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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1899, p. 2

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CHRIST'S LAST HOUR Rev. Dr. Talmage Finds Lessons of Comfort in a Bad Scene. The Great Divine Says That Heaven's Brightest Crowns Shall Adorn the Brows of Those Who Bear Life's Burdens With Fortitude. Washington, Mnrrh M. From th* petnf*ic bci-iin of Christ n lnnt hour of Huff.-ring Dr. Talmngo In thU neruion drawn IcMsons of comfort fur pi>ple in trouble; text. Johrv i'x, :iO, "When Jemis Iburufore had reccivi-d thu vinegar." ') he brigand* of Jerusalem had done their work. It was almost sundown, nnd Jemu van dying I'cr-nn In criiciflxlon ifu-n lingered on from day to day, cry- Ing. lnfiiiK, curning, but Christ hod barn -lniusul I>T years of maltreatment. I'illuwliiM, iKHirly led. flogged, an ln-nt ovur and i i.-il to a low post hi* bare buck wa* inl'nincd with the scourge* Inter- itlned with pint-** of It-mi and bonu. and now for whole hour* the weight of hli body hung on delicate tendon*, iind, ac- cording to cuxtom, a violent mroke under .lie armpit i hnd U--M given I IT the execu- tioner Dizzy, nan-twite*!, frvori-li. a World of agony Is miiipriM.sed In the two -word i "I il,'" Oh sklc* of Judtn, let a p of rain utrlke on hi* burning v Oh. world, with rolling nvn and kllng lakiii and spraying foun- tain*, give Jesus something to drink ! If thr be any pity In earth or heaven or bell, Ift It now be demonstrated to De- half of thin royal Mifferer. The wealthy women of Jerusalem ud to hav a fund of money with which they provided wine for I bone people \vho died In crucifixion a powerful opiate to Irwlen the pain but ChrNt would not take It. He wunul to die Holier, and in he rvfumtl the wine. But afu-rward they go to a cup of vinegar and anitk a xponm In It and put It on a itlok of hysnnp and Uion pnwH It against the hot llp of Christ. You siy tin wlnu wus an anaes- thetir arid intended to relieve or dmden the pain Hut thu vinegar wai an Insult. I .(-'. Weak ol>. In Mine liven the saccharine seems to prwtomlnat* I.lfe Is sun-hum on a bank of flower*. A thousand hnnds to clap tip- proval. In llereinber or In January, look- ing WTOM their table, they nee all their family present, llenlth niblrund. *kle* flamboyant, day* riwilicnt. Hut In a groat many case* there are not no many sugars a- ai Id* The itnii.irnnr.-H, and the vexa- tlonn, anil the disappointments of life oviTpowcr th<) -ii'-i <-*<. There I* a gravel In alnnMt every shoo. An Arabian legend ears that there wan a worm In Solomon ' taff gnawing Its strength away, nnd Chore In a weak pot In every earthly npport lli' i limn leans on. King O-irg-of KnuUnd forgot all the grand- eur* of his ihrone bemune one day In an Interview Heau lirummcl oillisl him by hi* first name ntul nddressol him a* a ant. Tying. "li'orgH, ring the belli" tangdnn, honored all the world for hr (>"il gunlu*, U no worried aver tlie r\ 11 re|H>rt- net allnnt regarding , IT that Him Is foiinil dead with an empty ltvle of i I ui her haud. ("old- Miilth nld thin hn life wan a wrcN hiil lining, and tlmt all that want nnd oon> nipt onilil lirmg In it hail been tinuight, und criii* out, \\hat, then, Is there f.irroliUblo In a Jail?" Corrogglo'ii flue ivtlntlng U hung up for a tavern sign. Ilogarlh oannnt M>11 hU bent painting (inept Uir .>ugli it nillle Andrea dl Sart.i itiakiM Uio gnat In- --o In tho Church of <ln- Annum - i'., nt r'lorcneo and get* for I i.iy a a>:k of com, and there aro annoy- UIKIM and vcxa'ions In high place* as , KM III l'i\v |>lai i"i. -'urn-ing that In a ;r\nt niany llviw are thu noun greater than th> KWI(.S. "Wln-n JOHUK thuntfure had reooivnd thu vh>- It In alwinl to -upjosH that a man who :um alwayi l"-n \vi-ll mn Myin|MlhlM \r1th thow who an* -iek. or that ono who i rut ajway* bii'ii honored mn appro'Ltte > ho nrniw of those who am dewpl**!, or .luit onu Vf ho tum \vn\\ born t<i grrat fortune i-an understand the dliftrow and the tnt.ta of tlid-o who an* ile-tltiile. fnrt tliac Clirlut himself took the makes him able U> itrmpathlze to-day and forever xvitli nil tlio-Mi who '.'ij) In Illln I wilh the Hharp nrliln of thlf Ml.- lie K. a the vinegar! Til* 1 r..-. l.^i Frlttitd, In thi! Ilixt pliiee there \viu tint mnr- nM of uii.i.1) i! Mm tnwlnry of .luiUM hurt Ohrl.rt's fueling- m.m' than all the frlniidbililp of his ih^-|p|...s di<l him good. Von h.ivo hail many friends, hut there wa* on* frimid unon whom you put Itreu You fejisml him Von him money You hefrlemlil him la the dark pn*<MM of life, when he xpeolally netnlivl a friend. A f tin-ward, he turned upon you, and he. t<Mik ailviniiaj;n if your former int Iniiii'lcH. lie wrote galnat you. Hn tulkixl awtlnit you. He iutTo<ipi/eil your fault* Ho flung nliopt .-it you. when you ought to ljav nwolTnd nollnnu hut. gratltiidu. At flrat you oriuld not -Ni p ,it night 'I hen TOM v*"iit about \\ It.h a iteiise of having >-!> stung That dlflloiilty will never be rt>l l, for though mutual frlmnU my nrlJl.rale In matter until you ihnll hk liamU, iho old cordiality will never i hack. Now I command tx> all inch k i ympfcthy of a U'l.rayn-l Chriiit. Why, ni'jr Mild him for lens than our ItOI 1'Ker all fonwnk him and llutL They out dim to the quick. He drank that cup to *h drag*, llu took the vlmtear. I h'jrw U aim tho RouriiOM* of pain. ThiTe am M>me of you who have not wen well day for many ymn. By keeping ut f drafU, and by earefiilly itudylng dbitetloii, you continue to thli time, but h, the hi(la<ihus. and the ldo aohea, nail Ui backaohiM, and the heartohe -.Tilr-n ha v IKWII v our iioonninanlinent all MM w*y through I Yon andat * hoavy inortgairn abtllUM, nd insUnd of placidity that tharactnruud you It If now only hare ttroggled of phylnal dt*- wlth gront effort that yon keep away from Inability and sharp retort. 