' Bibarrllxr* who do not rwelv* their paper r*K*larljr will pl< >M notify u* at once. Jail *athl* offlce for advcrtlalnK ralesi THE ADVANCE* FLK8HEHTON, ONT. FEARFUL TOBOGGANING. Slll. l> . WPI .1, ley slop* la Hi. < .n.rtl*. Mr. Henry G. Bryant, president of the Philadelphia Geographical So- ciety, who with Mr. Louis J. Stcele, of London, Eug. , has ben for a long time making an exploration of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, tells the Philadelphia Times of his experiences in the following manner : | "We raocoetled, " said Mr. Bryant, "in finding a new pass over the Cen- tral Divide, which is jtut south of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, by way of Healley Creek aud Simpson Pass. We reached our objective point Monnt Aasiuihoine in throe days and a half. Tho only travelers who ever entered thii region before us had taken seven days in making the jour- ney. They were six white men. We therefore felt fhat we had accomplish- ed something in finding a much short- er route to this famous mountain. IU height ? 1 1 is 1 1 . 876 feet high. ' ' Asked whether or not he had Buffer- ed much from the cold when in the camp and during tbe trip immediately afterward, Mr. Hryaut smiled and laid that he had uiiulu two previous journeys to the Artie, region in com- pany with Lieut. Peary, and he sup- posed that becanso of his cold blood experience during those trips the tem- perature in th. Canadian Rockies did not disconcert him much. "When did yon atttempt to make the ascent of Mount AHsiniboine?" "We had hoped that we would be able to make the first ascent of the mountain without hesitation; but a single glance at the smooth pyradimal stuiiuut of this great peak, which i* the Matterhorn of the Canadian Rock- ies, convinced u* that an ascent from oar side of the mountain was out ef the question. In company with Mr. Steels, the experiment Alpinist, I did, however, succeed in making a partial ascent. We reached the northwest ridge of the mountain at a height of 10, 000 feet." "Were you the iir-t explorers who ever reached that point?" "We were th* tir-t hnman beings who ever obtained from that point the grand view of a wi Mi-mess of snow- clad peak* to the fonth. That region ii probably the. lurt'i-st unexplored area in British Columbia." "The descent from that awful height was not a journey foil of fun, I inppoee?" "Indeed, it was very far from a merry trip. The ilesei-nt was a most exhausting work. Just as wo ?<ad be- gun to move ou our downward course ws law n furious storm iipproui-hing. It became, thereforo, our iitmotit en- deavor to reach tin- lowi-r levels be- for* it lnirM upon us. All went well for siimi- time. "I'liinlly, while on the mow slope, emitioiisly and slowly with great care cutting hiepu for our safety iu the hard snow and ire, we xuililcnly came above a projecting r.-k lmtlrc.su. At that very momi-iit my companion, Mr. Bleele, slipped. It was a inomont ef life or ileath. If we were <ln>luil eown to the rock wn would have been crashed to pieces. "I had just limn to btrike my axe to the hilt into the roi-k-likn snow, and thus secure a - M. r anchor. But th* fnn-e of the tui; on the rope when Mr Steele fell wits mi terrific, I was Instantly liurlixl ilown the slope. By a qnn-k. skilful movement of my com- panion he reachml an ii|x'iiitig where ths snow hail melieil owing to the best radiated from nil adjacent rock. Th* staMti fooling \\lin-li we here se- cured arrnsteil our ile>.i-iiit. We were III" after that to emit nine our descent I leinure. "The last tour of the descent, about tlV) feet, was inn lo l.y our slitting down the face of tin- lui.miiftiu. Oh, dear, no, it was not sliding as we see boys sliding on l)m poml* and ri- ers in the winter time, hereutiont*.. The mountain slide is . ull.-.l glisHailing. Thli li the way it wa done. \\ 'ln-n w* got a hold in our axe-mmle nte,|m where we conlil .-omn to a stop and lie down on our l.m-ks we did no. Each then put Ins feet close together. W nli tli" axe tightly hulil mi. lor (lie right arm, willi Us ra/or-likn sharp Minis mi ling deeply into ,||IA n-e. \v si nl swiftly along down the steep lo|SV "The axe in ti-il a* a sort of helm, ml liy a slight shil'iing of the him, II* VII eonlil |illl oil! -|.'Ne> ()Ut Of tllli \\IIV of IliingM ap|re:>lly not smooth en- ough for nur eoinloi i. " "So you real-hill the foot of the mountains without injury'?' "Yes; and the journey down is one I will always remember with pleas nr, dangerous and thrilling as it ffORDS FROM THE HEART 1 JIOTA SCOTIA* FARMER TELL* HOW lit KM. MM l> HEALTH. He Su(Tril for Tear* From Kidney Trouble, Hick Me*(li-li mill Itheuma- tlsui Although Advanced In Life lie H.i Found* Care. From the Enterprise, Bridgewatr, N. 8. Solomon Meldrnm, Esq., of Upper Branch, Lnnenburg Co., \. 