fluhtrrlhen who 0*0 n -t receive their paper regularly will pluae* notify us at ono*. lor sdvwlislaf rate*. THE ADVANCE. rLKtllKUTON.ONT. Keep Them ftngnt DO FATT i. i < I. AM. l will vleaa blackened *llv*r till I Oil Instantly To clean the steel blade* of knives UM tweet oil and cmory |ap ir. 1'ollsh with leather dipped in a liillr whiting. Do not threw or mix kntven, fork* and IpooDi toget her KI-.-I. aepn.ni.to and there rill be no tcnttchtiiK of any of the artlolet. I To cK-an knivt-N that have fruit and vtuegar ktams on tlicm UM raw potatoe*. Rub the blade*, then polish on the knife board. To wash cut la*ware UM some pure oap and ho witter und upply with a com- mon l.ir^ti toothlmmli. K.wh piece should be wlptnl with a lineu cloth a It U taken from the water. llandlrn . f knivet und fork* thould never be put in hut wuu-r. If the handle* oome ill*, mix KJU.I! |mrts nf quti-kllm* and r*in and partly 111) the hole, then boat the -pike and push it in In laying i%.i,I knives ur othor steel un plemcfit* they th'i.ilil I* sin-Inly oiled and wrapped in tutu* pa|-r to prevent their rusting. A laity .HIM .-im-re will In a thort HUM qu!to ruin (all nteel articles an- leu *ome uoh pr*jc;uiiiim i taken. To cttHOU new (fl:i^w:irt- put diuhe*, ium biers and other :l.i- article* into a kettle, cover them int.n-ly with cold water and put the keule where it will soon boll. When U tun Ixuled a few minute* act It aside, i-ov.-red dose. When he waur u cold tako ti.i- '> out. *Kaerr never wan. an. I never will be, a tr^iverMil panacea, 1:1 cue irinedy, for all 111* to wli.cL fle-ih !> linr iiu very uatur* at many curatives being Mieh that wer* the geriiK of other ami differently seated diseases rooted in il.e .v-.imn of the patient what would reliov* on* ill m turn wuuld ag^ravHte HIT other. W* hsvf. however, in gn:nine Wine, when obtainable in a noiind iiundulterated talc, remedy for many ami grevious ill* By it* gradual and judicious use, tin frailest *ytenn are leu into convaleacen. e nd ktnngth, by the influence which yui- nine exert* ou Nature'* own realorativei II relieve* the drooping pmt of t hoi* with whom chroi: i- .'.' of morbid d*- pcudency and lack of interest in life u a disease, ami, by trMiiiiuili/iui: the nerve*, dispose* to sound and lefre-lnni sleep impart* vigor to the net ion of the blood, which, being itiinulated, courses through- out the Venn, strengthening the healthy animal function* of the \Mem. thereby making s.-tivity a ne.e~.Hr> remit, strengthening the fraiui, ami giving life to llit iligest.v* org.iM-. which naturally demand increased niilmitiii-e- renult, Im- proved appetite. Nirthmpft I.yinan of Toronto, have given to the public their superior (Juinlne \Vm ui the usual rate, and, gauged by i he opm:en "I scientml*, thin wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggist* sell it A I>ullr I ...u, I ..iM.d. In a Ma jii HUM M-, town live* an eo- neotrlc old pork butcher remarkable for his shn-wdnes*. >om young collegian* one day entered tho shop. and. for a jok*. asked how mm h |>ork wim a yard. 'On* dollar." promptly r. plied the old fellow. "Then," said one of I he (mart youths, "I'll take a yard " "Where'* your naahr" asked the butcher '1 he dollar was laid down 1 he <>ld MI.IM |N>,-ki-n-d the coin, and then proum-cd thn-* pic's fcl, with the<|iilct i cm. irk I hnv fet i make one y.'inl " I lit unit-lit-, marched out In SlleU' e llotrd's Liniment Cures Distemper. \-*ni A pnrl mettle ID Italy. They have, a novel wity In Italy of ad- Tertiui(f vacant :\p.u t MU-UU 1 M place uf the pli.cant niHcrlU-d KO.MIIH. I'o let," r " I o lie l-n," win. li udorn, the wind iw* of EnglUh houic*. a whilo cloth, about the i.i/c of a nupkui. flutter* from th* casement. Intlnnitlnt; to the passer by that Ihe rotiMin citn ! reined B.T their ii.t ion on the St.. much. IJv- T Slid Kuweit., Miller's \\ . nn I 'ow tiers em reel .ill such trouble* ai> Isrk of Ap- petite. ItllioiiHticax. I ii,.sj.n", Hallow Completion, etc., niee to Uk. k ., I ,,... I, ..,,,. II ,,,,,.. One of the dellghti. of life in the Philip- pines Is recorded by thr Amcrli'an Soldier home .lay ago a party of M>ldlers who were sl>out relieving the guard at Manila cam* Kuddenly njMin i\ xreui la constrlo- tor. ll wu* nhot and found to measure nine feel seven Inches long and ton Inohes ar Jtind In the largest part. Tor Nine Years Mr .s.tmnel Bryan. Theilfind, writes: "lor i.inn year* I nffered with nliei.de. I ,.i-. , on my leg: I*xin.|e.l nver lm t phVHirlan*, ana tried ever; pieii.tri i.i'i I hi-ml of or aaw rscoiniiieniled f.ir sin I, disease, but could g*t no mlicf 1 at last was lecom mended togivuDr Thomak' KclMctru Oil a trial, which has resulted, after using eight bot- tles (usiuu it inierually and externally), in a cotnpleie cure. I bellev* It Is the be.t medicine in the worM, and 1 write this to let other* kuow what It baa done for me" Ik. W*r>t - r . n. 4 What U th* niokt ungraniinatloal asn- Mni* ever spoken? The following would be hard to boat. It ws enunciated by a little girl who wa* driving along a coun- try ruad wub her father .Swing a flock of sheep In a nci^hi ormg meadow, sts asked: "1* them l..