FEBRUARY 8, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M'CUI.LiOUUH * YOUNO |l'ik.T. M.irk.lali- Do a Rf nitr*l l>nkiiiu buluM. Money leauert M a rea.ou.bU rato i:M ou u AS VANIU-SKN. J T . 5th Ult Court. Co Orey tier of Marriage Mcentee. Cooveysueer Mutarv. r.ii.n.- Auctioneer Money to loan at 4| |>er coin Charge* moderate KLKHHEUTON P KHT-' D- .. ii,.- ,iu.l..rlKne.l li pieparrd to u.lertakr the collection <! all klucU of debit tei boutflll, acciMlutH cd'ecled. etc. 11 N III.NDKU80N. FlMbtrtou I Photos I TAKEN AT THE OHIII < OUIH il Flesberton Photograph Gallery | T Ki)iertoti BUtlon l-i>ti, lii' roovejr- anr..i I K imi'Ul!*. leases "' *" n l r*n. M i at JJ r cut and up- trill I iibu collected. Charges moderate. RJ I' .-"ii-t- r. Kliwhi-rlon rouinUlnaar In II >..!.. \ii.-tionwwr TO, 11 . C.'ii -t *M'I Money Lender ,.| Inauranco AKUt. Peeil* ,.. le apl wilU careful I ydrewD an ail >:'i.:i MI* ma.le ..n l>"i t "' iietl.-e. t rutttn n( iuter<jl. <''! t.i with (irotnplleM , . i for <i,.-i. DonilBloo mlni' i',.ui|>any. A call lollclted. u,,., i -I AO U W moeteeverjr nut sn.1 third Monday in v tcii inoiitn. In .flilr lodge room. Obrl.t ..- l.l.i-k. Kliwii.-rton. at H p ui A. N. (jetijrl. M vV * M OlMM, Hei-order ; W tMlamy.l-'iutniM-r. VIM tin* l>-tbreo Icvited are done in first-class style and at J 1. iwe.it rate*. Special attention J eiM'.i to copying. Babies' |ihotos. Ik a specialty. Pictures framed. u, MRS. BULTIER * I\- > fiv> "Jit- -W- *>lv- JR' }!? "71^ "Siv- S JR" tflv- W. BARNHOUSE Wishes t > draw ill.' atlentio:i o' the I'lil'ln- to the following : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all sizes nd as Cheap the cheap -.t. special Murrains in :i ami 5 Kin if i lnU. PBIN< T. AltTHTIt l.ol) ii:. N". W.A \ 1 TUMU iu tho alaumic hall. Strain 1 . block. Kienlierton. every Krl.lay oo or before the i'ii: II..H.II. J A Hoyil W M ; W J bellsuiv. Secretary. !OtIKT 1 I.I>IIK1CT()N. I. O. F. meets In ...u-lt tlii> Ut Krl.la> ovuniliK Ib e.-a in m'.li. Vi^itini; K ten li.-rl!l> C.K..H. II. I>y>n;K. b. V. Van- C" Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in season . , . Groceries and Provisions. O<!(; and COON MITTS and I.KIJC- IMi:> made to order and mi Shortcut Notice. WH. BARNMOUSE, Flesherton THfe FLESHERTON JP M Mlsit \i 1, II II n. I) I) S. I.I) S ooor (lr liml" Tor.into t'uiverslty and Koal i>. i 1.1! hiiiK-.)ou \ M, \i.-i-,ilia H-IUM. Dundalk every fr'n.li>\ .>!-.; .... iio>ta.l of Plaeliertou DR. I c Ml IMY, I. I'. H.. rt-t.U.1 HHTBe-.ii; r I;IH.MI.- "l Toroolo L'nlvanitjr aim )ii,\,, ,.. nl.il h.ir^.-cliii of Ontario Will i tliu la*t Wetlnenlsyi .1 \V KKOriT, I. I.. H Harrlnter, H<. licit.. r t omeyancer. lim. Ktat <" ponioffl. <. Hiiroiilf'n vj. ,, i N |i .,. >,,n,,.| j'uu.i-tt itiee: ea.t. . Tl...r~i mid etc block c .urt da> blouk H/vTSOX in Conve n I. Out and Mi LIT VS. WilKlHT * . |iarrt-t. r h.ilK'it.nn Conveyancers, el Offl'-' - W H v> iu<. n>. < \ ' N It I l.-l-eilon <>tln. Mitchell's very Saturday. H.i.k fi I.I l: A- *1*L - -- MoNon's Hank. Owen Sonnd hAH'.V ii I' i ul U lil.o W r\Tn:ll.s<>N IJACKAY * SAMPSON. Harriets, *e M ,)H . . 'wen Hcnnd. Merclianl flS'ik III... , N ,t l-aturton Home, lluixlalk. Mai . - . -..u.i'Uv A,, ; tOKAl M A . " * SAMPSON. L.I.U.. i .\uuruejrlorOrey. Is tlip place to bay jour lilankots, liiilti-n, Mitip, Sin ciii(fU-s, Hugs wool. Unbhcr and Oiled ; \Vliipn and laslict- ('iirrycoinbs und briislifK, Snaps) and I '.its, lliilti'i-s all si \ Irs and BI/IK , ~>li'ii.'li Hells ,)f every description, ->i nipiuls. Collar pails, MniisiiiL,'* Nnw JH tin- lime to buy your Hal - nrsa bt-fi'iv the piici advanced. \Vr inukc all Rtjlen with tin- best materal at tlic lowt'Nt |)OSt)iuk> living prices. Wm, Moore FLFSHERTON. ROAR for SERVICE: Tllll I . Tamworth Bear I'OIlT HW DAS for nervic.. at I'ort I ai CerllUcatu cau beeei. by |. pit I.IR tn owner. .,"6. TIIOMI'S.'S. Vertical D" M, U C V Ont, 1'rl.eTllle Offtr.' n.xt .'