\ JUNE 15 i8gg THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE Card* M'CUI.LOUOH * TOI'NO llaukrr., Maiadale Oo a u.-.i.ral hanking bueiness. Money loaaed a*, a roulilM rat*. Call on . AH VASIifSKX. J P Clerk Mli Inv Court. Co Orey truer of ilairia* LleeuMt*. Convevaneei Notary. Public, Auctioneer. Mon* to loaned Iruiu > to per cent. Chare** luo-Urata. KLKHHRHTOM r O DEBTS COLLECTED The unilenlgnnil it piapared to mlertak* the collection <>t all kind* of debin Not bouKbl, accounts collected. *t. k N HKNI>I:KRIIN, pi*tb*rton TCHI8I.KTT KlMhortmi Station I'ottiuaiter, CotDinlinnmer In H C J, Convey- ancer. Deeds, uioruiitk'*".. lmi*f> and will- drawn. Mini*) t.. lout at *1 |fr cent and up- wards. Uebte collected, (.'bargee moderate. RJ HPKOl'l.K l'.jtinM.-r. riceherton JI.M in H i J. Auctioneer, Con- vayancer, Appraiser anil Money Len.lrr II ) K.itato and Iniurance 'rfent. Deed* iii.i' t ;4e. Inaw* an I will' carefully drawn iji an I valuation" made on rhorteat ncti . U loan at |owi-t i atra of intereit. Col > attruli-l to with prouiptDfM i:iiar K < low. Agent for Uceau Uouilulon Htaiu<hlp Company. A call eollclted. 1UI \l:lll\i.|-. I.1CKMT.S - At (lovernment prlcne. II.II.-IK .ii tlimii . N>w Veraiou. rintcla**: f K an I ii.tiilee. Kor elugle i>r eon. m pirorii atatluie. H. M.I.KAM Ti IOM, Uhira. Etoaxi*. AO f W meet* ewy But au.l third Mondajr ID e*ch month. In .otlr l<vle rooui, -lork, Kl.merton. atH|) in A. v Jx-iUr.l. II W . A H <iib*on. Hecorder; W. rullauiy.Kiuacl-r. Vlmtltil breture* ltlt.i PBISCK --HTHTK LODHE. No. WS. A. A M uieet in the Muoulc hall. Htratn i bl<Kk K . tirrt vcrr Kndajr oo or bfor. U-e t.Ml mm... K Ucuill. W II; W J Bellamy, brcmtary. COl'KT KLKSHKHTON. I. O. F. tnet ID Chneto>'e Blook UM lat Kria e**nln lo each in.. nt ti VUltlnK Fnretr bearnU weleoiue. C II . H ll Uftoa , H. H , F. Van. Dui.n DR. E. UTTLK Ueotilt, Sia.luate Unlveraity of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Pleeberton Monday an J Tueeitay of eaeb week. Dnn.lalk Thursday. Friday and Hatarday of well ek. Feversbauj -Last Wedneedajr In each month JV MMIMMI.I. M l> H. D D , I. D n Honor Graduate Toronto Uulvenlty and Royal College uf Dental Hureons. Visits the MeCulla Hinee, H-.nda k every (Tilda? afternoon, luitwl of t Iditiertou TIII.SOK KHIIN H 1) K, M D R. Dentlit nf Toront* (OoM Mc.Ullit) will \i-it FlnhiirUo pro feulonallv ihr tli-t \Vr.(ni>.lt nt tmer. moutu *ld Duiiilelk tlir folloKinii -lay .Tinrlday > R. E C. MIRRAV, I.. H .. .l.nul narfoon, (r*xlu*tn nf I'uriinto 1 nl<ri.t aud Hve,l <if Ill-lit*! H.iitix>nif ilutarlu Ufflce - ( laylon > I, luck. Klethxitnii Will vi.it Keverihain tin- let and Srd Wed* needar*. an. I kinibrrley the Ju.l and Oh Wed- neadaya uf each month JOHN W FltORT, L L B Ilarrlater, HollclUir CnnTeyancer. ets O4Bce -N.-xl to ii. 'flirt., Hproule's block Flinhertou. evtiry KaturUy an I rourt day* N H-Owea Huuud iiiin e. Frnel i block foulett ilreot ee*t. Photos ""** I ! Flesherton * Photograph Gallery | I ar done in first-class style and] at l..est ratei. Stu-.-ial attention f Ul\ i'ii to ropyinu. Ital.ies' photos, fe a specialty. Picturci framed. Of all size* nnd as Cheap a* the .s in 3 and . r i llarrel oU. LUCAS. WKIOHT A HATKON Htrrliton Hohcilor* CoiiTeyanoera, etc Of!).'..