eejbecrlben who to ool rerelv* thdr paper rtrolarly will uleaw notify n* ' o*oe. at thl* for advenlMDat raau. TIIK AUVANCK- KLK-.III-.IM i \. ('NT NOTES AND COMMENTS. More cases of consumption appear mong needle maker* and file-makers than any other cla.ssen of laborers. A woman aged eighty-four years, living at Balar-heve. in Hiissia. is said to have just given birth to twin girls. Hiram S. Maxim, the inventor, has given up his Amerieiui birthright for British natural i /.at ion txu-tilicate. The weight of the heaviest horse ever known was 'i.UOO ponnds. This Clydesdale waa exhibited in New York in 1X89. Britain's coal fields still cover an area of 5,400 square miles. Canada's coal fields cover over twelve time* that area. In France, for the privilege of wear- ing men's trousers, the French gov- ernment charges women a tax of about 3. When a person is lying down hii heart makes ten strokes leas per min- te than when he is in an upright position. The salary of a captain of a Trans- Atlantic liner is l,u"0 a year. The wages of the men m<t 4 * per mouth. There nerer was. and uever will be, a nlvrrul panacea, Iu one remedy, for all 111* lo win, u flesh u l.i-.r the r-r nature S' many curatives being luch that were ferula of other and differently sealed* rooted iu the vim of the patleot what would relieve one ill m turn wou.d aggrava-e tne otiirr. We bave. however, in \\ .:if. when ebtaiuable in koiiud unadulterated stair, a reai'iJT for niauy ami grevioui ill*. By iti gradual and )inlicidus uv. the frallel ynt*m* are lea into convalro - and irrt.ttn, by ilie itiflneuce whii-h yui- plDe ri'rta OS Nauirr'i own reitorative*. Ilrelievri the drooping >pirits of those with whom s chronic mate of morbid dr- puoilmi y and la- K o! ;:ilerrt in .!> ii a dUra>i>. and. by trauquiiizmi the nrrvrt, d.t|>o.i to ound ami refreshing alrrp linear:* TiL.--ir i of (lie blood, wbi^h, b i liinula'ril, i-ourKm th rough- out iheveiaa, tretiKthrinnir the liralthj animal function* of 111* nvatrin, thrrrliy Baking activity a uei-rssitry n strrngthrning the framt, and K>V|DK life to the digestive organ*, which naturally demand in<-rae1 substance result, ;m- ? roved appetite. Northrop & 1. \rnan of 'oronto, have given TO tlie public thrtr super. nr Quinine Wine at Die unal rate, and, gauged by the opinion of cienti*ta, tbU wine approai-he* nrarrt j>r>r-i,.ii of an/ In the markf t. Ail driiKgisti Mllit. With a small flock of 15 hens, which ihould raise dnrinir the season a hun- dred chickens easily, the ue of a full blood cock of some larire bree<i will add 100 ponnds to those hundred chickens if allowed to grow to matur- ity. The eitra hundred pounds of flesh will I* laid on without any ad- ditionul <(.-( of feeding, for a chicken eats us much as n I nil t,l, >', -d one. This gain can tie made hv the purchase of a single good rooM'M, and should not cost over three dollars at It Is because thry impr jve the power* of awliiilV-ttnin that V illn C >iii|.iin,l Iron PlllscaUM the red corpuwles to mult, ply and the weight to In, n so rapidly. A l.nng; tttcn. On September V!4 the Queen's reign exceeded by just three years th* dur- ation of that of King (ieorire III., her Msjesty having reigned li'J years snd t days from Jnne 39, 1887 while Jler grandfather's oci-npnin-y of the throne lasted Ml years and !K> days from October 26, 1700, to January 29, 1830. Totally Deaf Mm. S K. Crandell, Port Perry, wni!. "I i oui r:irinl srvcr* i-old lait winter, wlilrli rrMilird in my berom- Ing totally deaf in ons ear and partiallr eo In the othrr. After trying varn.ii* remedies, ami roimn It lii|t several dncton, wllbout obtaining any relief, I \<-, ,|. vlied tn try Dr MM. urns' K, lectric