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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1900, p. 4

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berrttwri who d.. nut rwelre ihrli .|*|M-r Feffalarly will (i4eA* n.illt) dual uure. Apply at ihnoBli e for wlvrtlalnir THE AI)VA\< I FLEHJIEHTON. OKT. OOM PAUL'S IRISHMEN. ltT-H r>r Oiil. n( Ihr,,, ,nnlll With I. r . .,1 II. I- .... The following is an extnu-t from a letter written by an Irishman in Booth Africa to bis relatives in Ire- land. The letter was published in the Daily Mud of Ixindon : "It is true that in Pretoria there are a few Irish with Oom Paul in all his doings, hut very few from having any hatred of Knghuid and more from the fact that they are like hundred* of others living on concessions given them, or more properly are receiving a little of the HO,000 devoted last year to secret service. 1 have an in- timate knowledge of Irishmen all over the country, and have no hesitation in saying that '.!.' JUT cent, of Ihem are with the old Country in this quarrel, and iml<-ed. at all ti;:i -s. " Private Francis Hums. 1 loyal Irish Fusiln r-,, writcb from Ladysinith as follows: "We went for the Boers at 6. SO. When within a thousand yards shot and shell begun to fly about us. There is no mistake they can khoot ! Dead and dyin^ were all around, but we lose all feeling in huftlo. Up the hill we went with fixed bayonets, but the cowards would not wait for us, but ran like sheep. They pit up a flag of truce, and our general would not let us tiro on them, when we and the cavalry could have slaughtered the lot. Tha dead were on top of each other. It wu terrible. The two officers of my company were idiot. The papers say the Dublins were first on the hill, but it was the Royal Irish it does not matter, anyhow, lor we were all Irish. Tell my mother England's first battle was won by the Irish Brigade. "We have hail fire days and nights of misery. The world will never know what Irishmen did them fear- fnl nights. We camn through a place called the Devil's Pass. All it wanted was some tire, and it would have been hell. We are now in Lady- smith. The Boers fire on our hos- pital.*, and do things a savage xrould not do, but the day of re. ..omnir is coming. We aro all looking out for Sir Kedrers liuller and the soldiers from home." LIFE'S DIFHCULTIES. Penalties of Modern Methods of Living. Picton. Dec. 18. We rend a great deal eoiH-erniiiK th> harlnhi|is ami MinVmiKC eniluicil bv the (' pioneers in the oiirly iluyfi of our I ><> iiiiiiuiii. Bat iln- truth is that ninny of their ilesecniliints, iu our o\vu times, endure ei|iiiilky an much fut did their forefathers The caHe of MIRK Anna Young. of this town, is an mutant*. MIKS Young IB a irruiid-ilniiKhter of Col. Henry Young, tho I'niled Kmpire Loyalist, in whose honor Fort Henry at Kingston. wax She savs: "I hnil Millereil with rhciimntism for twenty yea. My poor bodv was all twisted out o' shape. KO you can im- agine the atfony I endured. Mr 1'liy- sii'mns could not lii-l]i me; all the medicines I used wore utterly n.-rle-s. "I read of Dr. Arnold's Kn^h>h Toxiu IMls, one day, und thoui:ht I'd t-iM- them a trial. 1 inn thankful for having that iiis]>mit ion, lur 1 uiu now free Ironi very terrible nun- und thanks In Dr. ArMolil's Toxin Pill* and to them iiKm . 1 fiiniHit, of, I* nili'lc VI.I.MK , for I will bo ~,'.i M-U;.- oU u . ' 'iiber, yet I feel 1 can eii'l inj V- in jo-are, thank.- to Dr. Arnold ^ IN A EU^Y WORLD. The Knelith II.I..H-. > trade employ) to-day r.'l women to cverv 10<> men. A line of street ems in fit. Louis it to U- run I iy rompruxtiml air. lu Italy i:,m, mm |..'..j,i.i tind eruploy- uieni iu reiirinir Mlkuoriun. AUmt oii (icrimui woman in every u\cnty-M'\en works in a factory. Si nn tin UK like l,H. r K).OUO|Lari! yards of IcMikniL' u'lii-- is manufactured in Kurupe iiniiuuily. DuriiiK IxiwtJreat Britain im]xrted i-.'i).::<i<i,uuo mere lianiliKe from Canada, ' ami e\j>orted to it only 5,815,000. :-]iii-<' natural (,''* was tir.-t discovor- ed in Indiana 7,208 oil wells and 3,348 gas holes have been sunk. Known t.) lh. .u-. mils. -I'armelce'H Ve- tlile I'll-. n-K'ilire Ihe action of the her ret ion-,, piinfi the II ><N| ,in.| keep the Mmn.u h al .1 liuMil-, f ! from ili-l.-t e. i.iln inaiu-r. Taken iici-m-diui; tu dirn-l ion tin-)' will ov-i'i ..'[i-.ii. .-r.i.litate I. 1 "iine-.s. null 1 -,-ive I lie dmrvtivc 01 ^.m Inul l.y mill Mr.jnir to perform Inii." mil-.. Tl.rir incrilR HT" 11 known In tini iis i nils lio Know liy i xjiericiice how lieiieiiciiil they are in tfiviug loua tu l)r. AriKilds' Kn^lish Toxin rills, tin urily nil'. lirnh' i.ii earth lliut i-tii'ei -o by kiiliiiL' it, are MiM bv all ilru^isis al \ ; Mimjile KIZU 'J.V., or . nl prepaid <in n-o ,pt of priee, liy Tli Arnold I'liemieal (V>. , J. united, t '.in- nila Lifo r.iijUlint,'. 42 King Strenl Vest, Toronto. Striinit Proof. n<>ttU> So you rc:il!y think that ' U In love u i Hi yoilV IV in- "h. I nin s;nc uf It. fun sliould hear some uf the mejn thin - lie siiys niiout yon an. I the rest of Uiv K.rls in our set. ItoKtou Transcript. III. -i..,' I (inffi,ler. Here nni nine HiiMrcu's saying* reported by lliu L'uicuKu Mows: "Now, boys," smd the Sunday (chool tia.'