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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1900, p. 1

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. . TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XH, NO 977 Flesherton. Ont., Tliursdav. Februarv 8 . 19OO W. H THURSTON, EDITCB * PBUPBIETOR Stock Taking Clean Up We are in the midst of Mock Tikint: ami the Process brings tolij^ht a re at m -my lines ot sood? .ve do not wish to take inventurv ot. Su>rt lengths o( various kinds <n o; ( , o ds broken assortments, etc , etc. \Vc wish to make a complete clearance of these and the prices we've put on tiicm should make things hum for the next two week--. $1 KID GLOVES 25c. fl PAIR. 4> pairs only Ladles Fine Kid !l.ives. hive b-en our best goods. M/.cs.i:i!y ti. l>. up to $1 p.ur. ctLMr.nj price.... 555 $1.S5 SHOES FOR 50c. ; i lot m whi.-li we hive not more th.m 1 piur of any size. I his lot contains S..M. of our 1" for children, mis^-saiid Ixivs, ivi; pri uj. '., c<l -':">. .' k nii-.; .ii p--r pair " REMNfiNTS HflLF PRICE An accumulation of left overs and short ends, rcprescntinu our .Is. 1'wceus. Haniidletts. Cottons. Shir'iiius. t seiul in any home, some with yardage, enough lor waJttor shirt and som.- enouub for whole cusumc. H VLK PRICE. GROCCRieS-HLWflYS FRESH (.'hi. ice ili.-iniond hrand pitted cherrioa and Crawford jwaohe*, ] ii 1 r i|i liy th.' liost growers, per tin '-*" DtmtMui Plums, tin ' -' >^rr.|.i. .1 >. h.ilc, bincuita, 2 paokagM fo* . ... -'' Buckwheat Klour -U t* U> C'.uue< VV'ilshinK ^wp. wrap|ied. .V size, ti for -5 K anntii s hams and Imcon, hams 14c, hccon IS Choice niixinl pick es. 2 lHittle< -' T"' yls. ill wiMil Hiilifax Tweeds in grey or fawn sh.ulea. yard 25 "ii in balls, all shade*, alto clouded, bull timi yds. 1'nbleached Co;: on. IU inches wid.-. nice uven thread, i tin\ IM.T yard SA ..... II. uy I .Well Cotton, full 'M inches wiiie. . ."iron surable for a great many purposes ' Clothing Snaps Js |l,.\s 'two |ii,. co suits in light grey shades, single brea-st, s.i, .(IK- style, line,! with Italian liuing. for boys aged 4 to 10. per s:nt 1,! [mirs Tweed Pants, ^IMK! heavy wintor goods, all sues. reg. price #1 tn #1.L'5 I'.'l M'-n's Twei'd Suit.s. sizes :Ui to 4-t. single or double breaat . v. i-ll lined and f" tailored, suits tlutt are well worth iii'U' than we rj .-iskin^ to/ them, clearing $1 75 HcFarland & Co., - Markdale ... >nr biMik on South Afnea and the British- ' BH?r W'*r M H rexuUr bonanza '"' sttenis. , Bin cheap INK.!;. 'Sells on sichl. Out- tit free to ciiviiBtrs. THK l.lNsa.TT Publishing Co. Toronto AGENTS : A rich and srol.len hsrvett for you. The war in South Africa \n the hlnoiie*t f 'he century. ,h> only Canaxlian book ; hy Hopkius and Mural Halsteml, the rt(nixcd historical war wrivm. Our reprtmentatives in South Africa and Loud.. n supply direct news and pictures of Iwttle scene*. It is authentic and vivfs infornMUinn Canadians wan*. F, very body buys. Now is the time to connne'"-' work. BRAULET-UARRETSNN Co., lamitcd, Consiiting of antl Curia! Potts, ZPtcturoj, Calais. 0t. Lot 1 17 In ' l!>. -"Hi tsK \V. T. A S. P.. 11H 'Kiit ilaci-oliisr>d, tb rrnt hr.'w<v-rt, I ' . unall rchr<1, extra wi-ll wtnrv.l, I qnartt ' mile fom rsilwav ataiion : 1 mil* ] Which we offer at Ircm h It-nh tirtn to. m>rlv to 1U>T KTTI KIM!'- H.*htrton. Farm for Sale or Beit wrrv* rn tli or ri> i>rn ifc <"f I ot 4 nn ih Sril Oop.f>f Fnphraaia i .In... 't* frrf, n ctearsd mt rftt harrt. I. i-!