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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1900, p. 4

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BiMcrltwn in do aot riv. ihu regularly will plM unify u i "nee Oall at thu .*. fnr \ "rtuinir rttm TI1K FLK-iJIKK'Ki.N.i'NT. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. An noe in (he hand is worth four In tiu> j>u. k. A typewriter girl witliont any bud pell* i a jewel. The liiKh^iiy with a toll^ate there- on IN also a buy -way. When au Arab Itwvea las home h always lukrs it with him. Peo)il \vlio MililiM)iii/u may hear tome jf<H>l of t hems- Bad habits iifi-d no onltivution. One is sure to betfot another. It dix-Nu't take a luxury long to evuluie in!i> an ii'-tual n>"-i-.-ity. It in a wine father who knows hit own .i iiTin nt collt-^i'. A hyjMMTite in a man who in trying to fool nilii r> fools only hiin.M-lf. Of two eviln home ]M-opln not only choose both, bnt look luuuud for ON Theie never wa, and never will he. a |i in. iien. In one remedy, for a'l lu> lu wliir. i Mi->M i- i eir ibe very nattira of many rural i rea i> . thai were ti.f fc-rrms ni otiiir and iliir-reiulr sralwl dlHM-^a routed ill t lie s> em of til* paiiein what fulilil rrln-ve one ill in turn would a^ravat* me oilier. W bave, however, in V'linine Wine, when oiilainable III n MJIIIH! un.iilni'er i ni i'.e , a remedy for many ami ureviuii* ill*. By it* terminal ami jinln MII- UM-. the frailest ny-tein- are leif lulu i mi Ihd MreiiK'li. IIT the itilliieme Iiu u 1^111- DIDe exert* ou Nainn-'i own rr.-luraiivev It relieve* the <lro|ii!iK -puns ot i ne with wlioai clipi.i ! - > ' ; tnorlild de- pomleucy anil la< > n life U a a\*r**r, auil. hjr Iniiiqiiiluinu the nr-rrea, d (H.-es to lound ami re(reliini; *lpep Iniiwrm vinor i<> il.e aclion of ihe |I|IHM|, which, beaiu tiniiihi'ed. roil ram thronich- out the Te:n, i-tren^' lieumi: the In-. i. thy nimal f uuci on of Ihe vtein, tnerehr DinkiiiK activity a nmnutry re-uli, itreuKthenitiK ihe framt. anil uivini; life to the dine*tive orKaim, which naturally drrnaud increajied Niil>-*tNiic^re->nit. m- nrrei| a|i[ieiiie. NiTtlirup & I.rniaii o' luruDto, have glvrn to tin pui> H- iheir HtMttor Qiilala* WhM at tat UHiial, ml. traiik'tnl bv the op.nioii n( thii win* appruache* tienn-it perfi-i- Mil of auj In the market All unukiai* a*ll it llnrl irilll Ilri4l Notr*. Th bert tim to prune (lie peach it tarly in the uprint;. Il'irsoa or cattle ihoold never be pa*tnrn<l in the orrliard. Unleni-lied alie are th bout fprtil- IKIT fur nil itone fi i ir lime watnr in the lx>st for de- itri'Viiifr woriim in pots aud in fern Mb One of the bent thinir* to Ueeprnhitu >'i\ ' trcHg in a mi xl tire of cop- perafl ami Rlne. After rB'-plx-rrlnn have prown two or three i-rops it paya to apply a little manure around them. A* a (ffMn-ral rule, after the or.