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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1899, p. 5

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. MAY n i8gg THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mrri.i.Mi'HH * TOUNO Hanker.. Mar. dale no a iteneral bauaii* bu.iueae. Money loaned Jk a reasonable rate. (Jell ou as. Ag VANDUHEN. 1 t CUrk 5tb Uiv Court, Co OrT mer of MarrlM' Ltca. ConTvaoer inUry. Public. Auciiontn-r. UonT to loanod out & to per caul. Cbarge* uodrat. KI,K8HKKTO P O DKBT8 COLLKCTBD Tlio un kTMKiill'l It lnei'iH.1 to udartak* thn collactiou ot all klodt o( d*bu. ulM bougbt, uccouDts collected, etc. H N HKNDKHBON, FlMhcrtou TCHI8L.ETT FlMhcrtou Htatlon r ntniMter. Cou>uiluiou*r in H 1. Convey- %noer. Oo*&*. iuortaN. la od willi Trawa. MOIB.J to l.nd at 54 !r cent and up- r,U. Debti collected. Cbargei moderate RJ 6FBOUI.E Poetniaetrr, Fleehertoo ComtuiMloner la H. C. J., Auctioneer. Con Ve.ncr, Appraiser aud Money Lender U'l Ktate aud lunuraooe Aiienl l)e>l KOI. leauM n 1 will, carefully drawn ii kill valuatloDi inadeou rborter. urtlce. 'ii", !> I itu at luet ratve of iuternnt. <'") I u> attended to with promptnen .. low. Aent for Ocean Dominion 8tiuibip Company. A call eollolted. MMtKIUiK MC'KSl'Ei-A* Oovernment IIIICBI. Ilotrlli ot tlielil . New Verelnn. rinlelaite: U. t and Jubllen, For lin|(le per on, In pair* or mx al a time. K Mil.EAW fi-aor, lir. UtoiNia. AO U W ineeU every nut and third Monday In each inoutb. m .u-ir l>liie rooiu, C.rllo'l blotk. Kli-.lii'itou, e-tHpui. A.N. |j>.iiaril, MW ; A M <;HJOH. KecorJer; W. llell.uiy.Kinanci.r. VUlliDg bretur.n n-vlted PIUSCK AUTHTK I.OIXiK. No. S. A. A it. :n. 1-t-. IN the Uaxinic ball. Htrain't b .. Kleehertou, every Friday ou or before . lull B.OOU. K kJcliill, W M; W J * !niT, Secretary. POURT KLKHHK.KTON. I. O. K. tneete in V riiri.toe HI.N'k the Unt Friday evenlu la each iniintli. Violin* Krri>tn heartily welcome. C K.. H II Oyn ; K.8, K. Van- Duxu. B. LITTLE U Ueutiat, OialuaU University of Toronto and Royal College of Dvulal burgeonl. riesberton - Monday aud Tuesday of eaob week I> m.lalk - Thursday. Krl'Uy and Saturday of aeu .-. k. JY 1IAHHH \l.l. M L)H, DDR, I. DH Honor (ra.lua.te Toronto Uulverslty and Royal Uollt-ije uf Ueulavl Kurgeon.. Viiite rieehert 'in every Friday afternoon. TBeWDEMON 1> l> K, M D H. Dentlat of Tnronte (Ooll sledallati will vlalt Kleaherton pro fe i '*llv the firnt WedlieiMliy ot eacb iiioiitu arl Uiindalk the following day (Thursday.) DR. E C. MURRAY, I.. l> K.. dental Kurnon: I ia.liian- <.f Tiirnnto t'lllveraity and Hnyal foil. I.B of lirnul s.nii i> uf Uutar lo. OlBie- Cle>t.>n'a block. Klefttiel'too. Will viiil Kevrr.hani th lit and Itod Wd- nea.Uvx, ami Klmberley the Su.l and 4tb Wed- uee.'avt of each uioutli. JOHN W PKOHT, I, I. M llarrlater, Hollcitor Conveyancer, etc Offln Ni'Xt tn |i tuiii. <-. Hproule'i block, ITIejaberton. every Hatur ly aud court daye, N II . iw.'ii Hnund office, Floats block Poulnll atreet aaet. LI i AS. win. HIT HATHON lUrrlxtern tvilicituri Conveyancers, ete Offloiin Owen Sound, Out ami MarkdaleOnt. WH Wniimr, C A llaixiv I II Li-raa N H I li-ahertou office. Mitchell's Hank very Saturday. TfCKKll A I'ATTKHKON llarrUtfii, Holicitors, ete Molaoua Hank. Owen Round tSAHI'.Y Q I I i hi K HIM \V PATTKUriON MACKAV * SAnPSOrt. KarrieUn. *s oKr'HI.