* itwnii Horn, I i n a anilllerkdaleOnt W II WKI.IMI. CAHtrmiN I H I.i . N It-Klm.hf.rton office. klllrueU's Hank e*ry Saturday TUCKKR * PATTKKHON llarrliH.ru. Solicitors, *U Molaou I Hank, Owrn Hoond flAKRY O TllfKKh (IKO W FATTHIMON MACK AY A AA.1PSON Harr tiler*. Ao UKKUIKH : ii.'i, Hoiiiid. Marrlitnfs Jfa.'k Hlock, N. if 1'i.ti .1- .n lluiiii*. |.un<lalk Main Htteet. every Hklur<la\ Ad. UACKAY, M A , MI. HAMPBOS. i..i. u Crowu Attorney for ttrey. DH MUTTON M 1 1 . ii M i I .v K Ont, PrleeTllle Office neit dor to Urnwn'* aUire ; reildenc on|M)elte at the .*],! p<it nihce, realdenee of lal Al< Hi own. OOlceilayi- rucvlajt eiul Haiti dayi M r I' * S Out. I'hrnlclai, Rnrfson, et Floeliertoii otflf.' Strain's block. Metidesji Muni-liaw* Hotel JOIIM * HdgDT, M n MoMVt <Vill* I'hvulc A Bnrgemi Ontario (ini.oTaU' in Meoielne nf Toronl fclveWlty. Fellowship |ii|.|..in ,!'', iireilu i. Medical Helionland Hoeulesl. Ohlrauo 01*mk*e* nf \ *, ear. i ... *>i<l tnrnal ii'trlail treated. rUwldeBce. Mai well. ' Jbursilya* 1-fl Jp OTTKWRMi Veterinary Surgeon rt'lnete of Ontario Vetnrlnsr; BceMeace econd door >.<uMi larr etreet. Thli etrvrt ran* e*>e.tb .WW^jtUH, *s TAKEN -AT THE MRS. BULflKR I J W. BARNHOUSE Wishes l-i .lr:i tin- attention if III.- I'ublir ti. tlie followiiii; . FLOUR IN BAGS / a/?flf Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. in <: and COON MITTS and l.KCC- '.. ma-le t order and on Shortest Joticr. WH. BARNHOUSE, Flesheron Just Arrived ! fl Nicely Assorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALISES Axl*(>rras Hixif ' hntmrnl I'.iiKuy Wssham II ilTr' Mlli" Sweat follara Men's Leather Hrsres Whip* and Limlivs HarinesR Oil Puliwh All kinds of harnusa kept nn hund and made to order. Everything in ;ixxls anil t n^ht |iric'. \Viii. MOORE FLESHEITOMIIVIIG PIUUBS jf. tf. jCtSard, Prop. If you ulioiiM l(h n li\.-, An HIM K! a barber ever ( are Jiintr*)) *t my ihivuii; aloon At in' i o. or e'T*. 01 IHIMV MHHI. I'll cut mi I ilrm tl... liair Kith grace. To lull the contour nf the face. My roc in ii test, towels , 1. m. SriiHt.iH *h*rp nn<1 r*,rni AnilrvHrvtlilDR I think you'll Anil Tiin.il t fi lenle tin) |'lc*tliij lulu. I Ami ell that art nr nkill I-AII .!-> If you'll Juit cell. I II .10 fur yuu. I untre thu yniing. tin- oW, tlii^gey, I'll Klime ynu all for ready |iy. Aii'l rN'Mli tin- li.'ft<l ftt nn\ I.....' Mi.l t'.r NPKVI. I 'i-t * ilni'" . f .In u.it mean a .Inn.' In tnmt For that would make the burlier l-i.nt . ^ AOENT FOR ROLSTON STEAM LAUNDRY D4sc*>vcrd by s WMBMH Another great iliftcorerj hue) licen made;. au'l that t< n by a luily in tKis I'.mnlrv. "I'i'enne fasteneil il .-Intel.-* tl poll her ftoil tor k. VIM ruarii slis willimiM-d its aottrm tp!H.bnt hi-r rite>l orgaos *r m.-l. rmmi-.l anil 'natli .-mi. -.I iiiiinineut. For thrrx inoiillis >h* i-i.ii^h. il itircnwnt! v, i>nd cotilil not sleep. She finally ili*ooTare<i way to recovery, by purchasing of UH bottle of I'r King's Nsw JJiscoTery for Cimsuuiption ami win no much relinked on inking tirKt dose, that i-li'- Htept all niKbt. and with two b >ttles. h been '.-nl.it.'lv cured. II- r mime is Mr- Luiln-r Lair..' Thru write* WC. Hamiiick *-'<!., o( Bbcll.y. N. C. S..1.I l> all l>niKgit at .VJcrath sod tl.OO. Kv.rt bottle gtiarauteii. Aliout two o'clock Tiicsiiay, ilnnnir nfl electric storm, li^htninK struok a chiiiiurT nn tlie hotiso i if Mr. .Um.-s Henry in ti.un scHttuniiK the l.rh-k r.^lit anil left Hiul |I;UISIIIK iliiun ilifrr-ilit{e<l the |H|H-K mid atove litln striking Mrn. Henry on tin- h-'iilder and ran acnmi her hrrast and down the ri.'ht Mi|i-mi>{ l.-y thpiwin.,' .ll ln-r Loot Mini >eiiihni( thu si-n y iii.-n'liine at which ln i- -.