-lmrd comes into full bearing, it i- l--t to let it have the benefit of the whole pii'inul; clover, however, limy bo grown. The compart form of (rrnwtli of th<> cnrrnnt ailnp'R it to close irnriiiMi qnartiTK. whilo ita ability to thrive in a partial ahad* it greatly in its favor. - Fept.-Mr. K. J. N>lll, Xew Arm- ali, P. Q, wrlten: "Kur nenrlv ! ni"nili I wa troubli-d with linrnii'K a<-he anil piiim In my fret to n<-li nn rx- tem tli' I rmiM not BliH-p nt iiluht. and a mv fi-ft were hadly nwiillen I'.l not wrnr HIT IMMIH for W**kll At In^t j yatabottlaof l)r Thnni' Krlei-trlrOil ami rr-..lvpil in trv il and in mv .in.v.iv!,. nii-tir I i/"t .iiinci.t iiit\iit ri'|ii-f, atnl the one bollln accomplUhad a perfecl cure. PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter From a Lady Whoa* Husband Was Dissipated How She Cured H fven M llh Him. A yonnR fellow. jnKt admitte/l to Din lntr, wns \snlknii.' down town to hi* olllce one inorning, when he waa joined by an i>ld high-achool friend. "(food inorniiKr, John I" aaid the aerond 111:111. taking him by the arm. "Well, you've really put out your *>un;:li-: And you've taken to carry- ing a bag, I fcoe like Judas la- oariot." "Yea," aaid the yonthfnl lawyer; "bnt Judas kept better company than Ido." "I Had for rear* patiently borne thedlt- gtwe, HiilTeruiK. IIII-MM-V i a prt rations due Ui my liiisUtini sdriiiklii'.' Ii, tints ll.-urintf of .Tour marvtl ins ivimt'.y for the eiiii- of drunkennem. \vhl h I i-i.uiil u-iw- my Imu- Iviml secretly, 1 decldi-1 to try It. "l tiro otmd a paakMe aad mixed it In his food and ooffea, and, M th< pemsArwaa odorless and Uutf le, lie did not know whiit It win ' tlit ao quickly r.-li-'M-d In- rr ,i\ inu' fur i lli|ilor. (lo noon le i. .in to i i. W n;i :li-*h, I hi* np|M-titH for soli. I timl r. i:rn.-.|. he tuck to his WOrfc r>-i;iil.iily, itml \\i-nnw li.ive a h.i|ii>y hum.-. Al'or ht- vr.i> -1.111- Iilotely earou I t<dd him of th- luiil [>r:i.-iis.-,l DII In in. whin In- .-I. know- ! I h'lt it hjiM I . < n * kad not the resolution to i -. ii. ntT i.f hit own accord. 1 lienriilr ;nh nil v. si afflicted as I Was to giro Tour r.-nntly a trial." A jviiiiphlrt In plain. lopr, sent 'rtv, giviti 1 ' '- im iiiial-t nrnl full in- nun, with ion-, lion. tin-. adinlir-t' r l'n-rltitiiii! i nrr p it!i|i-lli-c i-oii. i. let-ill -''tli'i-MILkl iiiiln->s '1 In- Mininrm I rmcdy Co., id Jordan stiivt, ToroiiUi, Onu Pixie people should tak* Miller't Com- pound iron I'.IU Not I ...> c (iumbllnr. A farmer, being asked to play poker, excusod himself, Raying: "No, net for me, boys. I never was Incky at gambling. When a boy I bought one of 150 chanced for a crazy quilt, and after 1 got married I took a chance on a $:>!> cow. and, by Jove. I didn't win either." How's This I WenffrrOn* llumlrrd D 'Han Reward for nv i- ( Catarrh thai rann-4 be cured by Ha I >i Vant K. J. rllKNET * CO.. Pro;*., To do. 0. We. In- u MI- itt;ti it, have kn->v>n K. J. Che ry fur tin- Unt 15 year* ami bi-ln-vc him |>.'if rtly h ri-i l.