Hulaxrlbrri who d not rcoelvr thvlr ( regularly will |. !.>. in lilt UK > unct. Appl/ at IhU offii-it (ur wlvvrtUlnir in- THE ADVANCE' KLK-.IIKKION.ONT. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Women commercial traveller* are joniiderahly on the increase. Fully lAOpwomen are employexl in this capa- city ia Kiigliunl The only two great European capi- tals that never have been occupied by a foreign foe are London and St. Pe- tersburg. The British Empire is sixteen times larger than all the French dominions, and forty time* greater than the German Empire. It is estimated that at the beginning f the new century England will have tt, 000, 000, 000 tons of coal still nnused and available. The disproportion of tbe sexes is till very great in Australia. In West Australia there are only 84,000 wo- men to a population of 108,000. There are annnallv killed in Africa at least 06,000 elephants, yielding a quantity of raw ivory, the aelling price of which is 50,000. Alexandria official circles estimate the land which must remain unculti- vated in consequence of the deficiency f the Nile flood at 150,000 acres. A Purely Vegetable Plll.-J'armelee'i Vtnetablo Pills ire compounded from foot*, herlwkfidiolid attracts of fc" "" 1 Virtue in the triuiiient of liver and kid- B7 complaints nml in itivind tone to tha syturn whether enfeebled by overwork or (ritngxi ihrouKh rxc">.e* tn livimj. Tbty rnquir* uo MettmooUL Tb'ir ex- Mlleot qualities nre well known to all IboM who huvs u-e-l tin-in innl they i-oni- tend tawMMlvw to dyapsyUas and HMM uliject to liilioii-nesH who nr ill quest of a bcuitlclkl mtdicme KIDNEYJISEASE, THB KKSM r IB OFTEM A LIFE Of PAIN AND MISERY. CanadU ..... nilnnl. If any of our readers had been at the Eiprens Office on Monday morning, they wonld huve noticed two large *>" cases of Foot Klin, which had been ordered for the Ouuulian Continent tor South Afriru. Sweaty. blistered and chafed feet are the cauhe of a good deal of misery anioiiR soldiers in Iheir long marches. and the authori- ties were wise in providing this pop- alar remedy, as it will mid greatly to the comfort of tlie troop, for thousands of Canadians can l>e found Who ghully testify to its virtues, aud ; the manufacturer*, Messrs. Stott & i Jury, Bowmanvillo, Out., arc to be Congratulated on U-iiiK llii< owners of HO valuable a remedy. M"iH'e;il Star. "I was weak, srarei-ly able to fling my- elf about. wily worried, Md quit* dl ouriu'i*'!; Millar's Coiiip..ini.l Iron I''IN rapidly brought aU<ut it rh;iuife; l novt-r felt letter lu my iiftt than 1 ilo now;" this Ufrequently 1> i.. K.r,. I.ln-nnv.oih. Linen ci'iileriiiei-i-M, doilies. mid jveil tnblecloth- an- not tilings " f " :l1 beauty from folding them. Any round piece of wouil, covered with tliinncl, r a roll of IUIIMT, urcnind \\lu--h the pieces may be carefully rolled, will be found iiivaltiabln as a nu-aiiii of r. David Ciw*ll. of II*rt*a. K.B.. WM An Int*na* Hnfferer and Aim. .it ln |.lr..l of Kli.illiiK ( ur. I .11. Hi. Htorj of HI**. The Acadian, Wolfoville. N. 8. Recently a reportr of the A cadi en was told another of thoae triumphs of Dr. William*' Pink Pills, which are becoming very common in this vicin- ity. *Aie fortnnate individual is Mr. David Crowell, a highly respected resident of Hortonville. Below is his experience, in sub- stance, as he gave it to ns: "Ahont two years ago, for the first time in my life, I began to realize fully what ill health meant. The lirst gymptom