Oil. I war d me Oil and poured a little of It Into my ear. and betore one-half th* liot- tle waa me, I mj liruring WHS coinpieteljr reitnrrd I have heard of other cae* of deafiir- bvlng curod by the us* of this utilum*." n.nd I-.I.I..I I ...I. For Me.. The latest thing in male fashion, to to have painted silk facings to our white or black cloth coats, and, to be quite in the very forefront of the fashion, we must have our favorite flower painted thereon. \V all have our favorite flower, of conrnn, and eo this fashion may lie a popular one. Rt Vitns l>i\m-e rapidly cured by Mill 't'* Compound Iron 1'llls. Cars of year*' standing now enjoying th* b**t of haaUh %s a n*ult of Uklng thnin. Nmrlil-n In <'hwaUI*. The great nntritivo power* of choc- olate are now so geneutlly recomii/ed that it has lieen aduplod for campaign use in (he armies and navies of al- most every Knropean government. The Increased consumption in Europe within four years is 86 per cent. ATnvfvr rvnrnir\Trr TRYING tXPERlENCE A NOT A SCOTIA FARMKR SUF- I , III l I ul: Ml I t I > VKAKS. Health for tt* ofcilJr... Miller'* Powder*. < omnlt.-il Foar !>..< ior. Hut the Only It- n. f I I, r, ,.!,.. ill,,- Wat* Through Injection* uf Mor|>lilne. Dr. U'llllutiia' Pluk l-l,l Ilw.tored Him to Health miJ Activity. From the News. Trnro, N. 8. Mr. Robnrt Wright, of Alton, Co- chester Co., N. 8., is now one of the hardiest and hardest working farmers in this met ion. But Mr. Wright waa not always blessed with perfect health ; 08 a matter nf fact for some fifteen years he wan a martyr to what appeared to be an incurable trouble. In conversation lately with a News reporter, Mr. Wright said: "I HIM in- deed grateful that the trouble which bothered me for no many years is gona and I am quite willing to give yon the particulars for publication. It is a good many years since my trouble first iM-^an. slight at first, bnt later intensely severe pains in the bark. r.-iiiil!v the pains attacked me when working or lifting, bnt often when not at work at all. With every attack the pains seemed ID irrow worse, un- til fmiilly I was confined to the house, and there for five long months was bed-ridden, and much of this time ri'iild not move withont help. My wife required to stay with me con- stantly, and !> :ITHO nearly exhausted. During the lime I was suffering thns I was attended liy four different doctors. Some of them pronounced my trouble Inmliago, others wia'ii'a, bnt they did nut eure me, nor did they give me any relief, wive by the injection of mot-] 'line-. For years I suffered tlms. Mniieiiinei routined to er tint' - ul'lo to go alxrat and work, bur nl\\ms siifTenng from the pnin, until nl ut tlireo yi-ars ago when I n-.-i-ive,! a n--\v lease of life, and a fn -u the pains that had so long re. it was at this time tlmf Dr Williams' Pink Pilis for I'.ile tV ;,'e .>re l>runght to my attention and I got two boxes. The f'TWt seemed nuirvellons and I Rot six l>oxes and l>efi>re they were all nsed I \\.-i- a^-ain a healthy man end free t ? It is about three ye.irs sim-n 1 was cured, and during th.-it tinm I h.ivn never hail an . of the old trmi Mo, and I can therefore stronglv testifv to the ster- ling quality of Dr. Williams' 1'iuk Pills. Sitn-e t'-ey ilid sm-h gixxl work for me I have rei-innincnded them to severs! ppdpln for various ailments, and the pills have always been suc- cessful. