FT" s ' THE FOUNDERED GALiBN- Br WKallll IU.Y < AUCU. ML.NBU. [Copy r If hi, 1MB, by the iithon.) She pnt over th wheel couple of pokes, and for a moment tbe xn-ut eel was dropped by tbe lantern rays aud passed oat of sight. Bat tbe next in- stant it bad worked itself iuto tbe glare gain, aud then, keeping thf light squarely on to It, Gnthrjx naw tn bi horror that it was miniating slowly through the water in tbe direction of the conning tower. "Call tbe doctor. Alan I" cried Dolly IB alarm. Onthrie went to tbe ladder and chont- d. and tbe doctor's long ! came tumbling np tbe steps three at time. Bnt before be arrived the beast bad gaiu. d the ketch's decks, ami its wn\. nakelike bead was nuzzling against tbe glaas windowed ports of tbe conning tower. CHAPTER VITL m riNDino or i iuc SANTA CATARTSA. As sonn as be saw tbe great eel Dr Tring turned ont the lights with a snap n.l p.i-- -1 diiwu an order to empty the tank* as fust ns the water coald be driven oat of I'- em. All bunds worked with a will, and very soon tbe Eureka* was l'*u pi tig surf uco ward again in rapid bounds Of what was occurring on her decks those in the hold did not hear till after the bnllaat tanks had been freed of wa- ter and the iron hatches bad been opened once more to tbe sea breeze. But tlu-n they crowded up. and tbe doctor told tbe tale. "There is little in U." be said. "Di- rectly 1 t'lrn.'d tbe liKbt off the beast gave up nuzzling tbe j;la- and stnrted driving it* sharp none against the panes with all the force it could mnster. There wm nothing for it bnt to make for tin- Mirface a* fast as possible. If tbe (-! h .nl gone, tbe pressure of wa- ter (ruin \\ithutit xviiuld Luve been so intent that w ennui have done would have pi< vnti'd the inm-li And \<;:-u liy tho wiiy. 1m* an) body got : I want n i Dot. tln.u^li tin- iluctor tin!' in nln lit- tle of tln> i in uiiiiti r. the dan, ->T 1...<1 been r< -illy gn the i to wondei whet I tbe ; . v. .1 i., i thr:: .:it tii'-v v no din.; . d( tin- irina mine to rewur.1 tli'ir pituut w.,rrh Thry bad (lilL'i'iitly qiKirt.Ted fiv>< ripiare mill's iJ the oca !!> r und. bail iTriliinkfd In r. <-'"< was n.it tlirre. That i-Vi tiing, In. :M a con lull In Id on deck, wink tht< u> I h rodi) Ht:iti(iiinry at II.T srn am linr. "It is ratluT iliii|i|N'inting. " I In. doc- tor owned, "but I don't nii'i.i. r the Case by any mriius ho|i<'liT-!< as yrt N . .u se. that old gnllroii wax n wnodrn diip. nd HO wlim hlii- kit tin- top if tlii'xia the would not o( MMssltJ RO atnl to tile iHittoni Mi., xxi.iild xink n u. nl many fiitlnnns nnd tin n would get to a layer of w.itiT of nuQicirnt diinni'iiess to prevent ber going any further for while. Bat, thongb film wonld not re- main sdHpendt-d for long, for her tim- bers and cargo would poon get < on^lily sodden, she iniK'it vety well K-'' into mime linden nrr.'iit winch would take bur along goodness knows bow far." "Unt. " objected Captain Colepepprr. "if there li nl been any Hii.-h < urri'Ut bout. W hlioiilil liavi liotieid it "Not neceswiirily It may lie some nlmnrfnre Mi.-.nn. riinniug only a few iDchcM au In nr \\illi our roii^h ol'-.T Tatiuns we hin.nl. I never notion MI. n u mail ili-lniluinr.. thai And yet. given time, it ini^ht have shiltcd Die slowly sinking galli-on on a nu.nl long dixtance lirf. r.- shu finally settle.) into her bed npon the oc/.c No, 1 nlnill nut abandon our wnr. li winle we have a single cvllndrr of ox> en left, and even then I Klnill not go awuy becuUMi I con aider it Impel. m " And on it was dpci.linl thatthnsoarrh honlil K<> on Tim lOureka inml .1.- /nit fter descent nnd each day surveyed n* nlin-li of the uoie bed lielow as her baud driven p. r.-w would take her over Ikitides iln- two extraordinary i<rrils which have been uuntioiied. there WITH t other and more frequently repeat. 'd ' timisof danger Tln-sa were tbe tno- sMsns when she was returning t" r dropp.i'.. n. mi the snrfuce. Then, if there happened to be anythiiiK of hm\ v h. n or rtwrll running, tin- doctor ' fiiuinl LiniKelf in no -MIIII II difticnlty. Cf roni-M Die tune. if dt-Mci'iit was in hit Own iiiinds. for, If the w. aider was I id when the hoar oauie for thu dive, he oonld simply wait and let the ketch id* to her tlnatinK anchor till the sea niiiiki.it.'U But if blow sprang np hilmhe wan in tho Idack deptlio Ixdnw Vhii wus |iinned .sb was bound to t >m to tbo mirfacc .Kiner or Ut. r, or ' icr crw wonld Niitl'm-ule. lint several . HUMS, when they Int.! begun to pump waJLtV out f the bullinit tanks and riiten ', alini^t tln< w lii ; i i detune*, they f'wind " tlmt tlmrw vrn< I t mining On all occasions nm <.ne tms maneu- ver had snccee<it-d. llu-nnii at UIIM..