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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1899, p. 8

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APRIL 13 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TABLISHBD -1S8/- Advance < WKEKLY AT THI OKKHT, HVD- ESHAM HTRBBT, FLKHHIBToN, ONT., T W. H. THfUTOM. prr annum Hlrlrtly In advanre Rates: ns Column, 1 year. JO ; bait col.. 1 rear, tat) quarter col . one year, S15. Traniiant advcrtUeuiimt charged at tbc rate H esnt* par lias for flmt Insertion and 3 cout aaoh Hubftequent Insertion. H Fles^erton Invention Mr Thin. Blakeley of this town ha* an invention on bund which promise* to l i .-.. -1 thing, in * new ruller- hearing t hat he ha been experimenting on for Home. Early lad fall he got out hi* caveat and placed hi application for Canadian and I 'nited States |>atunts in tliu hundi uf i ieiii solicitors in Toronto. Thin linn Delayed the matter for a long time until Mr. H'nkuley gi>l mmpiciout and placed hi* nreri-Ni.t in tin- hand* of Lawyer Wright, who served a writ for damages upon tin* firm in u,uettin. In the mean- time it lint been K-irncil that holm-one elae li |i.-i,til hi* idea in thu I'mli-d Ktates, or made application for tin- same, nd ( he I'll vrUnd bicycle people r< using the i'lTention in tin- yc-iir'H iniiku f bicycle. It n lelu-ved that someone in tin- Toronto patent solicitor'* office "leaked," and had not Mr. Blakeley taken tlie pnoMMiM ! MtMM Ins own caveat lie might hairu been done out of the wh"lu tiling A* it i* he i* having a hull- It-Hal fijhi, but fancies lie ban rather flu- whip hand. Tliu Cleveland penpU have IHHMI *tTvrd with a notice demand ing .1 royalty on thu invention and in thu meantime have r< axed advertising it. Lawyer Wright ha* ihe mailer in hand and will bring Mr. I'.l.ikelry on' on top if Much a thing IH possible. The invention oounst.s of a Hinall roller to run between the ball* iii the bvami|{, which thu inven- tor claim* doeii away with every pin. Ii- of friction. Undor the old J*UMII uf ball* touching each other wa n alwayx more or ! triclion. Mr. I'.hk. - ley Imi it model of IMH invention on ex Iii Km. in We have refrained from r. femiig to it heretofore in order that the inventor'n pio-pnti might nut be damaged. That Throbbing HtaiUthc Would i|inckly leave you, if you utit-d J>r King'* New Life Pill*. Thousand* >f sufferers liatu pimi d their in.tti hit SH merit for Sick and Nervous Uriul.n I.. They nuke pure blood mid Mtroiii! m-i nil build up your hrnlth. Easy to take Try I hrm. Only '.'. reiit.-.,inoney buck if not ciiinl Sold by all Druggist*. Kobbcd Ihe (Irsvs A Mnrlling incnl.-nt, of which Mr John >liu r of I'lnUili -iplna IM tloi, is liitrinlnl by him an follow*: "I HIIN in A moil ilicnlliil i omlitiiiii. My skin uns nlimiKi yellow, ryi-N minkt-ii, tongue coal 1. 1. pain coiiliiiintlly in back itml nleH, no np|iellti-, iiimlll. illy yn, wing wciiker dny by <i.i\ 'Ilirei-* guiii me up K.o I mi IU K . a liu u I mhineil liynik.. Kli c ir..- llil'eiH.' .ui.l I-, my ureal joy mul Mil I ll-i-, tlie hrst iMitllu n. adi- a ileclded In. |im\ . mi ni I c, niinui'il tln-ir use for . ks, and inn n.iw a i-ll in. in I ki on ll.i-y cm ni m\ lite, nn.i i..!,l.n! i wravu of nn.'thvr vie im." No one nlmu'd fail In tty tlii-ni Only bOrt*. n hotlh l.\eiy lnt'le go u inii-i-il at any Dru St., i. Two Townships Mulct . M. .liiHtin* 15. ne hn ju-i Ji htt-n-.l JII.IUIIM i.l in ciisei Htlecting (lie town Kll.p^ o' Ar' .mil Knp!n.i-i i Al I ii<\r>. > ,\ 1 1 1 nii'iit W.IM ii r ne it| win Ii ul oni mi I.'IN an) finniliar. The;e ho iU ilnit llnini wn* ncgligeine on I 1 in put of i 'i.. t .iiilnp air Inn itieH Hill l.e i."V..