I MARCH 16 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M'CULUIUOH * YOC.NH llaukora. M.ik.U I, !>> a Kunural hanking builnuaa. Money loauxl B a icaoualil<> laio Call on ui. AH VAMU'MKN. J ! Clerk 6th Ulv Court. Co Urj hiuer of Marrlago Licensee, < ouveyauetir fi'iai v. Public, \ ii.-tioni-Mi Money to Uiaue, ft-ooi i to pur cent. Cbargee moderate. I J.I.SHI HTON f O TVKIITH COLLECT KI> y Tli.- un.leniigned In piepared to Hudertakti the cullectlon ol all kind* of debta. otea buuuht. ucouuutl col'ucted. etc. l( N HKNDK1IHUN, Kleihertou CRIBLETT Kleaberton Station 1'oit m alter. <',..miii-n,ii.-i In H (' J, Convoy- aucor. Diwdt, murti|ai|ea, leaan tod will. Vawu. M..M.-I to lead at H per cent and up- ward*. Debt* collected. Chargoe moderate. RJ Kl'KOl I.K Hoiliuastcr, Kleahertoo ' "in lulaiionnr In H.C.J., Auctioneer Ooo yjtueer, Appraiser ami Moiu-y J.rn.l. r .1 -l Kstale anil luauranoe ARnnt. D...N ,ri- c.; IKO*. leaa air! Kill* carefully drawn ii> an I valuations inado on vliortem n. u. flouxy tu loan at loweat i ti- of Interval. C'ul >i Kiln, I, ,1 to with prouiptueee har;H low. Aiimit for Ocean Dotuluiou MsMSMUp Company. A call m.licltr.l. . LICKNCK4-AI Ouvernment lm in i. -i... IklimiK l tin. in ; Ni'w V,,ri>iii. riretcfana: f K. au.|.Iul>llr. Kor .lu|f I. per . . ou.lu palriorsix at a time. It. M. l.i. AN l-i HI.T. linirs. An 11 W niMt.everr Bi: aort thlrrt Uonday In uavb muntU. lu . u -ir lwl|[ ruoui, Ctirlifxi bluck, flvaiiaiton, at n p in A. N iii.|. MW . A M itii. ..,,, Hwordar; W. )lllamy.Kinaair. Vliltlug bratbrta iLTitml DKINCK AHTHTH l.dlxil.. No. W A. A U, uiaeta In tli ala~.nl. hall. Ktraln't block. FlMhortou, ovnry Krulay ou or before In- full mooD. K Mel. ill. W Mi W J iUllaiiiy, s. . r. ti COUHT H.KSHKUTuN. 1. u. V. miwU in < lin.t.H.'. HI... k the laat Kmlai tTcnlnc m MU-II iiiuntb. VnliiiiK Kt>raitn lieartily welcome. (J.H.. H. M. Uyitun ; U.8, K. Van- Ouxiu DR. A. E. LITTLE U*iiti>t, liia-liiatr riv-ritv of Toronto and Koyal Collvije of Dont.l Nuig. . ,,. Flnln<i t ui - Monday au.l Tut Uy of aacb WMh, Diiii.lalk-Tburwlay. Frl.lay and Ralurday ot .. J1 J MAHHHALL M l> S, D D B, I. D H llnuui (Ira.liiatu Toronto ITuivarsIt) and Itoyal '. uf llnut VtatU Klnnhar'-iu every Friday tftaruoon. p HKNDKKHON 1) I) S. .M I) H. Di,tlat of Toronto 'il. .1 I Moilallit) will MMI KlrnliiTton pro- f^4loliallf till' llTHt \VoilllP1Ml%> tit l-rtl-l- Illlllltll aud HuiLlalktliufolloKliiK lay rili.ii..iav , Cfflill jOIIN W KIIOST. I. I. M Hairihtrr. H.,li.-it,, r Cuuvryancor, at* Offli'.' -N.-Xt t.. |Mmt,'lh, , . h|,| im l,,, block I l..-luirton. erery Hatnrl.y an. I murt dayi 1 (l " >* I ull.rr. Kn.hf. blook utTMt oaat. T . \s, wiiKiirr .< IIVT-UN Karrlitom Kolli-itoii Ci>iin.)ancrs, etc Untom Uwun Suuml. Out anil Mark.lalK (Int. W II WHi.mr, i: A II*II,M I M I,, , , N II-Kl.nln.rton ..II.,,., ilitihrlli hank avary Hatunlav. Tl CKI.I: ,V I'VTI I llsi N Hmrli.il-!>, soli.'itnrs, etc M.ilxin > li.nk. (Iwrii Koaud IIAKIIY (I TlVhl.u (,|, ( . \v I'ATTEHrtON I ACKAV & 5AnpSO,1 KarriKter., fto. I OKK.. :.-,: . H. , M rrc |iaiit U..k,ll,,,,,-, i I ..H . , HOU..I. Dun.laik. alHl-i Htn -et. every Hutm.l.i VI- M.. KAY. MA. HI > \ MPSON, L.L. U.. Crown Alt, e n, -t du in,-) . TV M I). M. M ( I- ,v S out, Prlcevillu IH!I ,- n..xt ,|i,i,i In I'.OIHIIH Klorr r.>Nlil..|i.-r ,.i.|.o..i.- i th.-. l-i ,, i i ,, i,.,.. ri.ilrtence ol lt. ile> Brown. Offlee .laya t'ueadayi aad Hatar- daya. DK <-ARTHIl M Mnnaliaw - li i "''-> Ian. Hiirc.on. .tc lie.lrt.noe- TDIIN A sniTT. M ii Mi-inii.