JANUARY ii, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE fluomcos (Tunis M'COLLOUOH * YOUNO Hanker*. Markilale Do a general liaiikinn buinwa. Money l.aneu *t a rea*uulil^ rale Call on us. Ah VANDUSKN. J I> Clerk .in Div Court, Co Grey 'tt-ur of Mairiaiio l.iceuie*. Conveyaueer Notary, I'liblit- .Auctioneer. Money to loaned from ^ to i'ur cuut. Charge* moderate. FLKHHEHTON P U DKHTtf COLLEOTEL , The uuiler.igneil it ptepared to dertaku the collection ot all kind* of debte. ote bought, accouoti collected, etc. k N HKNUKKKON, Fle.hertou TCHIHLKTT Klihertnn Station P0etruantr. Cojamimiouiir in R C J, C.iOToy- *nor. Di'u.li, mortgage*, l*a*F* ami win* rawn. MOD*) to lend at 5) par cent and up- ward*. Dbticollocted. Charge* moderate. I RJ BPHOULE PMtmaster, Fleiherton Coinmlaiioner In H.O. J., Auctioneer Con- evin-"r. Appralaer and Mouey Lender Real Ktat and Insurance Agent. Deed! roortgageii, leaaoa an-1 wlllw carefully ilrawo Qn an) valtintion* made on fborteni. nrtice. Bun.iy to lom at loweat rate* of luterott. Col lecti .11* nlMi] lo I to with prouiptne>M CharijeH low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Bteamibip Compauy. A call mild ted. AO O W niMt* every n.it and third llanday In t-arh month, in .oilr Icxliie room, CUri-tiie'l liliK-k. KlxHUnrtun, at H p in A. N. LeUar.l, II W ; A M Ulbton. Recorder; W. rtntuy,KlD4nclr. VisitiDii bretbren li.vited PRINCK ARTHTK LODGE, No. S33. A. A M. meet* In the llanouic ball. Strain'* block, Klwherlon. every Kri.lay on or beforti the full union. J A Ituy.l W M ; W J Bellamy, Sucrutary COUKT KLK8HKUTON. I. O. F. meet* In Clirmtoe Block the lat Krida> eveuini; la each month. VltitioR Koreitere heartily welcome. C.K.. H.K. Dyion , h, 8., F. VaO' Duion JcHtijtvy DR E. i 1 1 i i i UenlUt, OiaJuate Uniwralty o( Toronto and Royal Collt(<> of Dental Burgeon*. Fletherton Mouday and Tueeday of eacli week. Dumlalk -Thiimdar, Friday and (Saturday ol ecli i . k. Maxwvll Lnut Wednciday in each innutli JP M UIMIU.I. U UH, D D 8, L D 8 Honor Orailuatu Toronto Ualverdty and Hoyel UO||KI> ul Uoutal Sui KKUIIM VUlu the McCulla Home, Dundalk every Friday al'uruuun. instead of KUitlertou . I- C. MURK AY, L, 0. H.. dental nu>-Reon: liouui- Kr*iluat of Torouto University and Koval inili u. nf DmiLal h.irKi'oti* of Ontario Ufll. i < ].iyt..n block. Fltmtierton Will vim Kuvunbaiu tli* Ut We<luedayK, of each uioatn f\R J J. W. Pi:OKT, L L. H. HarriniiT. Koliciior rimvevaiicer. ete Offl'*** Nr\t to povtorltcp, Kprnule'* block' Kluiili. non. ever> Tliurxla and c urt day> N Ii -II.M s. .iiii.l oitii-i., Fruit* block Poulett *tre*t ea*t. LUCAH, WRIOHT 4 1IATHON iiainrii ii Solicitor* ('onveyancen, et Oltlce* OWBU Hound, Ont and Uerk<1elOnt. W H WHIIOIT. t: A HAT*ON I II l.i i N II 1 1. -li.-it. MI office, Mitchell'* Hank very Hatunlay. TUCKKK A 1'ATTK' KON l,m. i into ii, Ho'ic'tor*, et Uolnou'0 1'itiik Owen Hontid HAHKY a TLXKKH OBO w I-ATTKKSON 1ICKAV * >\",i^ !.. in.,-. ti- ll OKl'ITKS : Owun Krunrt, Merchant'* hank Block, N ,f l'.itt..r..,.. lioum!. DuuiUlk. atain Hlrwul.evury Mktilrday. .O. M .1 I, \ \ MA, Hi.. HAUPHON, I. I. n . Ciowu Attoruejr for lin-v. Dit HLTTON M 1) >: If . M C P * Ont, Prloeville Ofl\ce im\t door to Krown'i itore : residence Oli|,niti' l thn old pout olttce, rnnldence of 'ate Alex Drawn. Office day* I'uetdajr* and Botur- day* DR CAUTKK U C I' A H Ont. Phydclan, SarReon, etc rieaberton offlcu Strain block. Hel,lenc- Hotel JOHN A BOOTT. M II M.I,, her ColleRB Phvlfl. A _ Ontario (iraduato In Mdioln* of Toronto Unl*er*lty. Kollownlilp Diplnma, Poat itrailn aU Mo'lloal Hchonl and Himiiltal. Chlcan ill*a*p of *ve, ear. IIIMO and tlirnat *ptoi*tl]p treated. Hiidei:ce .Maxwell, vlilt* Fevenliaui Ttiuradyat 19 JP ()|TKWKI.I< Veterinary Hnrgron Graxiuate of Ontario Veterinary Heiidence eeond door louth w**l on Mary >troot Till* itreet run* *uth PreaovterUii Clioroh. 