Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver & Gold Cases, To choose from. Grade and Warrant considered, in y prices are eloae to " Storks, ' and you can prove this by calling to see. Anyone ooming 1 5 miles to deal with me, I will allow them 6 cents a aiile here on Watches &, Clocks, be- sides the discount. Tliis offer will run to Jan. 1st, 1886. A call respectfully invited. To My Fatr.ns : I heartily tbauk the public for Iheir generous patronage these past 2 years and ou the following basis of business trust to seonre a continuance of the same : " Btraight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and houest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BKOWN, A Reliable JeweUer. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. JAN. 7. 1886. To the most casual observer it must be apparent tLat the diameter of the majority of the entertainments held in Flesherton are of a very Ingli standard for a country town ; and it has bocu truly remarked, that no other place of equal population (or even much greater) in northern On- taiio, cau boast of aa much musical talent. It is decidedly a musical vil lage, and the talent is of a high char motor and would shine to good advan tage in the city even, whore, we are told, the audiences are ranch more critical than in rural districts ; and they ought to be. Tbe only difficulty to be apprehended by lovers of music, is to be found in the very unwelcome fact, that there is a seeming desire on the pn of some of our best country vocalists to imitate their city cousins iu producing a sort of sweet and mel oAion* jingle without articulating the words with sufficient distinctness to oablo the hearer to know with a cer Unity whether the vocalist is singing "Hail Columbia" 01 ".Rifle Hiiitamn." Connoisenrs (so-called) may tell you this is music, but the masses, who con- tribute much more largely than the other classes towards the support of public singers, will soon (ell you that they want rorc/i as well as music : in Kher words. tLey appreciate the run- sic much better if the words which accompany it are intelligible. And hence, when they find that concert after concert IH given without any dis- cernablo rlmn^i-. in that the words are totally lost in a confused jargon of sounds, they become disgusted, and lie attendance at entertainments In- comes smaller and smaller, until they are rendered failures financially, at any rate. This is a lesson for public singers to accommodate their vocal organs to the public taeto, and not be carried away by tbe "trillings" and musical jargon of professional singers, which appeals rather to the car than tho bcart. and does not. therefore, create a tailing impression, even with tbe so-called connoiseurs. Another tendency of many good singers is to siug very toflfy. This is worse than the innovation just refer rod to, for in their efforts to sing soft- ly, th majority of this class of vocal ists, render themselves perfectly unin tclligiblc, except to the people occupy ing seats near the platform. \\, Ittard some of this "soft' singing no long since, and it sounded very mucl like the gentle murmuring of tht waves of the ocean about s thonsam miles distant. It makes an txcellt-ii lullaby, being very soporific in its u n dency, but is not calculated to impress a wide-awake audience favorably The Agricultural Editor rises to re mark, however, that if it would only keep a score or so of the squalling babies, usually present on am very occasion, quiet, it should be rather encouraged than otherwise. OVR B,IM>. We notice by a recent issue of the Durham Chronicle, that the Hand in that town is mighty stingy about the amount of "free." music it discourses on the streets in the evenings, partic- ularly .luring the C'lnistmas arid New Year's holidays. Now, the saint' can- not be said of the Flesherton Hand, which very frequently gives nice little open sir concerts and otherwise con- tributes to the enlivenraent of our town. And, therefore, out citizens onght to give every