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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1899, p. 4

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LIFE'S SPRINQTIME.l of It before tea rear* of In toll onoylng flaolatloni. You prals* bli utj. supposing b* li not large enough understand what 700 ur. and jron will find him standing on blgb onair before a OatMrlng mirror. Wordi aid deadi and example* are tbe aned of obar- r~ i \ r i r> i . LJ I acter. and children ara vary apt to I* Rev. Dr. Talmage s Sermon Recalls the Hal- theeeoondediuonoftnetr parent*. A bra- bam begat Isaac, eo Tlrtua U apt to go DaVS Of Youth. down I" * b no*ral HD*. bat Herod begat Arcbelaue, ao Iniquity U tranemtt- ^^_^__^__^____ ted. What vast responsibility oomee upon parenti In view of thin subjeotl Ob, niaka yonr home tbe brightest plan* on earth If you would charm roar children to ibe high path of virtue and rectitude and religion! Do not always torn tbe blludi tbe wrong war. Let tbe light, wblob pnta gold on tba gentlon Ha Draws a Vivid Picture of Two Contrasting Homes--A Man's True Character Comes Out at the Fireside-- Parents Are Writing History. Washington. F*b to Many tender recollections nr* stirred 1 y I r lalmugea discourse, an.l scene* of boyhuuj and girlhood d*y* will be lived over again; text, L Timothy v. 4. "Lot tbem learn Bret lo show piety at borne." liurlng tbe summer month* tbe tend- enty It to tbe Ui-lils. to vUltatlon, to foreign travel aud the watering piaoee, and tb* ocean steamer* are thronged, but In tb* winter II Is ratber la gather in domestic oireles. and durlug than* mo. itb* w* spend many of tbe hours within doors, and tbe apoitl* comes to as ami says tbal we ought to exorols* Christian behavior amid all surh olrcum- tan.-e "Let Ihrin learn tirnt to show piety al bome " There are a great rnanv people longing for Dome grand anh.-re in whlon to serve Ood. '1 ney admire 1, inner al tba I)iet of Worma aud only wUb that they had sorn* such great opportunity In wblob to ills Hkaw l', . at II...... Ae at luneot eometlinea the wind rlees, ao after a euneblny day. there may be a tempestuous nlgbt. There are people who In publlo aot tbe philanthropist wbo at M West's'" Death on a bomo aot tbii Nero with rsepeot to their Tintoretto a "Mawacre Upper* unit tbuir gown. Audubon. tbe gruat ornltbologlM, with goo and pencil went through tbe forenti of America to bring ilown anil to sketch tbe beautiful blrdH, and after yean of toll and eipot- ure completed hie manuscript and put It In a trunk In Philadelphia and went off for a few dare of rorrvntion and reit and oaine back and found that tba ran had utterly destroyed the mannirrlpt, hot without any dlxcnmtlture and without anv fret or bad temper be again picked up hli gun and lil< pencil and vlnlted again all tbe great foreta of America and roprotluoeil bli Immortal work. And yet tbete are people with tbe ten- thousandth par) of that loeii wbo ara trlr Christian |,rowesa. They ad- I UUt>rl - f I"on llsble. who at the loss of mire I'aul m.kln, Felix tremble, and ' !'" " "Hole of raiment will bad aom ucb ! tlow loD and loud and b 'P nurtht-ail storm Now, that man who Is rusklnv, Uiey only wlb ttat they grand oocailon In which to preach rlghte- onauee* teiapcrauce and juilgmenl to ooiue All they want In an oppur>unlty to their Christian beroliiu. Now. tbe apostle practically aaye: "I will ebow you plare wbre TOU can exbllilt all that U grand ami beautiful and itlorl- oua In Cbrlitian ubaraner, and that If tbe domestic circle I .ft them learn flnt to h iw pluty at home " If one li not faithful In an insignificant sphere, be will no be faithful In a resounding (.here. If 1'eler will not help the cripple at the gate of tbe temple, be will never be able to preach a.uuu Into the kingdom affable In publlo and who I* irritable In private Is making a fraudulent and over- issue of stock, and be li as bad aa a bank that might have $400.iino or $500,000 of bills In circulation with no snecis In tb* vault 1/et ua Ifarn to show piety al bon If we have It not there, we have It n it nny wh.-re If we have not geBUln* grace In Ihe family circle, all our out- waril and publlo plausibility merely *p/lnga from the fenr ol tb* world or from th* slimy, putrid pool of our own aeltliihi.ei*. I tell yen th* bom* Is a test of character. What yon ars al ib* IVntec.iHt. If I'aul wdl not take ' "' hon " 7 * '*". whether you demonitrale II or not A it r... j Harbor. palm to Inatnct In tbe way of salvation tbe jailer of tb 1'bllluplan riungeou, he will never mal.e hi III tremble He wbo U iiot faithful In a iklrmiih would not be faithful in an AnuagiHiJon. Tbe fact la, we are all placed In juit tbe position In which we can most grandly serve Oud, and we oucht not to be chiefly thought- ful about nonie ephere of uielulneae which we may after awblls gain, but tbe all alieorlilng question with you and wltb n.e ought to be. "l.nrd. what wilt tbou bave uie now and here to doV An r:s |.rt- <. \Tnril. There li one wo.-d In 6l. 1'aul's adjura- tion around which toe moit of our thought) will revolve. 1 hat word li 'i. >..,e " Aak ten different men tha meaning of that word, ami they will give you MO different definitions. .To one U mean* love at tbe health, plenty at tha lalim, Industry at the worknand. Intnlll- Again, homo I* a refuge. I.lfj U the tJnlled State, army on Ihe nntlonal road to Mexico a long k, wltb ever and anon a ikirn.Kb and n nutlla. At even- tide we pltcb our tent ami itack tbe arm*; we hung up the war oap, and, oar html on tha knapMck, we alap until tha iiiorniog tuigla calln u< t > march to tbe action. How u1ea<unt II It to rehear> tbe vlctoilei and tha aurprlaaa and the at- tack) of tha day, heated by Iba Mill carnpllre of tba hnme circle) Yea. life U itoimy tea. Wltb ihtveredj maati and torn alii and hulk aleak, wa pat In at the harbor of home Blend harbor I There we go for rpulr In tbedrydwk. Ihe ennJIe In the window U to the toll- ing man the llgbthou<e uuhltng him Into port. Children go forth to meet tbelr father* a* pllota at th>< Nnrrowi take tba h.iti'l of ihlpa. The ilnnnlll of the hnme a renr* at the booke, devotion