APRIL to i8gg THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tfan'.s M I-CULLOUOH * YOUNO liank.r- klarkdal* ra Miieral lisuslnii bu.lnaw. Money loaned a retuouablu lam I'.ll "U u*. AS VA'itlt'SKN. J I' Cl.ik Bh Hjv fourt. Co Gray Siuar of Uarrtait* Licenses. Coiiwaneer S. .tart Publlo, Auctioneer . M..IHIT to loanod from j t J * i>' f >-*'it Oiarn moderate. rLKSHKKTOM F O DI'.IITS <!>(. l.F.CTKI. The unilariiKnad Is |'ir|*ar.l to uii'lurtakii tho colltn-liou ol all klti4 of debit T - nuunltl, account" col'td, elo. U N IIKXDKUBuN. Klcshsrton Hkutttt -&U< Photos CHUrXKTT Flnbvrtou Station Potui-ti-i. i . mi :i.Mirr in II C J, Coney- aiioi.r IH-...I-.. iiniiiiiaKea. law anil wtlli I. "i t ' !' I < '* l'* r l '* nt ta " u|> " - 4rwn wanlii RJ BJ'ltOI I I 1'o.itnant. r. Kie.herloo ,i.si,,ii'.r In H i.J. Auctioneer. Con jyauor. Apiirii.fr an.l Money Lender llva! Kitalii an. I tlimranoe Aent. Ie.l |.>rtitsa, .<) ail I wifl. carefully drawn , , A IK iim.lt. on ln>rtfit ui tii-.. M...I. , i I. MII at 1-iwci.l iat."i.,l mtoru.t. (. ol ,. an., at- I t with I ro.ul.ln... Ciiar*!* low. Agent for o-ean Dominion liip Cuiui'auy. A call wliciti I. Our Patrirr\astcrs TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery f v, ara done in first-clans style and at ; lowest ratea. Sin'.-ial attention If uiveii to copying. H'lt.n s photos. \ a specialty. Pictures framed. MtltKIKll'. I.H'r Ni'K.-t At (ii.ftirninent ,A ih. in . N-w Verln. K.rsl.i.-- r ^ n UuUllee. rorslugleper n>u. m |.n" .r i atatlui*. K MlL^AS tVKUr. U.IHI. El OHM*. AO U W meeUery mM an.l Irilr.l Monflaj lu .at-li iii'.'itii. in .u.irl.Hliio room. Clin.l ,. - nl...-k. KI..-II. rt.,11. atH ( . 1.1 A.N A y lli.i. n. Het-iwiler; . ., . Kmu<-ier. lnH<J PKISt'K \KTIITH I.DDHK. N. MS. A. ^ I ,,,.,-, m ii NUs..nl.-liall. Htralm !.>.;' ,....,......>-. i . nla> on or bfor + u ... ..... . It Mci. ill. W M , J ltil ui . st-i-ii'tary. Coiiir n.Ksiihur.'N i. o. r. meets In i'liri.l..ll-H-kth.. ltriiia t .v.oing la ea.-li lii'.ntli. Nl>Hiox K..i.t..r liailll .,|... II l> L),~.n U.S.. r. Nail. KOI: B A R G A I N S In WnU'lii-i.. 'l.K-k, Jewrllory or Kl > war.', Tu T>* E.lili,r </ The I>KAR SIB, Soldi.iu re tliore <> many l 'iiiii|i|.kinU in one yenr of s> many snow !,!..( Uil il roadn, ainl Heldoiii in <-cn > n nrli iiiii.ll.-'i IM-I t" ilM roiin.vnl liy the (iHtliniitHtfrs duly | |.ii.U'd to nt'i ncl t<i lli>' n.n.l... I n rummer if any iiiij.i.liim-ii' occurs to intv-i I it ih H|III. HI iniiiii'ilmu-ly rcinovid. \\ l>y nut olntertc tlic snniu rule in winti-r '.' I'atliu .i.->l-m |IKC ll' Biuno contiol over the rnaiin iu mi.ii r HM in NunuiK-r mnl have III.- CPIIIH aullmr.ty to order tlit> inuii iimlcr Inn jui'hdictioii to rein. .ic tin- i.li^' iuirtn.fi. Hut sii|i]ion ii!^ n imlhniaHter r. tu-. < lu i mildly 'ill. r dun iii.tilicatioii in wilting, lj it.iy r.i'i-- |-.I\M- ( The law U plsiu uti..nu ; i. Tin- .i.iii|i!;iili>.nt nmki'.i .-i.inpliiut to uiii^'is tiikti. and the Knid |ilnn.iti-r ulj.->' InuiHelf to H Hue. I'.ut u'>;...>w' In .r mice ilinclmrttfM hi duty nnd tllu mtui refuw to work for him/ Tliun tin- I.HIH rt'oinr^e linlilt jo..d. A WMSlplaiBl in.-v IMS inivle to u nmifiv'r.i'e with tin! mini lialiiiiiy to * tin.-. Hut i-.- such in. n '" wrk for M.tlnna I N'.-t at si). Th. |. Lllnnis er (fiv>'M hm certiticate for wurk <i in- mnl it miti.iU in lien of id.' ni-Kt aiiiiiinr H :i*WMNinent i.r t<*o of ilii-m it ni'.'il l>e. Whttt i< t" In- done with r...ni~ SMM all stattltu lalx.r h>x l~-t-n il.'iiu in Hinli'i I Tlii' i i-i-;!v .. t'luil. If ills ri.ndil h n of the r.i.l r. -i|ii.rva K-IMIT tin- i un.