FEBRUARY 1900 THE FLESHERTON A D V A N C K * It K F L E S II E R f O A D V C E 1-VBRt'ARY 22, igtm Merchants Bank Of CANADA Capital paid up $6,000,000 Rest 2,600,000 HK.AI. Orru-E M 'MIU.M. ^ Ifg| , f - ii V ff . ifiIfflfftf ,, fgilff V. ff .ififfftr lfi ^ ///cJ'arlanct ; dt : t7tichards 2 UIHECT IMPORTERS WHOLESALK MANLT'BS Dundalk, Markdale & Toronto \ HOARD OK DIBSOTOM ANUBIW ALLAN. Kq. Pretldent Hue ion MciCKszir.. Kj Vlce-Prwid'-nt Jonathan H.wlimou. KiW] Jamoi I' l)vl K| John i '--!], F.-.j RotMirt M.k> . l.-.| H 'Mnntiitci Mien. Ki| Tlni" l.'int. K-<| Urorcr Hafuc. - limnral Miiaer Thi> I hi - Joint cii-n Mi>m;..r K F. lihdn Supt ofHraucbeii I.HIM IIK1 1\ ONTARIO ANI1 yeKIIKe. \'*itr,ii. Ou. Learning ton, Ounbe. llnllnvilU. l.nii.l,,,,. 'Out Kvnfi-w Burllii ML 'k lute. Hhai brooko.gu Hrmiiptou M.jutri'*!. Hliawvilln, IT, M.M.trnal No Htiutf.n-il 'Imllitm, t!3IU StCatha- St .I'llni V '.'in- Kxanville, run- Struct. Mtl-nmlo. ijuu (Ult Mit"h.-!l. KlTI|..iii Oaiiannque Nar Tilbm v Out Hain.vxr OttnwA TIM. tii.t. llmml'i.ii (lakvtlli*. Out WiilkiTtn". H.'-|M-!,.r. won Sniitnl, \Yni.l ..i . Out, ' oil. I'ark.lal.- Watf.u.1, Klnk.ii I ii,., l' t . k<i . I i, -i. ., . Out M'l >M III - is MANITOBA V.-. II*WH. Brandon, I - I ,a 1'rairle K.I:.. MBdioiue Hat. Aialn. A (Icm.ral lUnhi'iu liii>infi T'mi-a. lei. ( 'ill V ml hate*. Furl' I tie.l. Kai: ' i 'nil.-. -If ! Wfa'kdalo branch W. A. 1)1 KUOWS Maiiatfer > WKKKI.Y AT THE OFFICE, VI>- hMIAM -rilKKT, FLRHHERTuN, OM., IIY W. H. TIII'RMTON. >l per unnum strictly In :nh am . Advertising Kates: Column. 1 yar, &0 ; halt ool.. 1 ter. tag quarter ool , one year, S15 Tranileat adTrllimnM obar(d t th* rate o*at< per Hue for first (nMttlon c 1 3 cent acb lubceuueut Innerlloo. GOOD r.O4D8 MOVING It is pleasing to note that the first item on the program at Toronto in au ct dealing with tin- movement for better road* throughout the province. \V<- un lei stmnl that it is the purpose of the KoviTiiuifiil to give assistance lo this important work on a siuiil uatin to that governing grants for education, libraries, etc., but tho ex- act details will uol be made known until the bill ia brought down. It is also interesting to iinln the rapid atridfd tiiat the movement lias tal.i n since being placed in the hands of in ergi-tic committees. For yeam we have heard on one hand grumbling at the ei in-lit urn of our ioud.< and inu.le- iii.iey of the statute labor system, mill on the other the cost of maintaining tin-in i-vi'ii in aucli a state as is now vouchsafed them. After studying tin uiuuer thoroughly, at last June ses- inn of County Council Mr. lliclmtd son ini.uil, si cuii.U-'l by Mr. Vc Don. ill, I. .it llns ( i.niml. r.icoefni/.iiiK tin ini|. "i Inneo of Iliall^ill itln^ H..|ne l.i'tei in. lli. .it..! Constructing, imprnuni! nil lu .iiiiit.iiinx the huuliii-j pu.ilie roH.I < .inniy, a|i|>oini H iMiiiiiii'tec. M|I hll-ill ie|i n at the next WKsion of tin I' lined. HI the ad i i.alnli.y of minuting h mie a. in-ral county scheme ..f i.i.d in p. ..i . n i cut ; iin. I they hlnill aUo ad\ i>e a t >tl '.s- llielllods uf iolistrilClill'1, {IB Hug, "\ i - .-nil.', iliKpfUluiK inn I. ii ni. n; nn! nl .'i a-. 10 the itdviKabilit\ of cninliiiil ill'.' i-lalnte labor for a lei in yen." ; an.l hhnll olnain nil the infnrma .mi. in tin n IKIWI-I fimii other piirts .In |.i v,,iee, ubeie Hind ir M-hemes hiiv li.-.-n a.|..|.t.d ; lllld nil i.lliel ni.llei- pel i^ 1 1. the c:u i v i -I-' i lit. i . Hoot n bull x.id le . lelitllic nielli. id of In. I Uild.ntf nnd nninii. n .nee tl.au hhi I. i 'ally prae'i id li.lelnfuru ill till iou.it v." l-i (In* .