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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1899, p. 7

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THE SAMOAN MATTER British Government Has Made Popular Appointment MR.ELLIOTT,C.B.,COMMISSIONER tutc* Beaaty. I-onrtori. April 10 - Mli Blair, a f the Dowager Deehesa of Satb>rlnr her Ant bui>an.|. Hi- i-ite Copt BUir. b* sV.-l,ld to (o on the tinge, and will >-la i Barrett's ecnajMuy. aw U a tall, handsome girl. T" OecunT K<w London. April 10. -It Is snnoanced tht Gieftt Britain Kill formally ov-upy her ne territory of Kuw Loun. adjolalns Hong Kong, oa A*rll IT. IrttUh .4rrao(rnicu( 111 King of th Toi.ff ABBrnettu Fljtoz Colni to !>! lb L*k d. With I l.lauU. . n i ftla Out UD.l lO- qucr th Philippine* l >ew.. Wtih'.ngTon. A| rll 11. The appolatm. nt ot Mr. t ...i... . .N K .lot: u-. .^.tu.oaa <x*tu- anlMluuer - uieui aud dl -, as ii.- , fta a member of tae mbus*y Staff, aii leg bia brief er..' nere na* uudv maiiy friends. Mr. UUutt has toe reputation of beiog I one of tbe bfi.atent U^bU atiniu,- that | acbool of youn^ Kii^llsbiueD who hi' tat-hed th. tbe Brl service durla^ tbe laat decade. lie la an T- leutallii of higu refute, and haa ma f epace of time acquired an jxper.e 4euling wltb the Uulf etvllbed racm that will, without doubt, make bis st-rvlves of value to tii- E minfa>ii>n. Charles Nonon Killott waa bom In IMI, I the son or i:. -.. i t:illott of n Jersey. He waa edueuied rtnr at <'! ham and was elected a acboiar at ', College, Oxf r<l. 1 I- and a fellow of Trinity In 1S.M. Ills dlploinjitlc serviee t.%^ [ gan Jjly -4. 1-M. aud has heen iliiriu,,- ttut Uo. extensive and moat creditable. l;i>k4 th I Ire. of Patient- Berlin. April 10. Dr. BOM*, the PmUa Minister of Education, ban ordered an In- Teatlgatloa Into I'rvf. Foerster'n cb.irYe* that man/ acientlMn, Including thoae of the Bretau University rt!nlc and th <;rii>ia nonpltala. Indulge 12 >l with pa. euta. Th* -..-. -ome ' sciential* of worldwide r-i :' Hi >u :. :. best-known polyriini.M an ! n .-i. '.... some eiprunent..i inen'InnM '.eia< with cholera aad other deadly terra*. THE IRISH ELECTIONS. Th* Matlonall.t* >>. IB- < nlT >!- ll. Th. till.. 111. t. \\rrm Very H>il< It-aim. Lond' o April 10. The results ot tbe Brat Inab < > inly Coaaeil eie> \ .-. .. It 1 knuwa that 300 Narl. . . - - .-. -a3i'. _u io *4. King*' i/o'iniy. JU to 1. if . l l -rry. ' tr'.iw. "0 to o M " Charlotte Bamu^tun, tne only woaaaa aaallil in was elected In Ltaterl 'ea ia j .-. won 11 of th Id MMU IB THE -IMI4T PAPKK IN LoMi' >. lh tir.t I U l .il GAINS FOR WORKERS. II. ih t in. .i.i.i* MU NntlvnalUta Went I . I th %rnjr nf U- Iraaia'd <> urkincmem. Xew York. April lo. The London corre He Sitteth. \\aitins and Watt With To Cure Your Rheumatism. | I f i THt PERSIAN KABAB. London. April 10. The first laane of the . by l.r. r.uce Blsmaf he relate* tn wit:, . London. April 10. -Tbe Berlin eormpon- I 4knt of The Standard says : "After *> : eemti;: Mr. White, the American Ambaavav I or. aud Sir Frank Uucellea* : Aiubaosador. laat week, and explaining .o I their Uerautny*' attltnde recardlag naasea. I Kru[ erur \\ tl.iaai seat InatrucTi* - German Ambassadors In London and ^ Irg'.'n to the general effect that Germany cousidera tbe new government of Kamoe Illegal, and the action of tbe Brtl-h and Americana a dear violation of tbe Samoa Act. Tbe report of tbe b* barker of Ad- snlrsl Kartx toward tbe German I'alke haa given umhrnjre throogbnnt - b empire; and It Is onaldered Certain that U the report I. eonHrnn ! the 1'njtcd ^tate* will re:idi:y admit Uertnany's right to tit- Ufartlon. and lll repair Admiral Ksuti ' errvrs. It U hoped, however that the ac~ eiunta are exaggerated. Tai I lrpen.)i *-^ t T- London. April If.