MARCH 9 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE sifc tik .Wi iUft iHi itfr ifj- u/ -*"- U N. M'CUUX)UflH ft VOCNa lUlikern. M.rkJale Do 4 soral knkln Mousy loansd U . ,.*... bl. raU. r.ll ou at. hDv Court. Co Or.y Utu.r of Marriage Uceuww. Conveyaurei lotary Public. Auctlonwr. Mon.y to loaned from to V" <= ut Charge* mo<lert. FLESHEKTON f < tnlartak. the collnetloo ol all kind* ot dsbts HuU> bought. accouot. collected, etc. K N IIENUEKHON. Klwbsrton TfHIHLKTX KlMherton Station Vo.tuiuter. Coaoilssloner In H C J, OB fcue.r. DK!.. uiorwao*. '" <l "awn. Moo.) to isnd at M per c.ut and u;,- ..r i.. Debt* colltd. Charge, modsrata. Photos **> -TAKEN _AT THE Flesherton Photo^rapli | Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rates, Special attention ,? f ivtn to copying. Babies' photos. |( a specialty. Pictures framed. \t MRS. BULHER RJ BPHOULB ro.tniastr, Fleaharton Co u mlMlonar In H.C.J.. Auctioneer, Con t.y.ucnr. and Money lender Ki.lK.tat. and In.urauce Agent. Ueodi jrtgiVe*. la*e* an- will, carefully drawn III, an 1 1 valuation* made on .horte.t notice d .ney to loan at lowe.t rate* ol iuterest. tol *,"n. atMuied to with proiiiptneM cSarVa. low. Agent for Ocean l*>n,lotoD ni.aui.hip Company. A call .elicited. MAHKUUK LICKNCKd-At OoYwnment price*. Down, of them . New Nnr.iuu. *'irt cla*. : U. K. n.Uulillee. For sln(U |>sr ou. In pain or >lx at a tiui*. l; M. I.FA* l-iiii'T. Isiiura. Ecomi*. Socutics AO U W iuauvry Out. urt third Monday In each mouth, m .uslr lod room, riirlitoa's block. Kle.nerton, at H p ni. Joi- )ll<il.y. MW , A M lbon. Kword.r ; r . J .llauiy Klnaool.r. VUltlag bretbrsn luf ltd PBINCB AKTHTK LOUOF.. No. .*.. A U meoli In llio Manonlc ball. Strain > block. rieshsnoD. v<>ry Kriday oo or bror.. th* full moon. B UcOlll. W M . W J Kullawy. 8eertary. 1WATCH COURT FLESH1BTON. I. O. P. insets ID Chri.VM'. Ul.-ok the lat Krirta) .v^nlng In aeb month. VltltloK Fortr. heartily welcome. C. K., H K. llywn ; K.H.. K. \an. Do A. B LITTLE, Unlv.rrity of Tomnto and Eoyal College uf Uental Surgeon.. Flihertn -- Monday and Tueulay o( saeb JBjJk Duuilalk-Thurday, Krl.lay and Saturday ol sasb w*k. JP MAIlMi M I. M 11 s. U I) s. I. li s Honor Graduate Toronto and Royal "<JolliH! uf D.nt.l hurneon... Silverware, watches clock* and jewel- lery, SEE OUR PRICES t ! before purchaninn N trouble to show Hood*. Cr..tlv rluc^d prices on every^ hing in rtck during February and March. J. F. VitlU H**h*rou every Friday afternoon. THENDKHKON I) U H, M D B, I '. uti-t of Toronto (Ool.l Vi-UliKt will KlfUlierton pro- laaalaaally tli. flnt Wmlul.y ol eacb luontu and Duudalk tli followlux 4ay (Thursday.) Toll* W FROST. L I- H " Harrl.ur, Hollclmr Cnnvsyanesr. ito Ofno Nsxt to po.toffire, Hproula'. blnrk Fli'iliertoi' "vrv Saiui l.y .n.1 fourt ilay*. K i Ow.n Hound ofllce. Frost's block I'O'ilott tr.t cut. Just Arrived ! fl Nicely Rssorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALISES A1e Ursaie Hoof Oialment Buguy Wishers tlarves'. Mitts Swcst Collar* Men's Leather Kiace* Whips and Laihes HariiiHSS Oil Folish All kinds of harneis kept on hand ax niacie to order. ETiryihniK in haraewi g ( uds and t ri,?hl prici-H. \VM. MOORE WalKerton Happenings Walkerton, March 2. The celebrated ,,ii.niHt pig-killing ca.e, sent to the County court by Magistraie McNamara, waa tried before Judge Barrett, with the result that the prisoner