< II ver.ln-t II. I nor .f the |..nllillll lor f.'lini and co-ii.. lli'kniH i'. Kn .lirntin was un HI-M.I. lirou.lii l.y. Mi. lliwki , of Arie.m *i , fur 'I un Igei on aci ouill nf I In- I i. t tli. I liu Ini.l n.-i-.i In-. io from bm rig ilnln rtnvin/ over H .i"-i w iy ir .in wh...ii n..e | hid 1 1. on biirni o-it or .o-ciy.-d. Tim Jui^-i ho.. I* <tli . Hi. 11 tliu Knplinfia itil horitnn worn ne jli-.'iin- in not r. pin ing tti.i ro.l, *'i I +*? if It M Hiiwkn-, %... was vnry *nri injiirod, Jl.DUl v I ooU. A Th.iu.aJ ToHfiM* Could not expraas the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1126 Howard at,, Phila- delphia Pa., when he found that Dr. King'* New Discovery for Coniumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedien and doctors :ould give her no help, but *he nay* ..f hi Kityal Cure "It *oon removed the iii my cheat and I CAU now sleep soundly. 8'iuiething I can scarcely rein- umber doing before. 1 fuel like hounding its praises throughout the 1'iiivurse." So will ev ery one who tried Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of thu Throat, Chest or lung*. Price 50 cont* and 91.00 at anyUrug Store; every bottto guaran- teed. to tl\e Wmlmlrs to luform tlie fanuar* of tliU section that it IB ab*o)utlT DeoeMary to hare all main lnitn cwtratxl. otlierwine iln-v will be unable tu Kelt *t any fair |iricu, It will nay larmtrsto attu<] totnli mattci. K.HOLLINOKB Hut Duffslii, Varch X). W. BOAR FOR SERVICE The underlined hai a flne thomughlired Berkuliirti boar " Arteineiia Chief. No Mil for Kc.rvi* on lot;n. coo, u Artrintmia. TKU.MS tlJM. PediyrtM) on application. J.W. BKNbOM, P.op. Important to A t hi* te. Mr. Mack Whit*, the well-knowo trinr of til* Toronto Larross* Clsb tnd Oicoode Hall Puotlisll Club, writes: I ronsldrr lirlffltos' Mi-nthul Liniment nocqaallrd for athlete* or thow tralolnc. I hve u*ed It with th* best surreu. nod pan heartily r- comtnend It for stiffness, oreae**, vprslns nd sll form* uf (welling- and Inflamma- Uoo. All, V, eta. U CatarrlTCured After Fifteen Years' Suffering. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE CURES. Mr John Crow, ill Ksefer Htreet. Van- OOUTsr, ac.. writ: "Aflr rseeirinn In- v.luhl* benafll from Japane-e Catarrh ( ure. I nm.Wer It my duty to d 1 my t;tinionyfor the benetl' * fellow -ut^-ten. I had been a irel uirrer from onUrrh for Ilfteen jeam: and during that tirn 1 trieil aJm.i-t every r- nadl I erer hrd of this troubli-.and asoore of docwm ; but Ihe result was onlr fuiporanr rullof and In oaoh case th oaUrrh rrjurned. I ussd *ir boxe of Jau*J>'e atarrh ( ur *rer ont year asro. ml ilnre that tluie have been oompleiely free from catarrh," JDIIU- Catarrh I'ure ls the only perma- nfiit Viirc for c*Urrb yet Ji*-oTi-red ; the ttr>t ,,pllollon reUee.nd -ix boxejarc guran- ii earn the worst oa" of caurrh, or n^ley wUI be refurfBd. We will also b* ulea^d to send a anm:e to a-.y Prsii rouhl d with thl. dtM-**. A-Jdrew The Orifflttu. * M-Therson Co.. Ill ( *. T.Tonto Sold ti- ll'l-viKlsl*- I'rio*, McnU; .ix for yt.*". with guarantee. fn the matter of the estate of jfnyus IJJcjCood, late of the "Goivnship of Jtrtomesia in the Sn tho flatter of the Gstate of County of Srey, farmer. de- John jf/ten, deceased. .8.O. IWT.CIiaiiter 1*. Section , . , . .|.i n . ., -, i ,y |iot |>reiial.l or to deliver tu Aim Alli-n Klonli- ertun.4.lTiilnitratrlx of tin. sanl eHUte. or to atsssn. LsMaa, Wrikt A Bassea, n.<liciio: censed. r.M. i- i-.. . ..