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Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1900, p. 1

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- FEBRUARY 15, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE (turds Mvri.l. H ill! * Haukitr*. Markilal* On general banking kMittneu. Menejr leaned \l reauu*ula rate Call on UK Ah VASIH'SKN, J P Clerk itli Hlv Court. Co Orev tuer of Uarrlafa Lle*ne*, Conveyancer Notary. Public Auctioneer. Money to loin at H per cunt. Cbercee moderate. FLKBHKKTON P T\EHTl! COLLKUTKL U Tbe uu.ler.igu4 U piepared to uJurtake tho collection ol ll kind* of debU ote* boutfkt, aceonot* collected, etc H N HKNDKK8ON, Kletbertoo TOHI8LKTT Kltuertou Htatlon I'.nttilMtor. Coaiiuletlouer In H C J, Convey- ancwr. Uwiti. mortgage.. !> and win* rawo. MOII.I to lend kt 61 ar cent end up- er.U. UebU collected, Charge, moderate. R.F nPitoui.K r<i>lnia*t..r, Hle*herton ' -oni -ii, -.-.i .11- i In H. C. J.. Auctioneer Con veyancir. Appr.lm-r u.l Money Lender Una! Ktate aii'l Iiuurauee Am-nt. De.l rvoftK-K, leaie. au-l wllli carefully drawn itti au I valuatioui made on phortel nrtlon. M.iuoy to lotn at lowe.t rat of nit T, |..-n.,i attend* 1 to with proniptui-im Charge* low. Agent for Ocean Potulniuu Company. A call Ml to i ted. ^K/rs/^.* Photos Arteinrsla Council m i I TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph | Gallery itre done in firel-claaa style and t J loweit rut.-*. Special attention f? given to copying, liable*' photoi. Ife a specialty. Picture* framed. < MRS. BULHER AO C W meet* every Bitt *ml third Monday In eaob muotb. In .mlr lo.lge room. Cbrlitoe'a block, Kle.nertoo, at P m. AN I.-ittr I. SfW ; A M OibMD, Recorder. W Hdllauiy, financier. Vliltlog brethren luvitfl ARTHTK LODOK, No. J3S. A A U. rneel. in tbe Maeanlo ball. Strain fclock Fimberton, every Friday oo or befori- tbe lull moon. 1 A Boyd W M ; W J itellaiuy, Secretary. COURT FLKHHKRTON. I. 0. T. meet. In Cbri*toe'i Block the la*t Friday rTeninii m each muntb. V'liltlog Fcreelere heartily welcome. C.K., H. B. Uyeon , U.S., r. Van. Dut.n Jcutijitru JP I1ABBHALL M US. H D 8. I, D8 ar Graduate Toronto fulrertltr aod Royal \Jollere of D.utaJ HurReone. Vlaite tbe MeCulla HOUM. Dondalk every fr i.ley af'enoon. in.teaJ ol Kleeberton rvK C- MUUHAV, L. D. B. denlaJ earfeon V honor un.lualc "I Toronto fulteriily ami Knyal folIrK* of DruUI urone f Uutarin L)0*i- - <'layWin'e block. Kleeberton. Will *leit Ki-v.-r-.ham the laet Wednf>U)< et eecli iiiontl., and Ooodalk 1 and 1 Tbureda> ID each month. W. Barnhouse \\ i,li.