Turner was dis- charged, '"he jud^e held that youn Kiddis having a colour of riht in the ownership of the pigs, charge of ttaKV ing could not lie. As to tbe charge of malicious destroying the animals, hi. Honour took the view that a man can do what he likes with his own property, kill, burn, bury, or oat it, so Km aa he does not infringe on the rii<ht of others or place other people's property in jeopardy. Turner, who IB a school teacher. Us- tified that young Fiddis, a member of the sect, which detests piw, come to him and asked him to remove the pigs. He did so, believing him to own them. About midnight Thomas Potter -vas reading a paper in the power-hoiue While leaning back in his chair bi bead came in contact with a live wire of 1.040 rolls. This under ordinary circumstance, represents power enough to kill a maa. When he received the shock he was kin. eked down, aud was found about half an hour afterwards, lying some six feet away from where he had been sitting. The chair upon which he had been sealed waa found about trn feet away in another direct. His assistant thought Potter was dead, but upon shaking him found that life w:u still present He then run for assiMtance, and upon his return found Potter in the icy waters of the race. He had thus received two slnwks, and medical meii state that it was the counter effect .if the shock of falling in the water that saved hi* life. He evidently g"t up from the H.>or of the power-house, and w Inli- in s dated condition wandered out and fell into the water. Ra*arkabl* KMCIM Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainficld, Ul , makea the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lunus; she w treated fora month by her family phy.- iean, but t;rew worne. He told her she WIIH a lii.pclt-ft victim of consumption aud and that m> medicine could cure ber. Her dniKifist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; she bought a bottle and to her found herself h. in-Ill ti- roiu first dose. She continued its uao am after takinir iix Imtllss, found erself sound and well; now does her own usework, and is as wll aaohe ever was. .1.1 by all Druggists, largo bottles 50o. ,d f 1 00. IQggf^ga^BiasllBfcJBBsWalsv^SHHa^H^svaVi^SBBw^BB STOP IT NOW! IWorf it ii too late *top thai ucceion of colds that meaat nothing more ^ta^is*^^-^2".ri.^K^ cha-gcs that a/e so humilianag to you and offensive to your friends. Pn 'on until your condinoa cau you to be ostracued as rf you were a leper Don" n-Kll yourlf unt.l eon.ump.ion make, its fatal appearance. You can b* LUidl-not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder wiU restore you to complete, perfect health. It rM relief s onoe. in an incredibly short time. Hundreds of cases of from 5 to so years It care, unres o c ,uretl-casa that phyucian* bad pronounced locurablt Thecaurrh SZZS&Ey. no. on(y,n catarrh, but in colds, sort throat, toosums. bay fever loss of smell, deafness and all similar diseases. W K'u Inn '!""> Floherton L'uOAH. WKKillT A 1IATHON Harrlntan Solicitor* Coiiveyano*rs, .to Offloe. Ow.n Snun'I.Ont mil M.rkilale Ont. W II WaiuT, C A HATUX I II Lrc. N U Vlnhxrton offlc*. Mitchell. nk sviry Haturday. i Wanted l|kIn<'OB. wanted for which tl ht.