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Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1899, p. 3

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NOVEMBER 2 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Merchants' Bank Oj CANADA paid up $6,000,000 teat 2,600,000 HEAnOrrirr MONTBBAL IK>ARD OF DIHKCTOKS . w M.UH. i -.( I'M -Mill-Hi rroH MX KUNZIE., Kq.. Vlc-rrwii1t>Dt , Hih., 'viEiK . . . loVin < 'u.ilf K- 1 Hobnrt Uackay, Etq H Monuii Alli-ii. K.KJ Tbof Long. K| Urcl1lf. - U, norl Xln(r Thus l'yk. . Joint On. Mng JCr.llrli.lrii Hupt uf KraucbM HKtM Hhnl> OKTAHIU ANIi AlTi.tou.Ont. LMiniuKton. Quetwa. nllilli., Lou'luo. out Bcnlow IWrlin Mrk,lle. sbeil.rooke.Qu Hrauilton, Montreal. Kbwill. ...!, W,, No Stratford . Chilli. in. ijj(, MCtl)- 81 John's. Out ' rk>nTll|, ripe Street. SUerume. ljue Oil Mitchell. StTlioniM , Ouii,Hjue NtpmiM Tllbiirjr Out llui.iver "tt*w Toronto, Hamilton Oakx ilia. Out Wtlkxrtoa. HiMpeler, wen Bound. Wlmisor, Oat. i'V r *" M - 1'aik.lale Watford. )KInkardiiir, 1'reaoott KiB|jiiton, I'n. ton Out Wlnul|i4|. Napiw.i. llrandoii, fioiirlt. I'orl^. i... Prairie Edmonton. Al|, Mwdiclue Hat, Auiu. A Ornrral Kankinn Kuilneu Transacted. (tenet in Dri.tMiiu at (uiii-ut hatee, Ki i.n-i ' Notee Dioounte4. r'Kiini i ' Note* Collected. ttfarkdale SSrancfi W. A. UURKUWS. Manager WIKKI.V AT TIIR OrrifK, HVll E.MIAM HTHEKT. M.>lir.RTnN , ONT. , BY W. II. Tilt Itvro.H. |l IM r .mini in Hlrlrll) In advnnrr AitVPi tismc Rates: Do Colilinii. 1 yi-*r. AM ; bklf col.. 1 vr. (U quarter col . on* jre4r, S13. Traniiant lvrtUeinnt rliarsivl st th rat* cent-, p ir him for first Insertion slid Scent oil .uL.i'.iiieut luPrrtiuo. I '.' - WAll ITEMS Oo'.n tin l.'iul Tin IIIIIK r thul Mr. Clininlx il.iiii i-li-d entiling u COIlvc-nl doilbllPBS Imin Inn wcll-knowu dotermina- tion to take the Vaal. : <t : Siicharcts DIRECT IMPORTERS WHOLESALE MANUF'ltS Dundalk, Markdale & Toronto |E For several month* past we have !> --n working ami plnim- ing to have a different ttore by fall, iucludini; a lar^o incrm-e in room. Having faith in Dundalk's future, wo detenu ine<l to uive tli* people an up-to-date store, You will now find our MiMim-iy Parlors. Carpet, Floor Oilcloth, Wall Paper, Curtain nd Window blind Department nbstairs, entrance from store. The lM-i-ment has bffn remodelled and KU en over to C"*kery. Cinnawaip iml Faucr Glassware, etc. When in the at.M - do not fail to visit the basement. You will find much to interest you. Fall and winter* Clothing < >ur itock of th i;oodi lit cii>|>l. to in every GOODS Alremly we have had what many Urge Htorea would consiil.-r a HUCC-M- ful Fur u*ton, but not mi with UH, iltli m,'h the ule of Kur- li*-. oei- tainly Iweii lx"ynd our ei|>ei:tti<>iia. We have yet only Htaned to Hell . i-ni|Mivil with what wu will ret M.-ll. We Ixiuvht largely liefore the fur i/ixxls iwlvaiiced in [>ric, ihurcforu we are in a position to offer nil kmdfl of fur ({o.MlH nt the loweitt |...ssili|i- pni I-H Juit Krcelved A larn" Import onler of womea'< Wo'il and Canhuinre Hha!< inaUo of ktulfUi IM- cant down at the- ! iflHitl. Mi-j.|inn; out an ortl-i>-o. I, waUiil out of tht) iiriuounes In n <|U-irt or of an hour the Jlst ranks wvru din- ,in.l I'. 1 iitti-i was in. niitinn his ti.,i>,i tn mil- lioniM auain. Hi- l.-'i-l "'i<- foot in the stirrup whin Lu-ut.>. walknl up aud xaluteU. " 1 havi- wired my resignation to nij colonel and am now a private," he aaid ; "have I any chmicv now t" Col. (Hti-r's Klronjj fuce i. livl into a Mini.- M he rt-nmrked : "Younu; man. I admire your plm-k." Tlu-n h llo|^d i.ti and tin- plucky liutensnt Iwcaine one f ON CUARD Tin.