at the altar. > wharf wh.reheavv lifu Is unladen 1 her* In that household dlsoortl novar iounili lc<* war whnop and deception never trlcki with Ita face. To dim It uivuni a greailQg at the itoor nnd a atnlln ul tbe ftbalr, jieiicti hovurlng like winy-, joy clapping lu banili with laughter Life ! a tranquil lik 1'lllowi-d on the rlpplea elaep tbe ebadowi. Aik another men what home li, and ha will tell you It n Want looking out of a cheerlvte lire RraUi, kneading huni|r In an empty brsad tray. Tha damp air inlvailng wltb oureaa. No Bible on the ibelf. Children rolibere and innrilernri In embryo. Obeoene tun ft their lullaby. Kvery face a pvtu-e of ruin. Want la tbe be>ckaroand aid eln etarlim fioiu tbe front. No {Sab- bath wave rolling over that doonllL Viwtlbule nf the pit Hbadow of Infernal wall*. Kurnaoe for forging averlaillng ehalna. KagoU for an unrnrtlng funeral pile. Awful word. It li rpelled wltb onieaa, It wre|M wltb ruin, ltcno<ei wltb woe, It wltb the rt.wth .,-ony of 4i<palr. Ihe word "home" In tbe one on-* mean* everything bright. Tbe word "home ' In thn nlhar cane ineann every- thing lerrlflo 1 aball apeak now of home ae a teit of abarKctoi . hnme ua a relnne. home ai a polltiual aafegilitnl, hon.e a a Hcboal und Borne aa a type of heaven. And In the drt plife home In a ^owvrful tent of character Tbe dlipnxltlon In publlo may be In Kny r.oluni. While In prlvute It li dlelivtjIUe. Aa play nolorn rn.-iy apiur In one wuy on tbe ntu^o nnd may appear In ai. "their way Imhlml the aoenee, so prl- vioa oharndnr may be very dlffrenl frnm punllo i'hira-'er. I'rlvnte character le often punlln oharaoter mrned wrong aide out A man may rer Into ble parlor ue thoiiuli be wi>re a dlitllla- tion of amllee, ami yet bli heart rnny ha a^ewamo of nettliM There are hu*lna*e iun wbo all day long ara mild and eoiirfi'oiH ami genial and good nafjred In ooiiimirolal Hf". ilammlng Lack tbuir Irru.iMliiy anil their petulance and their <!'.>< intant, bat at nightfall tba dnm break* and aooldlng pnuri forth In Honda llaputailon li only the ehow of charae er. arid a very email houae aomittmea will oaat very long ahadow. The line ma/ erem to drnp wltb n.yrrh and casela aji'i the dlnpoaltlon to le at bright and Harm aa a aheath of lunbanme, and yet they may only hi a mauntfloent abow wuiilaw for a wretobed atook of gooda. There la many a man who li aflahU In puhllo life and amid nnnimerclal ipbeiea who In a cowanlly way tnket bli anger nd bit pMuUnoa home and droni them In tba dorneetlo circle. Tbe rar.ioa men o Dot dliplay tbelr had tamper In publa to broaaee ttaey do not want to be knock- eel down. There are men wbo bide tbelr !><( Muni* and their Irritability jait for the eatre rta<oa that they da not Ul tbelt aoiee go to pratil II iloa* not pay-oi r, ib. tine Meiaon that thev il i not want a man tn tbalr (took oompM* le U bU .took bejow par ll It i. tin plao wh.rn w. may talk uf what we hate done without hoing cburgeJ with elf adulation There la Ibs place where we liny louniia without Icing thought'ful 1 here la tbe place where wa n ay eij tu.s ntTecilon without l.i-t'i/ thought allly There 1- 'he plsee h. r.t we rcny for gut our nnnoyunos and ei.i-.jinr.ui.ins and u.iui.1 *. Forlorn earth pilgrim, no home? Than die Ihit la Iwtter. Tba gruve Is brighter and grander and morn glnrlou* than this world wltb no tent from marching, wltb no harbor from the stcriu. wltb no plao* to met from thla scene of greed aud gong* ana Inns and gain, lioil pity the man or the women who has no homa! Further, home l a political safeguard. The anfnty of the state must be built on the safaty or the home. Why cannol l-'ruiue i-nnie to a plaold repnbllo? Mao- Mahon appoints his Ministry, and all Kruno* li aqnake luit tb* rapuhlio b* i n.iiherod. lian.l-ettii illee, and thore are innilrnils of t h.i.i-:n di of Krunrhinen I wno are fearing tl. return of n mon- ' urchy. Tbe llieyfn* iae In at this mo- ment a dlnnilioriim earthquake under , I'uriK Kranoo, a* n nation, has not the right kind of a rhrlminn home. Th* hu.rthnrei.ii l the only hrn'tb- | ht.nif for a reriiiliilr The virtues cultured In the family eircla nre an almnlute neiewiiy for tho state If there lie nol , h in.iril prin, i|, In i.) rnnka thfl fam- ily adhere, tberw will not be nniiugb IMilnii-nl prim l]il.> to miike the mate alliiire N.i h oiii. imiiin* thi (Inths anil Vnnditla, IIICIIIK the of ASM, n,. MTU tbe Nurnlillau* nf Africa, rh.'inuliiii from |d n-t< tn plane aocotdlng aa thu punture hnppi'iii ti change. Oon- foundeil he all tWe babuls of Inqulty wnlch would ovrprowr and destroy tbe tioruel Tne 'same storm tha) upsul-i tha ship In whli'h tha family sail will sink the frlu, .i.. of the .-iiiniltution. Jails and penlteatlarlas anil armies and navies arc nol our best defense. The door of tb* hnme Is tb* best fortress. Household utanslli are nnr ben artillery, and tne chin nnyii .if our dwelling hoawis are tbe grandest iiionumi<nta to <afty and tri- umph No h.iiun. no rapubllol s^f>,l of I liw. :l.-l>r. Forther, home Is a school. Old ground roust tw turned up with subsoil plow, nd It mual tie harrowed and rermrrow- ad, and then the atop will not b as large at that of the new ground wltb lees culture Now, youth and childhood ar* new ground, and all tha Influence* thrown over tbelr heart and lit* will come np In after life luxuriantly. Evary time you hava given a untie of approba- tion all Ibe good ohier of yonr life will om* up again In th* geniality of yonr children. And every ebullition at anger and evsry unoonlrollabl* display ot In- dignation will be foel M tbelr disposition , 90 or 80 or 40 y**rs from DOW fuel for a bad Or* a qnartcr of eentary from Ibis. Yon praise ihe lnsa!llgeon* of yonr ohild 1 loo iniioh eametlsses when yon think a* ! <>; aware e It, a*4 yoei will ee U* nd ipoti tbe ponry, pour Into vour dwelling!. Do not expeot the little feat to keep itep to dead marcb. Do not cover up yonr walli with iocb picture* Pale Horae" or of tba Inno- canta " Katber cover them If you hava plotarei wltb "Tbe Hawking Party," nd "Tba Mill liy tha Mountain rUream," and "Tbe Fox Hunt." and th Children Amid Flnwera." and tha "Harveit