abM-rlber* who do lot revolve their paper renlarly wulpl**** notify u* at once. Call * thi* oaflce for aaTertlaloK rale* THE ADVANCE' KLBSllEKTON.ONT. Shnr I Knl.. fur Ih. Flo,n. Pnt self lawt. B* prempt at everr meal. Take little annoyances out of the way. Always speak politely Mid kindly to MTV ants. Tell neither of your faults nor those of others. Have a plac for everything and everything in its place. Hide your own troubles, but watch to l|i others out of theirs. -'ever interrupt aiir conversation, but watch patiently your turn to peak. Look for beauty in everything, and take a cheerful view of every event. Carefully clean the HUOW and mini from your feet on entering the house. Tbet* n*T*r WM, and never will be, a nlvenal panacea, in on* remedy, for a!l 111* to which fleith U heir the very nature f many curatives being uch that were the germ* of ether and differently *eald diMurt ret*d in ibe mtem of the pattest what would relieve one ill ID turi weuld aggravate Hie other We kare, h*w*ver, In gumine Wine, when eelaiaahl* In a sound unadulterated elate, a remedy fr many and urevioui ill" By lla fradual and judicious me. the fralleet *y*tBn. are led into convalescence mad strength, by the influence which (Jui- rlae exert* *a Nature's own reatorativea. I relieve* the drooping ppirita of then* wltk whem a chronic (tale of morbid <l**- p*adeacy and lack of n.tereat in life U a laaaae, and, by tranquiiizmg th* nervea, !* t n rui and refreitniiiK *l*ep Issporu vigor to the action *f ibe bl*od, which, being stimulated, course* tbrough- oatth* veins, strengthening the healthy aalatal function* of the system, thereby staling activity a nacewary re*ult, IraagtheDiiig; tke framt, and giving lit* te tk* dtgmtiv* organs, which naturally eamas* 1 mcreaaod lulyitance result, im- rT*4 apprme. Northrop It I.yman of T*r*r,M>, hare given t* the public iheir (upvrier Quinine Wine at the usual rat*, as*, gauged by the opinion of scientist*. IkU win* approach)?* uearrst perfrnieu of aaj la th* market. All druggist* **ll .1 IUf>ld I ...... . i .- , i . . A rapid tendency to decay, hitherto tnkoewa in extent, is taking place in the teeth of the children and youth of tke present generation. Of the chil- dren of a large number of jmrochial, industrial and other schools in Eng- land over 10,000 months were examin- ed and the condition of each tooth was marked npon a chart. Leas than 10 par cent, of soch boys and girls of an average age of 13 years did not require some treatment for decayed teeth. It Is not what you nnt. but what as- similate* that nniiri.h.- MIU.KH'S COMPOUND IRON PILLS cur* faulty assimilation. Powerful N*w I i|.i..i* A German has prndnci-d a new ex- plosive. It is ci)iii]M)M>d of liquid oxygen, sulphur mid carlion. It has to be prepared just In-fore required for mse, and munt be explode*! by means of a detonator. Then 1 in consequent- ly no danger in transport or from an utbreak of lire clone to the explosive when ready for service. Hlnird's Liniment Is used bj Pbjslclus. Tlllarr or i .11. -I.,. i. AttlnghnuHen, a village in the Swiss canton of Uri, as one of the homes of William Tell, tries to keep np its rep- utation for good shooting. Ont of 500 inhabitants IH4 men and women are skilled rifle shots. The first prize in the last contest was carried off by 16-year-old girl. Her father, seven brothers and three, sisters all shot, the family taking nine prize*. Thousand" l.ik.- Her. Tena McLeod. Severn Bridie*. wriu-v "1 owe a debt ol gratitude to Dr. I IIUIIIKS' Ecleclrlo Oil for curing me of a M-veie cold thai troubled me nearly nil last winter." In order to give a (jiin-tn* to a ImrkinK cough, take a dose <>f |)r. Thomas' K<->r trlr Oil thrice a dny, or oftrnar If th* i i|wlK render it m-ri-s-.iry. i. ..i i.. in i ....... France loses every year by infections and contagious (lisciwes 240,000 lives, or nearly double the numlwr of lives lost in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. According to the Pharmaceu- tical Journal, a committee has been formed to orgniii/.e a public subscrip- tion In aid