-ii.. . to any purmtu nr purMonn of wn on claim n..n..- hall not have lieen rocelveJ at the tluie of u.-h dlstrlbotlag UaU-<l tin. .Jltli rtav of Mrrli. A. I) ,1HBO i-UCAH. \VflHiHT A mrsoN. Ni ii. ii..i. f,. r Admlnlstratrll Ow.'ii Koutnl an I F'luHherton Ni.tic-e I* hertby Klven pumitut to ttie vined HtatutKt of Ontario." 1K<7. ch>ptr llil ll . >'i'l utherN liavinn i :ini- Mtaliul (be estate ol Ike >*i'l AUK-IS M. I -.,! wlui. ll on or aliout the etgbtb oaj of Janu- ary. IHUU. ari re,|uire.l on or iM-forn tli lltli lv . f May. 1MUU. t.)m>u.l Iw |K>t |.rp|i1 or 1,-liM-r to Mesurn. l.ucan. Wrmlit * llt...n. of tli village of Mik'lle. nolii itora for Aiei- ainler 1) Ucl^iad anillluncau Vliiir. tln vxeou- l.,r ..f the lt will ti.l t>taiunt i'ft)i el I dsoeuo.l tli.-ir ClirUt.til ail. I nurnmliiM. a I dr**M* and deMrlplloa*, the full Dartlrolan i rlalni.tliit*u.nii-nt -it then -account . ati.l tiia nature of the Mcuriiii?*. if any, lirl.i l.y tin-in And further take notii'e tliat after ncll last liiruti.. Mi-it .lad' tin- - I rxii-utom will pr - to <ll!l ihiit.. H M-M'tM of th- 'li-ri-a-i-.l UIH..I .: Un. partial enlltlod th. r. t.i havitiK n inr-l Oi. l> tn the cUllim pfulnch they iliall then have iintire, m il that thu naiil oiecntor* will n.. t b* liable tor th* *id assets ur >ny part thereof to anv periou or |u-,oii< of whose rlallim notice lill not have I..-. .11 IMtnM >') tin-in l th* time uf ich tllitributlon. UsUd the oil vi.nth i> of April. 1HM. l.u. .1- Wright .v IUI-.MI Solicitor* fol the F.luoutol* Medical Hall, 1899 KEEPS CLOVER- - SQQDS Common Ke.l Mammoth, Alfalfa and Aliike. TUHNII- SK^llS-Steele'* Selected, Bruce* ioU-ctrd, Ron- nie's Prise Winner. Eli -pliant, Carter'* Improved, l<an^h..lin, Qrey M. Ii., Slid Yel|..w lii|.,- Seeil. RKET SKK1> Siuar He.-t, French .Sugar Beet, Gate Piwt Mangel and (iaide.n lieot. CRASS SKKD--Tinii.thy aid Orchsnl Cra*. ONldNS --Dutch S.itt, I'otal.Hj Onions and Black S,,.l Oiiiiiu*, H|>O lui\e Sii,-|i.'n Small (iitnlen Seiils, Firhvr'ii Brock Mile and May's, Si. l',,u , ('. S. Also liennliful Sweet peas ill bulk. CORN (.'itnstla Etrly, MiiiueNo'.a Kirly. Sweet Corn and ' Your i-hoioi' of 60 patturn*. with honlerx, at choap, cheaper mul|iet prn-i-K. '''M I'll. Al Popular Price*. I'mnf, 1'unt Oil and Var nulien. KoR l-ISIHN(i SEASON \\ e l.ave Kisliin^ 1'olwt. Liiif*tid mul Fish llookii. PKRFI'MKRY varn-ly "ml Stato-mry S.-h.^d Hook*. includiliK ropv ninl ilmwini; hooki in Urge 'iipiily. Ml SK'Al. INSTRI'MKNTS Sm-li s Vmliim, BOWM and Striii|{*, AcfonlioiiH nml .lew* limps. Tho n-l.ilirateil Jii'.iHo Bittern, llypnplio<pliate nt half the nnal pricei \\inin S\rii|i, eto . our own pi ,-|i, very lii^'lily e>tolleil. MesiileH, f lian- |iro|irietar> nieil n-inen uf real talue, ^i-n ri-nlly Hi full Hloek. We Inn i- pim-liAxeil a ipi.-iiilily of Unfermented Wine The ITRK.HICF. oFTIIKtiUAI'K. for Saera.nrnul pi,i|M,ws- uinl Colixaltuiceiil intnliil* sold l.y tliu I ottli- Also i- li.ive makiiiK a lieiMitiful cooling drink, in-.ii t.i of leniont Sold hy the I,,, iii.- We keep the rtileliralivl H Elt ItAI ! Kl' M wild IMI'FRUL CATri.K FOOD and Oil, t'VKK f.T horHe., i-,.w, i-lves, hens and |'I|(H, all of wliien IN ii .1.1 eh up for Ciwh, or Ktu" ' stiictly ciish W.S.CHRISTOE Proprietor, ...... Flesherton M. Richardson & Co. Flesherton - - *Dundal/c Stylish = Millinery The Millinery Show-room is fi'led with a most complete :isoi tment of the latesc Millineiy Novelties. Smart Trimmed Hats Stylish Bonnets English & American Sailors & Walking Hats Tli- -re !' -t c nrc is t-iken with every Mii'i- nery order ati'l ev.