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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1899, p. 2

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\ WOES OF DRUNKARDS. Rev. Dr. Talmage's Strong Denunciation of the Evils of Intemperance. Worse Than Any of the Ten Plagues That Befell EgyptIts Victims Are Countless- - It Biteth Like a SerpentGod's Grace the Sure Remedy. Washington, April 80. At this time, whon tho evil* of the drink traffic are bit- ing widely discussed and tin- inovninent for the abolition of tho degrading and brutalizing canteeu In our military cam|Mi Is gaining many supporters, this rrinon by Dr. Talniage, dealing with the briMuler anpeot* of the plague of Intero- peranne, hould cheer and Inspire the friend* of tempei'anoa everywhere. HI* text i Kcodu* 11. 6, "And there shall be a great cry throughout all tbe land of Igypt." Tuls wa* the worst of the ten plague*. The destroying angel at midnight flapped hi* wing over the land, and there was one dnad In each house. Lamentation and mourning and woe through all Egypt. That destroying angei has fled the earth, but a far worse ha* tome. He sweeps through the** cities. It ii tho destroying angel of strong drink. Far worse devaxta- tlon wrought by this woond than by the first. The calamity In America worse than the <vUamltr In Kgypt. Thousands of tho aialn, millions of the slain. No arithmetic can calculate their number. Onoe upon a time four fiend* met In the lost world. They resolved that the people of our earth were too happy, and those four Infernals eame forth to our earth on embmsy of mischief. Th* one flnd said, "I'll take charge of the vine- yards." Another said. "I'll take charge f the gralnflelds. " Another said, "I'll take cbargo of the dnlry. " Another (aid. "I'll take charge of the music. " Tbe four flend* met In th gmat Sahara desert, with skeleton fingers clutched each other In handchake of fidelity, klseed each other guotltiy with Up of blue Oam* end parted an thnlr minion. The flend of the vim-yard aarne In one bright morning amid the grape* and *at down on a root of twisted grapevine In hoer discouragement. Tbe flend knew not how to damage the vineyard or, through It, how to daraag* the world. The grapes were so ripe and beautiful and luscious! They bewitched the air with their iwootnea*. There aanmed to be en much health In every bunohl And while tbe flend sat there In utter Indigna- tion and disappointment he nlutahod a cluster and K]ue7.<i it in perfect spite, and, lo. hi* hand wa* red with th* blnod f the vineyard, and the llend *r.ld: "That remind* me of the blood of broken fcnart*. I'll strip the vineyard, and I'll equine out nil thn juice of the grape*. and I'll allow the juice* of the grape* to stand until thnv rot, and I'll call the pro- e** fermentation. " And there was a great vat pn^mnvi. and pmple citine with thMr ciifw nnd thnlr -pitchers, nnd they i|.il up Mm blood of the grarn**, nnd they drank nnd drank and went awar drinking, ami ilipy drank until they fnll In loug linns of dmth. so that when th* fl'-n 1 of the vltioynrd wanted to return to hu home In tho pit he ntcpped from car- oass to onrrtiiss anil witlkixl down amid a gmnt oauAHway of Mio dend. I ii-n the ni'onil Ill-nil came into the riMinflrlcl. He w/uliil rhln di>ep -uniil the KirU-y anil 170. IIu hmnl all the grain 'jul nig about bniai! anil prosprroiis hus- Um Irv ami thrifty hom*H. He thrust hU lung arms Into the grnlnflnld ..mi he up the grain and thnw Into the Wilier. an<l ho nuuln Immvtth . .rruat fires -Urns UghUid with a spnrk In . hi* own Ii- in and there was a ur .illn*; and a miuiliing and a stench, nr-l the people eainp with thi-lr ln tins, they dlppitd uj> tho flery lli|iili|, and they drank, and th.<v blatiphriiiol. and they itnggerod, and they fought, itnd they rloiixl, and Uicv iniinlHrnd, and th* flend of the pit, Hi- fleiid of tho giitinlleld, wo* so ploased wil.h tnelr behnrinr that be changnl his n iiilfin-4< from the j>lt. to a whUkr barn>l, and there he sat by the door of the bung- huls laughing In high nun-riim-iit at the thought that out. ofnnTihlng so hnrmle** an thu grnln of the tli'lil he ml t ;ht turn thi* world Into a wwniiiig pandemonium. Tk. vi. oil of ih. Dairr. Tho flrnil of thn dairy aw the now* eoMHiig Inline from tho |Hnturo fluid fall ud<tiod, in I an Mi.- nmiil milkeil he said: "I'll MMIII ,|Hill all that. IIIHSS. I'll add to It -brandy, mignr anJ nutmeg, nnd I'll etlr It ini.ii milk ptinoh, und ohllilron will drink It. anil om.< of the torn peranc* people will drink It, anil If 1 onn do thorn ns> laore harm I'll give thorn a headache, and then I'll haml thotnovnr to the more Igurou* Hi-nils of the satanlc del|ratl(in" And than thu ll.-n.l nf the dairy leaped ojcm thn shelf nnil dnmvil until the long row of chining iiuil,|>nin almont quakod. Tin- flimil of Dm mu-,1. riti,.nl a grog- ihop. and theru worn but fow customer*. flailing fow customers, he iwept th* nlr- 1 nit of th* city, ami ho gathered np th* mnsloal Itistrumonts. and after nightfall h* ntarxlinllsd a band, anil thn trombonist l" and the nymlml* olappml, and the dniuu bent, and tho bugle* called, and the |nopl* Rmwilnl In. and they iwung aniiiini ( D IIIKITV danrw, each one with wlne(la* In hi* hand, ami tho <lanra be- raine wilder and Htrongor and roughnr th* r*om ihnok, and the gluian* ranked tn d the floor broke, anil the r"wil Uriipnod Into bnlL rhoa tin. f*gr fiend* th* flend of th* vli-. nl itnd af thn gralnflolil ami of the <Utrr an<A of th* music hall want bank t* tkilr hri,, !B| %n d they held high carni- val k*can*s their work hod bmn so well 4*n*, anil Sun rosn from hi* throne and annoan .- 1 tlmi, them wa* no dangnr of the earti rmlxniptlon *o long a* thos* four fl*in! nould pay moh tax to th* dlaholla, \., i u,.