-s to draw the attention of the Imlilic to the following : Fluur in bo#* of all BIIUS frum Ixith FORD'S & PLEWIS' HILLS and an cheap a* the cheape*t, alto .,.. FEED OF ALL KIND5 at all times, *uch a* bran, nhortu, chop and chopped corn, oats bar ley pea* and wheat, alau Kruita and Confectionery, Gro eerie* ami proviiiionH. I > and Coon Mitt, Boot* and Kh. ,>,. mud,. on ahorlett notice. Flour $3.60 to |4 The council of the tuwnship of Arteni eiiMnet in the town hall, Flenhirton, on Saturday, tbu 3rd day of February, 1900. The meiuuvr* were ll preaeiit, the reeve iu tho chair. Thu iniuutea of thu Inat reular inee-tinu were read and con- firmed. The following communication! wer preiieuted and read : W. .1. Luve, certificate att to digging ditch by 8 Hhear- down on the 2nd conceiwion, N. E. He- |>.,r' uf conimittee appointed to look into tlio matter of rw<l at 1-it 24, conceeaion 14 that they had ordered aome repain, an. I Kri tnui-il with Mr. Wcl.U-r for land THE FLESHERTON j. w. m< >n r. i. i i' Harrleter. K..Hriti.r ConTeyaneer. eto r -S.-xt to roetofflee, Hproule'e block' Mb iimu. eTer> Tliureda and. eor da>- B Owen Hound ufflce, Froet block Pevlett itreet eait. Lf CAS. WRH1HT A BATBON Harrlitvri Hi>lloltore CouTeyaneen, ct Olllni.-. iiw-iii Hovn.l.Ont and MarkdaleUul W H WI.I..M i. C A HA IOH 1 H I.i . A. N B - Klehertou umce, Mitchell Hank Tery Katurday. Ti i l l I. A 1'ATTKHRON llarrlnter*. Hollclton, etc Mi, I..,, n * Hank, Owen Bound I.AKIIY O TUCKBK OKO \V PATTKHriON MACKAV * SAMPSON, Harrletere, Ac iiKKK'Ki .> n Hcuait, Merchant K It*, k 111... k, N .f l'tt >r.,n lioiae. Uundalk. Mai.. siuel. every Hkturday. A i. MHCKAY. MA, H K HAMPSON. 1. 1. 1> Cruwu Attorney for Urey. IB the jil nee to bny your Blankets. Robes, Mitts, Hurciugle, Rugs wool. Itubber and Oiled ; Whip* and lashes Currycombs and brushes, nap ami Hits. Halters all styles and sizes ; Sleigh Hells of every description, Uweatpads, Collar pads. Housings. Now is the time to buy your Hai ness before the price advances. We make all Htyles with the best materal at the lowest possible living prices. Wm, Moore FLFSHERTON. BOAR for SERVICE Thv rrfifttered Tun worth Boar I'OKT LAW DAN f..r eervton at Port Law C'ertinoale ran t.t- n.-cu l>v *i*|ilviiin to owner. l-O. THOMPSON. D u MUTTON M n > M, n f ! * H Ont. I'rlcevlllt OII1.-1' next .loot to lirciwn'n itore . re*ldenc oiipAftite at til. uliI pONt office, re.tdence of late Air A HII.WII. Offloeday* l'ueeay audMatur- ew DB CA1ITKK M C I' * H Out, rtirilclan, Surgeon, etc rieilierton "tfli-i, MuiiUaw llotnl Strata'* block. Heiidence- JOHN A HCOTT, M MxmlMir C,,llea Phrile. A Biiryenn* Ontario ii, l.iat.- In M.-.II.-I,,. of Tomntv Unlr*lty. Knllownliip Ihplnma. Tout lirailu- ate K.-.lionl and Hoinltal . Oiluu.. f>l<*ae* ol >, car. iu, u,l throat i|,.-ljl> treatxd. He>lili:c , Mlwll,Tlilti PeTeralialn TuuriMlyae 19 JP Ol'TKWBl.I, v.-t.-iinarv flurgeon Graduate <if Dntarlo Veterinary foliate. IteiHenoe ecoiul door loath we on Marv etreet Thle street rjae inuth PreNt.vttirtaii flturob. Having purjIiHHed the li-naorial Im-i ne-ui from Mr I.ii; u.l 1 wmh to annoiiiK-i- that the binim-si will be coiitniueil in tbe olil |.II.IIIIKI-H. We Imve bnd a UIRH city , \|H-I i.