wan a feeling of overpowering drowsi- ness which crept over me at times. Often I would be at work in the field when the urowsiucris would seize me and I would find that it required the exercise of all my power to keep awake. In a short time I was attack- ed bj sharp piercing pains, which Flint through the lower part of my back. At first this did not trouble me very mnch during the day, bnt at night the pain became almost unen- durable and often I would not close my eyes throughout the whole night. Gradually a nauwa aud loathing for food ileveln|)iil. Sometimes I would sit down to a meal with a keen appe- tite, bnt after a mouthful or so had passed my lips, sicklies* and vomiting wonld follow. I became greatly re- duced in Ili-sh and in a short time was but a wreck of my former self. The dux-tor said the tronb/s was disease of the kidneys, bnt this treatment did not help ine. My mother who was something of a nurse, urged me to try L>r. Williams' 1'ink I'ills, and at last to satisfy her more than from hopes of being cnred, I took up their uso. After taking one box I deemed better, and I resolved to try another. Before the second |M>X was nsod my condition was improved 1>< \oml gain- say anil I felt sure th pills were re- sponsible for it. I took two more boxes and before tln-y were all nsed the pain in my bark luid wholly dis- apixwcd, my |i|-iite hud returned and I felt like a now mini. For the sum of two dollars I cured myself of a iminful disooti*. There cannot be the lend ilmilit imt tl.u Dr. Williams' 1'ink 1'ills was the sole muse of my r. . .ivory, and I nuiaidi-r them the bost medicine In oxMoiioe. " Sold by nil dealers in medicine or sent jiost iwii-l at ,W. a box or six boxes for $:.'.. "/>, by aildrrwiing the I>r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Refuse all OBEYED ORDERS. Kollurrrd Ilia L.traollo.. TO* XV rll "A man needs a good ablebodled Imagination In the theatrical busl ness." said an old time manager. "His trade Is to appeal to tbe public fancy, and naturally bis statements become more or less) flowery and figurative, but after you once get them gauged you're all right 1 remember recently talking to the proprietor of a bouse up In Ohio who said that be always liked to do business with Mr. because he could depend Implicitly on anything be said. 1 was surprised. " 'Why. my dear man.' I exclaimed. 'don't you know has tbe reputation of being the biggest liar In tbe profes- sion 7 " 'Ob. yes,' be replied, 'but I always divide anything be says by 4 and then take tbe cube root.' "That was a good scheme and re- minds me. by the way. tbat It Is very difficult for any manager te tell tbe exact bald truth about tbe receipts of mi engagement. He feels It his duty (e put on a few embellishments, i an tbey do when they send In reports of Filipino mortality un the (ring line. "A friend of mine who has a theater In Minnesota aud who Is a very truth- ful man In prlvure life was la New York lately and before leaving borne told a new treasurer be bad just em- ployed to wire him a dally report of bus, ness and be sure te raise tbe re- ceipts $300 each time, so be could sbow the inesHages to bis friends. "Tbe day of bis arrival be dropped Into Klaw & brlanger's office to bare a chat. " -Well. Billy.' said Mr. Erlanger. THE FARMER'S WIFE with all her cares and labors ao*m comes nervous and weary, and slit- his something to aid her will that constant tired feeling, headache, dyspepsia, and all their