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* cnre by joine to the root of the di-.enp. They renew and build up the Mood, and strengthen the nerve*, thns driving diseax* from the -vsttm. Avoid imi- tations by in-i>-'iiii; that every box yon purchase i- in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark. l>r. Wil- liams' 1'ink 1'ilU lor Pale People. Deadly Field Oa... The new field gun, which flres a shrapnel shell, and which, in its per- fected state, is now being used for the first time by the British in South Africa is perhaps the most deadly weapon of modern warfare. Each gun can fire twelve aimed shots a minute and cnch shot carries 260 bullets, weighing 43 to the pound The shrap- nel shell consists of a piece of steel tnbing filled with small balls. At the head of the shell is a time fuse, which can be adjusted to suit the range, at whi'-h the, gun is to be fired. This fuse ignite* tin- -mall charge of powder whirli he-, in front of the bul- lets. The firing of the gnn ignites the fuse, which bnrns for the time for which it has been set. It then fires the powder, which bursts the shell and sends the 200 bullets flying among the enemy. It is snd that these bul- lets M-aiter like shot from a fowling piece, and cover a space of 24 square yards with a rain of lead. The guns have a killing range of 3,500 yards. There an so m.uiy ninth nedlelnes in tin- market. ili.ii i- i viiniitiiin-1 difficult to tell which to liny: Imi if we had cntiKli. a '-"111 of am iill , tion of th* throat or Inn::-. U'r wouM irv liickle'* Ami- Consumptive Svriip Those who ii.ive u-i',1 n Hunk ii is far alu'itd of nil oilier pri*|Mtrat;i>ti-> ri-rcmiiii,-n,|ri| for .such com- plaint- I'm- little fulki like 11 aa it U as p leasati t a* a) r u i >. A Iliiriijiiilr < *rer. The recent d.-.uli in Italy of Qia- cdiiui Nare.tti ended a most remark- able career. The son of poor Italian parents, Naretti learned the trade of a carpenter, and went to Africa dnr- ing his country's early occnoation of that continent. There his trade stood him in good stead. He attracted the attention of Kmperor John of Abvs- Mina, for whom he built a throne, called the tliron,- of S'llinnon. It was a modest, wooden affair, bnt it excit- ed the admiration an 1 wonder of the dusky kins. Later for Kmperor Men- elek he built a nival inlace, and was tli- ii made a sort of minister of pnblio works. He married an Knglish wo- man, got rich and lived in a palace of his own. New life for a quirttr. pound Irun Pills. Uillsr'i Cm An <l|ip 'tiiiilty l.'<t. Mabel rholly is awfnlly slow. Yetenlny wln-n h and I were walking in the woods t jn !;'! a big bunch of autumn leaves and stuck them in my belt. P.essie Yes! And then Mattel Why the vnpid fool didn'* have s'-n-e enough to press them. III. .,! Hl,i> in Ahrr-.ft. The so-callexl soap mine at Ashcroft, British Columbia, is really a lake con- taining water strongly impregnated with borux and soda. These hare eo- 1 id i tii H! on the bottom and sides, whore, the substance can be sawed out in Mocks as if it were ice. ftnm* All* Ire 1 1, Don't fail carefully to inspect youi shipment before closing the bos. Put in the memorandum on your bill head, or an envelope, showing the count and other data. Keep a dupli- cate vonrself, and thereby save much annoyance and frequently a loss. I Don't chase off into a new market with untried people just becanse of a possible temporary advantage. Nine times out of ten yon will lose. Keep in ton -h with a go<xl house in several markets., and use judgment in ship- ' ping to any of them. Watch the re- ' ports and forecasts, and then allow for weather changes. Miller's Worm Powders ur* all ail- ments of children lik uiiflo. It is no unusual thing for a vessel pi v ing botwoen Jajwui and London to carry 1.000.000 fans as a single item of iu cargo. Th* Demon, Drspep*!