A GREAT MAN'S LIFE Stephen J. Field the Subject of a Sermon by 2Rev. Dr. Talmage. His Religious Training Laid the Foundation of His Sterling Char- acterThe Great Divine's Tribute to a Departed Friend. Washington, April 8. One of the m. lit notable characters of onrtlme I* th* eubjeot of Dr. Talmage's discourse, and the lomonii drawn are Inspiring; text, II. Ham u 1 111. 38, "Know yn not that there. In prim:* Mid a groat man fallen thli day in Isnwlr" Har U a- plumed catafalque, followed by K I UK IMvbi and a funeral eratlon wblob he (tell Horn nt the tomb. Concern- tog Abner, th great, Uavld weops out tit* text. More appropriately than whon w tuny now utuv thi* suggestlv* of something elevated In char- acter. Trample not underfoot that whloh tu your father and mother was dearer than life Itself. Defend their graves a* they defended your cradle. Family coat of arms, escutcheons, ensigns armorial, j lion couchant, or lion dormant, or HOB rampant, or lion combatant, may attract attention, but better than all heraldic Inscription Is a family name which means from generation to generation faith In God. self -snorlflee. duty performed, a life ______ ____ well lived and a death happily died, and umiing~lamcnra"tlon7''Know y* "not I heaven gloriously won. That was th* kind of name that Justice Field augment- ed and adorned and perpetuated a name honorable at the close of the eighteenth century, more honored now at th* olass of the nineteenth. A Gr*l I)lsMntr. Notice also that our Illuitrlout friend Was groat In reasonable and genial dis- sent. Of the 1,043 opinions he rendered none was more potent or memorable than those rendered while h* was In small minority and sometime* In a mln- I orlty of one. A learned and dlotlngnished lawyer of this country said h* would rather be the author of Judge Field's dissenting opinions than to be th* author of the constitution of th* United State*. The Declaration of American Independ- ence was a dissenting opinion. The Free Church of Scotland, under Chalmers and his compeers, was a dissenting movement. The Bible Itself, Old Testament and New Testament, Is a protest against the theories that would have destroyed the world, and U a dissenting as well a* a divinely inspired book. The Deoalofru* on Slual repeated ten times "Thou shall not " For ages to come will b* quoted from law books In courtrooms Justice Field's magnificent dissenting opinions. r.mpr.d br ll.rd.hlp*. Notice that our ascended friend had (u. -h a character as assault and peril alone can develop. He had not come to the soft cushions of the supreme court bench stepping on cloth of gold and saliitod all along the line by handclap- plug of applause. Country parsonagie do not rock their babes In satin lined oradle or uftrward send them out Into the world with enough In their hand to pur- ohjise place and power. Pastors' istlarls* In the early pan of this century hardly ever reached 1700 a year. Economics that sometime* cut Into th* bone character- ised many of the home* of the New Kng- land clergymen. The young lawyer of whom w* (peak to-day arrived In San Francisco In 11411 with only 110 In his inn-let Wllllamstown Collage was only \ ln.-li our Illustrious friend took while i administering justice and halting ruffian- . Ism amid the mining camp* of California, oh. those "forty-niners," a* they were called, through what privations, through i What narrow escapes, amid what expo- j sunM they moved I Administering and in-lit ln.1 law among outlaws never has \ l.n an easy undertaking. Among moun lalnivrs, many of whom had no regard for human life, and where the map of. pistol and bang of gun were not unusual ' rcNponMM, required courage ot the highest metal. llehlnd a dry good* box, lurmonnted by tallow candles, Jndgo Field began hi* judicial career What exciting scenes hs i |ki"..l through! An Infernal machln*| \\n handed to him, and Innlde the lid of i the tax was pasted Ills decision In th* I'u. -|.|. i .-use, the dnrlilon that had balked unprincipled (peculators. Ton years ago his ll'V would have paused out had not an otnoer uf the* law shot down his assail- that ther* ls a prlnoe and a great man (alien this day In Israel?" It was 80 minutes after 0, th* exact hour of sunset of the Sabbath day, and while the evening lights were being kindled, that the soul of Stephen J. Field, thn lawyer, the judge, the patriot, th* statesman, the Christian, ascended. It wa* sundown In the homo on yonder Capitol hill, as It was sundown on all tb* surrounding hills, but In both caant the sun set to be followed by a glorloui sunrise. Hear the KaHtor anthems still lingering In the air. "The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rl*e. " Our do|iartd friend oaine. forth a boy from a minister -. home In New Knaland. H* knelt with father and mother al morning and evening prayer, learned from maternal Up* Imsomiof piety which lasted him and controlled him amid all the varied and exciting scenes of a llfo- time and li.-l|il him to die in peace an eotogciiarlan. lilot out from Aimrlcan history n* name* of those ministers' eons who have done honor to judicial bench and commercial circle and national legislature and ('residential chair, and you would oblltamte many of the grand- ml oha|itMn< of that history. It Is no mail advantage to have started from a liome whitre Uod In honored and the sub- ject of a world's emancipation from sin and Borrow Is under constant discussion. The Tim Commandment*, which are ths foundation of all good law Homan law, law, Knllh law, American law i the heHt founilaMon upon which to build character, and those which the boy, rilupliMii J Field, so often heard In ths VarM>iiagn al tito<;k bridge WITH his guld- m whmi, a half otmtury after, a* a gowned justice of ihe supreme court of *i Un ! States, he unrolled his, opin- ions, lillilre, hymn books, catechisms, Cantlly prtiynrs, at.ino4|>hcrn*anctlf]ed, ar* rood surroundings for boy* and girl* M tart from, and If our laxer Ulna* of r llni.ni ami SablsUh day* and homo train- ing producn a( splendid men and women M i lie nm S .lei i.l. l I'tirlutile Sabbath n. I 1'urltanlu teachings have produced II will Im a matter of congratulation and t MlnUler'* iin. Do not piun by the fao* Hint I ha*e not ye4 Hin einplm*l/i<d that Stephen J. Klelil wan a mlMl4t4r'n nun Notwlth- iniiillng Ibnt therv nrn ooim|iliMious ei- litluiiH to tlie rnli mul the exc>ptioni have bollt up a tcnotypeil defamation HI the iilijn-u- nluliMlti* plnln and un- deniable prove i.lmt u Larn. j pro|rtlon of mlnUtem' SOIIH turn nut well than are to I" r.Mind In any other irenettloglrl table. I i nil tli" |Hr>nai{iw of all denoinlna- tioim of t'hrUi.lan* whxre i^hlldnm ar* sfiuwlng up take III" mn>lu(l.in Soe ths liir of hoj.i IN. luting down to thai Mullen also that our departed friend' was a member of a royal family. There! wore no crown* ir <sipuirs or thrones In that aiiOBHtrul line, but the family of th* Melds, like Um family of tho New York] I'riinns, like tlm-fanilly of the. Princeton! ttllt . u took a long training of hardship like n Kxini of families that ,. abuse and misinterpretation and I might nioiitloil, If It wi-ni btwt to men lion tliiini, win. "tlm children King," anil nail put on them honors l>rlhnr than crowns nml wielded Influ- ence loii^nr and wider than *<ptTs. Thai family of l-'mlds inr<is an honontble lln- engn back HOO vwirs to Hulicrtiu de la KcUl, oonilj.itoi of Wlllinm th* Con- v|iiorwr )<*t us tliank lioil for such faml- tfiM, gmitiratton ufl-or generation on the,, Mtiln of that win. h Is right and good. | tfour sons of that country minister, kliowii tint world over for extraordinary isnf til n.*i4 III Ihelr spm-ni-s legal, com- 1 taorulikl, lii.-rnrr and theological, anil a' "laughter, ili, i mother of one of the usso late juntloe.il of thn supreme . uiirv Such families ooiintnrlmlance for goatl those; families all wrung from generation to i umiei.u I'.n famliliM tbnt stand for wmllli. iinrl|<litously got anil stingily kc.il or wle.kedlv n|ii.iinlerisl fainlllns thai stand for fraud or Impurity or male- vololiee, family immns that Immediately mine to every ml ml. though through e>.|isH of propi-lnty they do not oome to be li|. Among the m isi alMorblng Ixmks of <JM Illlilii I* thn lunik of Kings, whlrh Vain and atraln Illustrates thai though *4f IN not lini.illiiiiT Hi > style of par "* gn has much ! do with Ihe style of ^"'Sjduiit. It ilis'laroM of King Alnjam. J-wilUod In all thn sins of his father i k linil dune Init.ire him," and of awlah, ' llo did thai whlrh WM i the sight of the Ijnrd, according his father Amattlah had don*." * debt to thiMe who hav* gon* . -g<ur 1 1 mi as iwtnluly a* we hav* -^ to thosti who niliesquiintly ' household Not sn sacred I* I'kmp**'*'' Wlllk "'* ' U(T . *hlch . ,. ' J * * iii.iiuory . ot th* eyeglasses * EjtfeW ""'in.* studied tke '' " *f *_> ago as the nam* tfte. *" istlrtSBK^ *>loh y u Inherited. * W * ' obrg* you, 1U*P It threat of violence and flash of assaiistn'( if ths | knife to lit him for the high place where " he . ui Id defy legislatures and congresses and pnwldcnt* and the world when h* knew he was right Hardship 1* th* grlndmone that sharpens Intellectual fn.-iiliti-i anil the. (wonl with which to strike nlTuctlvely for God and one's coun- try. WbT Many Fall. Thn mason that llf* to *o manv In a failure I* Us-anse they do not have oppo- (llinii enough and trial* enough or be- muse they lnni.mlnionly II* down to b* run IV.T by them Insured of using them for stairs on which 10 put their foot and mom t Those "born with a gold spoon In their mouths ' are apt to Inks their laxt mcdl.'tiie out ol' a pewter mug. Op- pOMlllun develops courage. I like th* ring of Martin Luther'* dcnanc* when he said i i i he Duke nf Saxony, "Things ar* otherwise ordered In heaven than they m at Augsburg Nolle* also how much our friend did for the honor of ths Indlclary. What motnentoii* scenes have been witnessed IB our United State* supreme court, on th* bench and before tho tienoh, whether far back It held Its unwlon* In the upper room of th* exchange at New York or afterward for ten years In th* city hall at Philadelphia or later In the cellar of Tondiir capital, th* place where for many years th* CongnMstoiial library was kept, a sepulcher where Itook* were burled sllvs, the hole called by John Randolph "th* Cavs of TrophoniiKl" What ml H tit.y men Mtoo'l before that bar pleading In Im- mortal eloquence on questions of national tm|nirtl Edmnnd Randolph and Alex- ander Hamilton and Plnkno) and Jer- mlah Mason and Caleb Cushlmj and th* wnlnl and irrasUtlbl* Rnfns Choat* aad Itoorge Wood and (lharle* O'Conor and Jaroe* T. Brady and Knuicis M Catting and men now living jiis( -is powerfuL ilow suMestlve the Invitation whlok WUllam Wlrt. the great Virginian, wrot* his friend Inviting him to yonder snpreme court room: "To-morrow a week will onm* on the great steamboat question from New York. Kmmett and Oakley on one side. Webster and myself on th* other. Come down and hear It. Emmett's whole soul Is In the case, and h* will i stretch all his power*. Oakley ls *ald to be one of the finest logicians of the age, as much a Phoclon as Kmmett Is a ThemlHtocles, and Webster 1* a* ambitions as Caesar. He will not b* outdone by any man If It Is within the compass of his power to avoid It. Come to Washing- i ton. It will be a oombat worth witness- Inn." The supreme court has stood so high In Kngland and the United States that the vice* of a few who have occupied that Important place have not been abl* to disgrace It. neither the corruption of Francis Bacon, nor the cruelty of Sir George Mackenzie, nor the Sabbath dese- cration of Lord Castlereagh. Field Wa HWT rrof.n. To that highest of all tribunals A bra- ham Lincoln called our friend, but h* lived long enongh to honor the supreme court more than It had ever honored him. j For more than 84 yean he sat in th* presence of this nation and of all nations a model judge. Feurlesxness, Integrity, ' devotion to principle, characterised him. No bnbs over touched his hand. No pro- fane word ever scalded his tongne. N j blemish of wrong ever marred bis