<.r I., llrown'. utore ; rmldenee I l,,,,,t ..iln-e. re.lrteiic(.flau '- j\ew AUi HIO day> . umca*yn-i'uedayauaKatur- D B ' MOP A HOi.t. I'liT.lrUn, Riiraeon. etc pleitii-i-t'.n ..ffli-.i sn ain't blocs. Uml.leDce- aluu>.lmw II i.-l JOHN A sroTT. M H M,..nl.r ColleiiH l^iTHle. * auir<>nii 0trin (Ira-lii*!- In M.^lolie of Toronto U_|Tarlty. Fellowship Il.|.|oin. , l'ot ilr<li|. M< M..1,.I S,'h...'l a.i.l Ho.|.ltal. rlilr.,/0 hlw of fir. r. nr> n<l throat IMCISllI trial i K.l.l<T.ee.MaiWell,*Ults KeVerili.u. Tbura Having pur -I. .is,-, I the trimorial IH-SS fr.nii .Mr I-rti.ird 1 wmli toaniunintre n.Ht tin- IniimuiM* will be ci'iitinuo.1 in the old proiiiiHr*. We have Imd a larni- city -X|H)iii'iice and liulivvu wo csn uive pi-ii'i-i t latisfHction in our line. II. u.- taken over the ntfiiry for I^osto n Laundry AN - Park*!'* - 2>y - Wor*, And U order* left with ua will receive prompt and carrful attention. JP Ol'TF.WKI I. Veterlnarr Surgmn 4Va<1iit of Ontario V.lerlnary 'ol ll.i l.ifio eeoiid door South weet on Wai ^ street Thl trset rant eeuth Prtwbvtarlan r.innrii. G\V. MAC 1C I !: Vt.Mli.ar '-.I'UM.n.n^ n.nllnl. Vai- wel! cr iut of Ontario Vetrlnr Cell"**. Bw>'r'*'1 with T.iro.ito Unlveralty. Vltlt. koi.'.ila W'tneUy fromll a m. to n in., U.I 'Ker.li*iiiTlnii.l*/from f to 3 p.m. [lesktoB A. \Vilson Pulors Prop. Clubbing List \VA N I'l :! ' 'I'lir-n yonn< tiii-n f'r special ,.!,. T..I'-|I<-I* or educated men (ire- furro.l. WUDLKT OA1MWO1I *V^ id Irutf"rd Soar for Service Chrsl*' wliilw ivl liuprnvod V.rklilre Cro tslinr... .1 .l.i (" HI lreul.'"i I"* M* ITT, ' - '-"" ' For th lureftt of our Bulmctihers we s^aitl this year submit lhn followii'g clubl.iiiK ratr* for the onuuin-i ynar. As ni.Ki |Mt|xir* uive ImlmiLTi ,.f 1HIKI frre t.. new sulmcriliT* it will b wue to bnH in your subscriptions ** rarly so poa*ible thereby receiving ureater value for your niouey. Advance and Montreal Star II .HO " Weekly M*il A Empire 1.75 " Weekly Olohe 1.6B " Daily World 3.()0 " Daily News 1.80 Dailv Star 1.75 House aid lit for Sail FtlM hrlcs home and |rtl ar*l*t In Fliher- ton. hone* rnntalui w*<u ruoin*. |i.*4 tune cellar >nlt and haril wairr. Will be told chia|> and ....,, era,.. Iteii Hlsloi.Hov. It, The County Council renuird ill deli- berationn at t HO p. in. on rri.lay, viilli all tliu nieinliel-.-. pn si lit Tin- attern. on WAN larifely taken up with n umi-uision i. rding the two tirauta asked for by the .si linttalion. Mr. I'r.Hfon introduced report No. 2of Ibe lin.ii.ee . oii'in 1 1 tee, wliU'h leconiineiid- I tliu payiiieiit of a large number of ar count N Clause 5 recommended that fMX) lie giaiiteil the men ol i i.e olst Itatial- ion and clause 6 recom mended that $100 l>ei!ive.ii to I.elp py for the. new band InttruniBut-.. 'II,. C.-uncil WMK moved in- to .oinuitttee "f tliu wh.-le on the r.-port. Al tbe clauses panned without ditticulty- iiicliidinu .-I oisi- 5 to grant $500 lo tl.e butt. ill , n ; Inn clause rec iiiiinendii g hin '" tliu bnnd crat-d a diacunmon tl at 1 is-.-.l more tb.-i'i an hour. Mr. I'iit.-rviii n;ti<i tbal be as against the L'rant bo-ui*e the Durluni and Mea- I..I.I i...i.il-. as la't.ilioii bands hail le ' i.-. lived anygr.nit. Fiinlierinore li i.i-lievi-il tl.at linn uas piin-ly an <l*en Soni.d or^'aiiiwitioii that should tie sup- i l.y tlie town. Mr. (iordoii favored tho grnt a-l sii.l that when the old batiaiioii b.ni.l w.-i.t to eamp U W.IH obliged to look to oth.