-i i .iii,.-,. ri.v.io * f Ontario or* in, t.. in M,.i|,-i ..... , ( (ln\ -i .r v . K.-ll,..vl,l|, ll,|,l,i,,,, !,, '" M h. il Hohon) and )l...ij|,i IJ1en... ,.f ,-.,-, ,.,- nnaa and Ihrnal I n. -, i , , , alaiwell.vlaJisrs riiuiml\a 18 T I- oi-T'-u l I.I, ** rinarr Hnm*nn . Vttlnary .lour -null, l,r. ,trp,-i Thi iira.t , ,,i Praabrlarlan <'loirnli WM| ,, BOAR fur / SERVICE Tamworth Boar I'OBT LAW I>V V - f -i .MI.,, nt c..rt l,a ) *aa nu sew '> a|i|ilylng to owns*. .'N. \ Photos TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton j Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at ^ lowest rates. Special attention ;> uiveii t<> eopyinij. Babina 1 pliotos. {& JL a specialty. Picture* frameil. | MRS. BULHER * jjfTfff WATCH REPAIRING Silverware, watches clucks mi'l jewel- lery, SEE OUR PRICES I ! liefore pim-hasiiiL: No trouble t<i nhow good*, (treatlv reduced pi r<- mi every liitii.' in ptock during February nud March. J. F. Vanl3U SEN Just Arrived ! fl Nicely Rssorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALISES Aile (irt'K^e Hour ( liHtincnt II .'v,' Mlt'S Sweut t'ollata Moil's l.e.iilo-r Buicen Whip-, ami Lashes HarineSH Oil Polish All kind* of harness kept on liatnl uml iad* t order. Kveryihin*; in harness IM(!M and t ri/ht pricen. \VM. XKX)!^!*: Lo.rfs Wantcdl Allkllliln of " iH4 want.' I f.ir which Ull l^lii.bi p, i . . \. i i !.. |.. t i | in ,-i-h. at t-ii oi-kvalf iiiiils 1 1' .1 IHIIIIS roiniTi Artt*lnisiu. nn.lnl Kl-.h.-iti.i, ! .tiiMi. Ki-r lull partifliUi f .ppl) at null ur I., .. I uiru.v Mmki'alu IIHUH. Logs Wanted Any ijnniitltv "f i-nti I'lin, |iwri). nV.I MaplcLuoa Roort Urobm timt \.nl niHiiitfiic- turr Into m*robantabl Inmli. t at iln- Kuui nm siwinlll. for wliirh HI- MI . i-i. I'M' . ii in i ( . \ i; ... nin raah. H..O ni for rerthor (aruigmlan V. T. CAKli Cash : for : Hides! Slie:|mkma Hint a'l knuU of 'IMS chtutt'il. fi.r wliiili lii^h'Mit .'wikfi Will h*J I'HIll. HnMMMd* MMMsfM o n hand, aUe all kinli of lui-utn. M. \VII.HON. Fli sLciton MI-HI Kuiporiuin BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DCSIQNB Ac. Anvonr ,-n1i' a r>-i>frh aiul dewrtptlon uiny qnlcklv . i..h fro* whether MM I iv pill 1 1 -n H |i i i< 'Miinlrri- II U I'rtlf lllK. t.tk.-n :hrmi.-!i MUHM ,<: (\i. U"<<Utf . --. In tl n >'iTif.v l'.)niilrf.lr<1 waekly. I^mof>t <-lr- CN.ttiin.i .f nnr uripiitii-r Jounml. Tvrnis. fl ft . : rmir rooHtoa, $1. jkiid bfall i ch omco, m v St., Wui.tii.itim, u New York DfKiu, IX Q, Tl|e Spriqq fissizea The spring sitting of the ilifli Court of JuxtiLu coiiiinenoed on Tu.-Hj.4y before Mr. JuHtice R<iHe. A full <ln.-k.-t v NH presented to the Court, there bein.- nine jury and three non-jury catea on the lut, li. iil. s two criminal canes. Hn-wii. vs. Davis This is a neduction action in which the partie-H mteivsteil re side near Flenhertou. The can was se-tllrd out of court. Mae Kay and Samp- son for plaintiff ; Lucas, Wright and liat- v .11 lor defeiident. H.-i.il.-rvni \H. Korke An action for n alicioud prosecution, which was settled out of Court. C. K Hurt and W. .1. H .non for plaintiff ; MacKity A Sampx n for ili-ft- mlniit. \\ood vs Carey Traverse.! 'oilie i,..- jury itiiiiK*. H (j. Tucker for plaintiff; M.u-Kiy <V Sitinpsoii for di-fundem. Tin- following Here then called for trial. Ii AM-, vs. WEALTZ The parties aie farmers rfxidihg in Normanby. 