% irkins; H.IIK; fmir fee' ei.dwim,-. Mrs. Hctir}' fell fifnn thi' >-hi'ik and lu-r mice. Minnie Ohm*- find, H!U> wa near, Kpntng niul ritiikjht In r Riiut and awisteii h^r to I... I. There wns n i i>ne i-U. in tin- house at t.)u- tlllie e\i-i'|il li.-l ht'le .i.-iliylitiir (Hue. Tin- Hind tore t-nral n|i!iiiti;i from i!i- Huor and |.as*ed llir.n^h tbn wall ith.,ut lining ci-riuiM dmnaue. Mm. Henry wan xorioiiNly luirnc-il 'ft.iiu .sli..ul(U-r t.i TIK,! lint no seri'.ni rowultl aiv ntici| atcd i.i.r- itli"tndin hur previous delicate mate of In ;Uth, hut it wa* n close call. Stan- dard Me I ..nie.l the All iliH-tora told Keiik-k IlAinilton, of west Jeirerwin, <>., ftr .tullcriii-.' 18 iiioiiilinfroni Keotal FiHuIn, he wnuld dm unlean n ci.ntly o|)t-ration wss pr- fiirinttl; hut hi- cured hiiiinelf with five l...xefi Hucklen'a Arnica Stive, the sureHt 1'ilc curu (in rwtptli aid 'hr IM-^I Salve in he World. IM cenm a hex Sold by all IruggUU. The nmrri.i.'e of Mils Margaretta ucaa of MarldaU-, daughter of the late u Lucas and Mister if I B. Lucas, IV I'., Center (!r*y, to Mr. Walter Turner, brother .,f Mr A Turner of Irangeville, t.n.k place at ChriMt church Markdale, Thnrmlay, the Rev. J. K. I'arko, broiher in-law of the bride, assist- ed by her cousin, the llev. J. K Ncw.'ll, itticiatina. The bride, who wore a gown .f ixi.ry mini and mnrgueriu-a, was at- ci.ded by Miss Sadie Luca in whiteninus- seline de soio ,,x ,. r blue. Miaa Ulatiche Mcphent4in and Alias Shirlej I'arke, cesof the bride, were matdn of honor Mr. Clare McOibiH.n acted aa best msn. VfUr the c.'reni,,ii,.y the wedding break- ant wax served at the residence of the ,rido niater, Mr. McCheraon. Later PARKF.R'S WORKS BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Co*>yioHT8 Ac. An?on *en.1lng atietch and dMrrtptton mmj qnlcklf aA^erlaltt nur opinion fr*e whether an Invention la pr>nabl? t>e,ta>ntable i nnmit tra- llnneetnotlrronMcatuL Handbnok OB Patent* tent free. III.IMI ae*iirT fur eemrlnipaiente. I'.IMII* lakmi throuifh Munn a I", ir. ,-u IpwcM nntut. will, nut cliame. In the Scientific flmcrican. A handanmtlr lllnitral4 weekly. Ijirieet rlr minion f ' T i, itniioo loumil. Terms, ' a r: four aaonths. |L Sold bTall newnlaaler*. "X JBee. M 1 ft, Wiuhium Mr. rfnd Mri. Turner left for Montreal. en rout for Kurope,whre they will spend the summer. Oianeeville Aiiverti*er Glerioa* New 5 n i-r. . (.'. Csrgile, of Washits- s: "Kuur lmUJ<-*> of Klectrio liit- C'omei iroi I.T. HswritM tr* ha* cured Mr*. Krewkr of scrofuh, which had Caused her Kreml suffering for year*. Terrible gores would break out on her beud and face, und the best do<-u>rs could Hive no help; but her Cure i complete and her ii.-i.lih is eAeellent." Tins iihowt what boiiianils Imve pruved.---tliat Klectric Hit, t*>rs ii tn beet l> oorl purilicr known. It's the i creme reiui'lv fur eclerna, tetter, salt n .'inn. Viuers. boiln and riion nK HOT*". It stii:iuli. liver, kidnrysaoil bowels, expels potioiii, lie'pe. 'iiK-^t.on, bniMs tip the strrnglh. Oulv .,.ir-nis. Hold by all Drug- i, every bottle giiar*nUed. It Will or If Won't or it will citln-r on't. <'ne nr If it cure your oi the ollu-r -uri'. Try it nn<l MM- i-ur.'i, lli.t ilriiU'.'ini k.'i'p.* ln- mm ey. Kvrrv 'nitilf f-iiTHM a tiiiaiitnlfi'. '.'> f , AOcta. ni.d r?l.<*l a l.:t!.-. (i...-! f..r Ccnuniiiiptioii". Ciiu^hii, Ct-KU. Crnup, Ur.iiiclnli'i, nml Tin ml Tn.nlilru gum- erally Noticeto Creditors In tbfl matter of the fwtate of Oennju . In,.' of tun Towualiipol O.