FEBRUARY 15 1900 Merchants' Bank Of CANADA .Capital paid up ... Iteit Sfl.ooo.ooo 3,600,000 HEAD Orricc MUNTKKAL HOARD OK UIHRCTOH8 \MiHHwAi.uiN. Kiq.I'rmlilent Hm<niH Mc-*Niis.. KM].. Vlc*-Pr*iirttnt JSIUM r Psi H'| ma. sq Hoburt Mr ky. Kmi II MuntuKu Alleu, KKI Tbur U>ii||, Km| Uonoral Mansr Joint Hen. Hupt S IN OKTtlllO AMI) UfBHKC. LcwnluRton, Uub<>c. London. (Ont MsrkdsU. Moutrcal. MoutTMl No a0 HK'Ui- rina HtnM^ Mitchell. Kapsnet Otlsvs <ik.-ili.Out won Hound, - HiMW>un, lohn I'mila. Rsq II MuntuKu Alleu, K Ossras Nejrus. Tb<M Pyshe, ^i F. M, I. i,.n. . HKAM-HM A M*i*lun, Out. . I - .^iathni. iRfanvllla, '(Mlt i tniii.Mjii flatNivsr MSII.IIH.I: . of Hrsnebos Renlaw. Hhsibrooke.Qu Hhswvlll*, BtraUofd H.lnl:ii. Que St .Icroius. Que lanioll. Tilbury Ont Torouto, Walkorton, Wioilnur. Oat, Watford, , PrawoM Prelton.Oltt BktM H>:I> IT1NITOBA Wlnnl|ig. Nv|)i>**. Brandon, *.uri Portuv l. Prairie KdmODton, Alta N*diolna Hst, AMin. A Oeufral Banking Buslnxm T'sniactwl. iutoriHit mi Ucuoiltiist Ourr mt Ktei, Ksruien ' NoUM Colluded. W. XrancA A. BURUOWS Manager I TtfcJarlanct / d : Richards I DIRECT IMPORTERS WHOLESALE MANUF'RS : Duiulalk, Markdale & Toronto Money Mating Atrartloit* for iln- N-\t Two Weeks. \Y mi, ml to utuint ims list wllbuui any lengthy roiiiineiil or introilucr ti.in. Kaoh item u-lls its own story btcaasa they are just ai we deMriba them and the priors exactly as we sav. Co Thursday morning at 8 o.'oek we pl start and *!! at these pi ices. T A n it fOAT < l.i: t it i > 'i: 3 only men's fur UiiHMSii (Htxr coat* nataral color, full siz--, Frm.-r J Satin quilt lining, a coat that will give satisfaction eitra Special 119.75 aeb. 5 I ItH. I Mr:tMvi:\lt SMI' p Men's dark grey wool ihirts aod drawers, heavy weight regultr price 90, Bxtra special Stfcls, each. Clearlnic Prlres In Cnlaiindrred shirts Men'* White Shirts, reinforced linen bosoms, good weight, regular price "[ SOe. special i"n-. " Oil KSIIOls Cmldren'H Huttuu Oreiihoes sizes 510, regular prfet;91.'2.'i,now selling at r .>ts. pur pair. Men's Frieze double breasted overooaU, larg itorm collar, a lining heavy weight, different colors, regular price, t'-OO, Special, f4.SU. WOOL BLANKET* Wool Blankets, lofty ft finish, colored herders, sizes 68X88. regular J price W.l n. Special lv.95 per pr. ^flWMMMrWr^^ Advance rvi.i -ill ! WEEKLY AT TBE OrFlUE, 8YD ENUAM STREET, rLESHEKToN, ONT., BY W. H. Till RSTO.N. 41 per an n u m strictly In advanrr Advertising Rates: a* Column, 1 year, 190 ; half col., 1 vsar, * -'- quarter sol., one ysar, *13 Transient advertisement charged < the rat* esnti per Hoc for Brit Insertion n 1 S cent each subsequent Insertion. Major-Gent-ral Huttoii, command- er of the forces in Canada, lui ben recalled by the home government. The Major's appointment wan never a popular one and there is a conspicu- ous lack of lachrymal moisture at the announcement that he is leaving as. Jott why a foreign officer should be appointed to thiipoaiUDii is not clear. particularly as we hare men in Can- ada quite able to fill the bill. This news must be especially plearin; to Col. Sam Hughes in far off Africa. Mr. Laurier has reintroduced the Redistribution Bill of laat session, which received its quietus in the 8en ate, He points out that six new Sen- ators have been appointed during the past year and these Are all eipeotee to vote for the measure and to wii over enough converts to pass it. A redistnbuliau bill is all right in its place and in its proper time, bat tha .proper time is after a new census has taen taken. As a new cetiMis is due NII 1901 we tiiink the goveroiuen could well afford to wait until tliei and not press the measure throng I at present. THE FLESHERTON A D V A N C L iarrie\l tn Mr. John Buskin in 1883, and to whom she leases a family of three little {iris, the eldest being fifteen years of age, and the youngest a babe of sixteen months. The funeral took