-n all '.he demon* ana all tt* fi-mU flllml their gUM*e* and ollnkml hem and nried: "Let u* drink- drink tht avurlartlng prosperity of the liquor traffic. Hern't to woe and darknos* nd murder nnd duathl Drink! Drink!" Hut, whethor by allegory or by appall- ing nUttlitlo* this subject I* presented, you know as well a* I that It I* Impos- sible to exaggerate tbe evil* of strong drink. A plague! A plague! In tbe flnt place, the inebriate suffers from the Ion of a good name. God ha* no arranged It that no man lo*e* hi* reputation except by his own act. The world may assault a man and all the power* of darknem may assault him they cannot capture him so long a* his heart U pure and his life U pure. All the powers of earth and hell cannot take that Gibraltar. If a man Is right, all the bombardment of the world for ft, 10, 20, 40 year* will only strengthen him In hi* position. So that all you have to do Is to keep yourself right. Nnver mind the world. Let It say what It wllL It can do yon no damage. But a* soon as It I* whispered. "He drink*," and It can be proved, he begins to go down. What clerk can get a position with *uob a repu- tation? What store want* him* What church of God want* him for a member? What dying man wants him for an exe- cutor? "He drinks!" I stand before hun- dreds of young men and I ay It not In flattry splsndld young men, who hav* tholr reputation as their only capital. Your fathor gave you a good education r a* good an education a* ho could afford to give you. He *tari*l you in city life. H* could furnish you no mean*, but h* ha* surrounded yon with Chrlitlan influ- ence* and a good memory of tbe past. Now, yonng man, under God you or* with your own right arm to achieve your fortune, and as your reputation U yoiir only capital do not bring upon It suspi- cion by going In and out of liquor eetab- lishinents or by an odor of your breath or by any glare of your eye or by any unnatural flush on your cheek*. You lot* your reputation and yon lose your capital. Tbo Lou of Hlf K.ip.n The Inebriate luffers also In th* fact that he lose* hi* wlf respect, and when you destroy a man's *elf respect there I* not much loft of him. Then a man will do thing* he would not do otherwlM, b* will say thing* h* would not *ay other- wise. The fact U. that man cannot *top, or he would stop now. He 1* bound hand and foot by tbe Fbllstlne*. and they hav* shorn his look* and put his eye* out and nuulo him grind In the mill of a gmat h->rror. After he 1* three-fourth* gone In thU slavery, the first thing h* will b* anxious to linprns* yon with Is that h* cun stop at any time he want* to. HU family Income alarmed in regard to htm, ami i II--T *ay: "Now do atop thi*. After awhllo It will get the mastery of you." "Oh, no," h* says, "I can stop at any tliiii-. I can stop now, I can (top to- morrow." UN molt confidential friendi ay: "Why, I'm afraid you are lo*tng your balance with that habit You ore going a little further than you can afford to go. You had better Mop. " "Oh, no," ho says, "I oan stop at any time. I can stop now." He goes on further and fnr- ili.-r Me cannot stop. I will prove U. H* Invos himnolf, and ho knows nevertheless that strong drink U depleting him In Ixxly, mind and soul. He know* he t* tt'ilng down, and hn ha* 1<*M *lf control, II-SH equipoise of tvmper than he nurj to. Why does ho not stop? Heoauaso* cannot t.i|> I will provx It by going (till fur- tin r B* lovo* his wife and children. He * that hi* habits am bringing disgrace iijum bis home. Th* probabilities ar* thy will ruin hi* wlf* and disgrace hli chll- ilrrn. Ho see* all this, nnd he love* them. Why iloos ho not stop* Ha oannot stop. Again, the man suffers from the low of usefulness. Do yon know tome of the men who have fallen Into the dltoh ware imi-e In the front rnnk In churr.he* and la tbe front rank In reformatory Institu- tion*? Do you know they once knelt at tin- family altnr nnd once carried th* chalice of the holy i-ommnnlon on sacra- mental days? Do you know they onot Htood In th* pulpit and preached the goHpel of the Kon of find? Wo will not forget the scono<ised *ome year* ago in my Hronklvn church when man ro** In th* midst of the audience, stepped Int* th* aisle and walked up and down. Kvcrybody saw that h* wa* Intoxicated. The ushers led him out, and his poor wife took nil hnt. and overcoat and fol- lowed him to tho door. Who wa* hef H* biul nun- boen a mighty minister of th* gi>N|N>l of Josu* Christ In sister denom- ination, had often preached In thi* very city. What clew him? Strong drink! Oh. what must bo the fueling of a man who has destroyed his capacity for usefulness? Do not be angry with that man. Do not IOIM your patlonce with him. Do not wonder If ho says strange things and get* IrrltaUtd easily lu the family. He ha* the Pyrenees anil tho Andes and tho Alp* on him. Do not try to pnrsuade him that there I* no future punishment. Do not go Into any argument, to prove to him that thore Is no hell He knows there la H* Is there now I But he suffan also In the low of phy*l oal health. The older people In this audi- ence oan remember Dr. Swvell going through thi* country electrifying great audience* by demonstrating to them the offcot of stniiin drink upon the human Hiomaoh. I am told h* had elfrht or ten iluigram* which he prcuwnted to th* peo- plo, showing the different itage* In th* program of th* dim-as*, and I am told ICIIM of thousands of peopl* turned back from that ulcerous sketch and swore olernnl abstinence from all Intoxicant*. Ood only knows what th* drunkard sufTim Pain flies on every nerve and travel* *T*ry muscle and gnaw* on *r*ry bom incZS flings wit *i ervr poliaon and pull* wl*Mhnsry tor-*.ur What a-eptUej crawl oTfl his thi-verlnf limb*! What ipecten osMUnd by bl* midnight pillows! What grr xni (Mr th*> air! Talk of thi rook, tal V of thf funaaral prra. talk of th JuggtrnaviaM. H* mffr* tjurn all a* ono*. Thi Is.brliok i '. Dlk. Set ttasa* ittnndanti stud bock from that warsscl ID the where tbe Ine- briates a Ban dying. 