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Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1899, p. 5

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DECEMBER 14 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE |f I (tard* IJ'Cl'l I. U-'.H * VOUNO " llaiikom, Markiiale l)o * hanking bunii>.. Mouejr loaned N a rciuuauli> late. C*I1 ou u>. AH VANWSKV J P Clerk 5tti UlT Court. Co Grey iur nl Marriag* l.iceunee. Conveyaneer Notary. Public Auctioneer. Uooev to loaned Ifuiu i t o- II pr cwul. Ctwr|{< uiodora*.. H.KBI1KUTON P O DKH1 - OOU ! ' FBI, IBdMwifncd i piepared to omt.rtilu. th.- coil-, li.iii ot all kind! uf debtl. otc> buurfi.L i' > "Until collected, etc K N UKNDKUrtON. Hmt.erton TCVHlM.t I I Plwlivrtuii Station Vuettnaiiter. L'u.iiiiiiHioiirr In II .' J. C"on.y- .-v- .11- rawni w.i . lullli L>Uu collected. at 6| per cout apd up- Kf" moderate. RJ M-I-H I I Poatmakter, Fleiberton r.iiu uiM-t.uut'r in II i I , \ : ' Cou .la*>r mil Mon.-v I- n.1. r i; t i. -!ii.. i lnuiiK-d AK.'iit Deli l,'i- aril will rarrf'ill) ilrawB > ;.iii'.!i-. tin'l- "ii ph.ii-t-''- M. lira I >'i. . 1 .we-t i alt '{ int-i .-Ht. Col I l.i with |ii.>ni|ilnfl i I I'liaioloo Hla.ii-;ii|i i ji in, A call olicited. 1 Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery I urn done in lirsi-cla ntyie and at lowest rates. Special aUntinn uivcn t<> copying. liable*' photos. a .s|iecialty. Picture* framrd. MRS. BULHER W. BARNHOUSE attention nf Wiihea t > dia (lie the Public to the In FLOUR IN BAGS A-euryDMV".ltliir.lMoD<1y in .'.( iu iiittl. In .11 'Ir I...L-- i.">iu. Klt'-in'iton, t i p in A N L,.,i. i .IvV \ M (ini.on, Itei-oi .Inr . HalUm. .1 ,uu.-: -r. Vlitiuti brutbroo iLVltetl MiTII I II ! XW. A. in tlio MH....II. ball. Strain bloc- 1. MI "r boloit- . J l Itoyd W M ; W J '.Iwll . Ci -k Hi" la 1 -! .* In - .-i, ui .1.11. Victim: lirai-il-. *.!. .1 ll l. i . B U. I I Van- - Of all M/.CH mill ,l OHt. S|nnal li.tri; lot*. lt the and 5 Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in season . , . Groceries and Provisions. l>< ; .in.l OtoN MITTS .ind I.I IN'..' iu.-t.lf to orili-r HIM! on S|, N Wn. BARNHOUSE. Flesherton TIII-: FLESHERTON i: mi LK l .OP ami llt.jral , --.jut, t-.. .1 iv il I i. .-..lay of .acli Itia.l'i i h M t V -Tun ada>, F nlay and Saturday o: . >a, U.-inraday Iu eacli n in Jr NAWtH i I o li -.. 1)1) H. I.I) S h IIO ru.v.-r-it . a'l-1 It .. Ii.... .1 h'iit(uUk. \ tl l . I-.- I In :. 1 I k ol r l.i*ti! DH C C. Ml \t \V, I.. H s . ili-ntal in< ,. . ..f I ..l.llltu I lj] V.M-.t , Mil. I lii-iititl S.IIL'. iiu^ r Ontaiio uni . i.icM-k, t li'-lmrton Will vi. u rVtniliatu tlio lit We Intn.layn, f a li li il.l I . H.ln-n i -in. -T. eto Han Ir t,. j...-ti.tu .-, ->i" .iii' liliK-k, Plenli.iion ivor> Tlii.rii. y ai il e -urt <1aj s I. OH... ..i.iii.l i.n.otf, l-'rt.hi'i block run. -t . . \ anori, rt n i MIM l>ilal.-i>iit L. \-. \\ KKilCr A 11 \T--ON I. ii-;... -..:!