place to the New England cemetery on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Me A l err preaching the funeral ser- mon from Rev. 41. Deceased was a utaunch member of the Methodnt church having been converted at the ae of 19. At her death she was in her 39th year. Much sympathy gop but to the hurband and little family in their terribly sudden bereavement. Markdale News A pitiable case which might well fur- nish an object lesson to the opponent* of a House of Refuge, was seen in the po- lice court on Tuesday morning, when Duke Travis, an old man of seventy-two years <>f aiie was committed to the com- mon jail for three months, for being poor. The old man has bem respectable all lu life, but now bereft of friends and funds, has no option but to seek an asylum in the county jail, which a mcrciful( f)county council deenu sufficient for >uch an be. The old man felt his p-uiitinn Jeeply. It in > be hoped that the opponents of a House of Refuge feel theirs a* keenly. It is no more enviable. Tiinra The situation in South Africa ig prac iiically the Bame.io far at outward ap pearaiioei go, that it wat three wek ax'", although considerable fighting liai occurred. General Duller lag week crossed the Tugella anil altuiup ted to force tlic Hoer linen, capturiu) * hill, but found his position nut. able and unoe more withdrvw Ins arm; -until of the river. U in a pure unit tar of conjecture wiiat hit next move will be and opinions appear to tie ai plentiful aa the African kopje*. Lord itobrrts is with Mcti'mim'rf forcn at Mixlder ilivnr ami important develop^ mini, are therefore looked for in that vicinity. An invasion of tho Orange Ki i Miti- from south and wet is not aiii'in- the improbabilities. Obituary On Frnlsy loot Mr. ami Mrs. Hulm,l Hnith im. r , of thin place, rvveived tin- ad iiitelliiiHiice of the iiaat.li of their vyungeet dategbs>r, Mm .lohn Itiisi.in of WoiUtliouse Mrs. Ilimkin had Inn n s.-nou.ly ill for llireo weeks of in \l i'. mi iti ni, but K.I- thouulitto So rooov- fi nirf nicely. On Friday she nip dinner and did some work afterward*, but was lUiM-iiily taken with lieart-fuilnre and .lie. I in a fuw luinu'es l>ceai<i-d was 1i.ro in the county of Durham and came > Flonhsriun w<b li.-r parecls. 8h* was \. A congregational meeting was held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday ev- ( t-ning, 8th inst., for the pur{ioae of dis- cussing and organizing for work in con- nection with the Century Fund . The following committee wax appointed : Mr. P. McCullnugh, Trea*. ; Me*sn, Frank Graham, T. Wilaon. J. Cunningham, A. Walker, R. L. Stephen, J. W. Whitby and Kev. J. Winter. We expect the work of canvassing to he pushed with rigour, forthwith. We regret much to hear of the death Mrs. John Buskin of the Tth line, Kuphrasia, who departed this life on Friday the 6th inst. Deceased was a daughter-in-law of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Geo. Buskin. Our electric light i* in good shape again after a few welu' holiday* owing to a break in the engine. We were pleased to see Mrs. Donelly out agsin -vfr.-r being confined to the house by a critical illneas for a couple of weeks. Miss H. M. Buskin and her brother William arrived in town on Saturday night from tiiiolph and attended their sister-in-law's funeral at Wodehoumj on Sunday The ice harvest ha* begun and it i* being delivered in wagons. The second carnival of the season was held on the rink here on Friday night of laat week. It was pronounced a success by thoao present. There was a large contingent preaent from Klesherton, which added materially to it* auccea*. Our curlers ar<iuittd themaalve* very creditably at the bonnpiel in Owen Bound laat week, securing second highest honor* and came home feeling iiuite satisfied with their honors. R. L. is a first clans akip. Mr. Robert Askin, our newly-appointed village constable, is getting U> himavlf