-iy H-it or Bonnet leaving this Dep.irtmrrr c.irit-- with it the evidences of artistic skill and j;ood ta: 7fow jCace Curtains Exceptional Values \\ i liavt- jut cpc.T''il nut a slupmcnt ol Not tingham i. tec Curtains importod direct from linL,' land. A number of rich and handsome designs are included in this purchase they uume in different lengths and oift-r a wide chore in price corn- men ;int,' .it 25o i>er pair T'^e cheap- est ciinl i.ii-cst ^uitaiu .>-;>ortmtiit we have ever had tiit pleasure ot submitting to our customers. HEN'S SPECIAL THIS WEEK Bellow* TOI-UIH- Ulu- clier out. In- i\ v pen i-X'i'i I !. nil SIZ--H. special r* tongue heavy pegged *ole, all *izs extra value. . Mi:\ s si ITS Ml THS sfiTS B iVSMTIS. . IH.50 to . .W.OO t .11. M to.. f 12 RO f t; mi f 4 oo l Wall ZPaper Offering f than \\e have a few RolN rv- in iiMin-4 from a niuiilx-r ..f of i-hoiic .irnl heaniifnl ill-- mi;n, whioli wel-u xuld all t' ,- . IV from So to ;).- i..'.'. Tlie i|uan'ities are JUKI uit- ahlo for p:ipi riiif sinal! IIMMI i mi. I e jnit H^'K I e-s limn half price for tliem coinuieno 3c per roll Sec TJhem / W* Sell Every Requisite for The DAIRY Milk 1 \in.-. Milk I 'nils. St IMllliM- YOU OUGHT TO SEE ! t>ui New I'.irri-l (')uirn*. with Roller and Itall Bear -uiji and Labor- Saving iittn. lunent. ("liurn n^ is nimp'y a plemure with THKM. H. Richardson & Co. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE APRIL 13 hates Fiilirzs Ar* lam*'T duo to th* 'i:k of proper bulHiM nietbod*. A tul- u* coarM at the NORTHERN f. OWEN iOLNO. OMTAKIO prepare voana icu and women to take a uccMnful part in life Tbi> in- itntion toacba* more biuiaen and bAttvr huiu tb*n anv other or tcbool in C%na I* Compare our wicb (bat nf any other, [f iQter->t'l -n I f <r r*:a- logo* contaoing f'i'.l |>rtieultr to C. A. rLEMING Principal. Own Bouo.t. Ontario Vicinity Chips <'Tir.u-tcristi's of the Paul rk Carefully < ulled tor the uriouii ni, tier M inunvj loeult mil I* t c/l-iryf.( 'it ;},, ,. eiltt * Jtr Un# f'ir :>,!, iiarrtivn. A t rtH'ti<i /.' ' ma<' i/n COH t tptrts fur Inn linn -ir .,rrr. * for ale, new'y calrnl. A^ply \V \V. Tr mhle. 11 't c-.rnet for ! cheap. Apply it for |ar'u- . Horse Wi'il.l 1.1 ex hin-e f >r a ri^. J H. K : - .[ on. F'-r money at 4* pr cent, go to A. S. Mr \V. Heard ha* a l.*d of Cleveland Ifiovcle* ju: arrived, for M >nry to loan on farm property at flfc [>er cent free "f co-i. Bellamy & i-n.ienion. Euphraaia pay >lt)lX) ami co' Ar ti'iiititia t300 and coU for what the jmUe term* nejf'iitence <f township Mrs. Trmille IK sparing IH> elf..rt to tuaki- thi* svnaoo'* di.spiaT of artittic work pleMiing to the niuot f-tuJi..u- - tlie lilr*. one and all. \\-nllmubeen received here of the death of Mrs. L. \Vi!li iiimon. who left I ei e la*t fall to join tier hu*band in New MeKico. Tendrn for hnck, *tone nud plasteriiio Mi Karland's JtCos brick block,'n- dale will be received up to Monday, 17th inst. The spring brrk up ban arrived thu week, but up unlit Tiu-*iay the sle.ghing wa* u Hit. Spin-ir "-k will be late this year, fiut if past as'-d* are any criterion Una should h a sa*oii. During the past winter a pair of gold ii nini-d clawes were lost bt:t*ccn FMiertun and Dundalk. Any re- tuniiug them to this Hice will be re- warded. Mrs. Trinible'i iiiilluu-rj n> .m are a " bower of beauty." T)ie millinery op- ering> are in full nwiiig. the hats vitiug with each other in Sauty, elegance and style. As I have pu'chomxl a car-lo,id of C.TII and ahor'H I will bo aMe to supply tlu- denmiids of the public at riht (TICI- in nil kifiU of Hour. ii>rniiii-al, *horu. bran, and chop R. Pedlar Nearly 1000 jir of bimts, h.