8 a. i limit rn d.. n .i rwaivi ih.ir pa>|wr r* . ularljr will plnaaa notify u* at -inre Jail at Uii .rBi r for advertlalnir rtM* THE ADVAM'K. H.r ->IIKKT()N.(iNT. PITHY SAYINGS. W* lorn God when we try to com- prehend linn Th best aim to have in this life it to aim for Heaven. There IK no such thing as the right use of the wrong thing. The man who loves God will be sure to love God's work. Snccefui iu thin world often means failure in the next. The Bible offer* no premium on laxities* or improvidence. The way to make hard duties easy U to do them for Christ. God never forgetn the man who is willing to take a hard place. There are too many people who ever pray until they have to. Re religions in your business, and your ImMne.-s will be religious. It is hard to get gome preachers in tereHted iu the subject of religion. The time when we most need faith U when God's hand is not in sight. Prove that God loves us, and yon rove that He suffers when we sin. Failure* never come to thoiie who ask God what to do before thor start. No matter how good the sheoherd may be, a sick sheep will not follow him. There are people who try to grow in grace before they have any grace to grow in. A Cure for KlieunmtNm. The I m ration of uri. /tcid into ilie liluoil \t-i-rii U n fruitful cnusa of rl.mni ii.r pains. Tins Irreunltrity i* owing to M dermmed and unlir. li'iv condition of the liver. Any o.i* culiject to thi* painful affection* will find rrnifdv in Pnrinclee'it Vegetnbl* Pill*. I tirir in i ,.MI upon the kidne\* it proiiiiiinrrd n d nioxi beneAcinl. and by rrx'iiruiK he-1 liy *cilon. tliry correct lin- purltira lit the Closet A Kiorr With Morale An old *ai lor once appeared to epre evidence in a caae of awianlt, when be was asked the following quest ions: The Judge "Where was plaintiff stan. ling when defendant struck him?" WitnoMS "Who are they?" The Judge "Don't yon know the difference between plaintiff and de- fendant?" Witness "No." The Judge "Well, you are a nice chap to come here and give evidence I And yon don't know the plaintiff from the defendant? Where was he when the man struck him?" Witness "Abaft the binnaclel" Th* Judge "Abaft the binnacle I Whnre is that?" Witness "You are a HUB chap to sit aa a juilgn! And YOU don't know where 'abaft the bin- s' is?" DIMI'EITHISE. Sensation in the Ottawa Valley District Caused by Dodd's Kidney Pills. IN LIGHTER VEIN. I nre. I llr.nl.eii t>rp*r. of Clarendon, *f <...n. I Principle I |..,n \Vlilob I'. ..I. I. Kl. !,,..> rill. t.i \\ i, r < I ml !< ill. !.' l.> ;>...!!. Itlduey rill.. Clarendon, P. Q., Jan. 39. Quite a etiMif ion was caused in thin ulo*-t> and Ihrouirliont the Ottawa Vallev. by the publication of Reuben Draper's oae* in the nowKpajwrg lout week. Mr. Draper i.s wall knowu iiUmt here and in Bristol and has hail many en- quiries an to Ins care. There teem* to be a universal surprise that Dodd's Kidney Pills sbould be able to cur* a trouble like Gravel which is situated in the Bladder. Therefore the follow- ing explanation is in order. Gravel is directly the result of kid- ney disorder. It is <-nuso<l by the failure on the part of