*,. ! oldea tlm* It wai a popular IM-. . i Imt demon- moved Inviaililv tliroimli t hr aiuliient nir, s-ek- lng to enter into men unrt Iroulile tlietn. i he demon, dytpen-ia, Is at larK* in tlie -une way, seeking habitation In those who hv c>ire!e* or 1111- Wla* living Invite linn. And elire he en- I tera a mmi It M ililli nit to illilodtfe him. lie thai. Hud* hi , .-e*.i-d aliould know Ihrtt a fi ii nil In il.i I nut I* for him with th* nn-eeii KM- 's I'.irnieleo's Ve;etii|* Piila, whiuli are ever ready for the trial Orn llnnp* fnr th lln. A mess of green bones at least twice a week will always prove beneficial, as they provide lime for the shells and serve as a change. Some do not tH-lieve in feeding grain at all in the summer season, preferring to allow the hens to work. A pound of green boue cut with a bone cutter, twice or tlireo times a week, given to a do/en hens at night is better than feeding grain, as the hens nearly al- ways come up with full crops when they are on the range. When in con- finement in late fall or winter the green Uuie will continue to be of valuable assistance. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IS WEAKENED BY THE Neuralgia Torture ' Every Nerve is Strangthened "p. JACOBS In the fure of it by OTT rrr to Have Troubled Him. Tbe Dunuer -So you cannot pay, and I have had my labor for my pain*? The Dunned Sorry, I'm rur*. If you had only sent word you were coining, 1 might have let you know It would be worthier^. Von u :o\v me well enough to know that I \\mld uot willingly put you to the ip.uM iu call ItoHton Transcript. Sure Belief f T l,....m .!. A Swiss physician. Dr. Otto Na gell, declares that th* best way t overcome insomnia is to imitate thi breathing of a man who is asleep, unu to make the head undergo the variou movements to one Hide and th* other which one occasionally makes whil* falling asleep in a Kitting posture. $100 Reward $100. Th* reader* nfthli paper will be pleased te Itarn thai there i> at lr**i n dri-Adcd ,.i>ru* that rli-nf-e ha* ben able te <-u- In al it* and that I* Caiarrli. Hall'i Catarrh Cur* it the >uly [xwliivi i-ure known t,i th* mrtli< ,1 fraternity. Catarrh h'init a c .!i *a*e, rei|nlrea a constitutional treatment Hall'* Catarrh Cure i* t4k-- in --rnaily, ai-ting direct- I n;.<,n '! 1 -<i -i'l ni'i eu tur'acea of t v*t'-iii, thrrebv d^virovng th* f.uindation *f ii, ,1 -. anil KiMntrlh" >*tlrnt itren.-th by bnildii-ir up the i-'.i:tii ;iti-n and aa*i*tinr na ture in ,| , nz iu '-r< I lie propnt'ir have so mu-h fa'tn fn lt rurative powers, that they offer < 'tie llu'i,1r,i I> I .-*fi any ras.- that [t (ail* In , nr, - .'-.-. , . F. J I'HKVEY 4 CO., Tol**e, 0. Druififii v A K.m.rt 7 for Bd l.aninar*. An CK-can poin? captain wassomaek riven to using bad language that hit first mate made a bet with him thai he could not do withont swearing fat a week. It went on all right for the first two or three days, until a bit of squall came on and the sailors wen up aloft doing their different duties. Bnt their captain waa displeased with their work. He stood it as long aj ' he could, and then he threw his oaf on deck in a towering rage, jnmped on it, and shaking his fist up at the men with an angry scowl, h* hiseedl "Blew yon, my dears yon know what I meant" PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROWS .if>. oKD. , -' M*-1- e,,,l fur >:tni{.if>. l'TT PLOW ro . HitA -rro UCAS. STEELE & BRISTOL, Write Ul. HAMILTON. L.-. * R. < I..V Jk n. KltrMt I. - * II. vpleae BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE UNTAHIO iiiMini TWIM: ro.. til Colon H tat Ion Aroada. Toroaco. A K,i," U ii-, HI"W. Stubbs Say what you please about gasoline stoves, bnt the one in our kitchen has plenty of nerve. Penn In what way? Stuhb Why, it's the only thing im our house that dares to bluw np the eook. Miller's Worm Powder* are a wonder- ful medicine for th* ailment* ef ohildrea. Quit* K-- re.liinc. "Tour husband says he always feels refreshed after one of my sermons, ' ' aid the minister. "Tea," replied the wife, absent- mindedly ; "a good sleep does refresh All-"l ' I I I V I Itr.K. wae. ra:i'-i -rfe.