l>. t nr*r wbo ilo n .t receive their pa|*r >ll 1'leaM niitlfy ua at once. I Avfir tUla iifflce for advt rtUlug nuaa. THE 1 l.r sllrKTO.V OXT. Nutrition In Fruits. rears are not at nutritious aa many fjthrr fru.t*. In tbe rbai'tcr on fruit ta* apple I* aro.rdi.i flint place. The i-aerry i* tough ami I* considered Lad fruit. I 1 TIM., are delicious and wholesome, ut tne tkio n. ust nut b swallowed. Strawberries ar- excellent aa a laxa- tive, tut care must b taken tbat they a < not tainted. reach** are a <virce of disease mleM ratio a few tours after being plucked. fi.r They ".n (. me tainted. HafpS.erries. blackberries, dewbor- rberrte* ..ml him- b.-rries .hf- fir from other fruit in that they nr* a-tnui:ent. <,rHr- u.ro of fT -at vnlue In some dts- ea'es-. I ut the statement that th-y con- tujn the same eieuieut as the blood la t The gooseberry ba* nothing to roe- cir.mend it. (In the other hand, the inul- l rry is exceedingly whulesxme, because) cl the potash it coataiua. Thev Drove Pimple* Away. A face tivered with pimples is anallfBUy. It tells of internal irregularities which houlrt long since have been corrected. The hvr and the kiilney* ar* not per- forming their functions in tbe healthy way they should. id thee pimple* ar* to let you know tb-.t the blood protests. Prrae!ee s Veger ble I'llls will drive them all away, and will leave th* skin clear and clean. 1 ry them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lence. r. ... M ...i ., ... . ii..-.. MoMc caused the. .l.-ata of a beauti- ful three year-old blly at Florence, , Alt., tbe other day. A farner drove the valuable young mare Into town, and at be wan driving up the principal treet a brass band suddenly struck up It* blatant music. I he mure bid nev.-r bear any sound like that before, and ao atrjrtlrd wa she that she dropped dead In the abaft* of the trap. A vetenn a-y surgeon who cMimined the carcat" C t-lared tbat the mare bail died of heart fmlure, due to eicilemeiit canned by tbe *oiind of tbe nnarciiBiuiued music of a trass Laud liurd's Liniment Cures Garget In Cots. saaaa. K ....... of Old. The Instruments now known as th* telephone and microphone nr* of. com- Baratlvely recent invention, but the origin of the name* dates back ninny y.ars. In 1SCJ7 Wheat stone gave the Btroe of microphone to an upparai-is Invented by him to render weak oun-l audible, and in lS4.'i a steam hi.tl. or .trumpet giving roaring mgnnla lu foglty weather waa called telephone by C*,i>t. John Taylor, while Sudr* und th *sme name in lfi.%4 for a aystem of aoalcal telephony. , Are yon not well ' Are yon p*.le, weak ly, depressed In pint. melancholy, tired. B*rv*u*aad Irritable II. en try Miller's compound Iron I'llls They will build f ou oa, tone up your nervoua lystem, give you energy Aai IJ- . l" I ,. i. ........ I A whlte-enninelcd . h:nr with seat p 'l*.tered In forest cr.-en creton. put oa without hraid ..nd HUB tiny l>ras i:cka BliKftl ver> . Ins. together, is so attrac tlve that it form- the keynote for a whole set of delightful furniture evolved from a mueb beerni> bed aud shabby bedroom anile, ir forest green is u~ed tn paint old furnii'itc it shown ita Lest ' effects when mil; IH Hie wo.nl. the hand some grain showini; to perfection under the ere. n I..I..L nu. I KIMIIK to tbe piece a rlcBnes* and In-iuiy that are most sat- Uftitcr - _ S For Infliiii.tnni ion .! t lie Kves. Among the many <U<K|. i{i .ihties which Panne- lee's Ve|jetal>l- >' '-~. he*lde* rag- ulatlug the da* n,-, i* their m cacy in reilm iii nil ninnatloB of the Ojes. It l.n- ... !."l 'onli inaiiy letter* of recoiniiieiiil.it i >" II..IM thus* who were afflicted with tins complaint and found it cure in the pii.s. 'I hey Hffect th* nerve centres anil the I. lu.nl in surprising!] active y, mill the. result Is almost 1m mediately een l .......... Ion. p. ..-in. An eiperiincnt wns recently made IB Vienna to <-! th-- resisimwe under pressure of Kl.-cl mul the hardest stone Hmall tubes of . ..i nii.liiin and of tbe finest steel W.TC t. n-,i. The corundum broke umlel i\ ton . Lilt III* steel ic tl*t*d Op 10 <'J ton-. I lie steel split wltb a noise like the report of a gun, break Ing Into pott'lcr. im>l .-mling uparks In every dire. -ti.ni. v li i h l.nred tbeir way Into th* machiiip lit'- -iiot. Bait rhenm n.l .ill e. r.emntmia coo- diUona of ihe nkin Mr.- cured by tb* uae of Miller'* 1 ...nip..nii.l Iron Till*. Irate Ouatornei -*<> here, young man / bought Hi.- li'i : -"" irom you mi. It Is aU-olnti h M ., thl. s, OlerV- We ^n't help that, sir Irate <'nstuii" i I'- 111 >"" guaranteed earh bottlet Clerk Kxnctlv, sir. luit we .In guarant** Ihe loni. -< IIH-UKO Dally > .i., Jle." enlfl iMe n>arricd laily to he IDotber, "1 have no iilea where or how e tponds hi- eventngn In fiiet, he i U* the lrnii; hi* iroinga out laie me (n V . >. ' ITHEWOESOFLOVEBS MATHtC* FAIRFAX KEEPS RIGHT ON ALLEVIATING THEM. Aa>*1 \lil. I 11. ........ %%....!. ..l Wl*- .1..,,, I . ,. . I.. s.,,,il,,. the I r.illlilrd Mplrlta '' i iiini|.|. ll.. .....11 Tarajet* Kr i . i i. ..,,.!. Hajari. Uere are a few s.-nnpli-s of letter* gleuwsl from tlie liumli eils which (bit OVe .1. '.)!. UiHH r.i'.'ltl ice r.'lll'I'.'IX. I.- eiveN iti In'' profcssiomil capacity on lie New York .linii-iial. Hiai Ueatrice Fairfax- I urn i yovinf man keep- nit compani with a g-irl. and 1 call lu aee her. She ...!! at in) IMHMI-. She n inv aliti-r'a friend, I knew tbat she carea fur me. Hut her par sills don t lika ml trsir. so aba told na. I have 'HIR PARKST9 DU NOT I IKK MY TKAUK " ao money (o Mart Imwnotc la it proper for me o a*k her parent or to fttop foing with her? I m in lhi> trade for the lul 11' years, ll It r..|.er for me to ki her? Poexsa. R. M. If your trade Is a good oue. we houlil not HI! vise you to give It up. be- muse gome p.-., |ii.