- L'mii'l StatoH Kolilicrs arc still carrying c.t'i \lluug b-foru them in the l'i.iili|'inrrt, but in BOiue unac- couiiiaiili in.ii, iu-r "everytliing" seems to return about to the Hlarting point aud thu carrying process has to be re- pealed in-ii liuiii.lj. Sir Redvt>rn Duller arnvcd at the Capo on Monday. The war will from this ou prove more interesting. Hn Bcdvt'i-M ii a iuau who will make it ?ery iuU-rcsiing for everybody, includ- ing the Hm is. The Canadian coiitingeut aailed frjrn Quebec on Monday afteruoou. Tlio bulk of the Hour army appears to be couceniratuii uround Ladysmilh. An indecisive battle fought there on Monday, and it ii probable that a sanguinary battle will be (ought ou that ground this week. Later new* of Monday's battle gives the sorrowful new* that two regi- im-nti, iniiiili.-i inn about 2000 men, were either killed or eaptnred by the Doers. This is the greatest disaster in the history of British arms. A UMAECABLI KKs- Mrs Mii-hin-1 riirtHin. ri.iintu-1.1. III., niitki-s thii HtHliinrnt, tint she caaght cold, which selth-il nil In-r liuini: ^HI was iii-.,i..,| f.,r . ni.inth hy h"r fumilr i 1.1 in, luit vrew worse. II toM In-r she wn a hoprli-HK VH-IIIII .f c iii^iiiii|itioii ati'l and tl.iit n.. inriliciiir oinM cure her, Hi r dnukiiit sumrrsti-tl Or. Kuitf'' N l |i|-...\ery fur t-niisuinptioir, >ln boBflll a but tU and to her d*likl f.mti.l In ts, if iNMirtitli-il from liri iloo Sin- on.tinu-d its UM! am .liter taking six iKiitli -. Imin ! hftM-lf soin.-l ami well; now ilous h-romi In.iiM-wi.rk, s.nd is ait well anshu eur WM. ) Sold hy nil Dru(wu, Urge bottlct .'" ml SI. 00 The wirnlne cough Is the faith- ful sentinel. It tells of (he approach of consumption, whichhaskilled more people than war and pestilence com- bined. It tells of painful chests, sore lungs, weak throats, bron- chitis, and pneu- monia. Do not suffer another day. It's useless, for there's a prompt and safe cure. It is Made of Right Stuff. The trouble at Ihiuthvillu lat wek has bwn explainul awsy. The foun- ds! ion of the difficulty lay in Mr. i Marshall's attempt to keep the factory runnii.K for the henrtit nf hu j*rotis ns I. niti as possible, when iu fact he waa ac- tually hming money. This became very ap|iarent at the Itat sale, whi-n the total amount he recrived lor innkinu WHS not sufficient to pay the drawers' while his own expenses of course were entirely unprovided for. The situation wan i nor* emharransinii thnt Jim could meet, Imncx the step he Uxik. On com- mit to town last wevk his hrother and lir.iiln-i in-hiw camu to hiii aiwisUnce and at a nun-tint; of the patronit since A compromise was arrived it. l<*sid<m by n slip in Mr. M's figuring the amount in queation was $3AO 1ms thsn ap|Hred l.i-t wevk The incident has become a dixtgrt-eahle oi.e hut hss its lesjtons. Hi-vie*. Handsorne War Waps Free An ii, nili-iii took place at the Toront arinouriux on Halurdity durini( the enlist- ment i,f tin- nii-ii for tliti <Jii!indmii-Trnim- vaal contiiiKt-nt, wlncli only mirrorx liow ki-i-n in the coniprliUon nmoii^ I 'MI adiHn military nn-u In lind it place in Ihu contingent, lint IK alike i-n-dilitlilc tn il,,- prini;i|Hl in ihu act. In the hattaliuu to which hu belongs uii.l tin- sitctii.n of the country in winch hu n-mdes. Tim Toronto World tliijii dxHcnlii-H the inriili-nt : "The in. n of thu .list i.._iinn-iit had lii-en diMwn up for t'.il. (>t'i-i' As ho ran hi* i<i|K-iifiii;uJ eye doHii UH ranks he noticed the well known ti"in >f l.i.