LIFE IN RETROSPECT Dr. Talmage Calls the Roll of Many Stirring Memories. Drawing Helpful Lessons From Past Experiences and Vicissi- tudes of Life-Advantages of the Early Home Teachings and Surroundings. Washington. May 7. Thl* *ermon of Dr. Taliiuttce call* thn roll of many tin-ing miaiioriwi and Interpret* the meaning of life'* Tlclssltudu-t. The Mat I* Haalin* mix. S, "While I wa* musing the fire burned." Ham U IXivid. th psnlniist, with tha foreftngor of hU nuht hand again* hi* temple and the door shut agalnit th* world, enKiwd in i-onUimplatlon. And It would be well for u* to take the aame ponturo often while we Kit down In iweet aolltiide ID ixmtcnnpUte. In a uaall Inland off the coast of Nova gootla I ono* pnaaod a Sabbath in delight- ful aolltude, for I had reaolved that I would have one day of entire quiet before 1 entered upon autumnal work. I thought to hv ipent the day In laying out plan* for Christian work, but Instead of that U l-Ain a day of tender reminiscence. I mviewed my pactnrate; I ahook hand* with an old departed friend, whom I hall frrtt again when the curtains of life are lifted. The days of my boyhood came back, and I was 10 year* of age, Mid I wa* 8, and I was 6. There wa* but en* house on the Island, and yet from Hal-bath daybreak, when the bird chant Woke me, until the evening mulled Into the Uay of Kundy, from shore to shore there were ten thousand memories, and the p-oviM were hum with voice* that had long ago ceased. Youth U apt too much to ipend all It* time lo looking forward. Old age 1* apt too ranch to cpend all It* time in looking backward. People in mldllfe and on th* apex look both way*. It would be well for us, 1 think, however, to ipend mora time in rimlnlaoenoe. lij the constitution of our naluro wa spend most of the tlm lookrng forward. And the vast majority of people live not so much In the present a* In the future. I find that you mean to make a reputation, you mean to establish yourself, and the advsntagea that you axpnrt to achieve absorb a great deal ol Tour time. But I see no harm in Mils U U doea not make you dlioontenMtd with the pnwent or disqualify you for existing dulloa. It I* a useful thing aoniotlnin* to look hack and to sne the dangers wa have raped and lo *M the sorrows we havi anflured and tha trials and wanderings o ur earthly pilgrimage and to sum ii| ur enjoyments. I mean, so far as jaay help nn- to stir up your nv the p*t, *o lhat in the review W aooouragad and humbled and urged to streets you wish you wens hotnn again on hat cool grass or In the rag carpeted hall of the farmhouse, through which thnre aim- the breath of new mown hay or tha blossom of buckwheat. M.III..IIC. of Hin You may have In your windows now .autlful plants and flowers brought rom across the mas, but not one of them stirs In your soul *o much charm and memory a* the old Ivy and the yellow unflower that stood sentinel along the garden walk and the forget-me-not* play- jig hide and seek mid th* long graft*. The father who used to oome In un- riiiil from the field and lit down on In- doorslll and wipe the sweat from hi* brow may have gone to hi* vnrla*tlng rost. The mother who und to sit at the door a little bent over, cap and portarlei on, her face mellowing with the vic-issl (udes of many years, may have put down HIT gray bead on the pillow in the valley, but forgot th* home yon never will. Have you thanked God for M ll.iv you rehoarsni all these bleased remlnlaopnceaf Ob, thank Ood for a Christian father! Thank God for a Christian mother 1 Thank Ood for an early Christian altar at which you were taught to kneel I Thank Ood for an early Christian hornet I bring to mind another passage in the history of yonr life. Tb day oame when you set up your own household. The day* passed along In quiet blessedness. Ton twain sat at the table morning s>nd night and talked over your plan* for the future. Tho most Insignificant affair In your life became the subject of mutual ooniulta- tlon and advisement. You were so happy you felt you aever could be any happier. One day a dark cloud hovered over your dwelling, and It got darker and darker, but "it of that cloud the shining mi lime boot. The air wa* fall of joy and hilarity. With the bright clear oar yon made the boat skip. You went on, and life grew brighter, until after awhile *ud- denly a voice from heaven said, "Haiti" and quick a* the sunshine yon halted, you grew pale, you confronted your flnt sorrow. Yon had no idea that the flush on your child's chrvk was an unhealthy flash. You mid It cannot be anything erloua. Death In slippered feet walked round about the cradle. You did not bear the tread. But after awhile tha truth flashed on you. You walked the floor. Oh, If you could, with your utroiiK, (tout hand, have wrenched that oblld from the destroyer! You went to your room, and you aald: "Ood, save my child! Ood, *ave my child!" The world seemed going ont In dark- ness. Yon said. "I can't hear It; I oan't bear It." You felt aa If you could not put the long lashe* over the bright eyes, never to we them again sparkle. If you | oould have taken that little one in your arms and with It leaped the grave, how gladly you would havu don* Itt If yon could lt your property go, your house* go, your land and your storehouaa go, bow gladly you would hare allowed them to depart If you oould only have kept that on* treasure' Bat one day there cams up a chill blast that swept through the bedroom and Instantly all the light* went ont, and there wa* darknona thick, murky, Impenetrable, shuddering darkness. But Ood did not leive you there. Mercy (poke. As you took up the bitter cup to put It A RUINED HOME. A press despatch from a Western Ontario town, pub- lished a few days ago, told an awful tale of mad cruelty and crime. Chas. Hames stagger- ed home at midniqht in a fit of fierce drink delirium and an- nounced to his family hia in- tention of setting fire to their dwelling. His wife and child- ren rushed from the house. A daughter, aged fourteen, had not time to drss herself, and outside the house she was seized by her father, who held her till hr feet were terribly frozen. Her mother attempted to get the child free and was severely bitten by the drunken ruffian. Yet Charles Hames to Inritrnate an bar* U a chapel In Florence with a by Ouldo. It wa* covered un with Inches of stucco until our American anil European artists went there, and after long toll removed the covering and retraced th* fresco. A nd 1 am aware thai fee memory of the past, with many of you, U all covered up with obliterations, and I now propose, may help mo, to take away th* covering, that th* old picture may shine out again. 