gruat praino on account of the fearleas manner in which hu performs his every duty. We claim that his salary ought to to be more than double it present ticu-. . AGENTS: People won't bo deceived with Amnioan Histories uf the war published now, ae the war ii only com- menced. Han-lie our two-volume Canadian manufactured work . First volume ready soon, complete to date, thus you get <.. inmiMii.n. Second vol- ume published when war is over. Why waste tinir with incomplete buuk) Prospectus frae. THE LINSCCTT Publishing Co, Toronto Farm for Sale oo buiKtred acre*. SS Is rood eta** ot cs)tiT%iioa.(oa1 wild brtk noute. good out OdiuB. orcoard. well waUred. two mllee from rUeherton. for rartkur parttealare. tertni. etc apply w neebertoo. rb 9. ISO). Karma for Sn.le Lot la-lT. Con i N. T. and I. B.. 100 aore. M acrre cleared, balance hanfvoad. Uood frame bouee and barn. 14 inllw trooi FUatier DD. Also 33 aeros with food frame barn. M aeree unUer oulllratloo 10 aeree hardwood bash aod balance rough a4 weU watered W. A. AkMf CTHONG. riesbertoD, Jan. U. looa ioi* ftervide Tbe One thoroughbred Revkablve boar "Monran." lor MrTloe oa lot 13S, T. nd . K Artruieela. Termi 1 at time of Mrrto*. Pedl lire* on application WM. DAV3 Prop. BOAR FOR SERVICE Thoroughbred Hersthlre Hoar tor mrvlce on lot JU. eon. 4, Artenisaia. 'Term* T'. rnt u J. KBNNKY. Proprietor. We are pleased to ruonrd an improve- ment in the conditimi <>f thn (lev. Mr. I'hiltnure, who has been suffering fnun A M i v severe attack of brain fevrr. The rev. gentleman is quit* rational when en gawi in n iivrisati'-n with a friend, but h--ii left alnnn is apt to wander Mr, PhilmoiVs friends exprean thennielves as being hnpeful of his recovery. Mirror KaHter cotiirs this year on April 16>h, and Ix-nt cununrnces <m Keb.28.h. The >lat.rtfnr Kaater is unusually latn this yttar, and in fact ia within '' week i.fthe latest piwMhle datu fur the f irnut . The settitiK tit tho iUte is by means nf the Paschal m. mil, and mi this VMIK it is ini|>ii*a ilile fur it to come earlier than Mart-li -1 , or later than April 25. A railway accident with a curious result ...-, in.-! it Mulanrtliiiii.nii the Canadian I'acifio. Wbiln it freight train was an- 1 primfhiiiK the villsgn. a car wheel umler i.ne nf tliu hit; KMIII hot rant bn-ke and tin) oar, turnitw a emnpl-'te sninois.inlt . end i.vri ei'il, lanileil in tha ditch ill fi.nr feet nf water. JSlrange to telnti-, noun nf th- following cars left ih.-r.uk but the Minliien ,ip|iiii"tih>n nf the air brakw, due to 'lie l.i.-akinguf flu- train, slnppetl Ibe tr.tin xi x i.l.lenly, that the orew w<m| tin..-' n fnun their i-hnirH. The timl of: i. iir wax brnkeii in, ai'd thn draw heufl ->f| ni...lhr Nn>t|i|H-il. The car, whM-h wna oS'lcil with whett, was re|.la.-nl on th-i i ml- IM I'- hours. Farm for Sale .iiu 1< and 14 Con. 8 8. D. R., Township of Artemeala. 100 %crss more or l. log baru, ruuKh oait dwellitic. Thie valuable farm i* offer**) for vale CD favoret le tenut of payment Ii iltuatod lu a oo.l eaetlon about a) mllei from Prlcevtlls and 4 mile* KleAhf-rton itiation, i' I 1 K About SO term cleared and cultivated, Italauoe In lulled tnuher. For teruu aod r>ar- ticulare apply tn Huirl Muir or W. J, BELLAMY Kleahvttoa. J. B. Sloan & Son i^- IIET YOUR ^* Sash, Doors, Flooring. Shetting, Newel Posts, Balusters. Hand Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. lining of all Rinds Dons ti Order M. Richardson & Co. ^lesherton - < Z)undal/c THROUGH TAKING We're just through stock taki:ig and find we have a number of 1 nt-s which we ttiink advisable to clear out before new spring goods arrive. In view cl advancing values we bought very largely for the coming season iml shall need all available space for our new imi ortations. We have decided that every odd line, short length and broken assortment must go and offer specially reduced prices to move them quickly. Ribbons Short end* of Plain and Fancy Ribbon* clearing at leas than ciwt. Silk Ends Md length* <>f Plain, Fitfured and Bteauled Silk* at Remnatit Prices Fancy Silks A S|M.fial Line Fancy Silks range of nice colors and [Hern* worth 25ct. .