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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1899, p. 2

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Huuiertbera wlm do iioe rwlve tneir |K fST'arly will lJae, notify lUtl'JUC*. Apply hla offlfc for adverilalint raUa. T1IK ADVANCE, KLK-illKHTON.ONT. Stray Bits of Informatloa Onr-l*ntxi f tlw world U *UU nna- plorrd. t nad has raouotly |nt 910,000.000 on asr .iuai- alone. Uquur dwUers in Indiana paid In fees asid flue* last yar IHU,ta County expenditures for paupers In In- dUna In ItAW were i/t osnt* per head of n. nini flrnt came Into use In the I* . eiith o'ntury. liwfore that cloth band- ages were wound round the faet. Tha telephone aulwicrlbeni of th* whole world number a-l'iut l.:xJ.U10. The United 8taten stituls ui th top with UOO.OOO. t'ontnwts mode mi Mindny may be en- forced In Mlnm-Mita, iwi-i.nling t a deci- siou of the nufiretii': roiirt of that state. There nevt-r ., iii never will l>, a iiivpn-^il II-IM.I'-.-.I. in une rvinedr, for all 111, to IIH-.I rtrsn i-. iieir ihe very iivture ef innny i-uraiiveM IM-IIIB ruvh that were the Kunnt of otlirr unit diffrrently fMt<l 4IM-HM-, r.Mjifil m the Hymam of the HiiuM rrlie<v* on* ill in turn would BuunivHte lllt other. W* bavr however, m yum ma Wine, when oblamalilr in *)imd nimdulternied Mate, a remedy for iminy "nil grevioiis UK By iii> Knulmil Hinl jmliciou u-. the frailr-l i-i-u-iiii nr* leu into convalescence ami streiitn. by ine mrliii-iice Inch (Jui- aine rxcri!>n N';iiurr' own restoratives. ltrrlirve-> the ilrtMipinK t-piritu of MM-*) with whom H chronic mate of inorblil ile*- poinlrni \ ami li k of mlermt in life ii a dl-i-ii-i-. nini, hy iranQUlllmlni the nerves, di-po-rs 10 hound a:*l refrrshini! fcli-e|i Inipnrts vior in tin- HCIIOII of the bloixl, winch, br-.uu siiiiiulnied. oonrmss throngb- oli t I lie veins, hiren^thenliiK th* hraitliy animal func-tiiMis of the hi stun, thrrehy inki"i/ Mrtivity neerssiiry result, atrvngthenliiK the frimt, HIM! uivmn life to tin- dliNHtTvs winch miliirHlly drmiuiil iiiereueil sobatasjCS HjMllt, im- ppivnl M|.;i"i i:e. NiTihrop & I.ymnn of Toronto, i nvi- uiven to the public tlinr mpsirior Quinine Wins at tks usunl rnt, and, (...iii^.'i nv Hie opinion of M-irntisU. tin- K;II! .liriro.ii'hes nearest perfection of any lu the nmrkct. All ilniKtriais sail it. MMr IM I.IMXIII; Nut*. Nut growing Is prufltahl-, but It requires years to lirmic a nut tree to a stage of growth where It will |y well, henc only joung farmer* are Induced to devote land In that dim tion Walnut*, chcittnut* and butternuts wonlil improve with cultiva- tion. In a few year* wateut trees will bo so scarce that iho farmer who has a grove will s4Tiiro his own price therefor, Ult- limb, r b^inir vnlnnhlo. TRUTH WILL OUT. Sound and Prosperous The Same Officers Re-elected Th* rtfty-sranCMl HeeMog of tb* Oaaadu 'Life Asaurfciicp Oompaoy w.i* beld at lUnuMloa oo the H h max.. sad ibe re- port abowa tbat tb? cocupnoy u in a moot uuixl and proaiivruaai fliiau<\ il coadltl<. aod tbat U still cuotlaoe* 10 bold It* pJae* as Oif Imdlna; life sssorancv ounr,*tty <rf tb* DomuUon. Tht la a sfcort *ynop*ls nt tbe report: Dur.og 1HU8, aU6a tppUcaUmis for fcVlSB. 784 of limunuice wne reci-lieL Omttlif tb* derjiu-d ud derrmd an.aVmtloo-, Uie aotuaJ Jeaue of tbe year wa* *M> fo Irtw fur trj.4Ta.atl0. Tola UDaiM 4s aa ud.uac* upon tbe baouiesa of ibe port two VMLTB. 'lli total bualncoa In f nx- at 31t bar laat wa T.'i.-;.l41 .if aaauraui**. un- der nearJy 30,000 iwlel.*. apoo ivw -."O Lives. Tbe p*run-n:-s of pu4.cjUi>Uli>ia to abeut >1 .oo.ouo. Tli* sum uf ii"i.M w*ji Mt astd* ua a sp1al provlaloa luvmnt* a litfllier n-serv* to wblcb t^e I--WI-T nues of .nt.T s( now obtauiabl* iimki-m it a prud -at look lor ml. After makliiff tli* pravia^no Lr il>e rtak-rve 1410 puUolv* uiul all oiiirr l.ato .HI a. Is Ml a aun>.us over ail avbllilvo to W.MvTi;. rult YrlAJlt ISM. M.MM> .9 j;:n>. 4U> 44 .! k'l <n M 7 l.:C.:4 X) t m tin 44 Pn-niluni Inromr in. ti la. emit, IU-nu, etc Fsld I'ollc-Tholdem . , . Taxt*, <*:c. ie Vlrvl'Titd<--ir'. Mr. F. \V. on Kiilr4 the ail.>|.tl.<n of tlie rffKMt, whlrli wa unansiiiouH./ ourhML By a vul* fff uvit attan* to 1*4. It wis rtsotrral tii<t li woukl ae IB tb* tntareaxs of th* eosnpaar .bat Its sfctef plice of boaiBMs sbovtd fc-f*- aftar W hi atw oitv <v Tortmto. TIM- fiuUawlu l>tr*<or* were *)* t U i lie plae* *f thaw nrflrtag: tar. A. O. RamMr. Adam Brown. Wat. (MUion, M.P.. J. W. PlaveU*. Jokn Huak a, Q.C.. ao4 t A lMh. Q.<X At a solisrqarct m*Uoc of dia) Dlrreters Mr. A. O. Ramsay nod Ur. F. W. Uatos mm uu**itnautt) re tooa Vtoa-Ittaidra* naaxcthret/. Ask for linird's ud ulu M H* >V..r,'t IT.p.r.^. Won W you advise me te take *J> eosasi trip, din-tor'" asked the invalid. S..." was the reply; "J think a ssrtss of mu.l baths would benefit you more." "But. doctor," said the sick man. In tones tht savored of hooel*sne*s and *s- pair, ' 1 cau'i afford to go into politics." Yon think I look no much better: yes, and I teol better Miller'a Compound Iron 1'llls did it. II.. I l-l..-. CO I... I ... Mrs. Crlmsonbeak I wonder where hi tho world the aUrm clock has gon*. 1 saw It on the mantel yesterday. Mr. Crimsonlieak It was there yastsr- riav, but I hennl 1 polnaroff this morning. \\Y11, 1 hope It hau'lgone where you t<ild It to go " My daughter ba Improved no much tbat you would hardly know her Millar's Com- pound Iron Pills did it. Two Opinion*. -Conversation Is only th* art of talking bark." 