-I ..f ^rii-vi.un wiiitte .if tbe store nf emu . presMX) oxygen But on that uu .i.iy Bid r nsing np three whole cylind, : . .' tl..' precious KHS and endnring the close air of tbe bold till its sort-bar A5D ne nearly chc. I. .1 th'i'i. they tix.k to the pumps again in kind of .1 tion and crept slowly np to tbe I- ons surface above II. avily waterl.i^'v'fd she was. the Ennka wonld not n.-e to tbe sens. I' it 1 .-lntrifishly in the trongb and al- i the heavy waves to make a bn.;ich over her. The imprisoned treas- ure hunters conld bear the cataracts of green fulling overhead like avalanches f Mone. Every nail and every rivet of thf vessel waa tried to iU ntt.nnost Nothing bnt ber colossal strength brought ber thron^b that fierce ordeal, and when the iron hatches wrre taken off and tbe crew got on to tbe deck the rur^inx utd lannchingof the sea anchor proved a ta-u almost too great for them Bat at last it was done, sod the ketch was slewed round to ride bows on to tbe waves. Then tb -re was leisure to look around, sn.l tbe inbt which met tbe eyes was cruel enongb, for tbe pounding seas bad made sad havoc while the Eureka bad been rolling helpless in their trough Nine days after the adventure with tbe giant eel Dolly made a mistake which xvas tbe cause of giving a tfp-at di .-i|.;-. uitii.i nt to the whole crew This is how it happened: Tbe Enreka bad sunk quietly down 1 to within a fn thorn or so of tbn aud the doctor, who always di: tbe npwsrd and downward 'Movements of the veeeel himself, left tbe o : tower sod went dxvn to help tbe others on tbe crank. Dolly remained in the conning tower alone. The whet;! w easily. She bad tbe binnacle in front of ber and was well able to steer csnipnsa course, and as tbe pace which tbe band driv. n H-rrw gave along tbe sea floor and Dolly's brown eyes were i;. u. sb* was easily able to keep smurt lookout at tbe same time TI-. other seven member, of tbe crew had ! ii grinding stolidly on at tbe hut. -fill i-crew cliaft for some honr nnd half, miring little to one neither, and ;iifui at least > thinking of lit- tle, for the monotorv of tin- m v. r cud- ...rk ImJ i. rit out of .icy xv. p. i into Fcnti. ;.; by cry fnnu above of "Oh, 'there >.. Tin ii-: At i i-t:" order was (riven, bnt the crank .t the turn, and n\\- Oiin I.-iv. 1-iin. xvlio tat in hi* nuniovril, one nnd all rushed np tlie ladder nnd njneezed into tbe conning i wanii tioiileM". and her M uri Mk'ht \vus turnrd full on tbe object xvliich had can>e.l Dolly 'scry It xvas a wreck, lying over on its star- board I'lltfe. with decks facing away from tbe Eureka. Fore and main masts were standing. Topmasts bad disap- peared ; uizzenmaets bad gone by the bonrdand lay trailing on tbe portqnar- ters by the rising. Her .ides were (tnpprd with gnn ports. Her bottom was still green witb rumpled copper sheath- ing. Tbe doctor'* band ttol. on to Dolly', abonlder. "Littlegirl. "said he. "brae* yourself np for a disappointment " I "Oh, doctor." cried Dolly, "isn't that t!i- Simtii Cntarinat" "Dolly, my deur, I'm very Borry for yon. Yonr smart Iimkont has done yon credit, but this is a little accident that "' fhrir I'M i.|. nnd let tliwl . ir.k hnliinc* . ' in mi lo>pth till tb. weather had im pjox.u . "Ah, (luthrte, mvtnil.ihnkr iniH.lt!" might have bappencd to any of us. \Vi. ck are not i>l< ntifiil down here on tho aea floor, and it ii natural to steer for the font that one sees, bat that is not tli" one we vrant" "Hut are you mire, doctor? Hadn't ws l>et ter r" round to the other side of her and iiiaku certain before ws go wayT" The doctor shook his head. "Unfot- tnnately I am qintemreof whnt I say.' be went on. "Thnt unlucky craft be- fore ns IIKS not I't-rn down ftO years. She has been built t Ins century. Tbe galleon we are after bus very different lines, and, moreover, could not poMiMy be in. anything like such vd preservatuin I'm very norry for you, Dolly" "Don't aay any more abont It. doc- tor I'm sorry for Imving lioared yon all. So if you 11 forgive lue for that. plenf don't ny anvtlnng uiorey" . And I'r. Trin^ nnd tli t<-t \v.