\ HOVEMBHR 30 THE FLESHERTC7N ADVANCE I*, __ ___^,__ r (turdo Me t l.l.OUOII * YUUNQ Hunkers. Markdale Do * K-meral baiikliix buinea*. Moony loauiyi i a i. i-Kiiablo rate fll on tin. A S \ \Mil-M.V J I' Clerk >lli lllv Court. Co Orejr i.f Marriage Licensee, ConveriMii Kotiv, Public ,,-iu. iiuii-wr. M<>nev to loaned ' 1 1 oin - to 6 per cent. i moderate. FL.BHirr.HToN r o DKLITH COLLECTEL, Tha uu.lernlgned li pteparnd to aa.U-rt.ik*. tin- collutlniu ul all kind* of ilebla ti-i houxbt, account!* collected, etc. K N Hl.MH.liHiiN. Fle*bertou T( illM.I TT KlHibertou Station l - .i-."nvtfr. (i>.iiinisii<ur In H C J, Coney an is '-i.. iA*e* and willM Drawn. M.,... . i . . i, i t ~.J |-er ceut and up- waii- Uabt* coll.'. t.'.l i liar;ei moderate RJ ttl'UOfl.r. i ton r in II i .1 . Auctioneer Con Vei . i".-r. A|>i>rtlir HII| Money l.en.li i Heal K-*tat* aii.1 IM MI i n-(- Agent. Dee.)' leaau* an I will' carefully drawn 111' 'j I \.ililtlonr. in. i l mi *llortt u. ti , i itU * o[ Interval, '"i t f t with |>rnni|.' 1:.-- I .w. \_. i .1- u, .-an H.iinini it. ui|i Conipam. A tall solicited. AO r \v i tins and third Monday In oai-h in "it>i. i-i ,anr lodge mi>m, '-.ton. at Hp Ul A. ' : .V . \ M '...-..ii. Recorder: V. Itollni i> . Kuiaii' i i. Vi.itn.^ b'ethtca it tit. I FINCK AUTillll liilHiK. No. MM. A. \ II. !ne.;t lii tli UiKoutc hall. Strain blftck Ft...: . v r'ri.lay oa or before .1 t li..;.. I W M. W J . COfUr Kl 'S. 1. O. r. meet. In Chmtoe'i : ..... k tliu laii Krl la\ uveniiiK la em h ni'.nlh Vi.ltin.! l'i>reter livartih . I. II li I)-. ...n , It. 8, V. Van- TVK ' I.. LITTLE 11. nliMt. I nu r-ii. of Tnronto and Hoya! r. .!!.!. ..I IKiutal Surgeoni. Fit- . I .1.1,1) Mid Toeertay of eacb I) P. Ulk-Tliurs.lay. Prlduy and Saturday ol ea.'.t kldiwi-ll-Laat Wodartday la each month JI' 1IAKSHAI.I, M I) H. I) I) H. t, DH >< G l-i.it" Tnronto t'ulTenlty anil Hoyal < .: liimt.J i .. \l, i iii.i II', UK. Dundalk every frldav aduinuun, init.-u I of Klebertou DR. I C. Ml'KK \ V, I.. I). K., d..ntl aorgeon. .t.i I'nlv.-rKity ai..i I . t i.lli-iii- ..f D iitl H irin-om uf (Milan dill . i ], i..n . i....i'k Ki.-~nertun Will TWt KKvwnliam tb lat WJni!>day> f vat It mouth JOHN W KltOS T. I, I. II iur.i>t< r. riuii.v.or CoiiTeyancer. etc OH. N. \i t i .1..III.... Hproule'a lilock, f-l. hnrioii, 'rv Saturl.iy ami court day" N I', im.-n Sunn. I i.ll,.-.\ Kruet't block i mreet iiaal. LUCA-- \\M(illT * IIATSUN ItarriM.i^ - i. ,i.n ( onreyancer*. t Or'!-." Oa-.-n Sound, Ont ami afarkiUIn Out W II WHI..II.. r A IUT*ON I H l.i-i A. N I! I li.Kli.-rti.il oilior. Ultebell Dank Vui) s.it.,r.litt. Tl i XKU A 1'ATTKKHON llarrinterH. Solicitor!, et Molaon Hank, Owen Ronnrt MAIlllY TUCKKh OKO W TATTKIWON MCKAV i \ . i I llarrlttera, . (IKKUKS : Owi.ll i iiml, Mur.