ulaM-nlH-ra wb do not rwlv* Hint u,;. i arl*rl> will jileatt notify u a BaL -: U.U uftc'i (or dvtit|s:i.g rail*. THE ADVANi L OKT. Pointed The bog |ien is n.ightitr than the foun am |*B It doetn l laaks a miller dykpeptie t bait bis maalx The fox makes his Let time when hi travels for bis health. liis inide of an alrsLip khould be de armed with fly-puptr There is alwayn un ill feeling betwee Ibi L.O. tor ai.d the (uttienl. . In time of IKMI e pit- |mre for war; th aonei moon <uii t l.i-t fi,r.-er Judirina- fn.iu tin .r i i.ner>tion, torn Iopl- e\ idently have |.LI umati. brains. \\ i i i. a woiimn !..-< all .iii. re-i ,n il faahion* the nei-<i me kind of a tonic. A i . i 1 1- lir.i.nifK- l.ut be gut a lot u.' lent* ty n..\. ..: f - with tbe ban anu A tuun thinks hiniM-lf tuperlorto a hen yri i. i.. i. . ai -: . i. uit i J.-K without i.iip > man or child who whine* i i. -\.i:f Ihur* ur* eiruible they don' S.IH .lit i .Her Not i!h-!.iu..inp the watchfulness o tht ant nii.int- tin ...n Miuct imes beat Iu wy .i.i.. i . ..I. nt PLAYED BY WOMKN. OMi OF THE QMEAT MALE CHARAC TERS OF THE DRAMA. 'I i. r: i <-\< : . . ;<l -ver will be, i BU.. . remedy, for a!. !.. l. HI. ,in il.-, . r i.e very nature of n...! i i.j; -11. h that were tte K rM " ..i r .. .1 . il, ri-ntly seate< d.M-a-. - lu:r<l II. I.e -\MCIM 0.' Ih. patiint HL.it HI.II.I! relieve one ill in turn HI.II.<I n^mt.itr the other. W havr. Lim> \er. in gu:i.ine Wine, when oblamah.r ,n i, SI.IIIK! unadulteratec Slair n -n. t -il> fur ii..ni> anil ^r By .is ti.ni.mi and .uiln.olln use, Ihe frailr-t ^. -leins nr> eii nto <:ouvalecence ai.Li --tri iiKtii. li> the .nfl.ience which L;i.rfi>r.-... N.i: ,i.-..wn renloratires. It rr .v.- ti.r ilio..|.n,^ -pints of those with M i,, ii, .1 i I.M.I, . >iaie uf morbid dee- bobiit i.. > aiul la. k ol interest in life a.seai<e. and i.\ tr.inijiiil-onu the nervea, > t iiud .n..! refreahinK sleep > t. i ,.u of the blood, wi.,ii i- uj{ siiiiui..i'rd. < oursea through out n.r t iu. -rrra K ilirnmy the healthy aigflal functions of In vsteui, thereby u. i ..e.-essary result, airr . - tm l giving life to ': which naturally deo.Mi.ti .-,r. . u, .e -result, im- pruvnj |.|. s. . \.rti.rop Sc l.ymau of Toronto i.ne KI\<H i the public their Manor Quinine V .. -he usual rate, ai"l gal ..p.nion of . thi^ 'v ^rferlion Of aiij milie n.urKei A.: I in. K i I>lro|li4( Tr It la not only mltivated plant* and trees which are unl.jrci to destruction .from iiiM-i-ts am! i: -. .i-.-s Some of the furi(il hli h . -..'itliern npecica o.' [..in- ..ri- mii'ir./ irreat damage iiinong these treis i . . ,. kinds of fungi only the o.der trees, entering u Li.' -IIIR ditiiiN-L'rit tlon of the ln.iri.. . .'inglt full of i A nut tier fin -. .'.TITS tba tree ihe rool- ; I--IIIK up Into the and ili - Tour friend. . is looking inubii .:n|.r..v.il in l.i i!th Vi-, she H a d.lTeli li' .!!.. in U i- |*rsi|.-tile<l her to try Miller- < I.IHJM.IIM.I Mm I'll!*, with U-t rvsnl 1 MII I III Hi,..,,, .,,, \V 4,,|.. Itr i. man li.. i m.- n w hnel thinks It would I* |. cavi-nly in li.ive halfado/en of id. M, like *> many shirt waist* \\ . ... i. i* inn furnishi^i With a hew .i.|.n.- ..ml iinutlier t< '. . tu tirt-* darned ami in. nue i. and the thinl U beinir .tit ilnii to MIII the neui-st (asbioni.. bti would .till h.jve s\er.il others to fall IMII k on In < ae her u-,t youLK man .tilled for her to go through the parks Hoard's Liniment tiifs Diphtberlt, The hili-st thinif in i-nmiiatiy promoting Oines f'-oni I'. ins .> i,,-re a d.i({- . .IIH-I.TT has lieen rto,ilnl witii .1 i|.ital ol 114.000. Tbe i.roini.i. r- nn ladies, who have al ready entered inio i. outrun for the lay- Ing out uf land siiiial.le for the purpose of a canine i.m \ ,MU irri.nnd *"" ' Can Iu ... ul Mr Thornaa ablu. K\- Ms . ,..,,.,, )rar old boy bad Lis fool Iwdlv iiijni-d In IH-IUK run over by CM' C,M the - reel Kailway \V at One* I lilllllieni I'd kill, ing t|| foot With Dr. Tin. in. i I-..,. Ou, when thsdis- olorHiii.'i unit swelling M-IH -pinovrd, and noineil.i\s lie i ..n,. I n,e tnt foot We way* keep a bottle m in* bout* ready ^ anv eim-rL'i-i" \ T^ Austrnlla.il r-MtiMn-al Soclaty estt- mat*, that ilis po|.ul.itiou of Australia, luclnc n|t 'lam, IBM i and New Zealand, wa*la*J,,n 4 :,. rhfl A dose r locally w. Miller - Worm Powders occsv i |, M .,, ,(,.. , hildren healthy. l cov,.,., ,,f lecture* on railroad Ing as a n-uu,, W|M t,,. deliv-rl In Herhn and liroslnu t.. M:Tll , m . r . Wonldyou V lung to hav* the pub- |U Jodg* you >r .... character of the rood BB (rent of your V- ^. That tired oatnuu to effort ,.f a ly r,,,,ovl by the pound Iron 1'IIU r,s.|log, and India- wirl wUI h. ,. , ,, f M1 ,, ^ lb* Wife I hr Uil.y hi away there fur .. undrrttaod ail,. Th* Uuslnil I'rt n..tlot ..-. little thing grow, ituir* Ilka ' day *T*ry New life fi r n i^ BCDIl*) IrUB IMls. ali!l*r, la Their Preeealatlasi Several Waa* a Hat* Wea s... , . .. ,,,, u,, nt i barioit* Cashssiia Wa* Prakabl th* i. r. !-.! ,,r Tkeam All. Sioc* the days of Mrs. Slddons actrei e* have won fame by their Itnpemonatio f tbe great male character* of tbe dra ma. Ura. Siddons appeared in "Ham let," but waa oot HUtceftiiful. a* we Irsr from fbe critic* of her day. Before Char lotte Cushman, ICIIeu Tree (Mrs. (,'harle Keen), bad playrd Itumeo, and inoHt ao ceptably, too, while her loo. uf which sh was tb* original, of Talford'* beautifu play of that name, wa* one nf ber mo* famed impei-Houiitious. Mm. Shaw (Mr*. ll.iiiilnii made a charming Kmiico an added to ber fame as a great sctreaa. Above all then* and indeed beyond al doubt Charlotte Cuxlnusn stands wlthou a rival in male |iei-i>iintions 'Ihe ap- pearauce of Sarahlieruliar.lt in "Hamlet' awakened aa iiileiext ulinb bad died on of th* public nun. I iu regard to tbes* great personations by female* The I'a rixian press tevuu-d with commendalioa* of Ueruburdt'* Ilumlet. 