-nt,be- low HkMin, and Doily renamed bur mU h 11. i \vevor. though Csptnts) Colepeppw could not resut the temp.tutioa nuw an1 again of allndino; olyly to tbe won- derful things which bis daughter'* eyes did contrive to pick ont, it was to tbe smartness of those same brown eyes that tbe success with which tbe toilers' patient efforts were in the end tardily crowned waa due. And it came jnst in th nick of time. 80 utterly wearied was every one with tbe work and - ened with tbe endless turning of that wfnl crank that even the two promo- the enterprise bad almost brought themselves to admit that it mast be abandoned. Dolly saved it; at tbe eleventh bonr. it is true, bat still in time. Dr Tring admitted afterward that be donhted whether be conld have held ont single day longer. Once more on tbe surface and the feeling of loath- ing might have proved too strong to be d. Canvas would have been bunt and tbe Eareka's bowsprit pointed away from tbe hateful spot But about midway through the watch btlow" (as they wert wont with grim irony to term their period of toil in the bowels of the sea), after they bad been down abont three hour*. tLere cams a quiet bail of "Doctor!" from tbe conning tower, and the d. ' r. jumping from bis seat, sprang nimbly np the ladder. Presently tbe ordiT wns passed to ft< .p tbs crank, and then there wasarhort hinsing sa tbe water ent tbe ballast tanks and faint jolt as the ketch grounded on tbe ooze. No word had reached th* bold yet of what li id occurred, but tbe fii; hope which was in each worker's mind mads hi in sanguine. Unable to stand ths lovprnse, Qntbris clambered swi/Uy np the ladder Th. was standing by Dolly. looking out f rout one of the p. n<. lie tnined and saw tbe young man corning throngb the hatch "Ah, Quthrie, my lad. shake bni Plea-ted to see yon. MiasCokpepper has made op ber mind that it's to be a tcbooner. big schooner, with a steam launch in davits to that she can be towed if it f alls calm " Dolly laughed. "I hadn't quite got so far as that, doctor. " she said. "Bnt." she a'' turning to the undergraduate. "1 think it's possible that I may d--; th* yacht after all. Th'-re lies them .u- ey to buy it with, anyway." me and have a look at ber. The SantaCatarina at l:i*t !" raid gleefully. >t in a very . state of preservation as fur as her work goes, but 1 don't suppose tbe will be much th>- r the |S*1 \V ' in !'.: middle liuiit V i'.avu bad rcinarkal . icb ruin Dun't you think so uow!" CnAITHR IX THK HAl-L OK TUF. ORA& Those brown eyes of Dolly's must in- deed have been keen to make ont the site where the Santa Catarina wns Ir- in. for, with the exception of a rliu'it in. und. covered by the oinnipr ooze, there was little to dintin :msh tbe -h treasure ship from tbe ocean B. .or on which it rested. Every drop of blood in the girl's body was tingling with excitement at tl.e discovery which her bright eyes bad N" n the means of making, and with a little flash of pleasure she made v i.y for tbe nndergrsduate to take her place at the window of the conning tower Dr. Tring. meanwhile, kept np a run- ning fire of congratulations. As be looked throngb tbe gliiz.-d port Onthrie could hardly persuade himself that before him lay tbe foundered gal- Icon tint they had come so far and labored so heavily to discover He had pictured to himself a shattered nd rotten wreck, which, though eaten by the sea water and broken by the ex- plosion, wonld still retain good deal of its old form and appearance. In l>r Tring's room at \03 Shaftoe street hid been, among other things, a volume of old prints which were copies from the sea pictures in the great council clmiu- ber of the doges' palace st Venice. Dolly and he bad. studied these careful- ly, and from them bad obtained a v. TV tolerable notion of tb* naval arcliit.v tnre of tbs earlier centuries. He ex- pected, therefore, that the galleon wonld b'ava rnnie traces remaining of lofty forecastl" and aftercatle: that at k.i<t one of ber great | . op lanterns wonld be left; that she would have, at any rat**, one must standing He hud pictured to huns. If the size nnd shape of. its h, :ivr "rontiiltop. " nnd. in fact, though the wludti would doubtless !