- A depstrh to TLe Tinea from Melbourne ay tbut prtrate a.l- |IT nave bevn ItcctVM from the Tonfa Ulanda that the i-aptaln of the >' wiirehlp Tauranca uu>l tbe Brltlafa Convil re-'-'Dtly .im.-!udl an arrnn^em^nt with tbe kin( of tbe lulanda. binding him ot to pnrt with bis novervlgn right or to cede, aell or mort(*ire any of ! - to any foreign power Oreat Britain II fnaraatee the ludepruileoc* of tbe Manila. April In. At nightfall OB Bat- gay nigtit (Jenerals f.awlon and Klug Icini ' if mboats. ith I""" 1 r .M'l ui i'i catio. - ' la to cros kiture Santa c'rua anJ sweep 111. 'He aoil'h. The expedltiou eouit< ef e ght compaaM* f the 14th Infuniry. three >-ouipani.- the 4th < aval v rth 1'nkota Volm tevrv fniir of the Idaho Vftlu two uioii n tn In gnus a id 11"' harp-l. ef the 14IU luruutry At tile tu.iu 11 of tbe Panlg ttlver tbe :-i. M wi -ferrvd from the ontM.-s to f-f three g-inNuts. the Lngnna ile . ' ' - ' v Crus, Til- " "' tne la at the extreme eu.1 of the lak h..r -ft leg H- ' M Heidelberg, who .j of a p. avy hone by tnm. of the t awoke la the nlcht tore off the wound. wiii.'ti |- In* lad.inimatloa *N ,'bt that anpafa be necessary. Bpetl temporary ai-l . recvr physlelans on \renl was within a band'a grasp of death. a . ii A b TO- i-.ped, and It was o of tbe leg treatment -atned of the pain nil his deiti. Ill* -' he the tr-iui'iuua of L*-. . TO Vl-ll ll.l 1 M< paib.i.- . A - -ae wl:!i the . inie* ca irub landlorda la tavlr l'uk . i. ., of Trk , Apr of York will th:- we.'k piy heir * cwa.l . t to lr.-i:iud within two year>. They miejd to attend a niin.^M'r *if puMi On their arrival :u i> r .m on M : > tb y mil become the t-'-^n of the Lord Ueateu- ant of Irrlan.l. Karl Cmdocan. an I will at- tend the I .w aa-t Lt^i).ipUtow rac-M. the rt<-r-rvcal ball at Dublin the Dublin s-i-ty . -attic <how. und mill al. pay a abor: the SAar^ul* of Ormonde, at k The rrtn - baa left ('nan** a*d to now ue nU .tnd. Nearly all of th.- >th>r pr-.:- -t-u: people are Irarlnc the Klv>r:i. Aa the aeawn n driwla{ tu a >-l'.' Hi- tn.n fr->ui N anil i ?iun. aatia. and all tbe ' r-li of the -. en r* bar* been avcund for tac uext thiee wevka. aatr- I !! jr. The ..ondoa al KNOLAMU I K >!. l> The H.p* Tk at M*d l'llo !.. I I .a>d. April .). -An ofdt-lal state-tent Jut l*.iie>l ..." -.j L>e t ie gre it- est drinking nation m ': w-ii.l. a ai .b has n. -r people, who hoped ,he bad behind In toe al.-ho!lc met. - :he re*teratlaai of purr, an.i . ivern- le htadlord* at the bottom. Mr . nnlon have not yec i BediDond aad _. attitude 1- oatn-.-ic and red that they will be placed la a in Bale** they meet him part idy there are signs that the ' -juke use of .. new ering I>u'.. i In < The tute<l l tin - ' - A .- . .._ . 1 .4-4. oenuauy. Of beer lin. . .-r auii' Krai drink* .39 gal ; i rmn.-e. HI i An enca, .M; . This elves England'* total n>n*umptl'>a America's, U.>. deruiaoy's. nd drlaka l.""J p> r bend: rmany aud t raa e both k" r~|M- :.. uu. April !