0\V. MACK I !: Velerhiarv Hurgeen and DentiM, Mai- wall Rraiiuntu f Ontario Veterinary Cnll.irfi c^Bliated witli Toronto UnlTer*ltjr. Visits KuKenla Wnfinomlav from II am to 3 p. m-, and fevariham Tlmrailav from < to 5 |>. as. Lost Two *he'ii, marked " p " oa left ilionlder Infiirn ,.,. , ' their liero*lio >, I,* i icilv.'d In Wm uaderi|(ne^ ,<WO 1 Photos TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery u are done in first-class style and at 1 lowcut rates. Special attention ^ Kiven tn cnpyino. Babies' photos, i a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULflER W. BARNHOUSE WUIiea t-i draw the attention of the Public to the FLOUR IN BAG Of all sizes and as Cheap aa the cheap out. Special Bargains in 3 and 6 Barrel lota. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in season . , . Groceries and Provisions. DUO and COON MITTS and LEGO- INGS made to order and on Shnrtet Notice. WH. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton THE FLESHERTON Is the place to bny your Blankets, Hobes, Mitts, SurcinRlen, Hugs- wool, Hubber and Uiled ; Whip* and lashes Currycombs and bruRhcs, Snaps and Bits. Halters all styles and size* ; Sleigh Hells jf every description, Sweatpadi, Collar pads. Housing. Now is the time to bny your Hai - ness before the price advances. We make all styles with the best roatcral at ilie lowed possible living prices. Wm, Moore FLESHERTON. BOAR for SERVICE Tbe 1 1 Ki>t. i , i Tamworth Boar HORT LAW DAN for lervloe t Port Law Certiflcate can lie *uu bv aiipl vitift to owner. 1>"6. THOMI'Bl'N. ***** pur:hHNi*d ihe tcnffirial linsi IU*H from Mr l,i < i inl 1 wmh to aiinonnce that th ImMtieiM will lie L-oiitinned in the idd |iri'iin-i s. \\ ,- |mve had a IniK" rii v i'\|.nii'i..-i' and In III-M' we can t;i\ r |., i',. i natixfactiiin in our line. MHVO taken over the Huency for I^olston Laundry PmrJHr'l - - Worko And all ordem left with u* will receive |ui.iii|.i .n, il ciirrfnl altention. Fleshertoi Shaving Parlors A. \Vilson . . F*rop. Clubbing List For theSereiit of our aulwoiil>en we gain thin year 1111111111 the following cluhtiing ratm for h ennuin'; yitr. Aa ini.it ||>rr< iiivn lialmice of IS'.l'.i fii-o to new aulmorih-ia it will he wi*e to Inn, I in ynnr iiilMcriptioni aa early an |IOMI)I|I tlion-liy iecivinf{ urealnr falue fur your money. Adrnnc anil Montreal Star ....... 91.80 W...-Ulv M-iil A Bni|iii I 7., " Weekly Ulol* ....... l.of. Daily World ........ 3.00 Daily Newa .......... l.HO Daily RUr ........... 1.76 loose aid lot for Sale ftolirl hr'' k hniiin aii'Uvl '' r l 't in Klnh*r tor. In. ni. itlii',^ w.'Viu loi.eiw, vr.iel htm,,- tellar, K,M and haul water Will M *oMoliea|i an. I .,n i'n, In inn. Applv to Tll<> 4. \\ W II I I . Farmer*' Institute We were again favored with a meetiiiR of Centre Grey Farmem' Institute un the 3rd inst. The deputation constated of Major Shup[.itrd, Queenaton, and John Echlin, Carleton Place. In the ahience of the Pieiod.ii!, J. M. DaviR, Vice President, prt-aided. The tiret speaker culled waa Jiihn Echini, who ipnke on cooperative Dairying. He urxed the iinportHiiee nf attending to all the little details NO emential to auccrrn m all occupation*. The liritiah mni-ket re- ipiiren oin I'lifew to bt- nut o h-m and a little richer. The average cunnv room ahuuld be made better so a to |(overn the tiinperiitiire to a certain eilent. The care of ntock waa then touched upon and absolute cleanlineai advocated in the care of the raw material to produce a good article and to hold a tint place in the market. M. Richard-ton, Eaq.,was then asked to lake the plaif'ilin. He spoke briefly on the sni.j, el nf (iood Koadn, and from the Hgurrit he gave of the| niom-y and atatuio labor expended m our county it waa evident there hail not been thu wiseat liiana^rlni lit Major Sheppard was thi-n intruduc'd. lie ti in in d on the varied k nowleiltfe re- i| iiied l.y the farmer. H ngrerd with (lie previous aputker that