> n a . i' -. > u trini i f l i ami H 14'iH.tlly able tu rarry uul any obllgatloo : . tlirl til III. \Vki V I mi I. Wh 'le4l Druirr *t T lei1n,O. WAI.I-IM. K VNA.X 4 MAMVIN, whxieialc I)ru- (iiiii. I'..'.-'... u. Hal i ..tin . I'urr I i-t!.e i Iniprnilly, ael- Inf direct! J u 01 the 'tie -ii ami mm- <ue *ur- fce "1 ilii- uttcin l'i. . ; i. i.le. fluid bjr all d utf*'iui. Teiuin .ini!< * I'tllll.H III III*- \\ l"l.l( I'l I A mir-iilared coiiinm has pit it < in e ley county ( Ivan. ) jiniier into H i>c'-k of troulile. The journal in 411 rereiitly publiKhptl an item in which the lullnwiiiK Kcntctice (x-iu'ri-il: "Two yonntf nn-n frmn Leoti v. cut with thir jrirl.- to Tribune to atieud the leii'-ui-rs' institute ami as soon a* they left, the ^irls ^ot drunk." The ! intiiii Ix-luiiKs lifter the "pirls" and the littler are making it hot lur the N.. lllMlll.l.K .-. Some thinm should never be omit- ted, if the small boy is to be the judge. "Hans, yon mnstn't go in battling to-day, a* yon have the stomachache. " "Oh, that won't make any differ- ence, pa; I con swim ou my back you know." Health for the V\ oriu Powders. Miller*! "Pa, what'* an averntr* man?" "One who thinks his employer's busineiis wonld be rnn a good deal better if he conld have more to say about it himarlf. " A YOUNG GIRL'S DANCER. - llnvd-i Lloiment RMIera NmaJglt How She Overcame it, and Baffled Her Tormentor. M her* far** r* Forolf*i. The qneon of the Nptherlntnln in an enflinwiaNtic amntenr pirdi>iier. nnd own a miniature (frix'tiliiniR* wlnrli he ninnaaes nntirely herself. Thii is within a few niiiintmT walk of the Calais, and oho visitu it ilaily, no matter what Ihe. weather. On<- h remarked to a friend : "Hore, aintniir my flower pota, I can furxet that I'm a qneen." T.r Ii M h M!M M i ll.ihklrk, nf 1*4 I'anvird tr.-ef. h . : \ . a .1 y.mng ladt wi.o la eJtrei'i'illirly p-).i itr H r h a re r . \i sivei i . , A II.IMI ] are ri-jiiit inif orer ln-r ri'i-eni I--IMJ..- (nun a trr-H'le diinue . I - TV i>l li.-r ex- |ier. '!(. ii 'id 111 her own i rMlghi forward Here la her narrmtlve i "In IM I took a paelllon In a down io\m -i >re \lvwnrk w .a no u u n illy Intnl. Inn I - i n loiind 1 i-onl'l nor .'.i:: ! It. an. I in : . e.|. I i. rev* vi-rv ihin. li.ul s .1.1:1., ; '.i .. cm i luti ' lly. il /./.y -|--l.- UK! ix r.'-ne + kueaa. My tonuur i irr d, h ir n ai il ilrv. every nior Ililt, aii'i I ar.i-te tir il and MI In;. 1 wta Uml and low me "M si-.ii r liail n-e I Dr. Arnold*n Kng- llali To\ ii I'o.-. "iili reinnrkniili- U n.-hl, ami I H-.ID li.-i.-nn lo I ike i in-ni \ c ml iil-' ; h t llnprovi-llien' 'w-C tl .l.illntl iinini-'li l'i ly. Daily I inenile.l. t :li tn ilaj Iain in IK-I ler heal: I., ami inmli M runner Ihnn I tuive liern for \i-ir-. 