8., is a gentleman of Scotch descent, and well known throughout the county. He is an agriculturist of repute and in pro- minent in the local affairs of the Bap- tist denomination. Referring to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, he Nays: "I consider them a most wonderful and benefit-lent revelation in the realm of medicine. Previous to using these pills 8ome two vcars ago, I had MI Hir- ed for years from kidney trouble and rheumatism. Many a time I had been so bad (hat I could do nothing but endure the pain and pray for physical deliverance. My advanced age, being nearly TO years old, made a cure look nliuip.st impossible, humanly consider- ed, in a case of such long standing. But thanks to the Lord and Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, I am here to-day in excellent health with scarcely an ill feeling to remind me of pant suffer- ings. Somethiug over two years ago I read of the wonderful i-un-s attend- ing the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I thought if these testimonials are true it is pofwihle the pills may benefit even me. I bought six boxes first, used them strictly as dire<-ti><l. and with the Lord's blowing they did me much good. Rut my ailments were chronic, deep seated, and I am an old man. The euro was not com- plete, and I got twelve boxes more with all faith in the result. I only had to nse six boxes of the second lot when I found myself quite free from kidney troubles, rheumatism and all other bodily ailmentH, except the dis- ability incideutal to persons of my advanced age, and even these were in a measure relieved. I may add that for a long time before I uned the pills and when I began their use, I was the victim of the most diNtreiwiiig attacks of sick headache, the nougat ion of sea- sicknem in extreme violence being not a whit more distressing. These at- tacks came on once or twice a week. After taking tlie pilln, the attack* be- came lean frequent and less trouble- tome and finally reaped almost entire- ly. My son who lived at a distance took the remnmiug six boxes and itated to roe that they did him much good. This I do know, that he looked much fresher and appeared in better ipirits after their use. Believing a* I do that an over-ruling power suggests to mortals all the wise and beuencial thoughts and inventions which oper- ate to improvn our race, and allnv and cure our suffering, I nay again that I thank the Lord and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for my prolonged life and present good health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen tliti nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imi- tations by insisting that every box yon purchase in eiicloM'd in a \vrap]>er bearing th full trade mark, Dr. Wil- liams' rink 1'ilU for Tale 1'copl.. If your dealer does not keep them they will be. sent post jinn! at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $j.. r >0 by adtlreiimng the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. F-.CI. lol.l lly Kves. It is said that the health of the bru- nette type of eye is, tut a rule, super- ior to that of tin- Hieiiir type. Black eyes usnally indirnte tfixxl piiwers of physical endurance. Dark bine eye* are most common in JMTNOIIH of deli- cate, refined or elTi'iuiimte natures, and generally show weak health. You lived not ...nnli nil night and dls- turb your frieml* ; i herr in no ui-caaton (or Sou running i In- ri-W of rontriti-tiiig In- HMiln.it MIII i. film IIIIIUM or r nmmiptton, while you ran n-t Ilirkle Anil -Ton- uraptlve Syrup Tun mi-ilirin. cum OQfDi. olds, Inflammation of the IUIIKS nil all thriHit sml client inmlilm. It |>r<>- iini'e-, 'i i in- .4iul . i-\ ; p<-tortion, which liniiii-il.il rli i. from vim-lit ..runt aud lungs .I|>H S|.l.ler Spiders ore. a serious jilngue in Ja- pan. They spin tlieii wrlm on tht li'li'^nipli win--. and are HO numerous M to cause a mirious loss of insula- tiiin. Sweeping ilif wins does little good, aa the spiders liogiu all over again. ilk fir Mlntrd's and take no other. Growth itl \<-u v his. The habit of mnoUm*; iK>s not seem to affect Vesuvius H.I it does the small boy, by stunting his growth, for dm old veteran hai aildinl 1M) ti-et to his itature withiu the past year. There Is nothing equal tu Moth* Grave*' Worm klxtermlsator fur r\*stroy- Inf wormim. N* amuls of Its klad ass given iitch tailsfaotten. I'r.,, ri.- ; ,i Hairy Hint*. Keep tho cow warm aud dry. Milk with clean, dry hands M qun-kly H.S iMHwihlf. Feed clean, bright food in variety to produce ifixxl results. Keep tlio cow clean by using plenty of ell-mi, bright beihling. Do not allow a cow to drink water yon would not drink yourself. Own and milk good cows. If you have |iur cows send them to the butcher. It takes at) mi -h muscle to milk one hard-milking cow as it does four or five cany milkers. Sell her. KememlK-r when filling caus with skimmed milk at the creamery that it is not always the other fellow that iieeilH winching. The cornstalk, either shredded or in ensilage, is one of the best feeds for the cow. Hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of this feed are an- nually lost. In free/.ing weather, scald can cov- ers just In-fore starting the milk for the creamery. The cream will not stick and freeze in them. Also cover of Danger. Have you lost your appetite * llavt- yon a coated tongue ll.tve yii an iiiipleHsiint tnste in the in. nit li* I), < VPIIII- IIP--H! m-hi* anil have you dlzzinesx If so. your stomach is out of order anil you m--<l nifticine. Hut you do no; like medicine.. He that prefer* sii-kiiesii to mi'. I, i mi- must sutTer, but un- der the circumstances the wise m:tii would procure a IMIX of I'lirmelee's Vege- table Fill- ami |i-.