1HIT1 i-ulties or resplrution, of dlguKtlon, of louuiuotlon, make up the great obstacle In your life, and you tug and iweat along the pathway and wonder when the exhaustion will end. My friends, the brlghto-t crowns In heaven will not be given to tho*! who. In stirrupx, da*hod to the cavalry charge, while the general applauded, and tho aound of clashing alH-rs rang through the land, but the brlghtot crowns In heaven, I U-llere, will bo given to those who trudgul on amid chronic ailment* which unnerved their ntnmgth, yet all the time maintain- ing their faith In God. It Is comparative- ly ea-y to tight In a regiment of a thou- sand men, charging up the parapets to tho sound of martul music, but It Is not so easy to endure when no one but the nunw and the doctor are the witnesses of the i 'hn-ilan fortitude. Be*ldti that, yon never had any pains worse than Christ'*. Th slutrpneu that stung through hU brain, through hU hands, through hU foot, through his heart, were as great a* yours certainly. He WM a* slrk and as weary. Not a nerve or muscle or ligament escaped. All the pungs of all the nation* of ail the ag** rompn-ssed Into one sour oup. He took the vinegar! I 111 I.I 1 ! frlVBll*.*. There I* also the HournuMi of poverty. Tour Income dual not meet you outgo- Ing*, and that alwiiy* give* an honest man anxiety. There 1.4 no xlgn of destitu- tion about you pliuHBiil appearance and a cheurful home for you but God only knows what a time you have had to man- age your prlvat llnam-o*. Just as the bills run up thu wageM n>m to run down. Y...I may any nothing, but life to you I* a hard push, and when you sit down | with your wife and talk over the expense* you both rlsu updleournged. You abridge here, and you abridge, there, and you get things snug for smooth sailing, and, lo, suddenly there In a largu doctor 1 * bill to |my. or you have lost your pocketbook. or yome debtor has fnil.l. and you are thrown beam end. Well, brother, you are ( In glorious company. Christ ownwl not the honsu In which he *top]>ed or the colt on which he rude or the boat In which he *aili*l. llu llviil In a Immiwsl honsu, he was burietl In a lmrrow I grave. Exposed to all kinils of wutiher. yet he had only one uu of clothe*. He bruikfnstixl In th* morning, and no one cotiUI ]tn<s|bly tell where he i mild get anything to n. In-fore night. He would have leii pnmouneod a UnaneUl failure. ll ha<l to perform iniriwli' to gt money to pay a tax bllL Not a dollar did h own. Privation of domesilelty, privation of nutritious food, privation of a comfortable couch on which to sleep, privation of all worldly reMiiinvs! T !ie kings of tho <nrth had eha-.l chalices on' of which to drink, but Christ ruul nothing but a plain cup net before him, and It wan very sharp, and It wa* very sour. Ho took th*) vlue- Kiir. II.. Vnnt Chair. There wuro y.-nrn that passed along IN I. .111 your fiiiniiv cin-lu was Invaded by ditith, but the ii. mn. 'lit. the charmed cir- cle ua-. linn..'ii evriyihing n-mixl to dl- olvo. Hardly havo you put th* black ap|utivl in tho wordrobo bofora you have a^.iin to take It out. Oreut and rapid clmnif.-s in your family rword. You got the h.inso and trj..i.-.xl In It, but the el. arm wits gonu as *oou as tho crape hung on thu ilo.irl^-11. I he ono upon \\ hom you most depended r ;v tikken away from you. A cult) marble slab li<<* on your he.irt to il ,y Once, as thu chll- dn-ii nimpul thrutiijh the house, you put your hand over your aching huud and ltd, "Oh, If I could only have It still I" Oh, It U too HUM now I * You lost your INitieiiei! when tlin tops and the string! ami Iho niielU were left amid lloor, but, oli, you would uu willing to hare the trinkets Mratlenl ,11 over the Hour again If they wort* wallercd by the same hand*. With what u rulhlww plowithare Uir- invemeiit, rips up the heart I But Jetiu* knows all about that. You uannot toll him atiA ili.iii; new in regard tu brruaTe- meni. lie, had only a few friend*, and Whin ho lost OIIH it liniught tears to hU i vi, -,u m hod often enturtuinod him nl his home. Now l.ii/ inn Id dtxul and liiirlnl. and (.hrlst brtttivS down with emotion, thu convulsion of grief shudder- ing through all the ugvs of bomtvenieot. Christ knows what It U to go through tho horn*) missing a familiar inmate. I'lirUt Knows what It 1* to see an unoccu- pied place, at tho tubla Were there not four of them Mary and Martha and i l.i .-ii nml lii/im-P Four of them. Uut Wlieru 1* I .i/ann? Ixinely and allllctod Christ, his gratt loving cyea llllod with tears 1 Oh, yes, yes I Ho knows all about tho loni'liiiiMs and tho hiartiiruak. lie took thu vinegar I I. ... , Of III* I lltlllf Then thoro Is the *ourne*s of the death hour. Whatever else we may aaoape, that auld spongu will bo pi-uoxed to our lip* I nuiotimc* have a curiosity to know how 1 will bohave whun I ooro* to din. Whether I will 1x3 calm or excited, whether I will bo llllod with rum In U- oeuoe or with antlcl|tatlou, I cannot say. Hut oomo to the point I mint and you ! mult. An oflicor from the futur* world ! will Unix k at the door of our heart* and I survo on us Iho writ of ejectment, and wo will liave to surrender. And we will waku up after thesu and win tiy and vernal und Miinmory glories hiiv*> vanlnhnl from our viiilon. We will wake 1 up Into a realm which ha* only one soa- I win and that the nsunti at urrla*tiug love. But you -my: i uon t V4.nn u> brmtk out from my present asMni'lai Ion*. 1 1 I* so chilly and o dainu t go down the stair* I of that vault.. 1 don't want any^'ng drawn so tightly over my cyos. If ii.<-r were only some way of brunking throngh thu pfirtitkon betwiwn worlds without Uvirlng this body all to shnuls! I wonder If the surgoons and the doctcrs cannot compound a mixture by which t' i- bo- 1 ;* and soul am all the time be kept to- gether? I* there no escape from thin wptirutlon? 1 ' None, alis.ilni.-ly none. A great many men tumble through the gains of the future, us It were, and we do not know they have fine, und they only add ^lo.ini uml . tho ]>as>iiigii, but .le-,.i Chrl-t s > mlifhtily .tomiiil the (iate- of tluit fill urn'1 thiit they IIHM- never s!iie. Ix , n clusi-ly nhnl,. I hri.-t knows what it. I- to i this worl'l. of tin- beauty of whi.-li he wa- iron' a;ipr. < lative ilian . e\.-r c.rild I*'. He kiinw.