'Not much; conversation la the art of gelling mmeUxly to listen to you." ASSETS. l*->\xrr i>, II.T A JAN 1st, 1W>. Total IJAniUTIKS. 8.1 , AOJ oilier IJaWUtU The Merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills Can't Be Hidden. r. O. S. Orlgga, of llnmlltan, T'lla *l III* _i l.. ....... . HaMifl>ir,l XVIth llrlihl' 1>UHM fur Kl-^lit V..r li.nU'a Kldnr fill, i u if. I Him. H AMiniis. Feb. 80. "Mr. Orl(tg, 1 U true that you wure runxl of Bright'* D!s- *ae by I)odil s Kidney I'ills. after eight years' suffering and when no other inedi Sine could do you uny guodf" ThU qunslliin was asked a few days ago by a gentleman who wished to Investigate for hiiniu) f tho statement made In lust work's papers to the ulxive effect. "It U true," aiuiwured Ur. Orlggs, em banrally. "I was rured by IKxId's Kid ey Pills when every other medicine I had tried had utterly failed to do mn any good." "When I was advised 10 try IXnld s Kl I- ney 1'llls I did not think they would help me any more than other medietne.s I ws ao alrk that I wna willing to try any atnn* If It gave n hujxt or a chance of cur*. "Well, soon uficr I started using the PUN I begun to fwl different. I found In a week or ao that 1 was actually gelling brtti-r 1 kt-|it on taking the nieilictn* until I had ux-d three boxes After iluit I didn't nei-.l any morn. 1 wa cured, eoiii- letely . ml |.ei -initiieiiily. Vnu limy ki ow What I think. .f 1 ).!.! KLInev 1'llls when I tell you ilutt I never let my hcuse be Wlth'int them." DiHld'a Kidney 1'IIU are the only kn,.v\n positive cure for Kriglit's l)ln-ne. I)ln- brlva, Khi iiin.u'.Mii, l.u inlm(ro, (iiiul, ><!- * atlea llruvel, .Stone ill the lllmlil.-r. DM saju-s.if \Vniiieii.ikiiil ni her Kidney l)is.-iis.- |i.l.l i. Milni-y I'. I1-. lire soli) liy all drug- glals at ttfiy c, nis u IHU six boxes l^.iiO, or aent on nx-ulpt of pneo liy Ths Uodds atadiclu* C'o.. l.iiMiii-il. inn mi. i Suiploa ovn aa l,ibintl Tne ITi-wl It oo . 14 1K1M74T > W.-17 S3 Mr. A O. B-imsay. II ;.rim nf ihe rport, s Id: IPS the twenty fourth .vear In nhoii I hnvi- hd t.hc h.Hi'ir. l're deni. "* ** rratllng a refwrt to you, and 't to wltti th* Mine MtWfaotlon aid wKindence an I hv* hniiiUy hnd upon aJI the*e occasions, nn.l. Ii .1 ...I. .liir-nu all Uie forty ynir* ot my n.nn.-<-ilnn wltb th ci*uiin>. Iliat I "in 4>|p to point to rtie rocceia, and ib* a ou.l poMUan wliloh lh> omipany o-ct.iie Tb* oew buslnixu during Jie >l- r wa nr**m of tba. nt Ihp prvvlo< j . ar a r**uM peto wi-ll for tAe jinblk- on- drtior which tbe >upiny anj.iri. <>ur IHW bw4nr<i* haa b^n nbtains'4 wlihotn uixlu* find with a scrupuloa* onr* DO* to too ' i Hi la llrnsaa. C. C. Rimini* ft Co., TASMoamV. S. C.iitlrinen In J i T I -t, rinci L*e'air, f tbe IDI-D emiiloyrd ni . * rkinglol In nlK-r ' od , i ail a ir. e f II un i Im, IT thinic i iin f* rfully. H as. h n l..nnd, pi re.i M atinl ami iki n te m . w r e gri- I. ar* w*rs itinieil tor l.|< r.-envery. hi lii| bin< Uauly bmi>sd and Us b dv turnl bi.-ek fr..m M* r.U t h, f.-n. We ud MINAKD'S L1M- M, N r ,.n Inm frrrlv t il.- i-n Hie pain, aud .id the use f thror butt as lie was cuuipUUly cured nod <Ue tu return tu ins work. SAUVSVa UUTAL, l'"il. L'liln Co.. Qu*., lty iStb, isua. 6ENDRON LEVER BUTTON CO.. TORONTO. ONT. Tbr mlit T*. l.-xrkln I wonder why so many girls elnue with coachmen? 1 1 ././.un Under i in- imprvsulon tbat tbey will make good itnxniii. I suppose. Plant l<*r I i.|iil i"B Air. A Boe'on refrlireratlns: company has fitted up a plant for liquefy Ing air at the ratio of l.SUO gallons per day and at a cost of ao cents a gallon. The air will be placed at this fartory In awl tubes or cylinders five Inches thick for shipment. E.ieh of these cylinders will be arranged to relea,** the content* a very lit tl* at a time, and the material may thus be used for refrigerat- ing or coollntf purposen as rleslrrd. Solid Growth. The annual statement of th* Rritlab American Ansurnn. e Co., published in another column of thiiiaaue, ahows ibat the pawt year ha been "a growing time" with thia company. The Hi itiiih Am*rt- ean Anranca Co. continueii to how solid growth from whatever atamlpolnt the bu^ibrss in meanured. Their report is ln- tereating reading. Health for the \\i.rm l"owders. childrrn. Miller's l.aat r. .. i i. . Franca hn* (mid Ita l:ist (tension to Na poll-on Is Mili.ier-. In Isii'J u law was fjassril grunlliiK |M) it year mall mm emu Dilulonwl ollleor-i and privates who hull served ten years n the itrmles of the first repulillo or of tho Drat umpire and bad I eelved a wound. For ihu llr-t, yoikr ihu paynientH aminiiiied 1.1 JKHMMI; laat ye to* sum was liVi. nnd the lunt raolpleot Is Stow dastd al Iho ntre of I".. > n.n VS An InfNiil l'hllphar. Friend II* l a bright child, Isn't k* r Papa- Itrlghir Why ha nan learned al ra<ty that perseveruneo overcome* ob- starlus, ami hs makn* httnaalf a nulaaoos mil be get* what he wanU. How tnClemnw the Sy^iein. -l>nrmelei'a TeKetAMe Hill- ureihu remit, of -en-niitlo study of the effii-fi 1,1 ,-\inict* of certain inri- uftun ilts olgaatl ve orgstSM, Tlilr ili-r lins demiin^iiitlitl in innny in- stuncea tlmi they rvgnlut* ilia of the l.iviir ami ih* Kidiiaya, pnnly ths blood itnd curry off nil nmrhiit iiecumu- lamina from The y-iem They nr* aaaj to ink*, ami ihelr aclion la mild aud baua- olal. Mr. Railway r'"'-d " lht It le B ail.i- t injor* a L.f<- offlw by r>n ton mueh uw bii-4ur*w. o*lalme<l ax K rral Mart. M> pa 1 " 1 ''^ * *' ''"" * too gi**t a <M*p<ln for n?uite fii(fnn nlate UuwtMi-vrs V U '" biwVnnw nnd being Vii an a|ipr*iitly pr perm*! rinuliitUni. whMi, * a matter f .ei iholr reserve mny !