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Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1899, p. 1

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\ I ' j^hwiiTii .V ^.4 1 4* 4 44" i I TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XIX, NO 957 Fleshertcm, Ont., Tliursday, September 7 1800 W. H. THURSTON, Turnip Seders. ."V^-HI r. I ' n-.-'ix, In .;. II. -.<.-.. t' r>. Wheel '.urr.vs, 1 ,..r- md tint.*-. M.I >eis. nn.l nil, ft rVtrin Machinery repaired -.11 Sliort Nutice. OH Catiii!^ n.ied. l*!..uirli Krpair* always 1)1 lock. R. P. LEGATE & CO. Ccyiom ... Ontario \o\v Proprietor OVFR $1.000.00 Spent ilurini 25 years on Catarrh Kemedies and Specialists by a weui.tiy mill-owner of Port E. sington, B.C. At last cured by Catarrh Cure. ll-iv .u^ pur.- . r .(1 Im .j tiesd fiinii Mr Letitrd I . m. id. tt tin- Illumes, will I., .--.I n: *hoo;>t j-p"n < s. V- -.-I i lai^i? iml licliefe we c >n UIVB - . ', our lllle. ll>>-- ikru over the iitenry fi-r Mr. Jr^-,-1, Uttta. the well-known mill- owner of I'ort I-:!- utoii, B.C.. formerly ol - AX V id .1 '! ..tilers 1- ft -M'h r- wi I receive -rful ntteiiii.iii. 1 troi.lju-d me for l*ont/-tlve ye '.'! .' BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE r*. I have ttiii -ii hrtni-ix-u. lKlfw tr>'if ll <Hb*r nrnmlir-. hui the rru|i wn only t-m. I i'f. II. . n* .-f rhi. ntiuark .iilv. -.1... 1"-^." MX b r ,v.. ll ';'r ' jlh;iii -i -V., IP <>f mj (onnwr tni.i'i;,- I ''' 'I'""' ~i> tno miK'h in tit frr : 'h.- llr .... Krv,t r.'li-.' \V Ye Editor does Sailing in a -steam Yacht CHAPTEK IV. Spanish Uiver Mills in not exactly a ci'y founded on a rock, but all tlut is re- .(uired m the population. The rucks are i uid tl.e II.M.S.-S are. built upon fh-m. There is nothing else to Innl.l nn. The s are all uent frame structures and ne lint a. hhu-K-rry sjnrden l it* ami . f these (W are employed ;n the lar^e awn.ilU here. Thi -< p-.rt "f o:i i in rhe nor'h s!i, , Little t'ur r. :it f. r tli. of Parry -S.un.l wen- . mill Ijere la one of the ls,r.:e*t on ill 1 1 _: ni May audwirVeral .-f the party were u.i. ,->l in the marvelous e.-li-ri'v u ill; which luml-r is niniiufactnretl. One r,ct . .j -:iw-s m thia mill oil* up four I.IKS v a tune. Laln.r sjivina machinery nn - Me t" ent up t.i en. .nn. -u* on., ft- day. Tlio limberis linm-h' Spiiini,ii Uiv.-r in Urisc nn.. Thew nn. Is .inr on a ! mouth of the S| ai .isli. iliv ined 'he main Inud hy a umrow hut de^p channel jimt uth'cixntlv wide to allow lurue Iw.ats to pan* tllr u ;h. Tln eniiiM ' the Litlle LMiotUain! is a place of cons. doi aKIe Tim I*.--, tirdi- Mills, a dilapidated, ramshackle village on the rocky shore. Its population ii powibly 200. At otte time it i,r-.i,.ml to take rhe lead uf Theemlnn, some 35 miles fuitherweit. The C. P. R. haa * , very fine station hens but it in the only) building in the place worth lookim; at I When the railway wn.