- ii.i uot like It. !! ncllllicr the fnlile of till* IIII1II aod til.' MS. and how. In trying to please every MHly. be pleased nulxxly. If tin- youuf ad.T I* willing and you are vnguged, it > proper to kiss ber. Hiaf Beatrice Fairfax: Hear Madam I am enafed to a young lad*. whom I dearly love, but tl.e haa a very quick t--m- Sund4Y evening we wrte to meet at a birth- party at t o'clock, and ai I had quit* a dia- ance to (O I waa alK>nt M.e minutes late. When aaw her, I laid, "i:o..d .vninf, Kitty." to her. tut ahe tave ma no JT.-...T 1 repealed It tha > M. 'on the 4ark.' Mil Ar4.. Jaefcs-Wk- di.l fervently? Are >i.-i cnfagc Ob*rli-No: i |JBk >D*ptea ta.np'ta r.11 \.T>J A Te n . . i. \' r.i. ' FVUBfl Whnt I.e. am* of that youni mat) yo wre entu-.-e.t t* last summer Mle* pttrhem Onnc*nUy> \VU<B l .I.P.I kiss Mamie ao aged (o her? nrt she ha engagement "8RK tSAPPIU AT ME. Second time, and ahe (.napped at ma, Mylnff. 'Do you euppuae I am K<jtng t.i ret on my han.lf ind ineea lor you?" She uid thia in front of all lie company, and I |ul (rll like a fool. She had aaid aimiUr thu.Ka lihe n <t lu-ir^ tlun &0 time*. >ul alwava ln-f.il* a lot of frienua. By adtitini M Uow to fet rid of her you will oi.li Joua O. H. hahlt I* a very unpleaa- ant one, aa you say. and generally rrow worm? with lime. The liest way (o rid yiiiir-w'lf of (he i .-ithei ilanxeroiiit ao- rlety of (be young woman la (o let ber alone. Did you ever try (hat way? lai Heatrn-e Ftlrttl: li.4t Madam I am a youn( lady of 1*. I am inf with a young man f It. I love him very nun h. He told me he luv.-a ma too. Ha uwd to around every mgM, but lie bouffct blcycU, "la IT MKOII 1118 wtirn r ' an.1 ha only cornea on.-e a week. 1 an not bad >kni|[, and he n a iiu-e K.-NI Inntn. and now 1 t. .ul.l like to know who .!. lie fare for. the i.ri or nut I'K-u* Ktve me aome adti.e how lu iin. I out. ' < l'erhH|iH be thinks that the lieHt Illua- trillion of (be prmei-l. 'l.o\e me. love in.v di>K." I" for him to love his wheel ^l .-iii'l then MMI will love it too It Is not lllltt he i-;iii'-, le-.s fill .Mill, lull more for (he \\ I I \\liy do you uot rule too? t., Ill Wind n... i HI...', it. "How docs that fellow Smitli a liviiiu? I ne\ei heard of him win I. lnu" Una a Rclieme of his own lie iniikes a InisliicHM of reiiiiiitf ipuirters In Mats. The iiiinllor.ls iu\ai-i:iMy pay him a C.....I rniiinl sum to ^.-1 out." |iisre|intnlile ch:i r:ieH'r'.'" "Not nl all; cornel pla>ei." Detroit Free 1'n-sM. A i ..i.. i. 1.1 I..... I i.ipl... .-r "I iiinlersiaiiil \oiir pretiy typewriter IT..I-S to M Hummer r 'sort at your ei- p.'iisi' every Nil ft" "\i>*." replleil the lawyer. "Just a little liiisniesM a; i.iiiL''-meiit. you know. It's n pour season that she iloes not m.in.-n;* 1 to (brow a few In-each of promise Hulls my way." Chicago 1'oM. < ...I Now I'M ! II. .. .l.i. u It. "I'm iifrnld Willie will -I --racH the family, .lohu " "What has he i.e.-n up to now)' " \Vliy. I gave him n ipiarter to buy Hcmpliook " "Well, u-hnt did he do?" ' r.ioimhi home n I. .ml, culled Toints on I'liKllism.' " llrooklyn Life. r..i ....... f-r ........... A new rrmedy for aea-airkneaa cornea from <iei iiuiiy. 'lle Uim'overer saya tbat *eu i . *M n u to lack f ti. - 4 in 'he tiraiu. ana) wearing red claMiea will neavd ib blood to toe biaio wn'i a ritali, ;<* s* >a>lprvr lakt coavditiao. 1 1* a*eritNi Hiick benekt a< may follow ikt use of ramnpaKne .ind olber stimulantu, ax well aa taW relief given . 0.> n. to tbe conxi'siion of the br.la pr.rflneeil, und iisserlH that red glaipiea act mort quickly and efbcieutly. There is nol a mur d.iiiKrou class of ill onlrrs than ibu- wlncb aJTecl ih br.-iiihing orgaiiH. N'nhifv tbia danger wuh Or. Thomas' Krler.tric Oil a put nionic of acknowledKril efllcacy. It cures ..tiiirneHA and M>r<Mie~ when appliitd e iiTimllv. as well nu Hwelled neck and criflk in the iiack. Ki.rl. .1. an inward specith I ossrsse~ miKi Cults'. muni clulins to pub- lic conlid**n<-e. The first l ln.nui.i ll.it Italian anllior i ;n. N with 14 trunks." I'oiirtwn tmnkR? Well. I'd b a.*lmiucd (o make sued an expose of inj uuaccpted uiuouscripta." ' % I. *ii I I .. it-ru |*t IN. "I declare, Maria, this I* too Irrilat- ii.- to lie .-H.ITI-.-.I 1 told yon 1 tl .In t want to be ili>iiirl>e<l, mid here sonv- i. lv tins suddenly sprung a most m- fernul clatter un inc. \\hat does It inciin?" "1'berf? wasn't sny clatter, my dear." "\\ 'lint was it, th.-n'.'" "\\'hy I just hapiTQed to IIBBH tbr.nizh the room in my new red aud yellow xhirt waist, that's all." "Well, don'( do it again." New life for u quarter. Miller'* COSB- n'ind Iron Pill*. "Our old rieii.-lil.nr .leokina < th* mehnest man I know." "\Vht has he done?" "Why. you kno. when we broke np h.insekeepinfr and nnilertook to sell all our household BOO<| nt suction he got intn (he houae on the pirn that he want- ed to liny and then produced a. writ of replevin and took away everything we hid borrowed from him in th* three year* we have been neighbor*." MiDird's Liniment Cores Diphtheria. l > . l .-i *truw. It's bad enough to have the little Jermnn band break loose, And pile the mi-cry on you \V. l limit the least excuse, Hitt what In inhniiely worse Than all the tunes they play Is to hnve (hem .-oine round with the hat Suggesting that you pay. Th- 4.r4i lv.--i> ' s|*p. The little tbat I* definitely known at f.. tbe cause of sloop is decidedly curt- (.,!-. sBrn the Medn-al ICecord. Sleep p.-rhnp the most i-i:irvelon phenomen- on in the world- HUT be rightly termed a mystery. Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local applnallona aa they cannot reach ths 4'<ed |> rtton of the nr Th re U only ens wav to cure deafa. ana that I* bv .-onsnt.. i.jii.l reinedln D afueaa n i a used by aa in- fimpil .-nodltl in vf tli in.. .01.1 lln BC "f ths Enataehlaa Tub*. When this tub* It Inflamed van have a Mimbllng >und ur nil .eife.