THE FIODERED GALLEON. M, WKaTHKKl.T < HKMNET AND ALJCU HCNHO. (Copyright, liwi, l>y the Author*.) "I'm afrun)," said the doc-tor. rathi*r Impatiently, "that onr enterprise will not be auything in your lina You see, we're not going on the surface of th. ocean only, bat we intend to navigate oar craft underneath it as well. " The visitor nodded gravely three or four times, receiving witbunt tb. least traoa of surprise tbia piece of Informa- which had startled to many Utfuiv aim HU countenance remained as Im- passively wooden aa it bad been before. "I doan* zee ei 'ow that matters, ar I never bin on the water in my Ufa. o I be jnst ex inucb at borne nn derneatb on ez I shonld be atop. I b a wonderfnl man to tettle down, zo they ay. A TfHr come next Martinmaa I went into Tannton for a fortnight an la four flays the strangeness had worn off altogether. Think of that now. znrl" Him Colepepper's choking attack tit- came acute again at tbia point and necessitated remedial measure* on the part of Gnthrie. "If* wonderful bow aome people can adapt themselves to circumstances. " prononnced the doctor with perfect gravity. "Then yon have thought thia matter ont thorunKbly and are quit* certain you wish to juint" The farmer waited minute or two to collect hia thoughts. "I zeed un in the paper we get of Zaturdays. " he de- clared at length slowly, "night after onr Alderney calved it were, an that must be zuinmat about a month agon* now, znr. I sbowml nn to Abel, an Abel 'ee zee, 'Cain. thn be a blamed Tool.' Tarrible 'ard mout'ed man. be aoy brother Abel. zar. " "Well." said thH doctor, seeing that b* paused for counient, "and so you worked it ont by yunraelf and decided to ventnrf" The farmer nodded. A faint, a very faint amile flickered about bis large plain face and its hamliks coloring deepened a trifle in tint "Me an Znsau Pierce. She waa des- prit let on it, was Ztii-an. It's her, " be added, turning slowly round so aa to faoa Dolly "it's her I be keepin com- p'uy wi' She's biiok learnt is '.'isnn. an ab* zee. 'Cain, tliee go an make for- tun' an then ooiuu buck an thon shall Barry I for tbee paina. ' Tarrible clever wench Is Zuaan. mine 'er I keepa com- |r*w w l'. M "Anl" aald the doctor. "Woman at the bottom of itl Might have guessed that Well. I can't decide this matter all on my own responsibility. Yon stay here. Cain WhutVyunr-nmne. while 1 go and discna* with my partner in the other room." The farmer slowly nodded bla Urge bead, and then, when the doctor had gone, turned round again to Dolly. He did not HpfHk He only looked at her. But it was mtwt businesslike Blare. Victoria herself who was visiting; him. In fact Cain almost became voluble, which after events showed was a won- derful tentiiuonial to Mia* Dolly'a pow- ers. When Dr. Tring returned, he brought bis partner with him Captain Colepsp- per looked at the farmer, said nothing for about minute, and then, turning to the doctor, remarked shortly in an undertone, "No aailor, doctor, and never will be: but he'll do to turn that crank of yours." "Then yon think we bad better ac- cept the gentleiuau'* offer t" "Yes." And tbna Cain Lavenba'a name was written nnder that of Tom Jellj, and I the ketch Eureka added another and surely the strangent specimen of all to , her collection of nautical curioa. No, j Captain Colepepper waa not proud of I hi* crew. But the captain, the doctor, the nn- dergradnate. the two Jellys, the waiter and Cain Laversba made up only seven f a crew, and just now it was stated that there were eight Who, then, waa tha other t It was Mis* Dolly Colepepper. A* Dr. Tring had propbewied that she would. the claimed to benefit by the precedent which bad been set up by their accept- i anc* of Mrs. Jelly . if on* woman wa* 1 eligible, their arguments, aha declared, fell to the ground. And so they might do a* they pleased i hont giving her per- mission, for she me mt to got At tbis declaration her fall r fumed, the doctor demurred argumcn .itively, and Gnth- . rle, with the miita cen daring of inex- perience, ventured n> support her appli- cation. She, in reti rn, snubbed the un- dergradnato, laughi I at th* doctor and kissed her father, and that wa* the end of It The opposition, though thorough- ly disorganized, of COOTM mad* a ahow of further resistance, but th* young lady bad her way. and perhaps, if th* truth bad been spoken, neither her fa- ther nor Dr. Trin:; wa* In hia heart sorry that bis authority was thus de- rided. And, as for th* undergraduate, h* waa openly and .shamelessly glad. After all. Captain Colepepper remark- ed jeauitically to the doctor, Henrietta wa* a woman, am*, a* Dolly aaid. ah waa accepted . *o And then the sailor had the grace to blush, for hia ally wa* actually laugh- ing at him. Capltifn t'ulffii ;>/'' funked at tht farmer. nd Inn littln \I\K'K ryes wander. 1 ovet her from hair to Mipper. I'eople al- ways did nmMii 1 1 tiava a COHI..HM l.'