-ilily i:rt himself in health, and strive to k>--|> -. I i.i. I Mil-It ..i .. London i .it. In a Strand tavern, well known among members of the theatrical pro- fession, is to be seen a cat which is habitually in an intoxicated condi- tion. For some time J.U.M this speci- men of the feline ni- li:i> accustomed itself to wuti-hing tin- lilling of the wine decuntens in the bar, and to lap up any of the liquid which might have Uien spillisl. As it frix|ui-ntly li.-ipl-ns that a coiisiilcrable quantity of wine is lost during the day, pussy has indulged in her [pernicious habit to Mn-ii on extent that toward evening she cannot walk without staggering. The favorite beverage of this extraor- dinary animal is port wine, but if that is unobtainable pussy satisfies her craving with sips of whisky or any other spirit which comes in her way. A sjew back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidaey Till* and fluster. An i |. i... i >..i.. Precaution. It is a Sanford man who has this statement sewn in his undershirt : "My appendix has been cut out," and he explains his case in this way : "Yon see. these are the balmy knifing days of the snrgeon. If a man hap- pens to fall in a tit, faint or lose con- scioumes.s for any reason, they cart him off to the hospital and operate for appendicitis without waiting for him to come to and say what ails him. I've been shee.l o|x-n once and don't banker for encores." Keep Mlnard's Liniment In ibe House. N . >> Educational Idea. A French physician, Dr. Bertillon, advises the use of hypnotism in the management of children. lie has ex- perimented in this direction on sev- eral thousand little ones during the last 12 years, and has given his con- clusions in 23 different medical pam- phlets. With care on the part of the hypuotiser, who should always be a man of good habits and careful ness, there is, he says, no risk of harm physically, mentally or morally. The Mont Popular Till The pill Is the moat popular of all form* of medicine, ami of pill* the moat popular are Parme- Iss's Vegetable Pllln.lx-t-ause they do what U I* asserted they ran do, and are uot put forward on any fictitious claim* to excel- lence. They are r< uncart and portable, they are eanilv taken, they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief In the moat stubborn cane*. Of That He Was Sure. A bright little fellow, hearing a guest of tho family quote: "An hon- est man's die noblest work of God," came forward, and looking earnestly at the visitor, said: "Sir, my moth- er's the noblest work of God, too." Every person suffering from debility should take Miller'* v\nn|p<>und Iron Pills. Stain M. in.,, i In in. l I(>|>. Twenty centuries before the birth of Watt, Nora of Alexandria describ- ed urn. -limes whoso motive power WHS steam. He a'so invented a double force pump, used as a tire engine, and anticipated the modern turbine wheel by a nun Inns he called "ueolpile. " Miller's Worm children healthy. Powders make th* I ui hr i M s. r ..i. n In Iceland. Ifco Lutheran clmrch iu Iceland iiuinl.ers iibout 7^,HX) bapticed mem- bers, which is about the total popula- tion. Mliird'i Uolnut LiBbtrnii-i Fr!i.. THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheumatism HTIHI r>|. i>i - 1 .1 ti n- ii i nr i iutiif i Kii-i-i i - Ninr HKU- KII>I>KN IIlrLAMMATO,.y CAkK*. i in KI '-, so i>i v t IM.. IT < i i:i -. Map* of piol.mr . Tim*. \ M-t of mapK of the time of Ptole- mv. the Keo;rrapher, has been found in MM elventli i-ei. ury mannscripts in he vatician librm-y. Mow to < i-i, MII-MM Oawaa. Muslin drftsws very often beoorne croaci'il before thi-v are really dirty enough to require washing. In thi- i-a-e they shoulit bo treated as follows : Sprewl the drt>t>8 oat on a wooden table or ironing board and damp it thoroughly all over with starch ap- plied with a piece of sponge,. This should be perfectly clean. Then iron it carof ally, taking care the iron is not too hot, and when flushed hang it be- fore the fire to dry. It shonld not on ny account be fold. deThe best way is to damp one part of the dress with the starch, iron it aud then go on to another piece. Pale people should take Miller's pound Iron Pllla. I'. ni.I. - In London Slot Mavehlnee. No less than 200.000 in pennies U bfpt locked up in London automatic puny-in-the-slot machine*, accord* ing to the computation^ of the mini officials. Holloway's Corn Curs is tbe medlols* to remove sll kiuds of corn* and warsa. and only eosu ta* small mm of tw*al| Miller'* Worm Puwders for sallow skin; old or young. >n Klein to l-luni* Heraclf. Miss Slonghly (entering the draw- ing room after a long delay) Here I am. George, in full feather. George I should think yon might be. The maid Raid yon'd be down in a minute, and at that rate yon ought to be feathers