-, : iiweu Hound, Merchant'! nk liii.t-k, N if I'atl.irKoti llouee. Uuudalk, slain -M i t. every Hktunla>y. A i. .L.TKAY. MA. II K. HAMl'HON. L.L.U, Cinwii AlLu-ui*y fur tirvy. iilnhral DH III TTON M I) v: M. M C P A 8 i int. Prlcevllle Office next door lo llrown'a .tore; nmltlonce nmio.ii. HI tlivolil |in.i ..Hi.-... i.-Hiden.-H i.r lute Ales Hi. .*u. Office day. I'uusdaye aud Satur- day.. Dlt C.M I , II M C r * s Ont. rhv'lclan, Hnnrtntt. eU Plrdii'it .11 oin<-u Htraiu'l block. lle>lil.iice Mun-l.nw > Hotel The Markeid. Ce.reft.lly Corrected Ear. Wrrk Flour $380 o.i. 30 Co 30 Wheat, white (30 to 05 Wheat, red 66 10 (W Harley 36 to to Peas 66 to C5 Butter 11 - 11 Eitga fresh 10 <. 10 Potatoes bag 60 -o HO Pork 4 76 to 4 75 Hay per toil 00 to tt 00 Hides... 7 00 to 8 00 A Frlcbtlul Hlunjrr Will often cause a horrihlj Burn. Scald, Cut or Bruise. Hucklcn'ii Arnica Salve, tin- IK-SI in the world, will kill the pan, ud promptly heal it. Cure* old Sores, Fever 8<>re% Ulcers, HoiU, Felon*, Corn*, all skin rru|itiniiH. Hunt IM,- cure on earth. Only 25 i '.v a IHIX. Cuie Kuar nteed. 8>ld by all druggists. I * 5fc*^ Photos -TAKEN AT THE | Flesherton Photograph | Gallery 'ft are done in firit-cUm iyle and at lowest rate*. Si.c lal attention Kivrn tn copyinn. Kahie*' phutoi. a apecialty. Picture* frnie<l. MRS. BULHER W. BARNHOU5E t i ilrnvi thn attention of the Pul'lir t" I hi- fiillowiiiit : FLOUR IN BAGS < If all .si/.i'n and at Chuni> a* thi* nht>ap et. Special llnr^'tuis in 3 and 5 IUirt'1 lots. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. IM10 and COON MITTS nnrl I.KCC:. INiiS to -inli-r ami <>n Sliortcal Notice. WH. BARNHOUSE, Flesheron Just Arrived ! R Nicely fissorted StocK of TRUNKS and VALISES Axle(}rra<e H i i.i.'tn.lit l'"i^ > Wsiihera lltrteg' Mitts Sct I'ollnrs Men's I.rnthfr Dracee Whips and Luithe* HarincRH Oil Polish All kinds of harnoaii kept on hand nud nmc! to order. Everything in hnrnt-iui \Vm. MOORK JOHN A .-,('<)TT. M n Mi'inlii.r Cnllecil Pliynle. A Kiirteor" Oatarln liia.l.ntte In Medicine of Tnrnnie llMlU'i )'. l'clln^lii|i Diploma , PoSl londil- el>. Mo i inl H. linnl and llo>|'ltal. I'l.nai'n IM.ea*- -. "f e\, ear, noe and throat pi.-mll\ treatv.l ::, i.i. i rii .Maiwell.vlaita Feversh.Mn ii 10 >.i . i i JP 01 i Veterinary Hurgeon Oralutlu of Ontariii Vuterlnerf Cn'li'iin. Pe.ldeo-n aeoud door aouth went on Mar/ Klrnnt Thii ikreel raua, /reebyteuau Ulmreb. At tin- rci|iii'Ml of M*vttral lndit>n who know its virtuen wu havu iwcurt'd a sup- ply of tin- famuli* < Miracle Washing Compound |5 Win -li does your waahina while you rent A very Inrui* washing oau l> d.-nu in two hour. With tliin I-OIII)M, nnil thrro is No I II 1. 1. Ill .' of i lolll.-s No M. lUmi; of ulotheH over ii'^lit N havk-hrpnking wnithliiutril work THE: PRICE: I* very low : One c^tke, Hutticiunt to do u'i- wiiHhinK, for .'Ir. ; twiCHkim for 60, mi. I '.T>c IHT ilo/.