disagreeable consequences, chronic contipatio,t*. Dr.Ward's PILLS are the proper assistant tn health, and the remedy for these disorders, they contain the necessary quantity of iron in soluble form, in eorabinatioa wish the latest discoveries in medical science, so that their ue enable* one to Stfgy SOUNDLY, EAT HEARTILY AND DIGEST THE FOOD PROPERLY. will als.. find himself greatly benefited by ISM use ,-r these AIDS TO HEALTH AND VIGOR. We hare at Mir "trice thnugands of testimonials, and will nrnd a book of information conlainioy Home cii these, free on application. THE MAN OF THE HOUSE 50 CenU per box. flv* boxes for J2.00. All Drujrsuts, or 8AM WILLIAMS & CO., TOKOXTO, ONI- of all Hollanders Smoke M'*f. The Hollanders are perhaps the northern people those who the most, the humidity of th*ir cli- mate making it almost a necessity, while the moderate cost of tobacco with them renders it accessible to all. To show how deeply rooted is the habit, it is enough to nay that the boatmen of Holland measure distances by smoking. Miller's for children. W*rat Powders the Jaan lake ' Hnllinr Mnrt. Near Grobogana, Java, thera to a lake of boiling mud about two in circumference. Immense ooi of steaming mud are constantly aria- iug and descending. PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS COCKSHVTT PLOW < i . Why will yon allow a cough to lacerv your throat and IIIIIUH and run the risk of liilniK eoo*Mptlv's grave, when, bv the timely DM of Blekls/s Antl-Coutunip live S\ rup the pain c:in b* IUyl ami rhr danger Mvoiilrd. Thin syrup i* [<lra>utn[ tn tbe t.i-tr. and unurii.ivHi for rei what kind of huslnes* are you doing j healing and curing all ffction of the out at your place? , throui itnd luu. colds, coughs, broa- "Just then the telegraph boy came In hiiis. etc. etc. with a uicxHace for tbe vlnltor, and be saw a chance to make a hit. " This must b my report." said he, hnndlng over tbe envelope, 'open It anil e for yoursflf ' IUCAS.STEELE& BRISTOL, Write us. HAMILTON. I..1. * II I - k H. L.V * H. "Krlancer tore It o|>en and read this: "Willl.m Mtiiih. NV* T*rk: l!^r,,.Il :.l Dlfhl. 1401 Rll>4 It tSOt u frt /our mjunt. Prrm Join. Tmnirrr." New Orleans Times Democrat. tablecloth ironed with only two lengthwise folds, and then rolled, Will look far better on the tiildo tlian one with i-riKB-croa line* from too much folding. Money S*v.-il and pain rrllevnl Iiy the kadi tn; l...iif'hold l>r. Th E c | r . v MM. ill i|IUIilltV 'if WhlcB aualiy uinres tn < nrf u ooacb.BMla ore ent, bruise of sprnln, relieve Inmlia- go, ratamatlam, nciir.iluia, excoriated , ur nill.iun-d i Imp'irtanr* ..f Il..llln Mtlk. Many otherwise, excellent house- keepers are carelcHS in tins matter. It U no doubt n little trouble to we that the milk is boiled each morning and afternoon, but surely that in as noth- ing compared with the rin> ^^seri- ons illness. DiM-ime gernfi.^P^.n milk more freely than in other liquid, and many dint-aura of the lungs may be mt up by drinking the milk of a aonsutuptive cow. Il.m-t \t i,l II ai,Ur<U. It is evulent in ninny ways that inniiapTN of large immoyM iiui>n--ts and capitalihtH are Inking up the tenjpernnco quehtioii practically in de- iiiiinding total abstinence of all re- h|Miusi4ilo immoiiH who b.-indli- iir|H>r- I' nmiiii^cis, re.siMin>ible cli-rl%s, paitniTM njul IHTMUIS (x^cujiying lda-eH of trust are re^iu . ii-il with in- creaning anzinty, iniiin-iilarly if they are cluiiiuen and kiinwn to be n.xcrs of hpn its. The i|iuililicat ion of an ii-j.ii:mt for a pxxl IMISIIIOU is: \Vlmt are his habits? In he a total nbstuiner? Often inferior men .