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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1899, p. 1

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f * I i 2UftattK. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. YO. IfTfl, NO 938 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday. March 2 18OO W. H. THUBSTOH, EDITOR A PROPRIETOR THE F.T. HILL & Co. STORE Shoes That Wear Like IRON ry (MIT ..r <if tiien-j four linee hare uur giMi.-uruc to the wearer. Xrvrr Ik'fore lime wu been abletoaecure t uur own Hxtifiu:ci"ii in wrta shoes f r men and i-.j >K h reliable good* to w. II nt such rea<nxl>ie price*. H-.ught cl net fr in the manufacturer!. E> < ry pair JM a- nu-ud. Mom' Split Boi'*, perf:t ritterv h*n I sewed wit'i lie*vy waxed *.hraa. four row* p.*;* m butt N, >'... 1 a> U leather, all six**, t t<> 12. i-riuu |r puir I 1 +3 Boys' t!ic an ahwe. iie* 1 f Ji, price, per pair $ 1 20 Men*' Kitrit Hevy Bta, .'t ply !, airongly sewed and riveted, a great teller. ize to 13, ptic per pair ... $ 1 '.'3 &>*' aiim. 1 to a. (jrice per pair | 1 UU Men'f Uilwalkie Oraiii Hunt, ml tnn1, made eqml tu any cuatutn Hindi: sh. for wear and lit. 4 rows peg* n bottom, extvu- ioii !, i*k taunad, sous t<. i '.'. price per pair |195 ByV 1 to 5. pnoe per pair I 1 44 Fi Ctrl* and Boyi we have a line of hand -Bade boot* perfectly wamlm, vuarantwod *olid leather, a great taller, sue* m Hoy*' 1 to 6, pria* per pair $136 SiaMinGiri* 11 1 8, price per f-r $ 1 i" Remember we guarantee every pair of these goods, and always your money back if dissatisfied. Clothing for ^MEN and BOYS Consider the question. It is an important one. Our assortment for spring will be an intercstiog one, and comprises all the- new styles and latest cuts. Prices ranging from $1.50 to $13.50 per Suit When buying your Spring suit give our stock an inspection as ic means $s Saved to You We have made no change in the price of Produce, but are still paying 15 cents per pound for Butter IVIARKDALE SAW And PLANING From Owr Own Carrttpo*<ie*t Our rather severe winter received al- moat a "knockout blow" on Sunday, but at prraent it e*nM a* though it might tand another Mund. On Saturday laat the children of the Sabbath school were treated to a sleigh ride par'y. The weather being mild and warm, about fifty of the younger scholars t"k in the sleigh nde and made the air ring with their hurrah* aud merry laugh ler. Mias Sarah Magoe of Toronto ia visit- ing with her brother, Mr. Jss. Mage* of thi* place. Mia* Maggie Fawcett of Heathcot* U spending a few day* vuuting friend* around here. Mr. Jaaper Stewart had the good for- tune last week to capture a red fox near the rock* east nf Kimberley Mr. A.E Armstrong, Mr. Wataon and Mr. Herb Fawoett attended Epworth | League at Fle*hertn la*t Monday even- i lug. They *|ieak vary highly of the pro- gramme given by th* Markdale Epworth League, and the reception tendered them by the FUchertou tociety. Our old friend, Mr. "Purdy, w* under- atand w itill very low. Our paatur. Rev. Mr. PlunkKt of Eugenia haa not been able to attend to his duti**) for the laat two Sundays, on account of Seiug laid up with an attack of kgnppax Mr. Ou. Stewart, we also learn, M on the sick lint. Mr. 8t*ph*aBii. general agent of th* McLaughlaa Carriage Co.. of Oahawa, Out., wa* in town Uat week. Mr. Chaa. Saaitn and Albert McCon- nel, who have apeot a year or *o up in Parry Sound District are visiting the parental toof Meaar*. H. M. Bowerman and J. R. Hugg of Eugenia were in town on* day laat week. I to having it in the village was a lawyer from Col I ing wood who failed to cut any figure whatever. It wa* decided to have it in the village by a very imail majority. The trustees were authorized to issue de- benture* to the amount of f 1400 to erect the new village *chol. Mr. Thomas Perigo i* home again mining a felon on his linger We wish yon luck o' the prize, man. Mis* Sarah Inkster had her shoulder severely hurt by being upaet from a cutter It wa* dislocated. The grippe ha* bm very prevalent but the school