1 am unwilling however, to admit that the Htage has ev er had tbe eijnal of Ch:irlotle Cushmun and. to snstaia me In tli.n opinion. I bav. aougbt the opinions uf those whose judg meia cannot but b* admitted. On tbe uigbt of Dec. M). IMA. Char- lotte Cusbman uppi-ured in l.oudan al the rrincesa theater a* Komeu tu ber sie- ter'a Juliet. James Sheridan Knowlea, dramatist and critic, nay* of ber per- formance: "Charlotte Cuiibman'i acting of tbe passage in wbicb Kuuieo thruwi himself upoo tbe ground, 'taking the mesnure of an uuinade grave,' was equal to the Dnest onthiirxt of pflssioa and grief IB KduiGud Keen's Othello, yet had never fipeclrd to see anything aa fin* HS Keen'a Othello. It WHS u m-ene ol topmnvt passion uut simulated passion nn such thing: resl. palpahly real: tb* genuine beiit ntonn was on iu its wildest fitfulne** of fury, sud 1 listened snd gazed and held my breath while my blood ran hot and cold. I sin sure it must bav* b**-o the <-* with every one in th* house, but 1 was all sl.suibed in Home* till a thunder of applaun* called aa* t* myself. " Justin McCarthy. ID hla delightful ret* iniarencc*. ismicd hy th* Harpers, aaya "For myself I ran any I have never heard greater ei|>re*ion uiven to tbe very soul of humsu feeling thun was conveyed by Charlotte CiiHhnniii in the few words spoken in the i-bnirhyard m-ene. wbera Paris breaks Iu u|...n Uomeo MS he la about tu fore* open tbe door of the Capu- let monument. 'OU-y aud go with me.' say* Pans, 'for tli.ni uiimt die,' aud ICo- meo, loukiug nrouiid upon him. make* an*wer. M must indwd. mid therefore came I thithor ' The w Inne trngedy of the hour wan told hy thtw* word* NDO- keu m that tune." No one, I think, who heard Mlts Cush- man np<>ak that line will rver fni^et tbe of the impii sm,>u wi.iiifht by her full interpretation of it* pot-tic humaa meaning Mr M.rarthy ssvi "he baa only one Itoiueo. Mr. Km hcs Robert- on'. which was tb* equal of Charlntt* s. An to i 'u-hin.iu'* Clsud* Mr. M.-i'at-thy insist* that it waa not only uuiippiosrued. hut was th* nly endurable rendition of the pnrt. "She created for me me O nly human, tbe only passiilile a:, -I the only enduiabl* Claude Melnotte 1 bsv* ever teen." tend * few dsyi ago an incident whirb o<-ciirred In th National theater lloi,t.Hi. iu IH.'il _'. riiHil.nte Ciishin.in playing Koine., snd la one of the impaanioiicd si-.-n.-s with Juliet some Fellow startled Ihe undieni-e hy a sneer* ao loud and *o artiln-ial a* te convey an nault Ml** i.'ushiii.in led Juliet from the sue* and relumed to tb* footlights. and ID a clear, turn voic* laid, ".Sotn* man must put that pcrmm out. or I shall obliged to do it myself." Th* fell.iw waa ejected, tb* audience ro*e en ruami* and guve three che.-ia. and Mi.ss Cuiib- uan pnx-eeded with tbe play. A long forgotten s.-ti-eits who appeared IB mule parts n-ith wonderful su.-.-.-sa was Charlotte Ciautpt.ui She was a woman af genius mij of le, i.led talent, but for som* reason prol.nUly a way ward disposition kbe wst uot properly appreciated. Mr. Munendy .aid of her, "There is a woman who would starlit the world if she weie but two niche* taller." She was miner small, but d._ tpit* that drawbai-k tier graceful person. *xpre**iv* fputnn-s and her intensely emotional art me K ..| her tbe name of tb* "Littl* Siddons- She played llstu let. Itichard III. Shylock. las-., Uomeo, Don Cue-tar do linznu. aud iu all of then he won fame, if not fortune. Her ra reer was erratic and meteoric, but her end waa shionded ia gloom. Anus Dickinson, who hail obtained some celebrity as a writer and lecturer, essayed th* itage tt tb* closing of her career. Sh* appeme.1 a* U.i inlet, but 1 hardly think slip achieved success. Thi-r* have been numerous female Ma seppus OD the st-i>- Adah Uaac Men- ken, Lulu Monti-.- \,fa Hu. Is. HI and oth- era, and when the opera Ix.nfT* was IB- trotlueed it fuinisln-d a held for a dis- play uf III* female form in male attire which wa* giveu with an abandon not permitted by groat character* of tb* legitimate drama. John V. Coyl* ia Waahingtoa Post. Mcalcae I ....,.. 1 her*) It no gain without pain. Behind th i-roi* In tbe devil. To th* hungry no bread Udry. Wind and good luck do not last. He who has lit tie has little to fear. Wa ell will endure a hundred year*. I lies cannot enter a closed mouth. IK>n'l take n pawn that must be fed. It Is good fishing in troubled water*. A cat in K li.i en will never catch rats. A book th.ii i. abut makes no scholar*. A frugal, n.-li father and a Bjpendthrift sou. I h* good laundress washes th* shirt tlr-t If th* pill were not bitter It would not l>e gilt vYhn the river is paused the saint if forgotten He w-h > never venture* will never croa* t!,e -,-ii IKi nut trust von r money to those who ki-i-p ih. -n- .-yes on the floor and make an outward -.inn of pi'-ty ~..-im.s ol D.INK-I . Have you lost your .'iijiei .le ? lime you a coated tongue r HIM- ym .1:1 niipii-H-aiit tiwte in the mouth f I)<M'S yum- head acne .iinl have ^s > If ,0. \oiirstoiintrli is out lef .mil Mm tiee.l me.licine. Bui vou I') no. l.ke meiiiciiu.. He i hat prefers -n-kiirvi to incdiciiie must uffer, hut un- iler the circumstance-, the wise mall I procure a lx>x of Parmelee'a \ IMis and speedily i;et iiimself in . aud .strive to keep so. >'W si, i, O f M.itehea. The French match factories ar* now turning out friction m:irche which will Itfiiite .'ii any Mirfac . lint which ure free from the ohji'.