> Uwd qiiaie. Imdly InvraKNl, ei|ii'iuf if maimmm^nt nutiu.nx. iviid l>ro<IU ,liillii1liiiL-O. TXin- tU- ii.-w ML-iwaa I* Uk<> ohnrMy in covering a u !, , f -In*, but a l>l* "<" '"' in not no mm* a m.itler ot im-rtt "- a nm- t.-r uf |iriee. Mr. l(.uii*iy ala,. |nn ' d "11 tluit there are already Imllartionn omnpaiil'a wh'cb liuve b<en unduly > .1 mill differently wii'diHitftl frnm Hi.- r Hilda I'lfe. ar.- suffering Ibe elT .t. nf ilielr illtlereiLt e.,iire, n.l tha- il- fniH e,iiii|iunle* w,lii>ae butn.* Is of the lmg" am. .11111, ud whin* *ii..rn>"U T<'-ti'' mikon them ai'pareoUy of Uu. most |.rgre* and priapvrouii rhurnoter, are JIM th wbofaav* b*n the nn-t <N|'CTIOII In tb* drolln* at tb* pniflta n h Uiry bave base, alkie to give to Iheit i^.llev li.liloia Th* ralto nf the Oinula l.lfe'd .-xii>.-n*i to liioimi* was 13.n pnr et-nt. la 1.HI8. nnd Ur. lUmmay Invited tliow |>niM to o.n- par* ihitt wJ* Ui* "oi iswpondlJis; iUo o* aay o:\ivr i-iupny ili.'naj Mlma In t'*"- ada, pointing nut ih.ii 'ineTi. ui tfn,:tii.l* afbiMlne*M w4tliut i.-ICMnl t> lt euirt. Is a dUtliict itnd illn >! Injury ajid lu)u* l.-e ami iHi-iirity ahinuld b* uur drat OIL." Ilnldii RamuWT *h Cl'*4 H i-ii oil te Ib* ennilniH-4 dt-ulliB* fcn 4av* rate of hit .p- **t iil>'lnKUle on ifixotnry Ipvef'ttn.'nl*, and looking to the f . t that a Ur* a* anre ctwHMiny'a nM^i - lurui ar* buM , a an navumfilloa at* li r t to to* obtiJn 4 during very kmg |. r ,. < n\< i* sir Of y jisira, tt fcs a nutlUiv ..f i>i intent r>Tanl to tbe willdlty And Mtfety of Uie cwantmuy nnd II* pollry'JinlOera Umi the .win-any D'n.utd r.riiM.r* in *IUI fu tlier atieiiiiUua tl,*) r* serve* npa pntkilm. WUh HiM In v**n*. a aunt ot taB.OOO ha* been >e <!<* as a apt*al fund lonranla a hJglu-r vaJuaUleo Th* wUikmu and prodroev < f thi omirw wll ninm-nd Mrtf to al. in UvestM to MM eoaauMky. Miss Sue Come quick, doctor; brother I* hunlly able to hreulhe. Ur. Kurenon I'll wnm stop that. Feet. -Mr-. K. J. Neill, New Arm- agh, 1*. W. wine-: "For nearly ix ni.iMths I wii-, truiililcd with burning Hi-iiev nnil pains in my feet to anch an ex- it-iii tiiiti 1 cuiilil not aleap at night, anil as my feet i-re Iwdly swollen I could not wear my IMIIH fur weeks. At last I lint H bottle ot Dr. Tliomaa' KclectrtcOil nini re-nlved to try it nn.l to my aatoiibih- nil-lit I gut alniii-i ln~tnut rehef, and tb* one I mill* areoin|ili>hed a perfect cur*. \ eiirioua fact has been noted by arctic iniM'ler* snuw when at a very low tcm- IH nitum absorbs moistur* and dries far- men ts. High In th* Air. The latest mean* of advertising theaters and newspapo ln l*"lo U to -end np stationary balloon* at night with large let ten pulnted on the ouUld* and *lectrlo light* within. Ni.t a Nuentln Pill. Th* Molplent of H pill is the subHtHtire. which enfolds the iiiKreilienm and innket ti|i thr p II mitHH. Tlmt of Pnrinelee'8 Vegetable Pills Is so coinpiiiiniled us to preserve their mi'isiiii-f. Hint they can Iw carried intoany liiliunle without iiii|i.r.riiigtlieirstreniilh M.uix pills in .inl. -no keep them frnm ail- heniiK. nre rolled In powders, which iiruv* ing to ihe ' i ' e I'ariuelee's Vece- tnlile I'ills re so pre|piireil that they are agreeable to the most delicate. *u*|tlrli,ua. "What are lho<o roiww worth V "Thono are IB.5U a do/en " "Is that your regular llgHre, or have you , them n]i IK-I-UII-*' I'm a plumber?" w. ,i.. Iklf hut WATCH with (.hwn and cbJum, f.v wll- Inf two dot Whutlurbl Wnki ai in, 'un each. .> Jtcvy /i^ylt.rrd. Will*, and - will atnd IM Wklu, pmlpafcl. c-J our bi( Premium Lui \tbt* yuu U,< %oki th Wicki, i turn (h money, and will al once Mnd your walch lit* of all thJ(- Huinlteul h caincd HIM wait.*** woikuig lot u.. hy not oat vrtlum. mmtif* yoa Uu WNITiLICHT WICK CO., TOHONTO. CAN. Miller'* Worm ahlklren. cure fever in ...ll.l ..!. I II. Mniwn What a U :iutl(nl oomplezloa your wife haa. Jonea fifes; *he> Imya the he*t. lep Mlnard's liniment In the House, PUIaren of th* Stomach. A Qerman physlelan, Dr. IUrge.1, li made some Important dlaeovttriea n-lattng to Internal dlMvise* by making patient* swallow a miniature photographic- appara- tus and taking pictures of the Interior of the aioiuach All 14 Work To t .tl..r. Good roads asaUt In making prosperity for farmers. Prosperous farmers bring properHy for cities Prosperous cities and farming district*, when coinoUlen*. mean happy and ..eilthy people healthy because happy. A huppy and healthy pla Is the goal of eiiaienos. are a great force Therefor* all securing them in Good reaching th* should road* goal ta New Hf fr a quarter, pound Iron Pills. K. . 1 . ..uh. "Wny did they operate on him for ap- pevullciiur "They wanted to find out wbA wa* tbe matter with him." Intrd'i Llnlmeat Is used bj Physlclini. A Hitler of Woinvn. Every body dNllkesa "hateful" wo ma a By "hateful" woman la meant one who says m*an thing* when tbey ar* unni sry. Mlllr's Worm Powders are th* best laxative medicine fur children; M nlc* as suga>r. _ ^^ Ruskln'sM book* bring him In $> > year. Swlnlnirne who ha* written liuK-, makes tA.OOli a year by his poems. IF YOU HAVE GANGER Bend Sr In slaini* f.r Treatise, Horn* TrtaV ineiit. No knlte ur plotter In used. T.N.STOTT4JURY,BowMAvuiE.OMT HOW TO DO IT. Pains CURB and Aches WITH St. Jacobs Kavel Then U 11 dos*, Hell ilone. 