-il inn-' ri'iMir. Th |i-ilnn. liavi- doi.i- their duty. 1'nthniiixiur* ru- i i'ii ilieir i.thcu inri! tli* new u. i are KMnrii t.i H.^seii', HII. I tlit'ieforo it U no - -. <t nil, and di..-H n-.i r--li.-v.. him, l.y liitviii(j iilr.-iidy n-tuniul liin roll. It i< thu duly i.f a |Mttlinuis'er, liia Bbfulate duty, looirefully i-xiunine uml Npairthn i.HtUM during the itli.'li vir, iii.d if he Ii ne no means ill hi* liii.il. t<. iniinrili- tidy :t|>|>ly t" tli.- I'oiiiii'd for " - il IH to In: h"|wl that every |> .iilnn >t> r llewly K|i}M>illted III. I/ Wl'll UlllllT-t Itlld h <liltlen. O. " V .iili-rai. .- utimlwr of Canadian horses, used stiirfly for ia-l r, ,untr oarrlsgs wuik. I iiBTn lia-l expericuie uf Ihstw linr***, ontl ti.oii'- 1 lia.< C. nui 1.1-1. an huTtj ne.il exui p , linuaily good, tul, wili-bicil. anil har y mi. l they urv liinioulitd.ny making a re| a- lallla amongst jm.inaairis in my own in ,i|i ..rlii. o-l. Ullt, I., ai'lin ill. Il >r-.-l> I i. in t", fiutul "' my owu Hi Hit- olil conn try aie :i>r Li W. BARNHOUSE W'i|,r t dra tlie uttoi.t on of i in- Pui'ln: in tliu foilown tf : //V Of all M/e mnl a* Che in -i- "o on/ bu.i ing rr.iaKn i.or.n.m (MnvU ""' Spocntl ll.irxnii.a in T and i> liairel uu work, an.) a* inrt cmi^ n. rse. About t*o ye.r a,jc I rionj a i ..n Ii- li. i>"t i uf wi.iu i 1 -.11 I while u.jiu. ,- IU.: |>iicaal laiUjria:!'" of w.'iat. 1 iiiii.i f,.r u in C-iirnla. I in, no ili-uiii, thr li.w irieo. iui u n. (..-. i *'i n lliextrav..ai:l TRY US ! in|itly t- in Hll branclies |r to. Cli.ir.'is Vi-iy fur - \VMf:i-.I.H LITTLH li.ntiit, lriljr II* of Del ntal FlMlmrtou Mu n Jay auJ Tue.laj of aacb week. Dunrtalk-Tliursday, Krl.lay and Saturday ol Seen week. JP MAUSIIAI I. M llrt. DDK. t.Drl Honor Oraituatx Toronto UalvsriMyaod Royal Visit. fTlesbarton .very irMsy sfUrnoon TIIKNIM'KHON U l> S. M D K. /XjnIM of Torcnle "i.il.l Me.lah.ti wl'l *IU Hi-nlnrlun pro f.Mlnnallv tin. rti-t Wi- ln..|i "I i-a.-n inonti and Uiin.lalk tlm full.iwiiiK -lay iThur..iay.l MA^r-U.Y Call inl examine lhi lit'* iniMlul f..r Irt'.i'.i. I'lio.- tin- I. J. F*. -IN W rilOHT. I. L H "larrhrtftr. Holtcltor Conv.yanfsr. ets *,-.. i l t,, |, ,.*!.. Mi. ,- Si'.nnla'. block, \ni. M>i>r Saturl.y an.l court days, ,11 MI, mnl omen, Kr..l. bluck tivi't oa.t. Just Arrived ! fl Nicely flssorted StocK of TRUNKS and VALISES Oil ^H. WlilftllT * IIAT-i'S .,i i .,i.n.>aurers. |u llaril.t.-r. Tana* -O w* u Kinlii'l. .Hit ainl Mark.lalnlilil ana* . M WHinrii. i: A HAII.! I II N H KlMlivrton ode*. Mltchsll's svnry Hatur.la>. Hank T'.OliKU A PATTEIIWIN I llarrltur*. t*olk-ltor. sto kiolnou t Hank. IIWMI Konnd HAllltV O TL'< Kl.li <tKl> W FATTKH80N Hnilk-y Washer* II .i. Mitts Sweat foliar* Men's Lmthtr \Mii|n lind L H.IIIM. i Tolish All kinds iff harneas kept on Imnd and mads to ordnr. Kveryihint; in harnexs g.MMlN mil t ruht pricpa. >A r iu. MOO KM-: MACKAV * SAHCSOn. hn.i-i.r. *a Dr'K.i i:s : .Iw.-n Hi mid, Mrrrliant's .1.1 ,k Itli.c-k, N .( r..n .I--.MI II, HI. L. l/i.ii.iaik. Ual.i btiuat, iivuly nktiiiimy A U.ll.iCKAY. M A . II.K.M\>Jl'.Sl>N,l,.l.l), Ciuvru Auoruey for (lir> . DH BUTTON M I. . II M C' I' * 8 I '1,1. fnr..l!l. Offtee nail door In Ur.mii> itor* ; ranl.lunr* nii|MMlta al tli "I'I 1' "t .nl.ca, ri.nl. l*nr ..f lata Alui llrown. OfnoeJays i'uM<layi and rlatnr- ilays. DH CAHTKK M C I' * S <>..' riii.i. in, Hnrfiion, at* Plmhiirti.n . til.-.- htiain'a block. HfMlaantis- Uinuliaw llotol J)HS A HCOTT. f ,' M,-i.ii..