-hanfi. rlank HI, irk, N .f I'^tt .r..n Uuuee. Dun.lalL, Alai. ktt(.t, every Saturdny .o. M^cKAv, M A , II Crown Attorney forUrvy. ittnlical Dlt lit TTON M I) .' M, M C I' id H Out, Prloevllle Orfiue next floor to Hrown'a atore ; realdnce O|i|uilt al the old pott olllee, re*ldenu of lati- Alex Hrowu. OlDoe ,la> l'uxlay> and Hmtur day*. DU CAIITKK U C P A H Out. I'd . -Irian. Rnrcnnn. etc PlMBeTton olTlce -Htialn'* block. KaaMenoe Mnnnhaw M Hotel Toil* A HCOTT. M B l,lrl,,-i l-i.llni'.. 1'livRle. A SlllK.ir.nn Ontario (im.luat. >n Mr.irrme of Toronti Dnlwfftlty, Fellowship liiplonw, Tout i.m.lu al.- Mirliral H. In... I an. I M'wi-ttl. (hi...-,. lll'eaie* i.f (no, car, noun an. I throat >|HH-lnllv treated. HenMn.cu .Maxwell, vlalt* K**i*liain Tliuridyai I a JP OlTKWKI.I, \ eti.rlnarr BurReon Orailnate of ()ntvlo Vutnrlnarjp lltfMldenoe ,'ri.n.i doin tonth went on Mary (treat Till* itreet ma* *outh I'reubvterlan cin.i. I. OAV. MACK" I I''. Vnlerliiarv Hurgmn anil Dentlnt. Ua> well, tira.liinln ..r Ontarni \ ,-I.T I liar v r,,l|,.,... (jni.iali.il with Tninntii ri.lvi.iNln \ , r .IHiMlllila Wi..ln, ,U\ fi.,.n II a in to 1 ] in. an.l Kev' nl.Aln Tb us Ujr fnnn I to A |i. Mi. r , ! Photos "*** Twn*b**p, marked "U" oa left ilionMor Infnriaallon a* to tholr wh*reaSol will Iw Hiaiiklully rnoeivii.l l>> tin- itu,lmlnJ W. DYSOK yucherton. 8e|'t. U. 1W. ~m 4 TAKl-N --AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery * j, are done in firil-cla*R atyie and at I I .wet rates. Special attention $i KiTeo to copying. Kabie*' photos. '& dl a specialty. Picture* framed. MRS. BUIJIER I W. BARNHOUSE Wisln-8 t > drft tin- Httfiition of the I'nt. h<- to the following : FLO UK IN BAGS Of nil M/.e* anil as Cheap a* the ehe'ip t. Sp.-enil IJartffiinR in I! mid i> Kirn I ota. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in eason . , . Groceries and Provisions. ami OH IN MITTS ami I.I Nioi imwlf to order and on Sli. N ut ice. . BARNHOUSE, Flesherton THE FLESHERTON Qm0rfttm Is the place to buy your lilun Itobei, Mitts, Sun-ingles. Hugs wool, llnhhi-r ami Oih d ; Whips and lashi Currycombs and briiHlK'H, Suapj and I'.iN. lUhei-s all M\|CH and si/.i M ; Sleigh I'n-IU .'f i-very description, Sweatpadn, Collar pads, llmisitHtK. Now is the U"ie ID buy your Hai- ness before the prico advances. NVe make all Rtylos with the beat malrni! ut tho lowi-Hl |H>snil>le living prices. Wm. Moore FLESHERTON. BOAR for 5ERVICE The rogltered Timworth Boar PORT I.\W IA> fn R.-rvic at r.nt I*w Certificate i-an l-c ...'! tiy a;>i. \ in*; t j ,.u t . i V O. THUaW84>N. jvf ew M.-ivin purjli.isril ill.' triinurial !>n--i ui'i.' friiin ilr I.i-(! ird 1 wish fn uninniiuv that the IIIIMIU-.-. will )< continue*! in the old priMiiiKcH. \Vc IIAVC had a UI^H city rxpcn.'iiiT mil holiuvn e uin uivu por'oct aatiKfact ion in our line. llavd taken ovtT tin- uitcucy '"r - AND - ff*ark*r'* - <Dy - Work,, And all orders Mi ith us will receive prompt and cnrpful attention. Flesterl.n Stiayin Parlors . Prop. Drt'jfu* ; the Priwrntr of vii',, i H | M ,a. Full Ht.