1, llmt and sV [kafness Cannot be Cured bv KM al apiillcatlonn. ai lhay cann.'t raaeb the dl> > d |rti .n of the eur. Then U only OM cure Dealeraa in I thai '.a by eouatlio- II, a! remville*. D*af O* * I* eatMS by an ua- rl-. e! .- ol the muruua l-ning of th* : Ian lube. \V \,-n lhi lub* (*ls la- fl nl v u have a , uuiblinir *ound ur Imperf*c4 hearing, aed when II it eniln-lv . on.-d Drafnaa* .-.un. aud ui 1 as the nifta:iini.iti scan be laki-n . at an i lb* IU)H- rest ed M Ita normal eo .dltion, hearing will be de<ruy*d forever; .... ul uf Mn ar* cituaed liy s tarrb. wl-i.-li ,* u.'ihlnc but aa Indainrd a adiuon ol tl e , iHii.n mufari*. xv f wi.l irive Due Hundred Collars for any - o( Daaln*** (raasad by raurrl.) thai can- not W rured by Hall Caurrh Cur*. Bead (or c " u '' r ' Kr *" Miller's Con- SVSold by Druicgisls, lie. _ The people of tb* United States and Csvsv ad.i oe about 960,000 laid pencils each day. FOR LADIES ONLY A I.I. *AJK TO For sample to cnvae. rem I ui 1.45 In eaak sy ieif :ii-r. - 'l letter ur pu*l offl.-.* rii.-r, a'id wa will nr .1 ton. (.l charms prrpud), to At your ewiiBuuiv i*r ecUy, an ol uur txtl SJ.5O O^. any rulor, brtui.luilv LOlS IS* li inn .1 vid Ailshcd, to L> ux-.l H utiii i'l only, among yuur Irlnnils If v.u vnil u< farmer ril.'t we will rv a Ukenl f. -11101 Ml i "ii aN > kiln-ward* at iorrKul.' ; ch|ir \Vhi-sseid- |i>( (01 nun.!-- b,'<-r ful lu Mud vDiir own H.ut, W^iil in I III, > meuuremral, Unilcr Aim and Uiilfth if Fr nt. rh, it an o;.|. .rtuiniy for very l*dv t >miki iii.niey and l> lmlr|i>-iidiMiL Btf mir.- an. I *--'ul v ,ur cone t adilrea*. \V* rsstrva th* rifta lo sapnly aum,> orders tily at ftljuv ilk-Hi e. aad !! not tu ulth two orders to uy one iriy at nr e name I 'or umil-a, The Prfeto Coraet T-.ruiiio. uy one iriy hu'fi I- I't-l iw cut. Co., *t) y,.e. n St W . on* of thf bandsooM t>r*tiiiuni.i by Mlliog _ han .- steel or starllns; >ilv*r. Tap* CtsKi iy*Mp. meant] r or package of n*a4l*s r1v*nrr*awithe*rht!ilmbl*. Every lady bnya aa soon as aha sees ib em. No vraney rvowkratf. S*DI! ui ycur ram* mid address and w* will sand tba f/wxlt and rataloaniu of ureiuluni* ttpald. Thimbles tob* returned If Dot sold. F Hen. women. Dor* an. I rlrls are telling tbnna- snds whynotyou! Try. When sold send u* aur money and we will tend Uie premium yov S*!*i*t. Mntlon thl rP*r. L CANADIAN NOvtuY ca. T*re*t*. ou IOCC ACEN1S WAKUD IIUUt In v rv I.PWII In Canada lo r u > on* uf our valuable |>r*mmm*. ui'i trasb Bl all rcliaM* fjoda), for sall- I ,.- .'iir u.>.>il!i, . ili.ig vi Miialc ( r , .^utnnental, .ru-e 9ue. i, ul *>r. per I'ateiit leer Tollur lluiluna. ScMrl I'lua. Allllil- iniiiii r '. tin i.i-. M*-<l lni|> WI. kna-i.l, iiirrx oil. For tfllliic two il "sen of the al 01 .- it IUO. arli yii irrt vouri'li.ili'* of a x\ uli'li a"d Ounrd. Air Gun-. S|,r" ui| or lio-kev Skati-n V ..|.n ajid B.< "i O,i tai-a, A.-e rdr.nis. II '\ n< Dlova*. i.Bli.t! fiiotball, aad a larg* vartatjr or oih.-r K .<! to eh '< ( \V',- Mini y> u our MMBtiMB UM with voar fh-st order. N,. money if,|B, i xv.. vii I v.'ii ih go>Mlt ii. >*ll. yoa return us ihfi in . i.'v ami w* s*n<l v u your pre- mium Ofllo work al i.i-ee. Whm vou writ* *tai wMrh tin* yi.u in u r Dominion Novelty I'-o.. litCburvh St.. Turonlo. BILLIARD AND POOL UBLES, N*w aiid s> r.M,ii u..> < BOWLING ALLEYS AND SUPPLIES LnMMia*rfu* irv THK RKTD BKiw , rvi Klna; Wrt T N. voe WATCH - aSlo r Oraknlkkk rKBE uafn tw Mk) * * par kaa, SUSIkr Itaam Bm*lS> d ?.i r^H' ft s*i^ aa la* %Mk wrt*a SV tau . . r>il.. .Mr. i A BEAUTIFUL PIRATE By Guy Booihby. ~ t>- n^ this polite sposch, wbxb . r 1 with a leer tbat made my flot<er>. ' > to bs alongside his bend, Alie It i iij.i way up tho plank aud ~y cori !.: .touch agiiu. Wo pushed oil ire SBoro* anil began to st>n%i T'n Alie noddeii to me, ami 1 tapped tbe ensineer on the shoulder and ' it tie should stop. He 1 .t obeyed. KlMngton. how- ever, ill I -i .t like this iuterferenoe on soy part < >1 sprung to his feet. " Why i 1 you tell that wan to stop?" bs cried . ;riiy. "I'll trouble yon tore- member I'm" "And I'll jut tr mblrt yon tn sit down wbertt y -i urn and hold your Mr. EbbirKton. " said Alie, d ber Ami ri -an accent altogether aud drawing revolver from beu^nth ber oloak. " I be game is over as far as yon are concerned, so yon may as well ab- out wrn n k - "ii,i u Krace as possible " "What -d this mean. Miss bander son?" I)-- '-neil excitedly. "Sit rVwn tin re as I tell yon." Air answered, "and don't make any noise* or yon'i; xut into Uouuli. I khull an- tht* t, run. swrr DO i; in stious, but if yon attempt tu move I pr :aieyou I'll shoot you there and then. ' ' He eaul no more, but sat between us. treua !ni ; liku tbn arrant cowan) be was. Ali > went forward tn the en., and saul -nuiethiug in Malay, li , u after a mouieut's couersut:on uitb out of tbe cre\% , i.ln> returned aft, took tbe tiiler and steered for the open sea. The little craft tamed uud fussed on her w:iv (or HM liKiir nr so. tnesiog the fi .. ither bow und uovorinK the distance iu first rnt. stvle. Sml lenly the lookout posted f nttcreil a cry, umi next moment we taw ahead of us u ^reeu light. It wus ob- scured an i ie .. aled three times. Tliis. I knew, was tbo yacht's signal, and 'n less than a quarter of an hour we were lougsiili\ hitrhcil on aud win safely n '".in: The launch's crew was then - 1. 