r I Sibatta. TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL UX, NO 987 Flcslierton, Ont., Thursday, November 180Q W. H. THDRSTON, "TH^ETOK McFARLAND < CO. <KEY C<1 NTVS IMGGKST STOltE A GRIST OF DRY GOODS NEWS IntereMtinu and pi oti table f.ir thrifty ahoppers. A plain story of up-to-date merchandise at money -savin.,' prices. MeecllAiidiae tl'.al is good in every sense of the term Prices that we kuuw, value for value, you can't discount anywhere Wort!) Repeating Agnnl tiling stands twice telling. Thais why wo tell again of the excellence of our Mantle stocks. There'* no such collection of Mantles any when- i.car here. We liavc always i?ot the newest to shot* you and this week opened up some of the nobbiest Manilas we have .shown this *?iiti. Hight up to-date ganiionts, e~act copies of the latest American styles, black, navy, fawn, i!k or satin lineil. |"2 r,n. :), $(7:., $4.50. $.>. r5.50, $7. $8, f 10 00. Sood 'Uneftrunar mint Jfosifry for lifomtn and Ckitdrvn There's a difference in underwear and Hiwnery, some aru poorly mado from |'o,. r material*, and .ire a constant source of annoyance from the first time they are put on. l.ut otlier*a.'itni arc HIMM|, citru has been taken in the making, thu y in s Intve IN-V.II thoroughly scoured and cleaned, ami when completed are just what they should he-- comfortable in every particular. We have la-en very careful in our selections for thin fall's selling and think we have a ntock unniMtche<l in the county. UNDER* EAR Children's Vests, lon aleevun. fancy fron* 8 and 10 Children'* Kihbvd Hiygeian Vest*, long xleuve*, fancy front embroidered 'vest, all alien 20 to 46 Chrildren'a Kmu Natural I'mmi 1'nderwmtr nearly all pure wool just f.iouuh cotioii to keep the uanuuiits from shrinking, ail siids 25 to. .50 La, lie. RibbuiJ Ventes, 1mm sleuvt-t 17 Lad 1 1.-* Vein, full siten, long sleeves, fancy colored draw ribbon at nuck 25 La-lie* Yosts ribbed hygeian. Ion.; sleeves, closed neck, full large sizes. two quahtit-H 35 * 48 Ladies Veil* in all pure oul ribbed, long nlue.es, closed neck, a satisfac- tory garment 76 &, !>0 UOOD WOOL BLANKETS Wu have placed in stock another hit lot of Wellington blankets. Thi* it tlio s.niiu blanket that gave tuch universal mitmfactioii last season and must with such ready sale. There ia a big demand for good blankets and the Wellington i* one of ihe best if not, the beet KUnkut made in Canada. Every pair is made of selected all pure Southdown wool which (lives them that aoft, silky feel not to be found in others. They come in all s:zea with pretty pink or blue boarders at per pair 92.75, 3.00, 3.30, 3.50, 375, 4.00, 4.25, 4.40 4.90 FUR OOOO3. EXTRA 5PBCIAL 8 only Neck Hurts in brown Kuwiar. Ham, good leiujth, 4 tails, each.'u 10 only Neck Ruth in black Russian Hare, full SUM*. > tails I .-'5 3 only black Capnrines, siar shape, full swe. storm collur, silk lined. 7. 15 3 only Aairachaii Jackets, satin lined, hair cloth sleeved, nice c!o*e curl, a big comfortable Krmcnl at a very low price 22 60 EXTRA SPECIAL 2(i9 y.U all wool Halifax twued for shirtings or b.iya' clothing, light or dark xrey shades, per yard ^2 UNION FLANNEL In Light or dark grey thades, plain or twill, at per yd 8$. lity, 14, 17. 18 * Ii! Ttyc^arland : (t : Company TOKONTO MAKKDALE-DUNDALK * i.v vli i*. viy * 4 * * s * * * * i* 01 $ :fe -at rrilfc --. F OR kimli. rl.