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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1899, p. 3

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Two Railway Men K ed and 25 Passengers Were Injured. Two Trains Sha4 I'p Cloudburst Wrecked * Freight and ( lnr*go fi lirrftH I ....j-.i Into It With Awful Inn. ..i Whll* Kllimlng SI .Ml Mil* *pl t'lll llll.ttl S-pllt ID I WO. PttM- Mg<-r III row., ll-.wn th* Bunk. Port J.i-rlH. X.Y.. July 31 A freight nil u '.i-t passenger train were wracked (in tl,<- Knc n., -in mwr !.a<-kawaiirut on .Sunrday inahi I hi- first. news uf the iiMidcnt, which rea. tied here after mill night, wan rii the i Mi ; That probably IUO jusiplc had ht-<-n KI...-I' Owing to the f.wi r.hiir. the telegraph wire* hml IHWD torn ilnwn no derails roiiid U- learned unill nil. r dityligl.t I .. Ki.l*. i. i.% I. jinf.l. Then It w-.i- l.'.iriin: ihut I, 'it two lived hint l.i-i-:i lost, .-mil that I., ::< anil i ltd IKS-II injurcii. 'i he killi<l Were Mcph.-n (Mil water, l-ort .Icrvis engineer, knu KreU. >^1K I ort Jcrvls fireman. t tii*-cl l.\ .. 4 l.iiiil liurtl. Tlie wreck. Vfhih is.-curml shortly be- fore, inidmahf. wns fin-vcded bv it cloud- burst and st^irm wh;rn lasted two hour-., A utTtiiin of the b.tnk I'el. <n> tin- east- bound trucks directly m front, of rim freight mini, ivvi-ral tree- went, ilown with the rocks and the earth anil the fn-ighi cars anil engine wen- MirniMi over Uiris-ily nrross the \v.-t ix.und tracks. > . 7 I III.'.,;;., t-ll.l*--* I 4III** llOtlg. Sixty friluht rum constituted ihu train, though only .'^ were <li -ruiled ami the rid. ris piled up nn the wi-Mttsmml track* just as the .No. 7 ( hi.-ngo express from New York for hutt.uo nut in an appear- m-e. miming at the rate .if .. mile* an bour I'hn engine oi the eiprcss train Into l lie Wre<-K. .nil! the lutggage car. combination unit ImtTei .-.-ir unil two 1 iilinmn siis-iM-rii were pil-ii up on the track-. iHini.-li.iii-lv in front of the wreck- ed freight car*. The tlrst ~i.-cp.-r was split into two |iurts. anil the passengers were thrown 'Jit feet down a bank. Fire at one* broKe out. and four cars of No. 7 and nine of the freight .-;ir- were burned. liaidragemunter Meeker. who found bimself under the baggage i-ar door, re coversl consciousness only to dim-over that he. w;ts all alone in the heart of the pits-s'iiger cars. He mitnage<l to cntwl from his position only to tlnd a l.i. i/c >tar'lng in front of him, while half of a cnr was somehow hnuvd up i mined I - atlv over him. He railed for assistance, but them wa- no respunM. Then he saw the pa-*enger* who bad been hurled down the to foot embank- m. -in endeut uring to extricate themselves from the debris and make their way up tbe bank:. All wen- clad only In their nighu-loth'ng. and they were shivering with the iidil Some were bleeding and moaning, and all wen- dit/ed. .Mcmls-rs nt the train crews .-oiiiiiiencetl to search different portions of thu wreck, and as isted those who were struggling to escape. Hlaiikets were brought In from the Pullman cars aud wrapped around shivering, hysterical women and half conscious in. -11 k I..-. .-I n .1. -.