-n. Will Ni-nd * trill riikt- hy uuil for 4 Full dir<-ctiona foi us,- *ccoin|iHiiy every cakr. Mony r- fuoil.-il if it iliMm not do all that is claimed for it. Aililn-m or cll nt. THe Advance FLESH RRTON Tr\e Poerr\ Roused Ger- n\any. The Mount Fori-nt Cn.ifedera'e saya: Mint people aru perhnpH not aware ihat the Trrsea recited hy Cwptain Ct>uhlau of the "RnUiKh," at the Union LeKti Cluh Unnuet in New YofK nernily, which, v. nli his speech have KIVI-I. oll.-i,. i- to Oeriuany, were written r.y a former resident of Mount Korwit. Their author was " A. M. R. Gordon," a Scotchman, who wan fiigitg"d tut editor of the Mount Koreat A>hix.-t at one time, and died in Montreal some month* ago. He AM originally ii ulergynwn of the 1'res'iytt-ri an church, and ;IMIIIU il the IIHIIIO of Gordon after leavinif the church. Ins name being A. McGregor Roue. Thf verneH Hta', apprarwl in n paper c.l!*-d the honiet, publnthed in Vancouver. Ii. C., and after writing them he COUI|M>H .1 severnl other tits of ver>-,the liet known probably tieinK that entiilud " Laurirr at the Jubilee.'' The verncH aie n* fol- lows : Der Kalaer fou daa FaterlanH, Hud (lot uud 1 all alii< SPSBSSSSM : VVe two, m-li, il"iil you uii'leritanJ ? MKISSI I r in. I Dot*. Vile Kouie men alna der liowrr .livin.'. Meln aoidlera aiuit " Die Wech. am Kliein, ' Lnd .iriiik der health in RbeiuUb wmo UK MK-uii.lSuU, There's France, ahe avai(ora all around ; H)ie' aii||e*|>llt. ahe'* no eiiiMnn'1 . To mil. Ii. we .link", SaV*4iton d auiound MKlNHK-.F-ond Ciott. She vlll not dare do vuibt iigain' Hut If abe ebouit I'll allow li-r blalo Oat Klaaaa (and iu French) L*rralne Are MK1N I... (i.-ti Derea Ilri4udnia,.dinka ahe'anicht achmall bier. Mil Muers and uch ho n,. hlie'll Irani none owim ill. littimauh .re- Hut MK tiii.l Uott. she dinka. KOM| f ran. aome hi|M ahe'e Rot, I l .1 Mil.liui. lull 'lt*r hcarlt'l K"tl. Aob t We would knock '.'in i"'. f -like dot - MKINSI.I.K mil Uutt. In dlinrta of beaco brebare for war-. 1 Ijearder helm and ahpear of Mam. Uud care not fur ti-n IIIOUHAII I I MhlNHKLK - mid (iott In fact I humor every vhim Mit aapect ilark and vinave tritn d.ill pulU inn IIIK - un. I I inr. I. nil JJKINhKi.K liuil I, ott Could not t'Xpre*n the rapture of Aniiio K Spriiii;,-r, of ll'J.'i HoWnril st,. 1'hilii ilel|ilna Pa., when vile found Pr II.K'H New Diacnvery for Couauni|ition had completely cured h--r of a liNckii'K uifli that for many ycare hnd nmi. In. a burden. All other remedies HD<| doc'oiN could i{ive In i no In-lp, lull die nays t thui H..yl (,'ure "It iM>n ri-moved tin- pain in my iliest and I can now uln |i soundly, HOII rtluiiK 1 can Mrcfly rrm- t H,UT doiii|{ U f'T.-. 1 fi-t I like Moundii.i; it praiBvn throiivlHNlt thi' I invi-r-.. 1 s,, will every one wh,. tri. s I>r. KIIIU'K Ni-w DiM'overy for any trnuMe of tlie Thio.r, Chrt or liin.v Price'60 centa and 1 00 at anyUiu^ Store; every bottlo cuaran- teed. John McIVvitt, a nativu of 1) Ireland, a Caledon (Hiineer and a n-s.ilri.t of Mono Rroad, waa atruck by li^ while tJshiiiL'. The liitlitiiini; struck l.iu. on the head, tfnniig his Intt, VOIIIK don n hi left Ride and trantiK Ilia If ft I* ot in- to fiatfiuentH. lie was killed instantly. Mi lii'Mtt was 82 yuan of nuts. One Every Bottle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure i this guarantee : " All wr aik of you is to u -i- two ihinJn of the contvnta of this bottle faithfully, 'hen if you can Hy yon are not l..