1 want to bind In one sheaf all your past advantages, and I want to bind In an- other sheaf all your post adversities. It Is a privtaus harveMl., and 1 must bs cau- tious bow 1 swing the scythe. Oar r.Ailf sci rr nn,l I n c Among the greatest advantages of yonr life were an early home and Its sur- igs. The (mil men of the day, for tlic miiat part, dip their hmted pasNlons out of the boiling spring of an unhappy |,.,me W are not surprised to flnd that lly roll's heart wits a concentration of sin wln-ii w* hear his mother was abandoned ami that she -|m of his Inllrmlty and often called him "the lame brat " ll who ha* vloloiis parent* has to tight every inoh of hi* way If he would main- tain his Integrity and at last reach the home of the good In heaven. Perhaps yonr early limne was In a city. It may li.ivs been when I'.-iitMvIvaiila avenue, Washington, wu* ntsiilontial, an now It I* oomiu*mial, ami <;auitl xt.reet, New York, was far up town. That old house In the ity may havu been ilciimlHhisI or changed into stores, and It neeunxl like sacrilege %0 you for there was more mimiilug In Vat house Umn there Is In a gran- Ita mansion or a turreuid cathedral, looking back, you see it as though It Ware yeNt^nlny the sitting room, where the |i.v.-.l nun sat by the plain lamp light, the mother at th* evening stand, th brother* and sisters, pnrhajM long ae gathered Into the skli, then pinning inlMihlef on the Hoor or under the table, your father with llrm voice commanding a silenoe that lasted half a minute. Oh. those were good day* I If you had your foot hurt, your mother always had a soothing salve to heal It. If you wen wronged In the street, your father wa* always ready to proioct you. The year one round of frolic and mirth. Tour I -it trouble) was an April shower, in n. i sun-ilium than shower. The heart had not ben ransacked by trouble, nor bad sickness broken It, and no lamb had a warmer shanpfold than the horn* In whleh your childhood nestled. Perhaps you wiire brought up In th* HI n try Ton stand now to-day In mern- ery uder th* old tree. You clubbed it far fruit thai was not quit* ripe, bantu** 700 couldn't wait any longer. You hear the l,rook rumbling along over th* psb- bJs Tou step again Into ths furrow rhare TOOT father In his shirt sleeve* shoaled to the la/v oien. You frighten tan swaliow* from the rafters of the liarn anil tak* just one egg and silenoe your on*cl*n* by saying they will not miss it* You tak* A drink again ont of ths very backet that ths old well fetched op Tou go for the cows at night and find them pushing their head* through he baff. Ofttlmo* in the dusty and busy ger of Ood descended Immortal spirit. Two little feet started on an eternal journey, and you were to lead them, a gem to flash In heaven's coronet, and you to polish It. Ktcrnal ages of light und darkness watching th* ktartlng ont of a nowly -created creature. You rejoiced and you trembled at the responsibility that In your possession an immortal treasure wa* placed. Yon pray I'd and rejoiced and wept and won- dered. You were earnest in supplication that you might lead It through life into Thnre was a tremor There was a double There waa an additional Interest why you should stay there and be faithful, and when In a few month* your house wa* filled with the music of tha child'* laughter yon were ulrui-k through with the fact that yon had a stupendous mission. Have you kept that vowf Have yon neglected any of these dull**? Is your liiimo a* much to you a* It u*nd to bef ll..v u those anticipation, been gratift.-l' ~* help you In your -il-mn remln- nt tnat you migut intu i> un I the kingdom of Ood Ther , ' In your ^truestnes.. The , inter-it about that home. Isoenoe, and let hi* mercy fall upon your soul. If your kindness ha* been 111 requited. Ood have merry on the parent un the wrinkle* of whose face U written the story of a ohlld'ssin. Ood have mercy on the mother who. In addition to her other pangs, has the pang of a child'* Iniquity. Oh. there are many, many sad MOII mis In this *ad world, but the saddest . ein.l that Is ever heard Is the breaking of a mother's heart! I flnd another point In yonr life hl- ! thank <j lory. You found one day you were in the wrong ?\jd; you ronlil not sleep at nluht; there wa* just on* word that seemed to sob through your banking house or through your office or your shop or your bedroom, and that word wa "tornlty." You said: "I'm not ready for It. Oh, Ood have mercy I" The bord heard. Peace came to your heart. In the breath of the hill and In th* waterfall'* dash you hoard thu voice ol Qod' love; the cloud* and th* tree* hailed yon with gUulnu**; you mine Into th* house of Gal. Yon remember how your hand trembled as you took up th* cup of the oommunlon. Yon remember th* old min- ister who consecrated It, and yon remem- ber the church official* who carried it through the aisle; you remember the old people who at the oloaa of the *ervlne took your hand In theirs In congratulat- ing sympathy, as much a* to say, "Wei- i-oiiiM home, you lost prodigal," and, though those hands be all withered away, that communion Sabbath U resurrected to-day. It Is resurrected with all It* pray- ers and Mings and tear* and sermons and transfiguration. Have you kopt tbo*e vow*r I lav,, you been a