1" riry cannot stnd Ii The kwpsMin ooini- (through It azmd My: "Hnihii pnow! Stof3 n nklng thin noise! B* itllll You ore disturbing ill the other patients. Kwp ittll now." Thcsn th* keepen peaM on, and sf ter they g0*> past then the poor enatnr<*a* wring their handi ndiiv: "Oh. Ood! Help, help! Olvi me nun, gin me rurara I Oh, Ood I Help I Take tbe dnlli off or me I Oh, Goct; oh. Ood!" .Am nd they ihx-lek. ud they blos- pherne, azzid they ory for help, and then they uk thtkeepers e-o slajthem, aflaylng: ' ' Stab me*, ftnngle rca , mother mos. Oh, Ood! Heo>lp,hilp! f*t um! Olv* me> rum! Oh, Ood! Help!" X'hey tetr oufc their hair by tfcrw bindf ul. cmnd they bite* their naili Into - the quick Tblt ii no fancy picture. .i_illi tmnipir-lng In i hospital at thi* mom nl It wnu on lutnlgbt \vhlls vou slept. ud. more than that, that ii th* death eome of 700. will die nnleeae) yon top. I a BI II coming. God help you t* top befoi e jon go eo *ar tbit you cssanaot top. but It ff \ifim m*mn aln In the lorn of home. I - <lont core Slow ranch he love* his wUe n-tnJ ohlldren. if thl babt gets the niMtwma-jr over him lie will do tho most outrogeoui. a things. If need be, In order to get tu vn( drink lie would sell them all Into u alining captivity, Ther** on ' hundradi -and thounr-ils of bomeo* that have been ntterly bU^sted of It I am peaking if M ilxtnu- *lon Ii tbero any thlna n d : laitraui to * roan for th in llf* and for th .ellfe to ooo>f Do you tell m* that a ma n an b* hap>py when he t nowe he U bmalBklDj bli wlfes'* hevt and oloth- ln hlsch - ildrtn with raglt There* art little obllcfllnn In the *trwu IO-OBT 'bare- footed, an kempt, unco mnbed, want -writ- ten on eve srr patch of their faded tlress and on v' "n; wrinkle af their preraoature- ly old cour-ntnnc, nr fr>o would have been In the bou of Ood th. ft* morning an well clad oi jo*Bxi hid It nc t been that *rfcrong drink dn> ve their p*gar*nu down Int* penury ineHl then down Into the (crave. O. rum, rxznm, thou d^srpoller of homes, tbou foe OB*V Ood, tbon z^orulunf offior of the olt, I ISuKthnl But my ubjivr t*sa,kni i deeper tone when It wttlli you tr-iat the Inebriate uffnri the ION of th*9 oal. Tbe lilbl* IntlmitM VJUul If ws ego Into the future world anfaorilren the cpprtltn and pas loni wblc h wer* rerugn*nt hire will torment UIVBB thm, I ewippott when the Inebrlit* witee np In tbe lost wvrorld there will "h in Inflr* Ite thlrrt cla -wring upon him. In thli world he could get strong dri nk. Hnwi-vo-r poor he woa* In this world. htoonld t-n or he could srteal flve oenu Issti pt * drln Be t hat would for a littl" whlleiB ilut hu -r-m Irst, bat In gfcein- Itv where Distill the ram come from? Olve* wanted one=drap of wa>*brr, bat could not get It. Wb*aen will th* 1 nebrlite get the draft hi *> reach requl ros, muob de- mands) MToono to bre -w II N* on* to mix It. Keen one to pm - It No on to fetch It Vorlllliimi of wworldi now for th* dregt that -win throw r on the Bwdnsted floor of th* rottunnt. X lllloni of worldi now for those? rind flung c ut from the pu nch bowl of in earthly ban ]Uet I)ln* o*ll*d for water. Thi Inebriates* oolli for II * Like l.ipt.t If * flrocBBl (mm the I<~Mt world shiould come up ursn i mission t-r> a (tropthop sand, having flnloMhri tbe mlsBsalon In the *rrof hop, ihoul drorae ba^ac. taking on th* tip of hi* ling one drop of alrorsollo bevoragi, whit exolteraont It would maki all through thi world of thi lost and, U that one dr>p of alcohol lo beverage ahould drop from t^.hilng of ffthe flood upon th* tongni of t lit lnrbrlat*. how he would ipring up akoknil ory : "Ttaat'iltl That'** Itl Rum! Rut nl Thal'i tt!" And all th* caverns of t_ih lout worm Id echo with, tbe cry: "(live II to me I! Bnml" Ah, my friends, thi InebrlaOo'i sorrow lo th* next world will not h s. r> ubwnce of Ood or hollneu or light It will U thi abanno* of rum. "EHjOoknot npo>n thi wine w ben It I* rod, woBmvnlt motet, h lt*!( srlgh In the -up, for M the lait It blloth lllce erpent, ancZ3 It rtlngeth like an adder. "' When I *e=Mlbli pl^tion In the Und and when I m fthlidestroyirig aofel Ing acron o w irrat ol tile* I at time* Indigraint and 10 xnollrnw humili- ated. Whem iman aikea mi, "What an you In fivosar of for t*ri* inbjngatlon of thti evllf" I uuwar, "I ira n-sily for anything tbaslli n-oioncable." Ten me, " Are yeon In favor cf Honi of T peranoef" Ta "Ar* 700 hi favor of good SamaBBrltui?" To**, "An you to favor of Qoo l Ttrnplanf * ' Ten "Ar* you In favor of prarohlbluirr lamw?" Tu. " .Are yon In favor~* olthe plen^*re>'" Tu. Com- bine all th* InOuenn*. O Chrtftlau re- formen ando* (hllunthmplstil Coutttni them all for Ihiextlrpat. ion ufthli T| 1 Thirty wo>nn ID on* of thi State* bond l together, and with enoeclal ordl million from Ood (W weml forth to the>-o> work and ahAl np all h* grogihopi o>f l larp visage. Thirty women, wltr-JA thtlr *on*r and with tHlr prayer. Ancxl If 1.000 or ; 9,000 ChrNt ln men and WOKXIII with aoj especial ordina- tion from *><xl ihould,' o forth feel ing the rrovonlfcr>illty of th>lr work and dls- oharglnn the -IrmlwW taraey mold In svny city shut np ill the umarsthopi But I urn* t not ilwnll . ii (tnralltiosv I must norae too ipeflflri. _Aro yon imtreo>y ? If there U arson* sjrmon I dlJllke. It is* a si-crnon on ge^ensjilltlni. I want ponon**>ll- tle*. Areyn**Bii<tmy' I *Tave you (rone far yon think z jou <Linno* getlaokf Did I *ay few nomnnts rsvgo that * mn mlaht go to anoint In Iraebrlitlon when* he could not itapf Yen, I old It. and I reiterate Ii But I w*mnt you also to understand tXJhil, while tr-ae man blmnelf of his own Vt ircnjih -nniiot stop, Ood can stop any msjim. Yon have only to lay bold of the itrons8 inn af the I/ord CKcxl Almighty. ICTerin ntnp you. Many su n> men ago y ^*strai over tr> New York on* Sablwth *ve)r-nln(|, our onhuroh not yet being ope* fczir the aiiturannal Hnrloe*). I went Into* z=zv>m In tba Kourth Wivr-l, N*w York( vwbin i n llgl-.n* Hrtio* heln*; held for n-formod drunkards, and I heard a revelation that night that I bod never heard before IS or 20 men stand Inar up and gtvtncr testimony smch a* I had never hmnl friven. They not onlr testified that their hearts bad been changed bjthegrane of Ood, but that tbe gmoe of Ood had extinguished tbelr thirst. Thr went on to mj that they hod reformed It different time* hnfnr* but 1m mediately fallen biwtnusg they wi-n 1 do- ing the whnluwork inthelrown fftrength. "But a* SOOD on wn gave our heart* to Ood," thi-r nid. "and the love of th* Lord Jesui Christ has come Into our soul the thirst hoe all flcone. Ws have no more dlxpoxlt Ion for stronar drink." It wm a new revelation to me, and I hare proclaimed it again and again In the hearing of those who have far gone utrar. and I stand hent to-day to tell you that lh grace of the Ix>rd Jesus Christ cannot only save your soul, but M\r your body. I look off to-day upon the desolation. Some of you are so for on In thi* habit, although there may be no outward Indication*, of It you never have itninre'red along the street the va<t majority of prapln do not know that you nlmiilAte, but Ood knows, and von know, and by hurniui calralation there Is not one chance ont of 6,000 that you will ever b*> Mopped. Bwware! There are