- - nt \\ . ., i Is tin- place ID tiny ymir llnlirs, Mitis. Horciogles.Boft wool, Knlili.-r anil Oilnl ; U'ln|>< and In I'liiTyconibs ami (ini-ilus, Hnapi< uiul HUM. llnltiis all Htvlt'8 and gi/< s ; Sli-ii/h l'.ell ,if every dorriptum, ,^i iit|nids, ('i)llnr |ida, llousinu-s Now is tin- time to buy your Hai- nc8 bt fi>n- tin 1 jiiict 1 itdvancvti. \Ve ni.iki- il. HtyK'H with the best, inateriil at tlic lowest possible living pru-i s. W m, Moore FLESHERTON. BOAR for SERVICE Tamworth Boar N ir-H,.-li. it. .n er/ i.tli.-o. Tt OKI i: A 1'V I TKK Kan. i Mi. l*on > Hank. O I, |,. . kKh (.1.0 H -n Round \TTEKrlON Ac. \]CkAY * V ' Ilarrli>Km. ,| ul! H KH : Ow.. n Hi niul. Mfii-linntK li.ik Hi., k, N .f l'at>*on llounu. Duudalk, MHi Stn,.| ,. V |.|) Sl.tlll,U). .It. M .UvAV.MA. IIK.KAMI'HOM.UUU.. i *n Attii. u. for llrey. I'HIIT I.\V\ |i\N f .1 S.I-M,.. at I'.MI Law ..ii l.t st-i-i, l.\ a;.| l\ inn to own. r. . .'. I HiiMI'Si'N. DM IHTTilN M DO M, MO? * Ont, t'rloevllle om. u. .Tt iloor to llrown'a utore ; rel<1enoe umioMtr at tin olil i>nt olttiia, renldenoe of late Alx HIIIWII. Office ,lay-l'uuKlayi and Kalur- .I L . - Dn I-AR M M i r .t s Ont. I'hyilrlan, Kiirgenii, ete rton .in, -^ Strain's bhiok. Keel<ieucc inH llutvl JOHN A SCOTT. M B Mfiiilinr CiYllexB Prufnio. Onturiu Ora.lnatH In Mrtlrl 1 .*. of Toronto l'iiivi'iit>. Fellowahip Diploma, V..t dra.ln- KI.I Miliral KclKHil anil ll|>ital. Chiravo l)!4faa*H of eve, war. non and throat upwcially ti i-ati- I II -i.l. i.oe.Maxwell Tlilti K>ver>h&ui Tliuia.lyt* 1 J JP OITKWKM. Veterinary Mnrgoon iiraliMtn of Ontario Veterinary f'ollnc*. Itoi lnon ecoiul rloor eouth wi.t on Mar. itreot Thin itreal mil eouth PraikrUrlan C.hnrcli. ll.ivui'j |i'ir,'lmsi.<l tin" lei' lili^i ncv< frniii .Mr Lcli.o-il I wi-li foaiim ..... i-i- il.iil tin- lni-i:ii.>< will la' i-initiiuii'il in tin- ..II |.i . niis... \\ i IIHVU tiii.l n lap,'.. city |.x|Kirii>tic and livlicru WB can |ieifivl sat isfait ion in uiir lino. II. si' I ik>-n UK- imeiiry fur AND - Work, And all i.rdci-h luft with 111 will ruceive (iroiupt and Citivful attention o vv M A<-I< 1 1-: \ ,.|.-ili.arv Hin jron anil llrntitl. Max- well KIII mate of Ontario Vnterlnarv ('ol|pE. !'ini..U..I WlUl ToKMIto Illlirntrllv Vlllt^ Uiu-'iun We<1itt.l*v from 1 1 a tu to 9 p in., anil r>vrhaMi Thumlar from t to i |< ai. *t><1 "IV e* laf i.>r. to their wiiri*ilteli will lie *)ni mi4i <U-i W. V DT80X li-rlon, Hpt. \. im TWii ihin, i Informal HI M r. r- . Shavin Pallors A. Wilson . . Prop. IfCjjTC:- Dieyfua ; th Prisoner of flULnii)i), vl | N IMMld Kllll Htliry of iin.Mt remarkable Military Trial and scan- dalnf tliu ago. Ilii; h Mik, well illustrated, Hi-lU mi night Simp f .r cam Hscrs. NKA1U KY-UAUKKTHON Co , l.i nine. I, ItllANTMlKli, O.IT, Clubbing List For tlm hvr.trfit of our HnliM-iibcr* we gain HUN year aiihmit th<i following clubt.iiiK rnteaf. T the unanin; yoar. Aft mint |ui|>er k n\. bal:incr of 18!l!