|iiest for iiif.iiiniition it \VIIH (.illlnl ,iKi-able ID i nil it (\.liveilllon nf 1,1 \. .Hid iiLln-rs 111 'I'm onto, which an i ting wan held mi Dec. 12 and 13 I. t.si, mid HI which it was decided to inriiimiiilize the (.'oveinmeiit to grant ml, and lepieseiitalivcrt of the gov- i iii.in ut were iiii-t on that occasion for tin. purpose mid the matter plnci d In l',i, i iiein . The lirat item on the tinier paper shows how readily thu Vi>v. i nun-lit took the mutter up and li il nii|iin Uiin-e they attach to il. J ui<;,' Wood ol CliHtlniin advixed the following plan, \vlncli duiihtleAB will lie tin oiiu very nearly followed out : 11 l.el, " Hind hi-, ihn Ontario gi.vcin- nu-iil C'liililinite inn- Hill. I nl 'Ir- cost, tin fiiiiniit'S inn- tl.ii il, and the Incut nii.M. .,. ililies one I, .lid Nvith in. in - I .i-i a c unity borrow $!(">,- ! MOIH'.V Niivlng Atrtictions for the V-\i T\\ W We intend to xu'uni! thii hit without any luoathy cnninu-M nr intrmiuc- tiini. Kach itoru telli it* own story bruauc Uiev ar juil a< w rte-or",.' tlmm anil the pnc- exactly aa we T. Co Thun.mv untiiinc; at S O c'ock we atari and nrll at ibese price*. A PI K COAT < l i \ i; t N < i 8 "nlv men's fur Uiusi.i.i Otl"' coKti natural coor. fi.l /. I-' inner" Batin quilt liniug, a ouat ilia'- will give iatx ifl'im e,ir.i -,i-n' ?12.7."> each. A i:i. i MI Kurti: MI> Vi'ii'g .. irk irn \ wiuil sliirtK ami ilniwcrK, hvv weia*>t r^':li- ;iric .'. Kitrn spr.'Ml .''Ik-ts. each. < leariim I'rirr* in 1'iilau nlfr-il Shirt* MCH'K \Vlnti< Snirl- rt'ind.i-ceil Itn-n ln' iiH, go.l weii^ it. '. :u' ir j>iio<' .'<<>c >p. ,-i ii '2">r. OVKKMIIWCS ' i iMn-n'" Uutioii 0*nlioe8 Hizei 5 1O, r gnUr |ni<vf 1 '-'.'>. . . w,!)r.,' u' I "'in. PIT pair. !!' Vri*M Hmii>] l.r>'Hifil nTtn-i-:itN, '< r.|i , lieavv w.-i^'-it. il!tTrrnit col<ir.. rf h 'iilnr (met-, 57 i'0 . ^j, -i . $16' MOJ. Kl.tMiKrs W.i.,1 HI inki-t-. l"ftv n.ift tiinsa, i-..H.r.',l u i . iwX-.-,. i price f I i o. Spccm' Sa.'.i.i per pr. (Mil) ami nuke 1 10 inil-8 of (10111111 iw-nt road at f'JOOo |,i i in,] a loan ,i| :t [i. r ceiil. would he JyiHlll jier ulilium. * Mr. (.'ampbell cstiniiiti s that good roads can be nmd'i at SiMKi p, i mile, and that tuainlCHuncc CUM be fixed at 8iM [)er mile " He also pointed out that while the government had been promoting agriculture, cheese aud butter making, they had forgot to do anything for the roads over which the produce is hauled. This is likely to be remedied at the present session of parliament. There are those who say, " Oh, well, it wilh come out of our own pockets eventu- ally, anyway." Not if Jud<e Wood's suggeBtio'-is are carried out aud d- bctilurea ruined to cover a tciies of lif.v yeais, and not altogether then, Ur.tu-e the government has au in creasing income from mines, forest!*, etc.., to a ninliou of which income we will have a right ; and also, while il would be taking a very small sum an- nmilly from the farmers pocket il would be pulling more in than il took out, through increased facilities and wear and tear on vehicles, which of itself ib a big item. We trust that the good work begun will result m some thing langible being done in the very near future. Cli-tn F:tceil. i l>un i k I . Mil.-ii' . a|>- ,1,'iie.i lit-lere ML- ll.>n.>r .In !_. l'i on Krin i\ n.oi nn. ;, . Ii n . . . l tii a my itii in I'll 1 t>' .1" ji'i'M iiis I..Klily halm Mr. Moiyan, ;i pi oiniiienl c til n I .'in' |.|i,'i, .nut l.ii.iiil i uiilnl:ite for S. mth (Jrey in th,- i ,.s | r \ .n.-i.il eli . tion. Th two men lice nn itii! up in au al- tei iti .n over the > leiii, n an. I tistic i'i>m- I.IIMI. nts were hn'tllv ex.