some of you who ore my warm personal f r lends to whom I molt HUV that, unleso you quit this evil habit, within ten year*, as M your body, you will He down in a drunk- ard'* frrave and, a* to you Immortal soul, yon will He down In a drunkard'* hell! It I* a bard thing to say, but It i* true, and I utter the warning lest I have your blood upon my soul. Beware! A* to-day TOU open the door of your wine closet let the decanter floih that word upon your mil. "Beware'" A* yon pour out the brreraire let the fon>m at the top spell out the word, "Beware!" In the gmat dav of God'*, judgment, when a hundred mil Hun dmnkardi shall oomeipto fret thrir doom. I wont you to testify that thli dr. In love of your soul and In fear of Ood, I gave you warning In regard to that Influence which hoi already been felt in your home, blowing out somo of Its lifihtn premonition of the blackness of darkness forever. Oh. if youoould only hear intemper- ance with drunkard*' bone* drumming on tbe top of the wine oaik tbe ' ' Dead March" of Immortal souK yon would go home and knivl down and pray Ood that rather than rour children should ever become the victims of this evil habit von might carry thi-m out to the cemetery and put them ilnwn In tbe last slumber, waltincr for thi- flovren of ipring to come orer the grate swift prophecies of the resurrection. (!od hath a balm for such a wound, but what flower of comfort evr grew on the blasted heath of a drunk- lid'* . pule her? CREOLE BELLES' SOCIAL DEBUT. Hul Ito Utr*due*l to Nw OrloaM oclvlf at ttko Osra. "Society goes to the French oprra on Siturday night hcrauar) Itl great- grand falhnm hnndMl thi> cuntom down to It," write* Harrrdele Hallmark In The Iwuli.v Home .lournnl. 'S.> ent*blUhed In this cuitom thiit DO *x-il function 1* ever prepared for Saturday evening during the sneiMon The family that give* out on Invitation for that night ls liumetlinti'ly clawed an not Tcrnpd In the usage* of wley and not worthy to b* known. Thli ia eo deep-rooted In Creole llff> that luch an Invitation would be jeered at 01 U ootiilriK from a barbarian "Tbo best ilngi-rs snve their volcos for thU crovrninu night, and the house Ii like a private ballroom, where the guest* Tiilt and laugh and cbat from the balcon- leu of the UUP* as they do from the little Iron balconlei that connect their bonnes. U one dee* Dot go to the opera on Satur- day niftbt through ln< k of Invitation or money on* Ii vnry careful not to be seen fUrwhore w*tng out the luggestlon that ilokaea* or trouble Impelled one'* abaeno*. Tbl proud Craole* of the French nt, tome of them In grinding poverty, ijrnoru all the Manll Ou festivities. Ignore all that costs * picayune. In order to save thi amount to appear at th* open on Satur- day nlarbt. "No debutante of New Orleans enten society In the correct and approved man nor unlesaa ihe make her debut In a box on thi* particular evening. If the social uplrant bat mlhvient money and taot to Hcure the good-will of a Imdlng family to Invite her debutante daughter into lu bos, tbla daughter h.i-i mclved the> most prw'lou* hall-mark of aoolety. If a man who owe* a social oal 1 payi the call to hit friend* In their box at the opera It Ii j jit the *ame 11 If be called at their home. The centre boze* ore reserved for debutante*. There they receive thi lomage due them; there they are woood and sometimM won, but certainly then they make or mar their ohanot* for belle- hood. Some of the debutante* may wear thi ilmpleet of muslin gowns, but tbl simplicity of their* never count* against tiie foot that ubey an there. ' ' risxIllB*;. "lam *rreatly Indebted to you!" U polite remark that a great maaj men could truthfully mak*> to the grocer and the pnrvlxlon dealer The nnaraiceessful roan never lay* any thing, *>xo*pt powlbly a grndge," against thi world. II I* ea*ry enough to manage a wtf* provided nhe Isn't yonra. It won't do for iport wmen to talk to the retamod aoldlen about thi delight* of aamplnir out The mttn who l lUvray* punctual never geti to a place a minute) ahead of time. Kven HO. b*> usually baa to wall for aorui ont elsa. How ilofl It happen that the lummer girl never icrmiui until after oho ban bno kiKied ? When other people taki thilr outing tbi luramer rsmrt man has hli Inning Tou oan't offeml A 1 4 -year-old girl by estimating her age two yean too high. U Ii all right to look before you leap, but don't look no long that yon lo*e your ohani-B of leaping Th* girl who leav** tbe point of a pin it! <klng oat of her bait Mhlnd doeau't . Anerre to be hugfod. THE EDITOR'S WIFE. This Lady Suffered Terribly From Rheumatism. or JoluU B.... to Swoll od Twlsl KO.I of ll -hpo l>ooth Woald Hav* B.o a Koll*r-Dr. Willis***' Plok rills slord Hr lo Hosllh. From the Harrlston Tr bun*. After long consideration and much hesi- tancy about having her name made pub- lic, Mr*. John A. (Upland. wif of the editor an.', proprietor of tne Harriston Tri lnine.has mvilviHl thatthe world should know li-.w wonderfully her health wai re- itoreil by th- tio:ly u*f of I>r. William*' Pink Pllln t ^ Pale Peopl*. Our repr*- entative intervi rwed Mr. Copland and thn following U his statement of the ca**: Whilst we were living in Toronto at No. 00 McGill street my wife took 111 In the autumn of IH, and had such racking pain* that she couM hardly stir. One of th.- beat special 1st* IB Tornnto wa* called In and he diatrnos-sd the caae onei of acut* Inflammatory rh&u-rnatUm. HU prescrip- tions were given and he said that the ca** wa* a very Mvere one anil It would b* a wonder If her joint* did not become mii- ihapen. What this eminent physician predicted oame true. At th* et.d tt a month my wife wa* wor- than aver, and her wrists and knuckles wer* twisted greatly out of *hape. rib* wa* *o di- hcartenod that *he would weep at th* alifchtait provocation. She was loth to May in bed, and had to be assisted to arise and dress, every movement giving h r In- tenae pain. During all the enauing win- ter this state of things continued, she gradually becoming wone In *pite of th* strong medicines and the lotions that tb* doctor prescribed for her. We tried in vain the m**sag*> treatment and th* elec- trical treatment. My wife would moan nearly all night with the pain. She wa* unable to bold the baby, and even could not bear to DAV* a person point a finger at her. I feared that the iprins; would se* my wife under the sod. and yon may b* lura I wa* terribly affected by it. All thi* tune we continued to give her th* doctor'* treatment and medicine*, until finally my wife Moutly refused to take any roor* of th* drug*. From that out h* began to Improve, and one evening I wa* astonished to *e* her coming to meet me when I ar- rived home from the office. Why.' I aid, 'the doctor U ilolng you good after all.' 