-tioti< ru-ed .IL-IHIH wrhi e nlphnr No smuKe or ixlor styBMtftftto m I In; f.'w'tori.-s. Ihe inflammahlu in- - "f thu (iitste are s.--,|iiiMilphde >I |ihi>s|ihoroiis and chlorate of potash. J. J. Vipond & Co., I RUT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r"nrrvi|MiiiiliMiri> s. limited. .(Ulllii'-s \|:ii| on ( i.nsi_- l.lanfla Farming HUB Dial. Tbe largwt sun dial In the world I Huyo i I orjo. a large promontury extend Ing J.UOU feet above the Aegoun Sea. A. th sun swing* round the hadow of tbi mountnin It touoheit. one by one, a circli of Islands, which act an hour marks. If the childrvn m i in.-.- as Mill, r s >lflisallt V- T.I k. inin; physic, none aote Worm Powders; M-ry I ..I 1. 1.,. I ..%..!. l||. Ill (T . She I don't know wh;it you meant by nn.-iMi.' nn.' ilirmiith |il;i -e like that, am Mire m) dr.-s, i. lt ll turn. II-- ^--. lint I oir.-n*l to carry you. "Offi-reil in rarry in.' \Vh.n m ne . mild I d.r- ' "I'erh.ips ton i-imld have cjirried m* I n - % ii*> i .... Unto the inaldeu of my heart By mail I did propose; Then waited for what might turn up Alas! it washer noe He I have ruxl but ens idea since we m--t a few short w.-i-ks ago "he I n 11 credit for greater mentality than 1 hail *tipr-rted. Health for tbe Powders. children. aimer's C. C. RICHARDS & CO. I>EAK SIRS, I hare ijreat in Uing bone, with nve Nlnard's Linimrnt Cures Colds, etc. I i ...u i I....* 111 Ki *mf*, In Krnnce. wlu-n a onvn't M tcntenred odeaihliy th guillotine, the iur of hla xsrution is not ii.un.ii in hU prexmce. ml In- knows n..i when he is to be led orth until within liin.-n minutes of tbe auil TH iini'iii There is ilnnier in neuiecting a cold. l.iny ho have ilinl of niiisiimption dated be.r truiilile* [torn exposinv. followeil by coid liifii si-: Ie,| ,,r, 1 1,.. .,- luni;, and in shori t.me 'ii..v \\rr- lievi-iil the nlcill of ,,. t.,i piivsirmii. Ha.1 th*r need BtckU*l Lntl-CoiiaumptiTa >yrnp. iiefore it waa on l.-itK, rheir ::v.., would have been 1 tils in. .'.i i.- .is no equal for lBC ooucha. oold aad all .tfTeciioaa of he n.ro,it .mil in: . Mi^Kii'sIlNINrrA^.T, 1 .^ 1 " 1 cured a horse of ' bottles. It blistered the home, but in a month there wa no ring-bone and no lame " DANIEL MURCHISO.N. Four Fail, N.B. EXPOSITION "It Is true I can t sin* very well aid atththadjuswallowe,lthe.nary, "hllf I ' all the same." good deal s.f ih He Imltsu.1! days werv over ml. in. I tho ic in me, again. A new back for ."HI cents. Kidney I'llU and Pl.-ister. Millrr'i Japanese conrt.-sv -t. in. In the latest te*t. n Ami-runn r:din^ i Im-ycl* in Toklo illy kn.H-|..-d down a venerable i m Id. -i-.d \ .-'iin ir-.itliernd himself >>rt>ther. d-ien'ii'i.illv .-ippmaohed th* der. and i.nniulv l ,-L'nl pardon for ba- ig in his Imn.intlile wnv " was l>*ii si .,,!,., m Palariu*. lliiyh I'earson iilw.-ivs spokn of I)*n Stanley at the IM..-I il.-.-nt ml:i,lI man In thn World lln wan drivlUK onrn with him Into I'aleriiin lie r.impl.-iin.^l nf :,,!- ing cold, and as Stanley had his travel- ling bag with htm. he ndvlnwl him to put something extra on. lie did so, and both rmurnod thnlr !pmrs. A loud laugh from some hoy* nuddenly rouwd I'earsan to the realisation that Stanley waa driv- ing through the tre.-t In his nightshirt, which be had put on ovnr hla ooat IB puie absence of mind lx>ndoa News. : HIS 01 Ulll-i. 1,11 --I- 1 -.l.k.w, I I -I M \ . j I * KHINK .1 i .U.M i iii.ikiS'.ith thai hs Is th -iiior paiiin'i -.' the m m ..f K. J. I'liaxar t Co .Hi? l^i .' I , .) , < !.! rtnn . i* tinn .it uXl. Ill Mi|;i.ii DOLLARS for -i. )i aii-l r>- - . titKH that einnot Ur I- U I'll by lli U of 111 1 I - ' 4 I KHH . I KKAXK J . HENEV. S.W..IM t.> i,f,. , ,,if and tulwrlbe.! in my ine..||. r. : L> t-eniher, A.D ISM A. \V. lil.EASDX, N .tary I'ubllc ttarrh . -IT. u takrn Internally and . .s directly ou the M.iud and nun ous lurfaca* i tb* tvtium s. mi for i... inn i.i.tla frre F. J. i-MFXKV * ( -O. Toledo, O. Jruicnisu. 1 ruubl* A hank Bvk. A ('onnci-ticut in.-in who received a bill for a baok atsftt a*J Inul no recolloction of h ivin^ .nil, I-.MJ ,i n: tlie following answer: I III-V.T onlerfsl the liooU If I did. yon dnl not >iid u If 1 got it, I paid for U. If I d-dti t. 1 won t ' i 1 your some w.iv for your vn-inity. ; her ,md device f ttm p.kids (rood In Theavurjiireainonn' of life is nine d.jys out of The i human Kineilk wan ]ro ln.-.- In i.'. provinces in Jamn. l.OiWy-ar* ago ASK YOl.'K GROCER FOR ROKCO HEALTH DRINK. SUB- STITUTE FOR TEA AND COFFEE. '* in? ami nourishing i ura* indigestion and all othr ailmeata rauserl i, , Tea aad Col- '.<'. whlca arc Dofsonous. Kouro i absulntf ly Lnr* >n 1 can b used in anv quantity without Injury to your ivtero Roki-.. e -' twice a* tar aa Ta aad Coffee snd only half th* prlca. A lor. psrkir* will make 75 cups. Rokco I* u.d at your meals Instead of Tr* and Off**. Ask f r it Aifrtii- wanted throughout <"aa- ada. ROKCO MFC. CO., Toronto. Caa. Nation's Holiday! 11 Canada'! Great AND INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO to Sept. 9/99 ALL UP TO DATE ATTRACTIONS PROtiRKsti OK I MKl I \| I |<Y Illustrated In tha W ..H.|> I v- nttons Wir*. les* Telegrnn . u r- 1 lOnhomag. Ira proved X Hi- GRAND MILITARY AND NAVAl SPECTACLES Pauiotia KiiKllsh ..nd American Battlee l.-pl. t. d. Marvellous F.atertainrn.-nt Kp Th H .t K.nr. ffi- i'h, ,|..-ti Fa r. - - .n Rarth. I v I nil s < i HSI-: AI ,. 5th. Escarsions on All Lines of TrtTel. For Prize 1/iu Krrrv F-iruu 2Bd all partlc*> lar* address J. J. VITHRO w% H. J. HH1, I'ri^iilent. Ma . -,-re, " T. X. r. * i ... i .it...! I t".'l : 'hat we expected married next month and he wa 4 to I" wild. She-Wuat did he s.