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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1899, p. 3

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MAY 1 1 1899 BSTAMJMM* THE FLESHERTON ADYAN McFarland & Richards DUNDALK Direct Importers d Manufacturers Advance Some Clothing Thoughts i WBBKLY AT THE OFICB, HTD- BMKAM sraEBT, FLESH EKToN, OUT., 3T W. H. THfWITOK. I per nn mi m strictly In al MIK Advertising Rates: sColumo. 1 year. (50 ; half col.. 1 vear, t* quarter col . one year, SIS. Transient adertleuient charged at the rat* eents per line for first Insertion and t cent each subsequent Insertion. ROAD MAKING The road-making season is now with us once more and a fw words in connection therewith may not be out of place. Our system of road making in this country is exceedingly crodf. There is nothing substantial about it. The best roads we liave are our gravel roads Upon these are dumped from four to eight inches' of gravel, which i- It ft to be spread by tbe vehicles passing over it. Wagon wheels cut through this, rains conic, the clay mixes with it, ruts form, aud within two or three years uearly every evidence of the gravel has disa|>par- ed. Patching is done to a mos'. de- plorable extent and the patches do uot wear, so that we have continual patching and continual had roads. The man who came into the country fatty years ago as a pioneer of coarse imagines tL*t oar roads of to-day are good roads. Inspector Campbell gave his hearers on Friday last a hint of what good r jads really are. He said that in England the road beds arc carefully laid with broken stone to secure good drainage, upon which is placed a mixture of Portland cement and gravel, making a road as hard as rock. Tbe suiface is made rounding BO that all water runs away freely. If after a rain a depit-ssion is found where water lies the piece ii cut out and replaced o that the water cannot lie aud form a hole in the road. This is scientific road making and a road is made to last a century. Doe* it pay to make such a road ? From every point of view the answer is that it does. Not only can much larger loads Be moved, but horses iin.l ve- hicles last longer and the cost of keep- ing in repair is small indeed compared lo our tinkering system. A specimen mile or two of such a road should he laid by the niiinicinalilieH this year just by way of experiment and com- parison. What municipality will be first to give us an example of what a (jiioil road should be ? How often do we all Bee dirt roads turnpiked in a rough way in spring or fall, followed by rains causing a con- dition of affairs that simply precludes the possibility of drawing big louiln over them ; and after diyiug out, alarming hilla aud hollows alternate which cause a vehicle to roll like a ship in a storm. The continual jerk- ing and jarring breaks harness aud wheel*, cuthiling a big annual loss to lliose who use the roads. Again a few h'nni-h ate pitched into mud holes Mill the result that the mud holts are enlarged when rains come. Tlieso are common occurrences, but they .1 m to belong to our economi:al (?) system of roudmaking. and it is very difficult to eradicate old systems. It is only by educating the people to a kuowledge of the real truth that it can b done. SpriiiK is up m us ! Are you ready 7 Or have you aranged fr all the dress wants required. Fur the time of year of conrsr you are thinking of suiitlhing new tn wear, a new suit or coat,nw gloves or fuotwear, neckwear or some other article necessary for comfort anil style. The <|Uttiou comes up, " Where can we buy at the the best advantage 1" That's where this store will stand you j.o,.d service. For your benefit we present as many of the iseins as space wilt permit us to show the special prices. Men's* Spring Suits ~"^*^- Men's Suijlr i r.- vMnl Sacque Suits in Krown Canadian twerd. new spring Colors, good Italian cloth lining, r.