> flee to now aubocriliria it will tin wue tn hand in your auhacripti.iii* an curly s possible tluu-uby receiving greater value for your innuny Adrancc and Mi.ntna! Star 8I.N0 1.5ft 3.IX) l.HO 1.75 Presbyterian Church Items The Ladies' Aid Society held their hist ie jul u meeting for IH'.CI at the niani-i- "ii V\ edm.siUy at'ernonn of lam cci, n! ihecl'.sc "t ui.-i.eral buniiieait, officers wire fleeted for the enmiinn year MM f..ll.iwa ; I rt Mil. i.t. Mm .lumen Dyce ; Vice 1'n n... Mix. \ S \ mini, ,M ; Src.- ' . &lrn. JIM Blackburn. Tut Secretary'* report, showa that the hirlirn have had a prosperous year in tin ir de- partment, of tli.- church's work. Not- withstanding Koine leninvald a i-li !.' in crt'HrlU III lllellllxTH ilp IN nil. IKI1 mer \. ii. there l III;; UnW thirty HIX Ilieilibeis d h" pay :he Hinall sum of tell cell'i, per Illiilitll dilc, and the receipts h\ b,eii tuitlii-r liai.iU.'iiiely- increased In In . * ill "ltd my* tr.iin members nf the K.. iely ami . . .n^rc-atl.ili a.s well an by apeclul w..rk of the ladies on iiitouraph i|uilt. The MICH 'y lonka hopefully for- ward tn reaching l be ha f hundred mark in inciiibeifhip iluiinij the I'liiiinj; year. The aiiiiiMl iiifetmu nf the Sabba'h Schii- 1 lot elcctmti nf nthcura etc,, wati hi -Id ill ti.e f|o... of the player li.cetlllL,' i M .re. hair-lay eveinin; laat, Kith ti.e fiii|iiwin|! n-suli. Supt , Mr A. M. '. -.11 , A i-t;uit Snpl., Mr ^KulMeacl ; and Treait., Mi-~ M .iv Neil ; l.ibi.iii in-. Mis.s llattif Sullivan. MIKK I', an. lit llalliillnli ; I l| .anlKt. .Miae U,i'ti- Sullrali. M. A > Vanlliis.-ii taki- the ii.ini-t. r - IM I- il'i- ntlit-r learin-iB i-iniiii with their im|ie>'n. The re'ioiil h is I. ail :i pt' i-pt-p .lit ', i Hid 'h-. 'III. -t I I' >nk ''I Ail I'll In ill im! pin-p. riy a* a mark- eii nrie.t-e in at t. ii'iancu lui* l-i . n I . H.IICf lllu ' I. .ni{e of lii.lir to the -.n. Ti e QuUtewlj Coiiiinuiiii ii mrvicu wa< In-Ill . n s.iblath l,it. Her. J. - pii-.n I.. ,! ..t the pi. | aiati.iy hervu-.- . n r, r!jr. l!-i I.. \V. Tlioni was inn. IIL- liin old ti -i i,. I- nt Alflllll. Mi'idiJ t-M mill. 1 , one ..III i i.teitariinelit f-. Him in- tin'.- nl the iii- 1'rts b\ t. n tn , l.un li in that place. Lntertain merits to be (liven. l-iv \iaj..r Sth-H.f I.CtUrfh nil S.illlll trica M. .ml IN and Tu.'siUy exeiiinK"' nf In-Xt W.ik 111 the Kleshrr'oll Mell. cliui-ch .Hid >j~-tiv-i S.iiiii.iy i-venii.u on Atiican in ( 'i y-.n > tiio .1 h S. h' -'I will hold tli. n llll n.l. iv.teil.illllllelit Kll'l.i} I'M'nll ^ uf till- Week. Kii.'en>.i MeihtMiist Sui. day nchiMil will I. ..Id tiieir \niitK t i- . Hi- i i i nn -lit on Kll-l.iV Wellll JJ, L'ind Ili-t Kn.i in i Tn-^riyti nun Sabbath liive i-siied li.lin Him. 