-r pines for th rMijumit number of players it was not the Owen Sound band, r In-longed to ibe whole Comity of (Jrey. Tin- Cnixeiih' own band wa* the t>en Sound bund. The new band HH bvroin- u, n a IIIM <l.is. n.uiiical onfanizntiaii. Mi. (ioiilcn ilo-ed Ins tein.irka with an el.Hpi. nt uppcal on )>' half of the grant Mr. Kielmnlxoi. ilioii^lit that every en coinageineiit hbould be kl.own lo our volunteer fop-. H. Waidun McDonnld aid that a battal- ion wits prolnbiy judged more by its b.nU tli.in anybr-t! else. Sill'.-,- the decline of our Imnd, tin- Untalion Ima never been able to oai.'uie the iler urn otfeied for the beat iiiral ronuneiu a: camp. He Miro.iuly favored the, uralit. Mr. Flout alw> favore-l the grant. Music waa necewtary tt* a recreation in tune of (H-aue nnd iiecusasry to brace the nerves in time . f .u . Mr. Peterson ili.-n rose and stated that he wan laboring under aileliifion renpect- ing the Irnnd II- Miounht tliat it wa purely an Owen S. >un I oruvnization. He wOQM now \..te lor the grant. The nioiion t-. ps the clauc was put to tin- iiii-etii'i: and eairiisl unaiiiniouiily The ihiininittee roue and the report of tbe Kl'ianee ronmiiltee ws Inter adopted in .is entirely Ke|irt No. 1 of tbe Cminty Property e'Hiiiiiitlee recoinenil. d the payment of a mi'iiber of nGCouiit*. One claue, how ever, n-p, i -ling tbe paymenr for mune . vetioiitliii.',' done at the Court boii*e. . r.-aled much op|>..sili,.ti and lengthy diKcuHsion while in coniinitife "f the whole. The report ai< passed elsuse tiy clause and finally adopted Mr. Hugli MiKay of iltirlinm was uranted an anenni -er s In-ense fiee for one )ear. as requested by |ieiitlotiera from Durham. T*lie Coui'Cil ri'Mumetl on Miturday nioining and Home of tliu rcnoliltionx tliey adopted wen- veiy in'en -htmif Tbe Finance colinni'lee broni;ht m le p..ii No. "'. wl.i.-li wa* rccoii'iiif nded the I'syineiit '.fa number of mnsll u-counti. Tlie n IBIII was adopted. '1 he Co in.-. I gave evidence of it pat- riot mm by a uralit of 100 to the lte.1 (.'r IHS Kuiiil. Thin move, should receive til beaily eliilo|>;il|..n of tin- I II Mr county. The report of the education roinmi'tee r coiueiiiled the pnymoiit of ttevoral minis f .r tbe continual. on claucs in nimii.-. pa e. K. l>..i-t No. 1 if tbe Judicial Audi' Committee, which takes cognizance, of jn 1 supplies and oilier eipelicrs. of wbu-i 'he liovernment pitVH a |.eioentsge, was biouglit In and finally ndoptiil. A by la* wa* then inlr.Ktucod giii power lo the police vitlisge of Shallow Luke to . \t. -ml im 1'iiir- to a certain s|K-citied dittau.-e, iiu-ludintt a ceiUi .-mreane Tbe by-law | B<ed its \atioua reading* and WB finiilly adopted. A run. -bit inn wa* then, op motion Mr Mi-K'iHioii, iutroduc.il. He moved that the C.mnty Couooi'l adjourn t in. . i in Durbani on June 25, 1900. A heated d ifcuseion followed tin* res- olution. Thu volt- ti'ially reunited in vieloi y for the Durbsinite* by 8 to " Mr. McCallum waa absent oin.- to th death of hir brother, but It is doubtful if ln presence would have, changed the refcult. The arguments advaiued by thoae who favored Durham WMH ihat the eh.m.e would give the members from other pan* of the county a chance to study the r. quiruments tit the (teople in the southern section. The motion aa-tried snd the Coun'y Council will meet in Durham .m Juno Kith. Council adjourned. Sun. its competitors on in my im|*in*nt un- casions !* correKixindence fr.in thn Cam- dian . coiitingunt in South Afrioa mcludex Hoie.H of tin ill' mt inter, 'K'Ultf luttflrH tli.' , ...lie I.. l.-.I tlie p.-<i|j|e of tllH Domini -II of the trialn and the gallantry of i>ur aoldiiTH. S.-emg that the markets and MtlWBfM in tbe worlil'e irreAt tr.i.lm^ centers nre all cloxo'l b-fiire tlienfirriioon are print- eil, it hv liet- 1 1 one of the unceouiitil.le thinu* 'lit tbe iiiorniiig p.ip. i.s sh.Mild ever lisve li.