-v first built the com- i pany proponed tn mike Alu< in a M.lls a summer reaort ami a headipiar'crs for UuT their traffic. They iiuilt the foundation 1 SUlteC meitlS for a iimitnilicent ho'tl and then .put. Something. We are not here to-d.iy and awa Satisfaction Guaranteed to-morrow ; you L;ow just where to find us. W. A. Armstrong, "Tf y,,,, MMMw. an.t -o at all u to the aritii of JapailM> tatHirli ruw. encln-c 4 "!. nd w iii -i, ul VIMI (rw a 4 IH-IIIIU l<-ll"<* null n fly r<i. pn" ^..r.ely in Muuiint-r at Sjjan- 1 i-hMi-.'. i MllHill that could he dnMT-1 .!. jltiw I ..... I The f' initiation is still there. they at-ld enout'h roek lots to uinre than pay the oot of this foundation. W,. saw no MIMI of * ul here- iiotliin-4 hut hive piles ..ic p.u. coal and riK-ks-iiiit w.-re Comfortable vision or your money told that font inilei east there were / back. No ^Ui 1 S work. ery tin.- 1 ,i .Hi farms- tlmt conl.i n,,t he AccunitL', scL'iKitic measurements and - '(Km ., r i- tests. Difficult cases a specialty. .Yltf",im Mills as iian.ed when it owned mil: thm mill was l.iiin.-.i down and niily a dr<>n: v wa.-tur.ina. had been All t In- o.i*l tiniiiifht in for ihu .n s.s , : ,,ii ,,f milway is landed heir ily hit nf life it eea. outside of the paiteage of two rail- Una div. A few inilr* further . n uid we H at Blind Kiv*r. aliotlirr lunilx-rini: \ when., the sawmill .-ni|-l. v- ID liaiidn. There l* t rather tine flame hotel here mid all the roidonces and Mores are also 'unit of pro. iu< 81 . ic re tly. Tiny .ii" l.mlt ... 'i,- rocks and tint is tilth, .-lit.. Som,- ..f t!i ' isliiiiU in the - n! this i iv.-r. I. nt from - mlt hwi all> enuai-ed ami our party was olilim-,1 to forego the pleuaure. Tin-. i.< in .- 'ij nul.s w.--t . f Little I'ui i. JCWELER AND FLESHCRTON. wr'i n>'Hf sln.iiiil never le tdained fur Mrikini; miviliinj within i\ mchee of hn face. The sun hwl hiith m -k with thii .. i lie whole trip. It -.kinni.l n six Mini" in. I .u many new ikiiu .^n-w .n I'nlrr 'he influence nf oil HIM a cream The Purs. . w'.n.iHrful none to 'jrow. lut - 1'init leit IU mark fur iteveml d.v-. i^if! ill h- X lift, piHT-OII I'O.. IJ) Ili-il .lir II... IJ I'UM'l ...... t '., I -ll. !.- ill.i I'huri-h .- K&K K&K K&KK . Vi* I.' Scftstttic M( t lu.ri;... Ill th.l ;.-,,. -I V .-k'T. I .metdr- -| IjTull nnlelr. ** New York - , SI . \Viuh, Ml.. II. D. U DlSSJlCllON of PARTNERSdlP P. i 1 . J ic u.itieo t llnrabv nill that tile part uo.-liii' ii.-...i.., '.- -vi -'n . Ktl ii K.Vm./Mit *ud A.Sinuli.cKi i yinc "u thv liu-nii "t niitrbl" , - ini'l-r tile tlrin li-inii. "t Van/^,n.V Hmllh at Hb*r*on aad TiiomiMirv. iisstim lay l-.-'-n .Ji-Kolvi <i i.v i iuiJ cciiHiit. All luUowlqf > th*M ftnu will b Mttlurl I.v V -'uitli who is fit it\*l tf rucuivo payment ul *! '" ' ' - -*i.i rti "i. L'u lm Kl"litfri"ii. tin.-, lutk <ta.v uf July. ''J OI/,*UI W J HulltujT i A Smiili DEK.&K. The Leading Specialists of America iQ YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS ' - partly hy writer's own The C;i|,t,ilo ! ...Kljl a si'a:atllli> Illnll did u ., .-.I "t our t i . - ,,IIK|I. Sninelhini; taller "til. in hit* lieeii" on 'Ills t ip at a.l t-veiit.