'uncinu their annual ent. ri.i'iiini-nt fur th evening of Ntw YMI.' mi MuvrllC. O F will niv,- r. .;rand concert n. tin- (Maii-je hall, Maiwell, on the ,-i-i-niiit; ff Moiiday next, Dec. 18. at winch Jimmy Kix ai.d Mary \Vebsler of T-T.'iitii, e.. inic and Si-oich Highland charnc'ir nrli.sts, will appear. Thil will be an i v emu- of plu-me. Things arc Up. \\VII, 1-1 tin-in if i up, but I have this tn say t.. the |>.- .pic i if thi- ituction of the (.'Unity, III it the -...ids 1 have to otfur them foi l'!int,,.ii prcs-nts aru an low, and li.wer, in pi ice than they ever wire, and nliv f I'..-. ;u*- I bovfill tliein be l'ie 'h' adi.ince and nm unni; my tin mis the I en, -lit n( lliedi'.il. I ne\er had a tin-'r, inoiii m-li-et nr more be.iiiti- Inl i-t ck i.f i 1 ... ids in all tint thirty tluee \i us I hue been with you, and as 1 shill not atHV aa 1'inii ayain 1 would ad- \ lie \i.ll tn i ill an. I L. I t:ie Mist clinic-. Tin pi intit s ilevil ai.d 'In- n Id man him all..* me npice. eiioii,di iii tho |>api l t..i iiiiinei-aie all lh:i\<- i^nt. ulid 1 inn :--n lill-y; lip Lew Htnck I . lln n, but willgi* y mi a feu ; Irim-s of all kinds, new ai.d old. Ladies' C. m painona and .vl.tniciiro combined, a beau liful rich nntck' ( 'miipai'iinit. Uich perfume", Salcllet 1'owder. I >ll li s, ; list ini|iorli-il from tin- Oxford I'nbl shin^ Co. i.f I. .niliui Hymn ll.MikH. The lending poets in lic-i'itilul lie* binding! Toys of all kind-, for In- hoys and ^irln and 1 ifle i ilt. I'M >n I'tniin and riirisinias Hweuts, nutH and orangei and plum pud dm., tlmt will begnnd tenerate. 1 II.-ITI- just opernr.l up 1800 Iba. of tatimitry and blank bonks at prices ne'er In, thua ^aviiiv thu 40 per cant. tin ,- in pricea. Our fills nd Pow- dum at old priuea, and if you mix the whole jing bani; you will have chemical ooi.gloniei atiou. nli ! I had alnuwt I ftavu a new tcck of very bcniuitul t'Kristnms i mla. Yei they are uoniing in again and are very cheap -.;(ic to 40c. par doZtMl cards. i'lim. 'Lj-apli and Auto- giaph albums cheaper than ever. Musi cal IimtroinentM, Fountain Pen*, Work r.n.--. Necktie BoxtH, Glove Roxra, Collar and Cull Itoxoa, I'.Miks for DolUof all k'lids for KH s II and nav'nin, boats and train!, stcnin en- gilu-N, biu-i aim and aideboardu, jrwellery, Im kt i.s. .-ii.-li pina, watch chiii, aleere links, rnig<, etc.. clock.t and watches. pins..- and pocket l.i.nk-, jowaharpH and in .-an-, n, i vr ci. ,|iit-t and table croquot, tiiannnln, nrvhaieini, earom, crokiiiole, arcbain, lxtcki;amiiiou,ten pina, cheokrrx, .loniin HJR, pilh.M ilex, buckaawund horite, etc., etc. All for ale at W. K UIOHAKDSON'S made no i.iijeeiioii until after jn-l^. m.-nt waagivni and the bailiff >ei7.ed ih.; ^,i..tls in execution. The quHtion hm nut l>. n net i lutt yet, out it seem* (hat no maiter how UI..H! a defence a man has it will nut avail him anything unluna he takes proper lu^al Mti-iMi by disputing the claim. A tome what similar cane nccuirt-d ill Liatuwel Home yean .->i{.'. Juduiiient wan Kiv.