char- acter. Fully quail fled was he to have hit name associated In the history of thli country with the greatest of the Judiciary. As at 18 o'clock day by day on yondei i hill the gavel falls In the supreme oourt ' room, and It Is announced that the chM Justice of th* United States and the asso j clat* Justices ar* about to *ntar, and all counselors at th* bar and all (peotaton ' rlss to greet them, and the officer wltk the words, "Oyez, oyex, oyei!" an nounoesi that all ls BOW ready for a hear. ' Ing and exclaims, "God cave the United States of America." to I wish w* could In Imagination gather together those wh have occupied that high judicial place U this and other lands, and they might enter, and after the falling of sum* mighty gavel had demanded attention wi oould look upon them Marshall, th* giant of American jurisprudence, and John Jay, of whom Daniel Webster amid In commemoration, "When th* spotlesi ermine of the judicial rob* fell on John Jay, It touched nothing Ins* spotless than Itself." and Rntledge and Gushing and Ellsworth and Joseph Storey, called thi Walter Scott of common law, and Sli Matthew Hnln and Ix>nl Kldon and Lord Tent -rden and Sir James Mclntosh and Mansfield and the long line of lord chancellors and th* great judges from both sides the tea, and after they had taken their places In our quickened imagination the distinguished mas* ot centuries which they decided might agate be. called on, after the assembled natloni had ejaculated, "God save the United States of America." "Qod sav* Groat Britain. "God save the nations." A Tribi.t* i Law. Ah, how the law honors and sancttflei everything it tour he. 1 Natural law Civil law. Social law. Oommerclal law. Com ! inon law. Moral law. Koclealasttoal law. I International law. Oh. the dignity. th Impreaslveness, the power of law I It h th* only thing before which Jehovah bow*, but he taw* before that, although the Uw ls of hi* own making. Th* law By U worlds iwing. By It th* fate ol centuries Is derided By It all th* affaln of time and all the cycles of eternity will be governed. We cannot soar so high, Ol sink so deep, or reach out n far, or llv so long a* to escape It. It U the throne on which the Almighty lit*. To Interpret i law, what a profession, i What a rusponai blllry I In passing 1*1 me say that for thli I chief tribunal of our country congress j should soon provide a better place, Ls4 onm of the moneys voted for the Im pmvemont of rivers which are nothlns, but dry creek* and for harbor* which will never have anj shipping and foi monuments to (omv people whom It li not at all Important for us to remembsn he voted for the erection of a building worthy of our United Staves mpreint court. John Kuktn, In "Stones ol Venice," call* attention to the plnasini fact that in ths year 818 the doge ol Venice devoted himself to putting up two great built'. Ings St. Mark's, for th worship of God, and a palao* for th* ad ministration of justice to man. In Iti appreciation of what Is best let not 1809 U- behind 818. With such granite In oni quarries and inch architects capable ol drafting sublime structure ana such magntllcent sites on which to build 1*1 not another year pass before w* hoar th* trowel rln ; on the cornerstone of a Mm- 1 pi* to b* occupied by the highest oourt | which speak of God as Judge and employ the courtroom of earth as typical of the soene when all nation* shall b* brought Into tribunal. To have done wi-11. all that such a pro- fession oould ask of him. and to have made that profession still more honorable by bis brilliant and sublime life, I/ enough for national and International, terrestrial and celestial congratulation. And then to expire beautifully while th* prayers of his church were being offered at his bedside, the door of heaven open Ing for his entrance an the door of earth opened for hU depart ore, the sob of ths earthly farewell caught up into raptures that never die. Yes, he lived and died In the faith of the old fashioned Christian religion Hll.d In i Blbl. Young man. I want to tell you that Justice Field believed in the Bible from lid to lid, a book all true either as doc- trine or history, much of tt the history of events that neither God nor rnau ap- prove*. Our friend drunk the wine of tbs holy sacrament and ate the broad of which "if a man eat be shall never hun- ger. " He wa* the up and down, out and oat friend of the church of Christ. If there had been anything illogical in oar religion, he would have scouted it, for hs was a logician. If tber* had been in it anything unreasonable, he would have rejected It, because be was a great rea- (oner. If there had been In It anything that would not stand research, he would have exploded the fallacy, for his llfs was a life of research. Young men of Washington, young men of America, young men of the round world, a religion that would stand the test of Justlc* Field's penetrating and all ransacking Intellect must have in It something worthy of your confidence. I tell you now that Christianity has not only th* heart of the world on lie tide, but th* brnln of the world also. Ye who have tried M rpnent the religion of th* Hlhle as something pusillanimous, how do VOD account for the Christian faith of Stephen J. Field, whole shelves of th* law library occupied with his magnl flccnt decision* r r.r.w.n i Goodbye, my dear old friend of mon than SO years. Your words of personal noouracemont and good cheer give me th* right to offer word* of commemora tion. But I mum leav* to others his place of burial. Thin city might choose Rock Creek and Oak Ilill. and San Francisco might choose Lon* Mountain, Clf I ha '. n.v choice I would say le; it th* cemetery at Storkbridge. H* would b* at home there, and it would be a family reunited. Hut, whatever be th* place, let mv n[..-i:>kle over the newly- made grave thi> handful of heather from th* Seotch highl.tnd*. in the bruin which the people of ih.it land of And.vw Mel- vlll* and John Knox are apt to sing on their way to the grave of some on* great ly beloved: Neighbor, accept nur parting song. Th* road is nhort. th* rest is long. Th* Uml brou.