-, ps yourn?" Tour words, and all wrong' Mr nerroimneKH b;i> left m* entirely as a result of Utklng Miller t Compound Iron Pills. U.IMABllll lti*% I 1 ll>l. revival pri'itchrr w* *v*r had h*tc," itviil tli* ...un i \ ((rocwr, "wa* i.ld Brullnir .lurvi. A, in. ill? >vlion that mitn got tlir. ugh with 'riu I ho xvlioln blanir eoinmunit/ turued in and paid all its i u. i ..... i, ..m. . . . ..HU...J lu < II-M ii M..H r...... \ . i r ,..,.i. -... i. ..i. Paris, June 8. The Keho clu Paris yiMUirday mr- trtut On. /iirlliulmi. the Mtlihtry Uovurnor of Purl-, ha* oonsiinted tu the provUloUttl ri IIMHU ot Col. I'lcqa- rt, who H In priiton on tho charg* of ruvunliiiB iluciitnunts oonournins; th* mil i.nial dufuiiox. un the duinantl uf U*n. M i-Mui, de Qalllfut. Attempt nt -uici.i^ The I'ntlt Ki'imhliqii.' Imi a rerxirt that Llut. -Col. Du I 'HIV .I.; I'l.nii. who was iirr..,-. ,| and mmt to th Chitmhu Midi priiuin on Thnnulny ni^ht. hm ntt< mpt.'J to ounitiilt -.iiirulH In pri*in. Sfvora.1 papors unnotinm that proceed- Inpt* will bn tiikun ik0alniit Ocn. M.TTI.T, fnriiii-r MIMNUT uf War, and other utlloer*. Ckara-xl With I..... , . The arrest Thursday evening <if Lieut.- Col. Du I'aty dt- Cl.nu. who. in 1894, was chnrKd with tho invest igutlun of the Ilrst charitv* nimlc iifritlnst Dreyfus, waa ordered afu-r thi- Minister of Wiir, M KniMT/, had ciin-.iiltitl with tin- l'r-inl.-r. M. Dupu.v. The pri-Kin.T. who is .-..n tl'i.tl in the inllitarv prlmn of Chuich* Ml. 11. is i-hiirK''.! with f.irut-ry. ittnt titter- In); firiry. It IH nut yet known whether he will bn trusl liffciru a court- martial or a disciplinary court. 4E10.000 roil KIK IIKNKK. I !> .. Rar*ninili.U I .* r I I ^ tit t. l t ....... I I. .1 tlll...irt London, June 3. In the House of (',01111110114 vf-.tfiil.-iy the (iiivcrriinent lender. Mr. A. J. U.ilf.nir, pn-M-nU-d a lUHHimirn from the <Vut-.-n nx-mninendlng a Kraut of ill). HIM) to Major U.-ii. nil Lord Kitchener of K h.irtniini. the Sirdar of the Kuyiiiian army. II.. lit The ll.ii-ii... June 3. A division has boon rmeheil by 'h- r.;x'lal ..iininisiiiin of the, ticaoe eon^n-sH ut Tho Hague to di-Mtrd nil nldn I-MI.-S and vtlck to the main cilijtH-t of tin ..... nferunco Th cora- iMi-.si.in un in, tli. ill, >n has wi-lilitl the various projcu Into one, whi.-h will ! itulinilttMl for dlsc-iiKsion on Mondnv. KunslH hull pmu-sUxl ru(iiintt the Turkish .1. 'It-Kates, IKI-AIIX. It In cliilnieil thny have no dfllnile in-ini,-i i,m-. and tht'ir ro- oporatltiii would oiily b un obstruction. Vl4lvoliit k 10 II. .. Million Port. MOWIIW. June :t. Ths Husslitn Govern- ment hiH ilefiilftl to nmku Vladlvoittock, the, I'ufiilf tiTiiiiniiH of the Tranit-Slber- Inn Itnllwny. anillllikry port, lulu-tnviiu. tin tlif i-aHitTii c.i-1 f thi. l.iii.itim^ 1',-n iiMiiljt. just, mirth tif I'tirt, Arthur, will be itiiidn n coiiiiiif n-iiil |irt. Col Savn/kt aim Kii-;iiitwr Sbkhnroff hitvt In t-liaruti thi- ilio'iii-nitiK "' ' '"' hiirlmrs. tin. .'tin triictinii of what lir,-ak\vai.-rs nuiv be . nnd all other hurbur \vork. IHK tHII.lt WAS Ut.l>. Mnlhvr IM,i..;..l luta Hi.- t i.t.r,. ..4 I.lfl4 Him Out. Hut To* l.i. Tllaonburx, Out,, Juno S. A little boy agral :i yearn, -m of William S.-ott. one mile north uf TllsnntiiirK. was drowntsl In the . istiMii yt-st.'i liny afternoon. The child was playimt In the yard when hit mother IIIK-...I l:ini and went In eanih and found him In the rlstt-rn. She spittiiK in iintl nmn:ti;fil to lift him out, but was iiunlilf Ui fliinbout hemclf, th* WiiU'i- IK-IIIK up to hiT shouldent. Ther* wax no one near tho li.ni-t>, Init a u.'iitl,. nmn drivuiK liv hi-nril her uric* nnd ran tt. tho rescue und 4ucoc*ilcil In trcttltiK Mrs. Soon out. When they pl.-U.-.l th* child up life wax extlnot. ....!..> in >r mra*l V r >*<> T- Newnmiket, (inf.. June 3. Th* verdict uf t.he iMn>ni'r'n jury In the In- ipifti on the limlv of the Jewell child \viv "The dtifnsnl, K.dl: h Kran.'cs .Icwett, oaiue to her dn*lh fi-oin .1 blow upon ths ln.nl wild all mo in id.: daiiiN of her mother. K.li/n Jew.-tt. while the latter wits Uunpunirllr Inxikniv and jus* t short Mine l>fi>rw her mother's siiteldo by drowning." i ,.nrt i* >t.lr a Ottawa, Juno !l. The Cunsrrrutlv* iMi-nili'i's of the St'tmUi and ILniseuf Coinnions havti nrdt-iisl u witviih tu b* prw|wrcd for Ihe dis-orntliiu .if Sir John A. MniMliiniilil s in. 1111:111, -ni at Toronto on Tuesday, nnd have il.-li'kMiisI Sir Clmrle* Tupiwr to make tli prtmcntntton nnd deliver an a.lilr.--. Another wrvatli Is U'liikr M>nt to Ktunston. where l>r. Kvan will lx< di<li|aliKl i-> tl. -liver the mlilrtva, Mr. liitirue Taylor, ehlnf C Whip, to whom I 1 !.- duty WHH bulnii unahle to go. I. ..t.i.l Shu., l II .,,., I II, ,,,.,!( Hrnntford. Out., Jun U. Daniel Shiviir, ?IH| T'J. n n-Mivd farmer, living with bin sou uenr < iiioiidatfa. eoiiiinlitiHl MI, Idc ,111 riiur*lny niiilit l.y hnntfltiK liiinst'lf In all oiitliiilldlMK iKsnvkscd has not IMIKII will I for somo tluiii nnd lx-m despondent. SoiiieMn\f iluiliiK thtt nl|(ht he wiint out to the ilrlvliix shil. t.x.k a num. put It nver a bxnni, plaood It aroiiud IM-. M.- W with a slip knot. Ill* win found him linnuiiiK mrly y<Mtonlay morning. Life hml gone some time. ,11. I I.. .... I. ..n Ottawa. June 3. The C.P.R. bill was amended by the railway eoni.ultusi yes- nUy fipuiiKliit; the clause to pormlt tho btilldlnR of a line from Koxton, fan., to a point iifur Slfton's landing, on the rout side of l^iko Manltohn, nn the irround that idis line parallulel Mo Kenzlo, Mann tc Oo. 'a. l*en* f, .ri ,,i ... ...i Oar* More. HiitTalo, N.Y.. June U. An agrtmrnunt was nvn'hwl yesturiliiv morning l^tween nuniinltifes of tin i -ii ikltitf frciuht hand- li.rs nnd thn einiilovi-m. 1 lie a^i,'..nmi t, was r:ititll later at *.par:it.