* shrouded by beavj ri.iwtb of sea shrivb nnd creep- er. ln> iiad hoped that liis iina^inatiou. by tilling in a few gaps here and there, wonld null have given him a very fair picture of what the galleon was when she rode in all her bravery of cunv is and limiting over ths waves of the surface. But he bad forgotten to allow for the corroilin;: power of the brine. Iron nails bad dissu'ved to nmre threads, copper Irid turned to thin green virnp. the li.nd ilex oak timbers and sheathing had rotted to pulpy ilime The whole fabric of the great vessel bad disin- tegrated of its own weight, reclining where it fell, nnd the ever precipitating di.iti'in IKIZS hnil shrnndl its i lentity almost Voinpli' 1 i here and tin-re. where mi* clmrrNl U-HIII or pill ' the li;id SiMin^li tiniher n > rn crooki'dlv like a rotten tree n i^. the ynnr-rvT of tlie m.nfirl was . Dolfvl uid the doctor "Whatever ws do get now we've to' thank yon for. D'yon know. Onthrie, J that this is tl e third time we have been over this particular piece of ground 'and that I was on the watch on tbe other occasions, and must have passed this prrcioug hillock as I did any other in- equality of tbe sea floor?" "Mix Colepepper. " said the under- gr:nlii.it. "the very next time we pipe down to dinner I ahull crave the honor of iToj".-iug yunr health. " Ai.il Ili join yon in drinking the : d the doctor heartily "Bat now we wnn't wns-te any more tiu:>- in u. The length of onr stay down in this gloomy treasure b./n-.- is liuiiu.i We can't prolong it without danger So. Guthrie. away with yu below again, lift her a bit with tbs pn nps. give a few turns to the crank shaft till I get ber under command again and laid fairly up alongside, and then stand by to work tbe grab!' At the word down tbe young man tumbled, fnll of eagerness as he bad half an bonr before bf n full of lassitnds and loathing He told tbe tale to tbs others, and never had work in those gloomy 'tween decks been more cheer- ' fully done Tbe pump* clsnked merrily till the ketch was off tbe ground H and then tbe screw shaft but .m<~i round at such a pace that Dr. Tring was forced to shout d.iwn to ease L - beshculd run tbe hillock ont of sixlit And afterward, when tbe doctor bad ranged her np into position and dropped her down on to tbe ses floor again, ths others tumbled briskly forward to tbs set of crauksjs-bich worked tbe grab, every man of them tingling with excite- ment For the rerult of all their weary labors was now to be pnt to the cruet (TO U CO.NTU.l-KD.] WIRELESS TELEPHONES unaa Vlc l;.Unr Heard Through th. I .nil. Sir William Treoco's wireless tele- phone experiments, by which It is announced It bus been possible to bear distinctly a series of taps used, on ths Mono principle, has ciuaetl great interest tn the el orlii and baa been made tho su!>j<_-ce of a uiein.-nt !iy Dr. IVior Suens, who has been bard at work for yours on a system of \\irele.-~a I. 'it-phony. In an Interview with a rei>resenta> live of T In 1 .01.. Ion, Central News Ur. Sitein "I have read some account of Sir William rreuce'S wire. ,OM s.xpsru.ients, !mi I u.a> say ti...i 1 am not workirj; on li, 11 ily . only one me.nis of cuiulnction namely, the earth. I (imply send electricity through the eurth : otic ;; .irntMs to another In sym- pathy with it. No luj.li po'cs or bal- loons or anything of that kind is re- quir.xl for n y system. "My apparatus is small and port- able. Of course, I cannot, for ob- vious reasons. Just at present tell you about its construction and me- thod of use. I have not had an op- portunity of examining Sir William Preece's system, but I see that in ths newspaper account all that is claimed for it Is that the users can hear taps, which. \\ h.-n used as a Uorse s\ stein, can be utilized In th* sending of m*ssfrea. "Now, from this it would a: that to be able to use his invention ons must bo a telegraph operator or other person understanding the Morst code. Of course I don't know what Sir Wlll.ilm has In mind for the fu- ture, but I claim thit by my luven-' tloa not only taps, but ths spoken i words, ths sound of the human voice, can be heard and that at groat dis- tances with excellent results. ?oom I hope to bs In a position to give a series of practical demonstrations In ths presence of electrical exports." XX orik 1 i. ,.ki., of. What can bs dons la a minute? Think about It, dear young people. It takes no more than a minute to speak a few kind xx-ords to somebody who will bs made much happier by hearing them. It takes BO mors thaa a minute to grlvt a sxvst smile to some poor forlorn child who is carry- ing a burden too h^avy for lui in- dr heart. It taken oe mors thaa a snlnuts to make up qunrrsl b llltU brothers and sUUrs>. RAILWAYS IN AFRICA. (lid UI<>PB**"< Of !.! th* I < oimi.tut >r..rlr 1Z.OOO Mil** On the day the Boers declared thcr* were in operation in A! nearly 11!,OOO mile* of railroad, th* end of l.