-ht hero, th* Lord takes hence; This is no QOIIM* of pnrmaneno*. On bread of ralnh and bread of tears Th* pilgrim f.il these checkered yean; Now, landlord world, shnt to the door. Thy guest U gone forever more. Yea. village bell*, ring softly, ring. And In the Me..-.! Sabbath 'bring Which from i hi. wmry workday tryst Await* God's folk through Jesus Christ. TRAINING THE VOICE. of the land. Ju.il.. will ri.4 Hav* yon ever realized how much Clod has honored law in th* fact that all up and down th* Bible h* inakos the jud ( a type of himself and employs th* seen, of a courtroom to set forth tne grandeui of the great judgment day? Book Genefds, "Shall not the Judge of all earth do right f" Book of Deuteronomy] 'The Ixvd shall judge hi* people. " E of Psalms, "God Is Judge himself. Hook of the Acts. "Judge of quick dead." Book of Timothy, "The Lord righteous Judge." Never will it understood how God honors judges an. courtrooms until the thunderbolt of thi last day hall pound the opening of the great assize the day of trial, th* day ol clearance, the day *f doom, th* day ot judgment. The law of the case on thai occasion will be road, and the Indictment of ten counts, which are th* Ten Com- mandment*. Juttlc* will plead the cans agnlnst us, but our glorious advooat* will plead In our bnhalf, for "we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ, the righteous. " Then the case will ba decided In our clearance, as the Judg* announces, "There. I* now, therefore, no condemnation to them who ar* In Christ Jesus." Under the crowded galleries ot cloud on that last day and under tb* swaying upholstery of a burning heaven* and while the Alps and Himalayas and Mount Washington are falling flat on their faces w* will be able to understand th* atf,nlaaanos of those Bortptur* pass- IT f I llrc ! **-* U a Mark f .liur. i. All -. ....i . Aristotle said: "It U not only neces- sary to have nomethlng to smv. II Is also UM-euary to know how to say It." A veil-trained voice is a mark of culture In all retined society. This Is as true In speech as In *ong; the same principles govern both, but are even more Import- ant In relation to speech. Song Implies a distinct art. whereas speech is universal. Modern clvllliatlon exacts purity of speech and distinct articulation, but 'TIs not enough th* vole* b* sound and clear, 'TIs modulation that most charms th* ear. Sir Morr.ll Mackenzie say*: "It U a mistake to- think that speaking requires no special training and exercise. Even In ordluang oonvej-satlon speaking Is an art, anfla difAVult one." r'or th* club woman^nd the woman of o> li-ty not to wperlallv cultlvatsi the speaking or oon- versatlAal voice in to handicap them with f l defwt wholly anueoetMary. A weli-modulated vole* may be aoqnirad In It life, bat tho preferable period of ulrement I* In childhood and youth. The generality of mother* are not ,waks to the beauty of utterance. If they they would consider acquisition of a well -modulated speaking or conversa- tional voice should go hand In hand with piano-playing and singing. If th* culti- vation of th* everyday (peaking voice had been given the attention and study thai piano-playing has received, the dis- agreeable element to often complained of In ths American voice would have dlnap- ' long ago. Spurgeon said. "I belijv* that evory- ne should train hU vole* and bosij nder some system of doouMoa. First, for the health It affurd( ; ssoood, for It* educating effects; third, for the advant- age It gives over others for usefulness. " AT THE INCUBATOR SHOW. im i uha- 1 Soldier* In Cuba llbre," said the com nder solemnly, "that for which we ve been struggling these SO years has at t been aocompltshed. Tb* United States i consented to put up the stuff ' ' Phil ill 1 1. la North American. * Sal*. L ' IH ^?*o look over eonte of your col ) *** <* young man to tae kaber- hen, JPOB ^,.1 ^ tm come of th*. |-,,,nl.-rrn.rrrrln To anyone interested in poultry rmis- in< the incnbator room at ncb a ibow as that recently held in Madison Square Oarrten. New York. U full of attrac- tions The beginner in the poultry in- dustry. especially if he is thinking of daptiug artificial hitching, becomes) fascinated and bewildered as he goe* from one to another of the machines and listens to the stories told by their makers. The common, everyday lover of chickens, who i.-n't the owner of pen of *ny kind of fowls and never ex- pects to be. looks on and listen* with beaming face, such as one won in the gallery just about the time the heroine in a shrill voice says to the villain "Leave met I detest you!" The yonn man wbo had visited the show with the intention of deciding which of the marry incabatora he would adopt said b* leh just as he did wbeo he WM selecting his first bicycle. Every maker had the best machine, and each one had accninulateu to many blue rib- bon* that the question of storing and earing for them was a serious problem at his factory As matter of fact, the various makes are similar in moot of their characteristics. The application and regulation of the beatinx are th* points) upon which there is widest dif- fer.-nre in construction, and the ex- treme views on the subject of moisture fnrninh tb greatest variety in the field of theory. Some incubator makers claim that no artificial moisture is required: that, in fact, it is detrimental. Others insist that moisture most be supplied in liberal qnantity. Between these two clause* are those who say moisture must be supplied by the machine under cer- tain conditions of atmosphere and sur- roundings. and each moisture, anti- moisture or semimoisture advocate- make* his machines to fit bis own the- orie*. And th* young man makes his election just a h* selected his bicycle) in some doubt "Bat. everything considered. 1 think toy choice wa* sound. " In a wevk he U ready to Ks.ni- ble that he s got the best machine ever made*. To the sentimental miss and th*> rhililrm. who know nothing of heat and mtistnre problems and care leaa. the most intiTi'Mtinj; part of the incubator (bow i* the bevy of yunng chick* who have) just left their sli.