- the rxi|iit -i'.'n.--. of tlie i .1 It. lie 1.1. .iu It.: nlo.iit. of the nil'. ... f'ir tl.. pill .\v lie kli"W- r:i..i.i. II.' t.n.i.v- .. . U of the air. liny \\:iirr.-l i'n ir .\.-.y lhn>ugh j.)l.r-4'. lie L:IIA. alkilli I lie -s ir row* uf leaving this I.-., i i;nl \. .rl ! Nui a tiinrr wn kindled In thn rlnrUr. -s Hi i!i"d pliv-i. -i.tiil '1 in ..<.). | - and iii7/ine-s and heiM..rr' ...< ne put him ii. 'nh all Ihu dying. He goes tin doi:i, u:i<l In- (la'lnrs up i ill the death pillows, innl i.e put- i iinili r hi- >wn n.t k nnd 11. . on hi- own Innuue the linrnri of many general ions. The -innge I- - -.I in >l:e wiriows of all rho- who l..i>. . di<-d In their li:-. a- wt-ll a- in the sorrow* of all thov win |n'ri-hisl In ii v or li.-rr inartyr.h<ni. \\lnlehniven was pitying, nnu hell win* di ruling, he took t(. \int-, I i.r -.MI.. M . i.. .1. -. To K\\ thn-<- In whom lifi In- l-en an wi-rl.i . ...'ill n. 'i ..v.illow, a dnift that set thilr ts-th on ,(; and a ni-|/lng I preach the i. - m pnthy of .Jc-n- ( tiri-t '1 -l.'er of I!er- isnhel, the astrononi. r. 11-41! I.. .;'.. 1. 1 nuieh Ot her tlllle poli.hitlK tile tele-i'. .peS through which he brought the i' worlds nigh, and I' I- -ii\ amhiiion MOW this hour t/o cluir the leti- ..f \.nir - tuil vision, so that, looking throaga the dark night of your eann.y i >u I .!.-, you may behold the >.'lo in::- .n of a .Sivionr's mercy, und a .-.1.1 nr lovt. Oh. my friends, do nof f-\ in ..irry all your Ills alone. Do nor nut y..iir poor shoulder under tho A]>>'ntiiiii>. when the Almighty Christ Is niidv to lift up all your bunletii. When you have a tnmlile of any kind, you rn-h tMs way an.) tluit way, and you wonder what till- man will say about It and what that tnnn will say about It, and yo:i try thU j.n -. ription nd that prescription ami th.< oilier pi.' criptlon. Oh. why do you not go -tniljtht to tho henrt of ('hrt-t. knowing that for our own ulnnlng and Buffering ret he toik the vliU'gnry 'i here wan a ve-wl that h el been on the sms for a Rreiit many wi-'k. and bocn ami tlie -upply of water (rave out. and the crew dying of thlnt. After iirun ' \.ihey saw a sail against the sky. '1 ii ;. - ; . illiil It. Whan the vesnel (mine n.-arir. the jxs> pie on the sutfcTlng -liip rrleil tn the captain of the other vessel: "Send us some water. We are dying for 1-u-k of waUT. " And tho captain on the' vernal that wa* bailMl rcwpomlisl: "Dip your bueknts where yon aro. You are In the mouth of the Amazon, and there are scorns of miles of fre-h water all around aboul you and hundred* of fivtdeep." And then they dropped their buckets over the side of the vessel and brought up the clear, bright, fresh w.u< r and put out the Are of their thirst. So I hall you to-day, after a long and perilous voyage, thirsting a* you ara for pardon and thirsting for comfort and thir-ting for eternal Ufa, and 1 ask you what I* th use of your going In that death struck tat* while all around yon Is the deep, clear, wide, sparkling flood of God's sym- puthnllo mercy. Oh. dip your bucket* and drink and live forever. "Whosoeror will, let him come and talc* of th* water of lu*e freely." Ul*lae ItiSBpalhf. Yet thoro are people who refns* this divine lyrnpathy, and try to fight their own Unties, and drink their own rlne- gar, and carry their own burden*, and tholr life. Instead of being a triumphal march from Tlotory to victory, Tf 111 be a hobbling on from defeat to defeat, until they make- final surrender to retributive disaster. Oh, I wish I could to iliy gather up In my arm* all the woe* of men and women, all i heir heartache*, all tholr dis- appointment*, all their chagrins, and ju* tnku them right to the fool of a *y mpa- thlzlng Joeus. He took tho vinegar. Nana Sjihlh, after he had lost hi* last buttle In India, fell back Into the jungle* of Inert Jungle* no full of malaria that no mor- tal cau live there. He carried with htm also a ruby of great luster and of grmt value. lie died In those jungle*. Ill* body wan novcr found, and tho ruliy ha* nuvor ye* boon recovered. And I fear that to day there are *ome who will fall back from this subject Into th* sicken- ing, killing Jungle.- of their sin carrying a ('cm of Infinite value a priceless soul to bu loot forever. Oh, that that ruby might flush In the eternal coronation I lint, not There are *ome, I fear, who tnrn away from this offered mercy and comfort and divine sympathy, notwlth- ctundlng that Christ, for all who would accept hi* grace, trudgmt th* long way, and suffered the lacerating thongs, aud received In hi* face tho expectoration* of th* filthy mob, and for the guilty, and th* discouraged, and the discomforted of the race, took th* vinegar. May Ood Al- mighty break the infatuation and lead you out Into the strong hope, and th* good choor, and the glorious sonshla*) of this triumphant gospel I A typical specimen of rugged and n- lettered rurallty, he had managed to make hi* way unchallenged to the room where a number of men were engaged la getting up article* of ptth and moment for a great publication. One of them, a particularly profound and able writer, ebnrved the Intruder. He looked at him question Ingly. The visitor beamed on him and exclaimed: "Don't mind me. Go right ahead at If nothln' wa* happenln'." The ability man looked at him dliap- provlngly and tried to resume hi* work, but the knowledge that the stranger was ta-iding near and with *n expression of eager interest in his face banished inspir- ation. "Did you want to see anybody la particular?" he Inquired. "No, I je*' happened *long. Don't pay no 'tent Ion to me. I don't get Into town very often. These sight* t* a purty com- fort In' change from mountain scenery, an' I thought so long a* I'd looked at th* ouuhles of most of the place* along thl* street I'd like to take a squint at th* ID Hide. I pose these Is your busy hours. I wot Id n it interrup' you fer nuthln' In th* -.."'