1> !y rewarded and sent buck tO SiU).; ip re. As we reached tbe deck EbbiUKtcm must huvn tead tho yacht's uaim> on .1 life buoy and realized into whose hand- lie had failen For a moment he ,-t .. rooted tr rim njKit; then be stnRgereil , pace fo-wird, clutched at a stay, and missing it. t> !1 upoti tbe deck in -i faint . to see what was tbe matter with him 1 felt tbe tremor of the screw Our errand was accimip Suigapi r vv.n a thing of tbe past \\ were on onr way back to tne island ouco CH.M'TER X KKTlIlblTIO.N. I bnd st-en uotinug of Alie sine** 1 bad t^ii. I i; il uixlit U) her tbe j;- svei-iu^. i. r did 1 receive an uiv. to visit lier until brvukfust had been over soiun time. Then Walworth < ed my cumn. "Her ludysbip," be said, taking a sat on my locker, "has sent me to say that she W'uilil !> glad to see you aft, if yon could .spare, a few moments. . yon go I want to explain tbesituutii n t. you. Tho matter on baud, a< you uuiy guess, is tin 1 case of that scoundrel Kb iiiuKtcu. and is he will bo present she think* it best that a little precaution should bo observed. " "In what way do yon mean?" 1 an- swered. "Of course I nut ready to do anything she may wish, but I'd like i. have my instructions clearly explained to me first. " "Well, I have boon commissioned to inform yo.i tbat she thinks it would be better iu cusu of accident tbat t'.' son should suppose she has at 1 Von as well as himself. Tbat is to Kay, nsteiid of being her guest rn bourd the x .<iier you are ber prisoner. Do yon "Perfectly. She Is afraid lest any harm should occur to me, when 1 leave ber yacht, by ruasou of my amociation jrlth her. His like her tbougbtf ulnvss. " Shnll wegof" I Higiniii-d uiy assent, and we set off. When " r\a< bd Alie's oabiu, w jaoud 1> r reclluing no a oooob at thv farther end, ilia Lulldug as uul mt be i feet. aba buld a packet of pa per in tin baud, which |revn>ua to our arrival it was evident -MI- uu.j i een perusing. At the other ebd. uear tb* companion lad- , der, baton i...- starboard side, between | two sailors stood tba prisoner, Ebbing- 1 too. He looked, as well be might, bopu- ! Iwasly miM-rui-le. He opeutd I.-IH even lu aatouiMbinriii wuen he sw me en'.rr i, however, cr j->eii the cabin wi'n V\ al worth and *;< U on tbe port siue with out letting LULU see tii&t 1 recognized him. Tbeu solemn sileuce fell opuu u all for oarly a uiuiuts. While it iu.tea Alie tut with her chin on her baud, taring steadfastly at Ebbiugti u. Uudei her gaa* be lowered bia eye*, u:id wbcb I noticed that bin lingers twined con vulsiveiv over and round each other 1 could imagine the tate of bis mind The fellow was plainly an frightened a? it was possible fur him to be. Then Alie lifted bar bead and spoke in a voice a* oft a* a kiticu'i parr. "Mr. Etbiugtuu," ifae raid, "do yoc knuw me?" He did not answer, but 1 saw the finger aad thumb of hi* ri^bl Lui.- ' clutch at bs troustrs Itg and hold uj tight. That action was more dKUiauuiP Iflui. a:-T words. Again he souks: "Mr. Etbiugtou," sue said, "my ru.-t- J servaul. my faithful friend, my nonoriDie agunt, you again do yon know me?" morn be refused to answer. "Yon seem nnUecided. Well, then. let me trespass upon your time anil (eil yon a little story, which will perhaps help you to rctiif.:iber. Von may liaten, Dr D Noruioiiville, if you pleaM. You must know. Mr. Ebl 'ing ton, that ouit upon a time there wus woman who, for no tacit i f her own, forud herwll at enmity with the world. She bad r sanly to be continually moving from place to place and to be alwayi on her guard against betrayal. The better, therefore, to conduct her business (be engaged man to ' - ^w 1 m a certain place and to supply her iroui time tu time with certain important inform i tion. Tbu HMD was poor; she made bun rich. He had nothing; she gave him everything. H* was ! -,,iseil; (the made him hi nored. Lie WIM iu trouble; ihe axeil him. not once, bat twice, anil nutdo biui happy. 11 \ on. Mr. Lbbington, who are cuch an honorable man, would thiuk tbut that man would have been grateful. wouldn't you.' Well, he pretended t be, and perhaps for a little time he really wan But bis feelings loon nu derwent a change toward hi* beuefuc- tress. When . more, Ho kn r's secret. ami at 1 i>t. a* a brilliant finale, be re- ik.lvi'il tu trade upon it. Then wu.i do you think eumu iutu that faithful currant's mind/ Viixiiil never guess. Why, u. itber more, nor less than t: trayul if In. s benefactress to ber cuu- Uju. An. I I r what reward, think you; Million*: A mull n- 1 . r balf a mil A quarter' N i, no! For tho THIS er.u hjfuuiof i'.'i.OOO. It sevm* incrinlible that .> .i 1 be no f".-lt-u aii-l -i bane, doesn't u: nevertheless, it it true. IVrljaii.s b thought the wom.iu, having escaped so often, must inevita- bly be cauKbt before 1 -UK, and Lviiv a business man ho remembered t. adat;* that ' bird in the hand ii w> rtli two in the bush. ' At any rate, be went to the authorities tins nuMe. tru-t- wortliy. grut'-ful man aiul. like Judas pruffereil bis perlJily for a price. But be was barxaiuiiiK without hi* Duct or hostess. For if n.-r. mM be v> clev< : woman could be cleverer still. She \xua wurucil iu Mm'., auil tberrup. u bati-n d a couuterpli't l'ir b.- . m. How well that |,'"t bus suiv. ..i,.