-i i'..Mri!i' I'livulr. A Hnrfronl Ontario rr.idna.' in Mf.ln-liifi nf TiHonts (kslvortltv. Ki'll.iwulilli Iliiili >ui. Cost tliaflu. al Mi'li"l Krlninl an.l Ilimnltal . Clii,-ari,. IH-ea ' >-r. nne a'i.1 iliinal "ini-lally fr.ata.1. U,.|.'..| ru Maiwell, vlsils PataiHiam ,'nurlliii- I 1 Toinkins. "(liH.d iii-rninc. Mr. U .inn, .111. il,. i, I have culled ! see if N"" can Kive mo > \> Hition in your i-smMi-h ineiit I can turn iny hand to almi.Hi anything." Mr. W. "No, wo r full in every dr- imrttnunt, and you are the twriitu-tli man I huve retiniiKl to-day. Why don't )on take, up n line in whn-h thero Is left* com- petition mid l tti-r p i\ t ' Toinkins. "I'd only lie. ion thankful if you can put me on truck nf such n pooiliot.. Mr. W. "When 1 was twvrty yea s of H Drawing episode. T- Thf /.'./.(..r / Tlir A<l*i*rf liKUiSi::, Y'.nr i-rri^iN. iuli-iit from l'..|-t Lm -t . ins to have i. H-. I i|i-iie a i- nun. li"ti unions the woo. I ilniwer* t.. I'mtolt I>V I'i" pritie "f M:. I.\.>n'i '.:.m f..r haiilin- li'|4 loitil- Now. Sir, OIIB nf our youtiK men aei-nm to he pretty laully hurt, but In- ~.-. n.- t" have only live ilnl- lurs to nack up hi* Inn Iny tcnm. Tins, lie a)<, is up at 1'rotoii, Suit it eem< in lie like the Insliiiiaii'n ni.>ney, it in in the bank, and put in in such a way i hut lie can neither draw i>nneipnl or iiituri.'t but hit* |{t lo wi rk It out i". that he cam ..t ill-. 1. 1 tune itt nremjnt to take it out mnl has col to let Mr Lyon's team carry the IM It for llim Rcaiu.il at least As I wax out taking a HIT .11 the other day 1 anw i|inte n coinm..ti"ii on the lull i->ml ..f the \il!ii)j. , ami to my xurprise what did I nee I. in the mn.. with thu tun Ii am nnclmrcd in a >ii"W I. mil and rnther a am ill nun with H [ili-n-.i-it face whirling' a tin dolliir lull in i.ne hand and -i r.rher peculiar looking liRinmer in thu other, eicitedly uxclaiinini{ that he knew of unu old nij l.y the inline of "Clmrlie" that could lako tin- lo.-id "lit lllllmelf, "al\d heft- is toll dollnri that aays so ; cover it tip if yi.u .1 ire !" The yotlliK innn xeemeil to S|>- I't-ir -liy imd I'M t y eii-Uinu-il, "Yi.u don t, I. nt 1 tinvu no mi .-nei Hut In nnd l>rh'.ld >. n '. \\ ll..t |i(Hireil on the s. fin- l.nt an old atitletl team from ilsprey. The little man with thu lm Jullxrs in Ini eni-ilenn-iii exclaimiil, "Jim, liould on, would you pve Cnarlie a snap on this /' .Inn, with a ciiiilliii|j l~.k on I is f i.-e, wiyH, "I don't imn.t if there m imy fun in n," -.. . I ..-l'H.t niK tlm old titl-d nai'H ft. .m Ins 111. .11111:1111 of w.iiil, IK-I-NII ulisl the \.niii.; man to draw the Uilt and li'l him try, which hu did to hm sore dmp- liitHure, tlnnkii'^ it would he to his dm- rr.dit. Tne moat MIHIKII.J; pail of it was t.i Hen ihu old, Klitled fellow* cr oier thu t ..11^111* mnl il" on into tin 1 I'V tie witysidu .in l.y ihe I.i : l-.iy leiiin. Now. .Inn si Lined to l>e ill Ins ul iry, hu li-iuiud l..ii k on >l.e lineiiind Rn'. ' It WHH musiii){ lo aee the tec ni.il -n llym^ fri'i ...... iler the sleiuh, uml iliulo.iii moving lownrds thu atallnn and till) little muo jumping "ii the snow lunik anil sti. u mi- ,ii th.'t.'p of Inn \.-i. .-. " KOI kjo.iiliu^s -,iken. An, ^u" him tlm hv .lulhus mnl Mint up. " Now us i.ur linn 1 - lilultril I p. IKS... I on an Wit H.|W tin- I ...I landed on the r.ntd hul.iw thu L.n.k itnd did ii ! want to ho nn eye. witness uny liinyei'of ihe dint rewi that sc-iiul I" picture itself in the youint luan's faci.-- j r Vcturliisrv tir(inn n i.f ll"lu,|,. Vi'lciinaif o) Iji'U.'on "..i ''* wMi;li M now l< l.i,gil-h I.UM-I ". i. I It i -"", 1 ill, ilk, llir avHnu is:u. 