MARCH 30 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TABLI5HBD I WBBKLT AT THIt OFFICI, HYIl- ENIUM STREET, FLCHHKRTON, OHT., T W. B. THUMTON. $1 per annum wtrlrlly In advance Advertising Rates: ae Column, 1 year, SM ; halt col., 1 er,*88 quarter oo'... one year, S15. Transient advertisement charged at the rste Seentt per line for first Insertion and I cent each eubneiiuenl Innertlon. Too Few Like Him, Prom thf Toronto Telrgram It is good t<> aee that I. B. Lucaa, M. I '. P. of East Grey. is not a victim to the prevailing legislative superstition that it luemliM .hould talk without preparatlun and that the eicllence of hit speech is 'to be measured liy its length. Oratory > callled in the Ontario Legislature taken on the weary wan- .Urin ; dieariy aniutuent upon A point of !', and ;he newspaper meu who addiess the Uoiue have a little aenae of form and aa small an appreciation of the value of other Jieople'n nine an the dreariest, proaieat lawyer in a house which ib full of such. If the Ontario leRuUtora would only take as lung a time to think aa they now take to talk, and take aa itlioit a time to talk % they now take to think, few H|n-eche in '.he House would go U-yoinl the t-i. minute limit. Ju>t because Mr. Lucas had the good sonse to tliink out the materials of his apeech before he rose to talk, and had the ipod xenHe to tit down when he waa through Ulking, his speech was an uasis of thought in a Imrren, bluster- ing desert of worda. The cunt rant botwrwi the weather laat year this time and now wits bnmulit to mind tlui pant week by meeting with a friend who reminded us I hat a year ago we publiitlied in item about a grey bird a neat hsving I wen found in the great in a field in Proton on Mnr.ii 'Jt'itti containing four new-laid eggH. Ml. Forest Kep. Maurice Coegriff, a stone mason, wh(me home wan formerly in Proton. I ut who resided for some yearn in lUt Pottage, was found fr men to death near hin hni in that place during a rc out cold spell and hiH body was brouuht to tils old home for iiiti-imeiit, reaching tho station heru on Monday. On Tuesday the funeral took place nt St. Patrick's church, Pro- ton. Deceased in about 50 yearn of age, and is a brother of Mr. Dennis < VHJI ,il. of K.'i-itoii. The remains came in chance of H Mr. Percy, of St. Thomns, and de- CHaaed s brother, of Detroit and Muter, of New York, were in attendance at the funeral. Mt. Forest Hep. James Huxtsblo, proprietor uf the Daisy Holler MilN. II inu,f-i Mills, met with a serious accident on Wednesday of laat week. He awisted by a millwrivh', had just completed the job of putting in a new wuter wheel in the mill, after be- ing shut down for ton daya. On Wed- nesday the millwright went over to Shep- herd's and Mr. Huxtahle startvd liin mill in the afternoon. Ho had occasion to go down to the basement to hiinx up Home tools snd went round the machinery -is In- hail la-en used to doing and forgot a rapidly revolving shaft, in which there as a projecting set tcrew, had been placed in poiti<>ii in connection with the new wheel. Me was caught by the set 'screw and the boneo f his right leg were crushed to piece* below the knee. Me 'called for assistance but he wss not heard upstair* on account of the noite nmd I y the null runninu. Me nmnaged to ciawl up one flight of stairs and then his call for help brought assist ti.ce. MM leg WHS. badly cut as well as broken and lie lout a lot of lil. od Drs MiHirtt and (iowari et tho broken limb, and he is dome as well as can bo exp-c'e.l. The frioturi is a very Iwi one and Mr Muxtable will be laid up for some months. Free Press. Werklnc sight end Day : io- Imnsst and mightii-st little thing tl at ever wsa made is Dr. King's New Lite pills. Kvery pill ls a sugar-coated globule of hralih, that change* wMsknees into strength, liatiessni-is into enrrgy, brnin-ftff into ment- al power. They're won.