|T"y ill the County of ' irey K armor, doceane I, Noticn in hereby Riven piiruan to "Tliu Kevined Hmfiitoiiof Ontun . i-v7. ( ha|>t*r \f>, tin' all ciwIit'.rH n.l othm having claim* li:alli*t the entatoof the aid liooiljo > outU. iinaB.I. wlio .lie.1 on or about tlie Twenty- ninth 'la- of January \ I) IH *. n- required or, or Uifore the -iir.l ftayof Jnn A. I) 1HUO. V> K.-ii'l bv p*Ht prel>i'l or lrll,-r to Kobert Janiee nprwale. of the illa* of I .-n-n, n in < ountv of (*riv. I'ontimtMter, the Ailinini^trator nf tin- ivtata of tlin ai'i .IfO-axxl, <T tn M.Mm i.rn-nt. Wrlflht ic Matron, owen houii'l, rntarlo h K>>llcttori>. Ibetr CbrUtlu ami yurnaiiien. 'i-lrt-M-.-K and il>cr:pti"ii-. th" fu<! parileulaT* of tlielr clalfim. tlie utat.-iiu-nt of (heir ac- c'luut*, and the uatnib cf s. i: I'.I.-H, it anr- bulit by thiMii. And furtlier taktt not: -m.-li lait nieotionml data ti I ,-tiator wilt I -i K . -I to i|i*iiilflit.' , , F the flwreaHed a'lioMK tllU |*rtl'-- HI.'. ' nHIIB 'H^arit onl\' to thM clun. -rial' then have notice*, and tlit ti"- -i"l \ir.m.ii.ratnr Will not lit llalilnfoi th r KTIV |i*it tln-ro of to any inraon - ! Hh'fer claim* n tire nhall not - .-.| l>y him at Hi" t|uM of *oeb diatrib llatwl thu I7tli 'ln> "T M.i. \ i> l-W. LUCAS, WHIiiHI A r,AT>O>T bolicitnrit for ti v Owull houli-l ,.nil r lebrtOtl ' D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS.. For Maaaey-Hsrria, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson fa tin ini|!.n. n- Fleury anil Verity plows on hand all the time also all kinds ..f r. [ air Kr the am*). We manufacture \V'agnn, Bnijxies, Cnttei^. s;,-ijh. et l|..r-..-*ho*inK "'oniptly attended to. Special attention tn tender .< n- ,racti-d feet, uoitxing and Flow Chain* constantly on hand. Spray! Spray! Spray f Your tiees to kill the Canker worms and Tent caterpillar which are destroying them and also to kill the codling luoth and scab on the apples. If you want a first class sprayer go- to John H Heard and get the best kind made, which took first prize at the government spraying contest at Grimsby ; Gold Medal at London; Diploma award at Ottawa ; Highest award at Toronto, Ottawa, London, Kidgetown. Simcoe Watford, Essex and Goderich. J. H. HEARD - KOAR for SERVICE The Taiaworth Boar I'OHT l.y n] i' A K ( '. if- at Pnrt Law owner. :- ~. * . :-. 7 . " . ---- Absolutely alone in Mod- Improvements & ern BICYCLES "Ne-.v Ball and Roller bearings mark an eia in cycle construction." Light- est Weight 25 per cent, less than any others of equal strength. Ksiest running- being fitted with the ball and roller bearing. Strongest Frames because they are cleaned by sand blast, and not the dangerous acid pickling method. Com- pletely Dust Proof because every bearing partis absolutely dust proof and equip- ped with the new skeleton gear case, chain requires lubricating but once a year. I 'KICKS FROM KOl^TV DOLLARS U!P Amenta E very w hero Wi'ito foi' Cntrvlo^.; SOLE REPRESENTATIVE W. H. HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON Jff t er dt Co. . , . tjoronto Junction 1 ** w "* V w "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRLNCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XIX, N) 59 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, June 2:2 18Q9 W. H. THrnSTON KDITOB * InUaBiUn, PROPRIETOR H?*o/-v- in Dl* 2 1 !.. MSI*-, of it now for about three in.'iitliH in hrom the Phihpmes ndlt Ilkful the that - JUNE - ? i-33i&&&&fe&fcff>- F. T. HILL CO. GREATEST STORE GREAT CLEARINQ=UP 5ALE Taking of Calcocan Lights and Shadows of flrrriy Life ha v had Bargains! i x Ah-ifs IJhtfk Sateen Shirls 3o Cents 15 dor. Men's IVai-lc S" J ni:iiie of H'lod qil'ili' v. bl*cl{ S.