>.t in liv< will IMI pal* In easn. at tl M-kvall-imM. ,IMrtm,u. rornr.) ArUmrsi I at Vlm.liMli.1. nation. For full partlcula ply at mill or h ^ ^"' " ^HONO HBOH to TUCKKR * I'ATTKltKON liarrlntar., Solicitor., Mi.Uoii ll.nk. ofii Hoand HAIlllY O TUCKKh (.KO W FATTKKjlON ItlACKAV * SADPSOn, H.rrl.t.r., *.; I UKFK'KS : iiwHii Huunrt, M.rchsnt's Knk Hlock, N. it l'.Uriu lluu.. Duiiilalk Main Hlro.l. sv.ry hi.nn.Lv A '. M ,i'KAV M \ . H K.KAMP8ON, UL.D. Crowu Attornry tor Ur.y. Dll BUTTON U I) i 1 M. U C T A H Ont, PrleeTlll. Ofli.-o next <l<H.r < llrown'. .tore ; reRldfl ,,t at th. "1*1 pout oftlon, rtmli1no of l.t Ale Brown. Offlo* ilay.- i'uKlay. and halur day. DB CAIITKU M c I 1 * H Out. Phystelan, Huruon, et ri>>i<rton omo.-HtraJn-. block. HmUdntio. Huu.baw . K. '<! JOHN A BCOTT. M K Moinhur r..ll^ * Onitti" (Ir.'lii.t* In Mftloli.e > Tomn ikq.vnr.lty Kullnw.lilp Diploma, Pest lir.d t.. Me<lioal HcliiH'l an.l Hosiiltal. Chli-.r if >, ar, nowi.n.l tliro.t .pwlal a. I i J|- iirTRWRI.I. Vnt.rlnary Hnrj.nn Or* In. t. of Ontario V.Urlnarf llr !'). ir. - r.o.i" t door .ontli M' r*t Thl. tr..t run. flmrcli D. McTavish FLBSHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... Honor Rolls Honor Roll for 8. 8. So. 10 Artemesia r February. Class V- Louie Cook. Clans IV - Uordon MiMullen, Lesie .awrence, \Villie Hutledgu, Willie Ssr | M,.ey- Harris. Noxon. Fl.ury and Wilkinson farm imp e,enM Klrnry and Verity plown on Land all th.time. also all kind* ol repa r. Kr th, .*m. W. manufacture Wagon.. Buggies, Cutters. *** H,,r,-h,.e,n, -romplly attended to. Specisl attetitmn to ten..r ccn- ,r*cred feet, ^.tfxi'm and Plw Chain* constantly 01 Sr III- Willie McMullef., Charlie Me- Mullen. KilSurn Hemphill, Ea Law rence. Jr. Ill Josie Hemphill, Kmersou Adams, Robbie Tucker. Ida Jones. II Eddie Sargent and James Sargent Oiual) Earnie Sproat, To'.imy Ashdowu, )ttio Tucker Pt. II- Stanley M< Mullen, Eddie Rut- ledge, Willie Sproat, May Sproat. Sr. I Cecil legate, Fr..-ddle McMul- len. May Adam*. .Ir T Melville Rutledge, Freddie Ueniptiill. Blanche Sproat. Average attendance 42 N. A. CHAWWlt-K, Teacher. (JTor SaZc / / f iwwfiiPM Barley, the earliest barley known. The str.w in Kb nit the height of common barley 6nt brlttr and will tn-l up on any laml. It 1m. v^dneed to bushel* per acre on good Un.l Trice UU cent, per bushel Also Red Kern Spring Wheat, per bnshel II. W aUo a few cutters and H!I iu'hs for sale. Wo.,,! infxi-liin K i> for vehicles. Cheap, come and them al JOHN H. HEARD'S -""" Logs Wanted !. Into niKrrliantalils Imiilwr. iulll, ti.r which w areneBaresI to iv ui><' . H u. for furtbsr partfaeJan. K. T. CAKK Cash : for : Hides! Rheepskins and all kinds nf futs pur laaed, ft-r which highest market price will be paid. Homemade oa hand.aliesl of sseats. M. WILSON. Flenhcrton Meat Emporium Story of s Stave To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the wort foim of slsvery. Oeonje D. Williams, of Man- chester. Mich tells h..w such a slave waa madefre*. He says: "My wife has been o helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bod alone. After using wo bottles of Klectnc Bitters, she m improved and able to do ber ,n work. This .U|>reme remedy for female diseases quickly cured a nx.s nlpuplbBsnesi*, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dir.iy spa'l. This miracle working m,-ilioi..e i. a godsend to weak, sickly, run d..wn people. fcvery bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by all Drugtfiat. _ T^,7 Trf XT ADVICE. W. BARNHOU5E t?