of scientific research of methods of preventing and treating these diseases. A new back for . r >0 rents. Miller's Kidney Pill* and I'lnnlcr. Women I. oil. t:*trrin*<1. The Corean woman is so little es- teemed that she has not even u name. In i-liil.lli.Mxl nin lui-. a nickiinme l- stoui-d upon In r I \ u In. li she is known to her familv nml intimato friends, but after she arrives at ma- tuiitv she is callcil tluix only by her parents. To the rf>f of the world she is simply "the daughter" or "the sister" of Ho -and So. Miller's Worm Powders for r*stl***n*M Ail p**vt*hll*M. DQHICUTDK PAINS. THE VICTIM A WKLL-KNOWN AND POPULAR H( I U. < l.r Kh. A fr.r <>i h. r Mr.li. li.r. Failed II. Wa* < uri.il l.y Mr. \\IMI..,,,. Pink Pill Kvery !>...- < onatod In n. Haiti* A K !"' >>l" From th* News, Alexandria, Ont. Thar* m no more popular hotl r in Eastern Ontario than Mr. Peter McDonell, of the Grand Union Hotel, Alexandria. At the present time Mr. McDonelt in in the enjoy- ment of perfect health, aud a stranger meeting him for tho first time conld not imagine that a man with the healthy glow aud energetic manner of Mr. McDouell could ever have felt a symptom of disease. There is a story, however, in connection with the splendid degre of health attained by him that IH worth telling. It is a well known fact that a few years ago he was the victim of the most excru- ciating pains of rln-ti unit ism. Know- Ing these filets a News n-|>rter called on Mr. McDonell for the purpose of eliciting further particulars. Without hesitation he attributed his present sound state of health to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "I am," said he, 33 years of age, but three yearn ago I did not ex- pect to live this long. At that time I wai connected with the Commercial here and as part of my duties was to drive the busses to and from the O. A. R. station, I was exi>oaed to all kinds of weather and subjected to the sudden extremes of heat and cold. Along in the early spring I was sud- denly attacked with the most terrible pains in my limbs and body. I sought relief in doctorn ami then in patent medicineH, but nil to no purpose; nothing Koemed to afford relief. For two mouths I wax a helpless invalid, suffering constantly the most excruci- ating pains. My hands and feet swelled and I was positive the end was approaching. My heart was affected and indeed I was almost in despair, when fortunately a friend of our family recommended the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began using them in May. ts'.Mi, and had taken three boxes before I had noticed any change, but from that time every dose counted. The blood seemed to thrill through my veins and by the time I luul finished the fifth box every trace of the ditwaMi had vanished. Ever since then I hnve been working hard and frequently lonir overtime, but have continued in excellent health. Whenever I fel tho slightest symptom of the trouble I use the pills for a day or so and soon feel as well as ever. I feel that I owe my health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and never IOM an opportunity of recommending them to others (raftering M- well. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imi- tations by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. If your dealer does not keep them they will be wnt postpaid at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $.'..(> by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Health for the childrea. Miller's Worm Powders. M.I... 11..- fur I... ..... A music box for bicycles is manu- factured by a firm in Hamburg. It is a neat, round box, nnd it fixed just under the handle bur and connected with the front wheel in such a way that the revolution of that wheel plays the mnxic. C. C. RTCHAKI1S&CO. Dear Sirs, 1 have great faith In MIX AUD'S LIMMKNT. s last y.-r I cured a horse of HiniHxiiir. with five Lotties. It blistered the horse hut In a month there was no ringbone and no lameness. 1HMKL MUKCUISOM. Four Fall*, \ ii. The pOHtal t-ard cnnio froin Vienna, and now the name city has nriKinated a plan of dropping ]v>stal tplc^rams in l.