the kidneys to do their duty. They fail to diwiolve the gritty particles that com* to them front the blood. These gritty par- ticles pass to the bladder and cling to the walls of that cavity, accumulat- ing, dually, in little balls or "stone*. " Dodd's Kidney Pills, by restoring the kidneys to proper health, cat off the supply of this sediment and the blad der and urinary organ*, recovering strentrtb on the removal of the cause of irritation, throw off the gravel al- ready deposited. Mr. Draper had cnlT been fining the oills a week when he was rid of a stone which, he MIVH, is as large as a ln'iui. In a few dayx he passed an- other smaller one. He baa retained both, and many people of the uei|(h- borhood have M--U them. There is, therefore, no room to doubt that Dodil's Kidney Pills do actually cure gravel as well an the other kidney diseaNes for which they are famouH. The case ban arousml wide interest and friend* fur Dodd's Kidney Pill* are discovered on all sides. lirt ir r T lian < uromo. A firm of Hnglich tea merchants offer to everr married woman who buvs a pound of iu ;.". tea fur live consecutive week* a pension of fci.50 a wi-.'k iu case of the death of her huriband, provided he wan in good health when *he began to buy the lea. 1 The pension is to contiuue as long as 1 she reuiaius a widow. If the rliilii 1* r at lei* a' night has eoate1 tonitue sallow romplextasj,! iluxo of Miller Worm Powder* In what U re- quired; very pleasant and p<-rfi-i tly hurm- ftonth African u ,.r \. . The news fnnn South Africa starts at CHI* Town, i* -I'm to Delavoa . . iv, thence to Mozambique, to Znn/iluir, to Aden. There it is repi-ni,..! to Suez, a di*taiice of over 1,400 miles. From SUM it is related 143 mile* to Aleiaudria, where it is re|x<ated again, this time undor the Mediter- ranean, si-'.'i mile*, to Malta. From Malta it goes to Gibraltar, and thence to Lisbon, the great cable centre, tts.3 mile*.. At MUM |>niMt it plunges tin- I der tli* Atlantic, MtO miles, to Pen- HIII-I-. and HO Dti to London, and the rest of tin' world. Six Olli-Tlie mimi conclusive teetl- moiiy, ri-|'.ti.-'.l * l. ml i>rfoiv me public la Hie column* of tM dally pri-.-, |>r .ve.ilmt Dr. Tliumiis' Kriectric Oil an aonolutely pur* riiinliiimiion of HZ u( 111* tliirit i rrnnili.il oil* In exiiileure renitMiea ilietiiiiHtic pain. rritdiraie alTec-lloni of In* ihiii.il mid luntcs "d ciir piles, ' wound*. ort>i-, lameiio-ii, Uimura, burnt, aud injuneaof hor-xmnnd caul*. III. I- i. it l .- i n ,- I i !.l-">"i l". "Sir," she Miid, "what do you mean by turning the light down?" "Pardon me, " he replied. "I can- oot stand too much illumination. The sparkle of your eyes U quite suffici- ent." Hoard's Llulmeat Cures Dandruff. Asrr*c<l IIM iini-f. Mother No. Johnnie. I don't want to evur catch you iu that jam cloeet again. Johnnie (sobbing) An' I don't want you to, neither. llDtrd'i Lmiiiinii Relieves Neuralgia, SnirK'"tliMi for Illriollate. It i* rei'iiiiiineiiileil, says the London Chronicle, that to avoid cold hands while . ycling these chilly months a good tiling IN to nib the HIM, In of glove* with vn*eliiii> and then warm them till it thoroughly saturates the leii'lier. Afterward, without being gromtv, they will resist the penetra- tion of cold. How's This 1 W*off*rOn* II n .