-telling at l~ct. Mantle Cloths Frieze, Beavers, furl Cloth* in Black Giey.iml Brown Meltotia etc., etc. all reduced. Fulled Cloths Some special Cleanup Value* good pattern* - heavy weight Regular SOc. goods selling at 36c. Dress Tweeds Special Job Linen selected patterns suitable fur Ladies' Tweed Drewes. Regular 36c. guods for*25c. Fur Ruffs Children's White Lama Ruffs, i ice and warm, dear at 15c. and 25c. 61othing Specials for Iljen ai^d Boys. Men s Odd Veato in Wonrteda, Tweeds aod Fulled Cloths, well cut, nicely tailored and trimmed. All sine ................... 75c. Men's Tweed PanU. Nice neat patterns, good weight, good wear- ers, well cut well trimmed. All aizv ....................... 91.00 Men's Flannelette shirta. Nice dark patterns made from Oenume Loch Lomond Shirting. All HIM. Regular Kc. line ........ 40c Boy's Blue Serge PanU. Siiee 82 12 ...... . ................... 2fc. Boy's Heary Tweed Pants. Siaea 28-31 ........................ 6'%. Boy's Fawn Corduroy PanU. Bisea 38 ...................... 7*. Boy's Navy Corduroy PanU. Sixes 2638 ..................... 7.V These garmenU are all well made, nicely lined, well finished. Hardware Depart Numbering Axes Saws Chopping and Seining all weights all prices from 00c. to $1.25. Over 1ft pattern* U> select from. A good asdortiuent nf the bvat makers all reliablo cutt- ing i{ualitim bvyntul reproaek. Pricm right. Saw Setts We sell the "Lincoln " Aimplest aod most satiafactor}<-- always doeeirond work. Cant Hooks Some good oneo just in. Logging Chains Best English Tested Chains for Logging etc. All Reliable Steel Boy's Plain Hockey Skate* ..................................... SOe. Ladies and Gents Aoue Spring Skate*). All eilirs ................ TIx'. Oents Hockey Skatee. All site. ............................... $1.25> Ladies Nickel Plated Acme Spring Sktex. All aiawi ............. fl.a GenU Nickei Plated Acme Spring Skates. All sue* .............. 11.49 Straps included with each pair skate* purcaaawl. NEWBARRELCHURNS Jftt th 1f*w Jmpn>0mnt for /90O frr 3J,*rinyt Jfortt 3ko*s mH nxs and Jfo'te ?/ai/s -- mil sittJ Jfors* Jfasps from SOc. r' 3 JCmi*** from 35*. . Richardson & Co, New run of Htonea lor Clipping. SMmfs. tu.n in .U i'iir line* |uararWl . I t THE FLESH EAT Of ADVANCE FEBRUARY 15, 1900 V' I I 5 o v HOME Clerks, Mechanics and others who w.itiMhk.- r<> j.-t a KunineMH K'lucation. but who have nut the time toatteii'l .ulli-i^e should i:i.| study at home, during the long winter uven.n?. Tfce ^inrthern rinsinesM College, Owen Sound, luri published a wri.'H uf Itiuunf-.i MSB which an; not <mly suitable for use in the N. B. C. bur .ire i-i.i-i!ent for home .study. Sub- ject* : Bookkeeping. I '. .niiin-i-<-i.-ii Ijiw, C'.jrrenjionilence. Commercial Arithmetic and Mensuration. Tel ili-M-rijiUvu lunik circular to A. KI,K\IIN,, Principal Northern l!u.ini-*s <'i>ll,-jj.; |()WL*U N. .mid, ( >nt. /% %***** V^/fX The C.unty of llutTetm in advertising f JUIIO to lentil at 6 per cent, on farm pro ThU M a new departure < > Vicinity Chips Cedar fence staki for sale 500 first laaa. A. Mcklel>nl. Flehert*. M'-n^y to loan ! Urm property a,t five per cent, free <t coeis. BvlUiny & Mr. W. U. Walker ha opened a klack smuh shji atiot-'il, lliticon., snd M do- ing a <Hid businexn. Motwithstandinj money has in price, A. S. VanDuseu ia sull lesvlmi: it 4j per cent, straight. Good girl wa>td iuMandi ately tn do general house wurk. U<>od w,{es paid. Apply to Mrs. J. H. Hoard. Fleaherton. J. V. i'Unkett will deliver a lecture TJU the Bovr- British war ..n Wedueeday efeuing, 21at inst.. at >ft. Zion Church. The past week ha* even a dasspener oa timbering operations, 