'l'i Dr. Ar nold'k Hnu.ili Toxin I'lil., and to th. in HI ' e the rreilil indue. " l-'.v. ry uirl and woman who Hiiffern ai Mi~s IT. I. kirk iliil, I n-n- Dr. Arnold's .h Toxin I'illit. They will uive oew lite mill benlth. Dr. Arm ilil'* K. f'l.h T iln Pill*, the only m^il.rl 'i- ttiii cureji itl*i>n*e bv kl IM if the irerni* i * . . i. -it. > II i. , all iliuuK al 7V a h Hiii-ile oi -'" . or *fnt ii i i.nlil oa re- i--i)i> .1 .rii-r y The Anoll II. mica. l>\, I. in ted Ct.iada LUeBulldluti - Kiaj turd wait, Tul Reelf)^ for link Inr On lan. Bnttc-r a linking dish and Iny in it raw onions rut in shces half an iurli thick. I'.nko thorn ple yellow and tli. -n tnkn out of the oven. Sprinkle, with Milt and poppor and COVIT with nne-fotirlh of an inch of grntinl rrnmhs and choose in e<]nal iwrtn. Ki'turn to the oven juxt long enough to melt the cheese. I'' II. 0.1. Dorm I wonder why Ernest has never thought serionily of getting mnrrieil? Fred Perhapa he has thought of it too aeriouMy. Tbe Two'Flnenre. "It'll inflnenre that ronnts in poll- lc, " Miil the voter. "Yea," answered the practical poli- tirinTi; "bnt not so much a afllu- eu.-e." Iron l'lll hnve uch ., i' , -. MM ~tiiii'!,! tn 1 i ' i in. HIS OWN FRKB WILL. Dear Mr-.. I cannot <eak too Irongly of the tn-ellenc* of MINAKD'* LINI- &IKNT. It la FUR remedy in my house- hold for bnrna, pralna.etc., and we would not be without It. It is truly a wonderful medicine JOHN A MACIKJNALD. Pabliiber Aru prior Chroulcl*. When chiUlrm are pale, peerlnh an<l rMlleiia at ni^hf they re.|iiire n rlone a- two of Mlller'i Worm Powders. T|II-T are pleuiuint to tskc; no phyaic re- quired. Cnlll .n.l r rn. I. OileaDon't yon think she is rather Ntntne<i<|ne? DeCarry-Pecidexlly. Wlien I pro- po-iil to her last night ah* gnve me the marble heart. llnird'i Llnlmenl for ula !'< In I rtlit|iink> 1,M)0 hnve lieen limt br the arth flini-kH at Anlin, In Asia Minor Miinv ti.wnn have been oomnletely Wijied ont of eiii.ten.-e. A new back for RO centi. illller'i mil ind Plaater. spri m Ch leken*. "Did that farmer guarantee this to be a ppriiiK chicken '" "Yes, he did. He said he could hardly catch it to kill it was so springy." Mlnard's Liniment Cares Dand -uff. 'I lii-v rr a Powerful N'ervlne. Dyapep- la i insea deritnui-nii-ni n( the neriont KVH em, and ni-rvoii-. ili-li 1 ty if eiiuen- ili-ied i< ililli. nit in . h T'lere are in inv ICHI miimi l< as lo the cflirary of I'linnelee'*! Veui-tiili- 1'il.t In (renting this a sor-ler, R|IH\V|IIK Mill they m-ver fHil lo produce tfo.xl reanllx. My glvinK proper UKM tn tb* dllOMI VI uri:itii*, they re-iiore fiiiiillhrliini l<> ihe nervo cvulrea. i ..i .i i . ,. The remarkably pleaxing patterns whii-h Miloin the cnshnmro shawls from the foot of the Himalaya moun- tains are copied from (ho II-HVCK of the iM-iT'imn. S..nn-tiinca the dcsiirn is viiricil slightly, bnt every cashmere Rhawl that IN ireiiuinn reprnents a de- ij;u niliijited from vegetnhle life. I. iinc- I.I veil N'irweKlMna. In Norway the average length of life is said to be greater than in any other country on the f lobe. Hard i" Kill. "It i some consolation to know," g*.lvl the dying man with his last breath, "that it took three doctors to kill me." No worm medicine acts so nloely as Mil- ler Worm Powder*: no phvilo required. A l* I hint; to It.