!:er, ' our lesson to-nay te.ii lii-s us tlmt, if we are good while hero on earth, \\in-n \\e din we will HO to ii iil.n'i. ill i", i I'laMini; bliss. But KnpjHMW we aro bail, then what will heroine of us?" "We'll go to a place of evo.rlaM in>; blister," replied a small boy at tin- toot of the clans. "Mntniiia. " f-.i. MMill Charlie, "I think I'll be a ). a< -her \\lien I frrow uj). " "Very well, my sou, " replied tho fond inoiiiiT, "but what pnt the id'-il into vour KI :id.-" "Well." re- IpllOtl the little Ii ..iW, "I s']>OMS I'VI i K<> to chun h all my life any- way, ivinl it's u In ap fan to \uilk around und talk than it U to lit Mill." Health for the \\iiii. 1'iiwden. cbil.ln-n. Miller's Cbalrr of IVrlli. "Why illil yon lei \.nir son Join tbt rniy In the I'liilip]' "lie said If v. e iCiiu I he'd go Into footbull ti uui " ChliML-o II .. ! I wi 'I i MUI. It does not take hernii-n tu umlce hero; it onlv taken a man Lent mi '.. ing hi.s duty in tin* far til' mills. IlKtll li- ailliillK tin' ei'.i;il..\. -, i ! 1 i lian 1'aeiiie Haih\ nv in 1:. Coluniliia. He is a wat<-!.i bi' puts iluty liri-t ninl lil'i- H-i-und. Nut 1'iMf.' ii^'o a lirnl>;i> OTI In* M-I-I imi Of tho loan ' au r :lit lile ;I:M U;inlileil urn tli" ra^in^ nu.ii 1:11111 river. It was nui'lii^'lit, anil tint \valr)nn;i!i \v:i- aloiiu in the n:i. mi' i .IIP;: In- ward the vawiiiii^' KUp \va-s tlie liniii- *d exprcMH from the ea>t, while from the west an exrursioa Irani, i .n'ain lug four hundred Aiueriean jnuinal- UU, aNo drew near. The eieuiHon train was due and it war< eoniing I'nini the Mile i>)>- priKite tliat <m which the watehm.i.i stood. Tint mnn did not lie.-itate. He d into the swollen strenin. tlin other hlmre, ran i dii nnil signalled the exi-i.r- ion truin. Then he diyajipearuti in tlie llltrkllOM, 1'ai'k to the river he ran without niiiin.-ni i-t himself in mid OTOMed HVIIIII. Aniitlier rapid run to th flag Ntaliiui mi that Mile, and the exbauhtcd wall hiuaii, ready to sink with fatigue, >tiinit bv tho 1'a- i-itii 1 llvi'i- that Imil IK-CII bronirht to Stop nt the l!a- station ea-l of the bridge. He him mved two trains. HIH! per Imps a Ihou-anil live-,. Ids own in nt on the in -i -urn-nee wa* that be bad done his duty. U II. ..I. I .,.. n. AlKornon Uon^heiiy of the t'nlred fitaii's diploinillle service ha* qua !.: ir* of his nun to account for his sn- ail Well n hellli: the soil of the famous "Silver 'Ion-lied" UmiKherty of I'hlla- delphla. <ni- f the nih-s <if the urls- locnitlc rarlxlau coiiriei'k'e lit that while one may ride up ID the elevator one nu^t not ride down. It wa Mr. Dougherty who tiroke down thin rule lo a liiiuse In the Idle de Mat nrin He Ntatted down, and the concierge to| ped the elevator. "It IH forblddcu." "Il.T whoinV" The (irourletor forbids It," said the concierge. Mr. liougherty drew himself up and nld. "Tell your proprietor that I fnr- bld lilm to fnrhld me anything!" ond rode on down. And no\v e\en the tlnild maiden ladles on the sixth floor pi*; with that elevator as thouRh It were a tarn* cat MHO k'ruuolsco Aig- osut A Piinnd Siiiin.iHi .\i. u i- i t I -,ir The 1. nrh pri's.nre of a nrrvou-, l.f* whirli bii-nii'-- nifii of I IIP preHent <ly n- con ii led in 1 vi- maki-H draiu-hti I ' to I li'-:r in-. il' h . I 1 . tlii' iiin-t i .iro- dil I n- i' 'i.i'ir ' ha: I ii. \ .ir i I i ki'i'j' tticin- I - 1 land - - v ir i.f them Uiiuw ilif \ lus .: I'.inn. 1 S'H \Vxrtn 1 I I'll* III r. . I . . ii u. : oo > HI' i' ' I ' 1 -or. X^ llrri* HUMP I* I'n |n'piilur. In si'iti- uf I'.rilish rule, In '.in i yir- tun I Iy u Miapleitg country. Thn 'ii;-'i- out I ^ of llindiistnii soii; :i- a imtural <-uri- ran-ly if ever ' :it in" tiv the nut i vii M .In it I, now solo Id a i '.nil extent, litit how small llns is nay be gutiii-n-d from the fact tliat the year- .-iinip'inli of soaii ill liiilm is about KH),()tlO hundredweight ; that is .. every 2,. 'MX) person-. n-. ( i on an av ', niily ll~ jioiiinls of soap ainoiig them ; or, in other words, consiilcrah- - tinman onnce IK the average of a ] rsoti. An observing man insists that he cnn tell a woman's character by her manner of walking and the kind of hoe* the wears. He pays that the listlesfi way of lifting one's feet indi- cates laziness or ill-heatlh. A heavy, flat-footed step moans a good honse- keepnr, but nn au'^ressivp nature. A dragging, shuffling step denote* indo- lence of mind and body He obwrves, further, that th wonmn who likes mam i- not dainty or femin- ine. ;iii.l tliat (I,,, woman wears will-lilting shi-es in the street and 1 dainty t4ip|ierg in the bonne. (Hoard's I ,::M T,t Cures Garget In Cows. x . i i ,. - . : i of ft-'tutsk, Silierin, is a city of pad- lock. Then- aro more inidloi-UM on i ilo.irs of an Irkutsk store than c.m IK- found in an Ameri- '-nn . i y of " IK). '1 here are ns many as three padlocks on smut' storo doors, and every lower *tory hhuttor bears from on" to live. The padlocks weigh from one to lifton pounds. Tho pop- ular sizu U five pomuli and 2 1 _. inches thick. Jf yinir child I* pale. |Ni'\i-h, and does not thrive, niloso of .Mi Hem \\'oi iu 1'ow- dera oci asiiiimlly will cure. for Mirk*t. There are a nuiiilier of ways of sel- ccliii-.