backslider f Ood help you. This day kneel at the foot of nii-n-y and start again for heaven. Start now i you started then. I rou*e your mil by that reminiscence. Hut I must not spend any more of my time In going over the advantage* of your life. I Just put them In one Kreat sheaf, and I nail them up In your mem- ory with one loud harvest song, inch a* the reaper* ling. Praise th* lord, y* blood bought immortal* on orth I Praise the Lord, ye crowned spirit* of heaven I la iin si,,,.iu But some of ynn have not alway* had a smooth life. Some of you are now In the shadow. Others had their trouble* year* ago. You r* a more wreck of what yon once were. I must gather up the sorrow* of your past life. But how shall I do Itf Yon say that U Impossible, a* you have had *o many trouble* and ad- versities. Then I will itist take two the first trouble and the last trouble. Ae when you are walking along the street and there ha* been music In the distance yon unconsciously flnd yoorsilve* keep- ing U'p to the music, so, when yon started life, your rory life WM a musioal to your lips God laid, "Let It pans." and forthwith, a* by th* band of angels, an- other cup was put Into yonr hands. It wa* the cup of God's consolation. And u you hare sometimes lifted the bead of a wounded soldier and poured wine into bis lips, so Ood pnta his left arm under your bead and with hi* right hand h* pour* into your lip* the win* of his com- fort and hi* consolation, and you looked at the empty cradle and looked at yonr broken heart, and yon looked at th* Lord'* chastisement, and you ssld, "Even so, Father, for so It seemeth good In thy light." Ah, It was vour flntt trouble. How did you gel orer lit Ood comforted you. Yon hav* been a batter man ever since. Yon have basm a better woman ever sine*. la the jar of the closing (rate of the sepol- cher yon beard the elanglng of the open- Ing gate) of heaven, and you felt an irrs- slitinla drawing heavenward. You hav* been spiritually btttr ever since that night when the little on* for the last time put It* arm* around yonr neck and said: "Good night, papa; good night, mamma. Meet me in heaven." But I must corns to yonr latent sor- row What was Uf Perhaps It was sick- ness. The child's tread on th* italr or th* tick of th* watch on the stand disturbed you. Through th* long waarv days yon counted the figures In the c*rpet or th* flowers In the wall paper. Oh, th* wearl- ne*s of exhaustion : Oh, the burning pangs 1 Would Ood it warn morning, would God It were night, was your fre- quent err- But you are better, ur perhaps even well. Havs you thanked Ood that to-day yon can oome out In the fre*h air; that yon are In your place to bear Ood'i name and. to (Ing Ood's praise and to Implore Ood'i help and to ask Ood'* forglvenee*? Bless the Lord who hualeth all our dUoais* and rwleerneth onr lives from destruction. Perhaps your last sorrow wa* a finan- cial embarrassment. I congratulate som* of yon on yonr lucrative profession or occupation, on ornate apparel, on a com- modious residence everything yon pot your hands on seems to turn to gold. But there are, others of you who or* like th* ship on which Paul sailed where two use thl may . not nieulloa- was once a worthy citizen, manly and attractive enough to win a woman's heart. He built up a horn* that ought to have been a haven of safety for all within It, but every particle of manhood left him. He became a terror and a curse to those who looked to him for protection and support, and ankto be a plague, a pril and a burden to society. Is it not met, and you are broken by the violenc* of the waves, Br an unadvised Indorse- ment, or by a conjunction of unforeseen events, or by fire or storm, or a senieless panic, you hav* been flung headlong, and where you once dispensed great char- ities now you have hard work to win your dally broad. Hav* yon forgotten to for yonr days of prosperity and that through' your trials some of yon have made Investments whleh will con- tinue after the last bank of this world has exploded and the silver and gold are molten In ths Ore* of a burning world f Have you, amid all your losses and dis- couragements, forgot thai there was bread on your table this morning and lhat ther* ihall b* a shelter for you* hind from th* storm, and tbsr* 1* air for your lung* and blood for yonr heart and light for yonr eye and a glad and glorious and triumphant religion for your aoulf Perhaps your last troubls wa* a ber- mvrment. That heart which In childhood wa* your ret ug*. the parental heart, and which has bo*n a soume of the quickest Hynipatby ever ilnco, ha* suddenly be- i-oiiic silont forever. And now sometimes, whenever In ludden annoyance and with- out deliberation yon say, "I will go and tell mother." th* thought flashes on you, "I have no mother." Or ths father, with vole* IBM tender, but with heart as lov- ing, watchful of all your ways, exultant ovsr your itioross without saying much, although th* old poople do talk it over by themselves, hi* trembling hand on that staJI which you now keep as a fam- ily relic, his memory embalmed In grate- ful hearts I* taken away forever. Or than waa your companion In Ufa, shaiar of your joy* and sorrows, laksa, leaving IDS heart an old ruin, whers the 111 winds blow ovir a wld* wlldernaa* of desolation, th* lands of th* desert driving across th* plac* which om* bloomed Ilk* ths garden of Ood. And Abraham mourn* for Harsh at th* oav* of Maoh- pelah. A* you were moving along your path In life, ludilenly. right beforo you. wa* an open grave. I'uopl* looked down, and they saw It was only a few feet wide, but to you It was a oavorn, down which went all yonr hopes and all your expecta- tions. But cheer up, In tb* name of ths Lord Joans Christ, the Co.nfortar. II* Is not going to forsake yon. Did th* l<ord take that child out of vour armsf Why, he Is going to shaltor it better than you oould. H* I* going to array II in a whit* robe and palm branch and have it all ready to greet you