- ill m >MT. Don't forget, in the face of nraise, that your enemies outnumber friends. The War He One* It. "Who Is linn 111:111 Hull speniU all his d:iis diLrirliiK a\my In Hn- ii'.t.iiy and all hln nlulils wrlirnu for dear lifi-T" "lie? lle'ii one of Ihe litllrnl people live He ivrlica HMDH* inn-', cliaiiy rn alctinl '! he l.oiini % r.' "- i sun Illfleeent. She- -Old you My I wn no spring iin i i-ir lie Ah I itn-rviy meant you wera a I my dettr Mi.- oh! New York I'rcM. THE. Ale^Porter 09 JOHN LABATT, London, Ar undoubtedly TUB BEttT. Te*tlmonl*l* frnn 4 rhemliU, 10 meilili, U dl|ilnma* Th* m.*t wholuom* ef t>% rr> : ->*. K-i--iiniu*nd*d by I'LyHi-iao*. For aale if wbere. Perfect Health can be yours. Do not try experiments with your health. If you are not well use only a medicine known to cure. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not an ex- periment. They have cured thous- ands of people, who had tried common medicines and failed to find health. Some of the cured are in your own neighborhood. Mr. F. Mlaaton Deleau, Man, writen : "I can r>eak in the highest term* of Dr Williama' P.nk I'ilU a* H ninli< ;n,- for relmildinit t!ie nysiem. Prv>. us to U-IIIK the pilU I waa nufTrrinit from lieadacln-*. lot-, of npix-iitv mi'l extreme nervotianeas, which left inr in a very .venk i-oi,dit mi Tiif leiial work would fatigue me.. I ran no* aay, however, that I neve r felt txrtti-r in .nv l.fe than I do at pres-nt, tlmiiku i Dr. Willi.uns' Pink Pill*. Similar tufte.-rr* and there are ninny w ill find it to their urtal advantage to uw; ihCM) pills." Do not take anything that does not bear the full name of "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills fur Pale People." It is an experiment and a hazard- ous one to use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at so cent a box or six l>oxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Mcdicin* Co., Brock ville. I In- I ii |in mi 1. 1.- tin. "(Jlrls arc grttin;; invfiilly finicky." "\\'h:i!' HIP mutter uow?" "Tlial Klrl refused me." "I)id she give nny rcanonT" "Slir K:iy I made a |>nn while I was proposing to IUT." Detroit Free I'n-sa. III. Old lliil.ll. thniiil.iii.-il. "It was too l>:iil iilioiit NVll Ki<-!iiiian's bul>!ind dylnR no toiildenly. wasn't It?" "I Mil he die suddenly?" "T.-a. Hailu't you henrd about It?" "No. I thought IIP wan from Phila- delphia." Chicago Tluies-Ilt-rald. The Wy to M..II.I.. | hina. Good china that has gilding upon it aboultl not be rubbed, a* it 11 liable to remove the tracery. It only re- , quires to be rinsed 111 warm water. | then in cold. It should be leu to j dram dry. Very occaMouully rub this chum gently with a little tinclv-i > A - dereti whiting aud akoft waoh ii-utin-r. Good ilcswri platen, tea plan-*, uud Kiiui-crs ituould be put away lu . ue china cupboard, prutectt-d by ri ol i>;i|n-r i i each. 