better i I-K could be had for the same money, und by utilizing thu ;ieat amount of grand material lying on our n>ade and field* in the ihape of atone*. Coining to hiH tiub- ject, "Export HHOOII Trade," the m, n in- m the l.iM 7 years had been truin 175,000 to irveu and a half millions He ad- milted our coart* Kraina ha<l been high and the \\<>% product low, but that the high price of coarH* grain wan in a measure due Ui the amount uaed to produce the bacon. In sptakimt of the typo of hi>gs, he went back wnue 500 yeais to the rator back and coming down to the recent impr iveinenlB, the thick, fat hoi< and the return again to the longer and leaner breeda to mil the American and liritiah ni.ii k.-ti Canadian P.acon bi,.n ;lit f n. in fit to $5 higher than the American. Il wiui this pour imahty of some i -f the Cm, o. nn bacon that brought down the M i.ne pn-e. There did not appear to l- M> mm h iu breeds from the block teitH at the fat stock ahow, and ..ii" peculiar fxi-t VHsihi* men who rn(uied that ideal bc"ii Ii.../ shall weigh twtwecn ItiU io200 Urn. wh.-ii Hcting as judges (^ave the prize to hogs weighing 220 llx. He maintained thai corn did nut make soft bacon. One ri-ato , tor pork being lower in the fall wan the Im^eaniount of p mltry that was iiM'it nt that se.im.u of the year. Hog* weighing Ironi ItKI to 200 Ib*. were made i.ito Wiltshire larwii. Them' made mde* weighinu from 47 to 60 II* itb back bom- and uln.nlder bone out. Cum- beiland cut wa* made ln.ni those over 200 Iba, with the ham oil juid brought the same price. \V. i, Pi, ki 11. En, . then .p.-ke on the hog and hi* price and the advimta^e of home manufacture U impruve the name Ji.lni Koland. Kii| . up .ke for a short time on lo/v is and gave hia experisnov in raining hogs The lirst speaker of tha eveiiinn waa ,1,1m Ki hi ii, win, took up Creamery wi rk in connection nh Clu en- Factory wink. Thm Mibj.-i t haa Ui.'ii freijucntly ib al> with and uften I,, tier. After inii-i, by Mrs. Illackburn and Mr. Ilioni.. .use, Maj .r Sbeppnrd waa la led. hi subject being, "Four reavi.ns why we till the Soil " The firnt was a s.-ed bed. Sii.'i-ess largely depended on tin*. There was iniiih room for the utility of the conditions of each mdivid nul farm. The 'Jnd rrani.li WHS to kill the Weeds and to i,e on the watch for new weed seed*. The 3rd wa* to return moisture .. . in- eri a-e he.t . The 4th riuMoii was nut so well umli istoi-d evun by the Imat au'hori- tii-i. The noil i- full of amall plantH, minute organninia or imacrococcu*. Fm- their Be i. HI to be at all ulfeclive wiirmth in the soil i* ieijirii'1 and ibis ii more active in the Hummer and with KOIH! nil but, Mi. Sheppard mid Miss Joy gave a duel The I!, \ Mr. Jon. Ward vave m in- teresting dim-on i-si- oil our Dtiniinioli, whirl, was followed by a aong by Mr. lJnrnlioue. Major Sheppard WIIM nsked ngnin to make a few remarks. He said I e would not nitiinpi to take up his evenirg sub |i"t. "Thnii HiKtorical Days , n the Kiagani Itiver," but would briefly ib-H ciiLeone, the battle of Lundyt L.ine He told the I'liin nf the Hi it ,ih in ei d- ing a mere handful . t men t" eiua/e i he A me i iea i, army ,ii.d . heek their advance while the mam nrmy was prepaiing for th attack, w h eli lie-.'. m near niuhl and at three ,111 rent times before the battle was won both Htn.ies had to ream- from battle from sheer exhaumiuii, when noth- ing but the nioHiii of the wounded and dying i-i'uld be Inanl. When the thiid call of the bugle to m nn wns given near o, on. n ! it was fom.dllmt the Americans hiul retreated and the liutlu was won. Thu n e.-tiiii! w..s lii,,iiMi,t to 11 clute by n! Sive the Quuen. Thoiini*.!. K,,rke, poHtmater of HeHtb- coir, i dead wt the ngd nf T'Jt years I)e- i rmieil w.is born iii Pun, e Kdwiird Coiitity, (In., on the 12'h .f Msy, 1H-J7, where lie uMiiid for 'JO yearn, IIIOMH^ from there to I lie Township of Colling wood m 1847, at a lime win n only eight settler* wen- In the township. He l,ai held the o Hi, -I , f | i-suunslel of lleilth- role for nb.'U' 60 y?ar, to which he ws Hpl.o nted by the p.fliimter (01,11! f KiiL'tind. llew.i* nlso Cleik nt the Finn-Hi division CouM in Omy f. only (,,, ill i .