-v? lie I| t - n- .-i n ted tn know why w* could not ni.iLo it ne.u K SAVE MONEY linird's Lminieni Curfs Garget ID fovs. Mother --Do you th'nK Mr ll.irv.^ 1* a oi' r tontiK u. .,n Ili-.ktri'-c -\Vhv. \.-s, mamma. He. be-n i-ngaged to u o( tbe avrvllt-st girl, in the. iiv ring f r r-rsonal an4 -iiwho'd iif*d inanv quantity in rv<iuir Jlr, i :r- in a sior* that handle* m i- mrrchandla* t' li* i-hi-aper thaa nv wh ri... h o u s a. "' ' I IN'- KOB TAsd \M. ,i UNI run a U AI.I.. s|r-l(i 1". lUO* Men's a\nd Wo- inen'sriothlns; .... v i.. ,,. , n j material* u i.r Iliiaae KuriiUhlncs f all kinda. Baaka, Silverware.. Wntiii... Jawelrr. Ornira, ereeeriee un<l p p < i.lon*. Lri-* Jllnstrateo i:<ta|.ue with horte .wdr will IM **nt fr,, Writ* . ard for It. THE ROBERT lost SIMPSON COMPART LIMITED If i.iin- .-hild m pale. IW.M i,h. and doe* not thrive, a doe of Miller s Worm Pow- ders <> rationally will . nre l.i.f I iw III i...i,n * MUtri.kU rarely o.'.-ur in criminal In iiermnny. A vote of MX to MX * -quite the prisoner, a \o:,- of v vrn to five leav** ih de.-i-.ion to tho roiirt and a vot* of sight to four means conviction. The Most I.ipui:ir 1'ill I h* pill U th* tnott (Hi-mlar of all forms of meilicin*, und oi pill* tha maat popular are I'.unis- 's \ eueialii* l'ills.l. ( -.tiisH they ilo what n in assert.-,! they can do. and ar* not put forward oa an) Bctltloua olaima to excel- lence Tlm> .<ti> ,-ompai-t .n,| portable. Ihey are eHiily taken, thov ilo not nrnsi>ta> nor np, and they give is.isf in th* ilubborn eaxes. KI.I.HI I .11.4 you'v* read my 'Line* to a Pomegranate.' Howdnc-a. ir fr1keyop*" IVaJl, us appi-o|>i -i.uel) n.itn,.J I'om* verse, i-raii.kti) r.>. -U It jiratty nx ky Terse, Horns." CANADIAN- "ACIFIC HARA D'.r*tori I III. I IX | ,. B H K' IS.FH J * b: A v h - AMLIB, iN MANITOBA ANDCANADIAH NORTH-WEST FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Will W ran TO WINNIPEG i. ..I ," ta'i-"is N.irtlii~i \V..t and s Miii.wi.t to FOB Fiom it> lonij In Ontario, T >r<int'i and \\>,| 41 i.l sT 2t| East of Toronto. Kv^rv p^ss^mKr will ti* iriv*n whli h nut h* -Ifp i el with \s--nt niim d l*fl ,>n arrival at latlon wh-r pasneng r dually loav** th* train Provl.|(u fonditiuni .>f i-ertiti.au- ari ...iniih.-d with, anil on surren Barefsam* prnparly allwleat an. I aignrd an. I liayin* t 'ti. id., -irivinal lulder ill r*- celvn a in-ket ha. k t, starling iwint. East, bonnd Journe) nni-ilx ce*a**aaoM oa er tx- f.iri- N-.v - CJ a f r.it*n: -All Rail via North Bay; or The Owen Electric Belt Tn.lt Mark-- Dr. Oww Th, only scientific and tract ,,-al Klectrio Bell le, for ftsnaral ue. bavih.. batienes thai Ki-'ieratea ilrong current of rVtri.-ity that! Nervous Diseases Tliousands of peopl* suffar from "is Duwaaea, such as **! a variety ol eg and llntrd's Lioinient Cures Distempfr. 1ht Orsri >. ||. "Married men. -.'.served th* philo*. opher. --liv.i Ion . r i h v n single ..- "Well, if ihet do .,nsiv.-ri-.l ,,,|- eyed iinlividn.il, it ..Tt-,-, it.-- -- Tlir ln-si ph) sn i.-ui- -i~-iik well of er't Compound Inm IMI. Mill- Illl- I I II- I I Ml I T. 'How fortunate ihai K- has only one brother in law to manage her money affair*." Whyf" "If sh* had twe shs would probably land in th* poorhou**." I.ak.- anil Rail via Owen S .a I Si.Mi-iiv.-r will he al! --il at p.ilni l^v.inil N i. .'' 'I ' ' ii " '- i v - I'urontii ar 1 *> |> m. Ada* anil!4. via X.irili B.iv. Thi-.'Uk-ii C dooUl Bii-fw-n " 111 Iw i u.i I .r..nt.> ti> W niiliwir A*k \ "M- nsarst A*-ani for paiuphlsi glvini; parUoulan. A. H. NOTMAN A.O.P.A.. Ton.nl.- - ->*nt fall to ciirr ' There i* a !< -r nerve foros or power that canno PLOWS, ROLLERS o\ HARROWS 1 h Mi Mad^. s i t,, r raral.>ri|" PLOW I II . HK\XTFORI< I'irela raa I s a H. CotTKSM 1 -. A H. Kxtraol i - a H. s,. .... IUCAS STEELE & BRISI Ul. '*J#OII O* * . . Writ*) at. . -vv... i~- rnnnoi oe r**tore roedioal traatment. and any doctor wh lo accomplish thin by any kind ol Deri an * * ll *"* ero "* pracuca. Pro Positively Cured R*', 1 .*/!! 1 Sui P* n orT . W 'H rnont ns.urwlly do so IT known power that will upt,I) SHSSSHfSS 5 Without Me licine. BINDER TWIN C AND MANILA ROPE o\r\iuo niMiitt rwiM- ro.. 113 I nlon Sim 1,111 I read*. Toronto. Wanted. Rhenroatlsm. Waterous, Branttofd, Canada. OU^ IUU3T8ATIO CAT/\IOCUI iVn-.los ful!f*t Information rr. ..r,li n(t thecmr* of acute, chroulo and nervous .li-cawi. prur* how tooi ,ler. etc.. mailed (aeeJed) FRH-toaoj addreaa, i The te Electric Belt And .v iipllanoa Co. TORONTO ONT. MAITRE LABORI SHOT. Leading Oroyfus Counsel Am- bushed and Struck in the Back. TIDE TURNING FOR DREYFUS. . Mcrri.r. Farmtr War Hlal>li .w..i hr Hi. Victiss's < h.ii..,. ! >.. < nurt K**e> CaalBSlr- Hi. i r.w i Likewise Cartee ...i M .... gflsa. Rennaa. A>it 1*. Two men ambushiu Maltre Labor!, ootinwl for Dreyfna. anc >ne dhot was flrad. hitting Labori In th< back. M. Labori fell In the roadway H ta still alive IMI !>!. f I i IRI4I penitentiary of ourse of duty, >< in the K*a>a** Ca>un It ... .H s^i,,r*^ 7 hennas. Aug. 14. Th* second publi< *e,<ion of the second court martial o: Captain Alfred, Dreyfus of tbe 14th Artil '.-ry opened at '< .-< on .-laturdar rnorn ing. The surroundings w*ra the sam- jo tha Monday when tbe trial began. A soumr of tba- M*r4raa. CoL Jonaust. immediately after 'hi -ouri had *ctled down, opened tbe pro coed in ITS by asking nreyfu* the following quest: "In January. Hs6. tb* director of th< the 1*1* de Re, ID rhi arched the clothe* v.n brought from the prison. H* found 'hi- document iti an inside pocket of yotu waistcoat." Tb* president then handed Druvfn- paper, and -aid- lt-> rou recognla* it ai having belono-ed M your" Dreyfus ^ e*, niy oloneL Jonanst \Vbo*> was it? Drerfas Mm Jouaust Will you tell m* how and under what clrcumttanoa* this document oam* into TOUT pose~sion* Urerfus Ii 1* a d.