-t, eniicetl Vm away, and It wan an uxceciimuly .iitti.'ul' i<et If.iinNi.ik I " liispoit. "(iiliy Instli- till the io,-k- eeh. ..-.I i liy the way, lid' Hl.l-tie W;is till- Hlout F.inn for 5a or l}et)t N-.tbiiig can )> in..r donioraiiKintf to yomitf < r iiii'l'll. 1 .if.?<l mea than tboiirM- nc of tbtt*e "tiigutly 1..^-,.-. ' They of dinffoataoda wn.ila tr*in ..f -*?tii,.| ||fe I The/ unfit a man lr IIUMIICIV. luarru.i ^R life u. I mcial bapr>intn>. N . iv..;i.-r jj whether CUIIMM! by otil h'.l>irn in n:.. lit natural wi'itkoeM i. r <.*vul I-M:.->M-. our JS i Mxbod Tnatmcul wi.l i-oM'...t.-;y Q cure you. ^3 NO CURE- NO PAY;?I Reader, yuu n. > I I---IP. i si ly ni. uo or later eeme may IM-. wmkmi<-.l ymi. Kxposur* uiar have ui.-^Huieil y."i. |M Rrenotnfo tnl ^iifo,!. "urN'r . wilt onteyou. \"U riu in. ri A. 250,000 CURED ft ""' Man-V-D nn iwle. fw'- nnii hag KIIT i ; TI.T . . u-, irritnMu ati i \- ^'^ ^ The lii*t inn'it ..f tin- TIJI waa atjain s|>ent at \ v her" the ird ineasle.i on calling . pick up the mmiii'tiiH ^NBb foivotU'ii on Uic up trip. 'h linn ia.1 IH-.-II ... Wo found that >ine tmtiv.' tislieriusn ned in the j'lurnev up Slid we n .- with , {real - ' .ml " lini- nlluw in. -I !ier in which to I . **! < 'II- t*irntit. '" i. -I.-. ni':i IM .-ii-l I'.trn itii *[ -u.- f .nn.l. i tmru. '!'> !> i ion ^IMV . 'ift* 'nun HtoiM-, f*i i.l ' u , ! : w<it i : ! . Ml .- iltMfttetl IU til C\ titiTt ,ui. . n vi-l'..,', J MillU fruill 111 .iLht:<>ti< tn ' IIIL|M from r.'MM.Miiy si- "JOHN CONN, Jr., , nil- .TI-:. OXT. 1 >ull for I hit steam for all tile iuiprcs*ion it mad. o.i the l.'a| lain. Me came when lie got "^OIH| a. id ready." Thu was the on CltSII III oil tills trip rtllell we ll.t.l t.i wliiitile for the Cap'aili. Why it w ,> -.- < let It not IM; l-'ld. Sp innli Uiver M il.s l- I i i.'iuantic spot, and a week or two c.".iil easily IM spout hero with much pie., Two h s were ail u had t-. -|..u,- > h s time, t en itwuy to the vt titln.u.l. t :.i Little Itetioit, across the mouth f the SjMi.ixh. on llttneen ni He IM..IIUM "II he KIIII sank low in tin- ,-... ,.c- liy liuldeii ' | . ' ".".*'"'.' '" .- -;,, u . - ^ ulintiuif auu ifli^teiiinii > ' - : t.i- j - .,. i,. iLii!'. v.. t i., -i -I,- t .r ii'it. m..- , j; ami .les;ri I i: ; ; .i .iolic:i and pirui Ir- ) ^ water At -lolin s UUMjti '" i i- si :i ^uit.'icii uji'v*. .vritik'oii I u-. % . M. m.;i.x '. b i-oin.c io>4MK Mil vvlncli Inn enji >>n M.HI..'.\ * peiifiiee. H w in s O|,MI one. at m- ; mid the event camealx.ur i i i!n .iiaiiner Two Ann l leans owned th s nn 1 , where III t he States.ll'ey la Ic.! i.i Lnsi delta and the null wa- - > i N..:li n-^ dsunteil, the owners, wli.le .he n.i,l uns under >ei/.uie. -tolc it h.dus hnlu n MM lo C. III. 1.1 I, I.I.I pi.. home Ir u* nitii ilial we put ..ur liMle -'.-niiier aU>n' :l felf h..,i!- rail Iwek '" Alu.'iim >!ill for the inuht tlie I'ujht in n tliiiii.!- r Ht'.l III. I'll! the . Uf;, ;n- w.-r.- ,], m n n,ak- M.U .\eiyilutiij -nui; a- .1 1'i.iufortnhle. Ui ...... h' ii"t l.