-ttcr boxes to lie wnt at Imlf rate*. A special card is provided for th* pur- pose. read fin nrMia. In Germany jiolnto bread is owed by the unlives of Thuringia to feed llicir nurses, ps|H-i-inllv \\ ln-u tht-y are work- ed hard in very i-old wcullier. The aiiimuU thrive on it, aud thair health and strength are excellent. From the Krmli.liK. Slanilpolat. From a frminino ntandjioint the pin 1* mijrliticr itjui the sword. A Ma* With i... T I ni. The Emperor of China as a ruler of the Celestial Kingdom, is probably the most titled hnman being in the world. He is said to rule the whole world, and not satisfied with that, he assumes sway over the sun, moon and tar*. The sun is a brother, and all the other planets are his relations. In fact, the Emperor of C.nna has literally claimed everything worth having. A Small Pill, but Powerful. -They that juilK* of the powem of a pill by lu alia, would coiiKiiler Purmele*'. Vegeta' > Pills to be lucking. It m a littl* woo..r among pilla. What it lack* la *ts* it make* up In potency. Th* remedies which it carries are pin up ill thene .mall dosrs, becMUM they are u powerful that only small do>es are required. The foil strength of the extract* U secured in tbi* form and do their work thoroughly. MM* Singular hhlp. The moot singular ship in th* world is the Polyphemus, of the Brit- ish navy. It is simply u long steel tube, deeply buried in the water, the deck rising only four feet above the hi-ii It carries no maHts or sails and i* used as a ram and torpedo boat. < O.I ,.l I ,i,rr.i>l l*lata. To pat. TIT an invention all over th* world costs about $15,000. This mean* in 64 countries. Onlj Our ('npiM-r. There is only one country in th* world, and probably only one, which gets along with a single policeman ; that i* Iceland. i. in. > bo -. i l h-,r Hlr. The hnman hair industry is an ac- tive one in France, the dejtartmentf most frequently visited by the hair merchants being those of Correze, Crense, Allier, Cher Dordogne and Haute Vienne. The average price given for a full long head of hair is from eight shilling* to twenty-fir* hillings for the bext quality and col- or. The girls of the districts men- tioned above, which are exceedingly poor, stipulate that their hair shall not be out short in front, and conceal the shorn appearance at the back by draped colored handkerchief. Th* be*t shades of light and blonde hair are obtained from (iermany and Swit- zerland, and for these high price* are given. They Are Carefully Prepared Pills which diaatpate themselves in the stomach cannot ' ex pei-ted to have much effect upou th* Inie^tines. anil lo orercom* coa- ttvenCA.* the medicine admiuUtred must influence the nriion "f these canals. Par- melee'* Vegt-tHhle Pills nre HO made, un- der tb* nuperviftion of exnerU. that th* aubatance In them intended to operate *D the intestines are retarded in action until they pas* through the vtumach to th* bowel* < ..ii|.i*- r ...i RT Hparrow*. It is said that Frederick th* Great was never conquered but once, and that was by the Hparrows. Going in- to his cherry orchard one day, he found many sparrows there, and or- dered them all killed or driven oat of the orchard. The result was that the next summer his cherry tree* were covered with worms and he had no cherries. He ordered the spar- rows to be again admitted to his or- chard, and so the sparrows did what the armies of Europe conld not do, conquer Fredereick the Great. MILL.EIVSCOMPOUND IRON PILLg Increase th* power of assimilation, thus Increasing weight and gtrengta. Tubralo*i. In III* Cierman * no T. In an article in the Militar Wochea- Wochenblatt it is stated that the Dum- ber of case* of tnborcnlosis ia the German army has falleai from 2.9 per thousand in loDO-'91 to 1.8 per thousand in 1898- '99. This decrease i* attributed largely to Koch's discovery of the bacillus of tuberculosis, owing to whach the diagnosis of the disease Is easier, and recruits suffering from it are rejected who would otherwise have passed the medical examination. Ask