.; If vou've got work to do." "Well, there's no doubt about my hav- Ing work to do," wa* the slightly testy rejoinder. "Well, go right ahead. I've been hang- In' around you bore je*' oat o' cariosity lo see you work." "Haven't you *een me working for the last It) minutes? Haven't you seen m* grubbing great thought* out and hurling them through the world? Haven't you noticed the way the perspiration ha* poured off my brow a* my brain shook With Titanic cerebral *rpan*f" "No. I hain't noticed." Well, you jest watch." He took hi* pen and proceeded with hi* writing. "Muter." Inquired the stranger, a* ho took his hat from the top .of hi* whip, where be had bung It on entering, "U that what you call work?" "I should say so." He turned In sllonoe and walked to the door. Then he cast a look of reproach en th* man at the desk. "Jas" *et* there and ktloks a pen hi th* bottle an* drags It over a piece of paper, an' then when the Ink runs out sticks it In the bottle ag'ln an' then drug* It over the pnper *ome more. An' a full grown man call* that workl Well, I'll be dogged!" I DUCK BREEDING. Itr.n. Krom O. H. I'oll.rd'* Address *f I III* ltho.1. I.l.n.l Poultry Hehoel How H* Sni'r..lil. [CAPTURE OF MALABON r et u* begin with the location of plant, and that may he almost anything', that you can get. While water la one ol ( the alntoat nefinoiry point*, there are ( many louling hnnxleni who do not, have w:iter riiiininir through their yard* a do not iimsiiler It nineMary. In ustabll* Ing a plant. If you could s. : . t vrh ywi wanted I should advLseyou to cho a pbu>i with a good, sizable pond o* running stream of water, for in that wajr ) you would gain in the fertility of th*)| egg* The Pekln dunk we advoeiito altogether bernusii of the deep keel. In the improved j ty|x- thu bnnt line should be nearly parallel niih the buck and the bruaat nhoiild U'. nearly tho same length us th* back. Thu old line bird U nomethlng the :>f a Harriett pear. Of course It 1* possible with the old type of bird to get a heavy Wright, but. the weight doe* no* come in the. right, place. It is mostly hack of the legs, which Is where moAt of the waete comes, and r.hcre is no frame to build on. In (electing birds for breeding I would choone prafcmbly birds that only weigh from nix to seven pounds apiece alive, and mate them can-fully with m. ilium nized drakes. We uaed to male Ii vo ducks to one drake, bnt now I should libo to mate up In single pen* on* drain with live, six ur seven female*. We feed them lightly until about the 1st of November, when we generally mate them. I am trying not to force them this year, thinking that It destroys) the vitality of the birds and the fertility of the egjrs, and so we are feeding what we call "harmlea* food" largely clover, perhaps one part clover and three part* bran and two part* corn meal, and we have not fed any beef scrips yet. It U not the question how many egg* they lay, but what we get our. of them. I have J If you can't IT .vim, never wade In on- known water*. Rum's Horn. Il U a safe rule to do your duty finer., raiti.-r than to in-iist "ii other* doing their* t'niud I'nwbyterlan. I Where n creature or u man fantaketh nd comeih out of himself and bis own things, there God entervth in with Hi* own, that, U with lilnmelf. Theologia Genr.inlco. Religion, pure and nnjdulterated, eon- tlntlng of thu trinity of reverence, faith and oUsli'-nce. i, rMfiiivd to i-oinplcie the life of every human being. Without It he Is a failure und a ruin, sonmnne* a splendid failure and a muunilic. in- ruin, but a ruin and u fuiluru fur ail that. Hcv. c v.. StrlckUn.l. What we are, sooner or later show* it- 1 self In what we seem. Our character ' unconsciously but inevitably expreMM | Itself in our action*, our Kpeeah, our ' manner, our looks, and Dually it In icon ! by our fellows u- thuy observe u*. la thi* I K>nso, or In view of this truth, we are | what we worn, or we oou> tu mem what ! we are. S. 8. Time*. lie must needs be rich whole poverty and CIXMMI* are mode riches to him. <jod never take* away or withholds outward blcJidng* from His children but He make* It up In N'tter. in inwiird. They gain by all th.'ir IOHSCH and grow rieh byuC their wan i. for how many are there in the world that hod not been so rich in grace If they had bad abumUimw of earthly thing*. Richard Sibbs. v.iu. ..r n*i ni. People who do great things are alwny* those who have puld attention to the small ones. There are great societies that Would never havo been formci!. great congregations of women that would never have been brought together, but for the possess! an by somo woman of the habit and fac-ilty In writing and oonv-spond- ence. Them things are not put on, and cannot bo acquired oil at onee; they mutit be a port of the habit of ono'* Ufa. At- tended to a* a duty, they are a most im- portant element In lucooaa indeed, it I* doubtful if a genuine success in life can be achieved without attention to little things, for neglect of them gives the Itu prewtlon of unreliability a reputation futol to any kind of achievement. " Wont of i line" 1 a modern Uetlon, glibly em- ployed by those who rarely put any por- tion of their 18 waking hours to any use- ful purpose. Statistics in regard to the amount of money bronght to this country by Euro- 1 JMMQ immigrant* allow that the German I* tli* ri< hunt with an avenig* of , $.Vi .'>0 while th* Erjgli.ihinun is a clue* second, with $A2 The Frenchman ha* , 111 'i.'