-..I far. Word was telegraphed to I'ort Jcrvis. A relief tniin was at once .t -angeil for aud three doctors and several traJned return. si for the purpose of oaring for those m-eding immediate as-ist, nee. I'lie relief train -HIM reached the scene of the accident, and nearly all of tbe Injured persons were removed to a bokpltal. I lil.. .... M , I Several thieves from Port Jorvls. who it Is supposed reached the scene of the wreck on the relief train, the clothes of the passenger* during the period of excitement. K. View, a millin- ery decorator of New York, lust clothing containing 1:100 and a gold wntch. K. S. Gilpetrick of Denver lost IM) i. a gold watch, a diamond pin and a diamond stud After several hour's search the bodies of Knglneei i liitw.-ttcr and Fire man Sells were found under their engine. Hot.h biMlies had I men Imrueil to thu tvalKt. T'IU men were identified by their Watches. Doyii wnre atKiut I ." rear-* .>! ;me. ,\n in- Wit* COIHlilMIHlll IIIH'i '-Ill'V. UM the w.i< punnv a ciili-ntal. HI //, IM> I-H \->IN<> COI.UNIALN. ritl.h Witmhlp Proivrl* Krenrk Fl.hcr- uion OfT > wtvund I iid. St. John's. Nfld., July 31. The Brit- ish wanblp Hu//.anl IH driving the col- onial H.lnTtiu'ii out of ihu tnwty i-oitst wtcm alonft i he northeast count of t.he liUand. at the lnstiin<-e uf Kn-rich llshnr- iii >ii. who complain that the nojonist.n ..r>- intcrferitia with their Msh. i-y A nutnl>i-r uf colonial vnssvl* .-ire returulntt xoiith ward, their tUhlng having Oevn spoiled lif the Bu/./itrd s action. Their f- *- *pt >1 1 - >i i ->'i . Kochesn-r, N.Y.. July 31. During an exhibition given by a family of nxpert swimmers at lUenhaven on Saturday vcning a -ti-tloii of thu pier itt that point. uin which almui. JOd pi-ople were si.iinlintf. -.uililxnly gavu way, prm-ipitat- inu scores of the spectator* into thu watur. In .'in instant men, worien ami chilnren \vi-ci- piled in a struggling ninsn 9( humanity Into from five to ten fnet of water. were rendered unconxnl- oiis, mid i'. was only liy dlht of granr. ffortH on thi- part of the bvitandora that Bo liv> wrn Ion*. l>jll Klllod HI* Chum. Bobcaygeon. July :*!. Harry New- piitii. MOD of I hoin.i- Newman of North verulam, wa.s a< muntally shot by bpunoer JJvll at '.he residence of William Devil, a m-r neighbor, on Saturday vening. The two boys were fooling with a loudcd KUD. when Devil accidentally riiM-hargiil it, th* contents entering New - ' tide, killing tlni .u.u.nuy The^.i With < . .ii|.^ in. i :r. wnftl. Point Kdwitnl. July :il. About -J 9'rlock TusCurdar afternuon it rounu- man niiined l^sli.. W.inir ol I imviii mr'on. inch . wa< dniwnml ill the r|vnt- nonr i tie (irand Trunk freight ^h.-ds h.-re He wan i-. Uretuan on the -it'-mner I ' Kmplr-i uf the Northwest. 'I rani portal ion l.iiie. which IH lylnit at the Jock He went in natt.lng with nome companion-!. It in nuppnHmi he oramps .is bs was a goiMl TBAN-.V I tl. si III sin K*. 111. Dltl. I il IJu<tMr Frt>idnt lir.i--i II 41* to i.ivw I p. I'n-toria, July :*l.--State fiecretary K. W. Kelt/.. In the Kour! of an iniorvn-w. aid that, if thH impnrv propoiwil was to embrace all nintturs in .lupin-.' of late years between ijt.-at Hrltain and t.he Transvual, iiicltidi:nr the i-onvenrioii of 1HH4. It might IM .-tcRepta'.lx. hut, if the franchise only witit r.n im i-onsidcriMl. t lie Volkimuui had p.t>wd on that and further consider^! i.iii ,i ill.- -i WftH rugard ed as tantamount '<i !--.'isluting through a comiiiisli>n. thus d.-prlving the ooun- try of its indi'ii.-ii'i.-- I *|ti* I ... .. !>.! lyh td. Cape TDWII. Julv -H. The newspaper* here hail with .luliurhi the is-iin.inces of unanimity in thH Imperial I' irliain.