-iu-i- and believe we. can give pur'ect al isfai-t ion in our line. Have taken o\erthu nm-nry for L-uunclry 2>y - Wort.* And all ordera left with UK will receive prompt and careful attention. Fleshertoi Skafiog Pallors A. \Vilson . . Prop. G\V. MACK I Viiterli.ary Hurfeeo anil DenrUt. Mai- . ll, ura.luate of Ontario Vetorlnary Colle, with Toronto UnlTerelly. Weilneu'lay ftom U a m. to 1 p. wel, o4lliaie<l with Toronto UnlTerelly. Vltfti kuirnia Weilneu'lay ftom U a m. to 1 p. and Kemriheiu Thundar from 1 1* 5 . >. VTA NTKD:-- Th rwi-y.iunj mn fur mxnal work. Tnachera or lu4ktd men pr- f erred. RKADLKY-OAnRKTHUN Co., Limited. Clubbing List Adrance and Montreal Star ....... |1.W " Weekly Mail A Empire 1.7& Weekly Qlobe ....... l.M Daily World ......... 3.00 Daily News .......... 1.80 Daily Star ........... 1.75 Bo.r fir Siniu Uieeter white and lmi>ro?ed TvrkihlreOm.i< re<t Hoar fer eerviee OH lot > JCSV A.. Arteateda. Term*!* eent aai Vrea. " 8<>uth Afric." Two volume*. Finn con- taiim uompUte history of country and war to date; tella about our contintjeiita giv. inj nain.-H ..i ofAcera and mm. Secimil Tulunio tn be publiahed when warii *r. Only Canadian inauafacturod booh. Bveryhody canceli their order for amrr- ioan lM>,ika when aevinir nura. U a hnttlcr thia in your ^old mit>e I'roipvetuii fiat. Limited, Brantfi^U for a further deviation of r,ad County Trea*urer,liat of land* lialile U> beaold for arrearn of UX* in 1900. The Reeve'* report an to trtaiurer'n nuretiea. Alex MoLeod and others aikinu cltatiKe in boundaried of 8. 8. N.,s. 6. 7, and 12, by taking lota, U, 7,8 and 9, con. 2, N 1> K., from U. H. B. No. 12, and place the name in S. S. N., C ; and lota 11, 12, 13, cn. 2, N. D. II., from S S. No. 7. aud place the Mine in S. S. No. G Thoniat Mo- Arthur, letter ankinx tn have hi-* lot (11.) con. 4, uken frum S. 8. No. U and pNce tliH lame in S. 8. No 10 Donald Mc- I, ,!, M.V.I M.-Mullr.i and R. McGill. ),. tri-.n >kiDK channel in the U'lindar- ie of S. .1 Noa. 6, 7, and 10, by rein., % iiilf InU 142 and 143, con. 2, S. W. and lot* 142. U: and 144 from S 8. No. A. nnil place the aame in S. H. No. 10, and take lot _>'., con. 2, N. D. R , from 8 8. No. and place theaatue in S. K. No. 10. The repn of the auditor* on the ac- counts of ISVrH, . presented. Tlioinpv n Muir That the auditor* report Iw referrt-d to comaiitlve of the whole council for final audit. Carried. ThompHoii Muir The clerk give the proper notice* of the *uio(eated chani(e t.. the houiidarlea of 8. 8. N * 6. 