-e and ruMiers of atl kii'>N t" Iv nold at \ - H line of nil aixl haidoare. H. IV.IIar. Small farm of 1(1 -UT- * to let. lioiixe .-tnd stable*, niual! rchar<i. 1 mile . r,-t ..f Fleoliri'nti. Applv to A. N LelUrd, Fleller n (io d farm to rnt, one iml* oast nf Fle.hert ..... 10" i>--e.. lit i.-1-irf.l. good !i"inc and lni K--v loriii-s to right IIIAII. Apply to \\ . A. Annsiioiii!. M..ney to IIMII on .'.' i-iituif V 4j ptr *. 1: .in,l.i:i fll'lo -. i-'KI'J III tU:us oi f-l'Hl itnd upwrd> .'. p- 1 cent Kx iviiivs gur<n ei-d low Apply t.i Geo. Ri - TUEBroiu>, K.X C> A-t I intend g'<'iu extensively mt flour and "f all kii.di, I wdl sell my enti-e 'ink ot U Is aii'l hi. i es, hi.h is Com- plete. i-oimis ing "1 neatly 1000 pairx of the very Uleal styles and best makm. K IVdlar. _ For S.ile--Tlie following articles are i (feud V private ale : (>ne wag-n, one liUk-iO'' " IIW ' '"'''' "'' '"I 1 '' *" 1 ' run*"*'. o-ie s.-t trucks|!ute, I' r i.-niovinu l>uild nipt ; 1 pl"W Aini harrow, 1 net ninxle drivnivi li:irneHn. 'I'et IIIH cash. Apply!" 1). McTaxish, Flesherioii, or \V. 11. Sloan, Weston. The butter ncbeiiif of Mesrn Sr.*rl unit 8iev fm hn t.illt n threucli and Mr. Mtvvoiis dl c niine lii energies to mak- ing clire-o at the Victoii.i factory. Mr. tVilso'i IH going ah>Mtl with hit factory and oil! rrci his cnaiiierv building near Mr. J"hn Adam rvnulenex. jiwt weal >( the viMAttv, where I lien- i* a sprtiiK ad mi ably adaptl to tSo purpose. He hw IIIK timber f r the bunling all on the k r- iioo and will lniv hn>gH in rhapf fm an sr)y opening. Centre Grey license cnsnmiuioDen will wieet at Rook ly n on April 24. Mr Jamas Chard wv. the first to de- K'-er mapli) syrup in fnwn this year. It was a purae article, too. Remember t'.e auction sale of farm stock, implement* and hnuhehHd furni- ture at Piiccvill- on Saturday tieit, thu propetty of .Ur. (i. II Walter. Mr R. P. Leiia'e ues his space th week LI advertise for timber, lum'er, old iroi', etc., in large quantities. Read it un fr. .nt . Mcrrland A Co are clear n,' out cveril liQeK of NKJ.s at and under cost t'i niaktf room for their big hui'din-t. They enrrv the Inrg ' stock nf Dins Goods and cl<-thiiv iii tjrey county. Have yim tried the Miracle Washing Compound. ! avti it* . wn cost sdoMal IIIIICM nrrr in w*tr and tiWir ai.d ciocn away wrh tw.^tlunli uf your labor. Money refii' ileil if not a - say. To be bad at t'.ii otficw. Prof W-lch a- ii>i .. .-u; lt ..! the of th- Met!]. .1 .st church Suu.Uy and In* sermon WIM much Ii I.-f: t.. r M irk.J.I . a M u . iv and cirn..i| w:th him the kind wish** of a larue cii.l- ''' |"-.'plu !i ' made h:n nrai ce wlnle here. . . ..1 it <_'| .my. JUKI received a i-jr l..d, ao.lXW :bi , beat iranuLtted ;uol \ !; u^f They are ..; clime prifea by tile I'.HTi-l. ItJ*! iimn's ixi lioys' suit* from tlieirT-T- onto factory at wholesale j ru-ex. M Krrland Jt'CV. M.irkoaiu, Du..d*U T .r. n .. Paterson'K eict majority over "orator" Davis was 32. Let us w. \V tx-iieve in the .iry couiHe of event-* there is no other ele. t on c .ming off >>efore neit January that John can take a run at. H- will t!> like y l>e "it home" to calicis fora few utonths. uuleH* sum- of the Euphrania councillors should resign hi order to let him at it again. On Sunday nitflit Mr. Alexander Stewart (Uncle Sandy a* he is known) while conimx from church met with a very serious ac. Mn t. At he was crMS- ing the *trret t Spriiule't ei-rner a cu'ter driven by a young man dashed a.' i nsi him, kn.'ckai.: bun iimn and cr> some i. f his libs. Ho) is under the doc- tor's care, .lust liere wi.uld be appro- pnate to rem irk tliAt there w too much carries*, driving 'hrough the street* on Sunday evenings Mr. Arckibala Willi.