.lly rude halnt uf nt.nii>ir at Minn Ci>lepi<|i per. thought UNI him angrily; but. to tell HIM truth. --In- neenn-il rather to lik* it than uthcrwim- On this particiiliti occasion, however, after she hsd been gazed tit fixedly for live s]>eechlesa min- atee, sh* did hav th* good tast* d blush, and, turning away, begsn to ex* amin* on* of the doctor'* skeletons. Ob- serving this sign of K'nce i n th* lady. Unthrie suddenly rnnlized that th* or- deal had IM en really somewhat a cruel one, and ao be concliuled that It wa* time to draw the farmer into conversa- tion. "Mr. Cain," he began but the man Interrupted him with a wav* of on* of his huge tin inln "Just Cain, If 'ee please, car," h* aid "Abel, 'ee h nmister now, an zo 'ee bo th* malster in our varm. " This wa* disconcerting, and It wa* ow Miss Cole|ir|.|..>r it turn to com* to th* rescue. Sin- |ilun-.-il, therefore, Into the topic of chicken* and the enormous ifflonlty of rearing them (a anbject of which she afterward confessed that h* knew nothing), ami very soon sh* man- aged to work the (.inner op Into quit* an animated conversation. Before thre* suinnte* had pawed h* had given her an Invitation to mine down and stay a month at the farmhouse and assured bar that thounh AM waa a hard nuiiitlied man to m .-,i of hia species, he knew whut was dim to hi* betters and would behave a* liiongh It were (jueen CHAPTER IV. A JUOOKKNAI T or TH OCKaX. Th* Eureka wan rounding the island of Ushant and entering th* bay of His- i cay. So far wind and sea had both been on their best bed, vior, and the exhil- aration which comes from the breath- ing of the strong, pur* sea sir had ob- viously laid iii hold upon the two yonngrst members of the crew. Oath- ri*. with the ready hope of youth, had almost forgotten tl at lea* than a week ago h* bad walke by th* seashore of i Weston-dupcr M.M.I and bad groaned aloud at the thought of tb* "shilling a day and pipeclay" which h* bad deter- mined to face. Now hi* troubles wur* behind him, ami Iwfore him be saw only hope and fortune. The Flat Holms light, which had beckoned him ont westward, had been th* true beacon after all. As for Mirn Dolly, she had no troubles. and no. having ii' thing to forget, eh* could afford to enjoy the happiness of I the moment. And this, to tell the truth, i she did thoroughly Dr. Tring. who wa* standing by th* iimiiiiim-t. nmokiiiK cigarettea in end- i lens relays, watched the pair with an | amused smile. The undergraduate wat ' a complete novico in the matters of tin I sea, and so Mis* Colepepper, who, at her father's pupil, could hav* given points to MM. Jelly herself in th* knowledge of tiling nautical, was ex- plaining the mysteries of "knot*, hrndi nd dplices, " and illustrating her liwtnn with deft m ini]<iiliitioiis of sundry ' pieces of rope eml. (inthrie watched th* nimhlii tingera admiringly and tried to ' copy, but hia snccfiw was not overpow- ering, and when a particularly p. HIM | taking effort ended ignoruinionsly in i the production of a "granny," Miss ' Colepnjiper did not take the trouble to I conceal her scorn. "Doctor," Htm cried, throwing away | the ropti witli a nature of mock des|iir. k- '..11111 here. My pupil is no credit to "me. I shall havt> to resign the poet of ; schoolmistress un.t hand hint over to I Jon." "No," put in the culprit quickly, in low tones, "don't threaten to do that I'll be diligent." Dolly answered him with a glance, but said nothing; for the doctor, who had com* up in ohedienco to her mini mous WHS i. in. Inn; dose behind her. "Well, young people," aaid he. "en- joying yourselves, I nee. Umphl No harm in that This yachting weather's \. i v pliM-uit. iim't it, itiithrlet feel- ing all right. I HiipposoT" "Rather I" HiiHwerml th* young man eiitlniHiaHticiilly "Why did I never go to sea before? A sailor'* lif* seem* to be all pleasure. " "No, not all, young man." answer- ed Dr. Tring grimly- "There are such things aa storm*, von know, and." h* added quietly, "every sailor isn't quit* so lucky in hia company aa you seem to tin. I yours, -If And. talking of storiim. 1 fancy hy the look of the unmet that we're in forastiflish blow tonight. The Kureka ia dropping rat her bigger court < sies to the wave* than *h* did an hour ago. We shall have her shipping It green a bit presently, I expect Isn't that ao. Colepepper T" "Yes," *aid tb* captain, who bad joined the group, "you're right, doc- tor. It will be a case of 'all bands shorten sail' in another half hour if I know anything of th* signs of th* weather Well, we shall bare a chanc* of seeing bow the Eureka behave* in a sea." "Your watch all fit for duty. Cole- pepper, or has the tumbling found ont the landsmen t" The crew bad been divided into watches immediately on getting clear of the crowded navigation ef the Sev- ern. The captain had taken the star- board watch himself, and had under him the farmer, the German waiter and Ontbrie. Dr. Tring, who waa officer of the port watch, bad Jelly and bit wif* either of them, in the matter of pres- ent usefulness, worth all the captain'* trio put together. Miss Colepepper, though she bad pleaded bard to b* treated just like any other member of the crew, bad not been appointed to itber watch. "Tb* German 1* completely bowled over," replied Captain Colepepper gloomily. "Henrietta brought me word just now that he's down in the for* peak sick a* a Dover to Calais tripper, and groaning like a small earthquake." "Ab. be'* a bad bargain, I'm