-L'iilxr price f7.50. special $ 5 00 Men'* sinvle bieastrd sacque*, all woi.l Knvlish tweed, lirxt lining, L" <*1 t riiiiiniiiii, rvgultr price 910.00. vt-ry ft|>erial ?""" Men'* amide lnuMsiei! navqui- suns in Scotch tweed, nice patterns, custom made, boat lining and trio. mm;, nood \aluu 81'J. .'>(>, very .| i-utl ... $ 9 00 Men's tin.- black clay worsti-d. all-wool irilxiuiid i. arrow silk stitched vdKrs, in single brrasted sac<|u ami three, cutaway styles, very special at 9 9 10 Our stock hss received srvrral Uiye consit.-nmei.ts of Uts, oontiitin^ i.f viiutli'K ami children's war. Men's black- wide leaf satin lined hats, revular 6Ac, special Ladies' anu M'ases' fine 7.1 pliyr mn^linm Mouses, |..v r ly colors and pnttern*, re-jular 91 and 91 :!">, s|iecial each at 91 and Ladies' pique blouses in all shades and *iz,-s,very n|.ta,.l each si Tk and. . A large "f Blouses rangiiik in price from .'t&c (o 50o each, consist- HIHIIII.' of prt-ity pattrrns in print, gmuhani snd piqu* if.'ods. Lulu- ready-madf wrappers, in wrapperetto, Bond -i..-. i.l each t 91 and. . Ready-made ui.der skirU, double flowers, very special \\> have a full line if ladies' n^ltv underwear which we invite the la inspect. men'*, 25c 9 1 taplt Grey cotton, full width 34 inches, fine, evnn g<M>ds, regular 4Jc, very special 2^c Bleached steamlooin, heavy weight, fine texture, 36 inch good, regular **Jc per yaid, our price ............................................ Grey flannel nnion, 27 inch, well worth loc sprcial . 1 " .lust receiv<d a largo consignment of lace curtains direct from England, ranging from 26c per l* lr "I 1 I' 1 "' tt<->*\- are beinif xdd to our customer* at prices thai mwt w lioles-ile tirins ask and receive from the retail trad*. Qrocsry Prunes, extra quality, per Ih ........................................ 6c Kaains, J Ib. IM>X, reKular 91-76, very -]..-. lal per box ............ The above fruits have advanced since we bouuht which makes thu price all the more special. Sugar has al*o advanced but we gr*S|>ed by the forelock and a SMtoM is the outcome at the same old prices. HcFARLAND & RICHARDS TORONTO, DUNDALK ud MARKDALK Store [loses at Sii O'Clock Except VEDIESDIY and UTOBDiY rfre Popular Wheels / See Them ... Before Buying $40, $5s and $80, Worse War. II sre kilK'd in war, lint him- ckr*ils nt thousands ant killed by ciinuni|i- i KIII 'I'hi-r.- *> ul.l IHI no death* at ill dus.xl I y tin* tumble disusso if iiiKiulu >ulil Iw in iild i . uiultTHiainl tliatShilnli's 'Juu.'h and ('uiisuiii|itivu Curtt is n sure i.-iwi- ly if I ik.-n in tliu early itagus. -'."> ct*.. 60 ctv snd $1.00abttlu. Druggist will refund the ui-may i( a cure ia n"t FLB1HTII SEHIH FHUIS Jf. 1?. jC.Sard, Prop. If you ihnulii wish an .av ihavs Aa Kort as Imrlwr vr avo, Juit >-ll ni i"> liNi"K Mloon At worn, or ', 01 biinv n<mn. I'll ut an I dress the hair with qraoe. To ult tbe contour of Hie Uce. My room Is bMt. towuls clean. h< iKKiir* kh*r|i snil rasor* keen AiiilevrvthliiM I think vou II Uml To suit thu tantti anil i>la tho mlu<t Anil all Uml art ur .kill can te if you'll Jimt call. I'll no fur you. 1 *liav the yonnn, the oM tlm lay, I'll shat. >"i. all fr realy i>av. An. I rlt<utli linwl at any iio. Ami for a >l<av I net a ol'i-n , I do nut wsn a ilnm- in trim* For that would make the barber bust. ~_ . M.I N I FOB ROLSTON 8TKAM LAUNDRY AND *f PARKER'S v PYE . WORKS Not iceto Creditors IN THK MATTKIl OK THK HSTATK OPHAM- IM i i VMM. HAM. late of the tbe Town hip uf Aitinela In tho County of Urny, Kanntir, iiect*aM<l t Notice H bereli) uiven purfltiant tn ' The K. - TliM.1 Httnti< uf Ontario" 1H07 chapter lilD. tliHtall .-lo-liioi. ami other* Itaviuii o alum ftn-.nut thu .Htatu of the islil Haiiinol i'lmsiiiK- liam. who illvt) nn or abmit the Mtcund rtmy uf c.i.1.1 IHVM HI. i '-.|iti t-it on or before the 1Mb day ot May. UK M nenrt by post prnpalil or l.