-n HI: ui.m a party- in LUiowid for a nelit (Juu by another man nf rim aamu i. amp. The party avivud, kii'iwmij he h-did n.'t owu rhe money, did imT injt in a defence ai.d Inn! to pay the del it ill Mtisfactn.n i-f jiinciii.'' t. Tile can; was aopcidt-.i but I he Jin(i<e licld that il:- iit.r- imiice "f the la-r did n. t excuse ,md lliat in the .ii ..-nee of d.'t'i-iice he nn piwt-rt.. ^t.iy the uxecutinii of juiiiiiuunr. I)r S. 1'. May. iupcriiireinlent of tin public libi -an -t, h i K !<.. ird a ur.-i public libr.iriea The n:imst. r ..f iidn- C.ltlnll Kil.S til ejt'll that lullll II .1.1- III the lllah.i-lMi'cnt nf all I liinirii-it. T'IH IMI^.III-SH year in public libr.iriea i-l in tiru'C tli*e on >1 < "!' of Deceui'.i i- in-ie.-i.i ..f tin 'M^t . f April. 1 rn.elly. Allllli.ll lili-l-'l. _;- <*li! llcl.e.i.l'i ; i-h. il n l!:e wtV-ill Moll nay 111 .la. u ity .,t e.-i- !i >... n.' ... th f.c' ' ! t news ia|n-r ar.. i ml but in in. int ri.oiii:- r.'-'U s, /.ill s :.. i . ! i d t'n. .-an. r , ~ !i<M>k<, li.y IMJ purcliiiaul tin- -auie .. paper. I, r ran s i..'. a week niny li- i ntitlt-U In a aiant ii..r ^1'K), .lid t In '>-. (it'll t * ICC a Week sliall I .. i-n t -1. I i . i i mi nut exi 1 The Markets. Carefully (orr<--t-d I:.M r'lour ............... Wheat. white ....... red ......... Wheat, ! Oati I'-arl^y Hutn-r ' ''resti I'.ilk . - \Vo..l II'. I I 111 (.11 rn (ill to J4 .., 17 ; 17 'Ml '.. f:j W i t;' l ik> jr. 17 17 I in ," <xt ; ! to THE BEST STOCK YE7 COVCHS i l.i 'V. ' ' mle , .1 -i > i.iai*. "It Df . \ ,- . .1.1:1 NHO.V \VivkU- (il..l.c l^.ly \V,.i | Daily N.-WH Daily b'tar A l.'si..'Ael biiMiiiM in.ii haN H rntlict UlulHiril c*v- ill court Ht |Mi-,i-i,t A m-n living in (lalt owed linn KM account Hixl lie eiitrrod Huit to i.'o.v. i . Tti loHttcr WUK (ilftOud in Imilitt't ruin. Is niul llir |i,i|icr were Nerved ii|>nii wmlhvr nmu o. tin- Xrimo IIHIII... li.iwi-ver, IM tin- 011141111! ik'b.>T. Tin- nmu who wnti IT,!I), |M) tliuilil <ii'p :.dn\'/ mi liij 111: W- I C, Jl(l Uol Uti l We know cf nothing better than coughing vj i to tear the lin- ing of your throat an 1 lungs. It is better than v. a feet to can- . bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep i? up and you will succeed i:> reducing y >ui- weight, losing your appetite, slow fever. act] making evfv- thing exactly right for the germs of consumption. Better kill your cough I before it kills you. It '< DH&K.&K.I | The Leading Specialists of America) 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. [WECURESTRICTUREl Tbounuid* of jonng and mMdle-i.iredl I men are truubUil with thii|in&M mm y I I unouniwinuily. They may have a smart- I 1 iu* aenMtiun. mail, twiitiu* tln-nra. f b%rp cutting paiin at time*, slight dis- charge, difficulty in eounm-ncing, weak j organ*. einii-ai>o. and all the y mi.t. ,mi of rmrvom deMlitj they have BTR1O TI'KK. Don't lev t'octoraexperiuifnt on run. riuo- enton , ilretching. <>r ti-nring lwill