afraid a weakling: never make a sailor! And that nn-Cainlike Cain is he. too. stricken of the plague f" "No; he'* all right a* regards the stowage of bis holds." replied the ap- t*in. "He's far too phlegmatic to let a little jobble of sea upset bia internal economy. But be baa no sea leg* what- ever, and he showed me so plainly that he'd just tumble overboard at the very first good roll that I ordered him below ont of harm's way H* was no good that I could fee on deck, and I didn't want to have to dirty tb* first page of my logbook by entering, 'Hand lost verboard when abreaat of Land/. ' 8cy so prevent accidents. I aent him below. " "Then ar* yon going to let him stay there for the whole of tb* runt" "Mure or lees, doctor, yea. He'll never make a sailoriuan. lie's too fat and bulky. It would take at least a couple of year* to teach him bow to nse bis weight on a rope. No; he'd never make a deckhand. So it'* no nse to try. But all the same, I don't mean him to be a passenger. He'll have to turn to a* cook and earn hi* salt that way. He'll know a trifle of that trad* to atari with, I dare say, and we'll soon drum the rest into him. Duff twice a week, boiled beef, hot and cold, tea and spuds is about tb* ontoide, of our menoo, and it don't take much brains to rig up that Keep her away another half point Henrietta!" "Keep her away it is. sir." squeaked Mrs. Jelly, who wan at ths tiller "So." continued the captain, turning to (Inthrie. "as we've got a lame watch of it already, you'll hav* to do double duty, my lad; so mind you set to work and learn how it'* to be done. May a* wall begin now. Oo aft and take a trick at the helm. Henrietta'll teach yon in half an hour how to *te*r a course, if yon keep your wits about yon. " With a brisk "Aye. ays. sir!" the young man went aft. and the captain called ont to Tom Jelly to reeve an ear- ring through the third cringle on the mainsail and then to unstop th* reel tackle and overhaul it "If* going to be dirty, doctor, " he said, "so we'll just get her snugged down at once, to he ready for it Dolly, my laae, your place will be below for ths next 48 hours or so, I'm thinking; so you'd best be seeing about getting ont your needlework and novel* in preparation." "Mayn't I stay on deck, then?" asked Mis* Colepepper in a tone of disappoint- ment "No. Dolly. We ahall have the seas breaking over her tonight maybe, and I don't want yon to get an arm broken oranythingof that sort Besides, if you were washed overboard, yon would nevei have the spending of those Spanish dol- lars, would yon, uowT" Dolly laughed. "Counting yont chickens, dad," said she. "Well. I sup- pose I must go, but it's a shame, ii there's going to be fun. " "Plucky I" muttered Dr. Tring be- neath his breath. "lint Colepepper'* right " Throughout the day tha glass had been falling steadily, and that a heavy gale waa approaching there could be no doubt But the wind roe* gradually, and there was plenty of time to put th* ketch in to dirty weather trim before ah* wa* pressed. Abont two hours after nndown the first Mack *quall from th* northeast struck her. but by Captain Colepepper'* foresight *h* had already been eased of her top hamper, and nn- der main trysail and a small jib only he waa ready for it Tins first squall soon exhausted itself, and there wa* a momentary lull, and then it cam* on to blow in real earnest The sea rose fast and tha MnfT bowed ketch was perpetual- ly drenched with spindrift Sh* counted over th* watery ridge and furrow slxut- win*, with a fringe of yeaaty surge bub- bling and boiling round her .forefoot now creaming far away below th* bob- tay, now churning right over the stem- head. Unthrie, who had been aent forward a* a lookout, at Hrst took his atatioD loin-aide the bowsprit totts, but in gain and again sheets of solid icrc.T spring over the weather bulwark, squirting down the collar of his oilakiu* and cutting his fac* and eye* lik* sleet storm, h* wa* driven to execute retreat Floundering acroa* th FARM HOGS. Beyond the dim ourlin of MW Eureka'* ' H*W TfttlS I !. ' I or k Mar *V * llr Impro. rd. This <-la- ^ of stock can be Improved more rapidly than any other on the) farm, aays J. W. Jamison of Ohio la The National Stockman. Three step*] are necessary to accomplish this most rapidly. Tbes* are selection, feeding and purchase. Every farm herd be Improved In part or in all of ways. Purchase alone amount* to little without the ethers. Nor can selection and feed do rt all. Where the custoos Is to feed corn almost exclusively mm th* grnln ration tbe bogs are lore Im time to lack In bone. Their bone* grad- ually become smaller with each suc- ceeding generation. Selection cannot wholly overcoat* tbia. Borne farmer*) try to overcome It by purchase, bat this Is not wholly satisfactory and fail* to a great extent. We nave long !