| I don't think I in . t' I', you, Mr. Ebliiugtou. Dr. L>o NoriniuixiMo, I am e\ sorry that \.u should have beeu drawn into it too. i;ut iiinleribeciri'uuisiancsjs yon will see that it was quito iiupos&i- bio for me to leave you behind to give evulfiut' a^iust mo. You ntcil have nr fear. If you will puss yom solemn wur'l to we that you will r< nothing coucvrciug mo r u,y u when . k t.i i i> t'l/.atinu, I trust \>u M t..r nst .t^:\>- jou vuur free- dom OKUIU, ui ID op- portunity IV y M tuiuk youcau let tut bavo that r ri> m'. I BBW tin- iirt I wus expected ti pluyaiJ'l.'i 'HIT till in with it. A ing to tako time to couklder, 1 prt'Seutlv Mi " What can I do? I am in your h :in(- entiiely. ami it would bo worse than noK i r mo i ii'.-i.-t. 1 will give you that prumi-r. .it course." "\. Tbeu Iwill letyongm" To tin' nifu Koariliu^ Ubbiugtou she gave an ordt r in tin ir own tongue, and tb-y at unci' reinovitl their prisoner. Then, turning to Wui worth, she said: "The- mailboat is evidently iu m^tit. Were your instructions explicit to tbt men on board her? Do you tbiuk tbey thoroughly understand what work t)n-\ havo to do.'" "Thon>ngbly, " be answeriil. "I sohooltl tli. m myself. There will be no bundling, you may rent u.-surnl. Alathe- sou in iu iNuuuiuiid, ami he has never tailed an yet." "Iu what capacities did they iibip.'" "Mathenou UK a missionary bound foi Bhnnmni, r ildorniau us a tourist fi-i Kagu-4iki, liuruH as a tea merchant for Fucuau, Alderuey as a uuw.>-pa) or ci<r raspoudunt to tboeaht generally, liriuium s an Amcricun mill owner traveling homo via \okohauia and fan Kraocisco, Balder as an Imliaoiciviluuioo furlou^li visiting Japan. " " Very good. And 700 instruction* iu them?" "Will be rigidly carried oat A* they come up witu tuo yacbl, after aeeiug oar signal of ui.^irusa, Matbeson aud Balder will make an excuse and get upon the bridge. Once tbera tbey will cover tbe officer of tbe watch wit j their revolvers and do tbe same far tbe skip- per if be is there or directly be coiue on deck. Tbey will tben compel him ui heave to. Burns by this time will bav taken bis station at tbe first saloon com pauion ladder, Alderncy doing the san>< at tbe secuuii. Calderman will be at tbe engine room door and Lraham at ti). forecastle. Then wa snail send a boai and take off OUT mun. ' ' "That will do, Mr. Walworth. You have arranged it admirably, and I am sincerely obliged to yoa." A flush uf pleasure rose on tbe man 1 usually sallow cheek. He did not an se.r. however; only bowed and went 00 deck. Tbeu Alie turned to me. "Dr. Dv Wurman ville. " sue said, "1 bava n< t yet tbaiiked yoa fur your belj. m tjia lat adventure. Without yoot e lucu't know whether 1 cuuld nave urougbt it to lucu a aoc- sue. " "ton mast not tbank me." I an wend. "Is it possible tht JOT: c^u imagine 1 would bave let tbat scoundrel betray yon'/ Alie, yoa know bow mucb I Bat tb>re, 1 bave given yon uiy promise, ao 1 must not suy woat 1 waul to d, . " Sue took my baud and looked int., my IM-V \\ita a ?w. . t smile ttiat \^j- very ciirt,-r-i;; from tbe one suebacl worn WLUU sue tai':eil to Ebbmgttav "1,'ut yi t, ' bbo sail very softly "Some lay yoa shall aay it a* cftrii at you pieiasej. In tbe nieuunuiu ve musi get to LUMUe^s. Will you cuuie uu and see Unsmjuieiiy played DUC or wouli. feu ratiit r n .uam down . "1 .-;i uM like to go v/u deck wtt). 'ou. ' ' 1 answered, and we act-op . went np tbe companion ladder together When we emerged from u.> batch, wbat a cbnnge was there. I looked and ooolil hardly believe my eyes. .A wbere only an hour before tb two well staid masts bail r- . * graceful beads, now bun.; a ru:tl of broken tim- ber and disordered cordage. Forrard of the foremast tbe port bulwark was com- pli broken down, or appeared to be, wbile over ibe side from it bung anoth- er display of I r ir. In spite of tbe gay awning a: t ,m.| tue U C. V - burgee at the - the Lon- presented tbe appearance of a onuplet- wreck. But the- uieaniuu of it all was wbat pur/.led i v.-r. I bad not very IDDK to wait before 1 received en hybti uuieut. All.' I;.. I 'Q aft and was now lean- inn iiiM'.M^r tbe ; . rt bulwark watcbm;: with a glass tbe movements of a large steamer fast rising ou tli.' horizon. 1 sir. ::! up just m time to li<-ar ber sny to Walworth and tbi< t tbe watch, wbo xvero both wutojiug it. . ing directly t >r us. Kuu np tbe English ensiuu to balf mast, .Mr wb!i y )u tbmk sbe's near enough ibrowout more urgfut tig- Dais fur u- Her orders were carefully obeyed, ami before very long the vessel was u. ar enough for us to distinguish ber un swi ruic pet.ii.iiit. Tbe wiud bad com- pletely drii|i| i d by tbis time, aud tbe sea was as smooth as glass. When the'l wus scarcely more than two miles di-ituut. Alie turued to ber chief ollicer aud Siiid : "1 tuiuU abe's close enough now. Tell ber tbat we, ru going to send a bout." Wbile sbo was speaking a string of flags bad broken out nuou tho mailboat. \\.iiw. Tin re.i.l tin in tbrungU the glass be beld iu Im baud. iu wants to know our name. " "Kep'y 'Vacbt Sagittarius, owner Lord ' ft "m Uauguu to ga.