-ry of liloNt ii'innil.>ililc Military Trial and m-.-tn .11 i.f the age. Hii- lnHik, well illa-,1 n.tc.l, Hell* mi night Simp ( r c.timitvti nUADIKY -UAKKKTHON Cr. . Limited, ltKANTri)Ki>, OUT, Clubbing List For the ner.efit of our Rnhwcribrn we .IJ^KIII thi* year nuliinit th following oluhtiiun rnti K for the CIIMIIII.' year. AH mont jwpera vivn l.iilnnce of 18H1> free t, new HiihmTili IK it will ho nine to hand in your mihacripti.ma UK rarly an |MiHNitile thoreby rrurit iny trenlor value fur your money. Advane.. and Montreal St*r $l.HO " Woekly Mail (t Kinpne 1.76 " Weekly Glob* 1.65 " Daily World 3.00 " Daily New* 1.80 Daily 8Ur 1.76 County Council The following U coiidenaatinn of buiii- 1 1 can Iran ctitd at the county e.iuncil IHHI werk. In it will lie found tin- nn.at im- portant nnhiiie-i> di.nu and auch ni.viir i will prove of intureiU to the inaj< of our reidi'la : Mr. \\ , anon presented a report from the Kducation C'oniinirleu dealini^ with the matter of the formation of * new school section in Euphrama which had been referred back to it at the lust meet HIK. It recommended that in reference to the appeal of K. W. Hill and other* iii;,iinst the re film I of the township coun- cil of Euphnmia to alt>r the hnunil.'irie* of Hchool Rectum* f> and 7 and IITIII n a new school secliom, an arbitration be Ifi. iiited itiul tli.ii no itttii.ii to be taken upon H petit. .ii from the irnsieen of uiin.n school hectimi No. 5 Euphnuia and Col- liii|>wood tppealmii axam.st the action of nrl.itratoi'h In regard to tlm'b. .iimlariea of till :t school see' loll, mill In refelei . a letter Ir tho truitien of si.-hool irctinn N". ~> Kn|i!ii i-i.i ii-jaiiiNf tin- tonna'i .it of a new Kcliool hection. .lini'j.- i'rc.i<.m. I'nl.lic S, -li... ! Inspector (iiier, of l:^' (Jn-y, mi I I'ouiKy Coiiiiiuwioiier Me l)onnld Mere recoinendi d us arhilr.i' i -. The lepi.rt wus MMaiawMta|f ado] Mr. KiclianlMon unniiiiced Unit HI em, he. lii. n witli the Hpeoitl coinnnliee :i| IM.IIIII .1 III the I l-t KesMoll mill a MeW t..il. \ i-iii'.' s.'in.- l.i Her and nioreei|Uitable .n ..f nmd cniistiuc'ioii and main- tun-tnre In h:id inut.'t Mr. A. \\ . I .in.pl !. prix'iiicial ruad coiniuiaai'iiKr, to d.-.r. er all (whiles* to the coin, ell in the -lllijool. Mr. U it-"ii wax i' ranted periniaxioii to 'or liner mid .Mr. .l.ii.n Mcd. n. ild i ri.-i' i i Meiion wi:h vutn till fi.rinlltloli Ol II 111'* M'lllH.t ti..ii 111 Eiipliraw'B, ami tlie by law was UM I ill I'.-i M Anoihei l-i. 1 butch m accounts wan pri si-nti .'. ii. :-iiiinj a>:cunlN Ir-.m t'oui- inis.i'.neis \\illscroftainl Mi inn. .11 nf til ii(l, in I tfl.'i bii intpecunu n p. ins i |.rnl_'i * on il.e town line of Holland and eiiely in d ,ii"i ft mi .l.'lii! M < .mi, tin M.. is ni and Alex. Me .Mi ..in aiiionn'iiii! t.i fcl.i'.i i'. f"i ihesinit* ; it-inn the t.'Wn.hip in iMir-'i ol Kepp-l of <..:; I /i foi i -\. iiiiinatu.il an 1 coliii Jn.i- Inn ill 's u, tin- ..sjluin ; and from K >.