-> From Our Own Currrtjnnulent Owiiiu to Ihe alwunce of news in our work for thu C. P. R. We wuh thu boy* succenv Mrs. .Uini-a Watson and her 'laughter left for their home in Choboyuan last burit. we may have to ineidunially touch I _ . ; Friday *ftTa pleasant vutit among friends on other matters, although our namtalce ! . ... . . . in thu vicinity, f rl, e Empire could ^ ^^ Prevention of Eye Trouble. in a distant parr write quite a budget jus: at present. We t.-el t'.iit we have urent reason to be .hankful th.ii u is not our own Kim- berley that m besieged, yet we belong to i the rime grand old empire, and have the name interests at heart. In .1 few more evenings, about Nov. I Dili, accordinif to the predictions of MIIIIU , HNtrononiers, we may b treated to the! phenomenon of sening a shower of slurs. : Mr. Uvfir* Hurd n Irirrymu hia tine . > Malcolm McD maid new nt'idencH to coiapUrtion. Mii-a Annie Scott has been re eiiusu- eil to ti-iieh thu Duncan Public school for the year UNM) MusSniMh MirCallumof Duncan mit.-d | hint week with her (Utter, Mrs. J. M. '; Fan celt. Owing to thu illuftaa of Mr. Her'. Arm- Reiley is now doing carpenter work for thu famous Wr hanle Mine of Rossland. K. B. didn't fall in love with the duties of a B. C. policeman. Mrs. W. J. Dlakcston and Master Williard are visiting friends in Swinton Park this week. Married. On Wednesday Nov. 1st by the Rev. J. S. Humphreys, Miss B. McDonald, youngest daughter of Mr. f Artumesia to Mr. .lose t jh Ferns of Swinton Park, Proton. We wish the younu' couple every happi- ness. Vanil<*l*ur p * itpniL.', Mr. J. imes Wallscu is teaching m , thu senior department if the, public school for thu balance of the term. The Methodist church IH undergoing repans at present. Mr. Goo. Proctor has the con'ract of plaster in if, repairing I chimneys, etc. Mrn. Kutledgit of Fl.-sherton is viaitinu with herdamrlitut, Mrs. J. R. Bradbury. Maxwell ('ir (on, ' '.n t'spoitdeii t Mr. P Simmer* ia recovering Rev. DiniL'laa m >i limy man at present. Mis* C. Field returned to Buff-ilo Isst ! Kridsy. Miss Minnie GUufnrd is visiting her Aunt in M irkiUle. Mm. Connor ia very ill at prevent. !| Messrs Wni. Fluinmini/, Lilldley snd j Riddell left. Monday for their camp to hunt tho deer. Thu English church Miaa ( '.il Oiir "irit ' 'iirrf*t>iulrnt liniuh of FerKus is vmitiiiK her mater, Mn. S. Dougls*. Mr. Carson of Acton West, accom- panied by Ins brother Alex, of Price- "' Prerentlon Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It Is possible when cure Is imposslt:*. Eye trouble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting discomfort, suffering tod permanent Impairment f slfht. We are properly equipped to adjust glasses ami guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong. iCWELER AND OPTIC!AN, FLESHERTON. was crowded ". w V Siitnlay iiftenns)n whi'n Rer. J. Hill preached a moat interes'ing sermon to Ihe ! members of the L O. L. M.my .'tnr tin- improvements tlmr h.'ive ! Won going on at the Methodist Church j and now it is to be reopened on Sunday i next, when Kev. M. L.P-arscn of Colling- | wood will preach at 10,.'W a.m. anil Ii .'id 1 p.m. aluo ,1. V. rinnkf-t is expected at 1 'i 30 in thu ufu-ri i. rrteeviito o-Ho Foundry Turnip SsetliTK. Scufflern. Ploughs, Iron Harrow*. Root Cutter*. >Miu Wrrows, Furnace D->ors .nd (!rte H . Mu*er and other F.irm Machinery repsned on ho'rt Notice. Old Casting* wanted. Plough Repaiis always ID tock. R. P. LEGATE & CO. Ceylon . . Ontario : Pur Oiriatinas look now rea*ly. Frum 1 Viiis up K.nir books explsinnl i tu I'roDpectus. One u "Famous Men nml liroat Events of the Nineteenth Century." tiieat Battles, Great Men. Uit I vntion Piid Discoviio, Pro^rea of Nitlions. rvery if rnat event "f thec nnny. If you havu a slow soiling bonk or <-n yaged in other airenry rmHineas you lo*e inoiivy to e >ntinuf, koru ia tho HMM <ippor(niii!y for making money vou vr Vail B^ proKt, easy time, new plan, Ret our offer sure BRADLIY-GARRKT80X <X I If. Td S S Farmorn' sons or other n I uiirinus persons of fair Mucatiou to whom $4i) 0) ! inn;, til would he all m- ilncein.