-.ccure m they are ab- while iin n. brilliant. cii|>u- bl, lii'ii-ut.-il, who are modorate drinkiTK, full. A new back for '" ceata. Kidney 1'i.U ind I'laster. I'oor I'JT. In Posen, according to a Cologne pntier, srnmst resseit earn a maximum of $7.. r ><> a month, un.l that only after trn ycurs' ex]H-ri.uce. Ill Hulii- : ! -line* online corns. II . i . '- < < irei* tas arUelets) ue. > ill rnrr your corns. I <|.rl..,< . I .....I .,<. Came co. Us in Ponce, Porto Rico, br.m: u- hifh n.s IHK) each. Th* X r. . Outdone. "As I understand it an X-ray will go straight through a man's head. There is nothing els* quite so pene- trating, is there'.-" "Oh, I don't know. Did yon. ever hear my daughter sing?" $100 Reward $100. Th reader* of thin naiwr will be plewd to learn that thtr ii at I *.' "DC drt-idei. [-i-> that aHfnt-e hat beer. ab! ' cure In ..1 r ta*rrii, and that it Catarrh. Hall's Clarr Uth*- nly p>,.tiY.jeare k: ow;i t T-I* . fratrrnitv Catarrh h**lnir a r rm.t .11-1, \ ,li eft**, r*')iilrei ft co'iM'.turonal tr--a: n'iii H i * <*at v rh Cur*' tt taken ttrernallT. .1 : nil muroui iur a , ( t *> rittftn ttirrebr dwtr^yinf th* f \ i h -1 4-ate, ana f ivtntf the patient t i .- ..-th l>r BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE O.NTAKIO IIIVDKft fWINK ro.. 11* rjnlou Station Arcade, roronto. A!i-iil.f I n.T~PRBB. wai _9naa4Oiituif r '1 >i I'nttiiiK Ail. t.e!n Uittir. Won't iii -I i a .1 Has s fir partU-ttlars. Sn:n Ii n*., L F ITSi STOPPED THE IVrrma.,M. l : v <ll I IV KK^romii. 1* -iuvifor 1 f -a, EpIltptT s A> > . X* FlUor iftrr fir^t tivt oae. Trvntlae and S3 trial bottle teat throta-fc Caoadtai A<<- <' r-tn*. i Kit patltaa, 'h>*v PA vinf rtpreaii eharicttonltr tin reoeiTe& tknd lu Or KLnc.Nt An-iiU. I' u a.lcI;.hi.Pa. EUROPEAN and NORTH AMERICAN UNCLAIMED MONEY It ESTATE AGENCY. II... I Oflei I osiiiiN. r M.I AND. NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE. OUCALD MeFARLANE, MANACIII. LOCK BOX I45. TRURO. NOVA SCOTIA. .!! ler. for I ..r.'in. Hook. If vnnr rliildrrn H troubled with u Mother Qravea' Worm -lire Hud I . , iiml mark tin- iinprovonieutlu your oblld. k.iltlr I .... loll I'lilTIT*. A team of Kiitlir ftK>tbnll players from South Africa is now in Kngland pl -iving a w<ri<-s of nmlc-he. Thev |-!iiv the iis-'M-uitimi rules aud are 'obe fairly i l.-M-r at the sport. lyth*) concillutlon and T- y^ * Th. P ,o, ,.n,w, Branttord tur* in il'-iiur lU wurk. so much faun tn IU curatlre po r. that offer Un* Hondreil D l'r<fo tn ca ; lain to cure. Hend fnr IIM of lewlmun a< A.|.trr.t. r. I HI \EY 00.,To*to,0. TSul.l by Drut-.- . t'lnwa. The king of ( in .- delights in tak- ing recreation in the fields. He can plow, cut and bind coru, milk row-, and, in short, could at a piuoh a farm going single bonded. STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We) A|SO mat* it**>i ria C Htra. i. ri <r1idT*, Iron ntl W*MN P'imt. H*>a *>ii*4 for >*w CaW Miller's Worm ehildrvn healthy. I'owilors make th* Health fur the Worm 1'owders. children. Miller's N..I ~.. II. ,|lul. "Well, never mind, oUl man. A fear from now you'll furgut that you aver loved her." "It will take more than a your to pay all those bill*." New life fur s quarter. Uiller's Con- found Iron Illla. rtenll I ii. , ,,il. .1 'Ton caul vrry well tnke a fall out f th* auluiiiiilille." iihsi-rved the lay