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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jun 1899, p. 2

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Rntxwrlticni who do n I rf !< their Ilr fggnlirlj will ple*se notify at at one*. atlhte for advertising rate*. THE ADVANCE. FLE-UIEHTON. ONT. In Various Places. Is BOW a m it. I >tanit>r IB* To saluU with tbe Isft hand Is a deadly lasnlt to slobamiue<lai> ID tha east Experiments to re|>roduc dead men's feature* from their skulls or* being mad* la Osrmaay. Ther* 1* a dlsro** prcullar to Japan oall- *d U>* kak*. It is believed to be th* result *f eating too much rlc*. Japanecs workmen are obliged to wear SB their caps and lcks ao inscription slating their business and their employer s Bam* It Is considered that Japanese men are among the bent nendleworker* In th* World, their only *qualb being tb* women *f Ku**la. Coco ik Spanish for bogie, and It is said tb* croaout was thui- named for its rs- *smblanr to s distorted human face. In China, which haf> long ueen known ss "tb* laod of uppomu-n thu dials of slocks arc msd* to turn round whll* tb* hands stand still Moslems or* fsrbldden to drink wines *r spirit*, but In Tunis tbev contrive ts react, the same ends by kiiioklng prepara- ttons of hempfluwsrs. Bfors a Chines* woman in married *h* ssnds with great pomp and t..i* to her fntur* home her entire troumirau, whlrb is px ked ID large LK.D the ki-y* if which be keep-- Marriag* in 8palD take* plate IT day or Bight, according to the fortune of th* young people or tht-lr station in life If well to do. thfi-rn ii.i.ny coiui s off in th* any |*rt of lb* Sure KeguUlorn - Mandrake nnd dun- Aelion are known to exert n iMiuerful m- luence ou the liver and knlmy-. n-siur Ing ihriii to bsalUtfn] IKIIHU. niilucing a ri-niilut flow of Hit- Hecrrlioiin an. I impHrt- Ins; to tbo orsjaas oomplet power ti. |.-r form their funcUons I lie-.- 1- in creillenlH rntrr into the tm|>unit inn of PsWSnelss/S Vegetable 1' 11-. and MTV* to rsnder them the o^ie.-ail- und Milutury meilirine they re. Ti vrr nre few pllli no flectiv* on tliey in tlu-ir m IL.II T h. l.Mk for \ ilr Mr ...> Tbe crlm* of wife b- atlDg has ln-com* w conimon of late 'hat KOIIIV extraordi- nary punishment heenm to I* nee<liMl for It* supiirenon \Vhni ^arrnting liecnm* common in tb* stn^-ts of London sonm years ogu tUs restoration of th* whlp[iing post for those ronvuted of Iba rriin* proved an effn-tual rnnnly. 'Dm New York Hentld tliinks |. rliap a teiuporary resort to It here in the i-uxi uf wife beatei'S would prov* pfliriti-iuii-. Good ap|ietite, go.i'1 din. st Ion, lefrxsh. Ing Sleep follow tlie us.. ,f Miller's Com pound Iron IMN '.<" <lu-e< -'.. i euts. II..U \\ ..I.I.I, , ,. An Amnrimn tr.m le- <i }', being anked hy a villi.ce -oMn-r if ho knrw of dog wor<lii|-ri. 1 lolil him I had heard of Jlre wori>!ii|M-n*, rnw sod the like." h . . ..i of worshlpcn, Ms w,il lie I - .mo In 'leheran S'lim 'oreigm , t ,| (,-.'. them, fumlle,: Mn-ni in , .., .-n I taken them r \\ er* they uot Uo(-w< i>hi| llnard'i Llulmeat Cures Diphtheria. i liivurAMCa \K tn.-l A|i|tritl. Englishmen, arcurdniK l Ths Critic, now in.ur* at Lloyils agnlniit <;M-I-K judgments In luw^niK Mn itp|>ntl the rate uf prendum \an.-.n >r.lmn to th* judge from whom the appeal is t.-tkeii Th* premium on 1/ord Chli f JuMiee l!n sell's noin-n U tu |.,-r eeiit , on tlio~i of on* judge. wbo>* di-nnmns ur frequent ly reversed, it ia'.K) p<-r -ent Miller'* Win-in Child n- 1 1 I'UM tiers furs- fits In hniii* I1.U.I Uliol .11 iwn*. First Hoarder imiii.ima- .-it tlm that linl mkcd in ilir I ..\n II.. . >i knuw why til;, in a i - i.,i- 1 lilnk of n Stock nmiksl? It U-i-aii^- Mitf.r I* linn '"J hat isn I my ira-nn Mud his uelgu bor; "It's Imrmn- eolT, f !< WIMK." Help yum in. MI.-H i . .1 ,. -.ti.inn nnil rohii-i liy en inn i unn . ,in\ i liin that CSII>PS Ill-hl-nl 11. (In.- -,,.,; . of lliH MM ID ohtldrsn Is wurin liemovr them with Mother liiMve'* \\UIIM Kiteriuin- stur. It UL-ver lail.s. V?h*B \.li,.... I .,..!,. To ears for a person hi> hns fainted, lay th* person dnv.ii. k..-p the hood low, loosen th* clothing, ^'.vu plenty of frtwh air, and dimh cold watrr In th* fa<-. "Jiurllinf Halts and Htimulnnu should o'dy b* use<l when c.iiiM-iini-n. has reiurnutl Ladies' Horn* Journal. Miller'* Worm 1'owders < urs all msriUof children like num.- HIT I ir.l Adalbert And s>i I nin the flfst inan that you lm?e ever kt--ril ' Guinevere Yen. A'Ltllierl; th* others all took (he iniilntlvn. I'lf.|.iri1 I.. i It. Mrs. Hr mil snrprlsnd to s*s your IniKlmnd .n M,, . nt of s saloon? Mrs. Hunk*- No, 1 , i ni red for it; 1 saw Mm llatrd't Llnlmrnt Cnrp:, i l.n. < - , S .1-111. How to ninl. t ,nd lift us up Is our [ ..I.i, - < pr.ilili'iu was bow to K -i d.iw n and lift others up, to hrlp them. DOINGS OF THE WEEK r EMS OF INTEREST KROM ARO JNO THE WORLD far th I' sfl Practical fc.pi r.r.o>i rolltteal Mid 1 i ..i,i 1. 