-t heat Ing. snd irhea It laenll.elv .-losed. Deafness n tb- remit, and iinl>-*> ihe imfUmmatlna ran ba taken out and Ihia tnl.> rettnred to Its normal ronditloa. hearlag win b< d.itroyod forever: nine ra>e* out f ten are rauaed by catarrh. lu. h la i.olhlnf bin in hiflamed . aaditian f tbe mucous aiittai-ea. \\ewiiiKii* i>ti> Hii.i.l'p.1 Dollars fer any rae of Deafneaa Icauaed bv .-atarrh) thstrsnnut Iw.nredn. Hall a ' 'aurrh Cure. Send for elr i ulara free r i. I'Hr.NKY m ' O , Tolad*. O. arsid by Di n Wkv N*l V.l^ -Mj.r ...' A Michigan huckster ii trying th* ex- |M>nnient nf cre:itmg u new vegetable by l>\ grafting tomiiio and potato vine*; hiit a Kansas man dmconnta thia, says ihe St. lx>nis <:iohe Pen.ocrat. by graft- .1.1: the milkweed uud strawberry plnnr. in the e.\pc. tun. .n of producing straw- hetriea and crivun. . "Which i Mr. Msranulnke Smith's oupirost danphterV" 'I'hat Mon.le ttirl in the pink frock." "Mow do you know she's tbe young ost '!" -Her mother and ulster* all sr*aa to look up to her." I wa CCRKn of n nevere cold by MIX- AMD'S I.IMMKN I Oxford. N.S H. F. HlWSO*. 1 w,i rt'Kr.n or H terrible sprain by MINAUD S l.lNl.Ml.NT. KURD CocLOOM, Yarmouth. N.S, Y.A.A.C. I wasrcRKii of hUck erysipelas by MIN- AKDSI.IS'.MIAI Inglesvill*. J. W. Kvotll.U. or Country Roads the 6ENDBON WIVES IK .VY MKMBKROr YiH I! FAMILY URINKS. tlie IM.IC for liquor can be removed permanently by EITIIIK --.m.41.* Kr.rip. ioi Iliufr/eail secretly IB f.H)d..r drink. Failure tmpomlble. l-amphlef. trail riiom.i's.iiai-ti. -iilarsfree. Correix.ndencecoiiflden'i.L Write TheSAMAKIA REMKUV < '.. Toronto, Ont, SISTERS J. J. Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * ..I i -s|,.,iiiicn. e Solicited. n Mnde on Consisrnmentn. MONTREAL. A f.ancasbire i l-lntrlnndi undertaker Intelv fell dead at a funeral be wa* Health for tbe chiltlrea. Miller's Worm Powders. I Inna * I -.. H....I-H. A lion hnnter who has made a atndy of that animal'^ p cnliarities, nay* that II lion* ure left handed. When one kfn'-e n forcible I. low it always n*e* Its lett paw. O..I* Mi. ll.l.l tl><>. "IsnU-l. your new hat Is absurd; It just l..k like a huite Mower bed." "Well. >on needn't gtt so excited, fMpsr- yii don't have to cet up before nvllcht and pull the weed* out >f It." One of thegreitest til-liiu t parent* U M.. i.er liritves' Worm Kxierminalor. It effectually exneU worm* and gives health in a marvellous manner to the lit- tle one - i...j >.. . - 11 -r .1 ....- ifc - e the war of IKK the Chine** p. pu'Htiii nf Shanifhai hti KI-..V* i. 'nun 4j<i'.> to TINH.III The sttriction lie* to 1 the many new Industrial eetablicb- tmeata. WA> (>(> -Men a.. I women everTwhera todislrlhut* uiniile* and advertise ('.!! furnla Uranica Syrup : : per dsv and ei|*nea Mid caah ve' week : Particular* for t rent Jiamn CALIFORNIA OKAN'OK STRtJP CO.. San rrtaclsco. Cal PLOWS, ROLLERS *\ HARROWS 1 h. II... M.J- .....I r... I i i>. sMI T I PLOW CO.. < irrl. 1 e. I..*. a> ft. <-e'p.. I.H. * H. i ..... v I..V * II. p ... IUCAS, STEELE t BRISTOL Write US. HAMILTON. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE ONTARIO tiiMii ll I WIM CO.. 113 I ..lo-i Ni.tllun A resile., foronto. Ode ta> <...... Craeker. There s many M patriot in tills laae* Wbe .n'- Ilk* vi. u. t caper, With very little powder sod A loonstruu. lut of paper. "Onr old book-keeper say* he I* mak> Inr -""" a month at his new place." Yea-lIK) mistakes." Miller's Worm Powder* ur* all alV nenita of children like maaric. The enly newspaper man In who i a 'peer i* Lord <>leneak. prtprt* tor of (be London Moraine Post. Miller 1 * Worm Powders are a wonder* ful medicine for the ailment* of children. Boiler Mak^r Kitt.-ra, l,thr IUn.lt We can iclve a; 'Hi me -h.Mi.-. at^.lv work tv>d Wi4;e. (.<. I. well- ia;lite<i. well he. e.l alu'p i-t in. !.- -M i-.invcalenroa. Brant- for l i* . haiuhy. |.r ><i etsira city - livlnf Waterous, Branttord, Canada. Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We alto maka .r- . ri m t s .IT. <..! tarlnder., Ir*emnd Wnod I-..-..... it.. 8>pl>llaa. u.d f.r New Cau The finest, purest and most nutrition* animal tellv known U tbat made froaa elephant*' tusk*. PAINT Fights off the hot tun, pteserm the house, beautifies it as weO, and Drives satisfaction if you UM Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT AH dcakn have ft. Aak for card or *co4 to tu askd w will tell you where to get it. A. RAMSAY & SON, Montreal. PAIVT MAklKRS The Owen Electric Belt Trade Mark- Dr. 0ae WKlka vt I..-., o.h.r. s|.. p . "Poes your husband walk much dur- ing Ihe dHv'.'" "N.i. I think not. h.- iloca most of hi* walking at nr-M "Is he a policeman?" "Ob, no; but v L-ot a year old baby at the house, yuu i, now." M.I . . ve.l. (,.. \\tiv haven't yon told me that you hail tieen ninrii..! He \Vh.i sniil I nns msrriertT r;in- I cim tell liv the way yoa take til the umbrella for yourself. Only those who lm\e hail experience ran tell trie tortur* corns cause. Pain with yaar boota OB, pain witli them off pain iiigbt and day ; hut relief is mire to those Who use BoHwWay'a i 'urn fure. N ,1.1. .1 Oil.,.. r^rank Hello, old man, how'* Lusl- ness with you these day*? Tom Oh, I'm so hiny 1 don't have a minute to myself, imht or day. Krank What's h'T numeY Miller'* Worm 1'owdera cure flte IB nhlldren. s,. I M. There. Walter Haven't you forgottea aon thing, KIT' Uueat-That'* so My wife gave m* a letter tu post. Thank*! Teat th**lnr*erltv *f this nt . and Ita ability to f.ill>- aati'fy you by thl e.ffr a atandinaT ofTer and gimra-nen : We cheerfully re- Tun I .e money f >r any g.vidi returned uninjured. Tn: t the lib-rsl |^>li.-r ..IT vthu-li >va ..re l.n l.liiiif up the mall nr<lrr liiiline We in l*t ;.!. run : failing o pleat we fail to keep you as a > utntner and we hava a*ted our in-.nev In idverti'inf. Our Cii- loajae tells of Drr Oooal* .. . i S.T( ln*rf.