-H. , '.ix- C8 14 to 1^ Tl.cs- sljins never sold losi< than lift) c< ntn a piece, wiiile the lot lasts MI.- price will be Jpc f( >r I >ros?s Skirts At 7c Yd. \i7"i yuriixi.ire quality of plain black Instn; 10 inclii'i 1 Witlo, line, linisii. '1 his quality nf uooils never Pells Its* than 2.>c ytl., during our clt-aiiiiy; up stle the uru-i' will he 17 cents per yard I am atill unhurt, but I have, often seen the tune when I would have uiven almost anything to net into a place of safety, u lietv I would not have to follow up with the regiment, when tin* bullets would be APAJ.IT. April Li) . I h^ve had *>tne striking all around me and comrades very exntinjj times since laht I wrote you falling at my side, some killed and *>im on April !_'. At that time wo wore at wounded. There are about 24 Chinese Mitloloa, AgumaUlo'.i capital. W hen a ooolii-H with each mumcm ,'iii>-'ii(i'd in t . to MI is taken H-H remain sometimes only carrying the utters. The Montana rei- ' aday and s.-ni.-tipies .*,,-!(, then follow incut is divide<l into three battalions. Have just plac, d in stock the . ... variety tn watt-he.* ever seen in this sec- enemy. On TOMdaj, April 26, , < Hie doctor, one hospital man and four tioii bought direct at jobber prirea, sav- the advance from Malolos began at 1 Chinamen with two litters follow up each ing middleman - pr>lit. These are a di- o .-lock under (Jem-nil Wheaton's l,i iiM.ie. luttali.in. Iliad four Chinamen umler * sTtog lo th purchaser. Call and of the Montana ami Kansan re^imuiitH, me. They did all the nrk K uarned 8 l 'I"" 1 *" 1 "" 1 - \ 'K "election of rings secured at snme tune. Choice goods at iiiari'liing m culunins of funn, (he) Mon- my littlu Kra ie<iri:ens..i and did all ffl M jt* Dress At He yd. Tliia lot consists of a :nai in my linen, Rome in plain (.'oods. a it, many plaids, also brn!;.>n effects. None of then* go.xls are worth less than '.i>r yd. and some anf worth as high is 20.'. but to clear out quickly the price will be 8 Cents yd. MOO yds. of lO^Sc 12|c Muslins On Sain a' 7i- v,l. :MX) yds. o f 10 and r.'\i: Muslins on sale at 7^ cents. This is a rare op- portunity to buy rnnsiius now, --riitlit at thii heiglit of the st-ason. at nearly Ijilf price. tln-y come in plain lawns fancy stripe effects, to sell (i ly the lot on sale at ....... am Sale, $ Price IN THE FOLLOWING LINKS Limn;;* Dress Goods, Prints, Flannelette, S liirtings (Cottons Etc. OOO Vnrcls Rustic Oa Sale at 7f worth 12Jc. This is an extra good qirility lining anil conn; in the fol g shades : Fwn, Rrown, Creaai and Black and is 32 inches wide, to clear quickly 7Jc CROCKERY - DEPARTMENT jj Specials in Dinner* Setts 07 Piece Dinner Setts in floral design in Beautifnl tint of Bine, (f\ liruwu, (iroy and Grecu on sale at tbe special prices of JM $5.90, $6.25, $6.5o and $6.75 $ Some 20 Setts to Select From ! !JJ i'xi-e..<lini{ly low price*. W.dding rin^a i t uia.s on one aide nf the railway track ' tlie ordering, tellini; them where to tak.> i p.-i-ialty' an I the Kanaanis on tliM other. The two our wounded men and -,:eini{ that they Ladies' (Jnld Killed 14k Watches, from r.