-aki ' li.' 11 ouo if t the cui'ipuny. aud tbat will unium tbeui to give u-* tl:eir imiin .iiatu utti'utiou, or 1 sball be very uiucli surprised." She WHS i;ui:e rigut, for uo sooner bad tbu message been dtxi^htrcd tbuu another wi nt up. Again Walwurth reported. Tbis time It r.i'i : :nl yonr L i- "Dispatch the. bout," uni'l Alie. In>t:mtly Walwortb aud tbo tall man with tbe near ou 1m (ace, whose uaaio I bavo said \\.i- ; went forrard, and witbin three minutes Aliu's own gig was uiuuutd and overboard. \Vul- wortb, I noticed, \v..s iu ivum-auil of her, so I took np the ulass be bad left npou t'm skyh^in and brought it to bt'iir upon theinaiil'i ui, now less tbuu a mile distant. >lie (ireceuitul a baudsoaio pic- ture as sbo lay t'u-re. ber great bulk rid- ing upou the suit'Otb \vatcr us securely as i! u would bo possible for ber to duty the lU-uiouts, \xualevex storui might rage. With the aid of the strong glass I was using I could plainly distinguish her, ami from thu scarcity of passetigers on ber decks it was evident that some- thing uuusual was occurring ou board. Presently our boat got alongside nnd tbe gangway wan lowered. A consulta- tion seemed to be going on upon tbe bridge, aud after a few moments a man was seen to ascend and di sccuU tbe steps leading to it. Five miautes later two men passed dowu tbe Kangway. aud once more onr boat pat off to as. Wbea she bad overcome about balf tbe distance., 1 chanced to look forrard. To my surprise tbe raiH, which a few before had baxMl ditlguriug rbu .ji.o, was none, and even tun bni- wark itself ha.i recovered its proper ihade and comeliness. Moreover, tue tarpanlin which had hitherto covered the center of the deck was beiug re- moved, and by the time the boat bad oompleted three parts of the distance that separated us from tbe steamer a funnel hod beeu uncovered and erected. Tbe chief officer came aft "Is everything prepared, Mr. Patter- son?" inquired Alie. Everything, madam." replied Uu> officer, lookiuii at the bout, "ateam up':" "It has been for tbe last five minutes. " "Very well then, pipe all hands to quarters aud stand by to receive the boat when she comes alongside. " As she tiuisbed speaking the officer blew a whistle, and immediately tue orew, wbo bad Hitherto been ordered to remain below, appeared on deck aud placed themselves at their respective post*. Against the foremast I noticed a curious mechauiful contrivance, the use of which at any other time I should nave inquired. Now, however, there was a look upon Alie's face that warn sd me not to be too inquisitive. At lust the bout came alongside, tbe irsuuway was lowered, and a momeut I later Walworth, accompanied ty a big, clumsily built man with a heavy, neu- ' rnal face, small terrctty eyes, a curled | mustache aud dark hair, appear* d up the side. He * t.uied to wonder what ' was required of him, and it was evi- dent tbut so far he bad no idea into whose hands bti had fallen. I glanced ' U Alie as be appeared on deck, c I eover that she wan regarding him out of | fealf closed eyes, just as - nked It Kwong Fung betore ue hao. . rdumd t iiui iff to exeiuimn auB at Kbbiugtuu in the culm Ualf an hour b fore. " Will von let m bay that I am more than pit a* d t j see yon, Mr Barku.aus- worth r" she ui iu her - _: as he giiiied tue deck. "It was only last month 1 beard tbat yon were cuuiug tu China tu take up ycur residence among OS. It is ujy iteairu t.) oiler yuu a wara, . - i at. ht-ui-e this rccep ti< u iu midoieau Mr. v ; . .,.,, vou Le g 1 cU euoogb t(> . W in below and prsutly retuiued with the prisoner [TOBKCO.Vn.HlEl>.] l).-l,-,Mlnu Knlr Jrvirls. By looking at objects ttarongb a screen f t\v> cla** plates, one laid tipuu tbe other and une being ot a blue tint obtained from uiide of cobalt, while tbe other was of a yellow tint trot trnnj oxide of manganese ami mm. Henri Cross finds tlmt .il'jwtH wjiu-b to the miked I-VM !;!'! nr thusauix in crliT look dirtereut she *-reeu Thus a I green em. r-il.! Isj i- a r -. all tbe glus*. but a (jl-e , emerald lnnk green True pupplM.n keeps its natural tlue rlir n h Tin i;tsoii ami false blue xapphirii apj 1 red. An Kuyptian cup of Sevres biuo paste appeared blueavt< a p;i I which was red He was able to cmi I elude the r^yj tun paste bail a base of copper blue aud tbe restored i part one of cobalt. London Globe THE AMERICAN V Tb.o Tbat H.....I I. r... il l.l.,. Tb* snbjset at tb* dlsagreeahle quali- ties of ib* American vuloe was treated a* length m a recent addrs** In brookl:na. Man*. , by Klcbard 'Aood Con*. It Is oo* aa inervlicsblu fault. Mr Cine'ityi. aad it is ooi das, a* baa bean cUlme.1. to tbe enrm* and fmin*nt elimatio cnanuna. H* point* out tbat tbe people, of lar rnor* trying climuhis tban our notably our Djgb.>or*. tba Canadians sauafe with much more awmitneai and -offer far lua* difflenlUM of in* vo^al naehan.-uat tban w*. Agavn tb* nervous iaroprs>- m*nt and supenenmtiveness at our p*oi l*> aro ugge*t*d a* cansiog tha bigu piuifc wblcb Is so ooinmuaiy heard. *npecially among woman; also, ibe hurry and riuh of business, tb* ciowdlos: and pusblnsj notlceabl* in all Held*, professional oom- marcial and Industrial. None of the** raasoo*. however, ar* thoroughly Ing to Mr. Cone, "ilnea it is , strable." b* sayi ' (bat th* voices of Aaionean-, may be quite as musical as) those of Krencb ur ' i n. For genera- tion* itaarp. high piuibed vole**, used witb u reckless disregard of all th* law* P*riaiamg to sweet, melodious speech, huv* so fastened tbesa faults upon us that tbu result Is tba nnpl*a*nt ton* WDich i* aa nearly nnue.-il aod wbloax Is Jeslgnatad a* ' A n.erinaa. ' A mltak tb* most oomrniin among- oar many faults, aad fatal to the production of a mn.