- i ;__'* lo Hciul In market. The In -t of these WHVM is to jiajiH em h e^ li.'tiiie u eaiiille held on tho othi'i side of a lir>x or board throiii;h v Inch a holo Inui been iiiinle. \\lien \\ n say eanillo of course wo recoj,'nu.e the fnct (hat an actual candle is not uec. -sary any Uiml nf a liulit will do jirovnl il it lie jMiwerful enough to HOIK! it< liplit through tho egg. Only fresh r(TK should li sent to inarUet, s|H'ci- altv if private customers aro licing suppliad. Kinard's Liniment Cures Coltls, etc. OrlL-li '-I Ittlilr'x Veil. The bride's veil hnd its origin, it is FBid, in the AiiKlo-Snxon custom of pcri'orminir the coremony under a M|iiaro piece of cloth, held ut each corner by tall mou over tho bride- groom and bride to conceal the lut- i. lii-lies. If the bride xvas a xviil- ow tln> veil was dispensed with. THE. Ale^Porter New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pouud Iron Pills. ,\rf|til!tri. "Romfmber," naid the yonnff man with the downy mountuchn nnd the foreign title, "I am not a fortune humor." "Xo, " answered Mr. Cnmroj, (tloornilT, "1 discovered that, shortly after 1 iHH-ame yonr father-in-law. You proiNtMi tu sit Htill and have thi for i nne \\nlk into yonr bank account. Yon wouldn't do anything so fatigu- ing ax to got up ami hunt it. " Try It. Hwoulil Ix- across Injustice to confound tlmt si.diilinl ln-ril i u-.- .1 ;i nt - Dr. Tlmnim' Hi lectrtc t)il wi: h the unliti- ary uiiiinrnta, lot ions mid sulves. They are of leiitinira Inflitniinatory and astritn(- PIII. Thi> Oil is, on tlie cunt riiry, einin- ntlj eoollng and ootblng when npphfd extern -ilk to ndteve pun, aud powerfully when swjilluwed. CnflrnCullnr* In OMPCI l n<l. The enltivntion of code* on thi northern coast of QneenHlatul i Ktnted to b becoming nn important induslry. Growers are w\id to be iniiUiiiK ready to export to Hritiiiu coffoe iu aground and tinned condition. A new bnck for fX) rent*. MUler'l '. Kidney Pills and Piaster. Miiierlal* In K Piano. There are -is ilitferont inntprinlsused In ronstruciinej u pmno, from no few- er tliiin 1C> dilleri'iit eonntrit>H, employ- ing *t> different hituds. JOHN LABATT, London, Are ondouhtedlj Till: IIKsr. T*ltlTnonlaU from 4 rtirmUU. 10 medali, U i|i|.li.nia The mint wlinleiome of lievrrair'l. l(. r.iioiiicoutd If I'tif dcjaai. For aeOe ertlj- Here. There are I1H cnnals of bu-i ness im- portntice within the limits of the United Mats* Thev vary in length from one milo to ysl, that of the Krie, nml in i nst from $70,000 to $52,000,- UK I If thrrlilldren roiinlre phvslr nous soM *!,,. i- HI Millers Vrf.u.i-wJrs; VeTJ Healthy, Happy Girls. Healthy, happy girls often become languid and despondent, from no apparent cause, in the early days of their worna- hood. They drag along, always tired, never hungry, breathless and with palpi- tating hearts after slight exercise, so that to merely walk up stairs is exhausting. Sometimes a short, dry cough leads to the fear that they are going into consumption. Doctors tell them they are anaemic which means that they have too' little blood. Are you like that ? More pale and anaemic people have been made bright, active and strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than any other medicine, Mra. M. N. Jon cm, Berchler. Que., write* : "My daughter. Hired fifteen, has been restored to good health through [lie us* of Dr. Wii:i:ini->' I' nk I'tiK Sh wa rcry feeble, her Mood was poor HIK| watery, iitid sde ., irnimed witk boaoaobM, poor smpttltt, diMiness and alwwys felt tired Mir. i.-m.- fi>r b ixes uf Ur. Will] inn' Pink 1'ilU hr i- .-nj :i^ an u''i<t ii'-Hl'i, .1- .or irirl at h;-r HKI-, mid we are to gie tin credit ;o vour irr uid nn- .hnn will nmke no mimnke if lbr Insist uuon thir vouuit daughters ;.ik.ou Ur. Willi.iai's Pink iMiH." Do not take anything that does not bear the full name of "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for. Pale People." It is an exix-riiiient and a hazard- ous one to use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or jxi-t paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. \\ illi.ii!!>' Medicine Co., Brockville. The never failing in.-rliciiK'. tioliowajr'a ('urn Cnri', removes ul! kin. Is uf . \\ irl-. fii- ; *vci. .it 14 n 'i -i nut tbi wooUerful Iy. Or-;ii.r I.lltrrtlr*. The of i (.''lin? to jrrant more freedum to tiie j.revi in hiH conn- try. Herciiftcr tlie Kuwian publi-m-r will luoUiMy IM> IM-I iniiteii, buys the n-;iu'i> 'i nm '--Hi :;.. i. lo til Up lliu circiihitinn titlilu witiiout the help of the ceu.or. BirminRhnm turns out evorv wnk 800,000,000 rnt nails. ino.txtO.tKli Imt- tuiis. 4,000 iinl of diiTornnt -. five toun of lia rpniH. 5OO tu* of nuts and 20,000 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, a merrurv will iiirriv ,u<t-o-.- th arnM i>f iniril anil r ini-l't.-lv o^raact lite wboleivt^m * 'ii rn; i ar II Ibrouirb Ibf muroua furfoi. *. Su -h irt . i. ^ t ii.iul ! IH v.-r i.i' i ezcrpi on )ni crl|ill .11 from r|.ir in. ll. dam^Ki- thejr will d.i is t-.i :ol 1 to in.- if o id y..u a* possibly dsrlve from them, il^il Oatarrk Cure. ni;iiiufmiur,-ii )>v K J (jiieuey k Go^ Toledo, O., eootaln* no nereary, ami In ukn y, ai'lliik- " tin* til mu -url : ::. . ;i Cat irrli Cur be K'I . i taken Internally, and n i i, Ohio, by K. .1 i v * . '.. I <timnlnUfre. > Nolltb \Tt-i. .