-iii-!iU'.l return tliu Imitli- to your Druie- Ki-it -iii'l he may refund the price paid " I'nctt 26cts., 5Ucta. and 91.00. Saturday a gfiitlfinnn stepped m this office and |>urchanr<l one hundred or more nr|.iji.-i> with which to feed IHH lions. He tears the |ui)>er into shre<U and souks it in sour milk until the wholu mau heCKimtM a pulp, when be feeds it K> the ln-ii", and he claimx that it adiltt greatly to their eijj; pit iluoiiu i|U.tlitien The newspuper ii ^mduwlly fatenilinu itn lii-!il of iiKefulneas. Kiom for thought it v.:4H i-xp.n did, ui'til aithin its ^plii'ie is nlii'Mily incliiJrd food for ^o I . nnil loin - - Kx'-li.-4iin'. Mobbed the Urav* A fttnrtlinu inridrnt, of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia IM tlm, is n 11 1. ii. .1 liy In. n HS foil..* >: "I wa in a moat .In- i.liul condition. My Hkin Has nlni(wt yellow, t vis runkcn, tongue ciutt- nl, (Htin continually in uml aides, no ii|i|ietit.',L'i(lually glowing weaker day by day. Three phyim-mns luul given m>< up. Fortunately, a friend mU irymj Kin.- trie HiiierH:' and to my ^ronl joy nndsur- i'i i-i-, the rin>t UittU' ninil.i a decided im- provement. I foniiiiiii-il th'-ir ii-i- for tliri''- \v. rks, nil I Hill now M well ill ill 1 know they HHvud my life, and rolilird the uravu of anotlier vie i.n." No one houid fail to tiy them Only 60ct* a lioitl.- Rvery bt.tilu guarantued at any lr.i< 8loro. S'.iiie moiitliH ago Dr. Jan. Henry of Oranitevilln KII.I! one M U i,' of I'riceville for a inedifHl lull amount. nu lo ,j I '. m. cipal and int. ri'si. for ncivices the ilefeiiilitiit'H dauuhier when She was employed UK a domestic '" >i> old Glob ho-. I, Di-'tn ;>-\ illi>, several years at>o. At the Hrat tn il Dr. Henry to rvc-.ver judginiiit tftnng to tliw ifviidaiit on Urn that, underthe circunistanca*. he wsa in nn tray liar.le for hi* daughter's ' debt. f)r. Hei.ry stWHnxi an orrlft f..r another trial, however, and he had letter luck at the Divinion <xrt h. n- OH Tues- day. U was shown that VfcKv had pnid IIM .UiK'hl' r a viiiit during her illnev ' an.l hxd hiiiniolf ent fur the docter U>. attend her. Judge McCarthy accordingly Ii. M fhur the defendant win I'aMe for the! MI'.*. .|i:. lit medicHl Httendancr, hut an thrru WIM aome uncertainty as to the date of M !:,.-s visit, jiid.riii.-ni si to the l am' nnt MAM reserved. Advertiser. How i> it that woinm who r.- nweet ami gentle natumlly roioit to the |{re:tU-st r-x'u n. when once thi-y turn from the patli "t recti'ude m.d IH-C !. e fiend.i in i-ninil,? They n^e.l iml m-ivs* 41 ily noiril.-r or ^tp-al or reel aiMiiir in drunUen freniy but lu-n onc>- tbt-v '*rt t.> talk ahoui horne one for whom they lime tak. n a ditlikit their aeemx ro !.< no limit t-. the ifii .m of their lonitur M, n w. uld have it out in 01. e r. .un.l nil. i r with II-M.-U f- or l:;inl. nli.irp word^, ini'l 1 1 < matter won tl >lro;> there, but wotne'i keep ti[i thf ft- 1 1 I ;ui. I s.