1, TUB AGRICULTURAL, WORLD. Already about n-tenth of the wheat crop In the Geneva, N.Y., section of tbs State has been dentroyed by tbe work of tbe Hessian fly, one of the wont wheat destroying InaecU known. Prom Information feathered throughout Nebraska, Iowa, northern Kansas, north- ern MUsourl and northeastern Colorado, th* Indications are that winter wheat has suffered from winter-kill enough to affect in* yield at least one-half. cmma AMD CRIMIMALS. TJje" Winnipeg French teacher. Pierre Lardon, guilty of attempted indecent assault, was given 25 lashes on Saturday. Frederick Joyce was sent to Kingston Penitentiary on Friday from Toronto for thne year* for rivaling 963 from tbe pocket of William Summerfeldt at the Woodbine. A farmer named Wells became Insane near Thnrntown, Ind., on Thursday and tbr*w four of bti boys Into a wall, and then attempted to drown blrosnlf in the river. Ha waa roscued and arrested. Two of th* boys are dead. KA1LROAU H ( HHI i > ..i Grand Trunk Hallways earnings: May 1, 1808, $586,18;;: May 81, 1808. |89,- 985; increase, 1100,853. Canadian Pacific Hallway earnings: May 31. 189U, ITTl.OOOtMav 31, ISUs. 710,000; Increase, $61.000. Sir Charles Klvers-Wllson, president of the Orand Trunk Hallway of Canada, and Morvton Krewen, hare sailed for Canada. The C.P.R U reported to be cutting tbe wages of the laborers and wl|wrs and replacing Kngllnh and Canadian! with Gallrlana and Doukhobors. There Is. according to the Kdmonton, Man., papcra, Intens* feeling against further foreign immigration. I ML I IK I Ml. .Hill Fire at Huntsvllle consumed the plan- Ing factory owned by I). McCaffrey. Loss about $2,000. Archie M.iNalr's *aw mill at Hastings. B.C., caught tire l-'ridar afternoon. The mill, dry kiln nnd soveral small build- ings \verr i Miisinni'.l I,o about $'.'0,000. Two C. I'. K. fn-iKlit car* loaded with lumber \vi>ru al*> :otnuiinsl. Jacob Smith's Inrn at Queonsvllle, Ont. win Htrin-k I'r llfchtnlngand toinlly dastroyinl on Sunclny. The oon tents, uon- siftlng of si MI bushel* of oats, 1,000 of wli.vit and a clover mill, with live hoi-He* and two cow*, were burned to cindur. FOR 'UN OP WAR. A dcupatrb from Manila to Madrid annoum-cs that Omieral Klos, with th* r ot th* Spaulah troops, bos sallrd for Spain. Th* I vt it Uepiibllque has a report that Lieut. Col. Du I 'iiiy lie (T.-im. who wa* arnse.-d anil sent to the Cbi-n-he Midi prlmn on Thnr-ular tn-ht. has attempted tu c.iiiiniit milcidtt In prison. Tho i|." >r ..!> of the Kldgewny nlilliTi' iiioiunvi'iit in Quran's I', irk, Toronto, on Krlilny was a very fitlrrlng nnd |uttriui:<- rrviuony, in which the school children imik n prominent jmrt. Jap-in in iiiueh nniusiol over tlm r> .rt from -liiinu'liiii lht I. 1 .hi|min-sn tptoi h.ul betm I by Ha . ms at a jiluoa called 'I i^'iMu. iin-uiiiiilily on Maotung PtMiiniiiil.i. I'iir-ii.uUr* of 'the nffalr were liir:ij|ru, but il. is mid. riio-xl that tbe woro rxocutud In a fortress without trlii 1 A derided hot wave ftrnck Ijnndon enrly Sniiiliir morning, after a henry ihundiT-huuvr The ii>in|M<rnture at noon regl-nurtil over IH) In the nlmde, nnd had not derri-Hsed to any e.xt<iit up to 7 p.m. Tim Milniiii-ers i-i i-in]> HI Curling's Heights J.H.M-I! a ilii-hlwlly iiii,-iiinforuible day nnd .) lit.- .. few prostrutloiis from tbe heat WITO CASIALT1KS. On Thur*lay niornlnK Mr .1 Stewart Miller. i*iii|iloyril in the Cus- toms llniiM), fill lulu the c.iiuil nnd waa drowned. A ty nitmrd Knicnt. OlllM>rt of ddliy's liny \VIIN kirk -d In tho head by lio'i s* which lu> wm dr.vlng to pasiura. Ills recovery is donlilful. The lUillnn Mii-nmer Minerva fo\inder*d tH't\vii'Ti Malta and (ilbmluti on June 1, and hr new !n ini-i-im.' Her nmi<-r and Ssoond enimH'r wen- savod. On Thunwlay afuirnoon Ixirntto, aged fl j'wirs. f.vln duughter of Dr. l^intliler, dentUt, fell over tlm c-HIT from the ram- part* opposite I ;ivnl ll'iivcriltv Into the rear of .^anli. au Mutelot street, Quebec, omo 76 or HO fi-ei.. The unfortunate girl lived but a couple ot hours. A young mini named I aileron i wa* drn.vniu on l'linr-.,lnv nt the CM-nd* In the .Scliyan Klvi-.r. ll wn working on one of Sir. J. K. linoih's ((UtAwa) drives and fell Into tho rlvor. The body has not yi't Iron found. He. wan 25 years of age and rums fmni Westiueath, Ont. MaMBl a O.T.K. I rain from nil Siilurdny at I<oiig lir.inoh rllle miitfe. Tlm eiiKl'ixur no promptly rrspondud that the panHonftera full un- |il'-nsiinilv the niiidi-n joli, nnd John Cruin, tller of tl.. Si. Ijiwn-ni'ii hrane.h of the Dominion Itnnk In Toronto, jumpiHi out frtn. i i .r '-lid of th* llt'th car. II" alighted on ->oiiio nillroiid tins, and broke Imth IHII -i ,/f hl-i left leg IK 1 iw tha knee. He .-. ..' i nuflerlng fioin ah oak. INCLASSIVIBD. Th* l^glslaiuro tour to Algonin has IMWD orrnnged to l.ui on June 16. Th* New York pntdlshing houses of I1ni]kir & llroi. and tho K. S. MoClur* Company have formetl an alliance. to aaarrf a A ~-~ Is i.. r afraid nmn who likes cats Mediocrity .-.-.n ili. bat It tikes genius to get lUtened to. lie who reads run t always ran; tha book frequently puts him to sleep. When s woman cn mks pretty ges- tures sh* knows sht; doesn't need to hv much sens*. When a man has a tooth palled h* fsels lonesome until his wifa has coaxed him say thitt it really did hurt. A umn convinced against his will only shuts up until h* can get another man to talk to. It U wonderful what a poor hoy -*n ac- complish when ho ha* B rich father to fs.ll back on. The only true humorist is th* uncon sctous humorist; he never laugh* and doesn't get itny pay. Many men gel famous by merely writ- ing ths things other peopls could hav* written If they had only thought of them They Wake the ' orpid EnergUs. Ma- rhimrynoi propetljT supervised and 1 ft to run itself, very -0011 iinows fault in its working. It i- die auie with th* diyp IVF ortiHiiH. 