% ( II Unit-lit I.. >l.xl>. tlie M til inn! Ilia MN-.IHII. I: .fully Hiii-tratrd: ' rfti - ' like nme of KmiffiTrl t..r!i - i\Ta. doiro, xtnlib ral. Pr.Kp-otili of flrl bwkSosw, .ii't [." K . r mm iunt r- \\llllam .'l, ..;nt II ..kkl'u'. It <u,Toronlo. Iliiw In M.I." 1'i.t tl.. Hnftir. Stenni the potatoes in their jnckets nntil quite tender, j>eel them and nib through n wire sieve or innrhine into n hut vegetable dish, piling high iu the center. Mothrrfi raves' Worm KxliTmlnatnrdnea . iiu're the helii uf MIT n eomplrte tbi cure. Uive it .1 trial mnl bcon\ lie Hnllr unit F.irk Sl-n. All the raihvny Ktations in Sweden at which rueals aro served ore ktunvu by a siirn bearing the sn;-.-. -tive em- blem of a crossed knife :i'i.l fork. ODORLESS CLOSET. 'ut Hei.r.-iit On of th ilot I rut Inveutlonaof the AX* to tin- \\ ,iy ol an I ml. .or ( IIMM-I. All ' ' H . . . c ^t- l .u 4 Ml.llnlfU* ni* prlr* ll'.t writ* lo THE ODORLESS CREMATORY CLCST CO.. Oh. my! hnw your eiiinpln\i>>n hw Im- pm\ed. Yea, Millers loiiipound Inm l-ill, did it. A CIVI Wsahing Powdr. lirlnk 1. 1 inn In S.. i No jiersiin in Norwiiv may cpen.1 in. n. ' t him six cents at one visit to a drinking place. Mlnard's Linimcct Cures Diphtheria. WOMAN'S FLICK WINS A Lady Who Cured Her Husband o I the Liquor Mabit Write* a Pathetic Letter. stw writes: "I for a lung nun tulukiiig of i tin .-Miiimna l'rcar.ii- Irvatmeiil uu 111)' bunbuu.l ftif l.n drlukliiiE*. b<t 1 .. alraia ke would JUi'.i\r that 1 M n (IvlDg til. n .ue, sod tlic mi'. I heHat*a lor nciirljr a .*!., !,.: one day when : cuuie honi* v^rjr tiineh Inlmlc.'iK'd and his woek'i al" nil sii.-us. I threw off all f*ar i. .nln.'il tn niMkp an effort to aavt our borne friiiii tin- ruin I MW comlat, "t i .,-ut for your BamarU PMC-IP .ml |.ut It In hli ffee Jlr-'" n.'xt iu..rnl:iir. anil watched ami priv.l for Ib.' r.-^ii't. At nm ! gare him rvn an-1 M l-o nt aupprr ll never uKpi'cte'l ni.l I then Kililly kept i- i ',..-iilnrl\ . n< I hml dlC"" n.i th:it t.'l every nerv.- In uiy BoOy ihid nir nni! hnpplne". sn.l I << H I.Hirht future spnMil "nt b fnfi- ti . ! pi'n.'i'fiil. h .i;i|iy bnme. a sfcnre In 'he c I thliti- "f life, sn sttontlvf, loTlnit hnsliand iniiifurts. anil everyttilnit else il.'iir to a wKinioi'i h.-art. for mr htiihun.l ti'nl told me that whlakey WHS vile stuff -I he waa tnkln s dlallk* to It. It was OM'T tco tnie. for before I fcad flren him f f full cotirdt be had etopp*rt flrlnklne aitojethi-r. lint T kept flTln the mertli-lne till It waa cone, and then nent for SBAtbef lot to hart on hand If h* SfcevM relapw.ns b.. had ilniie from bin premise* bef --. He n-rrr hia. and I am writing yon this l'er ,, tell yen how thankful I am I kountly bi-llere It will mr th went raeee." A pimph'et In plala, aeeled tnTelope ent free. r lT 'n tenrtTnoaliits. and fall In formntloD. with directions bow to^tuke or administer Bamurl* PrepirU-tlon Sr>onifni' ron*ir* - tlal *,M- Tttf fnmtrta Rttocdy Co.. IS Jardin strt. Toronto, Ont ...IOSTOM.V NOMINAL... No 'ron t*. Chlond* of Llmo eniine or Coal Oil needed ... For Domestic uee. fi>r ilia BueM lace lo Ue i F'.r Mrtal i ,.-,'. of all kind*. Plpea, Stnka, Mo. hnr Wulilil Paint. H.uirn .1 -. : ,1 fu the Haiti. i-'i I-T ux .1 int. For J>rliiitt> 111^. dir Ww>iiiiiic i \ pr. i.,...,t*aB4 Mai-din, r\ i: ilorleaa aud per- fri'tlv !'S! tn haiuU or niMtt-rUkl. Put up In I it. . -' in mi:. II. ]. ke~. atlAo. per Ib. A UU-riU dlM uunt tu Ihr tla<U Coal 8in and Smoke Consumlna Compound. For Hoaw AtoTve, lui k -. H and Furnarra. and fer manufartiirlns' rotucrti*. This powiler aaves Xi t i" ;.. i i i nt. i<f l, ir*u up aiteadKr aa4 mri'*r lifat an.l ilwiui. It la n r> rin . i haniclng of ftre-placea) and u aii >Mfe to haiulle a tiie coal ttM!i. Uae T Ib. portion dlMolred lu water aud iprluUea on tli. Prli-tH i fnt" IXT Ib or linn pr ton. If yur tfrm i-r or druuici-t baa not cot m>^>Tr we will rurulah II on appllfatlon with toll dlrvc- lini.s for uae. vii tirted Premium Hurllacv. Llttmcmne and Litlmrrani CompoaittoD tn be bad at ail ar4 C,M. bUitloner*. itu. AOLD MUCILACB CO . 7 >leur St.. Mentreal PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS Tb llf.l >lil'. -,..! (in- i >t.4lorn-. rocK-dit.'TT ri.ou i (.. 1:1: i > rriiitn. t ircl* Tea* i -. x ii. i-..rr. I..-. * II. KltriMI I. -. i IL sploe. IUCAS. STttLE & BRISTOL " iMvoiTina o* M. o > , Write us. HAMILTON. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE (iv i MIIH HINDI u r \\IM-: ro.. 113 I iilmi HtMlluii Arcikile. I'orotitu. H IIM.IIII.I i it) i :. war. r.r.'-il | nnia-kwpcr. to .v anil GiRLSf .r il.MrlbutlnK Ailver- Mllng Matter. ^ n t . i \n i i cent. sud dilrf* f .r p*rticiiiars SMM MKI. F !. STul'l-KO KKI.K. PeruiMieat- j I V l.V (.Ull I'll. KLrXS*R OBKAT I I NKHVK KKSr.iKKH. I' "UivecUre ^ fur all Neiv ... Diseun, Fits, BnlleptT, SjpatBM sad St. Vims' Dance. Ne FiU nr Kervouine< aftrr nrt lav use. Trotle and *J trial botll* eenl tlirouxhCaiiailian Afi'm-i FKKL t . Ku pattrnle. IhfT pnylnif\pTe'riiariT.'.. il v when frrlTed. s, n.l i<> Ur Khiie.sOi Arclitt , 1'hi a.llplua,Pa. T. N. D. 256 Brantford STEtl TOWERS AND WINDMILLS SATOBDArS BATHE. British frooos Drive Boers From Several Strong Positions GEN. CLERY'S ALL-DAY BATTLE, .rr-n I ii : .i;.d All D., Sa.d> 7 Fl ( bt- n..- li.m.uii. Bat RrliUh succe.lal l-.tiKi i ,. t .f Ce*a.Ul.e-Ltcle- i..u' !:. u*it**atm - oateil Wr onti ISalletme Tell iu storr < the A.l.,,c. Lenrlnn. Jn. 22. The Dally T.Jejr..(il, baa h.- followiiifr despatch <l*is<l batui . ii--.irin.ui ~. **" n P : Warr-n'l U. o n ha\e fooa;ht a d .. e it.'l> |>laiui.d and uocaBsful ImtUu. '1 , riant engagement 01 i"irr.<l to tt . : "*I"OI1 I- ejp, .iii.l : - . ~ul till in our 8.ti.rini; the rou^h Uihli.