Bgtire. meaning to cuinini-iit upon tbe tafely of the new connivance. Tbe uncunscloim Inihecile sprang at once to his feet, crying: "(*h, yes, you can I Tou ran cull It mobile. Instead of autumn-mobile!" But, although be rlrew many dia- grams, It was still esny for tbe others to affect not to understand. Detroit lourual. They Never Knew Knilnre. C.ireful ob- ne>rvtinn of tbn effi-i-is of I'ann li-r' \ stable Pllla has skovra that tluv art Inline. li.itrly on tliril ui-iif the n\ MI t-iii t nil nl imuliittt I litMii to hi-.ili hy ao- Them nmy l- r.isr^ in unn-li th* dim-use IIIIH breu KMg seaUd awl iln--, lint . vif, il to int',1,. '.ne, but evi-li in nurli i-.isi- il.r-e 1'ilU I. .up Ifi'ii knuvvii to liriux n-licf when nil i>tlu-i M> c ilii-il n-inr- tlimliuve (Mllml. Tbeae awcrtiona oai be SQloUBtlated by IIIM> Him li ive IIVM! tbe 1'lil-. an.l lni-iln-l hi. 'II HIK'.lk lujjllly of I'nwa fur All |-nr|MiB. A cow that is KO "I alike for milk, for miikitipr butter nnd for beof is pro- liiibly not KIKH! for much ia either of these directions. Shu is like some men jnck-of-all trades and good at none. 1' h of th<< dairy breeds has its own special exccllencv for some pur- ipe<l by brciiling aud care. It can eaMly Ix-ut in its own de]mrt- nicnt iinv cow tluit IIIIM been carelessly bred. The herd of pure breeds is es- IH-. uilly valuable to any farmer who \\ lilies to improve his utock. Its pre- jmiencv will Htanip itn own excellcm-v on the progeny se.-tired bv breeding cows to males of the brood that is kuowu to possess them. <irii an trr t in plol mull .\fn,rlr. In Germany i!urni( the year > July, ItrtW, out of H>7,!tui pi-rsmm looking for employment, -,',".'.. v.i.'i found occupation by means of tree employment agencies. Mlll.ri ehildr.-n Worm 1'owdi-n i-ure flti In Wearing I .. f In the II or. Charming acarN of Im-e are deftly intertwiste^l in the hair. This seems to bo the thin eilgn of the wedge, said H.S time (roes ou \ve t-ludl be likely tu M-e more lucii \\orn us a fashion- able ciiitl'ure. It in intensely becom- ing, and drooping nl the back ; hence court mid briilul \i-ils often transform a very ordinary woman iuto a good looking one. Yuur friend, Mm - , U looking miirh Improved In linlth. Yus, she Is a dlffn-nt woman We p-rii:tili>l her to try Miller's Compound Iron 1'illa, wita ^> rfuli you Qbm-rve. . . _. Tho .i.i t>itihr Iloa. Ths gray feather I .on, so much la evidence ia Purii IHH| spring, has ron. In .I New York, where there Is a revival of that uuutt becoming of all woman's neck tiun^s. It seemingly will not down. Nothing ever quite fills the place of graceful wo- affairs, and gray is far and away the very smartest departure ia them. ' IF YOU TO FfcEL THAT Your Spine is a Pipe Stem Ready to Hiiup, Juat G*t Lumbago It Tom Want to P*l Strong as a Steel Ramrod CSH ST. JACOBS OIL IT HAH MAU1O. IB <-lry,, At fanta Ana, Cal., oeUry irarden of 600 acres. Cancer At- tacks the Middle- Aged. MXII and Women Hatween 4O and 0O th* Moat frrqueut Hobjvvta of th* Ueadljr l>leaae. A BRAVE VVOIVIAN. (low a Drunken Husband V. as Made Sober Man by a Of termi.ied Wife. A PATHKTIO LETTER. . -A-ritu: I h.-ulforulitiK timel igot trying i i' n -.-rlp- v-iit on T- T r- ; ,in, I fur Ms) drink .Ihewould r I was K. Moiiiolne, ana tne tnooghl unn , -jtea arlyawoek, but uim> .'IT \v!ivn he <ry 7iiu,.li lntoilct(Hl an d W i?/ "*'" " ri '" ir '7 U -1 nt. I threw i m.ii.a aa i to KIT* I. ih ruin I - ac nil .1 cent fot l'r.--.