-ut. J. II. ll.nlii-. fi'liii; him oiii, the col- onel said : " Korku, I i-in't lake Uk yon ; you HI. tin . UUm. ' '' But I yn no priTsti-, sir," wits the reply, hut thu o-iloot-l only itnswertMl : " I ui't help that, you must sii-p out, I can- (> it i--iii-.i 1 -r you at all." Lieut fiorkf umidi 6 fatt 10 inrlu-, is 2;i, a Ihoroiigh. athlete snd one of ilio .III -.'is, i| i Un l II t\'M n<>t which cures fresh colds and coughs in a single night and masters chronic coughs and bronchitis in a short time. Consump- tion Is surely and cer- tainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken in time. A 25c. bottle for a fresh cold; 50c. size for older colds; $1 size for chronic cough-sand consumption. " I always kMp a bottle of Anr'i ('terry r^ctonl > hsad. Then rary lima I get cold I tk s llltl* of U sad 1 m twtwr si onr." J U O. Bi yr... oct i9, UM. KI Pa>, Toaa, Wrtu the r>o*r. If TO* * ooirlalx whMT SM 4Mln la* but m<4lrl tdrlo*. WM Ik* PoilSt - AMraM Ur.J.C. ATI lire showing a keen interest in the Trsnsvsal war. The "Family Herald and Weokly Stsr," of Muni real, hnve plaood their readers in a ponition tu intnllitii-nilv uiidersUnd the situation hy r-, n.l.i. ' . h.-li render of that pauvr a hnnd sunn colorttl map, with complete infor- mation Hoarding all |H>ints IIII-IIM .nnl in ,|i-.-.|>iitrht's Thm map '-ll l>u follow i"l n|i hy another to he inu.-d hy the "Family Ili-nild ami Weekly Star" to its ivmli-rwiit tilt- closf of tlii- |.r.-s,-iit trouhle"; a r. imp ins.. n of the two will i-l.-.trly Hhow what Grent Hriisin hnn t!'iim-<l hy the war. "Family Ili-rald" su'is.-riln-rn Mill n. di.iilii n|.|irri i-iti- lli,' pulililn-is' gen- i-rosuy, wlncli coHt, it m w'd, thoUHfinds of iloilnrn The "Family tltoald" s.-i ins in > i-i tu f"fm-t tlu-ir HuliHcrihers. It ia 1 n.i .i..nd.r they have such H Urge i.inn- 1 U-r. Volcanic Eruptions BOAR FOR SERVICE Thoroughbred Brkmhirt< I'.oar for nvrvira on lot M, coo. 4, ArteniMiu Term* 75 r-ni. >\. J kKNNKY.t'ropnutof STRAYED 1 yr oM ntor, rad ami whito, csme to rn j |ir(nnms > or stkout -Ami Ovt.Jot 77 con i. 8. L> H. Owuur caa linvo msius by piov li iii-opurtv .! payiiit! ei|"ri. U in A. MOUTON, VVarrliiiii P. O, LAMBS ESTRAY Cm, i" tn tin- IIM-II.IW-.. nt the<Uiiu.l. a t>out lliv ii.iil tlu of OcWtbur, tw.i Ivnl.-. luit .-vil. .,tl. not of ihu Mftinti liuik Owhor or Iowui 11 run hfcvi- khte by |.ioiny pruporty itii.l payiuif t-x|oiise. J. K. JAMIKHON, OT. con. 9, Artenu-lt, Kununis P o , Oct 30. 1MU Are ursii.l, but Skin ni|itinn> luh lifs of ).>. UuokUii's Arnica Halt* cures tlirui alim olil, runuiiiR anil fsvtr mri-s, I ic^rs M <ii, l-Vii.nn. i nrui., Wsrls, t'uu, Kruises Murnn, Heslds, Chappod ilanils. I'hilb >io> H nl'ile Cur* on artli. l<rivs nut pains mi. I achs*. Onl 3A owiti per hoi Cure BolU by all Jrun<nu IflFHTV ' L 'Kl'< f Life." The Now nULIl I J _T,|anient .-xiUineil miJ the I,ivt"t if ihi^ Ap'ixtUtt : twi) h<Hiks in 0110. Kn<l'.iH.-il hy all cltiruyiiu-ii H.U'BHWI for c>unasiirs. Agents tsknn; r<lors thrmi fuurtlii culls uindo, K you { want a ulisru i'l this u'old IIIIIIH, huntle. BKADLKY QARUKT80N Co., Limited, llrantford, Out. ' +*&&&&&&XOK^^ [. Richardson & Co. Jlesherton ~ *Dtindalk Special Values in Ladies* Fur Mantles We hare just received completion of a I nv or.tim-t for' Astrakhan Maiitlf" Anticipating an mm-naMy li avy de tnand for these highly popular and wry servioi -nbli- i^uin. nif. we placed our oiders on a corresprnrllii^ wale, loi-x In f"rc t!it- tneral advance in Knrs. and in conm-qi" -ni-e can off- 1 i-r ciibtoiueiK a ,-pleodid agsortrnent of cxc< llei t vulnes to silm :V>m. Every garment is made of choice j-lofw* skino, well cat and thoroughly rtliable if. make, ii miming and IP.II.