- Lind which c.iti^i itiie.l the k.-v nf the Boer [i>siti,,i, \ft.-r a tin.' c..nnnn- iide I ii din-r',l .i..,i!.s; <fi.-my s - a.iin,. uitif. lh.- 15rit.ih trn|is asaemlil.ti un i-m- inonce known o Three Tree Mill. vhich forms the Centre of a - cireJe of .-r sn, crn'MM-d \\irl, enemy's works, and some MX mi:... JOUR ; . the rtriti-n i.iiiintry w.'iit fiirwardm the face of ,i haavy fnsilurle from Kua..r r "Our tr<i.,|i.s were rlispovd as f'>l- IOWK HH or-Geo. \v , ^ i Kade on the ri^ht. Maj..r-..>n. Hart s Rrlgada in the I ,1 JIa ,r- (; ' I' M rvl'j, hriirad.- on the "^onn nfier midday the battle "n the hill became flprre. and from 8 In the afternoon until 6 tlie fire both omn.'ii- and rii.s \\ -a .-x 'r Iy hea-y |- i,,t after p. iiu of tho en-m\ s po^ i' Ion was <.> ,il by the llrn>i, troops), and e\CMtiiuI]y lh* lW,,.r r. ht ' r.ik.- and w .. 4 f r .1 back toward Si.ion Kop. "Our f.,ri- is bivnu.icklnir Upon th croiind it captured ao ir.tll.mtly Durinp t'-.> a. 'ion to-day the eneniv broucht Into play new runs, one of Wikh was n .|Ulclc-flrr>r. To-morrow oiufht to - -tl,. ho ma't.-r In to- day'* flifhtintj our louses wre trlfllnc but th- I!, -r- suffered hen\-|lv "Whll.. (1..n. Warren w:.s flrhHne his eniriL'cnieiif . an effectual flemoti- tratlon wn procoodlnir nt Potil t- er'i Prift. ih onemv'i P'I^I Ions ne-ir Oi.-r.' orously ihelled by tho British hat trial." BART ADVANCED FIKST. Ondvr llt-ATv Fir I rent Tereo nireetlnn* ih.T i. !.,. I Tkir I'on.t. London. Jnn. 'J2. Tb Times bus th* fnl h>w! H. lay eTrnluf, from Spcnr naii'* "All und < Gen ' . i aitKi-kliij( tb . Th. i- i loof riltf.'. four northpi .if Trk-unrd'e I'-l't m.^mlln.- frntii tl-.. "li.-r. A I il.iwn n's!. nl.ijr dj' .-upled a k..|.j" ..n tht Of tho nu/c. Harfe llrlcad* Ad>iinrrd. *"ih" . T . . !i,i'Hy itnne sini - -j{ furwarl an. I rl.-bt alnu^ the : r ; iti poelrn- i>ml < r At 11 . : ., i... -, llnrt'a tirlri'le ail- on tli* li'fi .il.'iig r.ii'kjr, uu-.. th semi -'r.'li-. unil.T he n v nre fr im thro 01 < Ttklnf 'ilrnntne* of nil rv;i le ..r the tri>.>|i n-l..'in.-H to a po'nr i .hiu :HI yiirda of the enemy'" win? t.iif th.r .|i,| not ajv m.-c her i i I the nlfi' "t Hi' 1 n>vr. There ihey remalnc.L until ilirK. ant MvotisrkMl. The Ktircnr Ste>l Away. "tt Lililltl.'n to Mailm V.r.!.-nM.l'. th<- nn> fii.'.l lir:ipnl capturnl nt Cokn-ui Tbir tin- wa iiiu-rmlttent. ami wan slwar* ni|.nn(-tiT i',. n i-<l by .. - tcr'i-n At n ,-ht the enemy'* rlht wln evoafUM.'il It* . n "n. J:in ."-. Th .in-.'-pondent nt The 'I I nee nt'nso Msrnn*t. -i-t- In.- Sntnrtlxr. a.T: "I lenrn from i en'ii'i ' nnhlas.'.l nnd trialw..-- snt that the Boer* In Nstnl are i1lhen-'- I slao l.'.'irn that the KrltNh r<-! denn In he two republics would an 1 -- -M II-IT at the h.inds of the Pntrh did n.. k the intter feur the result for liocrs In ibe lui.U* of th, Brltlaa." AN ALL DAY BATTLE. en. Clery'a nd .eu. W.rr.n'. Ferree I .MI^III Their War i. piunuj Kld|e After Kidtce mm Satardey. London, Jan. 21. The War Of- fice shortly after midnight posted the following ilcspatch from Cen. Bullcr, date. I Sj .Mriiian s Camp, Jan. -i >. *'' fl.Tv. with a part of (Jen. W.irrens force* ha been in m tion from >i a.m. till 7 p.m. to By a jjiiilici.ui* use of his artill ban fouiflil, his way up, capt riil. e afu-r riil K e, for about thr.-.- miles. "The troops nre now bivouacking on tlie pr.iend IIP has trained, hut tho main position Is still In front of them. "The cusimltli-B were not heow About one hundred wounded hnd been brouijht In hy 6.30 p.m. The ber of killed has not yet been ascer- tained." Kumr Fntr>nell*d \ll Her. London, Jan. 21. Thi War Office has reccued the following from Ucn Buller: "Si>earman' Camp, Jan. 31. (8.55 a.m.) In order to relieve the pressnro on fien. Warren and to ascertain tho slreujrth of the ene-nv In the position Iu front of 1'ot- gletlcr's Prlfi (icn. L\f1eton made a reconnaissance in force \etiterday. Thli kot't thu enemy in their trenchd tn full str.-nirtli nil day. "Our cnmial'i.'s 'third Battalion 'Ing's Koyal Klfies. two killed, U Wounded and two missing. H ttrrrn -nil ri(h>lu(. Speuriuan'* Camp, Jan. 21. (9. no a. m.) Gen. Warren's eii^ax'" < f., the enemy 'is. The Lancas- hlrc and Irish Urimdes are advanc- mc; steadily. The lire U very Mvere oecaaionally. ..- n.r.l Rnll>r' r ,n iln. . The Wnr Offlcf has posted this de- spatii, irom General Bulier dated '! , 10 a.m.: "'I'he following were wounded In . ni-ur Venter's Spruit yi-ster- 'l. rs S'iirT-4',,1. B. Hamilton '. Mi'Crei'.ir. I ln,e...,i i!-p Fusiliers i: > Uluiii anil >,-rnd l.ients. If. G Crofton and K. J M Kirrett. "first. ISonler I. [H t D. > ami Second l.i-ni \l in-r. "l-irst ^..rk ami I n Seo- ond 1. 1. -ut A II I "Sen.!.! I)i, l,lm r C. A H<<|H> ( deinl . .ii.l Major F. IJi " l.ieut. P. ., irt iu-! H7ti tun.-ci>niuii8Slon- ed oiiu-i-rs and men." M.kii,'.- il I>| int . l P-n^r-. Jan. 2!. General Buller - follows to the War Cilice: n't* Camp. Jan. 21, 9 p. in i. .v. -nil W.irren has been en- 1 .ill day chiefly on his left. .1 .^ forward about a coii| -,. The ground is very diilirnlt, anl. aa Ihe fit'litinc: is all me up hill, it is diftictilt to say w hnve Kaine<I, but I think -.. are making subalantiol pro- graai." ay. th.if Mr -Vari-tim fa r"p..rlei ' to he t!i lienn-r of n li-|t -r t , I'r MrKln . v from l-n-Mont Km c ,.r. 