-li\.r In \ln.*rs Lnoan. \Vrti{tlt A hul-nin of the Vtlai|e uf Markdale ,Holii-'l>.i for Itmlerlok anil Snuaii MoKrniie. tho Kseoutui- aud Kiecu- trlx uf tin- la<it will siut testament of the salil ducxantnl. their Ohrlallau and urnauis. h.liliH.< and detcrlptlonii the full p.rticu larsof their elaluin, tliiotateinent of tkeir so count* and thenatwuof the euourities. If *>uv, h.ld bv them And fnrtbnr take notice that aftur such last ni*ntlonwlriKt tin- nai'l Kxvoutor as4 Kxeeu tin will proceed tu ui-n ilmtn the .xl< of the duceaiwd smniiH tin- the parties vuahle.1 there to, havliiK ri-natd onlv to the claim* of which they shall tht.ii have notice and tliat the KAid Hiecutor and Kircutrii will not be Itasle for the naii! anseta r sny part thervof to any periiou or PI-IH..H . uf whose claims notice shall not have berii reeeife.l by them at the time of suoh dintrlliutlon. Dated the imh day of April, 1HM l.ucs. Wright* llatnuu Solicitors for Eteeutor A Kioculrli M. Richardson & Co. ffilesherton ~ %)undalic About Import Dress Goods This week we enter and pass through Cus- toms another bhipment of Diess Goods from Ry- hnJs & Sons, Manchester, ex S. S. "Etruria," which ruakes our third consignment by direct import this season, and clearly indicates without further comment the volume ot our Dress-Goods trade. In addition to this our April sales were so large as to warrant our placinjj a large repeat order for a number of desirable lines which are in course of manufacture, and expected to arrive from Eng- land shortly. GOOD ADVICE ! Buy your Dress-Goods here and secure tbe Correct Goods at the correct figure. New Shirt Waists This Week We supplement our splendid assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists tliis weik wuli orne of the LaU-st and prstiieil goods pro- curable and sptcially invite your iuspeciion of our display. The newest things u Gingliaiua, Muslins, Charabrays, Zepbyrs, Dimilies, Urgandies, etc , well aad and uicely tiuished. Jflfllinory Access ! Our Millinery Sale* are highly encouraging. We ire ad- ding many novelties 'every few days aud everything points to a most successful seasou. We invite your patronage with every confidence i'i our sta being able to give perfect satisfaction with every order executed. Kindly make selections ae early iu tbe week as possible t as to avoid tlie burry of laier order*. Jl Word Jtbout Clothing It pays to buy Good Clothing tbe dependable kind the kind tbal wears well keeps its sbape retains Us finish. THAT'S THE CLOTHING WE SELL ! Mens' Ready Made Suits ! FKOM- $3.50 to $i0.sO From thu bent manufacturers m Canada. . . . . Mens... Ordered Suits FROM $9-75 to $20.00 Well trimmed, well tailored, fit guaiauteed. Hardware - - Departmon i - Scissors 'Ghat Cut - The Bailey Cutlery Go's. Patent ^^.^a^^~ Tlie most perfect Krisnors made. Hand forced Irom the hcst Kiitflisli steel. No riv. tn to ^et loose, easily taken apart fcr slini-|>enin if required.itiul readily mljiiiited for light or beavy work. Duality Guaranteed. I'MCOS* [tr puir, 70c. W5e, and 81.10. Keep Out The Flies ! Scici-n Wire in all widths nnd Screen Do-us, allsixes. Our special 8 x 7 complete, II .00 - Specials In China - SOME SKW AKlilVALS Handsome New Tea Setts, New S|IHIM-S, ele^nnt iU-siK'19 and colors. S.-ttx of 44 pieces, special $2.75. l-',lcj!nl New Ihmiri N-UH, IK iuiufiil (.leninns and patterns with ori.alK tlcoiations. Setts of U7 pieces, special $6.50. NEW WALL PAPERS The lar" ST and must complete stock in the district to select from. Over 7000 Rolls of Artistic Designs. Prices Just Right. ^ New Window Shades ! V large gliipment of plain, Decorated aud Fringed Window shades will be placed in stock this week. Our "Loader" Slink' New colors, heavy opaque cloth, regular width aud length, com- plete with spring roller, brockets and nhade pull, 35 cents. - CYCLE GOODS - Tires, Repairs and Accessories at RIGHT PRICES. M. Richardson & Co. A v THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAY ii 1899 losimss Films Ar* Urtf.'v due to ths )sok of proper bastnass methods. A bust uewconrSB at tli NORTHERN | { 1 1 OWEN SOUND, ONTAKIO prepare vounu tr.en and women to take a luaceeufnl part in Ufa Tbli I**.