>r Men and omeii.Olovo*and llonlwry, llnta'l Stiora. lint* j.nl '!. l>ril(*. tii.ok*. Ilitrdwitr*. I hlua kadulauwware. l.ruerrle* and lro\ Isl.ms. i.irpttta an. I II... i..- Kurnlsliliin. Kuril It 11 re.. Wull r..|.ei an I I'l.-lor.s. I utuli.liue. und Samplea free* If TNE ROBERT IMPSON COMPANY LIMITED CENTRAL PRISON All this Season's BINDER TWINE PURE MANILLA 1 1C. LB. CASH WITH ORDER. CENTRAL PRISON, TORONTO. The only solentlflo and r.-(i,-nl K!i-trlo Ball ma.de. for (eur*J ua.'. having batteries tk (euarataa .trong entreat e( LTovlrieity that la under perfect control And can be applied U> *ay part of the body, for ilia cure of Nervous Diseases Thousands of people safTer from a variety of Nervous Disease*, sti.-li aa Sommal \Vt-akuMS, Impotncy. Lost Manhood, etc.. that the old nod as of treatment fa ' to cure. There it a loot tf norv* force or pow.r that c*nnot b<> restnred by nv mdicl trent in.<nt, and ny doi inr who rotila 17 to mv..!ii;> i*h this by any kind of drills la pursuina; a ilangerous i.raclice. Pro- perly treated, thute Uiseavs can oe Positively Cured Ilectriolty, aa applied by the Owen Electrle Belt and Suspensory, will moat nsnnrexllj do so. It 1* the ouly known power thai will sapplr whut li lacking. natn.'Iy narre fi.rce or power, liniuirl tone and viKor to th* orp;*n* and arouse to healthy action tha uhol* nertuuaaj.lem. It will most aeauredly cure, Without Medicine., Varicorele, Nerrous Proatrntion. Rheumatism, Komtica, Kidney Diaeiu. Lumb-mo, Lauisbaok and Dyspepsia. OUR IUUSTr{AT(D CATALOGUE Omtama fullest Inf ortnixtlon refrordina; th* core a.' acute, chrome and nervous diseases, price*, how to order, etc.. mailed (waled) -FMKB- to any nddrew. TliB Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co. TORONTO ONT. T. N. D. TRICKERY IN TRADE Rev. Dr. Talmage Draws a Contrast Between It and Fair Dealing. He Condemns Business Processes by Which Value* Are Mis- represented-- Many of Our Merchants Arc Models of Integrity. Washington, July 23. Integrity and frlckerr In bualntt.ta Ufa form tha aubjeot of Dr. Talmofe'* Mrruoo to Jay. and tb contrail he axtubliibe* between tbe two la a itriklng one Tb Caxt U Hrororbe XX. 14, "It In naught. 1C u nnunht, wid tha buyer, hut when be la gone bin way, than he bua.ieth. Palace* are not juuh prlaona aa cbe world linaginn*. If y.u think tbat the only time klnfii* and ineena come forth from tbe royal gates U in procaaeion and forgeonily attendiMl. ran are mUtakan. Inoognlto. br day or by night, and cloth- ed In citizen'* appural or the draw of a working woman, they come out and .we the world m It U In no other way could King Solomon, the author of my text, hart known everything that waa going n. From my text I am .urn he muat in alagniM *onj* day bavo walked Int.j a etore of ready-mado clothing In Jeruaaluui and itood near tbe countar and baanl a eonveraation betwtMn a buyer and a cellar. Tbe merchant put a price on a ooe>t. and tbe ru4tmr began to dicker and eald: "Abnurd 1 That ooa\t It not worth what rou aak for It. Why. ju- look at tbe ooareenoea eX th* fabric I See that ipot on the collar ! Betide* that. It 4oe* not fit. Twenty dollara for thatf Why. It la not worth more than SI 0. They have a bettor article than that and fa* lower price iiawn at Clothem, Fltam at Broa. BeiUlei that. I don't want It at any price. Good morning. " "Hold."aay* the merchnnt. "do nol ge off la chat way. I wane to eell you that ooac. I hare ' aome pay menu to nmka and I want the money. Come, now. bow much will yon give for that coat ' onstomer, "I will You asked 120 anil will give T" i li-" merchant, "It la a take It at that price. ' ' ' Then the cu-itouier Well." aayath. <pil( tba> difference. 1 uid 110. Now. I w*u." eaid tha aaortficia. but with a roll under ' hi* arm itarted to go out and enter bia own place of buineu, und Solomon la dlaguue followed him Hj heard the om- tomer aw be unruilaxl the ooat eay: "Boy*, I have m.i.i.! a great bargain. How much do you ij-i . I gare for that ooatf" "Well," intT..in.', wiihlng to com- pliment hi-. nteriir;~- you irave |.0 for It." Another auy-t. 'I abould think you got ir oheup if you gare $*6. " "No," aari tbe nu v T In triumph; "I br\at him down and ; in perfection* until I fh-vpi it wa* not worth 1- take* me to make a ' i 111,111, you got tbe tli"jr were worth by It for 11J. I pointed out the really made bim hardly anything. bargain, it i II. t good* for > than podtive faltrbood. au<l no wonder, when dolomon went back to hi* palace and had put off hi* disKuiM, that he eat down at hi* writing d.-k and made for all agea a crnyon .ketch of you, "It la aaugbt. it It naught. *aicb the buyer, bat wheo he la gone on way. tbea be boa at etb. ' Wr< M l.oj . al. There are no hixher (tylee of men la all the world than r.horfe now at tbe bead of mercantile enterprlea* In the great oltlea of thii oontlnenl. Their oa^ual promiaa In a* gixwl as a bond with pile* of collateral*. Their *od reputation for integrity 1* an well Mtabllahed aa that of Petrarch residing in tbe family of Colon- na. It 1* n'laUxl that when there waa great dUturbance in tbe family the eardlnal called all hi* people together and put them under oath to tell the truth, except Petrarch. When he came up to (wear, tbe cardinal put away hi* book and amid. "A* for yon, Petraroh, your word U lulfloienl. ' Never lnoe tbe world itood have them been ao many merchant* who trannacttoaii aan icand tbe te*t of th Ten (.'ommnndmenta. Such bargain makers are all the more to be honored beruuxe they have withstood year after year temptation* which have tliinic ao many flat and dun,; thorn *o bard they ean never, n*>r recover themeelve*. While all po.lilons lu life have powerful beeetment* to evil, there are *peciUo form* of allurement which are peculiar to each occupation and profeuion, and It will be uvfnl to (peak of the peculiar temptations of buiin.