-i"- lo- k--<l I. rand *aite-l up- on f..r llieir comniKr. ia' und finaiii-nil |.:i)4es. The I .iron-.. >' ir iaki- full ml i .i ti^'eof tin. tune of publifatioll it 4 ..'. I ck in the nfteinoon to pTrsi-nt full .in. I relialile rt-|i"its from all the trading c.-ntr , us writ ..s tl .- l.'i-.il -xi h'liigu". Tlo si- re|.orih are pir lied hftueii boors alt-ad of the iii-r.ni'.'. |ui|ierH. Il |.s,x lately ei'i! i-<l OHM of the .!n n^ '-ii.ls n. the tie*; a|ier I'luiii---- in the (Hirson uf S^m Hunter, the rr- t .. i-i. who wei't oier tln Week to Tile, Sn;. wlios h. id p.'o hereafter liii humor wi'l o,. f eiiliv. n. Al. oilier awlitio" '..Tho S'ar's .tail of more tban |H-in.' in'erent was the engagement 'f >lr Joe Cl.irn. "M.n-li" of Saturilny Xulit. Th.' Star'* m.tit*i{fUieiil nro '_,,- illy the way t" m.ketlu.- p'iper tii in t readable in Canadi Doss this illus- trate your experi- ence? And arc you wor- ried for fear you HAIR are soon to be bald ? Then cease worry- ing, for help is at hand. You need something that will put new life into the hair bulbs. You need a hair food, u c h a s It brings health to the hair, and the fall- ing ceases. It always restores color to gray hair. You need not look at thirty as if you were fifty, for your gray hair nay have again all the dark, rich color of youth. 11.00 bottle. An 1 SID a NirNr liy trule Bd tare h.ul a rri-at deal ta i! v. uli jour llAir \\r-r. 1 hare found tl-t it will do e-'crythlnf th.it jr^:l lUltl Jor It. 1 1 IMS cix-n ro t; i tiot .-..mi letu satlsfictipa In U'T Kl- tc ' HrMir J. <!oupr, ii fa -:, l.-JJ. lUuass I i; J, Mo. ir yon '" > "bluln >lt the bentotn -.i c prcted (ram the at Vu*T. writ* lh IV'f 10. h"..l It. . I'll J. C AV HI. AUKNTS .^-"Fninfiit men suH Great Kvfii'a i<f ttiu N1net-<'iitii (Vntury." All lliu K rt '*' I'l'll'i* ri! .If.scrilu-il ; tli* Knrt,t invn <.f ilif 'nr!rl. in t arifiu* walks of life are inimdiiwi ; - t -ry (;r-. it el-cut nlii.'li ban ewukwcl tin- '.ii nlmpp.! I lie duAlbiienof nniioriM MIMMI HI '.'lo^lll'.' llipt|iu' ' '. th.- i'jiriB cf n:i'i iln' ii antT fill of Jill tlif L'r xtfst iim'i unlit and il -...,. i run in 'li- in.'irvl. >!> p.iii.>rfiiui of tlif . . 'iitui v >iir liere pri-sen't-'l. If w a wiirKlrrful rf> if* >.f il.r iix>'. re- markal'le one huii'lnx) ynHrt iu 'I the ainihlK ..f i'ic Mrl. I. Eict-ji'. i. iiml in* d^Lcm*.'iii A fur Hg'-nti*. l:l' \IU KV (iAJ:f:KTs()X Co. (limited, The Markets. e ;irrinll I'orrrrli-tl tnrh Wrrk Wheat, white \Vli. it. ted Rirb-v Butier I freah Pork I'. .Mt'n-d bait W.M.I Clii. k.-ns Duels Tuikuys peril) per Ib Hour Hide*.. K&H K&K K&K DM. The Leading Speciaiisti of Anarha | >0 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CUfiEL. WECURE EMISSIONS N' tini.tf can be SMI I youus* f-r ui; Mle-aftd i I eoce of tbr-e "nu(.t' |in*luce wMlir,'. ... I ft di.oitml it i- Tlii-y unit a mau : > ' life aii'l forial 4.1,.;' whether ea<iM4 Ljr e .1 ( i 1 ' in ; ' natural we> u-- < r . . . I . : Mew Method Trs*u.*t.l will posts! vs|v| c-.ro you. NO CURE* NO PAY Ksader. roun7 ! h-I|. orl I (aser eieeiee* n.i;- bare waakeaeu l-.i - 'ir mar have <iis-l y.- re n.'i fe ti-1 "trail. ' 'ar N** willcuie jiu. XeasraM 250,000 C Yonne; Man Y. j rtre t-nlt. 1 ! and ' jga-aM; M-. v.mi, irri' 1 -' 'e i\t i i N .'i |N'I-.,II. i ,:;. U id .;r|Hnilunl : l.t.itr.u- | raskcn eyw. <rn'ikn>l 'i -. -! iiw J ru 1 (Ine-ii a -l .- , nit, . i.,ca *-. *al ] tcf J .-.IFI-^l.,1. II.-'-. No matter Kiir Mrio'.n your CM* may I :>c. r t;. w I .n y.itl mr have hn-l .(, v.::r| RW M! i -.ill I, cura it. The ' v.rmy tm< ' return t-> | , their uoruial <vi.Jit-.ou nod htt.ee t ttxual orsau.- r.-.