1 he ac'ion WSH liroiiL'ht for damageii for i .iin-'ioi, of ihe plaintitTs daughter. Mac Kay it SnnijiMin appeared for the plaintil!, ninl II. (i. '1 urk.-i for the defendan Tli. .-as.- was slioit and but few wi'm-- . s heard. The jury brought in a M-r.li. t defriidant. Id in. n VH. Hill Tliis can* was ealle'l for tnal liut wan aeitled before uoing o t'.. jnn. The action nn brought t,,i lainag'M for criminal convemiii-.n. I y tlie ^ tl. inein ihe defen.lant ia i., pay lie plain' iff $.'HX. each |>rty to |y hi> in CID.IH. W S. Middlrltro* fr plain 'If ; JiiliiiM.ni A Rosa of Toronto, for dr- ftlidrnt, Hunt vs Urqulmrt The pUn.titf is a |.il.oier and the- defendant a k*rci r, b>-(h of ( > w . n Sound. The caw ia tuie of malic- ious proecutin. The defendant supec- ted dial Nome inoiiey had bern stolen fioin liis ^t or,- one evening in Match 18SH, and he immediately nceiiMtl the pUintiff, who had lie, n in the store ithoitly U-f.-re the money was misaed, of taking it. He li ..I a |H.liceiimn Nearch the plaintiff, but failed to nnd (he money about him. The ilefcndent then laid a criminal informa- tion againHt the pUintifl, liu'. ihe cae be- fore the inauistiale was dixiniascd. The , us- ,>.-i-ii|.i. d the attention of the court for a ci>idrrable time ami the counsel .i.'ilre-se.l the jury at some lenuth. In IIIH cbarue the judge submitted aevertl ipivstunis to the jury. Tli^y returned after lieing out live h<iurs, and the result of their atiawem was Mil xr.tntially to award the plaintiff a'.xiut f26 damages. Tbe court haH nm yt pronounce.! jmlk.-- mem. J W. Fro,t and W. H. Wright for plaintiff W. J. Hatton f,. r defendant. llU v. M.n rh Tb* plaintiff a Rnun ile*l>r in Diin.ialk. and the ili-(. nil.-iuo a-f 1,-rHin msrci ainit in Toronto. Th plaintiff i>>i, I [..i tin- pricr i.f ?IN) bushels pms a'. 1- n.i to havr l.ri-n s<i|d to the .i.-irn-i. in - MI .lime la t. Tho Rrsin wa ahippwl to Mi ntrral liy tbe mstincuons of Hannah & ; o.. but as it failed to pars inspection an giad. _' the il.-t. iiilrnln rffuMd In srcrpt u on tbe Kronnd that tliry onntracted for .an -I .IK that liy tlis iiaa K i.fiha trail* ii wn> I ni In*.! 'bat the cnntrrt waa f<ir gn-'t _ |^'a. The jury cliuse was struck nut i.i, I the e*.e WM tril bi'foro the ju.li-e. Tb* e i inn-.- I In.. t*rm ol c niract wax con- li -tiiiK. an.) prm-irallv lnrnrrolirate I <m bot-i si-ii . a> the romraut wa< m*Ha by talvpbnur. The .ln-i^.m nf tbe jntigr how BT^r, s KtroiiBly ii rlurnrcd l.y a Utt. r s n' l.\ -lie . .-vnHanln 10 |li<> plamtin* in wbi.-li in. |>niriilar ra-l of p>-aa wan calUd for. .linU-rment wa then-fore given mr the |>ln.nt:fT for t)i pri, of the reas * eintiai'if -I f.ir. an. I int-rent *inc- Ihe .lute .! tin n '.j-.-tion. am) .'..st.. Hn<t. I. Caw- tlira .V tl iker. of Tornnto. iin.l MoKiy .V Sin |"-on. fi r vlaintiff : W. f). F.arnprv mi, I A. U. .1. I'. Il.s.-Hi.l. of Toronto, for defend- Tbi< wrrn on'y ., rr minal rawa b f'-r" tbe court, OIK- i.f tln> Iw-inK Ihe cae '<.({ v rti.rt. which WH bcl.l over ftmn la*' a ciz.-i ss th jurj <Jii.aj;ree.l. Wh<-n tlii i-nse was called tb<i ai-i-in-.il, \\iiliim II. I'-iiii, w*i< w*a out nn ball, ili.l not appear i. I lth,.ii((h Mr. BUM. appeare.l it., i r.i\\n .liH not ".are to pnnu-eutp ln>r in lW!s>#*M of hr hii-'.oi.l Tbe Crown bad K"ii lo a great experce and nm'-b iroiil'l" 10 prrpnriiiK >" pros-cntx Ihe prisiilifr" a<-il it w. at tl' U"t iinniile .i |ip>"|.tlli lo lill, I that ,,||- , f ||| HrPII-.