ButM nbrra who do not rwrlv* lh.lt r*(mlii l ill |'|IM nuufy ui t < - IM.lv at tlun offit-c tor *dvcrtlliiK rai*a. TIIK ADVANO:. Something New. A n"Wly oVxlgned tent ha* rib* ilmiUr to thov us*<l HI c-.nrlutr top*, the em!- be- ing ptvot.nl nt eiwh siilti In iirtlrr thai tliry nuiT le fnldivl In mutll IIII|JMH, witli tin 1 eoviT ktirivruMi over the frame after It i JKTHtl Silt iintl pep]ier ran bu thaken inde- pendently from H newly >le>iirmil box, a partition U ing plaoud in toecenlre, wlrh the kiftliiK cap lor od of two IIIV.TS of UK-till, with the |MT orations no arranged that ilwv will reglftU-r with but one chum- U-r at .niiv A ('ill f.>rnian has denlxnnd a boiler whu h i le.n ii self of all nn.iimties in ili. muter, tht) fml pipe being curved after It tnt tli* Uillcr to caiiMi tin. water to ru volvc, the dirt gradually fulling Into u funnel In thu bottom to Ixi drawn off through a fum vt. Iti/ors r. ui lie quickly sharpened by a rw device formed of a> circular piece of Brume material, having a Uno grinding puKiler mi it* f.ice, thu nharpcncr being fohlod over thu Uick of the razor (o that the priiiiltntf surface acts on the blade MS It Blule- Uwk antl forth. An oluo woman lui* patented a match- box for ] ... i-i use. which In o|n l iinl at t! bottom i.ilikul, tbu uuttchwt IK ing fiufhed out oiio ui u time by a button on the ide of the Sitfe, the hejul coming lout and paaa- Uigveru roughen,- 1 surface tolgrnteit. fence ]H>H I un Iw eurvly unchorwl without driving into the ground by meana of a new III-.MV, which i- lurmed of u cact- Iron cune with a nhunk at the top on which a Mion p<>st U pl.u >! to drive It Into the fruuml, u fttr.iinl of wtru running to the tup of ihu poi to si.M y It. A HAMILTON CASE. Grocer S. Ross Makes a Very Startling Statement A Mn^ie 1ML- Dy-p'iisiii is foa with whivli nu-ii r couitUtnuy grnpplniK Imt eaiiuui vxirnnina.e .Snndueil, itntl to nil p|k-.ll.i;ne vai.qill-hrd III one. It lliakeH tin upiM'Hf.iucv 111 .nm. her oireciiuii. In oi.iuy die digestive .ipii.ir.it Us ii> iu clcl.- CMIV ns the niei-h.in.Tiii ol n union or KUIitiUc iiisiriinii-nl iu which even Lri-.itn .1! .ir will make u viiriitliiin. Wilh i.i . pi-r-uli-. disorder* u( I lie AtOinacIl en- n irum the iim,, trni.il c.iu-'-s iiutl W.ulH Hr Mr. n Cripple All Ul< Life il .,i U.,.1,1 . K'... r Hill. Mel urr,l Htm tmll on .11 Iff Walk d Injured Hlk Hnlu.,.. ITsmllton, March 1.1 "1 do confidently bellore 1 would have been cripple fer life U I had not used I)odd Kidney PI1U." Such was the st i rtJtng mutement mvle by Mr 8. HOBS, 70 Morrtck sin-el, to sev- r.-il friends and acqaulutnnco* a few diys ago. Mr. ROM U one of our shrewdest and mot proRreiuilvu bu-incx* men. lie con- ducts a flourlHhlng grocery business at the add mw given. "Why do you mnkn such an owwrtlon a* thut v iiik.il one of liis lie irers. "Well, yon all ksio\v of my sever* fal' on an Icy sidewalk three yean ago. The doctor* said my kidneys were Injured severely. I suffo:nl thu most aronlzlno; pulnn In my bu>.'k and loins. Tbe doctors couldn't help me. Neither did any of the me Iclnes I took. 'Ill I began using Dodd's Kdiry Pills, the best hi<alth re*t ren ever sold Three Unes of them set me on my feet, made me mid and well in every re| is-t Dodd'H Kidney Pills are truly worth their weight in gold." Mr. K.MS exprt'HMed tbe sam* emphatic conviction held by every one elm who has ever used 1) xld'n Kidney Pills for any form of Kidney trouble. Dodtl'i Kidney Pills act so rapidly, so strongly and yet o gently, on tbe Kidneys, restoring them to their natural heiltband s.rvnglh In such a hnrt spoca of time, t.uit thorn who use thorn are surpri-ud at tlie result. And there Is only one result, ii mutter how nevcrt> the disease may be, no mutter how long It may have lanted. Dodd's Kidney I'dU poiiitlv. ly cure all forms of Kidney Diseus. . Including linght's l)lncuw. lti.-ili.-i. s, (i.ini, Kheu- mutisin. Keniiile '1'r JiihleM, Uiopcy, Im- pure lilood, Nervousness, etc. i'r.mk for lh v rrr rivtaree. To mnke attraotlvo nunwry pictrrr* frainex, bike two length* of picture moul 1- Ing voch jilmut thnii fotit long, and tnnk them to the wall u foot u|>an, the low nt bein <- about throa feet f nun the ground Ih-forn nulling pLt <> thre small blocks behind t hit upper one. to obtnln sufficient puce iM-iween It and the waJl to slip In (flash Ik-hind It. If desired a piece of tho moulding limy be Htted at mch end. 1'hm m.-iki-s n | i-niunent framo In wbloh the pi ton-K rimy lie chungvd aa often a de- ilivtl IVing low they are within eony view of 'he i hlldren Mo Idlngs may ! obtained ut fruin nine ccnltt per foot up want I.ulie- Homu .lonrmtl Mother Ornves' Worm Kxivriiiinator in UUIMBI to tnkt) ; sure HIII| effect Uitl la destroy nix woriniL Many have tried it with IX-M resulu. c.tue i.,'i. i. >uiTi-i mu. 'I'o lhee les Ve^elahla 1'lllk UIO recUIIIIUellUrd O* UillJ nn. I Nine. Til* n In- MIMl llrrr I lull. There In In some jwi|icr* an untiring but most ureKoinu rviuirutiun of the uft. n-fut- d fctatcmeiii iij.it i:ii- leinleip y of n genc- rul UM) of wine and beer is to i. drunkeniit-* in the eommuiiity. Mirely bt-er drinking tieruuiny itnd wine dr.nk- tug l-'r.nii o Inrnish no nupport to tin* fal- 1 .iik theory, i he iiier<-.i-.liig prev.ilenc e Of ilrutikenneiM In I IIUM- i JJIINI 1 1< s to eleit.