> and th* Belgian $45. while th* Irifthuian briasrn bnt |15. th* Rowan $13 '>o and th* Italian $10 Probably th* Italian take* more back to hi* nativ* land, however, than any 1 the n,t-*ra K*w York Tribune THK PKKI<( DUCK. pt a very accumte account of the number of egg*, but I do know that thef do not lay anything like 140 egg*, such as tb* ruoords we often see printed In the paper*. Ai a rule we get lee* than 100 rather than over. I think that M Id nearer what we really get. Now If wa- get only W), it la a great point to get 00 good egg-*, rather than no many poor onu*. It i* not the point to get a large number of egg*, but to get fertile one*. I Hy forcing we dcHtroy the fertility, ye* the egg* are quite profitable If It doe* nut take too much out of the bruedln*; stock to get them. I would prefer not to have them bog in to lay before some time in February. The first few egg* laid will not bu very valuable they are alino** always Infertile; pnrhap* th* flrst two or three egg* from each breeder, and the first machinoful* do not average more than 40 par cent, fertile. If you hatch 8$ per cent, of Uii-m it will be doing well, i; you try the egg* you will see that U or n per cent, ouuies nearer th* average. Aftur ktarUng to hatch with hens and machine* you will prolxtbly flud that you avurogu more with ban* than machines, but if you average In either caw JO per cunt, you will be doing woll, and ovun 10 per cunt, will be doing fairly well. From the 40 pvr cunt, you wlU naturally expect to mine 85 to 90 duckl- ings, and that I* all that you, can expect, and 70 pur cent, will oiton cover those mined hv i*v;-ert*. We feed the old breeding duck*, before wo begin to force them for cjrgs, about a third clover and sometimes plain buy and thu rest bran and mail. The idea I* to flll them up with something bulky and when they begin to lav w begin with Ore per oonk of beef scrap and work up gradually, until in a week or so we wlU be giving them ten or U per cent. W* keep water before them all the time. A* a sen-son of tho year whoa it I* possible W* let laum have It for swimming. UM < li. Ud A principle learned that "broken it*l Only. from MacAd , pressed and paoed, would cohere together and, by . the mutual friction of It* parts, bear aa dUtribat* heavy pressures a* woll a* If It actually wore the smooth sud *olM slab It *oem*," But when earth U mixed with th* Htooe the friction 1* reduced by early one- half, th* material I* lew oora- paot and firm and Is much less capable ef bearing buavv load*. Mototur* affoo** the volume of clay. Hoods In which U uned rut badly In wot weather, *ve though they ar* very thick, whll* the thinner road* In which It iinottued, but In which the stones ar* prened together by thoir own angle* through adequate rolling, remain Unu and smooth. Hoad meual should be clean and free from olay- The u.-ie of clay N attractive, bccaue*. with it, light rolling nooma to glv* a good smeoth surface, but this I* only tempor- ary and I* unsatisfactory and iirtiaslTt la tut* ead, Oood Hood*. ii.. . .. i .. u "I won Id Ilk* to Interest yon IB out ooinproseod air motor. " 'Uoinprcend nothing! I wouldn't touoh It with a ten foot pot*. I'm an aa- amlonl**. "New York V/orU. LIkM on Fruit TratM. Tleary. *baggy growth* of lichen* are eften *eem ea fruit tree*. We are oftea aked If they do the trees any harm. ThU question ha* never been BtisfaetorUy *n- wored, though *clentl*M amure u* that th* liohon* ar* n*t truly parasltle, and do not feed ea the Hutistaoc* of the tree* te which th*y are attached. Still, when they grow a* thickly a* w* often see thorn, they are sure to harbor insect* and ipore* of fungi, and they always m%k* a* orchard look untidy and dtsugrexabl*. Th*jr oan be removed by earaping, or thjr cau b* killed or their growth pre- vented by *pravlnf wrth Bordeaux mix- |> Ik. K..U Before diipoolng of the spring ptc moke sure that you have eelocted enough of th* beet one* for breeding purpose* the coming season. I know it U tvmptln*; oiuotlmo* to (Mil off th* largest one* and think the smaller ono* will coma on all right with a little extra care, but It U not wl** to do thin ovory year. Plump, olid bogs are the kind for brood towa, and this selection is made after study 1. .( the herd all summer . One thing It pay*) to do U to select thorn that ar* a**Uy kept, item* hog* consume twlo* a* much food a* other* and are not in one-half a* good Mesh the year around a* the Two Days of Severe Fighting in the Philippines. AMERICAN LOSSES. HEAVY %rty--vi. \\rrm Klllxl oi.i :on \\ .... Ml in th- r..iii... Wilh Hi.. Ii.-H|,... it Flliin.1.,, ..,, - .,,, ,,|,,, .,,! SuuUity - Tli llll,iiii,, !..,. 1.....01I... Awuy Up In til* II u ...i i . .1.. Killed. On Sitiirdoy: Officers Biilisted 111. -n On Sunday: Officers . 60 sd men Total On Saturday: Officers . KnliMtul ini-n. On Sunday: Knlisui' men Total Filipino Ions l.s in tho hundrad*. THE TAKING OF MALINTA. Tbr WM Fivrcii Kiulilhiv tlir Villa*, \tltli til**neh.i K II I fit w .... Manila, Mnrch '-'7. Tho Hnlrwl State- troops, under Hre.' il.-n. l.loyil aptuml the i. .wn of ',. . i ,. v.. .ui the Till. all. in 1'iv.r ye-ier.iav, alter a hort ilL'ht. <'.ii. il.."r/C K-bert, of the SlJind Kegiineiit lMf.iiii.-v, v.,-is kill. si Prince l.oe\ve,Mtci:i, to: inerly niile-.le camp on :he -i.ill ol Hr _ ,!er at Iloilo, miniel'ow got. lii from, ol the, :irmir line and wa- shot in the -mi-, .lying ,u most, in-tamly. A li.-rman \v!io .U.VOMI paniml him \ foiiiuliiil. 4.1 K.I .-.I. 143 ..IIM.I.-.I. Tho Amerelan casualties resU'nlar were much lighter than ilm-e ol .Niiiinlav. t he toUil lot-s thus far n'| oriisl -nice i< gagenielit ''Ollimellceil lein\' IS klllinl and H.'i wiiundml. Hen. WhuaMn enientl Malinto, which is ;i small vilhigu of hills, ut 1 o'clock yesU'iday at'ieriiiMin. The United Suites nuiilx.n, Helen. i .uid other itnnbouts luire hi--n shellinu Mala- bon. II)N. . .niiwest of CnliHN- ui, for Mevenil hours. I -its ni.iile . flent- n'si-i.iiic" to in mlvince tap the nulnn.l at M .-iliu.'a. In ail.. to the fatal wounding of Col. Kglx-i-i. nuvenil men in the S'.'nd Infantry and everul of the Oregon and Ivaiua* regi- ment* wera kiii.-l >l.l.iln,.i V*' i- Vif-itt'tl. Bvldenilv am ii'ipaling a Ivinihiinliiient by t-hu ll.