-ll hail i|is.ipiwr>-il. The ( r- loi'l ii-ue,l I'-.-nch > arint to airevt W. II Hurt. A. L. M irKay fi t'owri ; II. (i. Tneker for That Throhblnc Heaxlache Would i|tiu-kly leave v.ni, if vou n--d lr. Kiny'n New I if,. IMV Thoiii\n<|a of -nil', r.-is lme pKiveil "llt-.r ma't hlere< in. in f,,r Sick nnd Nervo-m Head-trbes Tliev iniiko pure blood ,i,n! utr.-n,.' n.-ives and build up yur health. Kav to take Try i! ..... i. Onlv :.'."> ivii's. m, m v |., u -k if ii-. l cured. Sold by u'l Teleplioi.e nionojioly i not f.ar.-.l where Iwrbt-d win- fem-i'iu niv U- n-ed as a nieiliiiiii for telophoiiic com iniinii'.itioii. Siieb use of Ihe feiiciiiL' has lii-eii in;<le in sevur:il pla'-t - in the \Vu-, niul a ty|iirl ilnstratiou i-, lb,- " sysiem " in m.e in Maeoti c.-unty 111, It > tin led with H line :\ niile ami a lull l.uij;, ,ii .! ; ititiHl liy -in amateur ele. -triei.-in in coiiniH-t In.s father's farm II--IIH.' w tb the iioHt olh'i'i-. nnd this w-.ikeil HO well Miat se.'en oilier lin.-< H-.-M- .--.lal.li'lu-.l, tweiily mm un'.s in length, nnd o|)iatini! ilurty-eight tele- pb"iie<. The cost of Ihe wire need not be foiiM.ti-ivd, of coin-He, urn! the telo- plioie- eotl <.n'y JIS each. The une of He telt-., .lion.-s it free to all. Their l-rnc-lical util-y is niilert, an. I, ia *d iiion, lliey are a miuiiHof social enU-rt.in ment much appreciated on the fariut. ' SKIN-DEEP BEAUTY! :-?> OIKTMErtT ~ Handsome is that hand- some doe*. ' ' is the old theoreti~ cat adag. but after all it's the kin-deep beauty that's attrac- tive. It would take a big lot of handwirc doiag to com- pensate for a skin that i* discaied and whose appear- ance is distasteful to all who- see it. and the torment of the patient whose daily burden it i* to bear it about. DR. Ar.MF.w's OINTMENT is a won- derful cure for all sons of Skin Diseases itching, burn- ing, stinging sensations which a*e accompaniments tetter, alt rheum, scald head, ring worm, eczema, itch, ulcers., erysipelas, liver spots, and all eruptions ef the skin one ap- plication allays the irritation, and perseverance in its use- results in a speedy cure. For blind, bleeding, itching, and alccrating pile* it's a magical balm ; one application gives comfort and relief in an ins-ant, and in from three to* ftve nights the trouble il. -.appears Price, 33 cts. A London Udr bad eczema for yrj'i H badly, her face and neck wert BO disfigured she WMII Into a lite of n-clu.ion. and the innjlnj pale of It waa to Uuciuc that, lo UM bT own woldt. b ' wrnc neitlhlnf lomad " She tnnl uoy oinloieolB. salves and wtahcN was treated by tpeclaliats oo tarn dieasee without (ruing any laaflnf benefit. She boufhl a bus ol li*. AOMBW'S OUT HI HT one application gave acr comfort, and lo day. after nlnf three buin oer ala IB as alear *n.l pink at a baby's. A Toronto f^niievian. bvin< on Road, spent A Mnail fortune in f n-atmrnn and tt nirdies fur pilca in their very wurtt fi-rtn, wag iri 4tr.] by fltctrtcHy wub temporary rrlirf only, fid bAil drcidrd h|to on tb operatinK t-ible *uia b-v- a turcical oper^uoo performed, but was rrcEnnrnJr*i lo try Dm. ACHBW'S OINTUIHT h did to. The 6rtt applicauoa of U reiiev*dl UM tnir- v.>d.tir(H b* perustrd in Us QM and to-day b . rcwriU.i with a cur* after yean of DR. AONCW'S CURE FOR THE MEART-R-l'.evrt tmocSfffnc, palpitation and 4uu*rin. r, . * **,*,*, * ~ * . , . recuUr I: f.