- alarm, unit tliu warning vuicu of thu |>li\ i' i.iij, tie "lull sin. in, and the Jiloliuahroplni Is nu^-.i n-.aidiu;; the eon- H|ii.|ii dt iieir.ili/.ii.nii anil |iliy>n ul and n.. M.il LI i. ' joniiion i'f the |M iipl -. Al' -i hulic insaiiiiy in re|Hirt<U t lx> twice a* eoiniiioii in Frame now IIH llfttvii )eur J&KO. uud tlm nuinlier of pers<ii, | under lesuaint on aceouni of It ha-, in- ereuM.- 1 twenty live |irniit in . liu Lut thrr yiam.- l'r>-->lj> u-n.-m llannur. M1I.I.KHX ii.MI 01 \1> 1UDX PILLS Inenuso ll! |-iiw.r of a-~iniilation, llius Ibi itdkiug wi ighl unit i-u-eii|{lh. A worklnarnan pnn-h.iMsl for a penny an agixl looking volume bearing; a data of 1MO. The man tried to n- id It hut threw up the attempt animrcnilr In tlisgust and the volume was rvli-tratcd to the eupboard. A frie il of his Mtw the book and took It to the Hrrish Museum authorities, who promptly made an offer of UO, thu highest sum the librarian U allowed to offer with- out a s|>eeial vote of the Inisieex Haxl th* man known what he, wan about ho would have stood out for mure, u tho authorities would have paid <ilmot any price rat her than let tho book -lip through their hands. It was. In fact, the llrst liook printed by (HIT. -MI erg. and was therefore almost priieliss It Is n. ..Hess to say that the workman was sat.-lini with his penny's worth. time Tin- Deimni. D -|i p-i i. In nldrr H Wan * popular lie in I tl::.l di-nnms invi-ihlv tl.l-uil-ll III" alllluent llir, seek- iii); t" eiiti-r ihlo men and trouble them. is HI Urn*- 111 the -;nn* wav," isrPKintf it nm in t l.i MI- \viin I.-, . . . ,r un- VIMK inviir Intn. And '.ii'" he en- Irr* n mini it IH iMI'K nit to ili-lndne him. He that liii'ls hiin-eli -<i |, -s-ed sluinlil kimw th.it a v;ib. mi fiii-n.l to tlo Imttla for linn with the ii'iseen I., | H I'arinelev's Ve^etjililo 1'ilN, wmcli uru ever ready for the trial. iniid'i Unlmenl Lambermau'i Frleai >l nrn.l In Mi. I. n. n. A determined bridal pnity at Htrood, Dear Kochtmler, Knitl.tml, on muchlnK the church found ih.it tlie InilUIIng wus on fire. It waited around till the lire wun put out and in ule t In- [iasi.,r |M>rform thu cere- mony In the i u i n- J.i-i lilt* lllfl--ltiMri.. Th* Man Whu Didn't Know I think 7011 |) too nun h renl fur thin HOUHO. Thu Man Who Wan luu and a Half Q urters llthlnd Ah, my Lindli.nl d... -u t think so. Now life fr n quarter. Miller** Com- pound Imn I'illi. () r < .. ill-mini nf I ignra. 1 A I/onilnn man whu ahvayi takes n rljnir when Inv led out to dinner, thnii','h lit) does not sniuke. h:i< nuw n eoll.t -ti.in nf half neentury in-i unuil.itliins. em h cl|tur wntp|l n|. and la' l.st svlth the dale and 'H on wlue i a w is t .ken. Hrli. i .11. l-rlln* I ritlfr.. Stir one pound with a little sugar anil a mall Itick of cinnamon. When s ft. innsh Cut two tlavs' nlil In-rad Into thin slices, Kpn-otl them aliens with the m.i-liisl prunes ami cut In ipiarter- r-.wh i.ln e uf liri-.nl upon which Is spreud the prunes is again to lie ' ovcred with another *Uo* f brvoil. Ileat six OKRH, oxtd half a cupful of milk, a pinch of null, a little sugar and a pinch of powdered cinnamon. After beating this well dip the quarters In o the mm ure .unl fry In lint lard. A dune of Miller's Worm Powder* orensinujilly will ke>p the cbililren ho.ltUf. K. . |. III. I'.. ,11,,. I ,11,, | The lllers of (Ire engine* nr atitomntl- cally Illlisl In i llrehuiise by a new device, consi-iliiK of H pi|H' etieiidlng up from the llom nhl.-h ha- a s If ennpler at the up|MT end to i-iinnect with !' n.-ineaml oficn iiu valvo to draw thu water into th* boiler. Why (ro limping nml whining dlwiut jrm.r cum", win n 2"> fftit IKI l In uf lln.lii- a\ '- ( -i ii C-i re n .Ii ivni'ivn them t UlV* It a tn.i . nil > mi will nut regret it. Why will you alltiw a c.m^li to liu-rrut* y MI- tin. tu uud Inn.'- ami run the rink of h.iitu a i iiiisiinii.n,-', 141- ive, when, by I I .:!... V il-'- "I II. .kle's Alii I C'illslltll|>- i M- >-. i up : In- p.i i ii , .in IK- iill.-iM'd and the il in.i-i nn..|..i|. Tin. -t i up is lea-nut to tln-t.i-ie, nud nn.iii n issi-d lor relic* INK, i _;.ui'i wiring all aff**th>M of th* liiin.iL and IIIIIKS, ctil.U, coughs, hrou- , Hie , eli I;,.., ..l . nil, ..r i.ii.nft. Victoria, the lioness at Singer's clrrn*, nr.ir 1. ui I .n. has ir.M-n I Irth to all cnli*. This U b !ievl I i lie the largest nuinlier Uunat mix time in ia|tivlty. 'I ho cults have In en numutl allrr Quoen Victoria'* lultlivii. Health for the cbililren. I'uwders. Mlllrr's is oiii. k ini.in In four hour* recently a Pitrli rnnrt fnn wl 2UI tlivorei-s. a little over n tllvori-* a minute All tUu |irtl.-s rwelvivi stal* a*altunrti In their .ism, to that ihelr Alvotoe* aot them nothing. Ml)l-r' Worm I'nwders nrn a wonder- ful uioUlelnr for I lie allinrnts of ehllilriin. 1 Ii ii I- > lull !! -i. ...I "Hn nayi h* love* her for all he'i worth," rcniarke 1 Kanjle "liu means for all n*'* worth," added Cumwi -prtntllluR 'li.i-n. Mr. Addle|Kite Wher* Ignnranc* Mis. you know, 'tis fully to bo wise. Ml-s Williklns Yes. know. Still It may Interest yuu tu knuw that yuur hat ll all jammed In at the tup And ho full mean fur half nn hour. Tho Turks have uo war eongs a they have trtaslated 'mm M li n th. ln.uliii. \\ . Dr. Knrni>n-Yo-.i ar* millet I nir from nervnii- prostration. I H havu to (iv* you a slrcplnif psiwtlur Wentxlict No. Qlv* I* to my wife and the baby. Newfound land ! uuw the ilzth copper producing country In the world. CANCER ROOTS Qa ' nnly In rni -r.