-mi.'iit.M wer halted two miloa from did It. ll w.t d.ltu'.i.t to keep them up I0 1 U| '- t! ""'-""-'''^'"lJ ""^ watt-he- , , r with nrHKi Aint-ricao movumeut from MO Mtaoqw Ui4 took position m a tn>nch (h thu firing line. As WM.II as tho bulk-U up . Solid Uold \Vau-hes. 18k., fitted running at right angles from the railway commenced to drop around UN they would witli 21 ruby j.iwels, Vanguard' m track. When we had located the armor try to di>iL>e In him! everything they wont, and warranted the choicest watch train with a iS-.,ouil armor-piercing (run o.me to, but when I -howad them I -V" can buy, for Tr. tx, 110. Solid gold . diamond rm^s. various Kettingn, from ]"> from OIIH ..f UM witrthips and rspid lire meant business and would not put up t<1 3-5 Thuse pnuesi will give you an uuuandtwo (railing guns with gunner with skulking they -'"t down to business, idea of the Urji- ranm- of our goods. We to man it, we advanced up tho track, fn thm )iart oMln- .-,,1111117 tho msur- ll:lv " tht ' s " K ' k '" <""" '"> Call and ttauked by a d.-taohmiMit from tho two u.-nts seem to lm\ , had 'heir strongest,"""' r-'-'inents naniu-d. \Vi..,i half :t mile lllt ren,-h i could hardly imag- ' from tho etien.y'a entrnnchniHnti, lin- j ne UJH array of them) i.i and around ing the river uu ih oppoaito bank, the Calumpit. An inlantry advance against ij.iiis hettan a lively fusihulo, which wai these intieiichnieiits would have resulted kept up for about half nn hour, and c.. m- m feaiful IOSH t the iittacking party if Tielled the insurL'.'iits to evacuate their the native* had n..t been driven from treiichoH. leaving many dead and wound- t |ieir intrerwhinentH by the , aiinon. Th.i "^" ed. At the tnine tun,' i.-neial Male's advance was) over a level lield, aH smooth bri-.ide, r-o,MW|ii|.f of the South Dakota, M mw ,d.,w, with no cover whatovur. Iowa and Xebrukt n-gimi-nts. aaaisted I havo nover Been such intrencltmenta j by batteri.'sfruiu tliu L'tab and Sixth since [ aame hero as thone around I 'al Artillery, had* lively tuna for two or ura p,t. At other placm they wore aft three lioni-, ((tBOL.-inmj m funi;,^ tin- notlun- m .-miymriaaea both in front and tom of hm stove, \\hileeiigagwlin river*Mtkinr>thc. town of Calumpit. nwr ..f the town, and for a dmtan.-e of "r* 1 ^"'" ""' .l-'uiliir apparattia got fas- Twenty,,,,, our brave b. ; y. were ah<m t f,,nr mil., ,, ,, Ma,.,i,,, ,d, ^.tLTK^ CTlC d ami a -rent . niaay wounilud. Nine On the north side of the nver thoy had scraper the stove wiw overturned, the in tho South Dakota regiment wur built it regular fort, roofed with railroad r-M| N holdini; it together taken out, and in killed. The railway track Imd been t,.rn and ".-.IvfinixL-d iron .ttnl ooiiiaining port- * fuw Illilllllu " nothing was to he Keen but up for some IiiiiidrW fet -m the Malolos holes The front wall wis from throe t- " '"'", "/ T""" 1 ' "'I' 1 ',- U " ^^ lmlf viewi-U the heap with duuiay and timidly covered anked her u"'>d man U he thought he W. A. Armstrong. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FJ.ESHERTON. Prirt-vllle Fmtn "'ic ''IMI ( \irrapmulrnt Not many IIIMOUH .^o a res'dcnt of the Durham Koud ,'s..y,-,i to clean out the HOOI which had aci'ti mulated iu the hot ; ' Stars elosos ooiry gouniny at 6 o 'clock with the axcop- j- tion of Wednesday and Saturday nights. SF. T. HILL &.&.!** CO. So-Ho Found WANTEIX ft. dry I im-h Spruce. SOW ft. dry 1 inch, hard M.-iplo. r>flfl rmN N,,. i C.-Jar Shmijle li..ll. f.-r which we will pay t.he In-lipHt market pnees in each on leliM-ry Also "id liitm Did Iron at once. Doo.-s, Sash, Frames, Moorings, Sidings and Stair Material always in nt .ck. Plough Repairs cheap at the foundry. R. P. LEGATE & CO. Ceylon . . . Ontario BOAR FOR -SERVICE The unilersiRiiml has a fine tliornughhrpil Mtkahln boar - Arlemeela Chief ,' No Mil. for iwrvii'i- .