-llhoQseii and tumbled int.! the nursery nuder the egg tray. "Ain't they cute!" "The. dear littl* fuzzy thiiifc*'" "Just look at that littl* black rascal!" are some of the remarks that one hears. A youth of about 14 yearn, with hij<h forehead and a busi- neiwlike air, says. "How did yon hatch theeo chii-ks in the fonr days since th* how opened T" "They weren't hatched in four day*, uiy young friend. They have been the usual 20 days in getting her*. ' ' "Oh. you pnt the incubators in her* more than two weeks before the show opened T" "No. w* *tHrtd the eggs at home. ml the day before the show opened w* took them out of theniachineo, wrapped each one carefully in cotton batting and packed them in wanh baskets with heeta of batting between the layers. They were shipped by express, and a sptvial caretaker rode in the car to see that the baskets were not roughly han- dled. We bad theee machines wanned up ready to receive the egge. The trans- fer delayed the. batch to some extent ay about one hour for each two hoar* that the eggs were out of the machine but the chicks all arrived, if not on schedule time, jast the same aa if Ut* gga hadn't been moved" "Thank yon," remarked the youth with the hitch forehead. "Isn't it queer T" inquired a very hau.Unne young woman, and though no one audi- bly answered her profonnd query all nodded their heads slowly, aa if coxitat- ing over a big and a serious question. Incubation will make the stupidest or the in. st indifferent rhp pause and consider if he will stand u minute be- fore u uiachin* when th* hatch is coni- ng uff Joexru R Hi IHN vx '- of >llr.l..r. Wild Hlr<l. It will snrpriiie tunny people to know hat some of the moat iui|K>rtant IIIIKTB- ory birds ire now in procees of eitino ion because of man's cupidity, not in killing them, but in destroying their eggs, and thus preventing their exist- ence. All uf them breed in the arctic regions, where in summer there U the Tetet abundance of insert and fish ife on which to support themttelves, dan has found them breeding places. and so long ai he can secure fresh eggs he finds ready sale, fur them at profitable >rice* from photographers, who use only the albumen for miking th* films on which their pictures are taken. It U ;rne if there were not thi* supply pho- tographs might W dearer than they now are. Bnt if UJH n*e of their egg* mean* the extiuo^A of many uiigraj-gsf pecie* of bitdXuohnsi> uf.th>Tn ought ' to be prohi^flT*d by liw. -^Ikwton CulU- vav* .' Inferiority | NatM. VUmr (at art suire>_ Hr* I* a family groiif miw that llhistraK* what I n* talklk aN.ut a moment ago. The, figures are cdkvrtty enough drawn, but so utter- ly it I fund unnatural that I can t Imagine wp eryM artist got ki* Idea. ""**" M T <**"* young Udy, thni v* o. - MMiug. It ia a colored photugraak 7 7 FATALITY. Two Tramps Ki.ied and Cars Demolished. Two It Is stated In railway circles that the new standard of rulm will be put Into operation on th entire nvscem of UK- Grand Trunk on May 1. The rules haw been made a* nimpla a* puubl and the officials claim thjt tho empl.jym will have DO trouble wouterur in nuuitcrtug 'flam's Horn" Blasts \M trtutlog to know REGISTRAR JOHN A. M'DOUGAU Ik I ulri Ll.ctiou H.ti>M>u ! < Ha TrM4 M S-JUw Rtae Trnak-.tD E Cklld Kll Mi. Justice Hoberuon OB aaturlay i intimated to counsel that be would re- quire the written consent of George W. Pare and W. H. Holden. the two men held for robbing thn Napanee bank, be- fore he would change the venue for their trial to Toronto, as be has done in the case of W. H. Ponton. After the King and Qoeea *f Ijaly, on board the Savoia. had reviowud the flW's at Sadnari. Island of Sardinia. th*rv hoard- ed the BrltisB battlrahip Majstir. the crews of the whole fleet cheering, and each ship thundering forth a -ulufc-. A luncheon followed, at which King Hum- bert proposed the health <tf the bel-iv.-d Queen of Kngland. The canal advisory board, appointed by Governor Kousevelt three week* ago. Stale Engineer and Surveyor liund and State Superintendent uf Publli Works John N. I'-itrtdtfv will Inauutirate the investigation of {be uanal problem on May 10. It is their purpo-u tu .tjtumene- their work by an inspuctioa ef the canal* of the Dominion of Cstnada. The Meteorological Institute at Copen- hagen has sent a circular to all the inti- tules in Ku-ope and Aiueri.-a propoaiug a tfi-nerul subscription tit defray ihe east of a dally telegraph!.- wtmtber report from Iceland and the Faroe Islands 1 he Urmc Northern Cotnpauy has aicrnMi t lay tb* totally destroyed the umodati.m of the Qjeen's Hotel at Wlarton on Sunday 11>* North German th* German protjcted been sent to Saiooa. The trial of the South Ontario election petition and cross-petition ha* been nxnl tor May 35 at Whitby. The Kayser-Hausmann Bank at Pv lermo, Italy, has siis^iended payment, with a deficit of .'.0' 0.(X lire. The Rochester. NY. Naval Ueserves, numbering about 600. will be present at Kingston on Queen's Birthday. The first boat M leave Godcriob harbor this spring was the sfctimer St. An<tn w which left at daybreak on Saturday The marriage of Richard Har-ting DavU S ".* 9 ecil .S :l V k of Cbioaao will be j cable* tinniedltt'tiTy Fourteen iusUtu'tes replied favurahly to the on Thure- ' have alnxuly proposition Knur .7trs of the ea-stbuumi fn-li<ht. No H-'. in charge of Conductor "<iiii:j. ran off the Grand Truuk wj-ttera switch near Cornwall at tf W on Kriilay nlgnt Two men were killed and two <rf the cars com- pletely wni-k.-d 1 wo tank, containing oil were broken open also, aad th tents lust. There wero 11 tramp* oa th* oil tank as the time uf the accident, and all but two escaped. Jjmes GrounduaUT. an old man living In Toronto, aged 70 years, iltlib.-ntt.lv committed nuicldv autur*av by -.tllow- of ing the ouatvuu uf a small l> : n- strychnine. He died m great airuay ten unnutL-s after he sAVallow.-d the puison. although a pbyMrian a-vd a stuiuai-h pump. Groundwatcr touk the poison in a cup of ta while partaking "f his mid .... producing eopper mines la the United nieal in bed H- -viJ.