- Mver In- CAM* of one anlc brt truub Ml. AQNBW'5 CATARtHAL POWDCR-R-^ievM cold in tW W*d lo to ounatcs. Cv* (er a*d catarrh. UK AONBWft UVRK flLLaV-Ba.ulai.ilw bow.lt. Toa.ih.mta& Nmr crlpa. PkaaaM aatia a>aak ! Tlal t . ih.mta& > at*. l.y \V E. K-i. liiirilni.ii I-' l ruw\nr D. McTavish L E S H KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS.. rj F.r MoMey-Harria, N.ixn. Flrury nd Wilkinaon farm implements 5' Klc.iry aiHl Verity plowx uii hand all the time, aluo all kindx uf repairs ?. Kr the ain. WM inaiiufacture Wag-m*. Ku-.-i>n-, Cutters. Sleih. elc. p 1 Hr^>ohi-ini- rniiiptly att^mled to. Special attention to tender c< n- r ir^r^d fe*-t. ^iuxi'>K d Plow C'hniim c<>n8tantly in hand. TOO&O0&&03 ?> O O Mnrlpy. tlie mrli^st barley known. The straw M abt'it tln< Ir'i'.'lit of common l>>trlfy but better and will aland np on mi) l.mil. It lui-. |-n>iluc,.il So bushels per acre ou i[n<xl liinil Price !H) rt'iila JUT bushel. Alto lif<l Ft-tii 8(irinK Wli^at. per bushel 91. We have al-n it N w nitii i H and xli i^-lis for le. Wood in txchauge for vphiclrs. Cheap, eome and see them at JOHN M. HEARD'S , ' ADVICE. 'I'oinkiiiv " ( ;.,...! i Wai ii. UN iker, I have culled to cm nive me a p. sin,.,, iu your in. MI. I can turn my hand to alinoar an\tliiiiK." Mi \\ ''No, we ire full in every de- I'.ii'inei t. Hll'l you am the twentieth m.in I have leti.-e.l to-day. Why don't \ou take up a line in which there, is less com- pen. ion anil better pty (' Toinkint. "I'd only lie "IH. th.-tnkful if you can put moon truck of an, b ,1 posit Mr. W. "When I wa*twerly yeaiHof I wat a stianger in a strange l.iii.l, with neither woik nor money, when a frieii-1 nf mine, a lawyer, a.lvMe.l me to lake n Ixink a.'ency, aiiying he lnt-1 edu- eatc'l I i.i.se f l.y ciui\ M-MII ; ; like drown- ni > at, n straws 1 took his ad >' ymM n< ( !il r.YINK). and *i'l '' ' m starti- 1 my pn>elit Imsni e>s. It IH juat hlty years ago to day thai Mr. Ktailley, the founder of th present tu in of the Kr.idley (iarretson C'oinpnuy, Limited, i.f Toioiito, sent me n.y Hnt iMNik pr.isp.-ctllH. all. I to Ins U-.llltifljl let tei'Miml '.-o, .1 ail vice. I owe miK'h of mv pie.-. -lit viii -ces. Yi s young man, ify..u have anything in you there is |iisl KO<H| a ebaiiee for you to-day with Una oM est alii lulled House as there was for mi. Wntv them and sec what they have to offer." Toinkint "I have seen the *xlvortic- nientx of ilm firm, f,-r sgents, fr yuars bnck, HDtl hivo often thought *rf writing them, but hivv ne\ . r iloiie m-., 1 vtill write to-diiy ; and 1 am very thankful to you Mr. \Y'aftnam:iker for yur |<H>d advice " W. BARNHOUSE W inlie* t > draw life attention of the Public to the following FLOUR IN BAGS in ) and u Barrel Of ;ill si/.e* i*t. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster /'// Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. Un.iroON MITTS and I,E<;0- ING3 made to- vrder ainl on Shortest Notice. WH. BARNHPt'SE, FIsHrtoi> FLESiEBTOH illHIG PIILOBS Jf. . Prop. If vim ilinuH vnaii an R.V ohava As [.-<' .' l> ' .-' i ,,.., .Ilivt .1,11 at M*\ -f,%\|..y Hllu.HI At 111. mi, ur 'v , n !> i, iiori. I'll ." f u i .!! rli '< , r nit.h i;race To miHO <.-<, .m , I in,. | c . Mi ! . ,< i . ., --I- -K.iii- ...... ,.-..i k. ..,, .-rvfh'tiK l -I,,,, l, MHI'II 'it,,! To -mi th., tivtl* ii i.l pi. -M.- tin nun i Ami all ihut art n -kill nui ,to if oi,'ll mi oa|.. I'll iii.fur \nn. I *havth von th.- r.1.1. the w . Ill nliavi. vou a! .