'Not at all' *h* Mid and imlled. Then *he produced a little round wooden box and held it up. 'I have a great *ecret to tell you.' she laughed. 'Unknown to you I have been taking Dr. William*' Pink Pills, and thn 1* th* wventh box. They ar* raplilly curing me." Naturally I wa* overjoyed and almuvt wept at the thought of how very near I came t loving h*r. She 1-1 intmii-it taking Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and before she had finished th* eleventh box -he wa* quit* well again and to day her wrUt* and knuckle* ar* u* ihapaly a* ever. "Several of our neighbors. In Toronto knew how sick she wa* and can corrobor- at* every wonl I have said. Either myself or my wif* ar* willing to iwear to th* truth of the** itatemunts." Mr. Copland has been laughed at for the enthusiasm with which h* has sung tbe praties of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*. but he believe* that anything no valuable to mankind ihould get all the prals* It deserve*. Mr*. Copland wan *een at her residence on King street, Harrtston, and *h* corro- borated every wonl her husband ha* laid. Sbe reluctantly gave content to hav* her name published, but *ald that the thought it proper that the efficacy of the** pill* ihould be made known She wa* led to D** Dr. William*' Pink Pill* through *w Ing th* Accounts of cure* In paper*. Worn. It All. \>s, we pay that girl six dollars a week, but she's worth every cent of it," laid the experienced houwikeeper. "Six dollars!" ?ri*d the novice. ir Why, you can get as good a* you want for ftt or " "Oh, I don't know," returned the ex- perienced houMkeerier. "1 think thi* on* avea me more than theexoee*. She'* been flirting with the plumber all winter, and now she's just beginning to smile on th* Iceman." You need not cough all uight and dis- turb your friends . there i* no occasion for you running the n.-.k of contracting in- flammation of the lung* or consumption while you can get Sickle's Auti-Coo- stimptive Syrup ThU medlcin* cure* coughs, colds, luflammAtlon of th* lung* and all throat and chrst troubles. It ,>rs- motea .- free and eaay xpvctoratloa.wLica ltnme<l ately relieves the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm. ri.wn r P a * r,.. At Hlrkin, near Ferrybridge, England, the other day a plow came Into contact with a stone coffin covered with a Moo* lid and containing human bone*. The coffin i* seven fe*t alx inches lone, tor** feet wide, and the sUlo* four to flv* tooow thick. It weigh* nearly two ton*. New Uf* for a quarter. Miller"* oat- poo od Iron Pills. Tsi* riii Way. Ga*loton--Her husband claim* to have perfect control over horl Grtmshaw Yenf Muppoee h* can make her do anything she choose*. Blliousoes* Burdens Life. -Th* billon* man is never a companionable man b*. enuM his Ailment render* him momee and gloomy. Th complaint U not so danger- cm as 1 1 Is disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer from It who can procure Parmelee'e Vngetahle Pill*. Uy regnlatin*: the Uvr sail obvintlng th* effect* of bile In th* stomach they restore men to oh**rtular* and full vigor of action. "Vmelln* ha* the blue "What 1 * the matter nowf" ' Well h had to epend th* 06 c*nk> kad *v*d w*rtl gvlng" lite tin i TIRED OF WAR. . <>U. ,. Coblol HI. l..,rn " Ulipn... 1-rm. OV Rochester Sunday Excursionists Hurled to Death. Wen <.i. c so Lak* Omtml* ( slavo a i. .0,1 I ... Who* tho ...i4j.m Ha*>poa*1 Trala Kan rout Aroaud a Carvo Throo \v.r. Ki:lod tfutri x k>s. air n.-., w.r. aally iu>r.<i owl o HTrty. Booheiter. S.Y.. May L TIM uoet disaxtrou* railruad wrack thai ha* ever happened on a Km heides taihrvd oonrred at -'. 4<i yosterday afterneon on the Roohe*ter A Lttkn Ontario Hallroad, better known a* the Bay Kailroatl, about one half mila north of Ibe city line, when two oar* on an excursion train, lied with ptuMengent, left the traok while going round a curve at full peed. and were oomplntely wrecked. Three partKnger* were killol, a dosen fatally art and over 60 injered. The injurie* of four of the hurt are so *erU>un that Veath may come at 007 moment, while than have impl and oompound fne- M*re* *f the arms and leg*. Tho Mtart ... LaSo. Th* train, which wa* orowded with excuralonmtji bound for different point* along the bore* of Lake Ontario, left the Bay IJrpot In tbl* city at a.41 o'clock la the afternoon, about 16 minute* las*, very *eat in the martin* wan tilled and a large number of people were HBtndlng on the platform*. The train wa* mad* up of an engine, one rlneml and two open eoacbes There U a gradu about 100 yard* from the corner of North avenue and Ridge road, and when thi* grade wa* reached the ipeod of thu train inerea*ed perceptibly. Tnooe standing on the plat- forms clntchml the railing unil Htuuilard*, and the pnmn-ngi-rn in the open oar* clung to their hate and cape*. *W*pt r.',u-l thO * mr-vr Down the grade -\vcpt the train, it* peed IncnnoinK almost constantly. When the fatal curve was nticb*l the engine rounded it with Htartllng raptdity Nex* to the cngtur wan the i-losHd carriiitte. and when It rwtched the OHI-VO It veered over to the north and rwtn around th* curve on the wheel* on the lef t old*. It had negotiated bat part of the bend IB the track when U left the rail* aad oho* bight abend. There wa* a sodden crash i the oauplings bi'twiwn the engine and Were Muvemd. and then It agala I s*i*r and plowed through lh* earth nveral feut before dropping on It* i in front of thi< Kldgu road llou-i. The flnt coach left the track, th* eo- glne sped an down the track and th* other ouacheM were foraed off the track. The aecond utach arrapd alongside of th* one that luft the trwk, lenrlng away th* platform and uthrrwin* Injuring the car. The** ears. Impelled by the fore* they I had already rwvlv! ran aheatl for about 100 feat The engine whirled on down the track and wa* not (topped until M had gone nearly a mil*. Th. Clo.