nt your coming home. Blessed ths broken heart that Jesus hotlsl Dlossed the importunate ory that Jems compassionates t Blessed th* weep- ing eye from which tho toft hand of JMU* wipe* away tb* tear I strange that men are not rous- ed to even more earnest effort to combat this fearful evil of depraved appetite and to do more than has been don* to shield the safe, strengthen the tempted, and reclaim those who have fallen victim* to our country's greatest sin and shame ? Samaria Prescription la the antidote of alcohol. It braces and tones the nervous system, cures the Inflamed and dis- eased condition of the stomach and Intestines. It tones up thr heart, liver and kidneys. It transforms a bloated, shaking wreck into a strong, healthy man. It ia inexpensive a whole cure won't cost as much as two days' tippling. It's harm- leta and almost tasteless, and dissolves In any fluid. It is the result of thirty years' experi- ence. Reader, look back over th rem.-dy a God send and you i louor in any war you sea nt, i ing uiy name. Yours i&cerely, F. Q. F. Ask for Samaria Prescrip- tion atdruggista, or sent to any address for $3. Remit by P.O. or express order, or registered letter. Parties desiring to con- ceal identity, write for our pri- vate address. All correspond- ence treated as sacredly con- fidential. SAMARIA REMEDY CO., Jordan St., Toronto. Ont. Two Orinr*. The London Chronicle tells this story of Father Stanton, tb* well-known Lon- don ritualist: Chancing to enter Into conversation with a visitor to St. Albans', Holborn. who had attended the service for the first time. Mr. Stanton asked him what he thought of the service The Wronger re- plied that he liked It all very well except the Incense, to ths uss of which h* strongly objected. "I am very sorry for you. my friend," said Mr. Stanton. Th* ether, not unnaturally, asked. "Whyf" "Well, yonse," MM Mr. Stanton, '-there are only two odors in ths next world inoense and brimstone and you'll hav* to choose between them." litvlll>lf> Hunan.*-. Life Is a building. It rises slowly, day by day, through ths years. Kvery new lesson we learn lay* a block on th* edifice Which U rising silently within u*. Every izperienoe. every touch of another life on ours, irvury Influence that impresses us, every book w* read, every conversation w* have, every act of our commonest days, add* something to th* Invisible building. freaklnc the BuUs. Accepting as true the anecdotes that appear from time to time in the Kuropeaa ne*ws|>aners, America is a country whar* queer things happen. New York houses are built JO stories high, Boston mer- chants ride reel's on horseback down Stutw street, herds of infuriated buffaloes Invade Chicago porks, Sioux chieftains break up suasion* of emigre** with im- provised sculp dances. Here is a story at New York custom* recently told by a French paper "In thu Central Park ther* Is a very large boars' den, which lias at a lower level than the ground about It, and Is surrounded by a railing. 'One day a stranger, while leaning over this rail, loot bis balance and fell Into the pit. Ha struck by the sld* of a Large griuly bear, which at one* **lxed the man'* leg In It* mouth and oom- crushnd it. Whan the bear had bitten th* man's leg nearly In two, some bystander* by the aid of ropes and clubs succeeded la getting him out of ths > U* lay In a fainting condition. At this point a policeman stepped up. 'I place you under arrest,' h* said to th* wounded man. 'Arrest? What forf gasped th* vto- tirn. " 'For violating the rules of the park.' said the policeman. 'Don't you sat that sign over there V "He pointed to a sign over th* railing to the bears' den, which read: " 'It Is positively forbidden to feed th* anlraaU.' years you have passed in push- Ing your money over bars Figure up what you've spent in money, In health, happiness, disappointed ambitions and lost opportunities. Estimate, if you can, the cost of your hab- its to your wife and family. You may feel discouraged You have doubtless tried to stop--have stopped and re- lapsed again. You need help now It is within your grasp. If you will take the Samaria Preacriptlon as a help you will not fall. It Is a liquor antidote. You cannot take them both. Failure Is Impossible. QCXK.V'I lUiTBU, MOKTRKAL, February 15, 19W. OgNTi.KMin, A profound sens* of pn- sonal ftratltud* prompt* in* to wriieyou S.-I...UH. HrviMl M.klu The following oon venation, in which a voung lady attending a science school tells how bread Is mod*. 1* a striking commentary upon a oorreapondence which has recently app><ard In the columns at The St. James' Gazette on th* subject of British cook*: "Bread!" she exclaim*. "Well, I should say 1 oan raako bread. W* studied that In our first year. You see. the yeast fsr- menta, and the gas thus formed per- meates everywhere, and transform* th* plastlo material into a clearly obvious atomic structure, and then " "But what U the plastlo material yoa speak off" "U. that U commonly called tha sponge," "Hut how do you max* the sponger" "Why. yon don't mak* it: tha cook always attends to that. Then w* test tb* podge with tb* thermometer and hydro- meter and a lot of other instruments, th* name* of which I don't remember, and then band ll baok to the ixwk, and t don't know what she doe* with It then, but when II oonu* on tb* table it U just splendid." Hi4 I u.k for This SoUatUS. A soinntlflo gentleman told a little tale worth repeating at a British Association meeting the other day. H* Is engaged In collecting material for a book on magnet ism and heard of a paper en th* subjeo* In a German periodical Not knowing th* Teutonic tonguv, h* **nt th* artiol* to a translation bureau. In Uu turn* th* translation wa* banded to him, and when h scanned th* lines he ksoam* very wroth Indeed, for th* article wa* imply a German rendering of on* from th* gentleman'* own psn, which appear- ed In an English paper a year before. In- sult was added to Injury wbn the scient- ist had to pay for translation exactly as much again as he received from th* pro- prietor* of th* Journal in which tk* article originally nguix-d. \ II ..III, Of - , .11. The snail Is bleaatxl with great powers .