|rful in hnlhlinc up the health. Only -Tin per box. Soldby all I'raggists Br.t. Ih, Klom.llk. J. D. BROWN DUNDALK ABOUT- Two months ago we bonglit out F. Nixon Dean A Oo. We then removed our Block from the Morgan Block, amalgamated it with the Nixon Block and are now doing business in the Nixoo Stand. F. Nixon, Deau t Co. had tliu largest, beet fitted up and most modern tore in this locality, and we, after being so fortunate as to secure it decided to make our store recognized as one of the best in the coun- ty. With this end in view we added many new improvements which will shortly be super- seded by the placing of cash earners in our es- tablishment. Our stock we keep constantly enlarging, new goods arriving almost daily, Diitil now we have a stocx of over $17,000. OVER $17,OOO STOCK ! One of the Finaet, Best Assorted, Most Complete ud Most Comprehen s : ve Stocks north of Toronto. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of MsrysvilU, Tex., has found a more valuable dinoovery than ha* yet besn inada in ih Klnnriikr. l-'nr yearn h* :i(Ird nntnlil agnuv from connumptinn aoo iinpsnied bv hemorrhage*; and was ab- solutely nnri>d by nr. Kin^'e New nuoott.iv f ir i:,inpiiiin|uioti, '!I.IIKH ami CoMi. II* dnclares that gold u of littbi value in cum- parlann with this insrvcloiis cure; would hav it, even if it <vt a hnndrrcl Hollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat an 1 lung affootionii arc (i.i.ilivcly ciirpil by nr. Ki"(j's Now PisnovsrT (nr f .ninsumplinn Hold at any drug store. Regular sixs 50 oiui KI I $i 01). Uuaranteud tu our* or DRESS SKIRTS ! jTint refUD Itol. Dress Skin- in Black and Figur- ed Lustre, Ur^andy ilualius. Linens, Piques, ber^es, etc. 6ta,ple Dx*y G oods White (bleached; Cotton, 80 in- ches wide, per yard fie Prints from 60 Wrapperellea of pretty patterns and fun' I'minli, pi r yard Sc Holler Blinds (complete) Itcgular 60ct., kind '25c 12U Flannel shirts, good weight, each 1 "'<' TowelliiiK at 3c Apron Gingham, 40 inchef* wide per y aid oc Flaiiiiflelte at lOc, 8c, C^c.fic and 2 jo Ladies Sin: t Waists, newest color- ings and luU'Ht drtfigns in pique, Organdy Muslin, Zephyrs, Lawns, Ginghams etc , Prices 60c to $1 85 Ribbons in super -abundance, Cor- sets comprise the celebrated Cromplon Corset Go's. Magnetic and Yatisi, the K. T. Corsei, 1*. & C. Corset. I). A A., etc , HtttF The lates'. in Men's Fedoras, and Slit)' Hats, tint best English makes. LACKS The newest in White, Black. Colored and Fancy Laces. DRESS GOODS ID the matter of Dresa materi- als we so clearly discount any- thing here, at every point of com- parison that all else .-n-nn mere contrast. Ton v licic a collec- tion of Fabrics of richness and or- iginality, of excellence uf quality and variety of stylo impossible to give a true )>ortrayi>l of the many beautiful fabrics. Appended are a few sample valuefc. New Fuucy Double Fold Dress Goods, Nice Color- ings, pi i yd 12jc Fancy Dresn Goods ii. shot Ktfects of Blue, Green Il-d and heliotrope, per yd 2~>c Fancy PUSH ( in shot effects of Blue, 'jreen, Brown uinl Cens< , Dress Lengths, 40 ill. wide pvr yd. 60c Black F:gtireil Diess (inuds, good wtigtit and tine timsli, per yd '25c Priestley's Hlack Dress Goods, ie name- a guarantee of ex- cellence.) dress lengths of 6J yds 17 41 A splendid representation ol the latest iu brocades, poplinx. repps, brochi'H, Venetians, cheviots and slit'pherd checks. /SO Pieces Such a tuax'inticeiii < of iiewncst*. richness, elegance and novelty in seldom seen outsiilp a city store. What dainty fabiics dame Fashion has prescribed for this season I hucli delicate color ings iinil such t'x<|m.iite pHtterns ! But word* fail to do them justice They mnt be seen to be ajprcc'at- ed. Tliia is the best time to conic while assortments are complete. 