-i-t. ! IMH) n-U-ls vm-ated Malalxjti on Saturday night., liiivinga few to burn the town 'i"ii. Whciiton s briL'ade, rom posed of the Sei'oml Oregon Ke^im. MI. and the J-jn.l .un, j:iid Infantry, ntn'tchi-d out along t.hi- niilnunl from CaliMx-un to the Tuliahan Hiver. WO.S powerless lo pnivciit., owing to tho natural obsuu'liw and lht> strong opptwi- tlon. Iti... i. ..I Hi- I'own. The 'I i n. - (.lie Inn-limn rlim mill* and l.iM_ r c binlilings could he platiiry soen from Oiloocan, di-splte the stninx sun- light. Hy II o'cliK'k yesterday morning, the only balMlMfl of i."i>,. nm .ie stroyud in (.he eenCm of thu town was a large stone ehiin-li. hut even at uooit frnsli firm were etawtui among thu nutivu but* In thu ontHkirtH of Malabon, althouvh t.he ifiicral exoiltis htak nl... e much earlier. Many of t.he n'bein Huught n'fugu In tie- - itmi'iis of Navotus und ,. or were driven Inland by hells of the Hel.'iia. Callao, Nlliu .la Pun and La Cnna ile Hay. In t.he tnejin time Gun. Vthea'"Hi s brlgodn In Id railroad to tho river, bnt wa* unable either to repair the bridge, which had been disjtniyitl by the enemy, or to ad- vnnco, owing to thu opposition and tho bill* on the other Bide. OEM. M'AltlHUU, MOVKS. Th Aiiicrif mi It. -^n. l-l-ln to tli. Finish With III* Kill, i, i, <>t Manila, March 87. Gen. Arthur biv ' ''i- movu on t-ho onemy at daylm-ak on S it.uniay Kvoryt.hing had btsjn ma.lo nuly tho day befon- to triku Kiiiplnos a cmshlng blow. The fresh troops just landed from the tran-|iorr, Sherman joined McArthur then and so did Gen. Whcutun's fly Ing column, which has rendered such good service at "PnMtf und la^uig. The advance on the rebels wan made with den. Otis' lirlpulH in tho cent i-o, WhoaUin on tho left ami I'.nlo on thu right. I'lni Anierldtn<) oharginl tho ono- y'g trenches i;i their u-iiial fearlowi tyle. Sm-.'iiil lines of Uioiu wure citpturod after llerce lighting., l>rlvn Hok. The KUlieni.H wi-ro driven buck, bnt nilliixj .nut iit.t tckwl t.he left wing (Whi-a- (MIU'H) n.h r ait fury. At noon t.he bc- tlo was still niMiiU, wii.h t.he ' tUMirueiii-i being rtjowly but Hiiri'ly driven bark. The Klliplno* are fighting dcuprrately, ax thcv .ip|.ii"" riittliau that nnmhcr SAv.-ep n:j M. ory for the Americans will piMbabiv drive them from t!iclr last ditch and crush tho revolt The rct>els aro In great force and fresh men nr ciinsbnnlv being hurrlod up to fill ihcir de|ilctod rauks. Gun. MeArthur's fighting force and reserves number ncnrly lO.lMX) num. In an engagement under tlfe direction of Oen. Otis Kiiduy night, or, rather, curly Saturday morning, tho Americans loss waa 100 killed and wounded. Over 400 Filipinos ware left on tho field of battle. The rvbuls retrcaKxl to tho main line to of the oty, where they mad* their stand. The unoient hiitlt. will be more dlsMMtrous to both siiles than any which Max taken tilaeo dining tin* war, either with tho r'.liiuuos or with .-ij> The KIllplii'M l'lievo tliat they arc- to be Impressed int.! slavery if coni|ucreil. The bnttlu of San Juan in-n- -.ititiauo de <"ul> WIIH a mun skirmish to thu coiilllut going on hum A -l.-.-|il^. i nv Tbo battle oan readily be .soen from the olty und in a grand though terrible sight. No ui. i .slept in Manila on Fiiilay night. All the heights aro covered with pts.plu wati-hini; the llghMtm lietwii'U thu forces undor Otla and the Kilipinos. At about midnight tnu wonuded weru bn.i;ln to the city. Then there wan a lull iini.ll Ce'i. McArthur struck .'amp ami n.-ir:ili hU advance. Ai ilmnt '.I o'clock tin- wotind- ed of his division U-iraii to c niie in. At leas' .'.">() wniindiil men are now :>i the hospitals or on t.he w.iy There I- a u'roit cheer whenever"! he r"lllpltlo< an- seen tn give bock. .t merloani OpIlluUlle. At thU hour ( p.m. .-viiiiiMay I there I* every indicuiinn that ilu- movement will be crowned with mice. -,- I'lu- ad- vance of the brigades of liellernls Otis and Hale was sup) nrr<;il by tlm full but- tery of t.l,,- l/tiili Artillery and two tt"n" of the Sixth Sun Knun-isi-o H.ntei v. Del Monti wan the first town captured. This was tnxen by (Jen. Kale's men. Half a do/en other towns follow. -.1 und fell in quick sin-cession until tlie liiigttili-s of Generals 1 1. tie an.. reached liagbag, where a turn to the loft \vis made, the intention being to Haul; the in-m-frents who wen' strongly unt n m-linl at I'olo Oen. Male's men were S<HIII entrnginu the enemy on thu extreme rittht lien. When- ton's briirade wlvunceU dln-ctly upon I'olo from C.'iloocnn. His tro.ips met wilh il|ieratu nwliitani-e, but carriiil thn lines of trenches which extended Ui thu river, after brilliant Oghln.^. \ i. liiNpirlM*; l \.mplt- Whaaton was oppoxud by 4.0(H) of the enemy, who wen- inosily prottH.'ted by their i reliction. Nothing, however, could stop the American- .-ind they swi-pt. thu Kiliiiinos hefoi-! them. Tile I 'i>-oii Vol- iint.sTs and the llrd ArtUlerv -ulfcnvl the heavy In--. : .'iiri:il ilcArt htir. WHO eoliimalldisl Ih-- cut ire Illovenielll , nhuwisl hi- old nine : ,-jir!c-iicss anil ad vruic. ! .vnh the Urjnir line, lorally 1111- itniM'.oii- of iliiiiger His .x.'iinpie inspinsl the Vmencaiis und t.hcy fouuht, with aildtsl viitor ami llere.-iic-- Our wound- ixi .-in- ln-inn brought, nil i Manila from I'uloo'-aii liy trim. In llu; ";i-i w-.-i- 4.' men, uium or Ii i-ly liurt. l hine- coolies are uii>luy.-d an litter- buurers. I- il ii*. n..' l uiir.c'. il ic'o il.-^n r. The enemy. ap]ior. nly ileinoiitllzed after their Mr-t -laiul -HI inerj^hi. milled and an- now i-ngu^isl lien- -iy \vilh our left. They w.-n? mowisl down dy thu linn Kiips in i.'ir -Tinks ,-iru bi-niK Illled up by fresh ni-n. 1 lie Kill pin..- ii'- lighting in slic"r de-|M'ral ion, anil their com-a-je HI thi lac.- .il t lieir i- niM'^iiilie -ni i; ii.rts from the trout, say thui hu- -11-111 Imvu fallen. Tbo buttle of I'olo, -o far, in thu U. n 'i'it of tho war. St. Jacobs Oil WILL BE THE O KEi T UKMBDY FOB PAIN. ALWAYS ST. day. The disunities are much lighter tlnin on S:iluniiiy So f ,r IS :itii iV|Hjrtud killi'il and in or ."id woimilisl. Thu Amerlran torres look Mm town of M.ilniia by storm, during which light I'ol. Kgburt and si'veral others wurc killed. HAL.lllilN ON I III! . Ill- III.,. I... ., Illive -.-I I .,.. to Ilinr -i . anil Arc I :. em-. Manila, March '.'7. ( a.m. i The Ki.ipino- .ir,' burning tluir -iromrhold ut Malalmn, and t.heir toreesare Ilis'ing from the city In tin; diiis-non "f Mulolos. tien. Me A rth ur's division Is pns'iing townnl Malabou. The ins'iruenis w.ll probublv uiaku thulr last suuid at Mnlolos. WILL III Is I t II." panlartli Si.v He \\ ill Win lh* BitttlM unil l "-> HIM i iiiitpiiigu. Madrid, Xlnn-h -'7 . >|ianlh officers nn|u.i ini.Kl wilh the Philippine I-lnnn-. not vlth.