'n wlil-ih i the latter iimpo'.rH pea re trm.a l.awil i<pn ' the KtaiiiM r|i!o. with complete lu J "Jeml and a aeven year franrhl*.. FILIPINOS STILL FIGHT. first Am-r.r , ,, Pack Train 4nbnhed Kelweea <no> Torn., und San I h... Bul- letin From r,n. i. t t ,. Washington. Jan. 22. The untov,.ird happening in the succpjiaful campaign now jroino; on in LlBOfl ia announceu from Gen. Otia: M.iila. Jan. 20. Pack train of 2O IHH ies transportinR rations be- tw it'll Santo Touias and San Pablo. Ijn:una Province, escorted by GO men Lieut. Ralston, 3Oth Infantry, steamship will probably be supplied "lied yesterday, two men killed', similarly to the Sardinian, which rKe uouuded. nine missing; pack train lost; lieutenant and 34 men re- turned to Santo Tomas with killed and wounded, affair being ln\esti- *ted. Doret. 45th Infantry, struck insurgent! in Uatangea Mountains, prepured in ambush to tnet liiui; he killed 8, wounded 3, captured 17, one Spaniard, <? rifles. His casualti,* two PROVISIONING A TROOP SHIP. Aa A IT. im, > of lh Tbi.,^< XVIi'oU Go te Meke Dp the Sb-amer'* Larder. The proviaionmif ot a troopship is a detail of army transportation m which Canadians may be atmametl to take some passing interest at the pres- ent moment, gee.ui*; that the second contingent of Canadian troops have left oar shores for .South Africa. Jnst what the Dominion has itored on buavd the Lanrentian for the con- sumption of our boys dnriufr the tive weeks' voyage to the Cape nobudv seems to definitely know, bat the there i a large supply of "(reneral stores" which need uut be specified. ' The .Sumatra was the twenty-first troopship that has been rapplied with stores by thi contractors since the war began, ao that, if the above fifrnrea are multiplied 21 times, some rough iih a will bi gained of the sum total of the food, etc., alreadv needed for the troops in their long journey ax-roes the was, without regard to what tuiy reqnir* on laud. men slightly wounded. "OtU." l.ORit KOIII- i:r' HCI.I.I.IIN. MR. RUSKIN DEAD. The Oreeteat Art Critic f Hie Tlae f e AwJ et the Age of Ml Xeara. London, Jan. 26. John Ruskln .lied on .-at .n.ay afternoon of LUUU- enza, aged > L jeurs. Fr.neli . l).mo.irt Ion With Carnlrv lnwir.l. Hebron. London. Jnn. 21. The War Offlc* has received tii e foliowjni; from Lord Roberts, djt.-l Caiie. Town. Jan. -I: "Gen. f'r.-: .-I, reports a demonstra- tion with cavalry and two guns t<^ wards Hebron i>n Friday, but other- wise his situation is unchanged." I. >.. >l 1 .IV*MI ii, an .1 >,. . A third supplementary list of the British casualties in the attack upon Ludysiniih on Jan. 6 was published by tlie office to-il;r. It showi 28 non-coiniiiiMiionsj4 ollicers and men killed d.ini. r eriiiis''. wounded. This l.r-f.js the total of casualiie* in that eiifc'aKL-iJient to -4->. SHELLING LADYSMITH, carried the first contingent ont a little over two months aso. These Government provisions will also be added materially to by private and municipal contributions of little Inx- uri.-s "on the side." which will . >-r- tamly bo appreciated on the lomr voy- age. A correspondent in the London Times of December 23 tells how an Euj*l;.-h troopship, Mailing from Lon- don or Southampton for South Africa, in provisioned. He taken the Sum- atra, which left the Royal A! docks on Decemlxr 24 for the by way of illustration, though, he aa she is conveying nor mure than 11. nut 1,200 men, her supplies re- present what those concerned regard as rather a "small" order. To per- sons unacquainted wirh these n the quantities will appear enough, especially as the exclusively John Kuatun waa born In London on i-eu. .-, laiy, and was the son of John James U us kin, wine merchant. He was educuu-d privately, and then graduated at Christ Church. Oxford. e he b.x-url the Ncdi,;ate pruo supplies in qno*tion 1 1.- was Bene Lecturer at to what will be required at seav mljje lu 1867. biude Professor Thus, under the head of "Troop of Kire Art. Oxford. lts7O-79. l.-vSj- Stores. " the men sail me m the Sum- , L u * for< J' t i:t: atra are to have , (XX) pounds of pre- 11. >n . r of the Itojal Society it, Water Colors. 1873; 8 " rv " 1 m " A '~ U n " r "- s of " &it *** als., . the G*oirru|>hical So- *"" - l "urrels of port, with the ac- 1 .-ociety and of any companimont of 2. .000 Ibs. of proserv- uuinlx T Hi i..rt'itn aca ;>otaroes of 4X) Ibs. of compressed was tlie Author of Modern Painters, . 184: .-n I.ani|8 of Arc. ture, 1.- I'' -tonus of Venice, l.v.'l- 83; Lectu.-.-s on Architecture and vegetables. Should rh>v take mustard with their meat them will be 100 Ibs. of it at their disposal : of salt Painting. l-:,l- liarh. rs of Encland, there will be 67'J Ibs., of pepper S Inch l*un* l-irinc ^o. via Sjicar- mun's (.'.iin|> '1 he in.' 1 c i 1 "! u. tlirouing i. und hu\.' been bom- . lust has been il"'i o HM isi have '1 In- troops ar .1. r s suc- II is C'it!! can be >id the bursting of hella can be seen. Uhii-'. I .> t l.adr-niitli. The I'oilnv. ing it tlie roll of tho force* un \VUilt; besieg.- HJ here, icu. i. .... r i-> oi.douv- orn.i; lu : .. \e. iniry txjventh . 1 inrt 1'. .mis. first Cil.iu' M.!U- chetur, Second Unrdn i li_ iljndera. Eighth l.ri^ade lir-r lioyal Fij^iili.'i'i, Kim Lei i i atcrs, i King's Uiiyal >-, < uud Ko\al : r. Not hn .i.ied Kir .lotak econd Kiile lrlt,-ail.'. X, l.U lluunted Kifles. \ I . lu\alr.v Kiiti Ihu-oon Guard*. Kifth iRo>al IrNh , I ai.cers, Etk'h- Hussar-- N ar. Im[>.