-tin men. a* m tbe Mcoiia of the text, In ni- men are often tempted to *aorllloe plain truth, tbe eeller by exaggerating the value of good* and the buyor by de- preciating tli-iii. W<) cannot but admire an expert ultMmun. See bow be tlrt In- duce* the customer into a mood favorable to the profwr conaideratlon of the value of tbe good*. He .bow* himaelf to be an boned and frank aaleiman. How care- fully tbe llgnta are arranged till they fall ju*t right upon the fabric! Begin- ning with good* of medium quality, he gradually advance* toward tboee of more thorough make and of more attractive pattern. How he watche* tha moods and whim* of hi* cuatomer! With what per- fect calm no** ho take* the order end bow* the purchaser from hia preaenc, wbo goee away having made up hi* mind that be has bought tbe good* at a price which will allow him a livlna margin when h* again twill them! Tbe good* were worth what tbe alyanmn aaid they were and were sold at a price which will not make It necessary for the houae to fall every tan year* in order to fix up thing*. H'NCttC*. I ..I.. 1 .III... M. But with what burntt g indignation we think ol the Indiultons ntrar.ngc.mi by which good, are soruetlniei) dliipoaed ofl A glnni'e at the nioruiiiK paper* ihow* tbe arrivt.l nr. one of our hot.'U of a young aaerobant from one of the lalan.l oltlea. Bo la a comparative atranger m the great **y. aaU o( oouree he maat bo ahowa around, ana It will be tbe duly of tame of our enterprlilng bou*e* to ecnort him. He 1* a lame purchaser and haa plenty of time and money, and It will pay to bo vary attentive. The evening in ipent at a place of doubtful arnnaament. Then thttv go back to tbe hotel. Having juat come to town, they i.. in, of courao, drink. A friend from tb* iamo mercantile eatablUhmant drop* In, and n*ag* and generoHity luitgtuit t!i . they must drink. Buslnes* propacu > talked ovar. and the atraniw 1* w.i 4 against mrtain dilapidated mercant . eatablidhmenca that are about to fail and for *uch klnd- neiu and magnanimity of caution again*! to* .llahonesty of other bunineM houws. af course it la expected they will and* ao tney do take a drink. Other merch- ant* lodging in adjoining room* flnd It hard to ileep for the clatter of dorantara. and the caane . -annual of tbeae "bail fel- low* well met" waxen louder. But they alt not all night at the wine can. They mail *M> the light*. They (tagger forth with cheek* Unshed and eye* bloojthot. The outer gare* of hell open to let In tbe victim*. The wings of Ion aonli flit among the light*, and tbe *tep* of the caxouiten sound with the rumbling thunder* of the loet. Farewell to all the aanctitieri of home' Could mother, <l*ter, father, tlurnbtulng in the Inland home. In aome vl*|on of that night catch a gllmp** of the ruin wrought they would rend their hair by the roota ana bite tha tongue till the blood ipurted. *hri*klag out. "God tavo him' ' DlahBt'4 a.w.r^ What, inppoeo yoa. will oome apoa (uoh buaineM entablUbruent*? and there are hundreds of them in tbe cltiea. They may boaat of fabulou* aalee, and they may have an unprereitented run of ouyen, and tbe name of tbe hona* may be a terror to all rival*, and from thl* thrifty root there may ipring up branch houaaa In other cltiea, aud all the partner*, of tbe tjrrn may move Into their man*ion* and drive their full blooded ipan, and tbe famllle* may *weep th* treet with tbe mo*t elegant appar.-! tbat human Si-art ever wove or earthly magnificence ever achieved. But a oune la gathering inrely for thoae en, and If It doe* not Mlze bold of tbe pillar* and In one wiM ruin bring down the temple of oommn.'lal glory It will break up their peace, and they will t ramble with iioknep* and bloat with di*- ipatioaa, and, puHhed to the pr-'ipu-e af tbl* life, they will try t* hold back and err for help, but no help will come, and they will clutch their gol 1 to take It along with them, but it will be cnatcbed from their graup and a voice will aound through their aoul. "Not a farthing, thou buggared ipirltl" And the judgmunt will come, and they will itand agba*t before It, and all tbe bu*luea Iniquitiei of a lifetime will gather around them, taring. "Do you remember thm v " and Ho you remember thatf" And clerk* tbat they compelled to dlfhonenty and runner* and draymen and bookkeeper* who aw behind the *renea will bear ce*ttmony to their nefarious demJ.4, and aome vlrtuona aoul that once atood agha*l at the iplandor and powur of tben bu*l- naa* men will eay. "Ala*, thi* U all that m left of tbat great, firm tbat occupied a block with their nmrrhaDdi** and over- shadowed tbe city with their Influence and made rlghteonnne** and truth and purity fall under the galling nr* at avarice and crime." While we admire and approve of all acutene** and tact in tbe (ale of good*. we muit condemn any procesw by which a fabric or product U repreaen ted m po*- **s-sipg a value wbioh It really doe* not have. Nothing but heer falsehood can r<<preiv>nl a* perfection boots tbat rip. Ilk* thai a-txwdllr lone their lu*ter. cali- 'we tbat Immediately wash out, ttovee that crack under the lint hot tire, book* Insecurely bound, carpet* that unravel, old furaltnre rejuven;iteil with putty and glue and eold a.* huvlng been recently manufactured, gold watch* made of hrfta*, barrel* of fruit, tbe biKet apple* oil tbe top, wine adulterated with tryohnlne, hosiery poorly woven, cloth* of domectic manufacture chining with foreign label*, imported good* represented aa rare aud hard to net, l*cauw foreign exchange i* > blxb. rollexi out on the counter with matchless dlvplav Import- ed, Indeed, but from tbe factory in tbe next ttreet. A pattein already unfashion- able and unsalable pnlnied oil a* a new print upon aome country merchant who ban oome to town to mnke hujtlrsl purch- ase af dry goods and doing bora* with a large .took of goods warranted to keep. Toung budnea* man, avoid the flnl bualnea* dishonor, and you will avoid all tbe reft. Tbe captain of a varnel wa* walking Bear tbe mouth of a river w4inn the tide waa low, and there wa. a long. tout anchor chain. Into inn of th* great link* of which his foot dipped, and it begun to iwell, and he .