<li. <l l> Lin Reward for any r..ae I i *|.<iili tn>. i-a.liu,<t b* i-ii rut \ij H* I < -nai ill fine. t. 1. CHUNKY 4 CO.. Fiop*., To r,t... O. We tli* uiiU,-ni|_-n il, i.ave kimna t. i. Clie ey (ur tli l<ial li > r ,i t and bi-l,. ve him perfrclly li nu title ui til l>uln,*t tram ctio >n. I tinam-Lili* ablii to carry out any obllgal.on in ill- by tn. i hi in. i -i 4 I KAI I. Wh 'Irtdr Driinir it'.T >lrdn,t) WALIUNII. KINNAN ft M .Bvm, VVh.fieaule Uruic fitl*. I .ili .10, U Mai f t uurrli Cure I take i lnu>rn*llv, act- lug ilnrcilv u o.i the iilo >l and BBeooi mr Mes of IB* tystasi I'n ; < p uuul*. Moid by ail d ugtfi*u. TottlRtoal .! Ire*. A <lor of Mlller-i Worm Powder* IMH-IIKM, unity wlU keep the eliildren healthy. A I or-e e>f rilr-.tMill.. A \nr K n (ilasfow (S ulland) tea rln-<t i-iiinpniiy has pn. rhnsi'il III.IKlO TBS i'f fori-Hf land in Nm ill Citrulina, \vHli T.'I.DKI.IKIO feet of stiini|>iiK'", to lie lnnil i r for Teni'ering of tea rln'i. . A factory to jin |nir* it will be limit t WiliniiiKion. Smart Hoy I In-. "If I say," saul tlm ten.-hnr. ' "the puinl lovim Ins leaclior, ' what sort of a sentence IH lluii .'" Saavnsiic, " Kind the l>oy. A new back for '*> rents. Miller's Kiilucy 1'ilN nncl rinMer. Bis fee* I'HI! I* ilar*. Only one man la JOU is over six feet k'ht. New lift for a fwaner. Uiller's COBS- PHI mi I inn I'llla. THE. I' ,! . i \l\ cliiiiii-.-ii ,!, Ei ,i\i. \Vurirt K\li-i , ^'"rni<.tr u of the principal oau**s of suScrinii in 1. 1. iii-ii and Mini. u. I \K ei|M.I*d lium Iho ,,! Ill M iii-riiil. lii it rinnn. Tlmre nre 4N ditTerenl material* UMM! in i n 'incline a IIIIHHI, f i oin no few- er ilinii l'> iliileieni countries, employ- ing 4A iliffurent hand*. and JOHN LABAH, London, Ar undoubtedly TIIU IJI.ST. Testimonial! fmm 4 rhointau, 10 ninUli, II liiliinia* Tli* ni.I wliolM'iui* of b*vira. Hri-.imwend.J liy riiyiioiaoa. Far ! TUV- wb*r*. Aftrr thr Mllllurr'i Blif |.H| II, liiuriilli^ UrKllffV "Tim hit," !. will. "Jii|jli Hrr (irrlly bruwi wi rt ID a frown; W- triM-tl thr aciMun and ut down. The brcioni, ln-l.ni'1 tb kltrhi-n door. Lookrd down u(H>n tin luinni Boor. Bui itill ah* aiiipi>d and ni|i M> d and I'liiil ilit thitiK aiMirt waa ripprd. Uowiitwd tb* brrakfatl ilnim itood. Thr flrr dt-crraard fur want of food* Bui dill her dulnty Onii'ra iwul Thr O.HI. li tlpa thai >; and tlila Tlir rliMk tcuve out a warning itrukti Witb Iriuinpb la nrr vole* aba And Matt i-ach plum* a loving "I wi.n.lrr bow I'll look In that I" Partner i..