1'iiri-ubl ited from time K tune iliey nrr i ki -ly -n liecome torpid and throw i ne win 1 -\ it-'u out of get P.irui. ler'ii \'.-,-. : .1 1 I* U. were mod* meet Midi utx-.. T.iey r.-*tor to tbe full the flHgx'iiK i.n ul r-. mid bring into or- der all parts of tlie mechanism. Arabian n ! in Hitl. Arabian homes manifest remarkable courage In battle. It Is said that whea horse of this brred finds hlmsslf wounded and perceives thai he will not b* abl* t* bear his rider much longer h* quickly ra> tirvs from th* conflict, bearing his mstt to a plac* of safety whll* h* has (till *uf flcient strength. lint if, OB th* ethet hand, th* rider l wounded and falls u th* ground, tha faithful animal remalni uesid* him, unmindful of danger, neigh ing until assistance u brought. The Coughing and wheeling of persons troubled with lirnnchitis or in* asthmi is excessively imi i-omi; to themselvei and annoying to nthera Dr. Thomas' Eclectrla Oil oliv,.u t -s 11 this entirely lut'rly and i|H-i-ililv, and is a benign remedy lor laniencxK. sores, Injuries, piles. kidney and ironliles. A hol lit. 1 1 t' !. Ths Old One My boy, now that yos ore starting out. n-mrmlH-r there are twt kinds of women In the world to avoid the married and thu I'limarried. Tb* Young One How about th* wld ows, governor? Thu Old One Don't try. It would tx How's This ! We offer One Hundred Dolljr* reward foi aav eas* of Catarrh that i-annol b* cured by Hall i Catarrh .11- K. J . III XKY aCO.,To|*do, O We. the iin.liMmirnfi], have known F. J Oi.-iii-y for ihr 1 .t ii and i elleve hiit tly honorable In .ill l>imliiraslraiia<-tloru ami rlnanrlally ahl" lo carry uut any obli(a tlon made i.y thi-lr Hnn. Hi i i Ti-. h I. .!. Prngirlsts. Toledn. O 'i I.IMI. Ki-.\> i MABVIN, AVliol ul* Dru* i, i> Hull >CaUrih Cure Imaken internally, sx-tlns directly n|. n the Ii o HI and mucous aurfaces ol ui>- mem rsstimonlals ssnt frat, Price T* l'<-r I'WII,-. 8 >M hi all n b.t H. i;- .lit Said. "And you MIV the idiot of a teacher told you that you bud un extravagant fool of father?" 1 I hut's what h meant." "Itui wha' tlid lie ^jiyf" "lie MM! It w.ts criminal folly to wait* in. MI, un the nl unit ion of such a chump a-. 1 am " Miller's XV.irm 1'nwtler* nre a wonder ful uiuli'-iiui f .- h.- ...' -i in- of children. Hi. I n(ir Irick. l';.ur..'l N i M lidd mo you were nevsi Ruing to write i > >n in j llankinton a^ain An^ip-lle'-. wnti.-n inn a do/en letters I hav.-ii t nii-w. i .1 l.ut in hii 1.1-.1 one bi left |m^e out. and I had to writ* and ottk him what It Minard's Liniment Cures Garget ID Cots. Th* ._ r .. i ..i "1'ersons who stnminer," said th pseud.) HC eniiflc h .n-der. "do so Ixw they think faster ih.ui they can talk." "Is that the i. ,-.<i .tsktxl the savao^ "that \viii-.iM-ldoiii meet a wo man who stai:imrr> v HUH* Nuturiil. Hill -That fellow l..ok terribly twisted. Jill It's no woudur. him "Dwause I hear his wife tarns round her little linger." DRAM Sum, Within the pan year T know uf thi-fi- fatty tiiuidrs mi the head luiviiij,' ln-1-n rfiin.vf.l liv tin- applica- MINAItU's LJSIIMENT witli- init any Mii-;;ical npcnition and there ia uo indication o( a i-eluni. ('AIM-. W. A. PITT Clinton, N U., Dondida Ferr/. My ilanwhter h.i unproved so much that you w .nlil hiirtlly kimvv her Miller'sConi pound Iron I' iK .I'M it. -in. i it. throuirli the wttos of I'aradiM -vennnre, An I ! n . ! earthly sins, I'll U t lie i t -. i u: rKie th*door. i in iw. Tom -ny- Who is the lightweight chaiu- pmn, i af l'i I in. It's n dmw twtween th* ooal m in and th* lo* nitii. my SOD- 6ENDRON RATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONALNATIONAL NATIONALNATI FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FAR HERS FARMERS FARMERS FARI. COMPANY MMPANYCOH "NY COMPANY COMPANY COM PANY COMPANY COMPANY COM PA NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMIRS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL BINDER TWINE K II iirrnmh ovrr 73 !h breaking strain Full Irnitth : ta" " < - ml. Pull weight :> Its. I* saSB sal*. Hurl triflnc m Ih' liiinii i -<iininlv wound ; mil ntlr*ly of pur* HtnlU Hrmp lihutit uilulti-raui ./n kin ,*>! ul*ly to* best *vtr . ir*r'd tb* raiikilian fannrr. SOItx. > A T KIN A L Bl > DKR I W I > K FOB 11 CAHH with any ooe of th* fui'uwing naluabU and uatful PREMIUM: 14-Kiirat OOLD-PLATKD WATCH, utrm wind- ing and stem Kfttm^r. guaranteed reliable time keep r lady'i or gentleman's six* maker's ^narante* witti i'.-n-h watch . SOI. 11> t. HI.NJ set with fenuine Garnet and i ^-em-i stamped and warranted with maker i 'I'radc Mark and guarantee. Ml'KICAL CLOCK, plass sides, in Nickel Silver and liilt a handsome ornament and accurate time piece. A never ending pleasure in the home. UflW IT K nflHF Th National Karmsrs Co sells <ilri-t to prae- nun II 13 UUNC , t) ,. a | boaalld* Farmers i employs no mlddls men - r atcMtn. ilnfs ImiiiiMS only (or e*sh. makr* no (.'