150 pieces rtilk,rngini; iu pi ice frum -"< to fl 25 and cuii-i-; HIL; ' : S itin De Lunn, sanit ei;iii, /i UK ,'ititn, taffetas, sliot sin nli-<, lilniise silks, Luxors, Pea t VK1L1NG In profuse variety Unexcelled Buying Facilitiei t Clothing tlie inc*s'. from our the I'i'M|i'i' Ho our Clothini! Trade as much good as Those who have bough HIM | ussnix' values have ,vio-ii ,'rom friend to friend The result is March trade has come in with a rush, tipace will just per mil us to say : Moris' Suits $2.75 - to - $9.00 SPI^INO MILLINERY ! This diir lir-t millinery nca-^on tbail see a new ITU linwn in the millinrry trade >iind*lk anil the nurronn linK conntn. K*|U-IIS<J w.g not ooimdrro'l when w>- mon'.i to niaki* our firm attempt l mil iner>, an ' nothing IIHH brrii lu .I'unio.t tint ooul i nl uii'-i- our rliitiicps of urciw. \V hsvs e n7i,.| a ri y mil lnr. Our roillin rtoi M| lir I..HK nn.| vHii.'il i ximrnnci' in ih loremnst oiti* of Ontsrin, lieing at ni time head iiiiainer in the wholesale I'nUlili-hinent uf John C. (irnvr A Co., dondoa. S: is in itxpvrt, n iini.|ii sni1 inpenlnuH (lesiKUar, and a veritable artiot in her calliii)). Will Inn .JIM i> nf noli ami ii>'Mit new orestions t he rniupftiiion in I)IP insny towus on thi C. P. li. lias lor tin* luitinrs in trimmt'il uiilliuai)' should pans to Mi>s Walls. flillinery Opening, Thurs. March 30 J. D. BROWN, Nixon Block, ----- Dundalk M. Richardson & Co. 5PRING We have pleasure in annonncing our Millinery Opening ! Tuesday and Wednesday 4th and 5th APRIL And cordially invite the Ladies ol Flesherton and surrounding district to virw our display of New and Artistic Millinery and Spring Novelties. We have again l>een fortunate in securing the services of Miss Kanlcin of Barrie in this Depart- ment lor the :omini{ season, and Ladies can Kely upon the highest satisfaction when entrusting their orders to her capable execution. Ne Flowers, New Feathers, New Shapes, New Sailors, New Ribbons, New Silks, New Vel- vets, New Laces. Special exhibition of Spring Novelties on Tuesday Evening from 8 to 9.30. JtrtistJc Paper Jfangings : Our selection* for thi< Mi>eii ar uucscclli-d foi richnem, tdegance and artmtic lUs'gn, anJ our IIII.H. -..< ttnaoi-lineni U mr ulUriwive than ever. We have ju*t placed in stock 5,122 ROLLS OF DE5IQN5 ! With Matched Borders and ceil- additon to out Rti;u- lur Stock Lines. Every possible Wall Paper requirement hss been antici- pated and while prepared for the ever increasing demand fur High Class Goods we make n specially of cheap Wall Papers. Prices rauge from 3 c to ROLL! IPADFDf A i |io<1 nt>av y p p* r > nic * l y i-<a-./AL/L.IV? I printed in a variety of handsome Cents. I Floral Dv8i|(iis, Ceiling and Border to match. Pure Prepared Paints For All Practical Purposes Churrli'* Alaliaatinu fur K.l~. mining. Brushea (or all Kinds of P.m.! m.; aiul LK.'Cdratin'.'. G(Kid DCUABLK COLORS Ileavjr Cloau Cloth, Regulatiuu /few u/indow tJ/tClClCS \ Width and Length, Complete with 25 CENTS l( Rll rt and Bracket.. Nuw Poles and Filling* ill Oak, Walnut, Cherry Mahogany, Ehunjr. -tc. We offer n wide ohoirt- in pi ices and qualities. Our SSargatn Pole 25 CENTS ! A Good Pole, in Imitation ()nk, Walnut, Ebony and Mahog- any, with Brackets. Fancy KII.IK, Riugs and Curtain Full Length Complete. Y &f nit/to for Sprtny Jfousf-c/eaniny and SRtnovatiny. . Richardson & Co. M. Kichartlaoii C. in particularly intrrent 1 Read it. OWEN 5OUND, Ontario F*r Mrii'K p *op1e an- the moet -uori.sMfiil Tb> look ),.KC| anil pine wbnt U boot for tbtir future. UIHI v Ith tliUobjrct lu vmw got ft Useful and rtoney.riaking EDUCATION at the NOKTHKKN BUSINESS . Oweu Sound. Out. This Institution IK tba )t<iiug ecrioo! of itw kind In Uie Domiaioo. The liuein?i>e ('our** of Mucly in by fw the IT-OM thorough and compretiemi ve in < n.i It IMR alo at* uneqnallml Sborhand courM. Lil tor annual nuouunceuivut coutaiuiog f ull lr to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Vicinity Chips Characteristic* of the Pant Week Carefully Called for the nrl.aja notice* inuntg !