-i. ii'lintt the Vui'i'teaii ninons*i s, i-oMtiniie M pns,iiet the lailura of Major- Gencrnl Otis' nuop.'iiuti. They my that while the Americans will uniloiiliiwlly Win all tho liattles. they will low the cum- pii;ii lUscil, owing to (.he until ml., of the I i.i. to coinliiet a war o> >nrpn. ami .mil.!!- Malol.H. the . ipnal of the n'l)el gov- erniiieiil, they add. will fall ml'i i lit hanilH of the A m. -i leans, but, im- Simu- lant M niHi-t il'-.: the war will ruge ui a.s the reU'N di->iru it. i mum --Imii-r* Viiilrr Fir*. Manila. March '.'7. President Snhnr- man and .-.s-n-ijinr MacArthur of the 1'hillppin iiiiin--iiin wen' umler tin with Uenurul \Vln-ati.ii, hri- FILIPINO TACTICS. l -.1111 i. ..iin,; , i ,-i.. uf U hat 111* L "Ion. |. ...I- -i. ii, ,..i. i. ,11 In i oli. i. M:inlla, Maroh -J7. The Uuhtlng of Saturday and yesterday Im 'li-liml a ..... >i the illtlH-nlties with which the Americans nuvn to i-uiiteiiil Tho Filipinos never. .!.\. .-pr. np|Hi-iii' Maliilxiu, |ieriiiiltA!il thiiir upiiinii'ii' . i'i :'! \vitlnu -evrril hundreil rnnl -; ol them. They would Uro a few volleys from their .-over .mil then sxMillh. li.'ick to another cover. n'|.enling I hi-se t.-icin-s for unle>. M.inv of the Ms'llches hull gullies :mil colllinrt- Ing pathH through tho nune and brush, cii.-ihlnni them to ri'troat un-.-cn. The tin. hi. -in the AincrlctillH h.-iv 10 l.-n-e is to drive or hint the in-iii'^eins to tight In force. Tho trenches swm thinly manned. except In thu vicinity of Mulnlion. The Americans, fighting a hidden foe. suffer- ed grwtor lost in pmponl-in than tliu enemy. Tho loss of tho Kilipinos hiul form. 'rlv been UHtinntU'il from tho iimnlvr of bullies found sontU*red ill thu swamp and through th brush. A lurjjer |M-n;eni- age of the enemy's wounded Mian of tho Aiiierhaii.s, iniiiiy ol them ]M'riMbing from neitlcct., the A nierii-'iin uaLumlly attending their own men first. Tho woundisl. after t.rein incur. In tho Meld hospit.-ils, were bn).;^li; tn the Man- i;.i hospit.-il by train. Several t.rips \\urn madu from CuliN>cun t > tho city. AT THE U.S. CAPITAL. Mitilnmn llr^rfii" Flne.l. Parts, March ,'5. In the Court of Caiwation yntenl.-ir. M. linllot do Heini- ]in'. pre-liii'llt of the civil Mi-tillll of thu ton. i .il t':i nt ion, iv.-:d .1 n-p.irt nstiin- nieinliriK thu rejis-tion of the aliplicalmn ne Dreyfus for the cx.-lu-i>.n from the ri'Vl-ioti ini|iiiry of three juilges. MM. 1'etit. L're|Min and I,ep.'llot ice. who, In thi: inirly suigi's of the pr ifce "dings, d,-. cul- I unfavorably on a Dn-ytu- <|iie-iii>n. I'lll! |U|lllie plllseelltor ns-illimelldi'd that, contrary aciim be taken, formally Hiip|Miriing grautinu the application of i' a^- dein ''.111011, ;he court, dii-uliil to rcjiTt the u|i| i.e- nun and i-iiiidciiiiud Mine. Dn-ytiis to pay a Unit of 100 fnmcs. 1'he lining uf Muiu. Dreyfus wns a formal mutt IT. l'l:i. ..- ..I i 1. 1 ill. un. London, Man-h .'.">. The Morning Standard c'jiiimein- .sl.t i-iajiv on thi! liiiinineni danger of lo-mtr tlm Ili-t4i"i<- 1'lains ol Aliraiialii. at (jllelM-e, \\lucli it recent cablegram reports are to bu mappi-d out. into linlldlni; lots, and suyH: 'Surely something con bu doiiH to save from descnit mn Ihu giiives of thu gallant, cumtiai.-inis uf Knxlaml and Kraiioi?, anil pn-st.rvH the historic- situ of Wolfo'n gru.t victory from thu npuuulutlvo builder. " A i- UM...I. >| iM-lumiry i>*-...i. London, Man-h '.'."i. A dusptttoh from Kltnberlev. in iiru|iinhiml, West South Africa, reports thi: death of the famous nilHuionary. Kev John Min-ken/ic. Mr. Miu-ki'ii/.ic workiil in thu same -nhurea* Dr. David Livingston and l)r Molfait. tho former of whom dlud In lliHo and thu lat.t-r t<-n years lat'-r. Ho |>nsliHl Mr. Cecil Khoiles us depniy coinniissioner of Hei-liiiaiiaiaml and fought for thu Huuhu- ana t.rlbt!sai{aiii.-t the iminigntiiL liuur*. TwtT-*e**a lint-. l stutu S H.II.J n.l l.-.o \\ Sur* i....... i.. l DI ,. Washington, Mtinih 27. Rirly Toster- day morning the !lr-t niessngo from Oen- eril Otis wns rcct'ivod aud wa.s wx>n fol- lowisl by others. rim following are cablgrama reoeivod from lien. Oti-: Manila. March 20. (9. SO p. m.) .Hi-Arthur has driven cMcniy, strongly entrenrliiil. In liirgo foi-ci's, norib of I'ol i ; will oontlnilo tx> ]) him; in-nr- gents have strong eiiitenchments from I'lioocun to Malulos, which havo taken them months to construct, on-. 1>,.|0 I1I.H...1 Kluhliiii: -uii.l >v. .Manila, Man h "li. BnMre nisiinltles yesliirday, two olliiers and 25 nnlisiisl men killed; eight olfl^i-rs aud 14x! men Woimdod. ()llic.-rs killed, Col. Ufcbort, '-id Infantry, and 'apt. Stewart, 1-t Colonulo. To-day's lighting nonth and nioninl Polo delvrmlnul Me. \rihnr. wit.h thiii- bilgudos iniiusl, h.ivintf arlilli-iy and cav- alry, engaging uneiuy. Our loss thus fr inodi-rato; unemy's heavy. Army friin- Uiii.s on coiKtH nnd In c-tiiiirics west and north of Polo very clllcient.. Tnntpa in exoullont oondltlon and Bplilta. Oti*. Ko.iiilil All !>..> SUM. I... Fighting wa* oontinuod all day 8un- Tangier. Man-It -'ft. Tho Oenimn cnil- sor Uussttnl aniv.-l hen: yc-tenlny to MiplHiri thu Gorman school ..hip- ('har- lot (4- and Stoch in enforcing the ilcinumbi nuult* I iy the 'lernnin 'Jovernment for the pat tin-lit of nn inili ninlty to tlm Oermuii vii t iui- of Moroccan outrages, the Sultan still (lulayltiK to act up to tho agreuniunta airivisl at. ill the inatu-r. If the claims ara not H|>e,'d;ly suttlml, oompllutUon* ar* thruuUiiiud. Illiiulnu Ihr i IIMIIU.... " Your |HH'iry rcmlnditniuor Kipling'*,' saiil tlie eiliior "All. reall.v"' crliil thi'iHu-t You, overy llni'of it la n whlto man's biirUcn. " I'lnlnilelphiii North Amurlcan. "I never sow HIU Ii a man a* .Joyson Is to IM.I l-ow ttouMi- \Vbnt s he doing in tlmt lino now?" "Wiirr.vii.i4 Ixsnusu :nn inwn mower Will have lo be -hai i ciuil iM'lore It '''"' bu ' -l'hu-at,ii .Nc\\s l.oe mill Mnrrlnar. Ethel Do you menu to snv that yon think .1 man ha- a | i loot right to liaoeU* bis wilu or swei t