- Kv.-r< d..|lar i|..- lt full duty. \\> havr a L I of > A TION Al. II1MIEA TM INK <>ii saasV-so ssjaek that tin- bank rate of Intrrni until after harv pst. on the money locked up. will amount to manv th'-u-an t doliri Wr wan- to lave that mteri-it and uivui th* fannsr in r*turn for rash. That is where the prvsatum c m.-* in. NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMEM COMPAJY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NAIIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMER] COMPANY **************************************************** I hit i oiii|>mi v mirrs I he rlijlit i rriiiini j oar mon*r If t h* prle* of Hm p advance* ny rrHBon of the l*hllf|i|ilne wr or nthi-r rMiiM**. M^iiUa Hemp piu.* from tbti Plilllpplu* li.m.l. ultin K AT UM'fc. MUI| oiitk* riMlu of your ... n suupl v kwforr llrmp ail \ in. .-. Henilt in. ii n- to as only bjr l' N..I.-. l*u>t OIHf r. Kiprcu Order r Ur Kiwi.- r.-.i I .-ir.T Write vour nwiur plainly, glveynur poc oOloe yxl- drn nnd nl tlio rullwav sUitlon to whli-h w* o\r* to ibl|> the I'wlue. Von pmj freight u.i i > 1'wlne from lotuiNIO. we send you the premluiii prepaid Cr mull or i-ipms from Toronto. Obeerve alxxv dlrertloni ore- fally *o we . .IMII..I make HOV mlsink* In forwardlnic vour s;oods. Hs whether yon m .mi u (.r n 11*0111 n' orit lady's Watch n M.I.I. ,t I 1'looh *r ItliilT If th<* lntt-r. ectnd |ilrf- of strliiir or paper tlie r><|ilred, ikll !( ltri Mnd niiike all reinlttauces |Myuble to K'Kt. NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, ffiK SSrK TORONTO. coMPm CiRUiR^ *srl"niinlrr mr r*>f*rr-<l tnuny Mrrritnlllr Accnry iiL'UCDC COM PA MY and tollio Editor of this |>u|>-r to our rr.|..>i..ii.llln . WlllDillV MAIIONALMnONAlMAIIONAlHAf IONAL MTl IDMrtiATlUNArNArioNAl "MA 1 1 ON Al NATIONAL FARMERS FARMtrtSfARMERSFARMfRS FARMERS FARMERS FAM>>IS rARMtRS FARMERS COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY J. J. Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oorrponclf>iu'e Solicited. IVTOI^TRF' 1 A T AdtniK'os Mude on Consiifiniipnti. IVlvylN 1 IvCi/\L^ COLD. SILVER AND COPPER MINING STOCKS. aliliHhed STANDARD MINING EX- CHANGE .Ttnl have, some attrartive (.iold. Silver and t"p|T !^t.'^k^ on hand. I deal MI British Columbia. Ontario nn 1 Republic Issues. M v [a- .nte iuNt now ate M .prison, Winnipog, Noble Five, Derby ><'t>| er . Golden tar, Republic, Lone Pine, Princess Maud, Reinaeer .n.t Jumbo. I have rei'i-nt nifur n i'i"ii i ' i!i\ < t the last live Kepiililir [.ruiiprtii's. rh<.iiB. E. OARTLY PARKER. M-nnic rlr.**r. i.' A.l.-ial 1^ H: E Tnraal* I ..i,. ,IM. .1.1 lluitr. ' -'^ <>f ni.-tf buttsr OB |>l. He; mix well \vith a littlo chopg^-.l [wrlf.v. p.'p|H>.' mid nlt and jui.-* vt half aleuiun. I'- r I .0 I nll I 'Ha. I am at the head of ray class." now' Dick? leHolur WIT* I'm th* worst of all ths tta.l boyh in whool " Of every hundred 1'ortnxiie^s peasants onlv '.'ii .'an reil nnd write PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS T h* l-l MsMl--. Nli<l lut < A' Alti^i|s>. rKHrtrrr pi.iiw co., HKAMTOKD. WCAS. STEELE & BRISTOL, ft"}-, '., *,,! o. wi. I..H. A II. Kxtract Writ* ut. HAMILTON. l-.S. * ". Splc* BINDFR TWINF: AND ROPE. c i M in ivKit TWINF; to.. 113 1 ii Ion K' ..loii Ar. . It", Torolltu. T. N. r GOLD PLATED. : ',T? u i .1 "Ton say ths popular Vi< Smith play the piano. 1 never h.-;\i.l her." "That's Just th* point. She can, sh* doesn't." Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We alto make Steel Flat Staff*. Grain (irtntter*. !>.. and Wood I'urap.. K. Huppll**. S*ad for New Cl- i WaMCt.. Ttrontt. Out. PAINT Fights off tht hot sun, presenra the house, beautifies it as well, and fives satisfaction if you uaa Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT All desJers hart ft. Ask for card or scnsl to ui and w* will toll you where to get ft. A. RAMSAY & SON, Montr**!. T MRS. M. E. HOLMEa Boy Darrell was kneeling by the body of his dead friend; and the girl who bad pronu*rd to become his wife, punned bravely on on to face the long dreary road with all its dark night terrors; on to fsce the wrath of her aunt; on to sit and watch till morning came, bringing work for her slender hand and penile heart in its golden sunbeam. CHAPTER IL "Valeria, you wnJ not leave me. was put SB a loving. The question trader tone. Valerie K.^s turned her prond, im- perious head. She was standing at one ss? the window* in the lofry ntotaing- rooai of Darr.-il Castle. An old was seated at the table. (Uttering with silver and costly phum for the early meal; her hair was whit*. her fmce gentle, yet proud; she smiled s the met Valerie's dark eyes. "I shall be no lonely." she continued. Then I will remain, dear Lady Dor- reil. To tell you the truth. I wa b*- 47mnin to fear I bad extended my visit too !im?, and that you w*r dr<-d >>f sn." Vmlerie betit and pat hsr warm red p to tbe " hite hand. "It is dull h.Ti. I fear. Valerlo. Darrell said after a puus: diese two next day* wtisl* Roy and Eustace are away, but they will soon pass." Valerie's face had Uustisjd crimson; now it was very white as) she said. simply: "I am perfectly hmppy; I want no one %ot you." Lsdy Darr^ll patted the sort coils of fasir that i-r<iwn.'d the girl's bead. It was srl.