-rt tt* *ur rwrtwl tjattm. Mo tn f.-. nn |.l*i(.-t fartlt-iilari lirt T.N. STOTT & JURY, IWtUNVIUl MT '. ... I I. I. 1.1. /,....!. (llam frets hnre Ixs-n tried on zi there, anil b.ivi- it is Haul. Us-n found to i>ro<!-ie murveloiis i ITi-et, upon the tone. Il Is not ver\ -leur why this should be so. In Kti-iiiKud iiii-truineniH apiivn-ntly ery tri- vial ehun^e-i produiH mi) ort.-mt etTis tn A slli/ht eluilliire in tin. |i..|tlull of tilt) Roiind |MI in u violin ;iuiy elutiiKua pKtr- -iiindltii; iristriiiiient mm a line one. '1 lio ivavtn bun never been R.i.tinf.wUjrily aaver- btined. Mr !>,..>. II .. "Paddy, do you know how to drive?" saltl.u traveler Ui the owner of a j. muting car. "Sure I do," was the answer. "Wasn't it I n| K i your honor In a did, two yi CO f' Keep Minard's Liniment in the Boost. Tni|r M MM Infliiv-iir* on Vol<-. 1 emper, i-ays an anthorliy, ban IrumenM I InlUletlif nil thu lone of the sitl|l.-|g voleei ! An 111 Matured or iinernlous person will | Invariiihly buve a catlike i|uullty in the voiee. \\h.eh i- |i n . | nl.lo in wuging quiu- an much ui>iu nueuking. .iHi'ii,-. Kirtlrtll l.,'.i. .. .rr The JapnneHn nation pro|>OK<>!i to hold in lS*Ui great fair In hunor of the fiftieth auiiivenury of the i>|K-iung of tbat country towejStvrncUillzti'.n ll U noteworthy that the Jupunene always dat their re- awakening to new IdeuH to the going of t .iiiinioiliire 1'rrry to that country with a quiwlrun of United Muteit veMt-ls n.-arly fifty yearn ago. If the child U r-.tl.-s at night, ha* cmtuvl tongue. Mlkiw complexion, a dona of Milh-r's Worm 1'owi.lent is what is iv- ; very pluowknt and perfectly burui- Illrirlo l.i... Tet of bicycle nn-. r.-<-ently mad* by Prof. K. C. ('ori-iit. r. of Cornell Univer- sity, show that, other things living is|iiiil, th* larger the tin- the easier runs thu wheel. A marked ilitf. renew In eaw of running ii fountl i . > \\.-. n a IX inch and a l! inch tiro A in^ie lube tire runs euaiet thuu a double tub.- lire MiMr<|ls LlDlIDeflt is used 1 n. \\ ..i in 1 uruxl. "There Is one way I .an surely tell If foil are the lonx lost hi-ir," said the digni- fied matron t<. the applicant forrci.titu tiun to tho family curio. "Have you a in awlnTry mark on your left arm, just IH.-IOW the shin, L: "I have," culmly and fearlessly replied tliu man Ah, then you ant not my son." I <vm. A n.'-it of the sung* with Ml\ Aid. s I.IMMKM B*a4f*afJ*j*, CHHiHTonua SAUNUCBS. I n Mm A noun, i .ll v tnrn by a ritrh fi.rk. wit i UINAKH'S LlMUKST. St. rler', C.B. LnWalD LiNLIKF. I i t IIKII A iitiHU nf a bad wflllnv with MIS'. AKli s, l.lMMt.ST. li.Uiui.iSb Tuo*. W. I'AYiim. t i. > I Ion- I., i I i. |i ,i I U' r. Staylnte Jut one morn kits, d.-vrllngl one and then I'll uo! n from t'le M.urs For hravrn'* take, Nan, give him onel It's cheap ut the price I Tho Hrltlsh admlniliv piirim-.-m to trr fans workctl liy eln -im -ity in onler t-i in. (tnive the vi iitil.iiii.n ol the Inwer dis-ks nt wiirships How I" fci.|> III > l.,rr.. It is a iniMtiikcn IH lief that ammonia or cither drills put in thu water will prolong the livshncss nf lluWiTH, Kiys the Uenile ,-iiniall. If thu llowers Infill lt> driHip |h,-\ ransoMiellli.es l-e reviMil by |.'. tin-in 111 a cool plat -e or even on ihc n e nu a hhort time, liy plat -ing cut lluw i s in a r fl'l^i f.l'iT i.M'l- ni;:lit they can l.u kept beuiilitul and enjovid liy day for a much longer nine than if left In u \\uriu room all ilie. time, 'the cuKl drLty* tht) procusu 01 HI cnlng, winch ends in decay. IXM.M- iln\\.-i- keep Innitcr limn IxiuquetH. Hut ull ll'iwi rs mssl in h.ivu their minis Kllglu ly i in i-veiy oXy t'flore blng pluouil la in h waler. i..,i,i,t i ..,',.,,. 1. 1,. Iu cut Klass annonnoe a retinn to the high stemnie.l u;ohlt t style of water (law. It ejinnnt Im ileiiie.i that goli|.-is are mor deixindlvo In effeot on t > " tulile than the tumhler ahn^Ht, but in oorale*s haii'U the doftruiaion of the former U much nnirw rapid. The bowl of the in \v goblet N rather linriJer than formerly. While ltd stain Is not a* long as that Mian on the snine irl/uwos when they wore In liin.it uolualv* uae for waMr Mrvloa a f*w 7*ars ago. Are you think lag of buy a new wheel ? If so, be sure and see tbe 6ENDRON before you purchaae. Write for a Catalogue, either Knifllab or French. TORONTO, On!. IATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONS NATIONALNATIONAL r> , FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS fflS^fftBS 1 /* COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPLY COMPANY COMPANY COM PAN /COMPAQ NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAl FARMERS COMPANY NATIONA FARME NAL ERS INY NATIONAL. BINDER TWINE I*' llatrraifth: ovrr 76 IU. breaking- (train. ITiii Imirth : (on feet to the |>,n.nd. Full weight: . llm. to each bale. Mu ol KV"'I* in th bltidi-t i-'.m|cilr wound ; avul* nllrlT of pure Minil.i Hrmp Itlioul adulterant ,,f any kin . al*"liitrlr Inc Ix-it rvr . IT, nil tti Canadian farmer. 80 Ilia. NATION AL BINDKIt TW INK KOH 11 C'AHH with any one of the fullowtng valuable and uMfal PREMIUMS : 14-Karnt OOLD-I'LATKI) WATCH, stem wind ing and ntem setting, guaranteed reliable time-keep- er lady's or gentleman ' size maker's guarantee with each watch SOLID GOLD KINO set with genuine r.nrnet and i ipal ^i-nis suitnjH'il and warrante<l with maker'* Trailf Mark nml iruarnntee. MI'SK'AI. CLOCK. f.'la>K sides. In Nickel Silver and Gilt -n handsome ornament and accurate time-piece. A never ending? pleasure in the home. H'W IT IR nnilF ' Tli Nail'wial Karmeri O>. aella itlrvt-t to prac- n,n II li) Uunt , tlral bm.