__ m tha merits of your Samaria Pr*- i of vitality. A oaa Is recorded of an Kgyp- criution for overcoming and curing ths tlan desert snail which cam* to llf* upon habit of drinking llouor. For many yean I bfAng immersed in warm water aftur hav- 1 have been addlcMKl to going on period. u ^ f , |ied , , ^^ to L^rf^-'^.Lr?^^^ 1 , 1 ,^^ an Kngllsh nu,n. Son,, specl,* i. the collection of a oartaln naturalist, re- vived otter they had apparently boon dead for 16 years; and snails, having been froxen for week* In solid block* of lo*. hav* recovered upon being thawed out. of myMtIf and relapse Into a condition un- fit for human association. All my effort* to overcome these flts when they cam* on were unavailing. Recently I was induced to try your Samaria Prescription, in spit* of the foot that I had lictls or no faith In such things. To my amtzemrnt I exuerl- enred immediate beneficial affect*, which not only destroved aU my former eravlog for itiumlanvs but positively mad* llquui obnoxious. I feel like a different man. I rleep soundly and enjoy an appetite that U a delight to ms. Urk-flj, 1 consider vour Th* *ggs are as hard to destroy as th* s'-.atl Itself. They *ncin perfectly indiffer- e it to freezing, and havs been known ta> pro"* productive after having bssa sh. ' slled up in an oven lo th* sanibiaaa* at .la of ssod. 700 MEN Ol'IT WORK. Nearly 600 of Them Are Moulders in the City of Montreal. 100 COTTON OPERATIVES OUT. tk RldM i MuBilont Wlln s lk Flllu - ! Now i.> . IK... i.. of I ..i.,,, or Ho I .ou ) III. M,.,ll.l,,. II ..t tor -Bad "otl^-ik * Item. I.. Montreal, May s. 'I'm- iron fnuonttn had a meeting at the Windsor on Satur- day evening ami ilc ruin! tout they would have nothing more to do with the union lesoerii who have brought about the strike. On the ot.her hand, the iin-n ap- pear in no wise diwonoHrted at the an- nouncement that the employers had determined to Ignore, the union. The fol- lowing la a ptvtiv eorrwt list of the (Inns and the number of striken: Parker's Foundry, 15; H. R. Ives & Co., IM>. Amesse & Co.. 15; W. Hodden & Co.. :.'&; the Grand Trunk. 90: the Canadian Hwltch Company, BO; thu Caledonia Iron Works, 80; Warden, King & Co.. 50; th* Canadian Pacific. 100; the Uturler Kn- glne Works; 70; Drummonil. Uc.Ca.ll Oc Co., 70; Charity. Oarth & Co.. 'M; Beau- pre & Co.. 15, or a total of 5UO men who aavs quit work. Catton rntl.>Y strlkv. The Merchants' Cotton Mimuftti-Aurlng Company, which recently isxued a cir- cular announcing an advance in the price* of its products, him another though low Important strike. About 100 employe* went out on Saturday because thuy were refiis<-d an increase of tun per cunt, in the wugu*. Lust week some of the other employes asked and obtained a similar atlriunv The company offered the strikers .in ad- vance of five per cent., but they refused It and luft work. it ..I Ontlaok at Unit u- Buffalo, May 8. The threat made luxt week by tho officers of the timm rJhovel- lem' Union that if their troubles with the contractors for unloading grain at this port was not soon settled that the entire eommeroe of the great lakes wonltl De tied up, seems about to be fulfilled. The strikers abMoluMy n-dimsl ui negotiate further with the mcmbifK of ll< Shite Board of Arbitration or with the otUi-lals of the Lake Carriers Asuoeiatlon until the contract with W. J. Connun for the nlooiling of grain Is annulled. The Ijike Carriers' Association ubsulnU-ly rcfuiw to listen to this proposition, saving that It is Un possible. Bishop Qulgley of the Catholic diocese of Buffalo has been ap|waled to hy the rJtate Board, but ask* it day to consider. In th* meantime the hjtrbor U becom- ing more and more c*>nirHHtud. ANOTHKR B.t>K IM ICIMIHI-II of I -mi, lit. r... t I, r. .,!,, 7.000 -en Stur-U|t. Chatham, May H. Uotwnen 8 and 4 o'clock rJuturduy morning the vault In tho Canadian Dunk of < 41111 munv at Dres- den was blown open and 17,04)0 In 15 and $10 Biink of Con-mien- 1 hills secured. At about 4 urloek Ik -i M.uulun und hit wife, who live over the hank, were awak- ened by an explosion, fallowi*! shortly after by a second expln-turi. I' hey hod no Idea tho bank was being roblmi. so that they did not Imther ^ettiiiir up. and thu robbery witM not| until the bunk officials went to worU In tin- niurn- ing. Manager Musmin Hunt Into the Chat- ham brunch of thu bank for money for the day's buMlne-w. There in DO clue to the perpetrators of the job. Ktattfl RM*rah In Dn Vulli-y. Toronto, May 8. The natural hlstorv -ion of the Canadian Institute in Sat vnlny afternoon vlsltsil the well which Vruf. Colemuii Is sinking In the Don Valley Whim the party arrived, the workmen won- down 'M S font, and bad just struck gravel, after [KisMinn through nothliijt but sinul. l,i thiM Kntvel were shells similar to thosu found in the Miss- issippi and southern rivurs, as well as other shells, li..rti)iu 'Inn. the waters of the region have been warmer, and at other times eolilcr i linn tho pn*snnt tiii- p-rattire of Lake Ontario. This w-11 Is DeliiU sunk miller directions from f he UritNh Aseoolatlon, to prow a Imi::- estsbllHhud theory in r>iranl to in:er- glacial di-|Kisl.s. Pnibubly i,lie Ix-st, ovl- dences of intri- l.u-iii.l deposits In the world are to tw found N-t-woen ToronUi and Scarboro. ami for this renson the British AsHovlatinn, hy sinking a well to find the formation, hopes to prove bryond a doubt that thu thuorv I* ixirruct. At :I4 feet 9 Inches the men struck a hard cluy just as the party was leaving. Should peat be found in Mils clny, similar u> the jn-iifv clays of Scarboro und at the Don brie k yards, the inter glacial st-rtlon will be complete. Thu men huvu about 80 feet further yet to go. understood that !m would return, Tha amount taken will not uxcoud (1,000. Jones' whereabouts Is not kuown to til* authorities. Mr, W. C. \t linu^r 1> ..I New York. May . Mrs. William C. Whitney, wlfo of furmer Secretary of thu Navy, died shortly before 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Whitney's nock was lu-okea aliout a year 11^0, and she lion been kept alive ever since by the most modern ;ippllaiicis und thu ilevotud cure of a wwilthv ,'iu-liiiiiil. Her cas was looked upon as a triumph of modurn surgerr. BANKS MAKING MONEY, Mrarljr a Milllu. .ml i. to K. Paid I.. I |,.II|| Hi.nk ln.rrlil,lri on Jun 1. Montreal, May H. The sum of nearly one and one-half million dollars wll be paid out in dividends on or about June 1 by thu Canadian lutnk.s. Some 11 bank- ing institutions oho*) the llr-t of June as tho day on which to begin the distribu- tions of the half yearly itarnings, und, as u coiistH|iiiiiiv over 11.4110,000 will be paid out uuil will again seek Investnic-ni alsuwbuni. Tha of Montreal liwls off with mOO.OOO to lie paid out to its stoultholdurs, while i,hu Meii-lnints' Uank of Canada and the Canadian Hunk of Commerce lumo second with 9- 10. 000 each. The following is the lUt of thu bunks which will pay the dividend and lu all coses it is for the half year: linnk ..f Montreal, .. )MT .-ui . |WH),000; M.-r uhants' linnk ii i '.timilu, .1'-, percent., I^IO.OIXI, < itiiinllan Hunk of r iinmei.-e. as percent,.. .'|IIISH) linnk of Toronto. 5 par i:ni.. llon.iXH) Quubec littr.k. a I-r cent.. . |7... DUO. Union liunk. a per eunt., luU.'JiU, llunk of llauilton, t per cunt., *.,II.IHNI : .Stanilurd Bank. 4 p.-r cent., I40.UOO; liuni|iu: il'lliM-hula^a. ii per cent.. 4ii. Kill ; Villu Marlu, 3 per eunt.. *l(.:iss. Diiturlo liank, J,S per , fa, 000; total. 1.4J7.7S8. HuBSjIng In ttln II arm. Hranlfonl, May 8. Mr. Oeorge Simp- nil. a well-known fitriuur living a unlv ami .1 half north of Onomlaga, made a painful discovery on Stain-day. On KOIIIK into Ills barn at an early hour hs found tho bwly of his nephew, Kdwln Slmp-on, bringing from one of the rofturs. llu loat rin tnicc- In I'lii.i.iiiu thu ro|w. but the sul- cule's in i- .i.-id txvn cxtinot for home hAtirs. Uoceawd, who was MU, >>ad acted a llttlo strangely of lulu, but the family bad no suspicion that be would attempt to lake his life. Said to II* c. l>-I-.uit. r. Rowland. B.C.. May 8. W. a Jonea. oolluutor of rovcnue, la sllutied to be a dc-fiiiilu-r ml to have left tha oountry. Inspector* Millar and Dili are here from Vain-outer Invetil.lgallng tbu matter. Jonu* has buun uL>w;ici troui K.iniS- for about a month, but It SICW-* IN HKIKF 1HACB. Poilerewski has nearly c-ompleted his gypsy opera, ll U to bu tlrst producod in l)n-nden. Uiidyard Kipllmc I* to be mode an I.I. I) by Mdlill University at Montreal at the June convocation. ArchblxhuD O't'onnor pnwhed hi* nrxt sermon since his installation at St. Michael's Cathedral. Toronto, on Sumlur. Thu Monteviiliit.ii has lunded at Mont- real U heavy Uelil plmi-s. (heir ilesllnu- tlon being- Two for Colxmrir, Out. : two for St. John. \ Ii. : two lor Montrual and six for (Juubeo. Sultan AUlul llamld of Turkey Is fearful of his brother Miirad V., whom In- ilelhronud and suci-Mxled. and Is tuk- niK ituveru iiniusiinis 1*1 curtail his inilu- euoe and opiHirtunltiet to do barm. T.HE TRANSVAAL AlMUMlt to u-th. Toronto, May ii. Daniel Morrison William Thuiupon and John Dandy huvu been arrested on a uhnm of flunluii4ly \rniiiiilliii( ThouiaH t'ullen on Satunlay afternoon. Cullru wan luft for duwl, and un exumliutttun at the Kinuroency Ho-ipi- tal it wax found UiaC bin bund wan cut in everal, uiii* nxti-ndlnK flv ' |IIC'|II-H on thu luft -.ide. acalp wound onu | Ineli IOIIK, lanh In chin and a cut in hi* left arm live InchuM lonx. A knife corurud with blcMiii wu< found in Dandy'* pon*e*- i-iiiu, aaU will bu uwxl OK nvliiunuo him. l-,.,k. . i .... to Hunt. May M. Mr. HorrlBfrton uf Napiuiuu, Cnunty CrotTn Attorney, ijwak- Inif i*f the HHCunn uf Hara and Holdeu, ld Pam mpud from the only corridor ' In the jnil that It wtm powilbla for him to gut ouc from tin thinks that it will be a very diftiru'.t imttLur for tun authorities I to rntch the 1'i^n j !. IM they know per- feetly well tliut if til, v uru i-autflit this tune thuy will nuvur obtain their liberty attain In thl* world. It In not likuly that they will no mwr a Innce city. The Pin- kartou men will no loubt be un the look- out fur thorn. " i ->U.l..n I III.. ..I, I.- II .. fi,W . I...I. Hot Think .td*i>bl tq I'rlnt Just Now Luiuliin. Mny N. Tim uneasy fueling | is |irevulciit here conecrniiiK develop- ments In the TninHviuil already ia nlmwu to an appreciable extent in the* fall of South African securities <m the, Stuck KxehuiiKc, while The Chronicle on >:iiur day Unit it tin* received sonisatlonal news, which, in vlt-w uf the situation, It doe* nut think It rlnlit to publish. Siiiilli-;uu. UHI. U lliH reply of I>inl Lansdownc, Sccn-uirr fur War. to a ques- tlmi In tin- UoiiK uf I.ordn. whure ho re- fused u> tfivc up Uiitvsmith. in Kunu-ru Cape Colony. IIH it military riuttlmi. The L'ltlitndi i pi-mum to tlie Queen U still iiiiilrr i-uii.stdriniuon. but itctlun then-oil will -Kin huvu to bf taken, .mil then tliii re<|Minsibilu v fiir wliui. follow* will be with President Kruijcr. Private inforinution received here puint* to a ifencnil belief cm the part of those inter ested In .South .itfuirs tlmt Kru- KIT In unlikely to uwinle to Mr. Chain beruiln's demands In i h:it ease tin- Col- onial Secre.tary IH almost ceruiiti to pro- veud to uxtrvnmlus ill fur en. MtWS I l:iMI I II K I'lill.lHrlNKS. i.-n. M...r..,ii., ii -i, u. U Cmn "Whip til.- Wllul* I ..I of % III. i '. Cl. Manila, Mny S. To clear the Filipino* OUt Of Hacolil.'. ttlKMlt Ilvi- miles SOIII llWCSt of Sun Ki-rimnd'). will be. tin- next tank of thu Americans. Tho reliel gpneml Mawardo luis u force of O.IKHI men there, well arnu-d anil ] osseswed uf plenty uf ainiiiiinition. His truopH have never met AiniTli-an soldiers, uuil ttic-v think, ai-coi-dinu to reports oiiirieil (.1 San Kern- ando, i hut thuy can "whip thu whole lot. 1 ' Tin- rein-Is have an <uir.