-ntly put Mtam ia the tea and swallowed it. nizesl in Marlon, 4ay, Mav 4. A child ef WillL:m Ilanbury was run into by an electric car on ^Saturday at Winnipeg and killed. The OBI* there have BO fenders. William Henderson wa* fatally injiind while cutting contwoud at Oliphaat, by a falllnir tnv fracturing hU skull lit- leaves a wife, bat no children. It is said tasrt 40 cases of diphtheria developed within the past few months at the Winnipeg Ueneml Hospital It may a* closed for thorvegh disinfeetiaev Xarlor Guertln dinl at Manlwati. Qne., 0*1 Krld.iv. at the rtne old 108 years. He was a well-knn ary surgeon In the Gatinean Valley. Ceatracts hav* basei nigneil in I^eodon wfcich formally transferred to a ninitle orirani/iition practimliv all of the larger iucing eopper mines la the I'nih-d The secret of SaJvation Christ and armz *o. The heizht of knowledge is what yoe. du nut know. 1 he rrne i 'hriirLin can be trusted as far as God can we him. God seldom allow* its to see the great- ness of the work He gives us. Atheistic argument* are but the whist- linn of cowards in the dark. When men give a feast the? appatat- doorkeepers: God tend* out scouts. t tirisnans may overc >me great sin* and be mad* miserable by little ones. It U better to be cut by G.jil's pru nlnj knife than to be eat out by His rake When yoa kave Cbnst's fjith in th* Father, you can do His work for tb* brorher. When you ask for credit for good mo- tive* remember that God measures you by the bad ones also. The great wonder of Christianity u not the raising of a dead m^n bu.- the rauing of a dead world. '.Dit people to juin the church U com- paratively easy wort, but the way of th* Crow* it (till unpopular A .rreu: many who ar* called light- hearted are misjifclged, by a wrong luce- tion of the buoyaucy it's in the head. Whon a man i* very anxious to explain that his conduct i* all right, depend on U he Is a little uspielou* uf himself . Sage, besides being highly useful as a culinary article. : an excellent domestic remedy, .t produce* perspiration when given as a tea, without stimula-ing th* y*tem. A flrst rate remedy for cold* and ch eked perspiration. A strong tea ""d* from the leaves is highly valuable in sor* throat, quinsy, ulcerated throat and sore mouth. THERE ARC NO EXCUSES NOT TO USE ST. JACOBS OIL SPRAINS AMD BRUISES A Prompt and Certain Cure No One Refuses. Annt Chlue Didn't I dun tole ysr. Rn- fn*. da>t I'd whop ycr *f yer went black- be rrr in ' Buf u Don t whop me. mammy, th pant* am full ob briers an' yu U hurt yu son, I'll jess Aunt Chlue T'ank yer >l:pper Elderly Passenger Ha this seat. Bloat Voting Woman Oh. I th;nk ...f depr-ving sn old I i not think of depriving you' ' Yuu go ahead and take tt. and dot>" srgne I Know T.JU girls always hav* lsuu*> feet. Indianapolis Journal iflirt'i Uoimeai Cam Colds, etc Editor What'* all thU MuS* K.-porter Tnat. sir is report of th* proceedings of the woman suffrage mw ing Luc nigfat. or dut 1 can't maks head or tall Neither eould L They Totally Draf.-Mrs. - Isll, Port wri-m: "I m>ninict<l a wvr* cold Ut winrvr, <rh.. : in my bscoin- tDtf totally deaf ia on ear and partial* so in tii* other A'-er trying vnoo mMSSsja, ml coaulting several doctor*. ' - I.:T -* r' '. u .!- 'lamas' Eclectrc O. 1 rd to* Oit s.nd poured a .i:tlof it into my ear. and before on*-balf th* boc- :.- WM u*e<I my bearing was completely mtorvd. I hare iirorii of other rssn of s be.ug cured by tii* ass uf Una " T1REH .l\Il LANGIID. Tk*) partly decomposed body of an Bit- known man was found * the roadside about three miles from Hamiton on Sat- urday. The Inquest wa* adjourned till Monday. Love, apposition and strrehnlne con- Dlred to cause William Koland and Lottie Bntewtto. of Kdmonton. N.W.T.. to take their own lives at 10 dO on Kri day night. The Paris correspondent of The New York Journal says: 'Despite all Pi-forts to the coi.trary. M. Kontand. the aathor of 'Cyrano de Herbert.-.' is Insane, and has bean placed In an asylum. ' ' Tb* Allan Lin- SS MunlMhan. frora to PhiliulelTihU. vu Si. Jobn s. In dlstn-is oil I'ape HJI.V, niK-h ed Philadelphia at 10 o'clock on Saturday night, having failed to get into St. John's. Id,. Marquis ,rf Salisbit-y reappeumi in the Hoii-H' of l,on|i >n Friday evening with M* usually long hair clomi cropped, with the re-ulr. ,i< one paper sy, of "transforming him from a Cavalier into a Koundhead. " A fire oivurred In the stable belonging ta J. W. Wylle's Almonte roller rn Us. In which was stored thrtv cnrluadsnf IT bay. Two teams went In the building. one team got out the other burned Iu denth. Lous 11.000. The Kt. lion Sir John Hubert Mow bray, father of the llomw of Commons since l$ys. is dead. Sip John Mowbray wan the tlrst baron of tbat name, th* bnmoetcy belug created in ISSO. He wa* born on June 3, 1M.V John A. Mclkjuicall had been appointed enrroiiate renlstra,* at Cornwall for the Counties of Stormont. Dnnd.t* and <;i.-n gnrry. In pliire of the late Mis* Helen Mclionald He was local registrar uf the High Court of Justtoe. Four voung people were run down by the Chicago & Northwestern taut mail at Crawford s CrosMimc. .lUmt a mile from Her Husband Was a Drunkard. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. .r. Show ! *rmr *J Ottawa, April .' I'be trade return* fur the nine months eii.ll >K March Jl show an inervaw In tb* v<re.;:i . tral* of the Dominion as ..^tn|irwd witli months in '.^'i. of J: the total trade wa. J i.i, a again it - 497.083. The miiorts wer* i . compared with I1*?,M1.MI for ;- decrease of f lrw.i.).-| 1 he n () ,,rf, %v. r* 111-.' TUO.OOo. as aiminst ttM.ljysal, an ' .imparod with (It 1 ,- WO.B3S for the tu:i- uioutUs in lio. an of |i'. lftj.771). Sb Finally AdniltlMvrvd a Henedy. \\ltboul HU knoolrtlg*. and I u.