notciirynu.asi( will re- I m , _______ >-nn. by cutting, Tbilwill notciirynu. tnm. Our NKW METHOD TKKAT- ] kills coughs cf cv;. kind. A 25 cei't botti o i is }ust righ: for an ordi- Ki nary cough; for the /> harder coughs cf bron- chitis you will need a 50 ^ cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. My roach rlured me to a nwre leti'ii I tru-il uiany ren, .1 M--.. ljut t hey lM f.iili^l. After IIH:,I){ t,ho ' .. , l'herry'1'wt.iral 1 imnM-ilfcu'-'y I K%n to imi'iuve, and thr< 4 o iM.tii.-^ i. ~ .rM me tu hi-.Uth. 1 belwrre 1 owo my lite to it." AABAB F. MUROAN, Oct. 7,18. llrnwntown, Va. . M I-:NT atmurbi the itricturo heiicoremuirithei<trictnrpennaQnMy. Itiiin nevr return. No rin. no iniler- ln. no detention from buxineu by oar method. Theiaalorgau9arKtr<.ngth- ened. Tha norvef are invigorated, and j the blimof manhuud rolurm. WECURE GLEET Thuaiandf c< young and middle-aged j I men are having thoir toiual iigr and rilality continually tapped by thin die- u*. They are frequently aaconwioaii of the caune of the?e pymptoms. General W oak new, Unnatural DiKbitrgea, Fail- | ing Manhood, Ni'rvmisno.-<. 1'. .-r .M.-ra- I cry, Irritahilitj , at tinier Smarting Men- tation. Sunken Eye*, with dark cin-lef. Weak liiiok, Uenernl l>errenion. Lack of Ambition, Varicocwe, Shrnnken Part-, etc. ULEKT and STKICTt KB may b6 the eaum. I>un't consult t unily d..c'-in, u they have no experiencn in these fptcial di'i-mcs don't allow Unackntu experiment on yea. Consult Sj ijcuiJirfU, wnwhavo madeaUfettlndvof | UiwatenofMen and Women. UurNGW MUT110D TREATMENT will pt- tivly cure Ton. Ono thoiiMnd JoUarii fur a eaNWe accept for treatmont and I oannotonr*. Terms moderate (or a cure. I I CURES GUARANTEED I We treat .and cnrp; EMISSInN.S, I VARICIM-ELK. >i I-IITI.IS. UI.KKT, i STKICTI KK, IMI'iiri-iM"!. SF-'KET DHAlN-i. I'.'.'XATl UAI, DISC. A Kit- ES. KU>N'RYandHLADI)KKl CUNM'LTATH'N Fli! KUKK. li unable to call, writo for I Jl KSTinM BLANK tvt 110ME CUKAIMKNT. KENNEDYS KERGAN I Cor, Michigan Aye. and Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. K&K. K D. McTavish FLESHEI^TON REPAIRS... Fr Manaey-Harris, Nnxnn, Flcury mid Wilkin.i<'ii faitii mi| lements leiiry and Verity pluwa on liAnd all the tune '<> all kind< n if|irs Fr the >amn. NV nianufacturo WagBa, Hu^gics. Cutters, S!,.i-li, etc., iirsenh.xMiif "roinptly attendi'il tn. SpociNl litlentiun to under con- tracted fert. +*> njii'K *d Plow Chains cH8tant)y on liand. "t. "n*** !>"- !. ! 4. iii . , * * t T ? ? ; * ? ? ? ! 5 ? ? f ? ? 5 ? ! J ? ! ? ? ? f * ? ? ? ? ? t ?? f t f t f tt il M Wt 1 1 * ?M tf j? lf * J *** FOR OOOD Sleighs and Cutters. I Go to John H. He.'iul & Son, who 'have ^ j|j number of Sleighs and Cutters on hind rrady to run. Also two cows and a number of Phmonthrock Cockerels for Sale. :: * Ei ; : . i . . : *-.* vv J. H. Heard & Son ....... *ftt r

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