\m Woo4, a bach lor in the prune of lile, .lio<l ,. Sunday morning last after \ short illness of two days of ii,damiuati< n of the buWeU, aged 37 year*. Mr. NVi **\ was in the village on Thundar last an. I on Kii-Uy wan taken til. On Sunday morning his body lay c. Id in death. The young man lived on the homestead ftbout three mile* Si.uth eaut of this village. His mother died a couple of nn>u'lis y.i Ho leaves benmd an nged father, several si*tero, and one brother, Mr. Jolinsti.n L. \V.>..d. teacher in the Portlaw school, all of whom have tl.e vmpathy of many friouds. The funeral toi>k place to Flenherton on Tuioday. A happy event took place at the ri denee of Mr Win. Spvi r. on the llJth ult., at the hour of ? o'clock, when hi* daughter. .Icn-ie, was iiinteii in flic Ii s> h..niN of matrimony t-i Thiw Benjamin Wlut Tin- bri iigr.i.n; brother, \V r - ley, act d its be*t man and Me bribe's sister, S.-IM!]. was brideamaid The pre* put* received by thi- hsppy couple were numerous and beautiful. After ihe cere- ni my the guets were i.iviteil to p*rt ike of a bountiful ri.-p.-itt. Tlie element*, which h.-id ti.-i-n inoit tempestuous all day, calmed di wn jnt In-fore the two, young people *i-n- in.nle man and wit'--, .u n.i"ng that while the passage through life i< a s'nrtiiy ."ie. v>-: theirs .v lcat was to U> a hippy vxcep'.ion. Com The follow in.' taken fn'in tho Dominion Prc.tliytcnan iprak* \uluine* f. .r the laUuiri of Kev. P. Kleiiiing. nf Maxwell, fornu-rly of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Thornbury . -"Scan.-* c"u; morv enc'iunging repot t Cotue from miy li- M tl.itn tho.e friim the Maxwell, e-c, churcln.* fur the jut-it yeitr. under the .; .-in- ..f Kev. P K.cniii.g. Thtti 1 active Christ i tn Kmieaxnr Societies iri- li..lding up the pnator'* hand*, ami ho i living fiir-hereiici'uragid 10 In.-, i; '.ih.iurs by growing c"ii.rei;*ii -us, and a d.-epenin.' mli-'e-t III *|V ilil.-il thingM. Tint charve which hat f- i H me tune been O' the AIIJIIIO -Dillon Fund I umler ihe able- miiii.-try . f Mr. Uriinnc. to become *elf-ustaiii'nx." Mr. Win. Strum revived lat week Koine rvl :c* from t be sett of war in in" Philippines, cmm'Wtingof a h it taken front a dead it.'ii'gent s liei.: ,<nd several i Her bullets. The Utter are Inas-s slicllt i filled with lead, ntid 'ire f..r that reason i very deadly, c.ius'ng bl.sid po'doninv. i No c \ilized nitlioii u.itw llim clan* of pro jcctile, owing to iM puis-'imus nature. Mr. StrHin pi-ixc* lus re i.-s A litter r. c -ived from his n t the samo time tatv* tliat tho young soldier w still un- ciit'H'd. alth .ugh he had been i>i a number of Imttle-t where bullet* rattled ar.iind him like hail, and had carried mauy wounded men fnun ihe field. Dn one i>oca<ioii he and a c->mrade were carrying a wotm-l-d <oldivr from the field when a bullet. prved between them. Just at present tHe-rv i* little or no fight ing b-iiu done, hut the hot, mmy SVMHD i< just cKinmencing. which will probably i docimate the American auny more than the insurgents' ballets have. Mr. John Iuk*tr, of Feverabim. i'id on Friday. The remains were interred ia the Presbyterian burial ground on Monday. The following item, taken from the Toledo Blade of M rch tl't ill be of interest ro many if our reader . .