heart:' Tom Certainly Allsfalrln love aud war, yuu know Now York .louruui. Kullrd. Smith .' trn-il to get oven with Browo by buying his little boy a uroiu .li'iies How did It workr Siiiuh I got ihu worst of I*. Brown moved Into the Uat below mine. Jk*w York Jourual PERSIATIG SHEEP DIP AND ANIMAL WASH PKKSIATIC SMKKI' DIP I* tb* Rloat highly ooiiorntraled ami nil rouud MHli-factorv I)i|i in tlie market fur curing Sk:n Ui-^-it-*-- in ( ;iti]e ,unl fur destroying vermin. It in powerful wii limit iifni; Imrali, HIM! un meiliiiie in , IT. ct nny irriialini; or druMic re-ui:- Cures Sorci, Bruises Ringworm, Gangrene, Shear Cuts, Red Lice, Skin Worms and Sub. Can lie relied on in the worst uises. Mr (i. A. Droil.e, lietin -.1:1. . mi . SMYI* : "I ii-tsi it with t'rerit success in cnstratinu lamlis, the Wa-li hrH.iiiK the woiiinis rapidly nnd keeping the innggoti away. I oouudor It the beat preparation of iia Kind ill llie market. At Your Dealers or from the Makers. THE PIGKHARDT RENFREW GO. fetouffville, Ont. I' . ..! I. M. I .1 - - . i .. Mr* Tlmklns was h.'r son to school for tlm llr-i lime, and after impre**- ing ihu Hfhoolniusii r with me m-i' ity of hi- having a thoroughly j.'oo| .slnca- ti. m. ilni-hisl upliy saying, "Aud bo sure bu learns Utiin." 'Hut. iijy divir inadam, " snid the school- master, " n i.- a iletid lanirntige. " "Allrigbt." said Mra. 1 linkin-.. "He'll want it. lie'* goin' to bu un undur- tukur. " A DYSPEPTIC^ RELEASE. aft*f>rd fri.iu till* llll i liii: Mitlnrir fur Mjur Moiilll* Kuuud Only OB* Mr, n. i... to Mrlp Him. Th* farmln-r cotnmuni'y at Port Robin- ion and many mile* around are Intimately ac'iuainted with Mr Harvey Horton. He I* a young man. only ':' y. ars of age, who furms in summer and follows a Ktr.iiu thri-nher In autumn and winter. While yet so young hu has had his snare of pum at d Hicknen*. Our reporter hearing of Mr. Hnrton'* aflllction sought an view with him. When ho learned the re- porter's errand be readily conncnu-d to Impart full . etalls. which are givnn ;.ne tii-ally In hi* own words: "I do not court now>.|ia|HT notoriety." said ho, "yet I am not alrnid to say u kind word for Ur. W.I- Hum s I'lnk Ptlll for Palo People. In t!iu summer of 1SH7 1 was *nlly ullli. te.: slomiich i rouble, a doningud liver and genorul debility My entire M stem a morliiil comiition. I felt s though I hud an uppreHsivo weight on my Ionia h and eating was lonictiines followed by nuusou. My nights were -nailu In. icons by unpleasant droams. I iriixl a L.'IXH! physi- cian. Ue doctored mu lor liver trouble and dyspepkia, but without avail, ami l.'i a year I could find no remeily that could cure mo. 1 full |x:rfectly worn out, hud no strength, appt-t He or enorgv. 1 was pre- vallixl upon by a friend from a distance to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's. I h IM-.I two boxes In June Is'.w. Altho igh I thought myself bw l .-ure, yet the first box had such a surprising effect that I took courage us my strength begun to gradually return. 1 continued taking tho pill* und now after using nin* LJIVB I feel a* good a man as ever aud a n in splendid flesh. I can eat, digest and .hi-., -v.-ll. while before all food noured uu ...y stomach and caused awful dlstres*. I can now enjoy life and am Mtiisded that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have wived m* from untold suffering." Ir. uu.i. AJtr '*. "My friend," said the clerical-looking- passenger to tho traveling man in the next seat, "do you ever ilnuk?" "Is that an Invitation or only a qo** ttonr" akkoU the wily drummer. "Merely a qui^ti n pertaining to von* future welfare, ' rvpliad liio v;. 1. p. "Hum," oli-crvoU thu ulhur, "I drink, sir, nevar." Health for the children Miller . Worm 1'owder*. Th* < ..i t.. t I ln..(. "Pa, are you going to hare any glrlv Ixed Iron on our new hou**f" "Any w-h-a-tf" "Any glrlvanized Iron?" "Galvanized, you moan, don't you I" "Yes, pa; but toacher lays we mustn't say gal; it's girl." Turk 1 * I ii, 1 1 tr. i ..<> K, ill. \vif. Karrly Indeed is a weialthr Turk seen at his wile dinner talile Ho usually dlnue In a tmrt of tiiu house remote from that occupied by his cunuubial partiier e> partner*. U L all in erllutarlo, price trim, l lirae lluiulreil I)nll.,ii. u|, tn I >, uty Tlionsandi send full purllriilur* an to tlie kind of plnee you want anil wa will irr M alt you. HAVE FARMS FOR SALE H. L. Him & Co., 1. I uronto. St. llllllOTO. Everything for the Printer. Ill I/O Mule by thu celebrated Una |P||yQ of Ault & Wiborg. The laieit and b*st. ! What l>l IlliUr.oirti \\lll l. "Drnnkenneas," says one writer on the vice, "will make a pauper, an invalid, a lunatic. It will fiend you an ompiy purse, an umpty wurdr .! and an emuiy shelf. It given you a taste for swearing, obscenity and Impurity. It iuclim."* you to choose begging for a prof. ion r.tthur than inde- pondunce. It quullllos you to bwumu an uuduiiful child, un uunaiiinil parent, a cruul husband and u disgusting w fe. Thune or* but a lltlleof what druukeuuen* doua." Mining Note*. B. Oartly I'III-KL-I. iniiuiig broker. 12 Adelaide Street Kn-t, II.IM i-Mii'd it neat little uouk'ut ooiilannnn a coiiipri'lirn-ivii descriptiou of llie Kcpulilic miuiiig camp. Tlie book give* a map ol lliuili-tricl shutt- ing Ilia location u( Ui ilillrrriii miiliui. It will prove u very puriul Hiqiumiiuu for puopl* liiterc'nivd lu Uupublio. TYPE PLATES ROLLERS PRESSES READY-PRINTS Uneqiutilrti >v nay oihr in i.'uni lu itiAttor, |I:II>*T viid prruwork. STEREOTYPING Prom pi ly mid riTnctivelr ezacnti ELECTROTYPING Flue deep shells, and *J*ar working guaranteed TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Co. Limit**, 44 Bay St., Toronto. Nw*, Miscellany, S-rnils, etc. Best In tlie world. Cast by the "Gat- ling" Procea*. Th* only plant of th* ^ i ml iu Canada . Of nil make* aud kimU new aud * .on.! baud. rralc s t .. Mom I7fl Owon *<.. > lnii >XO ( .,r.|..u -t., VOIIVT. 1411 I ...r IVxIor *l., Hlllaa. I 1&L &t ^c/ -4^y kfcr -dtilsn, O-r**f ^4X7 / ^<^4^r\^ <n*4 hs Tnu/u, Asfts' U

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