> A Uouie >. Ol . -c ...... ...a.. ._. . ..l< . ...d -I'al. 1U . . . . . w til lue^ - . A, ^Miy OU tac lie v.?u mi. aO* .o ..IteuU Lu ui ax l>-.- . ou rrtd^y. ' w Thin Hellene? of the Obtained aad KUteau Tbe food of the Persian* t* very varied. A* a rule the very poor do not get meat more than once a week, while villager* and the nomadic tribe* aee it very rarely and only on gusil occasion*, a* at mar nage feastta The ordinary diet of a labor- ing man U bread and thus** tn winter, bread and fruit in summer But even tbe laborer* manage to secure an occasional bowl of strong anup and then vary their diet with conserve*, dried fruit*, bosina of Urdu and bard bulled ettg*. The actual weight of bread that a muleteer or laborer sac consume daily ia very great, (even pound* not being an extraordinary allow- ance In the south of Persia date* are the ctaple food. They are very cheap and *t- iafytng During the summer lettuce*, grape*, apricot*, onion* and cucumber* form the daintie* of the villager*, and theae, with bread, cbeea* and curd*, are their only foud. fca every large town *orkhi'p* abound ?li-p are roasted whule in oven* and sold hot by the. slice. The sheep's head and feet are boiled sep- arately, and their preparation and sale are a :r^dd in themselves. Bat the edible mart In favor amon g all ela*ae* tn Peraia la the kabab There ar* two varieties of kabab. One I* made from mince mutton, which 1* chopped with a few onion* into a paste fine a* a* usage eat, carefully moldvd uver a skewer. toasted over a fierce charcoal fire and sold and eaten hot. This U the kabab of the * the delicacy of the lower rlnari At the dinner hour (sunset i and at the brvalifas*. hoar (noon) crowd* surround the shop* of the kabsU) seller* Each man carrie* hi* bread, which U usually a flexi- ble loaf two feet long, one foot wide and half an inch thick The customer wrap* hi* kabab*. hot from the fire, tn hi* hrad and either ait* down and eat* it then and there or take* the meal horn* to his family In any case a hot dinner of roast meat can b* obtained at fruui 4 cent* to Ii eentav for the price of a single skewer of the rmmlng delicacy 1* but a cent. Jar* containing about half a pint of hot. strong and savory meat soup are sold for a cent. Thee* form toe invariable meal of the Persian euldier if be can afford it The mn*t i* pounded and served with the soup or eaten afterward a* a eparat* plat*. New York Journal Flat nd Thidlea. Don't burn tae barn to kill the i Greed U an incubator of monopoly There are no glove* made that will hide i- .- ska. -i Don': waite to-day s strength fighting to-morrow s bey tie*. Keeping the month shut ia one way to keep the heart pare. We are so anx>ias w make a Lring w* hare forgotten bow to lire. .1 he hypocrite ia potting bills in circula- tion without specie in th* TU Th* silence of a gooU n^an a mar* elo- quent than th* rhetor c of a fraud. Ther-beaof the infidel ara a* .. a* the 7joden-legfed man s acorn of shoe*. . srho 1 may giT* knowledge, bat onlv the home can gire a true edocaaoa. If we took time to my 'thank you ' for all our merrjaa there would be none left in wtu b to colnplain. -.e m n who cannot ml*) hi* own house who want* to adoum>t*r the affairs of the earth. .