'l-theinuw haviutf ^iiseapearvd. , - . ^__^___^___ 4 ^ per oaot private money l-ned oai *j*y terau ef re psyaent by Gen. Kutk erfurd, Shelburne Expesjiesluw. Cusa- inuusgatiou* receive prompt atton- lou. Application* will be received by (be iKiini until Monday, li>th mat., lot alteading Ui the street lumps ot the village for the present year. W S. Chnstoe, Sproule Cruasljr A Co. have just recceiv- vd a stock of ManrtutA .end beat faevily Flour hioh they guaaate strictly link clius and are selllm at lowest ri-oiuner- ative prices. A trial is reay ectfully twUo- Woud wanted by tender fur Maxwell cttsees faotey, 2t cords guwd ^reen ma^We budy wood, 28 IUJSMB long, cash "a de- livery. Teuders st be in fcy Feb. M, 1900. AddraeaU. M. Irwin, cheeaeOMet- r. Markdale. The Durham Uirvnicle bas been eaktng- e*l by four oulunuieand ia much mproved 4D appesraacc and convenience. Bro. Irwin is fast becoswng one of leva ber newspaper tu>-u in the county, and it gives in pieaeur'i U <H>le the fact. Mrs. Awdrew Carr of this village rv- ceivcd uewH Ual week uf the death of her sinter, Mra. 8. Hallway , at Oruno. l)e- i-^ed wa an .IUIH of Mrs. T. K. Me Kenxie and had visited Fleakertou on everal UOCMIOUS, where she made many warn fnenik who regrK much to li.-r of lirr death. To KBNT IN PurtviLLB, A large 8 ro<>aird house, with ien acres of land 11 the village of I'riovvillv, suitable for it rtj farmer, alsu a iJiop aad dwell- ing in the centre of ike village. Will be rvuteJ mi reasonable 'ernut to suitable psutieo. Apply to J\. L. >lui timer, IfVee Press Utfice, Sholburne, C. C. James, Priceville, Out. Hurrah, Urts ! Clwer up. The snow will cone at{MH. Then bring <i your li _< soft vim, out luuetly 14ft. long. D 'lit fear to briug the big. bigger onea, we'll handle then.. W,. want <>00,OUU feet. W'v gt th* null, we've got the * u? muscle, wS> gut tbe IIIOIM-V, t-n>. K. T Carr. Kwgei la mill. KugeuisL. O. L N... HIS wtll giv their anuual eiiHirtNiniuent u Tuesday -evening. Kl>. -"tf. This mutual veiit is niif of inure ihtn usu>' nnp<iitMice and a good pri>i(iaiii u uivtriHlily vtklernl. This year we b?lu-<.u tiioiher g><d rhing tw in store for those who ir w> iwrtuiMle a to be piessnt. 4Sv- larve pi-Cars for tuu-tn.-ui.iri. Special serucea biatannithe Methud:st church oi. Sunday evening and will con- tinue until further smiice. Mr. Gotf, evanxuliiit, momductiny them in conjunc- tion with Rev. Mr. Wand. Mr. Harry Piper of Cylnn met wi'h a very serious accident oti Friday niitht. He had taken his hi>rsen to water and ujwui returning t.> the stable- threw the Iriltt-ri ver the horoea tit-cks for them to en'er when nnei.f them turned nd play- fully kicked up lim hvek, with the result that one of them struck Mr. I'I|.-T on the s:ue of the lower jaw, xtnashing it in Hveral placrs. The injured gentluitian 'ok train f'-r Owen Sound Saturday where the injury wa* (Irrwrd by sur- u--"4is. Mr- returned home attain the s;iie day, hut will be incapacitated for wotk fi>r some time. A quiet wuddiug rook plate at the residence nf Mn. A. McGillivnty, Fie*- ertori, on VYeduemiajr of last w.-i-k, when i"-r daughter, Mia* Nellie Smith, was niiiteil in marriage to Mr. David A. Tol- tnei of Erin. Only immediate friei.ds anil ri-U'ivei of the .onlraciing psrtieH w*re present. Tha ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Darroch. The bride looked pretty in white, being .usuted by Miss Alice Mcl^usy uf Proton. Mr. David of Erin did a like duty fur the bride- groom. Mr. and Mr*. Tultou remained in town until Friday, when they left for Erin, and will take up their residence at Emerson, Manitoba, next month. May peace, prosperity, health and wealth be their p. r'.i n. Personals Muts EllaOsborn of >'oltwa ia viait- iog her sister, Mrs. W J. Bellamy. A/r. -John I'linton, jr., who haa been pending the winter with bis parents) in this fillaite.r t iroed on Wednesday to hU homa in