7. ar.d 10, in accordance with application* prvaented tu the council. Caiiu-d. Boyd Muir- That the report of th e eoniinittee p^.'iited to arrange with Mr Weber a> li> l>alion of road at lot 84 cuu. 14, be accepted and the natter car- ried out at augt(Mtd by laid comniittee. Cami-d. KelU Muir Thai tbe Rcere'i rep>r : on treuurer'a bund* be accepted and filed. -Carried. Muir ll'iyd Tlut the UKirer provide nutrnal for railing on embankment an gravel road mt lot H, con. 1, N D R Carried. Boyd- -Mair That the clerk write Tli.ii. Talb> t, pthnia*ter. with refnrenci* to a pile of lumber in hia r.*d divition, authorixiiiK him to have the aame remov- ed and allow the party doing the wnrk the cunt thereof on next aeaaon'ii road work - Carried. KflU Tho.npmn That the auditor a re|irt on the account* of 1899, a* prea- ei.ted and finally pa*ftvd by thia council be received and 200 cupti-8 be printed for distribution Carried. Thoni|m>n Muir Tht John Weber 1. PAI.I $10 for work and part pay for Inn, I for tiMtdway at lot 24, con. 14, a< per report of committee -Curried. M..yil- 'riioinpxon That the auditor* In pti'l thdir aalary, 10, an p^r byluw. C irrie,!. K.-IU Ti>..uip.,n That $130 )>e ex p. on V ilu-y rond, near M"ij^' mill, north to the the 10th coiicexMon, with a vio.v of nukui; snid road reasonably tit for travel. Carried. Kell* Muir Thui the rocva and Mr. Thompaon t>.- paid four dollars each for two dav* Het viced on comniittee re on Davn deviation. --Carried Thoiuunon Uoyd That the reeve and Mr. Kull* be paid four dollar* each, their .i II.-II-H-I in attending c-nivotition t Oweo Sound mi invitation of county council. Carried. KelU -Thompaon That R. Liiuhead be paid 118.00 for road wore on Valley Koed at lot 25, coiicension 14, and John Webe' b paid $4 00 for putting in cul- vert on aame road. Cnrriod Thoiiipaon KellN That 8. 8heardown be pid $l.ftO for ditching tn 2nd con. K., M crtihod by W. J. IA>V, ovemecr. Carried. KelU Thompson -That the membera of thia council make ,-n,|uirim rt-K4rdintf the ciruuiualancen of peneonii receiving aid from tliM cvuncil HH indigent* and re- port at neat inn-tin ; Carried. KelU-Mwir- -That Ihoe. Mauden be paid four dollara for the luimth of ary and tl/ar the Keeve iu the meantime en<|uire into hmoircuiiiatanwauiid report. Carried. KrllH H..yd That Samuel Turner, who i* in need,- circumataixe*, lie given fire cord* of atove WIXM! and the aame be paid for out of the ( \A Ibi* corpora- tion- -C-arrind. Council adjourned. On 8*lwrday morning laet Charlea kaon of Bhelliurnr, wbo hax- been con- 6ned to hi* room with a aevere cold, at- t, in|iii.t an alcoholic bath to ind'oce per npiration. Afti-r the Hpiriti had beoi. Mr*. wrapped bknket . tit him ami in wity they cane m contact with tlie fl^me. Tbe reault wa the inttanl invi-l..]rine r 't of the piticnt in Aame*. With xreat bravery Mr*. Vlaou foiiiiht the lire m>d tinally eltin- Ijuuhed it, but not bt-f<>ru Mr. Manon hitd been ui'Mit ihorkii.f^ly burned about the limb* Mul body. Dr. I: !.