-Yester- day eveninir at the home of the bride's brother in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. A A ten. occurred the marriage of *Mi*a Ca*-ie E. blakley and Mr. William Currie, the Rev. Heber Ha*kms. of (irace Epiicopal church, otnciatmg. Un- til recently, Mr*. Currie has been a refidi-nr ..f Toronto, Can. Mr. Currie occupies a r'Mitiou of trviftt in the city health i .flice. Thu entertainment given by the Meth- odist Mi-sn.n Band last week was not aa largely attended an the promoters hoped for. The lit'le pi-ople did their parts very well. A quartette by Misses V Pedlar. Ella Barnhou-c. Bell RIM--.. and MVnel Bovd. entitled -Miiv-e" wa- well rendered, as was a reviration by M!^ Lily Boytl, also 1. 1 by MIDS Ruby Trimble n<i ^l.s, E M.- Bariihotise. Mrs. Blackburn and Mis* Chrwtoe g.'e a duet and Miss Zilla Tr-mbiu a violin >olo M -. Triinb.e and Mmses Telia Smith and Id* Ojerdrum each .jave a readmit. The collection amounted to 9435 and was in Aid of the ' tiernie B-? l'y H in -' lu K*naZHWi. JIJ..M. Mi*. Thurkion, pnvidepc ..f 'hi* Hind pn-i :ed and *d- dresHed the au^mice on the work and uccesH ..:" the Band, and *lso . ive the f the little hero whi>e ram*) is) borne hy t. in far J i; . at isV * + * i* * We can supply yon with Anything or Irerythiflg you require ia FOOTWEAR BOOTS AND SHOES THAT LOOK WBLL AND WEAR WELL have a very large variety selling at low prices. Custom Work and Repairing attended to Pro* o- 'y. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express. Express Orders Cashed witnout Charge W M. Sheppard's Direct Importers Manufacturers The l.idiett would undoubtedly consider ir a pleasure to vl:t the m... .'x-<!iion*hle centres such as Pun*. Lo'idon, or New to wlect their millinery. But that i not necessary because hy calling at our millinery parlors you will tun) a brilliant display of ;h< choiceit and daliiiiest pro- 'ictions frnn Paris. L>nii>u aod New York. \Ve keep cliiaely in touch with the newest and latent deTtlopmenti the faHluofi world ; that's why this i* alw*ys in advance of the ini'lioery market, a fact highly appreciated br fashionable ilresterx, who come here retrularly '.. ,-et correct n'ea* of millinery style* and n..eitie. The h<nJi.-rk ..f ur expert milliner. Mis HamJon, ia rindiiig irreat tnvor ann>nt( the Udir* of taste and reKiienn-iit. Tne dainty con- ceits, the unjival concviitioiis >urpaiui anything ..f the kind outside tin* t. re. Biiying and ii-limg as we d... make ur o reasimable and moderate aa tn be within reach uf all, while there IH variety enough to tatinfy every fancy. < ' -me a* early *a yu can. ChiHM be- fore the best things are picked over. McFarland A Richards. Personals Principal Slaughter attended the pro- vincial teacher*' convention iu Toronto last week. Mr aud Mr K.-tr and Mrs. Lane, Mirkilnle. in i.i- a ttiort visit with Mr. inl Mrs. Tliurston mi Sunday. Mrs J. D. Clark and two litr| *,, n s of London are the guest* of Mr. J \V . Ann trong. Mr. :md Mn*. A N. LeOanl vis'te.l frifuls at H-M'-oote oni day recently, and hile away Mr. LetJ^r.l received a kick fr. in it vonng hor>e. He i* able ti- attend to Ins business, hnwrvrr. Mr. R Wrig'.r iid f'-\m::T of Ihe \ .Hey hue rennivnl r i tin- *t*- ri..n. vi I. ere Mr ^\>i^ht |.urcise wurk- ing in the foundry. Lieut. Win. Raun^e of ami Mrs Ram.ige i r- vitiM 111 this svi-Mi.n tii'S week. M -, \-'i \\ ir.|sin i (pen. ling a few week with !ier piireii's, Mr. slid Mr, M. KiciuiJu. n Mr. I'li.uuy in.i M- .Mi' el Mtint.'