in half an hoar. Denr Sir*, This In to certify that I have been troubled with lame back for fifteen years. I h.ive QKeit thre* bottles of your MIN- AKli'S LINIMENT aud am completely Cured. It gives me great pleasure to recommend It ami you are at liberty to use thi* in any way to further th* u* of rour valuable medicia*. ROBERT Ross, Two Hirer*. The Horse nohleat of th* brute i tion when suffering f rom a cut, abraaioa, or -tore, derives ss much beneflt aa Ice iimter In a like predicament, from the healing, soothing action of Dr. Thomas' K< -let-trie Oil. I^tnieuen*. (Welling of the neck, stiffoe** of tbe joint*, throat and lung*, ar* relieved by it. Governmental Art Parrhae*. Italy has bought the Borgheee mus- eum and gallery in Rome for 8, 600, 000 f raiicn, to be paid in ten annual instal- ments. Thin people should take Miller's Com- pound Iron PilN bees Only a Matter or Qaan tltr. "I have read somewhere," amid the man who had limped into the drug tore, "that strychnine would relieve one of rheumatism. How about it?" "It will, beyond a doubt, " respond- ed the druggist, ' ' if yon taks enough olit." lM.Mc.irr.1. II* Hid Hlmeeir. Richard Brown low, known as the Lancashire hermit, has jost died near Boltoii, England. He began life as a lawyer, but was afflicted with a dis- ease that disfigured his face, compel- ling him to wear a mask. He built himself a fine country house on top of a hill at Horwich, and lived in it for 60 years, never leaving his grounds except at night. New life for quarter. Miller's OOBV euad Iron Pills. T nan kagl vine; llouuty. One of the benign results of the ob- servance of Thanksgiving Uuy it th* encouragement it gives to public be- nevolence. While it is a day net apal for the acknowledgment of national, family and personal blessings, every Canadian is taught from, childhood that on this day he must share the loaf, feed the hungry aud give ear to the cry of distress. The significance of the day is lost to those who appro- priate it solely for porsoual gratifica- tion and seltinh enjoyment. Dates. As many as 4,000 dates hare gathered from a single palm. M.nard's Liniment is iwd by Physlclm. A BRAVE WOMAN. Now a Drunken Husband Was Made Sober Man by a Determined Wife* A PATHKTIO LETTHR. She writes: "I hud for a long time heea thinking of trying the SumarE* Pruecrlp* tlou treatment on my hu.she.iHl for his tlrmking h. if.;'., but I was afraid he weol4 discover that I was giving htui medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much Intoxicated and his week'* salary nearly all pent, 1 threw T all fear and deterniin.il to make ft** effort to sav. oar horn* from th* rum I aw oomlng, at all hazards. I sent foi your Samaria Prenerintion and put It lo hi* coffee a* directed next morning an*) w-.it.-hed and prayed for tbe result A* n. n I gave him more and also at suppar. H* never suspected a thing, and 1 the* boldly kept right on giving It regularly, as I had dinoovered somuthing thai sel every nerve In my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future MM oul before me a peaceful, happy home, a *har In th* good thing* of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts, and everything else doar to a woman's heart, for ray huhand had told roe that whiskey was vile (tuff and h. was taking a dtsllk* JP't. It was only toe true, for before I kM rlTen him the full course he had stop* ped drinking altogether, but I kept glvlne* the BMdtosM till It was gone, and then sent for another lot to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from hi* promises before. He never has. and I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful I m. I honently believe It will cure the worst cases." A iwniphlet In plain, sealed envelope. sent free, giving testimonial* nd full C rormati.m. with directions how to take e sdiulni*ter Stkinaria l-n-scription C'orre- coo'ldeml tuu-mll confld.n- on.n- . Addrea* The Simarla Kemedv Co_ Jordan street. Toronto. Ont. T. N Health for tie Worm Powders. childrea. Miller * l.p.ieiii-i. 1-rlnled. "I shall never forget that lady leo- tnrer ; she made a profound impres- sion on mo. ' ' "By her intellect?" "No; she wore a baby- bine pinned crooked at the back." How's This! W* offer One Hun.lrnt 1'.. liars Rwar4 f*r any case of Catarrh tlial cannot be *ar*4 by Hall's Cattarti Cure. ?. J. CHENEY a CO., Pru| , Tol*4e,O. We, Ik* aadereUraed, hav* kn .wn P. J. Cka sy fur th* last flu. *n . !i and hliT* ni*> perfrotly honoral.lv In all bushii-as traasactlons soil nnaiu-lallv able to c.in y out any obllfai'oaj niatle by thsir rir.rt Wrst a Truai, \Vhi p|i*li Drua-izlsts. Telsd*. O Vi autliie. Kiniian a alarr n, VVbolsaal* Drux Toledo, ohlu FREE CURE UandSt. our*d hv : r'ull i-"t lrrtmnt K-ntl mtu to llulT.-ri-r Write) ainuw. lltntlon tl'if |>ap*r. Aililn-M Tlie I >*uruaJ rhemlcttl 1 o.. 77 \ U-torU | St.. Toronto. WINDING WATCH If .Sol Id Gold ltliiir.n A ill ulirtrp. Ae> rordeon. a Violin or <-ul- lar. (or MlliDK 4 l>.*i* . f Dr. 1'ru-.-'* SteruparllU Rl-oit Plllii it SOo. p.r Iwx. IH>MT SI Ml >|,.S | \ lanplTHDd your nani* and adiirt-u and w* will wirt r.i tho Pilli, poal paid, with our Catalogu*. Bell th-m ami rmlt u* th i*vm*ni and w* will nd you Ihe Pruinmm % .. ii.