-tm waa aurniuooed and drriwed the wounda, anrt until Monday coulrl not h.,|- f" Mie pa- AGENTS:- Mr. M, the tfi FrvachT >.f tlie century, ia <led. Every clirmioii wnU a rrcV<1 of lux wonderful life. Our r.k reOoniKii.K-.l by th cleryy. Demand ui>|>r<rcedented. Hr^jx-ctun free. Compnny, tient'* reo/very S.nse then an improve- ment ha* Uken pUce. Mi** Aiidrnuiii of Camilla, a trained nur-i.-, i in attcnt!- ance, and, lrrn,^ coni|>licati..n*, Mr. M.IH..II -. recxrvery will enue. tbouvh a I'liu p,-rioil of utfi-rr;^ must inti-rveue. In llie meantime '!.,- beertful*) nyuipalhy of tin* coniinunity ifo* out t . him, who for many year* ban been prominent in bu*iri.*g ni,.l mum i|-il fu#. Krt-e IVeas. Crouchin In every cough there lurks, like a erouchine deer, the probabilities of consumption. The throat and lungs become rough and in- flamed from coughing and (he germs of consumption find an easy entrance. Take no chances with the dan- A' J E NTS : We h*r the authentic life of the great evantteliat Mwidy I^rxv IMH.L, lil>ntlly illustrated. (Srmt -11- er. Frmpvctu* free BRAULBY GARRKTSnN Co . Limited, WiL!<TroBi>. nut,. ferous foe. The Markets. ;ir. lulU i irr- t. <l l.arli W -rk Wheat. w-Hite Cut to G&- Wheat, rt* Mr to C& OaU 24 U, 2i> Peaa 57" o 57 Barley 30 to :$& Iutit -Jn '.. ** K^gn fr*b 30 : 'J"> I'ork 4 75 to 5 10 Fotat.** b*tf 35 'o 4D W.K4 i:i f 1."' Chickena 25 to 36- DucJs 30 to 40 Turkey* pvrJb 910- ! i ;...- per Ib b to 5 Flour 3.T 80 Hide* 7 00 to 800 For 60 years > there has been a per- fect cure. What a rec- ord! Sixty years of cures. soothes end heels the wounded ihroaf and lungs. You efcape to at- tack of consumption y/fth all Its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There Is nothing so bsd for the throat and lungs as coughing. A 2Sc. bottle will cure an ordinary cough; hard- er coughs will nerd a 50c. size; the dollar bott.'c Is cheapest in the long run. "One of my *on wa np'ttii blrxt with a hlith fever i-l f very 111. We couM tr .IT -^e In* of IK* In him. ''! diVlkiinuor BTedhi.llfe." Rov.W, UM. Write the rwirtor fomplalnl nnelt:U ,. t'.O. Ar <>!<. fukti^u i I tf TOO frfw *"y and <Mr. ib. . writ. lb Due- I bn leedleal ad' loitreelT Ad<!rM f. Dr J. r. Area. Low.ll. UaH. L'iatASED MEN. |NO CURE- NO PAY THKMiW i:tniIODTRKATeXT.| I ordinal uh l>r>. K. * K.. will uiav- 1 I ti.tlf <-r* f,,rrvr an; form ol Ukwd or I lual .li~i. It 1< tbe reeu't ef Ju I jean' ex;*rirare m the Ueatnuat o< | I WE CURE SYPHIUS , Tbu terrible fllood PieM. tie terror I rf aukta& i-.a ra4ilj U our NKW | |1HKAT.VK;,T. Bewaie et M.I >tatuetc. lhymy rurafory , .. ouliv**crMui tkeawcther unvae.1 I petai U Ike joint*, fere taroat. katr erl .j.l,rvw . t.j l,i. .