**U < o.n h Ti mm J Ovr. The cloHud ooach, which was over- turned, had In it a jmrtltion that divided the front part from the rear. The front apartment wan a riim.klng rompnrtinxut. In It were turn itnd (tanding in the entrance were two women and a little girl. Thane were thrown into a jumbled *r~~* against too roof of the car and were plnlouxd undvr th* seat*, and th* partition in the car which wa* torn in pi Inters. John Hlllierv wan standing on the platform between the wound and third car* jhen the crash earn* and was caught between the twu i-.irs and minimi to death. HU body wikt rmuoved with ttffionlty un<l sent '.a the morgue. A few minutes aft.T the accident oc- curred rullntud men and other* wer* at work removing the sufferers from the wreck. The work of rescue was energ i- loallv carried on unil aa soon as each oufferer wa* taken out h* was sent to th* hoxpital. Ambulance* bad been quickly utnmoned from the clcy, and, although It wa* a long run, remarkably quick tlru* was made. The ambulance* carried extra doctors, so that the woundtxl were quick- ly attended to and the more seriously hurt were removed to the suvurai bonpl- Ma; 1. The following General Otis wan given Washington. tapatch from out on -am. .uv Manila, April 9. Adjutant General. Washington: Conference with Insurgent representatives terminated thU morning. They request a cessation of hostilities for thrne weeks to unable them tu call tlieir Congress to decide to oontinue the prosecution uf war ur propose term* of pee.*. Proposition declined. and full amn.-jtty promhwd on surrender. lielleve insurgents ore tired of war. bat sank to : aeon U-nim of mace thronKh what tley | denominate, their ivprnsuntaUvH Coo- , gum iSlirnml) Otis. It U Mated at the War Department that the Insurant leaders probably will ooo- j far. and then *tk aiiothur conference with General (Hi*. and that the i i.-n.-ral will no doubt grant general auiaesty III- \.irkl.twn , H.n. New York, May 1 The Herald has a despatch from lu oontsipijndent at Man- ila. which Mays that the Ibsurgents at Baler Mate that they havu the mliulng nifti of the gunbiNkt Torktown, and are holding them an prisoner*. TbU refar* to Limit. Gllmore and tbo 14 marine* captured near linger some time ago. \rm Thr Wiki.i e Tim* T Manila, May 1. Manila U dlridad betwiu two opinions. th majority be- lieving that tin- Filipino* desire pence, While u'hers think that they are iprrln fur time In which to rehabilitate their demoralized army. The latter opinion gained oolor from the fact that relnforce- iiHHitii have bwu sent to the south, oppo- site the American linen. lxL AnftiflH-, who U a lawvw. piriidldlv lUuitnitml the Malay subtlety at word*. While he itii-litrtil with appar- ent frankness that the Filipino leuilers wituCed a chaiu-e Co ifiv- up the struiCKle irraopfully through the Oinnrumi. instead uf i.irrrniliriiiK tguouilniously, ha asked for a fortnight i armistice, so that the Congress might be vammoned on May 1. He endeavored to iiimnilt the Anwrtism* to irrunwr rtom-wuiions. and wanted termii guuruntoud by tivut y He wa* told that recognition of the Mlipino Government wu> Impossible. and hu wan given to undur-U4Uiil that a written guarantee uf amneitty for all irnurKvnts wa* the uluuist that cimid be givi'ii. i"oL Argm- Ie argnod that. Spain had given itmlkir | ItuunintetM and bniki-n tlu-ic, ami hi* luld much stress ->a tin- Spaniard*' honor, lla peniostontlv dclurud that the Kllipiuo* uiut be ptsruiitteil to r.'tirw with huuor. Mr. *rl,or m ... run !. In the oour* at the conference on sat- untuy Mr. Jacob C. .-.-hurnmn. chairman of the I'niUil Stau-. l'hili|ipiu commis- sion, told Col ArguulumM that If the Insurgent* would now lay down their UTIUN he and hi* oolleairu> of the com- uibwlon would c-oniiK thi'iii nv.inlini/ thf plan of government to be mbailtted to I'rutnlent tlcKlnley Hit id he .mUi not promlHe that all the ug|(eHtlon* would be adopted. Ue bad touxuiu them that there wouM be a nronuinptlon la favor of thulr ua>giitlonii, adding that the i-ommUnioniT would be uxpucially desiroii* of tl*fying 'lie legitimate anplmtloDii of the KUlpln>i*. > ihti.i k - on -.*i,i..| if Saturday, before lien. On bad iMtrad tb onler dlruvtlng < >en. I^twton to pet urn to Angttt. thu troop* of hi* oumiiiund eni-.iunu.Tml UIH relwl* in a circle of hllli outride San Kufaol, about flve mile* northweMt of Angot. but dliln.l^-d thm after an hour'* ttghtlng. 1'be Aniuriran* hml thrw wounded. A thoumnd armed FUlpinai toll buck a* the Amuriuao* ad- vanced. Tk* I ixiih.ih. A footbath U of u-n u nuuroe of great re- lief and oomfort to a Hick puraon, and every one win- I* likely to hare charge of the lcL at any time slmuld li-urn how to give tbl* bath in U-U with the lea*t tax and worry to the paurnl . Here I* a good way: Cover over the lower half of the bed with a large piece of oilcloth (and Haid piece of oilcloth no hoiuewlfe *houkl allow henelf to be found without); then puf a foot tub with a mail amount of waUT of medium tem- perature in the bed. Have the patient lie on the buck, and flexing the knee* place the feet In the tub. The knee* can be niip- ported if niymeary by an atu-nitaut. Cover the tub and kni-en with an akl blanket. having placed a board over Cbe tub to keep the blanket out of the water. Thu pnticni can now lie there and thor- oughly unjuy hi* bath. The water CUM be heated from time to time by adding more hot water At the clone of the bath cool the water to loo degree*; lift the feel out into towel* and dry them. Philadelphia Free*. A GREAT VIQORY After a Short, But Hot and Deci- sive Contest. The B.ii.uir Ortvoa i rill. lh. Mr 1,11 1 -. t.i,u Ih.oi. *] lli.r Provod Tru. and -to >.if^.t Prloads. Amhentburg, Ont., Aprtt 94. Ja*. R. Qtllean, propnetorof the Lakevlew Hotel, here, I* one of the happiest men in town. For some years past he ha* been in very poor health, and wa* a great sufferer from Kidney Dliease. In spit* of all that medical skill and numerous remedies <-ould do. Mr. Qillean grew gradually wonte. Ill* differing* in- creaaed. an<l there seemed to be no hope of curing the disease. One day a friend called to nee him. and advised him to try Dodd'j Kidn y Pills, telling him they had cured a number of case* of which he knew, and which were all worne than Mr Gillean s. The Utter procured a box, and HO much good did It do him that he bought three more. These cured him completely, and he 1* now obliged to hold qulti- a reception every day, o many frieuds call to cougratulat* him o*> hi* happy recovery. Dodd's Kidney Pills are actonlahlng th* meilicnl fraternity dally by their marvel- lous Hucce** in oases of Bright'* Disease. Ulabeu-s. Kheiiinuti-ra. Lumbago Scla- tii-a. lintvel. 