-fOO tin mileage lor cniir* continent xva. only C. milea. In the past eight year. Ii more than doubled, Z>,'j72 miles of , road* having ben pat in operat Soin* of these roads are now U extended, work has begun on a new enterprises, and theae *xt ana new lines, for who** comuli financial arrangements hav* made, will add about -,'OO milti the total. Then there ar other , Jects. such a* the i.erman rood Tanganyfka. th* French road 6 Algeria to tb* Soudan and t. e giaa road from th* Cono to Nil*, all Bovernment schemes and y*t un.l-r way. It is probaldy con*erv<iti\e .stimate to say that, nd of the next decad* will see .' OOO milo* of railroad in operatic Th* Colonial Council at Berlin i Informed on Oct. 16 that the . perial Government hod decided , build the East African Central \,\ road, and for this purpose x.;j raise a loan at 3 ! 3 per cent, inter The object of the government i building tli* road itself is to ha* I th* development of the colony :| also to ha'. a free hand la -L^- t lament of all questions t arise xxhen a junction is efir th. British roud from Cape . Alexandria. Tr..- German Society has advo.-.it.'d this great ^| iect for ycnr*. hut th Keichstag i not been willing to guarantee sat upon th* necessary capital. fun.N ,t been r. The e*t im.it.-,! cost of i guaire terminal Indian Ocean at Rogamoyo and os-Sal.-iam. to Cji.i on Lak* gan.xika. with a branch from Tat to the south emi of Victoria Ny Is $ \s a prtvat- t prim it has sceuied iui; r t is nc-vssar\ for th* m*nt "f 11. >t Africa. Is over a third larger than Ti and is beli.M O d to hax-* d. pc;". '.. Th. ish arc rapuily building their road from tbe Indian Oc*an t i Xyaii/.i. and it i* now Th* sam* cons, nt i ons that Induced t: * ' the bull. ling nf th* aeigtaj Ing German 1 No one tireui:iod a few year* .] th* a.-tlxitv m h the last ye.ir. of this c.r hove witnessoxl. To say n th* rapid de In c aru noxv In < ' a \ of railroad leading IT oat i THK TRAXEAF8ICAM BAILWAT ] s*acoa*U to Ih* interior. Uieee enterprises In tropical ther* ain the north and south ., such aa the thr* Algerian lines I Ing to or Into the Sahara, all them to o* feoder* of tho f ( Tran*-S<Uiaran Hue; the road MJ\ Nil*. xhu-h has crossed the A1 Itiver on an American b r id*. a. now approaching Khartoum, an.l line *\ tending north from DuJ.ii to Sahsl.iiry. which is to b* aril link in the road that is to join : Africa with the Mediterranean. Th* dixy of the camel caravar human portage is passing. Th*li OOO black carriers m th* c:U.i region of th* Cons' have glvon to freight cars. At 13 point* ths troptral coast railroad supplant th* old trad* routes ft coniidornl.U distune* Inland. Iron rails or* coining nearer _ day to th* holy city of llarar. w a few year, ago no lnn.K-1 hud ent.Ti-l exi-ppt In disguise. Tb* road Is folloxvkig th* telegraph to th* capltnl of King MenHllc. whll* th* Nils rod xxlll cr -s Uahdlst territory north and s th* Hit* now building from K ,k to Berlior XMll cross It from Mint west. Thus the era 'of th J explorer has given pine* to th brighter day of the rotlrvud.. making all |>roirr<.i pivxiM* by !>rli(:ingA ven th* far Irt... i.>r of Africa into' clo* touch with th* rest of the world. IS OF against that >x , c and ta . chariot -ml have that came forth that Bight from that st-LHl . wa i|.v.-u \> > that h* coul< surrounding of carrels and *heep and kne( . 1 at ,- ial cra dle. ' lux-* o.x*n challenged th* im.^ i-s of all gm ,; e at ; imperial '' the centum* and will not cas* un- ^^ wh ,. n hc ordered. "Go and sear . has destroyed them. What a ^j^^ntly for the young mild, u I ine and StnadOW On the pronuncia.-: ento went forth : iVhen ,.," .1 him bring black and barbarian throne, practi- ... v . r j "that I mav go and xv Eradie of the baviour. | ejU , y 8mVjng "gi av ail t h* babe* un- : him also -.. d*tective t |der"2 >ears of age. and that wide J<nl out failed m ti* March, 'laughter will surely inc; .d !-. - Oiitmol reasonably account for MINE IliiSl'lTAL SHIP, Missouri to th* U ,.** The to iir*a; Bri She wm* operated by her regular tke j OBTI and .-rw at an expense of snds of dollars evenr month for This rl.ttMT.i is tbe yonnsost lVr- tTCisot C'-n.