-!)** mure bujineM an.i h: HIT bwetneMtUan Jiy other or school in Canada < umpr our oouree of mnriy wilu that of any other. If iut..r-1-.i.tKl Mini for cata* IIIKIIK I'.nitatiirw full (tari.irularH to C. A. K l.l. MINI; Principal l^rsn Sound, Ontario Vicinity Chips or the Past Carefully Culled for the niiticrx tnuiny liifitlt trill \f> t dwrytit <lt tjit rat? of trn r-nt* t jar line for rack iMxertum. ,4 t rtditttiitn trill In- <!> <m am t fur IW linet or otter. B fat ornet for 'tfi for | i. Apply at MAWV Harris and Winclt.-stur hicyclen for rale at J F. V;inDuaii' Horse wvitwl \\\ 4. H. Hejirti, Flfrtl a rig. Lti*t and up-to-.lato jewellery at J. F. YanDusrnX Clirwtoe'a block. New and MICOIK! hand bicycle >iy W. H Hoard. for The Orange Grand Lodge will meet in Toronto MI May 30. For money at 4 per cent, go to A. 8. VanDuwu. Fleiherton. Dr. Little, deiitmt, deiiire* ui t>i an nounce that he will vmn Fcvivahani on The lust Wednvadny in each month. M-'iifj to loan on term pmpprly at five per ci-nt. free i cot. Bellamy A Hfiidernon. AnnitroriK Broa. are now runniult two sets of hands at the Rock vale nulU, and the Michinery hunii for 22 hour* out of tint 24. The new butter factory ia erKCtud and ready for the fittings. Mr. Wilaon in- form* u* that he will be ready for buai- nnsa on May }'_' Friday was observed a* atbor day at the school, when flower ami tree planting, cleaning up, etc., constituted the pro- gram. Fleflhcrton liicyclu hvury, CullingwiHid (inl whueU k.'i't for Itiru Ke- done. One Indrat' whuel in good rder for Mie at only 912. A. Shackle- ford. Pomtiveiy no wheels rented oil .Sunday. Order Saturday night. A communication frm Ki-vnlniiu re- )(ardiii^ Rome niamin work clone by one Uilleapic cannot be printed. If Gi.letpie did K bad job thertt ia a leipkl way of ro- covering danii^eH, nnd if he did not he would tind u legal way of rucuvrnnu dm- ngen from u for injuring Ins bunnies*. Big Dili's and plenty .,( them at Me Karlaml mil ('oin|inuy'^, Markdale. One week'n sales 29 suit*, 7 cloths, 147 ilrttw s. 98 trinimod lints and 5!) pair* McKarlainl & Company'*, the t itore in Or^y couiity. They i.t 50.0011m. wool. At the meeting of Prrsbytery hehl in < rnyi-i ilr laNt week Ki'v. Mr. Crnaier of Cniinl Vnlluy tc-ndtr^d hia rcnii-nation which wan regrutfnlly accepted. Mr. C'rozior'ft pnstorati- L-xtendcd ovxr a |ieriod <if tift-i'ii yours The next meeting of prt-abytury will be held on July 11. The tent caterpillar, which diil no much dnmiige to foliage l:t ycnr is again in t-\ id'-iii'i- and his whitf, tont-liku wuh^ that cover tlie young br>od may now be neeii nhininit amid the foliage. The*e jihould he Kitthert'd and destroyed at once. A little -.nvl 'SMIL-IS now inny result in very great losn tu fruit and foliage tre>>R latur on. The Urnc frame b.-trn and stable* of ftluaarx. Kichard and William Oeen, nriir Heathcole, were struck by lightning on the evening of April 30, during the rtig st'Tin and entirely CoiiNumud, to|(eth- .r with niii-t of their c mtenta. Tim fire consumed two horaen, nix oow, a binder, f .tun ten to twelve t.-i. of liny, I IM wruii t KM and tlirce hundred bushel* of wheat, 400 budhrls outs, 100 bushela pean snd a j Inrge quantity of seed potatoo*. There waa not a cent of insurance. The loaa in j animated at 3000. Tomato plant* for vale. Apply to P. Holman. An adjourni-d )-ablic library meeting will be held in the library on Fnday ev- ening (to morrow) at 8 o'clock. All in- leiMitt-d in the welfare of thia grand iimti- tutioii alioiild make it a point ' attend. For Sale Tliu followint! nrcticles are onVn-d at private sale : one 1 inch stfi-l ropt- and pulley, mi not triickn, c<'inplete, for Ihf ri>iiii-ving of buildings; 1 pin* and hwrniw, 1 si-t single driving lialm'Si. TlTIIIH Clllll. Apply to D. MuTnvmh. Flrelu-rtoii, <ir W. H. Sloan, Wmton. The liist meeting uf the MothodiRt church b.