^S No better values any win-re ! Prices Erom ?25 to ^35 MILLINERY *^> "' \Ve ahall be plea*l to have the L-di. s visit our Sli >w room and view the latest i.l. ;is ui fall Milli.i.-i-y. \V would lik- to say nore about, our display, but cold tvpi- mul priator'i ink cannot do full justice to tli- stylish cteuli.inH ,if tu Miillin"r s an, nor depict the very uitiHctiM- nnd aitictic MBbinauoM ot . and nntti-iTi". which are di -nt-ciive ft-miir. "f tliis s, as >u's style. Come aud see theiii in | rson. bb Ladies' Fall Jackets New Toronto-made J k. U in /Yiezes. Carl Cloths. Hcaveis, .Si -* and Fun.-;. I , . ds. All sizi-tvill the fasbiouable iiiclndiuu' Bhck, Fawn, Myrtlo, Browu. N;iw, . ew and Mixturrs. Prices aiiuinifil '< >uit all purses, ami lacli ^aroji'nt n-prcM'nt tin ht-st possihle valae. N-u- Siapon's .lcl,.-m at $8. CO, 14.00, f 1.75. ?"..2-'.. $5.75, 0.50, $7 5<>. SH.7:. $J.:.". $10.50 C WAI ERPROOF CLOTHING For Rainy Weather Special Lines Up- to- Date and Reliable Mt-n's Navy l!lue Twilli-d Waterprnif C'i>atH,fancy plaid lining*. .. _. '.'7 inch (letaclmliK- dipt-, , sewn edges and SI-HIIIS, all HIZBS Men's Fine \VterpriKif Ooata, whipcord effects in nifdiuin and dark fawn colors. duuMe brrMt Mtj-1*-, with ili-t-|. \i-lvrt collar, Hewn smins and i-ilyrs. fancy plaid lining, vvotilnted under arms, VEKY SPECIAL Men's Fine Imported Scotch Waterproof CoatH made 111 ('!..-<- tertivld style of dark brown aii.l fawn covert cloth, <li-< p velret collai, plaiii linings, sewn seatm and edg?. Reliable nioduruuH anu won't harden. .SI'KCIAL Men's Fancy Tweed Waterproof Cimta, uew pntternn. 30-inch detachable cape, fancy plaid lininir, silk Hewn st-sms and rdRM, bulutel; w*ter|rKif, wun't ({row hard ur uucay. SPECIAL ;. Triese are vit^out exception trie bst values in Water- proofs we n^ve ever Hardware Dept, Guery FOR THE SHOOTING SEASON uns BREECH LOADERS FROM $1.50 TO $11.60 CflRTRIDC'ES, SHELLS, SHOT. SMOKELESS. N1TRO and BLflCK POWDGRS LORDING TOOLS, WADS, PRIMERS, etc. Kemp's New Cold Blast Lanterns . . . We sell tlietn, anil tin- makers ".imrnntcp they will not blow out or break glasses. Wo think tliey are tin b8t all touncl lanterns ever invent. -if, Try one and you'll say so too. 1'iice 7.") cents. IT PAYS TO BUY THE UEST IVople wlio nsu bigli i;rmle oils know Hu,ir a.|vairiw;t> owr tlie coinmou kinds. Tliey u'ive a bri?bt, clear light williout an otfenxivo oilor, don't mnoke cliimiu-yi, and there is little or no risk of an explosion. We have just placed a shipment in slock of Pratt s Celebrated AHTRAL OIL, iiii t -.e25o a ^ftllon We contideiitly recoturaeHd tiiix as a l.ig'.i grade oil in cvi-i-y respect. . Richardson & Co. KLESHERTOM TIIK FLESHERTON ADVANCE NOVEMBER 2 1899 NOT TOO LATE Owen Sou not, Ontario luw i>[ii'iii-i1 fr Fall 'I'einix with a t{ood attendance. Students however limy en- ter at way time us our inntructiim lrg- ly |H,TI >nal. Tiiit IH :in excvllrnt imm t IK-LIIII ntudeuis at lliu N. I). C. wi an in IM* wi-ll mi in tlie (ounif hofore the miiji.rity of studeiiU rnter at the lint ftheyenr. Tli ' Nnrthurn " u -itlili- -itil with tli.- IiiKtitutu f ClumsreJ ArcumtHiitiH nf Oninrm and two ot it* S-ri^H .if ill.- BIMH^H li.M.kx urn ri-C'un- ii|i-ndil by tin- liisii'iitii-n It is tin; rn-Ht place u> C.mi1 to irel a thormiih I!II-IIB.' Trainini! Wiitu for Cnt:ili>K<K> Jouroul ( v.-luch triv full |jnrticiilara ) to C A. Fleming. Principle. <>vvo:i MOIIIILI. OraU Vicinity Chips "iur:<-M'ri>li-s of Ihr Past lirk < ;irofully Culled for the Carious l!iititl**> :ii,nt'i liH-nli trill l-f - ,',-, ,,.. . .i .