-m Opla**, B; Kum I To M^ Hit dutlra A-lakin aiiinnln Ovrr a rhrti an thr-mura Makri mt aiok, U dora, I Tual An w* ran l. at It ly'*. Bight hrrt to bum. "Til my opine Thr; never aeen a dandelln* In thr rm-il.l. r blowint It tli. ir niaa 'uil art >m mowt* The lawn a murnin'a, they'd cua To be mure koowlo. Thourh ye aj.jttrr 'low lota of attlt4 A-reckonia on a tarnatioD duda. I lir < nut*, a vlllon of grarrfutaea** Lliiht aa ihr .i.ir. Thr ahadowe thai tall * he* Laugh aa thr; go; Whilr. deep In the meadow. Thr wild flowrra tweet. All humlilr. brnl flown 'Krath her aturntul young (e*aV And la the t-rrrti torret The wild, aparkhni brook More rayly a|irede ot 'Nratb her lingthim look, All prople who meet With bee ewm. winning w*y Morr cheerllt work For the rrei ol the dav. ut. though ahe li lair. With hrr ei'irklm* brew* eyes And hrr eunalnny hair. Where the ligiii aeve* die*, nil maiden li tad. Ami Til tell you what at fee dlalikre Die r,-d iriamnof Upon her new baL -Buffalo Dl.l n i I .,rrl Tk*B. Visitor And are you the eldest? Piuiyhter of the lluuite No: I'm the Mi-t till I two. Vlslior-\Vho are the other two? I >a ii^ hi IT of the Uoune Father and mother. Kun. Kapllrll. "He done look kinder qtlrwllke whra I met Li in on de road." Mr. Kra.sius Plnkley was explaining. "Ue wouldn't look me In dp fiu-e." "You nieana." said Mine Miami Brown, "dat be look sbe^plwh." "\Vtien you looks sheepish, dope yosj look like you bad been stealtn sbpppT" "Dat' dp Idea." -Well, bp didn't look ehpepUh. He looked chli-ketilNh. dat's what be look- p/l "- Ua-,i.ininii Star. K.r thr llpltnil.t NPWS Dealer I bsr* never know* tirb ilemiiml for a pnper a* we bflve lind for that fun-lirn Illustrated Jimrn.il. \Vp ronld Imve noli) 'J.VOOO rnples of It Tlip penple neem to bp Intensely Inter- .-sn-ii In Knro|M>nn news. Clerk-It lun't that. Thpy heard there nan omethiiiK nlijei-tluuable la that paiwr. fhlt-HRo Tribune. Making; Mmrrluce uooraa. A law has baen uasseil in Norway which makes girl* ineligible for mar riage who cannot *how certificates of akill in cooking, knitting and mini Ding. Now, if they would pami a law in Norway to prevent men who are too lazy to build the Ares and shovel off the snow from leading girls to the altar, married life would bfe one fraud, sweet song over there. Nervous people should take Millar's Compound Iron 1*111*. Iltg H<H lnlUI l.iilli, rhiK NxTar. Bocialiits will hold at Paris this year the largest congress in their his- tory. Itril In N .i' I. ,11111 Color*. Of 15 countries ID have flags with reil in them, the lilt including Kiiglitnd, Uuitod Slntes, France, (ii>r- iiiuny, AUM riii, Iinly, Spain, Den- iii. irk. Tin key, Mexico, Chili, Portu- gal. Veni'/.ucln and r Hralth fur the clnl.li.n. Millrr'i Wtirui 1'owder*. I . l II u IIIHII Mn>i 1,-a. Theri> are miuiv inii,.-li in the hn- ninii l.mh, conirol of vvluch has been lost through ages of A Lady Who Curod Her Husband of the Liquor Habit Writes a Pathetic Letter. She writes : "I had for a long time Ixvn thinking of trying the huiiutrla Prescrip- tion treatment an my huMuiml for hit drinking habits, bet I wan afraid he would diwnver that I wn giving him medicine, and the thought un- nerved me. I hel- tjited for nearly a wuek, but one day when he caioe home very mnch li tiixii'Af.