-ument I used dur Ing mj tital. In order to discus* tb* vain* of the bordereau I wished to it. Jouaust 1 be military- cod* give* TOO tbe right to bava t copy of tbe do-u meat* in y >ur case This document, therefore, was legitimately- In your pn* aaatioo. Why did you wish to keep u Dreyfus At a *ouv*ntr of the test of tb* bordereau. Jonaust 1 ha', w.ts not proper and therefore It wa* taken from TOU. I mer Ir wished to alncidare this point, lhat will do. After the rending ->f Dr. Kan*o-n .report on Dr-yfm luring: the voyag- t Cayenne. M .1- '.. Kurhe-Vatnet. secretary attached to the r'renjh eniba* >at Berlin, and M Puleologue of th French Kor--.gn Orh.-.. rtitread that nev.-i In any Iran- .ition v.-.-ru there any ques tlon* uf relation* with Germany. s-r. .-...loi.i t .ialr-P*rl*r. M. Casimir-Perier. formerly Prealdon of Franc*. d-..*Hii in a black frock .- with the roKftte of tne Legion of Hi not In his button holi*. was the next wltn.-s_s In reapon-i to th imial question* h aid: I am .' years oi-t. No profession. waa formerly Pr-*i.li*nt of tb* Hepublic. Did you Know tbrt aoouswl prior to th act* of wnl.-h he t* 'barged* M. Caslmir-Perwr No Jonanst You wore President of the Republic at tbe time of the arrest of ..aptaiu Drvvfua. In this position v m were aU tu have many particulars upon the circum-'iMMXM and. causes of hii arreat. I butt you to kindly communicate them to tb** court A long ptttiaa anerl. Then U. I'a-im.r-Perier. ia a Ion. voice, said Mon.i -'it le President. You ask m* to sp>-ak in* truth and all th. trnth. I hav.. vr >rn to do It. I will speak It without r.-tir*oce. without reserve In It* entirety A I-UIA| From (.rssaar. The formi<r-Pr-md*nt then, la a lou nd distinct voice, retxwtnl the evident he bad given bef.in- tn. Court of tion. He. ruad the text of the despitti-h received by Count ton IfunsMr burg, tbe ii.--nian ambaaaador at Pan*, from Prlnc Hohenlohtv tbe Oerman Im rwrlal Chancellor, which the former com municated to M I'asniilr Perier durini a visit tu the Klvv Palace. It ran: "HI Majosty the Kiupen.i. having every con Hdence In -he loyalty of the republic beg* Your Kxcellencv to wll M. Ca.sim-r Perier that It U proved the Oerman *t\\ bnasT wa* never Implicated tn the fus affair. HH Mnjestv hopeM theOov ment of tbw republic will not heaitat declare so. Without a formal declaration the legend which ben> continues tospnsv regarding the German embaiwy wotil. compromlea tbe rxMi'ion of therenrenenr atlve of Germany , -urneUi lloh.-nloh-- M. Ca*inilr-Prler then r*rountd hoi h* bad exprvsavd 'o 'h then Prvmler an Minister of vVai his tstonlahment an Indignation al the Iniervww which Cap tain Lebrun Knaud gav* The Klgaro >n tbe subject of I>r.'vftiit He added "All tha: waa don and ai. among the Ministers waa don* wlthnu my knowledge." vlna!* > i ...,.. i \VI(h Drvfua. Various question* were then asked M Oaalmtr 1'eri.ir br the, aaeistant ju and M. Detuangt* on th* subject of Cap tain Lebrun Kenvi.l statement tha Drerfns bad confi'-wed, to htm. and rh wttneea said emiib.ttically that be n--v,. had from Captain l.ohrun Kenaud any oomntunioatioti <uoh aa a confession dnr Ing th* Captain's visit to him. He adile< that b* wa* not prepared to deny tha General MureW had told Captait Lebrun -Keoaud to communicate thi alleged oonfe-wion. hnt he affirmed thai tb* captain did not speak of It to him. M. Demanrf* then Introduced th* que+ Hon of tbe l.'ttxr which th* anti Drafiu arda s***ilnl Dreyfus wrote to M. l", mlr Pwier. and in which It wa* i-lairud tba but : M hu tf.'i'f of -ngacankHiM entered into by M. Caatmlr-Perler respecting him. The witne>*i emphatically replied that he had never entered Into any such engagement aa alli-ited. and be asked that the latter, which w.w published by Tha Krialr of Paris, should be produced In court and that tbe whole matter b* clear- ed no. Tb* former Preatdent odea hi* nahnuent by saying: "I affirm before this tribunal of soldier*, that my resigna tlon waa not amnervd with the diplo matte incident nomrning Out many. It pain* raw not to b* alii* to eaoood the ourt in tha work of justiea oonnded ta t, for from this place must nierg* at ast. for the sake of the country, recon- rillatloD and peace. I can do no mor i tall the truth, tba wliole truth and lo.hing but the truth, aa chief of state r when a citizen." M. Casimtr- Perier gave bis evidence wirh a blanched face, but In tbe deter- mined tone of a man who mean* every word uttered, which inspired confidence n hi* word*. Dravfma ..,-,, . i !*. Col. Jouaust then asked iJreyfus If ha tad anything to *ay Thereupon the pri- soner roee and, aorompanvtng his utter- ance* with gesture* of his right band, aid: My words bav* re-t.,mly been distort- ed, for I have no rw. . lection of such a otter. Ihe words the lonaMr President of ho Republic ha* just uttered are exact. '. bavH never, even In my own mind, snppoeed there was any engagement undertaken br him ind that be hail no* ield thereto I can well understand ndlgnatlon of M Caolrair- Perier. such an Idea never crossed my mind. Will you allow me to explain Uemange had asked me at the time of the trial, in conveying through M. Wai de<-k-Kou*ean. my request for a public trul. that this publicity should only be in ondition that the question of th* origin of tbe documents remained aucrnt. my word of honor not to raise this question and that I bowed before th* r interest* of my