'I -"ii d'lwa uf l.i.i../. ihai n-\. . i . ^ - .1 III-- A .1 - nil'-' . Una I'.i'i i."ii-u or on..' u t."iin.| hoise. M it it I-.1UV a ',. I IL il <'t ....n.i '.. in. i ., . . l ai.-io' n, i, -l n .vi- n-i. < ..'ii,. In... *, -...I . , ' 'i tak j lu-* ui uii'ju l" .. i . oiilv . limti-iy iiot IKI n. .-I i-inaiuKy ~-.ii-i-t--- .i.iini >.. in ! 1-1 >. i .11 i.i" i n.,; u rnp.i- ti. I. .n Uuw ixi-ln,^ ri-^ar .1.1-: Hisl.i .! '* .-.tat lmi;t;i Will. 1 1,., iu : |'j i. ^ i-i^.-l^l nllu , 11.11 lo li.e i|llul.l) L! .. ..!- .1 . l" llie *t*..l i... au.l aid : ;jn nul lit > '.r i.rni". nn Itiai am u.. .. tu, w i inn., wnii..nt ma a',a^, l>uue ur HHI.-..AI.. r, la ,-.( m ,i/ i Iu brmJ li n 'll.eru u i-i.e mii.ui in iii'-r 1 w.mid l.ke l . ^ 1 l i- .illtjii i u I it.e l..itnr Cu. .. .1- i,,,i - . IT. , .%. i ul ,i , MI.J ill ...r. - . '. .. l I an.'W t, ry lu.ny l.,l < WIII1.1. .! UIU.ll I0.pl. .., ll |..\ I .Bill u o. i.-n u.'U' ii< .1 tu i<> t iiu -..ii, ,<M.^ n; bum. r. .'i., i^.-Mi'u ak it It ,,n lh* -, M Vir* |.| II,' ,...!, I >AC. t m, iii.is t>r.Uh; ilucaiil iivprivi'ti i ini . ( a l.ir^i ii aran. i ,,o I."' i i.i.i.-u-.lo aa M liai.i-i. UL ' fi.r ih* l.oii.i. i, -li.*^i in.. ' pnn-ii i-ir ciu alay u. i. . i.ix, il i e ilk- ". unu ihu wili-i iii i.i, ..l.l i ,il till- i .n-l il.,) i.ai,.n_' .. ^.^..i V nv ill Ln k ial ! l.\ ...I. 1 ll-r| KIIII- l .a i. ur -i.-/.iii"ii o I u.i. n.i.w my ii.u.* I'.i' cum. .iu ttii.i unur. v i,.i m ai M i .;.. i Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. . an.l <;iH>X MITTS and I. .<- -1 on Shoitent 'i< >I;ce. WH. BARNHOL'SH. Fleshsrton nmmn mm PHLIIS . XffSarJ, Prop. If l"il *!' ' i: I 1 ttl. Jil-l i all it , Tu >uit tin- r..n -. kii T. ' - . . u I \ i. : ,..| : If IU II Jlll , 11: T nil.' ' I'll ha\ \oa all f.'i- ' > ,\n.l i ' - >l It .in . ' ii i f'.. . . . i : for tliat . nwjr bunt. It. AOEST FOR SOLS It'.! JT^'.Ji UCNDKY PARKER'S DYE . WORKS Nature's Own Dyspepsia Qure Nature's remedies are not Hk man's they nersr fail. Of the many rcmtiee Intended to cure dyspepsia. tour stomach, distress after satinR. weight in the stomach, wind on the stomach, km of appetite, dizziness, nausea, im- poverished blood, wtt'jrh of the stomach, rick headache, awl similar results of indigestion, ouly one Is uniformly and uo&r 1 - ioffly successful that id nature's own remedy, found only in DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS The pineapple contains a large aoxntat of Vege table Pepsin nature's most potent aid in digesting food. Mi* aunt and pineapple and agitate the mixture at a temperature of 103". and ihe pineapple will completely digest the meat. Take two of Dr. Von Stan'i Pineapple TaMt after .ur mestli and they will digest your food without aia tun. the stomach. This of coarse rests. streorthens av.d beal.s the stomach. Tbe tablets will cure the mot chronic ca*o of dysre;ia. They give im- mediate relief Take them for a short time and your stumach will be M strong and hearty as that of .. farmer s boy. They are as pieasant to the mu^te as candy. At all druggists. 350. a box ur dirrcct from THE VON STAN MEDICINE CO. Toroato, CML. and Bulislo, N. Y. 1 ' .ii. ' I'liU arian Clmroll IN.llr.ft). WMt nn nsruut rant FARM to RENT A I an I - } .r > f<i in "irn|p nn llni Toronto i i r t .n"liii' of AH,-. .'