- 1 and his week < avilury nearly all sj-nf . I threw off all fear and determined to nuke an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for vnur 1 maria /Pro- scription and put it in n U coffee aad ir>-i-:- ed next nmrnmg, and watchi-d and prayed for the ri'snlt. At noon I gave him mure, and alo at supper, lie never 8usictv<l a thing, and I then boldly keut right on giving it regularly, as I had discrveml something that act every nerve In my bo y tingling with hope and happlnpfw, and! could see a bright future spread out before me a peaceful, happy home, a share tn the good things of lire, an attentive, loving husband, comforts, and everything elm dear tia woman's heart, for my hukmd had told me that wlu.-key was rile stuff, anil he was taking a dlnllke to it. It wa* only too true, fr before I had given linn the full course he had stopped drinking altogether, but I kept giving the medicine till it win gone, and then tent for another lot to have on hand if he should relapse, at he hud dune from his pronilax-t before. H* never ha-, and I am writing you this letter to tell yon how thankful I am I honestly believe It will cure the wont cases." A pamphlet in plain, teuled envelope Bent five, giving tcntimonlala and full In- formation, with directions how to takeor adminUter Samaria Prescription. Corre- spondence considered aacretlly c-onfldentiuL Addrv** The Samaria Ketuedy Co., M J unlit u streut, loruuto, Uuu I'..,. .T I u.. I M III Not Hum . It ban been found possible to make a thin, smooth and strong paper of asbestos which can be employed in the manufacture of paper lanterns and other article* which need to be at the game time light and nre proof. The asbestos paper can also be made water proof. It U prepared with the sum-' machinery used for making or- dinary paper. Ill-iiu rrrnlilr. Westerner- 1 >oi-Knt the New En*> Iflml climate sj:ree with you? I ' i ^tertier No. It doesn't even vi'li the wenllier prediction*. Boa 'ille (M.1MX. l Journal Oeraluine My feet ar* like cake* of ice. Gerald I hope the io* won'* malt; I can't swim. The greni lienmiid for a pleuwnt, safe mid relmlile antidote for nil affection* of the thfnat and laaga I* fully met with la Dickie's Anti Cotmamptlv* Syrup. It I* A purely Vrirr-. iii. r- CosMDMM, and act* promptly and iiiHiricallv in sul.duing all L .|i, cold-, uroui-liitia, inflammation of ilie Inn-.'-, etc. I' i-> so pnUlalile tbat a rli Id will no refute It, and It i put at a price tlmt will uoiexclud* tb* poor Irons What < rim,. u r, War Coat England. The Crimean war cost Great Britain 77,0(X),0(K), of which 33,000,000 was an addition to the permanent national Miller's Worm Powder* are a wonder- ful medicine fur the ailmenth of children. If It Only Could be Arranged. The strike of the piano worker* 1* raid to be over. If some one could arrange a strike of the piano pounder* the world would be haopier. Hollow-ay's Corn Cure i* a specific for thr removal of corn* and wart*. Webav* never lic.ml of tu failiug to remove *v*n tli* wont kind. Ho* Water for I lr*.l ..