-ue i , , i-r vari ru-i.u The imp., s i" lisa, all I unnatural dtun< or I'^HCJ ci-aa* and) mm, IT powers i^luru. No tcuiporan lx-n-flt. nut a iK.r-nnneut cur* aarea. NO CUKK. NO PAV. Tli'N NrVI. ' i . V' I'l. :LJ4- llU.N FKOM Bl CURES GUARANTEED! [ I.M..KT. Ut and _ '' TI \- v. .':. -i MI 'K AM' Kl LTATIOMl . N\l, I.OS8KS. BI.A NKY dueafM. i " IfflK. il""KS FKKK. MOUEKATi:. If unahle to <-all. writ* I for a yr STIO.N BLANK for IH).Mlj| (TREATMENT. KENNED r ERG AN | 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. K K&K K&K A Mining Star The slitdes which the Toronto Daily Star is makin* ro ibe fwtiire of new paperdoin in Canada. \\ithin a few wueka it Imn Well put in the front rank of city dailies. It ban cut away fto<n the Toronto tradition ab<>utaftinoi.n papers. and baa enlarged iti atCM nnd the scope of it* n-w* *o that it ia now uu au even ki-i I with its morning oniitrmporariirs Its -pi. mini Npeuial cable service is a costly fi-alure of tho paper's improve ment. In London, New York, Chkago 1 U v. n, and WiuibinKton it has it* own resident corraaponden:*, m well IB in the i-liu-f i-in.- f tlif Doinminu. In . i.,s Hie Star ha forea*fl*< KEEPS ON HAND D. McTavish S HELTON REPAIRS... I fill F>r Maaaey- Harris. Noxnn, Fleury snd Wilkiimon faun unj . leury and Verity plows un hand all tbe time also all kind* o lepairs Kr the same. We manufacture Wagons, liuggies, Cutters. Sleinhs, etc., Horaeshoeinp oromptly attended to. Special atieiitioii to tender ecu- feet, loi'giiig and Plow Chain* constantly ou hand. ?!H,ii?m;nmimni;!;minn5iii| GOOD Sleighs and Cutters. Go to John H. Heaid & Son, who have ::: number of Sleighs and Cutters or. hind ready to i:i run. Also two cows and a number of Plymouthrock t:: Cockerels for sale. J. H. Heard & Son :iiii:ii.aii.iiiiii.iii..iii;iii r TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRfNCIPLEts WOT MEN.' VOL. XIX, NO 977 Fleahertcm. Ont., Thursday, February' 15. 19OO W. H THCRSTON, EDITOR * PBOPR1ETOK 5 J Stock r Fa! Clean Up | We are in the midst of Stock T.ikint: am! the Procesgbririirs toii^iu i ^roit m my lines oi j^ood." v?e do fli^ '.visii to uke inventory oi. Sh >rt lengths ot variousMumyi >' i^nods lirok-n assortments, etc , etc. We wistlj|o make a complete clearance of these and the ori.es we've put on ti:em sliould make things hum for tlif next two weeks. $1 KID GLOVES 25c. R PAIR. 48 |irs only Lulu* r in. kid (ilovea, have been our lwt gooda, aiaeitoiily 6, tt^, reg. price up to 91 pair, clearing price . . .25 $1.25 SHOES FOR 50c. Tins in a lot in wluuh we have- not m.>rth:in 1 pair of This any SIM. lot , ontmin* Home of our rHMt shoes for children, boys, reg. price up to 91 25. clearing at pur pair . . . ...60 REWNflNTS-HALF PRICE An accumuUti.'ii of luft <>vern ami short emia. rapresuntiog our hoot selling tf"<ia, Twuedii, Flannolettiu C'ottmM, Shirtingn, etc. l"m-ful in any home, mjniu with yardage enough for waintor shirt and xuine enough for whole owiune. HALF PRICE. GROCRieS-flLWflYS FRESH Choice diamond brand pitted chemea and Crawford peaches, put up by the host grower*, per tin Dnnutiii t'lum.i. tin 8hrwided whole wheat bmcuita, t package* for . . Buckwheat Flour 2^ f~. Cameo WaahiD); Soap, wraptied, 6c. mxe, 6 for. . . K isirman hams and bskcon, nania 14c, hwcnn C'hoice mixed pickle*. 2 bottles 75 yda, all wool Halifax Tweeds in grey or fawn shad**, yard . . . in balU, all ahadea, alao clouded, hall 4000 yds. Unbleached Cotton, 34 inch* wide, nice even thread, Soft and fine, per yard 3$ 1000 ) anls Heavy Bleach Cotton, full .'W inv'hws wida\ a cotton suitable for a grant many pir|ioae* 6 Clothing Snaps 91 28 B<iyn' two piece suit* in light gray nhadea, single breaat, iuc<|we Htyle, lined with Italian lining, for boys aged 4 to 10, per "nit ............. 