> draw the attention I lhe Public to the followinc 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE BOAR for SERVICE Th. rrclrtrred Tarn worth Boar fur "-rvle at Port Law T^ntlififJiiiticricaii. ..riictt dr. ',;",:;"' .'",;; .r i....^.^ _?*. four iiiamh., SL 8mb;al ; r m .>. U- irk Dr. Jamiodon, M. P. P. fur South Orey.ha* two bills before the Ontario Legislature. One Is a bill for the amend- ment of tbe Miiuioiplo Act and has for its object the doing away w ith annual muni- cipal elections and extending the term of office fur councillors for two years. The other m R bill prohibiting the use of fire- arms by boys under 16 years of age. Volcanic Eruptions Arc grsml. but Skin sruption. lob life o joy Hurklrn's Aruica Salve cnrss thsm al... old riiiiiiinK anil fvr sores, Dlotrs B"il, Frlnnn, Conn, Warts, Outs. BrvsSM Burn., Sealils, Clia|ipel HatiiU, l'hill.lal Bl I'lie ('nre on sarth. Privssont pain and aches. Only W cents per bon, Cur KU.iKiili>. u. SoM by all drngtllsts. At the Oraniieville fair laat fall R. P. Henry's hone won first plsce in the fann- ers' iace. The directors look son them- Helves to diwjualify the animal Subse- quently legal proceeding* wsr taken l.y Mr. Henry to obtain the money. A settlement has been effected out of court, the society payini! tbe amount in full and eionoratinn Mr. Henry from all M in..- in the matter. Tomkins. " G>d morning, Mr. (>| all Mij!rt . |ld M cheap a the cbeap- Wannamaker, I have called to see if vou ,, st . S|>x-ial Barfftii* i 3 and 9 Barrel cm give me a ptsitiou ill your eatablinh- li>U. ___^ . r,,;-" * "" ""* '" M -.fruit and Confectionery Mr W. "No, we re full in every de- 1 - purtment, and you ate the twentieth man I have refused to-day. Why don't you take up a line in which there is less com- petition ami bettor pay t" T.niil. n,s. "I'd only b too thankful if y.m can put mo on track of suchap*it o . Mr. W. "Wh*n I waa twenty yea>s of ^ w gp, 1 was a stranger in a strange land, with neither work n<* money, when a THUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. VO. XYID. NO 937 Flealierton, Ont., Tliursclay, March tG 18QO W. H THTRSTON. EDITOR * PBOPBIETOR !'> u Liar \. and E. L & CO. In connection with OUR GREAT SALE "GOODS J'urchaseJ in Montreal at Underwriters' Auction Fire Sale Of Messrs. Mtjintyiv, S"ii & Co'.s. s:ock, we present for quick clearance the following list ot And as stated in our announcement of last week the <;oods are practically all in perfect condition. This is an opportunity which don't present itsdf eveiy day to secure the very best of reliable dry poods at less than Mclntyre's Sons and Go's, wholesale prices. Owr Oteu Again it become* -.r painfu< duty to record the presence of death in our midst. < in Friday. March 3, Mrv Win. CulK who had ben aihiix '" r wnie time, passed away to the .pint land in the presence of 4.1 her family. Her end wa* peace. Al- moat Iier lat w rds were, " All ia well. I lve Jesus, and I know that Jesos) smile* ami loves me, too." Mrs. Cuilin w fnnn her early day*, a member of the >! hodmt church. She crme to t hia part with li T husband and family tome 25 yvan K. Her funeral took place fr-.m her late rvnidence to the Meaford R>d 1 cemetery mi the following Monday, her ' putor. the Rev Mi. Ward, i.rKoiatini; Th* bereaved family bare the (ympathy <>f their frien<U and neighbor* in tbe hour of i heir bereavement. (In Wednesday evening laot the reej- tletii'e of Mr. and