'Hint preserve* the gla/o or painting : brruii :-i-. It Mliiuld be n.ii.-il tin- i-iitua cupboard ii thoroi:^hl\ an dauipiieiw aouu tarui.iu> tliu gild- lug ou liue rlunu or cm, ,-i-y. M .J in lui-.r Acli^u. 1'itriuelee's Veg- etable l'..U are very mini lu lueir acium. I 1 i.i'.) do uut oaua* tf riplug la me .o. ur i'.tii-r u. -.'.iu.tuc> li.civ tut to m.iiiy ; pilla do. 111. i l>ii-, i,.e IMO-.I il< tun Lake llieui wuuo.u le*r oi iiu, 1 . rvaui.b. i. MO, be aii lo culiUreii wi.liuui liupualiiu Uie pt-uu.- tlc-, WiiiCU funoW lue UM9 Ul !>..! Uul M> piv,.irwO. ".-I tied for one Yean. Visiting Curate Ah, my friend, yon .-liniilil reflect on the fact that w* are here to-day and irone to-morrow. Convict Yon may b I ain't. There is danger in ne^lectinj a cold. .V.iny who have died of consumption da: 4 their troulile-. from exposure, followed by '. win. MI Mttlr.1 mi tlirir liinifv .in I 10 a ktiort time th<*y were liey'>ii<l cue skill of tin- brut physician. 11*1 they UM-d Bickle'a AM.-Cousuni|i(ire Syrup. Iwfore it w too late, their lire* would have bean pared. Tills medicine n,, equal for ciirinK couuiit. co.iU and atl affeciioo* ot the throat aud luogi. Tb Wl Wamll*. Ormc* Rhe' k>pt ber ac well Nell Tea: ao well that oobody tmt kr>nwir knowa what It Ia.-Syracua nnUd. I ana* and I ft r t. Jones Ton can't rely upon Smith; he never ki-<>p* his word. Brown That ' slrange. for I don't know anyone who would tuke it. PLOWS. ROLLERS &. HAHROWS I h- II M ..I son. I I..: < ^lal.i ; .- (iMKsiiiri I-I.OM fit . iiu i IOKI>. IUCAS, STEELT& BRISTOL {'"% H'?..*^ iM*>ONria o* u*.<ot "it Write U. HAWtLTOH. I..-. !... II. Eltr K. -pl* II.... >lie lalled Hit- n. -u. Miss Soui faro (to traiupi L)id you ever have a romtuu-e in your lilu.' Xramp Ve, mum; i Ltul a nweut- hi-iu i ouce that louii-a liku you. Alls* ^ourla<- ( nutting out another picn- ot pie) Ana aid &ue aier Tiuuip ^u, mum. M lauaur want- ed luo to uuirry liar, no 1 run uvtuy from Uuuie. BINDER TWIHE AND MANILA ROPE ON 1 Mill) IIIMIKII 1\\I\K III.. 11J L'ulo i M.illoii Are i U-. loronto. mas 1TPH AIIMH.I I : i \ Mi. U -ar- IM I " r .1 -r I* * B-.v ami liiiinf r .1 i i CHII.UK *.i.r- i v 1 : - t x ,<J addreufi: . oiirulan. Smni Btoe.. LOIUOM. TWO NEW BOOKSt I'll* Library of South Afilea f ur ln..k in -m I, -'4 DwlKlit I.. Moudjr.tho >lii> aiiU IIU l>lon. B -III re:il.. * ^- u 1 eajlfuLy Illualrstedi r^h .ah f >i.l ni.iiitfr hk* i >ie >JB* the b .ki i>tfer-l (or al*. l'i. awa !.!. t.Tim -xi i .1 hh ral. Pr.icfKi-lui of flr*i b i -k vie., o( :> on I IKI .k .IV.. -ir huh -IT 75 . am i t re- ' der f ir tlv.- 1. . >kt \\lill. na - : U mk k Pul>. II .u, I'orunlo. By their si-tioii on the Stomach, Liv- er aud l'.oe.. .Millers \\urui IVnvders i-i.iti-ri all kucli iruuliK-* a* luck of .