-oul.l not with- ditvr It. The tide hetfan to rlw. The chain oould not be loosened nor died off la lima, and a *urRi<on wa* called to amputate tbe limb, but before th* work oould be done tbe tide rolled over the viatlra, and hia life wa* ^oue. I have to tell you, young man. that jual on* wrong into wbluh you *llp may be a link of a long chain of clrcumstancee from which you cannot be extricated by any Ingenu- ity of your own or any help from other*, and the time* will roil ovur you aa they bave over many. When Pompey, the war- rior, wanted to take pooaeaaion of a elty and Inej would not juen tfee gata% ao p0r*uadl them r atlraic a nick soldier But the aick *ol<n.r jftxr awhile got well and itrong. and he threw open tbe gate* and let tbe devastating army come In. One wrona admitted into th) soul may gain in strength until after awhile it dings open all tbe gate, to tbe attack of in, and tbe ruin U coruplate. laidlTldual K..P.U.U.II.IT Again, hnsinens men are sometime* tempted to throw off personal re~ponsihil Ity, iblfting it to th* institution to which they belong. Directors In banks and rail- road and insurance companieti sommimcs ablrk personal rnspon.lblllcy underneath the action of the corporation, and bow often, when Home banking house or nnancuil institution explode* throiiith fraud. npe<-table men in the bonnl of directors *av. "Why, I thougt all wa* going on In an honert way. and I am utterly confounded with tbU demnanur '" Tbe bank* and the fire ami life ana marine Insurance eompaniua and Che rail roud companlMs will not stand up for imlumenc In the last day. but those who in them acted righteously will receive. each for himself, reward. and those who acted HIM part of nMgler.t or trickery will, each for himself, receive condmnna tlcn. l.'nluwful dividends are not clean be fore i ,o.l because there are tho asavclat- ed wuh von who rfiub j'isc as bin a HUM as you do. He who countenances the dis- honesty of the linn or of the coiporntion or a*ociar,>on takes upon himself all the ruurai liabilities, li th ilii.mci i. institu- tion steals, he steals. If they go In'o wild -iiis-ulatlons. he himself is u irtinbl er. If chey nedlesiily HMI Un r:is a creditor, he himself is uruiltv of cruelty. If thcr win.lle the iininitlai.si. h hi'ii-4-lt I* a defaulter. No tlnancial lustitution ever bad a money vault strong unouirh. or crurilt tuunch .tnoiiKh. or dividends l.ir-j^ enough, or policy * ute enough bi hule tbe individual sins of us memlx-rs 1'he old ailni( that itirporations har no oul* is misleaillnK Kv.-ry corporation ha* a* many sonU .-.- ir. hari rnenibers. Again, many lnisinn>s men huvt. Deen temptwl to (Msr.none their enjorment* and duties to a future aaiuiun of er-ir. lelure. Wuat a audutive the Chri.fiiin rallglon would Ixt to all our hunlnes- men If instead o; postponing if* ises t. old age nr ileath they woul.l bike it int.. the (tore or factory or worldly einruirc menu now' It is follv to ifi amid the anoertalnties of buoness life with no Ood to help. A nmrchant. in a New Knit land village was stanilinic bv a horse, .in.i th* horse lifted its foot to utaimp it In a pool of water, .in. I the men:bunt to eecape tbe iplash, stepped into the lioor ol :tn Insurance aiient. .nut the agent s.uil. 'I auppose you h;ive rnnie to renew your Are Insuram a. ' "ilh " sal.l the merch- ant, "1 had forgotten that. " 'I h. in-ur ance was renewed, and the next d.-tv the house that hail been lnsur.il WIM inirnixl. Waa It all accidental tbat the merchant. to escape a splusli from a honm'a foot tepped into the in-unin. So. It wa* providential. And what a n eolaott for a busin.-w man to feel that thlnirs aru providntlitl ' What pmce iind equilibrium in sti.-ii .1 consideration, and what a grnnd thing if all btismes- men ooulil rviili/H it' v >..!.. ...I l-.om I .Ihurcy. Again, busllluss men .ire often tempted to Ut their cullin* intorient with the Interest* of the soul, lioil send* tuen Into the buslne*e world to get educated, juat a* boys are sent to school and rollegt). Purchase anil Male. Ios anil jin disap- pointment. pro-r>crltr, fne dlshonenty of other*, panlo and bank luiipensiiin are but different loneons 1m tbe avbool. Tho more busineui the more mean* of grace, atany bave gune througii wildest panic unhurt. "Are. you not afraid you will breakf" aald *ome one to a merchant in time of great oommerctal exoloeinent. He replied, "Aye, I .hull break whan the fiftieth aaaliii break*, IB tbe flfteenth Tone, 'Call upon me In the day of rouble, and I will deliver thee. ' ' Tbe (tore and tb* oounnng bonn bave developed aom of ih* most stalwart char- aotan. Porbapa originally they bad bat little iprlghtlinee* and foroe, but two or three bard bu*ine** thump* wok* them up from their lethargy, and there came a thorough development In their heart* of all tbat waa good and holy and energetto and treraendou*. anil they bave become the front men In Cbrl*t'*army aa well aa lighthouse* In th* groat world of trafflo. But busineaa ha* been perpetual depletion to many a man. It tlrsc pulled out of him all benevolence, next all amiability, next all rellalou* aipiratlona, next all oonaotence, and, though bo entered hia vocation with larg* heart and aobl* char- acter, he goee out of It a akeleton, enough to *care a ghost. ad Partner*. Men appreciate the Importance of having a good busmen itaud, a *tor* on the right side of th* troet or in tbe rig hi block, yet every place of bualnwn la a good itand for aplrltual