Scena, " and "Tba Saturday Nlfbt Marketing." (iet yoo no bint of obaerfulneii from graiiopper'i leap and la*nb'i frlik and qnall'e .rblitla and tjarruloua itrramler, which from tba rook it Ibe mountain top clear down to tba meadow feme under tbe ibadow of tba neep coruve looking to aee wbera U can flnd tbe ateapett place to leap off at r.d Ulklna jait to bear Itielf ulk? If all tbe iklti hurtled wltb teropeet and verlaitlng storm, wandered over tbe tea, and every mountain etreain ware raving mad, frothing at tba moutb with mud foaro, ana there were nothing bnt elmooni blowing among tbe bllU and there were neither lark'i oarol nor hum- ming blrd'a trill, nor waterfall'! daih, bat only bear bark and nauther'i acreain and wolf'a bowl, tbeu you might wall gather Into Tour home* ouly tba abailowi. Hut wben Uod bai itrewn tbe irth and tbe batveni wltb beauty and with Kladnesn, let ua take Into our home olrclai all Innocent hilarity, all bright- neis nil all good rhaer. A dark home make* bnd boyi and bad glrli In | repara- tion for bad men and bad woman. ICeMpoii.lbllitjr ! I'.ir.'iit*. Above all, my fnpinli. take Into your borne* I hristtan principle. Can It ba that In any of the comfortable home* whose Inmate* I confront Ibe voice of pruyer li never Itftod* What! No loppll- | r.,tic,n at night for protection? What! No tbuukiitlvlng In the morning for en re? How, my brotb<r. my (Irter, will yon answer Qoti In ibe day of judgment with .efrrence to yonr cbllilianf It li a plain ..UK, nun, and theru.'cre I aak It In Iba iri.ib cbaptor of Jeremiah Qod aayn ba will pour out hie fury upon Ibe famlllea that rail not npon bl<i name. Oh, par- , mis. when you ara dead and gone, and tba rnoia la covering the Inscription of tba tombitone. will your rhlldrm look , back and thluk of father and mother at family prayer? Will they take tb* old f jnuly Hlblo nnd open It aud we tha mark of lean of contrition and teara of condoling prnn.lio wept by eyee long be- fore gone out Into ilarknamf Oh. If yon do not Inculcate Chrlulan principle In the heart! of your children, and von do not warn them ogalnit avll, and yon da not Invite them to bollnret anil to Ood, [ and they wander off Into dlulpallon and Intlilellty and at l:st make ihlpwraok ol tbelr Immortal mill, on their doa th bed arid In the day of judgment tbey will uurae youl Heated by tba reglitur or tbe tove, what If. on the wall, ahould rome oat the blmory of your children? What a bli- tory tbe n:ortal and Immortal life of your loved ones I Kvery parent U writ- ing It, composing It into aobg, or point- ing It with a groan. My mind runs back to on* of tb* beet ot early homei 1'raycr like < roof over It Peace l>k* an atmonphar* In II. Par- ante perionlflcatloni of faith In trial and comfort In darknesn. Tba two pillar* of that earlhlv home long crumbled to duet. Hut ahall I ever forget tbat oarly home? VUH, whin tba flowiir forgau the inn that warmed It Yai, wben the mariner ! forget* tb* itar that gultled him. Ye*, i wben love hat gone oat <m the heart* altar, and meit-ory r.iii emptied III urn Into fcrgetfuln*!*. Then the home of my rblldhoiM I will forget thiw! Ihe family altar of a fntrir lm|or(unlty and a mother'* tendrt neKH, the volcei of attention. tbe funiral of ocr dead, the father and moilmr wltb IntnrlookaU arm* liku Inier- twlnglng dr.iui hr.s of treee making a pi|H'Hial arbor of love and peace and' klnilnaai than I will forget thee then. ; and only them! You know, my brother, > that a bunilroil tlmri yon hiivo be*n i ' kept out of iln by the memory of *ucb a m'atip ait I have Immi deaorlblng Yon have oftan IKIII raKlng tamptutlona, bul you know \fhat hat held you with neper- natural grnnp. I tell you a man wbo bai | had nch (ion i borne ai tbat never geta ; over It, and a man who has bad a bad early bom* never get* over It. I |- Ml llMMVKBI. Again, horn I .. type of beavea. At ! our bent estate w. am only pilgrim* and triingern here. "Heaven In our home." Death will never knock at the door of that mansion, and In all that country there la not a ilngle gra\e. Uow glad parents are In tbe bolldayi to gather tbelr children bomo agitln! Hut I hava noticed that there U nlmoit alwuyi a ion or a daughter anaeni ali.ent from home, perhaps abaent from tha country, per bap* hm tit from the world. Ob, how glad our heavenly Katber will ba wben be get* ' all till children bom* with blrn lu hea- Tnl And bow delightful It will ba for brothers and ilRter* to meat after long Mparatlon! One* tbay parted at tbe door of tb* tomb. Now thev meet at tbe door of Immortality. One* the) law only "through a glaa* darkly." Now It U faoa to face, corruption. Inoorrnptlon; mortal- ity, Immorttluy. \Vh*r*ji* now all their Ine and aorrowa and ttoublaif Over- whelmed In th* Ked Sea of death, while they pail through dry ahoil. (Inlet of pejarl, oapatonei of ame'.byit, throne* of doi-.lnion do not atlr my coal 10 roa*b ae tha thought of home One* there, let earthly in ,wi bowl Ilk* etarna* >ad roll Uk*a*aa. Horn* Ltt leronee rol and empire* wither. Horn*! Let Ihe world die In earthquake etruggla and ba burled amid piormilon of planet* and dlrg* of pherei. Horn*! L*t *v*rlaatln( age* roll lii Irrealellbl* iweep. Home' No aorrow. No orylag. No teara. No death. Hut bon. a. iweel bom*, baantlfal bom*, enr- laitlng home, borne wltb each other, home wltb angvle, bom* wltb (1 >. ! A l>rin uf Mam*. One nlgbt, lying on my lonnga when very tired, my children all around about me In full romp and hilarity and laugh- teron th* lounge half awaka and naif ailei.p-I dreamed this dream: I wa* In a far eonntry. It waa not Penla. al- though more than oriental Inznrlano* orowned th* cities It wa* nol tb* troplcH, although more than tropical frnltfulnaaa filled thv garden*. It wai not Italy, althougn mor* than Italian aoft- nM filled tb* air. And I wander*! around looking for tborni and nettle*, but 1 found tbat none of tbem grew there, and I *aw the enn rlne, and I watched to ee* II *et, bnt It *ank not. And I law the people In holiday attire, and I laid, "When will tbey pnl off tbla nd put on workman'* garb and again delv* In th* mine and iweltar at the forgo?" Bnt tbey never pnt