-ars Engeuia From (Jar -Own Corre*poniic*t A mcetn.g of Conseavatives wait held ill the hall on Wnli.esday evening of lait Week when agoodly ninuber WHM present. Mr. A. vlailnl was appointed chairman and Mr. \V. Mugee -crei*ry. Mr R. Purvm v. as appointed delegt to the con- vention to be lit-ld at Durham. Mr. John Ourlcy has returned from Wirnii , where he has resided for some lini i st, on a vimt to Ins parents. Mr Ci, alien Pedlar, formerly with Mr. Mcl'iiMidi of Fleiherlon, IH very ill of pnenin .i la Mt Prince Albert, N.VV.T. Mr. Hairy Cornetl, mm of R>ilxirt Corn, tt of tlii* town, has enliited in the Caiimiuin wriillery for servic- in South Africa. Harry joined the Cutelph con- tfigeni ui.d will lik-ly leave f..r Kinxn'on tn-iliiy. Another fonm-r Dumlalk ixiy, Wli(-r Par* nis. on of Mr.(ieo. Pr*.n. who KIIN a e.iizrii of this pla e tor many years, h.is joined the T.-ronto c 'iitir.grNt. Pnv.ie II i. MM.. ml, :Ust |[;,-t., *.weu S, , uml. haw almi joined the Tor.'iito enn- ting>-iit -Diniiialk Herald. The father? Gone for the doctor. The mother? Alone with her ; ner- ing child. Will the doc- tor never conic ? Whenthere is croup in the house you can't jjet the doc- tor quick enough. It's too dttfWOM to wait. Don't make such mis- take again; it may cost a life. Always keep on hand a dollar bortlc of up Four If.EIITC <>r Chriamai UM.II.S are; nutnu r ,. H a y . >, Fifty Cent(S }rf>.>kl ex|>lnii'i| in on ()n M "Famous Mt;n and Urei Kv.-iiN of the Xine'centh Century," Great ftttl^ii, (Ireit Men, Or B <t In- ventions an. I Di-covorioi, Pt-iuress of Nulion*. eV'Ty i{re.n VBII| of th.ic-il'ury. If yon IWVH a ali> Bulling l,<iol< or en tfxtfwl in otht-r ai<i-nny liuHinesn you lote moiiuy tu O'in'fiiiif, heru n ,ho bout, op|>i tunny for irmkinx money v>u evr ha.l. U\t COIIIIII.K .m ; liig |)r..rtt, eauy tuna ; new p|n ; ^et our otf*r sure. IHtAOLEY (JAUBKTSOX Co, The Markets. ( :ir-lnll> Co rr <<(<! K:i-h Wheat, white ....... r.ti to OJV Wheat, red ......... (Mi to 65 Oata ................ 24 to 2& Pea* .............. . 55 to 65 IWti-v .............. SO to 36- Butter .............. 17 > 17 EjgH fresh .......... 17 - 17 Poik .............. 4 75 to 5 1O Po at,,' -, ba ........ :ti"> -o 40 \VIM.I ............... i:f to ifr Chi, kens ............ -jr. t,, &- Dnck .............. :{() to 40 Turk <) peril) ....... ! ti> ! liei .-v per Ih ......... 5 to ."i Kluur ............... $380 Millet ............... 7 00 to 800 It cures the croup at ooce. Then when any one in the family comes down with a hard cold or cough a few doses of the Pectoral will cut short the attack at once. A 25 cent bottle will cure a miserable cold; the 50c. size is better for a cold that has been hanging on. Kssf ttt Mler sb. es kasi, "About 25 years ajro I came near dying with con*amptton, bat was ura with Aver'* Cherry Pectoral, *lni-e which tune I have kept Ayer'a mislirinee ID the house anil recom- mend tbem to all rujr friend*." C. D. HATIIKWSOU, Jan. 16, IM. Bristol, Tt, Write the Doctor. If you hare any roenpUInt whaterer and dn*lra the eel wiedleal adrtae, write the iluctur "~. Addne* Dr. J. 0. ATBm. Lowell, Xae*. - $-J per day iurr, or latliea ; *|iuial wurk ; 1 1. iiit ion permanent ; reli*i>le tiri.i, with l.rst ruferoncM ; cx[>eriono>- unneoeaaary. S. M. FRY, Firltl Malinger* Hamilton. a jjrewivsH JO, ! ), 01 |qun eaooa -SHHJ UT HHUd VntI P" AK .Sid I M 'S3 pa ia*nt)*aj) jn; yisoa* *J* en* j -jl[on pmenoqi aQ -not ejno onxa no )a<tn{jaxa yaop mieuiip |i3*d( eoqi ai aoatuwlt* oa Aq fjqi n ) iimaoo l.aoQ Mnio qi eq ^ noij*iiooan ipaenbeu; ej *\t * fut j Jfi v (vazes Jtm luiin n aeo HI .J peJht-aip'piai pas fu- - 1331D ituniw pooqavn ,o jno <q neaunq mai; aonnetep oa - u| Jojjni oa'uit ,,^; -tuniu J.A.O mo >j wnpurji eqi tqaueqe XUHK M3N **Q '<" DO)a>aiuIxiuuiJopi*n,iio<J TIM. II 'OIHJ.S e-^'H A"* 1 ^! iii|i9p IQOJO4U jo tau)uai.