culture. Ood'* angels hover over the world of traffic, to ustain and build up those who are try- lug to do their duty. To-morrow, If In your plaoe of worldly engagement you will Ilr ten for ll, yen may hear a uund louder than the rattle of draye and tbo ahuflle of foot and tbe ollnk of dollara teallng Into your toul, laying, "Seek yo flr*t the kingdom af Qod and hli rlght- eoiMneaa, and all other thing* thall bo j added nnto yoa. " Yet aome of those sharpest at a bargain are cheated out of their immortal blomed- ne*a by itraruwrns more palpable than any "drop game" of th* street. They make Investment* In chlugn everlantlngly below par. They put their valuable* In a aafe not fireproof They give full credit to Influence* tbat will not be able to pay one cent on tbe dollar. They plunge Into a Itbyrlnth from whloh no bankrupt law or "two-third* *naotment" will ever extricate thorn. They take Into their partnership tbe world, the fleah and the devil, and the enemy of all rlghteouueaa will boart through *rrnal age* that the man who In all hU bmlnes* life oould not be outwitted al la*t tumbled Into apirltnal defalcation and waa swindled out of heaven. Perhape aome of you saw the fire In Now York In 1835. Aged men tell aa that It beggared all description. Some tood oa the house top* of Brooklyn and looked at the rod ram thaj fWf&t Jowo the atreet* and threatened to obliterate the rnetropoll*. But th* commercial world will yet be atartlea by a greater ountla, gratlon, even the laat one. Hill* of ex- ehange, policies of Inctiranoo, mortgage* and bond* and government aaaurltle* will ho consumed la one lick af the name. Tha eon* and the United Utalte mint wfll tnrn to aahu*. Oold will run molten Into the dust of the *tra*t. Kxchange* and granite block* of merchandise will fall with a crash that will make the earth tremble. The flashing up of the great light will show, the righteou* tb* way to their thrones Their be*t treasure* In heaven, they will go up and take poi***- lon of them. The toil* of buiinea* life, which racked their brains and rasped their nervm for m many years, will bave forever ceamd. "There the wicked o from troubling and the weary i THE BACHELOR'S BEDROOM. laj tha> Cemaitrr H.... On. Ma>r At- tracllT*lf r ........ ..i t Raaall Coat. "If a new house la to be furnished, or an old one refurnished, and the house- mother 1* thinking of buying an ingrain carpet or making a carpet for the deep- Ing-room, here i.s a bit of ad vice don't," writes Mrs. John H. Sim*, in an article on "The Sleeping Room on the Farm." in The Ladies' Home Journal. "A band- tome carpet U a thing of beauty in it* place, but its place is not In the farm- house we are furnishing. Tbe sleeping- room should be cool la rammer, airy alway* and easy to keep to, aa free from dost aa posalble, and reatfnl to look at. It can be all of these if a little thought be judiciously mix 1 with tbe planning of it One very pleasant room I have In mind la In tbe home ol a 'bachelor man.' The floor la bare of covering with the exception of two home-made rugs: tbo hard pine narniw-imard floor ha* been oiled until it ha* acquired a rich brown tint; the bed, dreesur and waahitand are of walnut; a divan covered with ration drapery of a barmonixlng color, an arm- chair and an old fashioned rooker com- plete the furnishing. A few good plo- turae are on tbe walla. It la alway* the picture of naatneia. and I* easily kept *o, probably bwainw of tbe simole arrange- ment of It* furniture. The large ward- robe opening from it will bear constant Inspection, ami oould give a lesson la naatnee* to anvone. " ' >vrpn*d. The voting reformer wa* a snperiativ- ly feminine creature whoee soul .ibhor"~l eounds harsher Chun thorn which come from tbe harp, but he* sympathies bad been aroused and ah* had entered her name on the roll of Friendly Visitor*. She felt tbat she oould no longar face) her dear nocietv friend, without being able to tell of her experience* m reforming sorna- bo.ly. Arming herself with disinfectants sh* started on bur errand. < "limbing a stair- way In th* tenement district, she trav- ersed a dark ball, feeling an Ifeafinarv dampness creep throuirh her atMfjt ..jj thinking of cough drops for ihe> fflbrrow Entering one of tbe rooms, sbsr found herself unexpuetudly In tbe presence of a pale, poor! y dressed woman, and conclud- ed she would begin her work of reform by reminding ber tbat cieanllnee* la akin to godiinen*. and an Inspection, of tb* premises wa* in onn-r Turning cautiously toward th* unmad* bed. suspicious of seeing "the terror which crwpeih by night." her eye rested upon a woman with a newborn babe al her side. "I did not know tbat yon bad others living with you." remarked the visitor. "She doea not live here. She u my neighbor." "Why la ah* In thl* room and In you bedf" "Well, lady, yon aao I have a window and a bit of carpet, and 1 Invited ber M oome because I thought it would bo a dec-enter place to be born In than hat houae la. and it waa for tbe sake of th* baby I did it." Tho reformer apologized for ber oall and hurried out of the preaenc* of a greacnosa of soul wbloh wa* a revelation ah* U nut likely to forget. Ti. >i ..... a)v. Writing about boy* In Tho Canadian Magazine, tbe editor say*: "Above all thing* a boy must be taught to bo man- ly. In England this 1* taught mainly tbBuugh the sport* In which th* youth are trained either by Intelligent master* at th* great boarding schools, or under tbe Immediate supervision of sympathetic parents. It i* also taught at home. In America It la not taught to 10 great an extent In our public school*, because the children's play Is under much looear supervision, hence it must be taught more at home. The best way to teach It la by example. The next best method Is to deell with speolUo cases -not too many of them as they arise. "JThat doee manllneaa meanf