-h.tni;ed. Mr. Moii-ni wn.s ;ii.,-r.illy decorated :tn ronlt 'if t'li-Hcrap and .sA.ne out n warrant f> r IIIM anHailant's arrest. F.ic< t' waa takeu into custody, commitied for trial by the jumice of i.eit -e, and I r.iuylit t Owen Sound. H.' ple.oK-d . mh v to the charge and wax remanded until Friday. O. ti. BMW. Ooase aid Let for Sail Bolld brick houu and |rd or ! In Ion, IIUUB* contaliii e-i rooms, fo.1 iitoiia il*r. xifl an. I hartl wti Will b< (old rbaap and > terini. Apulv t-i THO.WTVILLK. BUllou* XOT. It, ISM. House and Lot for Sale <>K KliNT A wall Aiilvhwl briok rottuife "liuatM.! noar Mr. Wriiilit'i- tin 1 tax cullvctor. In Fletlierton, 9UJO. pi irv *<) or *t uei tear without t. >, Will tak* cash or Mow, uiilk cowt. bifir. .-!? or n.'i|.. Ap)lv to I I KK UK.UHIt UT Farm fcvr Sale ou hun-lred arn-. U in good itate o( cultivation, gnoil tolld hrik noin,*. Rood out hiillilli.K'i. eii'iianl, wrll watered, two inlle> tr.iin KliMilierton. For fuitrnir particul*n>. twnm, etc. aiM>lv to ISAAC MM'l All: FlMbertun. Feb. 9, 180). A decided change in the position of aiTuim in Africa look place last week when the glad news was Hashed a- ciu.s the cable lhal Geufral French had ivUivfl Kimberh-y, that Cronjt- imd ii Un d liiini Mugei.sloutein wild ln.s itiniy iii.d that llie HiilKsii uitii\ was in niuMii,. 'Hits new), coinii g after tin 1 Ion,; SOII.H of ditioouiaging I'l'lt-, .l^ t. ct-IVfd with nielli jl'J 1 thnui^hoiit llie Iliitirli rmpiiv, ai.il |ie..ple me suil nun veiling in the wondei-l'ill t'.u-l thnt g,i',.,l t'lelics cull!. I ill.-; ci .. l!ninje's iirin) \\heie lydiiU'inid liuiiKli pluck found the Wi.iL ulniost ini.iiis.sible, ur if possible with it ten mlt; Hlau^iiU'i- ol s.ildiers. The ijiiiiiil le.sult has born wron^l4 with piiirlicully no lo.-s id' life, m,d tho liejiiiing trio, UrbertH, Hullor and Kitchener, .tie iiuw h.-rors, while the liriiish (i. .ipie IM. ith free and cou- liil. lice li.is In ell Ii st.li'l'll. The fine thoroll|^h^rl Berkihlre boar M "Kan." lor *rvn' "i lot 1SS. T. and i* H ArtvniKKia. Trniil at timeof terrico Pedl . ou application. \VM DAYS 1'rop. Condolence .Ur. (iiKi .Wr.i. ' '>t f >,, nn./ I)BA Sin AND lino. W'o, thuofiicer* and inembei , of Flethrrlon Station L O. 1, , MS;| desire lo tci..l -r you . ur Kiinere HOI r- H.iJ sy.npikthy in your rec,Mit s id beieaiemelit, oecHsloind by the !" of >nur much esteemed son. W>. beg to be lo slnir.- with you your so.tow, Heart Humbug It is fashionable to-day to have a new heart scare every 24 hours. The commonest symptom* of dys- pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal- pitation, weak spells, loss ot appe- tite, and poor circulation, are magni- fied and distort.il into serious signs of heart trouble, with the obj< frightening the public into taking this or that heart remedy. If a hundredth part of the heart trouble we hear about were real, the ceme- teries would be filled in a month. A wrong construction is put upon com- mon ailments ia order to humbug the people into the belief that heart disease is prevalent, whereas real heart trouble, which is so sadly and suddenly fatal when it does occur, is a rare disease. Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is the vital element of the blood. Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirit, pallid cheeks, shortness of nifiiy ()o.l in hU intiniie ^HHliuss will i;rin you ilntt cninf..it and ktnmgtii thai will eiul.l., you to .uataii. join MV. Un with f.irtiludu and MibmiaM ..... el e I AS A Nil I II l UN, \V . M. KollKHT C'OOK, Sec. Ceylon, Feb. 12, P. MM. t;. Moore, die, .s: nnkcr, Ml. Forwit, S..I.I i pair of toiuUtt-r males toa liriu f,.r f MO. loss of vital force, ending in general break-down. The iron ia Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills is in the solu- , ble form you need, in combination with other curative agents in such a j manner that disease can't resist their action. You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's , Blood and Nerve Pills. r:ocsv^ M. Richardson & Co. " Jifesherton ~ isiindalk THROUGH STOCK TAKING \Vt-'re just through stock t.ikri^ anil tiiivl \vu have a number ot I IK-J \viiich \ve ti.ink aJvi-ablc to clear out l>rfi>r>; new >IMIP/.; i;o,>ds arrive. In view ct advancing \alix-s we- bought very largely for tlu- i-oiniti'4 : .i^iiii r,il shall need all available space f r oi.r p.'-w imi'ortations. V.'c l'..'.ve decided that every odd Iin:, ^hort length ;:nd broken assortment must ^o ar.il utTcr SMI", i .;!- reduced prices to move them quickly. Ribbons >li". CUtft. r,-u; -j Silk Ends ' i : t. Kiir?<l and l!n.'.l,il Si! 1 It -:iin i . . Fancy Silks .\ S|nM-i.il I. in Ki.in'V Silk.-, i.in-te of nice CH'.IYH ;tnil I'.itterns worth SScti. sell Dgl !rct.~. Mantle Cloths Frieze, lieivcrn. Curl Clothn ill BUtck Oiey n-i Rtt> n Mcito:is etv-., etc. all reduced. Fulled Cloths Stitne f|.eci:il *'leiriii^ Valuen gXMid |ttiTi).s weight Kexulur 50c gmnU scllinij at 35c. Dress Tweeds S|ieeial Job Line* aelectcd pattornH - HUitnblc f.-r I.,, lies' Tweed Lh-Kones. livgular 36c. gotnls for i5c. Fur Ruffs Children'" White Lama Ruffa. i ice and warm, clea lit l.V. .1111! --"K-. Glothinii: Specials for Ify?!} aijd Boys. M, n'- < 1,1,1 \,--' S m Worsteds, Tuced- itnd Fulled Cloths, well cut, in. !> t.nloi-ed and triimneil. All aizeit ................... T"" 1 . Men s Tweed I'iinls. Nice tK'it [iitterriM, good weight, gmxl wear- eis. well cut well trimmed. All sizos ....................... $1.04) M.-ii's FUnnelette slmtv Nice dark putteriiH ninde from Genuine l...i K Iximoiul Shirting. All si/.e. Kegular i,V line ........ 40c Roy'n Hlue Sere l'm*. Si/.en L"J -Si' .......................... 5c. Hoy'.H Heavy Tweed 1'aiits. Si/.ex 2231 ........................ 5"c. Boy'a Fawn Conluroy I 'ants. Sizen 'J"J ;IU ...................... 70c. Boy's Navy Corduroy 1'ant.H. SIZI'M 25 S2 ..................... ~5o. Thene garmeiito are all well made, nicely lined, well tiniidied. Hardware Depart. Ju umbering Axes Saws Chopping and Scoring- -all weight* all prices from UOr. to "1.555. Over IH patients to s-lect from. ..... I aiwortinent of the brt linkers all i-eliable -curt i|uahtif beyoinl ivju-o.ii-h. I'li.-es ri Saw Setts \\ e sell the " Lincoln siuipluHt mid most i\s il.^'v'HKl work. Cant Hooks Some I;O.M! ones just in. Logging- Chains I'.ist l-.i'^lisb Testeo! (.'llHUls for Lo^m , All Iti-j's rinin Mis-Lev Sk.-,i ' en ami (Jenln Acme S SLttn. All siitm (ii-nts Hin-kev Skiites. All sizes l-ndies Nickel Pitted Acme Spring Skutos. All sizes (!entH Nickel Plated Acme Spring Skate*. All sizes Stni|>.s included with each pair skates purchased. NEW BARREL CHURNS jftt th* Tfeiu Jmfiroofmfnia for /90O &U- :.-. $1.26 tl.'.T. 11.50 ^Pattern Stands JVorso iSAots all sixs and ws iff /Its Jforte Jfaih- ali sizes Hasps from 5Oc. r's JCnives from 35e. Richardson & Co. (Oo. Mr boi, hoix fmr If.OO. ui Mm i.linu a Oo., Taraaio, uuu m I? \ Gctucatto* + :l.-.il wh* .<uild Uk<! tu ^nt i 1 r .. but wh* hitvi* i^ < n.l collett sh.tul.l get giui<l Ixr'ks on I)'.-- i ; lurinq il. ;. The Nmiliern i N* ' n'.lox -, 1 'wen # t :i of Bu ; . 'h iir" iioi. mly .-.iiifAWe V I'. 1 '. 1. : - . ' L.iim. i 'i ii. IW, \'r \ M .m.n. -ll. ..!*. l". .mil:i" to A. ;,.;..!