meeting had a good attendance. M*J*Jkjp On Wednesday evening of laat week i he congregation of St. Columba church held their annual tua meeting The com- mittee of management could not hav* selected a more suitable date, even if they had been gifted with horoacopie power*. It wa* an ideal night for a soiree, splendid sleighmg, beautiful weather and bewitching moonlight. Under such favor- able circumstance* it n unmesxary to a* From O We are pleaaed to we the crow* and k* around once more. Their ap- pearance mean* that winter will soon be over. There is a great deal of sick now at the present time. The grippe wn* never so bad around here aa it wa* this winter Quit a number srv aeriously i'l. Mr*. Weber, an old resident of the valley. aged 83 yean, died recently from its effects Her aged husband ia also very low. The afflicted family have tho sympathy of all the community in their hour of trouble. Messrs. K and J. Maguims have re- turned to their home in Montreal refreshments, from the salmon sandwich- a to the lemon pica, were delicious and th* pile* of basket* which lined the south id* of the baM*B*nt wa* alao aa evi- dence that quantity a* well a* quality wa* not lacking After th* vast crowd, ex- cept a few straggler*, had satisfied the inner man the entertainment in th* body of the church commenced. Th* special feature of taw yjngiaui was th* atngiag of Mm Wright of Markdale. Mr*. Wright has a magnificent voice and her artistic rendering of many fine selection* UD " tr , wit! leave pleaaant memories in the minds of the audience. A solo, entitled " The Land ot th* Leal," wa* very sweetly sung by Mia* Fraaki* Black of Durham. A solo, " Watch o*r me while I slumber. ' by Mr. J. Hunter of Durhsm wa* alao well received. Short address** were de- livered by Messrs. D. McLean. Archibald McQuay. J h Nichol, M. Riley and Rev. J. Matheson. The Rev. Dr. Me- Robbie delivered a very eloquent address en " How to Hinder Church Work, " paying attention to the following points : Ptogrea* tu church work can be very successfully retarded by : 1 Staying away fr>m church every Sunday. 2 Stay- ing away from prayer meefi,ii;. 3 Don t send word to the minister when any of the family are sick. 4 Don't pay your portion of the expenses and stipend. 5 Alwaya speak slightingly of the Sunday attendance, the sermon and the chutr. tf Never say thst a sermon did you any good. 7 Never speak a work of encour- SOHO FOUNDRY We ha* a number nf Pulpers and Wheelbarrow* that we will nell cheap for < ->r wouM exchange them for SawKigs or Shttigle tivuber. ThoMe abou' t.> IniiUl nhoiild see us beforeplacing their order, as weea.-iy a larse wtin-k uf dry tim- Iwr. and can furiiinli Krawt, Sash and Door* *d the different kiiMl* of drme<1 Lumber OH short Molice. Cuatom and I'laninit done a usual and SATISFACTION U ARAXTEED R. P. LEGATE & CO. Vlealierton Sulion, December 8, IS'.W. Kt (tat. Mail Empire and Advance. . .f Weekly Mail-Einpiro and Advance Farm ami Kreij .............. w . CI..IK. ......... ....... S ........ 1> \ < > d Xilvance ........ > I XitVHinv i \Vanted of last week was a huye success. The ' lull could not accomodate with seats th..e who were present. Mr F. T. Carr j presided in a very able manner. Excel- Irnt music was provided by the Eugenia string band. The soloe by Prof Tucker' ! and MUM Munsh'iw werv we!) received. ( The smiting hy Matter John R. Pedlar, with MUM Meldrum at the organ, waa up to the profeMsionnl mark. Recitations by Master Willie Kowermnn werv extra good for >uch a little tot. But the Indian pow-wow with Pie a pot and hi* brave*, I accompanied by hi* handsome s<pjaw, | caused a roar of applauae from the audi- ence. A moat enjoyable time .* spent and at the close all joined heartily in singing (t.t Sure th* Oiiet-n. The pro- i weds amounted to 141.80. Mus Marian Bell ha* gone to re*ide in Mont Clair, N.J. Messrs. J iu<; and Will Purvis :' T ronto spent Sunday ' with their parents, < Mr. UK! Mrs. Wiu. Purvis, who have been seriously ill for some time. Mr John Crore haa gonu to visit with frivtids at Belleville previous to returning to hi* home in the weat. present and very materially contributed to th* < evening's enjoyment. Mr. John Me- I Arthur occupied the chair in hi.