- nutctlug* of l,i .in. i and honwnien, and the meo fou<tl to return to work this morning. A German newspaper tells a nice little story about a ptx>r Muuuilre** of Cologne nd KiilM-r Wllhelm. Th* woman, find- ing her tewing machine out of service, uiUli-cHMt-d ii |u-tiiloti to him, pointing out that khe sorely needed a new one to help her tu earn her living, and a few days later wax greuily surprUed to receive from the emperor a I, run new muchine. Impurities m thr HI iod . When the ac- tion of the kidiiris tx-coiurii impaired, iiniiiiriiicH in tlie blood ar* Hloaost sure to ft 11 >w. und ff ner.il derangement of the sv fin t-iiHiirs. I'armelre'ii Vegetalilg 1*. 11. will regulate lh kidneys, so t..i ti,f, w .11 umiutain licallhj action aud nrevpiit the (c.npMialioiia which certaiu- Iv .!.' . i,fn mere i dernnxeaieut of in.--* I.. ..1 hy orifani A a restorative t i.f.e p. lit ur* in the first n.uk. A r. . . Pla. Haggard Johnson has a peculiar prac- tice. He write* memoranda on the walls and doors of bin ottire H.itrlet I h.tt nothing. I know m man who write* all duy long in his *htrt sleeve*. I BKUKViMINARIVs LINIMENT will ears sv*ry <* uf U.plitn.-r-n Msa. HktBis BaaMm. I BEI.IEVB MINAKDS LINIMENT will pro- due* jfruwtli f ..air. msuej . i' i. I Uss. Cn. ANUKBSOI. I BKI.IKVS UINAIIHS I.IXIllE.ST U ths bf-t i o H. ii,,ld i.iii,-,!.. .,ii earth. lUv . i .Ulf . i HI Ci /, U .t UHUL4S roLCT. An Kr* i. v Indware. "John, you must buy ma ice chest before the weather geu hot." Now you jukt wait, Maria; maybe the folk* that move in next door will have one big enough for lioih famillom." I was pale und weakly for year*. Mil- ler's Compound Irun I'ills brought about a change. THE DOCTORS FIZZLED The Peculiar Case of Nova Scotian Lady. Th* 1 ronbl* lire*.. IB a Swdllvs; f the His; 1 ". Which S|,r-.J to All fart* ! lh llo.li liu. 10.. lould Not A. . ..u for th* 1 ...ul.i.. and Their I ...i.ol I" ! M. r N .......l From the New Glasgow Rnterprls*. Ixtch llr.n.m Is a picture-quo farming hamlet Kitunlrd nlmut three miles from the t-i n of I'ictou. N.S. In this hamlet. In a < sy f.iriiihoiist. lire Mr. and Mr*. 11,. -tor MrKmnon. A few years ago Mrs. MeKiiiii.ui was taken with a disease that l>n//.lnd eeveral doctors who attended bar. It wa* grnerally known that Mrs. Me Klnnon own! her tiltlniate recovery to f.snl health to the u*o of Dr. Williams' Tink 1M1U for 1'ale 1'cople. and a reporter of the l^itcrprtso Ix-ing In the neighbor- hood called upon the lady and asked her If ho had any objections to relating ths ]utrtlciilar* of her illnr-.* and euro. Iti.li-wl I have not," replied Mr*. Mo- Klnnon. "I think that tho*e who are ruml owe It to the medicine that brings them hack to health always to say a good vt.ir.l for It My trouble apparently had an inoignitlcunt itartlng point It cam* on with a .welling In th* big too. accom- panied by Intense pain. Gradually th* Dwelling extended to my limbs and then to HIT whole body, accompanied by pain which mad* my life a burden. A doctor was culled In, but he did not help me. 1 hen another and another until I had four different medical men to nee me, one of th.. in th* moit skilled phy.ician in the province. Yet my can*) neemed to puzzle cverv one of them, and none of them gave me more than the merel temporary re lief One doctor tid the trouble wan In- flammation of the Kin.- Another said U was aggravated sciatica and gout. Th* other two nailed It by other name*, but whutHver It was none of them helped me. Ilv thi* tun* I had gut so low and weak that I .-.mid not lift hand or foot If it would save HIT life, and no on* expected to >. m* gut better In fart th* doctor said if 1 *ank any lower I could not live. A ud .let here I am to dy a* well as ever I was In my life. While 1 was at the lowest a mlniiter rallmt to v* me and asked why I .h. I not try Dr. Williams' 1'iok nils 1 had tried HO many remedies and hud K|x-Mi no many dollars In medlcln* that 1 hardly thought It worth while to experiment any more. However, 1 wa* jicr-n.uled to try them, and after uing a few I..H.-H there was som* improvement. By tho time 1 had ut*d adoiun boxe* I hud left my bed and was able to move around, and after a few more boxes I was again perfectly well and abl* to do all th* work that fall* to the lot of a farmer'* wn'n All thU 1 owe to Dr. William*' I'tnk 1'llls, ud 1 th nk thnt after what they hav* done for m* I am just I tied in recommencing them to others." Dr. William*' Pink Pill* five new life and richnuM to the blood and rebuild shattered nerves, thus driving eut dli>ea>e due to either of thcwe two cau*>*. and thl* menns that they effort a cure In a large percentage of the trouble* which ^IML- mitiininiL Som* unM'rupuloiiii dm lei-- in ]K>ne on the public uniiaiion* of this grc.%t metlicine. Th* genuine Dr. William*' Pink ar* never sold In bulk or by the humlrwd or ounce, or in any form except In the company'* boxes, the wrapper around which Ixwr* the full trade mark. I). Will ..i.i- I'ink I'lIU for Tale Peo- ple " No matter what th* color of any pill offered In any other *haps It ts bogu*. The** pill* cure whvn other medicine* fall 6ENDRON NATIOfSJAL. THE BEST FERTILIZER KNOWN RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Lands and makes the Best Lands BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. t3TAGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS COT, TORONTO, ONT. J. J.Vipond &Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corr>s|>onili'ii N.I 1 1.