|><Mt nliut u inllii hevunil Sun Kernundu. with .1 i.rcuch tliot holils between two and ilmt) huu- dml men. Krom thai uoint several volleys weru tint! liuit night upon the cuiim of the -.'oth Kuiisus Kcrfiinctit. N.-ither Major (ieuerul Miv.Vnniir nor Major I'cneril I.awion moved on Sunday. It in rumored thai. Mitbliu. prusidunt of tbii Cabinet ami Minister uf Foreign Affair* in Che HO ivillixl Klllpitiu Govern- ment, who in it Kiuliuul, IM lo Ixi sucoeed- ed by Fatorne, fr;imer uf Uiu Spanish trusty of 1 v.iii. Thlii <-hun,xc i rmatrdoii as sigiillU-aut nt thu prusrnt juncture. Ill VIII III II UN-. In Dtl 1>**T'S I With llril.l.. onr Trad* I ..melon. May 8. The Brltlxb Board of Trodu r. nirtis fur thu month of April iliuw tlic. loiluwliiK "lmnK* In Canadian Import!* In Hritl.sli bottoms: IniTtvtm'* Catil.-, '.i.(HHI; com. H.O(H ; hai-on, iisiKKI; IIIIIIIK. 4UI.(MHI: biittor. *IL'.(KHI; lumber. --J.iHH). Dwruuii* Shoep. :. IMK); whwat, ilU.IHKI; Hour, N.(HHI ; 1.' INN); ohiww, 1.(HM>; lisli. ta pulp. tTiKH): timU-r. JH.iKK): nurwn, ii.iHHl. Thu n-turn* of uxportu to Cunada In Hr,i i-h buttoiiiH show that thu follow- ing inuruuiMM oofiirrml- Cotton*. 48,000; linellH. -!.'HK). lai'ii, it-'.'KHI' Hilkl, 1:1.- 000; woolen*, i.i.uim. rutlury. ill.iXHJ; Iron plaUtx, 1,01111: lund manufito Aim*, 4,000. The nxporta of tin olid Iron d- oruowxl oonidurl>ly. HRH. UK- N l'> Tk* Autl-< llrillun >ow Nut I .,. ' ll. J .ill-. I- .ml i 1J...J. BoUerUlu, May 8. Itev. JanHM Knull , died lit thu Muthodlst pantonaKe at Shan- noiiville on eiatiirduy iiioniliix after a two woek-s' UlnnsH. Mr. Kaull wa* native of England anil had rwdded In for :iO venrs. Ho HIM I been a minister for L'S ytum. Prof. Knoll of Albun Colli.-K" 1^ "iio of hln ion*. London, May 8. Pcmmii whu knew Mr*. Annie liemnC In !icr mrllor day*, whan shu wa* a militant anti-Christian, and later, when s|. M WON a Iliiliilnir tbuo*- opbiNt, will bu RiirprliMMl to Imrti that iljei- shu ha* takun to Iiuildliii.iu .tin! to* rt(imernt,ion of Uie youth of the fur na*t by the ostnbllrihment of a RrM n/itlve University In India, aho ban ab-uuluneil the rljtht. of sell defence A fricMiil nx'cnt- ly wroto to hur, tir^lnn her to hrlnn un lu-iiuii aiialnut a man who libelled bur. Shu replied : "I could not consistently mie a ^land- umr nor seek to punish onu who In lure* mu. All siic'ii actions I havu ixuuuiiood. They bc-lonu tu thu life of thu world, und l-ii oiitsiilc> ill.' spiritual life to which I am ileliini.'lv iileilnisl Thin man IH only clalmliiK it Karinic- dubt 1 pay It nbour- fully, and cannot uin-n a now aoooun* with him by puni-chlng him." Did Th Try to BUT T Winnipeg, May 8. It I* currently repurtod In railway clrclo.t In St. i'uiil thitt uffortu have beun unulu to purrbaiw thu entire nystem of thu Northern 1'urlllo Hallway within tho Provlnoe of Mani- toba, with a view to Us ultimate amal- (nnuttton wltli the Canodiaii Poclfla Kull- !! WM tll Hart. Montreal, May 8. .lusrph Noel of Sonih Durham fell undur the wheel* at St. Utmbort on Saturday evening, and woo crushed no badly that he dlud yonter- day. Noel wu* to bavu boon murriuU thl* Sir H. H. > l)ed. London. May H Capt. Sir Herbert Se-arlslirlrk Nnylor-Lryland, Hart., who had repruM-iiieil the Sout.!i|x>rt division of Suit invest Laiic-ashiro In the Uouao of Commons In the Mix-nil iiiterraM Mlnoe last August, ilic'il yestiTilay of larrnuiti*, after a IOIIK illness. He |HISM| awiiy itt his London n-^iilun-e. llyile I'nrk lloum, Albert Unto, S. W., i'i tlic- presence of hli Wife, who was Miss .Iriinio Wilson Chamberlain, formerly of Cluvouinil, Ohio, and of his mother in law, Mr*. William S. Chamberlain. Sir Hurbort In bin 'Mth your. At Wht The I.oixi-n Tlmra a!4 Part*. May 4. At the rnqneat of th RuRslan OoTernuient, M. Del CM ma, Min- ister of KorelRn Affnln, commanleatod to the preim an offlclal denial of the state- ment* iiiiulu In an artlule In The London Tlmen that thu Anxlo- Kusulan agreumont wa* to Knuioe's iletrimnnt. The Koho de Part* uzpreaso* hope that th offlotal arraiifp-muiik between Russia and Qreat Britain dlflors inatvrlally from th praiient lntrpruutlon of U, "other- wlne," the papar nys. "our lutarwt* In Abyiarinla and the far aat will b* bald cheaply by U>* Uuacovltoa," D ! i ,-> i-ic,, i .Htepn lltiwn. Paris, May s. Tim Hn-yfux Juirvrernftiit has crushed another W.-ir Minister, and tliii relin inont of M. Kreyrinet Is wcl- riiiueil by both his fi'lriuls ;knU ununilu*. Hi* vior is di^ppi-uriii){ with oite, itnd he i* no longer e.ip:ilile of iierfunnliiK tha dutluK of rnsponsibln Hhttrsinaniihln, M. KrauU, M' new \Siir Minister, haa no Impoi taut ant,iH'iili-nt<, hut it Is under- stood that he favors revision. Si doM M. M-ii. r. the new meiiihflr of thu Cs>hl- t,, but he Is mtoil p.iiir.ienlly an a luuro Ullite of Preii.ler Uiipii;,-. Roma, May 8. Tim yuan*; Duko of Abni7./.l, KliiK lluirlicrt's nephew, hn titken n tuarful ftrowell of his royal r<-la- tiviw and startoil, via Norway, for the Polar ii'^icins. lie pn>|>osuM to uutku Htruixnt for Krany. .IoM>uh Ixind in a speemily pre|mre.l si.-aiii-.hip, tho Star of lUily, |K-netrau< on far north as posaiblo, and, wlieii frozen In. to inakn a rush far thu Poln with slc-iixh*. He prouiisoil hi* '' -mis to bv buck In Homo on Juno 1, IDOO, with rallot of AuOrvv. KB PAJNH HHEUMATIC. M'lATir. LI.'MHAGIC. FOR ill . ii A. ,. i. 111.. TOOTHACHE. ST. JACOBS OIL Tin-: i. in \ i rcRB, THK 8LBK CUBE. THE CUBS aJLI, 'BOClf U. I.Ik* Woninn. ''he My dear. I wiint to go to Cuba Hi- No. you don t. dear Don t you re nii-inlier how the climate disagreed with our Holitlcr boysr Well, it will urn* with mu all right or I'll know the n-anon why " Yonkers Sutiitttiiutu Chimney soot is an obstruction to -niiilH. ami if placed thickly around bot- liedn will prevent their wcnrmg an- tiuuce. according lo Mt-eban. Great Britain hu- MU fewer than 2.300 mot;it7.iiii-v i'Oof ilu-M- tieiiiii of a religious eharueter rMi^n i r*T*r* DISEASES Are Positively Cured by Oodd's Kidney Pills. Laimrk i ..iinr, Hvnplo K<>w I lie, -Their i .,..