-orne people *o t - 'yea with tear* for yesterday s fault* that they stumble all ihrouiza to-day. liMrt's Unimeat Cores The Insect effect* it* breathing, not a* men and anuna.s do. by the lung*, bnl through opening* in ill ilde* of the Ixxly. It ha* an intricat* system of tube* run* ning thron h ail pan* of it* pereuo, through which th* air i* brought inj tact with the leg*, wing* and so on. tube* are each protected by dellcah* menm- . branea. In the Oy there exut certain air pouch**, in addition to th* tube*, whicB I reservoir* of A aew back for Kidney l'-.a and r SO rents. A DEPRESSING SEASON. So rapidly daw In a apread i .,; . . <r ^-n a airnp.e cough i i tubereola c"Q-.nmptiLia. G-ve bee<l to a 00.140, there la alwar* danger :n delay, get a boule of BickleS \nu-ComuaipuT Syrup, anil care yoar~e ' I' < a medi- cine unaurauHed'for ai; throat and '.uuc trouble*. U is compounded from aereral herbo. each on* of winc'i acanda a: a bend o< the liat aa exerting a woodarfoj influence in curing con luipLioo aua all luug trot: ^ 82 TI ri" "* The drinking of vine la decreasing "; Knglnnd. while that of spirits M LOt 111 1 - ..HI .M*t. Pmltlenl M. .... Hi. lint. d Hi. Vmir. Paris. April 10.- One epl>.'.'<- la I-reldent Loul>er j-.uruey IL the hade. au>l tin* i- ihe aaswilag betwe<-n the aam her .in.l .ii-r ix u '. :i the midst fUi-ial i.ri'-v*i.'ii .L.e I're :i!e::; udd-u.y *||| ( >I hi- ; '!..'-.... Mi the little ! Rrden :i< the str>-et. The Tre^i nt. wh' a< i:. g Jre. ordered hl> c;irri^ ; t > ''! ' :uc tj the frvund. exrlalsalag: 'Kor tbe moment I ense to l>e I'r. (If <teps and .i ibnuiKti the iJe rate len 1- Inc to the canleu h. ton* bla mother was aware of liU prenie. He .I.i<pe 1 | her In his firm*. k!--:nc her ov. ijjnln, while tears ni!-d not only their eyes but ;he eyes of the^'R of w tnewen of th* temler. plruple aeene. The Paris corrwtpond- eats aei-. tn;. in- - .lent on hi" ti>'ir all refer in t lie itieiilent In th?ir telegrnuis, ranoun ' f It the ni-mt notable occtirrenc* ef tbe journey I..- rnti.l.rr. In Kl'pL London, April IP.- T he rettort of Baron Cre-mer. the I!i ml In I'-M". I""-'. 1 upon us IH-III.- a oU'lerful -tiiry o( i'.<vre aud the trl- D |ih -eslKlit an.i tary tlgor. lie .!! .mllug tbe Kltraad -r. in K > i i tbrougb Ab. ; to UiHl.inf atiU K:t->nla. to S th t !> "' ti 1 ' r.-.' y . -."it th> M VKl H TK % l>. 1. l.t I I. >. ti: Ix>nd. -ti. April lv Vangban's see- Mr Loin. D.Tie. flm ! r. .in I naiB M.I.,,.,'. 1 . lu. > .... London. April 10. The Mirch -- turns show tu fol.oxtug . - i ue liupurt* from i au.i.l.i m bottom*. I > fn'tu II f i\ aud st J.) 10. couiiKtred with tbe reluni- - v*r: Inci v-atile. tTWJO; i-orn. a".'-" 1 *': bacou, i - ; - - ' . pll.p. ; r ! <V. l'e..-r i - >. .> .r cheese. :C.'A'>. tisli. t Ihe report* *rhKli 1 r ef Sir l."uU la\: i .li.'.u t1*hertueu for .be 1m. .-ml U.MJT create* i..e lutereot here. Development* are eagecijr awaited. a* a pie- i be Jaenadas* . y - a dai auibltkns ie gii" - tin .d." Jd ai* wbem > .0 Will Mgfeawt nuai- ibln Jumped At It. Loodon.Ai'rtl 10. TU week'! cblef ling wa noue over tlu- uvw , i luard ervcted In the M < k t:\ob m^e. K r ittri.r a steutuiiau w.i.tef suoutt^i jut tbc niimea of biuk<'.- w:i t- ing outside. Now ai e&peilaieutat b ard baa been erected. It > ovvered > krouud glaaa with M .i.i..