- 1 1 ,.,1. Adi.inc-cs M nl- on C'oT MONTREAL. COLD, SILVER AMD COPPER MINING STOCKS. I am a member of the uewly eMablUM* STANUARO MINING EX- CHANGE ami hav some att -active i mill. Silrr and i'<>|>|"T <u< L on hand. I deal in British Colu nbia. Ontario *"<! Republic --"'- M r favor te just now .-in- M rnon. Winnipsg, Noble Five, Derby : : . Golden tar, Republic Lo .o Pine, Princess Maud, Reindeer an.i Jumbo. I havi- ri'cent in' >n nation rei in\ . t.. the l.nt five l>|nili!n' |ir"| Arties. Phoeii.- - HARTCY PARKER, !">< Broker. 1 Adelal.U S K I r ..t. 1 .lrlt I .... l .lion*. Immlgmnt .* ' In I am In ' America. A m N .lo pr.-t.tv n . . a he pli in th u -.-. . Native Y -, un. <> >'* 111,1. ii ..'i. r... ..i.i. 1'roudleigh My father. TOU know, wan a MeinlxT of c'ongre*i, and IK. Sinnick That's all right, old chap' 1 il in* tv von 11 bo ubla to live It down A e back for 50 rents. Miller's Kidney Pills snd N.t ml All U..fclnl. Flrrt 8weet Thing Do you believe he really means business* S*v-ond Sweet Thing I'm quite *ur* of It. love All his present* ar* *uch very useful articles. There are so msnjr cough medicine* in th* market, that it l* sometime* difficult to tell which to buy: but if w* had a cough, a cold or any affliction of the throat or liiriKv We would trv Hickle'n Ann CoiiHtim|)tive Srrup Tho*e who have uiied it tliink It U far ahead of all other prepHrMtion> recommended for such com- plaint*. Th* littl* folk* like it as it 1* a* pleasant a* yrup. N*w ru. ini M.tk Teacher Can any of yon children toll what an interrogative wntenc* i*? l'atv (confidently V Please, mam. It's on* of them sentences you always pnt an ar after How's This ! W* offer On* Hundred IVillan r*wsrd fet n Y ca* of Catarrh that rsunot k* cur*4 by HtU'sCsUrrh Cu-r F. J. OHENET ft <'.) . T*l*do, O W*. th. an.leiv.Knml. k*v* ka*w* r. J. ('honey f*r the lot 1$ rear*, sad kcllev* him prfeetly honorabl* In all bualufw trana.-tlonB and financially abl> to carry eul any *bli(a tlent ni. I. u their Arm. WisTftTmal x.Who)**al*DraaM*, Toledo, O Wti I.IM. KIVMK ft sftsriK, WhoUsal* DTUK- *ii, Tolpdo, O Hall ' Catarrh Cur* in taktn internally , actlnv directly upon the blwxl and muuou* *urfac*( of the T*tetn. Test mi.. nlai* Knt fr*. Prlo* 75c ptr boille. Sold I" all hrngni^ta. Ethel I wa* tickled most to death when he ktwed m*. Maude Oh, what a nice) muitach* h* intut hav* had. T.. ... i .>"! - . "Ton need a long ret this summer," snid th* doctor, thouc'n tullj. "In nocir- oumstance* must you attempt to go K. any summer r. .rt." I can ent well, and my dtgewtlon I. good. Miller'* Comp .nnd Iron Pills did II. A I ii t u- liiri '. Idea. Willie \\hii in. Ac- ' M .Ion growl .pf Winnie --Oh, 1 gu. s i c * .me of the* married d"". On Arrount. Crlmsonbeak When I visit ray old town i alway* pay a viilt to mj old laud latly. Yeat Wall, I luppo** it's only right you should pay h*r something, old K Had lo .....! Bonnd the k*/< . nnl t-^'nnit th* dr Anil loiitll- II, ,1 ih trumpet Anil telt thf hint inu man, "If yoa dun t hkt- it. CnlunipU." PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS Tb H.l M..I- .i,.l lor < i ..... rorlKHUTT fli>\ ( o . lilt 4 I r<>RI>. WCASLlTEELE A BRISTOL, J 1 ;- 1 ; JT * .>.,.. M ... , ,. l .<'. tt^ it .. Writ* VS. HAHILTO*. -.. * M. CeleM BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO MINIM K i \v i N v CO.. tlB I'ttloa Kltlo*i Arc4%tl*. I orotito. PAINT Fights off the hot sun, preserver the house, beautifies it a. well, and gives satisfaction if you use Ramsay's HOUSE PAINT BARN PAINT ROOF PAINT All dealers have it. Ask for card or tend to us and w* will tell you wh<re to fet ft. A. RAMSAY & SON, Montreal VA1NT VUM Kv NATIONAL BINDER TWINE THE BEST im OFFERED W 14 karat < Id iti-ll. for t>ltk*r lady or genilfinan. Only a .iinilfd quan rv left order I-M .! ii i* || .old. NA- TIONAL BINDER TWINE > *d*of n * led Man ,* Mr-nip, ,n d u ft to th pound t TWINE AND PREMIUM GUARANTEED. l|onr t*>fU'Mlv*d if mm hue r i ! *t*vti%tfwA Kf t it t fc* h and ylvt full ippiu,, direction*) \ddrM NATIONAL FARMERS GO. TORONTO. T \ V. VZt GOLD PLATED. S'S. I . HI wfct.-h. ! ft-ud vita jwlld AvMrMnn M^tft^ Mtttn,M<l llml Mft/TVBI t (1|.o-l otiKWllua. *< 7f tohf.it I r.Hnt yufk .M-V if nr -/fill . Ml ii . in. i thi Me* In . ^irMrniH, * fcH* -! t i i* . . c r ( fcT MRS. M. E. HOLMES. rhm came more terrible ooen muffiVd rrauui and confnard noise*i. then jo*t before her she saw two men, one utter- log faint cri*, while the edier's mrme were wound round him. grmspini; hjui rJU h* amok ta the ground and lay CHAPTER L Alice! Alice! ALae'. The ehritl tunes i-ntnuuded Ac chill .-v.iuiu; air. Tliey reached the ' are of a s>ri reodtus. curled up In a' eori.er of .|<-nt-d old barn. At the n:ury toaes), *he cloned her! book witfe i sii.'h, and mine *tow!y. j saade her way to the Onp-Udder that led fron. tin- .-*ni to die yard. A wonviu stood herea, coane. *tout wirh mrm* akimbo. ave you he<>n, idle Tmtmrut yea !"!" *he cried loudly, ma the | (ivl crept ilt.vm die ladder. "In ttie bam," Alice ananrered. "In the burn, iad.--j: I'll have tJi-.t 4**r !o-ke,: that I will, or else Til know the n-.m-.n why. Do you think I've tt aothmc '.> d but keep J<*i f ' mad dri-uk to let you idle year days C*> '.srh. ma you like? If yoa do, you er ietaV**! finely, I ceo tell yoa." Alice etuod eilent as the aagry wo- *a*n acoid.