Mr*. Heath wa* the scene of a happy event when their eldest EASTER GIFT5! K r nerly at Eatr che form of tueleiw caida flowers, bat of later y< been conaidered, hence they look ur bort-hveii utility ha p*riahabl>' We bar* a large assortment <j| <lNOVELTIESfr In Jewellery and SXEFJ L I NG . . . . SILVER Which make charmin Easter Gift.. daughter. Marvaret, and Mr John Albert Pt*ty f Pntly Bargain Prices in Dress $2.00 Black Dress-Goods Goods 000 yardii in All-w -.,1 of Fine Quality f French Hrniiett T Canhmen- in ih lollowing ihadwi : Brown, Li^lit !rey. M.iliu-u *jrey. Terra (.'utta, M)nle liitfu. Nile (iiwn, 2 Shade* of Strawberry. Theitv H.HHIK at the regiiUr pricm are worth _'.V. 35, aud 30c, per yard While the ! r Lasts we make the price per yard ~ 3000 yds. Prints In English ar.d Canadian Manufaotorv, light and dark col'>rs mtitable fur Drusa Rluvs and shirtiiitft.reuular value lOj mid liW per yd., on sale per )d. at .... At $ 1 .00 per yd. Them are the Lt*t Dtm^ns and Noveltim in an elexanr i(ulity f tine tilk Mohair Crvpon. Thr"f this "oVrinif I. ni<-rr reuiarkalile bcuMe ,. mcludeK the uit Faahionahle Dr FHnc for Spring and Summer, specially fr Mpurtte .kirt., per yard t 1 00 3000 yds. Flannelette Strip* cot..p HIK! Kan< In a Good Quality in Strip. < nf all haxlex, being lireys, l'i..ks, B and Drown*, etc. Tliin line U soli 1 , and is excellent value at 6Jc per yd., but we make the pricu pr yd. 4jc 1000 yds. Print ! In Dark Blue, with White Sprixn suiUble Drea!KM, Aprons ami alnmst any purp>.i>e Prints can be used for Ueii't-mber tint in all our prints we v-iiaianfee col..r Rvjultr price We, on sale \-vr yd. fur ttic Dress Buttons, 1000 doz. Dress Buttons suitable for any s!i:de of Drem Kahnc, llevr. price lUc .t:id l-ic perdi..uo sale per doz. lur .... 5c Lathes' tiiif*t Duality of [H.r'fi i ' i^iiiiirre Hn- iery, sizes, 8J, !>, and '.'t I' SM H -'ery are extra o.-tl xiilne :f XK-. *" .ti.d 4."> |>er pair, but f..r i|uick se.lun; tin. price will be .'toe per pair, 3 pairo for $ 1 00 $1.25 Black Dress-Goods Among this hie we draw Tmir attention special- ly and particularly to the finest <|ij,tliiy of French Henr.etta in Jet ami Blue Blacks, ever brought into lirey county at a nominal value. This line would be clienp at 81.25 per yard, but iu order to clear ijmckly wt> make the price per yd . . . Hoc DRESS^QOODS to our limit>tl advertising S[MIV we wrl you the f..iloiii.' lisr n> price* that will be tminil all through ..iir Drves G-xls Department. Krnieintter them- are all new and styirs up to- dte Drrtw Fabric, all thin sea* .n't styles The following is what may ! exacted in pUm Biack C-isliinere*. Coloretl CaslnneroN, P .plin*, Black K.tin.-y I, mire. Plain Lustre, etc. 00 Drew (MKtvd* at f I 00 s;, Enkine in the presence of over 80 g\MMta, were united in the bond* of matrimony by the Rtf. Mr. Scott ..f Markdale. The bride wait supv/orirfd by her stater, Mian 1 Elizabeth, while the droopmK spirir* of the Kruvm were ably upheld by his , brother Harry. After the uauvl coo- gtittulationii all preavnt repaired to the dmintr rnuu, where a moat tumptuous supper wa fully nj<>yfl. The wrddinu: pmvnta were numerous, o,tly. uaeful and ornamental. The youni; people will take up their rrmdence "n the farm of ^ th Ute Mr. Looian, where may th-y en- joy all the blewin*! i>f this life and after- war Js a h"iuc tirifether in the Un<l of g d<y. Jft W. A. Armstrong .JE\VKI.LKL<. K A Miracle I iU.