-r ri-a l\ pav. An.l clean ill,- hooil at aiiv iini. An.l I. ir anl'Kve 1 -:ct n illn... , I .li' n.. i in. an a Inn,, in (runt Xor that woulil nmko th" hm bur bunt. ** -- AOENT FOP ROLSTOfc STEAM LADNDRY AND +* PARKER'S . DYE WORKS TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR. ' " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VO. IVIfl. NO 938 Fleshcrton, Ont., Thursday, March 23 1809 W. H. THCRSTON, ED V T H c ,j\* I'BOPHIETOK P. T. HILL^fc CO. In connection with OUR GREAT SALE-GOODS Purchased in Montreal at Underwriters' Auction Fire Sale Of Messrs. Mclntyre, Son & Go's, stock, we present for quick clearance the following list ot And as stated in our announcement of last week the goods are practically all in perfect condition. Ti-is is an opportunity which don't present itself eveiy day to secure the very best of reliable dry goods at less thn M:lntyre's Sons and Go's, wholesale prices. Bargain Prices in Dress Goods 600 ynln in All-wi-ul of Fine Quality cf French Hvniietta IT Caithmere in ibo tolli>wiii|{ shade* : Bmirii, Lilu Grey. Mwliuiu Grey, Terra Cotta, Myrtla (irern. Nils Grvuu, 2 Bhml.H .if Strawberry. Them yioda at tliu reyaUr prict-H are w.irth 25c, 36, and nOc, \jvr yard. YVIulu the lut huU we uiaWe the pncu per yard ............. '' 3000 yds. Prints In Bntflmh ar.d Canadian Manufactura, light and dark otil'Wti suitable fur DIX*M BloUHca and hininira,rKuUr.*alua lOo and 12$c per yd., on sale |r )d. at .......... .... 7jic In 3000 yds. Flannelette t Good Quality in Stripea of all colon and HhadfH, beiiiK Jri-js. Fiiiku, Bluet, Fawn* and Browna. etc. Thin line is sold and m excellent value at tijc pr yd., but we make the price pr yd. $j.OO Black Dress-Goods At $1.00 per yd. These are the Latest Designs i.d Noveltie* in an elegant quality of tine xilk Mohair Cre|>uii. The vaJue of thin ofrerinu is more mnarkal.il- buuauae it mcludeH the most KaahHinable Dretw Fahnc fcr Spnng and Sumin.r, apekully for neparat-j skirts, per yaiu ... . . . 1 00 Black Dress-Goods Among this line we draw jour attention special- ly and particularly to the tint-nt quality uf French Henrietta in Jet and Blue Blacks, over bniuuhl into (>rey county at a nominal value. Thin line would be cheap tt $1.25 per yard, but in order tu clear quickly we the price per yd ......... .. 85c loco yds. Print ! In Dark Bhie, with White Spriicn suitable for Drestwa, Aprous and almost any purpinte Prints can be used for. Remember that in ill our prints) we guarantee color. Regular price 'Jo, on aale per yd. for Owing, to our limited advertising space we will Ktv you thit following list of priced that will Iw found all thnmith our Dress Goods Department. Kuinmnber thesu are all new nnd styles up to- ditte Drrns Kabrica all thin Reason'* styles. The following is what may be expected iu plain Black t'iitlnnere*. Colornl Canliinerim, Poplins, Black BrochuH, Fancy Lustre, Plain Luatre, etc. Dress Buttons, 1000 doz. Drew Butt-ins suitable for any nhade of Dress Fabric, Rou. price lUc and I'tyc per dor.., on dale per doz. for '<-' $2 00 Dr 1 15 1 86 1 00 1 00 90 75 50 55 35 25. 35 98M Gl :ll.l & oods 9 cent t... 1 00 86 85 75 65 65 68 55 1f\f\ Doift? Ladies' finest quality of *>UU ardllS Imported Cashmere Hos- iery, SB08. 8^. 9, and 94 These Hoeiery are extra Koiid value at Jfic, 40c and 45c per pair, but for quick sellMv the price will be .'<6c per pair. 3 pairs for 9 1 00 Dre us Goods >.