-~ uu wbk'tt are black Ugurea from oue .o Ultv rrpr- ing that number of Uruia. \\ Leu a lin..l ant eK-ctrlr igbt ahluea beblud a Bgure a ii prracntatlfe uf that Una kuowa that a ilieut ! waiting. The idle broken I in mediately -:<w pc"i latlre poaalbilltlea. A bank wa* f and iMda at 8r>t of 44 to 1 were : wlilcb Sir s.uniiei li.iker calle.1 "the *i.i i a*allot a particular number. Then It 17 of the >.. Ian Ihe ilritNh agent il ,, taat ^vrtaln miuiuers showed frc- M makes ulttnirmint tei.u.ik. tU:u foh^.l ,,,..,,,11,. , n j tB , m |,i s ar ,|nst them wer- statUIIca show that reni !i 'a dylug o'U ,n irteoed s ihe luuguag* uf t. :.i^e an. I Ki'g'ih haa already largely takea Ita J arv , place." Mlllloaane lomloa. April 10. A no-called "Tip-to-il.tte" rretor of tbe city church of St. M' Hlil. In the centre ^^gate. nn- ouuced tb it his <rrtti..;i i-' eu.-uii'K be on uilllliMinirv tuarr IHP." wit'' tlcnlur refereuce to the Vnu.VrMIt we.l.llng. i ivinie.l l>y ll'ii" itshi >:e of the VsnderWIts' New ^ < mid ihe In- terior of Amerlcnn mi r>-<i l.-ne -. In hl sermon the r". ' r .In -:t ii|>on the wur'hleeaneaa of worldly goods, contns'- \t\s the e <r-.-eon u deriillii' U' 1 other Ull.- of tlie neld. A cnaniY on odd or even nuiu- 1 : "te-i at even niont-t. Tbe flgur ttly off. and the liookles are now kln a shade In th -Ir faver. A* the ivill bcanl U proving a sue^evs from the point of M..W of t!ie ;.>.-k e\eh.iuge arrs-vre- menta. Its i are sure to provide itnstaat "i 1 !' ' for speculation. ll.l I 'I I \ I i- I l.t ! I lt l>. The r..... .in Kt> of Hire. Tulillcal I Inh p. ; . . . . Uti t * 1 ' . l J.l-l .nil ip.itiug m tne 1'u.mix i'^. uiur- u. r. A the corporation f 'y the Lord Mayor, went t" I - 13 lUd -. f tbe i ' n'pHeJ th'it be U i not nx HI.- .lit. 1 It i ii-oeraily e\- I - 1 . - . Ue set at liberty w .tbm a r i. ..I >ut Itren lntru.1arvd. London. A - - -r ftir- ttUhed :i!i of Ku^'|.h'n.a ' - iv'rmn v pieked up and sent >tlnation. 'I'd. i-h ia**ed to meet one unil gut Ii - ' f.r the n.tmea und h ml m in! be an"r- ed "1 il" I did not a2. We hadn't l->en Iwro.' >< 1." It I. Jat >w Pp ! M.c the Effect f Loua* 1..ntU ! lr>Jo..r Cui.fli>Dt. Winter 1* the moat trying season of the year *u far aa h alth i* concerned. Con- finement indoor* and overheated ar pore air make* even uaual.y strong people. ill. languid and generally run down. A UIQ.C U aeeilcd to asM.t nature tn re- -.g lost energy. April i* >h* month tuonth* when a tonu U of the mo*t | serv ex- Dr W..1 ams' P nk Pills fot Tale People i* the only true tonic mcdi- cine. '1 bey do not purge and thua f urthei weaken tbe already enfeebled ci t tkm. Thexf pill* make rich. red. energy- giving Mood, and uuusform Ustlesa. t.rvxl and worn out tuca and womev. In*, healthy, hup-'y work lov.'i^ -v E. Sims, of the MI! vat: >-<:. . ug*> ton. wri e: "At tne triio I ordered some) of your Ur \V..;;.kru PiaS PlL* I wa* - -ally run down. 1 felt a lac. of energy olid always ha>i a tired f A - ustng your pill* for a time 1 felt a* well a* evur I d.d. " -- her*. Browne '.A yon tell Barrow* that I wouldn't run off with a red bet stove?" Ye*. I did. Bronson. bat I'm willing * I wa* wrong ' . Wall* drtrtng down rery steep bill laat August my bora* stumbled and fe. , cnttiog h:m<elf fear* folly abcu* '.be henti itid body I MINARDI IJM.MKNT frwely on hi aud ia a few day* be. waa aa weil aa < J 1JL A. fiaVA DdBHHs\ Sbavbrook*, "nonaaty. my dear nephew." *ald the Ihouwnd* juie of them your ncUh- dyin* man, "U the rvst policy." bors have been mode well t-y L'r W.I- Lams' Pink Pills, but you uui-c gvc th* g nuino. which am old only in boxes th* ni. i-er around which bean the full name "Dr William Pm' Ptl.s for Pal* Po pie." yold by all dealor* or direct from the Dr Willi.iius' Modiome Co.. Urock- rilie. Ont., at 50 cen.s a box or six box** for *.'