WinnipeK- Mua Robina Smith n visiting with friaixls in Enn fur a couple of weeks. MUM Winnie Davm. daughtrr of Trus- tee William Davis, who was taken ser- iously ill with sppendidtis eleven weeks ago, and hns sinoe ben under rhe careful treatment ot Dr. Carter, is, we are glad l (oaru, recovering nicely. Rev. W. Seeiey and wife of Siiigbamp- torn were the guests uf J/r. and Jf m. Joe. Clinton on their way to and from Owen Suwud, where Jfr. Seeiey spent Sunday in the iittuiset of the 3f issuinary cauae. Ooc. Sheppa rd Docked "Tbe way of the transgressor is hard. asti in one instance at leeet the. Ontario Medical Association ia endeavoring to Make it barter. A few years ago a errtam Dr. Sappard took up hi* resid- ence at KimUerley, baling come there from Mouo MUls, near OrangeviHe. His practice at Kisuberley did nut prove to be susTioiunUy remunrralive and he re- moved to MarkUale where he indulged in fast horsms sec. He was alsu iutvmted in a hotel pmprrty in Duiham which pro- ved a disastrous NpefuUthxi. For a oiMiph) f yean litt le has been hrartl of him. but it couple of week* ago light came as to his recent doing* by the an- ouuceuiebt m the Toronto papers that he hsd hern arrested for malpractice. In company with a nan named Myers from near Newmarket he had formed a part- nership and started a ca.icvr sanitarium. A recent caao which came under their kands developed pneumonia as a result it is alleged their Tenement and the vic- tim died. HoC& Sheppnrd and Byera an< imw awaiting iheir trial for nian- siaqghter. having been committed by Magistrate Dvnumn. Epworth League Coaventlon Tke fifth annual convention of the Kpewrtn Leaxue of the lloeii Sound District wan held in the Methodist churx h Ofi Tueaday. Following M the duleva- tiou from the various L- ague* in the me- tric', winch was suiall, no duubt owiiig in tile bod weather : From Owen Sound Ma, Baker, MIM Hopkuut, Mr. H. K. Front, Rev. H. Fervuwni. Miss Annie I'.inJiti, Kri'i'kh.ilm. Holland Ceutrv Mus Aniiio Wimin, Mr. anu Mrs. K. M. LMtruyd, M's. J Rolaiin, Mr. K. A. .Viiilur>n. Ftnui Markdale Hav. K. Huckaaiaii. Miss Nellm Arnmirong, MISM I H. BonrduiHii, Mrs. E. Craig. Price- i ville Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys. Ui . I K C Murray repreaeured the Alt. Zion I Leaxim. The uunveniioii was opened by Msrk- ' dale l(4ui(u,.Vf i.K.t'raiK being the leader in taedevoii-ioal uxercie. JUr. A. K. Armstrong ol Kleihvrton gave an excul- Knt was by b.illnt, who immediately went int.. seasion at ihw cliww uf the murnint; meet- ing, and .-l.-ct.id officers fur the ensuing year. The afternoon aimsmn was opened at 'i p. m by the Duniixlk League, .Mr l.."iiT Davis heiM< the lender Tho sec- i.-'.i.-y ami treasurer brought in iheir r.-|.. -rtM, wlncli h">r.-.l that tliere ate nix hundred leaguers in this dintrict. $11.) wure rms. ii I.T mitsionsry purposei last year, from a membership of almut six hundred active, sasociate and honorary meinrxjrs. The arcretaiy of the cnininit 1. 1 then Ktve in bis report as f.-ll-iws : Hon. 1'res . Rev. A. LangforH, Owen Si.und ; PriMiii.-nt. H;ir..M R. Front, Owun Sound; First Vice, Beit Arm- tr<>ng, Klusliertoii ; Second Vice, Mrs. W H. TtiuMU.il, Kleehert.'ii ; Third Vice. MIHS Laiiufrrd, Owen Sound ; K'lurth Vice, Mr Anderson, Holland Centre ; Fifth Vice, Mis* Board mai ., Markdale ; Sec., Mm* Nellie Atmitn.ini, M.nkdale; Tress., Lester Davui, Dun duk ; Confeieneo RpiesentAiive, Rev. \lr. Fergus .a, O*en Sound , Executive i .m , b'rmik ( rer. Owen 8-mnd ; Mr. Sliunk. W.intf..iil ; Mr. Bunt, Owen Siuml ; Ml* W. A. Armstrong, Flesher tun ; Mr. J. Mclntyre, Dundalk. Much disappointment wan fult when a telegram was read from Dr. F C. 8tph- enaon, Toronto, saying he had missed the tram but would lie up on the evening train. Dr. Strphun.