-t t -ne-uwper. t* n and 0:nt.<f .r ,1 it tt>u!l!i Adv*f. tiling Hatter U" , . t , >-t 01 a rent Seat addrexf^r particular*. SMITH Uio. Lrf>KDO>. Fmiff* BTOPI'CD FRKK. Permaneai. I V ly < -'" r l DB *LIXS'* naf I IJ VKSYK ItKHTOSKl. I' -Itivecur* ' w lor all N- '. Fit*, Kplleptv. Spainii tint St. V .< . >i i, *. N* Fit* or S'arr > after rtnt day'* aee. Trentl**) an! *J trial bottle) iat Ihrouch Canadlaa Ax ,oy ra to fit patlenta. they paving eipreai'-narcraouiv when reciveoV Sou I te'Dr Kline. a. Au-h it . I'm delphia.P*. !* <* 33o. f >r .1 waette* ' I e (HI. ' "'> ' ii"'- > < Ifll'.K.O IF.Ut.nR. ' (am .1 itor paper. C w o b it oar>t-i In one) ai;d we will tend y a f New Tork 23e. ban*; Hook, ooatolnlnij over CO ltl popular aonca; "e w ' ien_l va I un.lo Llbr*rlet. PIIKB OP ( H\ni.> THI AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY, iSf ll] -.t.. lorouto. SfSkv s^ ! 5 i x C *r" *r" > ' ' ( 4 8 II mm mm "Tee," said the founder of the co- operative colony, "we got on very nicely for the tirxt six months; than th* trouble began." "Didn't your industries pay?" "The industries promised favorably Bnt we couldn't stand prosperity. One of the men discovered a gold mine iu the mountains and one of the women subscribed for a fashion magazine and then the trouble started. and SOUTH UNCLAIMED MONEY & ESTATE AGENCY. Head urn." I.OMION. K>GLAWI>. NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE. DUCALD M. FARLANE, MANAGER. LOCK BOX 145, TRURO, NCVA SCOTIA. 1 Oi- fi.r I iiri.i.ii- llnuk. Tiibvrritlnftte In Cat* Cats are known sometimes to have tuberculosis, and that they have in many cases been carriers of diphtheria and other of the ordinary infections directly and indirectly is more than suspected. Co..." I <-. worth ~ line Ink fv ml v>.ur name an< in" name ana - a.. will forward you ihe Ink I'.iw. ...I "ur larire OataloanM, -'e'tll When *. >l,l ndua our money and we "III nerid yo*> the premium you *tl*t-t \\ ,r. f r tl,^ ontfll to, lay Mention thl- |,ager. IMPKlilAl. INK CO.. Toronto. Out. T. N. U. 246 If the child Is r stir** at night, Has rnnted tongue, anll-.w romplexlon, a dose of Miller'* Worm |'H,|IT* is what I* ro quirvJ, very plwuaut aud perfectly harm- . In the islands iu the straits of the sound the natives at your going will tep down and clasp your foot. A Manic Pill.- Itv |i^jla I* a fo* with which aaea are rniiMtMntly icrnppllng bat cniiiiot ejterni a ritlhdaed, aatl to all | p|>,-ai ini-es vniiii.if.lie. I ill one, it make* lit .11, {, it.iii, 'e in .IK" .: illrei-tiiili. Iu MI my ilir di|{eMivr M|>|irHtin t* a* ileli- caie *> inn merliMiiiMii of n watch or ,i.lli- in -.: riiini-iii In which *ven a lnv;tli of nir will in ik n vnrintlnn. \Vlth inch |>ef.iiii4 di-ui ,!! < of t lie HMinach en- -r n mi the limit trivial cHimei and , , i NulTerinu'. Tu tlit-^e 1'Mrine- 1,-e^ VrnrtaliU Tills i* rei-i.iiiiuendeU as in, i,l and aur*. A K-II, u I. .',1 (.own. Princee* Czartory.-ki has jnst had a remarkable gown imulo in I'aris, on which her coat of arms is produced in jnwcN on a white saini ground. For thiH jiurpose the stone.* hud to be pierced, and though their value is thns deteriorated, thn costume a* it stands if reputed to be worth |7fi,000. Mental <nd phvl\l vigor follow th* me* ef Miller * Coiui>ound Iron IMlla. A MacnlBreiit Thimble. The queen of Siam owns a thimble which was a present from her royal husband. It is made in the shape of a lotus bad, of the finest gold, and is studded with diamonds, which are so arranged that thev form their names and the date of their marriage. A new back for .'