<> tl,. (-.if.' i.f' '. I t /ifT 'il^ f'if <(((/! nrr(l<ili. -I t r"l<lrt '" titililr "ii '"a ,F I'll! IIHTX "T urrr. Go.>d MfHdy Ixiy wantwl to lam print y at Tlio Advance otlii-f . Qu:trti-rly nurviceii will be held iu the n s.ihbath next. Rev. Mr. M.-D<>iinell of CwUrvilh- ami lluv. Mr. Tin mi exchanged imlpita >>n Sunday lut WanU-d 2OX) uuiri WIMI! miiu fur our \Vliulrviir H ii-,i- l, i T.-rollt... Mi:K:ir- M>itii-y tu Imiii mi farm |irii|terty .it live por cent, five.) cottH. Itellmny it Hwidwaon. Flehertiiii ImMi-r factory climcd last wook ami Mr. Wilson i-.i,) Mil ' " niaku his hw t Mile of nutter thin week. TimhiT for S.ili-, BaKw.Ml, Ithick Ash, .([ Kin. iin.i It'** Elm. A|'|'.y t" II. V. (Jilllillll. K!.-- ' ri U. McDowell. -urv.yor, of OWKII S.iuiul, :n in t i\vn M.'inUy d.'ii.u .MIIIIO work for .Mr. -J Heard. Five head of youni( catil-s ru*iiii{ two yir f ir ^ile, .'! .siin-rs .mil 'J lieitVrn. J. J. Oeimc, l..i -'I. .-.M T. \rl.-nicMrt. llev. Mr. Ward haa clotted a sen. auixewful specntl meeting at the Mvafnrd llottd appointment Colts for aile Pair rimng '_' yen and heavy draught spring colt. Apply to Ja*. Naali, lot 4, Con. l>, Artaineaiit, or Ceylon P.O. liino Ust kiln of the jUHt burned thia week, will '. nr lendy on Monday, 30th int. J. H. Duckett. Mr. Frnl Bunt, blacksmith, haa pur chased the old Wright pr->psrty oppomtv ArmlruiiK'N jewellery und IIH* taken Meann. P. Munahaw Eugenin, 8. Ped- lar, O. Mituhel mid John Wright left on Monday for the deer country. The Ut- ter accompanied a Dundalk party. Mia* Irwin is the only teacher in our public achool who hail actually neen roenued, but it in expected that tin other* will l.Hu reiuiun 4i per cent private Money loaned on vaay terms of repayment by Geo. Ruther- ford, Shelburne. Ezpenaes low. C .in inunicatioiiH rvceivu prompt attention. A aerinoK to OrtkiiKunieii will bo preiich- ud in the English Church, Maxwull, on Sunday next, Nov. 5, at 3 p. in. ''<>n- Hrniation hy liislxip UnlUwin next Tues- day, Nov. 7, :Jp. in. Mrs. \V. W. Tiimble entertained her inny fiiends l.-i-i ^idiHiodny. A |'leasnnt evenine was xpent ihou^li the enjoyment uf llio KiU'Hts wi marred hy thu Kin'ilni indmposilinn nf Mr. Tri'iililu. We nre pleased to Hre biin around KK*>i)i 'ii.l able to "toy the riM>nni " One i if tlie l> .;.!(. newspaper offers ever iiimle in Cniuda is the oifor of the Weekly Sun, Tormito, combined with the Family H<-tnlil. nf Montreiil. (in eluding the pr>iiniuin pictures) for tl 25. A still hi^ger i.lfer in that of the Sun combined with this paper for 91-36. AddrM ordern for the Snn combined with the Family Humid to the SUM Company Limited, Toronto., KleNhrtn A. O. !'. W. will moot hete ifter on the fint and third M .ndny in each month. The next meeting will li li-ld mi Mondxy, Nov. 6, whan a full attendance- U requested. W. Sharp, W. 51. The Advance hud a few line maps of the soar of war, published hy the Mnnt- II-.-H! S'ar, to tfive awny this week, but they oon went Sorry we could not have auplied more a it wax the beat we h:ive yet seen publmhed. A Credit A iii-lou Sale of fnim K'ock and pir leun-nth will be held ii lot II, eon. 11, (tap-ray, nil Tueaday, Nov. 14. vurylhin^ tu IK( Hold without reserve The frm will nUi lm otferttd for MH!U at the SHIIIO time and plnce. whi-n turmi will be nutdu known Alez. Sitig m, proprietor. Mr. K. .1 S|iMulemet with a painful acciili-ni o.