%<;. ivi-. ii i:uiinc>w ('i/lege < i ri Si, HIII!. ' Mi . Vicinity Chips r i - i sitcx of i In- l';sj Week 4'arr /::!> failed for the 1'nriiri . line c-trr- I Hl'l'fl IV" in. I L"U'-l>'. ii.iil. ( n. ill'.- [I!IM thm M -iicv 'ive ; in. in )>r i> . M v ii ;T.' \. s V.i i a: 4i ii -till U I i.;-i. n '' u:t will hulivM iroi Klili^*.-.n iw prrvvHt^ly stHtud, . n the last dy of 'he prtitvi.t "I'Kirh. G(x>d girl want-nl immfdixely t do j>'nerl hnunework. Goml watte* pai<K Apply to Mr. J. H. Himrd, Kli-shenmi. For t!i yuar ending Dec. 11, 139!), them were rejjisii-n-<l ill .Vrtemeiiie town- hii> fV) birtliH, !'."> inArrige, and 43 i 1m. \ Dumber "f youni pe<i^il the carnival m lunUlk Thursday niht l.-usr. They hnJ : c.ilil tnp lot a wunn welcome. Chnrlim F*c,-tt, Duiulitlk, whn M- iinl'iM Mr. J. D. Moritcn and plended cuilty brfure Judge Crvaoor, WAS M*II- tenceU to mie montii in the cmiioiun jail. 4 j per cent private money leaned on easy ti-rim ol rvpnymvnt by Ge<>. Ruth vrfonl. ShelbiiTOH. Expeue lnw. Cmi inimical ions rcceiva prompt atten- 1011. Thu Proiliytnrian choir attended m. anniversary in tho Prtuhyterian chiircli at FriCHVille on NVeiluewirty evenii-y uf lust we-k and pronounce it a (treat sue- ji-. Over tifty do'lars were fhe re- ceipts. S;inm|:i Cmwly ttOn. have ju*. recct iv- eil \Uiii-. ira :ind liunt fmnily Klour wiiicli tlii-y nimrmiti-n Hlriutly in-: oteM Mtd ar UliDg at lowe*t rNiuiiei- itivo |>rLv. A tr,l i refpectfully <i!iu- <il w.in'i-il l.y leii'ler fur M-ixucl: ~ i K'luiy, -"' 'ill* yiMul ^ri', u 111.1(1 i- IMI.IV *i>oii, -'2 in. -hen luiiji. cnnh oo i!e- livory. TcuJ?rs HUM' be in dy Fi-l>. i.'rt. i'..i) Aililt-r-.^, II. M. Irwin, clK-t-Bi link . r. .\1 uk ialr. '!'> .-. :! I> I'^li'XVILLB, A Inf4 > .MUM -I h .us", wirli HI \ fit aorua of laiui in ti.. t I'licevilU-, nuiiablu f"i H retired lariM'jr, ;,ln -hop nml dwell II, n in tin.' centre .i : the Village. *Vnl b.' in.'i.i :. i . i-.'inluL' ti'iins in suitable initial.. Apply to H. L Muiumer, Kree rn-Kb Ottioe, Shrlburue, ur C (.' n, I'licuviile, Out. A crudii wile ol farm .stock and implu luuntt will be held lot 32, con. 10. Aii. - Muoia, i'i> Thur.-M.Uty, March 1, 19UO, thu (irupcity uf I>.IM i Smith, whu is iinov- niu to M.tiuiba .,nd uverytliiiig inu.-t gn. (Sato at 1 p. in. K. J. Spruule, au<;tiun- k>eu I>1. Iw fur parliculais. The Alpha disc Cream Separator bent <n earih. II itfli>-M itwanl itnd i(old medal leceived .it W,.rkl's fair, Chicago, 181W. in hundred* of teats ill the I'niUil Suite-, Canada nnd other C"Untms, in no in.stiince Into llie "Alpha" L>e L.u.il I i led tu ilciiioiiNtmtu its supoiionty mer r cie.ni. s. ; .'ii.'iiiin MI th"iiii'v;line.-.s .d sipar.-imn, aeiual capnc ty, ncuaear> po*or, gr.-iiL c..u. nahiiity .f cream, and i'i ;tii ..:ner e:meiilil ropvula May lie evil lit the So ll.i Ki'Uii.i'j, lYf ,"ii K. 1*. Legate, sole agent . llll'A (' i-s!,'\ Ilivr J:IKl I. Mil ! silt ami fitjitli liening, also a fall line i.f coiHe.l tomatoes, B-.HHI corn and p.- is. 1 CIH excell. nt Kitrrlint's at tlie very 1 -w pr c of 5c box ; tln H st'.'-k nf Manit .1 a ..ml firm cliww fitinly floor, all of winch trH-y are elhnj nt I. The last iRsii,' of tl-.e Mu.... '.i-il World roi ta ns a pictnr>- of om **.-. nv.1 town- -In;., el-k. Mr. W. .1 li.lMiny Thu I le'terprvMS) nec"ni|.iiyiii-'tlit* picture f .ll. w "Mr W. .1 ('..-iiniiiy w,sli..in i in ill.' t..w?inl i|, of I>i.ck Ontari' < .mii'y. ' t- 1 I'-ffct.'li.-it' e lie iiniv .1 I. h;< i' . i t.. the t. nvnsicp .if \ri v , .... >, m 1 He .m idn.-.it.d .n n s<:ln>.'!- | n tin- 'niter t">i .-.iri' ' . - mt- I L i." i in- i..n-l'-, M ni \ nl !