encouragement to the Hand in their power. They should show their appreciation in a substantial manner. \Ve have a Band any towu might be proud of, but it is well known fact that uulessthepub- lie does something more than merely applaud, such valuable acquisitions to country town* soon dwindle away and finally die out altogether. We cannot shut our eyes to these possibilities when we look buck and see how many bands have "gone to the wall" through laok of substantial encouragement. Vf do not anticipate such a fate for oar Hand, however, as it is and will be loyally supported by every man in tli place who has got any snap or pu'li lu hu constitution, or who has tbt real inim-gis of this thrifty com- munity at lieart. Of /{ I'OLICE Tttl'STEES. Our Police Trustees for 1886 arc Messrs. A. S. V.urhiM n. D. S. Muii ro, and W. H. Elder. We thought the village was guiug to run itself this year the same as it had the two pre- vious ones, but are glad to know that we have three good men to look after our interests and take care of ua gen- cially. We hope nay but we expect that they will do their duty faith- fully. If they don't, cither the Agri- cultural Editor of this paper or Mr. Hobt. Trimble (Snpt. of Sidewalks,) will be after them with a big stick. Now, gentleman, give us good police government, or look out for squalls. ELECTIONS ELSEWHERE. PROTON. Beeve, Mr. Rogers. Deputy, Mr. Agnew. Councillors, Messrs. Johnston, Black, and Shaw. El'PBRASU. Mr. T. Gilray re-elected Reeve by 208 majority. Mr. Win. Fawcett re-elected Dep- uty-Reeve by 80 majority. Councillors, Messrs. Jas. Boyd, Henry Hurd, and James Erskine, the latter being a new man. OSPREY. Beevc, A. McGirr. Deputy-Reeve, A. Mclutyre. Councillors, J. Speers, J. Taylor, J. Hudson. HOLLAND. RCCVP, John Cameron ; Deputy Reeve, A. Shute ; Councillors, Gal- braith. Howey, Williscroft. IOAFOBD. Mayor, Jas. Cleland ; Reeve, A. Thompson ; Deputy lice re, J.J. John- son. DURHAM. . Reeve, D. Jamison, Mayor, H. Mockler. /.V CITIES. '.i-ll. \ ille Aid. Mcluiiicli Hrantford C. B. Heyd Guelph Wm. Stevenson Hamilton Aid. McKay Kingston Aid. Whiting London T. D. Hodgins Ottawa Frank MacdongM Stratford C. J. Macgregor St. Thomas J. E. Smith Toronto... ...W. H. Howland THE Bl'SIXESB Ol'TLOOK. Despite the croakings tbat are heard on every hand, business men generally are hopeful for the imme- diate future. Stocks are low, money easy, and confideijcu has returned With a seasonable and early spring all industries will move with lively im- pulse. A lack of confidence prevailed all through hist year. Traders were afraid to order heavily, and inann facturers shortened sail. All seemed in dread of some impending crisis that existed solely in their imagina tiou. To-day nil this is changed, and business will assume its wonted activ- ity once the holiday season has been fairly passed. The year opens with bright prospects ahead for traders and manufacturers, and au era of prosper- ity is about to be inaugurated that will benefit all fanners, workiugrnen and capitalists. Let her boom. To- ronto World. 1>K.I Til OF no\. CROOKS. AI>AM N*TIOM ALPII.I.H are tn* fnTurite pur- *tie aiul arm.bilious medicine; th-j an tilt aad thorough. The announcement from Hartford, Conn., of the death of Hon. Adam Crook s, on Monday last, marks the close of a career at one time of great prominence in the Province, but which ndcd in sadness. The late Mr. Crooks was the sou of Hon. James Crooks, (for a long time Legislative Councillor of the old Province of Can- ada,) and was horn near Hamilton in 1827. Aftor a brilliant career at the University, he entered the legal pro- reunion, and took a prominent position the Chancery bar. At Confedera- tion he wns an unsuccessful candidate for a soat in the Ontario Legislature for Weal Toronto, but succeeded in getting elected at the general election in 1871. On the {urination of a Gov- ernment by Mr. Blake, Mr. Crook? was made Attorney General, but nex year transferred to the Treasnrership, and held that position till the office