\ flde farmer*; employ* m> miilillp men r eir-nT, il'-rti liiiinr -july tor eiih. make* M, i, **,- r'vi-rv Inllar il . lu full duty. We have a Inl of N ATION A I. HIM 'I It I \\ I > K ,,ii t.aiiil 1 1 much that Ui bink rale nf inirieal ui.t I alter bar -rat, on lh money inrkMl up, will amount t many th. u-.;.-i dollar*. *'i- wan' to no* that InUrret ami ie it in the fanner In i turn fir mail. That ll where Che |.rrm um < OP* In. COMPAN ******************* ******** ************************* MATIONA FARMER; COMPAN1 NATIONA FARMER! COMPAttY NATIONAl FARMEf COMPAN WATION; FARlE :CMPAN NATIONA PARME JOMPAN. NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY lAMUNAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY Tlil < oini-aiiv r<-.rve the rlrlit to n-innil your money If tne |>rlc or llrmii ikil \ IIIH-<-I I ir r*-;i'i of t ho l'lilllp|ilni< wnr op oilier rmi*ii. Manllu II |, < !,-. ir.. in iu. l'lilll|.|.|.i, l.i ,!!. tiltui K At' ON*'!-, ami make e.- it ,il > i.r \ im i wi-.i*. .i'* ii p|.l> lwft>r Hi* nip .nl v .1 1 1 -.-. Hi- in it liiulley to II* only liy I*ot4il > ate. I 'out OINei- Ur.li'r. I |. r * I Inl.- p or IteKUIere I loiter. \V rlto your nitnie plainly . f\\a your |nxt nltlc.i .nl- Uri*M uini II!M t ho r.ill way atatlon to whleti we are to ht| tho I \\ I . . Yon pay freight mi the I nine In. MI lOBONTO, we -n<l >ou tin- i r. n.iinu JT.-|alil In MI. ill or i \pr.-s IIIMII Toruato. tll.s.-r\i- almte il Iret-t li.us cure* UII.VMo wr i.iiiii'.l make any n.lstuki- tu fnrwarllii|c vour t;o< il. s. k > wiietln-rynu naiit u ..-iitleiiiJiii' or a I .1 I > \\.iteli. a Mu.u.il I link or Itln:; il MM- I. iti. i . .-inl a I'li-ci- of trine or pn|M*r al/e r-i|iilr-iJ. .' Aililn-s* all I. t ii- r and iiiakv ill I rttiiiltt.tncea |>.iyalil to NAriOKAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, TORONTO. .t-Vl nMilr**m nr? rrfrrrrU (ortny Mrrrnnt.lt> A arm 03 t h> I, til Cor of til l*> (M |n- r u* to our I-I-BJ un*|r.| lit > . linl to NATIONAL NALIONAL NATIONAL 4 RATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL . NAhUHALHAIluNALHAiiONAt NATIONAL FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMER^ FARMERS FARMERS FAPMERS FARMERS COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPAN? B|tlfF|"| i- k tln l.i'n I..I Mr .<ilil Pluletl lialn Hrarrlrt m. l_ ft I '- ' ' -'l.i.i,- 1- ol our Vtar l.lnrn, Full-*l/.,d Hujllnat !> j * u ,,f prrtlimt oi-siL-ni : no two aliki-. Write, and w wmj doylint, | big Premium l.iit. m-ll ihiu. ri'um iu tl.<fu ami w at otx-c fnrwanl TOUT bno I liaolil lluybo n-turoalil*. LIKKM BWtLt .. Ut.rT. I ..Ural i.r.. 1,1,,. Jpnre V rr.ii. Kr<-B,-h Pear SI...-U. Twenty Bartlett pear tree* were plinted in February. 1806. at tbe Ala bsuiu tiitii.n on pis.r. gravelly roil All were from the same nursery and bave received tbe name treatment Ten of tbe trees were on Japanese seedling roots mid ten on the nxnnl French seed- lings. From the first the trees on Jupu DPS* rt-ots li.ive I wen tbe most vigorous. and now tin > av. r;r_;f fully twice tile MZe Of tin .M' nil ll. 111 ll roots. PRFE! I parkairr* ui, i O nm G Id ml Xu-k.-l \V.iirl,.. s. Id nirs 111 .if. Ii- 111 KM S- It. Air 1( tin, k t.i M.- oils. In, Ullf ClJ t IM .- Kurb.t-s.etf. . ill t" .1. \ l I f M . u \% 'II In-li IM to > | ou> i en i;..-.,, Hud liHtib I'owilor at UK-. . K t t e It n si it'll ran IK mule ai il ln ulil In- He, I tiv BVi'ryoiH-. > \ Imi-kait-a C n f ,'n be " il n o ii liuuae. Premium* ari- elviif,ii |,'lln g i irk - -. i nd U|i- wa ils. \Vritc nml w. will n-ntl ;i inn.,:, r ,.t 1.1:,- |iri-Ilil' 111 I . N and UK*. IN r Is t . IKI.I> r ..n iu'1. Mi- ".n lids |ip r v r i , i '.- an I :. ii. \-.>rv |ila III v ' .Torulllo l>rn i ii'y. I' . li.ri-o FREE! W fir, thkt AM Vftch with ehtuo MM! rhroi 'or Mlhoc 1 dot** A:inioitu BIIV*M TIliinblM t tucrntf t^ch, or ft U*lj Wfttah %n r-vl for Mllin* ) tioawi.. / W H/W R*. **wl Y<MI nm rori"h Wni* fioUWtitl krul *r Prtmto Lut, H*ll:hri'inUM s r.ut LlM monvy. ftf.l yottf *lf Mtfnf our good*x hy MM TOM f |uUon Uug ppM rr, .- , (Itiiiilniiii Thlmblri'o. T-JIOMTO, i*T ^ AND ROPE. BliNDBR OMTAIilO ItlMirV I\\IM in.. 134 Km., t Ht. \\ .... 1 in o ili>, (int. USE ILRICH'S ENSILAGE CORN MAMNPTH WHITS GIANT PROLIFIC YELLOW DENT IMPROVED LEAMINQ B. R. t I Hit II* SONS. S|.i I ...fle'.l. III. A*k juur tlt-aJr/ fur tuini lei a . itmiinonlaJa. PILES, PILES I T X. I'. tlaii.iii.ii tr tr .wrl. Mitf l xt'l ii li.nr 4ti -*. ih !M,ut . fc*. fc ,. n MMTe.1 4*5Ultty. * W *<* CDCE * wtU-h. IA^IM *r (r^tila rIUhi r n C C U r%ui*4 TW Pitta %r W* nr hox. i.VW ffa> It FREE r"'i Tma Tvule r -n Tft i i*o*l* llmi TIM to s t*ut' a It rnrK ill firm* rf th.-iii rvi-ii after th knlfa ' Mbecn uaeil. Ii U . iv >. I. iful rrm. *tlv. U it aai|il anil t.if nod is n- to huoal iulTtier Mud adtlian and Kt'l l fie*. A. LEW'S, H2 Shuter Street, ToroDtt. REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONH and FINISH they h*v* no equal. CorrespoaaV <*k wanted IB rvcry town to act M REID BROS,, " t | I A BEAUTIFUL ^PIRATE 87 Guy Bootbbj. She shook bands with tbe band little midshipman as aim fcpf.ke, uu<' while she WBH <1 >IUK HO I bad titm: t Meal a look at thetirstlieutuuaut'.