< h>e. Ordinary headaches almost always yield to th* simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and back of the neck. ODORLESS St. AGONIZING SUSPENCE. The Terrible Situation of a Vincent Lady. St. Vincent, OnU, Jau II. No other man In Cnuaiia bat gone through a period of ti.rh rxtrem* anxiety, alirnmting with dfkpjtir. HI Mr. Joseph McC'uilough, a blg!ily-reii|>e>cied retired fanner of thl* piac, !!! rirncnl during the pat aiimmrr. La*i iipriiig hi* fmiiily phyaician pro Douuced Mr-.. McCulloUKb to b* Buffering from n incnmlil* can* of NruraxtlieniH, or nerve rhin-tuin. Sh* Waa extrein.lt D*rvoua, liyttencal and denpoudeni. till* had ever rbi-umntic u*iu*, palpitation. bnil slmrp puma la tier le.l lid* nud over tb* kidney*; lier feet wer* p*rpe>tuiilly enld, her fur* Khaaily pale, urin* high- culored, acnldlug. anil leaving a brick dual deposit; a..nr alomach, tumllng head- ache*, mill pMlii aft*r eating oppren^wl her. Sli* had uoapiwlll*. lould not et. and loat flenb *tanlingly. It seemed to CLOSET. This "w and m.t utrfnl invrntton * * only proved 'O lie a rri **llrr, but buo-i t* hiiii.trnlt M mv ineitlr*! III.MI are n*lnc iM* rl*et. and all |no fuiu-e It ab< -uiely OI(<K>"I* \m\ t*,nlta-v In every e*i*-i. After beluf I* id* m rkrt'for over two year* tlila rlioel l>*t IH i .me t.iiioi'iilar tint the m.iniifarturar* have hail In iliiubla their - atput In order to meet 111* drlllltlld. For 1'ittalngut nd prle Hut write ! THE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLOSET M MILTON, ONT. CO., PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS 1 l,r Hr.l UjMl-. -r.,.1 t..r I .1*1.1 { .- <-oi-Kni'rr ri.o\v co. mi* TFOKD. IUCAS. STEELE & BRISTOL, * M>0TI*t O* <X ft Writ* IU. HtUILTOK. I irrl- Te . H i T . !... n. Kitraal i - * n. -,.... BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE O.M r vitiii IIINDF.II rvviNK ro.. its I ulii i si.tilii.i .\rcwdo. I oruiito. her fruuiN that *lie waa "going lulo dr- etine." T e phyHiclan lu In of relief ly Iu tli* Wier-Mllchell trt-Hi- lier only hop* ment. This being to eomly wne out of tb* quettion, and her Im.band believed there - oo hope. He rend a oewnpitper rtu-le ink- .ly rrcommendiug Dr. Arnold'* English luziu Pilla, about (bit time, and decided 10 iry them. Soon a eh<uig* for tb* iietier cam*, and dny by day th* patient improveil. till low sh* I* a* well, trung and vigorous, as ahe ever w**. Her recovery la due entirely to Dr. Ar- nold'* Kiiglmh Tonn Pill* tb* euly re nivtly tlmt cure* di**a* by killmir tn* jerin tlmt CMiia* U. Every other medi clue *b* u*ed failed. Dr. A mold ' E< filth Txl* Pill* ar* mid by til drumrni* at 7V.- a > i ; aim l *a tie . or lent i-'-i i.alil on rrr. ipt of uric* \>j The Ar nol l Cbi inicai c -. L. m Ud. Canada Lit* build tug, 4J KID* itr.-n wrat. Toronto. CAIHOLIC PRAYER m ~&S&S3gr* Ri-:i.-'nii Picture*. Sia'u o v mnt O'uirch Orna- nir K'turutional \V ik Mall o d* t rerrlvt pr- .injii an. -in i. in. li.A J. -Mdlin A i o. Montr 'L aiATPM AMOLCTBLT FBKB. waT- I A L** ranii-il |irrfei-t time-keeper, I* If BUT* ani< OiRLtf .r d itrltiutlnR *dv*r- t tlnir Uattrr W >n t ,-n t you a rent Send addrrae f HT particular*. Smni B 10*., LOIDOS. TWO NEW BOOKS) Th* Library of FtVl'ichti.. Moody, the Man and' HI* MUalmt. sVith r*llaM* workaaad eautifulir lllutr* i-il: rehuli f -M matter like torn* of HMBuukS **>r*rl for **M. Prn-e* aw* down, term* -lira lib ral. l'r..p-ctut of flrtt bn,k *<a, of a-, on I I,-, k i- . -T li ith Mr 75- . am >u t re- fii-idrd w th nrtt