-.u ilny lant wuk while attempt- ing to uiifiisten his home which Imd thniwn itaelf when tied to the trlr.'i iph pole in front of Slieppard' store. The animal kicked linn on the shin, making a severe biume, hut like a good 'iptmiHt K. .1. IH con^rntultttiir.' him- ui-lf that the U>ne is not broken. Master Rua.-l Smith, while chopping with another l>oy in tlio bush lust i-ek, met wirh an accident wlnrh will lay him up for Home time, if ii does n. t .-ntm-ly ilt-prui- lnm MI the uiie of hm right arm. The two hoy. were ntaudiiiK l<> " clone to- r .mil v""'i! Ho|i|>t. the second boy :uvnliitally struck Smith on thu uibow with the blade of hisaxu, inrlictini; a bnd wuund and slivering a piece about an inch long from t!u- i-lhow imnt . We learned fnun .Mr. .J. W. Kn.sf, mi his makinit hnsinora call <t our office S.itur'l.iy l.-isi. he hail just returned fr II mult. in, when- he IM---II -it tending .'i meeting "f tin- bxeoutivo of the I'tiimdiiiii < Inli-r ..f I'hosen Krn-inli. and repnri.s the Dnl.-r'tc b.- in :i vi-ry flouri.-ihing c. mdit Inn. It is imrely ;i l':iuiiliin I tfliT. li:n :i nii-iiilirlNlnp of ,v, i I7.IHHI :iml surplus fund of nvr The Onlxr hiw m.ule groat during the presc-ni. yi"ir. an. I us H fr-iterniil Mi' -n-ty has an excellent pr. for future prog Personals MIM* Kiln ' 'srruthen* ol V.-ening is Mr. .,nl Mi< K Hunt. Mi-. M ihitf .in. I Mr .In-. Asitjih of -U;irkilalo wi-ro quests of Mrs. *!eo. Stewnrl and f.iiinly .ni Sinulny Mm. J. Pinwoodiu ri IHIMI-.I Inut week from Collingwood where she had spent some weeks with friends. Mr. Fred Cnilmiii viaited Kle-thertoii friends lust week. Friday lant wa indewl a red letter diiy in tho livuH of the children of the Klenb- t.i. n public tchoul For weeks they had lieen working hard preparmi; thHinnulveH to pntvrtain the public and their effort* culminated that evenini* with one of thu choicest program*, and uoc -nsful rn ,ir':iinmi nt nivrn here for long t inn-. The lit' lo people nxecuted their paita ex cevdingly well and their tutors *re do urving of pntiiw for the evident pains taken in the training The program was a long one and had to be womewhat cur- taile.1. It opened with a glee hy the school, followod by recitations by Mian Ella Baruhousu and GlwoodGenoe. Thejte two Intle folks give promise of more Kian urdinay talent in this line and pi -iis.'il the audience very much. Three di.-ilogue* wure rendered during the course of the evening in excellent Htyle and sniping by the school ihuweil special oiire in training. KucitntionH wure alwi given by Minses Glitdys Ward, K*:i Sin il', Ida Gjerdrum and Master (tahwo! Whitten. Two swoot little solos were rendered by little Misses K.lna Pudlar and Mabtrf I?oyd. The Ciilisthenics aud dumbbell exercise by Miss Irwin'H clH^4s of little girls and club swinging by a rl.nsiif liirger tfirls wevii very pluHHing uxhihitionn. The Vidmlictury Address wait read by Miwi Kliinchc II uniltnii There wero two tableaux during the course of the cvenin.j.-'SporU of (.'nnadn" and "Kveliing Prayer." Poniihly the "CiiiKl Ninht Drill" by night little girls wan the quaintest and cutest thing on thu Progrnm, The Intle tots wure all drettsed in nightmlH-s and oncli curried a lighted candle. After per- forming their evolutions thu lit'le pxrty advanced to tin- front, of the platform and sang "Kid, nid, nodding." Tli.: effect was quaint in the extreme and yery plwwing U> the ey. Hnda<,m' pi 'tea were distributed with tivu minute speeches by Dr. ChrUtoe, G. Mitchell and Af. Ricliardwrn to the following pupil* : Primary, Hubert Ward ; Public School Leaving, Eva Small ; Entrance, Wealey Davis. Genera! Proficiuncy ; Sam Ranton, Composition ; Emerson Bellamy, Phynivlogy In the