\- Dowall $1<KI. iiO for nurvey, plan, and in i-cti.'ii for the .-'eel bridge mil 1'olta- wittaniie in. r. The rule* i-f ordurof butine** were iheu ll--pelidiil. Mild I'ronniliil l{..;i,l Insl-eit- ur t 'miii* ell, win. w*f piesent. wa* uivit- eit tu llud , eis the C'lll.r.l. Al the l'i.|i- elu-ii'ii ot hv ad Irea* a I.eatly expretawd vote of thank* wan propom d by Mr. chin. 'LII nnl Keconde-i by Air, Krns'. and I'.irrie-i by a aiauuing vote. Mr ( .tiopbi-li snilnbly acknowliilyi.! the con i t cay. Mr. I'restmi reported for the finance CoiiiiniUi rec nnncndlliK il) the payment of the f'.lionioi! ace iuut : .1. hn Me- II..M i.d, i-oiinty pn-p. it\. $7 ; Owen > ,.ii.o. rent if town lull for June sessions, $'J.^ ; t'leik ol the i'eace, scrubbing rooms, J'J ; expresa charges i'a ctntii ; ( opt- t'l.nk A C'o , jni. .is l,o. ks $&.M ; H. .1. hxlvar. f:.ao ; I'ailu-r \- Co , rC. n ins . '!' K. Wen- 81.75; frii.'ht .Imrmw $.02. Tile n pi.lt alHU re, olnllli-piie.l thnt ill" v n,i KHIIC Ills older I : >l >il tu lie di p. sited in tlie Uink a a s|i. in latloin i> ine-iint. and reported Unit tUvtionciy had been distributed aino>u lln- HII1..V1-. .tti.-i.ilx as follow* : sin iitl, 9'^ 4M ; j iiier, 94.:to ; judges cliam ets, yil 4'. ; il. IK of the KUiiuuale coiirta, (u4.*K! ; clerk of the peace, $1'.I.1U ; emu ty cleik ^4.31 ; county aiejitora, (f:i IM ; and county treasurer, lf.> 40. I ne report as :.d, pted without objection tm- ing i. us*. i. Air. McKiiinon presented a n-port from the r..d bridge coirnnttei! rrcum- mending the payment of the fo l.,,>,ni; Hivonnls . .1 K. Kawcett building; liud^e li.Hli lino ol I '..!!, imwo.il and Knpln.iM.i. tfliin . repainnj biidge town line Sv Vincent and Kuphranm, f(M . .In.. Kob- ni)(ur, cudar to cover bruU'e on county lino between I Jrey and lirucc, half sliaie, !.7i> ; I. I'leller buildiiiu cnli of binl^e north of II. mover .11 county line, hilt slnue, JKi-', Lulls, l.i cent* ; and .lamei Li.ikor, iii>i|H'ctiiiK ami plan, #4 M 1 ; .lame* tin-en, repairing approach * "I sieel hi nines MI"' h ot llanoiiron county line, 75 cents and repairnui. wo-iden bridue IM Ciiits; H. Unchain lumU-r fur bridge, on county line n.>ith o| Han- over, <(Xi..'<<l ; V. Himbi-cki r ie|i..n.n^ bridge, (si.lb . John Morrimm repauint( briJge un tnwn line of llolliind nnd (llfiieW, JU) ; Hubert Crawford repMr- IliK bridal' on county line between tiie\ nnl Urn. i\ $4i7,50 . town of Tliornbury, rupairini{ Imdu , f 13 10 ; Jan. ArthtifN, rvpairinn brulnes mi county line be men lirey ai.d \\ elliiixdm, $31.6( ; Kobt. Edun covfrnii; bridge on township Inn between Kkjri'iiinni and Norinaiiby, 925 ; D. Allisday, repair!iix liruli(e on boundary line between tiny and Willing. ,n. tt 7."