<i aqi |[ pirs 'U'.ifMMii j *vavJLio 'lu|Bsayius n) -tip iq!I* Hi'inKj 'niinf 'uoitwaee luj |" v eiq iir ieqx <l*noneaooan . fafm enm|p iiqiqim p*|qnojinaa] 101 pa Jum.i jo OOO'OSI |OJ|3Q U| SJE3A D. McTavish KEEPS O'N HAND REPAIRS... F>r Maaiey-Harrin, N.m.ii, Fleury and Wilkiinv-n faim mi) lementa . leury and Verity plowH on hand all the time a'.si, all kindn o it-f.airs Kr the saint. \V manufacture Wagmia, ItuxKif*, C'nttem, SU-i..li.i, , tr., Moraeahoeinc "roinptly attended to. Specie! attention to t?ndnr f d feet. AJO .yim; and Plow Chain-t omiHtantly on hand. :eeeeeeeeeeee*eeeee..e*...eeee...B|...eeeee......eeeee..e*....e.....e*.-'i ..t..,...........*. 3... tf ..M......v. *.. **' IflflfffflffllHltlfilflTHtfllfinfWliflifflHfffflllflflllfff ifllfll*l^ FOR GOOD Sleighs and Cutters. Go to John H. Henid & Son, who have * number of Sleighs and Cutters on hi nil reaily to run. Also two CO\TS and a number of Pl\ mouthrock Cockerels for Sale. J. H. Heard & Son U., >.. ;;;..;;..;.;;;;:;::. ...st; .;;;.; .;if veeee.fiif*..* itfi*$.#fb . t** TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' V3L. XIX, NO 975 Pleahertou, Ont., Thursday, January 18. 1OOO W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR * PHOI'lUETCK \ niiileleiir McFARLAND&Co. Gre (. val 10 of tlit-iiu better wlitMi you lii'iily 1. 1, lii's Jackets nrnlr nf all wool fi i-i<- anil all WIHI! h .u !- olniii. lir.-iiil rriiiiniiil .....I ili>ubl>- In ousted, sci|ii'- stylcwortli $4.3:) - 7 j ! > 1900 Like These Will Mean Big January Business. We' e lii 'i.inj f ,ra Inii J.uiiinv lin-iuess nn.l jiiil^int; jroni present ioili.in n* w.- will not be diwiji pointed. Storks all over the Ktore u , r, n iv for a,l d< in nidi mode Upon i hum with the prim's of a ^ eat main li.ies aim,. I .-nt in I wo I,, make ihm a milv m.-inoralile ,1 inuary. \.iii'.i je. voiir money's worth and more l.iiying any "f thee lines. Mantles for* sJarauary We've ni.i'1 more .laeki'ts this season i!i,i ever before and with such In.' sell n: .. ,- .oe ni'.re iiirlini'il HI I -e Imeiul. L><Kt month we told of tlu Ing eu's we were making IK hijh clans ^aniiiiiK. Now we'll tell yon how we sell Ju- l-wer priced ! od You'll appreciate the Illeio. 14 only .fackrtacoiiHiHliiiu , ,| Item er, Kiirss. and all wool serve*. These I'oinpiiHrt our bent $5 and ty> Jackets, hut while they last you can ohoosu for ;t.7"> A Story Worth Repeating Tlio story of our blK purclla.se ,<f Sani|>le Jackets in worth twice tellniu. \\Vvi- only ii few of ibexe ixMiities left now and at the |, rices an- -oo, I m\ esimenl even if you hadn..t t nought of buying tht* SIMHOII. 11 only LI.II.-S Newunt Style Jackets, mlk Imml or half mlk lined, worth up tug!-' <K) |5.5() Our Milliners are Still Busy i The rush of lute orders for Millinery has been so ureat tha* Misa P.T'lue hm bwn compelled to remain f.,r MU time longer. Any onl.-i'it eiiciunted t her car thin week will have tho inual careful attention. I for ( :is iVcrk :;.". ,.nly L-uliua' Felt Walking llva in this season's newest celom, regular pn.t 73c aid 11.00 vli5 Staple Goods for January \i . luive some *|jeeial January |. in'' s on staple uoods worth iu- vi'sti .'itin ;. They'll s*v you a little money 411 pi, res New FUi leties in |unk or nlue Htripes, extra width and bcuutilul soft goods, limit 10 yds t.. one customer, 4^c yd., or 10 y.ls *"' 15 d,,z. M'.ixlin Handkerchiets, Hoped ednes and fancy Hvun d corueiM. liuiiil value at ftc each. S|,en il ;i for 10 Basement Bargains \\ .. winit you to get thorough'y nitpiamted with this sUn-e from top floor down, therefore we make this basement hnnciiil ' ,">Oi!i.