off tb* holl- dav attire. And I wandered rn tb* lubarbi of tb* city to find tb* plao* where th* dead le*?, and I looked all along th* Una of th* baantlfal bill*, tb* plao* whore tb* dead might mon peacefully ileap, and I law rowan and caitiev, but not a mauso- leum or a monument or a whit* ilab ooold 1 *. And I went Into tbe chapel of tbe great town, and I laid "When do tb* poor worship anil where are tb* hard beucbe* on wblob they ill?" And tb* aniwer wa* made me, "We bare no poor In tbli eonntry." And then I wandered oat to flnd It* bovela of IB* dealllut*, arid I found manalona of amber and Ivory and gold, bat not a Mar could I ae*, not a ilgh conlJ I naar. And I waa bewild- ered, and I *al down nnder tb* branobe* of a grant tree, and I aald. "Where am I and whence come* all thli aoene?" And then out from among th* leaves and op Iba Iluwery pathi and acroaa t..e broad etreum there came a beautiful group thronging all about rne, and a* I law them com* I thought I knew tbelr step, and ai tbey ibonlxd I tbongbt I knew tbelr voice*, but tben tLey were ao tiljrl outly arrayed In apparel luch aa I bad never before wltneewad that I bowed an itranger to atrar.ger. Bul wben uiraln tbey clapped their bandi and ebouted. "Weleornu. welcome!" the myetary all vanlibed, and I found tbat lime bad gone and eternity had come and wa were all together acaln In our n>w horn* In beaven. and 1 looked aroun 1, and I aald. "Are we all bar*? ' and tb* voice* of many generations reiponded. "All here ' And while lean of gladnen were running down our cbeeki, and tbe brancbei ot Ibe I/ebanon oedar* were clapping tbuir band*, and th* tower* of tb* great city warn chiming tbelr wel- come wa all together riegan to leap and bout and ling: "Home! Home! Home!" * ^ ..nil* Napolann. He waa an odd looking llttl* figure as he jame merrily whistling down tbe street tbe morning afier the big snow. Ills nose was r*d, hi* hands ware bard, bis feel were In ehoe* several sizes too large, and his hat wai held In plan by a roll of paper nnder tn* sweat!) mil. Bnt h* piped away Ilk* a steam whistle _nd oarrlrd tbe lug snow ebovel much as a luaroblng soldier carries bis rill* lie's a brav* Hull lad wltb hi* clear bine ey** and his determination to earn wbat b* ean. "How Tinii-h'" from an Imposing look- in man wbo was asked If h* wanted bla walks cleaned. "Ten oenul" echoing th* lad's reply. "A nlokel't enough." "Il would b* If I couldn't do belter. But I'v* got lo do tb* b*st I ean, ani business Is rushing Hood morning," nd tbat merry whittle filled Ibe air aa the boy started awa/. "Uo ahead and clean 'am," snouted Ib* man, wboa* admiration and belter nature bad been aroneed. "Just aee tbat little rascal make tbe snow fly," he laughed to bis wit*, who stood at tb* window wltb him. "Why, be n a regular snow plow. And b* dor* 11 well, too." "Wbal a little mite, and bow comical. I wonder It b*'s hungry." Sb* called him In ai soon as he had finished, but b* would no-, take tun* for mor* than a cup or coffee. "Too busy." "Wbat are yon going to do with the mon*yf" ask*J the man as be Insisted on settling at a quarter. 'I'm going to get mother a shawl for Christina*. Sb's tv.-arln' one you oan see through, and It am t right." On be went with his glowing cheska nd bis ohaery whittle. Hut they had his name and addras.1 It was tb* wife who look a shawl to tba mother, and It wa* tbe buihand who Installed th* sturdy little snow shoveller is office boy In a bright IMW uniform and with permission lo whlstU when he feels Ilk* lu RpritylMK, K.-I ... Tb* San Joan scale It constantly spreading lo all directions and In torn* part* uf the sonlb U destroying the punch tree*. No satisfactory spraying material except kerosene hon been discovered, even whale-oil soap emulsion falling to gel all Ib* Insects unless very carefully appllod. Tb* application of kerosene la nol sat* for Ib* trees, although a newly- Invented spraying pump promises to make II safer. Tbls pump Is so construct ed tnat It mixes Ihe oil wltb water In Ibe noiile and allows a very light coal of kerosene lo ba led. This should b* done on bright days In the wlutor while the buds are dormunt and nnder favor- able conditions works very effectively. \Vhul III* !,,,.! Si4. It wai wber* tb* rooter oar* pae* lo a certain olty An old gentleman alighted, the cnnduntor told him to look out for tb* other ear. Tb* paie*n>er did not understand him, and turni.ig around, aikid: "What did yon say?" Jail then tbe n,otor etraok him and knocked him without aarloui daui*g to- ward tba enrb op tbe oppoalte *ld* froui which be wanted to go. At h* got np, b* wa* beard to BBMar, 'I woader waal thefaea aahl" 10LD GLORY OVER CEBU WHY BREED SCRUB HOGS f Ao Rxprrt i OII.I.I.T. It - PrlTllea;*) lo Ratae Svvleie. Tbe feed aod treatment of pnwa, write* A. N. Spring r in Land and A Living, bavH mncb to do with tbe ei- U-nt of tin ir prcifltable period. At no time ibnnlii tbey bave an all corn tat inn, bnt it ebould be supplemented by milk, brnn, ilop, urahi. etc. Corn il tbe wont feed to give a aow tbat it, for a main article uf food but often it in tbe only tbitiK 'I' 1 y Ret. A low fed tbroagh tbe winter ou corn alone, or witb mayhap a bucket of slup occafinnally, ii not in fit oondiiniu for farrowing bealtbily. Her lyntom in nut to be fuverieb and tbe nn- nainrul craving will vi ry likely lead to her devouring her pig*. Tbe pigi, too, are very apt to be sorry looking lot, nd if tiny live will never give Iba llnriKL PnLiXD-CRTWA. owner much pleasure, pride or profit. Tbe remedy it to feed plenty of nitrng- enoni foods. A rye patch make* ex< .! lent greeu pasture for boga in winter. Lacking tins iiud other graM or root oropa, tbeu feed plenty of trim uud borts in *!