-ut. rumple. kloiekee. I I etoeweh d.rmncrment. eure ere*, bead- 1 ane. rtc , yoo kav. Ike Meeadarr rtece I of tui* HMJ l>uoa. W* *olMit the I I u. , it t.l..trte nMe.aad elilleaa* the! I werld tor a cue we accept tec treatment I I and cannot enre. Br er Uintnuet the I I nkert Withe hair frowt again, paint I disappear, ibe ik m bieoene keaJthj. and | >rria* 1> Muble aad *ala. (CURES GUARANTEED | Tknnan,l*<.f , . , . | ir.n bare thet vor aad vitality aapiied I by etrly *baee*. later eieeema. nteot.l worry, etc. No matur th* ***, aar| I New Mriiii I Treatment U Ike efui. WECUREIMPOTENCYI 1 And rertnre aU part* to a normal eeadi- ] Ition. Ami.inen. life and eoenCT are re- owed, and one feel* kiaieetl a Baa .Don* men. Kerr rue w treated in-iv- Unaily ne nwre*ll keneeoar weader- I ful ni.-oi-w. lo natter what ail* yon. lennralt u* etnldenttally. We .-en for- 1 nub bank to (UiajM toaeeum- | eti*b wbat we rlaiot. 250,000 CURED i V \ r 1, ' j l.r., c- 1 r n l, \VUBD*. l.ll'l, .:K> IMIt>rKNCY. SKl'KETl IK !|,!t\!N : i Jl.NAllKALDl'SCH ' ' -, KKiNKY.udBLAllDKKDu , i.\SI l.l.VIION HIKK. B T^'Fllr If onftttl. iu ealL. write for! >rT,,y BUAKK for BOMB | KERGAN DETRO .MICH. K K A K K 9 D. McTavish , FLESHEI^TOX . REPAIRS... Kir Maaaey-Harria, Noxon, Fleorj and IS'ilkinion farm inijleaBent* tleury and Verity plow* on hand alt the tune alao all kiud.i o repairs Kr the *am. We manufacture Wagon*, Buggiei, CutteiH, Slcigha. etc., jj Hrte*ho<inf promptly attended to. 8|>*cial attentiun to tender ctn- rv;ted feet. ^<,'i<i"K " 1 ' Plow Chain* constantly on hand. FOR GOOD Sleighs and Cutters. TaUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. VOL. XIX, NO 977 Flesherton. Ont., Thursday. February- 22. 19OO W. H THUR5TOH, EDITOR * PHOPhlETOK - CO'Y LEAD INTRODUCING WHITE GOODS SALE ! 23. - : Mirkdileour o;ien- _j .j;^. .Vint:- undergarments. The millinery parlor- li:iv-- ;>een sjiven over I ' u'll n"i find a more complete collection "utsidc th: :itv. Prices ot" .ill :;:i U of cottorsare .-till advancing, but as we pi. iced ourord -T* for I . Kers m their dull season we arc in a positi -n to offer the manuiactur .<! article at about the c:st of the mater- ial. Thtte. good* ftM perfectly Maftde, of <XH] quality c,imr>ric and cotton and trimmed \v;h th- daintiest of Embroidery, lac -j and insertion. Tiie y >un^ lady in ch vil' be pleased to Frv.w vou th" different lines 'ihcsc it m j will give you a fair idea of our prices now. They'll be higher when we buy a^ain. Cured without drugs, and cured permanently CORSET j COVERS i- i '_.!> -av- t~ ^^~~aJ*\ ,/WH in itPiRl''^h' '' ' r i | **'*^' f-^fSL "*''' ' \OMfO"Tl ;, and . . full beau f>;l i.Mertion an-1 ponri but:. ;- NFGHT GOWNS a juwD TI. ' i I, - . #!..!) -? ! 1 tien wtttTttur. i i - . ' f, ,.-,- . . .ir-.--Kti-. LADIES' CHEMI5E " tine cotton m<l trimmed with insertiuiu aixi . 1:1 i- ! . - '~ LADIES' Drawers 1-4. vordirti: - - Tit New Arrivals :l ill.i the ' . W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, FLESHERTON. r , '-w days, but we ar all he la on the mend. M' ^ -/. Tli.'mpwin. P-.tnia!