- Tbe astnuUI'tiH-nt I 8aw depicted then almost eauiseii me to lau^b. lie bad been mazed ut the bounty of tbu cabin, but that wag nothing compared with in. admiration !> betrayed for toe Brauti fol White iJi-vil hersflf He man: confused bi t cot altogether inuppro priate reply to ber last spi <fb. and f !i-n we sat down to diauer. H> r cimi| . I learned MI inquiry, wusxtiflerin;; a aevere lit- i.Ucbu and bad elect* i to diiio in l.i r own cubiu. Tbe diui>kT was tu tbe .-hif s best tylu, uud iu cooking, serving ami v .. nety, combined with tbe h?noty and ralue of tbe tahlo dufiritions, e\ : |y ci i 'bo ofilcer tbnt r -i. Alie h. was i. ~ .us ami t;il;.> tbe wit iinii cleveru-'s.s if a V>MH.,I:I wb. ban pi riieied .in originally hl-tra) cation by i\: tiuuul .".'i v ..rn ! M.. the world uud us inhabitants. 1 time tho meul was i nu,-d and \ro li.i toiddt n h< r ml uitflit the lien' was iu a n,:i/.e of en. h.-ntiiii-nt. WP went on d- . . " . f eiher, anil there, oat of .lurshi t if tbu cabin, !i. tuthrjisiusm brnki' l.j.iso. 1 will spuru you, however. 11 rei ifal of all thu er- travacant thin.- be said. Let it satlii-e that I tfatiii r. '. > n. null to feel anre il.a wb'U 1m tint i u-i to linutfkong lin would add to rathe* than dt r ucc from tlm number of (iforn s ulnmdy iu circulation boat th" too fumouD Beautiful Whit.' Dovil. One iirotuite, however, I tool. care to cxtraf from botb officers, U:IL that was ii' t to mention iny name iu | touuectinn with tbe yacht on their r, luru to rivili/ation. I made the . that if .-ui b a thing got known it might do me serious h.in:; in tliu practice of my profession, aud both rn-u rra l.ly ga* me their w> rds that they would not treu: i'llo on the snujei t. Their ftLiy with us. however, wa* not to be of a* louc duration as we bu pec ted, for early m xt morning wu si^-lit d a small l.ruviuline, who, on bailed, *t::tr 1 ti.at (.he \vas bunud for HongkcL's. l':is.sas{ f"r t i -t! > rs un . their men were toon arranged, mid, within an hour ff pii kin^; her up nbi bad sent nbi jr, welia.l hidden our nava'. risitors p- ',i y uud wen* htaudiuK r our tit titi'in-i rocr-w a^ani. As sni.u, boweviT. as they were out of oiKht tbe heln: was put up aud we WITH making it toe lino ba<'k to tbe settlement. That oveuiug i win pacing th dck. vniokiug my ci;ar aud wondering wb>*n the time would cotue for mo ti wy farewell. I beard a light foowt'-ii > bind mo anil next moment Aim caiuu r. ny side. W<> paced tbe deck for a littlti while, lalku.^ coiuiuoDplacea about th beauty of ti; > night, the upend of b. r VWMl, and the vi-nt of tbeoiau-of-war'x men; tbvn she drew mo to tho Hteruam! Aid: "Do you remember yonr flint niglst on board thin bout, when we diacu-i tbo sea and (be poelt who have writUui of her?" "It wan the night of tbe flnt day 1 ver saw yon, " 1 answered. "Is it like- ly I should have forgotten it?" "Soin-j men forget very easily," be ancwcred, 1m. king down at the sparkling wate-. "But I'll do you tbe justice I > ay I don't tbiuk you are one of that kind.' "And yon are right; I am sura I mu not. I tbiuk if I were lying (lead iauiy (rare, my brain would till remember yon." She looked roguishly np into my face and said: "That is rather a big asnertion for a nediral man to m:ik . is it not?" "Bother medicine, ' I cried impa- tiently. "It remind* me of tbe out<T world. And by tbo same token, A In-. 1 want to ask you something vupleamiut again." "Andtjat is?" " Wben I am to say good by to yon?" "Totacr-i'vv," tbo answered. "To- morro.v nui.t. ull being well, we Bbull pick up u tn.iiinj. s 'bo'im-r off a cflrt.nn isl'ii'il. M- i owner ia under an obliga- te n t> i -ill will toko yon on od convoy yon to Thursday island. Tbenco jrun can travel homo via Aus- tralia aud tu" cnual or Honolulu uinl America, as vou please." I bud rx|>ci-t'd tbat tbo parting was ot far ili-'. nit, bat I did not tbiuk it would prove as clew as this. I told Aliu as inocb. "It is tbe only opportunity tbat may srve," ibe nnswered. "And I must not keep TOO with uo too long fur your owu ake." Under oover of tbe darknesn I man- ago-i to find and take hxr hand. "It is only for a year, Alie. You on 4er*tantl tbat, dou't you? At tbe ond of a year yon are to bo my wife?" "If yon mill wish it. yes," she an- werrd, Inn HI softly that I had to strum uy eurs t > utub it. Then with u wbi- pared good nigbt aha slippud from m ud went IH k>w. At uii"i.'.i nut evening, i small uiusail ax-booutir hove iu bight from behind an island, and see lug us ran up a signal. It wa* returned from our gaff, and us soon as I read it J knew that my f:ue -van sfluled. Leaviufi Walworth to see my hiKi/ann hrouKht ] on deck, I went down Ahe's companion ladder tu bid ber farewell. She wan seated on tho couch at the farther end, reading. "Th schooner ha* just pnt in an ap- pearance and aiiMvered our signals," 1 oan, hardly able to trust my voice v speak. "I bave cume to say good by. For hnth our takes we must not let this in- terview be a lui'it one. Aiie. win you tell me for the last time exactly when 1 am to see you axam and where?" "On the first day of May ujzt year, Ml being well, I will be at an nci/ma In London, of \vhn h I will bike oar* w acquaiut yon bafurchwid. " "Iwiiiit >j(i<t tu f.