-uui is an .ntliUM.v.iti. worker in the intenatt of the Forward movement for IIIIHHIOIIH and it was hopeil that uch information would be gained iind much enthusiasm Htlrrai up by IIIH addreaw on the above subject. He was also to have taken the question drawer, which was taken by Rev. H. F. Ferguson i 1 1 wen Sound at the evening session. MUM Hopkins read a paper prepared by Mias Langford of Owen Sound on The Children's Hour, and how to make the best mie of it. The writer showed much insight int.. child life and junior league work should receive more consideration during next year in this dint net. In the iiincuaaion that followed the fact was brought out that Muts Stone of Pnceville North had unnnized a junior league and when no available place was found for the meetings had thrown open her own home and was doing a grand work for the Cing people and for God, a* there had n more than one conversion. Mian Ida Irwin uf rleahertoii gave n paper on Consecration, which showed careful preparation. It was decided by resolu- tion that I rwen Sound district unite with Wiarton and Mt. Foreat diMtnct* to sup- port Dr. Stephens in the work in China until such tunes as the Board of JTuwions wishes) a change. At th evening meeting a program was rendered, the prominent feature of which was a ruuet eloquent and inspiring address by Rer. W. Buchanan of Jfarkdale. At 9.50 Dr. Stephenmjii arrived and talked fur half an hour on the Forward move- ment. The meeting closed by singing "God be with you till we meet again. The next convention will be held at Owen Sound m September next. ont., on HalliJay KAUjDar at Oroao Lm.bem Co. Wednesday. Feb. 7th. Mrs. S. aed l rears. BctslN At WedenooM. oa Friday. Mb Inst,, Ella, beloved wife of John Buskin, afe.1 JS years and 10 moitbt. TOLTOH UTTW-U tbe ieeidneof tbe bride tnotbor. Flwhorton, oa Wednesday. Tth iut.. by the Rev A J. Darrocb. Mr, David A. Tolton of Krln to Miss H*nn Hii-n Smith of flMU.rloD J*usbter of Mn. A. MeOllllvray ftTTon -Uawmasc* At the reaidsnee of the i. n.le e pareou. Ceylnu. on WetlnwdaT, Keb. T. by tbe Hev. J Ward. Mr John r > tt-.n toleuie KlUtbeth. plilel laughter uf Mr and Mn. Noble Lawrence - t papvi on ' PrrvHiling prayer," whn.li followed by an i-itnrtsting Jissamiioii. Notice toCreditors [o tbe matter ol David Orant of tbe Villa** of Nlnahaui|ton. In tbi* County nf Grey. Own. eral Mervliaot ami lii.lrtkr Insolvent. Notice le hereby fivvn that the aNive IIAIII*MI IsNolvffnt hae ma-le an ^*ninin-nt of ti IP salelc toiud, in tru't, f or the benrftt of biecredlto . nuiler tb* i-rai intone of I'bap 147, R.S.U. 1SPT. aad >iuU'line \>-t. A nieetinK ' tbe oreilltore of tbe Mid In- solvent will bo h..l I at inv niflce. Mealnaoo nuilliuK. inthecltr of Toronto, on Mou.lat. :rif I'.th dav of January. afterniMin, for tbe appointmont of Inipvctor* and the givti^ of direction* for tho lifntrtbutioo of the estate. All oraditura of the naid etat are Rerebr requentetl toflletb-fir olaium witb the under tifineo true toe on or before the date of Mich meeting, to be verified by affidavit, after which tbe ald truetee will proceed to dUtnbilte UJH aueU of the ai.l ntaUt, bavins r card only tn inch claim* ae t hall have notice of. and I >lia)l Dot be responsible for tbe aeMte of the nanl Mime or any part i hereof to au> pereon or iiurwn* whoee claim or clalun ihall not have been nle.1. HICHAKO I.KK Trustoe, till McKinnon Bulldln| Toronto. Dated January 4. A. D. l*w Notice to Creditors Iu the matter of the eetal of John Poru-r, late of tb* Townnhlpol Proton, in tue oouuty of Grey, doooed. Notion Is hereby iven iiurnnant to the Hu flMil Statiitee vf Ontario. 1W7. Chapter 149, Kactlon W, thet )l oreditorn and utbnrm harniK it.lin.i MianiMt the estate of the *ald .'uhn 1'iiri-T. who ilit- .1 on ur abirat the !--th dav f Pwci-iubvr, A. D. tHBV, are required on or he fore tbe IMlidty of Knhruarv. KM), to en.l bv uiMt prvpanl to "itii-.i K|H rt .John Porter. Ktealre. Swmion l'r Out, ur William Ueorue Hoitnr. Ki-.