<>cnl* tnil 6 . A'irv .' nt fnr rate of '"> -lit* per Line fur ratk ttuertum. A reduction wiU be maile im. con tract* for K>0 linet itr oiw. Fur money at -M per cent, go to A. 8. VanDusen, Flenherton. One milch cow an<l a Jertwy f-T al. Apply to J. U . Henrd. Wood Wanted .W cords ntov and furnace wod wanted M. UicH/kHiiaoH on fa 1 in property five per cent, free <t nia. Belluu y Henderson. Mr. Rnht. Rutled^e. who lives a mile wet of < f thin \ ilUvje, had nineteen hena stolen one niuht recently. Foa SALE One good wnrkint; horan, one sett liifht rxibaleiifhs, cheap for cah, or exchanged f.. r wood. W. W. Trimble Small farm of 10 acres to let, good house and stables, small orchard, 1 mile east of Flexherton. Applv to A. N . Le<iard, Fleshrt/>n. The aliduction case hinted at in laat week's issue has motived itself into a wry imiinportHiit matter and is not worthy of further reference. Mrs. (Kev.) Alfted Brown of Owen Sound died last week. The remains were taken to Toronto for interment on the Saturday morn ing train. COM! farm to rent, one mil* east of Fleshe-rton, 100 acres, 6C cleared, good house and barn. Easy terma t.o right man. Apply to W. A. Armstroni;. Mr. \V. H. Arrowsmith of Ulenelg waa a caller at thin office <>n Monday. Mr. Arrowsmitb hat been tax C"l!ector in < Jlen.'L' for many moons, and is consider ed an honest and painstaking official. Hreii Wanted We will ! at Mun- ahaw's hotel, Flushert<m, on Wednes>!ay, April 5, to buy hiavy draught htirvex. weitihinfc from 1-(X) to 1800 Urn. and f n m 6 to 8 years old O'Neill & Helfernan. Money to loan on debentures tt 4ii per :i-n'. and on form security in turns of 9400 and upward* 5. p-r cent. Ex pences guaranteed low. Apply to OEO. Kt THKKKORI1, BX 57, Shi-lbum.l iCh| contract for erectinz a new schntil MBnat Fevenham waa let on Friday laat to John Pxterman "f Collinigwood for the sum of 91300 The building will be brick clad and will be erected on the old school ground. The Northern Business 0>l!ej upena for the Spring Term on April 4th. Collene Circular will b* sent to .iy person interested who will request it Young people connot do better than s|>eiid a few nioiitlis in thm prac'ical uiatitution. Tlie Mission J!KIII| of ihi- Methodist Church willl t;ive an eiitertaininent on the evening of Tuesday, April 4'h, consist it".' of reAilings, recital lona, voeal and iiiHtruirental IIIUMC. Collection in aid of Bund funds. Com* and encourage the young peop| in their missionary enterprise. An item iu laat week's corretipoiideiice from IVrtlaw tax made incorrect by a figure nine getting turned upide down. Mr. John Lyons' team drew a load of 9348 il. instead uf 6348 as state i Thi makes a difference of 3000 Ibn, and is worih correcting. We fancy that record would be difficult to beat. Mr. JOB. Weber of Eugenia called in on Monday and allowed us a nuat inven- tion which he i about patenting, in the nhape of a fruit ladder. The invention appva' M to us to till a long flt want and we hope it will be a money maker for the owner. U is lifjlit and can he placed in any part of a tree without interfering with the limb* or foliage. The great Bnildinir Sale of 130,000 worth of good* HI M^Kirland ft Com- pany's, Markdale, i s attracting buyer* from .ill over the county. Wall paperr ScnU a roll up. flanelettes 2} and J2ic, shirtings l()$c, 2795 yards dies* goods, recent importation*, at close wholesale prices ; 370 yards blouse silks 15, 18, 20, 35 cents up ; men's and boys' clothing from their own factory. McK.