-, ..... n ... r,..,.,i u U...I.I . Ivi'lnr) Pill* Cured Mr.. I'rlmr II- I'.l len ,.( Klilii., I ..III,, ...,l Kllniitrnock, May 1. The people of thl* >>oct;,,ii .inj:imontr the shrewdest and most level. lu-aili!d people in C.uiudu. They know a good thing WIH-II they meet it. And \\iien they "run up uciunsi' u J-'-KH! tiling they make UM- of it. That Is why Dodd'l Kill iiey Pills have such .in enormous sal* ' in tint) district. That's the rounon Dodd'i K.ilney Pills ore UMX! in nearly every huusehold In the comm- it la nothing unukuul to hear of several cure* of Kidney Disease every day by ' Dodd's Kidney Pill* in this neighborhood. Thu medicine is in universal UM?. It ho* thu ro<- nl of having completely cured every cose of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, i Dropsy, Lumbago, iilu iitimtiMii, 1'ara- ' lysis. Hean Failure, Urinary Disease, Dls- ssiiis of Women, or Blood Impurity, In which it ha* been used. Our puopl* also claim that it is the only medicine on earth that will our* these diiu-UMM. A still further clulm is made by tho** who huve used Dodd's Kidney Pill*. They assert emphatically (and, to speak th* truth, they bring convincing proof) that liriirht's Disease anil Diabetes are as ea lly cured, if Dodu'i Kidnuy PiUs are used, as U a common cold. Mrs. Peter O'Brien, of Smith's Falls, whose cur* 1* tha latest reported, has many frieml* in Kilmarnock, and her complete recovery amaxes while it delight* them. HIT OOIM> wo* a severe one of Kidney Dis- ease, and Dodd's Kidney Pill* worked a wonderfully quick und complete cure. Dodd'a Kidney Pills ar* sold by all drug- gists at fifty cent* a box, lx biixos t! M, or will be sent, on receipt of price, by Ths Moiiicine Co., Limited, Toronto. Pour MnujRAVB, JtJKK 6, 1887. C C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs, MINAHD'S MNIMENT Is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liuimeut I have ever used. MBS. JOBIAB Hiirr. . Potmton l*rvnt Gout. Oout is rarely known among ths work Ing classen of Ireland. Their Immunity from thl* complaint Is thought to bs dn* to thu fact that thuir food consists largely of potatoes. UOEnklll < 1.. I||. I northern China many of th* native* re dressed In doeskin. There are many stabliiihmt nta whure dou* of a peculiar breed are rained for their skins. They are killed whan sight nunths old. Catching Turtlr* IH the \\~mt In4l*s. A curious mode of catching turtl* 1s rnictictsl In th* West Indie*. It consist* in at tuclilng a run.' and a line to the tail of a ipecn* of isuckcr, which is then thrown overbonnl und Im edlatuly makes for the first turtle he can spy, to which h* attaches himwlf very firmly by means of a sncklrg apjiaratus arranged on the top of his heml. T!ie flshorman then hauls both turtle and sucklnK Hsi. m. $100 Reward, $100. The rriilrncif ihli paix-r will ) plesmtd te lsrn thai there is st least 0111* iii*idd illneas* Iliut sctoiiiui hs* IK-I-CI able to i-ur In ll its HKfS and thai ii Catarrh. ll;id > C.-ifirrti fine in -lie -,1-ly |>i ulve cum now kn-'wu lo ths mc-cliciil fr.i Uu-uity . C uirrh lieitiK a cimtiiiiu. Uniml Ulix am-, requires .-> . u-iiimunc .1 tn-ai- inriit. Ilitll's Csturrh i'ure in uxki*n in ern.illy, sciinir rtlreo Ijr ui>ii tin- lih> d anil mucous siir- tniM of th* svsn-in, tliuieliy il* iiuvinu tha f. -1'inl-iiniii iif tin- ihMuati, ami fftvniK tfi,- ji*,tii<iit litriiiiKVh y builillng U(> thu cc.n.t.tuih.ii kud a-.i-'n ^ a ituni in <l>iitig Its wiirk. The pro. |irii-lc,rs liuve n,c much nliti In Its eimtlv* poivi-rs. th I they --'l.-r Urn- Hundred U (or ay sssj* tnal It lail* to uure. scud for 1UI of Twtunoulals. Ail in-s< V J. I'll KSBT a CO., Toledo, a sTSold by DniKgisu. it*-.. Bhu ll ... 4 l.ovr. 1'ractJoal Maiden Of couns your hous* I* supplied with what we call a sitting- room. Sweet Sixteen Certainly. Practical Maiden How large Is It? Sweet Sixteen (iu^tmiously) About on* lap. That tired feeling will disappear and you will 1m able to eut well and slet-p wall by uuiig Miller's Com pound Iron I'Uln. An I -M.llorlill. "Kipling." said thu unmumrpoe*. "will nrfer dla ' And yet,' repllod the critic, "he ) being murdered evury daj." Valludal North Awwiuost. A Cur* for Fever and Ann*. Farm*- iee's Vegetable Pills are coni|>oundeil for uas in any climate, .mil they will befouud to preoerve their powers in any latitude. In fever and atrua i ney act upon the ecretions and neutralizs ths poison which baa found it* way into the blood. They correct the impurities which flnd entrance into t lie system through drinking water or food and if used aa a preventive fevers are avoided. It Wu To* . ......i for n.t Clerk Madam, this good* will wear yon live yean. Lady Dear mel Well, 1 don't want It, then. My husband nevrr buy* ms a new dress till m> <dd one wear- nut. Miller'* Wurm for children. Powilurs the medicine Sweat sii,, i, u .. In 800 New York sweat shop* the highest wages earned, according to the Board of Health report, is 46 cents for 18 boars work a day. llnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Three little buy** from nchool are we And )n*l as lupi>y can be. Th* teHi-hi-r xuui w were so bad We nmnlo'1 uuiuobauk. Uel Ain' Mew York Journal. A ',!!,. .It. ' , , .1 cc, ,,,,.1 ProbaMy the moot remarkable drumms* who has ever lived was Juan Henri, th* famous tambour major of Emperor Na- poloon. Oneuf his feats was to play npon Qfteun different romsl drums at the tan> time In HO soft and harmonious a manner that. Instead of the deafening uproar that might bavo been expei-usl. the effect was that of u ncivec and complete Instrument. In playing ho passed from one drum to the othur with xuch won lorful quickness that the uyokof tho ?<|ioi-tutorKcoiild liardly follow the muvemunt uf his bunds and body.