^. Cups and SHUCI vs, lirst ipishty ^oo.U, in blue or ureen. pretty t!oi-il design, worth 7"> '" H."o per doz. npeciiil pi r doz .">'.! JU .inly Sujar lt,i*U, K .jhsh irnmtone china, thcFiimous V\ hear pittern, regular prieu 3i> .in i 4.~ic eich, your choice la Hen's Rubbers nily heavy buckle Lumberman's Rublwr, sizes NO. 1(1 and Our Mr. and Mrs. Win. liow'n r of Mfinit.ni. .Man , am uu, -sis nf tl.eir daiiuhtur. M D. (indiain. Mr. uml Mrs. Bowler { f u-inerly livi-i 1 . here and (Ins is their first visi' t.i tin- <>iil in, in.- sine- they moved tn Man.tiibii all,,, it liftei-n year* ayn. I'onrt Vandeleni C I). F. held a very on.-ejt 11 t.n-ir li.ii; on Ued- . m ay rvuliin^ l.isr, ami H sociul tn i tr.iy tlie suriilus MHIU]H mi KriiUy v '111111;. li< ill ,!, wi-ll ait.'iiilfil the s aiiii.niitiii'.' in fJO.T.'i Frnm "ic/, <>, t '..,-iv.-i(/oii./. nt. Mr. Medlar <!iiv -etnriitid from T.ir- ..iito where HH him hi-en fnr the pant n\ weeks nndMgiiinK a very fiitu-nl i.|MTirion ; Wn are uUd to sy it WIM H siiccew and lit! it now on thu fair mad to rocovwry. A visit to Mr. Hubert Fi-nwick'* will >li.w plainly tbnt he hm< out* of the 1'i-xt li.u.k turns in this -c'i. n ..f the eoinilry. The Htniiewi rk done by Mr. Jjw. Sil'i-y is certainly an A one job. The hnii' I .-f ilui-li lias laid low another one of Oitpri-y s nn.Ki respttctid residents in the pursoii of .Mr. Kuoe.ii Silley of the .'ird line. A lieunfelt syniparliv m x- ti-nil by H tn the bereaved ones. Tin- , rrniains wero iuterrml in St. Afarys ' .'I'lnetiTv nn Snniliiy liut. Mr. Kicharil PruHton anil wife have left f.. i their home in Winchester after | 8|iendinu a holiday with Ilia father, Mr. D. K., of this plaOe. Married" At the parannnt(i'. Maxwell, mi I he 10 inst. liy Uuv. E. T. Mr. T. McCallnni of Fleahart-.n to Mis Millie Linluy, dniiL'lner of Mr. John Linley, IJth line. Arteineiin. Ltuly Bank . pair 1 1 only, reii.ilir price J.'J.'i to $14.") . '.10 HcFar.and & Co., - Markdale \Veililini: l>i-lls luivo rinitf and are rinj{- inii yet. Mis., Millie, ilatiulitx-r of Mr .I I. nili v. \va united t,. M r |jn u |i .M. I'.illiiin l.y K,.v. Mr l),,ii L .| H s nt the Mi-ilii.chst INirs..nu,{i., Maxwell, on \V,-.|- lU'Biliiv, 10th mat. Mis A<ln Kiiinimr | ! w.-i.s lifiiifHiii.'ii.i ami Mr. Win. Linli'V, Urooinsinan. Thu lunli< .us tiwlufnlly iln "..M| .in. I t'ney .11-0 ithi)ut ilnulit a piod lonkinu ii.ii|,li.. ',\ i.,|| them abundant Micce** in life's join nuv. The o,ii, t-rt ,-i H.n.-k Hill was a pi-.,- iiiniiio- J MI i;i s. Ir n- m',1 t,,. invidious to iiiuntion n;ime whero ill ,iiu so well, l,ut wo iniiHl mi-Hi ... n S. Odliorn am! daiiKlitc r. and R. J. Podlar, who gvo inui-li |il<';isurt>. The aiidii-i i: \v:ts lnru. At the end of tlic !>iour,nmnu theru was a ilisti iliuti'.n of caiiilii'S. Mr. Jim. Paul's little l)oy in nn better. He liaH l*en snfferinj,' severely th iiiflntinniiti'iii ainl othi-r uoinplicationa. fcylon 01<1 and wornont Ensines oer Iianlcd ami rebmlt by us, are practically n good RH new for use. Hollers aUo repaired and tested on short notice. Suw uii'l (Just Mill Miiclniipry repairiui; a specialty. Kolls refaced and corn-jat- td. C iicular ami cross cut Sa*8 Oinnminx done. Old Iron Wanted R. P. LEGATE & CO. Ceylon ... Onta,r*io i>nri>ooi< ..o South Al'nca nnil flu- Hi-itiidi- i-i K regular txniaim for agvnia, HIL' i'li. 'iiii lio"k. - s '"a mi Ki^ht. Out- til |'i rr to r UHii-url" THE LIN SCOTT Iul.!ihii, K ('. Turontn for 4 tio, Let 147 be H9. tiui range \T. T. * n. F.. 11* ,'>i.t so Ai'.encUai eil, th. rn*l hr.lw-> 4, .: MIM'| eii'lmnl, ,tra wll wnter.'l, ^uajlui mill. in. in railway > I.MI : 1 rail. from i-'ir.sl,eit.Hl. I'or t.l III! HU:. m)v tu UO;J m On i Km, <':>i-'-'.-ijM>ii(ieiit. Vwllutt sp^nt Sunday in Dur- Mr. .1 IIHIII. Mr. nd V;-s. Cnniuron visittjil ;if Mr. Ciin' Mm. D. Miuhll who l:n.s been visit m friuiida in Dniiilall; ri'turnril hotnu \V U< 1 of DuiiiUlk li,,\s are I'anipinn out in thu WIKH!H. We wish them suceesx. \\ is.