> found that th* best way to secure mm abundance of bone Is to grow It There are good reasons for this tbe animal* are more thrifty; again, we cannot get satisfactory weights without plenty ef { bone. In the matter of selection, the beat , should be retained. Tbe best In this) I case means those showing tbe great- fcttH there wcu UttU to be tttn. slippery deck, he fetched op against the : fife rail of tbe mainmast, and. jam- ! ming his ebonlders in between couple ! of halyards, recommenced bia rcrntiny. Beyond tbe dim outline of tb. Euro i ka's bull and rigging there was littl* , to be seen. There wa* faint suggestion i of hoary wav. cresto with deep vslleyi ; of ink between them. All els* waa blot- i ted oat by tb* rain, which was not 1 falling perpendicularly, bat driving ! straight along in thin sheets, like s* | much solid plate glass. Looking to lee- ward be found was comparatively easy. . Be did not see much, it i* true, but th* i process of trying to see did not hart A glunrv over tbe weather bow was a 1 different matter; for there be met tb* , full force o< ,. .torn, .nd the driving i cKT -T^ ! oow rain and drifting send stung him like nettles. An older hand would not bav* minded it. perhaps, bat Qathri.'i skin , was still tender and smarted psinfnlly under the UDarcnstomed assaults of th* i ocean. Dr. Tring was certainly quite right when be declared that a sailor'* ' life was not all pleasure. eat thrift and that have mad* the most rapid growth. Rapid growth la tb* most Important characteristic to estab- lish In a herd, and this cannot b* doa* by selling those growing fastert aa4 retaining tbe slow grower*. When tb* farmer ha* good stock t* start wltb. It Is only necessary to bay/ male* to Introduce new blood. Tb*) sow can always be selected on tb* farm. In fact, this U a better place t* do it than on some other man's farm. In our own case we would not expect to purchase a class of sow* as satls- that w* [TO *z c-oxnircrn.J M.r .... or !h. It all sounds simple In the recital. The wonder of the thing comes into view only when on* reflect* on the speed and nioety with which cumb- rous parts are made to do their duty. The piston and connecting bar of a modern locomotive weighs some siz , hundred pounds. When th* speed is sixty nu Ion an boor these parts travel back ami forth five time* a second. Ten times a second, at the eml ef every stroke, the piston head 1* at rest. It must pans from this condition to a velocity of 1,800 feet per minute in one- twelfth of a second. Th* drive wheel* mnaKure mor* than a red at every revolution, bat when going six- ty mile* an hour they most torn mere than throe hundred time* a minute. Sixty mile* an boor is the merest common place to the mind of the un- it means We are not In favor of tb. practice of cleaning up tbe farm of all bom* grown stock every few yean and pur- chasing entirely new. Tbia Is not tb* most satisfactory way to secure Ua- prixeuient. However. It may b* tb* be*t practice for some men that make a practice of letting their bog stock "ruu out." a* It Is termed. "Bun out" U tbe result of bad feeding, selection and too close breeding. Tbe "running out" system of management Is not protltable. Th* building op of a herd should yield an Increasing profit. Tb* cost of males to Improve a farm herd should not deter tb. farmer from lug tb. purchase, The long maned horse Linus II, ows> ed by J. K. Rutherford. St. Lawrence) county. N. Y.. I* a golden c*e*tnut, wltb mane and tail nearly white. The) mane I* double and reacbea down out on th* ground about four feet ; to-dat railroad man, but other things besides those described ' ' that are wonderful to the outsider. It i means a steam pressure blow of twenty tons on each piston head every tenth of a second. It means that up ; I in the cab the fireman i* throwing In- to the furnace two-third* of a ton of , coal every hoar ; No. 900 burns coal faster than two men can mine it. It ' nicitiis two quart* of oil every hour to I keep her journal boxe* greased and everything running smoothly. It . m. MIIS that the engine with its half dozen cars and load of human freight , is.moviug through space with twice the power of a shot from a hundred ton pun. It means that th* engineer has worked her up to th* point where 1 she can UN* every ounce of steam, thai he ii ooaxing her as a jockey mrgea his mount in a fierce race, and yst 11 { means that h* is ready at a second'* < notice to mov* the r*ver*ing lever and apply the air brakes that will stop th* mighty steam avalanche within th* ' diatanoe that it cover* a* It sand* on th* tracks. Earl W. Mayo, IB ! November Ainslee'e. LINUS n. both sides. Tbe tall reaches ont oa the) ground about ten feet. Horse stand* about 16 bands and weighs 1,300 pounds. Ordinarily bis hair I* kept braided and looped up with bag* made to fit the loop* drawn over them and fastened so his hair does not Interfere wltb his movements. He Is of beauti- ful form, high spirited, but kind and affectionate. He become* very muck attached to hia groom and those who attend him. N*w Tork Journal. Cold Water Nllmnlax. According to a high authority, cold water i* a valuable stimulant to many, If not all people. It* action oa th* heart i* more stimulating than ' bramlv. It has been known to rale* th* pal** from 7 to over a hundred. , i A aew Industry has just been eetab- llshed In Indiana by Nathan Meyer, a prominent manufacturer, and bis ssso elate*. The concern Is regularly In- corporated under the title of tbe Wa- baah Belgian Uarv Breeding and Im- porting company. The company will undertake to Import large numbers of th* animals frvm Kurope and will propagate them on an 80 acre farm leased f*r tb* exprvH* purpose. A 10 acre tract baa been s-t apart for the) breeding grounds and range, and a well built rabbit bouse. 