<>p. A literal variety in tb* key to Buocem SliDtet.. ton, np to within month or two of selling time stinnld bave a good variety nf feed. Tbe last two month* tbe corn i-liuuld predominate. But it will alwav* I'liy to give a little variety by way uf mtinient. Tbe tent time to sell bogs It wben tbey ate fat. repardleii of prices. Some re even uuw t>elling half fatted Muff Alk tbem why aud tbey Bay. "Tbe o rn U worth inure tban tbe bogs." To evil half fatted hog it not business nule** there ia a weiRhtiir reaoou than tbat of price tn be couoidered. Ooo<l shelter for all hogi at tbli time of year in mi imperative necessity. A bunch uf I - tileepiug in tbe farm cor- ner and M]in iliug asouly a cold jii can qneal ilur> not make pleuaut tnunic lo onn who Ilki-x tn feel that fail Stock i* warm and well feil. Especially art< dry. warm quurlera desirable for a row mid pigs. A r<i|<l pig is a dissatistivd |'. c 4. and a dituwtixthd pig will not eat as it thonld. A tbornnghlired or a good grade of bogs should alwHVi be kept. The tlior- oncbtruda ar the must profitable, aud they re DO I <w tbat il looks like* i of foolislinen* to do without tbem. If yon are vkeptical, get a tboroagbbred male and cross on your "elm peelera" nd tee if yon do not bave tbe bmt bnncb of pige yon ever owned. A little better than M-rnt care mnst be awarded* tbem. Our motto sboald be "tbe best,"; for indeed the Lett ii none too good for one wbo live* up to bit privileges M a wine breeder. Mind, I tay "liven np to bis privilege*." for it is a privilege to raise hon fine the finest aud good as Hi., brail I There are four great breed* of twine.' wltb son:e nthurs uf leaser fame, tut perbip* juM us guod in tbeir cohere. ' Tbe Poland I'hiuus by mere force of number*, if for no other reason, corriu first, with i-i.rhHps tbe Berkshiren h..M ) ing secoinl i i,n-'. Tbe third iu the lift of honor i- th. tarfatuud Chester White. And la*t, l i:t nut least (al leaet in - re tbe Dim*- Jersey*. With such u list of uotablt- s to choose from, why ecrub*? si.. . i. In Ike Boatk. A writ, r in The- American Breeder >.iv- -initli ru fttrriuTH are spend-) ing uiillions of dollars for ferti! every ycur. A tulletin published by the! United Si. iii > recently thrws tbat a largo proportion of tbem fertilizers gives no pro tit and tn mail., c.istns tbe money is not rei-.iv red, but is u total lost, tint there never was an instance yet known of soy loa* or iudec.l i.f the absence of a good profit to any southern farmer in tbe keeping of a flock of sheep on bis idle land* turned out as old friends to wash and become gullied and waited while lying Idle, bam and bnruiug nnder th sun. Idle laud is ulwiiys wasting, jost on tbn Idle time, i. f a nmu ii a watte audit low. It is gainiug uotbiug by the expoMire to tbe sun nn.1 weatber, and wbal littlx of il is covered witb weedy growth gem o benefit. Tbe common practice, toa of barniug tbe *edge grass on il is still more destructive, for it consume* tbe little vegetable, matter tbat may hava been collected iu thu previous year, and leaves thu tare, Kcurcbed gronud pouror thin It was wben cultivation w.a banduned wmui year> before. Casey Shnre. Biddy, an pbwat would yes do if Oi were to diet airs. Casey Oi'd thaxt a UnJk ao- oitnt New York Jouruai Death of Grand Registrar, Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. FATAL ICE BOAT COLLISION. ae I fr-J. . Montr. >l Mn. Klll.. al pl<^ii. Wiuh. Yuk Hv for tl, Klondlh* A. M*. M ...,.... ^ ff \T .,, i, . . t, ^ ,>^ Arr*.Wt i nl-- ( I., U1 . the I'.uUit- July 81, 1810. Prom 1840, nf the various lclcrruph linn* wen; ouend, liurun de Iti-niiT worktxi th.'in into hU frrtnt new* Ufiicy nml In IH.'.I. when tha isilile waa laid 1''\V' n Kmrbiiul ami, he nuufprred his rhu;/ .ituce KJ 1/miclon. L. A i'uii|i<luii. HHiilor member of the ware Snii uf ('mnl'in & Manhmll, I iiii.m ill. Out., died Satnnliiy moi-nina; (rum pueiimonltt. IMttn>d wax Grand hdvi^trur uf the. Grand Lixlgu uf Canada, A . K. & A.M., and waa al*o a pout officer rf the finind R. A. Chapter. Mr. Ointf- J'.n wiis :)'. yuar* old. uud at the time of i- 1- Utlh wa a nuiiuhur of the County . Hu wmi an uz-n\ of tlu: town. widow and three *>iu survive hiaa. The Pmbyterinn Church at bnrnet dnwn Sunday rmnioft. ild The American ting ho* been rnLs.l ov. he Island of Cebu, east of th* lalaud at ONE-SIDED STORY. Border - 1 In- ttllu Lao-* < ll.ln- L in I ..i*lli. ) Toeomo, Wash., Feb. 'JT. Mrirlsh Col- umbia may l>c<i>iiic embroili*! In civil I i war, Browing out .if th.Mli--ov.Ty of gold George Holier, a roofer, fell 176 fenl In the Atlin Lake district, and the allegtxl ; from a scaffold In Huffalo and WM iu- hlirh-handed action of the <;.>v,-niment stoutly killed Saturday. ' offi.-uil* in attempting to corner it all for R. W. Begley, tinsmith, etc., Smith's themselves. Falls, ha* made on assignment. Liabili- ties are said to be about $3, 000; a*auui about :-.>.500. The legal machinery bos been set In motion tu procure for the former street THE ROYAL BOX. The Prince of Vale, It 1 aald, recently remari.i<i tlu.t he. iM-l.i--.ctl lio wuuld oatar occupy t(u> tlironu uf tiruut Uritain. Tlwi abahof IVrsia ia ulylwl thn "Red Kinn" oeeaua* he wear* a, red turban. Tht-ru bave own threu Kuropttan ruler* npim wlicnn fhirt tit li hit* hoen b>Mtoweiir namely. Amaui-m. VII of Sa' oy, Otto II of iii-rmaiiy and William H (Kufua) of Kug- laud. i-rinre Frrdlnund of Bulgaria 1* little renowned for anything save hia huge col- leiin,iiiif dmiiig K./"rna. He baa a per- (e< t mania for ilitu kind uf muful garment i.d hitx paid aa much as 100 guineas for an .-luiiroWcrwd rube mad* up for him in Paris. The qunen regent of Spain lead* an ex- tremily aluipln life, rloing at 7 uud retir- ing to run at 11. She urn* little of aocii-ty. ..f bur time la lakeu up In aoxioc* ciiTiMilutuin* with her minleten, ar-' Wuen he ban half an hour to apore U U naually spent with her children. saiuician the title and estate to the Pou- Thix is the tenor of advice* received from Skoguay ycsncrday by tht: steamship Farnallon. Startling news wax brought out from the Interior Fch. US in a letter written by John McCarthy, eorrespond- -nr of the Skaguay news|i|-r Iu publl- ca'i-'ii on tbe following morning caused gn-ar ex.'it4-ii..-nt in SkoKiuty. although no d<-t.alls of the threatened rvl-lliun were given. According to Mr. McCarthy's letter, British and Canadian subject*, together with a few Americans, wh..- .bums are included In the rw-enily .tnnoiin. --1 liov- ernment reservat i'i of llv.i mile* along Mi. *--l .hon- of l.ik.- Vtlin. hav,- landed the pn.|.