-d oo; her small hand* W.T duped rigtitly top-Cher , m mute lo>/k -m* oo her pale fmce. "What do yoo want me for?" ahe asked at last. Tbe wotnsn ceased. N>vr hefor* In her r"ui'inl.rance htul Alice taken ht*r **al<hoc *> 'inietly. oo y.mr hat. and carry me thi :et up to Mrs ' In-y at dve <~>sti' it oght to have be*n there this h.nir pe*t." "Tb the Cade," faltered Alice *hi~tk:ag tack, "to-night? Oh. Auut Urtha!" "What, are you frigtiteoed ?" eni.1 in. Martha Br.>wn with mo an-n-y *M-h. "What are you fit for, A Tour head's jut stuffed with mil Ouo-wn*f > ..i i :ia iet out of books. Off with you! Here'* the basket." "It i* no dark," murmured rhe f-'. letting h'T irrent eyes wander from the yard to the Inserted country lane, then there - Mi.im"i'< Oriff to pa**." "Well. -hnt of it?" asked the oth-r. faster. HIST tlt>wn the ba*ket-Md vigor* - ly. " ' wlv-re a madman p>. ad to I: - '-. Dved men do ao hatn. you poor '.!!" Alice -.! -Mere.!, hut there waa no ru uf un-rcy in h>r aunt's face. "i Jive m-> the bucket." ahe said wt-l haly. "Any uiessuije?" ".V i :. j.iii auk Mr*. Grey WTI-T i *h a-iuiti. Hi* uru lot of egrs. N . v ' **> | : there's ttve boy'* ii| (>-r t* (rt. sud I'm worked to death." ( AJi.'e tnr'.-d aav without a w.T'l. ; Cot pulled h'T -'jn jacket ei'v-w J It'ond her ipple younftr figure, for ''v (truck chilly, mod ter>n.'.! He' - were a tanked ouuw :<f he hiirrted i',xi<: anjter and wemriTMo** f npirit. us 'u-r mind ruTn-d to her s"nt, rader who-.' .t*rr she had lived ev r loot *b.< ' -.iild leniember: di*mp[> Mot ;f ' -\s '< beeutirul story in ker Nn..k. .f the dark, Unn-iy tii u iiit-ii grew trremter at every st.-p he tvmk. "Oto, if Siiiii were only hereT she ~.ai'l ; to herself as *be liurried oo, nut dartu; to flanci* t<. -li.- n^lit .>r the left for r.iir of wcing phnnt.mi forma her vivid ioi- tion Mip(*lie-l. was one o' the flarm-help*. Under any .>thcr .-InMinuitance^ A' : .-e boasied htm. but now she would have welcome.! him with open arms." She lett the lane, and approached an fen wamte ,f hin.l. It w* th" .lrt-a.le.1 Mnjmsn's PHft. \ tiidden break in the road : h.'e.| steep incline and chaxtn, Vwn wlkich the unfortunate man nli.. g-f tux name to the spot had *oiii;ht hi death. Akre crefit towards (he dreaded place, .niverinit with fear. AhrmuKti m*ju out of her childliohl, he suil lived in a world at fmiriea. evil pirits. am) i>hantioaie. AM she rtole throuicti the duk. with her pmle r:i<- Deeping- frnta beoemxh 'hf 1 * of i^Wdea curia, hor emmll h.ui.l erotctuji; the aak*t ma if for support. he look.il almoat fairy hereelf trmngie frail flower to boiooc to m> ct*.re aad commoti a wosaan aa the armer's wife she railed aunt. to . All *e viltare girl* regarded this i al>. tcuder fi-mture with i-ootempt. Sb" was so hite mod poor-looking benide heir bux.*n oharms tit for nothing bite Intm Alice h<v.lej not tfceir cootempt I ' would hare been hftppy widi bee bcJ e-l fck, but ahe had a hard lift. n. et c<J,liii^! fraaa Martha Brnwn, je--i Crora the ho.vs aud msudH abotnt tin- ) mmi for h.-r atriUise qutet way, heavy work for her youoc hands, wh ' h brought Che tu oi'teji tx> her bemiitf'iil ye* and Hub frwm her loceiy heart. When work was over and she " i.~ lone in h-M. she turned eace aiare to ; her beloved books, nnd her mind wa* crammed with weird soorm of kni*.'!) t* od chiv*,L-y that pleavied mad e\ xi Mr. She crrt* past the Madman'* Dri't ckmed eve*, mod rave a sigh of boo *he wma once safe awny (ran it Her rui< ached, her limbs rrovrjhU>.l with her ex^tement aud exertion, .-i-i.l h*t Htev* KP-W alower me stie euti*red ('< wood w h.. h led to th back ot nhe Onntle. Suddenly, a* her heart waa growing lore -<et'->l. it gave one leap into hr wiiih; ehe clutched her basket, stnj- genil te a tree, mad trtcm waited and atroed. The rapid thump, ttouup. of her h.-art was th* ouly avund la her ears at first; AJiif. inning aralnet tree, em w all this, yet it seemed to her like a hide-na *Ve*vm; ebe w** cold and lick almnet ta Jeneh. Her ba*kpt slipped from her . arm ehe had no power to stop it and ' Ml with a i-ri-ii. au-sng tile SMn w4io wse toopinx >v-r the body to start. irtt*r a load .-ur-,-. then, stride toward* her. Sh* had *nly tiaie to oaten a fleedasj drmpee ot a .lark fmce. with cnnl eyes, hut with mnger. a torn collar, sod marka of blood oo his cfceek, to hear hi* low hurried words. 'A irl. by all that'* ex- at-rable!" mnd sbe loet ail t-emembraavc-a, her eye* doecd, her head dropped, mat! he fell into hi* arm* in a swooo. "'md," murteml the man aa he alae> ed her ffen<iy oa Oie gmund: "she w41I kmrw nothinf. aa for yon. poor **!. " movMis; buck te the pmerrate ferra ft ta* maui, "VOQ here (erred my pnrpoi** -rm-t-siice for whu* I have waited leag baa name at !aet. Ah. you aaove." He bent over the man aad listened the miitteree! word* froot between the pile lipe. "Eiuitjit'e give me your hand, I do nut befce-re it. Tou will not take sir hand! What ehe i* faiae y*ra say ytMi villaio you black-hvejted *rouadr| Oirnt that! Gend J.*.i: he i* deaa! Eu*ta<-e (peek to me apeak he i* ded I have tard<*r>d him." Ttie listener roee: there was a iiaiuea light on hi* fmce. "Wha-t!" he wbiwpered to himself: 'tl*) t-.iuU* it waa hi?) hnnd. Could mnytkta*; l>e bertHT? He do' even renK-moer me. Stay, let m* think <tt*i is delirium: it may pas* when be wikes to his me*. I must impreew thia belief *a hin bcnin by *rroo.*r evi.leot.