-i in to tnke I'le.-iin' in thu fire wlii;!| th-ir< l.n.ill r-'.n leniitit :iiul jimt jud^niiMit con. mend A woman to a in .n's un i.-\ . Iml if il.-Hirous ..f II.IHIIK her literally lorn to pi^vea l.y ihe lash ami Hcoiirx,; of iiifrcileiw ciiticimn turn her i'Ver U> her fen. mine ftienda who out- tUy purr and the nrt ilay scratch. - Tin ..nit l|. Liit Tunes. Arilitir ThomiMoii, ihu lioy yianf, of Kanie. KII-IW with lui!'.il.. Kill'> Wild WesiSho.4. tji'itinx $.'<5 a week. !!> nry yeuis of agi 1 , we^uJm 20!( Ilm. , ainl I- 7 f'ei !l inches in lnjjl.t That Book Agent The I' "t;..oil uiuinin^, Bro. HoUerU, what m.ikin yu look auaad this- niorninn?" Ilro R I have CPIH to iy goml-bye, Mr. Uruwn, f< r 1 inn nut uf employment, and inUHl go back t Knt*Uin[.'' The Pavator ';.. b.ick n. Knuland to get employment, wluvt noimehxe ! I can net lot* of work for n young nun like you in this country. ' Bro. K. "VVell, I hv hunted high and low anil utn get nothing, HO what XIII I to ll.i"' The Paaior. "I tell you what you emu do, Bro. II. <l..-it-. t,,.,- an a.i-ury fur k!".l book, fr tbrr in uiouey in cmvas- sinn." Hro. H. "IV )oii think I wuuld stoop 1 to hook caiivaasuh.:!" Th<- PitMrr. ( >..iii.>wht warmly. > ; to hook c in. M. 111; ' Better Illt-n than vou have i-*ti<asi'il. I |,ur myaelf ilii-oikjh CoileL'u with u lM>k |nm|.eotua, I know many stuvi-.Wii! nun who g"l thi ir .-.t.iri in >!, ,i rTinwirurM. My jounx'.'Himi.i ix ..-.ii.ui.-Mi.j' i ow, In: umk-s i-iKruifli t thf i.iii.'i. * to |my Inn way m tin- I'mveriity. I n.iluotxl a until wh.> t'mleil in buMiiifm to take HJ> I'II:U.IHII)I; Hi't I..- nude ei'ti^h money i>, t.n l.u*r iit-ix .i^:nn. I if iv i- i in: inline .trlvi in .4 V...I' ^ uf rbanii:, wlio W*R out .< employ- m. -Hi. .mil he i" 110 w i |. :<-;, ! PI Pun- Wliy Mm... i if t'o- lu'.':i->t in. MI i In.-, iiy li.iv*. t.t 'ii ho -U .i^fi t '.-"r..o;) ti* t:n.\ i-sinji' ; yini :uv vi rv that \- Hi-Ill tp Up In It. I ili jo- JoU ti wrti- to the Hr*ll-> ' '. i<r -r, Co., I.nn ii-l. Out., for tin* linn |>iii>!ilirH fauC : InN'k*, anil I kmv untny whu arc do' 1 1-.' well ill it< euii'loy ." Hro. It. "I .tin wirry, tor niieakin.! Itli'l fur I ws certainly rou.-. I will uv Thj !' ml! \ ( ('.iii'| -, an! (! what th'j (uii' to o(f:-r, mil will |i'i-t]iiir my lUpMUM in liio luaai*- Hlllr." SKIN LIKE BABY'S Skin dleae* from the merest pimple* to the moat obstinate eczema, Mlt rtium, running; gores, are quickly, plaaaatly auti permanently cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment 35 cents. Who doe* not envy a baby its soft velvety panion until past middle life, and Dr. skin ? How many suffer from distreaaing Agnew's Ointment has cored speedily and kin diseases Do you suffer ? Have you permanently. It is a boon to mother* tetter salt rheum scald head hog worm because it Is a boon to babylaod scald eciema ulcers blotches on the skin head and its irritations, which are accora- chronic erysipelas Liver spots and what paniments to the teething period, are quickly not else of these distasteful and aggravating driven off and restlessness passes away