-Bid for the current year wa* lic'1,1 on Momhiy evening. The finances are conmiienbly ahuai -f what they were lat yr; and altogether tint church has had a prospurou* yoar. The envelope ystem which wiu inauuura(i><l last Hum- mrr K orb. t well. Mr. H. Best waa ap- pointed to artnnd the district meeting nt Maricdale. The suth annual convention of the VV..nian' Missionary Society of Owen S. iiuil dintrict will be lield in the Metho- dist church, Kleehertim.iin Tuesday next, May lii. cominnncing at 'J.>tO a. m. Ainong (hoe who will be in attendance ar Dr. O. L. KilUrn and Dr. Retta Gilford Kilborn.late .if the China miSMion. It is expuctuil that a laige nunili-r of liele-.MteN will IMI pri-Heiii Flraherton ha the name of lieing a himpitabln con- ventioii villn^e, and we trust the uaual generous hospitality will '> xxtHiided our lady gueniH on thin occaaion. We are in- Htructed to extend to the Indies of the villaue a hearty invitation to be present at thu various awnioiui. The Ministor of the Interior haa just pmbimhwl a dHscripiivn arias of western Catinda, showing niap* of Manitoba and British Colu ubia, and the dwtricU of Aaainiboia, Albrrta and Saskatchewan A large amount of in I'm mat nm ut ln-r given in amidl i-onpaxM, and this little atlas conveys :i belter idea of the vast extent and remiurce* of our Canadian territory, in condensed form, than can be leathered in any similar publication that we have yet Keen, while the map* re thoroughly up to ilati-, including the newly explored territorial of thu far north. We preaume it ia for free dwtn bution. Vill.n{fr weru sh-ivked on Fridny lant when the new* t)ew around that Mrs. < '|MS. Irwm wa* dead Deci-awed was Dudiletily called awty, fow of her frienda knowing that nho wax serious'y ill. In fact five iniiiiiiu* |iruvmuH to hur death no one suspvutuil that thu grim rvap er wax lioveriMi; over her. T'le decettsvd lady wa* fifty-two years of age nnd highly esteemed l>y all who knew her. Previous to iiMrrni^e ho was a Mis* Slmrpu and has nuinerouH relntivea living in this vicinity. The funeral took place to the Flesherton cemetery on Sunday after- noon and waa very Urgly attended. Much sympathy in extendud to Mr. Irwin and the sorrowing family. The cnse of Ashdown v. Township of Artemenia, in which the plaintiff claim* for nn accident which i ccurred ilns villagn and tbe station, may never coiiie to trial, but in any uvent we lielieie the cuuncil actud wisuly in ruaiat- ing the vlaiiu. An exactly anslotrou* case wax decided before .lint ire McMa- hon t Toronto hut week, in which oue Smith mud the towiiHhip of I'xbridgo, and thu caxe wan reported in the dailies as follows : "Judgment in acl ion t tied at Whiiliy broimhi to recover 91000 dam- ages for injuries Himtaitied by .I.mi Smith, decesnoil, on Nov. 13, 1H',I8, .vliile driving on the public highway K.t.-.n lots 5 and 6 in the 1st concession of the township of UxbriJge. It was allegid that owing to a structural defect in ll e embank invnt and want of guards or rat- ings, the pluinnff and hi* horso snd car- riage went. oTt-r the embankment, and the plairlitf sustained serous injury. The plaint iff died after thu conimcncvmunt of the action, and it ia continued by hm ad- ministrator. Held, on the evidence, that the highway wa* in good condition and of sufficient width for all purposes of travel as a township road, and having re- gard to the height of the embankment, and there being no ditch at the foot of it, that the township was not guilty of negli- gence in not guarding the road by a rail- ing or fence. Action ilmmiasud with costs. Farewell, Q. C., Md J. W. McCullough fur plaintiff. C, J. Holman for. defen- School Concert The school concert held in the town hall on Friday evening was a decided success, there being a large number pre- sent and the program was a most attrac- tive one Triwt*e W. J. Bellamy occup- ied the chair and entered upon the pro gram without any ruffles and tucks as a prelude to the feast, and also omitted the chairman's sneach. As it proved heshov.