. ju You are speaking frm h :. dear a nephew 1 np> pow. dear anci*, answered ta* Utougb.> lea* n papa* M .. u .o Tommy Paw. what J.-e* th* mean by oiLtng Mr Bugghao* by 4*n pclr. . Mr. Ftgg I preaume It means h* U axH exactly aquare. Jn.tln Me'arthy*a Krealajkt. Toinl ). Apri; : > Je. . t ly. snrTer- In; frrui i ' itaraet. uinler^eut a preliminary opentloii tins week In a prlvite bi'i>ltl at Mari-ite for removal on 'ho rl'/lit eye. II* * >.il .he open t Ion admir- ably. He will ! <l\ weeks nn.ler tn-i'- nient b.-tore iM'tli removed. '!: he.ilrh wi. y r.>-it.'tv.l w i ml i.iatiires with the i.,rtj st iv at \\ - - i forward to renii'i 'i- to I..LI.! l-arllnmeBtary Uatu- ..on tbe operalloa la Her Tnwer i 1. A;irll ' 'owl-jg deapatch . a Si i V .!i ou tbe n.itivea who do uot know It. ' Arab* \ Til* ll tln.r. ..I Hull. The Chilian coal mine*, opened In 1*36, seem to b* me* place* to work In. The j seams of coal run from the shore under tbe waters of the Pacific ocean, and tbe tunnel* are so clean that you am walk through them in a> dres juit witboot mak- tn; yourself dirty they arv lighted by livtncity. and you can have a ride for a mile under th* oveun on :in electric car at a (peed of SO tu.le* an hour. Ihe ran** form quite a catacomb of we.; lighted pawkige* under the water IVic .njtpot . f cool 1* now : no tons A day and 750 miner* Lai mem Curts Colds, etc. an employed in tlVsaaV > tk* 'I told her my soul waa wrapped up tB - What did she say* 'She warned m* to be more careful ft I'd b* making 1 TV to her before long " The passion flonx-r. which ffruws In Mas) ^tith American fnreata, can only b* *s> >'yed where It arrows, as it fad** almoal * auon aa it U i>k*d. Tonloe. April Id - V F-e-n . -i:ll\H * r i :irllrl, the .1, where nn vohiiioar salute to Kl:ig ll'inil'ert. A who Is In eoiiimiiud of tbe m)uadn>u. Is the bearer ef from i'resi- lent Loubet to Khg BbaVhert "on.ry attleships, nine .u;.lta! Iroa will tin- a Pt John's. Nfld t settler of Bou f Sew (' 1 fire" to th.- Kren John's Island, lu- The on-.- . t\ ill oslfiat*. Ixwidon. April in - The tjncen will '.iy the fonni'a' i"i t'ine ef the new South Ken'lnsion I'ul <1li.g-< la May or June, with tfitjvr te - - ^ nirlancboly In- teret Is attche<\ 'i> the alYilr. as Her al* isty I* "leieni ! e.| It ihall t>e her tut nppearaio- n.ler similar elrcvua pukllo. In the treaty shor am f A litre i r, oa ibc nent ."Ml' eased til it I ' Nt. i H h.n I.e. 'i \\ hen mul -r ' ' k very of il th it It w n c erf.l oT th* He glorieO In hU deed, u that no N*wfouudl!tn.| Jury would over i-on let h'm. The altuir h i< ereite-l a crmt lensstloo here acd aertons trouble H ex- Meted with Fraac* aa a remit of th* act of vueadlarlaaa. < . i from \ r I th* . aud that tb* - thil i to amai to tb* 'tient . f ^ "* 'IM-.I. WB'.i : I VS i~ Mi U - - T . . <h Lon VruMbli- i- 'I ie*..l..til* I :>lef-i:.h'* - , , \' \ i > . .- - .- i i . **, 1 i ; nr- I..H Macedonia. Tbe - i>ry ; :s ti. re.i. in; ..n.i ..(' i. i.' is niove- :-olig uj.tde aioiuc tbe Ivulgarlaft aad Menten.-grln froatlera.'

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