disorders which disfigure and discourage ? Dr. Aguew's Ointment allays the dis- tressing itching, born- Ing, stinging sensa- tions which are part and parcel of such troubles, ar.d in a thousand cases where internal treat- ments have failed to heal and eradicate them it has worked wonderful and perman- ent cures and no skin dis- ease, no matter of how long Mantling, has baffled its curative qualities, one application will relieve the itchfng-. In cases of chronic eczema it has proved irritating sensations In an instant and Its great worth, and cases are on record long standing cases disappear after from where this dread affection has been the three to five nights' treatment the pain and birthright of its patient and constant com- soreness quit you and the tumors vaaisla. A Ud; living In a northern Conatrv town write, that The baby of another lady IMng on Pacific Are. In for tevenieen wa. troubled wuh ult rheum. Toronto, was terribly afflicted with tcald-bead and Sbe t >"k doctors' treatment, aad uaed Mart* lotions ecxema .he tried waahe. precr'b-'l t'v h.-r phye> wlthout any permanent rebef. Reading of the cures eun. and toapa advertised for .ucb pureoae., but toe; aaade by Dr. Agnew'a Ointment, abe decided to try diaeaM remained Dr. Afnew'* .: inrrit was sea? tt. The fir.t application allayed the irritation and she continued ntlng- H- tee dtoeaae rapidly dis- appeared and now for two years there ha. been no Sign of return of It. DR. AONEWS CURB FOR TUB HEART-Care. palpitation, flutter^., shonnees of breath ao4 ell heart dl^jrder. relief in 30 nunutea. DR. AONBWS CATARRNAL POWDER-Has cured eaae. of catarrh of Jo year.' it.ndlnj-rCevea Sold In Ibe heed In 10 minutrt. OR. AQNEWS LIVER PILLS Stop >lck headache ewe cooailpaitoa, stBeuaneu and liver troublea pteaMu! UiUe doaee a In a boa se ceats. A and wheretorture reigned with baby tlfls balm brought rest and sTcure it affords in- stant ^relief from tber itchtitg distress. . . . Do you suffer from piles itching, blind. < bleeding or ulcer- ated ? No remedy has brought so quick relief, spared painful surgical operations as) Dr Agnew's Ointment it has proved itself aa absolute cure for pile* ir. all forms and at all t good friend . h.tlf e bos cured the baby and cared henelf of tmublraome pilei which had been the beae> of her liie elncn Utby'i bulb. Mold Ity \V K. K'l. -li.tnli.ili K l** D. McTavish S M E X KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... 8> K"r Mawey-Harriit, Noxon, Klrurr and Wi)kiiiKon fmni jj Klnirv and Verity ploWH on hand all the tnnn, a' all kinda of r*puir [i Kr thn am. W manufactur* Wagons, Bugf(iua, Cuttt-nt, Sleighs, etc. '- 5' Horn.-lioeii>i' ':-.inotly attended to. Special ntteiiti'.n fo i.-n<lt-r c< n- ' C tr-u-i.'il ff.-t. ^oei<iiiat and Plow ChaiiM C"H8tantly on hand. you want a paint for Cup- boards, Baseboards, and the thousand and one little & things about the house, see that '*; the label bears this detign ; you 1* will then get just the paint you need for your work. It is made right, it is rigbte We know it. we sell it. J. 1-ji. Hoard. . . Fiostterton w

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