*H).niiil h IN r< p .it< d t! m Lud)miiith i n-li, v. >i, 17 Canadi.iiH lulled and 40 wuunded, 'it report in i"t oontirfiied. r t ,rv of :i rii-iii' .-. . f :i . n.'iins in htH i .-...'hho. : i. !! ieral .iini-f Minein [, in~ > U llllMI\i-s- II llll.lltl.il t.. til' the almVf orti Tin- ' ' T-i - " lenef \ i prujniin B Uir.'ll. n- | I - nil lnd '.mi Ku M i *inv. ;i I : iy p.. ell by Kev. n. d it |'>et;y eaiit.n.t by sn . i i..- '.rein f ilie .-venunj WAS a HO I l,v Miss K-etne .Munahaw.who is develop. 04 a lich a. I true vice und.-r the 'U ti.'ii "f Mr*. Sh.-ppfrd. The eii- lert inuneiil ihinuit'n 'll wiia highly sue , an.l the uroeuods amountvi to A Terrible Accent A terrible accident occurred ia tl.is village nn Monday afternoon, when Mr. Patrick Burn* ot the 8th con., Oiiprey, received such injuries an may yet renul- seri.-.UNly. Pal had come in from the station with a n>-mhb"T iifler bain.. sold a load of pign, uriueiit to which he lia.1 tak-n on s load "f whiskey too Hi< to carry e nveine.it ly. While puttii'g the ti-aiu in Miiiishaw's shed he full und- er tho him! fet of one of the horaen The animal jiimpod ai.d stepped on his l'e:ul, learing Ins *cal|i fr>.in the let' temple to hack of the ear nnd up to the lop i.f his head, a dittUUjce. uf abnut six inches. The animal then hecaniv frantic, kicking anil juuipnii.'. When extricated Burns was found to have his head cut in a number of plourH, the sharp !ioe C"rk peni-tntini: the skull at one pn.r:t. The blood simply poured from the wounds and the sight wai a horrible one. Dr. Carter WB at hand and af*er a coup e of hour,' work succeeded m sewing up the wounds and rising the wounded m:tn so that he could be taken hum iM'jtct lessons ef this nature nre "Joint more nowadays than all 'he tempi-mice lecture* do. Personals M s< Minnie liritluuii of Holton, win. hilH been visiting fr l in tins M. fora cou|de of weeks, returned to In r home i'ii > itui'lm Mr. Mai-Mi.all Punly "f .) .li.-it..-. IV k'lti. bw ban been \ si'iii',' fneinl- O itario for - nn 'in-. i'!.-l on Tin A .U nice. .n Sunday. Mr. Puidy l.-f Meafonl f.'i- '1'e Nm-ibw. ' .'-' fMlfl iiU" and li.m done well in tdo praii." t.n. Mr. John Cut heart, wife m.d children, of Du.hani e unty, -re :i.e ^uc^'sot M.- l 'a heart's |utn-nts, Mr. mid Mrs. . \ndre w r,ir ..I 'he viiU:;- V" tV'iL-nrl >" remnve t llie Nnrthvet with ln.s f ,nniy next month. Mr. and Mis. Uunstadtler were ^uni moiled on M niUy to H.tDiilto.i by it tei. Kram informing tlii-u. "f tliedeiitii of id. latter's sistor-ni-law, Mis. Tlios Kgan, from l.'ei.>d I..HN..II ii.-. Mrs. K<an was younn woman ef only 3_> yeaisof K"- Afr. Jonathan UiuHinoro of '.'larkshur^, Mrs. Robl.. Conn of Hoa.th.-ote, and .Mr. Walker of M.irkdale spoilt, Sunday with friendu in town, and jiftonded the sci \ ices held by CVHIIK 'list Ciotl'. RT. Mr. Littln nf t hv:"rtli wiu in iuwn Tues.by. The i Ptlmin Ins been usHisti.'^ Mr. 'I o.n :., -v.*4 ser- Ticca it 1'roton Station. Mr. K- -lid. I'.-irsliiw ot Swii,t...n P.u-k is spending " l< i.nys with Im ddu^i.ter, Mrs. E. P. l.iwrunce. Mr*. Tuck and *lrs C. W. liutk-.i Markdulu eall.nl on the Advance Tuesday. Ml.1S li.ltle \ I' /.ll.'. U" ll.lH Ill-Ill viMt.i.g Inc. di, liero l-.r 'he \ a>i le* weeks, retur ic.i In l.ci li.uue in Toronto on >. nd i.v I Mr W ThoiiipH.'ii of L)ol binti'ii v - , i.e i ,r.u..d in town fur a couple .i days j dutiliK the piut week. H ... or K oj . , R E HJ RT KI Ji.- H ERTON, P . 8. fof.il l i -i Fnlilic -S h.H.I Leavintf. T- t.d l>40. K Snn.ll .'xiii, <:. Rutledge 414 Juainr Puldit: >eho i Leavmu'. I' i.W ..-". Ii llan l.oii-.- 447, '. Ward 44:1, r . Thumion 377, H. Suple 'M:t. h. nance. 