-e. The dtA di ea not move. < iood in oo* omeut uiore." He g*mnced round, and stole ttvrongh the hedge. In few *MX>o>is. a curtoos tiund might have renohed the ear* at the two Jeot forme, but they were dtaa. Th m&n emerged ajrain, he waa drag- giag omednnK w-ith dinVtilry: it wma m body, Hie misty bsht of the noon *hrie on m dead fmce oa a limp immainuue form. "Now." amttered the worker, "now mil I* complete. Eitarac* River* i* deud dead by rhe hand f hi* friend Roy IHrreil : tliere m evidence enough t dnmn an angel, and he will die for (t. Now I tan-it be i^ne: he moves agaia, and the girl will awaken. So, Bru -e lardyne, yoor revenge i* eowpl..re." ll>* stole gratly away, mnd jmdnaKy the form ot the rrmn he had called R..y IhkrrHl mwved from th* ground, wirh ttemblinc hand* he raised his wenk hi dy to m kneeiinc pe>nioo, theo let hia even, dared wkh ftuutneB* mod horror. wnd>er round. They reared en the figure of Alice with wonder and x-nrce cempreheoatoo ; then thev moved slowly on till they reet 1 oo the deed nan. aad with a ahud- der of hormr he o>vered a*s fmce wiob bin hmada and groaned aload. "It ia ao *ream: it ia *- horrfNe tnith! i Hi. Eusra<<e, my fneod. my alitumt brv*rher. dead, snd by my h:uyd!" His himree whM|x-r fell en A ear* She w*e rerveriog. Si- helped hen-elf to riae by the aid f the tree, theo learned agmiaat it. faint mnd weak, to try and thiok. Her basket lay unheeded mt her fee*. She teemed yet to he living In a hfde-aue niehrmare. till Itraking round, her eye* fell oa ttie kneeling miaa mod the dem4 body. She tittered fsint *rie4t. mad ia *av otaer momeat Ruy Parrell waa *taatd- ing before her. gierrn*; into her fac*. "Who are you?" he meked. homraeiy. "Where do you come from? Anawer mt once!" "I mm .\Jlf-? Pornton." gapped rmttM* than spoke the girl. "Oh, do not hurt uie, ar' I wa<> mi my way to rh- < 'a-'le for my moot, wheo, A ben * Her voice faltered. lie irmaped her bam). "What?" he demanded ho*My. For m o-oment a ttaah of joy wwrrt through hie Blind. This girl might hav* eea the fatal Mow etrtick. the haad that took the life ef ha* friend Eustace. She might have seen that phiuitDat. third form that haunted hi* memory. "I aw you trtiffirliag wWi thnt man," Alic-e laid, speaking aJmoet with *if- Hitilty; "yoiir rmx were round him: yt>u threw him to the rrmm.I. Th<>a yo cum* to me, ymi mrd snsDethJng t me. mnd I don't Teme^tlx-r what else. I ut have tainted." The man rrieNed her mm with a rrxxin. He m.>ved with alow step* to tr.e deed body. "Eustace." he xniil in tnnee of acufe gooj. "my friend forgive me. God have nuTt-y! I was mad SKI I with your wnsMs. T.xi rned me 90 bitterly but I would give uJI thnt I hold dear tn> li*-ten to them frotn your lip* agtiio, for then yuu would live; now" he slowly, -Kill gazing st the dos.l "Now. you will never (penk again yoa re dead and I have killed yea!" ae rew bnck and Jexned against a tree, ttwo BtaneJ audilcvily "and they will trace this back to me. aad I iwi.id W- - he hmng^l ciMiiMinn murderer! A I>arrtHI oo the -.itTultl! Oh, ssxilaxr. f arrive year sea!" Alice stooe iti aneajca. It wae uigrit tun.- now; th* moon had naeo, and w shuiin*; dowa in ailver ray* oo the etraiitre urerie. The girl forgot evrylhant ia th flood of pity that cmoi ever her t she watched the remorse of the UMLD. The Ulenens of the hour, the fsllea beaket. her ruiastoo. her auot'i mnr > T mil were ewept away a* she 1-x her eye* teet oo him *tmndinf with hand* deape*] together, mud white hacgmrd face. Hi* Up* m*Tp<!, * *Tje coolel hear him murmur from time to time: -Murder! A Darreil banged for mur- der! Oh, that I could have died before I brought ths* ehnme on your head, mother! For me life henceforth wUl b* dath. for there is blood ao fay hands, but for you, mother, tr U different, and there m no escape. 1 * He glanced round in the agony of hte mind, mad a eudden thought seemed r ,-r<u* to him: he moved to her so rapidly that Alice ehrank back. "Do not shrink frova me," he muttered I pnessonately: "but apeak to me. Let ne know th* worst at once. Were you alone when when death cam* to him, or were there ethra with yon?" 'I was) alone." "You ewear it?" "I swenr rt," Alice mid. meetinf; Bl* eye* brnveiy; "few people woold come tide way by night." she added oftly. tv'irhed by the siieny in hta face. They fear the path tjoo muc-h." "But your "I waa sent oo a mesmge to tfce hotuw>k"per at th* Omr!e." "AA! r*> they know yt.ir*l cotntag?" Ahce -Jn->k her head. "I think not." H..v I>n-il atood immovaril*. hs* fnc* M-.uii-hed wich the btirdeo f hi* nomyw. C.Jd peraptrmcioo nrickled down his hag- imrd cheek*. Wct.'hmg him that, the memory of that otti<Y fmt-e that had been riefnea bar ju*t as she fainted -sss* to Alice. "Yov are aet mrk." she *mid mlmoat Invoiuntarly. Ife turned. "What do yea Bieo?" he gmeped har- rietlly. A ray of awonlich* tnnched Mm glinting hi* warm hrowa hmir mad gold- en mouBtmihe. "V.Mi l.^ked er> dark before." the girl mid slowly: "and yea, I mn ore of H. riiere was blood oo yoor cheek: you have Done) now." K.-T irra^ped her hand. "<",d hl**a you!" h* armored faint- ly: "wh >ever you .ire. yoa have dnvs me the irrearefit bl^ng a hnmaa <*re>v tiire -an dp for aoothar yon hare takeaj a Uid rrom my henrt. m weight of dend* ly pain from my head. I wa* ns-ht. there wna maother bot how did h* come? Where ia he now? Tell me cmin." he cried, turning tr> her wiftiy, "h wa* not my f-e you saw." Alice looked at him steadfastly; she ws* jrr-tng faint and ill with the hor- ror of rhe ecene, but she forced herself to epeuk. "It w:i not yon." she answered with a ahudder of rem<*mbraore: "it was dork, cruel face, -i:h eye* that looked i beaat'a. ni:.l Liootl oa hi* chaek. I | cnn se* him plainly m>w." r rejt<i<ied her hand, and coreL-ed I hi face wh his .