>ri..ii< hair, of a warm, ruddy brown shn.I'V that nuitrhed her ryes al- Bost in r..|..r The skin w<is exqiriMteiy fair, tinted Witt a deli.-nte w*rmh of rose on Che cheeks, snd rivallins; th> fairest nwrble bjr Its purity. "You flutter mo. Vslorle: but now to breakfast. I h^w. during the dav. to fcsve some line frmi Kny. and I h>n>e Jan that by this tine they have settled their little (]iiarnl. Do you know. this is the trrtt time that I cats recollei't :i .-.ildnesw between Itoy acd Eustace, th.-ir fri^mlahip has been beautiful in it- -t nirth snd warmth." Valerie nwe fni'i her knees Abruptly: ker back wa ;nw T.U her hostess. "Does C|>t:iin Itivi-r^ ever stay wirh Ms mother V" >he aakeil, speakiujc in u hard, dry tomv Lsdy Pan-. 'I .Ii') not seem to notice It; she Iuh-.| sluhtiy. "Well. no. .l.tir: I rs.not ssy that be in i Ii of her. Roy will have here Knt:n*. 'if cotirse, bs to leave u frwiin-ntly to j.trn his regiment 'at the diffrrent tons in which it is irar- fteoti-'d. but beyond that, this U bjs wme." I Valerie drew a sharp breath. "I often lauirh at Roy. and tell Mm one of these days Eustace will marry. and then they must be separated; bin Boy does not seeiu t.) think Eustsce will ever take a wife, nor do I for the mat- ter of that." "Why?" anked Miss Rose quietly. taking her place at the table." "Well. McasiM he is too selfish TJnd<"rstnnd me. my dear. I am fond ( Eustace Rivers. His father was my cousin and friend, and I rheriHa tthe DO for his sake, npnrt from his own. But a raua to marry muat give up uo Dsuc-h, and Eustace will five up noon- to." She waa oreiiinu her letters a* she spoke, and did not see the look of puin that crept over her guest's beautiful tace. "Ah, here is letter from Lord Wil- Hara; be coming down to-day. I telegraph to Roy at ooce. How sme! What rndiired them to go to Nestley? I cannot underatsuid it at all." "Lord Roy said somerriinf sbout new Iksroess for your ponies." observed Miss Rose, pouring some chocolate into a o>ricele ctiina cup. "Ah," smiled Lsdy Darrell. "theu 1 aee what it is. Roy has made that an exouoe for ceniotibna; the friend *h [> afresh. He think* no one knows any tting about In (raft hut Eustace." "Aj you not jesilons of 1i* ereat o> SBKtkm?" asked Val.-rie suddenly. Lady Darri-11's fa.'e urew grave. "Koy is so precious to me. you know. Talerie. I niiuht he jewJons, dear, if I did not love him so much: to see- -to know he is hnppy i* tu me the height of all earthly Ni-w." "Oh, that I had had you for my other!" criiil the girl; Involuatiirlly her pale, benutiful head was bent. Lady I>arre4! rose softly and kisned (he young face. "Look on me a* wu*. dear Valori"." Jhe whispered; "who knows, perhaps "* Her sentence was out finished, for the *Vx>r ws oiimeil. and the butler nl Toaced Into the room. "My lady'tliere's a park-keep*r In the int's-hail begsrinit tx> see you. We've him it is impoMKihle; but he will nt Lady Darreil seated hemelf at tho table acarn. "A park-keeper. OhHmiok!" she re- yeated. "Wha* can he want?" "I don't know, your ladyship; but he'll tssl nona ot us onytluuo* only asks to see you, my lady." MSB Rossi looked at her hostess, who ML "Some fceg-ging penutioo, I suppoaw. Wall Csssimick. I wUl break through my ruies tor once, and see the ntm. IVrhapa." controlled Lady Darrell an the butler withdrew, "poor fellow, he has got into trouble of some sort." "He evidently knows where to apply for consolation." "" Miss Ross. In a few secon.]* the butler returned, and ushered in a man dressed in the or- dinary fustian worn by keepers, B look of trouble on his h.>nert, oomely face. "Ah, Miles, fa you want to see me? Well, speak out. I am quite ready." The man "I beg pardon, mr lady, but if I au pesJi to you oloue " Valerie rose. "I will go into toe next room," *h* Ottid. snd swept awsy. "Now, Mil-*." said Lady Darrell quietly, though a vague sense of com- ing Ul seemed to have fallen on her. "My lady. I have bad news to tell you. I name straight to you, for I It-ought it best." "Go on." said rhe lady quickly, aa he hesitated. "My lady, this morning on my way through the woods. I found I Captain Rivers lying on the ground: at first I thought him asleep, but on mov- ing his body I found his dead'" A broken sob CM me from tlie next riiom. it fell unheeded on Lady Dar- reJl's ears: she had risen snd waa grasping her chair with her slender white hands for support. "Dead." she refloated blankly; "Bus- nice Rivers dead!" "There had evidently been a scuffle; It waa ont of the ordinary path, on the way to Madman's Drift. Poor Captain Ravers must have h.-en stabbed, for ti ere is blood ahont: bnt though I searched everywhere. I found no wtn- ix n only a basket containing broken eggs, which must have been dropped by some market nmn or woman, in their fright, and and this." Lady Dtirrell looked up. Her eyes, d'jrtnngtut with snirmah, fell on a silver Kir-case with dH '.-ate initials and crest engraved on if. "That!" she murmured hoarsely. "T brought if stmi^tit to you. my lady." the par k keeper mid gently, lay- Darrell fluns Vrself down on her knee and gave way to her feelings. "They went awny together," she wbiKTWfed, a crimson wave of color dye- inp her gentle fa.'" '"'>)TthT in angnr; now F;usta<- I-JT ! i I. and Roy, my s.ngel. my prince, my on Roy! \o. Oh. <;o<l. keep the thourfit from nsy mind, or '. *h:ill go mad! I>t me think duorly. They were angry: they may have parted friends. Eustace m.