.n rents. UUler's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Medlaanl indent*. Many of the students at Russian universities are mendicants, who solicit alms and wear oaet-off gar- men t*. n ... > . i i. .,... Qnilp He took his wife's death rery hard. She died suddenly, yon know, and the poor fellow had no chance to tell her whe had made him a good wife. Philip How long had he been mar- ried to her? Qnilp Twenty year*. A BRAVE WOMAN. How a Drunken Husband Was Made t Sober Man by a Determined Wife- A PATHETIC LETTHR. She writes: "I had for along tlm* been thinklnnof trying the Samaria Prescrip- tion trwittment on my husband, for hi* drinking habit*, but I was af raid h* would discover Hat I was irlvrig him medicine, and tho thought uniu-rvi-d ma. 1 hi-MtaUni for nwirly a we*k, but on* day when he came h,ine vory in-ich Inioilcatud and his wiH-ii'* salary ne.irly alU;rnt, 1 threw .IT ull aud determined to make an elfort t.> xive our h,i-u* fn>m the ruin I .iw coiniiuf, a t all hazards. I sent for roar Samaria Prv,-rii-ti.>n and nut I- ID htsooffm ;.s dlreoted nut morning and w.-r -hrnl iitul |.ru.v.-<l for the result. At ri' algavohlin iu,.r and also at supper. UK II..MT hiisiHvtel a thing, and I then Ii (Idly kept rune on giving ii regularly at I hid dlaoovered s>niifthiiig that net every n.Tve in my body tingling with hop* and ii i MIIKH.S. and I could nee a bright future jpi-eid out before in,- .1 pcncrful, >nj'i>y honim ahar* in the, ir..,t things of life, an at-.vulve, loving hu-niij, comforts, and Vfrything ele d,-.:- i , woman'* heart, for my hinrwnd had tol.l me that whiskey wan vile atuff and he was taking a dialik* L ',* . U WM only to tr '" < ' for h*for* I M given him ttia full coune h* had tor> pvi drinking altogether, but I kept K lvln t,he ne.lU-ine till it. wag gone, and then *enl >r iti.itrier lot to l.aveon hand If h**hould rei ;it,*., <u ih had don* from his promises before. H* never ham an4 I am writina rou U.H letter o tell you how thankful 1 am. I honestly believe U w ui cur* th* worat oa*e." nt r^l" P J 1 ! 1< ! 1 ln , '' !lxln ' "* 1ed en ''op\ S*ntfre, e^^-g tcMiiMontahi nd full ln- foriuatl.m. with directions how to lake r liulninter Sa.imr.a ITesorlptlon The Owen Electric Belt Trade Mark Dr. Th* only wUntlflo and pnwtical Electrlo Bel* SMat*, for general ua*. havn.ij battunee thai K-.ieratea atrouc current of ET.-ctru-ity thai U uiulur perfec: control anil can be au-jkad toau pan of th* hodj, forth* cure o( Nervous Diseases ThotiDand* of people .tiffer from a variety at Nervou* UUeaaea. uoh aa Scni 1*1 \\eaknea*. [inpotMMT, Loat Manhood, eu-.. ihtth* old inixiea of treatment fail lo cure. Thor* I* a lo** f nerve force or power that cannot be rentoreJ by any medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to acconipli-h thi* by'anv kind o2 .5s.s.5* p ~- Positively Cured jCleotriclty, a* applied by the Ow* n Electrl* Hell and 3u*u*n<or.T, vsi'l mo,t n.vmredly doeo. It n th* only known power that rUl evpply whit I* lckin. nnic!y nerve f, .,-eor power, linp.irt ton* and vigor to tlio oncan* and arontj* to heal thy action N* whole ner\oui*tei. 1 ' will mo*t aaauredl; cure, Without Medicine., Varicocele, Nervoo* Pro*trmtlon. RhnmaMinv dney Dlaeaae. Liuub-mo, ltdu Batok] OUR laOSTHAHB CAT^IOCOI .-.._! n fulleet Information rK irjlnt; th* o*n f aoute, chrouio and nrvoiu ,'. e*-*v ,* ,VeeT howtoori't-r etc niftilei (ealed)--FRgg to aoy aeenea i Alr l. Addrea* 1 ht> .^ .marla ardn tireet. Toronto. Out Tlie Owen Electric Beit And Appliance OOk. , TORONTO Of4T.