- ed his wisdom thereby, as the program was very long. The opening piece was a niuti chorus by the schiH>lenlitled"Raue the Flag," after which Miss Joaie Rich- arditon recited the "Death of Minr.ehaha.' Then followed a dumb- ball exercise by Miss Meredith's cla** of little tote. Miss Ida Gjerdruin recited Poe's Raven in a manner which called forth a great deal of favorable o miinent, and hearty applause.. This young lady ia winning much favor a* an amateur elocutionist. The afl'air uf the evening, however, wa* Inipector Campbell'* talk on hi* recent trip to Eng land, Ireland and Scotland. ThiSKubject was HO vaol that it wa* only possible to give a cursory ulance at a few places of interest incluitinu London, Liverpool and Glasgow, and at the mine time giving IIM a comparison of thu character of the three different branche of people composing the Anglo-Saxon race. This was made iunuaing so well a* instructive. The Bng lifthinan, said the *|>Mk?r. ia a good all- round man; he can do anything and do it well but. is not specially brilliant anything. The Irishman is a born 1- of men, and that is the. reason they eternally at variance with each other thu British Parliament. Many of Ei land's most reiu>wned military leaders were Irishman. As for the Scotchman, he was found st the head of most of the) great buine** institutions the world over. In Londun however, there weru two tinan cial institutions where no Scotchman would be a-liintted. One of these was the Rothschilds' establishment, where only .lew* are admitted and the other is the bank of England. Inquiry as to the cause of their being bel.rn-d from the bank ol England elicited the information that were a Scotchman allowed employ, ment there it would be only a matter of a ihort time until he would own the whole institution." It would Ira impossible to give even a ynou<m of all the interesting and instructive matter that Mr. Campbell crowded into hi* address. Those present enjoyed a treat which wan highly apprec- iated. Master Elwood (iunoe, the boy orator of our srhool, rendered "Fanner Brown," which wit* loudly ap- plauded . Th* music was supplied by our best singers, that of Miss Joy limm specially appreciated. Club swingling by a class of Miss Irwin'a pupils brought a very interesting program to a clone. The stage was nicely decorated and furnished, thus entailing considerable work upon tenchora and pupils A nice sum wa* t ik'-n to be applied toward a reference library. Personals Mr. and Mrs. R. Fawcett returned mi Friday after a visit of tevural weeks' dur- ation with re.. nv"i in Heathcote. Mr Shvppard, sr, of Mt. Forest, is the guest of hm ion, Mr. T. J. Shepard. .Mis* Kihin.i Huniilloii of Thornbiii-y i.i the guest of her cousin. MIHH Blanche Hamilton. Mis. .lolm McKee is \initiiiit with her sou in Owen Sound. Miss Alice I'.irte of BriuhUm is the guest of Mrs H. N. He inUrs. n. Mrs. J. K. Moore and family left on Monday for California. They will reside st San Maleo I IITI11 R Cl.rkr . Kola < OOtolnU-r I n-.i by the UrltinU Colmnilnu i. . .-r ii iii.-n i . in the ii-. UK lor !-> ernblea, Knniluiip, II. C., th* M. .11. ..I S,,,,,-rl,... ...I.-.H IT..n...l- .i i IM:I.I . . i... . Cured. Man}- n-iupiirsri n-ilpf a^Ihins ri-inrill bsv -Inrln* Hi* pwl f"w yearn b'<-u pisr- i-ii bi-forc tin- piilnlc. but until i .' 'nlr.i.'.