> - ! '-..'i \l . v^ :., ; , i - -t.'ndilr have ben r in iu. tl. ,, e r r,-!a it gue*t M .. ' ,T, V y to thuir fneti.. Thr ' nuan ha- iiat under 'l|.- .-,rlii-r i Maggie M i - .-. r ,., - . - with fnenda a: Bolton ar ' e iJcSelh Mr n4 M | - . o pnrt i h them bur wtnh rhnu - (lid blemi:.|{ in 'he i ^ TWO FEBRUARY COTTON SPECIALS - .. rrac ION ATI WHITE ENGLL- . c Q ,\ & C o. ; ^>'.v:^:^^<^ovooooovO.oo<,<^oc c8K8C8caeca Markdale AKEriCcr/fs : - f'^SS X -ESSje*- \Ve -tr.-' \ -.[-.^ . "f SEASONABLE GOO OS l In a 1 !i'n-K .if Go to John H. Heard A Son, who have ; number of Sleighs and Cutters on hand ready to ::: run. Also two cows and a number of Plymouthrock Cockctcls for sale. J. H. Heard & Son Oiii'iar.iti^; of and Sitdroom sion and Ctntr* tjablat, Shad as and Curtain 'icturoa, cjc/s, ft*. Wliich we <>!TVr at Lowest Prices Picture Framing asd General Repairing 1'i.ilerliik in.' in nil 11 Krni.cheM Sat)5(actkn Clu.irante*d VV H. PUNT, . ,-< .\ir en * t I;. . -f .. Vi-:;, ' . - v.uil . i .mil [<irk, .- . 'niing :n ill -. i.-s. \\ o o.ii:n"fl .liol.^i.U cuoitog jut thu on* *iy in! in thr. > h..rn. from '. ..'cl..- k : ill 1-', l.t pii>sol t^:iiiU tile U. llu- lYwh;. :et bin.- .'iru it<nui{ to their church a g-jior.J overh.-iuling n* %HIII .-!. the wentitwr permits by r\; ing about three bumlred Thin wan the itL-.-ution tho coiii!iiittv ar- .Hi Tucwd.iv in-^lit. t!u- l:(th !M.H;. Kil. Xcjihoiis ..t the tirin ..f > Mcl>itf l>nii.l.ilk. i- in lovn on Sciul.iy .i.-i.l M..-UI.I* Violet iU-Duff U V1.-..J..HV !i -r hro'lit-r Alox .mil .-ihi-r fricinl.s in Dun !ii.i week. v.i U. H. IK-II.-X.B re:urniil ;"r..m In- dian Heod. N. V\ I' . <.n ..'uLiy. Mr. F. Ali-'u!loitgh i.t visiting frionilx in Gt>rgo;owii. The Kovklyn otirUr.-t c^tm- o- 1 r to our t iwn . n I i 1 ._ o I -i nuit. li with i ; rno T. This is Uo.jclyn'a h , \ n' M .-\e/ in,; th :!iMevv< in th K.i-irii ji :;,'iino mil tluy did ve y cuiwulci'tn the ;>mc i> u they i.v." hiwl, bat o. r li. ;i lust n<i w... re frun fi.iiu giving the ore . n .1 -fount if i bi'inx " i iMit ^nuie for the t> wn in til.- M.iltll. The mtriotio wve wluo'i Inn swept o.vr tii'.s fair l>>inini >.i .if mr< hut m>r o u t ed M 11 k.l . \ MI' scrip to i lint hw IH- ti I'lrtoil, nd all wnlung U> don .-\ ything towar'ls the relief of th tbo n '.! M iili Hint., when we h..j-<- utiu. it rittML-ity The ;'r.i^r.-iiii. whi -h . will be ['!!.. tic in.! :'. r. vitx [ ir..u^hoas) ..h r . .M. r. r l.ct t!' b a <ran.l sui-onv. nnd we can make its ao by our ptx-or.ov. Y .in OMr'lini CwfTSSfMVSlVl' -re tu the Ticiuity I it w k pnrclia*- > timber. I .i-. Mr J., ha .f Swiutuu M i n Tryon me' with n ratln-r uti- ' i M n-l y \ 1. ,j rolled one >! i.i< :inklr lntlliii,)( I', v.-ry -eterly. Mm. ..f ii- i .wiitiiouM -Mr M. L)-iell rvwiif.t -,.nl ,.ek tliat h- wm vnti li-i '< nieditl i;raiiti-)i in all who in' in ini.iprt.te<tiii( the KtMii-m mid I ' ii. -- M. ,\i'.i--f n inU MIM t .i iM-f.iril of C^lcd.