-nil In the nr!tili army. fl has (wen In tli <Tvlc* ;'.\ roar* nnd .!* *rttts*yi of war* In ashautl and T I.- ,rr,> Am lmprta*t Ma'trr. c:; <! us || .ui>!irly t* deajli hv , , , m ~ P.a.l i " s I u* not to i-o i nil the p:>le |.r:t.T XV |, ;,. R |j t WM L>.trult t rv* 1'raaa, ESTORY OF THE INCARNATION *"* ^ th*. on* child that most A threaten* my dominion!" Awful t Taka Hi* T.It Frm x hl cr^ '..' - ,- ^ assassta. th* th* wild basfs paw on<Mr th. Dmll-.t aad SSo _ ._*!._ .l,,rk or th mid haodlfs clutch, or tb F .rt..< rk'.r la ta N*W T^ eight chill bet^ n Bethlehem Judaea and Cairo, xvill secure hi. a- .t. R.I rind, it r.u .f rr~- , truclloB . AU lha power, of earth iariih. i..i Kiaraal inir. land all th* demon, of hall bombard- -Bington. Dee. 24. Th* ^I jJJt^SSatBW upon I atlon is her* told by Dr. I caunui ic~"" - . unhurt cradle except on th* theu. . . of a special dr.in. prot*ction. for th* o-cupant if - ., o9 t cradle*) a s* d*Mn( If h* escap* th* knif* of tf . children. x%ith all r (, U of an Am- Briti-ft irivt-rument. month*. Between August. TH .....i It"?. I 899 - ha '* rrl '- 1 l - 5W Will Co ! Ownr ral 1 * . , , i; *__._ r^ I>o.;..- a Month. All the world has been v of Chris'ic has lent the owned steamship Main" Government aa a 00*1 South Afri.-au war. The iteaniship has not only been - against horW ho. fs offered, bnt all operanu* ^xpenasa - will be paid bv Mr. Baker as Ion* M * 1 we need the vessel. We may alao Anotner snauow upon . bovs ol i.i^h splr make anv alterations in the construc- carnatlon is h,-r, to d by obscurity o t ' , " terrictl , 6 emanow v. ay . and practical rvthlehetn as an ot.> 4CC ount for the:r coming t. tionf( * * of UMM days of teuxi- |, ^ shepr,-: . with i ' Tb wage* of the ,t. Matthew i. 17. "So all the ^J^si born there, but ai tion* from Abraham to David generations, and from David 10 corn i"K away into Baby- is 14 teiicrati ms. and from thei .va.. into Babylon unto woandad and' tick soldiers f r' -m Cuba n*l Porto Rico to th* T" .it**. Twenty- ne worm u ucc .svon died dnrma the voyage* and ireneroairy of 31r E. X. EaUe ^^^ wer , burie.1 at sea. but hnn- Ealrimore, who has lent irod4 were _ TeJ Department having mad* .ospi'*! > hl P f '** itiB " th* the U. rf. ' i*ivrnnittt pw . . t d ^^ ttom . njwL __ *_ __ . *..< H. The " , or* 14 generution.." im what man;, consider the dull- 4 - in mind M xlo"s and wondr!ng ' id most unimportant chapter of ot . f uethlehem then *xistlni; ar. ., now . : w Testament I take my text called Bethlehem of Judaea. -^ mogt o( . . .. eternal Ir.ter, st. This chap- const. lat U tht III** i. UCT ** "^ * ~* * " -"-* Th most ol , .. ,. *vas c&iieu aJvuuvDVsau v ir.< most 01 * l l * 1t full of practical, startl- Ther ^ WttJ a great capital of a'. a been dead loo? a. t*rnnl Ir T sr***t. - - * u^ 1 ^ KaaMt 11 suluui; ther. were th. 15 bea th. front "-.-.e New Te- : C j l 7**'on th* beach of Galilee, a- t. through which all the s -| lhe in a good [ iac. to b* born In: ther* wer. ,- "- fujnou* at that time, but t: e na'.: I * to- day celebrat* wo* in a ' hich Christ b"" ' of evangfii!-i and a: : ;n of in *- i*. .tions. re loxvn tt I Th.y all h.. n to . .. .. . n some "the least among the princes of Juda." Christ himself was 1 . ::t scatter some of .v in rUjtu.-hem that It was U iior'.ing pi.. - < .orevrs. . gv i;T*ct us. er. ^o, . a fof ^ .1 th. result c " etcr . in lat. ix-ere bad. we feel th. re- " % ~'' l ? ** nelghborn - ever wer* bad, it is . the allies. What a placu for Lt'.rut .n.l to start fi hero o( is an in inf.uenre that : And a* ws _ gvnera- urn inf. 4'J genera- u -s to d shall last 1.000 yea- tb* cradle -tant v L e to *h< ^ '-He of th* t upon the ' of I -rune that I- in upon the ['illoxv of s' to'.xs on that or even * ' , and tri-.ti to exi.' ory i speech against Warren .. L.irii Brou^:.am Baltimor* an . :n behalf of Q ieen onaident of the -ics' of his O men and women of portur. hut th* s*n: your - t*mporan*)oa*. you build, th* Irw .:ori.: .^t xvas eloquent wit .; ore of th* law* the officer* and men every bind th* Boern. it u impo**ihls> The Maine bnrni twenty- garrr on the tank w bav* set two tons of coal daily, aad. cak-ulat- n>_the afa:nment of equal for Ir? this at thie >i.'Llar ton, th* all without fak * i lal bill each memh wOl b. $1.980t lm l poxrT a.