>n lot .'17. con, 1 ArWinonia. TKKM8 *l.uu. Pedigree on sonllcatlon. J.W 111 NM.'-., Prop, For Sale at Eugenia Lot No. Ifl, IviiHler .treet. Ruiienl*,. one lialf fire of land on which l-aoonifortmhle.lwfllina house, flht frull trev. riwtrini. well f.-. Will soil oheap A.IUruo* MKU. I,. A SI.OAN Ueafor.1, Ou \VANTED // Five yuiiy men t<> travel, who would not object spending part of their titoe at canvassing. Refeience*. BRADLEY GAUUKTSDN Co., Limited, BK\NFX>H!>, >NT. Hull for Service: ! Well-Bred Durham l>,il I for nxrvfoaon lot 1W, W. T. * H. K.,i Artemenm. TKnv KOI taruu ODWM aud oer a reUuotion will b mado. DOHALD MeLROD' He reton- utltlmt "" ''""''' ""' '" " uce "nnieiu->"l holes. The front wall was from side of tbe rat iron btidj;,. .mil all thu six feet thick, and buliind this ties were lorn off the bridge. The rail- f,,rt trenches Wure du^ several feet il.-tip could put it tiutetliur auain way had bin n rut al tho upper span and tu allow them to paM from one place la .ne .ind ba.1 fallen into thu river, tlio .mother undec c-.ver. ( in the .Mali other ,md having fallen into tho river. : 3 ,de of the river tho urouml had beun ; t, tli- neare.t ne,"l,bor for help. Thet, The track on the Calumpit side was torn cleared fororor a thousand yards of every another de.->perai e. ami determined attempt up for a distauc* of over five milun. The obstruution, so that nothiin; inmht shelter wa * inadu to s.t up the- diaoreaniiEed IIIIIM dulsy in repainn the bridu cavo lito thu Americano or keep back tho Phili- l' UI "".''J '' ri j' kl "*! a " j''"", 1 '"^ 1 "" ''"' insurgenta achanca u, uacape. When pm.w. It was in front ,,f thm position .^ure.'^.'.!^.'.^ tempered'? neiglibor",,- eotered tho iti.surj[ent trenches we font d that thu Montana regiment remained turned homo in disgust. JJet day tin a nrvnt number of dead and wounded, for over two hours, coveriiiK tho flunk ""'MceM ,,f another neighbor wore sotured The crossinn of tbe dismantlfd biidg-j movement* of (ien. Male's brtKadu. A 'i" wits a ticklish raartur and reipiired cour- great many acts of imlm-lual heroiMi, MM tlM JssMM.MM IMC! fun'i'iture age. Ju^t think of tho sittiatin -a iniuht be related had I the time. Afler was bolted toether and stood on u* storm of bullels strikinu the water and this day's battle, which was on Tuawdav. fuet ollce l "" re ' weallr e t,red a ndt,,okarefr 9 ,h,nKb,l,e , , V "^M ""T^"' M T "^ "",'" , place al Mr. Charles MoKinnoni .MI tin- all around tm nnd wo lmvin to , . when-. ,f we in the river. One of our Montana men South Line last Krulny. The buildmu in WITH not careful, we miht dr.-n into the t'.i.k cranips :nd w:wilm ned hefore u 06x45. Tho stnne wort WM built ~l,y river, *hich was about sixty ft;ot below km:w hu w8 in UHii^fr Two lively i-n- i Messrs. Hector MLtn and D. MoMil us. Iwas not ,, much MefM of tin, .,.. ,,,,,,k ,.|. cu ..n Sunday but I 1 ';'""' t'j "'I'^tr.iclure hy Mr. .Mm . ,, . t McUoimld and his worthy aiwiHtant. Ur. va of being haillv wounded ; was not in ibutn. Norman M> : | ',. ucl ll. Tho who),, You will M l.y Hut heading of thi. ' in L ^ | , C 7 -<|1 ! !'.'.' l . ho '"*" .Mr. 1 .-itiick BoUiar of tho Crown hotel i-iier that I am now -it ;i ..titmii called 1 1M p,, r clin,sed a V wcombe piano. Apalit, aliotit four miles pnat Caluni|iit This w the spot whorn Col. Funntone cnjw<d th Hi,, (Iraiiilu on a nit .Mid drowned in tho river I'el.iw. We. howev.r, K.I over 'ill nulit. HJihout any- one bning woiinil"d. When wo (jot acn.su, what a :i<ht met our H/.e ! 