--i| i. n ami riulUlo : tu-xt morning and a and praywl l,,r . A n i >n i KSTO hi-u mars and also alsapasm nevijr i and 1 thea lly kept rlifhe on K|T|H< n ivitulnrlT as IdiiooTerad oin,-itu:ig thateeter*!* 1.1 my nith hor and i... n,l I oouM uea bright futUH ''! out b"for me- t"--i--'-ful, hpp> 1 ' v, a sh.arw i rt th if-ttnl li,*, aa itive, loviu hi;. '-'>rts ana ' ' - LH'S heart, huihjml h?wl told i . ui.iskey lostuffand he wom .. . ..- - a dUllka It WM only MO true., i.. r b,-fore I ' i-l ylvan him th full oo : .r- ho hail i - 1| *s*.- ' ii" 11. Ill BliVU* arlnkng altogether, ' r lving ^uiiitwu,,,,,,, iiHithsnsea! W t^jtht-rlot 10 ruiveou ! -"ould ilsee ;m J he had dune fmiu hispromii H nevr |u, ami I nm writini you this letter to tell you how thankful in. 1 honestly belitTe it will cure worst oases." FREE It him long been recoicnlied by the med- ical ppifeuiun that i-nncer U chiefly a di- me of i.iiil life. Welch, the notwl ituthiir, lu his Sy-tem of Metl.cine, aays that la "9,088 tabulAted cases of cancer of the atoiiinch, three fourths occurrxl between the axes of 40 and ttO." 80, too, eancer of A twiuphloi In plain wr. th. breast, cancer of th. lip, cancer ol 'the "ut f^re., g| T | n , testimoniaVs nd full wi.uib. cancer f the .bowels, aud, la fact, formation, with direction. !-,, ^ ^ ^ of allcHnceroiisKrowth. m whatever par* adiiiinUtar Samari. I'rescript.lon H'.rrm- of the iHHly they nmy IwfouuU, occur man* spondnc ouasulvmt ww-rt-IllT mnfl.i. frrqm-utiy in mi.UI .-! persons Thattial. Addrw. Th. Samari kenSS biM^ tliei-ase. would U not be wlw for Jordan itrwt, Toronto Ont pr-M>iis Ceiling up in years, to ooualdrr , _ currfully any luiupn or growth on any pact of the body however imlgiiificaut thexe may apiu-ar to be t They may uot i-au^r miu-li u.'iilile now. What may they develop into a year henc* F At this early tau* w would Htnuiiily advise veryon* to take treatment, as it in a simple mat- ter to have then* growths removed by our remedy, and much Mili-queut suffuriutf averted. If you Irnvt- let thing* run ou till the cancer is ,-.. pronooaesU, it will tak* a while longer, hut illll we can effect ii perfect and p. i m.iiu'iit oura. If you are In the laxt m I^.M of cancer we cannot uosiiivi'Iv pr.M- 1,., a cure, although w* Dave c.ireil quite n nuiiibcr of oaaea. Yet we can alwayi lu-l|> vou and glv* you a lirrat deal of uomfi>rt aud ran*. Our treanneut I* a constitutional remedy that att> k* cancer at in origin In th* syiteoi, and as the caus* la removed ths oaucer lump or growth grailuallv fatleaway, til 1 ota veitig* ramaiui. W* have cured doMutof (Mnons in Canada these IMI few yean, and If you would Ilk* to know something about their caaea and more a >'iit ear treatment, tend 4 reuu in tamps and w w ill give yea full lofonn- Re-d 3Sc. for 5 weeks' subscript on t-> the O HI* < ii) UI..VOK n<! CIIM'AC.O I.KUUKR. thii famrlv t >r . taper. , mm (twn but tm|...r. In ,>ne( aiul ww!lU,nJ T !, h, M, w York !, >il( Kook, cniitulnlnc <>ti-r I!O lulea* r::!:,".!,*!^""".. '^-"--" l| " d - THK VRI-'.K OK CII Vlll. B. |~ A OkJ ' tonilsouie Prein- *"lln 1 ' """ hv selling >4 l_ffl , ' \ k; '"- 1 ' '' "" "?en- . " '" lmpe>rUI Kna-IUh ---. IViMilvr ,t I .-. atiou. Moll * Jury, Uow Mention this paper. vlll*, Oat mmm -n- - -. . MJWTMI WM -lie I K s. ,.,) ,.,,, r n , m<< , n( | * will forward you the I'ik t'ow- rt' .l our larva Cs-al.*,,.. ,, r aj'l W h. "I.I fi d in our inon.y an^l we III ll.e pr.imum jroii select Writ. f,, r On*.