- ' P Store* for the tbir '* opera: >.n and that have been abtu- will amount to $1.00 every ^ ^u- peaceable an.l law abi. day.. Then th*re is an imrar-tj^ .nbjecw and to the dacfer o< tk* ance premium of six or seven per Empir*. Th* Time*. o*nt. on th* chip's rluation of *300,- i . 000 to b* carr-. -H he wen t t vill cost between 4.000 and 3.0C 4. a month to operate tbe Maim y- the ame time the ship U losing sMK *>- monthly earnings of from I- " 000. Th. Main* belomni to th* fleet of tw.-y-nve vessels owned br th lantic Transport lin ' - 31r Ba-. Th* ship* COULC - ALONE. A **T S*^lon Fartn.-r T.tl of Hl la- and How U Found K*ilf- From th* Bridgewu prt-. tbe viorim upoo self i* almost ' who writhe n:. j-^ - ainne the joy of u* who are owned by Americans, bnt are sail- tTfvi from its trror. 3tr- J ed under the D.-.rish flag, becaua* Fljlkl . nt .. m ^ w Kim ' i i r rl pi as iKSl tha' th-rd u.is here and [a pavimen >'f ili.ssolut* O*autiful Kuvh his ancefit IVvout \?a one ol his hers? Oh, yes 1 Honest Jo- M fathsr' 'l ' v Mary 'her? Oh. ;..-' But in that i>,".cal table xver. idolatrous el Ammon an.l oppressive Re- am! some men xx-host* a may e* bad UK-', rn.i . hav* good |i!.-\"ts. . th* mo*t COP- men I ever as tb. a man xv <> '.r.! and died a In tb* I in. of an op- ' ii mm con:,- a gra ;s C'hri-t [ :or those 1 tho 4_ - that pre- I. i_ . , .-. of i>us anu i. : aril corrupt ty amazement I fourd In collog* you _ ., _. , . villa.-* - '* H. was tbe sab. - they can be consrrn -red and JlJs*l - been released if th. ;a-- f 'hT * n * 011 -" one of those who hav. greatest ora- more cheaply than under the Srar. from ^^ Kii wh ,, believes U . . .a not aa and Smpea. The h.*ad offlc* c j nty to le , ot ben know how a car* niC company U at Baltimore. can" be found. Mr Folkenham is ' after war was declare! Mr. Baker sant , f ^j Kke ^ wbo follow this 'bless the nei . of Jeun Baptists childhood you p.. Ion or hke that wnich during the continuance of :. the spring of 1897 I contract Thronghont the wbwle sun ; absolutely fr~. w th Christ. bi>rn m "* P 1 ""- Christ - oratory xva* unlik. any- made it so xv.:].-!> known by hU elf- sacntices and '- u around th* ear < th - leheru hiv- - in ?ar- , lands and ci.. T. Deums" nd built tn It was whi.. * nd -.<!<; thing ver ir.an spak. Ilk* thi* i man " Drama'.. ' hy h* took up a child out of th* auth-nc* and s*t him . . ui eiabarraa**d offer, ' 1QAT A *>* WB^BHi w nrtt ol u, . Tecame to bad thai I could nor *> * honaa. pains W*M located in my look of th* chlM taught hum.li'v Us ps D**. and wba -I can ksr. on i g^Qt (jj, prosecutors of a poor, sin- nent ttvU J s " bon i fuj wpcian- blushing and confounded, tru- - : out | the room by on* Moteoc* of ^hon -ic* his poxvsr of stn- r*w h*i.i irtfn^ to Betaleoeu* to . -.vh^n h^ rav cr i A' >( \!iS Dibl. word and Mary had gt |l ,. __ b* "tax*.: vealcd himself o/t.-r his r*urr- then t.' get '- hy th. i/eculiar xvay h* pronounced The ertort of : h " phasi. and er. n when _(.*._.' .;',.- Kia ffaflal been to SSXM tot. the** t nothing to Ui.x ' tfl Ta* reply read : "Th* government accepu Main* will b* accepted." uav- ~ . The Main, is now at Lond-u. aad be expwwed. I b-am. so the viailv press de.patches tell how could no t dr^s n the Xmerioan women of London ara Ev-nmal'-v rh^ troubl. spr raising thotwands of dollars to flt oal hands and arm*, aijd th* ship, and flrtm* ar* falling ov would lose CM another to rarplT T'* venrrbing !.. In V/r needed from th. ships waahin* to Willi-uns' Pink Pills, -ad . _ / w.^ VA i .. imnrov* juaav humbl* folk had ' ^^ a Th* book sa'vs. "The Lord turneti and rom ti-^? sun . . . - ,, . r. was an om- ' were ' ' nothing to ta.\ oook MV , "The Lord turne* tag. of that prot ecte<l his head from the sun , ooked U p o ' n p^ter It was in thos* i ' w. - - . ' nlpo'ent facial expression. "I sandals which . , ower of |,vi -rb. h ar..i ~ ',- cut by " rt > K trxing to crowd "its hump t 'i xvhicb Detnloheni is :ii"~U> made up. - > e -.xn>: oiuan. . _ a u .... \o r _hfi * ar trhSB tic f. - >t -" lit uoniell : a v and assault and t . urder . \\. AI. al , tf OUlil.t tO go wrong. taring tl a '" j - How it ou^ht ' ems Perhaps ^ ; Lj th.-m tl.. years b. | ' ' j\x im up Lpi.s -.'t blame Th* fa- of thi- ., , ; t and his mo- all right . but u '> in ths us ther ^ * iropensity which :u- noxv teals. a t A or* not .8 th-v by th. em; --ror ..'