- diwmHsioiiM on the iniivemi-iits the troops in South Afrn-a aro the topics that interest the public at present. Among tin- critic* are \. M.H.. W. .1., \\. '... U. \V. and a host ,.| ..thers. Mr. Doiiyal FergiiHoii has moved into the house lately ..eeupied by Mrs. H. Wat sun. Mi lirahiim of (Jlenel^ has aken fioHNesNion of the residence vacated iv Mr. i''i.|''4iis.ni. Ue extend to Mr. mil Mrs. liraliain a hearty welcomu to nir village. Mr. liiiin. who IUIH been serioiiHly ill me rime ,'as taken to the home of us daiiglitor. Mrs. (lowland, neal Button. asl Week. Miss liertlia .lame.s. who has bm-n at M. M:eh:u*l s linspit.il, Toronto, for some time, wan brought home last Friday. She was :u-i'oni|>anmd by I)r. Swei-tnam if Toronto. Miiw Janius is slow ly im III-OVHIII. M"ssrM. Allan and Anhie MeLeaiij win, have spiiiit some yoais in Mmitaiui. itino their |Kirent. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Me Lean of the South Line. Mr K. I'aisluH of Swintiui Park wan the Client of IIIN son-in-law. Mr. W. J. l.lakestiui. during thu t'orupart of this Mrs. Ketor of Edge Hill vmitwl her father. Ml. (oiin, thlH we 'k. Mr Charlie McKinnon of Calgary is visUmg bin parents on the South Line alter an aliHume of thirteen years. Mr. Alex. Cameron took u trip down tu Palmei-Nton last week. He waMac-eom pinned by Mr. I'.'ter M, Intyre. who has secured i position for the winter in that district. Minn K.ii- Mclntyre arrived home from I. n i into to take care of her mother wlio. we are sorry to say. IH not enjoying very good health w . -orry to learn of tho death ,,| Mi. Mark I'aiins ..t I Yylou. Mr. and W< i'. inns and family have the sym- |.:it!iy of tins ,'iiiuiiiiinny in their Had lie- ti.-iit. I'ort Law from I' Farmers of tins seetum who have wood are Liking advantage .,1 thejjood inland are inisily eni/aijeil it mil to I'l'.Mi.ii Station ami reeeiviim prires that M-I-III to jimtil'y them in 1101111111^ the r ] hoiniax "riMhlus." , Mr. ThiiiiniH Taylor of 1" ooktielil. i.'liman. is making .in extended M; it with Inn sister. Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Mr. Uiitherford ot Alliston IM visitniy at Mr. Ci.rntield's. Mr. T. H. Powers of Kirhy. Diirhnin I'l'iinly. L;laddeneil his old friend.s in tin-. have overcome the misty vision tha 1 creeps on with the advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man I know." A pleased patron is the best advertise ment. We five free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. FLESH CRTOIM. hy taking ellt their lotf vid tirowooil. Mr. Wm. Mogu of Toronto 18 viKitini; his *>n, Mr. J. K. Hoitg. Mr*. Mi-lilrniii Intii been very [xiorly the pant week. We hope soon to are her ir.iund i^-i.n Dr. and Mr. Alex. Purdy, Whateom, \\ anhiiinti.il Turntoiy, wore thajtajratK of friends here thu pat werk. Mr. and Mra. Wuiiley Pedlar have re- turned to 'heir !H. in- in Neliraxka. Miaa S;i!t\ii l'dlnr haa gone hack to Toronto. The wile held nn Tlmrmlay bwt "I '.hi' property ai.d housed, .Ul noodft of the Into Mr. Robert Purdy was well attended, yet a HIM id deal of the pn.perty IIHH not hrert Hold. There are some rery (Inner build- ink; '"'a to he sold yet. Some of the lots iiolil lipniytit a ifod prict. What u wanted now IH the purchaner of lots to ereot nicts h mi them and improve the pliee. HSU buying pivtty let* and oibbHi-u Kiirilmn out of them. We want tuMO a buihiilii; boom in Eugenia tin- year and a guieral iinprox emenc all around. MihN Klla Stewnrt of FloahtTton -\ the lineal of her smter, Mr. J. A. Williams. Mr. A. Cairns of Fli-ahertnii spent couple of dnya here with hit niftier, Mr. Mr. Mark CniriiMwho ha* been in the h,..sp,t,d in Toronto for tho past three weoki. was brought home on WetlnesiUy and at the lime of wiitin u i IH very low. Mr J. Stewart, who hus been liM-ality by in.