..Ill .1' I l>-lil'l>'i> , , nii|,,,r,l ^ 101 H i I i in- : li *"*'. ,'f lli T'.io.itii in HUM,! On tin* |.ri.tntffj are % ....llnU him'-" "i'l a frame I'M n, 10 Ai.uly 10 ,/ .l.s \\ nu. n i Hr. riNkswtM age, 1 wits a niran^i r in u stran|( land, with neither work nor money, when s friend nf mine, s lawynr, advited me to take a Ixxik axency, mi) mx hu had edii catud hiniHulf l N ..nu :I--.HU' ; liku dmwn- \<if men t;riw|> itt straws, ( Wk Ins ad- vice, and in live yunrs savud #fi INK 1 , and nli tl.u sum Hliirle I my |irei lit Lnsin- es. Il IH juii fitly yenii> a^o to dy tltnl ,Mr. llnidloy, the founder of the |Tenent linn "f the llntdluy (larrelsmi l'oiii|miiy, Limited, if Tmonlo, sent me my hr-l li,.;.|i (IMS,,,, In-, nlld fo Ills l.i-.i'illfnl let tersiind >(ood iul\ lee, I owe much f my I tei nt mn !(. Vi n V..UIIK man, if ymi have anylhniK in you tlieio It jul as i.o.l !l ehiilli'e f.'l ' yu t...|iy With till* olil I'HtnliliHlii'd lloiiHe nu iher- wa for int. Write them Hint suo hnt they I...M- to olfei." T.-nikin-t. "I Imvo xufii the advertiko- nientH i.f this Hrin, f'.r n^entN, for yunrs lutck, mi. I liHVe n't. n ihi.iithl of wiitii'i; them. I. lit have never doim HO. I will write I-' iUv ; mnl I am very thitnkfir) to you Mr. NV.iiii.smnk. r fut ycur (f d ad.icu " A STKOLI.KR Canadian Horses I.n'd Mini.', wli" nllrnili'd the h'T.' HllllW Ht 'I'.il. Ill i IlUt Kt>fk, :l(liln .. I lilt) (ailnninf on iln< nulijrt . f dmndixn hr'M, iti.d nu vxftir|.t from tlie -^x-i'ili ill jirnvi' <>f vnlun nil interust to our liolHn lirrrdfts. Tilt' (invrrnof (ifiiiTitl dninr i.. tho Rrntt )>n*.pro<lii' < iri{ prii'inrc "I tlm 'nniinii'ii limit, I il'ink. jiiHilv .tx-iri.n ill* cri;anisatl"ii soil r.>('.. mlnli'_V "' a Kr*t show, nurh a I'M Tbe lurnei* <>( it. in the IHTM l.>vinn ro< miui'ty nl iinmni., i t>rimn. l>iit it result* oill In. ii-. Ii f .r IM-\.MII| UieiiiHro plenum* it afTi-r m to ihi -miers. Tin aim nrn.nl I )> t i.iio. 'in ii ni t - III i';>nil'i u proiluclinn i ( ihe l -i 'V|K. >'( h"iMH nf .1 Id r. nt .-!- f>, wiili f ii'- i'i inpulrlnx not oiilr tin r.r.ti'i niaikttK. hut tli<' markets of other i-iiiiiilr |. s. I'I r op. nin( for thia tr%.Ui*, in my op n ion, a I iv.'isiil" i ii.'. with * pr. mi*ini <nln- In-fore It, Alrrit'ly in tli i>oiitl i.| ~,'i.l,m .1. n.-ar uiv own IILIIIH, ii, Vhs (ilaiKnw, Oifrs are a oou- D. Me Tavish KEEPS ON il \N; REPAIRS... '. For M<sey-Mirris. Xx<>n, Fleory and Wilkinson fstm iinpli fl Kleiiry mid Verity ploWH on hand Ml the tune. alo stll kind* of regain t Z- Kr thu n>. WH manufacture WagoiM, l!u^i>', I'nttem, Sleuths, etc. <| Si llorneshneini' Tinptly attended to. Specinl tti-nti..n (o ti-ndiT c-rn- r tri. ' .1 fetft uotiuiniC d Plow Chaiim C'.iniUntly on hand. 2< '........,. i 2 \i\ n. ru , uvrou uuiru uuuuuuii uuuvru uruuuuiiuu ux/vrutruuuuinjijtnjvn. r\ W r^ you want a paint for Cup- J boards, Baseboards, and the thousand arui one little things about the hovise, see that the label bears this design ; you will then get just the paint you or your work. It is made right, it is right. We know it, we sell it. . FleslVierton. ^ *- & W* $ Aftirana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIXCIPLEb NOT MI..NV VO. XVffl. NO 943 Flesherton, Out., Thursday. April 'J7 WR . n. EDITOR * I-BOPBJLTOK <C:./-^^\ F. T. HILL & CO. M A IN! i\ i) A i-; ' e weep of S uccess I at!y enlarged ad- i u |..-n!i-i ^ will ,mg. U won't l>e i ml complete 1 . I. ry, Clii. . . : >' wo"ll . s. Our I oiir m:;;ii-ill.-l ril bnsineu <alc accounts for tins Inri-i v i -i/o into the .1 bnv to l)i-i!i-r iiilv.int'tici'. That f;ict Ui^ichen many of ii.. sprcml itt-ing in tins list. Y-.u r in do better ben becitust' wi- iii-> iluiiiL; bylti-r eievijtre We si-11 ai we buy. i More About Dress Goods ! Knoii^h has IK-VM "ui to enijduuize "Ur |o*-iti.ni in dri-^n u H!