e liuve i :;n<l -n|i|-ly of tlu-se on hand l>ut no more w In n tin M- ,,! .,,11. ;i ! - price* : WHITE COTTON AT 7\c O WHITE ENGLISH CAMBRIC AT 9C '.',(> itu!i tin*? iniality white i-oltmi. suit liniMh. free from .IresMirit;, an C\?TI i|ll:.!itV, K|n-elill for white- WUiir s;4li- 7}'' in. tii'e iinalty Finnish cambric. sof' an.l -:ml even t!i;.ad am! m-iil. I no; be hi:',,i,-r than sunn- s; ores >, I _' . ,;.vc. for '.'c Tffc^arland & Co. FIESKITII FBBMI IVl8,rli<dsa,le, and Toronto ?V\?w\/v^T^/'*\^\^r\^'Vvs?v\?w^7vVv\?N?WN/ l *^7vV*Nr^^/ N . w\ ^W* TW- We nre carrying newesl stylo of SEASONABLE GOODS In all lin.-n ol Parloto and tftodroom iSuitos Juoiintj'os * ijido- dfoai ds, O-*Y*f/f sion and Centre "Uabios, Chain, Window iSAados and Curtain Poles, y*icturo, Carols, etc. Which we offer at Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing iinu in all i's Brunches Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, fLC*MER.TtM I'. ri Law rV-.m "r Oini ' Tbis I'nninnmiv received n shock mi Thiir^iU.' lust when n telegram fiom : Tor<>iiio iirniighl the sad intelligence 'hat Mis Kstln-r McNally, formxny of this |,lace, had died there from heart tr- iihle. llic.-ased had been ill (loli. alw henlih for a uullNldurablu length of time bill nothing sei i-nis was aoticlji it, ,1 milil wuluii a aliurt time of ber di-ivine. For some years .shu I'll ;>iv;i.-d mi., h,,.,l u-aelnng nnd wa-4 very liiuub io;,<,ied Thu limit' was biniiglil U|i on Fl May for in'-i.nen' mi tin- ameral took JHIIC- on Suluriiav forenoon 'imu tin: resilience .if her bioth- er, W. 'I. McNally, to H icsbi-rion <.-. me toiy Slr-. Sheier is i CT y ill lit |irci|i, but wn li<i|in Mint Dr. S,;,-tt i nkllflll tiv,, nniy i'e -.iicci-s:,fui In romuryiK lict in '.".oo lii-alt h. ,Mr. .lohn t! iiney't coiiiiition ci.nl, n livelier friond* iTi"liH a|.|n .41011. Mri. Kraii.-ei Aniiiit who \\,\* been liak for till) | Hist t'.i, weeiis, In, We lite ^luil to r. ;i n, nvovi-riiu! Mr. .l.'lui Mi Ke. hnie held H an-ci-*lui sale nf Ini fii in slock and implements mi Siliiiday Mr. Al. is givnii; ti|i tiriuiiig nnd will ri!iiio\ i: to Toro'ilo. Mr nid Mrs. .In,. Cnthcart and otmily of L'urlniiii I'l-nniy have )<i i-.i iisiting tha . -astwAuk with Mr C' aintor, Mis , Me Ken/ e I 'lie of Mr. !? aton M limber ganuN h.is | Iwtiii iiiiuiatiiiu in this^ Mighliurliood fm some Wdukn (.ant, and tnnhor thai * lew yearn ajn W.IK ri-jocltrd in now Ink- ;i nt good pnowt. Markilale A scene of the wildest enthusiasm pel vade.l our town on \\cdncsilay las: when the news was Hashed a!o:ig the wires tli.it I..nl\snii!!i liad been rnlievi d. In less than ten minutes after tile nies- ,s;i^!- arrived iie.ie the u iioli* town was iii a -tit,- ! wildest evciiemeilt. Hi'lls v - iodine; on all sides, itlusiles \\eie s<-rei'chile; .oi.l n. en, women and childn u bontiBg bunting was displayed from every windoiv. Thes hool i !n!d:-e.i railed I !n- :.; reels, liejide-l by " The sol diets of t!ie (viiei n " shontini; nnd ing. At night there was ;: |iarade of fchow who could not do BO in the afu-r- noon, headed by a t.ircliii -sion and ill,- , 'id. I '.'i iiiilicalni;' to a certain di -;;-ee the unity -,' love thill . O.'tWfOI, ,'iil lil'llsh slll-JiCtS Hilt while there is caiu-e !or L-ieat'jnlnintion, vet iheru is al.*o 'he ^-"l .-.i-!e M lien wu re.li-i't on the noiruwiua Imuio and In-;- its of tliose who had dear .MI - -In.; down m the ba; iie i,>iieen' Kocll M.lllen pill h -i.,.-,| ec.-hle..|| tine looking horses hen- on ' . hint. Mr. .lann-s Moiwood \i- is u:r'ed in in i. liag!' to Mrs. Tiylor-. , Mr. rilouiiwi \lathews, on V. dines lay ing. '.'1st nisi , at the re-.iileiice ,f Mr I'ho.. Mat hews. The ;;room is in I lie seventies and t he bride well, \M won't. Hiiy Mr. C. W. I.itile|ohns of the stil'iirlm has of late lieen vury attentive to hin 1'iiblc. anil being soinew hat |iarlicnl!ir IIM In the stylo of binding and gdieial gel up of Ins cony it was found iiii|Hisnilile ii, suit h: < fu Udioi!B ;mt* in Mark Jale, so ha Uik a s[K!