-nt. I c ii'd a!so sngagu a fu<* la<li at th.tir "wn bo. nun. T. H. LINSCllTT, Brantford. WuLlltcd.: Bright m,.n and wi>rat who ar not U proud t.n. ..rk u.t wsnild like Ui makv some untiiey dur- ing the iiext tlniN! 111 >iitas handling the oiulrrful "Light of l,if.." 93 00 a dajr lire ; nonie nuke twice I hot. Ev r capital MnnecuMary. Smrrttion Co. , ltm*t+,t. HliJLM'Htm> from Our OII-M ('i,rv>-/Miil<rn( The some* hut sunsulu-ia yet strangely atti-nc'ivu custo f phiying tricks .-n Hallowe'en eums t-i ha% ilied out almost uiitirrly in thin burif. A fuw jiirciulen perambiil nu I tho HI vets for a short ti nu nfiHi-diitk in H tliruntfiiiii^ iirtitmlu lint j tin-it- pranks wen: mil surionn. The nntmburs of tlio Kpworth L .ii.'im oiiti-rttnied thuir frien.li' fro.n I ho C. K. lust Friday nignt. Although the wcatlo" wn.s rather unfavorably for suc'i an occasion y.'t a uoiiiideralile iiuinl>ur were pruHuut. T||H topic for the uveniiii; .a Ukun by W. J. Ulakunton. Tins * <.* followed by half an hour of n<icial inter oourso during which limn refreshment^ wure aervuil. A short program was then siiltniiiictl. A very insrruutivo iul.lrus on "Mission*" wa uiven by Kov. Mr Marhuson. Solos by Mis* Nitlialin <!ner and Miss Myrtle McArtliur and nduut. by Mn*. J. S. Humphrey* and Miss Annie luineH wure elf.-ctively rundeu-.l. Two glass bloA'ers visited our wuek. and called serve . Th r i|Uti.Mi of that brittle 'y """"rkable MfeMMM was vury intereHting to oli- I ville, paid their sister. Mrs. S. Gilbert, a short visit last week. We are sorry in hear of Mrs. Geo. Wright hem L' very nick, but hopu ' i hear of her recovering soon. Mr. Sid Gilbert arrived home from Rrittnnia last week after spending the summer there. Mr. William Badger, who taught school here a number of yoaisago, paid hi* old friends a short visit last week. \\ : aru sorry to hear that Mr. Guo. qhannon is on rlmaick list. Stone's Settlement \.t-i week we stated that the stuain threaher had made it.s appvarnnce on tlna line. Tin. statement wan made >ur public school, in now in a fair way of recovery. Mr. James Hill, a much respected r. siJent of tnis neighborhood, who hss been laid up all Niini'iier through sick- nuts, still lies without any improvement Whim Mr. Hill was takun sick Ins H. 'ii, a lad of fourteen yuais, took hold of thinus like a man, and attended to all the, work of the farm, through the psutt harvest running the binder, and with the nd of hia younger brother harvested fifty acres of crop, and now has thu land ploughed in readiness for spring seeding. Mrs. D. W. JamiuHon, who has been in delicate health for some time, el on Suturday last for Toronto, to receive treatment at the General Hospital there. Her many friends hopu thai thu treat ur.der the belief i hut such would lie thu I muiit may prove successful, and that she cise before our Hums went to press, but may return ere lonit in renewed health tn farmers wru a./ain disappointed and Mr. and Mrs. Guo. Ituucroft lately promptly showed thuir rutuntment by visited with friends at Ban if. N-il McLean who com- The trustee* of our tchisj have enifagud C. W. Holmes of Henthcote a* thu teacher. Wu understand Mr. Holmes comua with very Mattering testimonials, and another lurm