|.ct. Them Pills car* fmpur* blood, rlicumt,m, llT*r and kid- n*v diMat** and all itom.u-h troublra. 1111* raiurnablt If not <old. \\-i- u> at em-e and nieullun thi* |per. PRICE MPU. CO., May titrvi-i. Toronto. Out. PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS Tho B-.' M*<l. -. ,,l r,, r r OOOaUBim PLOW i o . (UCAS. STEELE & BRISTOL, 1 * Wrltcna. Virt-le Twu i >. * n. C I.. A.* M. KatrMl .-Hi; -p ... gisK, Toeo, ohlu Mall's Catarrh Cur* Is takoii Internally, acUna- dlreetly uvon tlm bi.. d ami inn, oos lurfacss ' t,. Buld ky all I 'i l.-s ;.v pei :. la. Tratnn uul tree. Coltl I t-riktn. Melt one ounce oil of sweet almond*, half an onnee of gperinaoeti, oue drachm of whito wax, and then add two ounces of rose-water, and stir it constantly null I cold. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO HIM) Kit rWINK 'O.. 11* Union Station Arc<<l. I'orontc. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS Wt- alto mat* Miller'* Worm Powder* the medlotn* for children. I "Getting home from the seaside r" "Yet." "Any cariosities " "One. My board bill U eomUg fcy freight" Urmln l.rln.l.t.. lro an, I VV.,,J |-.o,,|... llr. SupplUa. for >*w l i Ffrtl TOI'l'ICD FKK.K. Psrmautat I I V ly ' ''! pa Ki.ms'1 aitiAt | I O BV KKSTOBS*. r.mv. ,-ur* for all N..v , l>>s*a**. Fit*, nllsniv. Si*i,n anil St Vniis I'ani-*. N Fltsr XsrviPUSi after flrsl liar's us*. Treatise ami BJ trial bottle ssol through Canadian Amiivy ram to Fit uatirasv ty PTlngipr**s,l>aricoiil wheni end t* Dr Kilns, UBi Arch it I f 1)OI.\J,S OHHE WEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST KROM AROUND THE WORLD la . pfea for tk. refusal ( rr.rtl... 1 ,., p , _ rers*aal. rlltlcl and I runtabl.. I ^< LAlliriKD. T Life office has been .:lton to Toronto. eas<-k of hui. in, ic plague Wir ' ' ! ul Oporto on Friday, which played 's cricket team at !.iv m...:. making Jlij " 'I 1 '- '. if sent a personal con- ' ' ' n>- fuuiilv of th I while fish- ing Hi HruiNh n .1 ~.i> that * uniwried or the ui-uil.ers ..f ihe viumj Turkish party, iir.-nten to I.K.- rheir -.h.pj.H us a prolest n If the thr carried out iurtial law will |. clnini.-d. as serious distur- WOlllll ." Sll. The |...siti,, n of the Italian Itourses whirh b I..U.I for sou..- eays a s|fi.tl d.-.|..it.h fr re.ult.-d in a veritable era. Th'irday. '}~h v los*- are estimated at some hMMlr-d ..f mtlh-r.* ..f 1 r .-. Th.- I' er I - ""d l.n ' rmi: wnh u mild . , i,^ II.- has - lated IH>LITI( .- n HI i > M Ivani.doil <liti m for- """- rt^tl the ITK lluk- 1 ^ ha Jirouused to' ..i..piii|.iiin the cause of the lUn-rs in - \frica on th* floor of the i , Senate The Fr. : ,,,.t ,, n Thursday Totel to pl.ice all French co. under civ.l uuthoritv. and to : all militarv uiluun i<t ration. This is - forward v ! - . rsde has Issued u 1 .all measures that |>rev .-!,, .. inmruicntB .ilding "'I -; wnh i:veniiiiei 1st* he > hun ht-s. schools and Ulo! -; the troubles, and pavm.-iu of *umji due otlicmls or the families of ortk-uUs who vv.-r,- . xpelleU or killed m th* massacres. CASIALTICB. Uy a fall of rock. Nichola* Milburn a coal miner vv.n, killed at th* Pro-^ tevtion Ltlainl haft. Nanaimo. U v. . on Knd.iv, Tuori ^ >n of ' "t shocks of earth- quake ever u-it at Sunta Kosa. CM! . took, |.|,u-e Thursday night. iTiimiit-y* vveru throvvsji down and plusi i many I..IT-S of the city was shaken from the l.i i ha The bodv of Kdward Kane, a shoe- naker, ... wa.< found floating n the BeUerUle hurbor on Friday. , H* has b.-ei, missing f or a wevk. and it is sup|.o.s,tl b- fell on the park ( .- uioMciite. The . r- of the *i.!.:mrlne boat I Ilollnnd w.-re takoei from her eeose- less on I'hureda.v, having been ovrr- luuw b\ <a troui a leakini; reser- voir. |-h.- 4,1 men comprising the crew remember nothing alter the sig- nal to stoi> had been given The stanliriK fact has become evi- dent that for several weeks a large ion of .he City of Butt*, lloi.t has been si t i,,, K down hill .. 1 glt* exprevs th* opinion that th. i builiilngs uninage-t are located on a , Seam of rock or enrth along which a ,lea,VBg* in taking p Prince Kan us Knglish Cricketers played again at I ,, n Friday 111 two mnines the lanadians . '.'^- wl ' '' 'heir opponents scored 2b"7 in one inning. I Ht DEAD. OiarK'ie. ,st.-r of lleinrich Hom. th- celebrated i.erman pM-t. died at liamburg on Saturday, aged 99. The il.-aili is announced at 1'uwson itv on ihe 5th inst of K.xm.,I,t lUmilton l',k,-i. ,-l.l.-M son of V K MMT, Ken, .nil superintendent of the N * N U |J M ,1 Baron Thomas Henry Farrer. of Abinger Mall, one of the most d -i- tinguu.heil Mritinh authorities on trade and finance, and at one time permanent s.vretary of the Board of Trnile. died suddenly In London c Thursday m hi* Hlat year. T. U. lln/.litt. president and general manager of the Ulckson Lumber Com- pany, IVierlioro. dil at tat eerlv hour TtMBTBek) morning, aged 7fj rears, after a month* Illness. Mr lUzlitt was a native of County Ar^ niagh. Ireland, and came to Feter- boro when a young man. TMK LABOR WOULD. A report (mm Rossland states that *11 th* laborers at Rlue's Sawmill re out on strike They demand an Increase In their wanes of 23 cents per duj and insist on better board than th. y have been getting in the pest Hamilton Trades and I*bor Coun- cil arranged a, popular concert in the Armouries (or Ihe benefit of 1 on- 4on's street railway linkers, and it was attended by fully 8.3OO people The practical result will be the addi- tion of between $2\i aad $300 to the striker* ir.