-:l u;. .in our iv urn trip, which in in.., iv MwpMM wi , nt I'IMII t!ie'her \ i ; S|ci.ii-ii K.V'-i-tiere wan a little hail u>- durtni; our shfeiic... Ne\t mori-Mi-j in me, ton <le of reniii.-in:-. was held mid very IM..! . iw. n >..ini.l wtia reachfl .it I.'.". ' l< fiom thetime w sniltsl ! w.i',. not !...;,.- .|arHtiii(j the party ti-n-i.r, .!< in- t" rhsnki to nn Tlii.|iipi.n for the very enjoyable "C- In clo-ini! this ketch we wi-ii to y that. i. u waa the must, enjoyal'le oiiiiinj we h.ive ever elprri- tonjl :tliL- it ' i-t i . Tin-re waa the total relniatU'ii .1 the eaptinn lost us i-Hp. I. ut this , . . , of husnu-ns eare, coiup.. t.- rest, frenh was the oiilv i..-iil. nt recorded of :u v , hreexes, beaohful venriv. aril junt uf- ticii-nt spii e to ,-n'nl zest f the whole. We merely _ ' i glimpse of the 31, DUO inlands in ilus womleifiil expaiiM of nit liopH :tt smile tune in the near to explore mi-ie ..f them. Ill many in-ttiu-es we saw Indian encamp men!* on them- islands, with the dusky families r\a happy, i >N the day is lonj. -i!ni we envied 'hem their free- dom. Thttie is a hit:-. it -,. iii.-lhlni; in the * human i..iii|".-it ...n |.> inhviitrd rein, l- i ct -TV thai mnkes one 'v.-iv 'loin the coll- mult-T I...W .1-1 i -is lyoui ; ca-v " :'-. . "V >!';'.-. ...t I urliMui lull) I M !t I i '. '\ T. ,. s u . trt .. l PBMJ i . . . . % .. llllk.u. I'.INV'.I) V, ,. Ini.^ v..u I-MV have had N ;-.".' MKI'H-Mi I ..; \ I M oure it. The "worny" return tti.-ir uortimi c.'ii.Yi'.u Mid henov tht .^ V oxual ...... ].i,<i-.-r Tiunrifh mruu The 01 no \ united, all Ulinnturil .i:a:ns - irro9 ..:,,. nntl |r mniily isiireia i-iui'i. Vi 1. 1: :-oraiTr|ij h..|n-n r , lint a iirruiinn-n: < i-e :,-. .;rf. mm u convi ..-.I 1 . N" I'AI ., \-J-S i .-|.iN \. \rj IJtl'iiiJ- |SJ on Hi.- island wLcio they did tli.niisli STRA ' .:i.'rlu' .- i ..II Jill- Kth.tW.i SI > I .. liu llll . '... .l.l ... lo I ihana'ulljr r ,.con. v;i:> \(-.n Klli. V..M. .It. IT -i Public \ohce I CURES GUARANTEED sru'ii n UK. '\ .\iiii in i i.... ,-!..Mr NVI, l.i'SSKS, lil.AHI'Li; ... M) kill. M-;\ .,iws..-. i.' 1 1 N S\ L, i \ I'l " N |:iM 'KS H;i 1.. CIIAUUKS MOiiKKATK. If unabl lo nail, wrn < , for a un-.STlON ULAifk for Hi '.-ID | TRliAT-M KNT. KENNEDYTkERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. t , me ..t u.,.,r K KJrK K S, . . is l.,.| ^f ( , hv MlB . .,i eln ', '.,1, toorilliv the ini.-.i .: i ,,..1 ,,( ., T,. ..,|, ,, , I'.,. ... |l, |.r.tvi.l u ^ for i 1 !-. . . u. ;i-nv I *1'JW foi -. . n.. n N>. T. f- - , , i|.',l n tin Ii. k .-Ii v o- i.'t . I . < : !- . . .-f ii'ii-t bi- ii.rt.i. - in .|...,. ujonlhi. ,wuH wbm ).>i,. 1 1>. -i..t.' ut ruli>, i in . I oaiiuot be pi'l"'ity.'i Uiin'e '' ."- 'l r I n*-l thin Uih Jay ol vininnt. IMW. I'hunia* k)Qolt, Ckirk STRAYED C'aTetn in" i>^Di . di ne, :!i i y t.-nleu i^ain,and ; lie mill i* i.ow l.vinn idle. I'resunmhly 'Janadiiin baiiill- are more siirevvo i !:an \iiierioni, at all ' events t no mill Inn. uot heen stolen a >cc o.i.l tune; it is -t Ii there, for we saw it. and the island on winch u is ailunitii in-.,!-- tlie name . i tin- enti rpriinix - .. wllo made, |.