-nt. which thev consider i- prea^itlng an effurtlve t>!an<.-nt of the crisis. ril*-rril t-. tli*. i MIII*. Ixindou. .lulv .11. Satiirdiir itfternoun Col Knox. until cecemly .-iiiniiiaiiilintf the Koral ILirsH Ar'illnry at N'.-w ItHdgn, was orderwl to the Cape to command the HID "Natal frontier post." I II r I nl> i.K IMH t. ... mi I I...--I i.. ilvr s.ii X n. t.i ll I -; il 1udr. Ix>ndon, July : : A despatch fr<iiu Lord iior*rt ~-r,.irv Slate for India, to liiinm Cur/un. the Indian \ IC.M-IV. has been maile puhlic. It announ. at that tn.- itorernment. ban d.s-i.t.xl '.i wl-iiit tin r-n.irt. of the Indian cuin-m-v ttnl that the rxdlcv of kn-iiiiiK thu Indian mini - i- th -oiUKf-' H -.liver will be DIM >siwit.-rt further say* that th. Hnt.ish suv.'r-.i^n* will l- made u-ir.-i tender In and tli-- aurrent coin if India. that flic mints will >> otwiiHtl to the un n-stn. i.-d -it ^old. and that the permannnt .-x.-h nig" value of the rupee will be ina iliilling four pence. t M ii u- ri s uwsKit Mr. Hi...- M -,.., ml . Ii ..... ,r. r un. (>! IH Pru KruMt lv|ihtid. Paris, Julv ! 1'hx .|>vth is innonnc etl here d Albutt Menier fnim typhoid fever. i li... ...>. London. July II 1'hu 1'lines' lierlin mrrespondent sav The Cologne lia/mie pulili-li.--. t I -spatch from Apia, dut.t: July It. -avinu that Chief .liist Chinil>er<. instiuat.-l .mil siippiirtetl by liritiih mil u. -i *. it t.-mptvd to |HisiifMine bin de|>itrr.iir.' inn! Mr. H.irtl.-n 1-lpp, thu Anieiiciti m.-'iilM-r of i tie Sitnioan i-oiiiniisMioii, thrautened to i-mploy force agaliiitt him. 4 .u >*iuhil n(tt the It m. Paris, Julv II 1 he aiitomoljilM* ye* tenlav IH-AI -It.- IVtris .it. Main exprmw m a race l-t\v.-n thos>< -itlmt. a distance a -.'i'i miles, making thn bunt rlmn HVW re cordiil for au tiiioin.ibil.i. covering the .list. in. .> In T h.iurs in.t i.'i minutes. The time of th. i tram was 7 hours aud mlnuuni. ii..-. K. (.i 11 i.ij.i..d. Mona.o. Julv 11. Hv the collapsing of a wall of ii n.-w building .it I'enil mine throw wirkmnn W-M>- kill>l tnd I erloiisly I I I I ..II II-HI. ItHII.I S. Hrv->n. .l.iiiii^niii .v C.impaiiy s timber yards .tnd SUII-T ,v ' i < ^ntm t WBT.J .lstroTi-ii bv lire ol mxht. 1'hn I.MS i, I;IMI..IIMI Mrs. K. 1* H.iiiln. who dl.-d at. W.HH! (took from bl'ioil-poi.s itiun; a.-.-nlcnlally fell upon a ifunlmi rak.i two months ago and one of t.h.t sharp iron prongs pene tratl h.-r knue- IP. Kev, I' M. Morrison of Dun mouth N.S., agunt of the Prsl>vuri:tn Church In the Maritime Provinces. .!HH| 01 Sunday at Chatham, N.U. Thit Ii i nes> was .i.s yearn uf it^-v Mi.-s M irit'i-rir... VV ml .if Luoan wa bailly bitten liv HM prevalent kissing hug on Kiiday nii(bt, the righi side her fai-o bulng swulcu so badly that the eye Is nompletcly I.IM-.I. Several lo.-k.-rs in the KiM-hester Conn try Chili HOIISD w.tre open am money aud jewelrv ggn-^:tt Ititf tl, >1K wan stolen from th .-loihinit hituging IT the different l.n:n.irs >n Satunl.-tr. David Welch, an .1! i.-rlv man ninplo\ isl at the iS.iv.-nin\-.tif Priming liiiruai at iiuaw.-t. w.-s found dead in the liath room of his r..,id.-:i.- at in onrly hour m Sunday morning. HA had ol fwllng iinw.ill. An Kri. Pa., .Listiaich -uivs: I'lioiuao Cavanaiiuh. a tn.iu .i.-r. who cam to Krlu trom II un .li.ou, .IMI... *>m yuars ago, is .in.- *i i pitri v 'ii ' III-HU U.iliiiruicn who it is helii'v 1 have ueuii drowned in Pn>i|ue Isln Hay. Kiug Mn>-iik has written a niont ponltal li'ttar ^l ().n.'ral Lord Klf-hener Slnlar and i J.ioirnor -ileiiHral. MXnrHssinf Ills willingness to |..