for Mlntrd's and tike 00 otber. Mala CauM of Idloer. Dr. Walmsley, of the Hun-nth asy- lum schools, says that of the 183 im- becile children that were admitted to his institution in a year, the family lusiorv was well ascertained and clear in 104 cases, aud he further demon- strated that alcoholic intemperance of parents and hereditary predisposition ire the main factors in the production of idiocy and imbecility. New lit* for a quarter. Miller'*- Co im- pound Iron PUU. A Lake That Turn* IC-.I. The I^ake of Mornt, in Switzerland, ha* a queer habit of turning red two er three times every ten minute*, aw- ing to the presence of little acquatio plant*. The peculiarity of the matter is that Lake Morat is the only lake in which this curious growth i* devel- oped. There ar. cases of c-insumptlos, se far advanced that Hicklt-'s Ami Cunaiimptlv* Syrup will not cure. Inn none no bad that it will not Hive n-lirf. Kur roughs. oolrU and nil affeotloo* of th* ilim-u, lung, ami chest, it IH u -. rc"i,-- IKI-II has never been known to fall. It J.I..M..I ,--, a free and *a*T *zpeeteTatton, thcrehj rrnuivmct th* phlegm, am! lv the UisfaseU |>urt* a kauc* to Lial 4 / M.w l .,, It. "Ther* Is a cat who sit* every night on our fence," h* explained to th* lawyer, "and h* yowls and yowls. Now. I don't want to get into any trouble with my neighbor, but I would like to know if I am not justified in putting a stop te it." "Certainly." replied th* lawyer. "I am well within my rights if I shoot th* cat. then?" h* inquired Klecfully. "I'm well. I would hardly say that." answered the lawyrr. "The cat doe* not belong to you, a* I understand It?" "No." "And th* fence docs?" "Yen " "Well. then. I think I may snf.lv kV that you have a perfect right to tear down th* fane*. " Miller's Worm 1'owdrrs are th* best Uxatlv* medlcia* for children; ae nice as sugar. Kpaulattfi* of Lac*. Lace epaulettes will be trreatly worn npon elegant waists this season ; hand- kerchief-shaped lace sleeve* also, al- ways so soft and pretty, and puffs of diaphanous gauze falling from the crown of the shoulders. Ball skirts, to be quite a la mode, are gored en princes in fabrics sturdy enough to bear the ordeal. How's This! We off.r i in. Hundred Dollar* Reward fro y eaMof Catftrrh ilil i annul be urd by Hall'* Calln rh Cure. F J. < I- EXKT t ).. Pro| . Tnlede, O. We, thr n>li.'iiirned. hav* known F. J. Chen- f 7 fur ih- U*t fifteen yran, and belter* him prf.i-tl h'-i oriblr n all biulnrM Irintactlo *ad Hnanriallytblctocarry out any ebligatiaa* made bv thrlr Urm. Wm ft Truai. Who)<*li> Druiririitg. Toledo. O. WaUini:. Klunan ft Mary n. Wholual* Drug- gl*u. T-.I--.U. Ohio Hall'* Catarrii Cure I* taken Inte-nally. artlnr directly upon the li|....<| and mucoo* nurface* of the (. m Prl.-e 7.V . i*r lioitl*. Sold by all Drutff lit*. Trillin maU free. rmpllm*at ! Our The Royal Academy of Science of Amsterdam has paid a delicate com- pliment to the English speaking world by ordering that its translations shall in future be printed in English instead of Dutch, in order that they may be more available to the scien- tific world at large. Miller's Worm Powders cure faver In children. * rtlor Dn* t* Marlrl .. A scientist of Rio de Janeiro states, as a result of protracted and patient investigation, that the color and scent of flowers are due to bacteria, and that these germs are often of a kind that must be harmful to human be- ings. Itep Ilitrd's Liniment li the House. M*t r OM n.i o., Oevanle. On the new steamer Oceanic no number 13 is inclined among seats at the table and no state rooms are let- tered L or I. Pursers are tired of bad jokes on the L and the sound of I, as pronounced, is apt to be confused with A. limrd's Liniment Lumberouu's Friend, Dubtl*a* Kminb*r*.il. The Advocate of India tells ef a curious way of rejoicing. The nawab of Rampore being blessed with a daughter, rejoicings were taking place in his state, and a week's pay was deducted from every state official in commemoration of the event. Whr * >hlp U Clld "she." Perhaps it would not be an error to trace the custom of calling a ship "she" back to the Greeks, who called all ships by feminine uaiuon, probably out of deference to Athene, goddess of the sea. Nervous j'.