-i. Mini to the mixiii-ai nrofcaxlon of >:'srkr Kola Couioounil, uoiblnic ha* l-i"i r-uuJ to bare an; <rr<-<n un prev<*nllnx iniurc st- tsrks. Thi- Mi-ill.-nl Sii|ii-rliii.-ii.|.> it fur tb* MI. iii" fur Im-iirsblos In Kninlo-iim, II. < ., ba< had proluini.v tin- IK-HI rlm.i. -- In I .111 srfs to tBOKMtthly ft this wiiiiili-r'dl t<-- imily for n-ihiiin. llv ri-ip'iri* Hint un ilia tnrpc i-.ij" of sstliiua wlu-rf> r^irkc 4 K -i i onipoiinil bait tircn trlixi in i- i: a oluili* lii"i:ii..-i- 'Mil U fnll to c.irr. <nil .in "in- psrtkMilnr os* s Isiljr hsd bt>oii (onilnrd to lii-r bed most <rf llu< time for n.-.i.ij s prfvliiiiM to IllkMlR thin r*BX>il* Illll 'i-s thsn tlin-i- botilrs Imri- nomp.oi v mr4 her. 'in-r one yosr hss nuw pinurl, nnd th*r hss not bn-n tb llrh'.-<i |IM||.-SI|I-D nt Sftthm* reluriitng. Thn-.- 'xillirs of (JlarkV* Kls t <>iii|iuuiul arc (<ismni**4 to rnrp snr rssr of sMhnM. iiv-r v, .-r hsrp already hecn rnr<l In (^niiln u ou kr thla- rrnieily. flold by all -IrumlM*. rro sample bottle wnt tn my |u-nnn. Mmtlao tlilp p[tvr A<lrtreti i'U CrKTIth* * Msrpbrnwa Co.. 121 Cliurcb sncvl. Tor- ato. or VssKoavcc.. B. C.. ao4* Cuau>u >*>, >riE WHERE YOU CAN TTfoney That People are quick to appreciate a pood thing ii hown by the very large quantity of BonU and Shoos that we are wiling. We have, a very big st.>c.k in all the lalual Styles. Call and we will give you ai good bargain* at ever you had '. Ordered Work and repairing Promptly Attended to at WM. CLAYTON'S Agent for Dominion Money Order Express FINE FURNISHINGS ! For - The - Home Think of the pleasure and enjoyment to be derived from having comfortable home surround- ings and then consider how little it costs to obtain such pleasuies and comforts providing you go about it in the right way. There is no better way than to come direct to our store where your selections can be made and at prices within the reach of every purse. Never since house furnishings became a part of this business have we shown such a collec- tion as right now Tapestries All-wool Unions Limps, Linoleums and Oil Cloths. |j: jCace Curtain department / Our Lace Curtain Department surpasses any nhowing that has ever taken place in Flesher- ton, the manager of this department having display- ed much ski'l and taste in its arrangements. Lace Curtain Prices 250, 35C to 75c, $1.00 $1.50, $1.65 end up. Drapery curtain window shades, cornice poles, etc, We're helping trade this way with the lever of attractive goods and low prices. That means we're doing business on business principles. All de- partments in this store are filled with up to dategoous Prinrs, Dress Goods, Clothing, Gloves Cor- sets, Blouses, Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Laces and Hats. In the above important departments our stock is constantly maintained in a condition of complete assortments. We extend a cordial invitation to all to FIMBTOH FIIBilTDIE W AREROOMS t We arc carryiiiK nuwent style uf SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines uf Cunsisting uf antl taodroom <Suitaa, <Sida-3Joards, Gxton- ai'on and Contra "Uablos, Chairs, S/iados and Curtain , ZPioturis, a*is, tie. - Which we offer at - Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing I' mlcrtak iiiu in all ils Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W. H. BUNT, PROPRIETOR, .. PUUHBRTOM J. B. Sloan & Son P ropriet.ors fc=*" GET York -* Sash, Doers, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, FROM US-ttaV Hand Hailing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Taming of all Kinds Done to Order asVSs* run of Itost-N f,r Cknppiug. Satisfaction in all cur liuoa guar**W.l to d\Q to Inform toe fannm-ii of tbls i inn that It Is aliMiliitolT ncm>nrv to bar* all avtl. lainlx nastratwl. sMMTVlM th wtll >> MI.'", to M || t an* fair pm-,.. It will pay atMntl t* thj. Dia>ttr. 1 y-j' i.t: , m y

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