||n.> i IIH irontier bu- twnen Mm Kgyptiau .Soudan and Aliys slnla on fiiendly '.-rms The lemUiiiiy inanifestml by Frannsto- wanl ranpnicli.-ni.Mr with Germany I* causing great irritation at St. Peters- burg, as the r'raiicu KiiSHlan alllanoe is based II|MII ohji-otn diametrically oppoued to th* alms of Germany. Beaurepaire's Revelations Are of the Flimsiest Character. Ii AMerted That They \V*r All I I .IMI|.r.l I p I .in ll../ T ..I. I PP'' t ti,. Trial, Allli>u(b U Hi i. ..i I tar* Conduct l*rpitrtloB to Kp>rl the Trial tHr-ir i Kni>* BotWMH N l ,.u..l ..I - and In Ttu-. I -- I 'arm July 31 The Kcho d Paris prints .<x Judge 1* repaire'n promised revelations in the Dn-yfus cane. 1'he first article mimes four wltnemwH who heard some aim Semite- siiv W.- will get Dreyfus Uax-k or drag Krance into war ' They did not care for hiH innocence, but only for the glorjlliMttlon of their sect. The Menond article cites witner.-e- who alleged they wen- ntTi-rixl Jewish bribes tu support DrerfiiH. I'lie Muni article relates how Dreyfus wax wu talking to SOIIIH liermaiiH. The fourth says that Dtiiyfus was el- tniv.-tgant. and the tlfth gives opinions of oertain French Ministers and others un the tn-iMiiiei- s guilt. The whole revelation is of the Iliuikit-si ohitravter and obviously trumpeil uu l -i - . i. ./ 4 owir.ll.-^. There is one point upon which both iin-vlu-ists and anti DreyfusUts are in perfect i-i-iiid that n the iinportani-e of Ksterha/y H a|>pearaucii a- a wit news at the new trial at Heniien. Disgust Is, therefore, general at the news that he refused to attend, notwithstanding the safe i-ondiict _'iv. n him by the <<overn- ineiit. which guurante- him against arrest until after the trial is iionc.liideil. I'o Kvp*rt Ui Trial. In addition to the usual number of telegraph wires affording ..immuiiicuinin between Paris and Kenuns, .III other linus have been pravlilutl to in. sit the exigencies of the DreyfUM ti IMI. of whi.-ii : lirev will be abttolutely oltlcial. nupplylng reports to the Klysee the Dvpiirtineni of -us Interior and the I'.wtoitlcn Department. The Dreyfus family have hireil a special wire for the purm>se of furnishing The Droit.- del'lioiume and The Aurore with reports of tbe proceedings. N.I rf> %KMIUNI iiu rtr d* t-'laia. The Matin announce* that there in DO naxe against Col. Du 1'atr de Clam, and this announcement has since bevn con finned hv M. M.-nai.l Col. Du Paty de Clam's counsel. 1 lie Siecle sayn that \laitie Ih-i.iiinge and Maitn Ijtburi. munsel for Capt. Dn-vfiis will dcinund tbai M. vucMiay de ll.-aiireiutire. -i pn nlenl of the Crim- inal Chamber of t.he Court of ' 'assatlnn. lir.Hlu.-e the names of t.he |-rons from whom be nveivwl thuailegetl information btblishiiiK the guilt of Captain Ureyf'.is. A ti'lugram fnnn Keiinm announoes thai an nflray ihere ye-tenlay betwiwn L)reyfiiNltw> and .NalionallsU, who wen* prevented by 'lie ixilicn from dairying out their design .il marr/hlng to thu in. us.- of Malt re 1-tburi. counsel for Captain Dn-yfus. i UK rr.Acr. Frwll The Hague. Inly II I hi- iniernution- *1 Deai-e iiuifert-nce met for us Unit! sit- ting on SatunlaT Hnnni de >taiil deliver- ed the farewell address, thanking the re- presentatives of all foreign stales. He said t.he work aconinplislied. while not o complete as might LSI de-in-d. was sincei-.