It mean* a Dignity which make* the young man pftect hi* own rights and those of other*. It include* a moderation In speech, a temperance In action, a magnanimity In conduct towards others; and an earnest loyalty to duty. It ha* no limits, no dedned bounds. It i* a garment whloh envelop* and surrounds the man, so that he may always be distinguished from the cad, tbe sneak, tbe drone, the criminal. It ll tbe first and most necessary equip- ment of the man wbo would write bl* name In silver letters on th* golden pa** of history It is the concentrated essence of all virtues without a trace of impurity. It Is the halo which makes the man a god." More "I tell yoa uiy wife know* a thing or two. Tha people wbo inhabit the ood into which wa have juat !,Ti)k at aa with awe." "How did nbe manage itf" "Eugaged two of tbe biggest vaoa in town to move aa, when all oor good* might bave been transported in an ex- preas wagon without overloading it" Chicago New*. THE FUNNY MAN. W llT Ik* Poe-l Old I' C!<*pd Mt|..|...-l. .-ij.l in i- r-.in t! tvim ' at aynoc't rudujr eui.iUin. auffua** ai i break. The top of the pin oov^r.' t monacal. i tr eternal. unlM.n<llrt<. ro.-k belin^rt*d, laa^ Taa dark purple pa.i dt tUe * . ju.l tioeera over tt. ....til. Jeep ttirotibuic. tn.t aooo aapl/ asaf l.reak. With echuea full reaonant. n.-b and harraooaTaBfa luuetJ to iha muatc of o.--eao'a aoft i Tet not from Iha mountain, nor licbtrunf lortl viM.l. nor deep Uiroat^J ihunder to fuii Nor |>me irec. wllh ac-nt like tka- Incense ed fai**. fivmg pt-ini.uii e f altar and i eel and nave, Awoke on Ibe lyre tbe mid chard of devrxiaej (tbe inatruinenc rapt ii >u* polimde plara -mi. Nor vearninirs and atnvtnca perpl-ng. oewti* denng, tha fonu aa.J ui *ey and tma aar- monx gave. or waa It tha sea. n'i Its nimble and ripple, ita breakera and .nio^U auvaocinf aatd tali* inc. Its ni-kie, flecked foam aad Ita leep purple k'M .that reeunded * Urwk at au raauou* wine). Tbat tma lyric laapirnd. an. oot thfora I cfcanted in fury and trrntj ibex verara a*. pallinc. But aulriy and ntnpjv to maka '.ha .apertraesr* bow many words I oould (et in. a Un- Reaaoo E An inspector, ex; i.nniui; .> a rlaa* that the land of the worM was u.it Miatmuuua, said to the buy orbo happened to be) lauding nearest to bun: "Now, cmild your father walk arouneti th world?" "Xn. sir." was th* prompt r?ply. "Why Dot'.'" Mf>-auae he's broken bis ><." waa the) altoicetber ualooked for rwsponse. Tit- Bits. Ml.. "What is that o.d proverb about tbe) moss ami the rolling stooe.'" queried tbe New York eirl. "A revolving frucmeat >t tb* paleoaoio agv collects uo .-ryin i^aiii'Mi.s vegata* tion," replied ber cousin from Boston. "Land's sake!" ejac.iUt.-l the Nesr Y-irk girl, and let it go at that Chicago New*. Tke --i Uratalwette. Sweet vtaion ol rurllra aad I at as i pnplenoa ol man aad The eaaence al all the three The Idol el art a fondest I'll take all your learning for craataw: Jvut toaa til >uur tMwka JB tae easif, Come <luwn from ba douda, maid swret (Taduaie ba but yuura.it. I know It la much I am aatinc. YoH'd rather -o'.r mmJ would still *H While you're at tl.a >.<' fe*t Daakisc To beifhta ol philowpny'i lor*. But here at your f.-et 1 an knavUng. Beseeching with true lavcr'a ar Raa knuwleuxr 'lepnv^d you of feellngf t ut th. Sage he naao t a been. Nay. maiden, 1 honor your learning; ally t..-i'.i. stiaed Che f*artun4 a* eetain< at .11 * adag 4*we aot Ul becwm* yovf ian it aside Ant. have yo.i. ;.u^> it traei AnVbc, not an I' .nb I i Cs*ba>rravslw*T. - Parrenti It's very annoying, very! How did they discover tbal tlie spoons I jjavi. Hi. -lu wi-reu't solid'.' They oertainiy were uot lucau euougb to have them e- aminc.l ' Mr. I'trvenu Of courae not- They'ra (Aniline blue blomln. But a burglar car* n-.J off all tbe rent of tbe silver and left tboHu pooas.-L>>troit Free t'resa. lai Vraaee. "What a turbulent people the Preach are. to be aure"' "They are expecting tlie man an boroo- ' UVI1, one would think they were *x- pm-tmic oarriaKe cumpanj from the foaa they uiako." Uniroit journal. Aa EaeltlBir Proea>wt. la tha rear of 1900. If you fo to fay Paree, There won't ba any limit u ta* sights that ra*) ran ate. TJU may oatch the mob to ewtioo It Is oorlla, though it'i queer. Tbe po.ice will lat you feed U U jou ow* t* go so near. If you riot tha legations at a very trifling oast, You may as* the l.i* .ut< baskets wbara tba p*> per acriip. ar. toaaed. An. I for < ,:._.! (r.t'iitr they will politely ahow The int.T. Hung reiio wtu> b tbe* oail a "bor* dereau." Tou may parronire tbe (rapbophosM and bear ta* thing exclaim "A baa!" of an>boUr whom you chance to know by name. Ti-y are at.pulul.iy en.lleas. tha fa.-illtiea for flee In ihe year of 1MM .f you fo to fay Paree. Washington Star. dmdin-t \.-coaatrU Far. Tbe Statcsmaa Why are you alwavaj writine tii IK artu U-T against u-:ij.'tt.'-, wli.'n yuu smoke 'M or 30 a Jay yourself? COM M i,vtr It I* part of the JOB like your shouts fur purity in politica. ludianapolia Journal. Got It First Servant Girl I believe I am be- coming nlllictcil \\iih iiisiiinnia. S.-.-iin.l s.-i\:int (Jirl Why *o? First Strvant Girl Here lately wheT tbe missus culls me to get up I can't dronj off asleep titinn. Ohio State Journal. Tke Proper Wa>y. A Ilnrlf.ir.l exchange want* a recipe) for cutting a (Jc.n 141.1 uielou in the prop* er way. Well, bt-re it ia: When you nit a Ueorgia melon, you muat look out whar rou' re at. An mind the way the knife I* foln la: Put on., half on thia ai.la of you an t'other hall OS) teat, An -hen you fit between 'am an begial That's ajioiit the ln-st recipe we knov*) or .in.l HI!) ceriainly bll the bill. Atlan- ta Constitution. One Resiaoai. U'iss 1 wonJ-r why so many more) men tliuu women ilie >uil.|cnly? Wa^ii-l u|ip<iKe the wouieu wait a Ut> tie winie in onlfi 10 bav* the laat words