.aw the fnNirv of >ir. \V. Elder *t \: . the week. FLESHERTON New additions to our large stock of Sen era I tsry-Soods Hardly a Jay passes but something new finds its : way to our counters and scarcely a day but we are ::: making new and valued customers a sure sign that we ret: .;! at friends Right Prices iv l rctvtd. spv.i'. K>- - I. ere. .Mr. i: V- Ill H i : ;erivil!e hi-, holul.ns with h..i Vr. W. W. T . . oontilli^l to tlie hoiINf most ..t the inter. - . ttr rec ML-. I \s to \-v able to attend church I \ ' > -;ret< i-i-rv IMUC'I t mi tn.uiice '!vit Mr W El-ler ol Arn \erv ! -w and c t . h's bl. iruit that wirli t'ie bi!my air of spring he will again revu|>untte. We revet to le:n n that Mr. \\'iil Ha r ri>. "ii of Licence lni>ect >r Hams, is aerious'y ill in Toronto Tho e\i- caue of hi* trouble we have ln-en u to loin. in. .r- a rel.ip.x' from an nt- ' tack "f la grip|H? which he was re cover-ng. Tl.ongh still in danger his freiul* and relatives are h"pvful. Dur- ham Chronicle. Mr. Wm. M.-Whinaey, wh" h*s i>ccu pieil accvfully the position of teichvr in Maxwell school for nearly tliree yea^n gave u* a hr<ef call on M.'ttiliy, aa he wan paiwing t'mnigh to Wnlkerton, where he h is been cncnged KM first assitttnt in the Model Scho !. NNe have an exalted opinion of Mr M-\\hinne.y ait a ifa^he', and feel ci fi.lont that the pen le of Walk >inii hive made- a yod clinic* n si le ting him. He [>eak* very highly it the moral and intcll. c'ual rriaractwr of tSe peoplo of Maxwell, and will no dou^t roaVe f eipienl visits there to **e "the p-o ! generally." Chruntcle. Our stock is now complete in all lines We might mention here that we have some extra values in New Prints, Cottonades, Shirtings and Tweeds. GOOD - BOOTST! For the past two seasons, owin-; to the steady advance in the price of leather, manufacturers were at their wits end to keep boots at old prices, and in nine cases out of ten the quality suffered. Only the most reliable dealers maintained their reputa- tion by charging a higher price and keeping up the quality We have been very careful this season in insisting on the quality being right, and we believe we have as fine a stock of bocts and shoes for the spring trade as it is possible to get by buying in large quantities direct from the manufacturer's and pay- ing spot cash we are still able to sell good boots as cheap or cheaper than you buy inferior goods t'cr. Just one word about - WALL PAPERS - Our new Wall Papers, beautiful in designs and colorings, some of the finest effects ever seen in delicate tinted grounds with glimmer and gold pat- terns are now shown by us. The prices, consider- ing the quality are remarkably l>nv. T.J.SHE'PARD FARM to RENT < \ FLES1E9TOJ FlUITiy W AREROOMS ! We are carrying newest style ..f t ill i 1 acr* fnrni it-is:* mi -]> Toronto nd aydsnrmm H.I* I, ID tin- tuwuibllt >'f ArU- '. He^hert.'n i-nmpOMi) , . '. (H; the |.ri-ii.'.*t ri- bru. 40 . i . :y to JOHN NVKll.H: - """""" [SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines nf J. B. Sloan & Son P roprietors K=r" C.ET Yttf R -; Sash. Doers, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, ty'K"*! i's-** Hand Hailing, C'orner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and hittings, Sidings, etc. Tinii) of ill lioiis Dom to Order l'on<istin|{ of ZParlor and Siedroom Suites, run of Ctsars fr C S-ttisfaotion in ill *ar lina guar*>d 9t'om and Centre "Uzbtes. Chairs, Window iSAades and Curtain 3*oies, Pictures, Gasefs, etc. - Which we offer at - Lowest Prices Pictuit Framing and Gnerai Repairing in all IM Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W. H. BUNT, VOPBIBTOR . . PLsW!E!lTO

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