Entrance Class Miss Rita Vmtztn*. and Mist Carrie Rutledge received priaes f >r the bent kept exercise hooka, and in the Leaving Miss Ida Gjvrdrum for compomtion. The distribution ol certificates wan made by Mr. A. M. Gibtinu, who took tie place of Inspector Campbell, the latter bding unable to be present. The distribution WUM accompanied by a neat and appropriate short addnww by Mr. Gilxon Mr. 1 D. Lucas nl<to sent re grets that he could not be present Tim tage had been fitted up under the local electrician. Mr. IU N. Hendurnon. with electric bells and automatic contrivances. The Advance haH been waited on by a committee of young Indies who desire us tu thank Mr. Henderson for bin time snd labor so freely and granutoualy given. Mr. W. J. Uellumy, secretary of the school boitnl, occupied the chair, but his ilnlies were light. It is it long time since such a crowd -van seen in the ball here. The building wa* crowded tu thu doois. and notwithstanding the low admission receipts wure in thu vicinity of thirty dollarx. K-illowing IH the valedictory address aa read by Mibs Hamilton : VAUCUICTOBY T'l FrimiL 'iiul T"i<lten: Another yenr in thu life of Flenlier- tun public school ban rolled by ttiid t,,. night ru stand on the threshold of a irow year, 'he conrecting link bet WITH tin- pan: and the future. Ere we untur tin- next year wu wuh to take one lout; l< k at the pa*t one. It Ima been a year of up hill work to teacheis and pupil-, oik.-. but it lias not been without us pleasant -.nil) ttiid theru lias been much to cheer tin- In-art ami lighten ihu toil wnun we see what prouresn hits been maile. \. -I". uly perseMTii" 1 i-tfort always brings ili .LIU i.' ii.l, the yonr's work h.i- brought UH a degree ..I uei-e*N in .iui- vam us siinliiM and exammationi* which is very gratifying. I inler the kind, pains- taking instruction and ^inilnncu ut .ir '. n'lii-is wi- li.ivi; been enabled to win tor mil . If I a foreniimt -laiin- among those .if niir county. In no year beforu h.s Mich i n.imbi-i of pupils been nuccewful at thu cxainnmlioiis. The year's train- ing haN not been withoutits great iiiHuenci) on our plastic characters We liavu learned moiu thu value of tune mil of application . To some <>l us tins lias In-. -n mi- UM year at the public school and wu now are saying good byu tu the place where we liavu spent m> many liappy and Im-y years. "Years when .MTV -.port can please ' and tho ineiin.ricii of winch we will over cherish as the brightest spi.ts in our childhood We will nut noon foigut the sympathy and patiunce of our teachers and thoir kiudly interest in each uf us. W-) luitvu witli ivKi-et tho old boat which has brought us sufely 'tins far on our journey, and as we emb-irk upon thu hiuher waters uf life, we remember our social intercourse, our camping gluus and uur early, happy nsMocittiioiiit here. We paM iut from the ticliool, but younger pupils who are just ss sensitive for the honor ot the school, jimt as smbitioiu, JUKI aa hard workini;, nnd JUKI an clever an we are, arv (ilium our viuiant placeK. Our achiNil is still .m tin- march and we expect that undur llio s.ime *mi- instruction a mill bettor Nttnd may be taken this comiug yenr, past l.mreU beinc merely an incentive to greater and more rvnewwl etf'orin, tiring the umbitiiiii and arouainx the eneigies. Wo are very hopeful of our future nnd mean to m*ke the most uf our timu and opportunitiea while they are oum for all t .11 soon wu tou will have hi aay good- MarKdale Wins The f.illiiwuin oame up at the Trial t'..iiit ..