-iv have met his death alone. Oh. <7o.l. pray that it :n:iy be so! Roy. my hurting, my pernona Roy, can there be blood on yonr hands, on your soul! Oh. irhat sin hav wo d<ne rhat this aw : 'irw> should comeT It is too much to.> mn.'h!" The agony of her 'noughts overpower- ed her. Lady Darr-!: sank forward oo tthe rag It down. "I know it as to to his lordship: It mnst have fallen from Captain River's pocket as he sank down t*> the ground." There was s moment's silence. "Wnat have you TOU done'W whinner- ed Lady Darrell. still standing motioa- le "T have carried the body to my hut yon know I live quite alone my lady and I came to you to know what I had better do next." "Saddle a horse snd ride to Nentley. You mnst fetch the police. We must rind the murderer." The words dropped like agony from the white lips "Shall I summon Txrd Roy?" l.l Mile* eagerly, twine the agitation on the worn fsce opp->-te. "I would not go to him first, for I know how much he loved Captain River", snd knew the blow would fall so heavily. I'orwiYe roe. my lady: you tire always o brave! I forgot you were a woman. I ought to have cone to h:-< lordship." "The Wow has fallen heavily indeed." w>hiip"reil the white lip: then rou^ng herself witti an effort. Lady Drrell passed her handkerchief over her faoe. "Yon are right. Miles, to come to me. snd I thank v.. M with all my heart. I I will tell Lord Koy." Rhe put our om- "f her slender hands. and the kee^ier took it within his own brown. h;ird oties with reverence sod a we. "We miiot set now. not think." went on Lady Pnrrell hurriedly. "Yes. tfce Police- miwt come, nixhing can be done till then. ^o, Mili-. at once. Send Olwl- mick to me. I m>i-:f break the news to the ho<Mt4ioM. What have you done with the basket yon found." "It Is st my c-ittaze. my lady." "C.ood. leave it there. Wait aa to- stsint; I will write a note." She moved to the bell and rung it, then stood with her hands locked to- gether aa silent as s marble statue tfll rhe butler came. Miles JTszed at her in admiration. He knew what an sgony of shame snd pain was ta that breaking heart, yet no cry came from the lir-*. no womanly weak- ness wa* betrayed in fnce or limb. As the butler entered. Lady DarreD in brief, qiret woc.N. told of the dis- covery of Captain River's dead body, and the suppose.] murder; then, us the old servant withdrew in fear and hor- ror she wrote a fen- lines on a card ukl hnn.led it to Miles. "To the police station, Nestley: go at once." Mile* bowed and withdrew: aa he went the door of the inner room opened, :md Valerie Roas cam.- ont. Her hair :is pushed from her brow*, her fnce ghastly white, a fixed look of an^iiab in her glorious eyes. Lady Dai-roll advanced to meet her. "Ah. my poor '-Mid." she miirtn>ir"d. "you have hcnr'l you have hrnird al]^" "All!" repented Valerie blankly. "Is it true?" she asked after a moment's I-ause. "Is it true? Is he dend mir- deredT' "lie is dead." answered the older wo- ninn almost mevhani'-iilly. "Yes." "And you cnn stand there so coJra! Oh, Kusrace Kuata. <: gone, iny^ " Valerie threw her hands up to hsr face, swayed to and fro for sn instant, then she lay streti-hed prostrate on the floor. With the same set face. Lady Dar.-ell brnt over the inanimate girl, and press- ed her coJ'l lips to tiie ensHe< ones: then ringing the bell again, nhe directed the servants to carry the still form te her room "Levive me slone." she said as tihey went through the door "quite slone.' She stood silent as the small corn^e disappeared, theu her calmness went. to the chair, and buried her face in her hands. A few seconds :i"-r the door was opened, a tijrure enr ! [3 two srnd.a Roy Darrell was beside his mother, bad lifted her to her If-, and daaped her to his heart. "Roy!" she gaspe-!. f-arfally. 'Thank God! And yet. oh 7117 son, my son!" Mo!n-r." .-! : TIS; man. "y>u know a!!. Hear me now. -hough I may nfver prove it. I - I feel. I sr>eur I am innocent of ttu* rim!" CHAPTER III. "Answer me at jni-e at once, do you 'enr.: Tell ma what took you creeping out of the house m day-break, act! -viir ji.ii was home so late las* night." "Let her be. Martha." grutii'il.'-l Farmer Brown, who waa trying to sp.-ll through rhe newspaDer, after Bating a hearty mid-day "I shall not let her be," retorted the angry woman. "She shall know who's mistress here, I '-au tei! her. Tukinx advantage of my being wnnced at Mr*. Dizon'a farm last maht. she must go trolloping about nil any hoar. 1 dmi't b-lieve she went nigh the castK An- swer me! What kept you so lax*, and \vhat took you to 'he town this miTi- ing. sneaking out when we were fast aaieep?" "I cannot tell yon. A'mt Martha," rive girl an*wwed 'juietiy not sullenly, but firmly. "I'annot tell me. indeed, you hussy! Weil, we'll see wh-rher I '-an aiaka you. Do you think me and your an-.