-e.l Him. A pathetic story i- revealed in th* fot- lowtnc 1-trer "For sevrnl years my bus- bund has been aeon firmed drunkard. H* 1 uoc bold A position, nl: hough h* w. an rxnert luokkeeper. I vainly en- ileavoreti to induce him to take a liquor cure Last fall we trer* di.spoesesned for Don-payment of rent, and th* exposure sasMni tiis death of oar oolr child. It sobered him fur a few weeks, bat then b* took to drink Again worse than ever. An old friend of our pronperuu* days recom- mended me to try your Samaria prescrip- tion, and I gav* i; to mv husband in his coffe* without In. iiiiowled**. I: seemed to mak* liquor il.:.iteful to him. H* wxin stopped driukiiig altogether, but I continued to admiuister tli* remedy until vastntirelv free from th* ef- fect of ;! -ohoi. Ltt week ke secured a Komi pomtion and now w* ar* as happy a evr llrel " nurvelous retusdv wl be maid .11 1 1 nu wrapper to my addr-ss by ssnd- MI.- M. 00 to Th* Samaria Remedy Co.. I'oronti.. Ont. >nurl. (> Life. la a recent letter to a tot respondent Gen. Sir Arthur Cotton attributed hi* extreme ag* to h:* habit of eating v*ry _ ' littl* f-jod of any kind. Ths> Ueawa* ng- ' gsstsii to him by noticing th* small quan- Tho Experience of an Estimable ' tltT of food * t " n bT tb< pjpis of th*> eat. where he lived so long. Sir Arthur bos been a teetotaler for th* past B or 40 year*, aad h* believes that aloab.*! and uiLaccoar* "absolute poison." Young Lady r Ml*** WM l-oor nj W.t.ry - liurd's LlBiffleut Cores wlla Hew n -.,... U*llk I wns cnrad of A tw . MINAHD'S MXlMtNl. ey, C. B amr. In rullldon. Tacoma, Wash.. April S4. The *t.-nier Olanogle ran down thu sbum.>r City of Klugston at an turly hour yesterday morning, rasscn^ur* auti crews were all resi-ued. it i* thought. Ihe Kingston is a total loss and the lileeogl* is badly daui- I was cured of I ARUS Ll.MMEM' Yaruioa'.li. of Grp by C. I LAOLE. ' - by illN- CHAK.CS PLI-MMUL I was cured of rv-ia'ica RlieamatUm bt MIN*KHS Ll.NliiENT Uurln, M1J. LKWIS. s. OCTLX& Urantford, April ii. Messrs. Patewon, fVin ami Tarte will attend the Young Liberals' banquet here o FrMay rmser of OjysUwv, will also be a guest. TWELVE MB* UBtOWNBIX 0U I". ( ntr.r T . Judge Did you knock this man down* Pr soner Na, judge, 1 didn t. I tried tu hold blui up. hr. Ar .\4rlft in Ik* Mori. I. Cmt. The Kecorder. Bro kvtlle. On one of the finest farms in Wolford township, Gn-nville county. reiiles Mr. and Mrs. Alonxo Smith ind family Mr. Smitfe is perhaps on* of the beat known men in the count y. aa in additi n to V ag a practical farmer he represents *everal agricultural implement companies. His family consists of two *sttoiabl*daughtrr, the eldest being seventeen year* of age. To a correnpondent of the Brockvlll* Re- corder, who recently called al Mr Smith s, M-.x- Minnie K Smith, the eldest daughter, related th* following *tory "About two year* ao I wan taken quite ill. I became pale and languid, and if I undertook to do any work about rhe h--usu would easily become terribly fatigued I became sub- ject to terribly sick hvudache* and my (tumach bccam* ta wmk that I loathed foo I. My trouble was further amrravated by weak spells, and my fi-et, winter or summer, were as cold a* ice, In fact. It swiiied as If therv was ::o feeling in them. I tried several kinds uf rn.-dicine. but In- f hclpin< me I wo* growing wo.ii-r .iy in March. U I vr brought home a box at Dr \\ i.lums 1'ink imediately <<ici<ntinued tho uiedk-in* and began tak ng the pills. I found that th y hel^i u,v unj four more l*e* wr* procured, and by th* t had finished them 1 was entirely well I have never bad be ter health in my life than I am now enjoying My appv now always gosd and I have Increased In weight. Ah th:* i* due to the efficacy of l>r Williams' Pink Pills, and I would ad- vise any other young girl troubled as I , was to use them, aud tbev will certainly , cur* If b* directions ar* followo*] 1 hs facts above related r* Important to parents, a* there are many youug ^irls ;ust budding into womanhood whose con- dition is, to eav th* least. m-.r~ -ritical than their parent* imagine. Their com- plexion ia pal* and waxy la appearance, troubled with heart palpitation, head- T str>g IKa the Blr Take an egg. well beaten, and rob ia ealp well, wash out with warm water. as* no soap, except tar soap ODD* ioawb.il*. This keeps tbs) head free from dandruff. while to* egg* stimulate th* root* of th*> hair and mak* M grow It is not *c*s> sary to us* th* soap woen using th* ^gm. That tired. Languid feeling, aad India. position to effort of any sort will b* rapid- ly removed by th* us* of Millar'* I pound Iron Pills. 1 Oak Hill, Fla.. Ap:4l81. Tho nukmer General Whitney, dipt Hawthorne, sank 50 miles east of Capv i'anavMBl on Satur- day. On* boatload f Iti uieUtyitempiing to land al Mosquito La I II -use of Refuge, was upset and 13 tAX im-ludlng WU, on Saturday, while re- I the captain, were drowned. Tho chief turning from a dance. '1'hrw were killed ' enicinwr, aMtstant engineer, (_Kman and and one bmlly injured, vtllor were saved. The capRln's body John K. Moocv. who rente. try e.lmn-d h * been rvcowrud Fifteen men In from St. rhonuk* to Detroit w'lth Mi-^ other boat were still nuheard GoodcblKl. has Ut n mrtwt<il on a eharxv of neglecting to provide for hi* two children at. St. Th.i'nas, He will be tried , Tuesday at SMT '1 h.nn.-is. Miss Krhle Hl.ivs f ;k !nti froui bicycle I fatigue al St. Louis on Stturt! tv She 'had been riding since March UI. and on a wajw with her lovur at Fort Worth. Texas, U to ride from that city to Wash- ington, DC?., In BO day*. Jama* Klsoy, the London messenger who was in-lit from Ixindon to linn.- C'al.. by Mr. Harry Leslie Mlumir 1 McCaluiont, M.P. . to deliver a letter head of ono sent t<y mail, mid he Ul tho mails to llamptuu by It hours. .'ouas Luiulln, a jeweller who ban a fMfe and thrtv childrt-u Iu Kingston. sjeVtnptiil to oiiiif{t> svteldv on Satarday B^kt hv swalluprln*; *,eiunt]ty of puliwn. The i rPr 1 -^ >;isjpan pum^vd him oak He was d.->jK.iKl.-t bivause aeiould aot flu.l work. 'l*he Nvty of Andrew r!.