> ; Alex. McMillan repaying bridge on tiiwn line between Holland ami <!l(-nel^. ?l44.;i."> ; .Inlin Mct'ann, repair ini{ bridue on town Inn- beuv<en Hollamt and (ilentilg, {'I ; and I'li.m Wilhsoroft, 14. M) ; and Chat. McKiiinon, fl.'i m- iprcling bridge* on town linn b.-tni-en Hollaiid and l!|ei>el^. The commrtee n-comim-nded that action in the matter of contlrniing by-lnw o ol the tow.Khip of Derby cloning tho .-i 1^111:1! rond all- wmu-e between II.IH 15 and Hi c.'iiiH-iuiions II and 11) lie defined un'il the January s.-si n for turlher inforination. Thu repoit wa odopied , lln nit diiH-imaioii. My- law 57;i in ^luranteo the g."iKNi debenturrs of the villmi -if Dtind.-ilk w !s introduced by Mr. Trenton mid received in Hnal ri-ailin.'. The achiMil inspector's iep.irt showed that 221 pupils tried the entrain ex- amination* and that 130 paaivd ; I'.'l tried the junior leaviny exaniinAliooaand 7- pii.ien. .Son I. (,, v *howed a de- cieiaein the number writib/ on these ii.itiun.-, whilu ill* South had an li.clvitau of 15. A coinmuinciilion wan read from the ink county council suiting that Imny w.i* pl.-.ivd to learn Unit *ri-y county was M'i:..ii-ly coiiNideruiK the matt. xl ri-itds and i>ivitin^ me:nlM-r* of this , council to meet, tin- Mncial c-nnmiite^ there. In c.Miinutice it wajiilendwl to recom- mend Mr. lii' hints n ol hle iert<-n a* drluti'iti' to lh<i ^oi-l n. mis love feast Ul York cuttii \ An .irt.itiiiti.iii r. inin'iice waa app<iiiit- i I to (li'Cnie m. tit i i- i , : Atvnunionaciiunl fCt|.-n.s l.i N .11... I,;.. (iiinp*>ed of Menra. .'I i'. .omr, \,.it*xi and tlie Warden I l.i-, mailer l.aa bueu beb.r.- uiicM I'T ab-i'i" 'ui, >. A COUple ol I . ilMiiKIl I in Mt. Foi CM. . n for the auiitur> ad-i more to it. Mr. Wm. \\ ..Id th- i >!' villc Ami .1 ''. 1I...1.I-. In-.-lii. : Mr. Mi l\ i. IK ... . i r. .-n.f . i'r..wn Attnru.-\ M.!;.\. li >>: utnl-rstiH>l that Mr. v> . . ; . . n on a lead 1 1 , The Markets. C'orrrrti-il Kloui V , i . wlii u .... I i I 1 ' . . 1I*-U 40 *> l to I, Ml to 60 L'4 to 26 'o 55 JH -,. : . 8 00 4 8.V :::, , 40 .:> n. 30 n. 7 t.. P.* 18> 17 II 40 - THE BEST STOCK YE7 arinv . -r U i U . i -i.t "' / '/ ' - A persis- tent cough is i /at first a ' friend, for it r.ives warn- ing of the ap- proach of a -!y ene- my. Heed the warning before it is too late, be- fore your ' v'i=r- lungs be- "come i n- flcmed, be- fore the -'s, "Consump- v. hen t!:e il.ingcr . rC \vi: Don't delay until your lungs are sore :id your c'>!d settled dovn deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly Mow kills you. Cure , f couj;h today. Oiio dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete. Torn i>ut: lie. fer ai ertlurr ceU ; <V. lor I it karevr coM ; tl.M Ike avMt euaecM: Iw (tear caata. " 1 rontldrr jronr Tberry Pectoral the Itrtl reuiedr fur coldi and r,,.i"h ami all throat affection*. 1 U.