-aaury. TUB riHS. KH OBO Two large barns, with th. entire teasou's crop of grain, aad ll the harvi-atmg n.. . Samuel Has- Wett on ths 4th concession of Bid- dulph. wer* destroyed by are at 1O k Thursday night The bom uf Hm K-I*H. jr . back of 'iriBisby Village, containing gr.m. hy. produce, implaments and a cow and a calf, were all destroyed Saturday. The toul vaiue i*' abut 800. snd there is only $40O insur- ance. The harn and stables belonging to Mr. Alt.ert I.. i, rit . L'fford. ix m.l.-s from W, .! -rmere. wer* eV- .troyed b> : .- . >*turda.y night. long with the sv.- n'e crup g of about l.HiO bushel* ef grain and IS tons of hay. alee a threshing niact- A valuable barn belonging to ex- Alderinan Charli-K Hun:h. of St Cath- arines, was destB>yed by fire a .3O p.m. on Friday The building contained a valuable lot of patterns. j. quantity of hay and oats and a number of valuable horses All ths horsee were restued, except a beau- tiful black building and contents about f ;) rOK MK5I OK WAB. The arinmtii-e bei-.v ,- n the Venecue- *an troops and l-. insurgents has been extended un^l ^aturdaj It is asserted on relialiit- authority that i'rMSident Andrade will meet the in- urgent COUIITH >.. r -..-neral Castro. T*K HI I I..I..I MO It I O Saturday afternoon the members of the Methodist Mission Board led by special train over th* If ^ntmorency nd Charlevoix Railway f,.r a t: |>r<inde Kivi.Te. vimtisg St. Ann* de Beaupre on the way Kev John (Jhisholm. who for the P*st 10 years Has been pastor of Duo bur ton and Melleville Presbvter- lan Churches, has r.. .;v.^ a unanim- ous call from Kemptvillej lri! lan Church, and will leave in a ' few days for his new field ef Ubor. ' "lie AXO HIMI- D P I'hilhps, on* of the proprie- tors of the Uahara Minstrels, was *rreeted in Hamilton en Saturday on a charge of imugglmg at .-arnia. John * Uaynitrd. of Detroit, who was urresteu on a warrant sworn out oj Marcus Kich. a Windsor tai- lor, on the charge of smuggling over a suit of clothes, was conncted be- fore Judt;e s d ,, ,, Kridmy morning and lined $oO and $]oo costs His uu of cloih.'w was ultu con:isx-atsd. KAILMOAO fll HSl !>.. r.rand trunk Railway System earning*. (>e 1 to 7 1899 $ . Trt l-s-is 5.-.J7.R03 Increase. |i'7 - Central Fr.-,i:ht AMoclatlon lines have adopted thf rHcouimendation of the Trunk I. in- i Vnnuiittee to make a further advance in gram rate* on Nov. l from Chicago to Xew York. FrBKLY l l K-..V t i The Cou-ilms of Aberdeen arrived in Montreal on Sunday bj the 1'omin- lon She will attend the Women's Congress at Hani!. Baron I'auncefote of Prewton. Em- ma Amlwssador to the ' - ales will sail on his return to Washington to resume his duti.-s on \ov 1 Admiral l-.-w.-y official r^-eptions are at an end and h* ha* returned to Washington to take up his v-..-k ss the active heud of the na The village of Lauzon. L*M S . g-i.- bec. will celebrate n Sunday next the humlreilth anniversary of a wi- dow rmm.-d Couture snd "born Marie Heine Koherge. Ml M. ir.i MATTKelS. The municipal el.-ctiitn in Quen * County. N 11. on Wednesday Was run on strict party lines, with th* result that for tha lirst tiui* in its history Conservatives hold tli majority o'f Heats in th- County Council. IKADk 4NU (OMMBBCC. A meeting of manufacturers of bl- cycls pur is, saddles and accessorie*. wa* held in HuRalo on Saturday aid it was decided to organ ie a national association with a capital stock of l'si .tun) under the name of th* Cy- cle Vradm l'i ><t,-et. ive Association. The Internnlionl Coniuiercial Kress, componeel of dutingumhed re- presentative* of nearly every nation. was fonuallj opened on Thursday m th. audiioriuui <>( the Ka'ional "Ex- port Exposition at Philadelphia. 1'a The Congress will continue for two weeks large quantities of sugar are being hipped to Canada from Philadel- phia Thre* month* ugo the sugar trust enter** Canada. H is believed that the invacion of Canui'ian terri- tory by the trut is cuuhed >v cheap- er prices Croat Britain here' of. re had a monopoly of the sugar trade of Canada THE ORDERS ISSUED. MOBILIZATION OF THE CANADIAN CONTINGENT. The Ta Pr. ,1 *.r>i.. U 411 *.ik.. Wlta 1 r-, have t r ester ch.*f , . r ta> Gertmor >esersl ,... . ;, ... ;, .yprutt ...... ,' BBB - !v,jm Afri. *. it j . - . ..la. *. . . In..... t. *.. tr Tk. Allae Li.cr aarrfi.laa Ch.r,.r.< ., I'.Mlllr, > tO I ng I* ,,,| Ottawa. (i,,t. net. U - This sea- son's nrt *hi|>mint of fattened chic- kens for the lln' ish markets haa mst been forward. -.1 from the (iovi-rnnient Illustrations Statum at Uondville. Quo They were s.