10 by 200 feet. kas been erected to shelter the bare* la bad weather. The 10 acre* are *ur- rouaded by a high and closely wov*n wire fence, and as the business grows tb* rang will b* enlarged. Already 800 oae aare* have beeu placed on tb* fares, and Herman Wolf, an agent, la ew la Europe purchasing more, whlcb will be *hlpi*d over this fall Mr. Meyer saya that wheu th* company geU under way It will raise 1,000.000 hares a year, the market for the same being found here, where the One fur I* used In making crush hat*. Tbe hair tillable for thene hula Is high priced and difficult to obtain. Tbe promoter* expect to derive (rvat profit front tbe Industry. RUSH OF THE WHEEL A Thanksfliving Sermon by R*v. Dr. Taimago. on* of sharp steel, th. harvester i la European *. c.ety now a traas- wont across the held, stroke after . atlantic voyage is so commoa that jtrpke. perspiration rolling down a sensible; man could no mor* forehead and cheek and chest, head boast of it than if be had been to blia'ered by the consuming sun and New York or Boston. Up parched by the consuming Autp;st ' What a diJercnc. between John air. at nnon the workmen 1 ln^ half steamboat, 60 fe^-t long, and the Oceanic. 7O4 feet long ! The wheel turns swifter and s-.v i t- ALL HONOR TO THE INVENTORS. ^ ..II. I If. th* WH..1 BJM . uu... Tt>. W.rb f th* * Arlmltrl. !- i dead under the trees. Une of m. | most painful bo> hood memorlss is I that of my father in harvest Clme ar. filling; up the distance between th* hemispheres and has'enina the time spoken of in the Book of Kw velation when there shall be ao more sea. While this has been dolnu on thai ! fainting as ha sat down. Th. craii, brought to the barn, the she.- s ! Lllr.rr Nov. 36. Th dt>- i BOUTS*. 01 lit. laiuiag. u a sermua srf preparation for the national ou- eriaut-e uf this week and lu an un- ua ,ai Way cal.s fur the jjraUtud. of tb. peo^lu , the toxt. E-. i 1 x. 13. "A* for the -AU.-.. it ** cried nto iheui in my i * rm ,, O we 1 Nuzt ihujsday wi.l, by prcclau^ attou ef lTeiJ-iit aiu Govern r , LJ< l>*erv*d tn than. s,i mK f < r tern, or- al menics. V>itu what spirit shall' we eater upon it? t r I - year and a half this natiou has been and gun ana b .fc.-y. We ha.v S-nj martial airs and c.ieered rcturnlut here and sounded tie r-<tai.-"i : the slaiu in batilu. K th n s it be a healthful change ii tl'is Tho.n..s- gltmg Wi.. in Ii -rcn and teud. w* cele .r.ite tl.e i-tori** ol pe. e. for nothing waa done at, >an- tiago or Ma \\ a a of more importance than tha*. wr ich in th* were unbound and spread oa thrashing door, and two men .*l'h water James Watt's wheel h..s done ! -t.-.nd oDon*ite each other .hour go much on the land. How well I after hour and day af*r dav, pound- remember Sunili-r^on's .ta^ecoach. ing th. wheat out of the stalk Two running from New Brunsw CK to stroke* and then a cessation of Eaaton. as be drove throuicb Coiner- sound. Thumy. thump. thunv<. ' ville. X J . turning up to th. thuinp. thump, thump rounded office and dropping the mail bag* once, and then turned over to l>e with ten letters and two or three ponded ajain. slow, \ery slow The newspaper*. >ar.d. rson hlni*e!f OB hens cackled and 'lucked by the the box. 6 feet 2 inche* ai.d well door and picked up the loose (train* proportioned, lonu lash whip in bia and the horses half asleep and d.>z- hand, the reins of six horses in the ing over tha maulers where th. other, the "leaders" lathered a) ng bay had been. the 1 n. s of th. traces, foam drip- But hark to the buz* of wheels In ping from the bits ! the distance ! The farmer has taken It was th* .vent of the day wtisjo CORUNDUM CE: 1 . 5 *S. i Mlrml IThiek 1. Htiag Mla*4 hi* throne on a reaper. He once tn- s tair* can.e. It wa* our walked ; now he : - w. r*ou with arm of tlesh. now with rod of lie it irts at th. end of the I. heads his horse* to . wheattield. heads hi horse* to the opposite end of tho field, then rid.* on in ould "Cut behind '." I **w on. At the stroke of as ir< n chariot tn- o j d ,tag. .ir:...T not Ioa< a<o the gold of the jfrai.i .s surrender*!. the machin* r .r.-; ti. *ay this th* Dr. Adams gave an iatere*rin sri- dress on the corundum mine* of < 'n- rario. a subject whi--h bears frrf'i WIOT. *fc * \J\tI u*ovm ambition to becon.e a *ta^. drl r. "*< " 'be preeent stare o Some of th* boys clim!jd on th* mines, before the M. < great leathern bout of th. s -_.-* and thosei of us ho co'.ld not **t of life. As the Voic nnently comments, there are unpreventable csvnws of poverty and pauperism, bat the moot prolific easts*) the saloon : -Tt-v^at abie. Cutsv- mon MUM threfore '-alls for its abol- ition. in an article ot great nse ay work and ri' that. anJ that. u Ul which would ha. : > .. plished in many '* is axom ed in a fe-v ho .rs, the and I expressed to him my s r < that one around who*e head I had seen a halo of glory in my Lo h.jod isjste ial. ndustrial worM, having -)w>pi, and being ased l of emery u a grinding mater- Em-rr is, in fact, bat an im- time was only a man . .. v* r>t ;--.