*v.' used it for 3o yean and It cettAinly brau ili.-ni all." I>. u. I.i'Mxrr, Tec. M, 1KM. I'nton, H. T. If you hftTany romplatntwbatervr an4 d*lr tl.ft.rit medical adrlceyon ran p.4lblr receive, wrl'a th* Unotor f mcfr. Tou will reorlTf. prompt re- ply, wilt. MI! ,,,i. A.l.lrMi DB.J.C. ATEK. Lowall. MaH. K -K&-.IV-KI Tea Luting Sp6"ii!!s's of America I 20 Years In Detroit, 2:0,030 Curd. IWECURESTRICTUREI i'booavadf i-f T" m and mi l.tU ad| menarctroablcd witblUi dlm nia I ) llimaMlllninlj They inajr have a * I inC MBaatioD. imall. t<ri*ttnc itrraa, I rharp euttinr pain* at thaw. lUht dky I chart*, diau-uliy in eomiameinc. weak I onruu. minioni. and all the 17-11 ' m I of nfiroo* dfbilitj th*y hare .- 1 10- T! KK. l)on'tliit<loct>ripn -. j T'.II, by euttir.f , itntrhinc. or ?I.M-<U> I you. Thiiwill iinteor*-', a. *i it i r- 1 farn. Our N KW ME'lHOU 1 1 MKXT ah>rb th. itrictur- MDMr*moTMtnitrictiirpnBani My. It can crer return. N i*in, no *.<ttt- to*, no detentioa from tufiner* by oar method. TbeMxaalorr\nfar*trec(taV '".\ UTT* ar* inriorat<i. and | tha blU* of manhood rvtiirDS. WECURE GLEET Tboarandi of ynunf anil ml-l-]lat4 I men an) harinf their Mioal M.-T -pii vitality continually rarrod I'f 'h" 'li*- ea.-*. Tbcy are frequently nneonvi.ia* i f the<-nu<e<>f theMirmntomt. Uenvral Wvaknrm. I nnatural liiha-f. rail- ing Manh.xvl. fferrounne**, !' ory. Irritability, at timf sm*rnn e- -.inki'ii Kju, with dark c.'-le*. Weak liiwk, Item-rat l>prt"n. Lack I of Au.'.ition. Varieorel*. ."hnirluai Part., eta. ULKET an4 SIIU | may be lh* oaute. Don't CIUKU'' ily J'>cUjr, a* thpy havo no ei.^-nen. in the** special dijeiuc* don't r. ow | (^uaokR to iperiment on yon. Pon^ult I MPtff'l) iilEATMKNr' wi:T"i'.'l- ti\ely cur you. One thoumml ils.!* for a cae we accept f r treatment and I eannotcure. TerrnimoUeratefurarur*. I CURES GUARANTEED I We treat *n4 onr: EMI.--' 1 ^ I VARICtH'RLK. M I'llTLIS. ul r ; nU'TI KK, F.MPOTKNOY, PK '.KT IiRVlN-' 1 NNM1 KAL DISi'llAKA- t.s. KII'N'KVan.l l!LAIiriKKJ'--i. OINBILTATIHN J'RKK. KKi:K If unable to call, writo for Cor. Michigan Ae. and Skeioy St, DETROIT, MICH. D. McTavish REPAIRS... F -r Maaiey-Harria. Ni-xon, Flenry nd Wtlkinicn farm ini| lemonts Inury and Verity pli.wn on haiid all tlio time also all kind* o repnrt Kr the lainn. We manufacture \Vagna, Huugsen, Cutteis, 8leii!h, etc., |]onehoein|r 'Touiptly attended to. 8pecil it'cnti n to tender ccn- ir.ic'ed feet. j" -ijinx and Plow Chain* constantly on hand. ;" .<... .!........ I. .4. ) . f If f f f f f ft TfHlIf f f ITT ITI f ft f I f f Tit fBtf ttf ttf 1 1 f TTltf If f Iff Till? f ftff f I FOR GOOD Sleighs and ::: Cutters ("o in J.-hn 71 f T iau] & Son, who have a 2Sj number of Slci^b-s ;uul Cutters on hand read)' to : :: run. Also two cows ,uul a number of 1'lymouthrock ^| Cockerels for Sale. ::: J. H. Heard & Son 1 i......!a&.i.i....a.i.i...,^^