-il f.irf.-i'iin- of their mining claim town lots to the Government with- out trial of their right* or judicial pro- O8*B of -any duwrip'.ion. A | M -i it ion has tx-vu prepared and ex- tensively signed, l.uidiiuf signers to every means In their ;mwer tu defend their property, even by resort to arms. Th* conspiracy of the injuntl miner* was dl*- oiivcrcd only when a copy of the petition fell into the hand- of Dnpury K<- Mc Vicar, who reported the matter t4> the (rold onnuni*i<>ner who hit* a force of police and oon*tabl* to buck up hi* for- feiture onler. !! SkaKiiar. w*i"v id.- fact* are well known, public -s-n - practically niionliuons in upholding th. the petition. Tin- r> includes many hundreds .f the mmrt valuable haniw.ire"n'en"han7of Mon~trf r minln* claim* in t!,,. as wU M shot and instantly killed in the ^e town site of Atlin. Rev B. B. Ke.-f.-r is sninit the Domin- ion Council of K. iy :il Templan for |I10. alleged to be due him a* salary while editor of Tbe Templar. The Baltimore & Ohio Railway ha* pot on a new style of sleeper*, the mtc* tor which are 50 per cent, below tho rdlnary Pullman cor price*. The Privy Council hoa refirm-d Jomph H. Leduc penni-wion to appeal from toe Vcisi.m <if the Supreme Court of Canada In the Three Rivera election eouteet. The machine shop* of the Dobbir ft Stuart Foundry at Thorold, Out. were eVstroyed by fire after midnight on S*un- fey. Lorn on building and machine* about $10.000. William Rowland, a laborer, aboat 50 Tear* old. suicide at Port Hope on SuttirLiy night by taking lauda- num. Dei-eased leave* a Wife aud two. sons and a daughter. President /.elav.Vs army under fiacn/, arid In-neo K*tnda ban captured Chili Mountnln and Agua Calient**, thu Tirtuolly U-nni nan nil the BlraAelda, Klcaragua, n-vulutio-i. Jamet* Lacey, an id to be the son of a FARMERS COMPAIY NAIIONAL FARMERS COMPANY FAR HUB COMPANY *** . FAKMER3 FAfllsUB FARMERS FAHMtRS rtBMEliS MMIFS 'fAKi.fRS FARMERS KB' NY COMPANY COM PANY COMPANY MMPANY COM PANY COM PANY COM P Alt " Al ~" " FARMERS CUMPANt lAIIUNAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY Tb* atxty-oftli *hanl. ..!.-. uf ::i. lt uffi<i Turuutu. Feb. Itf. llvti.lMM, Boo. G>. A. J*. oe- eO tl ..... lia-r; ajxl Mr I*. H. SlaiiH. wne ai>i~'.utl t> act at >rj. read ** CoUawtU(. A.NNUXL RBPOET. to nubmlt Qte . iibr*4Be; >tr -u.l.u*{ i'- etattMiieiu trf A*. Ui eio. ul t&e wUie In tJ Til* Dlrecturj annual rep-irt uf trie {raiUKK'LHtiM fr l cemter Slat tm*i. uud .i.l Llautlitlv* at year. la Ibe Fire Bnii'-ii, a al - '<u _ . . tile re^u.!j aa a wLoK- a-v. fairly " i.tlfa.-i,>ry u..wliii n moder*< Baffin of pr.nt. outwlta*(arvl1ng :ti fact tartov '..- ...-.I- * >ju><nui7 was liiv^i-. < .. . if New \V e^i.iL...^ , ill BBC .loelos oiomlia of to* Jivr UKirbMl by a *ucce*efoB of ercepiiuiw'iy <U.i*ux>u* dorm* lxh oo tlu- wrran niid vu ilu- xreat lake. which rwuiteU tu, an - |oaa . ny. /* ail p.ipaiUM Dvgvd in <* lMilue at Marine lueuraoc* anew heavy on Uu* tr-.i: .f Wie yvar. and In ll ci|*niuM-iy luulti uf>< rr*rSS I UAUu. MAKK ....,.***.** Full strength : over 75 Ibs. bnutk- in-.' strain. Pull length : flOO fet tot...- ].ound Full weight: 80 Iba. t.i each bale. No clnjr^inir in the himlur cumpaf.tly wound; made entirely of pure M.inila Hemp without adulterant of any kind. ahsolutelv the bent erer offered the Canadian fanner SOlbs. NATIONAL BIND- EU TWINE K)K *1I CASH with anv one 'I tli following val uablu and ustiful MMM^yy^ Y y y ^ HATIOHU FARMERS COMPANY HATIIMAL FARMERS CUMPMV Ooeur d'Alctic ^untiling ruorua a* Ppok- ane. W;ish.. on Sarunl.iv. Little llyman Silversteln, the Toronto ewMboy known m "\.-w Y.wker," while Walking on the in- on the hay on r'nmtiiv veninit. fell through and wa* drowned before eoulil be got. Saturday afrerrimiu John Sc)t, Hamil- ton, hail hi* left arm frightfully eruslml Iry a machiuo lu the Ont.-u-io Kiillinu fill*, and at the hi>-;uial the Icjunxl arm wo* amputated at tho elbow. Grieve'* flax mill, which hoe been nrnkted for the ]xitt two yver* by the HorrUton Flax Mill Cmpany. Umitl, wna Inirnt Satunlay evening, together with the balance of the --aon's crop. By the tim.' the Klondike tn. geu to work this year a few gar- Deer will reach that country. Adolphun Itnvh of St. IvniU liii- IILK!.' ..rnuijre- uientM to -K-nd beer to the Klondike by tbe ship load. A boat from a norUinif steamer Pelkmn. at Trinity Bay, out seal hunting, wait driven off by contrary wind* arid xjMcd to the storm all Kridnv niijhL Of Ihe aix men in the boat. i\v ] i i-h.d ood four others were dangrou->ly front bitten. Peter Dore of Ancaster met with . serious accident on Friday aftrnoun. He waa attending a xteam chopper and hit right arm wa* caught in thu cutting box. Bef in- he could rumovo It the knlvea had aliiH'-r chopped off hi* ana N low the elbow Mr. William Turnhnll, barriBtw, of Oalt, him been notili.-d liy the m-p itv PostnuiHUT Oenenil of hlsappolntriM-nt to the (ialt I'o-itolllee. niailc vacnnf liv Tom Cowan 1 * death. Turnlmll will m-.-cp' 'he position, and will enter upou ht duiien n March 1. The office ho* a salary of II.SIKI JXT annum. Hy an i.-e Uvi' .-.illi-iion on S.ifunL-iy nl|{hr William lloltrmni. a !>'. \ . -old son of Ci.-orKt- H.i'.iliam. Hamilton, wan thrown II|HIII his head on the i.-e :>nd from the injury thus nvei\.tl he dm! in lean than two hour*. U. W.n-V. p ain'. E. Law were slightly Injun^l. No pii-xon n cii.hci- Umt -i.i\v the ap|iiiMM-h of the Other, it. belli); dark at the l.nne Archilmld McKay M.-wtloimlil of \S;iu bashene h.-Li been iip|>n-heiitlel at Surma just an he wa about to CIIWK Ihe line. The charge upon which Macdonald wits arrested was laid by his employer*. low*. James Scott A Co., lumber d.til era. at waubaahenc, and it rharyt-M him With Kttvtllng the sum of $&8.Y Mactlu- ald wa* bookkeeper for the firm. Jaunt* K. Sutherlttinl. the woman beater convicted in on Sntiinl.-iy aft'Tii-xm of uiarislaiightv. In euu-nix ihe of hlii mUtroH*, JoM-|ihine Augusta Conwell, alias Blanche Kyan. alltt- Mr- Sutherland, wja -nt>iiel by Ju.! II i-,.'M u> the Slate Prison for ot- !