of Minister of Education was created. He then became the first Minister of Education for Outario, and continued in the office till about two years ago, when his career wa^ cut short by his iiiinil giving way, and he had to be wni to an asylum. It was under- stood from the tirst that neither men- tally oor physically was there any chance of his recovery, and to those who understood his case the sad an- nouncement of Monday last was not unexpected. Oweu Sound Times. IMPURE BLOOD. Boils, blotohei, pimples and fettering sores are indication! of impure blood tlit should IIUVIT be neglected, or ill health and ptrbaps incurable J incase tuy mult. Ijurdock Blood Bitters purities the blood by acting on the four cardinal pointi of health the Stomach, Bowels, Liver aud Blood. MARRIED PEOPLE WOULD BE HAPPIER. If home troubles were never told 10 a neighbor. If eipenses were proportioned to re- ceipts. If they tried to be as agreeable aa in courtship days. If each would remember the other was a human being, not an angel. If each was as kind to the other as when they were lovers. If fuel and provisions were laid in during the high tide of summer work. If both parties remembered that they married for worse as well as for better. If wen were as thoughtful for their wives as they were for their sweet- hearts. If there were fewer silk and velvet street costumes, and more plain, tidy house dresses. THE BUT cocoa crux. The bt>t remedy for Cough and all Throat u.l Luiic troubles is one that looncui and dilogs the tough mueoui, clears the bronchial tubes, ind al- lays irritation. This is what Halyard's Pectoral llaluui does in awry case. DIKTBICT M.H s. (1if>l>rrl from our I, i< >IK>I<>> . and Other Kfliablf Source*. Mr. Fred Reiner, who lives near Ncustadt, had one of his hands badly mutilated one day last week by getting t caught in a threshing machine. Hanover Post. REOVLAIUTT is the main spring of lifn, and regularity of tlie bowels is one of tbo mo*t essential laws of health. Burdock Blend Bitlers regulates the bowel* in a natural manner, curing Constipation auJ provvntuag serioa* disease. Mr. (loo. Bailey has again been re turned Reeve of Mclancthon by accla- mation He is a good man for the position, and the ratepayers have act- ed wisely in retaining him. Dundalk Herald. Tii'.- Strxr.T or SCCCF.M. The rooion why Halyard's Yellow Oil is so popular with the peitiile as a household remedy for pain, is in the fact that while inauy liniments only re- IU-VH. Yellow ml both relieves and cures Rheumatism and all achss, pains, soreness aud lamenrss. At the nomination for School Trus tees yesterday, the retiring Trustees were reclected viz., John Harrison for Ray Ward, James Masson for Cen tre Ward and A. Frost for River Ward. Owen Sound Times. Tiir CAMUS Woan or TBK BLOOD is Scrof u'.i. tbat gnaws upon the ritals aud eon siiini's the body. Consumption is but Lung Scrr/ula. Burdock Blood Bitters i on< ol the bet known combinations to cure Scrofo la. Now renew your subscriptions for 1886, and pay up arrearages. Just look at the 6gures after your name ami you will know to a cent how you stand with the Editor of the ADTAXCI. CAUTION. Any liniment or other modi- cine tbat cannot be taken internally is un- afe for ordinary use. Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the prompt pain reliever, is safe snd re- liable for all aches and pains, and can be awa'lowed as well as applied. TANKS. A new tank with a capacity of over forty thousand gallons has lately been erected near the engine house of the C. P. R. Similar tanks will be constructed at ChatBwortb, Markdale, Bbelburne and other points on the road. Owen Sound Advertis- er. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF. Cleanse tht scalp with Prof. Low's Msfrlo Sulphur Soup. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. NEW LANOLOBD. Mr. Duncan Lam- ni'in, of Town line, Artcniesia, has purchased the Crown Hotel Priceville, from Mr. Jos. Dennis, and we under- stand taken possession ou Monday next. We hopo he may be success- ful!, in hit new surroundings, Grey Review. A CUYINO EVIL. Children ar often fretful and ill when worms are the oatue. Dr. Low's Worm Syrnp safely expels all Wuims. THE three young men arrested for burglarizing Dobbington station, and presumably the same who broke into aud rausackcd Hanover station, were tried at Walkerton last week and sen- tenced to six, five and four years res- pectively in Kingston penitentiary. Hanover Post. llrv. J. G. Pallid, Dutton, certified : "For some yean my wife has been troubled with Dvsppsia, and has ttied one tbinx ..Her aii- otliar recommended with but littlu or n eff- ect till advised to ii' McGregor's Sturdy Cure a trial. Since taking the first boltlu I have noticed a decided improvement, snd can with confidence renommiiud it t > lie <>n of, if not the unit medicine txtrnt for I H IM i> ia. This 'nvHlnf,!)lr im-iion" f o r Liver < .'ii jiltint. IinlJK'-Htioii. Kiiln.'j Cump ,-iiiit, is purely vegetable. Scd-l at W. Kir aiV- on's Din Store, Trial b >tlles given free. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Butters, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Set, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Rings, Spoons. Forks aud Knives. IU per cent, off list prices for this month. See my Prices in all Lines ere You ^Purchase W. A. BROWN. At the roller rink ou Thursday even- ing last an arnnsiiig race took place in tbe way of a barrel race, won by G. H. Waguer, Geo. Lauderkiu, jr., tak- ing second. Also a mile race in which A. Garrett took first place and C. Forbes a good second. -Hanover Post. A IiiriMo ODISTION. Question IH tbii life worth llTing?' Answer 'It all depends upon the lirerr' If torpid or inactive ii causes t dull, tough, languid feeling. Dr. Clumc LITIT Cure giita lieallh and buoy- ancy. Bold by \V. Iticliardson. Holler flour for Sale. Those requiring 6rt-clas Roller Flour , from the famous mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call at the Fleaher- Bakery where it is always kept ia | stock , t reasonable prices. WORMS often deroy children, but Free- man'* Worm 1'owdfrs destroy Worms, nd expel i In i: i from the system. Poor CW. Monday last as Mr. Jas. Bailey, who lives near Whitfield, was chopping or hewing he received a severe cut on the instep of Lis left foot. The wound inflicted was found to be very serious, one of the ^h'ef ar- teries haviug becu severed. I >r. Nor- ton atteuded the sufferer. Shelbutne Economist. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE A LITCB (': KK. One single trial of Dr. Chsse'i Lirer Cure will couvinee the in i skeptical and confirm b, ttcr thsn Uinnsajidi of trstimouisls tbat it is a ure eur<>. Mr- dioine and Rwipe Book II. THK ABSTT. The Gospel Army, hav- ing re-tittcd the barracks iu Shclburne, ! are now conducting services therein.' Ktaff-Capt. Woolley has been in town | superintending affairs and dipt. Hen- j derson is the officer appointed for this; station. The HL-V. Mr. Baxter, of l.oinlun, ling., is the President of the Gospel Army. 8helbnrne Econo- mist. A Fs GIFT. Around each bottle of Dr. Cbaae'a Liver Cure IH a Medical Guide iin I Itecipe Book containing useful infoimalion. over 200 recipes, aud pronounced by l),,r. tors and Druggists as worth ten times tin eosl of tin- medioiue. Uediciun and Bonk 51 Bold by \V. RichariUon. BILIOUSNESS, DV 8 PEPS I A, < IHOIGESTIOH, JAUNDICE. 1 [RY8IPELA8, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And rvrry DIZZINESS. DHOPSr, FLUTTERING ^ OF THE HE AM, ACIDITY OF r THE 8TOXACH, DRYHES8 / OF THE SKIN, of dlsu** arlsln from GBAIK THIVIS. On Tuesday night last week the premises of A. Scott, A. Culbertsou and W. Nichol, of Glenelg, were visited by parties who no doubt rucant mischief. From Mr. Scott's barn a quantity of wheat was taken, but at the other places the thieves were driven off. On tbe same night a clothes line was cut in the same vicin- ity but no clothes taken a\vay. The thieves must have been green at the business by appearances. Grey