-irland A Company for the greatest values. Mrs. Trimble and jwsmtanU are buy preparue; for their Millinery Opening which will he in a couple of Owing to an unexpected call upon our axlvertiamg upace thm week we are obliged to condenne our type and hold uvur edi- torial and other matter. Mr. Richardson A Co advertiiM their Millinery opening at Flbsherton for Tues- day and Wedii. slay next. April 4 and 5, and a special Exhibition Display of Mill- inery and Spring Novelties at Dundalk on Friday, 7th April. The various aiiverti<inent<>f our mer- chants tl,is week will prove of much in- terest to housekeepers a a new neawm is approachinu and after the lontr. heavy winter the spring announcements will tx* read with added mter-st Mr. J. D. Brown of Dundalk in a newcomer to our columns. Peruse liu two column an- nouncement. Rev, D. R. Mackenzie, a returned (HIM unary from Japan, preached to larue audiences in the .Methodist church on (Sunday morning and eveuing. The ev- eninx diroourae was a synoptical history of Japan and a complete resume of the missionary work and IIH resulis. Much inivte.stiiig inforniatiun wna given. On Monday i veiling a highly appreciated nttn o|,ticon eiitertamnient was given to a crowded houite. Anthony Hope'* new romance, which he ha* just finished, is called "The Coun- tess Emilia," and has been purchased by The Ladies' Home Journal, in which periodical it will immediately begin. The story in about a beautiful Countess She has ({uarroled with her husband, and they have decided to live in secluaioii in neperste wing* of the castle. Thin they do until Captain Dieppe, who becomes a member of the household, inadvertently opened a door, through which are reveal- ed to him the apartments of the exiled Countesa, with the beautiful occupant. in a doorway. The Captain falls in love with the young woman, and from this point iheie uj not a moment's cessation in the romantic adventures which ensue in the castl-, its gardens and neighboring places of rendezvous. Prof. Welch, Phrenologist, who comes very highly recommended, is lecturing in the town hall Tueaday, Wednesday and Friday of thin week, and giving private audiences at Munshaw'a hotel each day. The Professor is an elderly gentleman of culture aud si. mils very high in his pro- fession, judging by the Inurlredit of glow log testimonials winch he carries with htm He visited Dundalk lat week and the Herald says of him : " Prof. Welch prexchud in the Methodist church on Sunday nioriiii.g last and in the afternoon ad.lre-Kj I the Sunday xchool. The I'n feasor m it v<r>' pleasim; and thoughtful speaker. HIH addreaa in the afternoon to the Sunday school w is Hpecially inter eating Ho in evidently in touch and sympathy with chiM nature. Lat week and this Prof. Welch hoa luctured to no..i! audiences in Victoria Hall. Ho came to the town well ifcoiiimended and has cer- tainly sustained tliu reputation given him by his udi lirern. After each lecture a public evii n i ... -t ion of ii.ver:il hexds waa given. In most H- ( the Profejaor'sding- nosis of dmpoa'iiiiu, traits, etc., apptarvd to be remarkably correct." See small bills for subjects. Hyrqeriial On Wednesday evening, the 15th inst . a quiet but intereatiiiij event look place at 'he Methodist parsonage, Flesherton, when Kev. Mr. Ward solemnized the marriagx of Miss Dora Scanlan of the townline. Euphrasia and Artemesia, to Mr. Joseph Armstrong of Iliintsville, un ot Mr. Wallace Armstrong uf the IJth con . Artemenia The bride was assisted by Mies Ma^ee of Toronto, while Mr. Alfred Soudan, brother of th br*d>*, suppnr'uii the groom. The bride looked beautiful in a travelling suit of brown ladies' doth, trimmed with electric blue silk. The li'idcsiiMi.l wore a beautiful suit of pule green. On their ruturn horn.- a reception was given the newly married couple by the bnd' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scanlan. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arms'rong wiali them a pit-as- ant and prosperous journey through life. They will reside at liuntsville. Best Seeds flbsolutely Necessary. We cannot too strongly nor to > often urge the supreme importance of planting seeds that am perfectly puiu and fresh. Seeds that are offered t cheap prices are almost invariably of doubtful origin and uncertain age, sure to cause the planter disappoint inent and loss. The thoughtful planter's only surely lies in buying seeds sent out by a conscien- tious and trustworthy house. A vai t number of gardeners have ( and have had for years ) thu utmost confidence in seeds that hear 'he name D. M. Ferry ft Co., Windsor. Ont. The preevnt generation of planters, can hardly remember the time when Ferry's Seeds were not on sale everywhere each year and aa regu- larly planted by thousand*, wi'h the greatest faith in thu unvarying quality of the seeds atid in the integrity of the him that grew them. Kvery planter, whether already a buyer of Ferry's Seeds or not, should send for Ferry's Seed Annual for 1S'J!. It is mailed free to any one who writes for it. Mr. and Mm. Switcher of E*o,uesing called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Heard one day this week. Mrs T. J. Sheppard is spending Eas- ter holidays with her parents at Toronto Junction. Mr Shepp*rd accompanied heron Saturday, returning on Tueaday. Mits Mabel Bovair of Heathuote U visitim; Mts. A Inert Stewart. Mr. J. W. Large ol Listowel called on Id friends here on Tuesday. Mr. Large drove over to remove the remaiim of a little son who died here sonic years agu. s> Red Hot Frorr\ Tr\e fun. Was the ball that hit G. K. Steadman if Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible I 'leers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Buck ten's Arnica Salve cured him. Curea CuU Bruises, Burns, Itoils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on eaith. 25 CM. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by nil Druggiota. We can supply you with Anything or Everything you require in FOOTWEAR Obituary Mn. Frances Whewell of Lady Bank paased away on the 18th inst, at the age of 54 years, after suticrin for about eight years 'ruin dropsy, borne with re- markable fortitude. Her end came at laat very rapidly. She waa a Unto heart- ed daughter, wife, mother and neighbor. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and six sons. Three sons and daughter ate living in North Dakota. Mrs. W he well waa a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and c .mo to fins Country with her father, the late George Dividson, about 44 years ago. Her reiuaina weru interred at PVvershain by the Rev. P. Fleming on the 21st HIM. A friend of deceased aenda us the following tribute : "Thy tenderness and motherly patience were very sweet. Putting stronu wan that quiet force of love that never faltered or wavered through storm and ahine. Thought*, not of thyaulf but of others, ruled the and urew riper and stronger tu the laat. Farewjll, steadfaat friend, thy life will be for UK a vuluuU lettatm to guide us in the home here to thu home in heaven." Brave Men Fall. Vionniii to stomach, iivr and kidury troubles a* wall as wnmuo, uitl "11 '"' the results in ioss oi appetite, UOIIKIDN ID the liliHul, backache, uerv<iu8iii', lieailaobe and tired, iiHilrHH run ilnwu fm-L: tf. But then- * uo ue<i to ;- i-I like that. Listen to J. \V . Gr.iLr , Mafille, Ind. Ha says:"Electn- UitUtrs aie just ths thing for a mau what( lie is all ruu nown, and don't car wtntln-r lie lires or ilics. It did morn to giva me new strenKth ami good appetitu than any thing I could take. I call i.ow eat anything and Lave anew inane on life." Only .HI ots. At an} lrug tt.iiit. Every Iwttla guaran- teed. FARM to RENT Ahumlreil sere farm mtimutnn tliu Toroutu SIKI S><luham Hniul, in tlie CdwnxhiK uf Am- uivftia, 14 iziiluii nmth of ! lefihertou. ci.mpom''l (H LoU ill ami 1IU. nurtilWHHt of thu I oronto ami hyilenliaui Uuwl. On tlie premiers *rr t i/ood brick <lulliiiK liouoe ami a fraimi liaru, 40 I 00. Apply to JOHN \\ uiull I >r r leelioi ton fa fAf 9tfaftfr of tAa Cstato of John Jttlfit, <Decoasact. Punuant tu R. 8. 