country. I never a idea that an engagement wa* mad* between the President and myself. never, never, never." Jouaun-, Then you declare falsa these letters in which it i said the President of the Kepnbllc entered Into certain ngagement* with you. Dray fus repled: "In any caae, tb* sens* has been completely distorted." General Merrier who waa the next ItneiM. ware on hi* breast tbe decora- tion of Grand officer of the Legion of Honor. He w on tb* stand four hour*, and h dehvetnd an almoat continuous tirade against tbe prisoner While be waa under examination neral Mercter asked CoL Jouant to allow him to pre- sent a document showing bow an espion- age syetam wa* organlud in Franca br Col Schwart/.koppn. the former Garman military attache at Paris. The document referred to the fortification* of the Meue 1 Mercier then entered into an ex- planation trading to prove Schwartzkop- pn wan at the head of tba German i enplonag* in France, and afterwards had the favor*! letter containing the word* "Cett*- Canaille de I) ' rwad. In tbe meanwhile Dreyfus Watched Merrier through his -vegia-wes. but ap parently quite unmoved The wltnena who displayed the deepeet interest woe M. Caniratr-Perler Seated In front of a row of private *wt*. he leaned forward, with his band* on hi* knee*, nxifpt when very excited, when b* lifted hi* hand< up in an xpreaciv* geetur* of dla- gust or impatien' e. Col. Jouaust then said : ' Uave you Inishad' 1 General Mercier replied: "Tea." Col. Jouaust then announced that tbe aaaalnni of tbe court-martial would be reenmad Monday morning. M. Caatmlr-Perler thereupon arose and said: "After tha depo.iiion of General Mercier, I shall aak tbe court to hear me, and I would prefer it to be In confront*, tton with him. ' This announcement caused a sanitation. >-...p. i . .rt Mereler. Ihen followed a thrilling demoneua- tinn against General Mercier. A* be turn- ed tu leave tbe court the audience aroxe en matiir and hisxed aim and rurwd him Tbe gendarmea placed themaelves betwxitn the General and tbe audience, which showed a strong disposition to maltnsM tbe former Minister of War Oa emerging into tbe street tbe crowd outsije cheered tbe General and cried "Vive 1'Armea!" "Ah," cried a spectator of the scene in conn, "if they bad heard the bumaa monster speak they would not cbeer him now" 1 Counter shouts of "Vive Repnbliqna!" and "Vive la Jnlce'" we-e raised by those leaving the court room, but tbe gendarme!* quickly cleared the streets on both sides and "dispersed tbe crowd quietly 3011.1114 MEDAL*. YEARS ADD LUSTRE TO THE FAMKOP GERMANV'* 3RIAT- EST LITERARY LIGHT. * laoth A.'<r.r r Coth win n. ci ,1 ik. Mirtk *M Over * th .. wkr th Wi4 Wri4 .i t M*stt-A .. f Hie) fMts Uka> Coe bandnd and flftf raan ha>r* ' ainoe Goethe waa born. Gnna.na | evrf where wil. aeUbratte the eiupicloua d which nsbered tn m new ir In be world's lllormtnre. AUK. 28, 1T49. Th oeiebraiion will be one lone to be remem- bered. A sketch of the man may be opportune at this time. From tbe house at the Hlrachgrmben la Frankfort, where the cradle of the eon of the old Reiehnetads stood, SB the) prince's mmaeolevm tn Weimar, wha* a TTondarf nllT rich career ! After flerr youth hi luxury, but also uodar (he dertructlveneea of paaaion. tbero waa a qalck tarm IBM the ooane of orderly Ufa, a pbaoomanal aarent to dw hlgbaa* honors af official afe. r a high oclal poaiiloa aahieved through the friendship Tka War D*p*rlau-at n . tpprvasi th* Ottawa. Ana. 14- A deapateh from tbe Colonial Office waa received by in* Militia Department on Saturday, stating that tbe War Office bad approved of the de*ign of tha ribbon for tb* general ervtc* madaJU and also that it bad been decided that tboe who had served in the Northweat Rebellion In 1 sad and that medal may also receive tbe sarvlo* medal. There ar* 7.SOO service medals and IS.uUO clasp* ia Militia Department which could not be issued until the question of the ribboa waa settled. The flrit issu* of medals will be made a* soon as tbe n.s-oanarr quantity af ribbon can be obtained. Captain Wnnelle of tho claim* com- mission died oa Saturday morning, but is is learned at the Department of Mlhua that this will Dot cans* clelav/ in tb lama of the medaUa. a* several thousand names bav* b*en reported on. and another .-om- mianioBer will probably be appointed at once. SENATOR BKI I KK04K DEAU. rlas r oim<i Him -u*4T After l.c lllo- Montreal, Aug. 14. Hon. sen.itor BeUeroe* dlert yesterday morning at .-t Vincent d Paul, after a painful ill nee* of ranker In the stomach. Dexwawd had been a lifelong Conservative, yet he roarauil from hi old frieotN in tbe Rlel and other quettlon*. beiplnn Mr Merrier to power This, however. WM not for long, m the Senator soon returned to hi* first love. Mercier. who bad his back turned to the former Pre-ddeut. saw nothing of this, but aftvr be had completed his testi- mony and reiterated all the charges con- tained tn M. d < irmencbevllle't bill of indictment, Mercier preeenb-d a docu- ment u> be read bv the clerk, which I e left wrist and proved to be tbe alleged Dreyfus letter !** T* AU conrernlng the engagement entered into with Caimlr Perier. which the latter had ao hot IT denounced The last orwarh ha>l barely left the clerk s lips when M Caslmir l'-nr jumped up and sboutod: lhat s th- letter I mad in the news paper*. ' 'in Mercier started, turned round and muttered excu***, wring be did not be liev* a rr.-si.leut of tbe Kepubllc would nter Into such an angagement. To thu M Caaliiiir-Pwrter ratorted. In a tone of tbe blttemt aaroaam: "Thank you. General, for this testimonial." At th* *nd of bi evidence. General Mercler said he believed that the only motive of Drerfus treaaon was that Drcyfu* bad no feeling of patriotism. In- %., i,-...