-iu;i. 3oo Pairs /// Season Groceries and Provisions. 000 and COON MITTS and LKOG- and on Shortest 1 15 | 1 25 I 1 00 i 1 "' 4 m * JO ' 7.-. ' H * X. :<o i-M 50 I,.) m 4-.-; Drw (I,HH|S yrd Grocery Department Specials - 9 1 00 _>7 U. Brown Suuar for ........... ....... Choice .la|>sn Tm p-r Ib. for ............... A ItrtiU-r Linu JaiMin Tea, Kvi; I'ricu -"> cts. per lh.. 5 lb. for . ............ 2 Cans B.-,t S il.noii for ............ 5 Ibs, Choice Fine Otf Stock Hai-Un*, New Fru*t for... 26c 1 00 4 Ibo. CtH'ice iiiik;er nn.tpt f"r Corn Sinrcti |XT |n:li . Fnm Oir then The Mild spell for a < the pat wek made an think that the ice km.; ha.l rtleaxtl hm grasp for this season, but on Sunday aftenux n we fnimd ih\t winter was determine 1 to put in its fuil tune. Rev. Mr. r'lunkett has gone to the i home of bis parents in Tnrnnto a few ' weeks. W h..[>e the charge will benefit his health. Mm Walts of Walkerton has been tinning friends at Euitenia fur rbti past few weeks. M:s Hi-nry ..f Mirkdale visited with her couiun, Mrs Munshaw. Mi Lizzie Cameron hu* n-tiirn.-ii Ijffiui Mi.i.tcmir, S J.. where she ban for some nine Ix-en living. Her many j friemis areulad to wclcume her b.ick. \\ e are g ad to ste our genial fnoml. Mr. Oiulter, with us vain He will till Mr. I'lnnketi's appi.iiiiiueuts dunn^ th.t' gentleman's aboeuce Mr. H. M. Hoaeriiian i very ill. Now tlut eivctnc are beniif built in uitferenr ptr's of the c nintry KHSjenia |.>riiple Wi.uld like to know what ihe pnmpeuts are for the Pew-Rolttoa At the requent of several Imdie- N know its virtuen we have secured s sop ply of the famnua IU Miracle Washing Compound ) Whi;h di>es your wtuhmi; while you r*t. A very larue wa.shiiii; can bn done in t few days during ' h<>u . r - XV|th tnl " ^""P-uod there is >'n nihhin^ f clothes king ..f cli'then over nitfhc N i luck -breaking waahbtMnl work U very low One cake, sufficient t a larve wimluni;, fur .V: two cakes for 5c. and 30c per dosrn. Will send a trisi cake by m..l f. .r 4c Full directions foi use aLXompany tvery cake. Mon.'T re funded if it ii"v* nut il" all that is claimeii /r it. Addrena or cnll at. THe Advance FLESH tRTt^X For Sale at Eugenia Lot No R). TriiRivr trrt. Eustnia. one hai: acnf lanil on wbicb ixacoiufortabl" .IwvlllUk itiht fruit trwii. ooritiH. w!l fvncvi. Wl!l- \ldrws MK> v - OAS Ont BULL FOR SALE A WMll-brv.1 bull. twlTv mosjSJkS> .:.!. >wU t,, \v. H. lil'UUV. Prtcevill*. Tit*... Uu-ch K. 1SB*. friend of mine. lawyer, advised me to, take a book aicy, saying he had edu- j . BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Tice, and in five yoars saved *5.<)"K), aiwl nil this sni started my pre.ent bunin- es. It is jusl titty year* ago to day that Mr. Bradluj, the founder of th* present titnt of the Bradley GarrwUon Company, Limited, >! Toronto, sent me my hrst book pn^^tus, and to hin beautiful let- ters and gxl advice, I owe much of my present s*?as. Yen young man, if you have anything i y" there i.i jusl as good a chance for yu to-day with this old established H.Hwe an there was for me. Writ* the and see what they have to offer." T..mkiiii. "1 bae seen the advorlie- meuts of this twin, f.r agents, for yoars baik. ami hsv often thought of writing them, I ut have never done mi. 1 will write to-day ; and 1 as* very thankful to y.u Mr. Wannaraaker U your good advice " fusniTii sunn niuis Jf. 71. jC,Sar4. Prop. If TO" shoulil wl.h an a<tv *av An gKl an barbtir evt>r gave. Ju.t call at my shavtaf ssjSM At morn, or >.w hu.v noon. I'll cut n I ilrr '> >> llr "ithiprac*. To .uit tb ci.iilour of tne f.c^ My rtM.m i. tt. V>wt>! oloan, Anilevervthlni; I 'Ion* .