** . . . PIT yard f 37i . i >r 19 Grocery Department Specials His. Brown Suitar f'>r ~ $ 1 00 j 5 Ibs. Ch.-ice Fine Off Stock Raibins, New Fruit xiiee Japan Tea per Ib. for 17c ; f,, r k Better l.uie Japan Tea, Regular Price 25 cts. per Ib., 5 Ibs. for Bent Salmon for $ 1 00 26o 4 Ibs. Choice ginger snaps for Corn Starch per packauo . 25c 5c T. HILL & CO. FOR BARGAINS! FOUNDRY Hurt Law From Mir OICTI ( 'ormpoitdettt Our public achoiil has been cloned for the uaat three weeks, owing to our teach- >-r neing sufferinx from an attack of la- uti|i|i and other troubluH, which from all appearance, may result fatally in the near future if not checked. Mini Mary McMurrsy of IroquoiH has juht retunied home after an extended visit with friends in this vicinity. Mrs Geo. Thompson, jr., and Mrs. D. W .l.tinieson, we are pleased to note, are bi.tU on a fan way <> recovery after a very severe illneaa. We are very sorry to note that Mrs. Jim. Watson, ST., and Mrs J. Hemphill, list ni, both uf this place, are very ill at prenent, but we hope to soon hear of their recovery. Mr. John Lyons of this place is noted for having one of the bent drawinu teams in these part* One day recently bn took a load of wood from the stump where it was out in the bush and drew it seven miles to Pmton Station, which turnad the scales it 8340 Ibs., and this was not a picked load with John, as he has Iwen making two trips a day right along with loads of the same proportion. Now, Mr. Editor, if anr of your readers know of any one who has beaten this we would like to hear from them. Mrs. < ieo Carter of FeaaerUm is at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Joseph Wataon, Sr. EASTER GIFTS! " ?//? anr M<r sarif,cas of Formerly at taster season they took the form of naelesH caids or short-live*! flowers, but of later yean utility nan been considered, hence lean (jeruhable present*. We have a large aawirtinunt o( illNOVELTIES^ In .IfWfllery and STERLING . . . . SILVER Which make charming Eaator "Jiffs W. A. Armstrong: .J K VV K I. I. K I<. PLKSH KV I'KN A Miracle / Prom Our Own t'orrttpmulmt Mr. Trios Knight is visiting friends in , At the *?> <>' verl ladies who . know its virtutm we have secured a Allistoii. I" '" '"" Mi-* Minnie Graham leave* in a fe days for Arthur t<. resume her duties i head milliner iu one of the leading alon them. MenitM. Ceo. Shannon and Thus. Dun- lop each had i> wood hue on Thursday last, and Mr. Ed Uolley on Friday. The i two latter wound up with a celebration at illicit. Mr. Geo. W'arling had the misfortune to run the olade ol his jack-knife through a larue washing, for 3c.; two cakes for "x-. his hand a short time ago "' 1 ''J 00 r*r dozen. Wil! send a tnsi Mr. Marshall Beard, who has been liv- c " ke '* niwl for ^ Fu " *"""'' fo, in Markdalu for the past two years, move.) back to his farm. Mr. Win Al- for it. Address or call at. cox, who has been living on Mr. Beard's farm, lisa moved to Mr. Archie Foster's farm mi the East Back Line. Mr Win and Anthony Stamborske , left on Tuesday of last week to seek their fortunes in successful. ply of the ' I HI Miracle Washing Compound j^ Win -li does your washing while you rrst. | A very larve washing can ho done in tw hour. With this compound there is No rubbinx of clothes No foiking of clothes over night No hack-breaking wash board work T'sW'sC* D O /" KT" X IT. rL. ft-" I-C 1. i_ It, very low : One cake, sutfi. leiit to do- use accompany every cake. Money - h<ut funded