- Hiaad. Tbi* cru*l utterau.-e brought forth hisses I'rom th* audience, whose blood had o>*-a sent up to ftiver heat by the witness savage attacks on Dreyfus. General Mercier. not benling tbe hlaosM. ternilnateJ with remarking: "If the least doubt crvruwd my mind. Me.sieurs. I would be tb* nr*t to declare It to yon and ay tjefore yon. Captain Droyfo*. I am mistaken, but In good faith . " l"hn llre-yfus electrtned hi* hearer*. He jumrxxl to his ftvt a* though tbe word* had galvanized him Into new life. and shouted with a voice wbicb resound- ed thiongh the hall like a trumpet note: "lhat 1* what you ought to say " The audience burst Into a wild cheer. i .. I T.. M.P. P.. RaaUr Heru London. One. Aug. 14. CoL f Leys. M.P.P. and Mr. Chittick driving to DorcbMtor. wnen a street .-ar ran Into the. rear of tbe vehicle. sm.tshmg It badly. The hon* daubed off. throwing Col. Ley* and Mr. Cblttlck violently out of tbe rig on the pavement. Mr. Chit- tick's Injnrie* were very *rver*, and In- cluded a dislocated shoulder. Col. Ley* head wa* cnt open and hla system tot tamed a -er* SHOCK Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Hull of Byran drove to tbe city on Saturday morning. Their hone waa frightened by a street oar and. becoming unruly, up-et the party Mr*. Hull sustained a fracture of bad wound over the ecupaata of the rig were more or Vs*a shaken up. Mao 11* Hmp Is Hi(k. London. Ang. 14 Manila hemp roat ten shilling* tn London on Saturday, be- ing quoted at JtJa 10s. Large quantities were bought as this price on the prospe. t of a further rise in consequence of the resumption of bo*tlMtic3, and the belief that all tbe Pnllippine ports are clo*ed or will be closed While tb* price in Lon- don is only aUiU 10*. owing to larga stocks and tbe quantities now tn transit, the price at Manila Is 44. the hlgheit on record. The hemp dealers believe thu military operations will drive tb* native* from tb* fields, and that tbe world's sup- ply will b* practically cut off. wDHruvn the usher* called tor siien.t-. Or*WB*4 at Tarss*.*th. X. . Halifax. X.S.. Aug. 14. Wolr-ott Squire, aged IS. son of W. H. Squire of Meriden. Conn., who waa spending the summer with his mother at Bay View Park. Yarmouth, full Into the harbor from tbe park pier JB Saturday and waa drowned. Lars;*** Funeral la 14 \r Port Hope. Aug. 14. The funeral yes- terday of William Harper McMullst of Ihe Toronto World ktaff. who w is drowned last Friday while on a visit to his parents here, was the largeet sinoe that of Lieut -Col. Williams. 14 yean axo. and it would emtm that the whole town turned out tn show their extreme sorrow at the losi of impular and *i atercter theu stammered "I clever a young townsman, and to *r r <'* 1 would oouie and say Captain Dreyfus, I , their deep lymnatby with the bereaved was mistaken In good faith, ami I come family. Ibe floral tributes were very with tbe same good faith to admit it, and I will do all In human power to repair tbe frightful error " Tba prisoner then shouted: "Why don t you do it, then ' At this there was another bunt of ap- plause Oaaeral Mercter. after a pause, when tbe bzcltement had partially calmed, said: "Well. no. My conviction since IS-M ha* not suffered the slightest weakening. It is fortlfled by the. daepeat tuuy of the doesiar and aiso by tba inanity of the means resorted to for the purpose of pro- ducing the innocence of th*. condemned man of HM. in spite of tbe evidence accumulated, and In aplteof the millions j r aavaaMy exnaadtd." iiunierous and fl'.led the apartment in which tbe cofflu lay. Among them were large broken column from the de- ceased's oorunuli 1 ' on The Toronto World and a wreath Tot onto Globa. from his friends on Tbe IS* < th* saarca London, Aug. 1. The following official measurements of tbe cup chal- lenger Shamrock have been supnued bv Secretary Hugh C. Kelly of tbe Koval D'ster Yacht Club Reglstored tonnage, 136. Thamea measurement, jao. length, 106. t: length en the water line, tttf feet. breadth, M.M: depth. 10.66. port of orrH*. af a genial prince. <>oeche w tonobed trr the mttery of life which gnawed at tbe genius of acbillar. and thus there grew beneath the peaceful shadow of the tall tree* on tbe Ilm tbe Apollo who In ronrhfal beaatr touched tbe golden harp to a Jnplur whose brow* made the l.twrarr Olympua trambld. Wben he first appeared in Weimar Ooetbe was tbe favorite at tbe muses and graces, of tba women and of the girls; eren men enthtued for him. For be waa a child of fort'ic*. .oat be- eaase he had tbe understanding to the fortune which met him. Tb'.t perud of wild abandon and material enjoymanl passed by. but the yearatnira of his baart whi.-h filled his lifs with ilgat and som times with shadows remained with hint M tbe end. And what a blessing was M tba a*ed poet the growing recognition of hla con tamporarii>' What was :b* height he had reached la tbe world's litaratnrel Th* devotion of hi* enthusiastic disciple*, the admiration of th masses, tba bom age given him by tbe superior minda of other nation* has - a poet braw bean crowned with richer laurelaf Bat it was not alwmra thus, and <3oa- ths's life, which tn lie total:rr appeari so .unnv and light. Karl It* lark hours. Evan the sanguine man. ?!.. of animal Joy, had his hour when he wrote upon the walls of his forest retreat- Die Voegel schw*l(*B 1m Wa,4sN Wirte our. l<n.U' Eubest Du aacbl The sunlight if fame did aot alwayt lighten bis life, and In such shadowy bears h* may have doubted hi* star Th* growing ot classicism is a