< t-.H'.l h..itr anrl frsm* barn, BlOIIA inij nn.teri.oath aprinc al thr hoans, also n*ntr .tf thdl.ti. Will Mil onaY t*rna t for s> toini of v*r AfSpIv on the HM to J. R. McUK )D. KlmbfrMf t, O. Farmer* Iimtitutj of Centre Grev invad- ' ed our village last SrfiurUsy, Feb 3rd, . tr . Oi.r ><-i ( 'iimifoudent slid held ineeiintfs in the public hall. Th Rev. J. S. Humphreys in occupy- J- M. Davis, vice president of 'he society, ing the pulpit f St. Coiuuiba chun-h on pr^side.1 ut the :tfterin.oii meeting ind >undav .-veiling nreju'liLMl a sermon based -*' R- llaiini".i.d :it the eveoina meetuiL' ..n tin text : "rr.-!!! whence .mile wars Instructlue>.-s w.-ie .i.-livsr-d by among you. ' The rev gentleman com- \l----.s ii-../i uid Kennie Iimrj- lidi if Th - "' meeting of \\ed- m-nt*l music was funulud i-y the Vui- uesday night and hi>|MMl a successful con- deleur s;rm^ band. Afi Clara Hurd curt mav be arrangt-sl. He went n to asnsj a s>il". show tliat war was honorable if ti.c .ilij-t Mi>- -Mi^'jie 1 :i *n .if Tor .mr,, and were true and motive pure. He further M"-> .'emiina Curry of Kcklyn vigued at n..^i,ii;M ,hould Ije witheld to Mr < iet.nje Curry s lately. maintain a nation's honor. One of the Mi> Ajiiie R. Ui.- ..| Heiithcorc in vis- elements of national honir is justice. Nu n in, witli her couii.. the M ,..-.< unack. honor, ii" jii-stice . in justice, no rl^inu- Our ytiuni; friei.d, Muster Nicholas ter ; and with no character a life must lias secured a {x-siison in fall. In .|Uotmg the Drujfus . .IM; lie Tlie Advaniv oftici-. Flesherton. where he said if it 'iad token pU-e in the Supreme will len-n the priuting business. Success, (.'nun ' here would have been Nicholas. .i-n- e .nid lea* imniptn.ii and Mrs. Rurledne of Flesherton la visiting England would h:i\ e luindled the with her daiiiihier, Mrs. J. H. Bradbury, witll more credit to herself and the inno- BUMINED FREE tent than ili<l Fr:im.e. N other (lag that doats beneath the skien stand* for so much honor as the I n-on JacK. \\.u Hi i not settle disputes Wars Inn j turns into where a M-V leiaent| can ! made, but true settlement iiui.-t lie Lady Bank from Itor ''iru '.'i/ri^p'/t. \\ e an- _.i.: to wt-!c. me r liiam Mr. F. ,). \\hew-ll and brid.- ' m i have overcome the misty viskm tha: creeps on with the advance or years, and now I am the most pleased man I know." A pleased patron is the best adverts* merit W e give free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTIC:AN, FLESHCRTON. V impr rs ; -eck our huppiuess in tiie luippi- ! new of others; live tor tlwcouuuon It is a sin to < e narrow U ,, humanity touches uie. In north we IL-IVC lately added to our possessions !..">< >. i MJ<l spiare miles for civiii/.in. 115. uplifting aud converting put \V pi i. mute justice and lirother- hinal. The highest kind of civilizTi..ii and the supremeat life will win. and when; , the Briton or the l''cr lay. .ig.'tin '!< found.ition of life in Soith Africa let the. highest standard of life be laid. Some time .igo we heard the finicky TV. "The tig hns ' occurred to justify any such vv.n . , r .Linger thjan ar is the tendency to luxurious and Kile living, the drink .piestiou. anarchy an t >o.-utiiMii. sell indulgence and pride, \\here ;tre Niii. vail, lyre and Kouie ' They aru ruined bv extr.-tvagancf. He went oil the mission of the .-mpirc i> and advaucs. to cultivate unseltishness. ..nsi-crate our | .^sessions, to do J'i>ti> oi. I walk with do,!. \\eare '.e.irif.iii; the FLES1EBTOJ FD1I1TDBE W AKEROOMS ! \\'e are carrying newest style of W C :H SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines of Lowest Prices i i Picture Framing and General Repairing I'mtertaVinz in all its Branches I SatUf action Guaranteed W H. BUNT, MtOPKIBTOtt Silver Creek f..r a few days Stayi.vr *nd Th. v rvturi.e.l thin week 1. 1 ihrir !, a tire fann in W<wano>h low.iship. We wish b"th couples a bou >.