(-ial trip to Toronto .ind s,-- II' n "lie to histANlc. Married - At Toronio, on Wednesiiay. L'lst inst . Mr. ('. W. LiltlejolniH I.f Markda'ie to Miss Hible of Tonnito. Mr. Seymour <'ftin|ibcll. Mr. 1'lewes milh r, \s-as united in m.irmg" with a young lady of W -liters Kails on Wi-dmts r'eli L'l. \Vn dnl not l.-arn the name. Til-- illeel'l L;U ell ill Mai -ill's Had on .Moiidaj evening wa.s a swee|nni; . siicce-... The large lmild:ie.; w...-. taxid to ilsntmost and standing mom was at a ' primnnni, ilnis e\ ideiicing the loyal spiiil that peiv.-:i!e., ;li,. hen. ; . .if all true lirilo-.is. Vi'e may dilli-r in politics and n, bin wlini i! come-, t . .honing . 0. ir a;-j,iei-iaMoli of the ll|-,.isii ll..- then ii.nd niiouldw to shoulder as ws | pixiveii 0:1 Alond'iy nigiit. On t'le plnl- fonii wove tin- I: - M- v. ,iell, I0:iglish e'na-i I, ili..;imnn; Kailnr llaiu-k, (.'.ilh- olic c!ei-g\ in IM ; Mr I'.-.u lianan. M dist, mid Mr. H.;iit-.-r. Presbyterian, <ill ., in ".IM! h'.c nniiilUr speeches. I In- hall .1 ed w ilii I. lin- ing a-, Tile jil.i, 1'onn pn-si-nted a ve, s i.ii'.ilJi'-y -ipp.-.' ranee, tlien- U-ing a cnm-iii :'i: I - M -i.-il guns, ;ho bai.mei.soi which : ns'. e. I iii thi) light of thu elec- tric Lmps. Two of the rodciM..* simnl on sent, y duty tin, i-.'.:;li'Hit the ei.iiiiig. Tile program was \eiv enter'nininu i 11 Uiioiig!iiiut, winch w:< I'Mclenced by t In- hearty encores given uitch perform, they rendered their *"veral uart. I dine not miike any specnil mention of any performer for each did themselves -redit and the applause, wax loud and prolonged. Thu enl I'annnenl wax Si -might UtaclUM From Oni Uini < '.n >-. .i.-mit nt. Mr. A. Me At.cr isfpemiinij a few dyM at Mr M. Kennedy'*. Mr .1. U Kijni attended the funeral of hid sis'er in l.iw, Mrs. T. Kgnu, of Hamilton, on Tues.lny of MS' week. Mr Nol' e I, iv.reiice, who ban Inrrn ill torthe j.a.st tw. ei-ki>, ibtloHlv :ni|'ii niii. Mi. W. W. Trimble of K!i-sliert..ii h< pin hased the livery here from Mr. \\ in. Taylor. Ml. Trimble took p. s-eKMhion mi Monday. W ' w ish.lnin ei.iy -mi*.. Our Kiixoith Limgm , which w isoica m.-.ed In re some monllis ago. w n* favoi, I li\ a vi* it frmu thu Pnreville Len^ue on Wliu- iiv evening. A irrv inieiesiing |i|iur on tin- '0 pic wn* teatl l.y Mi. liUki stun, w Inch .- n- uiicd sonic i ei v .-., .1 and pra, -leal |,oni'H T.'ie choir remlii"i some very 'me *i lections \\hieh .ului .; mucii to thu Kv-nin:; s eiij-.v nielli ( l.n I., aeiie bpi'iei -luU'd our sisl, r l,c,. \i-il iini hope to huve them c me .njiin. \ mo*l HI \ovaole eienin:: wn s|ielil l.y the members oi I, O. L. No. SKI ,i,,i their w u i s on Tniirwlay ii.i.-innu I.e-t. ;n '. *p.in->- <o an :ni nation frmn Mr. mid Mis. .la*. Ashd.iwn t4i Apriid a ni-c-nl e\ emng at their home. About forty IIM guest*. -.lit down to tea, wlu-iu ever\thli.)J WIIH f und to plenHti the inner man Ac, r t,-, ]iarlm gailu*N and iniiHic weie induluod in, 'he lailor being Mi|iplii<l l.y Mi A. I'liks , i Pinion. Messrs. Ash down ami Smiih navn seieral vocal selec tloli*, also Mr ('!IH I'ollpe. all of whii-ll ii iii-d huariy i nchor-H. The ei.'iniig WHH thoiontih > i njoy-nl by all piesi in Mr. II. I'ipei. wbo wa* kicke.l in tin- face l.y a In-i-e t MO weeki ai;o, is siowlv int provingi Miss. I. Ili-niphill, who ha-i been Hpvin. ing the past t .vo imilitllK Wllh her pii- eiili-, n tin-in d to Toronto last week. t h'n,m Our OIOH CVrrcK/x)(/<f Horn On tun lo-'h Mist., t.. .\Jr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiadl.nry, a dani; 1 l>iel On iii- Vu'.i.l ins' , Mi i, d ^:|-. liiiidl'io y i" f i' t aged wvell -Ins. Mr.ui-o. I'.i i don ol Toioltlo has 1,.., ,, visitum -ii Mi. Hogg's for some i:me |',-i!.i Mr. P. MniinlniH '.as L'i, ne In the ,ii\ for an i \' -d \i*it. Mrs. Km , \ Pui-'ev. M,-. Mc\Hlly of T' rori'o. \l- Will'mi: Sloan of I'heslev, :ui,i \ir ,l..|.ii 1 .1 n i, K ..I liillis Hill wine i jiilors at Mr. Henry l''enick' the pant we. k The leciin-e -iveii here by Hev .A|r. P'uiiKctt on 'he war as lory higlilv Hppiei iated. A great in<ny are in lop,* he will delivKi n HI KII-.HIIII aa n. If hi- does IIM s isiind of a Ind house. Mr John Knt ton IIM gone to .\luln ufr fur the .