'IV-tii. 11OU. Al. 'I hurshin ".*'., K. bHinhoUHu TOo, M. .Uni.sliu-T 7>.-'. K. \Mii'tn 741, M. Hide. 7:!7. W. tr.iwtey "2."'. A. t.irmon 7-.">, C. Mc- .i.iinni ^lii, P. ]ieiluin> li'.Ki U. .Slaughter, Teacher. r.iKit ii Sr. Ill- T.-iai -7" ' Tli..inp.s<ii. .liT., A I'.- -h 314. K. Wick^i.s 48L', I. Sulh- . .n 4i>. !r, 1II-T. l>Hvia, M. ,S lilivtn. >r. II TonU 47'l. A. I', .irst.ni Ml, M. Hoyd ;!lli, \* . ril.t J}<. E. L.ni. t-. >, .lice -J7-', I 1 .. Ha., s -711. M. .-.ru '.'4. 1. L.-v. r ^14. .), M u. \\hineii, U L!..yd, M Jy. K. I. Imiu '1 i in C'l.i>s Part 11, ..II . -I i. I Minnie - mi, .1. Mel... HI :::. <: l iii. L. \\ilon ;>7, K. Ale lav.Hi. -. 1 K. Mitchell HJ, C. I>aK. n. N. Tucker 7'-', K. li.iiainy tia, H. .^ u Mi t.i: tij. L McL.- n i.l \ n\ Ali .r.Miich. Teacher i. ,<orts are small "nr^ In uieasluii. Tll follnwiu^ is th report nl t|... ng "f the |;ilinln ot > - VL Ii . isprt-y for ihe un.ntli of Jauary N.unes in order of merit. Claaii IV Celei.ia Cleiui*, Uttrry 1'uplin. A Imur Barber. Claan Sr. Ill Maud Uncle intjliani, Harry BucKin.hajw, Chruiy McKetixte. Clitsa Jr. HI JiiineN Buckingham, Nonu.n Buckiiigliain, Sandford C'leunv Claaa 11 nil Kuuey Coupur, ,l<iim Daiid Eime Dougiau Clamor. Pt. II-Alhrt Hin.il,-. Lila Sayers, ( jertie Dand Cla Jr. Pt. II Thomaa Dyer, Annie M K.-H/.I . Clasn Pt. I -Elsie Snyeni, Cephas liind.e, Lome Ci>|-r. U K Jickhnx, Teacher. "i .. s e'ritm <>\>r llv* (V.rr ' >ll 'riints.i..y KM a pervaiied ihis neinlilxii IMMM! when It tt.is uni.i.uncud lht the niesaoi.Ker ol death j hiul H.iacched Irom .HIT inninl an .Id and ilearly beloved fr I in. I neighlMir in the pi-r... u ..f Mrs. Martha M., r.licit of the late Win. .-jronu. The .leceanc-d, who lutd pssited HIM patriarchal auo af 80' years, had always been |><seMjd of a loiins. 1 coiiatiiutioii, and until .(iiite n-c entl.v was ahie to a. tend in her own little household duties. Ab. tlt.t la>t of January she win mkni i k, nut thin'ii it it * is imlhing s< rio'iit .leclmed medi a ail until two three days pr.unus to In r death, when she iwem^d to r- ah/.e that I he -end was near, ai d desired thnt a d o tnr si.ould hi! m. i. inoi.ed. but hu (inter- tuned n.> hopes ..i her rc.n.ery, in. I sl.e paoaed pnacelully itwsy on Thuisday. r>- tuning Illll Coll.CloUMIlt.-HS lo the Ult. F. T ti.r'y-h>e jeiiis she bd been a tine and faithful iii'-in i.r of the Meih"d it chinch and was .ittended in her last li.nir K-v Mr. Humphreys of Pric" after n hom she repealed word :or word the l!;ir i l'-.-ini. ;i s . the iiin-s of that b. imt.iiil hymn, " Wliai a frici d we have n .).:-im. half .-in h.-ii. l>. i re -in- ill. d. M. r end .is ;., i, ,-. 1 i- .1 ren.i.rkahle coincid-'lica tint' -li.- -.11 \ n ed Inir IMI- an.i n:n I itt:ii:nlii{ thu i. il will -h he died. \ i^.. Mi y.-nrs ni.i I*,, in. HI hs. The .i.'CellM-d Imiy \\-l.s bo. n -n A .lny'.-i\. ln-l.iii.l. . n H.e -J.n i I >. . ,'n.l .-r l'i.".. ., n. i w i.-. in. in le I t Mi v\ in. - . . \\ Janiiai v 1 - - Uith In-r liii.l.an.l and I -n'i chi'.i.vn - h iaiid.'.l in I'-niadi in .Inn. 1 . 147, locating temponniy iu tin- town- sl.i|> . I Im. s ti llv In i i i-j n Arte n- i -. 'Mi" . lrt, r >4. im n "Inch nine she I . d to be a n sulei t ..f In. line. Sin- i ' - IM e out i t .- i;!r chil.i leu tu in. nun 'i.-i ">s, \\.\. \|, M.iir\ and Mt^. K. l'"..ly, this line . K.iwa d and William .' ihnr. Uriti^h C.-lninhia ; and Mrs. A Will ains. K ,t P..,I i^.-. She also leaves ' bio hers and three sinter-, vi/.. : M>. Sam \\ Int'.ik. r. !Vn- i-r. C"l.: Mr. Ari',,i. \\ . -iker. S. Da kola ; Mrs. A. Mi Inu Kaim s ; Mis. A. Dalley. N.-W.I.