-. and conseqnenrly much inferior Between Sanders. >n sta e- . the lm purities in "? ^ ChKat5 .f xp . r r t * fter than the you imagine a - ore beautiful than the sea isla. I Ui. up th. unuielled snow in my hand. How beautiful ii is ' But do you know by what paia-Uinin.: and tedious toil it passed i- t > anytnin,' the t*o_wheels ui last yair has k>eon done in farmer t proatrat. be.ore tl--. harvesters. eld and mechanic s shop, and au- thor's study b> ihoSe .vho rm--e wor. aa epaulet r shot a S( a or went a hundred ui'lu* from th 1 OWB d or- 11 And n .w I call o r ati.Btiun to th. \vne-l of th. Uj-t Ian. a a a. . t -ck in th uni^i-r*- Was set d .wo in a i, world. noun tali s u-lntf ' efois h. . eas arresting hs 'at .way. n. wl.d be .s >a;n i Ms destruc- tion, yet h. was t .-on;:icr. I-. Wa not te bo b. i li.rve. for ompar* hi* arm with ').> ox s horn and th* -i.i hai.t s t -. . . and how WMik be is ' It co i i ; physical sp>ed. ' - re him t th. ant. lop. s f ' a -i'D~ wiag. ai.d how slow ho i> ' It coulJ of us. coach what a difference, all the cities of th* nauon f.r .n* on aa ' iron thread of raiUva Wlii'.* the world has been rolling oa th* ei^ht wheels of tr.e rail car like practicality ' 11 > "u e a . me<i that cotton you w seeds. It was a - -i r b which the SK-*! v. . '.ct*: from the \ .i H.JL> .1.. i n-. w r lea\ ing the so .th c a -e the. could not make a this> product. One poun.l of seed c. tt. n was all Lhat a could prepare in one day. to a short time ago. be said, corundum was verv little used, as th* expend . - rarity oa me ei^nt wneeis o wm ran >-.r or ti-.* fo .r wfc Ls of t i e>r k-pt the t^o wheels of the ^i, it w^s not ase. until IsTo. at the Ol I expoai- of ,., wor.: '.ul that in future 'he maj-ket at a lion at Fhiladeli . '. th* mir- ac.1. of tb* c in th. bicycl. The world could jehv* its own e;-e>i, and not until far un in the *i,hti*t> wr. tn. continents enchanUd with nnru, and i- the wb.rliag. i:a- . - ".'ario are are so e*ily it w. more reasons' Coma-: a pfond of alami- BBSJM mar. as the capture and rul>v. and man apectacle of a muc;..u that was t bnt m ^ >tjr mem i. do so much tor tho pl*aj . t . Wliane;. . a woke up, got a h .r. : . f -f ai-.d wei.t t j cor. - tot be bv i'hy-i ul c.i. -i soar | . tn< j^ninK of U>< fit-*r and th. er plun.e. f r the coi.dor o* evJ. la on direction and the p->r|.< ise in tbe ot er ^ et t.. wjs to co:. th a world. Two e\ e.. ! r.aads. two Itft. w-ere inxulLrient i!o ust be re-enforced. So God sent the Yankee, business, the health and the , roil uf la domestic life the whwl wrought revolution IVh.'ld has >-h on c'. lingers, br es on oy- Hni: -i on wi e- Carolina ijave him *.' ' r his invention, and ti s' of re man takiuk; a whole da< t - -' a pound of cotton for '.he market now h* may pre; ' b i!-.-' ' BBJ a* the** stones, and Ii brilliant colors. I' --va* mm. 1 "! - of years back, but at prvtent isou. - ed in America in one place. importance thii-. t- a r.i - Carolina, and here th. process is '-ar- th* eagle ra, tdiy < hin*d fM ^ OQ j y i& m yery giipBh^d wftr , nt ^w,** h r m placi^to * I; ^iplishe*! Waa tb. b '.-1 .* o: th* bsru derx-s-ti* found or th. roebuck mor. urgent than mountain range whi'-h runs t that of t i-natfd inur.ortal? the eastern townships of Quebec, and Th <- H-.r.- N.I T One of the iinportant fact* develop- ed during the procres* of tke war in Sooth Africa is that hoc sea ar* ss use- ful aa ever for war porposem. It wa* thought that the development of arms of precision woold reader cavalry pracricaUv useless m moUern war. ll i* found, however, that cavalry is till useful aa cavalry, that is. for charging broken infantry, and that it is simply invaluable for scooting purpose* and for tbe rapid movement of large bodies of men which may fee used either on foot or horseback, a* circumstance* determined. Instead of bans* beina; lees used for th* pur- pose ef war tnan formerly they are more likely to be msed to a greater extent than ever >:' T*. This will have an important beartmr OB tha fa- t-ore prospects of th* industry of rais- ing hone* in Canada. nations Th. world had n>-d for O.uOO years Ma-i s *lown.s locomouoa was a - :* y Wa* of men or _s n- '. . It htn hat erel th. a nd th. commei houawwi.s boi date an. r 1 n^e-: - ... -i. ar d o er Woman s ii a J a.lded i.i-.uieusur- bale* of cotton "ere prepar*>l abl. ad .1 ta^*s Th n-^ll-f ra^es year, enough to \+--. la thi* bad pun 'lured the e>es and pierceil country 1 ).:' '."< the ;. and of vt last we f-a-. e the ablit.-ra- lion of di-tan by paeumatle i ire. " 1 ! the rock formation is the same in thmt pi^^ ^ - Carolina, tbw* * oaa ir.l Lnvviiiivm w^w "J " ^ ..* . 1.1^. u- H an ,i VVL dum exists there also, thougb i ers never vet beer. *}-. and m.ide terribl* n aero '1 o prepare th. Raruwnts a whole household In tho spring for >\ o hand -'.ng J en I e* con: 'to . t Is and say. "\\bat b t er e er *e m The Ontario deposit* lie north of h. hav. than a br.