-riir it." "Bnt since yon hit spoke of tbat I have bri'ii thinking it over. Aliu, yon must not come to England. Tbe rik would bo too great" "Tbere will be no risk at all, and I ball take every prorantion to insure my own safety. Yon may rest assured of tbat," bo auH\vered. "But before yon go I have a little keepsake for yon, something tint may serve to remind yon of tbe Beautiful Whin; L>< \il and tbe days you have speut with her when yon are far away." As bc spoke she took from tbe table, beside whirh she was now standing, a large gold l.x.U. t ip. uiug it. M mo fii'i; that u i-nniaiut'd au ezceiluut portrait of h< r- i, Ah*, ' I cried, "how can I thank yon? You have giveu mu tbe on>- thiug of all iitln rs t.iat 1 No\v iu my turn I have a present for yon. This ring'' hi n* I druw a ring : my (iugiT "was my poor dead cjoth- er's la^t gi!r to mu, and I \\uut yuu to \\ . .ir it. I placed it on ber flngrr aud, Irivin : done so, tm.k biT in my arum ami ki>> d ber i;ii tin- lipn. This time bho ollered no r^M.-taii"''- Tlnn . - ml gixxlby. and I went on deck. An hour Inttr the IJOUH .~-lar bad faded away into the night, aud I, was abound the Pearl Queen bound for Thurs- day I'l.uid nud tbo port of London. \Vii. n I cume to think of it, I conld burdly brln-vc that it wus nearly four ui' Lib.- MUI " Walworth bad found me out in tbi ii-ciilt'Utal hotel, IlougkOL;-. and induced me to become tbe servant aud at the caiuo time tbe lover of thv beautiful White Devil. Arriving in Thursday island, one nf the bnttt .-i '. :d quaintest little sp.its on earth. I was tortunate enough to catch a British Im' ia mailboat in the act of tailing for Brisbane. i H AFTER XIL TUE KIKST OF MAT. Next mi-ruing aft.T my return to England I douut-d tbe orthodox top hat and frock coat and set off to walk tu South KeiiMugtou to call upon my MSUT Janet, who, by tbe way, was a widow, ber busl'iind hiving died of malarial fever when with bis regimmt on tb-- west coast of Africa. I found ber in the morning room in tbe act of w-inng a note of welcome to me. f-bu ^ri'i'trd me with all ber old istcrly alb-riion and when she bad dour so made mo sit down belore the fire and tell bt-r all my adventures. "We buvf beard the most wonderful talesahnut you," she said, withasmik* "IIuw yon were capturi-d by a sort of fenmlitCnptain Kuldof fabulous beauty. who carried you off to au island ir Pacilic, whin.- you wrn uiudo to dig nt j;i-!ii to pay your ransom " "Imi "It bu.s brou recopicd into all fort* of papers, " bl:i< contiuiud. "But I've no donl t it was u mass of mere fabrication. Own tint truth now, wasn't it.'" "Every bit, ' I nuswervd caudidly. "I have been vrry much annoyed by ' stupid uew-paper paragraphs. It is just like tbu rabid craving of the age for sen- ationnliMii. But before I go any fur- ther, .Jama, I want to tell you some- thing. I nm going to be married." "You, (ienrge! Why, you always used to Ray you had made np your mind never to do anything so foolish." "So I did, but you see I have changed my mind ' "So it would appear. And, now, who ' is she? Tell me where you mot her aud all about her." Tbis >vat* what I dreadud, but it bad to b met ami fared. "Well, in the tirst place, ber name is Alie. Shu ia -'7 years of age and an or- phan. Her father was a -qaptain in the English navy, but is now dead. She is very sweet, very accomplished, and very beautiful, aud I feel sure, Janet, if only for my sake, yon will offer her a hearty welcome when she cornea home." "Yon know me well enough to be sure of that, don't you, dear old George: Aud is anything settled yet? How soon docs she como home, and when are yon going to be married?" "To yonr Urst question I can only an - wer, as soon after tbe 1st of May as possible. On tbe 1st Alie will arrive in England. Now will you wish me hap- piness, Jam i?" " With all my heart and Mini. Bnt I am dying to know more. Tell me where you met ber and indeed all about yonr adventure*; remember, yon bave been away a whole year. " I told her as much as I thought pru- dent without revealing Alie'a identity, aud when my story was ended we sat chatting on till luncbtime. When I left the bouse in tbe after noon, I knew I bad insured a kind re- ception for Aliu when she should arrive in Eugland. Now I must skip tbe greater part of a year aud come to tbe middle of tin- last week in April, just three days, in fart, before I kuuw I might expect my darling. I bud ber own assertion that she would be in England on tbe 1st of May, and I bad u>'vi<r known her fail U> keep bur word. Just as that thimi.'hr pusM-d through my braiu there w;i- a ling at the Lull, aud a few seconds 1., . : Diy man hr unlit up a telegram on a Wiin lingers trembling wilt) eagerness I tore the envelope open and read the following mesnuge: Arrivi-u thi> morning. Bumlaberf House, Onrbitun. Coin* quickly. Ai.it There and then I ran out of the room, gave tbe telegraph boy in tbe porch half a crown for his trouble, sei/ed my hat aud stick, bailed a hansom and bade tbe cabman drive me with all possible speed to Waterloo. Tbe mun was a smart whip, and u be possessed a good hone we covered the ground iu grand style. When w reached the station, I paid him off, purchased my ticket aud ran on to tbe platform just in tune to catch tbe 6:15 express. Punctually at the aud twenty minutes to 7 I left tbe trai: again at Snrbiton and, proceeding into the station yard, called