1'riimry Troubles, Female C<nnpl.tint*. Blood Impurities, and all other Kidney Disease*. Many physician* In thi. .llntrict prescribe them in their practice, always with the best results. Kultiev Diseases ..' *-*> -h m-t\ n of IXidii's Kidney 1'llls. which are the only cure on earth for Kiirh dl Dmlil a Kidney Pills are nold byalldrug- gixta at lifty cent* a box, six bozus IB.&O, or will be **nt. on ruci-ipt of price, by to* Uodds Medicine Co.. Limited. Toronto. taslor lo Hovo 1 IIMM to Cloon Op. In Formosa the Japs have In-t ituted a anltary measure that does lullnit* credit to their nerve and aler nes*. They limply deport u waule populutlon to another lite, for the reason that It Is cheaper and easier to hin iii a new town than to clean an oW on*. Thor Vancouver. B.C.. May 1. The officer* of the Ht4iiinT Cutch. which arrived from th* north on Saturday night, report from Porcupine Dl.stru t, that at a reoont ruuet- Ing of United Mjitfi miners Indignation was expressed at the rumors spread about of friction between tbemsiilve* and th* Canadian police, and a mmnilttoe wa* appointed to wrlut to the prum to Inform the people that the "utmost harmony prevails In thli district between the min- ers and the Northwest Mounted Polios, notwithstanding mullcioiu n-ixjrts to th* contrary." A Mow fr ...-r WsntoH. London, May l I he Bi*bop of Lon- don and many othur clergymon of stand- ing have boen oonsulering an Intimttlng addition to the Church of Kngland prayer book. It Is felt that, In vluw of the very rapid Inoream of cremation, there ought to bo a now form of religious j oervlco before committing bodtc* to the' flames. The coiumiitsa which was ap- , polnld to conxkler th* new form of ervk-e ha* complutod la* lalwro. but what tout form Is has not ye* transpired. Ai>>bor i >uk. (.0110. London. May 1. Henry CKnrlea Flt- roy mi:n<ot, eighth Duke of Beaufort, to "dw d. H was in hi* Tbth year. Th* Ihike, who wits the patron of 24 llv- was born Kob. I, ls:M, and snooeed- his father In the title and family In TUB roric-s JLIIILKK BOLL. II WUI Ho a rsrowoll KI n.,rt .11.,, Fross Hi* Uullliou. London, May 1. Knterprlslng news- paper men in Koine nave been making strenuous efforts to obtain an itdvance copy of the Pope's bull proclaiming a jubilee at the clo-w of thu century. It was flniiibed before HU Holiness underwent the recent operation. It will be IHSUed imultaneoualy In all the Cathollo churches of the Christian world on A-Kvimon Day. It will b>; found to be In the nature of a fiuvwdl exhortation to be faithful to the Holy Church and strenu- OUH Iti well doing. The Pope himself r*- gunls It ai hU final announcement to th* Cathollo world. Money Saved ami pain rellwed by th* leading bouwliold remedy, Ur. Thomas' clectrio Oil a mll quautlty of which usually nuttier* to cur* a cough, heal a ore, cut, brills* or sprain, relieve lumba- go, rh*un>u*m, neuralgia, excoriated nipple*, o. .nflunied breast. A Mow !-... n A Frenchman named Jacquet ha* tructed a chain, evorv link of whteh can be separated and put togi-thur at any tim* and by anrbody. The links have button- hole shaped slit* In which littl* bolt* with Ugure- head* uaii be put. Health for the Worm Powder*. childrun. User's Karol "You will forget m*. won't yon, dearf" she pleaded by w iy of softening th* harmh- nessof her ivfu-*! "Sure thing!" said he; "you kaow I'd do anything to plritxe you." Ask the 6ENDRON ' > , SSt K *! what he hamiMonu, y.riinniD\r Gendron MTf Co., Limited TORONTO, ONT. Send for Catalog- ue V>e. J. J.Vipond &Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correapondeni-e Solicited. Advances Mode on Coniti^ninentM. MONTREAL. E. Gartly Parker 12 Adelaide t. E., TORONTO. I am offrrlos- some nttravtlve uinry nutkliiu a-o|> tu toueh wltU me. lOi>E ; Uodfartt Me Member of the Standard Mining Exchange. itM'i m n STOCK* (o. k. Just now. It will pav TOO e> , < lougb .. Murelng * Snal*. A*e<ued of Ml Murdon. Brealau, May 1. The uio*t sentlonyil murder trlnl In Oarman annaU began In Brealau Thursday A shoemaker immAd Hermann Borne, aged 34, living at Ku- gersdorf, SlleNla, stand* uuousud of 111 murders. HU alloged vtotini* are hi* first J and second wives. Id of his children and two of MM mUtres.seH. His career of orim* xtauu* over many yuan. llnird's Liniment Cures Barns, etc. Potato -i >lk. fur riior. On account of the scarcity of raw ma- terial for the paper mills of Holland they now use the stalks of the potato plant, wnlch can he bought from th* furuian for CiOcenU a ton Bl( M itch Cosipanj. Trenton, N. J., May 1. Article* of In v*|xiratlon uf the Union Match Com- >ny, with an ittitborizod capital of |10,- Cki.000, were filed with la* S*or*tary of oa Saturday . Aoutb.r Clork ! Iioublo. Montreal. May 1. The rucent arre*t of W. U. Hurst and (.'harlu* D. Turner on charge* of forgery, preferred by the Grand Trunk Hallway Co>o|ny, Is to be fol- lowed by u third. ThU is tbo ca.w of the passing of a fortred |my-onler by a young cltrk nuinxd Wllliitin J. Kton, who ha* luce escaped to the United Stutea. Woalth of tno lr.u..L Pretoria, May 1. In the conn* of hi* i peouh on Saturday at the opening of the volksrand. President Krugxr announced that the Transvaal was now the lurguit gold-producing country In thu world. Hu aid the cntpnt in Isu'-j was 1.1. Jto.DiW, being an increase of 44, 586,110 ovor th* output of tho previous year. $100 Reward, $100. Ti uf this |>ai>er will i pleased t* leara IBS' there Ii at l*i<t OHK dreaded dlnraM thai xV-iM hu Ix'i-n alilo to <-uri In all II* Move* o\ I that Cklorrli. Hall Catarrh Cure Is the unlc pu IUv cure tmw knuwn to tho nii'ilirnl fr\i;niii.v C tai rli holnif a consliiu- ti mill -lii a*i4 i-.,|iili.- a c'liietitutiunal treat- ment. M.ul nV'Kinrrh Cnr In lakfii internally, actli; iliri-c lylui>.Mi tin- liin -U nd mucous liir- fare* of the itatfin. therebv de troving the fmimlnlion .if ill.