lie- view. PHOTOailAPfiY MBS. BULMBE. Photographer. Flesherton, - Ont llnviu^ -|>nl >nnitinir in tlio iitndlo of tho fainnim Toronto 1'lioini-raplicr. Hr H J Uixaii, whure I acquired valuable sncwHiV 1 llftmi chine. I feel auured I can clve good i;euoral t^fa-tii'ii A tall reipoctfuTly >oli<itrd. MK8. DULMKB. PlMberton. Hrpt 17th. 1WS. New Butcher Shop iu Flftsb- ertou f "~ Peich & mitchp.ll. CHOLIBA HmrYESTATivK. In order to with- iitaud Cholera and such like epidemics a per- fiTt purity of Mood, and the proper action of tbe atoxach are required. To in-utc that end. in the cheapest, most uv.uUli. and complete manner, nse McGregor's Speedy ('ure for Dynpepain and Impure Blood. Thera ia no purer, oaf*r r more iv- liable rernedy in for Indigestion, Dj-spepsia, C'osliTonosa, etc. Ask your nfiglibor or any |MTBon vho has nsptf It. Sold by \\. Kichardiion. Trial bottle giren free. FRANK SIDDALS, the greatest Phila- lelphia advortiser, is reported to have lately remarked, as a fact worthy of comment, that ho bad never had a personal application for patronage from tbe Newspaper Advertising I?u- reaiiof <iw>. p. Rowell A Co. of New- York. The reason for this may be found, not in the fact that Mo's-rs. Rowcll ft Co. do not want business or are nnwilling to drum for it, but that they find a cheaper and more effica- cious way of securing patronage is to keep their names before the public by using the advertising columns of the newspapers. Doing this they attract those advertisers who wish tbeir ser- vices, and avoid annoying or wasting the time of those who have not yet arri \ oil at that conclusion . Tbe, news- paper is the most persistent and at tho same time the best mannered of all advertising canvassers. THE tindiitiilgnod rrapwtfully take thin tuiiitv to aunnitnce to thf* i>r]>l' of Kl..*h- erton KDiliiirrniniiltiiK country. that tliey lnvo tartol a lluti-lii'r Hliop In ili. : itaiul ni'xt door to the,. Worln, KI.DSlll KT< A where thijnrill In. i .I, >... I tomeotwitli all who furor thtm with tln'ir patnmat;". Krtxh Matt* ol til Und*. and Flnli. &c. In tholr a.Roua. Roiiectfully yotirn. PKTCII A MITCHELL. Framing and House- Joining. Th nndarslgniKl In pr|i>r<l to cirrntctl orders oiUnmtiNl to linn for tbn rror.tlnn of limit iiiy* mid t'rninr Huiltliii.i*. ; rtiirln;tli''oaoii oflW^. Ml nmti-riiilfiiniiOiril ill to de<lro.|. None but oom|>ntut wnrkmoii xiiploycxl TboiatinUt-tlin my wurkhan givmt n On- |iat IH a ;:uar*iitp for tlic fiitiue. Apply la A V.I. I!" 1 1 nhrtn Bt alien Important ITotico! The nuhjcrihflr hoRi to inform th ]ieo|>le of FlonlierUn nndkunouiidlnKcoutitry.tliiit liehaa loased School Trustees. To the Editor of the Admne. Mr. Editor, What are the nauiesj of the Fleahrt<>n board of School Trustees for 1886, as you did not give publicity to the earne in your report of tho annual meeting held last weak 1 El'PHRAXIA Snisi K1IIEK. [Meni, 8. Dmude, W. G. Pickell, and M. Richardson. Tho laat named gentleman wan re-elected at the meeting named. The other gentlemen have a I MI been ro-elected at different times. En.l How Many Anniversaries? To the Editor of The. Admnte. Dear Editor, How many Sabbath School Anniversaries have been held in Flesherton by the Presbyterian and Me- thodist Schools up to tho present time, and why is not this fact made known on the printed bills each year 1 QCBKMT. [We are unable to answer the above, but perhaps some of our reader* can fur- nish the necuaaary information in next week's paper. BD.] OI'(. A B ( "ATK1 > PUBH.T Htgfaly rcmnmtida(l for milfinnr, nrad-trlir. Cnn- atlpalla.l<lls-r- tlnn. IHrrlnr... Hmrtlmrn. KM, I Breatk. M of Ap- |.. Illr. Jaiintli. . Lm> t Mrmor . Hour Mioawrb, Liver fm- Plnliil ...r nr i ilm*p arWiiK '""" the Hlom arh, Bwwrla or Klflnry*. They are nafe, mild nl th.ircMit-li In their action. From Hot plllslaa doss. 1 inili't from Flmberton. and la now prtparedto furolah bills of any langtb or lze of Luoiber LUMBER LATE, & SHINGLES. Always on hsvnd. Blabwoodcnt to store lengtln on band. Custom Rawing done by tbo thousand. REASONS Why you should got your Lumber andShlnglea cut by Spencer: (l)-Every Raw in tho Mill la New and the mill Is In perfect order. (tll-Heoause he la a practical sawyer and keepa hlasawa and machinery lu perfect order. (3) Becaunehecutsall Scantling Joke exact- ly to the bill furniabed. 