of SIICCUIM is predict*-*! Mr. muncud at Mr T. McArthur's on Friday laat and will likely do the rust of threahing on this liue a* hu . hiKiii", ^enernl s.itisfitution. Hallowe'en paxsud "if very quietly this year. Thu only damage done, that we know of, wns the slaughter of a big fat L'oose, which w:is well stuffed 'iii'l roasted and served us i night cap to 4 small but selei'L |'.ir'V of guests who ll 1.1 buell whirling iii tho ili/xy wall/, on ihu floor of our mutual friend, It. W. Ast.roiiomets tull us theiu ttiil he a brilliant display "f slioo'in"; stirs fmn the 1'J'h to th" 14Mi of this month. Aa th'S brillinnt display of thu L*onids only ... -iirs once in itvery 33 yenrn, there will hu probably s lar..>n numlNtr of people on the look out for HO rare a >p,-, lacle, and we hope they will be re- w tided by (luring cloudless nights for their [Thu items come to hand tuo hitu for lat week's issuu. Ed.] I'on Law from "tir ' ion <.'i>rrrt/Mtii'lrnt. Mr. Kilitor, - Not ObBermii.' any corr- in The Advance from <hm suction for a considerable li-nu'li of time, itllioughr HUKgested tlii>t it iniuhi not he in of place to forward you ihu foll.'Hing i'. in.-- : Councillor Thompson lim erected a line new drr in',' he<l at fie store, which will bo a grout convtrniunce for hut Mr. Hobnt Mr \la-ler. biclielor pro One of the most untci-esting ! tern, IIMM been nmkrii; extenxive ad- features of thu exhibition WSH the draw- 1 ditiiilln and improveinunts to hia dwelling, iilK out of L'l.'iss, by meaiiH of n large wh4, into threads hnur than silk. Tlie whislling liir.l U4Ued no little mem i mi-lit. Mr. D. McLean held thu lucky piucu of paittt l>..ard which drew the laige UI..I* given away on Saturday night. The Rev. J. S. Humphreys and Rev. Mr. Matheaoii vXoliaiigud pulpits laat Sunday uvenuir,', Meears. Frank iluMey and Duncan Me- K- left (. Owen Suniid lant wkek tu Threshing is almost a thinu of thu |>aat, and ihu yield of grain, fall whuat except- ud, ha* been almost universally good. We are \ery sorry to *tatn that Mr* ' fc. G. Lucas, one of tho party, Dundalk Happenings Frum thr Her-ild Mrs. Gjerdrum and Mins Keufer o f Flenhurton wure thti guests of .Vrs. A. W. Rowu on Friday. Oaprty cheese factory sold the ro- iiiHinder of their slock on Oct. Itfth for He amounting to 81,185. Mr. Wnght, C. P. R. freight agent, Owen Sound, waa in town Monday, hiring men to work on the docks. Jas Tedford offered Robert Cornell S'J.'i for his 3 yuar old and 960 for h la- yearling Prince Erie colts. Mr. Cornet; ile. limr.l to sell at that price. Mr. Henry Hewitt while preming hay at Mr. Thus Talbot's, InistioK*, on Mon day, ws severely injured. Several of his ribs wure broken and hia ahoulder t>adly bruised. Dr. McDurmid haw secured s p<iU(ii an surgeon on thu Ontario and Rmy River Uailnwd . He will lime charge uf thu hospital llml is supported by Ihu company, who have charge of the co)i arruction of thu road. Messrs. J. D. Brown, T. Uickbart. Jas. Teiif..,,l, Dundalk : D. Bruwu, Priccille, and J. Wright, Fleshortun, left Monday morning for Kdgiiitmi, Parry 8..unJ District, -vhere they will spend the next two weeks huntinu deer. Mr Albert Thompson still lies in a low con- dition at bur patent's homu near Me Mr. J. L. Wood, who has undeigone a *evi ooeration. and been in a cntionl state for some time past, in consequence able to go with them but may join them in a few days. Wni. Snell of Taylor's Mill, Holland, While running a rip saw had Ihe am fortune to have a splintei penettate his. reaigning hi* position u teacher i u arm, making a painful wo