another cab. "Do yon know Buudaberg House?" I u ; tbu man as I io~k my place in the -fHlclH. Ho shook bis head and called to one f his mates. "Where's Bundaberg Honw, Bill?" "Out on the Portsmouth read nearly to Thames Ditton." was the reply; "that big bouse with the lung brick wail next to Tiller's." "I know now, fir," said the man, climbing on to bis bux. "Very well, then! Au extra shilling if yon burry up," I cried, aud away bu weut At the end of a short drive we pulled np before a pair of massivo iron gates. A pu.sserby threw them open for us, and we drove iu, passed round a shrubbery and pulled np at the front duor. I paid the. cabman olT, and then, having watch- ed him drive down and through tbe gates again, rang tbe bell. Next mo- ment the door opened and a trim maid- servant, without inquiring my name, invited me to enter. The front door opened on to a nicely bnilt and furnish- ed bull, and from it I passed into a baud- tome drawing room. It wus empty, but. before I bad time to look round the folding doors on the other side were (brown buck and Alie entered tbe room. I must leave yon to imagine onr greet- ing. I can only suy that it wnds u tre- mor through ma to this day to remem- ber it. I know that while I held Alie, who seemed more beautiful than ever, in my arms she whispered: "You are still of the came mind, George?" "Doesn't this look as if I am, dar- ling?" I whispered. "Yes, I love you more fondly than ever, aud I bave come tonight to claim tbe fulfillment of yonr promise." "Yon have been very patient, George 1" "It was because I loved and believed in "you, Alie!'' I replied. "But come, darling; I want my answer." "Aud you shall bave it," she said oftly. "There it is!" As she spoko she raised her beautiful white band unl pointed to tbe ring I bad giveu ber. Kiying as she did so, "It has never left my linger since yon placed it there!" "My best i f girls " I cried, raising the little baud to my lips and kissing it fondly, "I am tbo very happiest man in the world 1 And now I must hear ill your doing*; lull me bow yon got borne!" "There is little to tell." *bo answer- ed. "I followed yonr route via Thurs- day island, Brisbane. Sydney and Mel- bourne. I staid in tbe latter place for nearly a mouth, aud while there adver- tised for a companion. The result was Mrs. Barker, a nice, amiable little per- son, whom yon will shortly see. Wben we reached Naples, I happened to see an advertisement concerning this fur- nished house iu an English paper, tele- graphed about it, received itn answer iu Paris, engaged it and arrived here this morning." "And bow did you leave tbe settle- ment? Aud, by tbe way, where i* Mr 'Beelzebub?' " "The settlement wa* very well when I cam* away. They wore busy building tbe new Communal bull 1 used to talk to yon about. Aud poor old Bel ia left at tbe bungalow. I wa* afraid be might excite remark uud pomnbly draw iraspi cion upon me." "Alie, do yon think yon are safe iu London?" I cried in alarm, all my old fears rushing l.uck upon me at tbe men tionof tbat one word suspicion. " What ever should I do if any one suspected you?" "Yon need bave no fear on tbat scnr*. dear," my intrepid sweetheart answer ed. "Them is uo one iu England who conld possibly recognize me, aud tl.e only people iu tlm whole world who conld do so are Vesey of Hongkong, tu> sultan of Surabaya, the rajah of Tavnv Eurkmuuswr.rtb aud that lieutenant aud niid.shipmuu. Tbe first is dead, the bee ond never leaves his owu territory, the third i.s in bad odor with tbe En goverumeut just ut present aud little likely to cnme home. Barkmanswortb ia, I presume, still in Hongkong, ami tbe lieutenant and bia junior are with tneir ship iu the China sea." "All tbu same, I shall not I.e sutistlei: nntil we are safely out of Laropu auuin Alie." " Yon *ay we. Then you mean to conm away with me, ' "Of course With whom else should 1 go? Hark. Somebody ! crjuu. 1 . '' "It is Mrs. i::ii'ker, my i.i.euua. >'" we must be mutter of fact luh; more." AH K|JO spoke Mrs. Barker, a dapp- r liiLltil.idvv.nu silver gray hair . very pl.--i.-aut expression, e,utere.u tne room. "let n.e introduce Dr. De Norman Tille to you.' :ud Alie. rising from hi i Chair and going forward to meet bur. "Dr De Nonuunvillu. Mrs. Barker." I bowed aud Mrs. Barker did tbe same. Then wu weut in todiuuer. Wh:.: happened during that very pl> . meal, how Mrs. Barker found oc> . to require something from her bedroom afterward aud so left us alonu in the drawing room together, I need not re- late. Suffice it that when I got borne about ia o'tvick I was tbe happiest ami at tbe same time the most nervonii man In England. (TO B: CX>!:TI:: FASHION'S CHANGES. ii Trmttrmer Toward Tlhf nil I llt.alnu S|> If-.. The tendency towanl clinging utrle* U D pronounced that there IN a pros|xs-t i.l thu nnurn of t he old ahuuth skirt. . only by a flaring llonnee aninntl tin- At present whiitevur change is made lit In the direction of inen-UM-d tiirhtmiia. iunl It bus iiln-iuly bonimo necessary to suppn-w all fnllneM, .