|nirt. Hmtitoa Hark. Out.. Kitteutera of the la>t will ami Teetanmut o' the tald decpaaed. their chilntlan an. I urnatniM ad- irHniin sn-l dpeotlptioiift. ami paitiunlr <>f their claim*, th italainoni of Umir aooounui and the nature ef tlie nsvuritiee, if any held bv tlmm.aa.l further nut'cu that after mien \*-i iui.tione1 ilHtf* the itaiil Kxi-ciitore will m . i-eod to alstribute the asesta at the iiruvano.1 Ktnotii; the partn-i i ntiili*-! thoreto, having re - Kr.l only to UiucUinn .if wlili.-h the% shall thin *e tiotins au.i that tha nl Kx'Cui<>rs w.!I Mt k* baMs> (or the sard aeievs or of any i.i i thereof to ail v |ieroii or ui*rnou if wl..^... clira iioti<-e *h^ll n >t have ben reoolvud by thvin of Hiicb dlttnbutiuy. JAMKS l.A.MON. Rolloitor for ahovn nanntd K , utors l:ted IUU Ittb da> ul '- |-- j, :<M. ^l>,^wV, . / 'wN^l l <,',^W..e > ./eN/Ts/lv;^i?W > --^ l -'wN'WS'WN/-' ... ^^ 1 FALL & WINTER * We have a go<id supply -if all kinds ..f F >otwar for the Season tha ^ will keep your feet comfortable. Also full line* of Overshoes, Rubbers and heavy SOCKS first quality ant/ at pncts to tuit. TRUNKS and VALI5ES Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended To Win. CLAYTON Ajfnt for Dominion Money order E * \tl u/ * * * * V* V* * * New Spring Goods ttattOHBOBOBQMK Thia week we shall open up the grot-tent portion of our new spring good*, and thin week in order to make room for our Urge spring stock we shall tjive exceptionally low prices in all woollen goods we must niaku more room somehow and the remainder of all our winter goods must go 30 only Ladies' Mantle* selling at 4 only Ladies' Fur Coat* | :t Cape* -Selling for lees than we can buy them '> Men's " Coats I '.' onlv Men s Persian Lamb Capo, reg. $5.25, selling at 2 Ladies or Girl* Grey Persian Lamb Caps, reg $3.50 J pieces of full cloth, regular 54)c. special -17 Jc 21 pairs of Men's Heavy Rubbers selling at Coat 8 pairs of Men i Heavy Felt Boot* selling at 6 pain ladies tine felt boot*, selling at .'H) Men s Overcoats, selling from $3 76 to $6 <M) Regular price* from $5.(K) ui $7 50 all heavy tnum with storm collar 6 only Boy's Pea Jacketa, reg. $3. J6, selling at $*J .V> 3only Men's Pea Jacketa, reg. $4.26. "wiling ** 25 Men's Underwear all selling at <-* TO THE GENTLEMEN! We have just opened up the finest selection of suiting and panting ever shown in thi* country. Our tailor-made sui'* run from $11. 00 to $2 pant* " " $2.50 to W have the tineat selection of Ready- Made Clothing to be found and before you buy a suit come and see what we have got. OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTHENT I* stocked with the heat value* that can be procured and all bought before the advance in pnce and we are selling at the old price* and giv- ing our customers the advantage. $ GROCERIES In Sugar; Tea, Coffee. Cocoariut, Currants, Raisins, Rice, Taptoca, Can Goods, Dried Fruit, Biscuits. We Handle the very best t^at can b procured. The New Store ^WJWW^^ We are not talking very much about --ur -iwn bumo!s hut lettn the people talk. A cupl" of customers on Saturday were heard to "l->wer price* here than we bave found in any store." Clearing Rubber Slock 16 pairs heavy Dominion, one h-ickle, rrgulsr II 60 for ...... 13 pairs waterproof upper overshoes, (iei>ts'. reniilar 91 76. . . . iO pairs Ladm's and Misses' oversh.ies, regular $1.75 ........ 15 Suit* Men's underwear. Aniericau wool rtevc* lined, regular f I 25 ................ 6 pairs Metis 1 leather mitts, wool lined, re-.'. 60 .............. 10 pairs Men's Overalls .......... ""<: jf nav ^r * *^ r 91 U 1 _;> !>6c 6 37 5.) CLOTHING We can et you up a t-tilor mads suit, Kuarrsnti)*l tit in il'lfer- etit culore,!. tweeds.. $llJ12,13,$l4.f 15. 25 lb. Raw 8u*r $l ' K.ir produce u oay the hmliest pric- and von can buy the mine with your trade as with cash Butter, 20--*6. K^js, 20-22, J. E. DO W DL E Proton Station Ontario