- all tn* paj^' I'.rirain and uul of th..M Un^ls im- aml give ' r-<tsterel and announce their K-.alty to or lca af- Roman eoi^ror. otic and ; - - cr - x th* PIXI: ' s h*ard. They had v. - * v>i rough road t an.i take the i '. Jestr- knoxv bv rh Ulat man ami ti-... jut - ' ould IQ all our ch ;r. u.-n thcr. ar- so S"look*''iw'nbrTh.'w:rret e 1 rr"u docking the Main*. four boxe.Jl __. ._. -i nnd- it. Tb* jf Baker states that h. offered th. 0.1:1* - vewel throutrh an appreciation of th* had . '"' I wa a protoction offered hi* ships while un- hard day'* work Amr th* British naff. fewmor* b- .\-apr**BtMsaTy Th.Mam. *al ft^mer. S16 ar ,. ,v thoM snffenv.. - P* 1 ^ trot: - - UB "' ^ and wa. built i West puis a fair k *** * England, in 18T. Sh. Dr. William* wort ^ that 'leam-vi talk about " .TOSS, ( tho Ten C o.itit Sinai ' ct I tho comr s'uks of < six-en . thi.ik the parts of tt. a: . nations. They st.iy churcb on communion d.- when they have hv>^i a.s cai 'n this sntak into he4\M'ii Oh. (jive n name*' D. re'-is- .'.-ed on th. ( a d*pth of hold 9h. L^MaTI the "ni-cilie'* eye." only Mnt th. hxperhole. Power of The > styled by him xvho nex-d not a yhysl- .. - P- ZZZ ^"ne^-thu. drivin, ^tTo^. U r iU ;:e^elcl h %rt. ll irBarrUoneofthe a r,tcit l ,.n. S. from the . ,. Avo^l Vl^i-erranean - ad- in th b usine and social We of Bal- , W ion by vantag. of Hi - h" " nmO r*. and he t desibed asnot only you purchase is n.-lowd - a*kod him xv, , im>at nnan.-ifr. bnt a "hustler." bearing the to pay taxes to Caesar. Christ ^ rweiTw i the news of the low of th* Uanw' Pink P-. - i'*l* p <i ln h. xvouTd iu,^ in th. English Channel by long hand It up U -.ooec.n* tan c* telephone a: .-a:i.* ,^)mjtjy home IL - .er of Christ. ^ mils*) from Bal'imor*. H* a * > ^* * Vi_ * * his d*- ** on<*9 i ^.^ of the "grot vvr->.-k. He ha*tily nacked up a few valisea, ordered out .._ ha" t.ieir w D_I;~% . round to .very ^' Gttl**- Kv Wlffc Hla. "Mon-" ltie t 110 ** ben *ne said she oe.dsd 01; fcnow aow avsjCB -t to keep you in tbe country till* but as It dl Tost. that arTood's .-en* of the frr* na _ Ldoxxs ha-., their use*. p-C-d up a few v ah sea, order*. ", ,a ' know, bi ' Thar. Mit"t>* ' ' ground to .v*ry hi* team and drw* to Bal" l know it di.iu t . > It dl . tur .ilx*ay. put at reaching th -i'v about to keep you > l ' :e*t on. rteck of loud on hU an- morn inR. H. char ,-red a spedal loco- vas. ami th. ' <* r ^ w111 ' mo tiv* an.i car to -itrrr him to >ew ' {r 'f out ' Vork, H* reach*! tiior* at eight in mightily '-! ! , ftlV th* morning, and at ume wa* on tb. C aop* I And will it not . na\nipr which was ' ;1 a^r 1 1*11 this .car., of 'ar-: -'y x IctssUud* deck of a si _ f W al^ ! M . r., fhar'. hauo* __lli. r>nt from hr mer and hMfclcU 10 con- t speak* B amo*' D* 1-ei.is 1 '- *> * c th. iniijunx of th. fathers: r(X . ortl down her* and in t. i childr- k of Lif. up -i-Kf.lv th. b: ' ol "! , t u . t if ofUr th* morning, and i this .can. of e*r'r-,y - w. meet again '-her', nous* pnlliag out from Br pier and and talte over th past in an .v*r- for Europe, lasting holld. snnwhll* look ^^^ ^ h* children' un'to the I generation." bml n I ki'er*tion: and txvo and thr nig a i a tne he* b* a ; rles. a'.'gbt - - v "P 00 r sha-ioxx on the Christie arad, was that It a de- *il'.e* for How much they . - . on th* i' lnto ** - ! to serv some one in th* Prtnc. of Wai**' wf. ., ' -'.rl Jc Spain and th. raited State, "J ' 1 ^ lu< ^ ^ Cb 'P D '*- '*. Sa^r lent th. "~ T8rt irship ir- bVr". a* tho** xil'.wccru s it Peceu- trut<ilatlon .- militant ...... >~ in, ans*l. of m. - u n triumphant give in JuK I > \ou may young gar-fish play- U xvns 'ill. Jo**i t k _ m . of Iwv-frog. )ust as yo were on vi.lt of hm *. ,^ n th. big Lov. .t it If ' .v t>.. A floating h. BOW I. th. un> j a". It t <ln Urn. ruler and of all an unfavorable *xp*ct g^od tre-i MlstorUns . AS at tlni. of peac. th but hi* blrtk ar. of which th. B*thla4mai . ntv a febl. UghtlMt na that .l a^aln a*d again th. gar-ftsh him Sometime* m the gam th. gr-'h . On th. sl*p*r . th* r-a oi' s at>ov* \nai i an j, . in th. .let . tai-t ot a ' whfn th . in.llinant turtl* tak*. a J.xln. ; r.xl x bro*th and dosh* axx-ay. scat- .. chr.il's dcsT'jc- twtnf t|, various Uttl* fishes that . assembled to se* th* fu* ' r 'he ^'.i|- u vou hav , (v .r had an aquarl - - _ .ur. and have om. gar-' h la it il.. titlilAnlV . ._!_ ..( v^i. fan aAa IB i . : ' tho ' th * tfo- Ho v. M \xoiild l*ax nil * and th. turtle, ami you can M. t. or i taw yours.)***