4. HI- baa put in a Lunbar ledger and all boarda are name widths from one end to tbe other. (5K Becaime you can take a load of log* to the mill and aloavdof lumber homo aameday. () neoauae he guarantee* to cut allcuntom work In a workmanlike manner and aatiafavctlon guaranteed. (7>- -Heeauae all nawIng la dona at rock bottom prices. Lumber Delivered if Required. . H. SPENCEH Bept.lOth. 1MW. H AC YAR D; S CURES RHEUMATISM FTIEEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are plaaaant to tako. Contain t Iwlr crwa Pargatlrs. Is a aafa, sum, and fttretatl il*MM*r / wvnsu ID Childrsa or idMi> JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer d Gener&f Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Cutters, Sleighs. Itnggies. DemwnittS, Wagons, Iron Harrows aud Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Chatswortb Plows. Noxon Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Reapers A tfowera Wo kinds of Single Reapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of drain Drills and two kinds of Horse Rakes. Pleas* come and see tbem. Jan. 1st, 1G. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Bgremont ! Persons requiring LUAf BER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get tbem at 'S Steam Saw Mill ! PRICBTIL1B. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber : Logs delivered before fbruary 1st, 1886, takeu iu exchange, for which Cash Prices will bo allowed. WMore Lumber cau be got aut of a log at Brown's Saw Mill tbau at tlm majority of mills, as Urowu lias tho latest improved sudstitnte for tbe "do|jj" formerly, and iu many places yet. nsecl for holding logs in place vhiloaawing your Logs and get your Lumber home with you. ^ ~"^"*'"^ > *SMpSiHSiSlSlSllSSll, .. Clayton Has on band a large stock of WCMENS AJTO CEILDEENS BOOTS & SHOES! Also just received a largo assortment of Mens Frost Proof Pelt Boots I First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of RI'UUERS and OVERSHOES just received. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, H l: FLESHE RTON. MARBLE WORKS! K YANZAHT, ALL KINDS OF Marble ul llmml Mi, Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstonai Cimnterand Tble Tops in American and Italiau MarUu aud Granite, ami made on short notion. Also Mantles iu Murble and lUarbleizod Slate, &c., 4c. Fleshcrton, Aug. 3O, 1883. HEALTH POtt ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLSSOIMTMENT THE PILLS I'n n f Y the in. j. .. l . correct all Dlnrdon of tb , Stomach, K iln -.v-*, a,nd IC<>\V>!M. They Ipvlgonle and rpBtore to health l)phlllttKi Con*ltiitlona, and are invaluable In all Cam- plalntt Incidental toFemalei of all aoa. PorChildrua and the aml tby svro prieclcaa, THE OINTMENT baa infallible remedy for B*d Lg. Utd Hroata. Old Wounds. Sore* and Ulcers. It I* faoMnsfeV i . .ill. and Rhmiraatiam. Kor dlaorrtera of th Cbt it baa no aqoal. For SORE THROAT, BXOJV ClflTJS, COUGHS, COLDS aiandular8wl!iug,nd a\ll Skin DjueaMM It hai no rlrmJ ; and for oontrateM analff joint* It acts like a churn. Manufactured only at Profwiiior Rnr.r.owaY ' EatoblhihDieot, TS. \otv Oxford Ntrect f late .~:i:. o\f>r<l street ). London, and are told at !. l|d.,a*.9d., 4. r.l . lie., OB>., and .'tn. e*ch Itox or Pot, and may be had of all M*aU cine Vandori tbrounhont the World. Purduuun JmtM look It On Labtl on the Pntt ntirl Rnrtt. 1] the ail.irru it ml .'.'i, < >ftnr:i Street, Lomlim, CAy an qntrioiu. 41 Trio \v .. 1 1 j in- i Durham Boll, ORAY CHAMPION, VIII b far ervlao the seanon of IMH at Lot 14*. ,' lit Kataje WM|, T K Boad. ArtaniMla, asar FIihrton. J. W. BATES, Furniture Jlctt/rr iiitd. Undertaker, FbRHHKBTON. - OM. <HII.OO, 1'i.yr lilr lit Jnary, ISM. ROGER LEVEB, rrer>rlst*r. I 'V