\i>- penu-, UilioukUt-sa, Uruwauieas, CuuipU-aiuu. ill-., nice tu take. F.. -., slul'IT.D KKKK P-rmaii.ii*. i I V Ir Cured, na. KLI.NS'( OKCA* I I Naarv nceroaicM. I* ulr* cur* -.>r all Nir . * D.neaM*. F.ta, Eptleruv. S|*mianil SI. Vitut l>anr N' Flu or Veivou*.'*-* aftrr tint <!> oae. Treatlr anil S3 trial bottle *nt thrniiKh Oa ...|in Ageiicr rakic ! Kit |uitltnl*\ they |myin(f . -\preas ca*rce*onlv when ri*eiv*4i. Send |oOc Kl.ii.-.utl Archil . Phi adal|.hi*.Pa. CHAMPION tw^- ii Urn* II.Uoll Illr KHC*. In China hcn> are euipluyoU to hatch fl.h etfgH. 'Ihoa* are sealed in an vug shell aud placed UI.IUT me UII>U.-IH-.-I- ing hen tor a few uuys. 'Ihe cou- U'lits ol ihe shell are ihou uuiptied into a shallow pool, wht-ru they i-un bak lu i ne Kuiisiune until the itiui- ! 110 wit arc mroug enough to be tuiucd into a lake or river. lioard'i Liuimeat Cures Burns, etc. cut Au 1.I-. la llr,..l<e. "Pauline, \vlnit numo yon joutiK JMKllett>u just now .-" "Ou, his lace loo. .r.. .-o viK'Uous: 1 th.iu^ni I'd give him Mimuiuiug to thiUK r--r MAIM.F 8V1.4 f ami SlliAK. Ha* corrnirted pun over tin-l>"i. li.'ii .1 * b il ntf cJiiacuy and MVIIIK fuel: *un tut- n- a IK able syrup pane (eoiin ii* .'i* l> 'handled f--r c-ltM in..- in.! l liof." and i prrfei-l regulator. win b (ecu e* ra, Id and hallow eraiu. Uoti.and [ir dm-. the ue*l qualit> of *>rnn. Tl.ej CATHOCUI FRt;. SORGHUM. CIDER &F^UIT JELLIES THE G. H. GRIMM MFG. CO., T. X. 1. A CME Cleansing and W.i~hm< Powder. Kvi-ry pi-r^ni debility ahuuld Iruii 1'ilU. from general 4*eruiiftii Hl.-yol* Tralna. A new svifii luiH l<ca added to the Qerniiui railway time mlilcs a uio- ture ol a bicycle indicating which ez- preas train* carry whools. New life for * quarter. Uillsr'i Cost- pound Iron Tills. He !.. U. 11. Hnaband I waa driven to drink. W ufe Well, yom don't balk any, John. I'lWV ONLY : No strong Lye. Chloride of Lime) online or Coal Oil novdvd . . . . For Domeetlo uet>. for th* Bnaat lac* la tk* dlruwl (ray clulhm. Tor M.I.I Vitin of all kind*. Pipes, atnka, ete. ~ For Waahlnf 1-nn.t. Floor* and Animal*, aud le> tli* llnth, aNo IIT IIM. .t i... t. For Primer*' ow. f"r Warluuii 'I'vpe. Kullert aa4 Mac ITIITT. Tli* p and ye> ti. t > tiAruileaa lo naiul* or n itrrtal. Put up In Iiu. J , i- and .. l 14o. pe lit. A liberal dUcuuut lo Ihe u-aa*. Goal tavlns and moke Consuming Oompuund. For Home MOTWI. Rartfr* and Fnrnara. and fee naaafaotttrlnc eeucenw Ti i jM'w.ter ftaves . lo<0|>trc<nt of .. i gu up a.tJHr au4 imaffer heat andati ' II U TI i> lnip,i . i .. . ( hang-Ins f flr-place> S*4 lea* tare lehaJi<lla>th< coal Ueair I'e* T Ib. aortlea dl**ulir4 lu ai*r aud lurluaiaei on Ikeeeal. Price C r? ,i* (., r Ih. or li 1 ^ per Ion. If your or diui- l I ^ nat eol *her*w will furnlah u on avtiilcauuii with toll lree> tlon* for u*e AaU* Celebrated Pievtati Uu.-llas*. Lllbocmaas and 1'lthiHrrani CiiinpoalUon lo be aad al ail aril olaai ltioura > .to. AULO MUCILAOI CO., 17 Bleurr St.. Monte***.

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