'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIN'CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XII, NO Fleshertoii. Ont., Thursday, December 28 1899 W. H. THUKSTON, ED !SgpJ IETO f McFARLAND & CO., - MARKDALEl for Xrnas Grey Oounty's* This is a Warm. Cosy Store . MTV .-onvenience for the Xnuis Shopper Store. This is a Safe Store Y"ii are not naked to buy a lax* i jackets an thii season style A - GREAT - XMAS - BARGAIN A Manufacturers lot of Sample Jackets at less than Wholesale Prices. Ah opportunity to buy any line ci Merchandise ;it Wholesale co*t is .1 rare occurence, but our position amor.c: \Vln,!cs. tiers and M mufarturers >s such that we are otten enabled to quote whole- sale prices and It8s on certain lines, by buying immen-e quantities FOR iNST.ANCh : We have just completed the purchase of a manufacturer s lot of Sample Jackets, and while they last you can choose from the biggest assortment in the County at less than Wholesale Prices. We bought these at a fraction of their original cost and are going to turn them over to you in the same S*^l wav. These are the newest Canadian and American floods, p -rlect in every way Splendid colorings, beauti- gT" fully trimmed, not two girments in the whole lot alike, which assures every lady the much-coveted exclusive- gj ness Hi-re is a description of a sample lot and the prices we are #oing to sell them at. If you want first fijfi cho cc come early If you cannot come early drop us a card giving size and color and we Will lay it aside lor J?5 __^ you. The whole lot can he judged by these items N nicer presents Novel 1 useful gtnuine ebony not cherry sterling silver mountings price* reaaonaV>le ton. Ebony Curling Tongs from fl.25 Ebony Sha Herns frcm TSets. Ibony Button Hooks from 35vts. Ebony Brushes from TScts. Handsome Xmas Clocks. Fancy Oak and \\sl mt celebrated (jilhert movpmet.r 8 day ^ houi cathedral gon* reliable timekeep- ers worth teeiug worth buying ac" ceptable Xman present.. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTIC'.*.* FLESHCRTON. '>D \\eanesday aftrr attending the -I'hiiK ..f Mi>s Mi-Ghee of Homings Mill-. Mr. and Mrs Best attended the rnjtrrim'f >f Mr Best'* nephew to Miss Thiatlewaite of Fleniieriou un laat \Vd- A bafpy New Year to all. SCHOOL "ENTERTRINMENT :l. Ladivfl Jacket of IK-HI quality English Ki-rtty, double breast, 6 fine pearl buttons, turn down velvet collar. trnniii'i.1 mth strapping, lined throughout with pure silk, regular pnce |14.. $7 80 Lodfe*' Jacket of heavy imitation Penuan bunb, beautifully trimmed with broadcloth strapping and fancy braid, pearl button*, lined throughout, regular pnce |4.5> .ft. 75 ! La. lien' Jvket of tine broadcloth, lined throughout with tine metallic satin, beautifully made, trimmed wrh fancy braid, reg. 98.25 94.00 About 'J5 Inwer 12.50 tw. . pnc*d jacket! at ta.rs XMRS SHOPPERS will bedaUgtited with, our Bgsernent, we riave made extra preparation to get you acquainted wttrj it, v^qere yotJ will find a pleasing assortment of Dolls, Toys, Be rs. Cards. Fancy Glass-ware. Fancy Cqina in setts or single pieces, laid out on large tables for easy choosing So- Mms .lohuston, our lute toacher, left 1 for her home in lYeswater Ut Saturday . amid the tool wishes of hrr hostH of fiiend* in tins burg. MINK JohnMon waa ' >-ery highly appreciated by all the vli..litii j and parent* m this vc'ion. The *ch.,l Aboard offered to ad \snce her wlarv to' 9300 and this wuUl have lieen swelled by Old and wornont Engines or^r liatiled Mid rebuilt by us. are practically aa bonuses fnmi pnraie individual* if she Rood a* new fur use. Boilers also repahed and tested on short notice. Saw *iid Grist Mill Machinery rpa r n specialty. Roll* rH'acwi ud corngat- d. Circular and crosscut bavts Gumming done. Old Iron Wanted R. P. LEGATE & CO. >ylon . . could hav- been pn viuled un t remain The following addi-MM was read to her nd a beautiful toilet sett and cne p resented by hi-r pupila. "Seifef gtfhvcd T*r*-Tr o',.! lilfr, rd .n.) wtill* Lftrfu tnruc I <1 iwu . calf with t r lnfiT M 1.1 tbir vhvrMklMU U win h* br W. I rickill. M.rl.U!.. or u. COOK. uT. , I fttravvd from th. pr*m<M. of Oo. JohmHon, ' | lotSO. con. \ 4rteui*.la, out .pring bntl flf. r*'l with whltf. .not in fao*. Anv Information I w tn Its wb*iabo< will b tbankfnllv re- To MlM JOHN*)!*, Dear Teacher : 1 Since, all our efforts to prevail on yu to remain amount us have proved futile, we are obliged to bow to r he inevitable an<l hv iiH>.inhli*>l hern to day to perform th painful duty of wishing you farewell However, before we part, prrhapsforvvrr. allow u* i.. Hive s..ine nptvsaion tu thn tender affection and respect fi >r you, with which our lienrta sro overflowing. You [ haw, dut int; the three years snd a half pout with um be*u iha IUOM de'otod and conscientious of lea. hr*. the tni.