| . I 'ne hi.lM. -.1 on record. Thin i.i^hs we slept i-i'iiit'irrnlily in a dusertetl hsluiiK station call. si Newpori, mid with the dawn were up .uid sway iiifsin. From llns..n tin. is ' I'inilh h-caine l.xs iniiiii-ioii.s. UK panted I'isik Mills without ciillm^. Tina is 'in i Hist wht'le 'he Saiilt limn. -!i of the i- i n <,r iiln.iiL t>. .|l ^ ^teOl-. re.l (i.< i * '. ill ..- |.r..v >. I .he ..o,,.'. :' '"- rC ' h " S I|M> " ll " 1 * 'I""* JUIIK t el '! ; y all tlie way t*i Sult Ste. M>ii>. . K -ny in the day i- alunuied into A gt>uia i I'l 'llient u lit I i we ret ill lied to Owen S,,ui)d. 'A.- liv ,iin4licr day it little (.'urreiit and "ii I'V iy stenn ... t . |{.i:f lesimku Har- l.o. . w'.ei... ..,i Salnrduv four ..f thi* pnrty i r.shini; unack inp over to tli.-Tub, | am! the yaehl foil. .wed early Sunday MI. MI uu'. \\ f Iriv e p ,.|in.-e,l not to tell invtii.i -^ ..f i...w tlie Mate, in alwence of the I'l . t. -t.-.iiin-.l oil' eiiM fioni Katllo- nu.l... in tin.- diirktu'-s unlil h,. reached 1 - - Islam) U-i i.-n in tin- twihiiht M|UIII- ; hi -I ' put .tliout for ' m i;lu In- . ; isjuiiti-.l it ii us referred to, 'Men in M ! . '!.-* th.' n IM-M . the Tnli with the ll- rul llulltl This m not r\ jt , pi irate. There is -; ,. :lmt should ii. t lie ni. -i . e'i..n with this ..rinse, n. .ini iv. ln-w : he I'-iot es^ivod to do s e di'ep sea Iroollli: rind li-t two in<l troll ill the eH'orl hy lettine tin -in slip tlmiiiL'h his fitiitrrs ' The ril> .\e tliitvs nuiHt not 1m rtferreil to ux ..'.ii!U{ in vv iii^peie.i eonvprvition. Sun- lav was SIMM. I i;:i'.-i'\ -it the HiijTiil). .Vl C.iln. i Hei.l 1 Limhnrner'* mill .'.'. m. 'iin-ed -_'-'ii ,"-, t,.f r.'.k and h -it he. 1 , 1:1 : h. niiufnl l;.ke. This lake in no! ' "' il !. i in 1.- from the liearh am! -..-. thu |r.-i'i,-st -pots wn saw in our journey. IVr.- tinhml for mountain trout These lish us,id to ii tlrs III'K tnit nil away from I'ome H ht'ii \v.- , !:...: U tliis spot tl e i -..I his n. .so tkimifl nhilr trying t.. > in oneof Mr Liin'inniei' ii'iiif*. ' He tiK.k a dive and ovnf up at it liks a w ha. .-,',, t . n \ -fi.. sni of Inn nose .-truck ! and the punt wnan't injuri-,1, Th- Pur- Nut '.in- al- ne holds -w iv and the hin.ii"iK !" m-ni 1, it lieaiity. >i.-t '.n-in. mrn have felt the dtsiru. Oi. tl',18 nfcnsion it wan OW pleaHiire L. hare ttie ...ratified, and we hn'e . a- i > -d ill thut sketch t<> utve t'n- < ii.i- . -inire ill tluil pleltaii'e >.- it M p. .s-ilile in c've, slid trust we have iii-cteiu-.l. With fare- well t" tlie olh. " K'pple" w end tins i-ii,l t'nl ,-hi", i.-le .'I tlni eruise of nine jolly amateur I i 1 -. " Karw.-l' . 1 >! ' M\ )-. The- ' weaiv In lift- -. nii-v u.nrt. TU..*.- 1'...- l>e > tt t.,Hi.llin Mi.l'iK-avv till" In m'. Jitil tluui ' In tin .1. . <ni- ii' I- I. mill Hllll 1. TIIK I' V Vtl. i . Diiihniu rrt-sl.v u-tnins |I.<\H liven * unanimous call i . It., v. \l:. ! i .(uhar-. .u * CUude. Jt>ll!l r " :>; 1 ''' 1 ''' " lo ' ' " ' *" '"'""

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