1'i-ml and wounded I'hilipiiios were lying all in. nnd. It is larprisring how hardline.! i person beoomus. I havo seen^Hiuh si^its for tho htnt thr.'U montl.n and they hav oeastd to troublu me any more. Jtmt before we crossed the biid^e one of our hospital men waa killed. He was shot thn.iinh the head, the bullet entering the jaw and coiping out at thu back of the head. \Vo advanced on tho enemy's Mr. ' W " "'"'" for tlsiiked tlie enemy, driving them out of th.'ir trenches. I inn now in very comfortable quarters in a rich I'hilipino jilaoier s rosidenco. right llank and drovo them from behind This nentU-msn lied and left oTerythinu their trenches. I can It'll you things ; to ''m servant*' care and rd|uestod tin-in looked protty bad. One placo smelled ' & ^ et *" American nfticen and Mrs. Thomas Nicliol and Maii-r John ate visiting friendn near I Collingwood. M'. James McLean and family loft for Alifoina I rial Tllim HUccesH in th, Kev. Mr. Mathevin is attending the general asvmbly of the church in Hamilton. Misnea M. Derby, Tillie White and Mcwrs. D. MJoDouald and S. Blaki-si- n a picnic at V'arnuy last woek That ThrnbblnK Htsdache Woulil ipiickly leave you, if you um-il "' l>r. K ilia's Nuw Life Pills. Thon> lot soflnvM have proved their niatuhh->s moro like a shiu(jhter houno than any- i charge of it and protect ir from looting, merit for Su:k and Nervous Headaches thimz I i-an liken it to. Flios had col- 1 Major Adams took possession. It it fur- They nmke pure blood and stronu nerve* lected in <reat n urn bore on account of sol uiahod in juiiani eastern style with "'! build up your health. Eay to titke macli blood. Before moving on we took 'beautiful furnitu. piaiio, and ln-l ' ^ lllci ": <'"lv ^' ..nu.monuy ba.k if lovely a lot nf tin. des.l bmliuH and pil-d them ii^h'-s and platpR. Wo I mean the Dr. into the trenrhes which I hoy thomrelves ! ""'1 hospital corps and some other not cured. Sold by all Druvuista. live in grand style, waited on li.-i.l dug, and with some pieces of boards ( shovelled Jirt upon thorn. It was pretty lords by the aervanl.-*. hard to >eu the wounded lying thpre pleading for the Americano* tu do some- thing for thorn. The wounded Philipinos We regret, to learn of the sudden and like inn-\|re.-:.-d death of Miw Bella Wilson E. STIVAIX of Droinoru, who died on Saturday lam from hemorrhage of the limits. Deceased w about twenty years of age, a bright proiuiMi'i. young woman, held in tbo highest uvtoein by her acquaintances anil Will often cause a horrible Burn.Scald, | her sad death, will caat a gloom over tin. waa a sister of Mr. butter manufacturer of A I rightful Bunder receive but scant sympathy now from our " Uurn.hcald, . nor sad death will cat Cut or Itrume. Hucklen's Arnica Salve ' nuighlxirii.MMl. She tr.H.ps, because too many of our brave tho Wl , ,, w Wl , rlll( wi|| ktll tfc- ju , j,^ WlU(n ,,,, bt>yn hnvo felt the sting of their bullets and promptly heal it. Cures old Sore- ''" ' -" - "' L : - and have swn too tmuiy- comrade* killed and wounded lo waste much sympathy upon them. I hav.< I'.'^n j,. the thickest >ail kme ofr h. aii -v\t Sorea, I'lcHrs, Boils, Felnna, Ci-riM, S <ld h Fleshertuo, Who is wll and fnvorably known in 'bis town. W* extend mil Pile cure, on sympathy to the parents and family ..( cts. a bux. Cut* ^uar- the .leceaxud yung lady in t of bvreari tnent. Chnmicls .