( KC|!::U I . i ( --t III 1 >n ( n >< I- L'l,..io Hl.u'k tin ivviitU' Drew* Fiihncn in t'lu-vil.i. fi.ei.-ii and Plain I.i. - -*eiit n.>v ulties in l>rirh-l H,d. JMT dr-Ha I. n.th ..f U) Tar.ls *4 5n and ( I'rta' ley's Klue Klack .in. I ^ .'>J iiielie* wide. ..-uirur-ed waterproi.f at |.<-r yai-: and 70-' Col'.rrd I'.ipdna in H,-nnt:l" f neri colon "f . f UK'.. r, Itr.iwn, lireen. < irey sml Black, 4J *ide, Pnce (M-r yard V mid , Me We *re alan showing H II.Miitiful Kin.'- "f New tit'-.t* and Sty!o in Black Si.k M ^ ur i T .. ; ..|.ular f .r I.adie LruK SkiriM, i.nee (t-r yd., r... .> fl, 1.25and 91 50 Cl^ >'IH IN' y ii- and Kininh wnure.1 -Men/ Kin", Hlack \\.-r--rli, .- Mil \ - i.ick or morning stylo, ci"ely w. -yen. [>"-i-nly ;ill wool, faitt c<dont. |>erlWt littiu^, linod with Farmers Satin. timr.. uglily st ihriu'oit and auwwl with ilk, SIZ<M :\>', selliii',' imeo SA.IN) and 95. fit) or tin.- lull suit. tr"ii*eri t . match, 7.60 and $ 00 4 4- 4 4 4 1 ; 4 's Vs/crt.erproofs ] EX IK A V \I,IK Men's Wati-rp-oi.f for>. in HUck -".' inch. i'|ie, ewn seaiiin, check lining porfeefly waterpi.w.f. v;uaranteiil tint to get hanl. M/..-S :u; t.. 44. -, .-oial i-n sale ^J 4.'. l.VJOyirN l'r:nr. ill llr* sea.on s X"<>ds, linew lliat have lu-i-n s- -iliii.j ieKuUrl\ mid weru K.HK{ valnux itt 7^-. lOc ui.l l^ic per v.l. in liwli, .tn.l .1 irk c. 1 f-<. on vilr for i|uick . s. vi i-: K VUI.Y 5$c ' 1 5I m-if 200 I., i'.' l '-i'l> I'nl.iis I'h. - M>ii t.. n-t .1. .; .i5i . ."""S- an.i '..' .-'s. uarli, .in I.TS, y.,ur clii.i o wlnli- th- lot l.is- - 'h purclr . ways save money by making "n ir |iiirc:i i- - r! Our Phillipine Letter < :>0<i , iff. dry I inch Spruce. 0000 ft. dry 1 i ' I Cwdar B !, '..p winch we w-11 jwiy thi? lnuhi'NB'jiisrkift pr'.-i's m c-i: lelu.-rv. Alo 50totiM Old Iton at OIXM. I' -. , K. m,,--., M,,, , - ' "' : - " ' ' S!WH\S n, si ,ck. r'louuli !; 111. I s,. , r R P. LEGATE BOAR7QR -SEK/1CE i hviic at ihi- foundry. CO. Ontaril "* * EIGEHli FOi H'-t 'lUt. MM 1.1A). .A \ For Sale at Efenia > . Kir atifft. KqAri> . "tir. halt i iii-;.' I Vo 77 or tho c,.i .i,.r of N, I III, \luiSt coii.ajnlnu }*cr*. Mso M S5*" * :l " '"" " " ' ] ' " ' "' s '"th t., 1 ' l til.' I..W-I lily '* -! ^1 \\ -4 !\ -it 1 ^ BULL MR SAL 1,1. L nt. A wi i.l.l ^^ . H l ;. INW. bull. tw,. H.UM , Man;h 7, - inili-s fr.'in Mtuila) I am still alive ami *i'll. I t .. k a run in'o town (MiiniU) Smurday. You unuht think it a little mid when I tell you I l.avi- <pjite anunihcrof Phtl!ipiiiofn.-n.l- me I watt in t..n I .-il.i-d "ii a i Flullipino fiiniily and had i I. i< Uilk jwuh them. They said they wvtv greatly n! irini- I .ih, u- mo luring thu attack on in. They were afraid sonu W Hill. lC.|li:ill.ll-.i 'A. ill :\'.\ 1.1.1SS,-.. ' y..u wl.itt. it ui.ide i.i.' f.-i-l rf'""i alti-r . in tlm country swuy Ir.'.n .ill i-irtlizatn-ii tid .inioiii; the town i. .1 .. :i.i|.ino friends nnd 'have a ^o. il, lon^ talk. I have learned | juita ah;' I my x,' wan nil in Spnih. Thin Pliillt- . very inU'llijeiit ]),. ie. |.sl,.lll.l Wi.lk, 111 .III .rflri- ah l.....li- lii->-per and t lie wife tu a great roadi-r. v\.-l . I iliink the Plullipino ij'.veriiiii.-n' i' ^1 i ..i. .s i .. /n.-at fall. , ut up .| lite a siu'ilx-ru tliili'. lid iliinli l.y this run.- tlu-y are | ,.-d t all th.-tr ..rk and would l.kt- to surrender. Ore.-f paralioiin itn- I < ,nx' made the liut twu t'> r..ut .lie in-iiiy and c.i; ft and other | I.. I'io- Ann n. in army had to lay !. n acc'.unt of n. .t II.-IMII.. .