-nt in coi.l storage by the SS Vancouver from Montreal to Liverpool | h- siit..,. ri'iten, lent in charge of th.' station vvriteo as fol- low*: "Th* fowls made a ver\ S o.-,| gain, and Were healthy during the whole time, not having one sick nor leaing one out of the whole lot." ..ln "Me> Ha.-r - Nsw York. IVt 16. Th. ,tory of Saturday yacht race may he teld in few words there wasn't any For the aeventh time th* elements stood i* the way of a contest kx-twwn th* CehSHMe and ih Shamrock for the America s CUB The air wan clear enough for a race, hut it wouldn't move There w. a dead calm - after Boon th.- race wan declared off f.T tsv ilut It wan piwtponod until 1 o \-ltn-k thia morsHog. when tk* eighth etttfini't will be niati* Ottawa. Oct. 14 The Dominion Cabinet ros si 5 u clock yesterday, and at 7 o'clock the following omci*l sUilement was handed out The greater part of tbe statements published in the press during the Past few . ,.g lh . action of the Government in ruUlion to the proposed contingent for service IB the Transvaal has been inaccurate. Th. pr*a. m the absence of ajiy om- cuil statement, haa indulged in spe- culation, some of which, pvrhapa. BUS misled us render* In matters ol this * - are reasons for official re- ticence which only cn-n accu>tomed to the responsibilitiee of Government can fully uinl. - . It was only within the lut few lays that the matter assumed such shape as admitted of Goitfrnoient action, and a wa* ai-eesary that a. full councii meeting be held to con- eider a question of j great impor- tance. At no utr.e "-u , hr<? a*iy question as to the durability of Canada co-opr .-.;:. with the home authorities In any movement neces eary for the promotion of Loaeeria Interests The only qu-^tion that eauses a moments delay was whether Par mentary authority WBS not required The sending of a contin ( *nt to tbe Transvaal involved Bot klr the ex- penditure of an important .tep th*' had not been contemplated by Par- liament, and which might possibly be rexunied as a precedent In the mat- ter of se much consequence Prece- dents ouht not hastily to be estsb- llahmi (fence the first iew thrnt pre- vailed was that I'arliament should be summoned to concrm the action whic.. was proposed Subsequently t was learned that the Imperial au- thorities hud pUc-.| crr'dia lisuiui- tions on all culonial arrsiigetnents. which, in reducing the Initial cost end in solving a somewnat serious constitutional question respecting the power of enlistment, obviated the ne- cessity of a meet::.* o* Parliament In ord-r to clothe thv Government wit*, authority to take action n view of thi* fact and of the ur- gent reasons for prompt action, the Mlnu!t '' r " moon to carry out an arrant-mem which had MM arrived at through communica- ith the Imp.Tie.1 authorities. The Home Government agreed to re- ive into the arnn , \fru-a a con- ;ingent comprising a numHer of unite of 1^5 men each a; U certain officers the h Khest to be a meior ... thai the unit may on arrival be consol*- dau-tl with the Imivrml forces under Imperial officers The movement is to be entire'- a volunteer one The number of officer* I men determined on Is l.noo which I* a much larger numher than that supplied hv any other colony of the Empire The Militia Department hich ha.< all it* plans In shape, wili Umnediately provide arms and equip- ment for the necessary force* The commanding officers ef the va- rious corpe tnrouirhoui Canaila will be asked to obtain the names of vo- lunteer*, to be forwarded to the Mm- ster of Vllttia Only men in the bent physical condition will be accet te.1 and preference will be .riv- en to joort mrkm-n It is expected for obvious reasons that chiefly un- arried men will form ths contu*- f Wl t- Arrangements will he made by the Canadisn Oe>veraent for the equip- ment of the con-irjfent a* al-ov. stated, and for th* 'ransportanon of the force to a point of dnM.-ml.arka- tion In South Africa on arrival IB South Africa. On urnvrtl in South Africa the con- tln K ent will tie received into the im- perial army and will come under the lni[HTial army regulations The arrant-moil'* reepectlnx the supplying of unit* with no officer ol higher grade than a major 13 not satisfactory to th* Canadian Uowm- inent. who would have preferred to set 1.1 a .-omplete regiment, under the command of a Canadian officer, but It appears that the unit *rran:<Hiient is a part ol th* general scheme pre- p*red by the War Offlce. applvms; to the various contin K ents furnished Lv the colonies without any exception Inasmuch as the whole can.; must of necessity be under the trol of the. War Oitice. the Canadian Uoxorninent have not lelt at htn-riv to dissent froui the proposed ar- rangement, though. * alreadv stat- ed they would haxe preferred as- other The enrolment will commerce at once. Kvery part of the arrange- ments will be pn-ssid forward wuh all possible speed, and it is exp.