-in nml the, hi|is in undi : In onler to kei-p the gnwn free from any Uftgvsiion of a wrinkle. As for Klin-yes, tin v are already quite ai tight on they ought to be. It In no longer *a*y to nuso the iinn. and If they uu-mne much tighter it will bu tm|>ossi!iUi. The gat hers at tlie top of the lcc\e have u Inn isi entirely di -ai'pean-d. but the shoulders are till widened by tho addition of sleeve capn, hirkre reven or a wide collar. The form of tho fiinhionuhlo comet niixllllisl in -in -h a way on to narrow the hips and nii-e -he hn-t. \\liile iliininisliiim Thu conventionally dunirable 11* VIIMJ liiin s i;iiwx. or* 1* now niniost Htriilght, In front f rut i the bust u< the puna ol tho bodice. 'I'lin- I* not a gnu-eful form, however, but i.s. on the contrary, so stllf and unyluldlnp tbat It is donliiful If evi-n tho moet infati atod followers of tho in.'de Will consent t. be strait jacket til In Mich a manner. It recalls thu figure* produced try the un yielding contrivance* of steel, leather ana wood worn In- women In past oeuturick under the guise of stays. An Illnstrnt imi Is given of a rod olntl, oostunie fora y. MI-IK rfirl IDynarsold. Tht skirt IB trimmed ith tw bunds of block u,uroiJ. i.. . 1 tie bodice, slightly gnth red at the wnUt. opens In front over a whit* silk ehi in! .en,- Tho revcr* and the Inhldo of the vainis < ollor oro of white cloth nmhroiilensl with hlock. Tbe tight leeve* have Mack eml'roidurr at the wrist*. The nnl felt hot I* trimmed with Waek pluimm. Juuic French Minister of Marine Tell* the Whole Truth. Iu a V icnt out 3pi*rh IH tli* Chamber W I>pullv 31. LorkruT M.Jw Soak* StHrtllBii BT*lallun>- .Ny WB* ! liu CuiiUitloB tu r . ;; In Uurlnc til* TlBo uf til* strMinril Rxlitllolia VV 1 1 ll Or*a>( UrilMlii Ciibl* N*w>. Paris, March Is. In the ChAmber of Deputies yesterday, during the dttbfkte on thu naval estimaie-. M. Lxiukroy. Mlnls- ter of Marine, slieu-hed tho Oovernmtint pmfrrum and (tuve a curious insiicht into thu iin])re|inilness of tlm rutvy during the rveent A tinlo Kreneh crisis. The Mini-NT of Marine r*Tilod a milM-r of startling f:icts n-hn nm to th* oondllion of the French arsenals at th* criticiil juneMire i'l the relations between France and linmt. Britain -nine month* OffO. lie |iliit.-il (nirii the inneh '.ilkll of letn-r wrltt.in by Generil tie Uonles Ut*t yi-.ir. tliflarinur tluit "not one of our naval liis.-~ is .il.lr t i fidllll tha fiineimns for which it .vas .^t.ililisiiisl. or e.i|vibl* of ma km n thu honor of Kn-tieh .inn " In iL'lV hilWeVT. " the M I M i .!ef do- itlan-:!. " our coast id- 1 -n n-h lm;.rovl .11- (litloMS of time llei'lll. i-"l as nftri* di-tant ;i-t The illlttculty at, I hat tun* W.I- .ill ,ii....i,t .-ilivilllte lac.. Hi Illell. At our ])rinci;wil ti-irt- .inly a if III* batteries onilil !. <ii.-nml >m ' in- lir-t il;iy of the inoiii:i/. Hi-Hi. uuU most uf th* -.In 111 had no Ulao.*." \ i . I >oi -ii|>|irt. Ih" Iriith. M Ixx-kr-iv ili--l.msl tluit ho would never hold "i'h ftsini lit* Chaniber "Tin - -. Im '-'.in Imlffld, av.i Ins'ii obtained after [uiinfnl In- quiries. but them .iru mun l> -bind th* itis .veryw'icrc now " Kninei-. he went, on to aamirt, must pivp.in- tur thu futuru as well as i he pru*- ent, and all her llnnm-i.-il -esouri -es -huuld be eoonomi'-.-illy emplnv' I to ilus.ind. He -qnke in 'n<h utrnis .11 the pursunn*! uf the Kn-neh nnvv pniisiiiK thu coiirag* and loyiilry nf the men and .1 Ivnr.-nlnf tin- 'ii-nnan sy-tein of forbidding all for- uiltners .in wars! i M i. mi . .Iinirlun. Kiipnhhi-an member for Kl.ine t.i|l.i\vt<f-wu.h i ! pro- test to . .-it' -i t ' !mt . sumeti i iv niiirht to 1| maile n-sp-nislblit for a "siau-iil thing* which bronchi thu eoii'i:ry witluu hair s brtwlili 'if i 1 ll1 s u l,||,. lt 1,1,' I'.OMt. M. Lorkniy sti il.'i with tho (rrnatea* ntlsfartlon refmrliir^ thu ex,, ninent* that have p^l\ boot He snid n.iblisl It to perei-Mi "llein M. "llius. " ilis lared th* ^ < a now d*- StructiM eiuine "I terrible power." THIS Till I I V -!>:> tl>. niit Hi- Kljn** IBM XV. Hi til- I pltlD'* OlliirB llH r.- i. . irr.ii> Madrid. Man-h I*. The <jmvn has si^ntHl the t.nty of |f bclwcoa Spain anil thu ('till . '111.- signed treat v uf Diu-e will b* far- wanhsl to thu Kn-nch aniUi^-SKliir at Washington. M. Jule (.'umbon. far *x- clianue wlih the one sitiod by 1'resitlunt McKinley No tlii:r>' un the subject will be publlshud In The Ullieial Ga..-ttu. i .ll|i,II.M-ll Jit WltHlllMK'UII. WoMhlnirton, March 18. Thu first new* of the sutnatiirti uf the pewo tnnty by to* s'n Itetii'iit of >|MIII wa* conveyed M Ss rs-tnry liny and tho olllcials of th* Ailministrntiun through thu bulletin of the Associated Pruss. Ofllciul new* of th* action at .Madrid wus not convnyod ta th* State Department before tho clow of th* department for tho day. M. Cumbon, th* French .-mhassadur. .ailed at thu depart- ment about, ten minutes to 4 o clock. anil, in tbo absence of Socrotary liar, called upon A-sistjint Si'-n'tJiry Hill. H* tohi the latter tliat ho bclluvod th* traakf huU bun signed. Everything for the Printer. ******* INKS TYPE PLATES ROLLERS PRESSES READY-PRINTS L"in qil.iMed liv Any u tier in l'inada> in in.it ter, |iii|;r nnd pi-esswurk. STEREOTYPING Pruiiiptlv ami cfTi'divi'ly ci^ciittML ELECTROTYPINC Kuie deep shells, and clear working Lju.iraVei I . TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY COL l.lmilMt. 44 Buy St.. Toronto. Ur.uflt'-s t 64 'ril t., Montr.- il 1 . tlwn HI., \t l'iniiK|(. M i.le >iv the celebraloil flrnt of Auli'& Wib.ir. Tie latent and tost. ' ollnny, a- - In the world. bv tho "Gt6- In* only ;il:i it. of Hi* ki nl iii Canada. Of all makes anil kind* new aud M eullil h.t.iil. . , 14n I.. wr Vt-tl.r St.. II..H .X.