-ie have got nofhing to do but keen yoa in shoe leather a great. Wle. good-for- nothing girl that eats us out of house and home?" Alice was silent, while her unde stir- red uneasily in hisc hair. "There, Martha -that'll!! do." "No, it won't. I mean to make her tell me all. Where were yon last night and this morning, where is the basket, and what message did Mm. Grey send?" "I cannot answer," stud Alice. ajf:iin very quietly. Then I'll make you!" cried Mrs. Brown furiouHly. taking up a farmer's whip that hung on a :u.l. "Martha!" exclaimed her h'l^b.ind. "Let her strike me. uncle," said tie girl with flashing "yes. "If she does I w+11 appeal to oh.- > <-' 'or protection.'* in A checked ths n<>nian. Sh.' .Ir-iT'i" 1 .! h>r hand. "The Castle?" -he :u :t:ered sullenly. "A fine thing " A loud knocking at tine door interrupt- ed her words. She stared for an iasttnr, while Alice grew ..-old and still. She knew the summons *i come f >r iier. Mr. Brown flung "pTi ttoe door, then courti-tied respect lully as she saw be- fore her. on horsi-lm'-k, the chief magis- trate of ttie neighborhood, and thre or four policemen. "Good -morn ing. Mrs. Brown." said the mgistrute. Sir Robert Carlyie. "I to ask you a few question*. Ser- Kewnt. hand Mrs !'.r>.wn the basket. Mrs. Brown, does that belong to you?"* Mrs. Brown took it, and recognized it at once as the one she had filled with eggs the night before. "Yes, your honor." sh< sold wlrh an- other courtesy. "It mine, but," glanc- ing around rather fearfully at th* policeman, "may I sk " "When did you sw that basket lost?" enquired Sir Robert. "Last night, your !mor. I packed tt with eggs for Mrs. 'Jr-.v. at the Castle, and gave it to our Alice to carry." The farmer hod rsen. and was sfnrt- iiig st the proceedings in alarm. "Where ia Alice?" enquired the magis- trate next. "Just behind. Here. Atfee. you're wanted. Now, you'!! find, miss." in a low whisper to the girl, "what U Is ro be rude to me; your ;rmihment's come.'* AJsce took no nti >. She moved for- ward into the doorway. "What is your name?" asked Sir Robert. "Margaret Domton. sir. but I im al- ways esJled \liii?. along the wide me ' led by the loosest n>i;t.- -i the r i.-itle. She waa thinking. w<Midriiu if *h* still dreamt, whether 'he horrors pi t night, rhe | burned >f the ni<*mi!i;j. rln kruiv that she WBB no ! mjr t f r >e Ion Hy I bur a wi"! !-! wife, w^r^ all but vuiona th.r would float l!l n: ha.1 had a grui' strain put "n h>T . mind during < but she wis stT'.iu. firm to himn-lf, knowing Ghat *!> had done ill nhi could, that am .-n :n bar hundn. and stie ' i him. She had II ]> ... image alwaya before her. carew - s/,me fai-. -.: . 1 still seo rhe 1'x.k ol : - i in hi- - r l 'his ing In the early sur. - \ -;ra:iife ~: *>> ' ing into hr h- ...rr. and fenr tha- '.t a s-nse of hu[HU- t.i th:s man. ;. . sise had served him well. The fly dr>v p i i'!e- i xir >>f the in'l A .-1 by the hoiisek- : . TJI<- r<'nni 'iff Here she w:i> t I ! Sir Rob' i f .rixddeti i.-.y-iO'J to speak to her. The moments pssw-d. and then, -iha ars* suuiiw.i'^. u< Viv- rhe rooss. ^ . Ignorant of all sh.- Tai^e.1 of "f tht; w ii :r o< ohS) hoiwe. ignor-tnt -hi- mu- h-id .'inie H tftj -ii.. m'i' i She was le-i ,-ge apur 1 as in a dreum >i-. -. Roy Dirrwll standing alone. i Nmning 'Mi a choir, behind him !:: or four pli * men. At the table wi- - '."d Sir R-Wjert Osrlrie. one or t* . her genttem<!iu ITH! M<les. -he kTMr. had evidently Jus* \ -ii, "M.u-g-f*" l>rni<jo." ssud Sir R.>o!rt | iic imrinotly. " ippr-iH -h. NOT IN STOCK Probably Vit f.i Be Konnd whvra Kl..- Fair Caatomer I hv in tbe saborba ind I want a watfhdni;. Dealer Yes. mam. "Bnt. of conrs. I don't want ona that will keep as awake all night bark- ing at nothing. " "No. mum. "He mast be big sod strong and I v,,u knuw " "YeH. mum. ' "Yet an geiitla as a lamb with oa. yon know. " "Yes. mam. " "And be rnact ponnre on every bmtl tramp that comas along and drive hint off "Yes. mam. " "Bn- :>,' mn-tn't interfere with sirf p<r bnt bon^Ht man looking for work. " "V r. n M "Ir -i ii'ir^' 'lines prnwlintt aronnd t n:^bt. -i.ould makt) m.nca : him in au iti^taut -. mum. " "Bnt je ::ri - - n ? attack neighbor wbn drops in f'.r :in evnain;; call." "N "And or i.'.)".r- be mnntn't rao'.eet peopiB w:i a a* all hours of tbe n ! uiv baabaod. H dottur. v.ji; Unow " "!T.i. nnm I what yon wial Ton want a miad reader 'Ing " " Y-M. I sappose no (.da yoa tend ms) one' "Very sorry, mnm. bnt I in ]ns? otrt of tuat ' Do not be fngbtened. Ha you ever aen :tiat gientl-fniaa before'/" A . turned her ey<? wwmxd the silent form. V ." she Mid. faintly yet far!y. it?" "I.orl Koy DarreU; and nd my huaband." 'I'll.. - - * rang through Hi* still mom !ike a bet!. Ten i:MH>fd from Sir R.)b*rr Oair- b .. . , . i.i. be --^e '.i his f ..)" h- r-neted biaokly. "Lor: I "his tnieT' Roy met Ins g\ 1:1- full. "I- w quit* rue. ' h- ^ -It t. r ' \v . ^-. , , ~i -Ji s naoratatj, N.tstJ-y '.< - ^Tar." ; - i : i h n-..i . h-- pitlio'inen 'tie 'jrti-T ha.l - ,f<iit{ - : : ->\ to cbe "Then, Mias Dorm-*. will von answer me nhis ii"-'">n? Were you carrying tfiat baek.-t 'h!ii(;h the wood* to the Castle last night?" Alice looked at him straight. "Yes, sir. I was," she answered. "'Ltieu you must i.'