-> tltiin li.' nor ruoi-e than 16 years at hard laU.r. Sutherland ha* a wlf* re- Siding in Halifax. lord James of Hereford ba* Intrudiuwd a Goy-ni"icnt hill in the Hoone of wbi i" ' 'es that every money QUSI, (- .eui-.n-i-xl. and uinst do solely tn his own name. In cam* where Oie Interest exceeds t*-n p>rcent.. or when the Incidental ohargus are exctxsrve the tourtit may reopen the tntnsm-f.ion and give judgmont in accordmitv with all the risks and clrcurimtanccs erf ihe nuito. Baron de Reuter Is dead at N 1m Prul InlluM de Rtniter. Ifctn.n of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburv and Gorha, director and feunder of Keutcr'a Telcrraiu Cmnpanj . era* born at Camel, Hessr NOSWMI, on HIS FOUTT:T^tUs- I \ r rtK I KM B. It.-. I l i ...c r tbla In the It Is .-i (he fn: i 01 >-r i. .. Keh. '?7. S'nii \ Cox pn^i.'.' ' -in l'.'iii| " moe Ltugua'a inwunn in the I'mil "i venter* day at:d mule ;i bri.-f personal refereaeSk lie *nd In Mun-h 1 >.!!. I pre- <td<tl over a nieucinir of th* 1'curhoro di\ I-MII of the Sin- -if 1 Vinperanoe, when 1 the honor r<> !- .-li^-i.-"! patriarch. Knuii my norsiiruil i xperli*nit> I can ay that It is not II.V.---WII-T tn uikc a Kla.H of Win< or a ciuitr In order t.i be thoujtht iii.iuly. K'ir ill""- 1 HI yint fmm the) iu of an olli'-e buy, without any inilucntial frieiuN. and with no belter niciins than any |ior y.>uri man In ' '< hall I have buen making some prograa* in -uH'i.-il. cominerx-inl and polit.lcal life, and during all that time I havu not < found it nccnmary to taliu a nla*H of lii|ii<ir or a cigar. Nor U It neniwary for ! any young man wh";i-|.ii>-s to rise iu th*) social Mcolo or attain the nti nuniinr Da* r.U 1PTIC. r tu ooueUlvrlDg t of tola boalDM*). te eovy IOWP* tifc-urrr-l int. r. euspl-'i wiin the un- f ..ui^llna; ycex*. pocnl m- ::. --LI union* ::v .tiiv.i-i.-. ler rwfonue 1 will pJa.- |1M{ Ijl^ |T.fl ., . bavv l.-l lu.i rl ' Inc mips a'i-1 tMlni(4D( >na fpel the Ti<n.-x< -.n t ruuidi footln; f .r arv,^' >,-ar* pat. Th. i Lbt* te oane* for .-.nurra Uir tM*.t uSat ibsj i -.%-tdca. In majiy n-; - tw.-n. a tryJni; t .aox-p I.IK:IM--. anil pi 1 t.i *hnr*!i"..|"r.* tal rwlu.-'i.ui In Ita It. Summary of nosAc*: Total canh Inomi- 'I - I!'.- appropriatlim for IUWK* un- <k*f a.ljuaiaietii FARMERS CLMPAHY MATIOML FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FAJIMEK CCMPANY HATIONAL FAHMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS l4-K:ir:it GOLD- V I- ATKD WATCH. tem wind inland stem settin?, irii.iranteed reJiaDM timi keep- er lady or'a' size milker's ^uai. with eaih watch SOLH> .<.1.1 KINO s,-t with jfenuine Garnet and np;il (rem nUraped and warranted with makers Trade Marl; and ^uariiitce. MUSIC' VL CI.OtK. ?!a>s sides, in Nickel Silver and Gilt-H handsome ornament and accurate time piece.. A never ending pleasure n t > home. unui iT 10 nnuc ' :i1 ' rti * ri *- >n - TlUlV II lu UUNL wll-tlireet t> practical h- u.i tide Farmers ; employs no middle men or agents, doc* fur c.ah! makes no louses everv dollar its full duty. We have a I- HATIOSAL Twine on hand -o much that the bank rate o( hiteret in. til after harveHt. on the money locked up, will am. unit to many thousand dollar*. We want t.i save that interest .T-! gi've it to the. farmer in return (or '1 hat is where the premium cottuM in. MATIOMA'i. FARMERS C MPAHY NATIONAL FARMtRS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NAIIONAL FARMERS ****-(r****-*Hr* tu Ha*ll. Washintrfon. Feb 37. Th Senate eoiniiiiltee on appnipriations on Attur<lay agrued to lnii>nini'.- a pruvinlon in the sundry civil appropriation bill providlnx for the construction of a -ul. marine cable connect In* the I'nit.'d Scauii with the Hawaiian Islands. The .tin. 'ailment, pro- vide* for the laying uf tho cahle by the United State* and for Ita *ulMc<iucnt ownernhlp by the lioverrinient, the Navy Department to perform the m-rvice, and thu cable, when coni|> to booperauxi by tho Poatoffliv Di'imrtinena, Klllr.l b * train. Peterboro, Feb. -J7. Mr*. Mnrgaret Sho'han, widow of thu late l"orn.-l;ns Khtvhan, wai *rruck by the Lakdleld in Saturday morning as it wa* Irituin: into the Q.T.K. station hcru. I it,- old lady wan run over and crushed to almost a pulp, bcintf killed injtautly. <be leaves a (tr-ow 1 up family. and Marine Iniur. iiaual dlv I nit any umilfT* lBJat. owmt : 1, 47^.3073*5 1. 442.412 84 NAHONAl FARMERS CCMPANY NATIONAL FARMtRS COMPANY NATION'- FAHMtr- COMPAN V ** ' iinv rt-evriellie rlght^to r^fnn.1 > our ii.ouey IJ'h* 'jr*- "' nl-mp'coo.''" Vr.!i\ the Plxltlppln I-: . ..U. t')lt;>!:il \f <)><"fc; and ~n&x^:,'tt^>y^"*'"w t ^ or II,- filter.- I I -ll.-r. \Vclli- vo . I- . i.l .- iiil.^iv VOW. r DO*! .lre.H.iil U!MJ Hie rull w..v I . . i w .n-e lo -lilp tile I l.l.-. 1 pay Ir.-lKlit on HIM t uie Iro.n OI....IO. we st'inl >>m th |tr* pr.-.-iil.l In II... H .ir c\pr.-a fl >." l.f.uln iMi.erte uliovB iilreftl<>n can-lull \ ... wo eonnot inn lie nn V ni fiirn. inline < "i r SIM <l. s.. > li.-t lie r i oil want u < l.v.iiall "'' \t iieli. u ! l lo-k or u Illnn -Iftu* l.iit.-r. send pleow of Iritis; r- i|..-r !/< r, ,|iilri'd. i#* **#* j^>. - i i .11 Mt.]4 14 :L: -M all lettiTs and 'iiake all re- mittance* payable to NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, TORONTO. STGnqBlrvr* are referred to any Slrrr-nntlle Acvney nd tu tbv EUlltor of tbla pa per n to oar n-e|iiilhlltty . NATICNA. FARMERS 1' Bon Onr*e A I>> c . w M Q.C.. I.L.D.. H. M. Al .1<ur .f 'i qnen-lT. lloiu .:.s.r.v . * nt wl Mr J Jdvnt J KHIIIIV. . IVUaU. . lion s. J.Jin Hoelrtn. R- Jaffray. f. NATIONAL i FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMEPS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL NATIONAL NAliiiNAL NAl lUNAiNATlONAL hMiitNAL NATILNAL lAIIUNAL NATluNAl FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS CUM PANY COMPANY COMPANY CUM PANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANV NA'IGNAL fARMERS A. 