-r ihe niali mi. m il sea. A l.-r i tiini-erin^ is l>*ini{ d<nc m our s thu wiiit.-r. the weather f.<r which hax lieeil excredmuly favi.rab e. lal evii'n;j was spent at Kri- Mark J.ilc News Party THe sborr was the siihj.^rt of a in the Iwai'iiieiit f the Mcthouwt church "II Tlliifsil.iy -veniliu, tlie 1st lust., by the Rev. J Buchanan. Tho lecturer had full iniuli-rv <>r hm subject .ind we to say I hop* that the .t> I vi ce ^nen tlipmullout endure his Uctme will be I.I..T. .1 r was a'- ituilience and appsreutly an appied.itive one. Qu irterlv --r '. . -. were held in the M .slist church on Sunday kw Tlie huiuiip- n-ccmly .urupied by the S'.tn.l.inl l,.is i eeii n-iniideled in the in- , tenor and ntr>-d up for A dwel.un; and is now occupi.-d bv Mivs |{.iy. dressiusker. Mr. Harry Hale hss opened up .icon mry store in the new SMindiird bl.-ck. \Ve wish you ^u-cesn, Harry. Mi-s Vi.-let McL>ulf wan taken hy sur- in her home mi Friday eveiiih..-, the Ji t in>t . when a nuinU-r of h>r friends of the r'leninteri'Ui church, of which idle \ lias li^en .irg.-inist tor llie |>t three yeiir*, i '. ..k i . .ss-.nii ui.i p'e-eiiteil h-r nli a -iiir>.' Hinl * sum of mont-y. Rev. J. H nrer fead the address ind Mr-< Jno <Su<< ft , us of adversity but we huve faith in Britain. iSlie will recover and the un- sinlutblf piiiiciples ot her nationitl hfe will restore her .Many will die. homes will be desolated, money and time ix p'-ndcd. 'nit the instinct of national de- fence is strmii! in us. Britain shall come out vict oi lout ami her rule prevail m i South Africa. Beware, said the s|ieaker. of a false- mi|>cri.i!:sni. of an imperialism of pride, conceit, brag and inn Stand by an imperialism that means du- j velopment, protection, ministration and the [ loniot;. n of the truest life, and if Britain be u ue to her instincts .>f integ- rity and rightooiiMU'ss 1 do not I'! v -idciii e will cause her to yield t.. m> other nation in the world. \\ e aim .it , the unity of the empire by coming closer : together in interests an.l trade. We ..ii^ht to pay the price which is contrib- uting to the defences of the empire and if a righteous war is wa^ed Uy down . ur lives tor our country. We are one with the Motherland and the bond that unites is strong to endure. The members of the Methodist church held a very successful social in the pars- onage on W eduetnlay evening of hist week. The weather was somewhat stormy, but it takes more 'tmn an ordi- nary snowstorm U' keep the younn people of this vicinity at home when an enter- tainment is U> take place, hence there was a large attendance. A great many kinds of games were |>rovided for the amusement of the guests. A short but interesting program was rendered, con- sisting of addresses, vocal and instru- mental music. As usual the ladies sup- plied abundance of toothsome eatables. The proceeds amounted to fit 5(>. The officers of the following fraternal I.O. F. have called for an executive meet- ing to be held on Wednesday evening tor the purpose of arranging a monster con- cert in aid of the | nit n. .tic fund. We wish them abundant SIICCMB in their very commendable undertaking. The Uev Mr. and Mrs, bumdhreys gave a dinner to the Methodist cliir last The fimt rroivl of the se*.|i ti>ok Monday evening, when .1 very pleasant place on the rink here Friday evening last Mild ws well p-itronucd. visitors l>e- H.'it timer under 1'i. C.ime Sullivan. Be*t lady continue. Wilda Cruwley 1-t. /: la Trimble '.'lid IV, t dude E. Smith 1st, W. Bentbam _>nd. Bent fat man. W. Rreliie. BetClon. Dr. Murray. Bent girl's c. sMiine under 10 yrr. lt.,ya. B*t gent's costume. K Thompnon. Open raw J.'hn Conkwy lt, Sal Swmliow \> latu race P. Crawfo-d l.t, N . Swalli.w '.:-. ] y racw Nat Swallow 1st, P. Crmw- ford in>l t.bslacle ru.