- iliMnse, un.l ulviuif thf |-atlatit ttretik-th >iy biill'tlnu "|. tin. > n^tilutloo and a-l<iiiir ailure ii 'l"i"K '" wurk. Th. liuvf mi Bui-h inlih in Ks ciirntiv* i, -r^. th i thrv nirv.r Ou lIumlr.Ml Dollar* for u y i-an that It fails ui' curu. SuuU fur lint uf Testtaaoaiol*. Ail ii-f* 1 * F. J. OHkSET k CO., Toledo. O. CTSold bv DTUKTSCI. km Ur. Ill Hi. K- ili.|> l'...-k.-.r.l. Kiel, May 1. A serious ure broke ont yesturuay In Krupp's Ourniuniu Duck yard, resulting in tho destruction of **v- oral storuhouse* and wurkshopa, and doing daiiiaK to the value of 100,000. Tbe two Oerman men-of-war that are In prone** of ounstruotlon In the yard were BV*d with th* utmoat dlifloulty . A Noeoxary Pritosulloo. Mabel Why does Kicttv alway* rtwt her chin on her bunds when Ahe tries Co thiuk? Clara She has to hulif ber mouth shut in order not to be dlsturlped in bar uuxJi- tatious. Many persons gurTcrlnM'roni rheiuna- tiim have been |-rtmirLitly cured by Miller'* Compound I roil Pt'.fs A Thwnrlxd ' "What doe* Adolphu* Kli\ka do? "Well, h* works for a liwlng Ilk* th* rest uf us." "I didn't think be wouU (turn oat sa *tipld." Things Worth Knowing. Th* lung* of the urerag* man contain about five quart* of air. Two thousand spwies uf fL>h ar* knuwn to exist In the Aniuzun 1 her* is a* much real nouriiihineiii in ane bushel uf beans as In live bushels uf potatoe*. A teaapounfol of iiiicruues contains over i,uu.uuu. .vMiitiflo men nwm-rally believe that tho beil of the Pacino ocean was ono* above wutur. and Inhabited by men. I ynilall T JU.UUU typhus germ* will thrive in the mnall circuiufurencv of a pin- heuU, or vblble s;lobule. Th* most wonderful astronomical photo- graph Ui tlm world is that which ha* re- oently been preparod by London, Berlin and Parisian astronomer*. It ahow* at leant de.iiUU.OOO stars. Th* human y*t*>rn can endure beat of IU duKrecM. the bulling point of water, becuuav thu *kin 1* a bad conductor and because tho perspiration cool* th* body. Mt-n have witastood without injury a heat af .(OU drgntDi for *everal miiiui**). A hundred years ago the Hawaiian UUiiiis went laid tu have bad 4UU,UU) na- tive population, u*w au.uou is a high esu- mat*. Tb* name tearful diminution ha* bucn going on through Polynesia. Dr. Tautain ha* recently studied Its causes in the Murqunsu Island* (L'Authropologie). The principal eaum.i> are: Leproey, whluh U-aUi to Impotencv and >tcnlity; tuber- cuionis, which is eniincntly contagious and destructive; syphillM, which 1* lew* marked than might be suypuoed, and licentious- Ho Was. "Hello, Bwardle: I haven't met *lno yuu came to the city and set np for a doctor. How are you getting along r Ara you making your murk.-" "Kr yes, I'm doliiK conaideratil* vaucV- natlng. " Chicago Tribune. Berlin Papers Pleao* U*P7. Teacher lohn. Ulustrat* th* dlffe between lit and set Bright and Patriotic Buy To* Unit**} irtau* 1* a country on which the sun .irvev eta and the rest of th* world nv*r sit*. Uetruit Juurnal Th CbccrCwl I Ji,.i "They say. " said the shoe clerk board, r, "that tli* severe cold has lifTi* u-il th* wbi-at "I pmnime," said the cheerfQl Idiot, thnt it* rurs war* trokiintten. " Indian- apuii* Journal til, I M-llh. sayi tbe Lancet, has a well- knuwn effect upon the life of pathogenic IMrvt sunlight will kill tubercle bacilli in a few minute*; whereas they will live for days If ezpuced to a very diffused daylight. Thu exhilarat- ing effect of a burst of sunshine in tbe spring i* probably nut due to mem lumi- nosity, but to an Im-reuiiel aounlc action, a chemical aution which we oannot very well explain, but which everymio fivU. In estimating, therefore, the volu* of a health resort, the .1 mount of tbi* actimo value In the unhine uu(ht t> be taxen into account, nu IBKS than the number uf day* upon which the sun shine* during Lh* month or the vettr. ANIMAL ODDITIES. Elephant* are fond of gin, but will not touch champagne Tb* eye* of *mtke* are never olomu. Alive or dead, sleeping or waiting, they am nlwav* wide o|>vn Some naturalists believe that ham* never drink, but get enough liquid fur thulr uouds in the dew uu the grao* tlu-y at The "champl" lathe most effective !o- oust ejrg deilruyer In ArKentlnn. Holsa dirty hliu-kish txirtlo. thu larger sp-ic being a llttlu moro than one Inch long by half an iiii-li bruud Huw ho ilevelo|H.-d the habit uf feeding upou locust*' etfg* is The healthy glow disappearing from th* clieek anil muaninu and restlessness at niglit on sure symptom* of worms ia children. JJo not fail to get a bottle ol Mother (iraves' Wurm aUtartumator ; it) is su effectual medicine. Not Ho V*rr Mr*. Mink Isn't It queer that such a littl* bit of a country a* England can rul*> such a vast amount, of t*rriuiry* Mr. Minks Woil, 1 dun t knuw. Yoo'r* aot very big yourself, my dear. . .< ST. JACOBS OIL ST. JACOBS OIL Curas Rtinnatisn Neuralgia Sciatica Sprains Bruises Soreness Stiffness Backachi Muscular Aches ! - MMMMa.)Ms*.aaaa*A+aai*) PLOWS. ROLLERS A NARROWS rilf l- i MM.I- **<! tor 'lol. .<.". COCHsllIJTT KLOtV CO., UK ANT l OKI, sTsTEELE & Mismrr'rir IT a*n. **Tf l\ . I, iifTr>>*) I..H.* H. Kilrool l... * II. *plro* Wrtt ur HAMtLTOK. BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTAHIO TWINr CO.. 113 L -.(..I |..n Areude. Torwiuu - ' ' CURIOUS CULLINGS. In Paragnay, a (.etitleman |* enjoined by th* law* uf good wvirtj to kla* every lady to whom be is Introduced A church In London still noewojw-s nr> incoiii* originally given to It for the pur- pose of buying fagot* for burning borotlo*. An English burglur, who shammed In sanity In order to escape trial, after kivji Inn up th* preteno* for klx mouth* ha* be- uoiue really mad. Th* Swedish bride fills her pocket* with bread, which she dlspoiiM!* to every one she meet* on her way to church, every piece th* diipoae* *f sTsriiug. s* IB* baltove*, * The Physical Life of Woman tlv rim) II NAI-HKTK M.D. Ailvn 4.. IM Maiilfii. Witaaiin Mothor. It i i, i .,1 M.ii'lKtit ..... d. M.itnmonv .11. ,1 Mjmi<oi\. tn wtilrh toidded usrturltliin wnn.ii.i Knowlsdoeliea/etv. Viftiniir >iu> wnbout thi* Invaluitlilp b -ok L'l iih ' r*'frulsr 'iriro II .% ' [ . ui lint* > :..! |. ,1,1 ., > , ,.,., ilt ,,f *J|.00. flip SONS <*>.. |.|,,,|| ..I, tdr . *m Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS W* abw malm tost PU C xucrk. Ur ktu <j*rlnil.v%, aron And \Vooi SUFFERS WOMEN ed aad th, rtc . J^ . BanmiViicn* iniJ ulcrrslion * of w.ssb- |inful. ,m>rr- Ur,ul*r s.enMni*ttoa, , Vc*f. o*- v 1

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