-rfc in thu Grand Trunk Mix brain* with your soil; cultivate with judgment: harvest with care, and market with intelltyence. IK., joti grow your fruit, reader, or do aches, thortn*** of breath on th* slightest TOII buy it? If you boy It, we will ves> sxsrcis*. faintnsas and other di*tr*saing ture to sny that you don't have much. Plant nweet corn In the garden for family UM>. We always plant Stowell's vetvreen. It is Ute but its yield and Duality are excellent . Western Plowman. tlu crtoa of Ibs Klvcllo* Fra*<l Chi Bre^kvllle. April W. On Sal warrants were Issued here by tivo 1 ^ tons, one against Consonratlve and other against a Liberal 1'he ono agali the former was worn to by K. HowiV the latter by J. r. SteUikor. The 1 formation against the Coun-rvatlvs stat tb.tt on polling day he returned to tt uvpury returning officer a paper, not " ballot given him by the deputy, latter, who b a LJVral. refused the lot before the scrutineer d.'Uvted difference. In the second tustance the Liberal Is charged with giving a billot alrwuly marked to a voter. One of the accused parties we* al onoe bi.llod ^tm and UM otoer will itiei/ be bsfar* mauv booie. Ttier* is in.. if Catarrh h coutilry Inn ail and until ibr I..M 'rw > .-, . Is. Kura irr.-at -n i , Mur* doeesrs iriToutic >il la****, mil prnoribeU w "h I n-i rili'e. , Los |)r.,\rn ., lon . *****. . .n..nal . t. 11. i.. i jr.i-ili Cuif OMIIII lU-lurrd Ov r. J CJeneji A t.\i., T.'lnl . . *i. is UM i.njv c .nnututi .iiU'nroi the um.k.-t. It U t kru i. I i i|.rs (nun . , > , . , iu. It m-t. .ilrvtlv .. 'h I.) ...I ui mucous uTfi.-e* i>. ihe*vtvin. Tr**v ..ffvr jn* huiulrsd doilaitfor any t-a< it f.il * ,o rur--. S uJ tat tTcalaie aad tesHaMal Is V.I.I-.M F J (.'HKXKY40U, T*ledo,0. Druicgiu. 7^- vmptoma. which invariably lead to a pre- mature grave unless prompt itepe are taken to bring about a natural condition of health. Iu thU emergency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr William* Pink PUls, which build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and re- it tne went al Toronto, was foiin th* bny at th foot, of York on Saturday morning. He Dec. & after making thrtu own life. Iho City of Pnr broitg' nrtiv lo's-u KnincK-o Coriu'o nn niH'n boat ,-,>! remains of ashore the I ouis \v the di'tm' ^ P ival otn^^er wa* io>n tilled as one of < Drl.i S Syracuse, AprU W. William N. smployed at the Sulva.y Pnxxm died at bis home IB the village ot al 9.90 o'clock, last Bight o April 4 last Green Was inl'ujed oourt of Korosters of Amorl|^P Village. Iu tho inltuti.j * **' is said, be was shot ig^ with the waU of *"' oanrM at was taken to W ho "" 1 l " ul 1>r lh * Klini wa.scalW' u ' tln<1 '"'" l tu-n drifted continual 11 gradual ly, am ' days af^**" 1 hu i ' lw *" rilti ' r ** a Jero, | ita H |)SWd untold aiiuuie*. Tutai from tb* wouuU. II. .w IH.h.. .. N .,.,! Hominy U from anhuminea. to* North American word for pan-bed corn. Succotonh is a dish borrowed from tb* Xarragan*lt Indians and called by th*m m'dckiiuataiih. Blani^ mange means literally white foed ; benc* cha olate blanc- mange Is lomsthUig W a mianomer Caarlotte is a corruption at tb* old log- lisk word cnarUt. which means a diah ef o stard. and cbarlutt* riMM i* Kuastaa charlotte, Marar >nl is taken from a Orevk drlvs> tk>n. which mean* "the bleved dead." t allusion to t he ancient custom ut ailo it at fnasts for the dead. cheeks. They ar* a certain cur* for all troubles peculiar to the femals *yst*m, young or old. 1 oese Pills also cur* uch disease* as rheumatism, neuralgia, _.<artial paralykis, locouiutor ataxia, St. Vitua dance, nervous budocbe. nervous prostra- tion, th* after effects of la grippe, inilu- tuaand sever* colds, disease* d*pendia< on humors In the blood, such as crofuia, chronic erysipelas, etc. Du not b* persuad- ed to accept any imitation, no matter what the dealer may u who off*r* It Imita- tioa* uev*r cured any ono. Se* that the fu'l uaiue D WUliams' Pink PUls for Pale People i* on the wrapper aroaad very box you bay i-ver was, siid uever wtll b*. s> u rrnjcdy. for all - r in* very aalur* iratives bring rucb that wrs> (oilier an.i u.fferently seat**) < routed 1:1 tti svM*ra of Iks; ai wou.d !>.. oa* 111 i* ' .' agyrarat* ii. -,.. er w*> -. ' ' wbeo >aa.iult*nt*dl >*..,: tfrev ou* ilia. j& use. tit* ?ms are eo:tito convalescence - oe Kh.cb yui- ^ H..-T JWTI restorativ**. ' ' , -ICJ. Of tfa.N)* . morbid d*a- ' -: in ills is a ease -nnqullixniK th* osrv**, -e^ to soiinu sun rrfreWiia sleep ~ ' of tb* blotwt, nuiatnl. ooiireeslbrongh- - - nfu^tbeumit tb* a.- . > t. lutici u>. n! ihe system, thereby t a necswary r*uli, vngtbcnlngth* fmmt, aad gtvimc life to the digestlv* oric*n% which uaturally drmnnd mcre.ted uhtaiice rsouli, iat- pr-'ed appetite. Nortarop % Kyman of into, have g!\en to th* public ih*ir upsnor Qu n;ne \V in* t 111* usual rat* 'id, gauged by the ophiloa of stienf.sta! > approaches aearest srfc: :on *l any in Ui* market. All drusigiata sell IL r . r. ! lh. Slalr. Cut a third of an Inch off ycur hair wossx th* moon is new and do to* earn* th* next :u >mh when the m*. n is full. Every ; ;<ht give It a good brushing, being care- ful not to scratch the scalp. Use th* trusa. while dmaing th* hair when possible la place of th* comb. Wash hair every ax werbm, using warm water and any mild toilet soap: rinse flret with warm water with a little bra\. and then us* clear, iter. l>r thoroughly If the hal t and U very dry, rub a littl* oil o* the scalp. ohilJrm re pule. peerlh SJM) reMless st oijcht they requlr* a doe* - two of Miller'* Worm Powuera, Tliey sr* plemsuut to take; n*> phTsie r*> T rrl ...r,l. V He early crop* are quickly destroyed -u'levted. Onions miulre careful watch- ing, as the early weed- may get shns.1 of them In 48 hours (hould th* weather b* warm for a f*w days, whieh doublet tb* - 'f th* farmer The bast tin* u- d*. t tn.y w-k is when they ar* genuinatu Whenever the ho- run* !>etween th* it -iot onlj adnjitu warmth andj causes I wl* of weed* to o-rmioat*. but thoe* that ar* |u*t starting. i It mav be >.n!r a u but oee> - in your allies, ;iiul \.n u *d to au uni ine!y Krve. In th-.s cnuutry ws hav* >nld*n cbxnges ami mat expect t.> liave i hem. > > can *aVvt a cure In - ruiv the nietllcins . ' -.il in our- lagoeugks, i :: .tui[ all af- fevliuus gi l u tlirual. . .; i.-i aaJ obeBt.