-MI u^!i tin-ii ti f ill. .w. HI' . ,. ..i attack, but now that Hoars nn lauduix re^ul.irs daily, in a few ii i .at attack will lie i I expect t.. see a ternbie li.t of I'hiiltpiium sliiiijthti-r.'d before tln-v- places are t.-iki-ii. Those inntriiniunt,* "I >tr that are now ire ainii !v tirriljle to produce de- mi nnd duath. I ha.'.- !-. n ir.nind the artillery a Kod deal aud hsvu wen a u rent deal ul slinotuiK TI ^iinncrs am very accurst" Ii strikes ti-rn r in tin.- vii<.-niy when "lie of -h.-Il.i >-\pl"deii. Ir more thv .In-ill. Y. u will ' them tii::niiig in ill direcMi-n.s. IVfore the att.vk on . -I upon .1 h>i;1i ;ln: C'.iint'se c. th- i.' was in full view of I 1 . jintlltt buy. 1 con d se.- 'In- -.li...inn; ,||,i.t.- plainly. Ail a. once I would see a Lloild "f si, :ing up fr.ni ono of ui.i th.-n in tin- .Ii-- it Ca ir it 1 1 cnisli in in live : in awful iiini- billlK liilliij Ilk , , II IK. 1 . 1 II. ! I .1 K, ilUl l.r:tl- tlie) it tlie I- after I, as ' one ..f tin- .iin.l 'i.niliii-.' no iin- il... I Phillipinus tu the h..ii|..'i! N i* in- -..- h i\- i . I I" iT lull ni'Vur f"i . si'cn. Th.- iiisiirut.-nt iirini ic \.TV I Iv coni[.cil "i IM.VH. 1 fo'ind .'.n.- li:tl.. v wojiided. He c.-nld :nill fourte.-ii old. Another liUle fellow Mud i-..:li hid fitiiu-r mid iiiotlifi- were killed Hut Home 1. 1 thi-M! mur^. :\ u h- f them Hied to ita!> mj mil,- M In c .ttli-ndii'K lo Ins W'.nn.iv I i to carry our Lieutenant ('..! nei \ :n n lie wan throu^.i tin.' InnUi itiid there wan MI ii !i' SITU-.' Hi t'n- i;l> ll within twcniy yu.is , i m, . I iu wax very ,.. II'. > ii- :. i. - .- .111- pany. 1 w is in ih" nenorsi Inwpital ,tlid siiw t of Auieritnn Ki.un I'hi.lipiii.*. It m n,, list- u i.f tlie (iutfeTiin;. >-n i-dly iniit^ii!.- it. Hcfon- I J^i,- lliu s. . .1 on a man w.'iiU H_l tl'U in"' i W 1 CHII ftar* s tn.in r 1 II.-IM- < >eal a' least hold thv 'iun > .. nl. W|, . inity nre -\, ih. nc. i - i ; InHtfWS ii re i-i-si-n .'oil to . .nn win!.- tlit: p4ttif.i: ire Ixiiiii: perfnrmud. Well, when at Ca- .loocan wu are entrenched. I can hear siirnenU ^noxtly every day. ep.-. i ally in the inorniiitf. ID place* the iii>nr- : in- IH about two hu< dred yarJa from our line. For some tune the in*ur- uenu, across from IIH are not ..\<-rly ami. HIM to keep up HuhtinK, so a Hui; ' tr .. e was put up in rhe^cnir.. ..f tin- :i, ,.| l w . tween the ">< > (tvkcJn-H. Our captain add tliu insufj.-nt captain hail ii ' vt.iuld outdo any sbo<>ting :M l..n^ at. wu would m>r io ;uiy, so nl.nnj the lll-M without any danuer of being sin*. Then . \"ti will see in.s.ir^ent soldtei- u their trenches and w-.-tik 1 .tho \i . ri.-n.- .if ir ninny mcidi-i.M that a .-.MI I. "k back to with pleasure a well ax pain. H .w tiiuu d'>e> tly 1 Days. weeks and uionthit have glided by iint.l .linn -: i y ir !>u paaaod aincu .iur - f in-iirly "in- liuiidii"! i ui:^ fel lows Falls. We heard the In-nr'y . -In mi and for nl! wi- knew bade a last f.iruw.-il - and the l.ui'l . 'n-rislii-.i h. : i . It seems hut a nre pasin-d tin hetioi.l ir,- i,n ..ur l-'iu v :i|{ back it few weeks won:. .n.'li yaam uf uxprri no* in ac-tii.il life. Tlie last vuar has i Eye Comfort is obtainable through the aid of perfect fitting glasses Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus. W. A. Armstrong. EWELER AND OPTICIAN, FLESHERTON. ha* not had such a Hi .ol m many yt-itra. The d.it ari.iind itloni; Its c- i iii'-i iniiuature lak-. As yet *o ha\ u not lie ird of any ifTr-ut dam -ne done. Mr. Robert liorley. jr., of the VaUi-v. In-i-ii nn.ri) to mmiy of us than unv five or , , had a narrow enoaue while cnwuu ihe rs lii-f'.n-. >.