13 pair* Tweed Pant*, good heavy winter good*, all siB*, reg. pnix- 91 to 91.% ............................................ 75 32 Men Tweed Siiitu, uraw 3 Ui 44, single or dvuble breaat ntyle. well lined ami fashionabk- tailored. suiU that are well worth more than ww're asking for them, clearing .............. 3.25 HcFarland & Co., - Markdale Grey Oouiity's IBiirgcs >^^^e\^rv^^^^^^^^7^r^.^^^eN^W\xV\^^^^/^r\ ^^^^^^^ fof 0kl Lot l7e :.MranteW.T. A S B.. m , th* v.-lar it.- . KUiall Stwaatd, extra well watrru.l. quarter uilU from railway itun.m : 1 mile Irom Fleatrarton. For <erin> u- apply to MOBT HVTI.KDOK. rteshertam Farm for Sale or Bent In all lines of XSouth Jr>f Lot 4 on tbcSrd Con. of Raphraaia ; roDtaiuiim IOC arren, 77 clear,-. I it'id met Sard- wfofl b-itih i ff'wt boiiiw- and frame barn, fttone tl)lin iindi-rnratri pring at the b.'IIM. aleu rn the centre of the lot. Will Mil on <?a*y terrni : or reft for a term of Tears. Apply on the J. r. McLKOD. Klinberley P. O. Proton Station ' trees nymruetrical : keep trees 38 to 40 fieat apart ; systematic spraying alxiulute- Onr (Hen CorrefftontUHt [ l y Mcesaary to ensure sucees. The next We are very sorry Ui loae our sleigh- | address wait delivered by Mr. Simpaon inn so soon. We see some of our young Rennie of Scarboro. Hi* .subject waa men are, tj ua* the slang term, " rushing the "Past and prenent of our country." the staaon" by the use of their waggons. , Mr. Rennie graphically portrayed pioneer Miss Sadie Allen of Berkely wan th i life and contraated the present state of k'Ueat of her sister, Mr*. Virtue, liat , aifiurs generally with that of bygone week. j years. The chairman aUo called upon W understand that Prof. Walker of, the following gentlemen for a few re- Dundalk intend* inmructinu a class here> marks, viz. Meanm. (jeo. Biunie. M. ift uiusic. | Riley nd J. Hogarth. During the v- Miss E Wnght left for her home in e ning Mr. John Sichol -wng a tine aong Durham, wheie she will stay for a few entitled "The dying chief," which waa months. I we jj recejvKl. Mr. Geo Binnie alao Miss Maggy Shennii, who has been l contributed Ui the musical part of the ; friend* in Wmgham, returned prograiiimu by singing "Bonnie Dundee." un Saturday last. Special meet ingti were started in this church on Tuesday evening. Mr. Thorn intends conducting them bimitelf fur a while and then the Rv Mr. . him uiri! tli.-ir close. Little will <>!. M IHSI ail Lit fir Sail olid brtek house aD'lJril acre !! In Flofher- >!!, liouie contain* MTCD room*. >.ei ton ellar, tofl and hard tr Will ke *oJ cheap and a eae; tenui. Am>N to THO. WTTII.L1. tMaMoo* Kov II. 168*. House and Lot for Sale OK HKXT A wtU flnlthed hrlek otae nUnaled near Mr \\rihl the tai collector, in FUiberv<n, JJi'.'f. rriee 9"O or ; per var without taxe*. will take rab or tock, milk eows. beiten, slvea or (beep. Apply ft H. HKAI'Ht BY I Stifctk;n W H. BUNT, From Our Ourn Cvrrr.tputuLent. A very plea*iu event. t<M>k place at the reaidencd of Mr. and Mr*. X. Law mice on Wedneaday evening. February the "th, it biitg the mmave f their eldest daughter, Annie ElixarMith, to Mr. A hearty vote of thanks waa tendered the Hpeaker* and others who took part in the evening's proceedings. We have learned on very good author- ity that Mr. John McPhail has discover- ed a first claa*. method of hardening soft aoap. If Lai-hie get* struck with a bar of soft soap after John reads this item perhaps he will not ted any more secret*. have overcome the misty vision tha* creeps on with the advance of years, and now I im the most pleased man I know." m pleased patron is the best adverts* ment. We give free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, JCWCLCR AND OPTICIAN. FLESHERTON. During the soft -map Uat week there Tuesday, at the age .if 7 years. The great tumble m wood eo we waa a heard. Notwithstanding the great scarcity anow, Mr. Angus McLavhlan ha.