-,',.d that in accordance with the under- standing with the Imperial i:o\ern- metu. the contingent will sail from Canada for South Africa before the 30th inst. Ordr L.urU Ottawa. Oct lo The Canadian sotitingent will mobilise at VJn and sail from thoiv The Canadian Government have chartered ene of the Allan Line steauws to carry the U-oops. ths Sard man Several Krenrh Ce-nadian* fn-ui the Montreal district who have sent IB applicntion* to go with tn* contingent, have been tele- graphing their frionds here to use their mnuence in getting their ap|.li- ' Act for Mi to *S* . - >r tlae*B.Mrt* fr.-ss wklr* date **7 o-m. wlta M r . pfBJSBtMl traai str.-. Don in Ho.. - cnwff SMaesir 1 tli..n J*_ Th* fell*wln .... lt ^f^. JUBS a. T . . Kiscsfua. U-o : town a ' - " ng ts^ B. tat f attUfcL namllng * i FASHION HINTS. I*ae I. \ arlau Of, I Ik* rrW line of w-i-te IB tk* front of boan^ts is psi*iliieel only t* rid<w. la til other eases ot mot t it m jmittad. Th wnrtng of giove* by her ~ai hum*" day is nx WorUm, .. mar Order, AI: - -Phe> Ro- , _ .: in rush wtia- gent. Sf Ml > , . , | U ,, ,, v , n lo ,. , 014 B.. . ' . ,d Th. __ u * ' sum* w,,rk U: D * l< E- Th* ..ii r .i ml Lord. '' \<ltnirs Phil , : urd-y . *Uoipshirr. r. ihe i>t<th yar of h sge. <ru. w i^.d Ha ^v . I " -- - ' . , , . pair ; 4 ca4ised hi. de.. u... I. . the M : ;.-.-., I ork - , ' be low !h- - . . _ dr pa..*.-.: tan. - I .,'' thetr faeter hip dir II -. Ir aril VIM r ea 'heir - P .. f^^ f " r - : - naea terpj* e re Lin. Crte,:: or M.ir- ief ** 1 .I Klll*4. Am.-.: U A Uee)ptea t" 1 be ,,) fr,, m r M . a> \ ia capital of \ -.,n.!< t du-s Java, says that v .ient'esrtn.juah, has . -Is. lir ' 1 th* l*ri(ee)t of * M "l.. ... n Door,,,, ane" Paupa. , ^ j^, ' '' k * ee- timn '* rsons. as m*;i s injuring eoee S(.xi o-h.-rt b wamea of the beet tiste I" ea- erice of fsseiee which u niraentilj '3t ef *t arv-h for line* by ' TW fBettnsiMe eeiieie is ee *. Tk. B* -aA aiTBaged la a houffist style, tke eMte bviag JrswB to the test ef the tweat ^ .- A pictare I* glvvej of A dtaaav I It ie tight irtlag sa*l IB *f reb "id all ever. A nn resist **? r * cvipere roren a pert ef th bueV *. aa*4 tke larger prtiB at tk* *U.ve> tvipore. The eanas* Is s b.vlt sad i* sliKta A bow at mby foUr.| is . Lift. SKIRTS. le-rvejt H*lk4. ml Hldla* h. raa- !*!. SBsnlBU nale with pee-tr-1 te tb .-l.-ting of t** skirt is tkst "~eas%**>. It My be at the middle o* the _ -k. at tk* BIMUW .f ta* froot. at <* r l.th .i.lrs or at tW kin. kt It meet * ***HJBBsWtJr VH(VJBMsft* ^V aftssWTV.f follow. IB* HSM of a seaai Ik* Blatter to BtojjiMie*. th* . vill cnewvel tb* fsetenms- i*- wti. u the fstesjiBg ocrmrs st eecb side of tbe tab> I'nr 1:1, I .,., Hudson N v . .^ _ 11 n _ ser Hotel at Ch.nh.im was hurnrd to lh- ' r " ' Wallace) C *' - 1. a ilru h. - ,1 to |, 4V mt r Vt . was uffocated in one of -he ha!U ,v ,| V11 tkt oth * r ght hes. loamj. ev.-r\ thing they Tk* I ui. l-io*. WI-BI Africa. I'tt Ie Briiteh punitive . \pvvlinon agmins' th K'i!a T.!..-* ,,|, -.he 1 .-, u r Kiver wko hud *topi-d the river trajflc and murelered a nuuthvr of <;a*ic>mn haa just return*.! to l-ago*. havng de- stroyed eight towns after proloi g*d ghting The native* lo*i heav.lT The Urit:*h had eight men Jh Lalalaw Toronto. Oct 10 John laidUw ged fe'l yr*. died very .uddenlr Sunday afternoon at hw U-e reeu dence. 23 1'ark road Ht was one of th* beet known and mon public spirited men of hi* time in Toronto As acute at tuck of htwrt failure came upon him early , th- afternoon and he passed awav before aid could b* given to him The deceased was bor u 1 1 01 T, U *- ' i """" : "' Gotland. March 31 ixii>. and cam* to To^ ronto when 17 vnrs of BK* I n 187 h* had the honor 01 being on the tad of the Canadian contingent to th* Philadelphia Centennial Tfcre* Amerleaaa Knit* alamlu. O,-. u M ., ,. r Wlth ' rt.v, whu. BMMc ing along the ireel shore of th* Uk* encountere.1 ;l force ,>f re^.j, ttroBa f entrenched at Siun- :,;,., MajoV Hothaui noons that he drove the eeel-i from th- ir position. nd that th* engagements three American*- were killed and two wounded BBTDISMAID'S UOWJI Ber It may be converted into * !.-.-'rsti.>B b itself if tbe edge* -f th* o- -r .. -e tit. hod and line* of orMBeetal but-oas sre used. Where there ess be no rrsnitvaient. however, the voly methxl Is td prv4 tbe tslicv* of tbe npvumg very lt. und>>rr*c them stiinuihijr an.J em- j luviaibl* button* which fatten by pressure, lik* certain kind* at (love but- ton*. A narrow band of stiff muslin is now. placed in tbe hem of tb* ikirt. The kirt may be siMitinally ustsmed by tsther",* the >ilk frill, which is placed iiid the hem. on a o>rd or ereu two cunN. instead of on a *ilk threiid. The picture show* a demun for a )riile.iua!.! , . . - t crepe d* chine, the kirt beiun i>rniD,vnted with rroups of horizontal tuck*. Around tts '"i't re four narrow- accordion plaited 'rills. e>lic<-d with narrow lace. Tbe bod- k-, which i cloned at tb* si.lo. bss cronps of borizont*) tucks and yoke of iruipure over pink silk. The yoke is en- in-lvd by two circular ruffle* of crepe de bine sod a plaited frrW bordereii with lace. Tbeee are carried down the wine f the opvuinx tu tbe wsist. The sleevee r* tm-ke.l boriioutHlly. Tl, belt is of lack velvet, and black velvet cboux trita he NHlicv. The Mack velvet hat is trita- with black plume*.