-rr<'ly a.i n 'ti.' KiKnth. i inly for wd without wiutu traii: .-nee a y..u..._. !:ly who iw In that wiii i-.. nil.- ruu-k to memory MUII time tii. n slid nobly ciunu to the in the in' ut... Many a poor boy srbo ItsTt . ase and kiilinl IM l>ntt!..' iind lyini: wounded with nomusick. there ,-n- "iil^ .Vj . f ..ur oon.pany i. . : i If.mpirsl c. : mj 'il Many hiive Inen hcsrd to say, if I ha. I to do u nver agaiu I wouldn't eii- li.-t. and !i.ive uxpreasvd snlx.w at >i r Inn ni'_' '-IKIJII the step. But there is a mud coming (if we get through with life and lii-ii hi when we wiil nay "j -. I wan .iiol liolpe'l to hoini the H m ..ver M mil* and CaloiH-aii and ..-.' -E. STK.\[\. Only ills posl- canm to the n-xcuu ho have been swapt away. '.liuntton of Knnlwrii-y i-t the Kuest of her cmicm. MISH Kiiia BuWer- : Cuuenia. M Wilton WilIianiH accidentally drufjpe4 Us waMh in the Heawr river a. |.-w iiy *.. Mr. Eil. C.irr i - I it next day nothing the wonw of IIH bath. M > Arie.na carr has KOIIM lo visit with frii-i.dti at St L'athi-rtii.-i. ^! i li.u-les Pedlar haa taken a piwi lion in i lilack ninth shop at Aruyln. Mr i;.-.,r^i- Arinstr..ni( of the Kockvalu Mills still liea .it Ins house very dl. Mr. ,id Mrs. ll'iuK itnd clnluren vmt- [Sultsequuul t.'ihe writing . -i tin) above , T a, as el T.ip.nt the tMuit week. Mis. H- u-{ : .1 %J _l..i. ... 1 %.!..!_! ._l. nd the olnidirii will e.xtuml their \mn n .: ni'.e "i wooks. Mr. Schnii.it ..f Mount Kori-st W.-M a> ' . 111! I lie pSHt We- Tins lian . ..in iiniiini.-i.tiii.' i i .; !n. n' - : K.u inrr ire buny pl"Utihni|{. artic'o MitUlwn and MaUNm weru taken. \Voli . r. if Inter .line i.. cull tr. I > ! Town Llur 4. and E. fY.im ") ' ..-ii ' 'ai I Mr. MSI 1 M- ^ .1 \ l>- . .nu tins Mr H ' niiprotiiu l^ fnrin by ill. "f a alii-- Hot Fron\ The fun. '.nil that hi. ' - !' Sli i.iin.in N *:iil>. Mich., ill the I'mi '.\,, r . It Mr : '! " (rears. Th. ,, .-tired Inn, . . -^t-'M i . iv-at !'.;. ' .1- . .: i ,:. Sild i busy ' :im. Mr Knuk . Tliu siii;ar iiinking has i-. . . niit . f Ule lu'i rluugltii > ninineiiciti nd ihe ^i. .1111. 1 IR alini.-t dry ciii.n^li for ..*niu. V'.nr c.-rii-s| ill nt U-v wn K .1 .s n..t . tho sii(>cnnti-niU-iit ' of buly Hnnk Siiiid'ty .school, * tlu-ra is, no | named l i. 4 41 .1. VV :-..; :^ ",.- II.IIII.- lllti'lliKsl, tllJtt he 11*111.- of ..tir H li. r. Wtf uri' ^l.lil '.> lilli'vr ~| i . -.Sllll) -' tl\ ,, :i w.-ll i-'iilip, i is a ni'.st inipoit Kit :. -i.i-u- in nii-nditiK the in mis and innnm-r* of a coininui.ity. M ,. N.-wli.ve is returi'ii'.o honiu this wrtk nfli-i- sj.i-n.iini> -lie winter -,ii v. . '>.ii ' '>/ . . ,'. },t 11. e tun , wrt-m w.-.rlmi- of ih . n in "Vv 1 - TV t"iis \,\ u>^t |liVi; ; t >Ur yolllij . lire "lit ..n then hicyiti.'H >ud n- j"y. P 'X Tho Iiiver iu%t ' ui <'ir,i l'..ir!,;m./. M k baa been ill for - ill. n:!is. , stMiii to svo her id a^nin. ^ ' oie to Mr, .-in. i M ... 1' . who hv>> recently ni.i.cU : vilUtt-. .il.so ii. Mr I .,,, ,, i ,^ r ,. who in il.iiii; a ((noil huftitie*H in . n.i'liuiH Inn-. Mr. and Mrs. A. tlilclinst I .AV.. cell nindi- h.ippy \er tbo arriml .,| , ,nn)f .Linulili-i 'irsiii and Arthur \\ tt iket '- ft f i t ',. > . nni M-'inl i\ .i,. X1 I'.slltll.llll ll M \ Y'.rk M'-nii-iv I-VUIUIIK. ' . i ii-hoiu .if Itrotnor. What ;. .? ~ ; lit f.-n .iptlon ' u"-i;it' thr.-.i. world for half ^ c-nlnr/. lm> "** Woni |-n- U'-eaaes ..f loi'lj l'-|lt ! -'" vid ieln-i-d mauy m ^iit If von ^r nor sau-'i^l wiili t* 1 ' r ^^ we will refund y-ur nmnsy. ^ >rtc * : 50cts. and .11.