-n w^rt- ^uei,rf ti.,. Mrv RT.) J Mamies in Imt week. KlM^rlry ich ]!.-. , ' - Mn < \>. ' '<{ i ' .:-.wan' d - . Mr Ei* i ,/,.. %n i ifeOajs P r ,n I Mr H. : t MI* metff ii. u'^ t t-in - - M "fceiprwrkpiaBM -,,,. n i, s.,,.] iv ;.u. ti ,, ie tt . xt bvtn ' 9-J-id pi;,i,. l.'ith TV.'- C tl'M! Mi: Hi! 'f I liK'i-rin... .-II t-di|. eveiiinv: rteii ' .V< iis'i.r ' In- i.' - pr . . ; I n- t'ie Ut-x's, Ilii I' .--vil-. l5ui.-'..-i .n -t D'i'i..;iU . M LI,,,., I.I .: ('..I,' x II Th- -pi- d t .-in^ii.H . f Mr. ii,! >1rn S.ipi.r,!. A.ix. .!._. ,uifl tli-- Ht-iirr-.-i) t'u-.\r..---ii .h n. " \ erv inn M K'iprvci.tii.1 l>y a:l. !> C e-,' n'.-r y 8< In 'lie Meili" 'Lst ohurv 1 ' on Fri.lxy eTe.nny "f 1^' w,-, k M,^ UHV. V. it mm ing n ! inn nio'.ve W u'e ,.n " RAH' I a n-r ".h K (..a d nn.l Sc.i'l.'Dd. ih friphit- ,l-<- (Kion of pti-ci'-i t t'ni{'i!li I* ! h' v i> M i- c*|... i ,1'y n I'.ii.'M.K. . Mr. HII. h C 'mi-, our winrjetic w- miller. h- puromnwl 20 cre-< : t n !> M'. J.-'MI PV-viuon of I'mi-.n. l'U,,. y f w,,rk for Pricrvil'itm M rlie rwulf. Mt-Mra J. Priohawl a>.d A. B .>! Port Law fr-,r Our OU>H A a r>-iu!- i-t <: - .. .1 r\ i- .i.-- ! t-ni|i. it.iro a gier uin.iy . n :. ; i i:. -Hi! ol.lrr |.,piu H.'HO nrr sutf. r- fioiii i-v t -re cvlilM, .11. ) kuidiud trmtile*. Mr. JH-IU-H ' niti ,1 n lust i-^U taken v,-ry .|.lilrti!v i"d e. rioualy ill, hu: e areglail t sey tint he ie auin .l>,e to t* aiound. Mr< J MI Kvr li v* l>,v> -t-ry iin^'l during the past two wvckx, the r ult of a nevere c M.l. \\ e lioj* tint |i* may HHIII he reston-,1 to hrr oam%l 150. J hmlth. Little Gertie Tl-'HiipM n. yi<uuv:t daughter, uf our -.,,.. . . i i, r- ..-- ni-,n % frvnn aii'ither uttvk ,.f bruuohiiia. Mtm Mary Chard ha* t>i>tion the fL-k lift, hut i sMiinifolmi imnr"'i-rt. The home of Mr. %nd Mr*. Francra ^hir win* brtKli t-'.fu .n .>in,.iy 1 1'h innt., by thearriTal "f annthe' I; tie gul. str> Oo. TViropms) 9r h^. . . . . u .1. Mr. Ed i! or. aa a .*! de no.- liai> p,.Mil .u-or \.MI Imve hrarti ; tr.-iii me 1 th- ujit I woiilrl ti I a ah-.r "ir | .urn- -In-. . Early n*i >ui.,iy morn'ii^ 011^ of , u - yi-iin-^ ueiitli.u, ,., wli,i r ri-iiirnt, i; I",, in "f K. .. lj.r i >l K. .. lr.-,-'s l, l.oksiMith. (,,.[. n-,^ n ' \ ' in wan aiv.-n Mr. J.ihn 1'ilnirr hita n-'W in. i -i t. .... It i !> ut ei({lii \er - M '' " tit-t can.l- 'I. KM;J mil. I > thia , r i e aim I, :', i!y h.i\e .in'-r of f-i.'i.dn, ajitl it renii-t th,' r I r I, m. Mr H-. ry Al. TUMUT. '-i:r hatter, - i->g to C'.'l ingv-HxI. Gueee . ,1 .... p... tip at tue .iiii,^..,. i . w. M. Geo. Jul-inn, WH l-i-li.-v.-, in alv 'n in the i HT futtne, h* i -n J Hold !i N f.iMn to ,\ii. Elljaii \Viinhi. ^. .u^xl-"! t Iconic Mr. Tin ir into ,,ur town, ala,, ml!in t j I. MO 1 'lie b. -t of uccei. TltH M.afor I M. t 1 ,-lioir IK i ,

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