-ical tons, la tbe too great exertion eC muviular effort m ib* tbroat aad cbMS; herein lias tb* main causa of ludlitlnot- ess as also of hoarMouss aod Tbe voice abould be purely pj^uon'e, tbu being tu natural quality, attained when t her* Is abolUM fraailom of thai vocal parts." To eorreut tbe faults) enumerated. Mi 1 Tone recomrtand* tbal a srteotirto nte-no.i uf voice training te *ografi*d into u. iu: lie srbool ays t N . .. t h ... I . in,.. We should barillv azpeot to have a> bandsomii and acrur it* portrait bust ot an nppvr class bid r trora Nouiiibtg times, riuc tba uiarvais ! < lonca do not dimin- ish. A; tha last n>etiug In Augu.-t at tba German Asxociai.JU ot and Naturalise*, Prufensor Kolliuann of Uaala sibibitel itit bu<t of a tainal* whose Kkuii ami portuin- of whoie Sale- ton bad been exhumed from Nrolunls) grave lu on* of the caftrcs of Matters X ranee Ibs prio-lplas of r,:un:ru<-tlon, as well as modern exampias of tbe method prove us accuracy. Tba toft . >f the beaJ and obest can be re- stored without rink of *rror This Nault- thla daiiiu wan nit her ir.oad-l~oktng and pratvnwd tbe undoubted featuns of ih while race, deii,on-'r iting, as l'rof koll nann lasi-re I iba* empires orn ruble and si t but tb* tlsl featuras of each huioan race perils* Indadnitely and uuoliangad. U. U. Brtotoo In Scie.ic*. HI* i:.-.. ..,-.! Some years ago. a.- the mailboat from Ireland was euteriUK 11. lyiieml hart . r * lady tell lutu tbe water Clue ot the sailors, au Irishman, jumped overboard and rex-ned ber from death by drown- lug. When she wds sate ou deck agaiu. tbe husband, wbo was a calm ape of tbe accident, handed the brave sailor shilling Tbe spectators did nut n.-i tate to express their indignation al the- man's meauueM, when the sailor, with Dative shrvwiltn-sh, threw a new IIKUC on tbe matttr ly <ayiL'g: "Arrah, don't blame the gintlemau. He knows Maybe if 1 hadn't suvtd her he'd have given mo halt a crown. " I hi, M > n.. Some yearn .ig i ;i Touni; friend of mlne> went to a i r I ir a Inrit Ihcr* . i- nothing In tbtf wurl i tba nattar ' with biiu. but ha pretended to be tbe vli-Lnn of ternlilo lieu) t.-he* Tbe won- darful baaler atketl no question* a to tba causa of tbe a:lirenl. lie did out carat about tbat, f :r ba tad on* paoaccs> wblob minced lorevr ill Said hu to tbe ycung Invuttlgatur: "Go hoinn. "il whenever toe hoadacba c.imuson sit oown qulscl* aud put vour whole mind ou IV ttalnking wlib all your mlttht tnal von bava not got a ben la.-'ie. I hen vou will Dot bav* It, and will IM ourad " 1 b.i;'s eaxr," said my young trland. "What in your fe?" "KitD dollar* ' "Wall. sir. you put vnnr wbols mind on It and think with all your rnliiht thai you ba>o that 9"> 1 hep you will bav it, and will b paid "John ijllujar Spaed. in Leah* s \V*eiklv Hr IliJn'l Knun. At DevctipnrtsooM years ago a soldier was br.m. vmainiitik' officer for stllmu prt of his kit, . Uowing disJogue took pis Colonel N, w. 1'rivite Murphy, why di'l ymi sel! y - Private Murphy 1 il worn em frr two ' -. uud thought they were uiy owu ^-r ptriy C'olfiiel Nothing rf the sort, -ir Tbese. Li uts Lu kujj to tnt< queen t'rivatf Murphy- I'IM >cr- I'm sorry, torr, but 1 diilu't know tho lad} twelves i . llapssj ot colonel.) Lou don tiiaudard^rnr* \ -KI-I 141.1'^ I; . ,4 .1 1 r^.l. A Llttrpoul carre^pondant Hands tbe following for tba truth uf w.i,. h be vouches ioma time ugo tbe Llverpjoi Tramwa'-i I'onip.uiv mow absoibtd by th corpor illut) * posted tbo lollowin] notice In lt< cars: "Passengers ar re- iiue<tcd to par no HUM pennms than tbe conductor la their presence punchas bolus In tbelr ti, ! for." Ibis remark? able aejtanca excited public notice, not to say uuiislon. Ai-i-orii.ujilv tbe dlieo- tort tried again, witn (lug ramli "I-'ais- *D<ers ara reque-ti J to pav no more> , pennies than for wnieh the conductor la their presence punches boJos In irtiilr -. " Airain the i-oinpiiny wacb and the vecond n J.itloution was with- dniwu. wnile a> tnir-i attampl. 11 a-sistanott having ID douut uaan oi *<l. wa passable enough. I'urouiole. , \n I nf \pi-i-it-tl fall. "Yon nr : nut, 1 see" "You, an iuiimrtant engagcnient. \9hat \^ "U was .luiut that little debt I owe yon. ' ' "Ah. yes! T:iko aesit " "I was guiug to ask yon for a little oh excnsf tne. bnt I'm already late." "I sy, I was Ki'ini; to ask yon for n little di>la> when 1 met u fellow who paid ]> what he nwi-d me, and" "Why on enrth don't yon jjt down? Will yon take a ic!a.-sof wine?" n. i.i. . H> Oh. ye, I c;ia unit smoking cl(r aretU-H wbetiever I want to. Shp- Why don't you cornnlt a pby- sician and *et> if he n.r 't (five yon ometbinK to iuu-i yoo wsnt to f (."hi oago News. Burnt Almond fa ~a mi la Blanch alraouds, then shrod thorn and plat-e them In iho oven to take a dark brown color. Have tho Irons arranged oat the morblo, sprciul tho burnt nlmouda evenly on the marble; poor on them a bulling mmle snmn as for vanilla cors> mcU Arrange the boj to glre a sheet a little under half an Inch In thickness. When cold enough mark and cut up the same as for ordinary caramels. If yon prefer to put tho almonds In tbo boiling, do so just before removing It from UM fir*. Uood Housekeeping. Hag The reporter Inv on bis sldcrtiow* oouch. slowly bn-uihlng his life away. IA was evident that the ond was very aeaa. Suddenly tbo luxuriously furnish**} room wns fllloU with a photmhorasosfj* light, and a pulo anode appeared, stan4 lag at the bedside, grim Inscrutable. "I a>m the monwugur of desithl" bs> said "One moment, ptraap"' gasped th* reporter, reaching feebly for bis nets- book and pencil. "How do yoa Uksr

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