-st and most hoi.orabl* of fn.-n.N. nd the foi' -wrt l*w Sheep Estray I4f to !>. ld rruM> W. T. A a. M., n alwut m,"e..- -r^.l. ntl. fruni i.!tw* ttell nsb*Hoa. Fw tann. .PI-I nil. te tnth* |>-nil> at lh unjr.ln'. 'I. OB* run, >f1, u 1 oo r.tu U:i t- Th* ownr <an h* t. n by |>ro*lug .iO!>rtT n I | 4>ln ..,...., | r. T CAM, friends latit week The S. S. Annirersary held on the 20th p**aed ott' very pleananrly. Afti-r everbiid/ had <u|.*cd of ill the pies and cnkrs I hay could i,..n..-,- I bey lisUtned to sn iiiierentint! pitit-raiimiu in the churrh. A diaU*ifii*i vnfitled **Mttr(i(a4(i i/ the ftriu KIWI, by r*n<ton S'ntli-ii talent wan much ai>prwitd. IVueod* up- wurdn of thirty-two il..||an. Mr. and Mr. Jas. McMdUh of 81 ton Turk viMited at Mr. L'. Jobnauu's Sunday. 1U> Mr. Hill. psr..r if the Anglican gien us by your rzcellant morxl Church. Dui.flalk. lectured to inter- charartrr would K- a tuKic for the ynung : ested au<lu-nc m "Outu ' ontn^u hall on hearts of any community Into what- j Friday niuh . evrr sphere .>f dutv yi>ur 'leparture hence i (juiiv a number of our yi-ung people will lead you. we |>r*y (!.>.i's rileaninv may tinik in tin. school enu-ruinuielir a* sttend tu hriiihteii th path and bitnv . Spmu-hili ou Kndy night and report a you happineiw Mid (imsperly in this lif.-, KO...I lime. nd eternal rewnl in the next. And | ChriinMw pa*ed off very ijui. tly and ith 'I f Llo,,, H.-.-1 t his hoinr lif-r*. The public entertainment of S. S. Xu. Anemeaia. waa held Thursday after- n.Hiu. JUt mst When some pupila, usjether with many visitor*, were seated, the roimi wa* well tilled. The pupils were examined in various *ubjerta and acquitted themaelren in a very creditable manner At the conclusion several of the gentlemen visitors expressed them- selves aa being highly wtutlied with the standing of the *cauul. A hearty vote ./f thanks wa grven to thu teacher f.r the impartial and excellent wnrk dne during the year. The following evening, -"-'ml inst., a very interesting entortaiuinent waa given, keeping the large audience amused fur :ty hours without mtertnuwon. 8vs dialogues were ^iven by the pupila and were so amusing that many vmit.m laughed until they cned. Twu drills, given by young girU, held the crowd in- perfect silence. The wings, " Merry Hearts " and My Country," each sang by two small girls, were well rendered. Three other pupila. one girl and two boys, gave Hweet selection* nn the nnnithorgan. Seven small boys gave well prepared reci- tation*. Last, but not leant, given by the schi ol w;i n Iwnd dnll by a di>xeii suutll boys with miuucal instrumenta and. a real drum. Cur outmde help waa of the very best. " Mortgagiin; the K.-irm," ^iven by Me>r>. Wurt-s snd Bl.-iir, with three '' names we did iioc li-itrn. wan well sung and w>u- highly .tpprf<-iitte<l by .ill. Then MesKTH. I ^^i^i^^i^^^BiB^^B^B^^^i^^ and Bellamy, with vinhti uni liarp, gave a selection tiuit pleased everylxNiv I h t pait.ng. >i^i, c ,t > iu behulf of the acconleon and violin, when put into the hiuid.s of Meiwr. Tlu-t.i"\ i:-.- mil I'udlar, gave IIIUHIC of swivtne-* nr\-. The Black- burn Brothers, with the W hitr Brothers, handled the vi...in .nui iiiotluiruan.s tu the entire satisfaction of all. Then we listen and he.ir soft .-md bunntiful of violin unii . i-v'nii, the actom thin time being >lr>. .). Stmson and Mrs. J. L. Woods. Mr. A. McDonald alsu gave a pleading violin solo. A hearty vote of th.mks was givn u> the tvacher. >lr J. L. Davm of Dumlalk preached ^ r - ^'"'- >" r ln.--w..rL in gettiitg up tii an interesting practical Christmas teruiou "ntertainment. At the concluoum all here on Sunuay. joined in singling " tov,l Save the Queen." Mr. and Mr.. E. Williams of Holland Eighty-eight scholar* on the pr Centre MM ted some of their Inutioge year's nigmjter wer* ndmitt<i fre. . school. K"V PIPER. H ILI.IK UAWKB <><r Cio. C'lrmpoiuieiit. The snowfall ot Saturday night brought oiu the merry nlci^h LielU in tune :. r still the pn>o.n>ui< amounted to $18.40. i Cattle theivw are operating in Derby *" d * ** "ward is uttered for their uap. * ur *- A man in Beeton was lined S10 and 110 61) contn the other day for harrx^iM and se.llin n i"trajr co without advrr- tlsinif her. Frn,er haviD|| xt.ajr cattU i on their pnnn*ca should make liote of in. I this. >n t >r Ixuifc un Soutfc Aft lea m><l th* Uiiiisb- I'.lH CllvSp IHH k. Sells Oil Ki.lit. Ut- tit f|.-e. BRADLEY C.ARRETSNNC o., n-'w rlrmrost trachor. wi.he. for y..ur welfare, aoeeiit this h'tlr gift, not in <4 it. intrinsic valn, but as asMmll token ol rmt atfi-oiMMi .in.! the d-p rvgrt we Mr. i speut muntly In ia fcd. An Christina, . Mr. and Mrs. Kutlwlge ivturuvd hume t $2 per day sure, K, nth-man or ladiea ; ilH-uiai work ; position permanent ; rhMe lirui. wit* i-est refeiMicns ; siperiviie* uneeras>v. A.Wresa. S. M. FRY. F..M