-. wine and practical. I'hu great principles of the -n.-r.-iginy of indivlilii- al states and internaMonal tolidarlty. apparently so opposing, hail been recon- ciled by what, they had accomplished. lie affirmed that in time to , ome Institu- tions which had their origin in the ueed ef coniiird would IN- the dominating in rtuence and that thus the work of the conference was truly meritorious. The three conventions ilntling with arbitration, the laws and .-usuuns .if witr and 'he adaptation of the (ii-neva <iinven tlon KI naval warfare, were nut signed hv liermany. Austria llnngarv. China. Knglnnd. Italy. Japan. Luxemburg. Si-rvia. Switzerland or Turkey 1 be I'nlt<<l Slates only signed the arbitration .-onveiiiion and that under reKervu. Kotiiniiniit also iiunle rn.-erntlon. The three declanitlons pmhililttng the thniwmg .if .-xpl-i-ives fr.un lutlliHiiiH. t.he use of asphyxiating proui-iil.-s and those of Duni Dtim bullets, \vci-e not. slgnwl by Derm.-uiy. Austria II unit.-uT. Clnnit, Kng- laml. Itjtly. Japan. Luxemburg. Scrvia or Sw't/.-rland, while t.he I'nltisl .-x.-m-s only slgnt*! the diH-lnnition reganling the throwing of explo-n.-s fnnn balloons. THK MCUKRATION OF ACSTHAI.IA. It Prvvocl lo Be I'.ipnlar hn i^ii>n>- Ullfl U III \ :lr. Melbourne, VicKiriit, July 31 Thu colony of Victoria, as i lie ixsult of tbe eicrwndum held on tho subjei-t of tbe commonwealth bill, drafted by n-pn cut - of the Aiisiiallaii .-.ilonii'S of ' irt liriiuin In IS'.iS and revi^.<| by the I'rorn- ,.r, .isc .lanunry. has docidisl by an ov.-rwhi'liuing tnajoni.v In favm of feder- ation. Inasmuch as Now >uiiili Walun, without whose adhesion noou of the other colonies is willing t<> feilimttct, gnve a majority of .'.'. iKM) '.u- ihe common- wnali.h bill at the roicrcndum ol Juno M, the action of \ 'icturia a- showing the imntlmunt of the your.ger c.iliinii-s aseureii thi union of the Aimt-rniiitn stten In a oommonwenlth of Australia The colony of ijins-nsland will hoid us referendum on the .nic-mui SIM. a. I l, ( ..,, ....... .. - .1 1 u Hill. Sydney. N.8.W , July 31 Premier Reid has laid on thu tublu of the Asmm- blv a notlne that he will move In the As- sembly on Aug. 1 an address to tbe Queen, praying that t.he commonwealth bill be adopted a an Imperial act of Parliament. CURTAIN RAISERS. F.i'.car L. Darooport will lie in Violi Allen's support iu "Til* ('liristiun' 1 uejt Wagner's "Tristau nml 1-i.lde" is to bp piuduced in I'uns uc.\t d.' by M. l.nimuireiii. J. H. (Illmonr has l.eeu .-in;:ii:ed to suc- ecd liny Standii.c in 'lie title role of "His Kxcelleucy the i .I.M-IIIIH." It is said tbat an ini:ciiii.ii- < icrman his Invented in automatic ap|. lander. Ths idea is to do aw.-iy with the puid cluqu* abroad. Si. -v,. king, the I 'Hi. h pianist, is tbe lit- est addition tu the list of players an- nounced ax encased for tour of this country uest sen -on. "William Tell" bus had Its eight linn- dredih prrfuriiiaii. .- ai the Paris (irand Opera aud "Million" its twelve hun- dredth at tbr opera ( 'omii|iip. Kuima Neruda lias lately been singinit In London, and in Iliat her recent experiences in I!.. ; . I. .mi might not b* fui^uitcu >-re I....U Miiii her a coinpauy ci.inpo-.eil of nitist* Tn.iu Hint city. While in Wuu 1- i n ii. i-.- the Hustonians aciiuired a new Vine! ii-au opera. "The Smuggler'* Wife." It probably will re- ceive its first piudu. tiuu iu September in New Yurk. An English ictor who died out of town was shipped in bis .