-orn or A d.s-*r Kinyton. and '-over a large area. :. or uinmcT ami la tl.. autumn for WID- cotton production and cott. n man i- tr was an ev i -UM{ "Btit. h. stiti-b. s itih ' ' Thouiaa Hood set it to ; r . , b it m i per* .'as have found It aroeo. Slain by the *word, w. bu led th. w 'h "Peail -aul," and C.ak: at h If iTu>st. Slain b tho n*. <!'. nj > e but the ho"seh< 1 I that w t .-! i - gi liu aw-iiy. I h i I.T a tcr thai the C'. 1 ren were and huiui> o ihoua*. Th hand t.uit had forgotten Us e'ini'inv; - h i d ' a t ' .1 ' t kl. bad dropped from the palsied facture enough cl.'th to co^i-r the of a n.t or a churn or roc^ini; a cr'.Ie running up a- stairs or v to church w ilh a r.. -r under her arm?' And t t > fln'i h - **> vt ** -*** . , , thread to *w e^ery rent Karmeut. broken i eJal or t weight beta- oi.-cnrs along with mi--a and other snbstar tamped up into powder, and separated from t of th washing. rir ; r< The individual who rob* Peter M pay Paul osaaUv strike* Paul for a larger loan later .NORTH BRICE SOW. Soon There Won't be a Leg Left for Diabetes to Stand on. a^oouing and en. inn of all t!'..' in to s 1 .. ^ t;ua* of all the American si o. ts:i.*>i. Thtrdij , 1 look to s-e whovl h'.s do - 1. No ou can te 1 r-> e atiJ e-'lf-s-i ht\tt been crush*-*! -1 and tha modern locomo i .. en th. pa.idi. aud th. ocean n t *nter Into th* contro- f. t re d i i b~-i sn |- vcrs-. .is to whether Jot- pl and 1. t a 'i-'n slrop i- to t r.i-. '; s all un"o'iiu1 H^r u.cii'T \\asdi_- ge-1. n t with -e.: us S 4 ado. but with a s!. in er ai'.'l shorter inatru- sa-nt a net Desld. s all tho sew in don* foi th. ho > } i M a 1 Mi* t e ar. bundr* s of thousands of se inc "O- T . traced ' 1 .a i:.i .TT i u -' m IT i - wa* th. inven'or o( th euin oat. vere marl r . wh<-el. and t..ey s.iall h >D- John fit h I 'I'he ^lt of Ja - was the fatal time of brin^i'ii; in. i ' ence. I kno v of n.'th n_; so p r- vnd \.\a- t: as a t way out to ' or C n.y J. But a ; - -who know the health in de- t- e awak.rt-,; of d-.s .sed mu the .xhi'.aratiPn o t that wif. n.n.1 ru r may ha tion. Indeed llf to so man s s a grind t: at 1 am ^lad at tho al of any new mod. of N- T We nee-l h.i-. nj an> i Ii r. o' t by tha -in 'iu;{ a d xc we rl of tbe other com . . . discovered,, and T**.t*r than that i of th* rock. iil^ca of nuainesa plac* 01 out B>S. by te a is ^j,, larg*, thoagh that has not be esa t - s d re- of thei ui;ues at pnM&t. They a B>S. to" . criM-K'n. tov. I easily mined. th. ' - .. .. . 'iientiy situated, *o that transpor' will b* cheap. - -overy of the corundum ... ' !a t the v : *" tn on wnrds uselult-.ess. toward* pi ice* of tL[ ^ worship, and r. - .irds inm rt!-,!v. I look nro t:i. l'.-rar> All Ov.r th. Contrj Dlab*^. U Bl Van.|Qlh^d by IV I I KWln.y PU1. Thomn Hrook*. of Nortb Bra... TttU il t.-. t lr4 I wo IXieu Box-*. Korth Bruce I -R.>wev l is in other parts of ' n*>igto* of the pix'viiK-> kri'.ws the vain* of Dodv: - - for Diabetes. Il was not so long ago that Diab*t*s w** , considered incurable throughout Br* 1 Gouty. Anyone who contracted Dia- betee. or it* twin malady. Bright'* Disease, were givea up a* borjeles* by phv:>-ians and friend*. And some ol . '.^L^ ?! th. Pro^rou^ Wl..d in- fluent i al men in Bruce bav* been ear- '-etes. Seldom, indeed, nowaday* is a death from Diabete* in t". - ' Dodd't Kidney Pills a - .1 -known her* :at. Dial'et* 1 ' Vfor. it advance* to a dangerous degree gener- al '.v. though there have been c*e*sj where pr> The l:i-s Tor nro firm U ai to deveuip soroe of the dept . . tested bav* pru% to be well wor - and the .< U probably that has not been thing under the sun befor* to Dodd's Kidney Pills, hav* snatched from tbe edge of the grav* heir us*. ln*<i!t and houieslckne-s and suicide the foruiur and .-, .1: had 1 been in my ru' I surses i should umlout>toilly ha\e tre.i'l Uw tatter in the sauie wanner . but. ( r one man to be teu~'l v. ith ho must be looke.l upon as the most unforlunats man m th. \v>-.-ld Surclv Jo!-n b i i i:t If 'he team''0it b"i!- wlth this than has preceded n- acts. But 1 hear tho n.*h of a "he*l. v* . . un th t>ati i an I a - ih Instruitirnt, puts her foot o th<i treadle aud ! i s I'., i ie tho hr and rattle, pleunsio-. c n-* m ions, h* d c e .. bac.acin-s. hj rtach---. ar he.tdaches. bac . jch*. hunt t.iches r* miraculous v *' not fe-1 the - ' its more precious ruby UI th. aim. at aud the - al*o be foond ] the same region, aud this has led t oonsiJeral'l* - i- In th.e ful Invention. You do not kn >w what the inventors of tho >'ay s<J- fei-. When it vv ,-t proposed to ll-hl I ,,n.l "i with KB*. Sr ll-uiphr-. Pavy. tho grwit vh slio-iM is ih o from the tnoon and set' in it and w- . rs? of us retrerr.b<r hei: - inK roller ws r ;n o-. -r t! 1 -? c; n - by great busts SOO coi i s of tho \ il laK* newspaper wer* iss *i< lu . day and no lives lost. But imeti- tiou has crowded in and wheel J.-*tled w' >!. *>e.-*ot> electrotypinK. tiilnu th. Ir |I.i.*si IVnjHinin r"ran^l:n s pr gi^i g way to th* Lord Stanhop. prces, which show* plainly the blue '.me of the saphire, but a* vee hav* been discover no real gems route.1. -l-h. n.*:l... one. an o, pre*- *," not b rtv. tyrant. b*o.ii^ a choerful .lav, would _r:l a d rum'U and roar until to pro.'h^y th.J.nUre of_ any ^u*.