| TiiroiitiMin Tuesday, hoforo H HM n, , i .Imlijii Kiilconhridve. - RtukptU v. Town nf Msrkdale. Jmlv- incut in aotinn tried at Owen Sound, l.n.'t ID rcoovor diiinnjeB liw uccxnionud tu g.l.iiiiiitr 'iwiiii! to tin- ili-sih <>f liisrluM under ''\ yi-nniof it|{u u lulu playing on the liighwny. The learned Judt;e limU .ill the fnctx in issiii- in tho pluintiffH favor, nnd nnsci'i-i.-s daiii'iao at !MOO, liut, I'milH linn- s If. in ;lm alwcncc- of KiiKlii-h or Cnnadian authority. iiKli^viltn lollow the proposition nf In* huil down in MIIIIIO of tilt- I ml,, I StA'i-N, VIE , "Little i-hililr.-n n-.m^ a lii^lnv iy merely fur (lay purpose* are putting it to it IIKH for which it WHH nut int. -n !i-il, Hinl cannot rt-iiivcr for injuries dn.t to defects .,r olntruiitiona. '' Tho Aniuricsn caHos support ini< tlio foregoing |.rop sueiii to In- .in i ditimi of lw ;i.s to iniiincipil Imlulity simillar '.i tliot oxmtiiiff in Ontnrio; sm- StiniMoi, v. Uanlinvr, 12 No- 248, nnd oiht-r cnsi-s. This uroiuul is n complete defunct to tho prenont nction, and dufon- .lant.s iniiHt thureforu pny the costs of the third |inrty bmu((ht in for their own pro teotion. .luil^in.-!.' -irfonlin^ly nnd dis- niiiutjiii; noti'in without costa. Sty for thirty day*. A. U. Mackay (Owen Sound) plniutilf. I. K. Lucas (Owen Snind) i.nd W H. Wright, (Owen Soundl for dufndantn. W. J. Hatton(Owoii Suiiiid) 'or UiinJ party. /ou make no Jflistafo / By deal-lip with u. We handle the best |joods that arc procurable J in our line. A full vupply in the latent style* of BOOTS A SHO1 S. Tliey look well, wear well, feel well and sold at the right price. This H is the kind that are sold at Agent For Dominion Money Order Express 3tof>airiny and Custom Work Promptly jfttondod "Co j. FLESHERTON Men's Furnishings | Every requisite for a first-class *Up-to~date Business Underwear, Half Hose, Neckwear. The newest goods, complete assortments, latest styles. White shirts, Ne-i'i re Shirts, Colored Shirts, Umbrellas, Sweaters, Rubber Coats, Gloves and Braces. In Ready-to wear clothing we have something extra ;ood in double suits and overcoats. We are well prepared with a full stock of jCacti'es' Tffantles / in all the new styles and every lady should call and see them before buying as we will be pleased to show them and quote prices. Our stock of Dress Goods is large and complete in all grades andprices. Something special in ;i line at 350 per yard. Our Staple department is brimful of NEW FALL GOODS and a look through will convince that our prices and styles are correct. In Boots Shoes anclRub- bers we cannot be beat. We can give you bargains in everv part of our store We would like to see all our old friends and many new ones this autumn^ Our goods are n:>w open for - 2/o ur inspection - Highest Price Paid For Eggs FLESHEJTII riailTIIE W AREROOMS ! Wa nre carrying newwt stylo at SEASONABLE GOODS In nil lint-H uf of ff*artor and Siodroom Suitao, ^Counyos, <Sida-SSoards, ftxtcn- yion and Contra "Ux6tos, Chairs, llfindoiv <Shados and Curtain Polos, Pictures, Gasols, otc. Which wu olfer at Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing I 'nili-i-tiiliiinj in nil its Brunches) Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, OPKISTOH J. B. Sloan & Son P fo p r-i e to r-s Ks*- GET TOUR -** Sash, Doars, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks.thebest of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Turning of ill Kinds Done to Order run ol" Stootw fur Chopping. in ill ur linos FARM for SALE Is* ul>. \a OSTM, 01 tr, o a, ArtoniMkk MTM ilMrol, r wuc>40 VIA oxlar atxJ ,

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