-offin to London as "theatrical properties." This cost W, licieas if he had icnne is corpse ton cost would hive been $t!0. "The I.ibprtiue." iHinght by Daniel r 'ulimsn. will be tailed here "Tbe Ixird uf tbe Moor." It deals with the re- dpinptina of an evil man through I gn woman's love. The lurt century is the period. When Schubrrt died In Vienn. be left pei^onal priipeity valued at (13 Hurins, M. lit :is ni u:r .-.flit times ss rich he left 41IO fliiriiiK w bile Beethoven wn m .-..iiip.-nii.iiii a n. u. i. .n. me. since be left 1" -.".!' dorins. saved tip M.ine of IUH folks have trouble, ii nd be UHH to spi-nd it on relief expe- dition tu piivt- tl.. n. After n .In .fliiir has been married few ini.ntlis her uii.iher KI-IM the tirnt chance n >..n- in,e au exti-uded vie- it. Sbe u. the daughter'* sud re- muius "uutil it is over." Atchinou Glob*. THE VERDICT. SUMMER BREEZES. Now ii tbe sruHoo lit-n tbe iiigler exr> egeriites bis u-t rrtults. t'biludvlpblsi 'I'itueB. A summpr rrnurl slwayi open for tbe can't -irt't iiway IH tu resort to tbe sbadlev ide uf tliv ktrt-et. Philadelphia Times. Not sweet girl graduate inywbere has written an PM.H.T upon "How Sipiure Men! Sbould Be Prepared." BL Loins Post-Dispatch. Man must vsru his tread by the sweat of his brow, but there are several muntmi m tbe v.-ar tbat be i exempt from tbe law. In tliese iluys nature gets eve> 9ritb him by lui-ludinn out only his brow In tbe sweating pri.cptm. but his wbole system. Wheeling Intelligencer. ESTRADA CABRERA. Tae 4.... f Ik* i ,u,, .uu.i... Repabllo. Manuel Estradu Cabrera, the central personality in tbe economic rerolutio* which, aooording to Uuatemalan despatch a, 11 now going forward In tbat state, is tbe President uf this Central American republic and one uf the most far Ming statesmen In 1-atin America. Cabrera was acting PreMUent of tbe republic afte* tbe death ef Prpmdent Keyna barrios. He was elected President In tbe fall el last year for a term of six rears, and was given tbe largest majorllr ever voted -or Atwa-pr s-iys there i* food la ilcubul. Yes. aini : i -. loo, if you get arrested wi0i ti.u uiurb uf it in yon. Tbr kaiser may do qurer thlngn. but he keeps the wmld -.i.kiiig about bis em- pire, which is Kod and fn-i- udveitiMUg for Gernmay. Kansas City Tiiui-n. With tbr peace .-nni:f. -s at Tbe Ilagne ml tbe Veiieineln nrlul ration proceed- ings at I'arin. Einope ,,,-kH as plucid uii-iiai;i'i i jimt ufler tlip auiuiuls hire been fed. T. ii. .nlii i .'lolie. It is Kiiid a tierin.iu workmin bns per- fected a prucrMS tin makiiii; coal out of earth. This Is to lie regretted.. '1'he enrtb ! li'iM ougbt lo be ri-tain<'d for ig- rk-ultuial iud residence purposes. St. Louis Star. Tbe sultan ouji-.-t* to iuy scheme of Ititernatiuiial rbitrntiun. Uf court* be does. If the powers didn't .li-uust and witch each other, thry would have tune to sin-lid to linn und his masuscres. New York Sim. They boast of reuioring whole villaces t once in New Yiuk state through the use of rollers. plunks and strintni of borsm. But n-hut is all that com- pared with tbt? we-iern inptbod. wlieip you Minply hitch on a cyclone and tbe job i done? Boston illube. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. rnfruitfnl orchmdn. role, are so because the s<nl is .1. In-ieiit iu plant food. In all ti-.-ins) l.uii iii; it is esucntnil that the soil .