onlrr f ir flvebo -k Will liana llrlat*.Meih'~liat II .uk k ,'ut'. Hoae, Toruet*. PANVASSERS ! ^ ^J Honth Afrlea ' ar book* ITS Poleaiiliig fruin Ovvrroatt*. Poisoning from overcoat* is an un- expected danger, but no fewer than 60 cai.es hav* been reported. On being wet, the cloth, in the dyeing of which chloride of zinc had been nse<l, gave _ ~ e 7 off poisonous vajxiro, prodncitiff pain- pt*/intTnfd fnl swellinir of hands and arma. __ STFM TdWFRS " AND WINDMILLS We il.. make air.' r. it Ht ilTk. Urln l. rlu l. r.. Iron and \V<M l-iiini'-. llee H I' H'l-Kli FKEE. Permanent. ly Cured UK KLIN*'* O*BAT IKkVK HK i 'i'<. I' >itlve cur* >r all N.-iv im Di***e*. fit*, Kpll"|v.S-nnaiiit St. V'lut' Dane*. N* Flu nr Varv.iin e aft-r flnt day'l ute. I r.-..il..- anil BJ trial bottl* -m t'iroojrh Canadian Aarnu- y rnxK to Fit padenta, they pay tn^eTpreai* cn.trcraon! v when received, s.-n.l to Dr Kline. 41 Art-hat . Phi delphia.Pt. F T>*r Hra, I was fsr s*n year* a tnlTarer mm Brunenlal truu -,!,, unit wnu .1 be to li.iart* 1 1 inn, -a tnut 1 uk! acj i- -ly i|H-ak *)> vr a wli|*|,er. \g I nu ri-l Hf f . mil Kiiylln if till J Iru.l y.Mir MINVI.Mis l|i\K\' H V Us \ M Two b.-t Ir* if.nr n-l ,-f and >U li.'iilea inule t rum pi rir < u . I would heartily r m ,| it t* any out aufferiuv fium tni-n.ii nr In k - tr . li.a. W.V.TAMBUIULUUL rr*d*rlotoa. . Nrw < t T. N. D. 257 A f^ l\/l C" Clsnlng and V-IVl C. Waging Pow Powd*r. lost ONLY NOMINAL . I n. III. h.-.i ...i.i Jii,,,.. It is estimiiteil that groaier quanti- ties of gild and silvor have been Mink in tlm M-ii thaii are now 111 circulation on the enrth. No e'rontt LY. Chloride of Lime nun* or Coal Oil n dd .... For Doma>*tle u**. f.-r th* flneet lac* I* Ik* dii-iim (<*M! cluthee. For Mrta! Ctenalll of all klnda, Plpea. Slnka. et*. ' Fur Wa*hlii| Paint, t ....naand Anlinal>, and let the Until. ali.i? fur n i ii, a ili^lnfvclAi t. llnird'i LlDlmfDt Curn Burns, ite. Thin peiij'le nhinilil alte Miller's Com- pound Ir.ni I'llU. !ln. *. I'owrr iif I'li An o-.-iliiutry ntl \viiy eiiL-ine is ei|inv:i:,' it in Mtri-ngth to about 900 I II I Ml "IIK l'- It Is awmrted tlmt tlm wine oellan of Frnnce rumiain chniii|iavne enough to supply the world'M denmiid for three years nearly 150,000,000 bottle*. ' tr.r'' uae, fn'r" "lirnJ('T"p" > Ko'ltre an* ^ i irry The p ,|. r Ta oilorlea aud M* ft - 1 T h*rmleea to hanita or ma Ft up Iu I l>, . I lh am! , . |.n, ..^ M Me Mt Ib A liberal dlacouut to the trade. Ooal Bavin* snd ttmok* Ooneumlna Compound. r*r Home Movra. lt.;ig.a and rnnaee*. and fet faciurlng eoiKwn* T' la i> ..lrr ae ' r<ot of i -.ml. (Uup a>l.lltr at4 air .n^rr U, Kt a-.. I ttraih Ilia .. i . . i r . t r .. i han(ln of nre-placee) and laanMife lo hamlle > I t coal lelf Ve* Ml. i- rl.iu 41an4il<*tl | u oatar and aurlaklet on t hr c'il rVlce* i-e-ila \*a I* or I'"" r~r tn. II ) ,-ir r.>, rr 01 dtuiik' t I n not (M above w- wlll lurnlah II MI ai>|ilU'alioa wllk full 4lree> . I L.t.K f ..r ..& * Untie r.'r MX . il'trelrhraied Premium Mncllaf*. Llthecrama ai.'l LHItntmni i .n.p.-.uioe la b* ka4 at ail lal o.ate laliunrra. etc AOLO MUflLAOl CO.. IT Bi.ur, _