-- >'' Sw.-llow lit. P. Heinphill Jn.l. 'Ne are unable to L'IVC a complete li-i . f the iiinaks, owinu i" the fact thnt tli> mankers nei;U-i ti d t.. hand in tliedetcr lu live name ..f their C"tuiue. Litwson prvKenteii the i ure in bi-lmlf ol t .. c..nureu!itioii. Vinlfi c uld not Dlul voice "r winds tnr a reply but ihe com- cauic to her relief hy asking h>r to p! iy some music, ami thus a very pleas- ant hour was spent. Our cutlers wen: to Owen Sound Uxt M n. lay iiiuht in participate in the bo:i- spiel Miss M.iiin. teiicher of the junior r-oin, has uoiie tu Normal, and a Miss McDnii- a.d ha* l>eeu ftigHu.d in her place. V'uae WIIKMIIOII wu caused In "lie of . our eliuiche* last Suni)y eveninn. when H ceriHin individual, who probably did not have vry much sleep the night pre- vious, took advantage nf the sermon half hour and enjoyed himself in deep dum- ber. Had he slept i|uielly flier* would ' hav been no (wnsiition, but his nasal orwan wan m full tun*, the music ot which caused a wave of merriment to paM over' the whole congi>-xtion. The pruachei Became quite c< nfused and liad to call a halt in the proceeding! to find . ut th- cause, and ihe unusual silence caused the sleeper to Hake and thus the cause was removed mid the prvscln-r |.r.>cceded to) Honor Kol| H Honor Rill for Port Law scli..i January Clas. V Fredrick Pedlar, Williai ; Clianl. i i ,^ 1\ :'hoiiM Chard, Williaii. John MKee. I'lMw Sr. Ill Gdwartl \Vaison, Ii >>eiena Tho>u^oii. ("lass Jr. Ill Barbara Thonipaor, Nellie Hiiliiinn. David (inn v Class 11 - CliaH. H.'lmitii. Nellie Fmh< i Ruby Walker. Clamr't. 11 K-.i.ert \Vton, Arlhui Chard, Edwsrd Clianl. Class Sr. I Roy Kerr. Frank H - ma'i, Ahin M.--K>-iizie. Class Jr 1 UTxe Fisher, Rob*i t \x-rmge -.18 Geo. A. Moore. Teacbei. hush IIIK Anti sieepinu dntuuhl* would b gis>d tilings to take. my friend The Carnival Schin'i Section N >. o. Artemenis. Class V. Margaret McArthur, Rich- aid St'iue. Frank Harrow Claw IV Mabel McArthur, Sadie Fletcher Katie Fletcher. Class 111. Sr -Eddie \N hittkr, Wei m Whittuker, Kihcl Harrow. Claw 111. Jr. Mart 'ii McLeod, Hunter Harrow, Kdwui Stafford. :.* 11. Sr.- \\dlie Fletclirr, Jolm Cairns, .l"bn McArrhur. Clau II. Jr. Anna Bella McLetxi, David McLeNHl. Ruhy Stone. Part 11. -lanet Fletcher, Tom M:Ar thur. Mnifnie B..yc. Clans 1. Hen Whir taker, Willie .\K Arthur. 1. U. bKATTIE, Teach, i 60 YEARS' eXPCRICNCI time was siient. Mr William W'atten nrhved home from I'ncle Sam's L>oinini(NW Uvt week, w licit? he has spent over a year in and .uoiio.l Cheboywan. Born On Kiiduy. Feb. it. to Mr and Mm. Robert S ho it "reed, a son fntm {Mr Oicn Corrtffotttlci- 1 I tatty of snow and g 'd roads in this vicinity. A deputation undvr lh tu*pteu of th* ing prcartit from M.irk"al.-. I'urlmm slid Dundalk, and carried iiw-iy with them many .if the prizes. The masker* ven- not no numerous as on some former occasions, hut still there WHS a K"odly nuiiioei. is the list of prilte MM DCSION* COFVMKtHTt AC. AnTnn<M%<nnc sukol^h and d^rnp*ion mn* tlultliljr rrtniii our .IPIIIIOII frvs htlw ai IMT-III'I.MI is prohabl^ pfttantAMo. i.'oni|pta ' Ilaiiilbootan I IWst gent skat*--, W. Swtllow. H, st lady ikster, Miss E. Swallow Best lady and cent skuter, W Swallow nd Miss K. Swallon, tlniii^trtcrlf oonud*uttai. tlaiiilNsikon I'fticnfl I'M.MIH takoo tnn.ugti Muim Co. rani ^cMlMMca, withouicharv*. In th Scientific flracrkan. ^~ * - 1- MiiHrirai*<1 wccklr. IjirnM rti olvnildo Viurnftl. Trm, S * iba. IL SuM brail,,-r n tviVfsrfwaT. jijgyy TOrt

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