-oiiics m . lose cuutact witb tbe rui i is. r'ruit trees may b* pl.-inteil in the yard fur ornaiiiciit and lui frauraDce well it for fruit. The Ix-st rasplirniem, plums ind pears have bfn gmnu where poultry has IM-.-H llowed to rnu. Trees must t* fed just is my other plant is fed. Man.v nil orchard IM simply 1.1 I \.-ll to lll'lltll. - iiti\:iiiun in the orchard while the trw are growiiu: icudi to induce the roots to grow deeper. To cause ipin-k, strong growth of roses and cainain-ns use nitrnle of soda solution in n-nti-iinu'. IViuinitig out of the win my and imper- fpct spe. inieiiH cif 'i nit should lie done as m>ou as they cnn In- .listiii^iiislicd. Set a piece of stilf -a rd board or bend piece of tin annni.i alihugp and tomato plants as u pi. ust cut woruiv. Exchange. THE CYNIC. Half of wht p,'..pie .-nil "frduoitlon" Is the worst nort 1.1 ;. n-ci.HO. We would like in meet an advance gpnt for a sbow n 1m ID not in old news- paper man. Kvery une Is t li-ast this mean: If be pays tu.\ mi his .l.a-. he wants i.thcr peo- ple to pay un thru units. The penalty fame brings to tnso to tht pvei-y girl bf ever treated to lcs> creaui cliiiniR to bim- i.uce jiltetl him. As ivua DII.U (eti little money STRAOA CABBtRA. President In Gnateiuala. He represent! tbe Liberal side of Uuatemalan polltlsi nd Is one of tbe most advanced of tb Liberala. too. The election was vary quirt for a Latin republic. Cabraim. while a thorough Spanianl. has not been Inssns- ibis of the grand progress made by mechanical America, and ha* done what he has been able to do to advance tbe In- terests of tbe country he has In hi* keep- Ing. He Ii not a revolutionist blinnlf, nd has done everything m hi* power ktisfactorlly to manipulate toe finance* of tbe nation. Co-operative sm ieliw still floiulsa 1m Knglitnd. I^tst year, according to reports mi bm 1 1 ted at t.he Co-operative Congress u-i held in I.ivrr|M)l. there were l,84t ocletle* avmst 1.N4.. in 1 897. Number of members list ycnr, 1.1)46,071 against 1.6HI.406 In )"7; 'ealtw In 1898. In round millions. >86D.UUU.UlMi against ijyd.OOO.- 000 In 1807. Prodis last year. BB.OOO.UM agrinst 8t.6lD.UOO ! 1(97 Mall .....i Mortstr. Our readers win. have studied old 1C- counts relating to mason-' work ire aware that their wns a practice, which has only died ..ut .n u-.-eiit tunes, of blend INK beer '', IIP limp and saud used for mortar IM-II the wiuk that had to he done was i-u ,.r.-d to liave special stability, ns it wns i|..xiiiinil flint the beer rendered 'ii inuii.ii iiiu.ll -Honker. The ,.f Shctlieiil iii H'.lii acted on this opinion, for a Ini-n.-i ..f malt wns biniKht fur "blending uf Irs Ivine'' when John I'ittes ippaired :lir L.idy bridge. We pn-siune that lie. r \\.-is mails with It t>- frire tlie blemliiiK i - - took [dncf, Bud there annul IIP 'hat John Pities nd his workmen i i.,l Hiereof, Just to assure thi-niscn <-s >iat it wa* of the proper strength and quality. Athen- aeum. Ulnari'i Union n! Cures icptnhftli. Traveler Ihe BoulOI in eome of ths ncirnt cities hml w . Il three feet thick. Mr. Brickrcw n nviuiisly) 1 presnms soms of the neigh i'<" - "'ere musical. r.njuiii- i-liiit l'rfe,tt. lavender ftowT- MC onn.-.-: orris, two dra. IIU.M Inui -.->. M.^inury leave*, one-half num.- musk, nve irraiui; attar of roiws. tnr un.p>. Mil well, sow np In small, Out muslin bag* and thsm will. li>ni> >..k ur tiuted luwn.

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