-ril I.lithl Horse. Natal Light Horse. Natal Carblneera. \rt;l! r\ Thirteenth Tln:tlion 1 I . !.) Ar I l.ry. lilst Ritt.l on Koyal Ki.'ld Artillery, HJmi Battalion Cn.ttl 1'i -Id Artii:.-ri-. SUnit Hatt lio .il Field Artillery. 07th Bait Uov:il Ki.-ld Ariill.T.v. li'.ith llatl.iliiui Ho il Kield Vrtlll. r N '," Mount- It. TV. Xutal Volunteer Butlery, na\al Ele: ei.ts of Drawing. 1 Politk-al F.connmy of Art. 1 Two Paths. 1-30; Tnto ThJ I-ist, L Pulv.-rU. lsns-63 : Sesame .;n.| I "thlm of the I'll-' - iwn of Wild Olive. - 'in- en of the Air. 1 -; r^K-turi nn \rt. 1 "i*. and 14O barrels of flour; while Finn; . Ar.'tr-i with 6.000 Ibx. of Derm-raxa unmr ' *T. Ibs.. of vinegar 15O gallons, and of pickles 100 Ihs. The stock of rii-e il put down ar l.J."i() Ibs., and that of split peas at l,:tu) Iba, U a summation of Christmas in 3 .".vt. of suet. 90U Ibs. of Penti-lii-i. 1^7-: Eagles Ar:.! itina. If 7:'; \.il d'Ar- no, 1874; M 'ini.-iln Flnnv 1 -7.V 77: I ~ - ; .lion, 1*7.-- l.nn-s of Amiens. ' of ' nre* of Of r. * Mr K ' not been ,,f mintl ns h>- t'Ho- i. n .,,| t -f en- il from \vnrU. nit: and wn* h. r.l from. T.o-.'.in. Jan. 02. The ronriinn nf Mr. John l;ul;in. | n ncconlance a wish he e^rTi^sp*! y - will be trttrrrivl In the ConNf.-yn O- on board ther* xhonld be no danirer of the 113 Ibs. of chocolate and the 1,300 Ibs. of coffee having to be taken un- sweetened. Of oatmeal there is a . of 4,300 Ibs., of syrup l.^itX) Ibs., n.!. .im! of bis. uirs no less a quantitv than U'. MX) Ibs. T:.I -.-. are the ordinary .e provided by the Govern- - iuld he \v will be .uiteen for Inm t.i fall bnck on at his own cost, and th i-d In public, from which pnrchasei are generally made a pi'nnyw h :it a time ^' provided on no lews generoiirt and ed a scale, the arm-lew I.. . "<d of at a very low churu-f tores comprise. an The funeral will take place on other thinjr*. '.txl 1-lb. tm. of Tliumday. O-MlN l>l(ivvls FIJl-ov. I ! Kr. .1 f. All. lull ih' Prln^lpil Oun- Tl Ir.iu.-.M In <n tkim Sttnkini. Jan. 22. Osninn Pler-a. rnl of the l.i je Khalifa ipn.nM in Ihe hilli near T 1 -DUt,'ht htre yest^r.lay and I .M II LO-tVBS IU UATI iiiut.5 lit* I..I ,1 p. ..t. ..i jirl > 9.4.Vi t It* Af~ 1C ns cr . C.iuo Colony. I-Viday. Jan. - A toiulcuiau who sc.iued ft .in ...! ,'er tf report tlie BoeT o is <M>liuiate<l to ii .iubw li.uou to T.lM'i. a s rum; i.'ive ut Noi vals|iont,. < did much e ol the town. The I!IHT i,.~s up ., 'Iy -I'D in,. n. ( ..r.-i'ullv i:.'il li,'nres from U.'iuil.liciin some of which ha\e -Ucated and found to h,. cerrt-ct, ' show the Boer losses up to date ar approximately O.i- O c.isu.ikics during the sie^i of Ladvsmiih. l'ii*,,nr' From Ktirnni u,. I'roforln. Jnn. in. -Cspr. |ttirr< l"rnnlon t IS i>rl-niif rs of the Kurtim'i iiiirrtsun li;ne StriTCd her*. It I.|..'.IIN tiut <i x i:",~i were kl'lert and IM were WUUB.ICU U' line tij iiKhtlnt at beef. 1,800 Ibn. of IniH-h >.; ..f iweetoneil b,M-t;its. l.noi Ibs. < if ginger ntiTH la luxury of which soldiers are efpet-iallv fond , 700 tins of bloater paste. :i(H) 1-lb. tins of brawn, 1,000 1,-lb. tins of butter, 1..VO Ibs. of Amen. -an cheese. 60 1-lb. tinn of had locks. 400 1-lb. tins of herring*. '^H) 1-lb. fins of kippered herrings, 150 1-lb. tins of lot>>ters. mi 1-lb. tins of mackerel. 2.000 1-lb. fins of assorted jams. 800 1-lb. tins of marmalade, 2.10 half-pint bottles and 1, (MX) quarter-pint bottles of pickles, on Saturday ni K l t 1 ' 000 l ' lb ' tiM f S<UmOn - * l ' lb ' Islai 1 t' n " uf sardines, 1.000 penny bottles of sances. 12" l-lii. tins of sausages, and 600 tins of Dotted meats. If "Tommv" wishes to still further al dietary in the etc.. the canteen will offer him raw materials in the shape of TO half Mu-kx of flour. 38 Ibs. of candied peel. 2IM1 l!w. of currants, 300 Ibs. of Valencia raisins, 7H4 Ibs. of moist sugar, anil :il) Ibs. of ! while the varied eatables he can wash T^wfu. h thi "ii reported Hided on Fen wick : . pr<i\es to be the Br - - itton. v.-|th a cnriro of ' ' Tl'.e n- -,-r I >"n liroufrht the cn-w of Lit men to -; full of chances -i.e run i . vi \Vit ten. 22. Itev. Pr. k of Dundee. Scot' - . M ..-ui.. - .i . . m. Jnn. 10 AM sceonnts rrm nmrsnd fur lixlieste rnbunK of thi> im lecc r HUH i>!:u-c. Prtren of cueryihiuc, v-|.. .-i;illy |ip>\i'nrter, sr* f<lr.g ii|i npi.l- ly in ih Tmnsnal on seconnt of tli.- v .r 'I np Mwr* cnntlnn* to bombard ut, but wlih mil. ill roMult*. (in Hi.- nl her hand, the llritish solillera h.o Klll<s| niiny of the beirfr* slnev Ni' Yi-sr < I "iv. Aumln l-'irliiic nm Womrn'i I uncrr. \!:if-k|iig .Inn. 10. 'Via li:ili>>ninp. v.a I i. "iio M.inpirx. Jan. 8l>> Th" enciny eoii- - to ixinioiinl with flelil (fun uml < H| tun ll>. h"ll. Thi-T lur* mn'n flrcil at the woniua't lssfr, bit witlKiit hnrilm mirune. llii >!. . l.rttrr to M.-KI,,lr, T I ..u.lou. Jan. '!.*. cial di.uatch from QIIO*.I V < r.trl* 1 Ifrti.l. I iinclon. Jon. 22. Qiieft Victoria, It is staled, wil! on the inac' 1 which careoneil v. tlmiti^l out of the di'i-k. A frra\e blunder \\MS ni.idi' In the i-.>; struction .is Ui< \essel uinst be sir ^ IS inches w the normal waterline to ol>- t.i.'i stat'ilit.v. The \ncht is costing Jl.iioo, (XHi Sir William White, the chlel constructor nnd cner. ui'-i n TS were uuide \\luch he tn ' i i rnve. Illy It! * In \\ i n n . ii*I. \Vi. ijieK. Jan. 22. Fire ycstef- I ii muted ti.e n. " - mn of J. \\ I'ocii & L'o. s \wiie*.u buiUHnir. Loss on buil.lini; about JlO.ouu. cov- liy in- .r.inre. I .'iisnlidatrd Stiiti unpuny. loss In nt.r, aboil' J-l'O.OOO. covt-ri-d by Inaurunce. The Ku.