dark mystery, there were epochs, and the** of duration, when th* natioa d:d not In it* poet Goethe had w >ti" and bis "Werther" a <accM which him a fashionable ooet. Bat faahion *vne* ent. and when the poet pu dlff*rnt line* th* narion would not fol- low him. Nearly all hi* masterpiaoaa, which form th* pedestal of hi* world- wide fame, are contained in tbe completa edition of his works published from 17S8-90 In Leipalc. and U appear* this edition reatadlika lead upon con porary literature, for Oo*th* hlmaaif write* af It: "Th* edition ef my collected work! fall Into a period in which Germany knew no longer *f m*. nor wanted M know, an* I think I can peroeiv* thai tb* j oblisher does not Ilk* th* under- taking ' This dark epoch i* flooded with tb* light which Is now spread over Goethe'i l-.f*. H himself wrote as Laes aa 1883 M aV'kermann : "My book* aan never become nopolart whoever think* they can and strlvea for It U in error. Tb*y are not wrltMB for tb* masse*, but for singl* individual* who want to achieve clmilar ramlta." But. at a oioner a,-m-mv, one find* ether shadow* tn Got he's fortuoate career. Sickness, anr *v*r th* petty annoyanca* with wbicb Weimar society pursued him for yean, particularly oa aticouot of hi* relatlona with Fraeuleln VulDtua. wrath aver tb* latrlgue* ef his enemies, speci- ally on the part ef Kotzebue. and finally tb* los* of hla only son On tse other hand, tne poet's joy waa In hi* works, ef which be himself *ays: Tasy ir* oot shadow* whlca a drcaat mat*; I know they ar* sternal, for Uey are. Soeth* thinker and poet lived la nature. Tb* mystery of vegetation waa known to hi* penetrating view; b* arched deeply Into tbe otlgin of color; studied animal nature, even astronomy, with tb* fervent and Insatiable thirst for knowledge to which he ha* erected aa tndsatructthl* monument tn hi* "Faaat." With bis "Faust" th* poet could aay fall well what la wonderful nature a king- dom had been given him and the power te feel and to sn.tov it. Thus genuine and mnadulterated nature tn human life was spsa M his muse, aad Inasmuch aa the "eternal wooaanly" Isoloatatto nature b* knew how to Imbue hi* woman with oncbangeabl* magic. HI* Gretchaa, Claercbea aad IB a hlghsr style all IphlgenlB and all th* numerou* Ogur** ef woaaea ef hla romance* bsleag U) tae jail.ry *f the wiri.i 4 literature ta ( sr*aiion* that will n**r be eq'ialled. ma.* Dg'ir^a. an the >tbnr btn 1. ar* i vacillating and w*k -h*rv-V! Clavkg*. Warther. Wetsliagen. or them ;h* laiuereanaiion *f a* aintealf fslt. and Paint iJuethe diff'*ra from all ether writr. except parbapa Milton. ripect that hi* works -ann it a* uno>r- tood witnont a koowlig*i if hi. say< aaa of nia Uographwra. and that bla llf* I* in ttaalf a wore ef art. gr^aner than any woik wbKh It ereawd Ihta randers a laog mat ir;um**antial bi ahy a necaiwitT as all wba w j-i. ! at-n tbe poec earioualy. At toe earn* nm* 1* u K-rmtl that w* er *"> tuffl. tBntlT rornovqd frnm him to form B aormrt .udgment It hi* pla>: in litarafT history U* i* not only tb* graareat peet if 'Jaw- many . ha is one <jf tha arrnaMt poet* rf all aga. Posterity muat dnculs hu aurt ivacodance in that small ao<t Tho*en m- pany which --ontains the aam* it Hatner. Dant* and SbaJM*pear> H* vraa th* apoetie of self-colture A. wars acrtv- ing after objective tmtn, and *im--ttmrt attaining to '.t. be xhibited to 'h wor!4 v>rv pbas* rf hi* plastic mind ID turn, and laugh* both ny praoapt aad th .1'isbandrr of 'he . of s*lfl*bn** ao >'t^n brought i him -an not b* maintained. Ul* nature responded to *v*r influence >f na**inj motion. Like a i*lioata narp c wa* aii*nt if no* toncbeii. a:. . ita icusic v> vry wooing .if tb* w '. mind. 1 3S h.ir.t* if -nsTnp rond the deep indignation of I kaew Goetb* be*t. Ee learn-<l by aad -a F*- . at bis etaaa- aaqa* repoee, on* ihou'd learn to admira the srlf-oonflict and a-:f -command which, molded tba exnberanm of ai< nature into monumental proportion, alls autobiography. 'Wahraav It and Dubtnng." has done ijlm wrong. It Is not tba *torv of bis .if*, but of hia recollection*. He naaii* no i.if*n*e- nothing bat sympathetic study A a Homer -on cen crated in himself tb* pirit af antl'in ity. Danb* of r h m:ddl* agea and Sbakeapaare of tb* renaissance. a Goeth i* tha renreontariv* of the modara pint, the prophet af mankind Jtula* new ircumsMBnce* and nw uondlttooav to* aopointMi tea her >f < yet onbara HOLDS CRICKET RECORD. tt .. i>ra* Hlalar r ta aaaa. >t A. E. J. Collina, U rnan old. kaa at last surpaasjad William O. liraoe shistoria record at ortokat. Oraea baa long bean reckoned tha champion , Ticket piayer ai the world. He is now 51 years old. aad playing good :rtcket la IM4. at* MASTKB A. I J. OOLUXB. baa been the star performer tn Dearly ast tbe great Knghuh .Ticket elevens tinea) thai time. But a baa never mad* a re- cord equal to that of vonng Collina. and loven of tbe game ore flnn la the belief that tbe lad's accomplishment will lenaj stand *neq nailed. Tonne Collina U tha orphan eon of an Kaet Indian elvU servant, and Just now la a stndsot a* Clifton College in Rngland. HU unpre- cedented tally of *:!>* rune aot eat waa made at a bouae match, bat tbe record \M regarded by Englishman aa anibentlo. la no way did bis opponent* neglect an op- portunity t* put him out. bat hla aklB a w. a. BAOm. and endurance, bis accurate sattln Baal clever placing, frunrnttod all their at- tempts. Both Qreoe and Collins are tt Knillsh birth, a elrcnmstanoa whl tends to console tbe Briton for the 'erlng of an (dal. Aod tne faot that new champion is but a boy by Be mat .mbltters the dlaappointaieat M* friends af air Oraoe.