0. 1HV7 .Chapter 1'JO. Hectinn :t. notice is herMiy civtin tbetall criwlitore of. AIM! JIDIROMH li-ivinu t:li\oui* atlaiitHt tliu efltatu of loliu Allan, latonf the towimlnp of Artnuie- ia l.l the con ty of Orey, farmer, <le<:ea*uil, whuiliuilou or alHiut the twnlfth day of Nu>- umbar. A. D., 1HW, are required to end by n.ip*t proiiaiil or to deliver to Ann Allen, FloHti* erUin. AntniiiiHtratrlx of th flaiil estate, or to MMr. l.uenH. Wright it Hat>on. iu>llcl.orH or thn laid ajMuiii'Hratrix. ou or before the lit day of May. A. D . 1HOB. thoir naiuea, a<)<lro)wel anil 'Itmciiptinn* witli a full tutement of par - tictiliirA of tjiwir claim* ami the natures (if tho SO' uritiwMif any) hind liv 'li,m And notice it,lit?reby further given that after thu sat. I I** .Uv of May. A O. iH.n. the said an- miniHtratrix will proct.ed to HiHtiibnte thu ati- M*tn of the *aid iluceaaed ninollK the pin lien untitle-l thereto. havuiK r<ard to tlm clainm only uf which t*h<* then IIKH notice, and the Mid xiliiiinUtratrlx rl not be Imb e for tho naid atmftH or auy pint the. t-of, <. uihtrihuUMl, to any ptirson or persona of whovu f'niin notice hall not have been received at the time of such <li4tiibiiiion. Uatv.i lliiH'JOtli i'ay of March. A ') .i-w.t ^UCAK, WKIrtHT 4 II \TSOW, b. llcilors for Adminiiitratriz Owen Bound and Klunherton J. B. Sloan & Son P r-opr i et o rs ias- GET yoi'R -w* Sash, Doers, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, 17 FROM rs-**, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks.the best of Spruce Lath, No. I and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Toniflj of all Kinds Done lo Order BOOTS AND SHOES THAT LOOK WELL AND WEAR WELL In Ftuhher* and Overalioea we have, a very large variety selling at low prices. Custom Work and &apainny attinctad to 9*roa e. >. for Dominion Money Order Express. Express Orders Cashed witftout Charge t * * * I ! .. :::: :::: :. . .. JJj ^turniture QffcTing / / During thu n.onth of February we will offer EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS jt. To Cash Buyera in all linea of * . .. FURNITURE . , . 5 ft\ Intending purchasers will find it tu their interest to take advantage JM of this opportunity of securing xt/ Siy First Class Goods AT run of Stonea for Chopping, atisfactian in all our lines ifuarated Sheppard's Bargain )OTQ / / FLESHERTON New additions to our large stock of Seneral *Dry~oods Hardly a day passes but something new finds its way to our counters and scarcely a day but we are making new and valued customers a sure sign that we retail at Right Prices ! Our stock is now complete in all lines. We might mention here that we have some extra values in New Prints, Cottonades, Shirtings and Tweeds. GOOD - BOOTSTJ For the past two seasons, owing to the steady j advance in the price of leather, manufacturers were at their wits end to keep boots at old prices, and in nine cases out of ten the quality suffered. Only the most reliable dealeis maintained their reputa- tion by charging a higher price and keeping up the quality We have been very careful this season in insisting on the quality being right, and we believe we have as fine a stock of boets and shoes for the spring trade as it is possible to get by buying in large quantities direct from che manufacturer's and pay- ing spot cash we are still able to sell good boots as cheap or cheaper than you buy inferior goods for. Just one word ibout Our new Wall Papers, beautiful in designs and colorings, some of the finest effects ever seen in delicate tinted grounds with glimmer and gold pat- terns are now shown by us. The prices, consider- ::; ing the quality are remarkably low. T. J. SHEPPARD M, \/ Sreatli/ : deduced : Prices 11 EiBLT [ALL SOLICITED W. H. BUNT,