-I-.I .. , , .,,. ( ; Sirsnii ways. E o m, Out. A lar^c number t relatives ann fnun.la fullnted b>*r re ma us to i, ic KM rest mi; | la. e, where th. T I, ud b- r bem e her hnnlmml in the family bur al i>l. I in Fle.liernin cemetery. Thu .eUtnesi.f lb liil- .M.s Win Stone desitx- to ex|.re tl-eir thanks t-i j Messrs Kjan IIIK! t'airns .if Cuyn.ii for their kind r.-spe ts t . the den.l. v .-Ins ' uitf thuir respective pUe'-s nf businewt as the funerxl uoruxu pa- d ibrouxh 'In- v,lla;u on Saturday l.-ist. Mr Ii S'rnnn\<-.-i\ n of Klnra, anil Mr u.d Ms V\ illiams of Co.bult..n, attend e I the funeral of ilu- late .\,rs. Win St. me. Ftvi'mss for Sale FALL & WINTER We have a good .supply <if all kindu -f F^.xwwtrfor the Seawin tlia will keep your fet comfurrnMe. Alao full lines of Overshoes, Rubbers and heavy SOCKS first quality and at prieis to suit. TRUNKS and VALISES Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended To Win. CLAYTON A(fo:t for I."' ' I.,- ,s ^1 .1. - >' h. !>. fiatii" li.'.ibu aii'l IKirii, 1 *. luil.., l.. ... i ; AIM. i.. IMIII. IS ,'.,. llll.lei u.t I \ H.I..I. v'wnuvl butb All.} li.ilun. o loii|;h air. *** II witli.iu.l W. 1. AHi!srU'.)SU. Flhrton. Jan. IS. 1900. New Spring Goods U; * This week w shall "pen up the greatest portion "i "iir new sprim; ^'ooils. nml this week ill order to in, ike romn lur our lar^e s|inni{ stiK'k . shall ijiv.- ,-xeeptioimlly lew pr ees in all woollen i ..'il> we niUHt imike iiii.ri' room somehow mid the remainder nl .til our winter good* must ff> . Iww than we can buy ik i.V iii Or Cmtt them 34 : '7 \e ' ''""- $U "<> c-ollar ' nv * * * 30 only Ladies' Mantles Helling at .... 4 only Ladles Fur Coats j ;t Capes Selling for " Men's " CoaU I onlv Men s Persian Lamb Capa, rev. I0.25. telling at Ladies or (iirls Grey Persian Lamb Caps, reg $3.50 pieces of full chith. regular 3<H'. special _1 |irs of Men's Heavy Rubi>ers s-lhni; at 8 pairs of Men s Heavy Felt Boots selling at % |iairs ladies fine felt Ixsits. selling .-it SO Men's Overcoats), selling from V< 7'> to Regular prices from $5.<<) to &.M nil heavy friexe with s*rm only IWt " JackuU, rvg. ^f.L'S. selling at ! only Men s Poa Jacket. rv K 94 '25. -wiling at Men'* Underwear all selling at TO THE GENTLEMEN ! We have just opened up the finest selection of suiting and panting ever shown in this country. 'iir tailor nntde sin's run frun $1 1 "" > pants " " r.'.5<> to ... We luive the finest selection of Rady-Mad Clothing to be fuund and before you buy a suit coine and see what we havagut. OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTHENT ! stocked with the best alu.* that . n l>e pn^ured and all before the atlvaniv in price ud wo are wiling at the old |>ric and giv- ing our customers the .-ulvantag*. GROCERIES In SUaar Tea, Coffee. Cocoanut. Currants. Raisins, Rice Taptoca, Can Goods. Dried Fruit. Biscuits. We very best tqat can be procured. .m..^^ 1 The New Store W a., not tlki.. K v.ry much ab,,m ., r ;,,wM h.i.noH. hut lettnii: the ,'cople talk. Acoiipl.-..f l .i ! .toi,uTM.n.Xatur.lay were heard to nay 1 , lir price-, hire thn ? " l f " u " li "' ""^ " Uire - Clearing Rubber Stock 1 UHirsltosvv Dominion, one l-ickU-, r^ul^.r 81 50 fnr l.'t :,,M warwrproof upper oversh-e^. Q,u', nwulwr , 5. iil> iHtir* Lad... s and Muse*' oversln.e 1 ., r^ular 1 lo SuiU >!."* underwear. American wool "eec* lined, reyulai l> prilM MMM' leather u.itt, W.K.! lin.d, rei;. 60 IS |.Htis Men's Overalls CLOTHING Si ir, l io H :t7 U $1 L> ;;,r;;,.,.^.i-i-'"-M-" , iiit> * ..... viilh v. urtnde ,ts w.th c ; ,.-h llut,.-, . '.M -.T). K^-. '-'" J. E. DOWDLE Proton Station . . . totari