-i'k of J. W. Feck * Co. waa not luiured. of sherbet. Shotihl so disairree with him. it may be 1 he will bo put ruht a^aiu the help of '.Hi bot'les ut Kim's fruit salt ar Mr/, ixjwders. The eanieen will .il.-o have in stock CiO el:y ]HiK's. l..)(H) tins of Anclo- Swtss milk, anil sueii rntsi-elliiin'ous articles as blacking, boor am: shoe Im-es. lea*! ix'nciU. snap (1^0 tnl i (IN) Ibs..) and snpplenieuiarr (8.V) bolt it-si. The other ar- s on the list itn-hide 1O l!is. of , cream of tartar, 10 lbn. of carbonate .if -mla, and even 14 Ibs. of sweets! The "medical coniinrts" for the use nf the sick comprise 'Jtf Ibs. of preset-r- ed m. -HI. !.">:; i>tr- if prepared soup, :ttVi nuarter-pints nf e--enre of beef, ,'? H'H. of arrow nv it. iu lb. of rice., 4M tins of preserved milk, 29M bottli-s of lime juice. !,().")*> Ibs. of Demerara snear, i>M Ibs. of refined BUKr. 66 pintB of TineKar, 144 Ibs. of preserved potatoes, and UW Ibs. couiureased mix- ed vegetables. In addition to all this To Protect Farmer* %- mi Ii .!iuir*a At a meeting of the Esneri-nental Union at Gnelph some <tartli!i^ .state- ment:) were made an to the extent to which unclean ami ailul:>-raieii speda are palmed off on punuiaers in On- tario, and it was snfrjfeHted a- a m-aim of remedying the evil that the (iov- ertiment provide lor the nisj>eeiiim of all seeds before sale .- 'iietbiii^ m already beinir done in the Uintl States on the lines Mitr^ested for On- tario. "The I : nl- tnral Departmi -. ien- tiric American, ' Diittinir the ht:i-Lin<r es on a plant whereby it will bn more ahle to proti tariners, ami se^ns niej. _ . airaiiist dis- honest orcarr. s who imixjMi on their customers br swlhui; bad seeds. A seed-testn:^ i. >eing er<-red, comprisui.' a store and pack- inir houiie :;o \ > . nua* MI x IH fper, in which Rernunanoii ars flies* tests have been made i.y tho botaiusu iu varioui* parts of the main bnu _ the work uan w* i in iiiipn. tiinci. UK: nui-riiirniu* hat a special i u:i..i:iit has becom* necescary. A n^ to Botanist F. B. Colville. r . ::i tests in thi past it is evident t.hat there is ffreat care- les.-unas in planting and harve>.unif seeds, and alno. un...'iii..-ei;ly. much sharp pracriro is indulged in by deal- ers. who mix is of every inferior (rrnle, or of an enr -r-nr var- iety with good seen.-, and sell the stuff as the best qualify of seeds. ' For ex- ample. 'A lot Hi in-iMow foxtail ed from Germany was only 27.5 per cent, pure; it costs thirty-nye cents pound and wa .-it with seed worth only ten '-eut. Of seeds pur- chased in the o| -n market, the testa showeil ; -i..i:i, tcrasn .V; pt*r cent, bad; reil-tup .lover, "I [^<-r cent. ; a lot o< crimson clover cut. bad; and some Hungarian lirom irrntw that fail- ed to tromiinate at all.' It is to da- feud American a^iculturists aitainot such frauds as this, esrwcially. that the new system i.s beiiii! established. " 1 li- 11 .-> ^ ' I .ikvrniAn. The buttle of Inkerman U thus de- scribed m a let:.-,- to r<ir Alj.'Tnon from his tnentl Burnaby : 'Hardly hnd we advanced when rh Rnatiinn artil. .rig from an op(>oKite hill, ten; us tire over th . we were ascending- Ti>rriblij and shocking was i <>f its ac- curate direction, for over this very hill had every regiment to pass before it could get up to the redoubts thai were being attacked and defended by oatposts and a few irons. Shells burst in every direction, knocking menovec in all attitudes dead on the spot. Others were crawling about witb broken legs, horses were falling all about ; a cannon boll knocked tw horses down which were picktted side by side dose to me, and the next min- ute a shell burst liefnro my feet, blow- ing up the mud and stones. Over I fell senseless, bnt the strong fur col- lar of my great coat protected my neck from the stones, and my pistol by my nide saved my life, as thw shell on IT cut my cloak, and my hip wa* onlv bruised. I got np. then fell down again, bnt soon caught my battal- ion. Men were dropping in every direction, aud we were now on the top of the hill. "What a fight! The Russians In great numbers were ailvniicing, yl forwnnl we rushed, anil fought bay- onet with bayonet ncrosH the sand- bank aiiernireH. The bits of earth that l:iy nn \\\? toil even .lid w throw a; each oilier, l.i.'. in tin' - of this confusion. '( 'linn.--, (.rona- diers. charge!' wit- on all . anil with a uuauimous we jtinr eil over the bank of the re- doubt, ami away we advanced over- the wounded." A r of F.irt f'--rtinn Bohemia is one of tn- most rxipn- lous cniiii tries on the glnlie. Its clim- ate is cool, with rattier severe winters. A a consequence, large quantities of fuel are used, most of whi.-li is taken from the forests tlmt .-over the moun- tain sides. For many centuries these -s have furnished luel and build- ing material material for a dense pop- ulation anil ri'iaii;cil nearly their primeval area. This is due to the forethought of the Government in ordaining that as trees wen cut down others should be nmnrmi to fill the vacancies. Now va-si stretches of dense forests cover the mountain lopes.

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