-. ;rnial i 're ietir" linrino the Met, Mrs. I.). Ta\lor of Owen Sonml mid Mr. A. Culms of Klesherion visited re ri-ntly witli the formur'K broiher, Mr. T. | K. MeK.'ii/.ie WL- are vi-ny sorry U report tlmt Mr. lie... lieei-roft had the misfortum- to lose one of !IIN llorsi-s luxt week. Mr. James r,.iit:s att<3iidL'd thu funeral if IUH brother-in-law, Mr. Kiioi-h Si-.|le\. loHtniiiMti.-!' at Hiithertiin, on SHblntii last. This in tile sueonil sister of Mr.' I'oiiits who hiut heim bereft of hor Ims- liaml within tin- past few \\ri-k--. Sals or Eeit 4 nn thOi-il i'i\nf Uuphranla oiita'fii in/ II, ITOII, T7 i l.tar.rl mid rnei h,ir<!- w.,t '. I'll ; n t,\.\ Uniite ..! frmurt bar ,, *t..Min ta'il.u^ Rn-*rAiir.h apr.ni? at li* iMiiee. al*o mi r, i,, r^ii tr iT thi lot. Will s. ill ui *ay tenni or rn'H f >r a \trrn at Twan i%iily on the uieioiM* vo J. R. KcLIOD, Ktl>\hT.U)r P. 0. AGENTS : -A rn-h in.l ,40] l.-ii Inirvrst for yon. The war m Smith Afiiort IK the lilooilieM of 'lie ei'iutiry. \V,- l,ave t'<e i-n.y C/mailiHii book ; by t'a-till Hopkins and Mural HttlHtend, the reei'i;hi/.i'.l liiktoiienl wur wri'i-r". <lnr ru|,resei>ttive in South Africa HiiH London nnp|ily direet Mi-uHami picture* of liattle scuiio". It m autheutic nnd ifive* inforniiitinn Canadian:-, want. EverylMily buys. Now in the time to cominen' - i' work. oKAbl.KY-UARRK'rsNN'C r.., 'Lirai'cd, lii Thu ()r.'ii)i;,'ineii of the Fourth Line ii;e liehl 1 heir annual sonve on \\Yil . nesday i-\ oiling o! ' In.si week. Your eor. n,, I hem; jii'eseu; s iinalilo to give a de ionds,,, (Juelph ,,J olher pan a. 10- ( ,.,;;,) .,., ,,, h(U1 ],,,,,.,, thn , ,,, .. W.".S Mr. and Mr*. (!. RnbiMon ar. viny into our vi!l,igo tliis u Mrs. Moruan and .Uit-.s Minnie of Dun- Ik spent Sunday at Mr. .). I .,, i . ,. ., ,- mfl |,.,i t., tin- d,,,..-. and all a,,|,,,nv,l W* pie,,,! wnh the' ,.,,,,,, entertainment. ,. |l ic hur,l.ii KHI| . w;ls ,;,. M ,, 1( ..... ,| ,.|mirnmn. but beinj; . . -Mr. \\. H. ', uphill returned to the , : v . v .,, ,, ir i y in t | lo CVl . limg ft , r . j. Tn Mra. J. H, 'in|, hill, who has hein ill for the [>st thrco week*, m improving. ;'f;iiv Our O.m I'ni-aftondent ('has. Trjoiiand Bert Patton have taken a lar^e contract cutting word L Wood was next ,-hoxen tor the po.si turn, wliii-li he lillnd in a i:redi!jible man iner, as did hit* veter.-m prede. essor. Pi,, ei-eils v eru about Sf4d. EuK-um From Our Ilirn (^orrrifxtniii nt Splendid slei^'liing at |>rutnt and New Books at the Library The following new books have ju' pl.'u-ed in stock at the public library : Sky I'ilot and Kit Kennudy, ( 'roi-ki-it. The Turkixli Automiiton, Span o' Lile, Pabo the 1'nest. Winter Advent uri's, Fix Bayonets, \ns..oi.it.e Hormits, Shu tlie Limp, Sea to S., 2 voU : Rrd |{HI'S Dimuhti r, A KoviiiK CommisHinii, Fiuhts for the Flnj;, Sinnors of N'uht. Shine Terrill, Lost Hir, Path <>( :\ Si.n. (Jreatc-nt (.lift. A VatiiHhed Nation, I. . 8. nf Europe, Ilavelook, Lifeof Couliraup. 'Id Frnnc- ami New, Throiij'li the Tun Smoke, Cai'tain of Irruxulnni, Tnni (iralmm, V. C. ; Light u' thu Morning. The Kmij'a Mirror, llionysiua. Won by the Sword, Crown of Life, No, 5 Jnlin S:reet, A dau'jhti-r of France, liiuiHes ot OliiHs, Stalkey it Co., Son of Krin, Vi/.ier Alexander. lone March, Hhitdow of the Itoar, F!U' to Na|iolei n, LOB of a Sea Waif, A Strong Aim, A Daah for :i Throne. Cunso f the Cacha'fit, Aiifjlu Snxoii Supremacy, A l>oublo Thren , \ lientliimiiii Player, I>|, ,ss Hit'hiii.l (,'HI-- vel, Jamee Mereilith, F'Uty -<mf ye us in India by Hnhelts, Whim Knigbt: ..... u WHS in Flower. for Mr. Nu son i. f Proton Siation. Tie f.innurs aro im;innin^ t .e 'it.por'uiuty AtilsNTS People nre ciamorini,' r ir.i HUllietichisto-.y of Ihn Boer lint witr \\ n hnve K In", < heap book, by " ol' the best lustoiical war wnu-rH , ! thx world, sumptouely illuMtmt.u run, ph. rtofTaphie views taken on th Th only Bntmb Canadian lH>ok l> pei lencii or capital iinnectiaany. HUADLEY GAHRETSON c,,. LiraituU 1'ra.i , .