'V.x wae J. Keaay Pert I>lli..ul Kuljbi-r < umpn.T. St. Catharine*, Feb. 87. After the sonference between the representative* ol the Kubber Compiiny and thu Council of I'ort, Dalhousie an nrranneincnt, wa* made whereby the coinpany will rebuild their factory. The company was given practically everything asted for. Caaadlan H .rdwoo.l ! l>oind. London, Feb. 27. At the office of tha corumisaioner for Canada. Inqulrlee have been inatle for the addregscti of Canadlau ex|iit<Ts of hardwood inanii- (actureM of tloorinit <wk and maple, also hi^l and iiuunUncxl fumitur* and hardware goorK Sir Robert Rail Kay* the w rid will come to an end when the waters of the sea break throiurh : thin spot, which must exist >icre and come In contact with the ranlnti fires within the (rlolw. This seems rational f ounh when one r calls the ex- plonlon which occurred !n the Indian oif.-in some years aifo which sent a t;dal wave around the if'...l- and absolutely en gulfed an island or t A FISHERMAN'S TRIALS. rpour Whll HI Mroaght >l..t rucrilri.ilinu A^.-MT. Mr Cusi. W Shaw, of Sandford. N S.. follows the .-rman.aisl llkcjill who pursue this arduous calling le exposed fre<|uentlv to inclement wea- ther Sune year* ago, as the renult of ex- posure. Mr. Shaw wasattacked by sciatica, and for months siitTervd intensely. He says tbe pain he endured was gtomcthing agonizing. ud he was not aide to do any work for some months. His hip la view of tb* recent dl*ens*lon tn ttr Kn^llab i'arlntuieiii .tnuut TIM 'i I-T nf keeping uarman and other Inqnlaitlv* torogners out of liritun dookyanls, It I* rather amuamu tu luarn tbat Kmperor Will lam has joat had printed at Berlin a larit* volume, ountalnlnic minute and xh*uttv* partiouliim about Ibe con- itructlon and arnia.'iiiint and tbe pecull- aritiee of every Uriusb warsnip. And, aa It to poke fun at tne Kngliab Govern- ment, be h* sent .t cupv of tbe ooinpiui- tlon. wltb bis compliment*, to every member of toe board of admiralty in London. Tbe ' Lird* ' for that I* tbe official tltla of thu .1 l-inral* and pollti- olans who are entrusted with tbe Jestin- ie* of tbe royal navv are now enii^ixed In endeavoring to U:sc.ier tbe source uf the Oerman K:ilser * eitr ior.1 n ir amount uf luformiktlun. much of whicb la oomprlsad am. inn wbat has hitherto been connlJered In tb* light of oit1.\.il secret* of the UrltUb ciovernicent. key ton*. New Turk, Feb. 8. John O. Rocke- feller, jr.. started In rmnlnees lit* yester- day U* waa *l*o**d a dlreotor of tbe Delaware. Lacknwanna * Western Rail- road. At 83 yearn of age be thus atarta upon bis active career with practical training and backed by t30u.UOO.000. Plllplnoe l.av* Montreal. Montreal. Fab 3:1. S*aor Rivera and Seuor Hleo de l>lo*. tbe Filipino repre- ;ivei>, left last night for Uallfal trir way to England. "Do you endeavor to profit by the mla- taktsoi oilier*.! 1 " a>kel th,- curiou* one. "1 havun t plied the m.xlect one "I Lave to cmwd limits pretty bard work for eome n.ontns. MIS miatakee I make my- druwn out of sham hy the trouble, and ^J, 1 " the doctor who attended him said that It bad also affected thu spine. After being under tho core of a doctor for eeveral i months without getting relief. Mr. sjhaw | discontinued medical treatment and re- sorted to the uae of plaster* and liniments, but with no better raeults. li* was ad- vised to try Dr. William*' Pink Pill* and finally decided to do so. After using them for a couple of weeks be found a decided relief, and In about two mouth*' time very trace of the trouble bod disappeared, and he ha* not ain.-u been troubled with any illnoaa. Mr. Shaw says be voosioo- ally takes a box of pills to ward off any poselble recurrence of the trouble. 'Ihoee attacked with sciatica, rheuma- tism, and kindred troubles, will avoid inn. h siitTcriiiK '" ' SUM- money by tilting Dr. Williams- I'ini Tills M tho outeet of Xuti-Coiru'm|':ie Syrup. l*fore it waa the trouble. Sold by all diallers or ten! ' too i l%U!i n, e j r jives would b*ve been atSlK-. a liox or six boxes f or IK.&O, n pnrd. Tliia medicine ban no equal for Th i i . ..i* I.'' Moeed* !lkr men**, le ot the bneuni an<! .im.l fl lanctul t oal -' ot :!* Ctaoada. L. f A auiaiw.- - i^uipnay. ThU mmfivny le <M>W ..v.-r iiaBf a u-otnry Mil. an.l ha* b^cunu- a rr a: i. -O- n 1 - - tu -iou. and Vt IHIL-VI in 11.147^ 011 luitlouai buialneat* pr ueivl' 1 * lUMl not a* a mere tocaJ cwnpanj. II nc h -' aiO-uoieV era, by a majority ..f i!n > li..ns if <-l.-l at lt rv * .in-*- 1 hue to re- ni.rv-- tea Head * i* niiancaJ eeniri-. r.outo. T . s ite.-leoii i* t**<hig wita the aiaptwal of be a uii\al pr*rk ami at flnanctera sjewrnllj . and '*) <X P **d cbl-rty by HeontltDn *rnt mm n l a f w et tb* local men wh ure notleuvarli g te gain sj-nipalhy <irt -n .Ul mr f tatementa and bii i .)rr'i.dere wlU Jo w*U to let eueh : i*jUiCi sr atone and slK^v Pr-l.!*iit ItaBiW7 (w an* t> nirty ywirs -iinn.'ig-d Uie oenpa od h:e aMe ooHHIJ'itur* to oun:>nae the l Csseflll iita igi <"'. t 'hie i|*>inlld pany. I'reeideat Kaoawy 1:1*1 the rector* *r respel ir.l In or** ineo. nod 'Jir> kn. w bi-n wli*t I* the farure tatereet* .*? ik.a KTCM gule iMMtee aad altaar* ahuuM be 4,00*. *f DV I used to be comit a illy tired, now I am strong and well Miller a Compound Iron ' 1' ilia did it. Tvry I -. lul "Do yoo believe In trie power of the hu- man eye with a wild bea**r aaked Qab- Uigh. Y**." said the professor; 'the power of tn* eye U very uaetul * see ibe wild beast OUUIUIK" There Is danger in iielecting a eold. Many who haveilivd of cousiimptlon dated their tronliles from ex)K>*ure. followed by a cold which stilled on their lunxv and In a abort time they wrr lieyund the skill of the brat physician. Had they uwd Blckle's Miller's Worm Powder* for anu peervlahnee*. An effort 1* to be made to prevent the) Moqol Indian* of tbe Mmth-wees from holding their annual anake danoe. Liniment Lumberman's Print Hemp ha* been oultlvatea IB the since UNO. rrpr R-..nlm.. "No. Mia* Petberbrldga," eald theyena*} man, folding his arms and looking sternly at her. "Yon can't be a 'slater' to me. It I'm not good enough t* get lute yen family you can't get Into mine!" Saying which, and picking up his hat and glove*, he walked away with hi* 1 hell stiffly erect: by addretwlng thu Dr. Co., Brockville, Ont VVilliauia Medicine curing cougha, oolds aud all affection* the ibroai and luug*. A Kidney back for 50 ceo Pills and Plaster. t-i. Mill*.'*

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