>;>lc sh-.uhl tak* Miller's Compound Iron 1'ill*. T*tat Abliii.nr Society, A total abstinence society has been started in Vienua by 180 members. Its programme include* abstinence from alcohol i-i every form for the benefit of the li<-nlth and morals of the people, and to u .\v th absolute ose- lessness of alcohol. New 1 i '.'.. r ,.-.-,.. Tinted photo cxjicrt, mar be obtained by pht. -ing the plate, sen- sitive film dowwi-ird, on a quicksilver surface. Thr it reflected back through the plate, produce* color by interference'. ' A K ln-i 1 T PrlBO*M. A rather pretty story if jut now current about the Princess of Walea. A few weeks ago, when at Sandrinf- ham, an old lady-in-waiting of the late Queen of Denmark lay dying in, the reyal palace at Copenhagen. She- had known the Princess of Wale* since the latter's infancy, and wa deeply attached to her. King Chris- tian writes every week to his dangh- f'-r in England, and in one of hit let- ters mentioning the illness of the old Countess, declared that her one dying? wish was to speak with the Prince** before she expired. The Princes* wa* quite unable to leave England at the time. But she spoke a tender and sympathetic message into a phono- graph and despatched it to Copen- hagen by special messenger. The Ut- ter arrived only just in time. Al- ready the dimness of death had relied the old lady's eyes, when the phone- graph gave out its message of lore and hope, and as the last word* died away, and only the vibratiunM of the phonograph lin^f-red on the air, she sighed happily, aud with "(iod blea* yon, dear, ' ' on her lips, passed away t* another world. About 100 years ago the MHO of stsrch for stiffening th* frills amund the neck was considered highly repn>beaibl. If aot psttiv*Iy stnfnl. Trml. f Mlrratory Kird.. Th* distances over which bird* mi- grate vary between wide limit*, and are efte* surprisingly great. Th* bobolink*, which rear their young on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Canada, and ge t* Cuba and Porto Rico t*> spend the winter, twice traverse * dl*- tanoe exceeding 3.800 miles, or more than a fifth of the circumferesje* of our earth, each year. Th* kingbird lay* it* eggs, a* far north a* the B7tk degree of latitude, and 1* foud la the winter ia South America. Th* biennial pilgrimages of th* little red- start exceed 1,000 mil**, and th* ttar hamming bird 1,000 PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS 1 h* Be-r M**1*> *v*jiid fu COCK.*MUTT PLOW CO.. < Utlor n*. UCAS.STEELE & BRISTOL, '?'; IT..VH ...POOriM mt MOKil*. t.B.2 B. ItMl M rlv.ua. HAMILTON. 1 . * M. KltrMl L.S.* B. K..IM. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO III MM It TWINK CO.. 11* Union Station A read.. I.rot. F **% STOPPED FKEK. P*raaaa*n*. I I V ly I'.lied DM II III UMIAT I I |J ItltTK IKSToaiS F* <lll*e CU " for all Xervou* Discos?* F.ia. FplUpT. Spasm* and St. Vuu* Dane.. !* Fit* or Nvrvousi ^* after Aril dav'* UM. Traatl** IN. I CJ trial bolt I. teat thruuith Canadian Agtnay rHBk la Fit patient., they parlngeiprMti'harirFannlr "hen rrerivri. S. ii I to I)r Kin. *l rc-hl P a'- 1 ' " T. N. U. 12 The Owen Electric Belt Trad. Mirk-Dr. OMB The only *d.atlflo and ractlcal Bectrlo Bell made, for general us*, having batterle* that gennratea Mr*ng current o( Ileotrioitr that I* under perfect ooatrol au.l can be anulled * *-- part*/ thchedy, furth*cur*of Nervous Diseases Thoiiaaod* of people tuffer from a varlctr of Ni-rvou. DiMaaM, such a. Seminal W*akne**, luinotency, Lo.1 Manhood, .to. that th* ol2 mixle* of treatment fall to cure. There i* a loas f nerve fero* or pewer that cannot be rwlored by anr neeMoal treatment, and any doctor who would try to acoompl.h thi* by any kind ol urawaR:!: ** Positively Cured Without Medicine. ". Rh.umaM.in, BUI? lUVITIjATID C'ontaias fullest infnnnitl.v of acul*. oarouic and n*r how on]r. e Ilia Owen Electric Belt And ArpUaao* Cflk| . TORONTO ONT.