if it il.'wt not do all that is claimed Manitoba. May they be FLKSHEKTON It is a jolly country and a jolly winter and no mmtake. Mr. Jacob Paralow of Swinton Park Mr Will Uolley has leased the house . Mid Miss Eva Booth of BooUiville visited f'.nni-i y m-cupied by Mr. Wea Kelln and will uku poeveMioii of it in % few day*. Frireville at Mr. W. J. Blakeaton'ft the fon> part of this week. Miss Nathalie Grier attended a caini- val at Duodalk laat week and m ali> apt-nding u few days viaiting frieiMla. Mr. Win. Mclnryre of Owen S lund la his brother, Mr. M. Mcliujrr, The Marker. -AN: SAW and PLANING \ %.%.^'%-^-%'^%^-'%*%'^ We have a ntunberVf Fulperx and Wheelbarrows thst we will mil cheap for -.i would xuhng\hem for Sawlogs or Shingle timber. Thiwo- about to build Hliould see us; bvfot placing their ordtr, BH weca.-iy a IBTKC stock of dry tim- Vwr. and can furnish Fralje*. .Ssh and D<*xV and the different kinds of dressed Lumbar on short notice. \ Custom Sawn.g and Planing don* as usual and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , R. P. LEGATE & CO. < :tr.-llill > < ..r r.-. I e,l Each W ,-,-U Flour Outs Wheat, white Wheat, red Barley Peas Butler i Kwgs fresh Potatoes bag Poik . II .. !-er '"II- ... Lh.l.- . Fnim i A somewhat serious accident befol Mr Douirsl MtDougal last Friday fore- 1 V.S., at preHont. noon. He waa adjusting some machiniirv i Miss Maud Uiley spent a few days laat in the under part of the saw mill when week with friends at. Proton Station. the carrier chum broke and struck bun a Mr. M. lluihiy paid a business visit fai sharp blow on the head, inflicting a gash the Queen City last week. Our w irihy about two inches long. The sawyer, Mr. reeve po<xesM>a one of the tiriet briar Donald Campbell, also received an un- roots i ihe burg ss a result. Mr. R. ia, pleasant clip on Ins cranium the samo day ** itood s his word. from a pulley. Mrs. .Ino. Gowland of York Co. m il Mr. Donald McLcod left for Cat-cade tending her father, Mr. Uitin, who is il 4 j City, B.C., last Tuesday. He took hm at prratnt. ticket to KoMiliuid, B C. Ho will then Woaievery sorry to lear.t of the sen - j have to take th stage for '-'0 miles U-f. re ou illness of Mr. Duncsn Mcl>onald,wln> ! he reachen the end of hii journey. We is 8Umriin< from apendicitis. Three doo- wii.li Donalil abundant succesa aiming the tors were in attendance last Sunday. I'oH minus of the far weat. aa Mr. Jitnios McLean of the South line j JUSt and Mr. M. Scott of this village made a trade in real estaie lately and as a rexult I A ;m , Kh j. i ilte , in ,,k o Ssko nidi- $3 40 28 to 28 IMI 10 65 U 65 to U 118 :ia to 10 fij '0 05 U '0 M 12 ,o 13 -o (Ml 4 76 tu 4 I 3 00 to (i 1HI 7 W to 8 OU the farmer will sixm become a resident j cat o. that ihere in tire stnnvwliuie. thin burg, while the lattir will again try cough inilic*tea that there la a his hand at farming. Mr. U. U. Hun plirey retunied laat '^" fiom a two-weeks visit among friends in Kimburley. Mr. H. Has :m\ IOUK 1-1 know what the fourth seaHou wan { like in i bia country, but he wasn't pre pnrrd for such a regular old-fahion.-u, .lowuii'.iil. -'Ut. aiid-otit .xiui.pl.: of .1 IndduB away in tl. organs. I'm .ml the fire with will disappear. ftreatli in; .-iier 11 n t o III the throat and lung dmeasM *itli Slnlol- -. L'otiHunipt urn C'ltfu and yur coiii(li will MtM. ai.il tl (M) ik liuaraliteed to du (<v>-rj il.:i;|f claimed for ik. :;tji , i . . j.. , w ho . L