* in d in a fine set of red bob-aleighs. Mr. JohnPatlon. Al 5.30o'cluck tbe bndetnd j Angus McPhail has discarded his factory gna.. accompanied by Mr. Wm. Lw j Te hicle and ha* ordered a new set of renc and Mia* M Feruuson. enured toLj^h, from a Fleaherton firm. Th* tbe straiusof the wedding inarch which ' ; waaplayed by Mis. Millie Cook. The bride j waa most becomingly mured in cream funeral took place yesterday ( Wodnm day ^Ui tbe English church wrnetor* Ed. Advaas*.] a FLESetBTOI FOBIITDIE WAREROOMS ! We are currying newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS Consisting of Parlou, and SlfJrvom Unfits iion and Cfntre "Gabil, Ckairs, tSkadas mnd Curtain \cturoj. <jaj<r/j, tr. Which we oner at Lowest Prices Pktun Framing tad fannl Rtpuhng in all ita Brancoea dlelamo trimmed with ribbon, silk ind ', chiffon and carried a buquet of maiden fern and white carnations and won carnations in her hair. The) bridmnaxi i waa richly gowned in cream cashmere trimmed with ribbon and chiffon, and earned a kxxjuet of pink carnations. The I ' ceremoney wss performed by tbe Rev. Mr. Ward in the presence of about one hundred guesta. After the ceremony ! waa over the gueat* tat down to a bounti- ful dinner after which the evening we* uKMt enjoyably spent in parlor itames, ! etc. The bride received many handmn..e i prosen's. We winh them .-very in life, Miss K. Lawrence of Kimberley baa I been visiting at Mr. N. Lawrence's. A/ r W. Smith, nmlit operator, ia i spelling a few days with friend* in I Urangoville and other parts. MH M. Chislett of Owen Sound ipent Sunday with hei parent*. Miss E. WilcocL is viailing friends in Puphruaia. Miss B. Stewart is tinitinc friends in Colliugwood. Mr. U. Cook took a trip up into West em Dntsrio and repor's having had a pleaaant time la.-t week. Mis. W Wiicock received tbe sad news ou Fndty tha: her M.UT, Mn. Bukin. wa* dead. Mr. Gardener ,..! M.O.I Mitciieil uf Proton viaited at Mr. J. Dyco's Sunday. Mr. Chas. Pickell tnd Mra Pickell of Markdale spent Sui'dsy at Mr R. Cook's. While Mr. U. Pipsr was t-i watering his lior*<-s on Frulay evvmim last be received F kick m the face from one of the horsea, which broke hm jaw. Mr. Piper left for Owen Sound ou Satur- day to have IIIH wounds dresaed. We hope be will w. >n recover. from Gw Own Cormpoitdmt Th present sprll of mild weather ha* evidently expect good sleighing brought the crow* back to their old i haunt*, reminding ua that sprina ia neav. The Rev Mr. Savage has been onga- Bi.rn On Jan. 30, to Mr and Mt ged by the Epworth League to give a A Uraham of tbe Valley, a daughter PLHHaTT*N Prlceyiile From 'Hr Oirn Oiri'^pi'iK/ctit A meeting <>f the Farmer's ItiHtitute WIM held in U 'ataon'* Hall on Tuesday of last week. The afterntmn svsaion wan very |>oorly attended. In tho eveninx, however, there waa a much laryer turn- out. The chair was occupied by Mr J. Davia, Vu-- Prwidewf ..f the society. The mo*t practical nddrem during the evening meeting wa* given by Mr. (H-r of Niagara on the "Car of fruit tree* ' Some of tha princifxil points of hi* ad drew were -Don't pile fertiliser* near tree* ; ban yard manure and ahs make good |>lat food, therefore dim't sell ash ea ; keep orchard well cultivated ; prune tree* slightly every yeai athl aim to toake Mn. Jas. Beecroft of Lady Bank. Mr- A. J. Beecrofi of Vancouver . B.C., and Miss Krancie Beecroft of Georgetown are guests of Mr. and Miss Beecroft of Edeu Vale A very pleaaant tin** was spent at the social held at Mr. R. Purvis' on Friday gueta of her aiater. Mra. W.J. Blakeaton. evening last, when a huge number