-'ompany me, please, at one* to the Oastle; you will bf wanted." Alice tied on bT rvxtoo gun bonnet without another word, while her aunt stared, silent thnxiirh nmazememt: at last she found her tongue: \V:ut has Alice l.i*? TU me, yror honor. l sbe going to be pttnasdied "There Is aa taq'" 1 ** up at the Oi- rle. Mrs. Bcown. Captain Rivers was murdered in the wxxls last night, and Miw Dorntoo is <*ief witness agTiiwt the swpected nwirderw. Lord Roy Dar- "Mercy sakesr 1 ejaculated Rrowv^ a* Alice walked quietly down tthe courtywrd toOo * riilag* fly that was waiting. The girl sat back in h<r corner very quiet tad silent. sh wmj bowled Th CovriiKe to Barm. M. Jalea>'ti^ is nwponsiblfl for this story of Erckuiann and Cbatrian. Those who have si -|.li.-il the works ot these men in th* .-runul can apprec'i- ata how cuancient:oaa they wers In the height of tlie;r juipnlarity they 8..:r>'.'d to snpplv the Journal des De- ltd a MIII;III- - Ir i.< said that the keleton of the <i. M :ihvars canie from one and the givint; of rleh to it from the other Wli.n tlie \\urkwaa con- clnded, the joint author?* sat in judg- ment over it and r- LI i; nil over "What do you tniuk of it?" saked one of them. "It i very bad. itaid the other "Then let us UIHKH a good nr with it. " and so pai<e by pgt> the manaHcript was bnrneil in a st.ivu. The Debats bad to wait In time, bowwver, nn novel was snt to tli paper, and the fame ot and Cha' in cram A. M-.-I. All Oenan.U. Emi'v Why are jon waving yonr Q.UI-:.. Anxelin . papa baa forbiddnn Tom the iioaae ws have arrunged a code of i>;nala. Emily What i it' Angelina When IM waves bis hand- ker'.hief flv* tiiue^. that means. "Do yon love me?' And when 1 warn ia reply it rneann. "Y-. darling" Emily Ami buw do yoa sitk otbsr That * the otbrr n,l at tk Zn. I once watrhe.j i m.itikey. whii.-h bad a baby in ami- , ! with i<i ipes. The yoangster v. ;i-. most anxions to have a grape, but his uiotDHt l>eing either too selnVli t.i allow him to *lur her treat or afraid the fruit might not be good for her win a jav^nila digestive organs, would n <i allow him to have any and box- ( . - -tonndly for be- ing rude enmuii i attempt to take t grapa out of her u. nth. Th Deeper in charge said she <i:d not "spare tlia rod and spoil the <:iii!>j when he became "obstreperous As his parent w.-nld not give him any fruit, the linl- tellow endeavored to obtain souie on i:i* own account ami several times >*. .,-.,| t'rotn her arms and began to climb the wire netting in the front of bin CHIC-., bnt was promptly hauled tack by the tail. At length he managed to get tree. and. running ap to the top of bi!t cage, pat one band through the rnotiuei <( the galvanized wire and pleaded eloquently with bis upturned dark litti.- eyes for a "taster, while his mother actually bit herself in sheer rage over naughty boy's bad behavior. Caasell't "Little Folks.' Angelina W don't whole code. T:' T Jtlre ! Krvmlrr. "A K-nti' ijv paper cam* ont time ago and ":d it bad fuand th meanest man in the/ nation." "Ye,,' "It said be li"ed in a certain snctio* of the state, and a man at >nc got ap and *aid be was -h fellow. " "That was fa?itiy " "Ob. I don t Know about that Hs> toed -iie p.ip^r a:id xot Cleveliind Pla.n [i- Ovr*s -rtlas; Hlauclf. "Of coarse.' said Mr M-eitton's wife, "a man !! his wife are jne. " "Not ia onr ca-w. Henrietta." bsj answered with superabundant pohts- neas. "In oar :I-M a man and his wifsj are at least tig t and a half. I'm the) half " Alte "WelL " said the philosopbe most take thing as they coma. " "I don't knor urou: that. rplls4 the nneuk thief "In my profesjsJosl you ve got to ta ce whatever happens to be lying aronnl looss. " New York Journal A I -.Inrtloo. "Hello."' en n:iied the man whs) poses as a great >Mdoner. "Agniaaido has a sore throa: "I didn't tee '.hat in the paper " "No. bat it nays all is qaist i tk Philippines." Fr*ttl*t Part of the Papa So Emily stands at the bead of her class in French? M iniin.i VHS She and another girl were exactly even in tb written exami- nations, bat it was decided that Emily shrugged her shoulders mora ooxractly lika tbs Freuoh. fit-Bit* . ~ A Load Off HI* Mla4. Mrs. Honkley t severely) It's necessary for m* to ask where yoa and what yoa were doing last night Mr. Honkiey (brightening) I'm glad of that, for I coal. la t do it to save ; MIT A >...!. Bltter "I bat* yon!" be declared bitterly, "and yet I mast take you for better or worse!" Traly, most unpleasant doss i* nine! A lnrhnlo. "Dear, dear . How did yoa com* (11 in?" asked the old gent "I didn't come to fall in." blabbered the boy. "I cauie, to nshl" NwOf- laans Times- Democrat. H<- '...I It! Lady I think y. MI are tbe wont look- lag tramp I ever saw. Tramp Ma am. us only in th pres> nee of nncommou beauty I looks as bad. Tit-Bits. I nkln.l Nlop*. Qroogln Too bad th' shamrock don't Moom. Dugan Yis We need a national flower 1 A Wmmomm s.. ii.-e On* of tbe sachet powders with a nam* Is Che Spanish Wife's, much prized on the continent and made for tha lingerie drawer. Hera is tho recipe: Dried bUelt mirranc leaves, chopped, on* pound ; dried orange psel, ground, one pound: pow- dered orris root, half pound; attar ol orange, on* ounce: attar of lemoo grass, quarter dram: attar of neroll, quarter dram. Thoroughly mix all (the Ingrodl- snts, put them In a covered jar for hours. Mix them again, aisk* them lasa sosnt bas.

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