<wn. 'What can I .:.'.' He I* gone, mnd ' I muaC bear ** i-ratlty of thia crime. Thev know w.- ramrle tocexher: th.-y wil nnd h. s.-'y : they will bring t.ix murder home ta in*, mod she will sw*ar oae n death'" Alice !t*nrD*d. in.l ;m^ed .'.! ritufer* oa h.-r lierirt. What will h.-> !.. to ^T"l. "To y.Ht. coOd? w.inl will go nothing to save m grni-ed. dMioonred "I >ie"' ,-ne.l the irirl. "Oh. n. no. Yini miwt m>t. They win not do this. I vt-UI not apeak." re wre going to Neatiey; I mn*t pot* on there now. Can yoa join me early? We will be married at the re- gwtry office, before before thia aex 1 !** may be discovered: it is a herd thing ta msk yoa, but life or l.-:h hangs in the balance. Will you be there?" "I will be there," repealed the girl, "early." "Now we wsl pert for a time," Ihe aid. slowly, "and God bJetw you Bar AJice rnrmed away: something urs->d her to look back as she left the wood with fimlterng ^ [W hi er *h* VxTiing: but yo^r n>**. Tnere i* I shall die a das- 01 HOW OO YOJ 00 ' m ' Ol.i I or Oh. -> >tiupl. "How do you "Cuaaeat * va?" -W*s gf-ht e* aenar One augrit have a different set < phruiMa for the tongue of ea* *>aa p--ent at the tirne of the coa- fusutn of toaguea, and yet would the etitie be the same, rhe cordin! :ntiente<l query aa to the iture -if bein.- .f Ae peraoa met and grcvted. It ia "he law of oourteav that hn.la good .11 v\**r race ef peopie on the vmrth thitt ch(.*ir firat eiure-wed uirtt-iy on m-'uif a friend *h*J )>e ae to b:> health. The question > majUy p uet by ra* nine words rreai the penon addrenye-l, mnd the* there i* SOUK- sort *f ed.! nnd*f<itn.1tTisj *y which <>ne or til* orr makes maswer snd :t ui of dit-ae newer* uhst c.itnrlsmt i* unjustly tmde: if fault then- lie in the matter H " t the 4><w i>f tie que-rtiooer. ' >h. how people bi.re mr --11 ng TI ef their wtn-*." "I fairly lite rhat Mrs. H U *J-av* grow uitf *'mut her The r*t rhst..- Mr I - - - ever wtien I meet him is rh. dima-e k.U him. I wt*ai Why will i>-- BBfortunate fnnl with cy eC thfir llieae re jut '-w *ampl- *t Mie expresasno we g-ve onr srrowing reeeotmt-nt *t re<-<-iving s eaeoplaiiits whenever we to a fnend. T*e fa i 1 ' He* ;'! .-n the ther ade. we fh'.nk. ...nd ye- . fv the rm-.^. - we have broiif!" 'he li..:. ourselves. I* the i iog we deiibeniTelv. fnl!t>winc a that W lmo*t * *!- 1>w ' I.ONVENIENT COW STALLS. intiti,- n.-. it-en Wki.-b Pnvrmem May I r-,-: I ..r TkvtaaPlvv*. G?t.r-H E -^cutt liesYhbt* in Hoard'* Dmr>njan a cow HtaU which bears hi* UMIIIH While Fin. 1 (fives a perfect rear view Fix - will explain nivr* clearly th>- -i. in section and measurement*. The platform. A, is made of 1 inch oak. duo bled and joinw broken, with a tail of twu inched, and U tf fet 6 incbsa will make yon. Tonr know of your w-riik through the wood. Ton must speak." "Btu." tnurr!iiir.Hl AHcv. wWt with hiTTor poor cfciM! h-r atreuytii mouKii fast going "but that otter; I will *U of him." "It will W tuwtem. Wh*r ( he? No: be," pointing r> the stU. ilmd ftx-tn. and sinking he* roicv to a and I wrt Mend*. We bad I->'Tyone knew there wu a cuid between no. Teu MW a erng*i*. H* litm murdrc*L I shall be oooTioted." Aiic smiLk back :i^nins) a tree. Slve hd no thonsht ao of sugfet hot t*e hnrror ef the IW taint nail at a ctock *ti4kLng r*xi**d ber "It is iretring bite." she mid. g4anc- Img at hint, staading with stmkeo tasd. "If I ds> not go. thev will sratt to look for am*. Ot. wtimt -n I 4o? Do D>< lot Asm niaJt*) me spelt. I cnanot koit to ttilmk of tt; it is so terrible'" Roy PmrreiJ Ux.ked st tier tkun. pal* face, oat *s* wkico her grcmt eye* *<* like *tmn. "Poor abJI4! ynu cj) do mtttMn*; uottung," he emid slowly : abn. a* if a my of ligtit had ocoie t*> him. a* obeck- ed (u*k*eif. and .Irew a deep bmirja. Yr*. *> I* <me wmy." he smld thicUv "one wsj you oma heip me aot for -ny- self, but floe my Bioi^fT. t mm inno-it of this crtra*. I know I feel if. Oh, for OM .iiBtmnr'B cie.Lr memory! But all in dcnee mn*l mir I tniict have- been RluuiuM. for I cna revoilect nochirjK. SOTO thmt I kovw The di^ith blow did not com* Arum me. Hnt nil in dark ag*>in*t me. I stall be cmiv.-rod. My naocher will s\uUt beneti ti.. horror nnd tti*> .lls> griice. You are the only witoeo*. Yoo can B,T me if " H gmaped h<-,- si.i.rfer left hmnd. "Too mr free," he tuurnmred. "U m grewt fbs*. bit " "WUu*T<r it IH. 1 will do lt.~ Alice kid la m dream. "I am in your hsui.N.'* "A wife om* give no evidence agejmit her hiMbmad. Wisi you bocom* my . wife?" AHc*> *tng]rered back, Mu*h gather- ed for D instant on her cbeek, the* her ere* fell OB hi* haggard, moxioii* fmce, oo tt>e *bUl, J-n,l b<xly. mod terror baoWied all other :'.H.{'ngH. "I will." abe mnjrwered "nrlWy. Roy DnrreU bent snd kisoed ie rM's hand; * hud sicken the word* oh U i gave him hop* and life. "Lot me tfctuk. ' he amid. homoOly; wiH long for a cow weighing 1.000 pound* ml abonld be aurraspondinglv longer or ntiorter MS tho weight of Uie cuw may (n What sre I ill. ' tew pnn t * do? ' e r nrw - - mrt rfait thev ah... !.! roll <i of \ may have t I. ' ->.