wa*. present . Mr. Woodburn baa beep very ill for the pat two weeks, but is recovering. M is r \ listen baa been unable to teach William Booth of f'ir the pant week, having been laid up with quinsy. Mis Mamie McLean visited friendi. at ' Mra. Blair f Toronto spent the pait Ceylon for a fuw days at the beginning > "ib her parenH, Mr, and Mrs. of the week lecture next Fnday night. A pleanaat and profitablu time is expected. The unfavorable weather and roada prevented a Urge number of our young people from attending the E. L. couveu- i tion in Fleaherton last Tuesday. Mr*. J. H.irdy uf Swinton Park is the Mr C.E. Wataun, who has been work ing m Egrcmont for some time came home last week. Mis* Maud Keik-y spent last week with her aunt, Mn. Mr. Charles ,\K kinnon ia laid up at present with a very severe biUn >UH at - tack |M ]lBt Maxwell Frntn < *tr Ur Currrupm. MKH Kate Fleming -'f this plncr rit-en eiiterttininir s Kuest for the wvek oi th peoon if Miw J. Peinini; , i S.,ii.l Hill. .Mis* Bcrnicc Tuck is visiting her grandmother. Mn. Clark. Mrs. Finland of Collingwood it viait- 111 j liersmttr. Mrs Sumniera. Quite a lot of iitlr villaifoni hvp Meldrum. M - Bella Blair of Alliston and Christina Blair "f Clarksburg are the gurat* lit their annt, Mrs. J. R. Uii. Mi* Miunie (iiitliam *il Arthur is at present home un a visit tn her, parents. Honor Roll* U. S . N 1. Euphrasia and Artetn- esia. Class V Sr Mury Humherstone. IH V Jr.-Miiry Br.imff Cli IVSr.-EI!aBn.i,iff. Clntut IV Jr Edna Bradbury, Her man Smith. Kd-.'ar Hurley. (''nsi III Sr Alma Humbentune . J.'hn t)'Brnn, Vorna Uorlev ''!i-v H! .!r. ^herwin Bradbury. under the doctor's care of Strachan, who lian been tutfeniy from injuries suntained 'iy a fall some threw weeks ago. m recovering. Mies McDonald lias been ill but i* around once more. MINI Kale somunl, w* are sorry to 07, i very ill again. It is with deep regret we have to chronicle the serious illness uf Mr. Richard Heron's little girl. Nellie, but we hope by next week she will br on the way lo recovery. Miu Annie Heron is able to be around once more after two weeks' Mr. J. Goldwin Smith. Sr Clasn II Mel u. .li'seph M.-Luil'.'. Cbtan II Jr. - Alb.-rt McClnng. Clssa 1 Sr.-Leslte Smith jr Martin. Average attendance 15. CI.AKA Hrmn, Teacher Willie Cora A dispatch from Bme nays: Satur- day morning the County Council adopted n novel scheme for equalising County a eminents. Coucillor James Rosa WSM sp- d to unit every township and there 15 farms, best, uiedmai, and poor- est, 5 of oach, and assosn them at lull value, tile average aaaueanient of the 15 ti> Everyo,, enjoyed the p,nrama ah -,w i ^ |fc- u|ilf o| ( ,, luallMtlon fl , r th t t , wn . lat Friday--" the one that never came '!.,.... ..., .u.-i. -.11 v- *.,ii...-.i A party of y-unn people from Mcln- tyre iipeiit Sunday at the residence of Mr. H, my (Juy. Rev Mr. Snvs'je delivered a very in- tuiestiiig dincourae to a larv* tungrwita tion un Sunday evening. Tb* lecture on Monday veiling wa* very well attended and wan much appreciated r>y all pmwiit. Mr. H. M. Irwm ..f Maisrlale liaa the cfintrscl of running the chves* factory for the nulling seanon. B>*i wlo-n you buy i-amikt buy t red. " they're uavful." [Mr. llr n e liulu daughter dux! ihip. Siiiul.ir methods will lie followed in towna and incorporated village*. Mr Ross will be ansiitled by one councillor, who niuat not, lioweve*, be a rtpie-i-nt ntive of tliK inunicipahiy ui'dur .:on*ider- alu.n. AtiKNTS. L'hris-ian Endsavor. EC north Lr*i(Ue and B. T. P. V , mi m- hei*. " Liht of Lire" is a treasure OUHV of lafoimation. W need Chum Ian men and women ho tlroire to d- K.>.| and in-ike money to circnlnte tin* wonderful hook. BKADLKX CUJGUUCTSOS Co.. Limit**,. ItaMitfuril. VH V