* usual i affable and urranc manner. Proceeds ovor 865. KOTO. Tlio chairman expressed surprise at the onesidedness of the manner in which the younger part of the audience was sated, the boys by thenumlveo and the girl* similarly situated. There were, however, a few exceptions. One w.nter i> niissMugfhen he waa needed. Perhaps he wan hunting forth* belles.' It wa* an exceedingly pretty and pic- ttiresque s!it to see the neatly dressed white aprniud young ladies pvsamg up HIK! down the long tables attending to the want? of tlie guests. In a brief adress given by Mr H. Mo- ViUtug reference ' uutde to our grout need for increased shed accommodation. Mr. McVjiMig hoped that the congrega- tion would soon see it way clear toward* supplying this necessary building. Clearing Sale JEWELLERY ON'E MOXTH I have decided to mall* a clearing sale of Jewellery for one njoii i h in order t rvdacr my very Urye stock mod make min forspnog gi>od*. PBICES - 5IEITIT 1E11CED ox- ana* Plat* JBroocArt, Cmf, Sutttnj. Jt,c* Pirns, vr tfoatftits. Cerrtityt m*4 Slmummr*. AU1 the*- thing* - HUST GO - And anjoBe who can make na* of th*** thing* shoaid never let th* oppar tunity W. A. Armstrong JKWKLLKK. block* were 16 in. by 18 in. and 3 feet thick. We conwder thi* pretty good day'* work. John ia not the bigieat hoy in the burg but he ia one of the gnttieat just the same. Th two cod* of thr Ulephoaw f* acquainted last weak. Now It will be 'Hello Central etc ' D. m happy Better late than never. We omitted to mention Ian: week that Mr. John McLachlan ha* moved to Owen Sund and Mr. Colin McLean haa moved onto the farm vacated by Mr. McLauch Ian. Mr. F. Kantedt of Fleaherton paid a visit tn our public school laat Friday . A load of -.tove pipea explained hi* miamoo . It didn't taku him all night to fix thing* up either. K. i* a huatler and certainly earns hm breatl by the aweat of hi* lip w Died Cm Tueaday, Feb. Slut. Mr*. H. MoDonal.1. wife "f Hugh McPv.iw.ld. aged *4 year*. Tlie inferment took placv on Thursday in the Priceville ceme tery. The Rev. J. Matheeon officiated. The old people of thi* community arw faat passing away. At Ho? l'i Milli. Map)*, Baaawood. Kirch : <t. Clm. \~\ 1 l** - h *h WCH k atvl J**>f, thn. Sprue* ftp I kinds of locftwai't**! In snv quantity i'eOar It**. 8 to* tang inch top, ocfer !*, fmn IP -' I,"'.. ! I ,, |M .. fr .:n W ! tH I j^ tl.-n i|<rp<", .,, ., ,.(,- , | K .. k ^. : rV ()nr The village waa rather excit.d <>o Mon- r t!i* ,, * nw > .imlrl.'iir Frvm Ovr then CrrttpimJftit Death lias attain vn>ite<i our noitfhbor- houd %n<i taken away one of our nldent rexidenta in the person of Mr. William Knight, who named away on Sunday *' eniiii; at the ripe old awe of 84 years. The rvuiains were interred in the Orange Valley .vmetery on Tuesday nftemooo Mr. Wm. Knight of Teuton alter* the funeral of his father on Tuesday. A wevk ago lant Friday Mr \\ i!liam Hurchiinon received the sad new* of tk death of hi* little grandson, Elmer S. IV vi u*, atted 7. Mr. Wm. Hutchinnon has ln^n Unl up with urippu for two week*, Imt i n- coverui)?. Mr. Ebenezer Wright and Mr*. Me Dt'iiitlJ ot Toronto Junction visited re- cently at Mr. Wm. St-iinbonkte'a. M ^.- >lrv T 1 ! in [.-! i is v,-ry ill with uiHamnia'ton L>r. ti|iroule is in attend- (nee, upu her. Mrs. Thou. 0ilry and daughter of Epping spent Tuesday of laat week at Mr lieoige W>inh'. Mr. SiJ. Uilbetfc. wh. li..s been work ing near Wurion for aoint- lime, li%a re- turned home. Mr. Jolin Ooey and daughter of \\ . ton onlle*! B friends here a short tine ao. while c.n the Way ti. Prlo*v Our worthy Reeve, Mr. John McArth j ur, rewi vet) a handsome present lajit week Rupvit. it young man in the shape of nn easy chair. The donor Vl "' r> " f ' WHS RtiiVr ^1 M On Saturday sfteni'-on Nt Mr. John nbout twvn>> x Inn i.f Noltn-%

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