>u'll ftnrt Tomirt tli*tai>ti<an.l |4SSWS mtna. And all that is or kUloaaae if yoi.1l ju.l twH. t l*foryow. I h.r tin- voaon. th. oli). tb gay, 111 bav tou .11 ("r reartjr ry. A ii.l clean .. tia.l at any tuaa, Awl (or ad'are 1 Jet a ilur* . I do not uif.n . ilmie In trust Vvr that wouM niak* tht. barber host. *. Mlr>r FOR ROLSTON STEAM LADHDRY AND. *f PARKER'S . DYE WORKS T. HILL & FOR BARGAINS! FOUNDRY Cihobhinf R.tts. Mr Th"inpM..ii . f AiljaU is c-iinii:j ri'K.df mi Mr. H. Cvrii.*' larm. Mr. H. K I'erfsnn n re'iitiiin^ to Ins own farm neitr M.txwelL W .tie sorry to ! Mr. and Mis. R..ferts,.u from our nniUr IHsjM r'-tiii.r. Priwil.t aud Del!.. Mc'K S..iiii,| ire the vjiu-sti ..f i.lieir ^uir, N I s. A M. Mi K t T.iront.. ctmducte<l . in s I'tvariyteriaii church i>n Sunday art ... n. Ilia many fi lends at 1.' is(eii!.t w. ' [>l, i In n A N I SAW and We kave a number .f t'ulperx and Wheelbarrows that we will s.l! cheap fur r "Uld t-\>:!ini<? them fur S:wlo^s i.r Shingle timber. Tli"M- abou' to liuiKl th"ii!,l son u brt'itre placing their onlir. s wi-.-:i.iy h:iv:<- stin'k of dry tim- her, and c'tn fiiriiinii Krameit, Sash and Dimr* and the oiCorvnt kimix .f -lusM-d I.umU-r <>n 'i.-t ntice. Custom Sawing and 1'Uiinm done SH UHiial and f^ s \TISK.\CTION ;r.\RANTEKD Mnl KiiipireaiM Advance. . .9 1 8" \\VeklyMailEiiipireandAdvalice 1 4.> F*rm anil Kremje Wrelily CN.hsj Saturday (!loh P'i!v N'-w* ai'il \ih-\ncc Fnunly Herald ami \<lvaiK- .. .. Farmer 1 *' Sun and Advance klm'ot rlo> trucked for the iMinin Miss M.ita;*' Snurlt ,.f Eugenia is visit- ing under the parental roof on account her in. ither's severe illmms. M I^IIT Leslie Liiwmi<-e pivn a birtli day party to a number of hia JUSJIU. frit nas I'M KruUy eteinn^ Imtt. Th. yi.uni: folks i'etk very highly of the h< - pitality >.f their host. Our citiZ'-ns Hbould now, as spru : muddy roxds will MXUI be here, be aluit to luti* t!ie nulewulks in better r. jwir than tht-y |-peared last siiiniu null i iUiii;i-i'i;i< coll lition. Mr lie". Kni'tt. ai J Mr. Ce<i. T were to Cey;<-n, or prvtty near there lax IS ** 4"i 1 S4 I S) 1 :::. from > R. P. LEGATE & CO. FWalierton Station, D*cmber 8, 1896. attker wo.l. up to M.n-h JSMefinsI i '.-1 ! n: ,' MSSBT, .Mr. N I u. i I .'iiltt-r i.f 1 in rbe Meihodmt cliutx-h luctv i we ui..lvrs:;n. I that he \\ . \lltOtl will c..ii!ii,ne t.> ike ;!i.- work until Mr. t'liinkett is able ti- rvs'ime hi* dunes, ion nf a brick UlSS OhiisHMMkltUssasW Mi- K>ther I' 1 * ,!!' \liitee.H 1 . i living ill ToMnto. ' t). U'* 10 F rt* i:ni. .1 ' I '. i: :...u - .-.l.iy. S,i l..^.ing ullie i.uier of the day and Mr.'* lumber yard is veil I Nnas> or . n v i . of I 1 S II. Why dtHour bl.icksmith.Mr. Watson. Iih>k n happy iniw a days t Why. d.tuuhtt-r ciime -o st- him Utnt e. . he intend.s tn keep it A number of cbildreu were riding |SJM| of li-gs ni-ar (Irttnl Vnlley, ! a bad piece, of road th load upxet. S I suv on. tl m^iifer of .1 Un.t i mt li. naa burie.l under the l.ii(s mi'l killed. The ..(her ehiMn i :vll escaped. There have be*>n "H^erU cases of an thrat or black le^ in Arthur tovosnip ' ^_-