- tbo i.iuuly wir< ro e la cat::.i-*tl, .nd w nWr la d.ned. and is wel- comed, and th ardours and se\eri- tl*. of th* seusivs ar. overcome . wlnllng th. 1-ob i . tlreadmu th. hultu.. t ^lnc. q il in-, TV. cording. Mil ro;i.ei in . u"..l r r ul 4 t ael to miuic : 1 c- sn cii. t. i--.- ' ^.cfnah^'ia"-' 1 "' ! ''- '" ^uTaml Vul-on went uatU yo.. !, r history, of poe'ry. of romance. fascia. ilm . ID. .en <i .- , _ t iL ._ fc _i A _^.i A 1,1 ..,^.. ,.>.. ^.t th. memory of Also;. ..n i 1> and Gr enough an.i -i-i.c- an. I u on and Urover nn. i \\ t cir efforts t emancipate i tb. .lavery of ' : ut, m r. than th.'. l.t t)-er. bt m u ui ...til a intern perance and poverty there is a twofold relation. Drink causes poverty and poverty drives a man t* drink. It i* ibl. to even approximate th* nnuibeF The case of Mr. Thoman Brooks, o* North Bruc*, belongs *'uiewhat t this lattw claaa. 3tr. l^r.^lcs ayi "I was troubled with Pialwte*. I coo- salted a doctor, bat he could not help me. I have also osed other medi- cine, bat got no relief. I have osed .aid thit h. the Washington pres* and the Me- o f "poor" people for who** rv think of cult inic a tory. pre** and tha Ho* p. rfe." in rf i ianor ig responsible ; but the uurntvr press hav* bevn set UP, _ 4 ( 1. !... ,! fh* th. ,lty. ' with th. .11 a:.U5. aud r,cal..r.. licatK-a of w^paperi cJm*. . put! of paupers .peopl. who are mu^ by th* taipayers) produced by drink inn-.m-ra'-le J-ook. of U toveiiior nf th. lir-i lomplete tlie s-w of of can, to a certain extent, be fairly e- of re- timated. Th* New Voii-e rev-ently art. of travol, of bto^rnph liKion, dictionaries. and Ulb'ea. Som. of those p end forth th. m.wt accursed KtuB. but th. good pn**mtut.s. counties of on sent the following qnegtion to the almshousekeeper in each of tlie In tax ntacliine. Whut it cm s.i\ed ol went and our* '.o : oni> can e^tlm- ale. In th. maknitf ol men and hoys' clothing in V w V . r- i ity in on. y*nr it .av.d *7..-.lXi.lHK>. and in in ti.. making ef boots and shoes, in one year it sav- ed $7.1W'O.OOO Becvmllv. I look Into ihe *4rrlcul- tural world t" scv hat f * w'^l.r*" th " tho \vh-el is in moiiv>n. and th. I'll- niont. tl'. first te.imi-'oat. is N in r:\. . r :i ' .i.inco- hold yo'.T h, tthile 1 ' |r*ej troin New Y T - in But t!io s 1 .* ^ miiltii'lKXl it* velocit e lii'til th. t f t. e > . .!!-.! ami th. M whe<-l of ci whl of C r - directly. thJougb th* nse or abas* of B of th. w " Uanlty, wheal of* saoment am 1 t n t ii, "at ing liquor, eirher on the part two doten boxes of Dod.l's - sad am completely cured. I caa v recommend this medic in* above all other*. Two years ago I could not look up to th top of a my back was so bad, Now gtoop and. bend with ease. Tb* wanted to perform an opera- ut I wtiM not allow Kidney Pills are better doctors. ' ' ^^_ ^__ ___ w'lth wider s'weep and great r v*- your opinion what proportion of vour T. O wheel wh. el of ll^bt. almshouse came there, directly or in- .r \\i h._-lm of tl.e No in man l.lojd lni* r. i-s t a ocean In si* d.i\s or . s-. * cation between U.e l^o c*.>u. trie* so rapid Bud so co * th.'t wh re s onco lho* who had I'evn t took, no airs for tha r<st ol Ih ir hd to uie for many At different times in Furor. hav. trt.-d to got a conjnvas of at B.rim or at 1'ari* or at >t. 1'e- t*r*burg, but it baa always t<een a failuro. Only a f*w kin^* * rmeilni H..orr Utah. Such dishe* as beef of veal olive* are attractive and palatable. Suffic- ieut meat for them may b* purchased fur a single m>al ; in fact, it 1s tru* of all itew*; bat broils and roast* are not good when small. Beef oliv** are strips of tbia red steak with a mall piece of snet or btv-on rolled or tied within. Thar are first browned In a littl* suet and then stewed slow- ly antil tender about on* hor in a shown that fifty-one per cent, of the ; brown ..> made by aildiug tw inmate* of that nTnni-ef of almshotuie. tableojiooufuls of Hour to the fat la of theui.M-lve* or som* one th* 816 rey>lies recviv.nJ, it is V'QI> i*J*w v in , i v L . . . But on this imaginary plat- became paupers through m.Ttal live yeti r* th. .*, aocompLsh^i. Look at the .toUs jU-J-.^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ form that I hav. ^|lilt w. hav. the number of p*?rHOiis wholly, or ,!- convantlon of all the kirn* Kln tially. a public charg* upon the na- I wheat and oa>9. tit. one lor man. th oth.r bread for borsM. Oeat ofl and with a cradl* mad. out 4 five or sis ftng.r* of wood as4 ., . i i cv*n v wiii^'n . iicuiT, j-i4i wh^'ha.l lVrr ' *^ OL>l ' n ' KH , Rlc * ? n - tion'u estimated to b* S.000.000, It '"."..., Wheat. King Oats. Ktn K Iron. M g , nn on thi. basis, that there Coal. King 81Uer, Ktntf Cioll they all bow tx?for. th Klni; of Kl"g-. t-> whom be all tha (lory can picture and Awe. tea. musu, and Aui.Ticun .oc,.ly beva^s. th.-y Europeua musk and odaglsd follow*, upon this basis, that there ar* to-day 1. 580, 000 persons dependent wholly or partially upon the taipay- rs of our country for tb* oomoioB which they were browned. After mix- ing, add e pii- water aud a a*a*oning of <>; salt aad pepper. Ladioa* Home Journal. That tired, Unituid fwlinaT, and IwM*. poiu ion to effort ot any sort will berapleV ly removed by the UM of Miller's Cesa- pound Iron Pills.