-igs. "tit < sent 'iths -he inn - ' ** turk* went rn> a r"'"' < Two the day beft-ce. -r .lomir i.' '*' ooking it hone. be-aiie rtie irri has loft U :rt OnVBB* for *ver<.-.U-ng ifie fsct that on* 1. , *ve rtiinr* t* No. * fault is in the question. W* ought to si.rre* pe-^iw ! -T.TWitly tf we only mtid to In 'in* wlili tri.~ -ho kwigh. nnd it 1a e n i!v msnsee.1. Why not f> "t> ** yvxir rriend snd maT: "I'm .1. -lighted o s-e v..n. -> r I* a pleasure," or my nnr ef hmdnd poanble forms ef rre-tinj ?isf TO" ,-oniil ti:nl ilstead "f the <>(.'. td and rewJj injurious ph">" aa TO i It a not eiagremPtng the stnK- ilfmir* t nil to say th: rtii queenoo s* to the sts'e of every orw's health or PMing* is injurious. It hurt* haas par>tM sJike: it poiis tbe S- ne*B ot -.he Amy. a4 <t i* - urtfiil. o. st lenst. sy anr -r i i- vss.^o 4i'tvr. l>ier is n.>rh.ng *o bad in this world for aybo?T a* t* brood or coaominKy ipenk of their *or row* or their mrhes. snd we .|I! know that if in a day w* meet three ar f<tr ea.*h aae of tiitm te4l n* ho bos throat, that w* are irjri:u<*d to tttink it i* epsdemic and .li*>orer *<-rtch im *4U- own throat before bud IUM. Ther* art people who ksve tfcmight over -sis sMUter an<l decided to get round eke busii in thi* way: "t)h! I a,w7* my. T very w-il. dutak*!' if may on* asks me. eve* '.t I'm mdy t drop!' says o* wo* ... mad ajHxiier remark* (ht *ri* an-rver* the 40*17 wilfj "ha tam "How d yoc do?" IB the trst the scheme ta *d. If yoa say V.MI Thi featnre nmT b* proTlded for by placing the fenciug. in front of the cow, nearer tuwmrd the ditch or farther away. or sometime* the ditch 1* run at aa angle or an offset at one end. bnt the former u by mil means the mu*t *mti factory Tbo feed tmngb. B. la raised by ran ing two 3 by S tnmjTs the entire letigth of the (table, making the trongk 18 inche* wide and 6 inches) deep IB at front f the .-ow Tbe stall* are 3 feet mcbtw wide from centers, and riartition* 4 feet bub and 3 feet 4 mchen lung at C Tb prieu. D. ar* 5 feet bigb. mid* from 3 by 3 studding, and tue nile<l ia tan ourner uf oaob feed box at F and 1 by 3 latb nailed to tbem fur the cow to eat hiy tnronpb and to keep her stand- !DK DMi-n to her diU'b. Tbe bH.vrack ut E ia IS inchee wid* n<l 3 teet deep to F. and u ipen with B men thwart. HO tiiut grain, eniulmge or any cat feed readiiy fall* throngta in:.' f.^-il Ixji The ditch i 11 mcbea wide and 9 incben deep on pl.r side and 7 mcbm at rear and u mad* bBulntely WHter tik'bt Th* latter fea- ture. along witb tb broken j. iiitsoa th platform, alwav^ innare* good smai- tatixn as with every particle of manor* ml liquid voiding wbure abnorbenti nil .ieotlorizera can be applied put* to* table in mbap* *o tbat it* caretaker cun ket-p it pnre and sweet witb attle effort and hare *onje place to take call- era into when showing bis beet cuw* witlKiit baring to pren'i and infix tb* vimt with an apology Any farmer. I t nnk. can erect thl* tall with the nee of a good sa w. hatchet, plan* and dinar* at trifling coat FIG. 11. and when once completed am positive tbat it will be* grest scarce >.f pride to the dairyman who ha* it in his bam. After four yearn of ase sn.l keeping cows confined fr. m funr to flv* monthe ob winter day and aigbt am abl* t* say tbat it I* a perfect stnU, and *ot only keep* tb* cow* perfectly clemo. bat bavH not seen e *tall thut give* the cow tnc tu much freedom fur her bend and body. vi ry wall whoa you are ill a.1 TT* at \ ur no arise; nooie '.-": .ou< *: e . 'ier H Tt'inat* f yonr family 10 axked if-r -ha ttt of Uie bmia* Ut.-r on perhaps, ui I, electing you miid your i . r : *x-u inn, i* m*t by tile auiazwi eirlanwir.'n: "Wliv. I mf 7. this Tn.ictiing anil W suid she wa very wll." ""';. waa she''" your rothcr mmy sn-wec- "'llien w*y omn't she do her ewu rmnd*'" No. it weu't A*> t* make a ml* t* ' wtwn ./ts* m ear* "How do TOU Jo?" tie whole itMag w shoiit s* seawhle is w**at ;w *riou*iBinded r>..*<...- s -.ike t* reainrk'Bg to *oh ocher "i ' ,-k a There % na evx-ape. If will IF* e. k rhi* sort ( bodo f|aenii>n they mi.,rt take th* cea- eiiueaoee. and they are bad. WMB for* Weartv*;. lew* i...i The army worm m ewentinlly a etitiDK insect, t bun Kb. it .it ten feedt npnn other planta and ia said to praftW oata to com, A Michigan (rruwer ban a wonderful late potuto. a* ynt tinn.-iiiieil, fur which it in claimed that i: ounbiDt** inure k:mj qnalitiea than any other potato, ctwka a* white is the whitest fionr. has a par- feet netted skin, m rnsset in color, hardy, handsome, prolific and a good keeper Irrigation s applied in some parta of the eaet. notably in New J.-t -..y and in the rice growinK iodugtry of tlm etuth. ia to be looked after as well a* w*tera imu'Htion in the invegtii'iitimin for which cungreas made an at.|ir,>|iriation and which will be nuder tile direction Ready mnde olt.thing, especially r.hoat o ( the Hon. Elwooil Mead, former state farnienrs Intended to b* worn next th* kin, should be oarefully washed N-f"r* wemrina; Uesldea the ditntter that they may ~mitntn iHnnarr nrrnii ae.iuired In the bomM ef tho worker*, therv sometime* *- 1st prvjiidielal sul<stAnci*s In the f.-ilirlcs theiiiM'lvea. Sample* of flnnnclt He hnv* been found loaded with chloride of zino. which would b* highly injurlou* to tho akla. of Wyoming Hard SbU Marrow i* a new variety of aquanh rwotuuieuded a* tb* beat for pies, canning or drying It in claimed by tome anth mtii thai the thick skinned. ,1 irk colored varie- ties of potato are low liable to *cab thaa.